Watch Gameplay of Playstation VR's The Deep
Shark videos 10 years ago 2,439,692 views
For the first time see direct feed from the Project Morpheus shark attack experience The Deep.
Shark videos 10 years ago 2,439,692 views
For the first time see direct feed from the Project Morpheus shark attack experience The Deep.
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The "Watch Gameplay of Playstation VR's The Deep" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for Watch Gameplay of Playstation VR's The Deep
20. comment for Watch Gameplay of Playstation VR's The Deep
30. comment for Watch Gameplay of Playstation VR's The Deep
50. comment for Watch Gameplay of Playstation VR's The Deep
Deep Trouble.
So the idea of Megalodon swimming around you while catching slight glimpses of it scares me.
Yeah, might aswell go do a london heist, become batman and enlist in mech warfare, and also visit an alien planet with dinosaurs in real life.
100. comment for Watch Gameplay of Playstation VR's The Deep
You are a diver salvaging a shipwreck for some reason, something goes haywire on the surface and the wire snaps and the cage breaks. You have 60 min of air left. and you cut your arm in the fall. Blood in the water attracts sharks, you need to get to the ship and hide or somehow find air. Perhaps your boat was hijacked by Somali pirates and leave you stranded. But someone on board with radio contact is hiding and dumps extra scuba tanks for you to find like a trail while they are sailing away. I don't know, this is just from the top of my head. But thinking about it makes me want to play that game!
i tried at ToyR Us store. only problem with virtual boy was cartoon 8 bit graphic, no headtracking,very micro tiny field of view which can't sense the size of real life enviroment and objects. 2016 is different than 1995. Technology is HERE!
some games have just been gimmicky. Kinect didn't focus on good game play and look where it got them.
Thought that was obvious.
Depth on Steam
Ha try growing up with a nes lad
I need this game. Then I can scream about how it's incorrect that sharks would attack people.
(Also, I love how the included the fact that Great Whites fold back they're eyes whilst moving at high speeds).
If you haven't tried it, no amount of youtube videos will convince you, you just simply have to try it. Within about 10 seconds you'll get it.
Also, not all game shave to be "SHOOT THE ENEMIES!! LOLOLOL MLG!! MULTIPLAYER" to be good, you twat.
So one of the best selling consoles of all-time that had dozens of classic titles. Got it.
Hint: This isn't your grandpa's VR. Once you actually get to trial one you'll see, it's on a completely different level and any videos don't do it justice; the full 3D at 120hz is so immersive it's mind-altering. You can't gauge that from a Youtube video running at 25fps.
I'm a gamer in my early 40s, and the level of Oculus and Vive finally reached the point of realizing life-long dreams we gamers had for decades.
These aren't just 3D. 3D is but one element among many to achieve a heightened sense of "immersion", something we've been dreaming about for a life time.
You PS4 kiddies are so adorable. Your games look cute. The Wii would be proud
let me live my dream before I die....:-( :-[
This demo alone sold me on a PS4 & Morpheus and converted me back when i had a DK1. Don't let me down Sony....
But it still can be a possibility.
sounds like a digimon episode lol. kinda creepy.
Oddly same here.... I'm deathly afraid of sharks BUT it looks damn good
wonder if this will make it or it will fade away in time...
Yeah true :( lets just hope for the best!
Deez nuts...Ha! Got eemmm
sony playstation should create a game based in that song
where you could jump with Alicia Silverstone on three-dimensional
Ohhh they are the most delicious, yet the most expensive fish in my area :-) A good "Zander-meal" costs around 20 Euros ( 35 dollars) minimum ^^
Yep, they are.Zander for example attack everything when they have a nest.We don`t have that many species here in Germany that really attack or are able to hurt you :P No saltwater at all.
Take care
Divers have the biggest balls ever.My worst nightmare is that i dive and a carp or some furious animal appears right in front of my face :D
I saw a documentation here on youtube of a german biologist, that was diving in the amazon river to find new fish species.He eventually got out of the water when a red piranha crashed into his mask :D
PS: I am a fisherman, but afraid of fish :3 the biologist found a new species, indeed :-)
Shark: Sup?
So what you going to say when you see big giant sharks? oh help me Jesus? LOL
If they want immersion then let the gamer react they way they want to react. Isn't that more immersive? And this is not art. And if it is, not all art has swearing or needs it.
okay bro no stop I can't hahhahahahahaha
Of got no problem with swearing. But it's completely pointless and counter-productive. It's a game about scuba diving for christ sake. Comes across like a child trying to be cool. This is the kind of game that would help VR appeal to mainstream audiences like kids, parents and grandparents etc. You're taking something that's niche and making it more niche. Posssibly even dooming the tech before it began. Make the adult games later, first appeal to the widest audience possible. Videogames didn't become truly popular until Nintendo came around and focused on kids.
Looking at 1080p screens in front of your eyes is fairly different.
Yeah, you can use any headphones that will plug into the ps4.
Imagine fzero ×.×
If you grew up playing crash bandicoot and mgs 1 you'd be in awe of what technology can do nowadays.
But no.. all we get are snobby people(I'll not say kids) that criticize any game with good graphics.
Now I ain't a fanboy of any system, I just got started on hitman absolution on the x360( like what? 3 years late? lmao)
And I can honestly say IMO that the pc gamers are the worst!(by reading their comments)
Jesus Christ! Enjoy the games people! Have fun!! Please!
but yeah lets rule the world my man
see what I'm saying? and no I do not think serial killers are da bomb. but I do think gamers out there like us are the bomb. gamers in general are the bomb. we can rule the world mate!
With the actual generation of technology it's very possible to make some good graphics or a good experience.
does not compute
Lol I'm not scared of it (I don't think....I've been to the beach many times and never think twice about getting in the water).
Pardon the tangent I'm about to go off on here, but...
I'm personally throwing my chips in with the Oculus Rift (since I don't own any PS consoles), but from what I've been seeing with Markiplier & Jacksepticeye playing test games on the DK2 units, these respective peripherals (meaning the Rift & Morpheus) are certainly the next step in gaming.
What puzzles me more than anything, is why the fudge Nintendo has gotten so lax with pioneering new eras of gaming? They put themselves on the map with they released the NES, the world's first 8-bit home console with interchangeable games, and then again in 1996 with the release of Nintendo 64, where we finally made the leap from 2D side scrollers to 3D environments on the world's first 64-bit hardware.
To me, even then, it should have been painfully obvious that the next step wouldn't be a polished Nintendo 64 (which IMO, is basically what the GameCube was), but a truly immersive virtual reality experience. TRUE 3D, as it were.
But instead, we got a 128-bit console with a library of shitty games that only a select handful capitalized on the GameCube's capabilities, namely StarFox: Adventures, SW: Rogue Squadron 2 & Rebel Strike. The EA titles in particular looked hideous, such as F1 2002, MOH: Frontline & Rising Sun & NFS: Hot Pursuit 2. The graphics were blocky, framerate was choppy, sound & music was extremely conservative, and overall, the game looked no better than an N64 game with the Expansion Pak.
Then along came the Wii, with Nintendo jumping in arse over tit - rather than focus on making gaming visually more immersive, they instead focused on making it more physically immersive, which was obviously jumping the shark, since the immersive aspect of the Wii Remote would nevertheless be limited by the fact that players are still standing in front of a TV, and are fully aware of it.
Seems to me it would follow more logically to visually immerse the player, giving them a virtual environment first, then one could address means of interacting with that environment. (If you look at how Rift has developed, they've actually followed this pattern).
As if that weren't enough screw ups, Nintendo then chooses to repeat the N64/GC fiasco by releasing the Wii-U, which was nothing more than a glorified Wii with a more complicated controller setup.
Now, even on the eve of PC Gaming being changed forever with the Rift, and Sony quickly responding with the Morpheus, I can't help but think that unless Nintendo pulls something amazing out of their asses in the next 6 months, they'll have seen their last days in the gaming arena.
Sorry of the long post....I ramble....
Half the people here commenting would likely shit themselves if they actually played it.
Oh and btw I am not that big of a fan of virtual gaming or stuff like that. But that's totally just my opinion.
I grew up playing with pot in my parents grow room. Can we team up?
Every group has their idiots or assholes and we can't do much about it.
I have a PS4 and a PS3 before that but I made the choice to get a PC so I could play games without any real hardware limitation. I've always been a gamer who likes to get lost in these stories and worlds and I think each to their own on how they play but seriously one day give PC a go and you might be surprised at how cool it can be, and how many people own them without being PC master race twats. I mean I have games from my childhood on PC which I wouldn't have otherwise because the hardware doesn't exist anymore.
Oh and as for starting games late, I just bought Flashpoint red river... 4 years after release but its still great haha
Sorry if I'm being a pain. XD
I'm totally with you Brandon. Besides VR will be the future of the net. Soon we will browse the net in photorealistic 3d environments instead of staring at a screen. You just have to have the vision.
Everyone, you should get super excited, because this is the technology that will revolutionize so many things to come.
Think of it this way: VR (Oculus Rift) as of right now is like what the Internet was like back in the early 1990s. Guess what? People thought the internet back then was useless, slow, expensive, etc... But, give it some time with advancements in technology, and BAM! Look what the internet has become today! It will take a little time, but VR is here to stay, and so is the Oculus Rift.
plus you said this... "False. For $400 you can't make a PS4 outperforming PC. You can make one that can run some games on regular graphics. Pretty shitty against a PS4."
PC will always win on graphic and performance. You really make me want to do a new PC for $350 and watch it kill it.
Plus this one too... " Compare the price difference though. You're getting a lot more on the PS4 for a lower price :P" The time has change. The PC market is cheaper than the consoles and I could play the same games as you guys with ultra setting. shit, my 11 years old PC is running faster than ur PS4. Well, it time for me to change the video card tho. Im waiting for window 10 to come out with DX12. +JP2000 Gaming
+DaltoniusRexMusic The thing is, even though the PC might have the same or better hardware than a PS4 for $400, it still won't be enough for ultra graphics. The PS4 has all games optimized so it won't have frame drops.
just remember every sport or racing games is not demanding in power. just know it will not pass more that 1080p. the rest of the game is 900p x1080p or lower. and no... it wont play 4k games. not enough power. i might have to throw math at you.
False. For $400 you can't make a PS4 outperforming PC. You can make one that can run some games on regular graphics. Pretty shitty against a PS4.
Compare the price difference though. You're getting a lot more on the PS4 for a lower price :P
at fact im scared of oceans
mais ça reste joli.
1. How much will it cost
2. When will it come out
Probably 50 or 100 less than Oculus Rift
good, then buy it, or maybe you have one already since you talk like it's on the market already
i dont like minecraft but on this i would even play minecraft^^
jesus...really......go and buy the thing to play minecraft and be happy
I know, I didn't compare them I just mean this technology beats the other technology. Which means, if I had to choose between the two, I will go to Morpheus without even thinking about it.
the butthurt is strong in you padawan
Zero arguments, zero knowledge (it doesn't project a hologram in your bed, its an image over the lens, as the phones do already) gg
hololense plz
weird cause what you said applies actually on your comments more than on my comments, VR which actually exist vs AR who is not (as of today) as good as those CGI generated demos on the net are (being the only examples AR on phone devices which are really bad atm).Well played.
In my case, i say it assuming that the hololens work as the kinect does (which would eat any battery in a few minutes) , if it works better, then they should be releasing a kinect 4.0 first.
the current hololens are not that accurate so no, you move too fast, the hololens lose track of the shit's position of what it's drawing, maybe you will be right in 10 more years with the hololens 10.0, when the oculus rift will have 4k screens for both eyes.
BTW and just giving you a hint, AR is not capable of giving the 3d feeling the O.R. gives, not to this day at least (unless they release something new tomorrow)
it changes shit, it doesn't feel real at all, you can tell if you move your head fast (as it happens often) you lose that "realistic feel" (even tho it never feels like it,you can do the same with an android phone also) as that happens,which doesn't happen with something like oculus rift, who follows your head movements 1:1 in an enclosed enviroment, that is something that your brain can assume as something real more than any AR device will ever be able to do.
Btw i don't see that source saying why people say AR is better than VR (when it is clear here that people think otherwise)
wut....are you serious or was it a joke?
you don't even give arguments anyway
No one cares about hololens tho
maybe a few ratkids who want to play minecrarft over their beds...
please... take your kineckt and move it to somewhere, is the same thing, but hololens can move through the enviroment with you because they are.. lens... but it's the same AR, even android phones can do the same currently, there are AR games for kids that use those "my littlest pet shop" things, and you can move and all, so no, not new
i don't see what makes AR better than VR
also AR is old, just look at the kineckt, ps move or even the eye toy, AR has been there for long and no one really cares, but VR is a whole different story
but again, AR, not VR
Hololens is just AR, not VR
(and they took the idea from google)
all the console companies and many PC-oriented companies have been working on VR, Nintendo made the big step first and failed, but many others tried after that, there are a lot of VR devices on the market way before OR, Sony or MS started to play with it, the only thing that changed lately is that Oculus Rift made it more accessible, cheaper (no more 2kUSD VR devices, yay), faster, and accurate, and THAT made everyone change their mind about VR gaming.
MS tried to orient it to other paths but they are changing their minds now, btw Hololence has nothing to do with VR.
kinect stole off ps2 eye toy
Also, VB did make it to home use, but it failed.
Btw, Sony stole this off Oculus Rift...
also, it would be "they're stealing"
... but who am I to say, I'm just a YouTube commentor. :(
i.e. will the player/wearer be the only one seeing what is happening or will/can their view also be displayed on a TV?
I'm afraid to say miss, but we pretty much fucking are.