Video Shows Men Catching Shark Off Coast of North Carolina | ABC World News Tonight | ABC News

Anna Korman filmed as a fisherman hooked and eventually released the shark off Kill Devil Hills. Video Shows Men Catching Shark Off Coast of North Carolina. SUBSCRIBE for the latest news and updates from ABC News ► To read the full story and others, visit Watch more news stories from ABC News! Check out more ABC World News Tonight ► More animal attack stories from ABC News ► As beach season hits high gear this holiday weekend, some people in North Carolina are calling for beach closures amid a surge in shark attacks over the past month. There have been 11 shark attacks off the shores of the Carolinas this year, most in just the last three weeks. On Wednesday, a 68-year-old man was bitten by a shark off the coast of Ocracoke Island, North Carolina. The victim, identified by the hospital as Andrew Costello, was bitten on his left side in his lower leg and hip and on both his hands, Hyde County EMS Director Justin Gibbs told ABC News. --To read the full story and others, visit Follow ABC News across the web! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: See a compilation of ABC News' animal attack stories, featuring unbelievable scenes from shark attacks, animal training mistakes, encounters with bears, and animal attack survival tips for if you ever find yourself face-to-face with a ferocious animal. Watch all the drama of animal attacks on humans caught on tape. Learn how to survive a fight where it’s man versus wild, and see who walks away in these animal attacks caught on tape! ABC World News Tonight provides the American public the latest news and analysis of major events within our country as well as around the globe. With unparalleled resources ABC News and “World News” clarifies the day’s top stories, keeping viewers up to date and informed, every weekend night. Check out the award winning team of off-air reporters, correspondents, and producers of ABC World News Tonight weekend nights at 6:30 | 5:30c. Make ABC News your daily news outlet for breaking national and world news, broadcast video coverage, and exclusive interviews that will help you stay up to date on the events shaping our world. ABC News’ show roster has both leaders in daily evening and morning programming. Kick start your weekday mornings with news updates from Good Morning America (GMA) and Sundays with This Week with George Stephanopoulos. Get your evening fix with 20/20, Nightline, and ABC World News Tonight with David Muir. Head to for programming schedule and more information on ABC News.

Video Shows Men Catching Shark Off Coast of North Carolina | ABC World News Tonight | ABC News sentiment_very_dissatisfied 52

Shark videos 9 years ago 199,085 views

Anna Korman filmed as a fisherman hooked and eventually released the shark off Kill Devil Hills. Video Shows Men Catching Shark Off Coast of North Carolina. SUBSCRIBE for the latest news and updates from ABC News ► To read the full story and others, visit Watch more news stories from ABC News! Check out more ABC World News Tonight ► More animal attack stories from ABC News ► As beach season hits high gear this holiday weekend, some people in North Carolina are calling for beach closures amid a surge in shark attacks over the past month. There have been 11 shark attacks off the shores of the Carolinas this year, most in just the last three weeks. On Wednesday, a 68-year-old man was bitten by a shark off the coast of Ocracoke Island, North Carolina. The victim, identified by the hospital as Andrew Costello, was bitten on his left side in his lower leg and hip and on both his hands, Hyde County EMS Director Justin Gibbs told ABC News. --To read the full story and others, visit Follow ABC News across the web! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: See a compilation of ABC News' animal attack stories, featuring unbelievable scenes from shark attacks, animal training mistakes, encounters with bears, and animal attack survival tips for if you ever find yourself face-to-face with a ferocious animal. Watch all the drama of animal attacks on humans caught on tape. Learn how to survive a fight where it’s man versus wild, and see who walks away in these animal attacks caught on tape! ABC World News Tonight provides the American public the latest news and analysis of major events within our country as well as around the globe. With unparalleled resources ABC News and “World News” clarifies the day’s top stories, keeping viewers up to date and informed, every weekend night. Check out the award winning team of off-air reporters, correspondents, and producers of ABC World News Tonight weekend nights at 6:30 | 5:30c. Make ABC News your daily news outlet for breaking national and world news, broadcast video coverage, and exclusive interviews that will help you stay up to date on the events shaping our world. ABC News’ show roster has both leaders in daily evening and morning programming. Kick start your weekday mornings with news updates from Good Morning America (GMA) and Sundays with This Week with George Stephanopoulos. Get your evening fix with 20/20, Nightline, and ABC World News Tonight with David Muir. Head to for programming schedule and more information on ABC News.

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Most popular comments
for Video Shows Men Catching Shark Off Coast of North Carolina | ABC World News Tonight | ABC News

Charlie Ayala
Charlie Ayala - 7 years ago
10 bull sharks tf there was just 2
Anthony HT
Anthony HT - 7 years ago
Sharks attack us? We kill millions of shark, I'd say we are the real danger in the seas.
Wasp Man
Wasp Man - 8 years ago
sharks are not mind less killers
Jazmyn Robert
Jazmyn Robert - 9 years ago
I live in emerald isle north Carolina
Hypoluxo - 9 years ago
ys sharks do bite people, about 70 a yr but we kill 10,000 a year for shark fin soup, SOUP
Mike Jone
Mike Jone - 9 years ago
Pinja Ratilainen
Pinja Ratilainen - 9 years ago
How did i get from fall out boy to this
Zane Reifers
Zane Reifers - 9 years ago
thats a sand tiger shark, they never attack people
BDGaming - 9 years ago
I live in North Carolina and I shark fish a lot people are saying its cause they don't have food or they are to overpopulated it's not sharks constantly feed so they go we're the fish go and this year since it is hot as fuck fish are up in the shallows warming up so sharks are in the shallows too
Death is a reasonable option
Death is a reasonable option - 7 years ago
you shark fish?

10. comment for Video Shows Men Catching Shark Off Coast of North Carolina | ABC World News Tonight | ABC News

Big Mac
Big Mac - 9 years ago
EddieBee83 - 9 years ago
1:05  Why the hell would you fish on a kayak when you were originally on a boat?
Joseph Meko
Joseph Meko - 9 years ago
+EddieBee83 To make the filming of the attack look better for YouTube, And show people How stupid that guy really is LOL.
Aj Trap
Aj Trap - 9 years ago
I live in North Carolina and thank goodness I haven't been to the beach in 2 years
Minx Lynn
Minx Lynn - 9 years ago
I was planning to move to north Carolina uh nvm
michcrag53 - 9 years ago
Realize it's all whites
Peter Jones
Peter Jones - 9 years ago
Am I the only one who dont give two wanks for nature? Lets face no one does, not even green peace. They only protest to satisfy their own needs. They 'save' nature because it makes them proud of themselves as a person, not because they care about the animal. When the time comes between killing a shark to save their mothers, the answer is obvious. I say Established preservation zones in which animal roam free to their natural desires, outside that zone only the animals beneficial for humans should be kept. e.g. fish. other pointless animals such as sharks remain in the preservation zone. All other sharks outside the zone will be shot and killed, why? because there is simply no point, all it does is posing risk for humans
jippedo - 9 years ago
they forgot the easiest way to ward off shark attacks....don't go in the water.....stupids

these stories are so JAWS pt 1.....almost the same camera shots from the movie....they'll learn.....
reicirith - 9 years ago
Hope that shark that got hooked by the kayaker got that hook off.  Must not be fun swimming around with a fishing pole attached to your face.
Pocket full of pennies
Pocket full of pennies - 9 years ago
OMG. sharks live in the ocean?
tdappleman - 9 years ago
Its too bad there are stupid people out there. Why fish for young sharks and then drag them up for attention. Seriously.

20. comment for Video Shows Men Catching Shark Off Coast of North Carolina | ABC World News Tonight | ABC News

Elijah cesspoole
Elijah cesspoole - 9 years ago
The preserving of hsarks is directly or indirectly connected with the oxygen we breathe. Kill all the sharks is like killing ourselves. But then that seems like what we do as humans.
ZEROZA JNR - 9 years ago
Got to be stupid, go to beach after so many warnings lol
Wild Unknown
Wild Unknown - 9 years ago
I love how the shark warning poster is not on the side where people walk plus it looks like a boring ass notice... who is gonna read that... Why not post something with a shark drawing at the top.
iCanDoIt - 9 years ago
omg, people trespass natures territory and everybody's wondering how could that happen bla bla...dumb ass idiots
Beans Off Grid
Beans Off Grid - 9 years ago
They're starving to death. We have demolished their food supplies.
Pocket full of pennies
Pocket full of pennies - 9 years ago
Exactly!!! Now humans must pay!
TheVJProduction - 9 years ago
so people are shocked because there are sharks in the ocean? da fuk?
Prince Asim
Prince Asim - 9 years ago
+TheVJProduction No, the problem is, there has been almost ten shark attacks in the last month. That's not f-cking normal.
JOHNNY ROD KNOCK - 9 years ago
Always smear fish guts all over you, they hate that we
LISA SMITA - 9 years ago
I LOVE my jacuzzi!!
Mike Penisenormous
Mike Penisenormous - 9 years ago
Time to eliminate these things from our waters
Joseph Meko
Joseph Meko - 9 years ago
+Mike Penisenormous I Agree, get all these fucking people out of the Water so the Sharks can swim freely.
Mike Penisenormous
Mike Penisenormous - 9 years ago
BigNigel - 9 years ago
Then you're a dick.
Mike Penisenormous
Mike Penisenormous - 9 years ago
exactly, deep down i would like to see a species that has been around since the dinosaur become extinct. lol!
BigNigel - 9 years ago
+Mike Penisenormous "I said something stupid and ignorent and am getting called out for it so i'll say trolled to make people think i'm joking."* FTFY
Mike Penisenormous
Mike Penisenormous - 9 years ago
Pocket full of pennies
Pocket full of pennies - 9 years ago
Wow. Just wow. Pure ignorance.
BigNigel - 9 years ago
+Mike Penisenormous Not your waters mate.
Noah Makara
Noah Makara - 9 years ago
Good, it would be better that sharks eat us then we emptied the oceans by killing off them in one way or another.
Noah Makara
Noah Makara - 9 years ago
Agreed. humans are like a virus. Natural selection is too slow at thinning out the herd and pretty soon it won't matter who you are.
BigNigel - 9 years ago
+Noah Makara You're a horrible person and it would be better if we killed you off. Sharks are better than you, sharks don't discriminate against species because they aren't assholes, unlike you. Humans kill more Humans a year than sharks do, we should kill off humans to.

30. comment for Video Shows Men Catching Shark Off Coast of North Carolina | ABC World News Tonight | ABC News

Scott Payne
Scott Payne - 9 years ago
I bet that if people don't go into the water, sharks won't come up on the land?  Try to make a deal with them  :D
Alyssa A.
Alyssa A. - 9 years ago
Lol XD
DonD512 - 9 years ago
What kind of shark was it?
Jackson Garrett
Jackson Garrett - 9 years ago
It's still a sand tiger.
Jackson Garrett
Jackson Garrett - 9 years ago
+tittyfuckn It was a sand tiger. Not a lemon.
DonD512 - 9 years ago
+. RMX1181227 . Things an idiot would say
. RMX1181227 .
. RMX1181227 . - 9 years ago
Has fins, gills
. RMX1181227 .
. RMX1181227 . - 9 years ago
. RMX1181227 .
. RMX1181227 . - 9 years ago
The kind that bites
ricerust - 9 years ago
wtf y was that guy in a cayak fishing right next to his boat?
ricerust - 9 years ago
+Moncerrath Guadarrama
y you little
x_Starsleeper_x - 9 years ago
Why not little ceasers X3
ricerust - 9 years ago
u little +001GenLee
001GenLee - 9 years ago
+ricerust what kind of pizza, Pizza Hut? Yum!
ricerust - 9 years ago
+Hashed Prod.
y you little
Heavy Gauge
Heavy Gauge - 9 years ago
+ricerust can i call him a pizza man then?
ricerust - 9 years ago
+Hashed Prod.
a fukin pizza
Heavy Gauge
Heavy Gauge - 9 years ago
+ricerust a fucking shark
Edward Mora
Edward Mora - 9 years ago
After I just watched Zoo.
Byyoursideentombed - 9 years ago
If they want to swim, let them. If they're that concerned surely they can find a swimming pool instead....
ToeTagginq - 9 years ago
Anaconda Gamer
Anaconda Gamer - 9 years ago
Oh no now we have a problem with sharks probably since of all the climate.
Michael Naness
Michael Naness - 9 years ago
scary shit happy im not in north carolina!
Carl Terreros
Carl Terreros - 9 years ago
aloha friday,  just heard those macho S.E. Aussies are festing a six day surf comp. with over 300 participants,..a kind of "running of the sharks, will you". they have had two attacks in that area.   \\//,
Enlighten Ment
Enlighten Ment - 9 years ago
Humans just can't NOT fuck with nature.
Andrew Vigueria
Andrew Vigueria - 9 years ago
Dumb ass
Andrew Vigueria
Andrew Vigueria - 9 years ago
Are you stupid lol how are they "fucking" with nature. Fishing?
BosoxnationI972 - 9 years ago
+Enlighten Ment If stupidity was against the law, you would be a convicted felon.
BK201MXP - 9 years ago
Aw.  I love it when children have deep philosophical discussions. 
BigNigel - 9 years ago
And what you mean by "science has brainwashed your mind" is "You bring up some strong and reasonable points but i can't refute them in any way so i'm going to cop out of this argument like a right cunt."
Hades - 9 years ago
tell me is the tiger in tarzan bad for killing the apes? 
Hades - 9 years ago
nop disney movies has brainwashed your mind 
Enlighten Ment
Enlighten Ment - 9 years ago
Science has brainwashed your mind.
Hades - 9 years ago
he isn't inteligent even the most inteligents animals , delphins and apes they dont have consciousness, they dont have fear for dying they just react for the situacions 
BigNigel - 9 years ago
+Enlighten Ment What does intelligence have to do with the way you act? What makes you think that you are actually intelligent? You only know how to measure intelligence from a human perspective, not how to actually measure intelligence. And why does being born intelligent matter? You were born with the ability to fuck with nature but you clearly don't advocate that kind of behavior. Being born with the ability to do something doesn't mean that you should do it, otherwise everyone would be rapists, thieves and murderers.
Enlighten Ment
Enlighten Ment - 9 years ago
+hovis1st Because I was born with an intelligent mind so I'm not going to act like an animal. 
BigNigel - 9 years ago
+Enlighten Ment No, but that doesn't mean that we aren't allowed to act like the animals we are. Tell me why your standards of behavior are so superior? 
Enlighten Ment
Enlighten Ment - 9 years ago
+hovis1st So humans should do everything animals do because we aren't more intelligent then they are. 
Enlighten Ment
Enlighten Ment - 9 years ago
+BK201MXP How about you scroll pass my comment if you don't like it dickwad and my feelings weren't hurt. I was stating an observation. 
BK201MXP - 9 years ago
+Enlighten Ment Maybe you just shouldn't click on videos like this if you know your feelings are going to get hurt. Logic.
BigNigel - 9 years ago
+Enlighten Ment Why shouldn't he have fucked with it? Like i want a serious response to this because the shark would have fucked with a human or a fish. Would you scold the shark for catching a fish?
zoe - 9 years ago
they should've killed it
Hades - 9 years ago
+Enlighten Ment no swim anymore?
Enlighten Ment
Enlighten Ment - 9 years ago
+BK201MXP Bro he shouldn't have fucked with it in the first place.
BK201MXP - 9 years ago
+Enlighten Ment did you even watch the video? He returned the shark and the other guy didn't mean to catch it.
Jj Ll
Jj Ll - 9 years ago
And people still swim there!? Shit!

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