Video: Shark bite victim says he lands shark who bit him
Shark videos 9 years ago 303,796 views
Allen Engelman was in the ocean off Singer Island when bit on the hand by shark, Nov. 15, 2015. He returned to water the next day to fish off Ocean Reef Park, and he and his friends landed a shark.
10. comment for Video: Shark bite victim says he lands shark who bit him
Sit and masterbate? No you will chase him out, because it was your territory.
Same goes to the shark, you were in his territory, you bitch, respect the nature,
you motherless cunt.
20. comment for Video: Shark bite victim says he lands shark who bit him
30. comment for Video: Shark bite victim says he lands shark who bit him
He's a hero!
Regardless of whether that was the shark or not, who gives a fuck.
He's fishing, gets a catch and eats it.
It's not like he's hunting to kill it and then do nothing with it, fuck off ye plebs.
So you obviously believe it.
Lol no idiot, that's just him talking shit for the camera.
If you actually believed that then you're retarded.
50. comment for Video: Shark bite victim says he lands shark who bit him
-George Orwell in "Revenge is Sour", Tribune (1945-11-09)
Un idiota, triste.