What If There Were No Sharks?
Shark videos 10 years ago 2,101,969 views
Follow this link to more shark science videos by your favorite YouTubers!! http://bit.ly/1sugd0z ↓ More info and sources below ↓ Follow on Twitter: http://twitter.com/jtotheizzoe Follow on Tumblr: http://www.itsokaytobesmart.com Sharks killed per hour infographic: http://bit.ly/1oXYT0Y An estimated 100 million sharks are killed per year: http://bit.ly/1oE7uRS Palau sharks are worth $2 million: http://nyti.ms/1kX4fua Effect of shark overfishing on reefs: http://bit.ly/1opLhwF Overfishing sharks led to scallop fishery collapse: https://www.sciencemag.org/content/315/5820/1846.short?related-urls=yes&legid=sci;315/5820/1846 ----------------- Have an idea for an episode or an amazing science question you want answered? Leave a comment below! Follow me on Twitter: @jtotheizzoe Email me: itsokaytobesmart AT gmail DOT com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/itsokaytobesmart Google+ https://plus.google.com/+itsokaytobesmart For more awesome science, check out: http://www.itsokaytobesmart.com Joe Hanson - Host and writer Joe Nicolosi - Director Amanda Fox - Producer, Spotzen IncKate Eads - Associate Producer Katie Graham - Camera Editing/Motion Graphics - Andrew Matthews Gaffer - John Knudsen Theme music: "Ouroboros" by Kevin MacLeod Stock images via Shutterstock Produced by PBS Digital Studios: http://www.youtube.com/user/pbsdigitalstudios ----------------- Last week's video: The Oldest Living Things in the World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xDwQ7DlVaM More videos: Why Did We Blow on NES Games? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Gf9mtXnJfM The Science of BBQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccqOVmsybO4 The Science of Game of Thrones - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Utu-LpJn3Is The Far Future of the Universe - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jl9DwNOonOA There Was No First Human - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdWLhXi24Mo
EVEN THE DODO which would be fantastick to pet and feed
i hate my self when i found out that s many shars die ;C
Like why are we doung this?MILLIONS OF THEM DIE
this is bull s^^t f^^^ us we should all die :C
10. comment for What If There Were No Sharks?
It has a great white shark and a diver swimming next to each other. It says:
This is the most dangerous animal in the world, it kill millions each year.
And next to it, a great white shark swims peacefully.
Are you telling me that Shark Week has changed tactics?
20. comment for What If There Were No Sharks?
Who agrees? Probably not many but maybe some
30. comment for What If There Were No Sharks?
And the question is: Are we really the ones who are scared of sharks, or are the sharks who are afraid of us and just kill us because they think we will hurt them?
50. comment for What If There Were No Sharks?
is that a harry potter reference!?
100. comment for What If There Were No Sharks?
You know, many animals you see every day could kill you too. Some of them are really cute. So like, why on Earth would you call a shark a monster when it's literally one of the last things that could kill you and it's actually kind of cute?? (At least I think they're cute lol)
I would be like Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
One day birds drop dead from the sky, and then we drop dead, because ecosystem wants us to either get along, or die together.
Me: I'm getting bored, this doesn't scare me.
Intro: scare him scare him scare him
259,200 sharks die per day x 365 days in a year = 94,608,000 sharks die per year. 94, 608,000 sharks die per year x a decade/10 years = 946,080,000 sharks will die in a decade.
Now go look up on Google and look up how many shark speices there is in total = 400
Now look up how many are estimated to be alive in the ocean......? I personally can't find anything that gives an accurate number besides that 100 million are killed per year.
If the math is wrong here pls interject. I have a hard time believing that there is so many sharks in the world that they have been killing off 100 million per year for the last few years. I'm trying to fathom there actually being that many sharks period. My "feeling" is that this video is meant for views, for shock value. As will as meant for programming people's minds into thinking this number is legit through years of repetitive influence of the same threating calculations. People tend to except what they hear constantly. Without doing any real research. There is estimated to be 21 million cod left in the oceans. But there is the media and websites saying that the number is extremely lower.
Are these fabricated lies to raise the prices on the citizens who purchase fish and other speices from the oceans? Or are our oceans this grand and vast full of speices? 100 millions sharks per yer that are killed seems very fabricated. I welcome anybody bringing any real proof that can point in the right direction to come up with a proper conclusion here.
I welcome knowledge.
Him: "Bloodthirsty beasts waiting to Feast on human flesh."
Me: "Gee, I don't know." #ObviousSarcasimIsObvious
Stop eating sharks, just... stop...
If you haven't realized...the real monsters are us the humans that makes so many species to go extinct.
I'm sure the ecosystem will be fine without them.
Plz life I worked on this forever
Also like if you agree and are against shark hunting please comment and like!
How is "The more you know, the less you'll fear"
not the top comment / quote on this video!?!?!?
Then my life would be empty
Me (0_0)
Me: Kills myself
that's how I act when Sharks die.
each year millions of sharks killed by us
Sharks are just scared
They hate eating humans only wen they eat them whole they are really hungry. The reason they attack surfers is because the shark thinks it’s a seal. Their gentle creatures their trying to protect themselves.
700,000 people die from mosquitoes
Humans are pure idiots.
Tell me again...why are you scared of a shark?
Be scared of freaking mosquitoes, idiots.
1: no one can controll the sea
2: theres no sea food for you
3: they help by
: Killing people
But strange i think Killing people dont hep
But the question does nothing with intelligence..
VeRy fiSh.MuCH FulL.
Adjusts Tin Foil Hat with Pride
Do you have a brain?
(I did the edit just to make sure you don't think i'm dumb because I think the earth is young, no I don't believe that)
saving the world's sharks, who's with me?
Ps I love sharks
Mind blown!
Each year, around 10 people are killed by sharks
Each year, around 1,000,000 people are killed by coconuts or lightning
Water, Yes Water
It Kill more People than in wars
Teacher: Just don't get eaten by one.
Real conversation:
Me: Teacher Izzy slipped from running in cross country. And also are we still doing cross country?
Teacher: Just don't slip and yes we are
I warned you...
Mom Shark: Watch out for humans, they'll hunt you and eat you!
See the irony?
Hmm seal :chomp BLECH xd
Me: *screaming*
About 1,000 sharks were killed during this video... and only for there fins.