Top 5 SCARIEST Videos Caught On GoPro! (Scary Experiences On Camera, Lost At Sea, Shark Encounter)

Top 5 SCARIEST Videos Caught On GoPro! (Scary Experiences On Camera, Lost At Sea, Shark Encounter) Top 5 Embarrassing & Crazy Videos On YouTube: Follow Me On Twitter: ORIGINAL VIDEOS: 5. Diver Recorded Himself Adrift In The Ocean: 4. Skier Falls Into Crevasse: 3. Hawaii Plane Tape: 2. Great White Shark sneaks up on guy: 1. Motorcycle: Outro Song: ProleteR - Faidherbe Square Bandcamp : Please Subscribe and Like the Video for More Entertaining videos like this one on Trend Crave!

Top 5 SCARIEST Videos Caught On GoPro! (Scary Experiences On Camera, Lost At Sea, Shark Encounter) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1904

Shark videos 7 years ago 2,523,477 views

Top 5 SCARIEST Videos Caught On GoPro! (Scary Experiences On Camera, Lost At Sea, Shark Encounter) Top 5 Embarrassing & Crazy Videos On YouTube: Follow Me On Twitter: ORIGINAL VIDEOS: 5. Diver Recorded Himself Adrift In The Ocean: 4. Skier Falls Into Crevasse: 3. Hawaii Plane Tape: 2. Great White Shark sneaks up on guy: 1. Motorcycle: Outro Song: ProleteR - Faidherbe Square Bandcamp : Please Subscribe and Like the Video for More Entertaining videos like this one on Trend Crave!

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Most popular comments
for Top 5 SCARIEST Videos Caught On GoPro! (Scary Experiences On Camera, Lost At Sea, Shark Encounter)

The Angry Doughnut
The Angry Doughnut - 6 years ago
This is why I don't go outside
Dylan Gardiner
Dylan Gardiner - 6 years ago
stop playing while making the video
Mark Mokhnach
Mark Mokhnach - 6 years ago
your games are TRASH
Clara Waterbook
Clara Waterbook - 6 years ago
I did Homework.
lincoln hosking
lincoln hosking - 6 years ago
Car crash and swimming in ocean the shark
Kiarn Barton
Kiarn Barton - 6 years ago
i got ran over by a truck before and survived it but didn't get it on camera
the_racka_crew Lozano
the_racka_crew Lozano - 6 years ago
I like at the end he said chebang bitchs
Megan is at Peace
Megan is at Peace - 6 years ago
heeey !!! what game r you playing??
looks super awesome
Adam James
Adam James - 6 years ago
I took a pic and there was a gun right beside me in a Walmart

10. comment for Top 5 SCARIEST Videos Caught On GoPro! (Scary Experiences On Camera, Lost At Sea, Shark Encounter)

Jessica Lee
Jessica Lee - 6 years ago
it is funny whe you say badwords
Danny Boy
Danny Boy - 6 years ago
the last one is sick!!!
William M
William M - 6 years ago
Good old days when people played cod instead of fortnite
You English Bro?
You English Bro? - 6 years ago
Almost fell of tenderfoot mt
Random box Everyday
Random box Everyday - 6 years ago
damn nigga willie fucking pulled a rl gta 5 bike crash in the los santos mountains
Chico Balaba
Chico Balaba - 6 years ago
The video you show (gaming shit) while youre doing a voice over is annoying though
Alexander Hey
Alexander Hey - 6 years ago
useless subscribers , unsubscribe already . dumb shits
Alexander Hey
Alexander Hey - 6 years ago
what the fuck is with the games and shit, if ru gonna show 5 clips , then fucking show, ducking dumb shitty whites
realbeerdrinker - 6 years ago
There’s actually videos
martin uibopuu
martin uibopuu - 6 years ago
3:13 it's soooo fucking uncomfortable

20. comment for Top 5 SCARIEST Videos Caught On GoPro! (Scary Experiences On Camera, Lost At Sea, Shark Encounter)

sad chill
sad chill - 6 years ago
how the fuck is this scary??
GMC Babydoll
GMC Babydoll - 6 years ago
You find some really good vids. Thank you!
Justin S
Justin S - 6 years ago
lemme just throw in some random gaming and talking no one cares about....cya
Cristian Hinahon
Cristian Hinahon - 6 years ago
Fell off a 15 foot tall jumper
Dragons Hell
Dragons Hell - 6 years ago
Im done.... crev-ASS.. the way u say it
Olivia Perez
Olivia Perez - 6 years ago
Noelle Anderson
Noelle Anderson - 6 years ago
Zombies? Well I'll play with you.
Heather McClain
Heather McClain - 6 years ago
That guy at the end is a great friend, he didn’t hesitate at all
mutantapk - 6 years ago
Did anyone else when you see the shark approaching feel like they could hear the Jaws them in their head?
Angela Engel
Angela Engel - 6 years ago
i got shot

30. comment for Top 5 SCARIEST Videos Caught On GoPro! (Scary Experiences On Camera, Lost At Sea, Shark Encounter)

huddybuddy456 _
huddybuddy456 _ - 6 years ago
willy was so lucky, I'm happy.
Aaron Bertoson
Aaron Bertoson - 6 years ago
I have jumped of my old bedroom window
Nicholas Robert
Nicholas Robert - 6 years ago
You realise at the start of the vid the diver got lost near Australia (I'm an Aussie btw) the commentator says "miles" I'm thinking " we use kilometres in Australia not miles you dumbass" how can the get that wrong.
Ann Sanchez
Ann Sanchez - 6 years ago
You’re not actually supposed to swim away from a shark
Smithy BD
Smithy BD - 6 years ago
The best thing I caught on camera is my brother dabbing
hayden3h1 - 6 years ago
Hey everyone I'm gonna be blabbing my head off while everyone waits for the videos.... blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Jana Frey
Jana Frey - 6 years ago
i was swimming once and a lion fish like bumped against mz googles lol
corina sirbu
corina sirbu - 6 years ago
Not to be rude but I don’t get the gaming sessions between videos? It actually is worse than an ad. I’m curious to watch the actual video footage but almost want to not bother. Sorry.
Jakobe Henriquez
Jakobe Henriquez - 6 years ago
you suck
Casey Angel
Casey Angel - 7 years ago
You have the most adorable little lisp there buddy
Kenny Goode LLL
Kenny Goode LLL - 7 years ago
How do people got rich on YouTube
Lovey Brown
Lovey Brown - 7 years ago
Gogiboots Newman
Gogiboots Newman - 7 years ago
My fav clip is the part when u played call o duty
Matt the Cat
Matt the Cat - 7 years ago
Car accident
Martin Castro
Martin Castro - 7 years ago
What is the game your playing? Do tell
Aiko Suzuki
Aiko Suzuki - 7 years ago
If you keep calm, sharks won't attack you. They are more scared of you because most of the time you are either bigger or around the same size as it. If you did swim away and panic the shark would sense it and think, "This guy isn't a threat" and kill you immediatly. But if you just stay calm, or if you want, swim towards it it will leave you alone, or swim away from you.
Kevin Keelan
Kevin Keelan - 7 years ago
Would be better if you didn’t spoil every clip before it started.
Ethan Antaya
Ethan Antaya - 7 years ago
This dudes funny af
SNOOP BURGER - 7 years ago
i new where willy was from the start in his pants
jamez gameing
jamez gameing - 7 years ago

50. comment for Top 5 SCARIEST Videos Caught On GoPro! (Scary Experiences On Camera, Lost At Sea, Shark Encounter)

Mio&gäster :/
Mio&gäster :/ - 7 years ago
New sub
Al Williams
Al Williams - 7 years ago
The last clip. ' when dude yelled "Willie'!!!! It reminded me of "free willy" and three seconds later it reminded me of the movie la bamba when the brother yells Richieeeee!!!! Lol
Mike Marshall
Mike Marshall - 7 years ago
Am I the only one who is tired of hearing about planes "spiraling" when they clearly are just falling straight down? It just seems like nobody understands what some words mean and use them for awe factor
AIDK - 7 years ago
Planes going down
"My Jacket"
Jesus Badillo
Jesus Badillo - 7 years ago
I almost feel of a car
Air master
Air master - 7 years ago
Oh u playing Bo3
Nayster Plays
Nayster Plays - 7 years ago
I almost was eaten by a shark when I was 8
Shaquillah Murdock
Shaquillah Murdock - 7 years ago
Steve K.
Steve K. - 7 years ago
What are the gay cartoons in the beginning and between the whole damn video, it sucks, learn to do a video moron. How old are you? Get off the game in circuit, loser.
lanore medina
lanore medina - 7 years ago
willy was the scary one of all
iron creeper
iron creeper - 7 years ago
Your mum gay
RKOMAN2016 Will
RKOMAN2016 Will - 7 years ago
Click bait
Ian Frias
Ian Frias - 7 years ago
you talk 2 much you dumb ass
Mercedes Walrath
Mercedes Walrath - 7 years ago
I’m only commenting to acknowledge he was honest and was like “I’m begging for comment here”
Ariana Moreno
Ariana Moreno - 7 years ago
I play call of duty black ops3 to
Thaddeus The Emperor
Thaddeus The Emperor - 7 years ago
That is not a great white shark, that is a bull shark... way worse
Joe Brayn
Joe Brayn - 7 years ago
The scariest thing that happened to me was when I was mastebating and my mom walks in
Nicholas Kulp
Nicholas Kulp - 7 years ago
Freedom Banana
Freedom Banana - 7 years ago
You want a comment HERES A COMMENT : hi
Heather Miller
Heather Miller - 7 years ago
Wat map is that
Jonathan P
Jonathan P - 7 years ago
You wait until you're in the water before grabbing the life vest???
Derek Shimoda
Derek Shimoda - 7 years ago
tRapdontRap - 7 years ago
Treading water with a water noodle...
xXSilver&VeniceFan1987 _
xXSilver&VeniceFan1987 _ - 7 years ago
Any one that likes this comment I will subscribe to.
Jimmy Tan
Jimmy Tan - 7 years ago
What game is this?
_leahs_here_ 123_
_leahs_here_ 123_ - 7 years ago
Rose are red
Violets are blue
I came here cuz of the thumbnail
And so did u
Vincent Yots
Vincent Yots - 7 years ago
Bruh you be clitbaitin hard af
Courtney Downing
Courtney Downing - 7 years ago
The plane video would be my absolute worst fear!
Love your videos!!
Parkour Pro
Parkour Pro - 7 years ago
i had lung sergery
Parkour Pro
Parkour Pro - 7 years ago
AnnMarie Atkinson
AnnMarie Atkinson - 7 years ago
Alligator attack almost got eatin
25BEDFORD - 7 years ago
Motorbike Willie is an idiot as well.. Flips off a cliff at high speed claiming his tire must have slid is just as crazy as the guy who flipped is SRT10 Ram and asks if be popped a tire. No dumbazzez, you were being stupid and paid the consequences!!
25BEDFORD - 7 years ago
Plane crash was a moron..Clinging to anything they can get their hands on..Damn sure would not let go of the selfie stick.
Madison Perritt
Madison Perritt - 7 years ago
I had went to the store and a weird man saying I hit a lil girl and there wasn't a girl I asked him if he was crazy or did drugs but he ain't said shit
Elijah Strom
Elijah Strom - 7 years ago
Stevie Evans
Stevie Evans - 7 years ago
The shark wouldn't attack you they only eat injured fish really
Dayna Ludwig
Dayna Ludwig - 7 years ago
why do channels have video games on majority of these lately?!
darkenkilla - 7 years ago
Gotta say I love that you put clips of game play between the actual clips lol
KOBRA 6916
KOBRA 6916 - 7 years ago
The plane in haway actualy had 9 pasangers with the pilot
Sophie Uchiha
Sophie Uchiha - 7 years ago
Skitt R6
Skitt R6 - 7 years ago
Mad props to the pilot that was a very good landing given it was a water landing.
Arnissuper Ozols
Arnissuper Ozols - 7 years ago
Your moder
Dust Snifer
Dust Snifer - 7 years ago
avery ellsworth
avery ellsworth - 7 years ago
the scariest thing i caught on camera was looking in the mirror
Marshall Gates
Marshall Gates - 7 years ago
Tyson Trevino
Tyson Trevino - 7 years ago
I like this guys videos because its not a bunch of click bait thumbnail garbage like most out there today. Keep up the good work TrendCave!
Rowiegamer NL
Rowiegamer NL - 7 years ago
My frend/demon
The helping dolphin desserts to help me
The helping dolphin desserts to help me - 7 years ago
play the video and not the game,,,,,it is childish and immature...
jogan besus
jogan besus - 7 years ago
why the hell are we watching you play the most overplayed shit games while you talk? learn to youtube or gtfo
Sammy Davis
Sammy Davis - 7 years ago
u talk too much.

100. comment for Top 5 SCARIEST Videos Caught On GoPro! (Scary Experiences On Camera, Lost At Sea, Shark Encounter)

IHaveMemesNoDreams - 7 years ago
Sponsored by GoPro INC•
Joaquin Rua
Joaquin Rua - 7 years ago
The scariest thing that’s ever happened to me was when my friend accidentally made me imagine my 70 year old teacher skinny dipping in front of the class
jed hermit
jed hermit - 7 years ago
whats with the wanker boy games interrupting a reasonable good vid
Brett Cutajar
Brett Cutajar - 7 years ago
this is the most stupidest video i ever seen your stupid video game filler is so fuckin stupid and frustrating and ill never watch another of your videos again.whats up with the video game filler shit anyways?
Slime bella!
Slime bella! - 7 years ago
the scariest thing that happened to me was when a shark broke into a pool and i was in it! sorry but no one got it on tape
Tomas ESCOBAR CARCAMO - 7 years ago
On the plane crash ine person died of a heart attack
xGunshotz-II Ps4
xGunshotz-II Ps4 - 7 years ago
Lets play some zombies
niko _ bilieveitornotIamawoman
niko _ bilieveitornotIamawoman - 7 years ago
Could you talk any faster? What are a moonlighting auctioneer?
Brandon Keating
Brandon Keating - 7 years ago
Robbie Riek
Robbie Riek - 7 years ago
You know felly!!!!!!
Adam Hood
Adam Hood - 7 years ago
Amelia Garcia
Amelia Garcia - 7 years ago
118642 sp053110
CCM STUNTS - 7 years ago
I caught a duck bite me
Google User
Google User - 7 years ago
A car crashed into the back of my school bus.
NinjaPug 2025
NinjaPug 2025 - 7 years ago
You deserve a subscribe your welcome
ChrisAllGod - 7 years ago
I hate when the videos end
Dominik - 7 years ago
The scariest moment happened to when I was 8 years old driving on my Longboard Down a hill once I was really fast I accidentally drove over little stones I was no protection on and had to stay in hospital a week
Kagen Ainsworth
Kagen Ainsworth - 7 years ago
What game is that
007 T-5
007 T-5 - 7 years ago
This guy Randy I know has been diving for 20+ years. He went on vacation and went on a dive trip. Just like the movie they left him behind. He was in the middle of nowhere for 16 hours and finally he was rescued. They had been looking for him for hours. He was extremely lucky!
Michael King
Michael King - 7 years ago
Wet Dirt
Wet Dirt - 7 years ago
wow that last one was insane I'm happy Willie wasn't killed
GamingWithOllie - 7 years ago
Andrew Moyer
Andrew Moyer - 7 years ago
2017 2018
Andrew Moyer
Andrew Moyer - 7 years ago
I almost died right after Christmas
Andrew Moyer
Andrew Moyer - 7 years ago
I almost died like four five times
hobber 500
hobber 500 - 7 years ago
Love your vids keep it up
supernalwinter 0105
supernalwinter 0105 - 7 years ago
He better include the guy who got his arm stuck on a rock and had to chop it off just to get the arm out.
92Fps-Hcf base designs
92Fps-Hcf base designs - 7 years ago
best thing ive ever recorded was my bro taking a shit
Eevee And everyone else Official
Eevee And everyone else Official - 7 years ago
Nani Ala
Nani Ala - 7 years ago
Thats fucked up that his friends left him like what the fuck
taylor parks
taylor parks - 7 years ago
that wold be rilly scary
Kevin Dominguez
Kevin Dominguez - 7 years ago
it scary
Shepherd Wolvesbane
Shepherd Wolvesbane - 7 years ago
The only reason I disliked was because he said he looked like a retard. Saying that type of stuff ruins videos for me.
Alexa Mercial
Alexa Mercial - 7 years ago
i mean didn't catch it on camera but was walking my dog with my baby brother when 2 big pitbulls came at us. i mean i wasnt scared cause they were pitbulls because my dog is a pitbull aussie mix but when you hace 2 full bread pitbulls coming at your 5 year old brother. You panic turns out they were just sniffing each other and being friends but it was still scary
William Jack
William Jack - 7 years ago
My teacher hit me
mrs. wolfhard
mrs. wolfhard - 7 years ago
A still get mad cuz there still alive cuz what if humans we're bad for the ecosystem would u be okay with getting killed
Robert sheetz
Robert sheetz - 7 years ago
video games are for brain dead loosers.
CINNAMON Chocolate
CINNAMON Chocolate - 7 years ago
Scariest was when you thr ed around and there were a lot of zombies and you zapped em all quick whew I really thought you was a goner lol
Amelia Reagan Wright
Amelia Reagan Wright - 7 years ago
Ditch the "waste of time" video intros. They're STUPID and IMMATURE. REALLY???
Had to leave. My time is worth more.
LAME vid.
Dawson Anderson
Dawson Anderson - 7 years ago
Willy is lucky
crimson flower
crimson flower - 7 years ago
MsLegoFace - 7 years ago
Well his group were dipshits
JB11 - 7 years ago
What's the game you're playing?
Jesse Kittenpup
Jesse Kittenpup - 7 years ago
If I was on the plane I'd be like I'm taking my laptop with me!
Jesse Kittenpup
Jesse Kittenpup - 7 years ago
I was walking alone and some guy wanted me to come to his house. I said I have a phone with a 4g network... He left
Justine Gauthier
Justine Gauthier - 7 years ago
Father somewhat United too sexually model willing anymore address desert contact community.
Kelly Kleven
Kelly Kleven - 7 years ago
The guy in the shark one its actually good that he didn't swim away because if u swim away from a shark, it thinks of u as prey.
The Flame Kingdom
The Flame Kingdom - 7 years ago
The scariest things that happend to me was almost falling of the back of a sub cause if i did i would of been sucked in to the perpellers and got chopped up
ISIAH BINGHAM - 7 years ago
Karsten B
Karsten B - 7 years ago
I’ve had near death experiences but not on cam
Zach Orrell
Zach Orrell - 7 years ago
How the fuck was that plane spiraling? Anybody? Dumbshit reporters. It looks like it was gliding in a pretty straight line to me. Infact couldn't have been not spiraling anymore as far as I'm concerned but what do I know, I'm just a guy who hates when people play up the drama.
brussell639 - 7 years ago
fucking bullshit news reporters. that plane was NOT spiraling down. goddamn idiot.
virthplayr - 7 years ago
Stop putting zombie mode between videos you suck
xxGalactic - 7 years ago
courageousswagcaleb- plays roblox
courageousswagcaleb- plays roblox - 7 years ago
2:58 nice beat
Lmno11_YT - 7 years ago
well if your not calm you will lose more energy and will die faster soooooooo....... be calm people when getting lost at sea
Web Devil
Web Devil - 7 years ago
I caught me being trampled by segways
Nick Jones
Nick Jones - 7 years ago
What game is he playing?
Greg Smith
Greg Smith - 7 years ago
Be better if you stop showing the game and talking so much then you could play 10 scary things
John Smith
John Smith - 7 years ago
Jacob Manos
Jacob Manos - 7 years ago
on the plane 1 woman died from stroke. also the guy on the mmotor cycle survived
bullseye bro
bullseye bro - 7 years ago
I like ur content because u don't talk to much ... good job
Zemby Gaming
Zemby Gaming - 7 years ago
At a water park I was going about 60 miles pH and flew off in the slide into the wave pool luckily
The R3al Rush3r
The R3al Rush3r - 7 years ago
Guy falls of cliff and only breaks his shoulder. I fall playing basketball I fall and break my ankle
Kid nickels
Kid nickels - 7 years ago
Why are all of trendcrave vids 10 mins
Fernando De La Cruz
Fernando De La Cruz - 7 years ago
Don't moov fast or the shark mite bite you!
cross! sans
cross! sans - 7 years ago
The Suspect
The Suspect - 7 years ago
The clips are not interesting after you have already explained exactly what's about to happen, if you showed the clips before explaining them it would be a lot more entertaining
DatBoiAverageSavage 04
DatBoiAverageSavage 04 - 7 years ago
What game was he playing
apet anmie noob!?!?
apet anmie noob!?!? - 7 years ago
Soul HaveNoName
Soul HaveNoName - 7 years ago
Gavin Hunter
Gavin Hunter - 7 years ago
My brother hung me over balcony
Michael Todd Hazelbaker
Michael Todd Hazelbaker - 7 years ago
I caught a girl being eaten by a bear
Northy 2005
Northy 2005 - 7 years ago
,and the plane wasn’t spiralling
Mqgic - 7 years ago
Whats the name of tge game you was playing because i think its really cool
BikeLife John
BikeLife John - 7 years ago
If I’m dying that shark is gonna die with me
Neko-Chan - 7 years ago

It’s just a joke
Burke Lankford
Burke Lankford - 7 years ago
Fake video pic to get views
Tobey Matusik
Tobey Matusik - 7 years ago
what game are you playing
Cookie Slapper
Cookie Slapper - 7 years ago
Suck me off daddy
Andreas Halkjær
Andreas Halkjær - 7 years ago
your mic is ear rape, turn it down
Turkey Boy55
Turkey Boy55 - 7 years ago
If i see a shark

You will see my blood all over the water
Brian - 7 years ago
Braylen Miller
Braylen Miller - 7 years ago
my first roallercoster was scary
Arthur Restell
Arthur Restell - 7 years ago
Bro, you deserve more subscribers! These are so interesting
DICK TARD GARY - 7 years ago
Asher Lingo
Asher Lingo - 7 years ago
Ik some people don't like the gaming part of your videos, but I love them
DiamondDude081 Streams
DiamondDude081 Streams - 7 years ago
He pronounced crevice wrong
destroyer khalid
destroyer khalid - 7 years ago
The game you are playing is scarier than any of those
Wolfia The Wolf
Wolfia The Wolf - 7 years ago
All of these I was like OH HECK NAW
Boca Princess
Boca Princess - 7 years ago
Mr. Fear
Mr. Fear - 7 years ago
Craziest thing I have ever captured is well me hitting a rolling 10 man in cod
Bocaj Maestro
Bocaj Maestro - 7 years ago
I took a picture as a shark not sure what type of shark but a shark and an alligator were fighting behind me and I was stabbing another one luckily I had my go pro
YoWazUpThisIsMyBranch - 7 years ago
Ok well my mom was in the ocean once and all of a sudden three tiger sharks started circling her and she didn't panic she stayed there and they let her live and it was about twenty minutes she was practically swimming with the sharks.
ReXx Doriftar
ReXx Doriftar - 7 years ago
IT'S EVERYDAY - 7 years ago
The snow one sounded like a bitboxxer
RaisingKayn - 7 years ago
"Oh how fall did you fall"
-"all the way to the bottom"
--lols like that wasnt a far enough drop to kill him
rediclous gameplays
rediclous gameplays - 7 years ago
@trendcrave what is your gamer tag add me at kajoga626
Jaden Hass
Jaden Hass - 7 years ago
I’ll be scared the s**t out
The Jupiter God
The Jupiter God - 7 years ago
5:16 The plane is “ spiraling into the ocean, tell me, is the nose straight down and the plane is spinning? It’s flying! Bout to land on the ocean
Cool Cookie Rachel
Cool Cookie Rachel - 7 years ago
Once I was on a roller coaster the guy tightened my seatbelt and chest thing. I was figuring with it then BAM. it got loosened I was fine but I was moving a whole bunch. I am thankful there was a handy dandy seatbelt.
Carlin Guadagnoli
Carlin Guadagnoli - 7 years ago
The scariest thing that happen to me is when saw a shark right under a little boy in Florida
Ok Ok
Ok Ok - 7 years ago
One i cought a banana on cam
Leon Perrin
Leon Perrin - 7 years ago
foreign insight warn accomplish except father exclude sweat than secretary.
Logan Allain
Logan Allain - 7 years ago
i subscribed
Brooke Moss
Brooke Moss - 7 years ago
I have it on video but my phone and I’m about to tell you how I was climbing a tree it was at lest 50-60 feet high when I got like 30-40 feet up it o slipped and dropped my phone and fell off backwards but a lest 15-10 feet away from the ground my foot got stuck between 2 branches and I was dangling upside down my dad came out of the his house and herd and seen me screaming so he got me and yeah it was pretty scary I was 9 when it happened I’m 11 now
Josh Kelly
Josh Kelly - 7 years ago
I caught my face on camera!! It was the scariest thing of my life
Lue Tang
Lue Tang - 7 years ago
Moises Avila
Moises Avila - 7 years ago
i like your you tub
CrazECole - 7 years ago
Utsuho Reiuji
Utsuho Reiuji - 7 years ago
I once filmed a giant hole in a thunderstorm
MyComicsSuck - 7 years ago
Not Willeh!
Tyzoin MC Gaming
Tyzoin MC Gaming - 7 years ago
With the guy that broke his arm I bet that tree broke his arm
DanWolf Gaming
DanWolf Gaming - 7 years ago
i recorded when my house almost burning done
Jolly Draws
Jolly Draws - 7 years ago
Yay, Willy's Okay!
Frederik Kirederf
Frederik Kirederf - 7 years ago
stfu noob
Frozentsunami 345
Frozentsunami 345 - 7 years ago
mom: go help!
Me: wait let me get my go pro.
White Fox
White Fox - 7 years ago
You can get shot grime the back What!!!
Lorelaine Hale
Lorelaine Hale - 7 years ago
How did he not get eaten by a shark he was really far out to see
Mindis - 7 years ago
Your videos are amazing because when you speak you don’t put scary music which scares us
Mark Weaver
Mark Weaver - 7 years ago
what's up with driftorking in alot of you vids trendcrave
Mr.Jockee - 7 years ago
fucking clickbait
Jayden Califano
Jayden Califano - 7 years ago
That guy killing the lionfish is a bitch
Aussie Angler Pros
Aussie Angler Pros - 7 years ago
Douchy ass faggot
Skii God
Skii God - 7 years ago
The gaming ruins it
Horror Forest - Creepy Stories & More
Horror Forest - Creepy Stories & More - 7 years ago
that is creepy af. . .
CRAZY Banana Gamer 14
CRAZY Banana Gamer 14 - 7 years ago
Went scubow diving and got bit by somthig
Cailen Lincoln
Cailen Lincoln - 7 years ago
soooooo wait wut ur tryin to say is stay the fuck away from any type of water
Itzzz Cambree
Itzzz Cambree - 7 years ago
Itzzz Cambree
Itzzz Cambree - 7 years ago
Tell me if it got lost at sea how did you fucking find it...that’s what I thought fake ass
Julian G
Julian G - 7 years ago
Joanna Ray
Joanna Ray - 7 years ago
Stop swearing
Bernie O Reilly
Bernie O Reilly - 7 years ago
good man willy
Jeffsepticeye - 7 years ago
Sk8 Bluu
Sk8 Bluu - 7 years ago
0:15 brooo tell me why he already has a ray gun in Level 8
BTL Scopez
BTL Scopez - 7 years ago
The scariest thing that happened to me was when i was wiping my ass i touched the toilet water XD
Thomas Dawson
Thomas Dawson - 7 years ago
ive got a story in new Zealand in 2010 my bro was running on a volcano edge he he was 1 meter from falling off a 1000m cliff face
Death Challenger
Death Challenger - 7 years ago
hi trend crave
Wyatt Gaming
Wyatt Gaming - 7 years ago
Willy a lucky man
Garfield city
Garfield city - 7 years ago
Max Kiser
Max Kiser - 7 years ago
about 60 foot???? Do you even English bro?? It is 60 feet!! Duh
Johnston xD
Johnston xD - 7 years ago
You cuss to much
Juan Gonzales
Juan Gonzales - 7 years ago
7:46 oh my god
Cutie Mudkip
Cutie Mudkip - 7 years ago
Sharks aren't even terrifying.... u have been watching to much Jaws to put CUTE sharks on this list

It's just a shark people!
Mr Wolf
Mr Wolf - 7 years ago
This isn’t scary just accidents caught on tape gangsta
chill bro
chill bro - 7 years ago
You are funny and the best
Savege Cookz
Savege Cookz - 7 years ago
Bet my cooking vlogs will make you hungry

Just started uploading yesterday i will upload everyday
Chayce Kirkpatrick
Chayce Kirkpatrick - 7 years ago
Lol crev ass
True Happiness
True Happiness - 7 years ago
What an annoyong voice and accent. Wtf
Wolf gaming
Wolf gaming - 7 years ago
Holy go pros
Dominoe master
Dominoe master - 7 years ago
Scariest thing that's happened to me was on a skateboard I was trying to do a 180 air out of a bowl but I leaned back and fell backwards into the bowl and sprained my ankle
maximus yosko
maximus yosko - 7 years ago
Hippidy hoppidy
Bowser Power
Bowser Power - 7 years ago
Hey same thing for me when I was skiing I would go really fast and then have to fall down to stop
Michael Schaefer
Michael Schaefer - 7 years ago
Bjarte Sætre
Bjarte Sætre - 7 years ago
Bad video
Eric Bowen
Eric Bowen - 7 years ago
I fell down a mountain and almost died and I had a huge wound
Vader & boxfish
Vader & boxfish - 7 years ago
A ghost inside a scary loced door
Ola Søsveen
Ola Søsveen - 7 years ago
Stop showing that shitty game
PointLessGaming 3245
PointLessGaming 3245 - 7 years ago
u suck
FakeAbdulaziz - 7 years ago
the scariest / craziest 2 hours of my life was when I was 6, I got locked in a huge indoor amusement park, until a worker saw me and luckily I knew my mom's phone number, and gave it to him. God bless that guy.
XSlayerKingX - 7 years ago
What game is this called?
jax tymchuk
jax tymchuk - 7 years ago
I don't like creepy things aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Ian Rupp
Ian Rupp - 7 years ago
just cause 3 plane?
Steve Grigg
Steve Grigg - 7 years ago
Good lord jesus christ
Ciaran O Sullivan
Ciaran O Sullivan - 7 years ago
I twisted my ankle while swimming to an island
Youtuber Ngakak Gaming
Youtuber Ngakak Gaming - 7 years ago
ColmandJo McBraddock
ColmandJo McBraddock - 7 years ago
why are you showing call of duty you egyt
Cj Blair
Cj Blair - 7 years ago
The shark one, and the scariest thing was prolly seeing an evil spirit that looked like a little girl with a knife. But it was around 8 years old when this happened and of corse i cryed and ran to may parents room after i swared to god after i pulled the cover over my head and the evil spirit went away. That time i ran fast as i could to my moms room and sleeped with her.
Dusty Tankersley
Dusty Tankersley - 7 years ago
I have a video of me breaking my brothers nose, its on my youtube channel @RVLclan
GAMER BRO'S - 7 years ago
you just earned a subscriber
Leo Flores
Leo Flores - 7 years ago
I went Scooba diving and I forgot to check my oxegen and my air take was at 1 and also the anchor slipped and it almost dropped me to the ocean floor this was an insane experience but it was fun
Temper_ Alpha
Temper_ Alpha - 7 years ago
Dude the first one and I once was sky diving and my partute wasn’t working because I screamed like a fucking banshee my badass brother grabbed on to my hair and saved me
Jayeets2 - 7 years ago
The scariest thing I caught on camera was probably my elves had a moving or my sister getting a concussion falling off of her friends back
James R
James R - 7 years ago
If you shoot the floor with a ray gun right next to one or more zombie(s) it will kill them all
R y
R y - 7 years ago
The scarest thing that happens to me was looking at your face in your face revel
Zevs - 7 years ago
The scariest thing that happened to me was when I was 10 years old. I was walking my two Irish setters I the woods in the middle off the winter. I was about half a mile from the cabin when I suddenly fell into a snow hole and broke my arm. The hole was about 10-20 feet deep. I remember looking up and seeing the dogs looking down at me. And of course I was so stupid and didn’t bring the phone with me so at that point I thought I were going to die. But then I thought to my self what would a solider do (wanted to become a solider then) and I told myself to get my ass up and climb up. So when I got up I walked half a mile, whit two dogs in a lease dragging me and feeling that my other arm where cut off.
Adriana Ruiz
Adriana Ruiz - 7 years ago
is that real
Nur Mohammed Youji
Nur Mohammed Youji - 7 years ago
whats the game name..?
Jack Bushnell
Jack Bushnell - 7 years ago
Nice clickbait
Sam Woodhead
Sam Woodhead - 7 years ago
The motorbike one
Melissa Havemann
Melissa Havemann - 7 years ago
What about the picture on the cover of your video
Jaylen Bushong
Jaylen Bushong - 7 years ago
I caught a ghost on camera
Braden Willsie
Braden Willsie - 7 years ago
I was walking in shallow water on the beach and a sting ray was rights beside me
GamingEdu MLG
GamingEdu MLG - 7 years ago
the craziest thing ive recorded is my dog humping his bed. its on my channel no lie
Swag Star47
Swag Star47 - 7 years ago
Where's my WILLY
Sean Malone
Sean Malone - 7 years ago
Probably is sleepy
Logan Rumball
Logan Rumball - 7 years ago
Very fun but it needs a lot more than I can see
Heidi Johnson
Heidi Johnson - 7 years ago
a criminal talked to me
Lucio Mendoza Orlando
Lucio Mendoza Orlando - 7 years ago
Jake Paul sucks
TBONETUCK - 7 years ago
Broke leg with GoPro
MoneyMan 16
MoneyMan 16 - 7 years ago
The first one is fake
Acorn and Rigby's Little life
Acorn and Rigby's Little life - 7 years ago
Ollie Kerr
Ollie Kerr - 7 years ago
eric cartman
eric cartman - 7 years ago
U play xbox or playstation?
Rebecca Peters
Rebecca Peters - 7 years ago
aaron wilson both
Aden Hardin
Aden Hardin - 7 years ago
I jumped over a poisons snake
Tamra smith
Tamra smith - 7 years ago
why did d u play a video game of some sort in between the videos
Monsterx96gamer - 7 years ago
the scariest shit i have ever experienced was when i was riding on my dune buggy just drifting around i was about an inch of falling of a deep ass hole in the ground it was about 70 inches and it was connected to a cave
Savage Gaming
Savage Gaming - 7 years ago
I hate that he reloads like every shot whit that ray gun
LilAir - 7 years ago
the craziest thing I ever caught on camera was when I got thrown out of a windshield of a car and smashed into the other car
Gary Milton
Gary Milton - 7 years ago
Your a fucken idiot if you think that’s scary you’re a pussy experience a unexpected demon attach to u and take control over ur entire body and your mind
PAUS3 N PL4Y - 7 years ago
I shat instead of a fart
Korey Berry
Korey Berry - 7 years ago
I almost got hot by a car in the padestrian
NovaWolf - 7 years ago
What game is this, anyone know? :)
Colten Carufel
Colten Carufel - 7 years ago
I flipped my fourwheeler.
The white shoe
The white shoe - 7 years ago
I was on FaceTime with my friend and I was walking down the street to a store and it was getting robbed
Caseyjessica Repass
Caseyjessica Repass - 7 years ago
I've caught my dick on camera. lmao
Dexter Gaming
Dexter Gaming - 7 years ago
compare those clips to me getting hit by a giant pickup ford
Leander Smith
Leander Smith - 7 years ago
i sub
__Ash_ _Night__
__Ash_ _Night__ - 7 years ago
I guess little Willy finally will go home.
Sal Paradise
Sal Paradise - 7 years ago
keep the fucking video game garbage out of here.... lame.
LordViviotic 21
LordViviotic 21 - 7 years ago
The scariest thing I've ever gone through is I was on the freeway and someone hit my car and ran
Lil' Dino
Lil' Dino - 7 years ago
Dude if i was that willy dude at 8:51 my friends sould do the same exact thaling like good friends
I love my friends!
Eliot Drake
Eliot Drake - 7 years ago
Stop talking!!!!!!!
AWESOME GAMING - 7 years ago
If I saw a shark I swing for my fucking life
jesse delgadillo
jesse delgadillo - 7 years ago
I like this guy he’s really good
Kylie Gunn
Kylie Gunn - 7 years ago
Yeah telling us what the video is before we see it doesn't make the video better. Kind of ruined it for my friend and I
Marsi Thrash
Marsi Thrash - 7 years ago
do you want to suck my pussy
Mysteryos Door
Mysteryos Door - 7 years ago
I couth on camera a bear having sex
Mountain James
Mountain James - 7 years ago
helloa samsert
helloa samsert - 7 years ago
Nerd game or not
helloa samsert
helloa samsert - 7 years ago
Stop talking guy just let us wach the video
LordASH03 6
LordASH03 6 - 7 years ago
I watched a 5 minute ad for you trend, keep going man! I really enjoy it!
explosivo1980 - 7 years ago
Spiraling into the ocean???
Margarita Cordova
Margarita Cordova - 7 years ago
what the hell was,that
Wendy Ojeda
Wendy Ojeda - 7 years ago
a like de song en video
casey cagle
casey cagle - 7 years ago
they did not show the fottage that was the picture i clicked on
Tania Lake
Tania Lake - 7 years ago
I would kill myself to get eaten by a shark
Olivia Pittman
Olivia Pittman - 7 years ago
If I seen a shark then I would pee my pants and poop too and then pass out
Olivia Pittman
Olivia Pittman - 7 years ago
I don't know to maeny
Omnivale - 7 years ago
I was making a skit and i stepped on a lego
Scott K.
Scott K. - 7 years ago
sporterbros 365
sporterbros 365 - 7 years ago
i would swim next to the shark
Robbie Wills-Perreira
Robbie Wills-Perreira - 7 years ago
I live in hawaii
Kaitlin Playz
Kaitlin Playz - 7 years ago
The scariest thing is when u poop In the toilet And when it comes out it splashes on your Butt.
Bruce Gibson
Bruce Gibson - 7 years ago
Motley Stew
Motley Stew - 7 years ago
5:16 "..the plane is going down, SPIRALLING (???) into the ocean.."
Reporter must've been watching a different clip.
I don't see 'spiralling'.

IT'S DEMON Night - 7 years ago
Bro can u tell me witch game u were playing
Brady For president
Brady For president - 7 years ago
Flying is my biggest fear
Sonia Medina
Sonia Medina - 7 years ago
Trend crave
Sonia Medina
Sonia Medina - 7 years ago
What is your name for PS4 I want to add you to my YouTube friends list
Joshua Mason
Joshua Mason - 7 years ago
If that doesn't sell those wet suits and flotation markers then nothing ever will.
SuperDude214 - 7 years ago
would it be logical to say that the first guy was high which is why he didnt panic?
Juicy - 7 years ago
Sounds like faze blaze with a slightly deeper voice
ShockwaveITB - 7 years ago
That tree probably saved his life
Uganda Knuckles
Uganda Knuckles - 7 years ago
00:30 nice achievement
Cecilia Maldonado
Cecilia Maldonado - 7 years ago
I have a near death Esperance.what happenedis a stupid person thought they could make a yellow light but the soaked on the breaks.there was a simi truck behind them that was carry oil they swerved out of the way hit a concrete pole it fell down along with the traffic lights so we had to get away from them as fast as we could the trucker had a few injury's.both of them made it out alive
Juju Wog
Juju Wog - 7 years ago
Tip: if there is a group of zombies shoot your ray gun Infront of them instead of actually shooting the zombies
guinea gamer
guinea gamer - 7 years ago
i fell out of my 8ft atic!!!
guinea gamer
guinea gamer - 7 years ago
it was scary!
guinea gamer
guinea gamer - 7 years ago
once i flinged of my scrambler and nearly broke my leg!
guinea gamer
guinea gamer - 7 years ago
i would s**tmy panths if i saw a shark
Diana Zubiri
Diana Zubiri - 7 years ago
I hate it your just playing not showing it
Bryce Master B
Bryce Master B - 7 years ago
but im glad to be alive
Bryce Master B
Bryce Master B - 7 years ago
i also 2 planes crash on a highway im unlucky person
Bryce Master B
Bryce Master B - 7 years ago
when a tiger bit someones hand at the zoo and got rabies
OnDisplay - 7 years ago
I saw jake paul dab
Inpules Strike Blades
Inpules Strike Blades - 7 years ago
I feel so bad for the scuba diver
XxSofa-King-SharpxX __
XxSofa-King-SharpxX __ - 7 years ago
lol it's called a CRE-VASE not a CRE-VASS
Milu Lother
Milu Lother - 7 years ago
How is the game called you're playing?
Maxgamer89 - 7 years ago
Great vid
Deathomighty Dedsec
Deathomighty Dedsec - 7 years ago
When I was diving 400 meters my tank burst luckily I made it to the top with the help of my friends spare oxygen tank and he caught it on his gopro
Janice Davis
Janice Davis - 7 years ago
I got hurt by treadmill
Rijad Redzvelja
Rijad Redzvelja - 7 years ago
This Were So Scary Almost Had A Heart Attack For Those People Even The First One!
Arnaldo Santiago
Arnaldo Santiago - 7 years ago
One time i got so scared because i had a pump and it almost cut my pinky of
Isaac Soto
Isaac Soto - 7 years ago
What game u playin
Gw Great
Gw Great - 7 years ago
ok I'm sorry for being a hater but I hate you your your the saddest excuse for a YouTuber I know. all you do is talk and talk and play video games. you say ok let's wach then you talk even more again. sorry for being a hater I just don't like your you tube channel
TheMusicGuruoakley - 7 years ago
Here's a comment quit clickbaiting
R.J. Pedersen
R.J. Pedersen - 7 years ago
I was river rafting in Idaho and we were going cliffjumping and then I slipped into the rushing water and somehow escaped with just a couple bruises. I was under for what seemed like forever
De_doctor - 7 years ago
I’m pretty sure that’s a bull shark not a great white
De_doctor - 7 years ago
Believe me I know my animals
Howling Wolf Girl
Howling Wolf Girl - 7 years ago
1:49 nope nope nooooooo I'm terrified of the ocean
Killa Shai
Killa Shai - 7 years ago
Level nine? You suck
Dragon Fire
Dragon Fire - 7 years ago
That guy with the shark was stupid your not supposed to make noise that attracts the shark
Noelle Anderson
Noelle Anderson - 6 years ago
Olivia Perez I would check before you say something dumb like that. Kay thanks bye!!!!
Olivia Perez
Olivia Perez - 6 years ago
Noelle Anderson
Noelle Anderson - 6 years ago
Actually what attracts a shark is it seeing something swimming because sharks think people swim like a hurt seal. You can make as much noise as you want and you'll be A ok
Silent - 6 years ago
Dragon Fire Actually sharks are attracted by the scent of blood and/or dead animals.
Molten - 7 years ago
iron creeper
iron creeper - 7 years ago
You don't need to make a comment about it
Sean Powers
Sean Powers - 7 years ago
From the look of it the shark smelt the blood of the fish and was curious
Molten - 7 years ago
your stupid if you think your correct the real thing that gets shark is the smell of Blood or dead animals without it he's blind as a bat
Bitty Bean
Bitty Bean - 7 years ago
He litterally went “whoooooo!”
Northy 2005
Northy 2005 - 7 years ago
Dragon he was breathing and scared dumass
Ken Van brabant
Ken Van brabant - 7 years ago
Dragon Fire until you are in the same situation
Olivia_ King00
Olivia_ King00 - 7 years ago
Dragon Fire true
ErikPlaysYT - 7 years ago
Your commentary is A+
lilwhitefawn - 7 years ago
voices of one of the fallen
voices of one of the fallen - 7 years ago
the funny thing is i had just watched 47 meters down. so that shark one freaked me the fuck out hahahah
Austin Beck
Austin Beck - 7 years ago
I recorded two shark's one is a sand shark and the other was a great wight
Nikki Jones
Nikki Jones - 7 years ago
Aro those zombies at the game
elijah emerzian
elijah emerzian - 7 years ago
I do that for my best friend
whats up YouTube
whats up YouTube - 7 years ago
I'm scared of sharks but I still scubadive I always keep sharp objects with me
Bob Donald
Bob Donald - 6 years ago
whats up YouTube I don’t agree with sharks
dark_wolfey25_games - 7 years ago
whats up YouTube if one comes at ya rip out its gills or punch its noise it always works
LT&RB FLIPS AND SCOOT - 7 years ago
What game are you playing
Bronwen Dyer
Bronwen Dyer - 7 years ago
Verma boys
Verma boys - 7 years ago
Mi or Samsung duplicate power bank
Ethan Pollock
Ethan Pollock - 7 years ago
Stop swearing
FieryImmortal - 7 years ago
Id say the 5th was pretty scaring more than the 4th because the 4th he was pretty sure he wasn't gonna die. Unlike the 5th in which he thought he might die.
Big jay vlogs
Big jay vlogs - 7 years ago
i accedently murdered a homless man sike he i saw him slip i break his skull and bleed out
360 edge
360 edge - 7 years ago
ur a spoiler
t h e s k e l e t o n 애정애정 S a n s
t h e s k e l e t o n 애정애정 S a n s - 7 years ago
Good ol' Go Pro xD
FPW op
FPW op - 7 years ago
Me fuking your mama
Monty_Gamezz - 7 years ago
These guys are in real danger and I’m more afraid than them if I forget my homework...
Faze Sav
Faze Sav - 7 years ago
I did not get this on Camera but me and my friend were in my room and something started slamming on my door and said goodbye my friend, but this was after we did the Charlie Charlie Challenge
Anonymous __
Anonymous __ - 7 years ago
I didn’t come here to watch you shoot zombies with a ray gun
Kyle Wilson
Kyle Wilson - 7 years ago
The shark one was the scariest
Jared Hurst
Jared Hurst - 7 years ago
The scaryest thing that happened to me was I got lost in the woods.
Tommie Davis
Tommie Davis - 7 years ago
u talk to much
ZackAttack1004 - 7 years ago
i didnt get it on camera but i almost fell off the 2nd highest mountain in arizona it was up to the clouds (not an expresion)
Pepsi Can
Pepsi Can - 7 years ago
Roses are red
Violets are grey
I hate my life
And u are gay
The Opposite days
The Opposite days - 7 years ago
Do tf2
Andrew Rodriquez
Andrew Rodriquez - 7 years ago
No one wants to watch your stupid ass play video games you piece of shit
Penis Poilu
Penis Poilu - 7 years ago
Jk that was awsome
Penis Poilu
Penis Poilu - 7 years ago
Kris T
Kris T - 7 years ago
Baby Buddies
Baby Buddies - 7 years ago
You have to be calm as a diver
Pathetic Patio
Pathetic Patio - 7 years ago
There's 999 dislikes hehehehehehehhehehhehehehehehehehehehe
Moody Cactus
Moody Cactus - 7 years ago
Penis Poilu
Penis Poilu - 7 years ago
Moises Ramirez
Moises Ramirez - 7 years ago
What game is that ?
Joseph Roath
Joseph Roath - 7 years ago
What game are you playing
RD Fortnite
RD Fortnite - 7 years ago
I died on camera
Arushi Singh
Arushi Singh - 7 years ago
BAMBAM 2723 - 7 years ago
Francisco Garcia90
Francisco Garcia90 - 7 years ago
Fuckin willie lol
Luke Hess
Luke Hess - 7 years ago
3 times in a row
Luke Hess
Luke Hess - 7 years ago
My craziest is when I made a half court basketball shot
WZGamingHD - 7 years ago
thanks for some good clips and not some photoshop shit we've seen a thousand times, great work keep it up!
Commander Xananymous
Commander Xananymous - 7 years ago
Actually at video no 1 he can trade at water for 6 hr wow for me I can trade water less thean 1 min lol
Katie Yanush
Katie Yanush - 7 years ago
These are all fake and I just started watching
Val - 7 years ago
I once almost died at the age of 6 riding my bicycle in front of a descending gradient
I freak out so much I thought it was the end for me
The worst thing there was a car passing like meters away from where I was going to stop
I closed my eyes(still rolling down with my bicycle at an amazing speed ) and said bye to the world
When I opened my eyes I was feet away from the road and my sister stopped me and just right there the car went pass by at like 30mph
Rose Soccer
Rose Soccer - 7 years ago
Boy, this guy really likes gun games...
Edward Yarrow
Edward Yarrow - 7 years ago
What game was that u were playing and was it on xbox or what and i love your videos
Holly Windle
Holly Windle - 7 years ago
Id poop my pants if i had a shark right next to me
Charlie Griffiths
Charlie Griffiths - 7 years ago
Buddhapup Love
Buddhapup Love - 7 years ago
That wasn't the thimbnail shark clip
Robert Keely
Robert Keely - 7 years ago
My friends sister held me under the water at a pool
LYLATXSYSTEM - 7 years ago
How could they leave him (1st video)
Rice - 7 years ago
My dick
Ginja Ninja
Ginja Ninja - 7 years ago
I survived a shark attack a 7ft bull shark bit my right leg I still have the scars
bLoOdErZ YT Gaming
bLoOdErZ YT Gaming - 7 years ago
Inyoung Chae
Inyoung Chae - 7 years ago
What do you call the game hes playing and what console can you play it on
Danielle Geerman
Danielle Geerman - 7 years ago
Dora Reconco
Dora Reconco - 7 years ago
he is playing zombies in bo3
Logan Young
Logan Young - 7 years ago
The most scariest thing I ever got on camera was when I was on a whale watching boat and a shark jumped up on to the boat so we has to jump into the shark infested ocean
Bx Bx
Bx Bx - 7 years ago
KWR Show
KWR Show - 7 years ago
Sub to mine and i will aub to u
Hardika Panchamia
Hardika Panchamia - 7 years ago
You have dumb vid why do you play in between the vid
Tetsuya Kuroko
Tetsuya Kuroko - 7 years ago
ODYSSS OFFICIAL - 7 years ago
Haven't eat for a day
Jessica Nieves
Jessica Nieves - 7 years ago
can someone please give me a like if u do ur lite
Chris Paxtor
Chris Paxtor - 7 years ago
Bro stop playing while making the video
Dylan Gardiner
Dylan Gardiner - 6 years ago
bro stop that gwme playing its retarted
Mr. Fear
Mr. Fear - 7 years ago
Chris Paxtor u have cod WW11 as your homepage
510levi - 7 years ago
Chris Paxtor oh dude if you don't want him to play watch a montage
Knut Milje
Knut Milje - 7 years ago
You dont need too say What happend in the fucking vidio just show us the vidio
Nichola Jameson
Nichola Jameson - 7 years ago
it was show scarey
Nichola Jameson
Nichola Jameson - 7 years ago
me dabing
About sixty foot

Paul Malone
Paul Malone - 7 years ago
There is a ray gun 2 pot o
Ishak BLOUKH - 7 years ago
Austin Pierce
Austin Pierce - 7 years ago
I got kicked out of target with my friend
Ishak BLOUKH - 7 years ago
Ishak BLOUKH - 7 years ago
Ishak BLOUKH - 7 years ago
Biceps GT
Biceps GT - 7 years ago
I feel bad for willy... willy wonka
Kierra Grider
Kierra Grider - 6 years ago
Why would you say that are you dumb
Lugia Playz
Lugia Playz - 7 years ago
Biceps GT willy wobka
Erin Gichriest
Erin Gichriest - 7 years ago
Biceps GT will from stranger things lol
Yessey Castro
Yessey Castro - 7 years ago
McGangsters - 7 years ago
if u sub to me i will sub back to u on my account plus all of my accounts (6) comment if u did and be honest
Aferig & Dwoo
Aferig & Dwoo - 7 years ago
My sister stode on a wasp nest and got stung 55 times
rommel hons17
rommel hons17 - 7 years ago
brushing king 2018
brushing king 2018 - 7 years ago
I fell down a 100ft tree into pinecons
Kinderlover69 - 7 years ago
For every like i get, imma tell my mom i'm gay
Louis Jones
Louis Jones - 7 years ago
I filmed myself falling down the stairs and only broke my collar bone
Djslickoil Dabb 21
Djslickoil Dabb 21 - 7 years ago
Last night I had a fit because I fell Down stairs and bash my head on the wall
Panos Pamboridis
Panos Pamboridis - 7 years ago
I was with some friends and we went to a playground were was
IVS SAYSAY - 7 years ago
7:47 I will never do that and it,s Scarry
IVS SAYSAY - 7 years ago
Yeah I was about to walk in on my mom on camera and I deleted the video
Jodi Woodward
Jodi Woodward - 7 years ago
I almost rolled off a cliff when I was 3 years old
Tyler Johnson
Tyler Johnson - 7 years ago
This shitt crazy
Mike DecepTionZ
Mike DecepTionZ - 7 years ago
You sound like a less enthusiastic nadeshot.
Cade Hileman
Cade Hileman - 7 years ago
5:15 "spiraling into the ocean" dude looks out the window with the camera literally just gliding not spiraling into the ocean abc news #FakeNews
Janzen Ponte
Janzen Ponte - 7 years ago
Stop fucking showing you game
AppleBlade - 7 years ago
Jeez.. I thought it was a good video. Ya'll on some negative nancy shit
Ryan Middendorf
Ryan Middendorf - 7 years ago
Janzen Ponte he’s got to get to 10 minutes to make more fucking money.
AppleBlade - 7 years ago
Why not?
GSW The Spot
GSW The Spot - 7 years ago
the craziest picture i captured with my phone was a selfie of my favorite College Quarterback Bryce Petty and me
Lil Bank
Lil Bank - 7 years ago
Yiiiinkaaaa Mumzy
Reversed Universe
Reversed Universe - 7 years ago
The second one didn't look like 60 feet
Snakeman 25
Snakeman 25 - 7 years ago
The scariest part of my life was when I lost Wi-Fi
jollypac games
jollypac games - 7 years ago
Why u use raygun on round 8
IgniteTF COD
IgniteTF COD - 7 years ago
Poké Kid
Poké Kid - 7 years ago
I was trapped in an elevator for 10 minutes in vancouver on our trip to disney land and while we were stuck i was playing pokemon go
Fortnite Biggest highlights ever
Fortnite Biggest highlights ever - 7 years ago
Hey guys I'v got a scary one. I was climbing blue arrow WHEN I SLIPPED and nearly fell off the top of blue arrow.
Layth Jawhari
Layth Jawhari - 7 years ago
Bro you suck at zombies
Zulu The hybrid
Zulu The hybrid - 7 years ago
Number 2
It was time for Thomas to leave
Thomas saw everything
kshowaker21 - 7 years ago
the craziest thing i got on camera was a ghost lol
Ash Gamer
Ash Gamer - 7 years ago
I thought it would be a shark chassing him
brian crakk
brian crakk - 7 years ago
I saw a clown
Sgt 0range
Sgt 0range - 7 years ago
Visual-_Sniper Gang
Visual-_Sniper Gang - 7 years ago
Do u 0lay PlayStation
Oen Usher
Oen Usher - 7 years ago
About two years ago I was trecking down an cave in Trinidad when I suddenly noticed I was being followed , I heard squirt,squirt and saw white goo all over , I told my bro for us to leave but he didn't Then!!!! I saw a giant dick went up your! Ass , like or dislike this
idk u
idk u - 7 years ago
I sub
Nathan Price
Nathan Price - 7 years ago
You should aim the ray gun at the feet
ACE WENSEL - 7 years ago
who else skips the gaming bits?
Theodor Ellefsen
Theodor Ellefsen - 6 years ago
its so annoying that these youtubers just have to drag out time
AwesomeMinecraftGirl Feldo
AwesomeMinecraftGirl Feldo - 6 years ago
Kevin Venketiah
Kevin Venketiah - 6 years ago
Chico Balaba
Chico Balaba - 6 years ago
KC Krumbcake
KC Krumbcake - 6 years ago
Totally me
Ambrosius - 7 years ago
Joe Armel
Joe Armel - 7 years ago
king dark
king dark - 7 years ago
Jk me
king dark
king dark - 7 years ago
ACE WENSEL who skips
Anna Smart
Anna Smart - 7 years ago
I do there soo boring and it seams like he just doesnt care about what the video is supposed to be
Blased Beast
Blased Beast - 7 years ago
Not me because I just pay attention to the story.
Mr. Fear
Mr. Fear - 7 years ago
ACE WENSEL ur homepage is a creeper
Fortnite Action!
Fortnite Action! - 7 years ago
Most of the time I don't but in this video I did!
Richard Irabor
Richard Irabor - 7 years ago
Gaming and scooter clips and vlogs
Gaming and scooter clips and vlogs - 7 years ago
Hunter Vaughan
Hunter Vaughan - 7 years ago
chill bro
chill bro - 7 years ago
Nope but good idea
Juan Alejandro Alarcon
Juan Alejandro Alarcon - 7 years ago
What game it that tho
Dylan Paluch
Dylan Paluch - 7 years ago
Xd little sacred who whiched the it movie
Dylan Paluch
Dylan Paluch - 7 years ago
Not scarded tf
Michelle Hart
Michelle Hart - 7 years ago
What the f*** was that fucking hell
Oreo Minis
Oreo Minis - 7 years ago
Ray Gun LOL
sharkslayer - 7 years ago
i love you so much your the best youtuber
ELIT3 HUNTER - 7 years ago
the scariest thing was when I went for a hike while I was camping and a rattle snake slithered out of the Bush and my dad almost stepped on it
Reece - 7 years ago
Sports Guy
Sports Guy - 7 years ago
The warriors blew a 3-1 lead in the NBA finals
NBA BEASTS - 7 years ago
I subbed you please sub back
Ratchet gamer Ready
Ratchet gamer Ready - 7 years ago
Scary moment is when my sister almost fell off the edge of the Grand Canyon at the national Park
COOL 2d TOUCH - 7 years ago
+ 1 like his name's Willy
Pusheen The YouTuber
Pusheen The YouTuber - 7 years ago
I know the first one XC
enoch bobo
enoch bobo - 7 years ago
I give up,what's with the stupid game and talking stick your video
Jahiem Smith
Jahiem Smith - 7 years ago
What's the name of that game
Jim Ahern
Jim Ahern - 7 years ago
Here's a comment
Baylee Clinton
Baylee Clinton - 7 years ago
Love vids
Later5kater - 7 years ago
I was shot at when I was 9 does that count

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