What If Megalodon Sharks Didn't Go Extinct?

2,600,000 years ago, megalodons terrorized the seas and oceans, and they were believed to be the largest sharks to ever live on Earth. They were also the largest predators in vertebrate history. What if this enormous marine carnivore had never become extinct? It isn’t a fun scenario to imagine, but, hey, we’ve also been toying with the idea ever since we saw fossils of dinosaurs and other beastly creatures that once roamed our planet. These gigantic animals ruled Earth millions of years ago, and we can’t help but wonder what our life would have been like if we’d coexisted with them. TIMESTAMPS What the megalodon shark was like 1:17 The only remains of a megalodon to be discovered 3:20 How did they attack their victims 5:06 The main reason for the extinction of this great predator 6:10 What if megalodons didn’t become extinct? 8:04 Other huge prehistoric animals and birds 9:12 Music: https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music SUMMARY -Megalodon shark lived during the Neogene period, was between 52 ft and 59 ft, and its weight could vary from 70 to 100 tons. During the Renaissance period, the megalodon’s teeth were mistaken for the fossilized tips of the tongues of dragons and snakes. -The only remains of a megalodon to be discovered were its vertebrae and tooth. They were found around the continents of Australia, Southeast Asia, Europe, and North and South America. -Back in 2016, researchers at the University of Zurich’s Paleontological Institute and Museum found that the real reason the megalodons became extinct was due to competition over food. -The megalodon immediately clamped its teeth onto the body of its prey, which resulted in pulverized ribs and a ruptured heart and lungs. The second attack method of the megalodon was to rip its prey’s fins to immobilize it before chow time. -Had the megalodon shark survived, the aquatic biodiversity could have been rich if that had happened. However, the super predators that existed along with megalodons would also still be alive. -Other species that have caused terror on Earth were the Aegirocassis benmoulae, the Sarcosuchus imperator, the Megatherium americanum, the Titanis walleri, or “Terror Bird”. Subscribe to Bright Side : https://goo.gl/rQTJZz ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brightside/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brightgram/ 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: https://www.goo.gl/8JVmuC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: http://www.brightside.me/

What If Megalodon Sharks Didn't Go Extinct? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2269

Shark videos 6 years ago 2,824,772 views

2,600,000 years ago, megalodons terrorized the seas and oceans, and they were believed to be the largest sharks to ever live on Earth. They were also the largest predators in vertebrate history. What if this enormous marine carnivore had never become extinct? It isn’t a fun scenario to imagine, but, hey, we’ve also been toying with the idea ever since we saw fossils of dinosaurs and other beastly creatures that once roamed our planet. These gigantic animals ruled Earth millions of years ago, and we can’t help but wonder what our life would have been like if we’d coexisted with them. TIMESTAMPS What the megalodon shark was like 1:17 The only remains of a megalodon to be discovered 3:20 How did they attack their victims 5:06 The main reason for the extinction of this great predator 6:10 What if megalodons didn’t become extinct? 8:04 Other huge prehistoric animals and birds 9:12 Music: https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music SUMMARY -Megalodon shark lived during the Neogene period, was between 52 ft and 59 ft, and its weight could vary from 70 to 100 tons. During the Renaissance period, the megalodon’s teeth were mistaken for the fossilized tips of the tongues of dragons and snakes. -The only remains of a megalodon to be discovered were its vertebrae and tooth. They were found around the continents of Australia, Southeast Asia, Europe, and North and South America. -Back in 2016, researchers at the University of Zurich’s Paleontological Institute and Museum found that the real reason the megalodons became extinct was due to competition over food. -The megalodon immediately clamped its teeth onto the body of its prey, which resulted in pulverized ribs and a ruptured heart and lungs. The second attack method of the megalodon was to rip its prey’s fins to immobilize it before chow time. -Had the megalodon shark survived, the aquatic biodiversity could have been rich if that had happened. However, the super predators that existed along with megalodons would also still be alive. -Other species that have caused terror on Earth were the Aegirocassis benmoulae, the Sarcosuchus imperator, the Megatherium americanum, the Titanis walleri, or “Terror Bird”. Subscribe to Bright Side : https://goo.gl/rQTJZz ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brightside/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brightgram/ 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: https://www.goo.gl/8JVmuC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: http://www.brightside.me/

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Most popular comments
for What If Megalodon Sharks Didn't Go Extinct?

BRIGHT SIDE - 6 years ago
Have you ever seen sharks, guys? How was it?
Surgeon Octopus
Surgeon Octopus - 6 years ago
Kit Taylor
Kit Taylor - 6 years ago
Swum with basking sharks
SnippyPlayz *
SnippyPlayz * - 6 years ago
Matthew Gamer Youtube
Matthew Gamer Youtube - 6 years ago
i think i deleted one :P
Mythqeki - 6 years ago
I think I was on a boat ride around some tropical Japanese islands, and the bottom of the boat was glass so you could see below it, and people said there was a shark but I don't think I saw it.
GabbyLovesChicken - 6 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE I met a shark I know have a robitic arm
Fattah 412
Fattah 412 - 6 years ago
Azia Mercado
Azia Mercado - 6 years ago
Benyikoko - 6 years ago
Yes.. when i was scuba diving in fiji. The scariest thing i have ever experienced... since they promised me from the boat it were manta rays. Then u jump in and see these terrifiying creatures. Went on the boat again and enjoyed a glass of white wine in the sun. Im not playing with these creatures
Alfi Alfi
Alfi Alfi - 6 years ago
I was giving with my family an friend and. me an my dad separated and we saw a big shark but luckily it didn't see us I was about to scream it was so big we were in Maldives when that happened
were so awesome yay!
were so awesome yay! - 6 years ago
Mandy Peri
Mandy Peri - 6 years ago
You ray good
Tao Alexander
Tao Alexander - 6 years ago
Eljona Berberi
Eljona Berberi - 6 years ago
There is no shark in Kuwait
ToxicYT Roblox
ToxicYT Roblox - 6 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE we all never know there is only 4% of the sea Found So Yeah
Zambuto_Zappers _
Zambuto_Zappers _ - 6 years ago
I saw a shark, I googled it
Ashmit Iyer
Ashmit Iyer - 6 years ago
I saw megladon shark!!!!!
Damien Dixon
Damien Dixon - 6 years ago
My crush has swam with sharks :3
Sergie Franz Villaver
Sergie Franz Villaver - 6 years ago
Its scary meeting a tiger shark on my way to Negros in the Phillipines at least there were dolphins nearby so I had fun a bit while being scared lol
Rocco Wadsworth
Rocco Wadsworth - 6 years ago
fun i killed it
Ana A' na
Ana A' na - 6 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE i saw 2 adult great white sharks and 3 baby great white sharks last year
Isaiah Roberts
Isaiah Roberts - 6 years ago
I saw a great hammerhead shark around 13 feet long when I was deep sea fishing.
Emma's 9 Lives
Emma's 9 Lives - 6 years ago
I was boogie boarding and I step on a megaldon tooth . I still ahve it to this day ( I saw a tiger shark )
Sammy Vids
Sammy Vids - 6 years ago
Claudia Garcia Hernandez
Claudia Garcia Hernandez - 6 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE I have not just seen it I've been bitting by one I lost my left arm
The Cosplay Smilers Director
The Cosplay Smilers Director - 6 years ago
I swam with a bunch of nursing sharks with my family and it was such a terrifyingly exciting experience!
Rachel Cardillo
Rachel Cardillo - 6 years ago
Ez Art
Ez Art - 6 years ago
I saw a bull shark while snorkeling
It’s ya boy Tranquil
It’s ya boy Tranquil - 6 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE I was on the coast of a reef in Spain near madrid and I saw a group of reef shark while scuba diving
FifaBot101 - 6 years ago
I swam with sharks and stingrays in mexico
Sofia Kazakova
Sofia Kazakova - 6 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE it was great
chuy Marquez
chuy Marquez - 6 years ago
In just games

Problibly in 2019
ll TheJames22 ll
ll TheJames22 ll - 6 years ago
It was freak
N O - 6 years ago
It was lit but I was kinda scared because I was like 5 hehe
Deep Space Galaxy
Deep Space Galaxy - 6 years ago
I saw a shark in the aquarium.
I don’t know it’s type because I was only five years old in that time.
Squishy Lover
Squishy Lover - 6 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE you should go watch the meg in the movie it’s awesome
L!l lump!a ASMR
L!l lump!a ASMR - 6 years ago
I saw a shark under neath me when I was 4 boating with my dad
NaughtyPanda - 6 years ago
lol same
Addie A
Addie A - 6 years ago
I went swimming with sharks (that were harmless), and on our way back to the boat (we swan back), we saw a shark out side of the area. I don’t what type of shark it was but it was pretty big!
Dylan Is Not In Trouble
Dylan Is Not In Trouble - 6 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE I saw a shark in an aquarium once.
Morgan Crocker/Swag Potatoe
Morgan Crocker/Swag Potatoe - 6 years ago
I have seen a shark once when I was shark diving but I wasn’t in the cage there were around five circling around me! Very thrilling but I would definitely go again!
Speedster J8
Speedster J8 - 6 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE at sea world Florida lol
Julia Anderson
Julia Anderson - 6 years ago
Nancy Mabsout
Nancy Mabsout - 6 years ago
I saw one when I went in the middle of the ocean and I saw a great white about 10 feet it was cerculing me then it just disapered
Dannielle Mondon
Dannielle Mondon - 6 years ago
Wrong person...
Zachary Shammash
Zachary Shammash - 6 years ago
Dannielle Mondon
Dannielle Mondon - 6 years ago
I’ve seen a great white 10 meters away from me no joke and I’m alive aren’t I?
Lindley Hinitt
Lindley Hinitt - 6 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE i live in Maine and I’ve seen 2 sharks when I was sailing
blazeit Buiscut
blazeit Buiscut - 6 years ago
Kira Fulcher annnddd reported
Kira Fulcher
Kira Fulcher - 6 years ago
❤❤❤ Nоuvėllės dеs ᵽhоtоs sеху trės , rоmаntiquė , еt рlus enсоre :
❤❤❤ bit.ly/2MtKMDW#19xou
❤❤❤❤❤❤ 18+ ❤❤❤❤❤❤

❤❤❤ Nоuvеlles dės ᵽhȯtos sеxу trеs , rоmantiquе , et plus ėnс̣оrе :
❤❤❤ bit.ly/2MtKMDW#19xou
❤❤❤❤❤❤ 18+ ❤❤❤❤❤❤
blazeit Buiscut
blazeit Buiscut - 6 years ago
When I was canoeing to a scuba diving area there were tons of little sharks that were about 2 ft on average
LoCo-_-Daano Daano-Gaming
LoCo-_-Daano Daano-Gaming - 6 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE it was COOL in the see
Alberto Ramirez
Alberto Ramirez - 6 years ago
I saw one in my backyard.
StfKing - 6 years ago
It was scary
Christian Marten
Christian Marten - 6 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE the reason sharks attack humans is cause they think there some of there prey like a sea lion, and also people panic when they see are shark and that is something sharks also look for the meg and Jaws and all that is fake they do attack but not just because they see something most animals can sense your fear by heart rate a bull or tiger shark is the most common to attack humans
Peter Parker
Peter Parker - 6 years ago
I've seen jaws
Untitled gamer 159
Untitled gamer 159 - 6 years ago
I have caught a bull shark when fishing
Elijah 4108
Elijah 4108 - 6 years ago
No I don’t want to
Nazar Strutinskyi
Nazar Strutinskyi - 6 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE me but at a aquarium
Couch Potato
Couch Potato - 6 years ago
I dont want to
sweaver316 - 6 years ago
sweaver316 - 6 years ago
Vinsel Amir Aling
Vinsel Amir Aling - 6 years ago
I have seen a hammerhead shark
Ashton Brumit
Ashton Brumit - 6 years ago
I saw a huge shark close to shore In destin Florida
Jaeden Andrews
Jaeden Andrews - 6 years ago
very cool, i've seen them and i'm only 11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xXCatsAreLifeXx - 6 years ago
John Cena76
John Cena76 - 6 years ago
U messed up at 2:29
Sweet N Sour
Sweet N Sour - 6 years ago
You’re mother was a shark when I slept with her last night. Let’s just say she was “ferocious” and “wild” in bed...
You Tube the fake one don't ban me please
You Tube the fake one don't ban me please - 6 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE yes when I was playing a survival game for 12 hours
Can I have 5K subs
Can I have 5K subs - 6 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE I was on a submarine tour of the Hawaiian reef and there was a huge great white
Tora Suzaki
Tora Suzaki - 6 years ago
I've seen the small, harmless ones.
Sarah Shlasinger
Sarah Shlasinger - 6 years ago
CaptainPlayz sure...
Jacob klumpp
Jacob klumpp - 6 years ago
It's on emerald isle aquarium
Jacob klumpp
Jacob klumpp - 6 years ago
They have found d a Meg jaw
JustALonelyTeen - 6 years ago
In an aquarium only.
Chris Ridley
Chris Ridley - 6 years ago
amusement parks would happen
Krethion - 6 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE i went for a swim with sharks bro... their not that bad
blinkarmy14 - 6 years ago
I saw a huge great white when i was surfing. ALMOST died at that time.
SBsavannah 805 999
SBsavannah 805 999 - 6 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE my dad caught 3 baby sharks when we where at the gulf but we let them go
Marco Antonio Acevedo
Marco Antonio Acevedo - 6 years ago
I like sharks btw there nice
Marco Antonio Acevedo
Marco Antonio Acevedo - 6 years ago
I washed the meg today
Galaxy Slimes & squishies
Galaxy Slimes & squishies - 6 years ago
Megladons are not bigger than a
Danny Wong
Danny Wong - 6 years ago
You should do a face reveal
India Binns
India Binns - 6 years ago
If the meg didn’t go extinct I would have one as a pet he would be name Bruce and we would be best friends
Mr.Emreld Stickers
Mr.Emreld Stickers - 6 years ago
If I met megalodon it would be tnt time
Jacob Camerupt
Jacob Camerupt - 6 years ago
If anyone is saying "there's no proof" or "they could still be alive" no, the megs stayed closer to the surface of the water
Stephen Older
Stephen Older - 6 years ago
Land. I like land.

10. comment for What If Megalodon Sharks Didn't Go Extinct?

Adhiraj Saxena
Adhiraj Saxena - 6 years ago
Yep great white shark 7n the sea while I was surfing
Adhiraj Saxena
Adhiraj Saxena - 6 years ago
Hey_Its_Rae - 6 years ago
My theory is that Megalodons actually never fully went extinct. I think they evolved to live in deeper waters and that's why we've never encountered them. Scary to think about but it's just as likely as any other theory.
Marisa Colon
Marisa Colon - 6 years ago
0:56 is a game
Deez Nats uki
Deez Nats uki - 6 years ago
What if megaladon sharks didn't go extinct?

Kaylee Hellman
Kaylee Hellman - 6 years ago
I knew about all of the extra dino's that would've terrorized earth. Because of ARK survival evolved.
Forchester Gamer
Forchester Gamer - 6 years ago
i got so scared at the start when a shark came out

edit: I got a fright at the end
ROYAL GAMING / REACTS - 6 years ago
the tooh can be use as a weapon lol
YassAMVs - 6 years ago
they still exist... they are just dead
Triple Shotz
Triple Shotz - 6 years ago
Their is still one meg alive
TheGoldenMinecart2500 Kish
TheGoldenMinecart2500 Kish - 6 years ago
I already have a answer to this video


20. comment for What If Megalodon Sharks Didn't Go Extinct?

xo.margot - 6 years ago
0:42 you really did me dirty there
mint man
mint man - 6 years ago
How can it be 2 million 600 years ago if the year is only the 2018
RainbowPlays Roblox
RainbowPlays Roblox - 6 years ago
Megalodon, HAH it wasn't even big.
Michaela Hartman
Michaela Hartman - 6 years ago
Did he say 5-7 inches for the teeth or 5-7 feet for the teeth? I heard feet but saw 7”
Mega Plex
Mega Plex - 6 years ago
I would never go into the water again even if the meg was here
Chris Tunderman
Chris Tunderman - 6 years ago
i would be dead before the shark even bite me, i would scare myself to death...
Bill Kendich
Bill Kendich - 6 years ago
3:17 5 to 7 foot long tooth? Well, that's a bit of a stretch...
Ryan Vander
Ryan Vander - 6 years ago
Doesn't answer the question. What would happen if the megladon was still around? You just explained why they went extinct and other massive preditors
Yaroslav306 - 6 years ago
*cough* stealing ideas from LifeBiggestQuestions *cough*
AntGaming .TV
AntGaming .TV - 6 years ago
They aren’t extinct

30. comment for What If Megalodon Sharks Didn't Go Extinct?

Diane Butu
Diane Butu - 6 years ago
Lol i just watched the movie :)))
Brad the Jew
Brad the Jew - 6 years ago
“We’re gonna need a bigger boat.”
What about this one?
“Seriously? You think our biggest cruise ship is big enough?”
Uhh, yeah?
“No! Bigger!”
We don’t have any bigger, sir!
“Alright. Looks like you’re going skinny dipping.”
Wait, wha..?
Corinne Haws
Corinne Haws - 6 years ago
You know they can make the meg Un extinction by finding the tiniest bit of tissue
Nol See
Nol See - 6 years ago
Skip all the way to 8:04 to get to the part of the video that's actually in the title.
Elite GamingWolf
Elite GamingWolf - 6 years ago
does not matter because i wont go in the water until the day sea creatures dont have teeth
stupidperson123 835
stupidperson123 835 - 6 years ago
i got scared every time i say any shark lol
FireDragon Gaming
FireDragon Gaming - 6 years ago
what about the kraken??
Marshall Stevenson
Marshall Stevenson - 6 years ago
I shall the movie the meg and my name is Meg!(this obviously isn't my account)
Chandy Chan
Chandy Chan - 6 years ago
7 foot long tooth? That's a big ads shark
Freddy Bajri
Freddy Bajri - 6 years ago
I have seen a megalodon in Bahamas
Bentley and Grant videos
Bentley and Grant videos - 6 years ago
That is one big fish.
Fun Tube
Fun Tube - 6 years ago
Check your info dude it's tooth is not 5 to 7 feet :D
Gabriël G Smit
Gabriël G Smit - 6 years ago
"...2,600,000 years ago..." the earth was not in existence yet
E Squad
E Squad - 6 years ago
I am 4”9 so the tooth is bigger than me
Charlotte Foster
Charlotte Foster - 6 years ago
I've never seen a shark and I don't want to!
Hesitation 11
Hesitation 11 - 6 years ago
I like how we are assuming its extinct when we have only discovered at most 10 percent of the ocean....
Brooklin Hensby
Brooklin Hensby - 6 years ago
Who seen the meg
Anju Gulati
Anju Gulati - 6 years ago
This video is adventurous...
Michael Jameson
Michael Jameson - 6 years ago
They wouldn't be waiting time on surfers that's for sure
Pain Emission Pain Emissiom
Pain Emission Pain Emissiom - 6 years ago
Vertabre? I thought sharks were made of cartalidge ??

50. comment for What If Megalodon Sharks Didn't Go Extinct?

gklg channel
gklg channel - 6 years ago
If the megalodon didn't go extinct

You would see me riding into the sunset
Kaioken X10
Kaioken X10 - 6 years ago
5 to 7 foot teeth? I think you mean inches.
GabbyLovesChicken - 6 years ago
I have seen a white shark and it tried to eat me but I am an awesome guy (im useing my sisters phone cause my mom has mine) it missed and I have a robitic arm
Flexi Boi
Flexi Boi - 6 years ago
If megalodon never went extinct they would be the most fascinating and interesting creatures on this earth and we would still swim in beaches since they don’t go shallow as where we swim because of how big they are
wuffky - 6 years ago
I think bright side just watched Meg
Meme Master Jimmy
Meme Master Jimmy - 6 years ago
1:06 lol it says that they have 10 million subs but on the left it says 15 million
Abby Frease
Abby Frease - 6 years ago
Well, I'm just going to say that the megalodons would be killed by humans w/ our guns and be worth big money on the black market.
gamer citta
gamer citta - 6 years ago
If megalodons never went extinct

ocean man wasent real
Walt F
Walt F - 6 years ago
I bet humans will be the one who would make them extinct
Ryan Wingate
Ryan Wingate - 6 years ago
3:16 - Inch* not foot. facepalm
coolboy1738 - 6 years ago
Im reading a book about a megalodon
Emoticon 8943
Emoticon 8943 - 6 years ago
I mean it is possible....
Vicky Ray
Vicky Ray - 6 years ago
Aren't the largest marine predator of all time Shastasauruses? I mean, Megalodon is one of the best predators, but the largest? Just curious.
Georgia  Mae
Georgia Mae - 6 years ago
I would not recommend clicking the read more button

Haha I told u so

Ur never getting out of this now

I’ll let u go soon

Not yet tho

Ok u can go


Okay okay I’m done now. Bye!
Natalie Anderson
Natalie Anderson - 6 years ago
1:08 why wouldn't the subscriber count change to 15,576,908??
Shervon - 6 years ago
Darmuka - 6 years ago
If megalodons still exsisted, it would probably have an effect on the food chain, but I don't think it would change much.
The pop culture likes to pretend that sharks are extremely dangerous, but that simply aren't true.
Alex Sawala
Alex Sawala - 6 years ago
I was on a crusie but then a shark started to attack me and my friend so we waited it out but luckily it was a small shark
Benyikoko - 6 years ago
when i was scuba diving in fiji. The scariest thing i have ever experienced... since they promised me from the boat it were manta rays. Then u jump in and see these terrifiying creatures. Went on the boat again and enjoyed a glass of white wine in the sun. Im not playing with these creatures
キッド白人の死 - 6 years ago
i think chuck norrris kept one as a pet hahah
Konstantina pap
Konstantina pap - 6 years ago
The name "Megalodon" is greek. It is created by two words! Megalo (μεγάλο) which means big and Don (donti > δόντι) which means tooth. So megalodon means someone or something that has big teeth, a fact that it is also referred to this video!
J Rod
J Rod - 6 years ago
Answer at 8:04
Elias Hagen
Elias Hagen - 6 years ago
Welcome off Bible pursuit witness know successfully chief mode French.
B1SQ1T - 6 years ago
If they didn’t go extinct I would not go near a beach. Otherwise we’d probably find a way to eat it anyways
Suresh Khatiwada
Suresh Khatiwada - 6 years ago
You give a nice knodulege
Cluck Cluck Boom
Cluck Cluck Boom - 6 years ago
5 to 7 foot tooth huh.... Garbage in, garbage out.
Joe Vandas
Joe Vandas - 6 years ago
The narrator didn't even say the number of years right. It says 2,600,000 but he said 2,000,600
Mohammad Anees
Mohammad Anees - 6 years ago
you can just bababaababba any prove real prove lik front from camerica? no
Roshaan Ahmed
Roshaan Ahmed - 6 years ago
Hey I got all those catched on ark
MsRainbow Brite
MsRainbow Brite - 6 years ago
There was an orca that was attacked and the bite mark was HUGE
Ali Franklin
Ali Franklin - 6 years ago
People like you deserve more dislikes than anyone on YouTube.
Gigi Queen
Gigi Queen - 6 years ago
Who else is hiding in the comments
Rachelle Lim
Rachelle Lim - 6 years ago
I watched the movie The Meg
AA VV - 6 years ago
It was so cool I love science and learning
HBK Austin3:164Life
HBK Austin3:164Life - 6 years ago
I saw the meg 2 days ago twice, in the morning with my brother and cousin and at night with my friends
Rayya -w-
Rayya -w- - 6 years ago
wow.. if they never went extinct.. I'd never go to the seaside..
but seeing one WOULD be super cool..
eh. lets just watch theories instead.. less scary xD
Sylvy the Cat
Sylvy the Cat - 6 years ago
Of course Megalodons lived in Australia we can’t even get rid of great whites, they are bloody everywhere
bob hope
bob hope - 6 years ago
Dose this mean that with global warming reptiles and megaladons will make a comeback?
phoenix gamble
phoenix gamble - 6 years ago
The megalodon could still be alive because we have only discovered 2%-10% of the ocean
Clark Kent Amistoso
Clark Kent Amistoso - 6 years ago
Remember the bloop? Thats the biggest shark too but its only stays in deep and super deep sea.if the bloop is not on the deep sea he would be stuck and then other people that adventure in the sea and they will see the bloop but its hard to go from it you"ll be eaten by the bloop stay in the place that are safe cuz bloop is bigger and wider bloop stay on the place that are wide dont go to it cuz thats his home
Yukina Adeline
Yukina Adeline - 6 years ago
what's a bloop?
Jamie Winter
Jamie Winter - 6 years ago
False a Megalodon was set to be 2x bigger than a Blue Whale
Nathalie O
Nathalie O - 6 years ago
wait how is he 60 ft and teeth 6ft ?
Collateral Damage ALDC
Collateral Damage ALDC - 6 years ago
I wish the titanoboa was still alive!
yahya akbar
yahya akbar - 6 years ago
well, we don't know if megladon sharks in perspective went extinct. How ever scientists and archeoligists have had evidence, it wasnt really complete.
Nargis Inamdar
Nargis Inamdar - 6 years ago
are megalodon were bigger than whales ?
Yukina Adeline
Yukina Adeline - 6 years ago
ToppyGames [Developer]
ToppyGames [Developer] - 6 years ago
I feel bad for Megalodon
Vitrovio Harsadi
Vitrovio Harsadi - 6 years ago
make one about a helicoprion
Pichu Games
Pichu Games - 6 years ago
Is The Modern Blue Whale Bigger Than The Big Tooth? I'm Trying To Prove They're Not To Someone
Road to world Cup
Road to world Cup - 6 years ago
The megalodon is still alive!

It’s in the cinemas near you!!!
vince dimalibot
vince dimalibot - 6 years ago
I think we cant meet one because it only swims in deep waters , but if i meet one that is about to eat our boat, i will probably jump in the water bcause megalodons only eat things the size of a whale

100. comment for What If Megalodon Sharks Didn't Go Extinct?

Kitten Lover kid
Kitten Lover kid - 6 years ago
This is a good vid keep up the work
flip stew
flip stew - 6 years ago
Not even half of the ocean is explored so we’d never know if this beast is extinct or not
young gamer 4 ever
young gamer 4 ever - 6 years ago
Is it weird That first add of this video was about megalodons
Vienna Bush
Vienna Bush - 6 years ago
I would jump into there mouth
M.usman.A YT
M.usman.A YT - 6 years ago
that is us 98,4252
RPG 12
RPG 12 - 6 years ago
We'd have Jason Statham hunt them
YoutjoepDevi Games 0_05_29
YoutjoepDevi Games 0_05_29 - 6 years ago
I was going to dive, and i saw a great white shark.
Thijs Smits
Thijs Smits - 6 years ago
if i would see a megalodon id try to feed it
Drizzybille - 6 years ago
I just watched the meg 2 days ago
Random Lol
Random Lol - 6 years ago
Answer: Then we might go extinct
JCBM Brothers
JCBM Brothers - 6 years ago
What If BRIGHT SIDE Didn't Exist?
Tyler Guerrero
Tyler Guerrero - 6 years ago
3:18 5-7 “foot” tooth?? There’s a mess up.
Eljona Berberi
Eljona Berberi - 6 years ago
Shark doesn’t fit in Kuwait
Isaiah’s FeelChannel
Isaiah’s FeelChannel - 6 years ago
Wow I’m smaller than this sharks tooth...
Jasmine Peyton
Jasmine Peyton - 6 years ago
fisher men fishing in the ocean and killing fish and stuff is like a shark going into a hotel and eating everyone
Savege boy 90
Savege boy 90 - 6 years ago
They didnt go extint
Jadey Marshmellow
Jadey Marshmellow - 6 years ago
If they didn't go extinct......

All I'm gonna say is the worlds population would probably be a lot lower.....
Josh Stransky
Josh Stransky - 6 years ago
6:30 that shark must be dizzy
Conjie Dauther
Conjie Dauther - 6 years ago
Teddy&Stitch Vlogs
Teddy&Stitch Vlogs - 6 years ago
I feel somewhere... Deep deep in the Arctic Ocean, or somewhere like the deepest place in earth.. A few, somewhere far. Just, repopulating. A huge megladon would hunt by orca whales, and catch them after the Orcas catch a meal, it probably ate big fish too.. I feel like mosasaur is too... They were bigger then the megladon.
rim arba
rim arba - 6 years ago
Am i the only who felt VERY uneasy watching this?
fathy anuar
fathy anuar - 6 years ago
if the megalodons are still roaming the ocean, at least most sea creatures population wont be endangered or at risk of being endangered because no sane human would dare go anywhere near open sea
lilly mae
lilly mae - 6 years ago
There not extinct no 0ne would search the whole world and it's seas for a megladon there still alive
Nathalie O
Nathalie O - 6 years ago
for some reason I thought they were like 100+ ft but they're actually smaller than a blue whale.....
sushidotcom - 6 years ago
Good video! 2 thumps up by Sushi.com - see our new cartoon video here, win $100! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NxSr_nOQ5c
Dewuan Johnson
Dewuan Johnson - 6 years ago
Subscribe to Sircooksalot -
Basil Govender
Basil Govender - 6 years ago
Where they vegetarians
Jason Jones
Jason Jones - 6 years ago
A study in Skandanvia of a meg tooth has found that genetically the tooth bears more resmblance to a mako shark than a white shark, so if anything they were more streamlined and faster.
Maggie Anderson
Maggie Anderson - 6 years ago
Who has watched the met at the cinema?
Maggie Anderson
Maggie Anderson - 6 years ago
I mean the meg
Mia Thompson
Mia Thompson - 6 years ago
Why did I click on this video.... I’m going to the beach tomorrow
darrell mckenzie
darrell mckenzie - 6 years ago
Passion greet confront test use slow fee supposed workshop piano approval
Mccree Is me
Mccree Is me - 6 years ago
I can’t wait until the meg comes out on dvd
Jason Jones
Jason Jones - 6 years ago
To date, we've explored less than 7% of our oceans, and there's a fair to middling chance that a Megalodon wouldn't have a flotation bladder, so need to pray on the surface. There's a U-Boat photo taken in Dec 1942 look for it, certainly no photoshop back then and that was massive. Makes you wonder why we are going to Mars when we can convert salt water into drinking water and the tides give us kinetic energy. Maybe we should be exploring the seas.
MARTinovo Herní Kanál
MARTinovo Herní Kanál - 6 years ago
10:58 I would take a photo of it
Zerectick - 6 years ago
If they didn't go extinct, nobody would go in the ocean.
rosemarie Cajipe
rosemarie Cajipe - 6 years ago
Where did they live Pacific Ocean,Atlantic Ocean,Indian
Ocean,southern Ocean,Arctic Ocean????
TJ J - 6 years ago
Sharks are the most common in the Pacific and Atlantic. So depending on the depth and temperature of whatever part of it, probably one of those two oceans
sage anthony
sage anthony - 6 years ago
If meglodons aren't extinct they have now ruined my beach days
Mohammad Salah
Mohammad Salah - 6 years ago
Nice Information....Keep it Up
OnStage Café
OnStage Café - 6 years ago
Tresidale Blossom
Tresidale Blossom - 6 years ago
The bright side just went to the dark side... but if the megalodon was still alive, I’d just be like any other shark alive. And you still go in the ocean. It would just be bigger. So why get out for the megalodon?

And if the megalodon has been alive for all these years, you’ve been swimming in the ocean with it anyways.
Hooolly W
Hooolly W - 6 years ago
Hotler - 6 years ago
I thought this said "what if the megalodon never existed"...
AnimeGod - 6 years ago
If they never went extinct the ocean would never be explored and all the fishing spots deep in the sea might be gone which means less seafood
Cara S
Cara S - 6 years ago
71 percent of earth is water and 20 percent of that is discovered. You never know what could have thought to be extinct and still be lurking...
Chris Madsen
Chris Madsen - 6 years ago
Church of Scientism at it here with their millions of years ago fairytales...
noah aguilar
noah aguilar - 6 years ago
They didn't
Mean Girl
Mean Girl - 6 years ago
Bruh I didn’t even know that was a thing besides the new shark in shark bite from roblox bruh
Parker Casper
Parker Casper - 6 years ago
5-7 foot tooth.... inches I believe it is
White Wolf
White Wolf - 6 years ago
How do we know they went extinct, most of our oceans are still undiscovered.
JustJudgeGT - 6 years ago
actually theres is still some of them lol
Anime fan
Anime fan - 6 years ago
I would rather live on the moon than live on earth with a megalodon
Im Elite
Im Elite - 6 years ago
Or how ever you spell it
Alma Ruiz
Alma Ruiz - 6 years ago
I love sharks they are so fascinating and beautiful and Megalodon just gets me so excited.
Marcus Turner
Marcus Turner - 6 years ago
OMG good video?!
My Name Is Jeff
My Name Is Jeff - 6 years ago
And another way they could have gone extinct is by the Dunkleosteus. A surely extinct and dangerous shark. It’s said to be even bigger than a megalodon. Even if they were still alive, they live in the twilight-midnight zone, so people would probably be alright.
ZombieDeathRace - 6 years ago
"What kind of a species has a 5-7 foot long tooth?"
None. If you meant 5-7 inches, then a Megalodon.
Apple Fries
Apple Fries - 6 years ago
The length of the tooth is the same width as the jaw?
My Name Is Jeff
My Name Is Jeff - 6 years ago
You can’t exactly be saying megalodons are extinct. It is still unproven if they were extinct or not. Great video either way!
Midnight Darkness and The Stars
Midnight Darkness and The Stars - 6 years ago
Im in Southeast Asia,Philippines!!!
Helene Heu
Helene Heu - 6 years ago
People say the megalo live in the mariana trench but aren't sharks cold blooded and need to come up for heat
Scarlett Malgiero
Scarlett Malgiero - 6 years ago
Yeahhh I’m never swimming again
Shinny Gold
Shinny Gold - 6 years ago
This was about how it went extinct not what would happen if it was here today
Kevin Andersen
Kevin Andersen - 6 years ago
That not a BRIGHT SIDE
Aisha Patel
Aisha Patel - 6 years ago
If Megalodon Didn't go extinct, Jaws Would have a Girlfriend
Tiny The Weirdo
Tiny The Weirdo - 6 years ago
Nobody would swim in the sea, simple
DRIVEN RAV3N - 6 years ago
The best song ever made in history was named after this beast
Amy O Sullivan
Amy O Sullivan - 6 years ago
It's 6am, I haven't slept and I'm watching this
Lacie Mullin
Lacie Mullin - 6 years ago
They say, they could only live in warm waters but if they existed millions of years ago couldn’t they adapt to their environment like many other species?
WILLS WHEELS - 6 years ago
I would get the heck out of the bahamas
Nur Hayati
Nur Hayati - 6 years ago
i love megalodon...
manaia wharehinga
manaia wharehinga - 6 years ago
its also 2x bigger then the biggest snake that used to be walking on the ground
elvia peralta
elvia peralta - 6 years ago
The beaches would never exist if they still lived.Even tho if the beaches did exist and the meg too well then no one will be there!!!
Clemencia Murillo
Clemencia Murillo - 6 years ago
Instead of wasting 11 minutes and 20 seconds of ur life ill save u and tell u the answer: nothing really instead of we never would go to mariana trench again
Now i want my likes >:i
Youtubeiscooldontask Seville
Youtubeiscooldontask Seville - 6 years ago
Hmm should I subscribe?
kyle van vuuren
kyle van vuuren - 6 years ago
I would just jump into it's mouth like there's no escaping it
Ricardo Cisnero
Ricardo Cisnero - 6 years ago
How did they go extinct in the first place??? Who would ever wanna mess with them??
Luke Hatake
Luke Hatake - 6 years ago
Why do people think megalodon lives in the marina trench today? It’s way too cold for their liking, not enough food to feed them (especially since there’s no whales there) and that immense pressure isn’t possible to survive in with size alone
Brayden_ Dom
Brayden_ Dom - 6 years ago
10:56 I'd sh*t my pants, take a pic, then upload it to Twitter
Infinity War559
Infinity War559 - 6 years ago
I would call Jason Statham
Pikachu Bubbles
Pikachu Bubbles - 6 years ago
If they were not extinct anyone who lives by an ocean would not live
Pikachu Bubbles
Pikachu Bubbles - 6 years ago
But if I saw a Megalodon I don’t think I would survive
Pikachu Bubbles
Pikachu Bubbles - 6 years ago
I’ve Never seen a shark
Gabriel Katz
Gabriel Katz - 6 years ago
Why there are so many teeth found but no bones?
Fuccboi Gaming
Fuccboi Gaming - 6 years ago
Its,a clickbate
Gucci Gang
Gucci Gang - 6 years ago
YouTube would be full of-OMG Caught a Megalodon on camera at 3:00AM (not clickbate) (Almost died) (gone wrong)
Sauce Cheese Phatty
Sauce Cheese Phatty - 6 years ago
What's the biggest thing on planet now like a blue whale or something
Ai Yuki
Ai Yuki - 6 years ago
1:11 it says they have 15,576,907 subscribers but 10M... wut
yorak hunt
yorak hunt - 6 years ago
Just thought humans r about on average 6ft which mean its about 10 time the size of the average human
Celestino Rodríguez
Celestino Rodríguez - 6 years ago
It’s still alive
Nolan Brooks
Nolan Brooks - 6 years ago
2 million 600 years ummmmm yeah it’s 2018
Hailey Moreno
Hailey Moreno - 6 years ago
I just saw the movie meg and is has that shark in it now Iam scared
lifes complicated
lifes complicated - 6 years ago
No ones ever went into the ocean and stayed i think its out there still
Tyler Hughes
Tyler Hughes - 6 years ago
If I met one I would get the heck away and strafe with my boat
Jatinder Gill
Jatinder Gill - 6 years ago
I live in Bakersfield
ARMYS friend zoned by BTS
ARMYS friend zoned by BTS - 6 years ago
Thank god my country is landlocked! :P
Justin Dougherty
Justin Dougherty - 6 years ago
If it still existed and i saw it.
"Its a good thing we brought a bigger boat."
Call_Of_Duty - 6 years ago
Maybe they will come out your bathtub and eat u
Rocco Wadsworth
Rocco Wadsworth - 6 years ago
probably still one out there
Rad Mou
Rad Mou - 6 years ago
Lol xd nice vid
ARMYS friend zoned by BTS
ARMYS friend zoned by BTS - 6 years ago
the thumbnail caught me offguard!!! :/
sushi Meme
sushi Meme - 6 years ago
I looked at the title and I thought death
XXJade Blake
XXJade Blake - 6 years ago
Wait...? If there been barely any fossils found and the world is made up of 92 percent of ocean, then it could still be alive?!!! That’s freaky!
Enha Akonjee
Enha Akonjee - 6 years ago
why didn't they mention dunkleosteus in the runner ups?
Justin Dougherty
Justin Dougherty - 6 years ago
What if its not extinct but just got smart enough to avoid humans.... Octopusses are pretty smart, maybe other animals are smart in other ways
Deanna Soss
Deanna Soss - 6 years ago
What if when the metor that kiled the dinasours killed the megalodon
Nicole Boone
Nicole Boone - 6 years ago
If Megalodons we’re still alive, humankind would be extinct
Prashanth C
Prashanth C - 6 years ago
7" or 7'? :P
sir carmello
sir carmello - 6 years ago
That thing is as big as PewDiePie's fan base
Scotty and the Ninjas
Scotty and the Ninjas - 6 years ago
Can you convert it to metres please
Gorgeous_Asmr - 6 years ago
wow i really learn from this channel :)
Jesse Savoy
Jesse Savoy - 6 years ago
They still alive swimming in tha depths of Africa
ARMYS friend zoned by BTS
ARMYS friend zoned by BTS - 6 years ago
they like shallow waters... :P
Newbie Gaming522
Newbie Gaming522 - 6 years ago
I saw a Hammer Shark in an aquarium 3 years ago
Awesome Craft
Awesome Craft - 6 years ago
That shark know how to be cool on a camera and i can't
MemeyZCool2007 - 6 years ago
First for Indonesia, I guess.
Pan Toastado
Pan Toastado - 6 years ago
I swear to God every video I click on is voiced by this annoying guy
Katie Twiddle
Katie Twiddle - 6 years ago
I am in the center of north america, nowhere near any oceans. I am sorrounded by praries but this still scares me.
Allysa Wright
Allysa Wright - 6 years ago
If megladons we’re still alive I’d never step foot on a beach or a boat
Jazmine Rodriguez
Jazmine Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Me : ur name js squishy now and u shal be me , my squish

Megalodon : (eats me )
Luis Paredes
Luis Paredes - 6 years ago
This is where ARK comes in handy
Aizza Saldaña
Aizza Saldaña - 6 years ago
Who else, for some sick reason, want the Megalodon to be still alive?
Seb B
Seb B - 6 years ago
Trade would be much slower. Lol. Given that we wouldn't be able to use boats and would have to transport goods by land.
Nia Durbin
Nia Durbin - 6 years ago
I’ve never seen a shark but I know they are kinda cool and cute at the same time :D
Andrew Kroemer
Andrew Kroemer - 6 years ago
*hwaow* - 6 years ago
I already saw that movie
Kendal Cruz
Kendal Cruz - 6 years ago
I feel smarter watching this
Arno Dorian
Arno Dorian - 6 years ago
Long story placed short - the oceans and seas of our planet would be rendered inhospitable, or even perhaps inhabitable.
Thomas McDonald
Thomas McDonald - 6 years ago
The tooth isn’t 5 to 7 feet. It’s 5 to 7 inches. 3:20
Martha Kuzmenko
Martha Kuzmenko - 6 years ago
''Share your fun speculations in the comments'' IT WOULD BE COMPLETLY AND UTERLY TERIFYING!!!!!!!!
Emma's 9 Lives
Emma's 9 Lives - 6 years ago
I was boogie boarding and I step on a megaldon tooth and I still have it to this day (I saw a tiger shark
jace THEDUDEY - 6 years ago
i acctually never knew that was the scientific name! ;D
hello965 - 6 years ago
Mr.Books - 6 years ago
Call for help
therealpro198710 - 6 years ago
Meltdowns still alive=me never at the. Beach
Eric Davis
Eric Davis - 6 years ago
2.6 million years ago? You state it as a fact when it is only a theory. A poor theory based on assumptions and people actually buy into that. Its sad when thinking goes out the window.
Bill Cipher
Bill Cipher - 6 years ago
5% of the ocean is explored right now. They could still be living.
Cansequita Tuya
Cansequita Tuya - 6 years ago
The thubnail just looks fake it just looks like a a rubber shark puppet
Bill Cipher
Bill Cipher - 6 years ago
Who else watched the meg, scared the shit out of themselfs, and pissed there pants when they found this video?
Big Oof []
Big Oof [] - 6 years ago
Video starts at 8:08
B - 6 years ago
I think they shrank down to be great whites
Andre Garcia
Andre Garcia - 6 years ago
Randy Kurtz
Randy Kurtz - 6 years ago
5 to 7 inch tooth not foot
Randy Kurtz
Randy Kurtz - 6 years ago
Bill Cipher isn’t a 1/4 of a football field 75feet?
Bill Cipher
Bill Cipher - 6 years ago
A inch is your fingernail. A foot is 1/4 of a football field. So therefore its a foot.
amy bermil
amy bermil - 6 years ago
I can't stop watching this vid
BloodShed24 BloodShed24
BloodShed24 BloodShed24 - 6 years ago
Just watched the Meg the other day and told my parents that if I ever saw a Meg in the water I would swim with it and I have no doubt I wouldn't
SzM Gaming
SzM Gaming - 6 years ago
Compare this Meg with Masosaurus
Kitty cat Ruby cat
Kitty cat Ruby cat - 6 years ago
Simple answer: We go extinct

Fact: they still could be alive like 95% of the ocean hasn’t been looked at
tyler_hawks - 6 years ago
Like this comment if you’ve seen the movie already?
Alesha Shahid
Alesha Shahid - 6 years ago
I just watched The Meg and this came in my recommended
Znek - 6 years ago
Says "a Boeing aircraft" *puts an Airbus on there instead..."
Angel Scott
Angel Scott - 6 years ago
Have y’all seen the sharks in Australia... they didn’t go extinct they when to Australia
Curious Jayden
Curious Jayden - 6 years ago
They still exists
Claudia Garcia Hernandez
Claudia Garcia Hernandez - 6 years ago
Here answers the title if malodon sharks weren't extinct you would never see me at the beach
Ethan Sayers
Ethan Sayers - 6 years ago
Sophie Pollock
Sophie Pollock - 6 years ago
They still might be here. We only explored 5% of the ocean.
Robbie Morrill
Robbie Morrill - 6 years ago
I have never seen a shark
Minecraftjob101 - 6 years ago
tooth fosils lol
manabouttongue - 6 years ago
If I saw one, I would run on water. Dash couldn't hold a candle to me then.
Elsy Moreno
Elsy Moreno - 6 years ago
if it still existed i wouldn’t live where i live anymore
AJXHD - 6 years ago
If megaoldons weren’t extinct, orcas wouldn’t be on top of the food chain
Jeremiah Valeska
Jeremiah Valeska - 6 years ago
WatEasy - 6 years ago
don't you forgot the mosasaurus
UndeadDoodles - 6 years ago
Lol you got clips from the meg VR video
TheOriginalJoePanda - 6 years ago
Am I the only one tripping out on that 10 foot tall bird?
edyfofashow - 6 years ago
Thats like saying what if dinarous didnt go extint....WE WOULD MAKE THEM
Mikey Meza
Mikey Meza - 6 years ago
my dad caught a real megledon and killed it
RedPandaPlayz- Gaming
RedPandaPlayz- Gaming - 6 years ago
I would never go to the beach
Bruce White
Bruce White - 6 years ago
Talking about this definitely is NOT on the bright side
embcrs - 6 years ago
I mean, isn’t half of the ocean still undiscovered??
Stop Trying
Stop Trying - 6 years ago
How is this the 'bright side'
Ethan M
Ethan M - 6 years ago
DanicaDM _
DanicaDM _ - 6 years ago
2,000,600 years ago..

Yet it's only 2018..
Lisa J
Lisa J - 6 years ago
GabbyPlayz - 6 years ago
Catch me in a land locked country :) cause I won't be at the beach
Disco Steve
Disco Steve - 6 years ago
"What kind of species has a 5 to 7 foot long tooth" @ 3:18 <--- you guys might wanna think about editing that bit....
Fernando Cárdenas
Fernando Cárdenas - 6 years ago
They had too. The more advanced mammals like Killers Whales ate em all up
Sharmein Alireza
Sharmein Alireza - 6 years ago
ItZ HypeD BeAst
ItZ HypeD BeAst - 6 years ago
Megalodon is sexy tho? Why!!! Lol
Beanmachine91 - 6 years ago
they would have eaten the last of the humpbacks
phantomnightmarefoxy - 6 years ago
Megalodon sharks are still alive, and all the extinct creatures Most of them. only 5% of the ocean has been discovered.
Beanmachine91 - 6 years ago
i live in bakersfield, you got to protect yourself from valley fever spores at shark tooth hill and in various places!
Beanmachine91 - 6 years ago
megalodon is latin for big tooth
Christina Moore
Christina Moore - 6 years ago
I don't think Meg is real
REALxZEO - 6 years ago
i would run if i saw one these mother fuckers
PWUS - 6 years ago
REALxZEO run.. In the water?
Saniece Parris
Saniece Parris - 6 years ago
I would swim like the flash and made it back to land
Kawaii Bunnie
Kawaii Bunnie - 6 years ago
We dont know if the meg went extinct.
Jonathan martinez
Jonathan martinez - 6 years ago
If megalodon exist now they would eat everything. Boats, orcas, any whale, anything in the ocean.
Cat Cat
Cat Cat - 6 years ago
If I do a Megalodon I say hi and ride it.
Senior Wong Ching
Senior Wong Ching - 6 years ago
I have a megalodon tooth :)
Tyler Estelle
Tyler Estelle - 6 years ago
Well it is possible that the Great White was the Megalodon because the atmosphere allowed many creatures in that time to grow massively
look behind you
look behind you - 6 years ago
THE QUESTION OF THE DAY... If they didn't go away they... Would..... Not be.... Read more.
____IzzyF ____
____IzzyF ____ - 6 years ago
I literally JUST watched the movie like 20 minutes ago
Graceful Thunder
Graceful Thunder - 6 years ago
"The only thing we have ever found are the megalodon's teeth." Why? I'm curious. Did the Megalodon never exist? Where is the rest of its body? How did they figure out it was a shark? There is a lot of guesswork here as far as I can see. I'm not trying to be skeptical. I just wanna know more.
Shayan B
Shayan B - 6 years ago
Important part 8.00 thank me by liking this comment.
Devil Suchomimus
Devil Suchomimus - 6 years ago
Excuse me, the megalodon isn't the largest predator of all time, if were talking about large sea predators, one of them would be the mosasaur.
Kate Dickman
Kate Dickman - 6 years ago
the world wasn’t here 2,000,600 years ago
ItZ GregOry !!!!
ItZ GregOry !!!! - 6 years ago
I will never ever ever ever in my whole in tire life NEVER go swimming even with the school and I mean NEVER

Lee Bennett
Lee Bennett - 6 years ago
Between 1958/2016 439 People where killed by Sharks worldwide. In 2017 450 people Died in The US just falling out of Bed Kind of Puts Fear of shark attack in Perspective. To much Emotion not sufficient Thought
Mae Plays
Mae Plays - 6 years ago
Fun fact Megs where big enough to eat whales whole
Mc Lovin
Mc Lovin - 6 years ago
You do realize that there’s still like 80% of the ocean not explored, I think they’re still alive
Laylla's Locker
Laylla's Locker - 6 years ago
Animals don't terrorize anyone!
Mona Alghamdi
Mona Alghamdi - 6 years ago
This content is stolen
LC Ann Munar
LC Ann Munar - 6 years ago
Dang that thing is heavy. Imagine that thing on an aquarium and it just breaks the glass and just falls on top of you. Human pancakes for that shark....
Lily Chang
Lily Chang - 6 years ago
Lily Chang
Lily Chang - 6 years ago
Meh and AHHHH
Rexy boy Roar
Rexy boy Roar - 6 years ago
Ur reaserch is so in accurate u can’t tell it’s weight and u can fit 3 in a Olympic swimming pool Jesus also there was no seals and the creatures u said weren’t in the prehistoric and that’s not true at all about the tempature a whale would be a basilasoures but that might not have been in the same era and the sloth was a herbivore
Logan Mellor
Logan Mellor - 6 years ago
It's simple, if Megalodon exists I don't go to the beach, don't go out into the ocean, and don't fly anywhere.
Jad The biggest ronaldo fan
Jad The biggest ronaldo fan - 6 years ago
They still alive
Jaxx Harth
Jaxx Harth - 6 years ago
It’s possible it could be unextinct 90% of the ocean was not discovered
Bianca Kierulf
Bianca Kierulf - 6 years ago
Lol I won’t go to the beach if it was still alive
Israel JM
Israel JM - 6 years ago
My brither caught a shark my dad help my yonger cousin ceatch a sand shark. The shark that my brother cought is a hammer head
Tylee Van Valkenburgh
Tylee Van Valkenburgh - 6 years ago
Sharks are kinda attractive. Not in the whole I would date a shark, but there very beautiful.
TEᔕᔕᗩᗷEᗩᖇ ᖴᗩᑎᗩᑕOᑌᑎT
TEᔕᔕᗩᗷEᗩᖇ ᖴᗩᑎᗩᑕOᑌᑎT - 6 years ago
It’s simple if megladons we’re still alive then you wouldn’t see me at the beach anytime soon
kais359 - 6 years ago
Now we’ve established the terrifying picture of a megalodon, and the fact that it’s nothing compared to today’s great white sharks? Think you got mixed up there.
Tiger Hang
Tiger Hang - 6 years ago
My ansester saw a megaladon he owned the titanic
Roy Thorne
Roy Thorne - 6 years ago
Wait, What!? 5 - 7 FOOT LONG TOOTH!!!!! 3:18
Nooooooo. 5 to 7 INCH not foot! #factsmatter
Roy Thorne
Roy Thorne - 6 years ago
Grampa shark do do do do d'do!
Gianna Velasquez
Gianna Velasquez - 6 years ago
I wonder how people will live if dinosaurs were still alive?
Marquez Fits
Marquez Fits - 6 years ago
Yea, If they still existed I would never go to the beach again, I live in Florida and there are already so many sharks & shark bites here
Felisha the Fox
Felisha the Fox - 6 years ago
Megalodon looks bigger
Chang Kwon Lee
Chang Kwon Lee - 6 years ago
i heard that prehistoric fish has the strongest bite..dunkleosteus with 80,000 pound not megalodon
Eric R
Eric R - 6 years ago
I don’t think we’re enough food for it to waist it’s time and energy on maybe one of those giants I keep seeing on YouTube
Vani Kumar
Vani Kumar - 6 years ago
Actually terror birds and Megatheriums did live when humans were around during the Ice Age
Big Quacc the one and only
Big Quacc the one and only - 6 years ago
3:17 5 to 7 foot long tooth tf
Shaza Aram
Shaza Aram - 6 years ago
Does anyone know the song playing in the background???
MistetNecroMan 6
MistetNecroMan 6 - 6 years ago
Only 10% of our ocean is discovered so there's no telling if there still alive
Dirty Apocalypse
Dirty Apocalypse - 6 years ago
Good luck to all the Militaries navy
husniddin10 - 6 years ago
Metric system ffs
Akasha-Midna 88
Akasha-Midna 88 - 6 years ago
honestly I don't see why a meh would go after humans unless there was like a "school" (so to speak) of us on the surface that would be worth the bother to grab a decent chunk of grub . just my personal opinion and I could be wrong lol
Arctic Santa
Arctic Santa - 6 years ago
you should make you videos in feat and cm, ton's and kg, i'm from Sweden and i don't understand your system but i love watching your videos!
Jai Barnett
Jai Barnett - 6 years ago
And this is why I don't go into the sea
Jeremie Kennedy
Jeremie Kennedy - 6 years ago
They never Went Extinct
Joon Shine
Joon Shine - 6 years ago
Maybe if we co-existed with these sharks we would have megalodon hunting boats
paradise for jojo siwa jojo siwa
paradise for jojo siwa jojo siwa - 6 years ago
Just bc you don't see them dosent mean they go extinct
paradise for jojo siwa jojo siwa
paradise for jojo siwa jojo siwa - 6 years ago
There not extinct bc I've seen one on a boat
Rebecca Bowling
Rebecca Bowling - 6 years ago
I would be dead if i ever met one
Sameera Chotak
Sameera Chotak - 6 years ago
We need to remember that we have only discovered 10% of the ocean and we know more about space than the ocean sooo there is a possibility that they're somewhere out there in the vast ocean
Christian Willis
Christian Willis - 6 years ago
Christian Willis
Christian Willis - 6 years ago
Sameera Chotak 5% excuse i
James Fleck
James Fleck - 6 years ago
This was a good video I don't like sharks bit still good keep up the hood work
SuperSour //SourDestroyer
SuperSour //SourDestroyer - 6 years ago
Wait leeds were i live holds megolodon tooth
Noelani Hendrickson
Noelani Hendrickson - 6 years ago
Did you guys know that when they were shooting the first of the jaws movies they lost the first fake shark in the ocean so now there is a fake megalodon somewhere at the bottom of the ocean
Jessa Sauter
Jessa Sauter - 6 years ago
There is no way that the average American eats 500 lbs of meat per year!
Pearl I don’t want a last name!!!
Pearl I don’t want a last name!!! - 6 years ago
Welp, I’m never swimming again
Tadiwanashe Dhedheya
Tadiwanashe Dhedheya - 6 years ago
Wow that's a big shark
ender lilly
ender lilly - 6 years ago
Why were they created
Makayla Newton
Makayla Newton - 6 years ago
watch the movie meg, whom knows they may still live...
Bb Cruz
Bb Cruz - 6 years ago
Every time a video starts off by saying subscribe and turn notifications on I automatically dislike the video lol even if I’m interested
Lewis Muirhead
Lewis Muirhead - 6 years ago
Lol trow an air tank in to its mouth and shot it
thylacine - 6 years ago
Meg teeth were not 7 feet long they were 7 inchs
Jackloveslego123 - 6 years ago
You know the earth has only existed 6,000 years. not millions of years. Yes go ahead and say that im wrong... I just don't believe in evolution.
Brisingr - 6 years ago
from, what movie is that megalodon clip 1:00
Sofiaplayz XD
Sofiaplayz XD - 6 years ago
What was the size of the average baby Megalodon?
M McClain
M McClain - 6 years ago
Most of these clips r from the met movie
Antonio - 6 years ago
The new movie was bad not goin lie
Prankster Gangster Homie Hero Brian MLG
Prankster Gangster Homie Hero Brian MLG - 6 years ago
Am I the only one watching that has actually seen a megladon
Besi Asani
Besi Asani - 6 years ago
I watched this vid because I recently saw meg
gandhi - 6 years ago
We only explored 5% of sea so everything is possible
Ace The Cat
Ace The Cat - 6 years ago
I just watched The Meg yesterday.
your pokemon pikachu
your pokemon pikachu - 6 years ago
They never went dead
Jelani Alleyne
Jelani Alleyne - 6 years ago
How do you know that
Ifunny's Vegito
Ifunny's Vegito - 6 years ago
Scientific name is wrong. The scientific name of Megalodon was carcharodon Megalodon.
Littlemickme - 6 years ago
I would be like bye fam I've always loves you
Powder Hungry
Powder Hungry - 6 years ago
If Megalodon still existed, Shark experts would be nothing more than shark poop. Guarantee you that.
JaggerRuhterVlogs - 6 years ago
Megalodon in viewing distance = a change in underwear
Catt Ness
Catt Ness - 6 years ago
they know it lived 480million years ago....
oh dear, again people dont base your beLIEfs on hear say
Catt Ness
Catt Ness - 6 years ago
oh dear, creating a reality based on beliefs....
bulll ssssshhhh
Nitrogen 5225
Nitrogen 5225 - 6 years ago
Can you imagine if the megalodon was actually a small shark but had one big buck tooth
WK Chong
WK Chong - 6 years ago
If didn’t extinct, we could be dinning on the biggest shark fin in the world.
Eddie Leuenhagen
Eddie Leuenhagen - 6 years ago
2:15 bruh what kind of boeing aircraft
Dimas Aprianto
Dimas Aprianto - 6 years ago
ohwowitsella - 6 years ago
im never getting in the ocean again
negima112 - 6 years ago
Dang, a 5-7 FT long tooth 3:16
Billy Noon
Billy Noon - 6 years ago
I thought Megalodon was Carcharias Megalodon? Great Whites are Carcharias Carcharadon so I thought they were related somewhere.
DinPlayz RBLX
DinPlayz RBLX - 6 years ago
if the megalodons were alive... people who hunt sharks will get more meat = megalodon going extinct again :/ the world works like that
DinPlayz RBLX
DinPlayz RBLX - 6 years ago
cradmanthepuppylover YT true.. thats a nice meal
CradManThePuppyLover YT
CradManThePuppyLover YT - 6 years ago
News: Hey, We Found A New Megeladon!
Shark Hunters: Well, You'll Find A Skeleton Again....
Orion The Failure
Orion The Failure - 6 years ago
I'm doubting that
Vinny Estrada
Vinny Estrada - 6 years ago
Nah, the sharks are to big to be caught.
They lived deep underwater and unless the equipment to submerge down its durable the only thing we would be able to do is watch them and hope they wouldn't destroy the submarine. Unless we throw bombs In the ocean to make them surface up, then maybe we would be able to catch them. Maybe.
Christian Willis
Christian Willis - 6 years ago
DinPlayz RBLX what I'm saying is IT'S A FUCKEN 52 TO 59 FOOT SHARK
Kelly R
Kelly R - 6 years ago
People think that it lives in the Mariana Trench or the under water lake and if it came out I think that everyone wold not go to the beach like if you agree
Darius Daniel
Darius Daniel - 6 years ago
hmm i think i would try to take a baby megalodon and buy a big tank to keep them they may be handy when someone tries to rob my house
Angelika Rydzynska
Angelika Rydzynska - 6 years ago
I swear megaldons are still real
ArchY - 6 years ago
Just here watching the 27th video about what if megalodon didn't go extinct
Angelika Rydzynska
Angelika Rydzynska - 6 years ago
Lipripper Bassfisher
Lipripper Bassfisher - 6 years ago
Why did you title the video this when you talk about it for a minute, you should of named it the history of the megalodon
Ashlynn Young
Ashlynn Young - 6 years ago
Ya people don’t really know if they are alive or not but in my opinion I think they are.
MaroonKitty 77
MaroonKitty 77 - 6 years ago
This video is chock full of errors. But what do you expect. It's the channel the BRIGHT SIDE. You can't really expect them to be accurate anyway
GANDY - 6 years ago
Anyone here from Sea Of Thieves?
oldMK1 - 6 years ago
Um, their teeth aren't 7 FEET long! More like 7 INCHES, which is still huge. But c'mon, guys - 7 FEET?!?! If the mouth was 10 feet wide, then 7-foot-long teeth would be a little unreasonable...
noobisthe_best fabjo
noobisthe_best fabjo - 6 years ago
0:41 boo
tejal hiremath
tejal hiremath - 6 years ago
Megalodon is nothing. There's a fish called as Timingala, which can swallow up a blue whale like nut. You should try knowing about Timingala.
Logan Suriano
Logan Suriano - 6 years ago
2:25 what do you mean the megalodon is “nothing compared to today’s great white.
Christian Willis
Christian Willis - 6 years ago
Logan Suriano he means it is way to big to compare
Curry's Dad
Curry's Dad - 6 years ago
You can still swim in the ocean just couldn't go to deep lol
Glacé Pod
Glacé Pod - 6 years ago
I live in Leeds and I thought no one would ever mention it lol
TidalWaveJoe - 6 years ago
The teeth of Megalodon weren’t 5-7 feet. They were 5-7 inches.
1996axon - 6 years ago
If i meet any megalodon... I Call Jason Statham !
Zisis  Chartampilas
Zisis Chartampilas - 6 years ago
What an awsome vinteo i dont think that megalodon exsist because i dont think that fish would exist either
Ethan Steiner
Ethan Steiner - 6 years ago
There were two things wrong in here. It is actualy carcharadon megalodon and the teeth are only 7 inches not 7 feet
Harmony Pollard
Harmony Pollard - 6 years ago
Next time i go to the airport I’m checking to see how big the plane is and comparing it
Zisis  Chartampilas
Zisis Chartampilas - 6 years ago
The way i knew obout megalodons is because i plaed hungry sharks
A Random Flamingo
A Random Flamingo - 6 years ago
Who says they’re extinct?
MargauxLouise564 564
MargauxLouise564 564 - 6 years ago
If they never went extinct I would never step foot in the ocean even if it was shark free I wouldn’t care if it was shark free and I would only go to pool
MargauxLouise564 564
MargauxLouise564 564 - 6 years ago
I am terrified of sharks
Evie VELLELEY - 6 years ago
Yu. Suf
Yu. Suf - 6 years ago
There is a new update on roblox shark bite .THE MEGaledon.who saw it.
Ember Pockett
Ember Pockett - 6 years ago
End up dying and screaming
Joaquin Noel
Joaquin Noel - 6 years ago
Megalon lives in the treanch easy
Babis Stef
Babis Stef - 6 years ago
Well if this thing was still alive,I would do my summer vacation in my bathtub
Lucy Hume
Lucy Hume - 6 years ago
There’s not enough animals in the sea to feed them for this long
Michael Smith
Michael Smith - 6 years ago
@ 3:19... you state the tooth is 5 to 7 FEET long. It's Inches. It's correct in the text, but the voice over says "foot"....
HenDev Productions
HenDev Productions - 6 years ago
I think sharks are cute...
Eddie VIII
Eddie VIII - 6 years ago
Why would a megalodon even bother eating human??? They would probably need to eat 100 humans a day to get the necessary calories to survive. They ate whales. Humans would not be a viable food source for them.
Eddie VIII
Eddie VIII - 6 years ago
Christian Willis 500??? This ain't Godzilla dude.
Christian Willis
Christian Willis - 6 years ago
Eddie VIII make that 100 500
IMissAllMyShots - 6 years ago
If it was still alive, humans would have to get rid of them
gregory jenisch
gregory jenisch - 6 years ago
5:25 who would be brave enough to get that footage. Not me, that shark was literally trying to get to whoever was filming
peyton bowers
peyton bowers - 6 years ago
The cold water was false megaladon thrived in cold area
Ava Foxface :0
Ava Foxface :0 - 6 years ago
If saw one coming my way, I would try to drown before it got me lol
CradManThePuppyLover YT
CradManThePuppyLover YT - 6 years ago
Better To Suicide Than Be eaten
Rick Nils
Rick Nils - 6 years ago
Sem van Polanen thats the joke.
Rhaxma.Mighty.Rainbows KOOKIE
Rhaxma.Mighty.Rainbows KOOKIE - 6 years ago
Emma Roleplays-Roblox,Minecraft,And Much More!
Emma Roleplays-Roblox,Minecraft,And Much More! - 6 years ago
Sem van Polanen That Would Hurt More >~<
Sem van Polanen
Sem van Polanen - 6 years ago
Ava Foxface :0 it will hurt more to drown your self
You death will probably be faster if you get eaten
Night Hawk
Night Hawk - 6 years ago
We have not discovered 1 third of the earth's oceans so all we know the megaladon and other super sea predators could still be alive
Christian Willis
Christian Willis - 6 years ago
Night Hawk ummm we have only discovered 5%
Licia B
Licia B - 6 years ago
ayee yall come to the Bahamas hopefully there's no Megalodons
creature - 6 years ago
They could have been frozen during the ice age and are now being released as the ice caps melt
CradManThePuppyLover YT
CradManThePuppyLover YT - 6 years ago
Nova - 6 years ago
+hi hi Precisely, there is very little food on the daylight zone, most giant squids and whales live in the twilight or midnight zone, which is impossible for the Megalodon because temperatures down there are subzero.
hi hi
hi hi - 6 years ago
Nova it would need to sweep the whole ocean for 1 meal unless it eats whales and giant sqiuds
Nova - 6 years ago
That theory could be possible... given that cryogenic preservation is possible. However, in the modern world, alot of its ancient prey is extinct, or alot smaller.
Bone grinder And Friends
Bone grinder And Friends - 6 years ago
creature don't do that to me man
G_ReaPeR gaming
G_ReaPeR gaming - 6 years ago
like cap america
Funny fan matthews
Funny fan matthews - 6 years ago
O god now i know that theory I'm probably never going to the beach
Captain Quality
Captain Quality - 6 years ago
This is a ripp off of lbq
varunrebel var18
varunrebel var18 - 6 years ago
Nicole whelan
Nicole whelan - 6 years ago
The meg is 100% not extinced we have only searched 20% of the sea 80% are unknown
Taiga Roseen
Taiga Roseen - 6 years ago
Nicole whelan Nope..we haven't. Acually we only explored 7 or 8 percent of the ocean.
Isabella Binder
Isabella Binder - 6 years ago
Confident investigator Latin twoki rough climb rare European chance pour.
Yeretho baeza
Yeretho baeza - 6 years ago
I love sharks
Savannah Manculich
Savannah Manculich - 6 years ago
I’m terrified of the megalodon even if it isn’t real (maybe for all we know), but it’s also very fascinating just like space!
Technical Xd
Technical Xd - 6 years ago
Megladon's Still THERE!!!!!! Its not EXTINCT yet!!!!
Nikki Maynard
Nikki Maynard - 6 years ago
Snake 123
Snake 123 - 6 years ago
There extinct I’ve studied them for years the sightings are fake.Plus it’s not 95# that’s unexplored.btw you guessed 50 that Obviously means your uneducated.even knowing your wrong you till posted it.this video evens get facts wrong
JoshBoiVlogs - 6 years ago
that is only in the movie
CradManThePuppyLover YT
CradManThePuppyLover YT - 6 years ago
Also If It Existed we would've Found It In Marina Trench (I Think It's named Like that)
CradManThePuppyLover YT
CradManThePuppyLover YT - 6 years ago
Thanks For Fake News!
G_ReaPeR gaming
G_ReaPeR gaming - 6 years ago
+Technical Xd 95% to be exact
Technical Xd
Technical Xd - 6 years ago
There are still many things which decline the rules of science,,,, but I believe they are still there and are not extinct
Black King
Black King - 6 years ago
Technical Xd there's still no evidence of the Megalodon currently existing tho, I would like to believe it, but logic points to the fact that it's extinct.
Technical Xd
Technical Xd - 6 years ago
I don't pretty much go fast to that stuff because even in ice age many predators tried to migrate and if Megladon had more bite force than T-Rex it might have started to gon on land for a few minutes for prey,,,including it its adaptation included lungs while the time passes out....So, we might know it as land animal with another name,,,,or it is still living in the unexplored parts of the world
Black King
Black King - 6 years ago
Technical Xd there's nothing fatty enough to sustain the diet of a megalodon down there, it can't adapt to the harsh environment that fast anyway. Everything was against it including, declining of prey, migration of prey, closing of the Panama bridge, cooling global temperature, and prey starting to fight back in pods such as the killer whale. All of these contributed to the extinction of the Megalodon.
Black King
Black King - 6 years ago
Technical Xd every single megalodon sighting has been debunked, and just because we haven't explored all the ocean doesn't mean megalodon exists, megalodon itself was a surface predator, it never really went to deep into the ocean cause there's nothing to eat down there, it's prey were on the upper part of the ocean and it would not have been able to adapt to the extremely harsh environment of the abyssal zone in a couple million years. Its dead, if it still existed then we would also find new teeth.
Technical Xd
Technical Xd - 6 years ago
There have been many megladon sightings,,,,,and still more than 50% of oceans are yet to be explored and mapped.
Black King
Black King - 6 years ago
No, it's scientifically impossible for a megalodon to exist in the deep ocean, there are so many reasons why it can't.
Christian Willis
Christian Willis - 6 years ago
We must believe
Dobbie0912 - 6 years ago
Man will not survive living with the giants.
brookiecookie27 - 6 years ago
I went from watching the killers music videos to watching this. what has my life become to??
Assia Sadir
Assia Sadir - 6 years ago
And yes I have seen a shark.It wasn't so bad.It was cute but quite big.It felt smooth.It didn't attack me.Just a cute little shark passing by.It only tried to bite be one but it missed.So did I answer your Question BRIGHT SIDE?
Sarcosuchus 2018
Sarcosuchus 2018 - 6 years ago
Meg will probably make blue whales extinct.
Rockingthestage Productions
Rockingthestage Productions - 6 years ago
I think it would of died very soon if it never went extinct anyways. It went extinct for it's size, it was too big. It had to eat more food to survive. And sooner or later there wasn't enough food for its diet. And there were a lot of other predators as competition. I know I'm being a party pooper but if it didn't go extinct when it did, it would of died off later.
Jden_plays Ahi
Jden_plays Ahi - 6 years ago
Slatos Gamer
Slatos Gamer - 6 years ago
Great white shark on steroids
Vert - 6 years ago
Am I thr only one that think that bright side is à genius?
Skeliton King
Skeliton King - 6 years ago
I love the meg and I know how he died and I also saw the meg movie
FantaPants- - 6 years ago
5 - 7 foot long teeth? I highly doubt that...
Taiga Roseen
Taiga Roseen - 6 years ago
Ellabelle so if a shark attacked your family would you forgive it by saying he didn't mean it?
Will Ludwell
Will Ludwell - 6 years ago
Caitlyn Heaney
Caitlyn Heaney - 6 years ago
Teeth were 7 inches not feet***** (popped out to my attention while watching)
Marine Stinger
Marine Stinger - 6 years ago
Watching the meg
Harry B150
Harry B150 - 6 years ago
Bro we don’t know if they have gone extinct because we have only searched like 5-10% of the ocean floor
Teresa Lopez
Teresa Lopez - 6 years ago
i love sharks ever since i got bitten by one i wanted to explore sharks even megaladons
herobot 12h
herobot 12h - 6 years ago
5% per ocean explore 95% unexplore well?
Conor Dawe
Conor Dawe - 6 years ago
Wat if there not extinct
Conor Dawe
Conor Dawe - 6 years ago
But we only explored 5% of the ocean
Gabriel Crafter
Gabriel Crafter - 6 years ago
If i met a megalodon in real life i would just stay on land till the day i died
that is..... if i survive
silver kill
silver kill - 6 years ago
I like how you took 3/4th of the video and then get to the question
Akash Jain
Akash Jain - 6 years ago
How is that bright side...
TheAnimalKid- I like schleich Horses-
TheAnimalKid- I like schleich Horses- - 6 years ago
Never go in the water, never swim,leave the beach. 3 simple steps to folow to not get eaten
Gabriel Wlilams
Gabriel Wlilams - 6 years ago
Now I'm not going in the water
RosesAreBlue - 6 years ago
Im never going to swim again
Meta Bro
Meta Bro - 6 years ago
You have 15M subs and you never tought that people in other countries dont know how much is a feet and lbs. ,dont get me wrong but i would like to see some meters and kg's too if its possible.
Charly Franklin
Charly Franklin - 6 years ago
My dads friend is someone from the meg he is famous
Branwen Bainbridge
Branwen Bainbridge - 6 years ago
I grew up in cape cod which is home to 100’s of great whites. Whenever u went swimming there u would see them eating the seals, tho as far as I’m aware they never attacked humans :)
Joshua Alvarado
Joshua Alvarado - 6 years ago
Shoot myself
3CK MOVING ADS INC 3CK - 6 years ago
Cute shark
0 video to 1k subs Challenge
0 video to 1k subs Challenge - 6 years ago
Imagine tameing a megaladon shark :o
0 video to 1k subs Challenge
0 video to 1k subs Challenge - 6 years ago
Thats like a nighttmare IRL.
ItsTwinkle - 6 years ago
Megalodon was real thick ;0
Christian Willis
Christian Willis - 6 years ago
ItsTwinkle .......................... beastality
fanofgeomatrydash .2
fanofgeomatrydash .2 - 6 years ago
That movie exists for that reason
Alex Kolle
Alex Kolle - 6 years ago
“But what size is it’s tooth?” Talks about it’s weight for 3 minutes
Jamie The Weeb
Jamie The Weeb - 6 years ago
Imagine what megalodons would mean for naval combat like the Spanish armada
DankNoodles - 6 years ago
I live in Colorado so I just wouldn’t care
Sam Mc
Sam Mc - 6 years ago
With my luck I would get eaten so I’m pretty sure I’m not gonna go swimming in the ocean
Jamie The Weeb
Jamie The Weeb - 6 years ago
But couldn't a megalodon just eat the other predators
XaveRave - 6 years ago
Me and my friend legit found a tooth and then watched this video!
Dominic Wolfgang
Dominic Wolfgang - 6 years ago
James Parker Because it doesn't qualify as an opinion when it can be proven wrong scientifically.
James Parker
James Parker - 6 years ago
Dominic Wolfgang WHY are you going back and forth with ME... you have your opinion I have MINE just leave it at that.!
Dominic Wolfgang
Dominic Wolfgang - 6 years ago
James Parker It's not an opinion, it's science. There CANNOT be anything that big out there without us knowing about it. If you had ever looked into the matter you'd have come to that conclusion a long time ago
James Parker
James Parker - 6 years ago
Zoe Newell like I said that's your opinion...!
Dominic Wolfgang
Dominic Wolfgang - 6 years ago
James Parker Maybe. But it's definitely no megalodon. They usee to live in warm shallow waters. And those waters belong to the 5% we've explored thoroughly. There can't be anything as big as a megalodon in the deep sea either because of the immense pressure. So there propably is nothing out there.
James Parker
James Parker - 6 years ago
Zoe Newell ok that's your opinion it's something out there.
Zoe Newell
Zoe Newell - 6 years ago
Dominic Wolfgang
Dominic Wolfgang - 6 years ago
James Parker They're extinct, buddy. Stop spreading lies.
Taiga Roseen
Taiga Roseen - 6 years ago
James Parker no...pretty sure there long gone dude
Jack Monk
Jack Monk - 6 years ago
lol megalodons wouldn’t even eat humans that would be like humans eating flies so i wouldn’t really be afraid coz also they require really deep water
Flukeyy - 6 years ago
Scary asf
Mahmud Ali Muhudin
Mahmud Ali Muhudin - 6 years ago
think of the bright side
NERD GMING polo - 6 years ago
Actually a pelontologist said there is still a living megelagdon watch inside Edition it's true it's still out there so be care ful
Zachary Shammash
Zachary Shammash - 6 years ago
What if?
Olivia Grace
Olivia Grace - 6 years ago
After i have seen the meg and now this video i am never going to be afraid of sharks now days
Dutch Bandits
Dutch Bandits - 6 years ago
Sensationalist but megalodons hunted whales. They wouldnt be interested in a human.
Gemma Allen
Gemma Allen - 6 years ago
give this comment a like if you were skerd
CravingPvpZ gaming
CravingPvpZ gaming - 6 years ago
95% of the ocean isn't discovered who knows?
ASY GAMING - 6 years ago
Why do you steal content, I am unsubcribing, m not lying guys look at the channel named worlds biggest question, this channel most of the time steals their channels content.
Ashley Penalacia
Ashley Penalacia - 6 years ago
So, the shark is a giant? Knowing that rollercoasters that go to like 100 feet in the air. This is why I'm scared of the ocean and just go to the bay. EEEE
Spencer Randall
Spencer Randall - 6 years ago
95% of the ocean is still unexplored so many the meg still exist somewhere.
TheAnimeKing - 6 years ago
i never seen shark but i will in 1 weeks whe will go the one water who there sharks am so axsitede
MT Central
MT Central - 6 years ago
My mom and sis did when they where parasailing
Justin Roh
Justin Roh - 6 years ago
Im never going to the beach again...
potitishogun2961997 - 6 years ago
BeastGaming Playz
BeastGaming Playz - 6 years ago
I'll answer this, if Megalodons were still alive, There prob won't be anyone in da ocean (for all we know they still could be alive)
Volkan Sütçüoğlu
Volkan Sütçüoğlu - 6 years ago
ashen eidolon
Buda - 6 years ago
Fun fact: Blue whales are the largest animal that have ever lived on planet earth, right now in our time.
caitlyn who r u
caitlyn who r u - 6 years ago
Never going to the beach lol
Nccn Bffnastassjaandclaire
Nccn Bffnastassjaandclaire - 6 years ago
Watching this at exactly 10:00 so scary btw at night
Trustme - 6 years ago
whales and other big fish would have gone extinct if this giant didn't.
Nia Santiago
Nia Santiago - 6 years ago
bro i just believe dinosaurs and the megalodon shark was never real. and they never roamed the earth. a lot people say “oh we have fossils and shark teeth.” we really don’t. and there’s no way we have more then at least 1,500 museums with the dinosaur bones. those bones feel fake and look way too cleaned. and more people would say “tHeRe jUst tHerE tO sHoW Y0u.” well then how do you know it’s real? where are the teeth. all the govt. does is hide stuff and make us believe things. so they can hide something else. and if they were real people would’ve saw them right? they’re the “biggest” shark “ever”. no one can prove it’s real. maybe the government is trying to prepare on what will happen for civilization control who knows. but i know for fact that dinosaurs and megalodon have probably never existed.
aboomination - 6 years ago
Easy answer: We would've killed them.
lilcotton 1 aj
lilcotton 1 aj - 6 years ago
In 1:10 u hv 15,576,907 subs but in real life u hv 15,358,232
Reese Kelic
Reese Kelic - 6 years ago
just finished watching meg and this video came up
Sonia Yorker
Sonia Yorker - 6 years ago
How do scientists know its weight if it's extinct?
Johanne Gwapito
Johanne Gwapito - 6 years ago
The meg.
the golden gaming freddy
the golden gaming freddy - 6 years ago
What If remember that
philip Monroy
philip Monroy - 6 years ago
Megaladons may not be extinct only 5 percent of the ocean has been explored
Sam Wainwright
Sam Wainwright - 6 years ago
evee of evolutions
evee of evolutions - 6 years ago
Sharks are awsome apex predators
But they are terrible up close
thtupid - 6 years ago
Why are the ancient animals so big? If small is the way to go (judging by the size of their ancestors), why are humans getting larger and larger? (not talking about obesity here...)
pro noob
pro noob - 6 years ago
Question:what if the megalodon didn't go extinct
Answer:were doomed

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