What If Megalodon Sharks Didn't Go Extinct?
Shark videos 6 years ago 2,824,772 views
2,600,000 years ago, megalodons terrorized the seas and oceans, and they were believed to be the largest sharks to ever live on Earth. They were also the largest predators in vertebrate history. What if this enormous marine carnivore had never become extinct? It isn’t a fun scenario to imagine, but, hey, we’ve also been toying with the idea ever since we saw fossils of dinosaurs and other beastly creatures that once roamed our planet. These gigantic animals ruled Earth millions of years ago, and we can’t help but wonder what our life would have been like if we’d coexisted with them. TIMESTAMPS What the megalodon shark was like 1:17 The only remains of a megalodon to be discovered 3:20 How did they attack their victims 5:06 The main reason for the extinction of this great predator 6:10 What if megalodons didn’t become extinct? 8:04 Other huge prehistoric animals and birds 9:12 Music: https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music SUMMARY -Megalodon shark lived during the Neogene period, was between 52 ft and 59 ft, and its weight could vary from 70 to 100 tons. During the Renaissance period, the megalodon’s teeth were mistaken for the fossilized tips of the tongues of dragons and snakes. -The only remains of a megalodon to be discovered were its vertebrae and tooth. They were found around the continents of Australia, Southeast Asia, Europe, and North and South America. -Back in 2016, researchers at the University of Zurich’s Paleontological Institute and Museum found that the real reason the megalodons became extinct was due to competition over food. -The megalodon immediately clamped its teeth onto the body of its prey, which resulted in pulverized ribs and a ruptured heart and lungs. The second attack method of the megalodon was to rip its prey’s fins to immobilize it before chow time. -Had the megalodon shark survived, the aquatic biodiversity could have been rich if that had happened. However, the super predators that existed along with megalodons would also still be alive. -Other species that have caused terror on Earth were the Aegirocassis benmoulae, the Sarcosuchus imperator, the Megatherium americanum, the Titanis walleri, or “Terror Bird”. Subscribe to Bright Side : https://goo.gl/rQTJZz ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brightside/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brightgram/ 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: https://www.goo.gl/8JVmuC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: http://www.brightside.me/
Problibly in 2019
I don’t know it’s type because I was only five years old in that time.
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10. comment for What If Megalodon Sharks Didn't Go Extinct?
edit: I got a fright at the end
20. comment for What If Megalodon Sharks Didn't Go Extinct?
30. comment for What If Megalodon Sharks Didn't Go Extinct?
What about this one?
“Seriously? You think our biggest cruise ship is big enough?”
Uhh, yeah?
“No! Bigger!”
We don’t have any bigger, sir!
“Alright. Looks like you’re going skinny dipping.”
Wait, wha..?
50. comment for What If Megalodon Sharks Didn't Go Extinct?
You would see me riding into the sunset
ocean man wasent real
Haha I told u so
Ur never getting out of this now
I’ll let u go soon
Not yet tho
Ok u can go
Okay okay I’m done now. Bye!
The pop culture likes to pretend that sharks are extremely dangerous, but that simply aren't true.
wow.. if they never went extinct.. I'd never go to the seaside..
but seeing one WOULD be super cool..
eh. lets just watch theories instead.. less scary xD
It’s in the cinemas near you!!!
100. comment for What If Megalodon Sharks Didn't Go Extinct?
All I'm gonna say is the worlds population would probably be a lot lower.....
Ocean,southern Ocean,Arctic Ocean????
And if the megalodon has been alive for all these years, you’ve been swimming in the ocean with it anyways.
Or how ever you spell it
None. If you meant 5-7 inches, then a Megalodon.
Now i want my likes >:i
"Its a good thing we brought a bigger boat."
Megalodon : (eats me )
Fact: they still could be alive like 95% of the ocean hasn’t been looked at
Yet it's only 2018..
Nooooooo. 5 to 7 INCH not foot! #factsmatter
oh dear, again people dont base your beLIEfs on hear say
bulll ssssshhhh
Shark Hunters: Well, You'll Find A Skeleton Again....
They lived deep underwater and unless the equipment to submerge down its durable the only thing we would be able to do is watch them and hope they wouldn't destroy the submarine. Unless we throw bombs In the ocean to make them surface up, then maybe we would be able to catch them. Maybe.
You death will probably be faster if you get eaten
that is..... if i survive
But they are terrible up close
Answer:were doomed