Video: Shark bite victim says he lands shark who bit him

Allen Engelman was in the ocean off Singer Island when bit on the hand by shark, Nov. 15, 2015. He returned to water the next day to fish off Ocean Reef Park, and he and his friends landed a shark.

Video: Shark bite victim says he lands shark who bit him sentiment_very_dissatisfied 169

Shark videos 9 years ago 303,796 views

Allen Engelman was in the ocean off Singer Island when bit on the hand by shark, Nov. 15, 2015. He returned to water the next day to fish off Ocean Reef Park, and he and his friends landed a shark.

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Most popular comments
for Video: Shark bite victim says he lands shark who bit him

Comfortably Numb
Comfortably Numb - 8 years ago
Boo hoo you little bitch!!! You get 15 stitches and then need "revenge?" I wish the shark had bitten off your inbred neanderthal head, one less useless idiot.
Alexander Lenz
Alexander Lenz - 8 years ago
i hope the mother of the shark rape you next time when you are in the water!!!
DaPilks - 9 years ago
this is the nature of humans, we're shitty, destructive beings, and spirituality is the only thing that can help us see our savage nature... the average person doesnt even feel bad for running over a possum or a cat, and they KILL because something BIT him.... the shark saw the dude as a threat, but humans are too fuckin ignorant and stupid, and full of violence that most dont see it... everyone who reads this remember that spirituality is the key to being fully aware.. and no i dont mean be a fuckin christian, i mean be spiritual, mediate and clear your mind daily, feel other life, feel intent, love all, understand all that you can, be one with all, its what will bring our species foward, all were doing lately is digressing, but there is a push on it right now, so thats some good stuff
Titanic - 9 years ago
Why is this legal!? :( You were in the sharks territory and it saw you as prey and as a threat , so naturally it attacked you. And what the fuck do you do? You obviously track it down and kill it.
Remy Martin
Remy Martin - 9 years ago
this is why you dont marry your sister and then reproduce
Abhishek Mehta
Abhishek Mehta - 9 years ago
errr...what's there to glorify here ? Are we just proud that we have more brains than a fish ? Which we clearly don't in this case..male ego..nutjob
Carlos Leon
Carlos Leon - 9 years ago
Plain sad... and to know this guy is raising a kid :-/
SjefeNoverSjef - 9 years ago
Nice, he should have kicked the shark too. HAHAAHA
Intruder - 9 years ago
Aren't sharks endangered somehow; somebody preside a court session over this foolishness

10. comment for Video: Shark bite victim says he lands shark who bit him

Wagen Low Yi Khang
Wagen Low Yi Khang - 9 years ago
One random guy walks into your room, what you gonna do?
Sit and masterbate? No you will chase him out, because it was your territory.
Same goes to the shark, you were in his territory, you bitch, respect the nature,
you motherless cunt.
Gerard Halfyard
Gerard Halfyard - 9 years ago
Doesn't anyone go fishing anymore? He got bit then went fishing. No big deal really.
spykebaxter - 9 years ago
'An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.'
Morgan Scott Films
Morgan Scott Films - 9 years ago
Not that I'm taking any side but what is the difference between him killing and eating a shark and him killing and eating a cow?
Fibonacci - 9 years ago
hope his dad finds you next time.
Κωνσταντινος Τσαγκαρακης
Κωνσταντινος Τσαγκαρακης - 9 years ago
what an idiot..humanity in all his glory!
gomenaros - 9 years ago
Imagine if he got food poison and died after this :P
Das Meltorp
Das Meltorp - 9 years ago
Haha nice, even better to see the crying inbred shits below in the comments. xD
Scar - 9 years ago
WaFF1e - 9 years ago
I love how these retards are complaining when they're probably eating meat as we speak
Titanic - 9 years ago
+SuperMitch1995 You are so dumb.

20. comment for Video: Shark bite victim says he lands shark who bit him

Gray sama
Gray sama - 9 years ago
In case anyones wondering what type of people go to Hell, here's an example.
Magnus Kuhlmann
Magnus Kuhlmann - 9 years ago
Wonder what shark tastes like :-D
I know the concept of this sounds stupid but technically I don't see nothing wrong with it. The guy is obviously a fisherman and likes fish. So he ate the shark. There are people out there that do fish so they can eat the fish.
Intruder - 9 years ago
+JMillerSPEAKSOuT you a moron who cant think morals and ethics clearly
flora dozens
flora dozens - 9 years ago
i bet they use this same logic in life,how inhumane.
Hathaigarn - 9 years ago
where are your brain? Idiot
ปณพัชช์ ปัจจัยคุณธรรม
ปณพัชช์ ปัจจัยคุณธรรม - 9 years ago
What the hell!
Achraf Houila
Achraf Houila - 9 years ago
the shark had a big mistake he didn't eating people like you
V Chirasreshtha
V Chirasreshtha - 9 years ago
you and your family will die in a horridly way one day.
7Sniperz - 9 years ago
Nicolas Howald
Nicolas Howald - 9 years ago
Stupid and respectless jerk killing such an amazing animal because of a minor wound on his damn hand. As he is a surfer I thought he would respect the ocean and its inhabitants!

30. comment for Video: Shark bite victim says he lands shark who bit him

Berserker - 9 years ago
omg is that really true???? mike g is right!!
Friar Fook
Friar Fook - 9 years ago
what a cunt
Justin Smith
Justin Smith - 9 years ago
Fucking inbred rednecks
Kriszler - 9 years ago
Maybe this shark kill lot of people.
He's a hero!
Richy One
Richy One - 9 years ago
+Kriszler And you are a Cheap whore ,,
Darcizzle Offshore
Darcizzle Offshore - 9 years ago
SURFBUM, always in the meat!
TheLastRelapse - 9 years ago
Wow, you're such a tough guy. Go fuck yourself. I hope next time that sharks big brother get's more than just a bite out of your hand.
Helly Hood
Helly Hood - 9 years ago
Don't let this guy near yer pets.
EndlessHate - 9 years ago
Allen, why dont you just... die?
Gábor Szabó
Gábor Szabó - 9 years ago
pure redneck
Bakery Barf
Bakery Barf - 9 years ago
cool lol
RobinToTheBatCave - 9 years ago
i mean, if it's not an endangered species, caught outside of a protected area or marine reserve, it's technically allowed :| maybe familiarise yourselves with environmental laws before passing judgement on his character. not like he's going out drowning babies at the beach, but i suppose his motive of revenge is pretty stupid.
Empty 09
Empty 09 - 9 years ago
Lol so many people who are bitching about this.
Regardless of whether that was the shark or not, who gives a fuck.
He's fishing, gets a catch and eats it.
It's not like he's hunting to kill it and then do nothing with it, fuck off ye plebs.
Empty 09
Empty 09 - 9 years ago
+RMS Titanic 1912-2015 okay kid you're an actual retard, please fuck off now.
Titanic - 9 years ago
+Empty 09 You said: Regardless of whether that was the shark or not, who gives a fuck. 
So you obviously believe it.
Empty 09
Empty 09 - 9 years ago
+RMS Titanic 1912-2015
Lol no idiot, that's just him talking shit for the camera.
If you actually believed that then you're retarded.
Titanic - 9 years ago
+Empty 09 "He's fishing, gets a catch and eats it." You make it sound like he just caught a shark and decided to eat it. He fucking traced down a shark that bit him when he was surfing and killed it. That's what any normal person would do! :D
baseballbro915 - 9 years ago
Guess what asshole? Go surfing in their water and you might get bit. Great attitude there. Sadistic douchebag
Chen I Lu
Chen I Lu - 9 years ago
he is eating his own hand
Erra - 9 years ago
brain!!! pls give him some brain!!!
Bruno Guedes
Bruno Guedes - 9 years ago
You have surfers that looses an arm or leg and they dont get revenge,bu this Neandertal,for a bit on his hands wants REVENGE.What an asshole.
Juani Cabral
Juani Cabral - 9 years ago
fuck you
Ho Stevie!
Ho Stevie! - 9 years ago
It's probably not the same shark, but I would probably do the same thing!
mike g
mike g - 9 years ago
Poor baby got a few stitches, what a man child! You were surfing and a shark bit you so you are going to kill the first shark you catch? You are a fucking inbred idiot with no brains at all. Hope next time he takes the whole damn hand
mike g
mike g - 9 years ago
+Atheist American The chances of that being the exact same shark are extremely slim, those sharks are quite common in Florida. He killed the first shark he caught for "revenge".
Atheist American
Atheist American - 9 years ago
+mike g The shark is dead, I don't think its going to bite anyone anymore
wigwam69 - 9 years ago
Dumb idiot!

50. comment for Video: Shark bite victim says he lands shark who bit him

Cucu Ca
Cucu Ca - 9 years ago
I wish for him to be eaten by a shark as well - thing is the is a uglycoksucker, that is why that little shark just took a bite and right away it knew he tasted like shit!
waldiolsztyn - 9 years ago
This reporter is so amazing sexy... I would like to meet her :)
Isabelle Balázs
Isabelle Balázs - 9 years ago
Kein Tier hat sich je an einem Menschen gerächt -und der Hai hätte ihm nicht ein Haar gekrümmt, wäre der Surfer nicht in seinen Lebensraum eingedrungen. So traurig, dass manche Idioten, die in der Pubertät stecken geblieben sind, auch noch Aufmerksamkeit wollen für ihren Schwachsinn...
Matt Jones
Matt Jones - 9 years ago
"The whole idea of revenge and punishment is a childish day-dream. Properly speaking, there is no such thing as revenge. Revenge is an act which you want to commit when you are powerless and because you are powerless: as soon as the sense of impotence is removed, the desire evaporates also. "

-George Orwell in "Revenge is Sour", Tribune (1945-11-09)
Jason Rapozo
Jason Rapozo - 9 years ago
idiot!! how the fuck does he know that's the shark
grandchancellor - 9 years ago
+Jason Rapozo Yeah, what a fucking goose.
Alex Rubio
Alex Rubio - 9 years ago
Y quien te garantiza que es el mismo tiburón...? venganza contra un pobre animal, que verguenza.
Un idiota, triste.
Anthony Macaluso
Anthony Macaluso - 9 years ago
What a douche
pabliyolokiyo - 9 years ago
hell yea have a good meal !!

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