Whale Protects Diver From Nearby Shark
Shark videos 7 years ago 7,865,828 views
ID: 1461386 This is the heart-stopping moment when a giant, 50,000-pound humpback whale took it upon itself to push an unsuspecting snorkeler through the water, looking to protect her from a nearby SHARK. The stunning video and images Nan Hauser and her team were able to capture - including point-of-view footage - show how the whale pushed whale biologist Nan with his head and his mouth, tucked her under its pectoral fin - even lifted the biologist out of the water on one occasion. The moment, Nan, 63, said, is perhaps proof of whale's intuitive nature to protect other species of animal - including humans - something she believes has never been captured on film, and intuition the biologist compared to firemen being willing to rush into a house on fire to help save the lives of those they do not know. **To use or license this video please contact Licensing@catersnews.com** Company Information: Caters Clips is owned and operated by Caters News Agency Ltd, an international multimedia content provider. We supply news, picture, video and feature stories to the world’s largest media publishers. All videos aired on this channel have been licensed from their rightful owners. For media / licensing / broadcast usages, please contact Licensing@catersnews.com www.catersnews.com Connect with Caters: Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Caters_News Like our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CatersTV Visit our website: https://www.catersnews.com
10. comment for Whale Protects Diver From Nearby Shark
20. comment for Whale Protects Diver From Nearby Shark
That's a whale of a tale.
He officially has a pet whale :/
30. comment for Whale Protects Diver From Nearby Shark
50. comment for Whale Protects Diver From Nearby Shark
u clickbated me
so did you?
What I’d do to be in that exact situation. The whale seemed so infatuated with her. That’s so crazy.
100. comment for Whale Protects Diver From Nearby Shark
Shark not found
There is something fishy going on here....
What are we gonna to do now???
A=smash your phone
B=smash dislike button
(Note: neither shark, lion nor protection shown in published clip).
B.the shark is filming
C.there is no shark
The answer is...
The Girl whos holdong the camera dont know so she wont able to Caoture ot
Iron man is Tony Stark
At this point everyone
Knows that there was no fucking shark
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still awesome footage of an intelligent animal even without the shark. calm down people!
Everyone in the comment section is parroting "2:24 top right".
That's not a shark, it's her diving buddy.
They prib mistake it for a dolphin
sorry to excited but everyone is saying it’s fake it’s not you just need to look.
The whale ate the person
no, 2:24 is the other diver. So... where is the shark? hmm.
Must be a memory for life type experience for the diver.
I would definately swim as fast as i can but i donno how to swim so ill just probably drown becuz of the panic l0l
am afraid of everything that are alive in the sea xd
Sharks had their own thing going on and the divers got caught up in the middle. Why do humans make every event about themselves ohhh nvm ego lol .
click bait at best..... im surprised the title didnt say you wont believe how this woman escapes death by shark due to the heroic actions of the tiny humpback calf !
In other news, a great white attacked me in my shower this morning
*diver why
*whale sharkkkk!
*diver oh god I’ll stay with u