What If There Were No Sharks?

Follow this link to more shark science videos by your favorite YouTubers!! http://bit.ly/1sugd0z ↓ More info and sources below ↓ Follow on Twitter: http://twitter.com/jtotheizzoe Follow on Tumblr: http://www.itsokaytobesmart.com Sharks killed per hour infographic: http://bit.ly/1oXYT0Y An estimated 100 million sharks are killed per year: http://bit.ly/1oE7uRS Palau sharks are worth $2 million: http://nyti.ms/1kX4fua Effect of shark overfishing on reefs: http://bit.ly/1opLhwF Overfishing sharks led to scallop fishery collapse: https://www.sciencemag.org/content/315/5820/1846.short?related-urls=yes&legid=sci;315/5820/1846 ----------------- Have an idea for an episode or an amazing science question you want answered? Leave a comment below! Follow me on Twitter: @jtotheizzoe Email me: itsokaytobesmart AT gmail DOT com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/itsokaytobesmart Google+ https://plus.google.com/+itsokaytobesmart For more awesome science, check out: http://www.itsokaytobesmart.com Joe Hanson - Host and writer Joe Nicolosi - Director Amanda Fox - Producer, Spotzen IncKate Eads - Associate Producer Katie Graham - Camera Editing/Motion Graphics - Andrew Matthews Gaffer - John Knudsen Theme music: "Ouroboros" by Kevin MacLeod Stock images via Shutterstock Produced by PBS Digital Studios: http://www.youtube.com/user/pbsdigitalstudios ----------------- Last week's video: The Oldest Living Things in the World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xDwQ7DlVaM More videos: Why Did We Blow on NES Games? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Gf9mtXnJfM The Science of BBQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccqOVmsybO4 The Science of Game of Thrones - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Utu-LpJn3Is The Far Future of the Universe - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jl9DwNOonOA There Was No First Human - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdWLhXi24Mo

What If There Were No Sharks? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 846

Shark videos 10 years ago 2,101,969 views

Follow this link to more shark science videos by your favorite YouTubers!! http://bit.ly/1sugd0z ↓ More info and sources below ↓ Follow on Twitter: http://twitter.com/jtotheizzoe Follow on Tumblr: http://www.itsokaytobesmart.com Sharks killed per hour infographic: http://bit.ly/1oXYT0Y An estimated 100 million sharks are killed per year: http://bit.ly/1oE7uRS Palau sharks are worth $2 million: http://nyti.ms/1kX4fua Effect of shark overfishing on reefs: http://bit.ly/1opLhwF Overfishing sharks led to scallop fishery collapse: https://www.sciencemag.org/content/315/5820/1846.short?related-urls=yes&legid=sci;315/5820/1846 ----------------- Have an idea for an episode or an amazing science question you want answered? Leave a comment below! Follow me on Twitter: @jtotheizzoe Email me: itsokaytobesmart AT gmail DOT com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/itsokaytobesmart Google+ https://plus.google.com/+itsokaytobesmart For more awesome science, check out: http://www.itsokaytobesmart.com Joe Hanson - Host and writer Joe Nicolosi - Director Amanda Fox - Producer, Spotzen IncKate Eads - Associate Producer Katie Graham - Camera Editing/Motion Graphics - Andrew Matthews Gaffer - John Knudsen Theme music: "Ouroboros" by Kevin MacLeod Stock images via Shutterstock Produced by PBS Digital Studios: http://www.youtube.com/user/pbsdigitalstudios ----------------- Last week's video: The Oldest Living Things in the World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xDwQ7DlVaM More videos: Why Did We Blow on NES Games? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Gf9mtXnJfM The Science of BBQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccqOVmsybO4 The Science of Game of Thrones - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Utu-LpJn3Is The Far Future of the Universe - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jl9DwNOonOA There Was No First Human - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdWLhXi24Mo

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Most popular comments
for What If There Were No Sharks?

Sofia Canales
Sofia Canales - 6 years ago
How about also no jellyfish
Matt P.
Matt P. - 6 years ago
Do not eat sharks. If not for other reasons, then because they also contain high levels of mercury. (Like all species of fish that are long-lived and high on the food chain... bioaccumulation in seafood!)
Aidan O'Hanlon-Boone
Aidan O'Hanlon-Boone - 6 years ago
This helped me a lot in my research.
Edith Flores
Edith Flores - 6 years ago
Sharks just eat humans because they are hungry
Gaming Verse
Gaming Verse - 6 years ago
baby shark
Josh The Monkey
Josh The Monkey - 7 years ago
Erika Plays!
Erika Plays! - 7 years ago
Thats why so many animals went extinct
EVEN THE DODO which would be fantastick to pet and feed
i hate my self when i found out that s many shars die ;C
Erika Plays!
Erika Plays! - 7 years ago
like 861 sharks get killed every 5minutes
Like why are we doung this?MILLIONS OF THEM DIE
this is bull s^^t f^^^ us we should all die :C
The Hungry Emerald
The Hungry Emerald - 7 years ago
the channel name is false

10. comment for What If There Were No Sharks?

CGizzle - 7 years ago
I don't care
Nick Price
Nick Price - 7 years ago
There's one good thing about sharks eating sick and injured fish. They put them out of their misery.
Nick Price
Nick Price - 7 years ago
1:50 is that a real picture?
irelandopera - 7 years ago
If we kill off all the sharks, we would have an overpopulation of people and seals.... and surfers. Lol
Stormgem Thunder
Stormgem Thunder - 7 years ago
I saw a funny image.
It has a great white shark and a diver swimming next to each other. It says:
This is the most dangerous animal in the world, it kill millions each year.

And next to it, a great white shark swims peacefully.
Lopata991 - 7 years ago
Damn japaneseS
Superchief and gray. 101
Superchief and gray. 101 - 7 years ago
LivelyStarKing - 7 years ago
I'm very grateful for sharks!
JetstreamGW - 7 years ago
Hey now, back in my day Shark Week made sharks out to be the awesomest things in the world.

Are you telling me that Shark Week has changed tactics?
Facts Tuner
Facts Tuner - 7 years ago

20. comment for What If There Were No Sharks?

mariel abreu
mariel abreu - 7 years ago
i love shark
A Ammoura
A Ammoura - 7 years ago
All true you so right I was always against sark finning
BearMugs - 7 years ago
Sharks are super important for the oceans, all animals are and lots of species go extinct every day. This is what I want to do as a job, help the environment and it's animals, humans came on earth and ruined it, humans came onto earth and should fix it
yo yo
yo yo - 7 years ago
This guy said one is not many what if that one was him you think you would be thinking that why you getting eaten?
Nicholasvlogclips Fazbear
Nicholasvlogclips Fazbear - 7 years ago
Don’t kill sharks
FreshSharkboy HD
FreshSharkboy HD - 7 years ago
Sharks are the most amazing animal ever to exist in the whole universe
Who agrees? Probably not many but maybe some
ugly - 7 years ago
people die by raging in a video game more than sharks
FreshSharkboy HD
FreshSharkboy HD - 7 years ago
I ♡♡♡♡ (infinite ♡'s later) ♡♡♡♡ sharks
David Boson
David Boson - 7 years ago
something else will evolve to fill the niche
Alptraum - 7 years ago
I just looked up "shark attacks 2017" and its easily in the hundreds, with about 20 or so deaths per year. Sharks are dangerous predators and the only reason people aren't attacked that frequently is because we live on the LAND. We don't share a habitat with these dangerous animals because if we did, we'd probably go extinct. Stop portraying sharks as harmless, it is an insult to hundreds of people over the world who have been attacked and even killed by these beasts. You're minimizing human deaths while portraying humans as the worst scum of Earth because we kill sharks. I hope you one day meet a person who's lost a loved one to a shark.

30. comment for What If There Were No Sharks?

Fire _Type_E
Fire _Type_E - 7 years ago
If there were no Shark I would be happy but the earth would be nothing except Bad
Musical Breeze
Musical Breeze - 7 years ago
I always loved sharks
And the question is: Are we really the ones who are scared of sharks, or are the sharks who are afraid of us and just kill us because they think we will hurt them?
Butter Man
Butter Man - 7 years ago
Ew his pit hair
Luka Saarinen
Luka Saarinen - 7 years ago
Tell lie database tell psychologist nice quiet breast during.
Wolvec - 7 years ago
Jeongmee Kim
Jeongmee Kim - 7 years ago
the game shark bite is more dangerous than a real shark.
Jeongmee Kim
Jeongmee Kim - 7 years ago
if you swim across a shark you have to obey it.
Jeongmee Kim
Jeongmee Kim - 7 years ago
long live sharks!
Jeongmee Kim
Jeongmee Kim - 7 years ago
sharks should be left alone. not killed by humans.
Jeongmee Kim
Jeongmee Kim - 7 years ago
sharks are cool. I care about them.
Kennedy Dillard
Kennedy Dillard - 7 years ago
In the end the more animals we kill we will realize that we are all gonna die because nature is gone
DementedFilms - 7 years ago
Elisa Vasquez it's just an x?
Eugene Donovan
Eugene Donovan - 7 years ago
Danger neighborhood dress sun yesterday ankle perform mind scholarship related season.
Sam Pomare
Sam Pomare - 7 years ago
Mother Nature designed a great predator. Helps keep the water life in balance
Academic Abbreviatory
Academic Abbreviatory - 7 years ago
Mother nature designed a predator that could make tools to make it a better predator
Kiowa and Friends The Rebels
Kiowa and Friends The Rebels - 7 years ago
I love sharks.
Carlos Gutierrez
Carlos Gutierrez - 7 years ago
I think sharks have to live like us would we like to die just because we are not that dangerous hun??
majed8192 - 7 years ago
I find the sharks to be the most beautiful animals in the ocean them being extinct would wound my heart the same as if the lions go extinct the first is the apex predator of the sea the last of the land we need them both !!
Zuhaib Ahmed
Zuhaib Ahmed - 7 years ago
Shark kills 12 people per year
Ignas Vasilevskis
Ignas Vasilevskis - 7 years ago
DONT KILL SHARKS DONT KILL SHARKS DONT KILL SBARKS THEY IMPORTANT (or I'm wrong leave a unlike if I'm wrong or tell me
Andrei Design
Andrei Design - 7 years ago
Every animal has its roles on earth like wtf would they be even created in the first plsce
Academic Abbreviatory
Academic Abbreviatory - 7 years ago
Because it was in the best interest of the cartilaginous fish that evolved to be torpedos with teeth to use their teeth to kill stuff. Also don't say they were created please you know they just evolved to look and act like that from natural evolution.

50. comment for What If There Were No Sharks?

DerPyPuG LorD
DerPyPuG LorD - 7 years ago
Never seen such a scary shark as the one in the beginning
Dalmation Lover
Dalmation Lover - 7 years ago
Sharks matter like lions, Snakes, Bears, Sharks and other meat eaters because without them the plant eaters would eat all the plants and would die out like the dinosaurs and there would be no animals left on earth (only pets) so that's how much they matter and we kill over 270 meat eaters over the world when they kill around 2 people a year but not because there hostile but because they have to defend themself agains us so it's our folt if they die out.
Dalmation Lover
Dalmation Lover - 7 years ago
Academic Abbreviatory yeah I guess your right...
Academic Abbreviatory
Academic Abbreviatory - 7 years ago
No? The carnivorous dinos died out because there were no ferns to feed the herbivores that they ate. Not no carnivores allowing herbivore to eat everything. Also, rats and cockroaches are not really pets but I guarantee they would survive. "... we kill over 270 meat eaters over the world when they kill around 2 people a year" what does that mean sharks kill ~6 people a year and what does 270 meat eaters mean.
Thomas Hunter
Thomas Hunter - 7 years ago
Thomas Hunter
Thomas Hunter - 7 years ago
before i continue on this vid is that ticking thing how many sharks have been killed since i started the vid?
Alexis Vladimir Murillo
Alexis Vladimir Murillo - 7 years ago
#1 osoa
Austin Parlato
Austin Parlato - 7 years ago
wa sup
Holly Young
Holly Young - 7 years ago
People need to stop killing sharks or what happened to the white rhino
Academic Abbreviatory
Academic Abbreviatory - 7 years ago
Both are used for eastern boner pills so ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
snaker gaming
snaker gaming - 7 years ago
If there is no sharks...i would rather go swim anywhere in the beach
Cameron Affleck
Cameron Affleck - 7 years ago
Khawl Ngaihte
Khawl Ngaihte - 7 years ago
Sharks r cool
XOtreme lps
XOtreme lps - 7 years ago
Mostly people are scared of sharks because of there teeth
Academic Abbreviatory
Academic Abbreviatory - 7 years ago
I'm scared of sharks because they are a torpedo with an open mouth full of teeth swimming at me, their teeth would not really matter if there was not 2,000 pounds of shark coming at me
Duck Goes Quack
Duck Goes Quack - 7 years ago
3:21 wait, so sharks provides us with half our oxygen?
Academic Abbreviatory
Academic Abbreviatory - 7 years ago
He was referring to algae, not the sharks you silly goose <3. Also, that number is off it is around 40%
Prototype - 7 years ago
Fish would be multiplying like gay rabbits
Neha Praveen
Neha Praveen - 7 years ago
To all those people out there saying "you would hate sharks if you got a limb torn off by one": Unless you were swimming in the open ocean(which is very unlikely), u knew the risk of swimming/surfing in a place where there were shark sightings. U knew that there was a chance of u getting bitten by a shark, u were the one who decided to go swimming/surfing there. Stop blaming the sharks. They were only trying to protect their homes. If u get a limb taken off by a shark its ur own god damn fault.
Ercen  Joshua
Ercen Joshua - 7 years ago
Neha Praveen a leg for 1,000,000 shark dead
H-bomb'd - 7 years ago
Sharks are the ones commenting "humans are the real monster"
The incarnation of boredom
The incarnation of boredom - 7 years ago
is that a harry potter reference!?
Noah Titan
Noah Titan - 7 years ago
But The Thing Is....They Only Need Food To Live So I Mean I Know You Dont Want To Die But They Are Doing It For Survival So Feed Sharks AKA #LONGLIVESHARKS
Edyta Nowosielska
Edyta Nowosielska - 7 years ago
I made a band with my cousin and it's called lemon sharks
TheGaming Ninja
TheGaming Ninja - 7 years ago
I mean they don't deserve to die but they make some great shark fin soup
Autumn Williams
Autumn Williams - 7 years ago
I am old die if no sharks
Angela Rapuano
Angela Rapuano - 7 years ago
drummer cat explosive
drummer cat explosive - 7 years ago
Steven spielberg said his movie jaws killed millions of sharks it really sad.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli - 7 years ago
Why do I think sharks look adorable?
Blah! - 7 years ago
Jeongmee Kim
Jeongmee Kim - 7 years ago
Jeongmee Kim
Jeongmee Kim - 7 years ago
: )
FREEZY BREEZY - 7 years ago
i really want sharks to be gone but i didn't know it would cause this much stuff to happen
Academic Abbreviatory
Academic Abbreviatory - 7 years ago
Dolphins are chill
Dav Vez
Dav Vez - 7 years ago
mostly string and balance...
Hetrogen Mitrogen
Hetrogen Mitrogen - 7 years ago
Oh no sorry wrong send i mean we have to save the sharks and make their own risk/shelf
Hetrogen Mitrogen
Hetrogen Mitrogen - 7 years ago
We are happy that theres no shark
Le Sugarskull
Le Sugarskull - 7 years ago
Is it weird that I, however, do not fear the sharks for I know that movies are sometimes just a make-believe but I fear jellyfishes instead?
Academic Abbreviatory
Academic Abbreviatory - 7 years ago
I lived in Boston for two weeks and yeah fear THE ALMIGHTY JELLY
CyberDashg2789 GD
CyberDashg2789 GD - 7 years ago
ally - 7 years ago
Shaft toy intro XD
piismynumber - 7 years ago
Its sad that many movies make people think shark are dangerous & they are the most dangerous animal (ex: jaws...) but the truth is WE are the most dangerous animal
T H I C C B O I - 7 years ago
Can we just throw dynamite at shark poachers instead of throwing it at the ocean?
AdamTheTiger - 7 years ago
JustaCat2 Borja
JustaCat2 Borja - 7 years ago
What If there was no Whales
Red Dino YT
Red Dino YT - 7 years ago
This is kinda like bees. Bees are more scared of you than you are of them
Simex Morris
Simex Morris - 7 years ago
Full fish very full
L Yeah that L
L Yeah that L - 7 years ago
What was that timer?
Umesh Shukla
Umesh Shukla - 7 years ago
Why can't we remember being a baby
Justin - 7 years ago
Why do people like sharks
Justin - 7 years ago
I like Normal fish better than sharks
Skunk Squad
Skunk Squad - 7 years ago
We still have toy sharks.
Isis Garcia
Isis Garcia - 7 years ago
Discuss this in your mind
KellerScienceLab - 7 years ago
Keller is 7 yrs old and watches your videos every morning. https://youtu.be/TLQDlLPwtnk
superzilla784 - 7 years ago
775 people who watched this video are fishermen who kill sharks for a living.
Breanna Romero
Breanna Romero - 7 years ago
Anthony Jeslenik shark party!! woohhh hahaha
WaterSpriite - 7 years ago
Sir. Fuckles the Rexles
Sir. Fuckles the Rexles - 7 years ago
And some people say we should kill all sharks. Those dumbasses
xxDeMiCxx - 7 years ago
Humans are wiping out a lot of species. I say we add sharks to the list. Kill them all. Sorry to shark lovers. As if the ocean will turn green and even of it did it's not complicated how to fix that. People don't care about all the species we have put on the extinction list but cry me a river over something that assesses what you are by biting you. Kill them and feed hungry people. We are the top of the food chain. Let's protect all the snakes and spiders in Australia as well. Great plan. At least the snakes here dry bite most of the time to warn you. Enjoy bleeding out in the ocean. 1 person a year will be saved 10 people a year will still have an intact body. As if humans aren't destroying everything anyway... As if species aren't constantly being wiped out and nature recreates homeostasis. Let's save T-Tex.... Oh wait..... We couldn't because they look cool and the grass would turn purple and everything would die. We can't have more fish in the ocean because then we could eat them. It's like a nightmare.Unleash the trolls.

100. comment for What If There Were No Sharks?

Remigijus Remigijus
Remigijus Remigijus - 7 years ago
onchopristis was a shark?
IT'S HIM - 7 years ago
There would be more crackas around on the beach having fun because they weren't attacked by them...
Bianca Foster
Bianca Foster - 7 years ago
Shark attack's are rare and their dying because of us humans and they may not survive
ruoweii - 7 years ago
jeopardising the lives of other living beings because of fear and neglect? yeah that sounds like humans to me
Aetrian Gaming
Aetrian Gaming - 7 years ago
It seems a lot of people are afraid of sharks (and they turn this fear into hatred and then hunting) because of jaws,and the writter of jaws said he would have rather been poor than have made jaws because of all the hate and death towards sharks it has caused
Chau Phancy
Chau Phancy - 7 years ago
How's there's only 1 human killed per year? Warning sign. Lifeguard. More warning sign of sharks.
Gaming Dragon
Gaming Dragon - 7 years ago
A key word is they SHOULD be scared of us SHOULD
MomentousMaster - 7 years ago
I'd love to see all these people saying how they're not scared of sharks get thrown in a sea full of sharks
STIeveBow The Mighty Ranger
STIeveBow The Mighty Ranger - 7 years ago
a world without us, i thinks its beautiful, i wont regret it because in that case I've never exist.
Pearl Paws
Pearl Paws - 7 years ago
that makes me cry... 1:50 how could they... how could we treat nature like that
Meadow Empire
Meadow Empire - 7 years ago
Its a vertebrae animal . It has the capacity to be domesticated like dogs sharks can learn they have a language that was not learn yet ,. Like wolfs they the few animals that hold control in an eco system. ,.. its really boring stuff but sharks has alot to offer than be killed with no purpose,. Turism can be advance for shark. Amusement romanticize a shark as deity would build something beautiful .
Jeremy Gribble
Jeremy Gribble - 7 years ago
Mosquitoes are like 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times worse
Gie Fk
Gie Fk - 7 years ago
Killing Sharks are good i hate sharks
Fiesty Redd
Fiesty Redd - 7 years ago
Dont blame shark or any other wild animals if they kill you, because in the first it's all your fault, why are you invading their home?? Killing them, shooting them or taking them for your own entertainment?? They say, Human is the highest form of animal but I don't think so, they are worst !!
Julian Ponce
Julian Ponce - 7 years ago
so much dead sharks
Leah Lowry
Leah Lowry - 7 years ago
Leah Lowry
Leah Lowry - 7 years ago
I'm crying I love sharks
Kire Moonchild
Kire Moonchild - 7 years ago
I’ve been swimming with sharks since I was 8 and Mum has been on hundreds of dives with tiger sharks etc... never once have we been attacked or even threatened ...
Bailey’s Wonderful World
Bailey’s Wonderful World - 7 years ago
This makes me sad and I now love sharks
Zoe Flaig
Zoe Flaig - 7 years ago
Im learning about the food web in class
mikael keivan
mikael keivan - 7 years ago
i dont care about sharks they want to kill us why do people like sharks!!!
frostdarkrai - 7 years ago
We all will live.
PFBC Disaster Mangement Unit
PFBC Disaster Mangement Unit - 7 years ago
that world be good
TudyDoge06 - 7 years ago
Sonu Beeharree
Sonu Beeharree - 7 years ago
Sharks will not attack went I go for spearfishing
Sonu Beeharree
Sonu Beeharree - 7 years ago
I will suf in the sea
Insert Name Here: Memes
Insert Name Here: Memes - 7 years ago
Why do we do this.............I can’t believe how many sharks were killed:(
Jonathan the cool bro oblea
Jonathan the cool bro oblea - 7 years ago
I find sharks funny from thier face
Happy Cat Lady
Happy Cat Lady - 7 years ago
Sharks are my favorite animals and I get so angry at the people who mock me because of that, only beacuse "Sharks are oh so dangerous and scary and blah blah blah..."
You know, many animals you see every day could kill you too. Some of them are really cute. So like, why on Earth would you call a shark a monster when it's literally one of the last things that could kill you and it's actually kind of cute?? (At least I think they're cute lol)
monk276 - 7 years ago
I love eating sharks but now I never want to eat them.
Samuel Saez
Samuel Saez - 7 years ago
I am glad that the great white shark gets killed by humans and i want the white shark to go extinct for killing those poor fur seals being killed by the evil great white shark! The shark deserves to go extinct!
God shark fishermen change your job to going after coconut bc coconuts kill more than sharks!
toast warrior
toast warrior - 7 years ago
I feel bad for that peice of shark meat I had 4 years ago at San Pedro
Kim Taheyung
Kim Taheyung - 7 years ago
Daly ylaD
Daly ylaD - 7 years ago
I paused the video, no more sharks were killed. I think I have beaten the system.
Thiagobeby AJPW
Thiagobeby AJPW - 7 years ago
I actually love shark
NoobCraft - 7 years ago
Lmao look at 0:38 his armpits are so hairy
Alana Emani
Alana Emani - 7 years ago
sharks bare.y eat people you more likely be striked by lighting
Jim Due
Jim Due - 7 years ago
Hi there, I'm a 12 year old boy who loves sharks! I have loved sharks since I was around two or three years old. It is horrible that so many sharks are killed so often and I think that killing sharks should be banned across the world. I think more people should watch more videos like this so they can get more info on sharks. This's how you ( whoever is reading this comment ) can help save sharks. 1# do not buy any products from sharks like shark teeth or shark jaws or shark Fin soup. Make sure if buy a can of tuna the did not use drift nets to catch the tuna, because drift nets kill sharks. 2# join a program or charity that is dedicated to saving sharks. 3# share this video and other media about saving sharks like shark books, shark magazines, and shark videos that involves saving sharks. I'm sorry this comment is so long, but it's worth it to save sharks!
TheCyanGamer Gamer
TheCyanGamer Gamer - 7 years ago
Justin Osborne
Justin Osborne - 7 years ago
Sharks are fish just like any other fish. Fish is food. I don’t believe we should kill sharks out of fear. However, they are food just like any other fish. The way I see it is this, if you’re not going eat it than you shouldn’t kill it.
Herman Jimenez
Herman Jimenez - 7 years ago
i hate humans who  kill sharks for no reason its not fair.
S L I M E Y - 7 years ago
Sharks are frendly!only want to eat.
lolman 20077
lolman 20077 - 7 years ago
When you said about the undiscovered fish I thought of the kraken lol
FireRED Gabriel theseira
FireRED Gabriel theseira - 7 years ago
If every dangerous thing and animals didnt exist

I would be like Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Susan Thor
Susan Thor - 7 years ago
We need to share this to people
aмeтoѕ - 7 years ago
I love shark my number 1 favorite species
Michael Gutierrez
Michael Gutierrez - 7 years ago
1 like=1 prayer
TEAM AMAZING - 7 years ago
Why do we care about sharks. Well I can anwer! We need sharks because they are THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE FOOD CHAIN
Academic Abbreviatory
Academic Abbreviatory - 7 years ago
Humans are the apex of the food chain dont act like you or any other human is above nature or the food web
mayo mayo
mayo mayo - 7 years ago
Make this go viral
The Man V2
The Man V2 - 7 years ago
Too tired to actually watch the video, but my guess that the same would happen if disgusting fucks like Mosquitoes where exterminated...

One day birds drop dead from the sky, and then we drop dead, because ecosystem wants us to either get along, or die together.
YeBoiOreo - 7 years ago
Aren't sting rays counted as sharks
Aconcious Addison Piolit
Aconcious Addison Piolit - 7 years ago
endangered species list please much love.
Aconcious Addison Piolit
Aconcious Addison Piolit - 7 years ago
get off my shark no pun dont endanger my love shark mutual friend
Aconcious Addison Piolit
Aconcious Addison Piolit - 7 years ago
can can i speak speak up down there downthere in the back ro who is it silly goahead w w weed all be home quote justin2018-17
Messerschmitt - 7 years ago
The intro vs Me.
Me: I'm getting bored, this doesn't scare me.
Intro: scare him scare him scare him
Extra memez
Extra memez - 7 years ago
No sharks? That means no sharknado :(
Evanston Conner
Evanston Conner - 7 years ago
No the scariest monsters is what you see when you look into a mirror
Emily Evans
Emily Evans - 7 years ago
Sharks are actually scared of us. Out of all food chains, the majority of them anyway, we are the top predator. Also, sharks will either eat you because they may think you're food or you scare them. Furthermore, sharks don't like the way we taste so they will probably spit us out.
Kxng Lanzo
Kxng Lanzo - 7 years ago
So basically people have created a stupid stereotype about sharks in movies
Peggy Johnson
Peggy Johnson - 7 years ago
Stop ppl your know you can tame and make a shark nice
Thanos of Titan
Thanos of Titan - 7 years ago
3 sharks die per second x 60 seconds/one min = 180 sharks die per min. 180 sharks die per min x 60 mins/1 hour = 10,800 sharks die per hour. 10,800 sharks die per hour x 24 hours in a day = 259,200 sharks die per day.
259,200 sharks die per day x 365 days in a year = 94,608,000 sharks die per year. 94, 608,000 sharks die per year x a decade/10 years = 946,080,000 sharks will die in a decade.
Now go look up on Google and look up how many shark speices there is in total = 400
Now look up how many are estimated to be alive in the ocean......? I personally can't find anything that gives an accurate number besides that 100 million are killed per year.
If the math is wrong here pls interject. I have a hard time believing that there is so many sharks in the world that they have been killing off 100 million per year for the last few years. I'm trying to fathom there actually being that many sharks period. My "feeling" is that this video is meant for views, for shock value. As will as meant for programming people's minds into thinking this number is legit through years of repetitive influence of the same threating calculations. People tend to except what they hear constantly. Without doing any real research. There is estimated to be 21 million cod left in the oceans. But there is the media and websites saying that the number is extremely lower.
Are these fabricated lies to raise the prices on the citizens who purchase fish and other speices from the oceans? Or are our oceans this grand and vast full of speices? 100 millions sharks per yer that are killed seems very fabricated. I welcome anybody bringing any real proof that can point in the right direction to come up with a proper conclusion here.
I welcome knowledge.
Dusty Gamer
Dusty Gamer - 7 years ago
And how many die from other causes
Dat Guy969
Dat Guy969 - 7 years ago
Thanos of Titan you forgot to factor in how many sharks are born each year
seal tron
seal tron - 7 years ago
Stop Killing sharks
seal tron
seal tron - 7 years ago
No I like sharks I don't want them to be extinct every body stop Killing and eating sharks and stop endangering sharks
Foxina - 7 years ago
Him: "Why are sharks so scary?"
Him: "Bloodthirsty beasts waiting to Feast on human flesh."
Me: "Gee, I don't know." #ObviousSarcasimIsObvious
jake reck
jake reck - 7 years ago
I'd be so sad I love sharks
Larry Morris
Larry Morris - 7 years ago
Larry Morris
Larry Morris - 7 years ago
1 like = 1 saved shark
Omar  Varela
Omar Varela - 7 years ago
Great job world!!!!!! YouTube killing lots of sharks!!!!!! And I love sharks
Mindau Blyze
Mindau Blyze - 7 years ago
Muhamed bayo
Muhamed bayo - 7 years ago
sharks are keystone species?
Stormgem Thunder
Stormgem Thunder - 7 years ago
Why are sharks and wolves misunderstood as merciless man killers?
Johann Sonza
Johann Sonza - 7 years ago
Now I Feel Bad For Sharks
Eryn Sabrina
Eryn Sabrina - 7 years ago
Did you know that sharks don’t eat humans? They mistake you for a fish..and they will bite but they just bite and let go..they don’t like the taste of human blood..SO ALL THOSE SHARK MOVIES YOU BEEN WATCHING ARE FAKE..they do not eat you
Gail Laine
Gail Laine - 7 years ago
Eryn Sabrina it’s out of curiosity, unless your in a legit seal suit
Lee-amber Benson
Lee-amber Benson - 7 years ago
I also wach minute earth
Javier Carreon
Javier Carreon - 7 years ago
SpringG1Rl Animations
SpringG1Rl Animations - 7 years ago
MrAsap2000as - 7 years ago
You obviously haven't seen Sharknado.
Lamar Robinson
Lamar Robinson - 7 years ago
If all sharks were dead I would have to pick another favorite animal
Konata Izumi
Konata Izumi - 7 years ago
i love sharks, they are really cool to look at. i once visit this beach, where you can see sharks, swimming around for fish. It's an exceptional experience.

Stop eating sharks, just... stop...

If you haven't realized...the real monsters are us the humans that makes so many species to go extinct.
Misha Ghosh
Misha Ghosh - 7 years ago
Laron  F
Laron F - 7 years ago
I love sharks
aditya sharma
aditya sharma - 7 years ago
BlockEdragon - 7 years ago
4:15 Yea Cthulhu is the real problem in the sea! Lets wipe out the Cthulhus!
I'm sure the ecosystem will be fine without them.
Jacob Lowe
Jacob Lowe - 7 years ago
Smh humans are truly disgusting.
Michel Nadon
Michel Nadon - 7 years ago
is it just me he is scary too
FUNKY BUDDHA - 7 years ago
Well, I'm sure that the one person who sharks killed last year fell better knowing that they have nothing to fear.
IWonderWhy Lols
IWonderWhy Lols - 7 years ago
I think sharks should live forever because once sharks are wiped out, fish like tuna or flying fish will get out of hand so will the seal population. The seals will overpopulated others and eat thier food source, then what do we have you may ask? Hungry dolphins and other marine hunters/predators will starve to death causing others to die and so on so on. So if we wipe sharks out we'll wipe out other marine animals and have no more cute dolphins or beautiful narwhales, the plankton eaters will be very likely to live but since the food chain is broken the plankton hunters will starve to death to. Plankton will die because no other food. So basically if we kill sharks this is what happens.

Plz life I worked on this forever

Also like if you agree and are against shark hunting please comment and like!
Kevin Pangaribuan
Kevin Pangaribuan - 7 years ago
White sharks but they have pups
Kevin Pangaribuan
Kevin Pangaribuan - 7 years ago
No shark
Mark Duvall
Mark Duvall - 7 years ago
Apologies as I'm sure this has already been said below repeatedly, but:
How is "The more you know, the less you'll fear"
not the top comment / quote on this video!?!?!?
Melly Lao
Melly Lao - 7 years ago
sees the title
Then my life would be empty
feb 09
feb 09 - 7 years ago
I need more subscribers galaxy star star planet chanel
star knight
star knight - 7 years ago
MAXINE HILL - 7 years ago
ATOMIC KING None Ya - 7 years ago
Tiffany Kozak
Tiffany Kozak - 7 years ago
That so sad I love shark
walid khan
walid khan - 7 years ago
Carno 99
Carno 99 - 7 years ago
If sharks were gone many people are going to celebrate and the rest panic
DawnDanner - 7 years ago
Human beings destroy everything we come into contact with and one day we r going to pay a huge price for it!
Jack SORIANO - 7 years ago
I was like wth are u doing with a shark toy lol XD
Tim Dugmore
Tim Dugmore - 7 years ago
Check out the book SHARK man by Riley Elliott
Hope For Love
Hope For Love - 7 years ago
Sharks can be cool, sharks look cool... Shark ARE cool.
Bleu Raines
Bleu Raines - 7 years ago
I hope it's not too late.
My M8
My M8 - 7 years ago
more than 660 sharks were killed while we watched this video. WTF just WTF!!
Enrico Stimpson
Enrico Stimpson - 7 years ago
Not me I don't kill shark's cause I don't know how to
shady shady TV oopsy
shady shady TV oopsy - 7 years ago
put it this way if all the bees die how long do you think we have to live , Answer is 4 years . So think hard if no sharks how long do we have to live because of dirty ashin
shady shady TV oopsy
shady shady TV oopsy - 7 years ago
He is right stop killing of sharks ,Yeah im talking to you dirty ashin fucks ,
Mango Squishies
Mango Squishies - 7 years ago
0:33 wow is that armpit hair or a shadow
Moises Guillen
Moises Guillen - 7 years ago
wow sharks are helpful
Dariel Rodriguez up 8877uhkhgjk
Dariel Rodriguez up 8877uhkhgjk - 7 years ago
Sharks helps the sea into balace so most fishes wont become too overpopulating the sea
Blue Dog
Blue Dog - 7 years ago
Let me guess, no sharks more prey.
Kings inc.
Kings inc. - 7 years ago
Less than 1? Nope, more than that because of surfers
Kings inc.
Kings inc. - 7 years ago
Saphal SINGH
Saphal SINGH - 7 years ago
* every shark gets killed *

Me (0_0)

Me: Kills myself

that's how I act when Sharks die.
Xiu Wang
Xiu Wang - 7 years ago
no sharks = no salmon because the salmon will over populate and bad things will happen

each year millions of sharks killed by us

Nancy Chinn
Nancy Chinn - 7 years ago
Vinniebabe - 7 years ago
Without sharks there could be no cheesy weather based movies.... I just don't see Ray-nado or Squid-nado having the same impact
GamerGirl Munoz
GamerGirl Munoz - 7 years ago
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli - 7 years ago
That bites
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli - 7 years ago
Ouch that will leave a mark
•Alexia• Baligad•
•Alexia• Baligad• - 7 years ago
You know what I believe, I believe that someone like martin Luther king will make everyone stop killing animals and maybe just maybe one day to tell people to stop POLLUTING
Nosheen Aslam
Nosheen Aslam - 7 years ago
How about we kill fishers so there is more fishy in the waters
kobe Gameing
kobe Gameing - 7 years ago
We are the monters
Carno 99
Carno 99 - 7 years ago
Sharks are also annoyed by kid cartoons so kids never watch youtube kid cartoons
Robin Selvera
Robin Selvera - 7 years ago
NO-DONT KILL THE SHARKS,too many sharks died in this video
DominicWalcott22 DW
DominicWalcott22 DW - 7 years ago
RIP Jaws and megalodon
Rizelle Ochoa
Rizelle Ochoa - 7 years ago
How did I get here from watching Ldshadowlady to this?!
Doubled Allison
Doubled Allison - 7 years ago
TBH sharks aren't supposed to be killed because they could eat other animals but they produce other deadly animals to be dead so then they would be the only deadly animals and so if insects bite but they don't do it to take ur blood they do it just to kill illnesses
Patrick - 7 years ago
i just lost my arm for the shark attack at december 23 at 2016 i was born 2008 please like
Carno 99
Carno 99 - 7 years ago
If sharks don't exist my life and falling in love with sharks is broken and I ma wreck them people who kill sharks
Carno 99
Carno 99 - 7 years ago
The shark haters say hey if no sharks everything is good
Blaise Requina
Blaise Requina - 7 years ago
No more killing sharks and go save
Charli Rose
Charli Rose - 7 years ago
Alyson Boyle
Alyson Boyle - 7 years ago
very fish much full
ruben lopez
ruben lopez - 7 years ago
If we had no ice what would happen? I think we will have die
Lucia Tan
Lucia Tan - 7 years ago
My friend said that her cousin is kill by a shark and there’s a teeth mark at her leg
Malkyman258 - 7 years ago
Then I will go fap at the speed of light at the ocean
SHARKY SHARKS 15 SUBS - 7 years ago
Wait my friends and family are going to die
SHARKY SHARKS 15 SUBS - 7 years ago
And I help idiots
Charlotte Is Annoying
Charlotte Is Annoying - 7 years ago
Fake, bad hair swish btw, my boyfriend does it better! way better!
Brian Thomas
Brian Thomas - 7 years ago
Shark fin soup is toxic
Shavik Sharma
Shavik Sharma - 7 years ago
Is it OK to be smart ????????????????????????????????????????
Chelsea Barnett
Chelsea Barnett - 7 years ago
Very interesting. Save the Sharks!
Asian Dr. Chopsticks 2
Asian Dr. Chopsticks 2 - 7 years ago
So many sharks are killed in this video
ReZu REFLUX - 7 years ago
If you think sharks Are the humans of the ocean they kill most other sea creatures like we kill most land animals
creperboy 1039
creperboy 1039 - 7 years ago
Watch this:YouTube/lifenogin just serch:life nogin
Chad Zyskowski
Chad Zyskowski - 7 years ago
What if there were not bones in your body????
Chad Zyskowski
Chad Zyskowski - 7 years ago
What if there no games????
Chad Zyskowski
Chad Zyskowski - 7 years ago
What if there were no ocean????
Adventurer power X2. lol
Adventurer power X2. lol - 7 years ago
Arcane Cricket
Arcane Cricket - 7 years ago
Most epic channel name ever....
Sam Sung
Sam Sung - 7 years ago
Francisco Betancourt
Francisco Betancourt - 7 years ago
Fear, neglect, and all Chinese, Japanese, and Asian people eating Shark fins for their "collagen"
Lucifer Broke
Lucifer Broke - 7 years ago
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love you I wish the whole world could watch.
Parallel Fan
Parallel Fan - 7 years ago
Nico Sy
Nico Sy - 7 years ago
What if there’s no snakes?
Usamah Aghis
Usamah Aghis - 7 years ago
GOD! those armpit... cant unsee
icy angryshark
icy angryshark - 7 years ago
Blue Flamingo
Blue Flamingo - 7 years ago
Stupid humans

Sharks are just scared

They hate eating humans only wen they eat them whole they are really hungry. The reason they attack surfers is because the shark thinks it’s a seal. Their gentle creatures their trying to protect themselves.
Mya Wilson
Mya Wilson - 7 years ago
sharks will kill you if you act silly
Arabian - 7 years ago
Pi - 7 years ago
Arabian uhh... okay?
jek 21
jek 21 - 7 years ago
Well like you seed stronger /smarter kills weaker we kill sharks :) but we shuld do it less but still they are creepy
jek 21
jek 21 - 7 years ago
I wold not be scared of water
《DJ》 cam cam
《DJ》 cam cam - 7 years ago
what about orcas?
Nikhil - 7 years ago
I didn't understand how they provide half the oxygen and provide food the 3B people ?
Charles Watson
Charles Watson - 7 years ago
Out of the huge number of shark species, the only ones that people generally don't like are a few species of large ones that eat people. And there are not that many kinds that eat people. And many other things, including the other species of sharks, eat the small fish.
Zyhir Harris
Zyhir Harris - 7 years ago
Then I wouldn't have shark fin soap/ EWWWW NO /yummy shark stake/EW
Zyhir Harris
Zyhir Harris - 7 years ago
U wot m8? Shark is gross anyway
U wot m8?
U wot m8? - 7 years ago
If you kept eating it there would be none....
troll alert
troll alert - 7 years ago
I'm in nc whyyyyy
Ragna - 7 years ago
Giant fish eat big fish big fish eat eat fish fish eat small fish small fish eat tiny fish tiny fish eat allergy
JewelzJ808 - 7 years ago
Did you know that sharks eat the trash in the water but if we kill the sharks there are going to be a lot trash in the water.
U wot m8?
U wot m8? - 7 years ago
But if they eat trash they will die, none will be left to eat trash and the trash will continue to be there
Rukhsora Nizamitdinova
Rukhsora Nizamitdinova - 7 years ago
I would also bite someone's leg off if they disturb me and my family! I would also bite someone if they ruined my habitat. And humans, ITS YOUR FAULT THEY BITE YOU.
Rukhsora Nizamitdinova
Rukhsora Nizamitdinova - 7 years ago
10% people die fron sharks
700,000 people die from mosquitoes
Humans are pure idiots.
Tell me again...why are you scared of a shark?
Be scared of freaking mosquitoes, idiots.
Vested Planet95
Vested Planet95 - 7 years ago
Hello I like cod and
Kawadw Wayer
Kawadw Wayer - 7 years ago
I'm a fossil collecter without sharks we would lose one of our most common and collectible fossils, fossil shark teeth
Monique Leibowitz
Monique Leibowitz - 7 years ago
I thought the world will be better without sharks
Maria Ramirez
Maria Ramirez - 7 years ago
Fake and gay
Wolf tooth1
Wolf tooth1 - 7 years ago
jennifer butts
jennifer butts - 7 years ago
You used doges words
Hendrix Frazelle
Hendrix Frazelle - 7 years ago
I don't think so that sharks where 400 million years ago dinosaurus were first
U wot m8?
U wot m8? - 7 years ago
Just google it...
Ragen Grans
Ragen Grans - 7 years ago
Sharks are my besties, Idk if you guys think this but I think baby sharks ARE SO DANG CUTE!
Misiewicz Piotr
Misiewicz Piotr - 7 years ago
# shark lives matter
asdfghjkl zxcvbnm
asdfghjkl zxcvbnm - 7 years ago
what if there were no jews?
M.K Tuck
M.K Tuck - 7 years ago
Oh God I love Scallops!!
Yash Gaming And Top 10s
Yash Gaming And Top 10s - 7 years ago
CraNez CraNez
CraNez CraNez - 7 years ago
if there were no sharks or big sea animals
1: no one can controll the sea
2: theres no sea food for you
3: they help by
: Killing people
But strange i think Killing people dont hep
tasharn cole
tasharn cole - 7 years ago
Dream Gene Exotic Reptiles
Dream Gene Exotic Reptiles - 7 years ago
Thank you for your educational teachings. Education to all humans is priceless within itself. God bless.
A Fork
A Fork - 7 years ago
poor sharks
Surekha Jadhav
Surekha Jadhav - 7 years ago
If there were no sharks there would be many animal in the oceans . If shark will not eat seal there would be as many as seals .If there were no sharks.
Nihad Games
Nihad Games - 7 years ago
i dont care if people kill great white sharks because they eat humans people sometimes is afraid to swim in the ocean or even seas because of sharks
U wot m8?
U wot m8? - 7 years ago
Well humans KILL more than 60 million sharks per year while sharks ATTACK only about 10 people per year
Dilma Ulloa-Alvarado
Dilma Ulloa-Alvarado - 7 years ago
i learned alot from this
Brian Borden
Brian Borden - 7 years ago
Game User
Game User - 7 years ago
If it was no sharks there will be no shark fin soup and most people died from shark
Alaa Abbasi
Alaa Abbasi - 7 years ago
Don Johnson
Don Johnson - 7 years ago
Channel name: It's Okay To Be Smart
But the question does nothing with intelligence..
Ezra Kimcha
Ezra Kimcha - 7 years ago
Baby shark doo doo doo doo
The_Literal_Californian 87
The_Literal_Californian 87 - 7 years ago

VeRy fiSh.MuCH FulL.
Dougvidz Green
Dougvidz Green - 7 years ago
The movie jaws wouldn't have been
Tristan Bautista
Tristan Bautista - 7 years ago
Tuppelius - 7 years ago
More people falls off a chair 10000 people dies every year by falling off chairs and 10 every year by a shark
Melody Girl
Melody Girl - 7 years ago
Vince Aquino
Vince Aquino - 7 years ago
That " Hit-the-wall-too-fast shark" though...
Quincy Comier
Quincy Comier - 7 years ago
what if this vid never existed
Rick Sushi
Rick Sushi - 7 years ago
thats why we eat fish to keep it maintain as well not just sharks
Aleksandar Djuric
Aleksandar Djuric - 7 years ago
How many people sharks kill per year ? Less than one .. And how many people kill each other per year ???
Iz Dragongirl
Iz Dragongirl - 7 years ago
Omgggggg nooooo
Maurice Not Yong
Maurice Not Yong - 7 years ago
The monster are us
Sir. Fuckles the Rexles
Sir. Fuckles the Rexles - 7 years ago
Yao Li
Yao Li - 7 years ago
I can't believe joe's hair is still in the right place from the pool
James Ambrocio
James Ambrocio - 7 years ago
We're looking at you Japan.
anibal davila
anibal davila - 7 years ago
The earth has only been her for less than 6000 years soooooooooooooo
Academic Abbreviatory
Academic Abbreviatory - 7 years ago
guys guys guys your all missing the big picture. The reptile people beamed earth into existence yesterday and made the jews control all the money. Also the moons a giant satelite dish for the nazis.

Adjusts Tin Foil Hat with Pride
Sara S.
Sara S. - 7 years ago
did u miss the school bus everyday?
Cyn20 - 7 years ago
insane Kake 6.4 billion
Cyn20 - 7 years ago
All Things Wildlife 6.4
Cyn20 - 7 years ago
MrAlphaRoblox ro 6.4 billion
Cyn20 - 7 years ago
ADCcrafter 6.4 billion
Cyn20 - 7 years ago
anibal davila it's been here for 6.4 billion years.
dogymcdogeface swag
dogymcdogeface swag - 7 years ago
anibal davila I CALL BULSHIT
Susan Thor
Susan Thor - 7 years ago
anibal davila I relive it's true but you sudent have put this comment because a lot of people might be trigged
Messerschmitt - 7 years ago
Anibal Davila

Do you have a brain?
Messerschmitt - 7 years ago
6,000?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!!!?!
(I did the edit just to make sure you don't think i'm dumb because I think the earth is young, no I don't believe that)
Strawberry Flavored Clorox Bleach
Strawberry Flavored Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
anibal davila do you have a brain?
Palmtop Studios
Palmtop Studios - 7 years ago
anibal davila no it's barely 2017, almost 2018 years old
Sofia Bradbury
Sofia Bradbury - 7 years ago
anibal davila the earth was here billions of years ago longer than 2018 years
yenogloshi - 7 years ago
The reason it's the year 2017, HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF B.C.?
Valerie Paulsen
Valerie Paulsen - 7 years ago
kepi heroetic mq oh dear! This is what is wrong with education in the u.s. right now. Please look up b.c and a.d. good luck. I am frightened for the future of this world. The ignorance from the President of the u.s.a. on down. Does no one go to school anymore? Does no one have the the sense God gave a rock? Come on people..... Seriously now..... Get it together.
Valerie Paulsen
Valerie Paulsen - 7 years ago
anibal davila you ARE kidding? Right????
Brianna Lovely
Brianna Lovely - 7 years ago
anibal davila more then that
SpringG1Rl Animations
SpringG1Rl Animations - 7 years ago
its like more than 4 billion and im muslim
kepi heroetic mq
kepi heroetic mq - 7 years ago
Kato Sirisombath no I'm just stupid I'm 16
RagingDERPY - 7 years ago
Caike LMAO
kepi heroetic mq
kepi heroetic mq - 7 years ago
Were in 2017 so earth is 2017 years old OK I'm wrong aren't I I'm just wasting my time here
Cabrina Hart
Cabrina Hart - 7 years ago
Are you dumb it has been 6.8 BILLION years not 6 thousand
Uganda Knuckles
Uganda Knuckles - 7 years ago
anibal davila no it hasn't
Caike - 7 years ago
anibal davila What are you, from the 16th century? I hope you’re kidding.
insane Kake
insane Kake - 7 years ago
MrAlphaRoblox ro 4,5billion to be exact
Redrum XxX
Redrum XxX - 7 years ago
anibal davila no 7 year old kid. It has been billion years since earth was here
Eggfriend - 7 years ago
is this a troll?
Syogren - 7 years ago
If you believe in the creationist stories, then sharks are one of god's creations and we probably shouldn't be driving it to extinction...
All Things Wildlife
All Things Wildlife - 7 years ago
More like 4.5 billion.
ADCcrafter - 7 years ago
MrAlphaRoblox yeah i typed the wrong thing
MrAlphaRoblox ro
MrAlphaRoblox ro - 7 years ago
ADCcrafter billions not millions
ADCcrafter - 7 years ago
anibal davila dude its been here for about 4 million years
Max Wooden
Max Wooden - 7 years ago
Then there would be no Jaws and Jaws 2
Mr. Basher
Mr. Basher - 7 years ago
Sharks are nearly a perfect species they've not really changed much at all.. same with crocs and turtles.
JING JINGO - 7 years ago
all i know that if theres no sharks the fish population gets bigger and more mess
Avery Zerf
Avery Zerf - 7 years ago
SAVE THE SHARKS!!!! Like if you agree.
LS Zoo
LS Zoo - 7 years ago
I know they most likely won't hurt me but i have anxiety and my brain doesn't listen to me i use to have full panic attacks in the bath and pool and we aren't sure why but we think it was from bruce from finding nemo because how young i was introduced to it when i was able to stand in my crib my parents turned it on to put me to sleep i would stay up for the whole thing but i would jump when i saw bruce for a little bit but don't blame me i was a baby
Shark Attack
Shark Attack - 7 years ago
Plz don't kill Meh
Gail Laine
Gail Laine - 7 years ago
Shark Attack I know
Shark Attack
Shark Attack - 7 years ago
You know sharks have feelings too
jalen gee
jalen gee - 7 years ago
like that answer
Lucille de Lorme
Lucille de Lorme - 7 years ago
If someone gets attacked by a shark and killed it's vilified but humans kill literally millions every year, sometimes by just removing their fins and throwing them back in the sea to die a miserable slow death. Who is the monster species here?
pelicarrot - 7 years ago
amazing video!!
MrSquid402 - 7 years ago
Can a spider have arachnophobia
world of tanks blitz warrior my clan is op
world of tanks blitz warrior my clan is op - 7 years ago
If Sharks All died I whould cry and kill myself
yuan pheonix
yuan pheonix - 7 years ago
if sharks are gone will never come back to ocean but is proud
Hua-Kuang Liu
Hua-Kuang Liu - 7 years ago
hey! not as many sharks are killed because I put this video on 1.5 speed!
saving the world's sharks, who's with me?
Pokémon Trainer
Pokémon Trainer - 7 years ago
I think you're right that people should stop over fishing on sharks! And Sharks have feelings too and they don't like being over fished!.
Gail Laine
Gail Laine - 7 years ago
U wot m8? Sharks do have feelings, everything with a brain has feelings
U wot m8?
U wot m8? - 7 years ago
I don't think sharks have feelings. They don't have the brain capacity. Not to say that killing them is okay
Yuri - 7 years ago
Why would people kill that much sharks,I would rather sacrifice myself trying to pet one.

Ps I love sharks
Phil Heaton
Phil Heaton - 7 years ago
Something else would fill the niche.
Edgar Davidson
Edgar Davidson - 7 years ago
maybe something needs to be done about the Chinese people killing all these sharks
Abdou soliman
Abdou soliman - 7 years ago
Can someone stop this clock or meter or whatever.. I'm getting angry
U wot m8?
U wot m8? - 7 years ago
Brett Karst humans are nasty.... killing millions of sharks every year
Saleem Yehia
Saleem Yehia - 7 years ago
That why they put shark games
Kutay Uz
Kutay Uz - 7 years ago
cuz first the oceans important then bees then sharks whats next grass
Blake Hall
Blake Hall - 7 years ago
Why can't we see that all these amazing creatures were here before us and help keep dangerous things away by eating them
Aldrich Ivanputra Siemarga
Aldrich Ivanputra Siemarga - 7 years ago
Wut happund if u eat shark,s meat
Sh Fatimah
Sh Fatimah - 7 years ago
Yellow-chesse you are correct also nemuro uno for telling great facts about biology,geography and biosphere
Sh Fatimah
Sh Fatimah - 7 years ago
If there is no more sharks, there would be chaos in the ocean (for example sting rays would be eating shells all the time . It would be like a buffet of shells to eat and they sometimes provide homes for fish,slugs,etc so we need to stop overfishing and eating shark fin soup.)
Amir Amri
Amir Amri - 7 years ago
Shark normaly dont feed on humans
Urmom mercÿ
Urmom mercÿ - 7 years ago
U wouldn't make this video if there were no sharks

Mind blown!
Colleen Lilly Dawson
Colleen Lilly Dawson - 7 years ago
I love sharks, I don't mind them at all. I think it's awful how humans treat sharks. Sharks don't really mean much harm, and when they eat someone it is usually an accident. Although, I'm not trying to be rude to the people who have passed away because of shark attacks, not all sharks are mean. Think of it this way, if one person is mean that doesn't mean every person is mean. That's the same with sharks. Yes, SOME great whites can be aggressive, but not all. That's the same for all sharks. Some species are more aggressive than others, but some aren't. It's the same with humans, some are bad, some are good. Whale sharks for example, are the biggest shark, yet they really aren't aggressive at all. You might even be able to swim with them! That's why I think this is so unfair, that we are killing so many harmless animals.
Sherryll Portugal
Sherryll Portugal - 7 years ago
now i know that the shark is too important too the ocean..........
Kystal Xyan
Kystal Xyan - 7 years ago
If there were no sharks the sea will be a little bit safer :3
U wot m8?
U wot m8? - 7 years ago
Shadow Gaming if there were no humans on earth the earth would be way way way safer. Killing thousands of animals everyday
Sunniva Synnes
Sunniva Synnes - 7 years ago
Sharks Are actually one of My favorite animals
perfect bon
perfect bon - 7 years ago
This is just sad because if all sharks die we might die because sharks give us 50 of our air and trees 50 to so we need to keep our air safe from the stupid china finners....
lara - 7 years ago
I like sharks
omar bassuony
omar bassuony - 7 years ago
People should stop killing sharks,especially tiger sharks.Because sea turtles eat seaweed and tiger sharks eat sea turtles,without tiger sharks,sea turtles would be overpopulated and would destroy an important part of the ocean/sea
SoupInABox - 7 years ago
Am I the only one who got jumpscared with the toy shark jumping at the camera?
GOKU BLACK - 7 years ago
A. Doom
A. Doom - 7 years ago
The real question is: what if humans stops hunting sharks?
johfairc - 7 years ago
I'm still waiting for you to tell me how people are as likely to be bitten by sharks in a backyard swimming pool as in the ocean.
Stephen Lara
Stephen Lara - 7 years ago
Peeps, Omfg bullet This is really "cooo private
ninjafox gaming
ninjafox gaming - 7 years ago
Save the sharks one like = one shark not dying
Colt Watson
Colt Watson - 7 years ago
Hey I live in north carolina
Keaton Peirce
Keaton Peirce - 7 years ago
im from north carolina
Ak Star
Ak Star - 7 years ago
Poor sharks....wait what did I just say
Ahmed Nabil
Ahmed Nabil - 7 years ago
Sharks are the Muslims of the wild.
Traveel - 7 years ago
Watching at .25 speed. Shark death counter slower? I'm a hero making those sharks die slower.
Traveel - 7 years ago
Watching at 1.5 speed! SAVING DR SHARKS!!!
TheGamefulShark :D
TheGamefulShark :D - 7 years ago
if there were no sharks I would be triggered
mikey efc4
mikey efc4 - 7 years ago
You're safe, unless you go to Australia
Unicorns Play Sims
Unicorns Play Sims - 7 years ago
If there were no sharks I'd go to the beach
SillierCell Elite
SillierCell Elite - 7 years ago
The most scariest animal to me is my mom
iPotato Master
iPotato Master - 7 years ago
Lmao i Had that toy shark when i was little
Sun Ngo
Sun Ngo - 7 years ago
sharks are dinosaurs too
U wot m8?
U wot m8? - 7 years ago
Sun Ngo facepalm....
-I dont care-
-I dont care- - 7 years ago
If there are no sharks id be outta my dream
Cartoon VS Reality
Cartoon VS Reality - 7 years ago
More people are killed in automobile accidents in one week than people killed by sharks in one century
Alex Johnston
Alex Johnston - 7 years ago
Just dount go in the water and u dount halfe to worry about geting bitten.
karen golar
karen golar - 7 years ago
there is a shark! but its diffrent and was sleeping
Beat from The box
Beat from The box - 7 years ago
If sharks make a movie of us the movie will be named 'teeth' just like 'jaws' XD
Slendy Sula
Slendy Sula - 7 years ago
Nerd World
Nerd World - 7 years ago
Why do people hate sharks?
KittyKitten Reyes
KittyKitten Reyes - 7 years ago
Imagine if humans were the one who attacked sharks it's the opposite!
Silva Tadevosyan
Silva Tadevosyan - 7 years ago
hii can you plz make a video what if there were not snakes??? thanks anyway
Nerd_Life - 7 years ago
3:32= 666
Maili Gymnast
Maili Gymnast - 7 years ago
Each year, around 1,000,000,000 sharks are killed by humans
Each year, around 10 people are killed by sharks
Each year, around 1,000,000 people are killed by coconuts or lightning
Justin Aleligay
Justin Aleligay - 7 years ago
Don Frost
Don Frost - 7 years ago
Countryballs Reichtangle
Countryballs Reichtangle - 7 years ago
Lee Parkinson
Lee Parkinson - 7 years ago
But if there were loads of fish we can just mass fish
Flygon the Scientist
Flygon the Scientist - 7 years ago
I want to die knowing i saver a shark
Huy Nguyen
Huy Nguyen - 7 years ago
Thesis is good, but no points given. Not very convincing. Your other video is much better than this. If sharks' population succumb to overfishing, i might imagine growing population of killer whale and eel, stingray, cuttlefish, turtles, dolphins, etc. In addition to this, what if due to the declining population of sharks (which i hardly think is the case to the point of being considered endangered species), then there are more preys/food option being available for bigger sharks lurking in the deepest depth of the ocean (ie. thought to be extinct - megalodon shark - but not necessarily true). Less competition for food, spaces, bigger fish sizes among those not on the menu of chefs worldwide. Ps. The more you think of science, the more you learn to doubt the probability of truth in current domain thinking & methodology. What if, less sharks- predation, some fishes species evolve to become smarter. Not aquaman. But the akin to the advent of mammalian group culture - ie. intelligence of culture due to the disappearance of the Trex & dinosaurs, and other predatory factors. More leisure time - not fearing for the shortness of your life and dangers, dolphins, or some other yet to be known aquatic species suddenly congregate to envelop the habitat that was dominated by the killer sharks and killer whales. Maybe ET intelligence may suddenly find oceanic more welcoming to make Earth the preferred home - to coexist peacefully with humans, on the periphery of human sights and knowledge. What I suggest is, we don't know what we will not know until it happens. If sharks all suddenly die and go into extinction, maybe it's actually better. Not for biologist atheist ecological good-practice sakes, certainly. But arguing over your favoring of scallops as a food source does no good for the scallops themselves either. It is weak and bleak. Please do another video on the subject!
Victor Serrato
Victor Serrato - 7 years ago
Shark survived millions of years 3 mass extictions but are dying out when humans come in the picture
Itz Julfi
Itz Julfi - 7 years ago
you know what killing more?
Water, Yes Water
It Kill more People than in wars
Traveel - 7 years ago
Thank you sharks :-)
Traveel - 7 years ago
Watching at 2 times speed. Saving the sharks!
Ayyy Lit
Ayyy Lit - 7 years ago
Idc wtf this man says, I still hate fking sharks
Høllyleaf - 7 years ago
Orcas eat rays, and a lot of other animals. Can they replace sharks? Some orcas eat sharks
valeria salazar
valeria salazar - 7 years ago
do you know sharks don't eat people they attack because their scared
MeMyselfAndSMPGamer - 7 years ago
Then It will be safe
Chilly - 7 years ago
Only if megladon was alive lol
I quit rest in peace 400 subs
I quit rest in peace 400 subs - 7 years ago
If we had no sharks we'd be safe :) XD
princess - 7 years ago
If there were no sharks there would be this video
GRTGamerT - 7 years ago
if the humans disappeared "suddenly" It would be better world because we almost destroyed the world now even if we decided to fix what we did .... we just past that limit we destroyed ourselves and the whole world with us because our continous war and fight.what are we fighting for? we are fighting for a world that will dissaprear at sometime somehow but the better question can we make peace with our own kind to make the world better .and have a "less" pianful ending?.....i hope
Luz Covarrubias
Luz Covarrubias - 7 years ago
very fish much full
Ashlee Beck
Ashlee Beck - 7 years ago
I can clearly recognize that humans are the biggest threat to the global ecosystem but that doesn't mean I want a massive shark anywhere near me and I'm pretty sure 80% of you guys will agree.
Lightning Queen! Gaming
Lightning Queen! Gaming - 7 years ago
Teacher: Just don't get eaten by one.

Real conversation:
Me: Teacher Izzy slipped from running in cross country. And also are we still doing cross country?
Teacher: Just don't slip and yes we are
~Taylor~ - 7 years ago
Humans should stop thinking we are so special that we are meant to manage the Earth and its creatures. We need to clean our mess and let God do God's job... unless you don't believe in God, then we need to merely not mess with nature negatively.
Zlaire - 7 years ago
This is important.
Jaqueline Lopez
Jaqueline Lopez - 7 years ago
i have the same shark toy
Pra The Dragon
Pra The Dragon - 7 years ago
Kakashi Hatake
Kakashi Hatake - 7 years ago
Ik that that's why we should keep EVERY single animal alive
Beauty Queen_xoxo
Beauty Queen_xoxo - 7 years ago
Why does he remind me of bill nye the science guy at the beginning
Dylan - 7 years ago
I'm donating to a shark helping place
Dylan - 7 years ago
Sharks are so important like if you agree
Lizzie Mitchell
Lizzie Mitchell - 7 years ago
I'm dying
1234567890 - 7 years ago
Then I would swim in the ocean
Guadalupe Galarza
Guadalupe Galarza - 7 years ago
U just said how many people do sharks kill lol XD
trent van der wath
trent van der wath - 7 years ago
sounds like something a shark would say
Jacqueline Wright
Jacqueline Wright - 7 years ago
I love
Remy Demetriou
Remy Demetriou - 7 years ago
I'm gonna be completely honest I wouldn't care if I got attacked by a shark
תומר אביטבול איזן
תומר אביטבול איזן - 7 years ago
shark dont like that taste of humans they dont like animals that eat meat if the attack a human its because they think its a animal like a seal when some one see a shark they freak out and the shark think its a seal but when some one stay calm they wont attack it even if they are hungry
Ken’s Life
Ken’s Life - 7 years ago
Sharks don’t mean to eat us they mistaken us for fish they are more scared of us then we are of them
Don They
Don They - 7 years ago
Why is this an an intelligent video but, the comments are full of complete idiots? Hey its ok to be smart, please fix your audience....
Beebo Emo Trash
Beebo Emo Trash - 7 years ago
I'm more scared of the ocean.
Baker Squirrelz
Baker Squirrelz - 7 years ago
Did you guys know that people are killed by vending machines more than sharks each year?

I warned you...
Anthony Fernandez
Anthony Fernandez - 7 years ago
"When really they should be afraid of us" dumbest quote ever
Baked Blueberry
Baked Blueberry - 7 years ago
Your more likely to die from a cow than a shark, apparently
Ass Eater
Ass Eater - 7 years ago
humans are. just dumb
Sid Rai
Sid Rai - 7 years ago
Kid Shark: Mom, I'm going out swimming!

Mom Shark: Watch out for humans, they'll hunt you and eat you!

See the irony?
Jude vs Finlay
Jude vs Finlay - 7 years ago
These are my favourite animals I'm unlliking the video. If there were no sharks i would cry
Yoppe Berglund
Yoppe Berglund - 7 years ago
Hu ar ju sår
LavenderSofie - 7 years ago
Poor sharks D:
Comrade Plaid
Comrade Plaid - 7 years ago
Sharks are beautiful creatures but a movie by the name of jaws changed that they put it out that sharks ate people non stop but by the stats given in the video proves that the shark directly killed 3 people ( as far as I know ) then we became afraid shark week helped them push that showing stories of shark eats a man great whites teeth are always bloody with human flesh and other junk it's sad that this happened because people kill them nonstop out of fear because Steven Spielberg and tom golden wanted to make a quit buck
Academic Abbreviatory
Academic Abbreviatory - 7 years ago
*quick, also the movie spawned dozens of charities and drove more research into the field. <3
Minotaur Videos
Minotaur Videos - 7 years ago
People who kill or hurt sharks are stupid
lord volt
lord volt - 7 years ago
the thing is a workd without sharks i think humans can mantain the food chain if sharks are gone because we fish too much but that still doesnt give us the right to act like gods
The Angry Goose
The Angry Goose - 7 years ago
Um you put a picture of a whale shark I the picture of sharks whale sharks aren't shark they don't eat mean/fish there not sharks so get it right
Tata Jackie
Tata Jackie - 7 years ago
Sky XI
Sky XI - 7 years ago
What's funny is that I'm watching shark shows on syfy right now and watching dis vid XD
Kirbyex7 - 7 years ago
if there were no sharks I would be sad because I love sharks.
GuyNamed Saw
GuyNamed Saw - 7 years ago
God makes sense for things he made I was complicated now I know
Jiggie - 7 years ago
Worse animals in the world are Humans.
Rainbow Star33
Rainbow Star33 - 7 years ago
Sharks confuses us with food
ruoweii - 7 years ago
did u watch the video
penguin loving
penguin loving - 7 years ago
very true or they think of surfers as seals and go
Hmm seal :chomp BLECH xd
Gail Laine
Gail Laine - 7 years ago
Rainbow Star33 no, they bite out of curiosity
Caike - 7 years ago
Rainbow Star33 It’s the other way around, idiot.
Killer Creeper
Killer Creeper - 7 years ago
Sharks should be scared of us
willbillchillmill james
willbillchillmill james - 7 years ago
Sometimes I hate humans!
Cro Van
Cro Van - 7 years ago
You should be scared to death of sharks. Have you played hungry shark world? They can get into your pool!!! Wtf mate
emmie90 - 7 years ago
It's the same thing that happened with Yellowstone.
Anna - 7 years ago
But shark fin soup is so good....
Jorge Prado
Jorge Prado - 7 years ago
wha i did not even under stand a word
Nancy Assad
Nancy Assad - 7 years ago
I hete sharks !!!!!!
Jordan Taillefer
Jordan Taillefer - 7 years ago
If there were no sharks America would be great again
David Danyal
David Danyal - 7 years ago
why the vsauce intro xD
Train Stopper 3000 turbo x
Train Stopper 3000 turbo x - 7 years ago
I love sharks
Rino Ramadhan
Rino Ramadhan - 7 years ago
I love sharks because they are a cool predator.and the most like thing that I like about sharks is the size and the powerful teeth.
dollarstoretaehyung - 7 years ago
"Very fish. Much full"

Me: *screaming*
William Nagore
William Nagore - 7 years ago
Nothing to worry about while at the ocean? Eels, cephalapods, sarcastic fringe heads, ALL the creatures from the bottom of the ocean that might come up, the list goes on.
Ana Alvarado
Ana Alvarado - 7 years ago
at de pool na a
Ana Alvarado
Ana Alvarado - 7 years ago
a donth wanth bad grisals
Toothless - 7 years ago
Before the video i think: humans probably are not alive when sharks don't live
Moonlight Jams
Moonlight Jams - 7 years ago
Fun fact: there are way more people killed by elephants every year than by sharks
Damian Alexander
Damian Alexander - 7 years ago
Vending Machines kill more people than sharks do... FUCKING. VENDING. MACHINES!
Vulpi - 7 years ago
Roberto Reyes
Roberto Reyes - 7 years ago
What's the youtube channel, near the end of this video, on the bottom right hand corner, called? I can hardly make out what it reads. I even screen shotted it thinking that I could zoom in while on my photo gallery to make it out, but no. Does anybody know? For I'd like to subscribe to them all.
Vunoz Official
Vunoz Official - 7 years ago
What about the times they heavily injure u for life?????
Boris 00001
Boris 00001 - 7 years ago
One like=one shark get love
Kurapika Kurapika
Kurapika Kurapika - 7 years ago
The fins don't even have a taste. They're just for texture, all the flavor is in chicken broth
NecromanYT ftw
NecromanYT ftw - 7 years ago
you are lying
Squizz - 7 years ago
I'd rather take away Internet and Computer Lag
Bon Jobey
Bon Jobey - 7 years ago
in short everything would die
BroZAlwayZW!N - 7 years ago
This is why I hate being a human.
hotlips1998 - 7 years ago
Omg sharks don't mean to eat ppl thay gust mistake them for there food you stupid haed
Fabian Columbus
Fabian Columbus - 7 years ago
Guy on my screen tells me that sharks should be more afraid of us than we of them okay upload a video where un swimm with a bullshark
ForestPlays - Roblox & More
ForestPlays - Roblox & More - 7 years ago
Sharks evolved everything to have teeth.
frishal - 7 years ago
Why does shark look scary? Because it looks likes you.
MrSoldier - 7 years ago
CobaltPencils kys
Conn O Midheach
Conn O Midheach - 7 years ago
most cruelest animal is human being
ShotAllen21 - 7 years ago
Thái Bảo Nguyễn
Thái Bảo Nguyễn - 7 years ago
This is the better Shark week
Thái Bảo Nguyễn
Thái Bảo Nguyễn - 7 years ago
This is the better Shark week
Jiffy Animations
Jiffy Animations - 7 years ago
I HATE POACHERS :( poor sharks D:
Jiffy Animations
Jiffy Animations - 7 years ago
Tina Reviews
Tina Reviews - 7 years ago
More people are scared of sharks then mosquitoes sharks kill no more then 30 a year a mosquitoes kill more then 1 million people a year
Luke Lara
Luke Lara - 7 years ago
I wouldn't really care if all sharks died
Renlys Other Lover
Renlys Other Lover - 7 years ago
I was really hoping he'd show us his torso
Pokemon Go
Pokemon Go - 7 years ago
If all scallops were gone I don't mind I don't like scallop
HushPuppy 1
HushPuppy 1 - 7 years ago
Want me to ruin your day.

About 1,000 sharks were killed during this video... and only for there fins.
SinisterReaper - 7 years ago
it would benefits humans (and seals) but not the ecosystems which could collapsed due to their importance but whatever
Academic Abbreviatory
Academic Abbreviatory - 7 years ago
guys, he has a point you would have nothing to fear swimming from one end of the Pacific to the other except for Lamprey, hypothermia, squid, eels, barracudas, and thats all i could think off
SinisterReaper - 7 years ago
Allan patrick Moralesfucking dumbass
Gail Laine
Gail Laine - 7 years ago
Allan patrick Morales your joking right
The helicopter buds
The helicopter buds - 7 years ago
The helicopter buds
The helicopter buds - 7 years ago
This is a really good video
sawlar bywe
sawlar bywe - 7 years ago
I believe you and you are smart
Michael Corleone
Michael Corleone - 7 years ago
I love sharks, that's why I eat them !
Michael Corleone
Michael Corleone - 7 years ago
But why are you so ugly?
sleder man Forest call 1000837284729
sleder man Forest call 1000837284729 - 7 years ago
My life would be ruinned cuase i love sharks
LVillalba 01038
LVillalba 01038 - 7 years ago
So he said let's forget what scientists say about sharks and he looks like one soo let's forget what he said about sharks
Florentijn Beenders
Florentijn Beenders - 7 years ago
I see doge meme, i upvote
Eric Golempire
Eric Golempire - 7 years ago
If there was no sharks there would never be 2 games called hungry shark evolution and hungry shark world
Connor Liebo
Connor Liebo - 7 years ago
Did ya know that more people are killed by ants and vending machines then sharks
Gamecatcher - 7 years ago
0:59 is this where we got the idea of the chainsaw
Hazel Ortiz
Hazel Ortiz - 7 years ago
The world is going mad
Moonlight Sometimes
Moonlight Sometimes - 7 years ago
the weird thing is that I had a shark dream yesterday
JCF Julian Cebrian Flores
JCF Julian Cebrian Flores - 7 years ago
Then thier is no sharks
Giulf3der !
Giulf3der ! - 7 years ago
Jeongmee Kim
Jeongmee Kim - 7 years ago
BasicDerp - 7 years ago
Save da sharks
خالد سالم
خالد سالم - 7 years ago
Wobbegongamer 25
Wobbegongamer 25 - 7 years ago
1 like = 1 someone love shark
GLaDOS Luis - 7 years ago
They don't like human flesh it's like eating broccoli with green peas, they eat seal or fish it's like a fudge ice cream with a strawberry on top of it
Susan Hoyt
Susan Hoyt - 7 years ago
is it bad I thought that toy was a real shark for a second?
shark - 7 years ago
SAVE THE SHARKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Suzanne Logue
Suzanne Logue - 7 years ago
Great job!
Kylie McKellar
Kylie McKellar - 7 years ago
I know a type of fish that is cute but leathel it's a taod fish yeah sounds harmless but it can kill 5 people at the same time if it's out of the water to long it blows up seriously blows up not like a puffer fish like a bomb
brothless - 7 years ago
everyone should see this video
brothless - 7 years ago
more people are killed each year by beds & toilets rather than sharks
Jay Q Beats
Jay Q Beats - 7 years ago
Easy...there would be no Jaws
yoselin medina
yoselin medina - 7 years ago
i watched this video long time ago. Im watching it again

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