WOLF - Shark Attack (OFFICIAL VIDEO). Buy Now: http://smarturl.it/Wolf-DS-CMD Taken from the album "Devil Seed". Century Media Records 2014.

WOLF - Shark Attack (OFFICIAL VIDEO) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 143

Shark videos 10 years ago 299,313 views

WOLF - Shark Attack (OFFICIAL VIDEO). Buy Now: http://smarturl.it/Wolf-DS-CMD Taken from the album "Devil Seed". Century Media Records 2014.

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Most popular comments
for WOLF - Shark Attack (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

Zoltán Sztakó
Zoltán Sztakó - 7 years ago
METAL 4EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maidena Tonev
Maidena Tonev - 7 years ago
these guys sounds like a Metal church for me
Music lover
Music lover - 7 years ago
Splendid album in my collection, thanks for vid.
great iron fist
great iron fist - 7 years ago
I would beat the hell outta them skins. nice kit.
David Shaw
David Shaw - 7 years ago
Singer reminds me of singer from venom lol
Howard Jones
Howard Jones - 7 years ago
stop focusing on being shirtless assholes the band is awesome end of story
adriano rabolini
adriano rabolini - 7 years ago
dei mostri...penso una delle voci + belle e forti al mondo
rbagel55 - 8 years ago
I am just discovering this awesome band, I'm like a kid in the candy store. And I feel like an idiot because this band has been
out since 2004
Aleš Jíra
Aleš Jíra - 8 years ago
very best song

10. comment for WOLF - Shark Attack (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

Stoned Rider
Stoned Rider - 8 years ago
Speed metal forever !!
speed till trash !!
A Thrasher
A Thrasher - 7 years ago
It's not Speed Metal. Stop making me cringe please.
Filipe Amaral
Filipe Amaral - 8 years ago
Waiting for a new album and a proper tour. Best regards from Portugal.
Xavi Martinez
Xavi Martinez - 8 years ago
Wow I never heard of them before............ crazy good !!
Cecilia Pettersson
Cecilia Pettersson - 8 years ago
Älskar  låten ..så jäkla bra    tack  Wolf   <3
Bella Natas
Bella Natas - 8 years ago
Satan has 128 turds stuck in his teeth. Last I checked. Horns, Bill Z bub
kornfanatic2008 - 8 years ago
Shark Week!
Stoned Rider
Stoned Rider - 8 years ago
Oh putain que c'est bon a entendre !!
Continuer comme ça les gars !!
Mooseboy08 - 9 years ago
Fast cuts, fake "distressed film look" don't save this from being a big yawn. Move along people. Nothing to see here.
voodoolife - 9 years ago
Okay, this is bad ass!!!!
Totto Törnblom
Totto Törnblom - 9 years ago
Hell Yeah - Rickard!!! GRYMT BRA!

20. comment for WOLF - Shark Attack (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

Inna Hegg
Inna Hegg - 9 years ago
114 people are nab af
The Rageaholic
The Rageaholic - 9 years ago
We get it Niklas. You started working out and lost the beer gut.
You can put a shirt on, now.
Ryan Dewaele
Ryan Dewaele - 7 years ago
Awesome to see Räzor on a comment section
Akhamesh - 9 years ago
+The Rageaholic What are you talking about Razorfist. They don't make shirts in Scandinavia. Just ask Ensiferum.
DANILO22280 - 9 years ago
Timi T.
Timi T. - 9 years ago
Crazy voice!
BlackPhillip - 9 years ago
came across these guys by accident and cant stop listening.  awesome
Walker Gates
Walker Gates - 9 years ago
I'm not typically big on power metal, but this was awesome! Had this stuck in my head all day. SHAAAAAARK ATTAAAAAACKK!!!
Rodrigo MT
Rodrigo MT - 9 years ago
Raven >>>>>>>
Annette Thomson
Annette Thomson - 9 years ago
These guys have been doing this for years! They are fucking great!
8Biohazard5 - 9 years ago
why is this the first time i hear them. It kicks ass. Love this style.
matt gratton
matt gratton - 9 years ago
Very #ironmaiden style
..I love it!

30. comment for WOLF - Shark Attack (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

Z Rhett Akers
Z Rhett Akers - 9 years ago
The tempo is awesome. I can't wait until the metal steroids kick in and they turn it up to THRASH - They already sound like Motorhead, easy. That need for speed is going to kick in eventually... Double the speed on those drums, tailor the riffs... Oh wow, this band would sound glorious- They already sound glorious.
Chivas6 - 9 years ago
+Z Rhett Akers (Rhettskipooker the Bard) If they made the changes you suggested, they would basically be 3 Inches Of Blood lol.
inkaduelbee - 10 years ago
holy fuck.....let me say that again   HOLY FUCK. thank christ  or  satan,  who the fuck ever...thank the goddamn band..this is the best metal i have heard all year..maybe this decade..don't debate it with me either...Metal need this...smoked out brainzzz  says   kick ass Real metal.....yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Lars Marten høk
Lars Marten høk - 9 years ago
Sounds like most power metal but with different lyrics
Edward Dejesus
Edward Dejesus - 10 years ago
Rod Crispo
Rod Crispo - 10 years ago
just got this today, great stuff 80s vibe but not cheesy
bira_kahve - 10 years ago
Waw...shark attack...
Markus - 10 years ago
Is this parody??
Tomas Torres
Tomas Torres - 10 years ago
Great song!!
emmockladdie - 10 years ago
Whar's the sharks man!   Ace song anyway.
Kinga Vogels
Kinga Vogels - 10 years ago
Zajebisty głos ,świetny zespół♥
Szczepan Rudnicki
Szczepan Rudnicki - 10 years ago
somthing like Judas
Michaela Troxel
Michaela Troxel - 10 years ago
not too bad
fursov01 - 10 years ago
Почти ACCEPT! Молодцы! )
Ivan Pshenichnikov
Ivan Pshenichnikov - 10 years ago
что блджад я только что посмотрел
Eugene Martian
Eugene Martian - 10 years ago
Драйвово, мастерски, но тупо. И мне понравилось.
Brian OssY
Brian OssY - 10 years ago
Excellent !!! Efficace !!! StayRock !!!!
comicguitar - 10 years ago
These aren't the same "Wolf" as the dudes who did that "Edge of the world"-album back in the 80s, eh?
Lukas Mlynar
Lukas Mlynar - 10 years ago
Super /,,/
Vassilis Agopian
Vassilis Agopian - 10 years ago
Great band, great video...!!! And a greatest new album...!!! Hail to you, guys...!
KongoInSweden - 10 years ago
Really really really nice to hear and see the "old" Wolf is once again back. The album before this one was a real letdown IMHO.
Gergely Rácz
Gergely Rácz - 10 years ago
One of my favorite band. Niklas is great frontman, guitarist and songwriter!  And got better at singing! Got ripped too.  The whole band are genuine, friendly guys!  And if someone doesnt know, the band is 19 years old.

50. comment for WOLF - Shark Attack (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

Dead.Skin.Mask - 10 years ago
Wolf are easily the best band doing this style of classic heavy metal. 'The Black Flame' is one of my all-time favourite metal albums.
Tomas Torres
Tomas Torres - 9 years ago
+Dead.Skin.Mask my favorite is Evil Star, then The Black Flame
BlackPhillip - 9 years ago
+Dead.Skin.Mask couldnt agree more, its like old metal/rock but better
Mark Pozsar
Mark Pozsar - 9 years ago
+Hegster551 Is there A CLASSIC metal style??? Even 30 years ago there were dozens of different genres. THE CLASSIC METAL is a non-existant holy grail. This is what I find funny.
Hegster551 - 9 years ago
+Márk Pozsár How is it funny?? :O
Mark Pozsar
Mark Pozsar - 10 years ago
Classic. LOL
Philip Alexander Hassialis
Philip Alexander Hassialis - 10 years ago
Can't get the Judas Priest vibe people are talking about. Sure, the voice kinda reminds them but Wolf are not a new band, this is what, their 5th? 6th? album. They play classic heavy metal and if you listen to their previous material you see that they don't pull any JP at all - well JP are one of the creators of the classic NWOBHM formula so it depends on your definition on whether this is JP influenced or not. Their material so far is really straightforward with just a smidgeon of a hint of a touch of "modern" in there.

My only gripe with this song is the lack of a great guitar solo - but at less than 3 and a half minutes I guess it's ok :)
XMD-NW TV - 10 years ago
I can't see no Judas Priest but I for sure Hear METAL CHURCH
John Conti
John Conti - 10 years ago
Hearing Halford in the vocals...musically I was hearing more like motorhead meets maiden meets accept. My opinion...
Fastnbulbous - 10 years ago
ALL bands that play classic heavy metal have a Judas Priest vibe. They invented every damn classic metal vibe, so there's not way they can avoid the influence.
Metal Fan
Metal Fan - 10 years ago
Sorry but this is waaaaaayyy too Judas Priest to be regarded as sth impressive.........
MrMegaFredZeppelin - 10 years ago
metallord1972 - 10 years ago
The more I hear it......The more I fucking like it :)
광대의 봄날
광대의 봄날 - 10 years ago
wow!!!!!!!!!! fucking good!!!!!!!!
Александр П
Александр П - 10 years ago
пародия на Sixpounder чтоле?
Seiferalamsy1125 - 10 years ago
MetalJuggler - 10 years ago
One badass song. Cant wait for the album! From what ive heard so far this albums gonna beat the previous. Tho Ravenous reigns supreme. Maybe this one will be its badass equal
Truman Westberg
Truman Westberg - 10 years ago
Did he really need to be shirtless for this video?
Carolyne Belmont
Carolyne Belmont - 10 years ago
I have absolutely no issues with him being shirtless.... ;D
greekfreak1980 - 10 years ago
+Nick Vézina You see it's not that bad,when you accept it.
Nick Vézina
Nick Vézina - 10 years ago
Ok. I'll come clean with this and admit it. I like metal singers. Thanks dude. You really helped me through this.
greekfreak1980 - 10 years ago
+Nick Vézina Just accept your fetish and move on.
Nick Vézina
Nick Vézina - 10 years ago
+greekfreak1980 Look. I have a really hard time coming to terms with being aroused by metal singers. Leave me some time ok?
greekfreak1980 - 10 years ago
+Nick Vézina Dude,seriously,the shirtless one is not O.K. the other has too much leather,make up your mind.
Nick Vézina
Nick Vézina - 10 years ago
Come on... Halford scares me. Too much leather.
greekfreak1980 - 10 years ago
+Nick Vézina So you're arused by a shirtless guy and think it's not okay.Hmm... if you're aroused than you clearly like what you see,maybe it's time to consider an alternative lifstyle?Hey it worked for Rob Halford,soo....  ;-)
Nick Vézina
Nick Vézina - 10 years ago
+greekfreak1980 I am aroused and this is not okay. He should put on more clothes.
Dávid Borza
Dávid Borza - 10 years ago
True metal is not about the muscles! Very good music, I really like it!
KongoInSweden - 10 years ago
Shirt or no shirt, who really cares as long as they deliver great tunes :D
greekfreak1980 - 10 years ago
Why it's that a problem? Iggy Pop is shirtless all the time.Are you intimidated or maybe aroused? ;-)
Jone C Hoftun
Jone C Hoftun - 10 years ago
i think its his thing, he was shirtless when i saw them live back in May aswell
bristowboy20 - 10 years ago
"These guys eat pussy" isn't really an insult. Just saying.
RAVEX - 10 years ago
Would you like any hot sauce with that pussy?
Karla Evan Lee
Karla Evan Lee - 10 years ago
Hell yeah !
‎\☠/ (>_<) \☠/
Borja Sánchez Larrañaga
Borja Sánchez Larrañaga - 10 years ago
Buen tema!. Simple pero efectivo. Heavy metal del de verdad con regusto a Judas Priest pero con personalidad propia. Wolf, Ram, Bullet, Ghost , In solitude, Portrait, Grand Magus, Enforcer...etc. En Suecia tienen una gran generación de Heavy clásico.
Jim Kellogg
Jim Kellogg - 10 years ago
The music sounds great.  However, the lyrics are severely lacking.
1deepsixxx - 10 years ago
White Death Canis Lupus Farm Barn Blood Red
Codrut Nistor
Codrut Nistor - 10 years ago
Booooring.... :(
Allen Fuentes
Allen Fuentes - 10 years ago
it sounds like a judas priest song almost, lol, almost.......
pizza punk
pizza punk - 10 years ago
TheUnholy AsianDude666
TheUnholy AsianDude666 - 10 years ago
Blowjobs ;) mweheheh
El Maldito
El Maldito - 10 years ago
Simon Lindén
Simon Lindén - 10 years ago
Dad metal
M1sery - 10 years ago
this guys eat pussy
Thrasher1984 - 10 years ago
+MrWalloyd "No cats were harmed in the making of this video."
MrWalloyd - 10 years ago
Poor kittens, those guys should eat some vegetables instead.
Jodo (The Whore Hunter).
Jodo (The Whore Hunter). - 10 years ago
A man isn't a man who doesn't eat pussy.
Illuminaughty Facherson
Illuminaughty Facherson - 10 years ago

B=====> - -  -  -    *splat splat splat*
Corey Hilton
Corey Hilton - 10 years ago
fucking garbage
Akash Solomon
Akash Solomon - 9 years ago
+Corey Hilton You're filth, mate.
octopus art.net
octopus art.net - 10 years ago
hell yes
RustyR - 10 years ago
Is that a PRS?
WolfMetalTV - 10 years ago
No, it a Jarrell JZS-1.
protolexis - 10 years ago
The Preposterous Bard
The Preposterous Bard - 10 years ago
"Holy Shit!!!" - Dude on Airplane in MEGASHARK VS GIANT OCTUPUS
Tobias Saibot
Tobias Saibot - 10 years ago
Yeeaaah! new album from Wolf!!! the best band to preserve classic metal!!
nickthedick135 - 10 years ago
These old guys look like they can hang.
vashpuppy - 10 years ago
Wanna be Rob Hallford fan boy. This type of metal is old and once more gay. It was cool in the 80's. But let's face it your pissed because I'm right and you just don't want to admit it.
Johan Ljungberg
Johan Ljungberg - 10 years ago
Old is gold. There hasn't been a metal genre worth giving a shit about since 1990. Bunch of posers and angsty teens crowding the shitcore scene.
scope52005 - 10 years ago
English is obviously not their native tongue, Americans could never write a song this bad ass about sharks hahahaha 
Tim Crouch
Tim Crouch - 10 years ago
the barn makes no sense.  songwise, it's incredible.  heavy and powerful stuff! killer chorus.
Juan Carlos Ruiz
Juan Carlos Ruiz - 10 years ago
Amazing Wolf is back ! Arggg
Juan Carlos Ruiz
Juan Carlos Ruiz - 10 years ago
Amazing Wolf is back ! Arggg
Jeremiah Picard
Jeremiah Picard - 10 years ago
this song rocks
Mark Pozsar
Mark Pozsar - 10 years ago
Very similar to Judas Priest. The vocal especially. But great!
Robbie Rothengatter
Robbie Rothengatter - 10 years ago
first time I hear them. I`ll stick around for some more. good band
Noobsquadz - 10 years ago
Great song...the shark theme is kinda naff and fun. Mind you I saw none of the saw toothed predator in the vid unless it's the drummer.
Arctic Silver
Arctic Silver - 10 years ago
This is fucking gayer than Rob Halford getting fucked up the ass.
heavenmind - 10 years ago
+Slava Fox hahahahahah
Arctic Silver
Arctic Silver - 10 years ago
I'm pretty sure once you get butt fucked you instantly become a lesser man than any other.
ZeroCool_AcidBurn - 10 years ago
Halford is still more of a man than you are.
Geraldine Lancaster
Geraldine Lancaster - 10 years ago
Does a song all about sharks and then does the video in a fucking barn. WTF
Chris Jordan
Chris Jordan - 9 years ago
+Geraldine Lancaster You clearly haven't seen sharknado. Those fuckers can wind up anywhere!
Mark Scott
Mark Scott - 9 years ago
... That's how the shark gets you.... You'd never expect a shark attack in a barn,
Nicklas Sjödin
Nicklas Sjödin - 10 years ago
This is heavy metal! Fuck logic! 
Mark Torres
Mark Torres - 10 years ago
"Dude goddamn it, we said wear your black shirt for the music video"
"FUCK YOU!" takes off shirt
vashpuppy - 10 years ago
Josh A
Josh A - 10 years ago
He meant to say "I'm gay for Wolf"
Hampus Åberg
Hampus Åberg - 10 years ago
Good for you
William Lyle
William Lyle - 10 years ago
It has been a while since I've heard something as good as this.
OfficalRavoos - 10 years ago
This is fucking awsome \m/
Дмитрий Родионов
Дмитрий Родионов - 10 years ago
Travis Janot
Travis Janot - 10 years ago
True Metal For Real Bastards \,,/
Celestial Ode
Celestial Ode - 10 years ago
Hell yeah!!! Killer track & performance!
Progster0192 - 10 years ago
A cat could write better lyrics to be honest.
Mika Salinto
Mika Salinto - 7 years ago
Propably but would you listen to rap/hip hop/ rnb if lyrics were good (not that it would be possible)?
udo4accept - 10 years ago
killer tune!!! we need a LOT more like this from Wolf!!!!
Mohsen Fayyazi
Mohsen Fayyazi - 10 years ago
Their previous album was great but this one sounds even better!

100. comment for WOLF - Shark Attack (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

chris d
chris d - 10 years ago
Love this song and one amazing band
ddurkin11 - 10 years ago
Awesome !  wish the guitars were a bit clearer like in the past but still a killer tune

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The "WOLF - Shark Attack (OFFICIAL VIDEO)" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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