Whale Protects Diver From Nearby Shark

ID: 1461386 This is the heart-stopping moment when a giant, 50,000-pound humpback whale took it upon itself to push an unsuspecting snorkeler through the water, looking to protect her from a nearby SHARK. The stunning video and images Nan Hauser and her team were able to capture - including point-of-view footage - show how the whale pushed whale biologist Nan with his head and his mouth, tucked her under its pectoral fin - even lifted the biologist out of the water on one occasion. The moment, Nan, 63, said, is perhaps proof of whale's intuitive nature to protect other species of animal - including humans - something she believes has never been captured on film, and intuition the biologist compared to firemen being willing to rush into a house on fire to help save the lives of those they do not know. **To use or license this video please contact Licensing@catersnews.com** Company Information: Caters Clips is owned and operated by Caters News Agency Ltd, an international multimedia content provider. We supply news, picture, video and feature stories to the world’s largest media publishers. All videos aired on this channel have been licensed from their rightful owners. For media / licensing / broadcast usages, please contact Licensing@catersnews.com www.catersnews.com Connect with Caters: Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Caters_News Like our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CatersTV Visit our website: https://www.catersnews.com

Whale Protects Diver From Nearby Shark sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7619

Shark videos 7 years ago 7,865,828 views

ID: 1461386 This is the heart-stopping moment when a giant, 50,000-pound humpback whale took it upon itself to push an unsuspecting snorkeler through the water, looking to protect her from a nearby SHARK. The stunning video and images Nan Hauser and her team were able to capture - including point-of-view footage - show how the whale pushed whale biologist Nan with his head and his mouth, tucked her under its pectoral fin - even lifted the biologist out of the water on one occasion. The moment, Nan, 63, said, is perhaps proof of whale's intuitive nature to protect other species of animal - including humans - something she believes has never been captured on film, and intuition the biologist compared to firemen being willing to rush into a house on fire to help save the lives of those they do not know. **To use or license this video please contact Licensing@catersnews.com** Company Information: Caters Clips is owned and operated by Caters News Agency Ltd, an international multimedia content provider. We supply news, picture, video and feature stories to the world’s largest media publishers. All videos aired on this channel have been licensed from their rightful owners. For media / licensing / broadcast usages, please contact Licensing@catersnews.com www.catersnews.com Connect with Caters: Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Caters_News Like our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CatersTV Visit our website: https://www.catersnews.com

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Most popular comments
for Whale Protects Diver From Nearby Shark

老龙 - 7 years ago
Too cool
Kiffer MLG Gaming.
Kiffer MLG Gaming. - 7 years ago
Then there's Japan trying to KILL all of these animals. FUCK YOU
pinkgalah - 7 years ago
Yeah sure everyone in the comments below where there and experienced the whole thing. And saw that there was no shark with only 2 angles of the situation and less than 3 mnts of footage and no marinelife experience whatsoever. Call me naive but you guys are being jerks about it.
Jackson Vang
Jackson Vang - 7 years ago
I unsubscribe you for lying and also 10 of my members
baca350 Piotr
baca350 Piotr - 7 years ago
Szukają sobie bidy.
Texas Plinking
Texas Plinking - 7 years ago
Shark appears at 2:59
Darrion Haynes
Darrion Haynes - 7 years ago
click Bait
Gabriel Jude
Gabriel Jude - 7 years ago
I'm calling BS on the shark
Melluns 07
Melluns 07 - 7 years ago
Shit lol looks like the whale almost took you out. As an SSI open water diver I would be more scared with this whale in the water over a shark. On hit from those fins could be fatal.

10. comment for Whale Protects Diver From Nearby Shark

aboomination - 7 years ago
Who cares about the seemingly absent shark? Wow! <3
Carguy 2204
Carguy 2204 - 7 years ago
And the comments on YouTube seem like they are all made by 13 year old toxic call of duty fans..
Carguy 2204
Carguy 2204 - 7 years ago
I still think it was awesome.. idk why all the diving videos involving wildlife on YouTube get down voted so much.. the shark was either not seen on camera or someone stole the video and uploaded clickbait.. either way the whale is beautiful and that would be amazing.. I'm liking it!
Bella Brooks
Bella Brooks - 7 years ago
Richard B
Richard B - 7 years ago
shes still alive, very disappointing!
War Hammer
War Hammer - 7 years ago
Sneaky Sharky
Heather chavez
Heather chavez - 7 years ago
what's funniest most people don't know what that whales do stuff like save people and also have time of vengeance. did you know that Moby Dick was based on a true story ,that happened in Nantucket around the time of the whale oil industry! go look it up people it's fascinating Whales can be nice and can really make you have a terrible time if you mess with them. as for this video I do not see a shark I know they have done stuff like this before but if there was a shark you probably should have shown it.
Harambe ,the horny gorilla
Harambe ,the horny gorilla - 7 years ago
Stealth shark nearby.
Scott M
Scott M - 7 years ago
Click baiting cunt.
TaNe Ducki
TaNe Ducki - 7 years ago
Sorry viewers, but the shark was in another ocean...

20. comment for Whale Protects Diver From Nearby Shark

Mike Molyneux
Mike Molyneux - 7 years ago
That shark has the #bestwhalesuitever
Cool Breeze
Cool Breeze - 7 years ago
That's a whale of a tale.
EnderBoyPro2 safa
EnderBoyPro2 safa - 7 years ago
Guys even if sharks are biting us Don't kill them what if our next generation doesn't get to see them? these beautiful should be cared.
SIKU Jacob
SIKU Jacob - 7 years ago
Once in a lifetime man. YOLO
Anto - 7 years ago
fuck off u dirty cunt whoever uploaded this video
DopeyCat Gaming
DopeyCat Gaming - 7 years ago
Or mabye it wanted company
Matthew Piggy
Matthew Piggy - 7 years ago
Did anyone else see the Ghost Shark?
Mad Wooolves
Mad Wooolves - 7 years ago
This shark was wearing an Invisibilitycloak, right?
Unicorn Tv
Unicorn Tv - 7 years ago
I want too!!! :c
He officially has a pet whale :/
CGizzle - 7 years ago
Where is the shark!!!!!

30. comment for Whale Protects Diver From Nearby Shark

Rick Noyb
Rick Noyb - 7 years ago
Fairly sure she's violating federal sea mammal anti-harassment laws, yes it's cute to play with a whale, but if every one did it....
ewhbass - 7 years ago
Give me back my view.
Nikko Alarba
Nikko Alarba - 7 years ago
The boat saves them from the shark!
WretchedWacko - 7 years ago
When I think of whale I get terrified but this makes me less scared that's cool
Deziel606, Deziel060 And Deziel666
Deziel606, Deziel060 And Deziel666 - 7 years ago
quality bleach
quality bleach - 7 years ago
Sharks can now use active camouflage
jungshook with jams
jungshook with jams - 7 years ago
Welp shitam i going blind or what? >.>
yussuq madiq
yussuq madiq - 7 years ago
Whale's have a moral foundation? But it is not a Christian.
Michael Bryant
Michael Bryant - 7 years ago
Later that same whale went to the divers home and killed his wife and kids.
victor hugo lucio gomes
victor hugo lucio gomes - 7 years ago
Beaultiful video, dislike because of the misleading title.
JusticeTamer - 7 years ago
2:32 shark in video
The Red Panda
The Red Panda - 7 years ago
I have a strong case of Thalassophobia, but seing this makes me happy to see that the ocean's giants are at least on our side
B.J.O Productions
B.J.O Productions - 7 years ago
For all you blind fucking retards in the comments saying there is no shark look at 1:08 top right corner and 2:24 you bunch of stupid cunts
Robert Moss
Robert Moss - 7 years ago
Aria NZ
Aria NZ - 7 years ago
Such a beautiful video what's the point of the clickbait?
marvin gray
marvin gray - 7 years ago
Plot twist: the whale was running from him
X3R0 M4R1N3
X3R0 M4R1N3 - 7 years ago
Watch to the end you'll then find that the divers saw the shark. But it is not in the video.
GamingXPrō YT GXP
GamingXPrō YT GXP - 7 years ago
Lane7Killah - 7 years ago
Dumb haoles, the whale ain’t protecting shit because the shark wouldn’t hurt you in he first place
lamebubblesflysohigh - 7 years ago
ok I've seen the shark but where is the whale?

50. comment for Whale Protects Diver From Nearby Shark

vikas hussain
vikas hussain - 7 years ago
Dale Edwards
Dale Edwards - 7 years ago
I believe you could have just had a video of the whale doing that with the diver and gotten just as many views but you had to do click bait.
Tea Addict
Tea Addict - 7 years ago
I'm weak, I would scream
Saif Alhammadi
Saif Alhammadi - 7 years ago
Invisible shark
iby matillano
iby matillano - 7 years ago
The whale is so cute
Fuyu Loves Scootaloo
Fuyu Loves Scootaloo - 7 years ago
The whale looked so calm and curious.
PlanetJigobotTV - 7 years ago
Bluenose352 - 7 years ago
Pretty impressive encounter with a Humpback.
MAZMESZAROS - 7 years ago
Hate people that think it’s fun to hassle animals, for their own pleasure.
Asher Soo
Asher Soo - 7 years ago
i dont see no shark
President Cater
President Cater - 7 years ago
suzuki..... shoulda known...
Ed - 7 years ago
I didn't see a fen shark
KinGaming- YT
KinGaming- YT - 7 years ago
the A team
the A team - 7 years ago
Omg I saw the shark how did u not it was to the left IT WAS 2 CENTAMETERS long if u watched this video its click bait
iMacsMusic - 7 years ago
Instead of lying about the shark they should have bragged about the fact that they rode a fucking whale at 1:40 lmao
HigherPlanes - 7 years ago
nice click bait
paul Cooney
paul Cooney - 7 years ago
Read the description the whale was pushing the driver away from the shark
Enufim - 7 years ago
Thats a big shark but wheres the whale?
nameless_ gamerrr
nameless_ gamerrr - 7 years ago
The shark was wearing camo
hakimi rahim
hakimi rahim - 7 years ago
My question where the shark?
Engie T
Engie T - 7 years ago
Wow! The whale is doing such a great job! lol that shark got scared away before it even came on camera!
ramivalencia - 7 years ago
You know what really saved that diver? Deez Nutz.
Letty Carlo
Letty Carlo - 7 years ago
How dis the whale safe the diver?
Proxy Seven
Proxy Seven - 7 years ago
Shark or not, it must've been amazing to have been on top of that whale as it breached the water with you on it.
Pool Water
Pool Water - 7 years ago
I have a really bad fear of whales and large undersea creatures in general. It's not really a fear of what they could do to me, since I know whales are very friendly and intelligent creatures, it's just the massive size that gives me anxiety. This video however is very sweet, that whale looked friendly and made me kinda want to pet one... With safety equipment and a crew to help me if I start having a panic attack that is ^^' <3
Owen Kaska
Owen Kaska - 7 years ago
I want my 3 min of life back
Ken Trinanes
Ken Trinanes - 7 years ago
I din't see the shark
Ankit Rajput
Ankit Rajput - 7 years ago
Motherfucker where is the shark
Jeremy Walker
Jeremy Walker - 7 years ago
Cool video... no need for click-bait
Kyle Jones
Kyle Jones - 7 years ago
O:43 I swear to god there was writing on that whales lip!!
Alex Melis
Alex Melis - 7 years ago
Anyone else see "Ho" written on the whale at 0:50?
Gdcd Gdcd
Gdcd Gdcd - 7 years ago
Awesome video!!!!
Jake jovan gaming studio
Jake jovan gaming studio - 7 years ago
roses are red violets are blue

u clickbated me
so did you?
flyingeagle357 - 7 years ago
One day i'll get my hands on a youtube clickbaiter and kill him.
•ɱąŗę ɓęąŗ•
•ɱąŗę ɓęąŗ• - 7 years ago
Whales are such beautiful and docile creatures, it’s amazing she had such a touching experience with the big guy <3
What I’d do to be in that exact situation. The whale seemed so infatuated with her. That’s so crazy.
Kikifeisty - 7 years ago
What the heck? Was he/she walking or standing on top the whale? Wow.
Let's get 1000 subscribers without videos!!!!
Let's get 1000 subscribers without videos!!!! - 7 years ago
The whale is beautiful
Parker Coffer
Parker Coffer - 7 years ago
Click bait
BJB - 7 years ago
wish I could down vote more
NJS1346 - 7 years ago
Never thought I would see a whale playing with a diver.
Krishna Mohan
Krishna Mohan - 7 years ago
This video is awesome enough on its own, you don't need to stoop to clickbaits.
dim sum
dim sum - 7 years ago
Giant triggerfish is actually more likely to bite than any shark..
The Mastema
The Mastema - 7 years ago
Amazing video never saw a shark using camoflage from the fucking water, new tech available at amazon!
gumelini1 - 7 years ago
No shark was hurt during filming of this clickbait video
Jp Bm
Jp Bm - 7 years ago
What an amazing animal.
Bebom Basar
Bebom Basar - 7 years ago
liars ..disliked
Hunter mcquaid
Hunter mcquaid - 7 years ago
You love the whale? What a wack job
Hurbii - 7 years ago
would've gotten a million likes if the title wasn't clickbait haha
Christy Dunlap
Christy Dunlap - 7 years ago
Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it's not there. Damn. I for one wouldn't swim in front of a big ass whale and I doubt a diver would either. I've watched a lot of videos with diets and whales and this is the first I've seen that a diver was in front of a whale like that. I don't think she INTENTIONALLY DID THAT. you people are out of control. What you didn't see her get attacked or almost get attacked so it's clickbait? Give me a break. None of you would have the balls to do what she did anyway so shut up and just try enjoying the damn video instead of running your fat fucking mouths
Sir Larselot
Sir Larselot - 7 years ago
Yeah, there are possibly sharks in this sea but they were all far away in holidays on this day. But this peaceful whale is great.

100. comment for Whale Protects Diver From Nearby Shark

Zeo Animations
Zeo Animations - 7 years ago
It’s ok the shark drowned
Sean McDonald
Sean McDonald - 7 years ago
I never put it together but being as big as they are, whales have pretty big brains, so they must be pretty smart.
Danny Boyle
Danny Boyle - 7 years ago
Where the fuck is the aggressive shark?
Francisco J. Mendez
Francisco J. Mendez - 7 years ago
Title should’ve been there once was a big ass whale.
duy huynh
duy huynh - 7 years ago
This is why i love whales , there the most beautiful creature in the water! ( my opinion)
Jules Van Remoortere
Jules Van Remoortere - 7 years ago
Why all these dislikes? It was a really good video
LasT 5
LasT 5 - 7 years ago
I was waiting for the whale to swollow him/her
s lee
s lee - 7 years ago
Fake news
Kathy Hosking
Kathy Hosking - 7 years ago
Honolulu101 - 7 years ago
You should’ve been dragged at the bottom of the ocean for writing a title that was meant to be a clickbait.....jk. Not really. :)
The Anapiel
The Anapiel - 7 years ago
That's an amazing sight. He seem to enjoy himself around you guys aswell. Awesome!
Matt Tosi
Matt Tosi - 7 years ago
Actually it’s illegal to jump off a boat to meet a whale I’m pretty sure
Gareth Dorscheid
Gareth Dorscheid - 7 years ago
Sharks confirmed in clouds at 1:45
EckBoi - 7 years ago
I mean it said NEARBY shark so maybe it was coming and not a clickbait
AndrewEathanYT_MC - 7 years ago
oh fuck these "whale protecting woman from shark" clichèbaits
chiwinki - 7 years ago
Always white people touching and riding the animals.
Bleach-ChanKun - 7 years ago
Now who's a good whale
Michael Tran
Michael Tran - 7 years ago
WHERE THE F IS ZE SHARKS?!?!!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?
Diane Ram
Diane Ram - 7 years ago
luckyy ❤
Vincent Gatekeeper
Vincent Gatekeeper - 7 years ago
What a bunch of bull! The damn person got on the whales fin and was lifted not to protect but simply because the whale was coming up for air!! Why is every YouTuber a bullshit liar nowadays?!!!!
arpit agrawal
arpit agrawal - 7 years ago
error sharkms.dll file is missing
Steve Just Saying
Steve Just Saying - 7 years ago
OK, I don't get it, where is the shark? Am I missing something here?
The Creation Speaks
The Creation Speaks - 7 years ago
Yes, somewhere in the ocean that day there may have been a shark.
LIL FLUFF BALL - 7 years ago
Whale lieks to hedbut
jokar draven
jokar draven - 7 years ago
barely can see the shark but there is a shadow stalking them throughout the video
Jeff Bammins
Jeff Bammins - 7 years ago
Even though it was click bait I still wanna give that whale a hug
Rye Guy
Rye Guy - 7 years ago
Ok it was clickbait but it was still an amazing video... why all these dislikes?
Fernando Ibarra
Fernando Ibarra - 7 years ago
Xx_Jaws_xX Disconected
TOM sideways
TOM sideways - 7 years ago
dont waste time no shark to c here
aaah tex
aaah tex - 7 years ago
*Most awesome thing I have ever seen!*
Bapak Ponco
Bapak Ponco - 7 years ago
Error 404

Shark not found
Nadia Pranabudi
Nadia Pranabudi - 7 years ago
where are the sharks
Grant Van Wie
Grant Van Wie - 7 years ago
Was anyone cheering for the shark like me
Victoria Weasley
Victoria Weasley - 7 years ago
There is no shark.
There is something fishy going on here....
CARSAIG FILMS - 7 years ago
The man was clutching every part of the whale he could find, making it look like the whale was actively saving him from a shark that would have left him along anyway.
Darth Crÿst
Darth Crÿst - 7 years ago
But WHAT IF... (now hear me out ) the whale and shark were in cahoots to lure this cougar far away from the boat and both eat her... something in that whales gaze seems suspicious.. I don't trust him ...one bit.
Zàćh tay evánencè
Zàćh tay evánencè - 7 years ago
I bet the shark is the one whos filming this
Ñøvá Clashers
Ñøvá Clashers - 7 years ago
I like the video but why did you told that ???????
annakeye - 7 years ago
You would've got a thumbs up but for your clickbait titles. What a shame.
Ben Abbotts
Ben Abbotts - 7 years ago
vQwert - 7 years ago
Shark is at 0:58 in front the whales mouth for a split second
porwaw AQW
porwaw AQW - 7 years ago
Where the fking shark at ?
Rachel O
Rachel O - 7 years ago
Roses are red
Ugandan Knuckles
Ugandan Knuckles - 7 years ago
2:24 shark now calm down ppl
insertrandomcleverusername - 7 years ago
Misunderstood shark just wants belly rubs too!
Stephanie In the wild
Stephanie In the wild - 7 years ago
When it comes to whales I don't need click bait dude. Shark not seen. But we all know whales have saved humans from time to time. They have big hearts but big tummies too. If this was killer whale don't think it would have same social skills as the humpback in the wild ocean. Killers hunt sharks. Top of the blues feeding chain.
Alex Block
Alex Block - 7 years ago
GET ON MY FIN! I thought you studied animals clearly im trying to hang you on my fin. Thought that you were smart thats why I hang with you things.
Sundays Comrad
Sundays Comrad - 7 years ago
i didnt c ANY SHARK, wow
Debbie Overman
Debbie Overman - 7 years ago
This is not a Whale Shark! It is a Humpback Whale. I have seen this before, where you can actually see the Tiger Shark in the water behind the whale. The Snorkeler is Nan Houser who does amazing work for and with Humpbacks. Another Humpback Whale was in the background slapping its tail to keep the Tiger Shark at a distance.
breadlessbread_ _
breadlessbread_ _ - 7 years ago
Dandy Lion
Dandy Lion - 7 years ago
apparently the shark was wearing the same cloak Harry Potter has ....... EXPECTO NO SHARKUS!
Ahmed khamis
Ahmed khamis - 7 years ago
and when she get hurt , his name will be the killler whale
Donny Indrawan
Donny Indrawan - 7 years ago
Clickbait has been detected sir!!!
What are we gonna to do now???
A=smash your phone
B=smash dislike button
JaDeDJ - 7 years ago
Some people don't give a fuck
Gamerzombie XD
Gamerzombie XD - 7 years ago
Protected from shark my ass. We're not stupid m8 there is no shark at the least the whale is probably just messing around with ya. Ya might as well say the whale protected you from swimming zombies would've been more truthful.
SuperBoy ToyTV
SuperBoy ToyTV - 7 years ago
Shark is at 0:15 seconds top right corner hen drops out of frame around 0:20 seconds, the whale swims towards the diver with its fins out to push it away from shark
Kurt Adams
Kurt Adams - 7 years ago
Leave the whales Alone you annoying freaks
Berend Verdijk
Berend Verdijk - 7 years ago
At 0:18 you can see definitely a shark in the right corner
dXb - 7 years ago
clickbait / no shark
Joseph Donovan
Joseph Donovan - 7 years ago
There’s no shark it’s some faggot masturbating to a whale and she just brings up a shark like anyone believes her
Rem0te C0ntrol
Rem0te C0ntrol - 7 years ago
He was molesting the whale
Mehran Yousefian
Mehran Yousefian - 7 years ago
Stupid People , you cutting the way and making trouble for animals and saying oh they helped us or they attacked us , idiots.
Megan Stotts Worsley
Megan Stotts Worsley - 7 years ago
I don't even care that the title was misleading, that was beautiful.
NotAGod -
NotAGod - - 7 years ago
why do people dislike so hard for clickbait when it wasn't you can see the shark and also they were swimming with this fuckin huge whale
SSSilencewolf - 7 years ago
It looked like a turtle at first
Adrina The Great
Adrina The Great - 7 years ago
I can't see Bigfoot anywhere
Thyng - 7 years ago
marine mammals are truly amazing creatures
Chris Dolan
Chris Dolan - 7 years ago
Sick of click baiters!
xLittlePupx - 7 years ago
Whales are scary in person i mean, OMG THERE ARE THE BIGGEST LIVING THINGS ON EARTH
The Hot Biscuit Filipowitz
The Hot Biscuit Filipowitz - 7 years ago
SSG Blitz 1,10 are not the same as 5
SSG Blitz
SSG Blitz - 7 years ago
The Hot Biscuit Filipowitz Its the same thing
The Hot Biscuit Filipowitz
The Hot Biscuit Filipowitz - 7 years ago
SSG Blitz You said "1 or 10%" Not five ;)
SSG Blitz
SSG Blitz - 7 years ago
The Hot Biscuit Filipowitz thats what I said...
The Hot Biscuit Filipowitz
The Hot Biscuit Filipowitz - 7 years ago
SSG Blitz We only explored 5% so maybe there's still some fucking Kraken waiting down there.
SSG Blitz
SSG Blitz - 7 years ago
We still dont know what is in the ocean we have discocered atleast like 1 or 10% of it but for now the whale is the largest Mammal
Annacol - 7 years ago
Mikoto Misaka Bad debate. He said living things, also it doesn't matter how dangerous they are.
Mikoto Misaka
Mikoto Misaka - 7 years ago
actually that can be up for debate. While Blue Whales can be up to 90 feet long, there is evidence to suggest Pliosaurs, such as the infamous "Predator X" were 59 feet long at only INFANCY.. which means in the prehistoric times there MIGHT still yet be larger organisms. And considering Pliosaurs are giant jawed alligators with flippers pretty much, I'd say whales are nothing in the notion of terror. Gorrilas are far more dangerous than gentle whales. With Whales, if they hurt you it's pretty much an accident.
Kodamas Dad
Kodamas Dad - 7 years ago
But the blue whale still takes the spot as biggest mammal on earth
Kodamas Dad
Kodamas Dad - 7 years ago
Actually a recent study showed that the biggest living "thing" on earth is the Honey Fungus which spands across 2.4 miles (or 3.8 km) of the Blue Mountains in Oregon
jeremypaulful - 7 years ago
Liars!!!there was never a shark to begin with, just a click bait.
TheLongBomb - 7 years ago
Damn... when the shark can out stealth the Hawai’i Balistic Missile
vJxck - 7 years ago
Its amazing how He/She let you tocuh him/her and didn't freak out at all.
OOGA BOOGA - 7 years ago
Tiger sharks are harmless dude
dead silence
dead silence - 7 years ago
Y it feel like whales dont eat anything like they the nicest living creatures
Courtney Wilbrandt
Courtney Wilbrandt - 7 years ago
That is incredible, SHARK OR NO SHARK
scorpion death
scorpion death - 7 years ago
Don't touch the whale... :(
JooheonsDimples - 7 years ago
“Diver pets huge sea puppy” wouldve been a better title tbh
Dat Mercy Main
Dat Mercy Main - 7 years ago
What a stunning and amazing creature ❤️
Angel Urena
Angel Urena - 7 years ago
Click baiters should really get serious jail time. I'm thinking at least six months.
Berend Verdijk
Berend Verdijk - 7 years ago
At the end of the video the people Said that there was a big big tigershark over there so the whale did protect the people
labibbidabibbadum - 7 years ago
I can't believe the whale protected the diver from a shark AND a lion!
(Note: neither shark, lion nor protection shown in published clip).
Dev Sharma
Dev Sharma - 7 years ago
I think Shark was fan of John Cena..
Isaac.Little Isaac.Little
Isaac.Little Isaac.Little - 7 years ago
There was no shark needed id piss my pants just lookin face to face with a whale
Erin Zeeryp
Erin Zeeryp - 7 years ago
A.The shark is invisible
B.the shark is filming
C.there is no shark

The answer is...
psycoticphun - 7 years ago
wow reported for false labeling
Zephry Warframe
Zephry Warframe - 7 years ago
No shark but, still cool anyways
First Musketeer Gaming
First Musketeer Gaming - 7 years ago
I never saw a shark
Wm wm
Wm wm - 7 years ago
All I see is a diver harassing a whale.
Ceylon - 7 years ago
Must be a new species of sharks. The invisible sharks
Mustang  1969
Mustang 1969 - 7 years ago
Why people lie about the title to attract views I don't know. People interested in water, diving, whales will watch. The diver says there is one, but didn't see one. Maybe the Whale has better vision? :-
Furious Sherman
Furious Sherman - 7 years ago
While the video is definitely clickbaited, I think people are missing the point. It's incredible that they were able to get so close to a humpback whale. I'd practically kill for an opportunity like that.
worldbiosphere - 7 years ago
I'm pretty sure that there was indeed a huge tiger shark out there in the ocean somewhere. And if it was hungry or mad enough, it could easily have charged a few hundred miles and attacked that poor girl. Lucky for her that whale was there.
DREW MURDAUGH - 7 years ago
it's actually illegal to do what she was doing it's called harassing whale to you it was some spiritual experience to the whale you were just harassing it
flybehemoth _
flybehemoth _ - 7 years ago
No shark besides the quick mention at the end. Still a beautiful vid tho
Athenian Warrior
Athenian Warrior - 7 years ago
0:27 the title should be changed to ''Whale runs over diver to protect him from nearby shark''
Leah Warren
Leah Warren - 7 years ago
What I would give to swim with a humpback whale
That One Grain Of Rice
That One Grain Of Rice - 7 years ago
The whale protected them so well that the shark wasn’t even there!
Grzegorz Ringwelski
Grzegorz Ringwelski - 7 years ago
cool video anyway this whale covered the shark so it cant bite the diver
MikeZG saiyan
MikeZG saiyan - 7 years ago
This whale is so adorable :D
Peyto xD
Peyto xD - 7 years ago
Isn't that illegal?
MetamorFX jc
MetamorFX jc - 7 years ago
whail that was fucking bull shit
Harvey The Cheetah
Harvey The Cheetah - 7 years ago
Seems like he enjoys some pats!
Jenna S.
Jenna S. - 7 years ago
even though there ain’t a shark, still a great and beautiful video!!!! the whale is liek a huggggeeee puppy!!! so amazing
silence - 7 years ago
To all the fucks that say "there was no shark there". Listen trough the entire video you idiots, and you'll hear them say that there was a shark there. The title never claims to have caught the shark on camera too.
EchoGamingXD _
EchoGamingXD _ - 7 years ago
they said theres a Tiger shark near by
The Girl whos holdong the camera dont know so she wont able to Caoture ot
Steven Shelp
Steven Shelp - 7 years ago
Saw no shark
Bryan Bruner
Bryan Bruner - 7 years ago
Wow. That whale was really interacting with them. Showing total interest and curiosity. Still some whack ass click bait tho.
MrKapovich - 7 years ago
Error 404 shark not found
Weston the boy made of Depression
Weston the boy made of Depression - 7 years ago
There was a shark it says right in the title that it was in the area so stop saying it was clickbait
Gabriel Napoleao
Gabriel Napoleao - 7 years ago
Gavin Boothe that’s why people say “take the L” as in “take this loss” because you’re a loser or you’ve lost in something
Gabriel Napoleao
Gabriel Napoleao - 7 years ago
Gavin Boothe w=win L=loss/loser
Gavin Boothe
Gavin Boothe - 7 years ago
Omid Tavakoli W? What does this mean? Why do people post random characters on youtube comments? I am so confused by this in more recent occurrences on youtube the last few months.
Omid Tavakoli
Omid Tavakoli - 7 years ago
MrKapovich W
shades2 - 7 years ago
I <3 You 2!
Hi There
Hi There - 7 years ago
MrKapovich L
Renzo Ramirez
Renzo Ramirez - 7 years ago
Roses are Red
Iron man is Tony Stark
At this point everyone
Knows that there was no fucking shark
squishy_lovers squad
squishy_lovers squad - 7 years ago
That's whale looks so kind
italia pagaja adrianna
italia pagaja adrianna - 7 years ago
She said there was a tiger shark below him
italia pagaja adrianna
italia pagaja adrianna - 7 years ago
That’s adorable my mom told me about this the other day
Esztella #video
Esztella #video - 7 years ago
..... This is a whale..
milana bolante
milana bolante - 7 years ago
Elsi Cohr
Elsi Cohr - 7 years ago
Здорово! но где же акула?
Rivera リベラパオ
Rivera リベラパオ - 7 years ago
Im one of the dislikers :3 i really thought it was interesting. But i don't see any shark there.
Sergeant CAMel
Sergeant CAMel - 7 years ago
Did anyone actually watch to the end?, they got out of the water before they could film the tiger shark
Elizabeth Claire Mozqueda
Elizabeth Claire Mozqueda - 7 years ago
kita marie
kita marie - 7 years ago
amazing video but there is NO SHARK.
Janith Chanthuka
Janith Chanthuka - 7 years ago
Dämonischer Böser Wal [Demonic Vicious Whale]
Dämonischer Böser Wal [Demonic Vicious Whale] - 7 years ago
I wonder how it felt like to touch that humpback
Karylle Hernandez
Karylle Hernandez - 7 years ago
Skysthelimit212 - 7 years ago
Yea theres no shark but you cant deny the fact that this is a beautiful video and a great close look at this whale. Im not mad at it lmao
scotiansen - 7 years ago
Clickbait or not, its still an awesome video. How can you hate?
ShizzThe69kinG - 7 years ago
Ok sides the sweet close encounter with the humpback, that shark had to have a conversation with Snake before hand. Cuz it got to be using the octo-camo? Or that shark had Snake as it’s mentor cuz that is some fine grade A stealth there??
fred asd
fred asd - 7 years ago
clickbait shit
Solux - 7 years ago
Why the fuck people getting ass whipped about a shark not being captured in the video, they should be appreciating the beautiful and elegant whale that are endangered now and appreciate the up close contact that this woman showed about the whale and how aweing it is to see this type of behaviour. Shark or not, you whiny bitches need to hit the dust.
Bender 2010
Bender 2010 - 7 years ago
Whale protects diver from Tyrannosaurus Rex AND Velociraptor!
Valerie Freeman
Valerie Freeman - 7 years ago
Alonzo Kidd
Alonzo Kidd - 7 years ago
nigga, you are lying out of your ass, there's no shark
Mad and Sof Tuss
Mad and Sof Tuss - 7 years ago
I didn’t see no effin shark
Ryan M.
Ryan M. - 7 years ago
Big tiger shark! “Hangs legs off boat
Philip Walters
Philip Walters - 7 years ago
You dirty old bitch. You rotten stinker. Why lie? Are you Punjab Muslim? FUCK PUNJAB MUSLIM AND FUCK ISLAM.
Vasto Lorde
Vasto Lorde - 7 years ago
Disliked for lying title.
smartymarty9 - 7 years ago
clickbait losers
wacens1 - 7 years ago
Oh fuck you in the shark!
Vatos Locos
Vatos Locos - 7 years ago
bs.. dislike
Zeva Sophia
Zeva Sophia - 7 years ago
A loan shark?
Leon Kitaamirike
Leon Kitaamirike - 7 years ago
Why you have to lie like that not cool at all
Laine Ferrier
Laine Ferrier - 7 years ago
Just here for the comments hahaha
Franny YNWA
Franny YNWA - 7 years ago
Clickbait shite..
Sashin Reece
Sashin Reece - 7 years ago
He don attact he jus protec
Jownay Bravo
Jownay Bravo - 7 years ago
People who clickbait should be prosecuted by the law.
Jordan Eng-Bailey
Jordan Eng-Bailey - 7 years ago
He protecc
Madlyn McEnrue
Madlyn McEnrue - 7 years ago
Where was the shark?
Pavel Umbrella
Pavel Umbrella - 7 years ago
Stupid fucking humans.
Charles Puckett
Charles Puckett - 7 years ago
what a stupid fucking video, the title is misleading as well. random speculation going on from some idiot divers.
captainbryce1 - 7 years ago
Clickbait NO SHARK! Thumbs down.
ls1 nica
ls1 nica - 7 years ago
Shark using active camo
Wally17 - 7 years ago
Stop buying micro-transactions, whale! You're helping support a bad... oh oops. Wrong type of whale. Carry on.
12mrcool1 - 7 years ago
This video is so fake. The whale was obviously protecting her from the giraffe.
Robert Smith
Robert Smith - 7 years ago
Shark?! That was a whale of a story to tell!
Kyle Kennah
Kyle Kennah - 7 years ago
I saw no shark. Looks like the whale was trying to find a way to eat that chick...I would eat her.lol num num num
Michael Cantavero
Michael Cantavero - 7 years ago
Yea these people are breaking laws, people are not supposed to be touching any wildlife in the water and can't even be in a certain range of them
Paulo perez
Paulo perez - 7 years ago
Good point but you can only do that if you're a marine biologist. You can't if you're just a random diver.
quentmclaine - 7 years ago
HA the whale didn't save her it was just playing
1 Proud American
1 Proud American - 7 years ago
That's two amazing things I've NEVER seen before in one video. #1 A whale protecting a diver from a shark and #2 the extinct "INVISIBLE" Dodo shark. Come to think about it, I've STILL never seen either one! The REAL title should read, DIVER uses "CLICKBAIT" to reel in over seven million views! Cool whale though. I did see that.
Jungshook Idol
Jungshook Idol - 7 years ago
The shark part is 2:59
Andrew B.
Andrew B. - 7 years ago
Jetsiel Serrano
Jetsiel Serrano - 7 years ago
Don't those whales get a lot bigger? Or does it just not look so big in the vid, Idk I feel stupid.
ladybug4u165 - 7 years ago
What an awesome experience this must have been.
K Nazir Ingram
K Nazir Ingram - 7 years ago
Please shark if you're listening...get'em!
Mr Coffee
Mr Coffee - 7 years ago
Ik there wasnt any shark in the vid but it still was pretty cool
JERSEY GARDENS PDC - 7 years ago
this reporter have guts to do this
Steven Nodlehs
Steven Nodlehs - 7 years ago
This video could have easily been called - Whale saves people from undersea Xenomorph attack.
eriel oct
eriel oct - 7 years ago
that shark was sure scared didnt see him appear once must of ran away before the video started
Nainoa Devenot
Nainoa Devenot - 7 years ago
I live in Maui (where this is filmed) and it’s super illegal to be that close to a whale even worse touching it
Nainoa Devenot
Nainoa Devenot - 7 years ago
She wasn’t from there either she had rental dive gear and I didn’t see any shark
Mobile legends Player-Youtuber-Not Prp
Mobile legends Player-Youtuber-Not Prp - 7 years ago
Warning dont try this at home ...

Read More
Lilliz91 - 7 years ago
That is so damn cool! I wish I could do that.
Intensified Death
Intensified Death - 7 years ago
This skill level of clickbait is simply magnificent.
F - 7 years ago
Must have been a baby pocket shark
Ben Brooks
Ben Brooks - 7 years ago
Calm down everyone they have no reason to fake a tiger shark being in the water because they wouldn't have gotten out and the video would be just as interesting without one
olenewbie - 7 years ago
The good old Donald T. would say about this shit "Fake News"!
Camille Fedrick
Camille Fedrick - 7 years ago
JaSonja Hilpert
JaSonja Hilpert - 7 years ago
if everyone would watch the full video they say there's a tiger shark at the end..
Carlos Sandoval
Carlos Sandoval - 7 years ago
Man this shark just has a fresh stealth bot watch out
jay z
jay z - 7 years ago
Oh It must be one of those rare invisible sharks
jay z
jay z - 7 years ago
Were the f is the shark
Bella Darla
Bella Darla - 7 years ago
Magic Shroooms
Magic Shroooms - 7 years ago
Wow, he is so gentle....
henry rivera
henry rivera - 7 years ago
Caters troll clips is more like it
ChihayaMoon - 7 years ago
Yes I agree I watched the entire video I didn't see no shark
niko Ignaczak
niko Ignaczak - 7 years ago
ilove whale
SWSimpson - 7 years ago
looked to me like they were swimming with a whale, which isn't a great idea.
Bobby Jones
Bobby Jones - 7 years ago
Awful video
Nathan Kingham
Nathan Kingham - 7 years ago
Still a cool video but fuck your clickbate. Hell, you’d get more views by probably just titling the video “playing with a whale”
Rose Jeldan
Rose Jeldan - 7 years ago
First of all let me say-
First of all let me say- - 7 years ago
If you missed the shark. It's in the ocean somewhere. Close one!
DangusPrime Gaming
DangusPrime Gaming - 7 years ago
This would be amazing to do, but I feel like you would run the risk of taking the equivalent of a good one in the stomach lmao. totally worth it though
jay cepeda
jay cepeda - 7 years ago
The shark can be seen in the upper left corner at 0:21
maded1988 - 7 years ago
I read and saw this video and totally think they weren't saving her from the shark. Not to downplay her amazing experience and great video.
Super DarkMight2504
Super DarkMight2504 - 7 years ago
This is fake tell the truth
Thouba Nandeibam
Thouba Nandeibam - 7 years ago
I am happy just seeing the huge whale because i would be terrified in real life even if it's a harmless whale. But i would have been happier if i could actually see sharks near the woman
AviationGaming - 7 years ago
this is so cool and sweet how has this video nearly got half dislikes this is brilliant!
Joy Vente
Joy Vente - 7 years ago
Oh i love wale
Disney Vacation Family
Disney Vacation Family - 7 years ago
Amazing video with or without shark in view....and I don’t doubt there were sharks nearby... such a beautiful, peaceful giant... it must feel amazing interacting with this guy/girl... it was genuinely into the experience with you... awesome!
The Lord of Peanut Free Meatloaf
The Lord of Peanut Free Meatloaf - 7 years ago
2:49 "I'm good..."
The Lord of Peanut Free Meatloaf
The Lord of Peanut Free Meatloaf - 7 years ago
I don't trust whales after watching that SeaWorld video. I would be less worried about the invisible shark!
monsu ta
monsu ta - 7 years ago
All I see is a person wierdly touching a whale
J. S.
J. S. - 7 years ago
Whale swims behind diver....there was no protecting atvall smh.
DAKI444 - 7 years ago
clic bait
GirlwithaGun_11 - 7 years ago
God Is Good
FortuneDrake - 7 years ago
Where's the shark? Time?
sepheroth885 - 7 years ago
This is fake news...
Slapfacegamer - 7 years ago
Do people not see the shark at 0:13 in the top right. You can only see its nose as the whale goes in front of it
Din - 7 years ago
clickbait or whatever, this video was amazing
Fluffy Dragon
Fluffy Dragon - 7 years ago
That whale has been through a lot you can see his/her scars but that’s amazing how it was acting
Joe Bell
Joe Bell - 7 years ago
Click bait should be unlawful, at least suspend the author or allow for reporting.
Miguel Suarez
Miguel Suarez - 7 years ago
a GREAT VIDEO, but I had to dislike it because of the fake title. This videos no need clickbait. In my opinion all the clickbait videos should be reported and deleted
Sam Tani
Sam Tani - 7 years ago
Amazing creatures.
guesswat homies
guesswat homies - 7 years ago
What fucking shark? Click bait fraudsters!
Henrik Cees
Henrik Cees - 7 years ago
how sad is it that people dislike this just because they dont get to see the shark..
still awesome footage of an intelligent animal even without the shark. calm down people!
Rollyn TheGreat
Rollyn TheGreat - 7 years ago
I keep repeating the video to see if thr is a shark ... :")
godhatesfigs - 7 years ago
Video is bullshit. Clickbait, kill your self
Shawn Fahoum
Shawn Fahoum - 7 years ago
You have the biggest balls on earth, you were infront if it’s mouth, I’d be afraid of some Pinocchio type shit happening
Joshua Katarina
Joshua Katarina - 7 years ago
This shark is as real as my sex life
Tom - 7 years ago
What shark?!
Why youtube why
Why youtube why - 7 years ago
That video fucking sucked
Arron BW
Arron BW - 7 years ago
Great! You harassed a whale.............Dicks!!!
DKruNEye - 7 years ago
Where's the shark for real tho?

Everyone in the comment section is parroting "2:24 top right".

That's not a shark, it's her diving buddy.
TheWarrior 247
TheWarrior 247 - 7 years ago
Why did so many tard stains dislike this? Because they are jealous!
Justin Sanders
Justin Sanders - 7 years ago
Click bait is a crime
Haocheng He
Haocheng He - 7 years ago
More like "diver free diving with whale"
Илья Шнуров
Илья Шнуров - 7 years ago
видео ни о чем
Zahid Khan
Zahid Khan - 7 years ago
I love you three
Zahid Khan
Zahid Khan - 7 years ago
Take a ride on whale
Toxilyptic - 7 years ago
Where the fuck is the shark.
They prib mistake it for a dolphin
niksaysstfu - 7 years ago
The shark appears bunch of Times you blind fux
Jay Peter The Real Milla
Jay Peter The Real Milla - 7 years ago
Bryan - 7 years ago
What a shame to waste such a wonderful video (love whales) with a stupid clickbait. Fuck off
Ил Фак
Ил Фак - 7 years ago
2:33 Я тоже так могу: вынырнуть и крикнуть "большая тигровая акула!".
cognitive dissonance
cognitive dissonance - 7 years ago
Whales need to be rescued from people
Risko Brooks
Risko Brooks - 7 years ago
How did this vid get more likes than dislikes
YAHNWAESUHNMUN - 7 years ago
What a majestic creature, definitely something to experience once in our lives. #bucketlist
Tone Pro
Tone Pro - 7 years ago
Fuh! should've read the comments first, could've saved me 3 minutes...
Chelsea Juarbe
Chelsea Juarbe - 7 years ago
Amazing experience
Juan Youtube
Juan Youtube - 7 years ago
Plot twist: The shark was the one recording
Sal Monella Pie
Sal Monella Pie - 7 years ago
What a crock of shit! Click bait!
Just your average patato
Just your average patato - 7 years ago

sorry to excited but everyone is saying it’s fake it’s not you just need to look.
D4RKBRU73 - 7 years ago
Good video, voted down for stupid clickbait. Why lie ?
William Connolly
William Connolly - 7 years ago
"I love you too" lolz
Tumblr_girl 13
Tumblr_girl 13 - 7 years ago
What if.....
The whale ate the person
irishfightfan saoirse
irishfightfan saoirse - 7 years ago
the shark was so scared he simply ceased to exist
Don't believe the following message:
Don't believe the following message: - 7 years ago
must be the rare houdini shark... vanishes when you think you see him
no, 2:24 is the other diver. So... where is the shark? hmm.
XxJoeSambavarxX - 7 years ago
Click bait
Radioactive Since 1990
Radioactive Since 1990 - 7 years ago
This video was awesome on it's own why use a false title? "Man Swims With Whale" isn't good enough?
Barbara 1
Barbara 1 - 7 years ago
It was an imaginery shark.
Wendi Cardwell
Wendi Cardwell - 7 years ago
There is no shark...
Johan van Heerden
Johan van Heerden - 7 years ago
Fucking tree hugger.."i love you" fuck you people make me sick
Audry Wise
Audry Wise - 7 years ago
This was some bullshit!
Hip-Hop not Wick Wack
Hip-Hop not Wick Wack - 7 years ago
Freeeeee willyyyyyyyyyyyyy !
Itor Lamop
Itor Lamop - 7 years ago
Caters clips dont you wonder why you have 4000 dislike? Its because you lie about the content of the video and it pisses people off....
Itor Lamop
Itor Lamop - 7 years ago
Tittle should be"whale presence prevent sharks from attacking divers"
JC Caelan
JC Caelan - 7 years ago
That was an instance of a whale playing with the strange new thing it never seen before.
Tyler Hamblen
Tyler Hamblen - 7 years ago
I figure whales are like 2 year old dogs, still puppies but don't know how big they are when it comes to playing
Sevrin-13 - 7 years ago
This fantastic footage is let down by the shitty title.
1011001101 - 7 years ago
Stupid! Just a flick of the tail and we'd be reading of your demise. Don't encourage others to do this...it's dangerous. If you know anything about whales...or wild animals you'd be saying something other than "I love you". Oh, but isn't it cute.
large simon
large simon - 7 years ago
Good thing it didn't open it's mouth
spektacle - 7 years ago
He does not kno de wae! Fake Shark Queen! Speet on heem!
MIKE BadExample
MIKE BadExample - 7 years ago
Wow I'm so jeluse right now ! Wow BEAUTIFUL
N.O.Y.B M.F.
N.O.Y.B M.F. - 7 years ago
That whale destroyed those aliens
PROUD AMERICAN - 7 years ago
Such beutiful creature
Vitomir Maricic
Vitomir Maricic - 7 years ago
under surface stuff are awsome. Cool.
Blitzen - 7 years ago
Beautiful video even though you don’t see the shark
Dean Herde
Dean Herde - 7 years ago
That’s one of the best things I’ve ever seen. I’m not kidding!
M H Doobs
M H Doobs - 7 years ago
Pec fins and tails are FAR more dangerous than fake sharks.
QUANTUMquest The billionaire salesman cowboy
QUANTUMquest The billionaire salesman cowboy - 7 years ago
Why give this video a thumbs up at all based on the title ,yea good shots of the whale but it's kinda missing something ? Maybe you peeps in youtube land can explain just what that is.lol
Mark Rutte
Mark Rutte - 7 years ago
Is it a John Cena shark because I can't see it.
Messi&Wolves ForLife
Messi&Wolves ForLife - 7 years ago
Why do I find the water sound satisfying?
Justin Marsh
Justin Marsh - 7 years ago
You reused clips at the end
Tim Johnson
Tim Johnson - 7 years ago
lying pieces of shit. curse your mothers.
Doss xo
Doss xo - 7 years ago
Such a beautiful creature
Vincent Schwabedissen
Vincent Schwabedissen - 7 years ago
Only because There was a Shark doesnt mean he would have attacked
Denis Sulovic
Denis Sulovic - 7 years ago
And we are killing whales
think tank
think tank - 7 years ago
What a liar! If that whale happened to open it's mouth...all that water pressure would have sucked her right in...and she would deserve it!!
Maverick Skolnik
Maverick Skolnik - 7 years ago
I guess technically there's a shark...somewhere in the ocean.
Kev Dawg
Kev Dawg - 7 years ago
click baite
Bud Stickyfinger
Bud Stickyfinger - 7 years ago
I thought Fonzie jumping the shark was anticlimactic... at least he had a shark.
AMD HBB - 7 years ago
I think he was protecting the diverse from fake youtube click bites
Laurent Fargues
Laurent Fargues - 7 years ago
Wow, impressive how the whale protected the diver from those aliens trying to abduct him.
Holly NerdyGalArt
Holly NerdyGalArt - 7 years ago
Terry O
Terry O - 7 years ago
No shark in WHOLE video,, interesting,,, and absolutely NO evidence of that whale (as nice as it looked) was protecting from ANYTHING!! Just plain 'FAKE REPORTING'.. probably watching CNN too much!!
Summer Tilbury
Summer Tilbury - 7 years ago
Y don’t u just make the tittle swimming with a whale
ForestSakan - 7 years ago
Why to use a click bait... The video waa beautiful on its own
riselikethephoenix1 - 7 years ago
No shark. Clickbait title. Dont bother!
Mok Sat
Mok Sat - 7 years ago
I'm fail to find the shark.....
Daniel Rodriguez
Daniel Rodriguez - 7 years ago
YouTube is such trash nowadays. Still nice footage only reason I'm not that mad about the shark
Lotfi Goubi
Lotfi Goubi - 7 years ago
you should not touch the whales, human are not a part of nature
Chinese Turtle
Chinese Turtle - 7 years ago
It was an invisible shark
Berend Verdijk
Berend Verdijk - 7 years ago
Chinese Turtle At the end of the video the people Said that there was a big big tigershark over there so the whale did protect the people
Andreas Hoppe
Andreas Hoppe - 7 years ago
What a peaceful creature. I would love to swim with whales one day. That would be cool
Sincere One
Sincere One - 7 years ago
Fuck you!
centre mental
centre mental - 7 years ago
Being  close to a whale like that must be amazing and being close to a tiger shark would be a pretty special moment too. I couldn't see it, but touching the whale, that's cool enough.
Ron Beelen
Ron Beelen - 7 years ago
Beutifull footage btw!
artemkras - 7 years ago
The video is fake and NASA-staged: sharks are flat ;)
M A R V I N C A S I N O - 7 years ago
Hahahaha well then
bezerker71 - 7 years ago
If you actually look really hard you still see no shark.
Reality Unchained
Reality Unchained - 7 years ago
I waited, and I waited, and there was no shark.......... Just a Web of lies
インクルード - 7 years ago
clickbait, fuck you, thumbs down!
cody ralston
cody ralston - 7 years ago
gotta love clickbait
Lacrima Caldaras
Lacrima Caldaras - 7 years ago
sleep whale
Lacrima Caldaras
Lacrima Caldaras - 7 years ago
Дарина Рождественская
Дарина Рождественская - 7 years ago
Who find a shark? Noone! Stupid channel.
david smith
david smith - 7 years ago
I like turtles
Tori Gibson
Tori Gibson - 7 years ago
So where's the shark?
Alvin Arce
Alvin Arce - 7 years ago
Guys this video is making my heart beat fast because i have a type of phobia i dont know what it called but i have a fear of whales cause they are really big
Skarlet - 7 years ago
You could have just had the title" Friendly whale wants headpats" and it would have done just as well tbh.
erik dee
erik dee - 7 years ago
=== Shark !!!! Gotcha
AD Queen
AD Queen - 7 years ago
Memals have to stick together is what whale thought.
Paulish Jones
Paulish Jones - 7 years ago
Must be a memory for life type experience for the diver.
Christian D'Amore
Christian D'Amore - 7 years ago
Whale thought process
Philip Walters
Philip Walters - 7 years ago
Please do not presume to speak the Nigger word. The N word is for Nigs only. Fuck you. Fuck a Nig.
Lincoln Schemehorn
Lincoln Schemehorn - 7 years ago
I saw the shark it's at 20 in the back round
Thomas Gianotti
Thomas Gianotti - 7 years ago
Natures most majestic creatures
Philip Walters
Philip Walters - 7 years ago
Philip Walters
Philip Walters - 7 years ago
elusive762 - 7 years ago
was it an imaginary shark?
Arizona Carmack
Arizona Carmack - 7 years ago
Thumbs down where's the shark
EL JOTT - 7 years ago
MyOwnDesign - 7 years ago
How can anyone swim in the open waters with that giant around? It's like a nightmare to me
TheDoron11 - 7 years ago
Whale is almost the size of the clickbait
Josh Winzer
Josh Winzer - 7 years ago
No money shot of shark sorry guys i dislike
Yong Zixian
Yong Zixian - 7 years ago
I only know there's a snake here
tubefreakmuva - 7 years ago
awesome experience
It's Private
It's Private - 7 years ago
Renegade Holy Man
Renegade Holy Man - 7 years ago
As I post this, there are four thousand, four hundred and sixty-seven "thumbs down" clicks. I would bet that every one is because the lead line is click bait. It makes what could be a pleasant video into a junk video.
Todd Toure
Todd Toure - 7 years ago
mrwogo goolies
mrwogo goolies - 7 years ago
The cool Gamer25
The cool Gamer25 - 7 years ago
Is this the man who got the closest to that whale cause it can attack you
Sunshine Coast Summer
Sunshine Coast Summer - 7 years ago
but we don't save him from the Japanese whaling boats -
Rose Desy
Rose Desy - 7 years ago
This is awesome but if its me

I would definately swim as fast as i can but i donno how to swim so ill just probably drown becuz of the panic l0l
am afraid of everything that are alive in the sea xd
Daniel K.
Daniel K. - 7 years ago
There is a lot wrong with the video :/
OneChance - 7 years ago
that whale bigger than my future
Pedro Sotelo
Pedro Sotelo - 7 years ago
I love is clickbait
Fred Krazé
Fred Krazé - 7 years ago
Its amazing how the largest creatures on earth are so passive with us to the point we small land beings can swim with them.
Timetoreact 2
Timetoreact 2 - 7 years ago
Hello my name is bruce, hello bruce wait where the fuck is bruce?
Dante Alighieri
Dante Alighieri - 7 years ago
Кузьма отлично сыграл кита
aaron gayle
aaron gayle - 7 years ago
Looks like the whale just got himself a date. top lad!
Brantley -
Brantley - - 7 years ago
No Shark, but liked anyway because it was incredible
антонина степановна верьянова
антонина степановна верьянова - 7 years ago
страшно с Акулками играть
Micheal Drew
Micheal Drew - 7 years ago
Ok maybe the whales and the
Sharks had their own thing going on and the divers got caught up in the middle. Why do humans make every event about themselves ohhh nvm ego lol .
Macomio80 - 7 years ago
A hickup in the wrong moment and he could accidently swallow one of the divers... :-p
Ally Moreno
Ally Moreno - 7 years ago
Clickbaited once again
Alter Kid
Alter Kid - 7 years ago
I dont see any shark... Clickbaited
Matthew Sharp
Matthew Sharp - 7 years ago
Whewww, that was a close one.
Dimitri Gama
Dimitri Gama - 7 years ago
Though this was beautiful I think what that man was recless because whales are very easily Disturbed and could harm one of divers
Koolin Ambrosia
Koolin Ambrosia - 7 years ago
awesome !!
Baby Doll87
Baby Doll87 - 7 years ago
This is so beautiful I just lobe these big beautiful creatures they are so wonderful
bendraoui hamza
bendraoui hamza - 7 years ago
I wonder if it opens the mouth
Nathan Biller
Nathan Biller - 7 years ago
Wow that whale scared the tiger shark so bad it swam out of the video
Ricardo Rizo Lameiras
Ricardo Rizo Lameiras - 7 years ago
nice shark protects whale from humans... :V
OK - 7 years ago
0:07 Best. Hero. Entrance. Ever.
Lizzy Moncrief
Lizzy Moncrief - 7 years ago
You can't see the shark because its out of frame. Sorry they didnt go right up to the shark to get it on video. It says in the article where the shark is and how far away it is from here. Negative ass people I swear
Rebecca Orange
Rebecca Orange - 7 years ago
Aww this is so cool
banana rama where's it's party time all the time
banana rama where's it's party time all the time - 7 years ago
Whales are such ancient creatures, they understand how dumb humans can be and protect them lol. Bless them gentle souls.
Fabiana Hidalgo
Fabiana Hidalgo - 7 years ago
Shark or no shark, this is an awesome video. :)
Miguel Caldeira
Miguel Caldeira - 7 years ago
Once a shark talked to me but I just missed to record it... for seconds.
MidNight - 7 years ago
fuuuuck that i look down and see that coming from the fucking dark i would just die
Sir Tristen
Sir Tristen - 7 years ago
That is one stealth shark. Perhaps it is camera shy.
Steven Jones
Steven Jones - 7 years ago
To all the people dissing this video because you don't see a shark in it: The video is about the behaviour of the whale in the presence of humans and a shark. _One needn't see the shark to understand the video_.
Madmansmitty - 7 years ago
Lisa Woods
Lisa Woods - 7 years ago
Swimming with whales def on my bucket list!
Bbykence Madrigal
Bbykence Madrigal - 7 years ago
Click bait
Sacrificial Lamb
Sacrificial Lamb - 7 years ago
Was the shark's name John Cena?
nit sud
nit sud - 7 years ago
whwre the shark?
Jalin vlogs
Jalin vlogs - 7 years ago
What did the wale feel like?
Nookie - 7 years ago
That shark said some shit the whale ain’t like so he busted his shit
robert budd
robert budd - 7 years ago
Great video, treating the whale like an amusement ride. Cool shark! What a killer. The fairies and unicorns were awesome too.
Eric the Viking
Eric the Viking - 7 years ago
its a great video of interaction between her and the whale...by itself it is great...why say there is a shark when it does not exist...it only destroys the credibility of the video and the person who posted it...
Michael Akstull
Michael Akstull - 7 years ago
Shark or no shark, this was great footage of a beautiful creature, I wish I could be there and look into it's eye and touch it's body. They are truly intelligent and sentient beings...
mike tyson
mike tyson - 7 years ago
There was thousands of sharks in that ocean omg
John Smith
John Smith - 7 years ago
i am not the slightest bit whelmed by this let down, in fact, Ive reached underwhelmed status.

click bait at best..... im surprised the title didnt say you wont believe how this woman escapes death by shark due to the heroic actions of the tiny humpback calf !
James Tiopira
James Tiopira - 7 years ago
I think whale was protecting her from the underwater killer bees
Jason douglas
Jason douglas - 7 years ago
Horrible clip.
Molly Black
Molly Black - 7 years ago
I doubt if the whale loves you back, you just got in his/her way lol.
Daz Treacle
Daz Treacle - 7 years ago
Silly bitch. Did she forget it was being filmed when she told such a blatantly lie?

In other news, a great white attacked me in my shower this morning
André Böttcher
André Böttcher - 7 years ago
i just see a guy who almost jerks off when he toutched the whale
Rick Lee
Rick Lee - 7 years ago
I think the whale was trying to figure out how he could eat them, and didn't want the shark getting them before he got a chance.
LaNague - 7 years ago
i have a better title for you: whale just wants to breathe but is molested by annoying divers that cant stop touching it in its face
anonamus Eggwhites
anonamus Eggwhites - 7 years ago
Buddy Chum Pal Miah Nii
Buddy Chum Pal Miah Nii - 7 years ago
jeez that made me nervous how close the humpback swung their tail at the diver.
Petergoesinya - 7 years ago
What a shitty way to put a spin on a video that clearly shows you bothering a whale.
Lawrence leaupepe
Lawrence leaupepe - 7 years ago
The new species of the 'Invisible Shark'
Tiago F
Tiago F - 7 years ago
This Shark has the best camouflage EVER. Just wow O.O
Reginol Flowers
Reginol Flowers - 7 years ago
No shark no story.
Paul Sack
Paul Sack - 7 years ago
The only explanation I can think of is that... after a swim with this gracious beast, you decided not to borrow money from the local loan shark? because they would probably end up stabbing you
The Ting Mate
The Ting Mate - 7 years ago
Not gonna lie i would piss my self if a whale was heading towards me
RRLnext - 7 years ago
isn't it the first rule not to touch the animals..?
The Crow
The Crow - 7 years ago
Must be the great invisible shark.
고 고
고 고 - 7 years ago
우와 혹등고래..
Danny Lopez
Danny Lopez - 7 years ago
Beautifully amazing and inspiring clickbait.
Katie Stott
Katie Stott - 7 years ago
Whales are divine, majestic creatures
Hãris حارس
Hãris حارس - 7 years ago
Okay big guy, next time please save sharks from human.
KiwiBadger - 7 years ago
Breaking news: click bait title sucks in millions
Savage Nutella
Savage Nutella - 7 years ago
*whale ruuuuuun err swim
*diver why
*whale sharkkkk!
*diver oh god I’ll stay with u
pluskff4 - 7 years ago
fcking fake
Lockdown Ordo
Lockdown Ordo - 7 years ago
Where the hell is this shark?
Chanel Javoni
Chanel Javoni - 7 years ago
Lol she better be glad the whale didn’t eat her
Fele Trejo
Fele Trejo - 7 years ago
I didn't see any fucking sharks, fuck you lady
Michal Pat
Michal Pat - 7 years ago
invisible shark - amazing
Kito - 7 years ago
Oh there's the shark 3:05
bullatthegate - 7 years ago
I love you too just wrecked the film
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Nathaniel Hawthorne - 7 years ago
Great video, but down voting you because you were not honest with your title. Shame on you for your dishonesty.
Natalee Vlogs
Natalee Vlogs - 7 years ago
I will definitely be cluster phobic next to that thing

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