Unbelievable Crocodile Vs Shark | Who Will Be The Winner ?

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Unbelievable Crocodile Vs Shark | Who Will Be The Winner ? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4070

Shark videos 7 years ago 3,553,248 views

Welcome to Life Of Crocodile Channel ! - Have a nice time watching our content. - The content we build with the aggregation of various sources on Youtube, Blog, Website. It is difficult to guarantee all copyright protection, we always try to communicate with the owners rights to cooperate copyright even if there are still errors. We look forward to receiving your contribution mail: info@woanetwork.com ► Videos may contain copyright content based on Fair Use laws (https://www.youtube.com/yt/copyright/en/fair-use.html) Thanks! Unbelievable Crocodile Vs Shark | Who Will Be The Winner ? ▮ Link Video: https://youtu.be/qImPaM4lKoA - Link uploaded on website woanetwork.com Content description: Unbelievable Crocodile Vs Shark | Who Will Be The Winner ? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Musics by Kevin MacLeod are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... Artist: http://incompetech.com/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ► About us: ▮ Woa network : http://woanetwork.com ▮ Woa Animal : https://goo.gl/pkmpSu ▮ Woa Commic : https://goo.gl/86jbjN ▮ Woa Facebook: http://goo.gl/oXlUfq ▮ Woa Pinterest: https://goo.gl/KDa5fb ▮ Woa Twitter: https://twitter.com/WoaAnimals ▮ Email : info@woanetwork.com ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ►►►►►►►►► THANKS FOR WATCHING ◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄ ► AND DON'T FORGET TO LIKE COMMENTS AND SUBSCRIBE! If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here i will remove them. please contact my email : info@woanetwork.com

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Most popular comments
for Unbelievable Crocodile Vs Shark | Who Will Be The Winner ?

Michael Lefebvre
Michael Lefebvre - 6 years ago
Akram Mohamed
Akram Mohamed - 6 years ago
crocodile live in rivers but shark live in sea and ocean how they met.
Drew ZombieZ
Drew ZombieZ - 6 years ago
Lol worst video ever.
kaleb nelson
kaleb nelson - 6 years ago
after hearing this what would win Lizzie the crocodile from rampage or the meg from well the meg there both big so i thought this would be a even battle
Luke Chestnut
Luke Chestnut - 6 years ago
I thought I was going to see a real fight. Waste.
Sherryl Chambers
Sherryl Chambers - 6 years ago
Shark one
Oliver Becerra
Oliver Becerra - 6 years ago
shark because Sharks are a little bit stronger then a crocdile
giop23 - 6 years ago
Shark winner
Giorgia Lavender
Giorgia Lavender - 6 years ago
If a saltwater croc is in the sea how does it live

10. comment for Unbelievable Crocodile Vs Shark | Who Will Be The Winner ?

Deni Purwana
Deni Purwana - 6 years ago
Actually, the legend said that Surabaya (second largest city in Indonesia) was named after epic battle between a shark and a saltwater crocodile. The townfolks found both animals dead the next day. Hence the name, shark and crocodile.
scotiansen - 6 years ago
On land, croc wins. In ocean, shark wins.
Budha Lila Chakma
Budha Lila Chakma - 6 years ago
I had seen this on Animal planet also
Jaimie’s Blog
Jaimie’s Blog - 6 years ago
John Paul Cabiles
John Paul Cabiles - 6 years ago
That's fake
Zeet - 6 years ago
Now, lets see them fight on land.
Divertiram Ramirez
Divertiram Ramirez - 6 years ago
Feel bad for the shark
Giyanna Jefferson
Giyanna Jefferson - 6 years ago
The Crock
Protocol Sportfishing
Protocol Sportfishing - 6 years ago
Disappointing video
Gladys Tayo
Gladys Tayo - 6 years ago
I think that the crocodile will win.

20. comment for Unbelievable Crocodile Vs Shark | Who Will Be The Winner ?

مصی کریمی
مصی کریمی - 6 years ago
J Harris
J Harris - 6 years ago
fernando renteria
fernando renteria - 6 years ago
Croc litgit
Night Shift
Night Shift - 6 years ago
Very disappointing video, thumbs down for the BS content.
KɽιmՓ ßōŕk
KɽιmՓ ßōŕk - 6 years ago
Clash R team
Clash R team - 6 years ago
Good photoshop
Sidharth Kashyap
Sidharth Kashyap - 6 years ago
WWE heavyweight championship (ocean version)
ItsReina - 6 years ago
Fake .-.
Prehistoric Creature
Prehistoric Creature - 6 years ago
This is a legendary Aquatic Fight. Both are incredible Predators with a lot of weapons. I think we have to see the battle with our eyes to see who is the real Winner!
Damien Gibbs
Damien Gibbs - 6 years ago
This shit fake ass fuck

30. comment for Unbelievable Crocodile Vs Shark | Who Will Be The Winner ?

Tunz Tunu
Tunz Tunu - 6 years ago
Fuk yo white prediction niggah
Kaan - 6 years ago
bullshit! shark wins
Clementine - 6 years ago
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I got clickbated
And so did you
Sudarsshan Gavas
Sudarsshan Gavas - 6 years ago
Crock never bites underwater
gol D ace
gol D ace - 6 years ago
Crocodile vs arlong
Quincy Rodge Alvarez
Quincy Rodge Alvarez - 6 years ago
very fake
Lenita Davenport
Lenita Davenport - 6 years ago
I hope you know this can't be true because they never can cross
artic fox
artic fox - 6 years ago
Cool! I love nature!
Wayne Stewart
Wayne Stewart - 6 years ago
the crocdile wins
slrecordings - 6 years ago
I hate how these videos have those stupid boxes at the end that block the video. Can't see anything.
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 6 years ago
Sorry for the inconvenience. I just want to show you other cool videos
Syed Farhan
Syed Farhan - 6 years ago
Screen Hair
Screen Hair - 6 years ago
1:18 it reminds me of ippo's dempsey roll
Maram Ahmed
Maram Ahmed - 6 years ago
It is a computer animated
Jay Dubb
Jay Dubb - 6 years ago
Lol they cut the part when the Shark comes back and chases The Crocodile to the surface and chomps on to the Crocodiles body splitting the Crocs guts right down the middle tearing the reptile in half
Bert Lambert
Bert Lambert - 6 years ago
Save 2:42 !! Animated crap!!
IAmTheBigDogOfThisYard - 6 years ago
I think the crocodile would win!
Nolan ONeal
Nolan ONeal - 6 years ago
That Crocodile would of tore the Shark apart.
Drixie Cruz
Drixie Cruz - 6 years ago
Da crocodiles live in the water
Gamer AG
Gamer AG - 6 years ago
Can you be specific cause what type of shark is it.
Aidan Nand
Aidan Nand - 6 years ago
This is not real co oley live in bad water

50. comment for Unbelievable Crocodile Vs Shark | Who Will Be The Winner ?

Joshua Ridley
Joshua Ridley - 6 years ago
this is fom animal face off
Shivam Dhole
Shivam Dhole - 6 years ago
Don't challenge crocs in water
Charlie Garcia
Charlie Garcia - 6 years ago
The winner is the one that bites first and where it bites. Crocodiles and sharks have a weak spot, their bellies.
Fish Zom
Fish Zom - 6 years ago
This looks like randomly found-footage and bad CG and it doesn't even follow the narrator.
Joseph Waldner
Joseph Waldner - 6 years ago
Fake Garbage. waist of time.
Cristiano Maestro
Cristiano Maestro - 6 years ago
obviously croc ;)
keegan nipe
keegan nipe - 6 years ago
Ok so if the saltwater croc and great white shark were around the same size I'm sorry to say to you shark fans but the shark would get destroyed. Salt water crocs have the second strongest bite force in the world of 3700 psi only beaten by the Nile crocodile at 5000 psi. Not even the great white shark comes close with a bite force under 1000 psi. Crocs have very tough skin while sharks have very soft skin. One good bite and roll by the croc would tear a chunk out of the shark probably immobilising it if not killing it
etha8411 etha8411
etha8411 etha8411 - 6 years ago
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 6 years ago
oh, thank you ^^
johndale nonato
johndale nonato - 6 years ago
Fuck you croc eat my ass
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 6 years ago
It's too strong sometimes to be cruel
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 6 years ago
thank you
The- Maya
The- Maya - 6 years ago
Seriously edited
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 6 years ago
Check out our other videos, which may make you like
Frederic Michel
Frederic Michel - 6 years ago
it is not true just movie create by computer
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 6 years ago
Check out our other videos, which may make you happy
Wildman Samurai
Wildman Samurai - 6 years ago
Shark easy.
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 6 years ago
That is the law of nature
10Clips Bro
10Clips Bro - 6 years ago
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 6 years ago
sorry for making you disappointed. Check out our other videos, which may make you happy
JohnBoyGrinds - 6 years ago
If you seen the tv show and seen that episode shark came back and killed the croc
M! Cat
M! Cat - 6 years ago
The camera man not get eaten nice Photoshop failure 101
hunk5525 - 6 years ago
100rav kumar
100rav kumar - 6 years ago
Poor croc has enemies right from land to water
DA All-rounder
DA All-rounder - 6 years ago
Fake video
Jaxxon Balboa
Jaxxon Balboa - 6 years ago
what a stupid video...pieced together but didn't fool any with this shit!
Random topics about COC
Random topics about COC - 6 years ago
I first time saw a corc in a sea generally they leave in rivers because they need land to rest for some time
And also i dont think this is real.
Anthony Do
Anthony Do - 6 years ago
This video is TRASH what a photoshopped cartoon how did the shark even swim?!? The video said it had a death toll so the shark went upside down so it had to die what photoshop
Kha'zix - 6 years ago
Basically renekton vs fizz lol
Jonathan Lopez
Jonathan Lopez - 6 years ago
brain hacks
brain hacks - 6 years ago
It is from surabaya story
Ale Video
Ale Video - 6 years ago
Gak ada yang menang. Jadi kota SURABAYA
Joseph Winslow
Joseph Winslow - 6 years ago
Everything about the fight was fake and animated. Stupid
the red baron
the red baron - 6 years ago
killer whale vs. a crock
Pavao Špigelski
Pavao Špigelski - 6 years ago
To je prevara, jer nije minijatura prikazana u videozapisu. Kvaliteta nije 720 piksela, nego manja.
Ayesha Sahil
Ayesha Sahil - 6 years ago
Crocodiles not live in sea
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 6 years ago
some species of crocodiles live in marine environments. One such example is Salty crocodile which lives in the sea water around Australia and they are quite massive in size and aggressive in nature.Some are also found in India, large population is present within the Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary of Odissa
PALERMO - 6 years ago
sharks wins in ocean's and sea"s
crocodile wins in Swamp's or river"s
the end
Al Montoya
Al Montoya - 6 years ago
PALERMO . I was thinking exactly the same.
Ace Prime
Ace Prime - 6 years ago
How did the shark win lol
pasha Gaming 2895
pasha Gaming 2895 - 6 years ago
John Leslie
John Leslie - 6 years ago
Gayest fucking video on YouTube
Katie Levasseur
Katie Levasseur - 6 years ago
Crocodile would win
Some one
Some one - 6 years ago
It isn't fake...

Well half of it isn't
Spike Baddachino
Spike Baddachino - 6 years ago
Would love to see an actual video of a huge crocodile and a fully mature great white shark......
Om vlogs
Om vlogs - 6 years ago
I though it was real
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 6 years ago
the truth of what you see in the video
XerxiezZ - 6 years ago
A great white would rip a croc into pieces
j Games
j Games - 6 years ago
Felipe Gianordoli
Felipe Gianordoli - 6 years ago
Shark will always win because they strike from bottom to top and not.head on..crocodiles have soft bellies and also a shark teeth is bigger and sharper...no way a croc would ever win
Deniz Metin
Deniz Metin - 6 years ago
I think it’s an even fight. The saltwater crocodile vs a great white. The thing is a shark is a way faster and better swimmer
D. Diolin
D. Diolin - 6 years ago
Lol !
Hey guys say with me...
Latha Anand
Latha Anand - 6 years ago
A saltwater crocodile of 2 tons can easily defeat a great White shark.
One Darling
One Darling - 6 years ago
I've never seen
arthur toledo
arthur toledo - 6 years ago
q edicao d merda kkk
Shir Khan
Shir Khan - 6 years ago
Crocodile should be the winner
Shir Khan
Shir Khan - 6 years ago
Life of Crocodile

What really? But I think a crocodile can win sometimes and the white shark would also sometimes win, so I think they are on the same level.
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 6 years ago
but both animals die
Pradhyoth Sai Manohar
Pradhyoth Sai Manohar - 6 years ago
Crocodiles have stronger jaws so I’d go crocodile
sartori69 - 6 years ago
anything is possible with CGI, except beating that pesky uncanny valley (so far).
Sufi poet
Sufi poet - 6 years ago

100. comment for Unbelievable Crocodile Vs Shark | Who Will Be The Winner ?

Alex David
Alex David - 6 years ago
Great white vs. Croc.

Never happens.
Never been witnessed.

Nicole Kinsey
Nicole Kinsey - 6 years ago
Crocodile Win's
Hazar Essa
Hazar Essa - 6 years ago
shark win
Kyle Donagrandi
Kyle Donagrandi - 6 years ago
Gaurav Sakhare
Gaurav Sakhare - 6 years ago
Fake video

Taken from movie
Aavya k
Aavya k - 6 years ago
There's difference in both the colrs of water which is quickly noticed
XxMidnight SoftyxX
XxMidnight SoftyxX - 6 years ago
WOW i was just cheering for the crocodile chow. But now for some reason i feel bad for the shark chow.
Jeeshan Khan
Jeeshan Khan - 6 years ago
Crocodile win
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 6 years ago
Crocodiles are powerful and aggressive animals
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 6 years ago
Do you like our video?
Snowflake 255 -Chiyoka-
Snowflake 255 -Chiyoka- - 6 years ago
Wow this looks sooo fake
Snowflake 255 -Chiyoka-
Snowflake 255 -Chiyoka- - 6 years ago
Life of Crocodile ye sure lol
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 6 years ago
Do you like video?
SeunKotoz - 6 years ago
That's SCP-682
TigerJ - 6 years ago
In the thumbnail it’s an alligator
Arshiya Urooj Urooj99
Arshiya Urooj Urooj99 - 6 years ago
Joeisn So
Joeisn So - 6 years ago
@2:04, nice Jurassic Park 3 cgi.
Alex HD
Alex HD - 6 years ago
OMG! That battle is really accidental?
Nakamura Sona
Nakamura Sona - 6 years ago
I've seen before
OnlyAwesomely - 6 years ago
Would've been more interesting to watch if I could actually see them fighting and not just some narration of what happens.
Nice video but please make it as a real
K G - 6 years ago
No real fight here people move on. The title is misleading.
JharexJhelo Ong
JharexJhelo Ong - 6 years ago
the winner is crocodile in this round!
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 6 years ago
Crocodiles are always strong animals
JharexJhelo Ong
JharexJhelo Ong - 6 years ago
Shark live in the seawater'?
Breaking Cycles
Breaking Cycles - 6 years ago
Crocodiles are fucking elite animals. The fact that they can swim and also run on land, plus their bodies are made of a tough body armor-like material. They also have the strongest jaw/bite of any animal. Plus they do a thing called “the death roll.” They’re just badass period.
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 6 years ago
Your description is very impressive
Dmitrius5 - 6 years ago
Crap was video
strawbs _
strawbs _ - 6 years ago
do they place the shark n crocodile thr to film???? or they found it
Nudist Priest
Nudist Priest - 6 years ago
Brutus who is one of the biggest crocs had his arm bit off by a shark
Ecrin Yasar
Ecrin Yasar - 6 years ago
Tubebrerry - 6 years ago
Can't decide whether this is click bait or not.
Steve H
Steve H - 6 years ago
Dumb video. All misc. Stock footage pieced together. Very unreal and anticlimactic.
Liz Bock
Liz Bock - 6 years ago
Ass holl
I’m Bee
I’m Bee - 6 years ago
I thought alligators didn’t swim in salt water
Tiger Puppet
Tiger Puppet - 6 years ago
A Sarcosuhus would probably win also that's animated
Relâmpago Negro
Relâmpago Negro - 6 years ago
Who whon
Relâmpago Negro
Relâmpago Negro - 6 years ago
Quem ganhou
Redcarpetchick16 Msp
Redcarpetchick16 Msp - 6 years ago
It’s animated and they were in different waters
Denisse Suarez
Denisse Suarez - 6 years ago
who won??
Nathan Vonghom
Nathan Vonghom - 6 years ago
My aunt said it’s called salt water crocodile. It doesn’t live there but can stay for a long period of time to hunt for food. I google it. It is interesting.
Lev Altun
Lev Altun - 6 years ago
Me against the World, me Win !
Taguro Boy
Taguro Boy - 6 years ago
Why i see this is from a Movie i seen hard to explain
Flying Dino
Flying Dino - 6 years ago
Shark didn't win!
pittsburghBoyz 25
pittsburghBoyz 25 - 6 years ago
The crocodile will win
Skogsalven B
Skogsalven B - 6 years ago
The shark won he says still the video only shows the croc biting the shark.
Desiree Macias
Desiree Macias - 6 years ago
Jbeast Cool
Jbeast Cool - 6 years ago
Andrew Gaming
Andrew Gaming - 6 years ago
fake. you bitch
Teeradon Saralumba
Teeradon Saralumba - 6 years ago
montray slasher
montray slasher - 6 years ago
The shark decuase biger and stronger
Creeper gamer zXz
Creeper gamer zXz - 6 years ago
It looks like that the shark win
get yer ya yas out
get yer ya yas out - 6 years ago
B.S. video
ZEPPELIN ZX-14 - 7 years ago
Worst production ever.
Lucas Roman
Lucas Roman - 7 years ago
Yes crocodile live in seawater crocodile sea
slime time
slime time - 7 years ago
Its like dinosaurs fighting...if u are a dinosaur fan.
Oberyn Martell
Oberyn Martell - 7 years ago
Awful video. Half cgi. The croc clearly is the victor shown but he says the shark won.
Vincent - 7 years ago
Crocodiles stay mostly on the shorelines and a fight tend to develop when there's war over food especially a big turtle. In such wars though crocodiles tend to win. Sharks mostly keep off
The Canine Nutritionist
The Canine Nutritionist - 7 years ago
I would honestly bet on the shark. Was any of this even real?
Lavar Ball
Lavar Ball - 7 years ago
Faker than WWE
Alrekrdwarf - 7 years ago
wtf is this shit?
ARK P - 7 years ago
It's hard to enjoy a video with those kindergarten boxes on the screen popping up at the end so lame
Daniel - 7 years ago
wtf is this cgi shit?
Salem Jado
Salem Jado - 7 years ago
dogeman 101
dogeman 101 - 7 years ago
How did the shark win the crocodile won it bit both sides of fins and then killed it did it just Come back to life
Shahrokh joudi
Shahrokh joudi - 7 years ago
JB KING SPLENDOR - 7 years ago
iori1391 - 7 years ago
Tom - 7 years ago
Is the death roll anything like a sausage roll? Say a Greggs sausage roll?
Laki Bts
Laki Bts - 7 years ago
Arrocha Sertanejo
Arrocha Sertanejo - 7 years ago
the shark win
Bawss Shiit
Bawss Shiit - 7 years ago
GmvMaster S
GmvMaster S - 7 years ago
I dint see who wins
GmvMaster S
GmvMaster S - 7 years ago
Shark is like a bully
Albert Wesker
Albert Wesker - 7 years ago
Both of these piece of shit monsters need to die off. Every year they attack and kill people. We need to form kill squads, and wipe these aggressive assholes off the face of the planet.
Mike Gomez
Mike Gomez - 7 years ago
And that's how Sharknado was created.. and then they became best friends
matthew mann
matthew mann - 7 years ago
This is in deep water so the Shark would have the full advantage of its superior swimming and maneuver abilities and full use of its bump and bite combo attacks
sńä kh
sńä kh - 7 years ago
Planet Video
Planet Video - 7 years ago
Unbelieve it...crocodille in the sea
tileformiles - 7 years ago
What is this, dungeons and dragons nature version?
MOHAMMAD ALI NAQVI - 7 years ago
i am fan of croc but i no shark won
Joshua Sonza
Joshua Sonza - 7 years ago
Crocodile still wins
RedX 1257
RedX 1257 - 7 years ago
My god this is so fake
Lil mama D
Lil mama D - 7 years ago
The crocodile won
Lil mama D
Lil mama D - 7 years ago
dodorolf - 7 years ago
Bossboy7865 - 7 years ago
How does small shark win a battle vs a big awesome crocodile
jitendr Singh r rajpurohit
jitendr Singh r rajpurohit - 7 years ago
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 7 years ago
JarmanVI And minecraf
JarmanVI And minecraf - 7 years ago
You call those crocs salt water crocodiles
Carlos Rod
Carlos Rod - 7 years ago
The crocodile won this fight anyone can see that..
Barry Alkire
Barry Alkire - 7 years ago
Totally generic. BUT there are some crocks that can live in fresh water and salt water.
Shaik Sapik
Shaik Sapik - 7 years ago
sk sapik
Antonio Leonard
Antonio Leonard - 7 years ago
This video sucked
Yank Star
Yank Star - 7 years ago
wtf is this XD
HD - 7 years ago
This cartoon is for little kids
Can. We. Reach. 22 millónSubs Crayfish
Can. We. Reach. 22 millónSubs Crayfish - 7 years ago
This shit is worse than NASA all this CGI shit people actually believe it
Marcos Mariscal
Marcos Mariscal - 7 years ago
Pito negro supremo
A-trey the rapper
A-trey the rapper - 7 years ago
Nigga are those animal face off clips
Ed Lu
Ed Lu - 7 years ago
Deepthic 1997
Deepthic 1997 - 7 years ago
Can a crocodile live in ocean water??
Prehistoric Creature
Prehistoric Creature - 6 years ago
Deepthic 1997 Yes it can but for too long. Only the Saltwater Crocodile can survive in both waters
Rei Velia
Rei Velia - 7 years ago
Crocodile is more stronger then a shark
UFO Saucer
UFO Saucer - 7 years ago
Best part of the video: outro music
Boss Verma
Boss Verma - 7 years ago
Boss verma
Alex The Shark Boi
Alex The Shark Boi - 7 years ago
No,my dick would win
Vault Boy don't give no fucks
Vault Boy don't give no fucks - 7 years ago
JJ Rocks
JJ Rocks - 7 years ago
Hew won
Asad khan
Asad khan - 7 years ago
stupid its fake
jerald moore
jerald moore - 7 years ago
White people shit
Omar Diaz
Omar Diaz - 7 years ago
Soooooooooo fakeeeeeeee where's bill
Musical Diary
Musical Diary - 7 years ago
Saltwater crocodile is stronger than a bull shark but not as strong as an great white
Prehistoric Creature
Prehistoric Creature - 6 years ago
Musical Diary U are totally Wrong. The saltwater crocodile can defeat A Great White
Pritish Dev VICKY
Pritish Dev VICKY - 7 years ago
Animated video
Pritish Dev VICKY
Pritish Dev VICKY - 7 years ago
Crocodile live in sea water how????
Hamza Ansari
Hamza Ansari - 7 years ago
Both are dangerous
quan talor
quan talor - 7 years ago
Getting a bonner
Mr. Sp00kz
Mr. Sp00kz - 7 years ago
This is what I am wondering where do saltwater crocodiles lay their eggs
SimonSaidNOTHIN - 7 years ago
didn't realize is stumbled into the fiction section
Daniel Rus
Daniel Rus - 7 years ago
The most interesting part is that the guy who posted this video is actually making money by uploading a fiasco of a video.
Spider Maaan
Spider Maaan - 7 years ago
Shark should win this fight
soumith reddy
soumith reddy - 7 years ago
Fake video
Jean Bordes
Jean Bordes - 7 years ago
On my opinion these two animals represent The Real(LACAN).
WARLORD - 7 years ago
nice edit :
Nathan .w
Nathan .w - 7 years ago
This is stolen from animal planet
Patrick Watson
Patrick Watson - 7 years ago
These are two separated videos the fight was from an old channel with computarized animal battles
utra nerd gamer
utra nerd gamer - 7 years ago
Jorge Avalos
Jorge Avalos - 7 years ago
Dumb ass shit
Lee Edwards
Lee Edwards - 7 years ago
Bull shit............. Fucking shit
reinald yohannes
reinald yohannes - 7 years ago
In salt water, it is not croc. Its Aligator. Aligator will easy to win. Aligator bit power 5000 psi. No 1 animal strongest bit power on eart. Even lion and shark only less than 500psi bit power.
War Machine
War Machine - 7 years ago
Do you think, I'm dumb
DeadKing LionGamz
DeadKing LionGamz - 7 years ago
Why does it look fake tho
DeadKing LionGamz
DeadKing LionGamz - 7 years ago
Crocodile will win big mouth
GO FOR A SWIM AT THE BEACH IN Darwin Australia the biggest crocs on earth love the surf yes the live in the sea as well
Ray Epps
Ray Epps - 7 years ago
Denis O Connor
Denis O Connor - 7 years ago
What a load of bollox
Potato Slayer
Potato Slayer - 7 years ago
Half of the coments on this vid is like: OMG CROCS LIVE IN SALT WATER!?!?0_0 Lol, how stupid are people
Genesis event10000
Genesis event10000 - 7 years ago
why do people keep reposting this stupid video? the same stupid animal versus animal fight that everyone hates because it's so unrealistic. you just reposted it and made it look like it was different by putting a real shark and crocodile in the water in select parts of the video. Clickbait.
Brent Tripp
Brent Tripp - 7 years ago
Fadil Macter
Fadil Macter - 7 years ago
Is this edited
Sumit Yadav
Sumit Yadav - 7 years ago
say. Deval. galeya
Ezekiel Turrecha
Ezekiel Turrecha - 7 years ago
It looks fake
Roberto Lopez
Roberto Lopez - 7 years ago
Pretty fake , but hey! Nice battle
Goodness Snakes
Goodness Snakes - 7 years ago
What a croc! Pieced-together footage of crocodiles and great whites with some really low-level CGI thrown in. None of the sharks that actually appear in a scene with a crocodile are great whites and much of the crocodile footage is from a well-known film of saltwater crocodiles catching fish in a freshwater spillway in Australia. B-O-G-U-S.
Samsung V Plus
Samsung V Plus - 7 years ago
hi lily campo from 0060136930549
625-й - 7 years ago
ну и чё, хто победил? немцы?
Hotdog Footlong
Hotdog Footlong - 7 years ago
Some fine bullshit you got there
American Nobody
American Nobody - 7 years ago
That was fucking stupid! Thanks!
Downfall - 7 years ago
Crocodile in seawater is debatable.
Amrit Lal
Amrit Lal - 7 years ago
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 7 years ago
J Dubb tha Warrior
J Dubb tha Warrior - 7 years ago
Great white shark would tear the crocodile apart
DeathZie - 7 years ago
Dude this is fake wtf u doing clickbait
Sinister 18
Sinister 18 - 7 years ago
Talk about fuckn. Click bait
Technical Support
Technical Support - 7 years ago
Kathy Jones
Kathy Jones - 7 years ago
Everyone knows that the crocodiles always won the shark
Manfred Kranz
Manfred Kranz - 7 years ago
Different scenes – 5 % reality, 90 % fake – very bad cuts = Bullshit
The_Undead_Meme 909
The_Undead_Meme 909 - 7 years ago
roseforyoubabe - 7 years ago
crocs cant kill healthy adult hippos.. in fact crocs fear hippos,, but a great white shark can easily kill a hippo
roseforyoubabe - 7 years ago
you do realize they were showing a croc vs a great white shark which can weigh up to 5.000 pounds more than 2 and a half times bigger then the heaviest crocs.. what a joke you people were conned...
roseforyoubabe - 7 years ago
first of all no croc has a chance against a great white shark...
Josh Martin Tolentino
Josh Martin Tolentino - 7 years ago
Tie .Because Shard died Now But Its not over The Croc Live In Habitat (He Will die Because His Habitat the same that Ocean He Only live in Seawater)Get it
kelly Taylor
kelly Taylor - 7 years ago
kelly Taylor
kelly Taylor - 7 years ago
kelly Taylor
kelly Taylor - 7 years ago
Kawaii Anime
Kawaii Anime - 7 years ago
The megalodon the biggest shark they are powerful
Overlord Born
Overlord Born - 7 years ago
Anime of the year.
Mahmoud The Other Guy
Mahmoud The Other Guy - 7 years ago
The background music is from a horror movie, the commentator talks about something that the footage doesn't show, very misleading.
trịnh quý Nbnnn
trịnh quý Nbnnn - 7 years ago
Phim hay
the promise man
the promise man - 7 years ago
Who the hell won ....
YOU WANT SUM CRACK!!?! - 7 years ago
Saltwater croc wins, bite off one pectoral fin, great white loses balance and speed turns upside down, Croc wins. Again, Croc bites off dorsal fin, shark loses balance and movement speed turns upside down, croc wins again. its simple CROCODILE WINS you great white fanboy's just accept it.
life squad gaming
life squad gaming - 7 years ago
youngsequan - 7 years ago
This is soooooo fake!!!!!!!!!
NZ1ATAAHUA - 7 years ago
Wtf did I just watch
Αρης Χαραλαμπους
Αρης Χαραλαμπους - 7 years ago
Gampang Prayogi
Gampang Prayogi - 7 years ago
James Sperry
James Sperry - 7 years ago
Looks fake and animated to me
RP, THE DON - 7 years ago
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Dominik Zdeb
Dominik Zdeb - 7 years ago
A croc would win this is animated but I want to see the biggest sal water croc vs great white
ninja frozr
ninja frozr - 7 years ago
GAMING ARENA - 7 years ago
Clearly fake...who would record their fight from that much near( sorry for bad English ) ..
Dan Dan
Dan Dan - 7 years ago
It's fake
thom ness
thom ness - 7 years ago
Crap...total fake
Draconicus the Reaper
Draconicus the Reaper - 7 years ago
a fight between these two creatures could go either way since a huge factor is where their fighting, how big are each of them compared to one another and what type of shark is fighting
Pavel .AoN
Pavel .AoN - 7 years ago
۰۹۱۶۶۹۰۳۱۹۳ محمودی
۰۹۱۶۶۹۰۳۱۹۳ محمودی - 7 years ago
ben the hawk
ben the hawk - 7 years ago
Fake af
Jocelyn Michaelis
Jocelyn Michaelis - 7 years ago
FAKE af!
Pooh Sea
Pooh Sea - 7 years ago
i win cause i am <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Philip Murray
Philip Murray - 7 years ago
fake news
Hector Sanchez
Hector Sanchez - 7 years ago
Megladon vs croc
harley davidson
harley davidson - 7 years ago
Saltwater and freshwater saltys are always Agro freshys are passive aggressive
King Panthera
King Panthera - 7 years ago
The shark would kill the crocodile
marc dewey
marc dewey - 7 years ago
Croc vs shark,ive often wondered about that.
Jackson Tankersley
Jackson Tankersley - 7 years ago
Fake news!
Nana Ina Mayhue
Nana Ina Mayhue - 7 years ago
Both die
Battlefield Veteran SA80
Battlefield Veteran SA80 - 7 years ago
What the fuck was that? The worst video I've ever watched
Chandra Alim
Chandra Alim - 7 years ago
Suro vs Boyo dadine Suroboyo wkwkkw
Cobra unit
Cobra unit - 7 years ago
It's funny how we men when faced with trouble in College, finances, work etc go to watch shark vs croc videos on youtube :D
Rich s
Rich s - 7 years ago
Jayr Abuda
Jayr Abuda - 7 years ago
its not real
Adeola kazeem
Adeola kazeem - 7 years ago
crocodiles are dangerous anyday, anytime. Every part of d animals is a fighting tool
Johnny Chacon
Johnny Chacon - 7 years ago
Fucking video, is just a stupid animation
ねこCat - 7 years ago
Am i the only one so incredibly amazed that theres such things as "saltwater crocodiles" im fucking in aw I literally clicked thinking this was clickbait
Chris Elmer
Chris Elmer - 7 years ago
Meanwhile in reality, real crocodile witnessed and filmed eating a shark. Fail!
rETarD yoU ArE ReTArd
rETarD yoU ArE ReTArd - 7 years ago
Ben Courage
Ben Courage - 7 years ago
Clickbait so you can get more clicks and views, losers
kan xue
kan xue - 7 years ago
animation? wtf.
sourabh adhikari
sourabh adhikari - 7 years ago
this is just an episode of old channel named animal faceoff in which the shark won at end.
WISH StormZ - 7 years ago
A salt water croc would beat a bull shark not come close to beating a great white it would either die or barely manage to escape, even with the tough skin the great white could fits it's shoe mouth on the croc top and bottom completely penetrating the whole bottom vulnerable part of a croc and they are faster and bigger well great whites are
Seasonal dark
Seasonal dark - 7 years ago
WISH StormZ Nah Salt Croc for the win they can hold breath for 2 hours the battle didn't show this...
Fatima Swaray
Fatima Swaray - 7 years ago
Why do I watch these when they give me so much anxiety
Rotchie Pineda
Rotchie Pineda - 7 years ago
ѕιpѕ тae
ѕιpѕ тae - 7 years ago
I didn't know alligators live in sea water..

Mind blown..
Kannan Mohan
Kannan Mohan - 7 years ago
Thats not a great white in the video. But u design great white in animation. Great white would smash the crocodile into the piece of shit.
Noblemann - 7 years ago
I don't want to sound like a trouble maker but seriously, where's the fight??
aarav agrawal
aarav agrawal - 7 years ago
crocodile pagal tha
Jd Dillard
Jd Dillard - 7 years ago
Fake news!
Philip Johnson
Philip Johnson - 7 years ago
Great fucking clickbait.
cm k
cm k - 7 years ago
Nya Exodus
Nya Exodus - 7 years ago
There are saltwater crocodiles nub.
Xsharknz - 7 years ago
The thumbnail is clickbait
peter crebbin
peter crebbin - 7 years ago
ship salvage
Hrishabh Sharma
Hrishabh Sharma - 7 years ago
How you make vedio they didn't eat you
El Hermano
El Hermano - 6 years ago
Hrishabh Sharma he came back with a amputated leg and arm
naufal juve
naufal juve - 7 years ago
Nice, it looks like The legend of "Surabaya" city, east Java, Indonesia. Sura (shark) vs Baya (croc)
sOmE tHinGhErE
sOmE tHinGhErE - 7 years ago
How the hell did a croc get in seawater? Because I'm pretttyyyy sure they live in saltwater. This is something I learned in elementary school.
dark flame
dark flame - 7 years ago
Loss af breath
CropsO’Fish - 7 years ago
Cpt. Jak
Cpt. Jak - 7 years ago
Terrible CGI.
oli ver
oli ver - 7 years ago
Try to vs a seagul. Sure croc lose
William Norrie
William Norrie - 7 years ago
DJGoogs2014 - 7 years ago
"The croc can't get a good grip" or so we are told, while the crocodile is floating calmly in the water. Don't swallow this (no pun intended).
5mnz7fg - 7 years ago
Fake Footage.
Zarah Mores
Zarah Mores - 7 years ago
Wow 2 thousands dislikes wow just "WOW" awesome then..
Ryan Sull
Ryan Sull - 7 years ago
Some crocodiles live in the sea.
Toolongforaname. - 7 years ago
So fake
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 7 years ago
This video is not fake! thanks for watching
Rossthe boss
Rossthe boss - 7 years ago
Nice clickbait
Luzitanium - 7 years ago
i believe that most of these programs provoke nature, making such scenes to record, by placing animals in such environments so that they can have a program.
Jz Pyro Basbacio
Jz Pyro Basbacio - 7 years ago
Are you dumb of course it can live in sea its an salt water crocodile genuis
5mnz7fg - 7 years ago
No, he or she is not far as dumb as you are unpolite. A salt water crocodile is called "salt water crocodile" beacause it can migrate through the open sea to other shores or islands. But it don't hunt during those migrations. Instead it actually fasts for months until having reached a new territory.
First Name
First Name - 7 years ago
I immediately came to the comments to see if this was clickbait
Franny_Boy - 7 years ago
This is obviously animal face off
Hayden M
Hayden M - 7 years ago
worst video ever
Avis Staten
Avis Staten - 7 years ago
Shark won
Mathew Lagendyk
Mathew Lagendyk - 7 years ago
The single most stupidest video i have seen on YouTube
Dwayne Ewasiuk
Dwayne Ewasiuk - 7 years ago
Amateurish childish titles. And the poor lackluster computer animation is not any better people. Awful narration as well. Not a whole lot of thought was put into this. Play by play: "And the crock goes into a death roll." (again) "And the shark bites back." "Then the shark goes into yet another death roll." "Then the shark bites back again." FFFF, can it get any worse than this? I won't even call this an attempt. I don't truly know what the hell to call this piece of shit.
susan james
susan james - 7 years ago
Fake one
MrCouchpotato001 - 7 years ago
Wait... so who won?
WildBITES - 7 years ago
Nice video but picture quality very poor
Πολύ ωραία υπέροχα
Rachel Henchliffe
Rachel Henchliffe - 7 years ago
Crocodiles can’t survive in sea water can they.
_ _
_ _ - 7 years ago
shark win
Wade Sharp
Wade Sharp - 7 years ago
Not impressed..Animated garbage
Tommy Dashed
Tommy Dashed - 7 years ago
It isn't fake. The stock footage didn't capture anything under water so they used computer animation to illustrate what it might look like.
Slimerss xo
Slimerss xo - 7 years ago
Im never going into sea water again!!!!
NAEEM JUTT - 7 years ago
Your Mom
Your Mom - 7 years ago
These are called sea rocks that bite you.
Rolando Cruz
Rolando Cruz - 7 years ago
This video is not amazing.
Rolando Cruz
Rolando Cruz - 7 years ago
This video is not amazing.
Jacqueline little
Jacqueline little - 7 years ago
Tristan Dalanon
Tristan Dalanon - 7 years ago
i now who will win mega shark sv crocoruse its a tie
J Ma
J Ma - 7 years ago
What in the shit is this? Put a real video dumb ass
ItzYoGirl Sarah
ItzYoGirl Sarah - 7 years ago
This video is very fake
Mario Cazares
Mario Cazares - 7 years ago
That's fake
PittsburghTroll - 7 years ago
Crocodile would win
PAUL HAMMERSLEY - 7 years ago
so many stupid people, leaving comment's, did none of you go to school,
xXnitrick_krossbladezXx - 7 years ago
You just cut off a scene
jo gaming
jo gaming - 7 years ago
Deepak Lahoti
Deepak Lahoti - 7 years ago
शार्क जीतेगी
Freddie Batista Jr.
Freddie Batista Jr. - 7 years ago
A full grown great white shark or killer whale would obliterate that croc!!!
BlueDune - 7 years ago
Waaaaait a second... Croc in seawater? Its like whale tryng to survive in swamp
shtonker8 - 7 years ago
rubbish vid!
Delishia Hollingsworth
Delishia Hollingsworth - 7 years ago
fake! misleading not real
abraham maldonado
abraham maldonado - 7 years ago
this shit.is fake
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 7 years ago
This is not fake! thanks for watching!
Black Caiman
Black Caiman - 7 years ago
comeon saltwater croc ,GET THE SHIT OUT OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ben Langlois
Ben Langlois - 7 years ago
Sean De Jager
Sean De Jager - 7 years ago
yes crocs do live and hunt in sea water..south africa north coast you will witness this daily..
Ankit Gurjar
Ankit Gurjar - 7 years ago
It looks like its animated
Merlin - 7 years ago
are you a fking moron ? you talk while using unrelated clips buahahaha what a fking idiot .. and in the end you use come cheap animations .. 2:01 and adding unrelated clips over and over .. what an unbelievably fking stupid clip from a retard .. see this is the reason why your country is in decline .. fking poor education system breeds fking retards .. cant even present a convincing case
Moin Khaan luck now sate dale gangs Moin Khan
Moin Khaan luck now sate dale gangs Moin Khan - 7 years ago
byju kk
byju kk - 7 years ago
graphics. why you people are fabricating stories?
Red panda Gaming
Red panda Gaming - 7 years ago
there are crocodiles that live in the ocean
Carolyn Sanchez
Carolyn Sanchez - 7 years ago
There's alligators and Crocs. Crocs can enter both waters like the bullshark
Paulo M
Paulo M - 7 years ago
Fake. Misleading...
Ram Mohit
Ram Mohit - 7 years ago
Juan Cruz Gutierrez
Juan Cruz Gutierrez - 7 years ago
Alguien español
Dane Pieterson
Dane Pieterson - 7 years ago
fake shit
marco lopez
marco lopez - 7 years ago
lol all if them is dead
Johnathan Bush
Johnathan Bush - 7 years ago
that was so corny omg
AQUARIUS29HOLLA - 7 years ago
Crocodile win sharks loose
CLASS *3* LEVIATHAN - 7 years ago
Completely crap and totally fake I've seen where the animation is from
christien monroe
christien monroe - 7 years ago
So fake
Herman Helmich
Herman Helmich - 7 years ago
ASMR Gamer
ASMR Gamer - 7 years ago
Terrible video
Lazer Beam 2.0
Lazer Beam 2.0 - 7 years ago
You can't see a thing
BLAZE GOBLEN - 7 years ago
This no I'm reporting this is animal abuse
juwan362 - 7 years ago
Elephants always got each other's back no matter what! Love the way they stand up against thier enemies together
Michael Dust
Michael Dust - 7 years ago
Nilesh Rahate
Nilesh Rahate - 7 years ago
Video is from Animal Fight Club
Marcello Frew
Marcello Frew - 7 years ago
This is fake af
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 7 years ago
This is not fake
Maria Salon
Maria Salon - 7 years ago
There are only salt water crocodiles in Australia
Alson - 7 years ago
Big Juice
Big Juice - 7 years ago
Cool footage fuckhead!!
ExpicTony Game's
ExpicTony Game's - 7 years ago
He said the shark won
Arismel Cruz
Arismel Cruz - 7 years ago
Robert Larson
Robert Larson - 7 years ago
how would we know u just made a video without have video? boy your shitty at this
Angel Garcia
Angel Garcia - 7 years ago
CHOCO FILIPINO 88 - 7 years ago
PENIS versus vagina. Who wins? Winner will fight against the fist.
Iman Haidar
Iman Haidar - 7 years ago
Iman Haidar
Iman Haidar - 7 years ago
The croc lives un a different kind off woter so its not posible to mean
TBNR BaddyPlayzZ
TBNR BaddyPlayzZ - 7 years ago
This is fake look at the graphics its fake
Shokhida Mirzakhidova
Shokhida Mirzakhidova - 7 years ago
So fake and lame
Funne - 7 years ago
Ricardō HD
Ricardō HD - 7 years ago
He said how did the shark win, yet the video shows how it lost.
Corrie Linnell
Corrie Linnell - 7 years ago
This video is a crock of shit! Thought I was going to watch an actual clip showing footage of an all out war. Instead, it's nothing but images from other clips and some desk jockey narrating it . . . gay!
Kristian Rolund
Kristian Rolund - 7 years ago
Crocodile wins
Baldev Raut
Baldev Raut - 7 years ago
no croc can beat a.megalodon
Ansel Williams
Ansel Williams - 7 years ago
fuck off with this fake shit
Mike Up
Mike Up - 7 years ago
if you wanna see something amazing. watch orca vs great white although there's no comparison between the two its cool to watch. orcas hunt in packs and are extremely intelligent.
Tío Turrón
Tío Turrón - 7 years ago
i dont expected something digital
Dewi Purwanti
Dewi Purwanti - 7 years ago
That fake
ros1tony - 7 years ago
if YOU watch this..... and you believe it... you are one ignorant human being.
Abdullah the king Barcelona
Abdullah the king Barcelona - 7 years ago
Leapord you are right
Abdullah the king Barcelona
Abdullah the king Barcelona - 7 years ago
German Dela Cruz Oncevay
German Dela Cruz Oncevay - 7 years ago
este video es una mierda no dejas ver completo el video chupame la pinga hijo de pita concha de tu madre cabron de mierda y metete el video a tu culo cabron ..
LAPirate - 7 years ago
I remember one time I saw a saltwater hamster attacking killer whales. I wish I had video of it but I'm not an lying BS artist like you so I don't....
El Hermano
El Hermano - 6 years ago
LAPirate saltwater hamsters are the top apex predators
Ariel K. Marte
Ariel K. Marte - 7 years ago
Very bad cartoon story!!!
V - 7 years ago
This is Fake video
Peter Purker
Peter Purker - 7 years ago
I love these people that dislike the video just because they expected a real fight. How are they gonna put a croc against a shark just to please people? Seriously, shame on you all.
Jiren Sama
Jiren Sama - 7 years ago
Whattt the fuckkk this is so falkeee
U wan sum fuk? lemme smash
U wan sum fuk? lemme smash - 7 years ago
atharva dixit no shit kid, go fap to minecraft porn
Twilight Sparkle
Twilight Sparkle - 7 years ago
I voted for the shark!
Marlon Conde
Marlon Conde - 7 years ago
What was the name of this program ? This used to pass in discovery channel , I watched every duel , yes its computerized but they study and make up everything as in the reality and in the end the computer with all the information simulates the fight
g.e. g.e.
g.e. g.e. - 7 years ago
Yes, people there are some crocs which live, or at least swim in salt water, they are called "salties" or salt water crocs.
Juaan nose
Juaan nose - 7 years ago
Lol fake
g.e. g.e.
g.e. g.e. - 7 years ago
The croc won NOT the shark
Sunnyvale Security
Sunnyvale Security - 6 years ago
The shark did. They cut the scene out
TrexyMagicMan300 - 6 years ago
Ronan you wish.
Ronan Nugent
Ronan Nugent - 6 years ago
g.e. g.e. well clearly not
Proto Skull
Proto Skull - 7 years ago
Is it a bull shark or great white?
jay genaille
jay genaille - 7 years ago
I never seen anything so fake
The World_Gaming Kcin
The World_Gaming Kcin - 7 years ago
That shark suck ! used great White will take down that croc
Evolved Evolved
Evolved Evolved - 7 years ago
There was a real crocodile battle with a shark in Adelaide River
Md Remon
Md Remon - 7 years ago
Crocodile win
Phim16com35 - 6 years ago
MOHAMMAD ALI NAQVI lion loses to tiger
Gerado Germodios
Gerado Germodios - 6 years ago
Md Remon no shark
CptLvl - 6 years ago
U wan sum fuk? lemme smash your bio is amazing
Wildman Samurai
Wildman Samurai - 6 years ago
MOHAMMAD ALI NAQVI - 7 years ago
two crocs are also not save in water with two sharks
John Montoya
John Montoya - 7 years ago
Shark Won.
MOHAMMAD ALI NAQVI - 7 years ago
gopal yadav
gopal yadav - 7 years ago
Gopal hii
gopal yadav
gopal yadav - 7 years ago
Md Remon hii
Moha78 ValFourre
Moha78 ValFourre - 7 years ago
Depends the shark
MOHAMMAD ALI NAQVI - 7 years ago
no have you seen animal face off
Wewe Gombell
Wewe Gombell - 7 years ago
Depends on who attacks first.
MOHAMMAD ALI NAQVI - 7 years ago
shark won
U wan sum fuk? lemme smash
U wan sum fuk? lemme smash - 7 years ago
You dumb kids are retarded, a great white's bite force isn't enough to break through a croc's hard scales so shut the fuck up and go to school dumbasses
Acelee74 - 7 years ago
no the shark won
J Dubb tha Warrior
J Dubb tha Warrior - 7 years ago
Md Remon Nope Great White Shark would tear any Croc apart
Motherland G n R School
Motherland G n R School - 7 years ago
Makayla Robinette
Makayla Robinette - 7 years ago
If a great white shark jumps out of the water like they do when there attacking a seal then the croc would be cut in half
U wan sum fuk? lemme smash
U wan sum fuk? lemme smash - 7 years ago
Makayla Robinette are you retarded? A great white shark's bite force isn't even enough to break through a crocodile's hard scales
Crumbs Vevo
Crumbs Vevo - 7 years ago
Mahamat Moussa
Mahamat Moussa - 7 years ago
Thomas Løkken
Thomas Løkken - 7 years ago
MY HOBBY IS SEX ! - 7 years ago
Elizabeth Rangel
Elizabeth Rangel - 7 years ago
comical_kid - 7 years ago
The crocodile should have won
Mohd Shuhaimi
Mohd Shuhaimi - 7 years ago
Not clear what happen....
Karim Shebeika
Karim Shebeika - 7 years ago
worst video on the internet
Clutch thug
Clutch thug - 7 years ago
There are only salt water crocodiles in Australia
Poparcea Sandu
Poparcea Sandu - 7 years ago
This is like mope.io lol
Yark JDO
Yark JDO - 7 years ago
Dónde está la música de Linkin Park?
John Tan
John Tan - 7 years ago
Total bullshit. Shark has super sonic senses can smell a drop of blood in 500m away. Swift faster swimmer than crocodile. And has more powerful bitting power compare to crocodile. With all the attribute more superior than a crocodile and you say the weaker crocodile win? Reflex how insufficent your basic knowledge is.
Alex The Shark Boi
Alex The Shark Boi - 7 years ago
U wan sum fuk? lemme smash You can't even say Tyrannosaurus Rex?
Spider watch
Spider watch - 7 years ago
John Tan Actually the crocodile has a more powerful bite look it up you fucking retard
U wan sum fuk? lemme smash
U wan sum fuk? lemme smash - 7 years ago
John Tan "more powerful bite force" you seem like a retard for saying those nonsense, crocs have the strongest bite force of all living animals which rivals the tyrannasaurus's bite force, the shark has lots of weaknesses too, you're probably a megalodon/great white shark fanboy
Tommy Dashed
Tommy Dashed - 7 years ago
John Tan Actually a croc bite generates over 16,000 newtons. Strongest bite ever measured. Crocodiles are also fighters and hunters/predators while sharks are only the latter. Sharks aren't ready for food that fights back.

Also I don't understand the relevance of the sharks superior olfactory senses.
Fabian Asensio
Fabian Asensio - 7 years ago
Philip Tran
Philip Tran - 7 years ago
I think I got clickbaited
RNB boosted
RNB boosted - 7 years ago
Fack asss
Donald Lile
Donald Lile - 7 years ago
news of the day
Clash Master
Clash Master - 7 years ago
Allll yallll stupid af who ever belive this
Best of Cats
Best of Cats - 7 years ago
yeah its so hard to beleive salt water live in sea well shark dont live in salty places well crocs to mabey the shark was put in their just kidding IS SO OVIUS ITS AN EDIT XD
Hidanna Lordis
Hidanna Lordis - 7 years ago
Suck's animated NOT official video
Spider- Boy
Spider- Boy - 7 years ago
It depends if the crocodile is bigger than the shark than the croc wins if the shark is bigger than the shark will win
WhitecatProject - 7 years ago
I came to the YouTube app just to dislike and report for misleading.
Elijah Jones
Elijah Jones - 7 years ago
hi it is so cool
Elijah Jones
Elijah Jones - 7 years ago
i love alligator so much
Robert Landry
Robert Landry - 7 years ago
Totally unreal!
FEDERICO InspoNews - News & Music Channel
FEDERICO InspoNews - News & Music Channel - 7 years ago
bs re edit nothing
Margaret Rahu
Margaret Rahu - 7 years ago
So many not same thing shots and computer animated FAKE FAKE FAKE
brett clark
brett clark - 7 years ago
this is fake half of video is fake the crocodile shallow water is true.. but great whie and croc is so fake
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 7 years ago
not fake!!!
Y-am- I-Lik-this
Y-am- I-Lik-this - 7 years ago
Ahh this is fake garinted
Cavaleiro Solitário
Cavaleiro Solitário - 7 years ago
Um tipo de CROCODILO que pode confrontar se com tubarão, é o crocodilo australiano,pois habita o mar também
Deo Abdurahman
Deo Abdurahman - 7 years ago
The fight is not real. Kind of 3d effect. Very misleading video
irism - 7 years ago
The legend of Surabaya
Brandon Myles
Brandon Myles - 7 years ago
Full of shit video
mike hawk
mike hawk - 7 years ago
Duck u
Jezza Wezza
Jezza Wezza - 7 years ago
What a croc o' shit!
George Mower
George Mower - 7 years ago
Good video
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 7 years ago
thanks :3
thepurple dolphin
thepurple dolphin - 7 years ago
Hobmonger 5
Hobmonger 5 - 7 years ago
CGI and stock footage from other nature shows. Very disappointing and unimpressive.
Aquaman dot com
Aquaman dot com - 7 years ago
this video is not true
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 7 years ago
why? thisvideo is true
Nya The lovely
Nya The lovely - 7 years ago
Its fake
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 7 years ago
Not fake! thanks for watching
Torris Smith Jr
Torris Smith Jr - 7 years ago
better win
T Awesome
T Awesome - 7 years ago
This is stupid they aren't even fighting it's a computer gay pice of crap
Wolf Pak
Wolf Pak - 7 years ago
I don't care who wins
Owais Wasseem
Owais Wasseem - 6 years ago
it's pink what does it say tell me please.
Ksg Krypoto
Ksg Krypoto - 7 years ago
Dilly Dally same
Wolf Pak
Wolf Pak - 7 years ago
Walter Prieto - read my lips asshole
Walter Prieto
Walter Prieto - 7 years ago
Dilly Dally paisajes
Nicholas Leoncini
Nicholas Leoncini - 7 years ago
llama lover
llama lover - 7 years ago
We all know this fake right._.
CrystalFury154 TM
CrystalFury154 TM - 7 years ago
Saltwater crock
LUCILA SARMIENTO - 7 years ago
croc win
Sugar Suicide
Sugar Suicide - 7 years ago
Crocodile would win
Ralph Sanchico
Ralph Sanchico - 7 years ago
Why did the narrator say the Sgark won but shows the croc having the upper hand in the end?
Seto KaibaX
Seto KaibaX - 6 years ago
It escaped with its life if it would have continued fighting the crocodile would have eaten him. When it comes to combat a shark is no match for a croc. So even though it lost the fight, it won cause he gets to live another day.
Alex The Shark Boi
Alex The Shark Boi - 7 years ago
Ralph Sanchico because they both died
#1 fan of decendents aka andy. k
#1 fan of decendents aka andy. k - 7 years ago
Ralph Sanchico it dumb
Zx Helly YT
Zx Helly YT - 7 years ago
Da heck animated
Ving3007 Nguyen
Ving3007 Nguyen - 7 years ago
this look fake
Garry Spruce
Garry Spruce - 7 years ago
not a real shar
rowel tividad
rowel tividad - 7 years ago
not real.dont fool the people.
Kawaii Cute
Kawaii Cute - 7 years ago
Lambretta Ramesh
Lambretta Ramesh - 7 years ago
Eduardo Hellboy
Eduardo Hellboy - 7 years ago
Video Mai's idiota que já vi
Camron Grimes
Camron Grimes - 7 years ago
Suck my dick crocodile
Titan Pengu
Titan Pengu - 7 years ago
Camron Grimes I'm 100% sure it will bite your dick off
[Na'Vi] Ditya Ra
[Na'Vi] Ditya Ra - 7 years ago
full edit
jim Haut
jim Haut - 7 years ago
Total BS, Why put this shit up KIKE!
Henry Sampson
Henry Sampson - 7 years ago
This was bad. Just bad
Dennis Whiter
Dennis Whiter - 7 years ago
Thomas Jörg
Thomas Jörg - 7 years ago
يلطيف ماخاف
Robert K
Robert K - 7 years ago
Antonio Lausin
Antonio Lausin - 7 years ago
the white shark never attack the front. up of the deep. if a white shar make a regular attack de crock are history
Zarita G
Zarita G - 7 years ago
Joe Parker
Joe Parker - 7 years ago
I have no clue who won that was it the shark or the croc?
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 7 years ago
not fake !
David Burdette
David Burdette - 7 years ago
Gaming With Maaz
Gaming With Maaz - 7 years ago
Oliwer Wallmark
Oliwer Wallmark - 7 years ago
Life of Crocodile its animated
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 7 years ago
not fake !
Razib and Razib
Razib and Razib - 7 years ago
Fucking animation... Mother fucker
Matt Lacdao
Matt Lacdao - 7 years ago
Can a shark really bite a crocodile?
Life of Crocodile
Life of Crocodile - 7 years ago
I think it is possible but with the thick skin of the crocodile, the bite can not hurt it

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