White shark surprise breach off Wellfleet, MA (7/30/18)

While out on research trips, we've seen white sharks breach and we've received multiple reports of breaching white sharks this year from fishermen and boaters. While encounters like this one are rare, this video shows that they’re certainly possible. White sharks are wild and unpredictable animals. This is a good reminder of the importance of not becoming complacent and always staying vigilant when in or on the water.

White shark surprise breach off Wellfleet, MA (7/30/18) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 561

Shark videos 6 years ago 2,659,234 views

While out on research trips, we've seen white sharks breach and we've received multiple reports of breaching white sharks this year from fishermen and boaters. While encounters like this one are rare, this video shows that they’re certainly possible. White sharks are wild and unpredictable animals. This is a good reminder of the importance of not becoming complacent and always staying vigilant when in or on the water.

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Most popular comments
for White shark surprise breach off Wellfleet, MA (7/30/18)

MoonLight Mystique
MoonLight Mystique - 6 years ago
Sooooooo maybe the shark mistook him for a seal ? ! NOT.
Gunter the penguin
Gunter the penguin - 6 years ago
He just wanted to show his appreciation for the great job you guys at the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy are doing by shaking your hand. With his mouth.
Zorgstein - 6 years ago
Jaws, блеать!
Koibito - 6 years ago
It's the sharks home and humans invading it .
Z. ElFahmi 34
Z. ElFahmi 34 - 6 years ago
And then they say oh no GW are not dangerous they don't attack humans just confuse them with Seals bla bla. Here we see what they really are. Assassins. The eat everything they can hunt. Of course they have their own menu I mean what they are used to eat. But if they spot something else they just eat it. Only sea animals that are almost 100% no danger for humans are Orcas and their related species like dolphins.
ben L
ben L - 6 years ago
That guy has some big balls, he barely even missed a beat before trying to tag it again
Yashvin Tackoory
Yashvin Tackoory - 6 years ago
But they use to say sharks are not men eaters!!!
Miki Seius
Miki Seius - 6 years ago
"I wonder why that seal is holding a long stick"
andy handy
andy handy - 6 years ago

10. comment for White shark surprise breach off Wellfleet, MA (7/30/18)

Moonrock High
Moonrock High - 6 years ago
Lurking ...
JerkinERV - 6 years ago
that's one way to shit your pants
milkmandan77 - 6 years ago
Here's to swimmin
with bow legged women
Primeval seeker
Primeval seeker - 6 years ago
The shark is acting defensively I think.It is remarkable that the shark seems to be jumping out to attack the man about to spear him.its as if the shark has learned to attack this sort of intrusion as a threat. Has it been speared before and has learned to resist by attacking an approaching boat?  A higher intelligence than is suspected??
QueenBee Druid
QueenBee Druid - 6 years ago
Every animal out there has a higher intelligence than suspected.
Chris Allen
Chris Allen - 6 years ago
Remember that myth about Sharks not liking human meat? Yea that's dead all the way
огромная эрекция
огромная эрекция - 6 years ago
We're gonna need a bigger boat.
Aaron Michaels
Aaron Michaels - 6 years ago
People need to know there are whites up there, lots think it's northern beaches they're safe, no. It will be worse with global warming...
4exgold - 6 years ago
"we're gonna need a bigger.....umm scratch that, I think we just ran over Jaws"
Jorge Oquendo
Jorge Oquendo - 6 years ago
yeah wow that was absolutely crazy
DH 4321
DH 4321 - 6 years ago
That wasn’t far from the beach

20. comment for White shark surprise breach off Wellfleet, MA (7/30/18)

Amanda milson
Amanda milson - 6 years ago
That's a nice doughnut
Hubba Bubba
Hubba Bubba - 6 years ago
He ain't playing games
kingofmetal1961 - 6 years ago
Neice Adkins
Neice Adkins - 6 years ago
Code Name
Code Name - 6 years ago
I would’ve screamed like a little girl, and probably still be screaming.
MrAckers75 - 6 years ago
Time for a change of underpants
Javier Arias
Javier Arias - 6 years ago
Had that guy being pantsless, that white shark would've been eating shit and drinking pee...
Running Haret
Running Haret - 6 years ago
Quelle bande de blaireaux
YaboiDrizzyDrew - 6 years ago
Imagine if he was dangling his feet off the bow...
206redrider - 6 years ago
Cage go in the water. You go in the water. Shark in the water... Our shark.

30. comment for White shark surprise breach off Wellfleet, MA (7/30/18)

E W - 6 years ago
Insane this happened in Cape cod you only think of South Africa if they’re breaching aaaahhhhh
Something - 6 years ago
Imagine the dude fell in the water
QueenBee Druid
QueenBee Druid - 6 years ago
That would be a great test to see if a toaster is more likely to bite you than a shark ♥ Oh how I would fucking love to see that
Samuel I
Samuel I - 6 years ago
Exlax on the bow
Rodoula Doulos
Rodoula Doulos - 6 years ago
That is the reason that I dont go for swims anymore
Tony Nguyen
Tony Nguyen - 6 years ago
U know great whites attack vertically and jump out of the water
George's world
George's world - 6 years ago
The Meg ain't to far behind
ron l
ron l - 6 years ago
At least he walked away with a diamond between his buttcheeks.
Sabre22 - 6 years ago
The shark got tired of being messed with is all
OfficialChamps - 6 years ago
This is one predator no chiuaua!
BlueCorp - 6 years ago
dID yOu sEE tHat???
Sebastian Wach
Sebastian Wach - 6 years ago
O kurde.
Devindran Mathiwanan
Devindran Mathiwanan - 6 years ago
Guess the shark plunge out of nowhere just to smell the stinking boots.
Nitokris Ghoul
Nitokris Ghoul - 6 years ago
It has a nasty foot fetish.
twes619 - 6 years ago
I prefer swampy dark lagoons, the gators like to play tickle with my toes.
Алкан Бензолов
Алкан Бензолов - 6 years ago
That is why I prefer to swim in swim pool only
Piranha Fish
Piranha Fish - 6 years ago
Sweeeeet (). ()
DJ 1
DJ 1 - 6 years ago
The pitbulls of the waters..he was just chasing a car.
The Unknown Striker
The Unknown Striker - 6 years ago
They said Jaws was exaggerated, they said Great White Sharks are beautiful creatures .. How about you go swim with them ? ..
QueenBee Druid
QueenBee Druid - 6 years ago
Oh and while they're on their way to swimming with them they talk about how passive sharks are, that you're more likely to be hit by lightning than get bitten by a shark. Then they have to cancel the tour due to "safety reasons". Oh it its really fucking triggering
Steven Moringo
Steven Moringo - 6 years ago
Shark: I think I made him shit himself.
shim - 6 years ago
holy cow
fishing ORATA FRA
fishing ORATA FRA - 6 years ago
ahahahahahahahahaahahahah minkia!!

50. comment for White shark surprise breach off Wellfleet, MA (7/30/18)

Carolina Ritchey
Carolina Ritchey - 6 years ago
Nathan Stoesz
Nathan Stoesz - 6 years ago
“I gotta below deck for a minute, change my underwear...”
Ed P
Ed P - 6 years ago
KING PHENOM - 6 years ago
g Bush
g Bush - 6 years ago
This video is proof that they do not mistaken human for ordi art prey..no way it mistaken this for a seal or bird.
Jonas Araujo
Jonas Araujo - 6 years ago
Kkkkkk ia perder os pés
Krooksbane - 6 years ago
“Yeah, but what kind? What kind of shark?”
“A tiger shark”
“A whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
Craig Forsyth
Craig Forsyth - 6 years ago
Foreground my ass!
John P
John P - 6 years ago
Couldn't see the shark some twat was in the way
Working Class Lad
Working Class Lad - 6 years ago
Cody Garbrandt reaction when you ask him something innocuous like his name.
Кирилл Павлюченко
Кирилл Павлюченко - 6 years ago
Чуть-чуть до самого интересного не хватило.
TheBexars - 6 years ago
Wow, it actually tried to get him.
victoria b
victoria b - 6 years ago
Shark: "Damn you lookin like a S N A C C"
Amr Olwan
Amr Olwan - 6 years ago
Shark was like, Fuck I need to get a glasses, I aint saw that ship, it was just a fliwing man!
Mic Laird
Mic Laird - 6 years ago
fuck it. I am neverrrrrr!!! Going back into the water
toki Popup
toki Popup - 6 years ago
its not a shark,simply a fish
Von Ace
Von Ace - 6 years ago
Sooner or later that shark will learn to jump from the side to get that guy lol
AK 4o
AK 4o - 6 years ago
Oh yeah nothing to be afraid of
M. S. L.
M. S. L. - 6 years ago
Good thing he can dance...
ptliang011 - 6 years ago
White sharks don't mess around...
NR - 6 years ago
Grant Thurlow
Grant Thurlow - 6 years ago
He nearly experienced the iconic jaws:the revenge movie scene. The one you wait nearly 75 minutes since the first kill to see
Sandy Prater
Sandy Prater - 6 years ago
Looks like Sheriff Brody was right when he refused to go out farther so Cooper could get his shot. Damn, but I never actually thought it would see a person on whatever that is as food.
Tarantulas with Shanti
Tarantulas with Shanti - 6 years ago
Justin Y.
Justin Y. - 6 years ago
We're gonna need a bigger boat
Benedict Ramos
Benedict Ramos - 6 years ago
Daniel Martinez no problem
• Craz •
• Craz • - 6 years ago
Justin Y. Aayyyeee Justin Y. Ma man! Good to see here! Keep it up bro!
Kemuel Melgar
Kemuel Melgar - 6 years ago
Justin Y. You're also here?!
James Carr
James Carr - 6 years ago
Justin Y. The accurate film quotation begins with 'you're' as Brody directs his concerned suggestion at Quint, the captain. But don't worry, you find yourself part of an oddly large group who have, for no obvious reason, remembered it otherwise.
Daniel Martinez
Daniel Martinez - 6 years ago
Benedict Ramos thank you, my english sucks tbh
Benedict Ramos
Benedict Ramos - 6 years ago
Daniel Martinez stole*
Daniel Martinez
Daniel Martinez - 6 years ago
You just stole the comment under you lmao how sad
BlueCorp - 6 years ago
Kill yourself loser
Ed P
Ed P - 6 years ago
Somebody already put this quote, Justin.
Ed P
Ed P - 6 years ago
Jesus - 6 years ago
Greetings fellow alien. I am here to take you home
Hard For Maynard
Hard For Maynard - 6 years ago
Early congrats on 100k
QuizyMew - 6 years ago
Justin Y. Just leaving this comment so I can tell my friends Im the first man who replied to a Justin Y comment
Johnny Vaglio
Johnny Vaglio - 6 years ago
I like how he lifts his feet like aaahhh!!!, i don't think it would've helped him had that shark been able to get some real height, those sharks were probaly laughing their fins off and got air in their noses.
Anthony Garcia
Anthony Garcia - 6 years ago
Its a fucking shark of course it going to come right out of the water.
ProtocolZero - 6 years ago
Oh, hell, NO.
Milo Rodriguez
Milo Rodriguez - 6 years ago
It was trying to scare him enough to make him fall over those short ass guard rails
Vanilla Guerilla
Vanilla Guerilla - 6 years ago
Are they breaching more often or has their behavior changed??
Smokey 420
Smokey 420 - 6 years ago
You're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat.
CATEGORY 7 - 6 years ago
You're gonna need a bigger boat...
GT700 - 6 years ago
I would’ve shit bricks
ASoapMR - 6 years ago
At least ma is good for something
kepala gundul
kepala gundul - 6 years ago
Real Jaws scene.
c21dickcracker - 6 years ago
Jaws the revenge.
rogerio067072 - 6 years ago
Someone was not having a good day.
Luizinho - 6 years ago
Quase cagou na boca do tubarão kkk
Shaun Dejwan
Shaun Dejwan - 6 years ago
Yeah they don’t really like the taste of humans, riiiiiiight.
service@cal1.net - 6 years ago
As Ken over at knuckledraggin said. "Hungry for some white meat." lmao
Wow - 6 years ago
Jesus, so near by the coast
The dutchess of Dragonshire
The dutchess of Dragonshire - 6 years ago
oh hello
Lost Boy Byous
Lost Boy Byous - 6 years ago
Lol that shit tried to bump you in the water and easily would've if the boat wasn't riding a wave just that moment...
iTz Newblood
iTz Newblood - 6 years ago
He wanted yo ass XD
m c
m c - 6 years ago
I d shit myself literly
vladiinsky - 6 years ago
Now that will question the claims that sharks don't attack people...For surfers, they had an explanation-"to sharks they look like seals from below" I am sure that guy didn't look like a seal from her point of view...
Geoff Stadnyk
Geoff Stadnyk - 6 years ago
Uhh Captain, I got a little poop in my bib.
john smith
john smith - 6 years ago
Those waters belong to those sharks stay outta thier territory
Dan Of The People
Dan Of The People - 6 years ago
Yeah there's just no good reason to go near anything containing sharks.
TJ JO - 6 years ago
Check his shorts, guarantee you he shit his pants

100. comment for White shark surprise breach off Wellfleet, MA (7/30/18)

juan carlos barrios devia
juan carlos barrios devia - 6 years ago
En tiburón 7 se lo habría jartado
God of shinobi
God of shinobi - 6 years ago
The Meg trailer!!!!!
jukijunk - 6 years ago
They say you are more likely to die my lighting than a shark, yeah I don't believe that shit one bit..
Terry Peart
Terry Peart - 6 years ago
That lightning doesn't take a bit at a time.
James Craig
James Craig - 6 years ago
True story Steven Spielberg will not go into the ocean for fear that karma for JAWS will swim up and bite him in the ahem...
john smith
john smith - 6 years ago
bet he needs a change of underwear
Gökhan Mutlu
Gökhan Mutlu - 6 years ago
WOW! Amazing & frightening at the same time
Herschel Squirts
Herschel Squirts - 6 years ago
Shark just wanted to take a close look at them xtratufs
BusinessOfFear - 6 years ago
Holy shitballs
Mitsuru Sam
Mitsuru Sam - 6 years ago
chow hian er
chow hian er - 6 years ago
Because of the yummy sexy legs...
Mike Reis
Mike Reis - 6 years ago
That was AWESOME!
factenter - 6 years ago
Hooper! Start the engine! I'll harpoon 'im another barrel! Brody! Put that pea-shooter away!
Seleman Zamora
Seleman Zamora - 6 years ago
Jajajaja clean pants
lazaraza - 6 years ago
Hey, white trousers are a poor choice for such occasions ;)
Pedro Guimaraes
Pedro Guimaraes - 6 years ago
Holy shark repellent Batman!!!
Historical Drama
Historical Drama - 6 years ago
yo he got scared I would too
SORE LOSER LIBERAL - 6 years ago
Something you seen in a movie, except the shark didn't bite off the ledge thing the man is standing on causing him to flop in the water in panic then he gets dramatically eaten.
ALL KNOWING BILLY - 6 years ago
Go buy a lottery ticket after you change your tightey whites
ISAIAH ORAMA - 6 years ago
If that was a black shark they would have shot him.
More Watches Please
More Watches Please - 6 years ago
Time to change the underwear now.
Tonya - 6 years ago
The shark probably has been fed before from someone in a boat. A lot of these documentaries I’ve see, they bait the filming area around their boats.
マル マル
マル マル - 6 years ago
Yak1B - 6 years ago
Give that man a shot of rum!
paradise lost
paradise lost - 6 years ago
Man...it too dangerous that guy standing there
Sam Swain
Sam Swain - 6 years ago
He tried to eat buddy
Per Pedersen
Per Pedersen - 6 years ago
So trying to conserve somthing that wants to eat you? Nice.
Леон - 6 years ago
на акулу полились какашки и она испугалась
AFGThugonomics9 - 6 years ago
That shark was just trying to say hi to the human.
Gary gg
Gary gg - 6 years ago
His arse twitched like a rabbit's nose lol
Proud PICT
Proud PICT - 6 years ago
Shit a brick!!!
SpongeBobNoPants - 6 years ago
What a view. Lucky and rare.
h isbilir
h isbilir - 6 years ago
Not cool shark, not cool :/..
Steven Haskell
Steven Haskell - 6 years ago
Show me the way to go home.. im tired and I wanna go to bed, I had a little drink about an hour ago and it went straight to my head... wherever I may roam by land or sea or home you will always hear me singing this song show me the way to go home
KnifeCatcher - 6 years ago
Yeah, boi.... Here's you out on the plank with your ding-a-ling hanging out and then BAAAAMMMMMMMMM, a damn shark almost bites it off.
Kamikaze Yamamoto
Kamikaze Yamamoto - 6 years ago
That would have been so awesome if that shark had plucked that guy off the platform and disappeared into the water taking him down into the water never to be seen again.
Maybe next time.
Good luck Mr. Shark.
Jason Da fonseca
Jason Da fonseca - 6 years ago
That was An fucking believable and yes that shot grew up watching jaws
BeastMode MTB
BeastMode MTB - 6 years ago
Holy shit!
Fame Violet
Fame Violet - 6 years ago
Now we’ve just seen and concluded what an effective bait is.
Santiago Carbonell
Santiago Carbonell - 6 years ago
Shark food keep laughing
mistifeyed - 6 years ago
Wow! Amazing!
DustyCowdog - 6 years ago
Dude is fish food.
UWCB - 6 years ago
The shark probably didnt dig being chased by a huge ass boat.
Eddie King
Eddie King - 6 years ago
"I think you're gonna need a bigger boat."
nick mcarr
nick mcarr - 6 years ago
This kinda shit does not fill me with confidence in my 3.7m tinny...
betatron tentetk
betatron tentetk - 6 years ago
Ive poorly seen nothing
Rogue Reaper
Rogue Reaper - 6 years ago
"Sharks won't attack humans, they just mistake us for other food"
Yeah well I call bullshit
Shawn S
Shawn S - 6 years ago
"They are more afraid of you than you are of them." Ahhhh nope!
Aaron Senseney
Aaron Senseney - 6 years ago
You’re gonna need a bigger boat
Jackie Varughese
Jackie Varughese - 6 years ago
This video reminds me of Jaws
Randy Crick
Randy Crick - 6 years ago
I would have shit in my boots!!!!!
Kittyin Indy
Kittyin Indy - 6 years ago
Well your dangling food(human) for him, what did you expect.
Zac Asmanis
Zac Asmanis - 6 years ago
Patsy Catsy
Patsy Catsy - 6 years ago
Probably not the best day to be wearing white shorts. Lol.
Ralph Dumont
Ralph Dumont - 6 years ago
Unos centímetros más y hacía caer al hombre ufff de la que se salvó.
Wil Telemaco
Wil Telemaco - 6 years ago
Jaws movie.
glockmpw - 6 years ago
Ocean side or Bay side? How far off the beach?
Austin Welch
Austin Welch - 6 years ago
Smart girl.
Kevin Roark
Kevin Roark - 6 years ago
He was hongry
searaydrivingguy - 6 years ago
must of been those boots
Gabby Millayes
Gabby Millayes - 6 years ago
Shark bait HOO HA HA
RAVENSNFLIES - 6 years ago
lol the dance he did...
tranlanga mingo
tranlanga mingo - 6 years ago
Dude cheated on the wife and she paid a shark to take that man out for good
Low IQ Individual
Low IQ Individual - 6 years ago
Great "WHITE" Sharks are RACIST !!!
Neha Sharma
Neha Sharma - 6 years ago
'Oh yum dinner!' ... 'Oh shit missed it!' *Shark*
Samsun O.O
Samsun O.O - 6 years ago
Someone was hungry
Fuzzy Wuzzy
Fuzzy Wuzzy - 6 years ago
Shouldn't have worn the white pants.
Laura O.
Laura O. - 6 years ago
Rick Cruz
Rick Cruz - 6 years ago
So did he have to go change his shorts afterwards?
Kory Macias
Kory Macias - 6 years ago
Super aggressive white shark omgzzzzz
Mike V
Mike V - 6 years ago
How far off the coast?
Sunny. The One.
Sunny. The One. - 6 years ago
Salty bitch were are you?
mApaCHedRogo ZtReSado
mApaCHedRogo ZtReSado - 6 years ago
"We're gonna need a bigger boat"
matthew DeGenaro
matthew DeGenaro - 6 years ago
Shay Earl
Shay Earl - 6 years ago
It's just a shark. He won't hurt you. He's just curious
Billy Rich
Billy Rich - 6 years ago
Gonna need a bigger boat
PunchianThe3rd - 6 years ago
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 6 years ago
Conservancy my ass they were there to taunt the shark with spear
Richard Weed
Richard Weed - 6 years ago
Ever since the movie Jaws everyone wants to hunt and kill great white sharks. I hope when Spielberg goes to hell he spends an eternity getting eaten by sharks.
HowlingMad Murphy
HowlingMad Murphy - 6 years ago
HOOPER! Hurry up now. Tie it on.
Grace Gonzales
Grace Gonzales - 6 years ago
You can't see anything
Evil Withen
Evil Withen - 6 years ago
he just shark he swim with the boat nothing strange
Hallands Menved
Hallands Menved - 6 years ago
Nice legwork! Ali would've been envious...
hokeypokeyalso1 - 6 years ago
That would get your heart pumping
iamagoblin - 6 years ago
brown trousers time!
GeeStang - 6 years ago
Danm...missed I wanted the shark to eat that guy!!!.. people it's the sharks and fish home the ocean leave it to them, you don't want someone come to you home and hunt you down...you guys asshole fuckas!!!!
Captain Snarky
Captain Snarky - 6 years ago
Well that’ll make you shit your pants.
TheOtherWhiteBread0 - 6 years ago
Lmaoo. He just wants to play...
Daniel Clarke
Daniel Clarke - 6 years ago
i want my 58 seconds back
Vincent Venturella
Vincent Venturella - 6 years ago
the shark was simply reminding them of where they were. if that cutter happened to sink, his next meal.
m g
m g - 6 years ago
Lol its amazing how smart this animal is. It knew precisely where to launch its attack.
lam bal
lam bal - 6 years ago
O.G. KING JOSIAH - 6 years ago
Bruce: JUST A BITE!!!
Walter - 6 years ago
I think he wanted to taste you?
handsome devil
handsome devil - 6 years ago
Scared ass pussy, why didn't you stab it
CHAL KIE - 6 years ago
and then he sharted.
J. Elizabeth
J. Elizabeth - 6 years ago
That guy must be a SNAC
Oskar Steen
Oskar Steen - 6 years ago
I've read about great whites only using this hunting technique in waters where they hunt seals and such. What is the main source of food for sharks in MA or the east coast of US?
weAreNotAloneHere - 6 years ago
Looked like its seen you guys do stuff it does not like before
Joe Erwin
Joe Erwin - 6 years ago
Nope nope
D A M - 6 years ago
Fair game.
Guided Meditation
Guided Meditation - 6 years ago
I feel like I have seen this happen before in a movie.
Gaming with Brandon
Gaming with Brandon - 6 years ago
otostop ceken karinca
otostop ceken karinca - 6 years ago
Siki tutacaktin ellaam
Shann H
Shann H - 6 years ago
These creatures are smarter than people give them credit for.
Omar Skinner
Omar Skinner - 6 years ago
I love sharks
James Stewart
James Stewart - 6 years ago
I like how the guy danced and shit his pants when I lept out the water
Linda Orlandi, PHR
Linda Orlandi, PHR - 6 years ago
Anon Ymous
Anon Ymous - 6 years ago
Look up Michael Cohen shark bite on u tube!!!
Lincoln knight
Lincoln knight - 6 years ago
Jacob Khan
Jacob Khan - 6 years ago
So actin like pussies
Candice Nicole
Candice Nicole - 6 years ago
That sharks been watching to much jaws.
J C - 6 years ago
His new nickname is,,,,,,, Bait !
Slap-u-silly - 6 years ago
Go change them undies mate
OkiPuhno - 6 years ago
Here comes the “Confused for food” argument, sharks have better visibility in murky waters, they’re just a fish with half a brain,bring in the Orca.
DO IT YOUR DARN SELF diy fun - 6 years ago
For all who dont believe big sharks can't get shallow. Thats the beach a few hundred yrds to the right.
Tobias B
Tobias B - 6 years ago
DO IT YOUR DARN SELF diy fun more like 200-300 yds.....
Sammie Peanut butter
Sammie Peanut butter - 6 years ago
Mercedes CL500 W215 VLOG
Mercedes CL500 W215 VLOG - 6 years ago
Didn't the guy in the little boat see Jaws when they said.. "we're gonna need a bigger boat.."?? Lol
Troy Baker
Troy Baker - 6 years ago
Horrible angle.
Evol GrinZ
Evol GrinZ - 6 years ago
Makes you wonder... who is researching who ;)
alex p
alex p - 6 years ago
Leave those sharks alone , enough people messing with nature . Is sick
Eriq-the Great
Eriq-the Great - 6 years ago
And who still thinks that window washing on high-rises is the most dangerous job? I'd say this is waaaay more dangerous! that guy just gained a few more gray hairs and a few years off his ticker....
Moon Paints
Moon Paints - 6 years ago
Why I will never swim in the ocean.
Gary McKinnon
Gary McKinnon - 6 years ago
Lucky that gantry is strong!
Patrick Pitts
Patrick Pitts - 6 years ago
...Let Polly do the printing. What’s wrong with my printing? Let Polly do the printing...
Patrick Pitts
Patrick Pitts - 6 years ago
and as you know...Amity means friendship.
Jesse Taylor
Jesse Taylor - 6 years ago
Shark week turned into Shart week real quick.
Rob McE
Rob McE - 6 years ago
I like how he reels in his toesies
Roddrice Armstrong
Roddrice Armstrong - 6 years ago
i wish the shark had grabbed his ass
Maxwell Smart_086
Maxwell Smart_086 - 6 years ago
..if you think sharks aren´t smart - think again. Happy days.
Today I Got Time Cuz
Today I Got Time Cuz - 6 years ago
I used to think the American accent was cool, now it's just annoying as fuck
C est momo
C est momo - 6 years ago
Hope Gambles
Hope Gambles - 6 years ago
His white shorts sure did turn brown quick...
toade wartface
toade wartface - 6 years ago
Cap tango
Cap tango - 6 years ago
The expression of dangle a carrot springs to mind here .
Buh Sama
Buh Sama - 6 years ago
Shaun Gareth
Shaun Gareth - 6 years ago
DAMN ...he actually went for the guy
Josh James
Josh James - 6 years ago
Gonna need a bigger boat
Uniform Tango 74
Uniform Tango 74 - 6 years ago
Fuckin eh!!!!!
Ivan Perez
Ivan Perez - 6 years ago
0:18 That moment when you realize maybe white pants wasn't such a good idea.
Jeffery Nesewich
Jeffery Nesewich - 6 years ago
Hooper: [motioning to Brody to get closer to the barrels] Come on Martin! Move, move, move!
Brody: I'm not going out there!
Hooper: Beyond the edge of the barrels, go to the end of the barrels! Further out!
Brody: What?
Hooper: Go further out!
Brody: What for?
Hooper: Will you go to the end of the pulpit please? Please just go to the end of the pulpit!
Brody: What for?
Hooper: I need something in the foreground to give it some scale!
Brody: Foreground my ass!
Sean Armstrong
Sean Armstrong - 6 years ago
I thought sharks didn’t purposefully want to eat humans.... So why did this guy attack this man like that?
james nichols
james nichols - 6 years ago
Shark; I can see right up them shorts, duh nuh, duh nuh, duh nuh.
Cap Gamer 10
Cap Gamer 10 - 6 years ago
You're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat
Liquidfudge - 6 years ago
Wow dude is lucky that shark didnt jump out of the water with more speed like they do when attacking seals
Chris P
Chris P - 6 years ago
That was amazing. Also it’s not like they were hunting the shark why are there dislikes?
gn lilu
gn lilu - 6 years ago
Those friendly white sharks!
R M - 6 years ago
I thought he were going to fall... Scary!
louis wager
louis wager - 6 years ago
Randy Holder
Randy Holder - 6 years ago
You looked like food.
Robert Willis
Robert Willis - 6 years ago
I would have jumped a little to.
Paul Herndon
Paul Herndon - 6 years ago
Wish it was a Great white omy
wrnjpn - 6 years ago
Eh. Not that spectacular.
Grant Wilson
Grant Wilson - 6 years ago
I'd love to study Marine Biology -I recon I be great learning about Great Whites and all the others whales.
One Piece Guy
One Piece Guy - 6 years ago
The Shark watched to much Jaws..
Robert Montoya
Robert Montoya - 6 years ago
The other night on bones the murder victim was shocked under her rib cage with a shark stick and exploded from the inside out.
JazzHandzLMT - 6 years ago
Cuz was gunnin for you.....
Stan Patterson
Stan Patterson - 6 years ago
That shark and his buddies are probably STILL having a good laugh about that....
Matthew Schiavi
Matthew Schiavi - 6 years ago
The shark didn’t come back because he had a mouth full of poop & pee.
Mitch Presley
Mitch Presley - 6 years ago
5 degrees port! Hold your course!
Hey I know you
Hey I know you - 6 years ago
I’m gonna go watch jaws right now
Ernest Dougherty
Ernest Dougherty - 6 years ago
The hunter became The Hunted too bad that one the video with him being pulled down because of that shark would have got a hold of that game plank he'd be in the water and they couldn't pull him out fast enough
turboboy1983 - 6 years ago
that shark got a mouthful of shit from that dude on the bow.
C gatz
C gatz - 6 years ago
get in my belly
Gustavo Braz
Gustavo Braz - 6 years ago
Gonna need a bigger boat... and a new underwear.
Shama Peh Ben Yah
Shama Peh Ben Yah - 6 years ago
these edomites are not happy until they get their ass bit off
Klee Vigil
Klee Vigil - 6 years ago
07maitai - 6 years ago
Wont be surfing Cod anytime soon.
ez money
ez money - 6 years ago
Omg you were almost lunch!
Freddy Guerrero
Freddy Guerrero - 6 years ago
I would have shitted in my pants for sure...and screamed like a little girl...
VGMrawk - 6 years ago
He just wanted to give you a hug. So misunderstood.
snuke37 - 6 years ago
"Show me the way to go home....."
Kevin Carter
Kevin Carter - 6 years ago
No. No. No. There is no way you'd get me out there.
Nickscharger - 6 years ago
I guess you cant say sharks are not interested in eating humans any more because that GW breached the same way it would to attack a seal and that shark definitely knew that it was going after...a guy on a boat, no mistaking it.
Pro Line Paint
Pro Line Paint - 6 years ago
No matter how clean you try to live. There are moments in life that cursing is the only reasonable thing. I said like 12 watching the video so I’m sure the guy here said 85 curse words before he turned to the camera.
Henry C
Henry C - 6 years ago
You a snack boy, you in his house.
braap_ biglunch
braap_ biglunch - 6 years ago
Jaws, why brodwy was scared to stand on the end of the pulpit, for hoppers pic...
Joey Rushe
Joey Rushe - 6 years ago
Nah nigga he walkin the plank you finna murder his ass
Chris huskins
Chris huskins - 6 years ago
more whites need to be tagged they are starting to make there home in the waters off nova Scotia. Lots of seals around here for them to munch on.
M CAT - 6 years ago
It's the sharks home, why all the surprises when they spot a shark in the ocean. You were following / tracking the shark, it wasn't the other way around...
92alphagal - 6 years ago
Mursheed Rashid
Mursheed Rashid - 6 years ago
U need a bigger boat
longbeachlundsXIII - 6 years ago
Yup, jaws moment for sure. Dude jumped! Shake the log out of your pants bro.
Darth Maul
Darth Maul - 6 years ago
now...if it were only bigger!!..and wow it is not click bait!! and I ma watch the meg movie later...
ted s
ted s - 6 years ago
Was gonna eat his ass. Lucky
James Cunningham
James Cunningham - 6 years ago
That was coool!
Dragon King Oscurare
Dragon King Oscurare - 6 years ago
Was lucky he didn't fall into the water.
dmatthieu2 - 6 years ago
This was the new Jaws movie!
Chester Copperpot
Chester Copperpot - 6 years ago
I would have shat right on that shark. One solid, or fluid, motion.
Windom Earle
Windom Earle - 6 years ago
Not good
lazyAZ dog
lazyAZ dog - 6 years ago
Gunna need a higher boat.. lol
Jason Long Long
Jason Long Long - 6 years ago
Whatever winch
Jason Long Long
Jason Long Long - 6 years ago
Dick eater
Sunnchilde - 6 years ago
Jumping for Humans.
Nic Griffin
Nic Griffin - 6 years ago
That’ll pucker you’re asshole
armpitfuzz - 6 years ago
Now you know how a worm feels, when used for bait.
peter renner
peter renner - 6 years ago
He just wants to play...
Crazystuffyousee - 6 years ago
Now if he just had a rifle and said smile you son of a bitch...
Gray Ghost Ghost
Gray Ghost Ghost - 6 years ago
drop a hand grenade down its mouth
Athao Thao
Athao Thao - 6 years ago
nice white shark breach shark big
Crown Commando
Crown Commando - 6 years ago
The shark wanted dark meat
Nympo - 6 years ago
Even so they don't actually see us as food. The shark might have mistaken that guy for a seal trying to do a research of some sort.
Matthew Howard
Matthew Howard - 6 years ago
kennie garner
kennie garner - 6 years ago
that guy shit all over his self
john Smith
john Smith - 6 years ago
Wow.. Please that was so lame who cares boring
Nitokris Ghoul
Nitokris Ghoul - 6 years ago
Go back to school.
ram64man - 6 years ago
I understand sharks being sharks but that was abnormal even for great whites and is clearly a danger to the public, if tagging and gps is possible with this juvenile should be attempted and heavily tracked to protect the public in the water
Bob Malarkey
Bob Malarkey - 6 years ago
Nope nope nope....
RollTide - 6 years ago
He then heads below deck to change his undies.
Jüdäs - 6 years ago
Telling y'all to fuck off and let nature take its course
tundahking - 6 years ago
Yum yum
62guitarguy - 6 years ago
you do realize the shark saw that guy, stalked him while on a moving vessel, jumped and hit right where the guy was standing. impressive...
john U.S.
john U.S. - 6 years ago
Get off my ocean ! Balls of Steel for not running back to boat.
Brian Messing
Brian Messing - 6 years ago
ll Kasper ll
ll Kasper ll - 6 years ago
Good thing it was a white shark. A black shark from the hood woulda jumped high enough.
Abebe345 - 6 years ago
That was huge.
Robert Clavin
Robert Clavin - 6 years ago
It recognized Dr Skomal and is getting tired of getting jabbed with darts! ;-)
warrior 67
warrior 67 - 6 years ago
That guy should have had brown shorts on.
Anthony Golyer
Anthony Golyer - 6 years ago
You could help prevent shark ATTACKS by working with fisherman / wild life experts or wheat ever. Primarily to help surfers, which we all know look like seals from under water where the shark is. Somehow get the chemical released from dead sharks, which is in their blood and put it into the surfwax. Would not even need much due to their ultra amazing sense of smell, the smell of shark blood lets let know there is enough danger to kill a shark, and they will just leave.
David Morales
David Morales - 6 years ago
Didn't you learn your lesson from Quint ?
Judgement Is Coming
Judgement Is Coming - 6 years ago
Butt pucker moment.
chris hamilton
chris hamilton - 6 years ago

hey captain, I need to go below and change my pants,....

Understood. I'm gonna stay here on the bridge and practice my Seth Rogan imitation
Digitalfiendscom - 6 years ago
That was awesome. I love the little "oh-shit oh-shit" two-step when his brain finally registers what's happening lol.
PS3DJ09 - 6 years ago
Chief Brody and Quinn back at it again
Severus - 6 years ago
The captain is really good at acting surprised
claudia fahey
claudia fahey - 6 years ago
Mmmm toes.....
Frank Morris
Frank Morris - 6 years ago
''Bate'' man...
Barbara Daykon
Barbara Daykon - 6 years ago
Gman6755 - 6 years ago
Spontaneous defecation for sure!
Greg Meadows
Greg Meadows - 6 years ago
Shark said. “ dis is my house. Go away “
JMP2204Rocker LPCustom
JMP2204Rocker LPCustom - 6 years ago
Think of the timing it took for that shark to breach a moving target from below at just the right moment... it was tracking that dude. They are smarter than we think. I stay out of the ocean.
Grn Peepers
Grn Peepers - 6 years ago
That's why I do stay out of the ocean! Lol!
Thordan - 6 years ago
bob zealand says science.
Niggleblade - 6 years ago
Wel they were tracking the shark.....
bob zealand
bob zealand - 6 years ago
Shabisky's Grandma says a human
Shabisky's Grandma
Shabisky's Grandma - 6 years ago
Tracking really isn't a sign of intelligence but much more instinct. Sharks are actually not very smart at all but they are curious animals and quite possibly the best and most fit hunters to ever be on this earth over the course of millions of years. Something like a dolphin is much smarter though and would know not to attack something that isn't their prey, white sharks don't realize this until after they've tried a bite because they don't have nearly the same level of intelligence as most mammals
Jeremy Shelton
Jeremy Shelton - 6 years ago
He sounds like Michael from GTA V.
Chip per
Chip per - 6 years ago
Yum, fresh feet, er, meat
Bruno Stooker
Bruno Stooker - 6 years ago
Really great video
Kev Musicluva
Kev Musicluva - 6 years ago
Lol those little steps
Justin Waller
Justin Waller - 6 years ago
Wasn't all that
John stitt
John stitt - 6 years ago
He was just saying hi.
T C - 6 years ago
I would need fresh underware.
n00bgamer - 6 years ago
Dang... should have worn the brown pants...
Jerry Dun
Jerry Dun - 6 years ago
I know sharks are part of the ecosystem. But does anyone know just how important they are? What would happen if they were gone? Just interested
Preach N Truth
Preach N Truth - 6 years ago
Show me the way to go home . . . .
Capo Capo
Capo Capo - 6 years ago
Hoopa full throttle.
Asad Ahmed
Asad Ahmed - 6 years ago
Seriously there is nothing worth watching. Wasted my time.
Asad Ahmed
Asad Ahmed - 6 years ago
+Nitokris Ghoul you need to calm down kid. Take some anger management classes maybe.
Nitokris Ghoul
Nitokris Ghoul - 6 years ago
We are so fortunate to have you tell us what is or isn't worth watching. It's super srs business.
Asad Ahmed
Asad Ahmed - 6 years ago
#Sheeple spotted
Coinraker - 6 years ago
Uhh well most of the comments on here think it's pretty cool. And the thumbs up to down ratio also bears that out. So you ain't "helpin" anyone with your snarky little remark. Later fool.
Asad Ahmed
Asad Ahmed - 6 years ago
Coinraker yeah for helping out others from having to waste their time. Are you one of those selfish guys who only thinks of themselves?
Coinraker - 6 years ago
So it was a waste of your time, but then you wasted more time to comment that it was a waste of your time. Makes sense.
Coinraker - 6 years ago
Woah, that'll wake you up in the morning! A shame the guy didn't have a GoPro strapped to the bottom of his boot. Haha
Malcolm Scrawdyke
Malcolm Scrawdyke - 6 years ago
Wait'll we get them silly bastards down in that rock pile. There'll be some fun. They'll wish their fathers had never met their mothers when they start takin' their bottoms out and slammin' into them rocks, boy. Get away from there, ya goddamn fool, you! What's the matter with you? You wanna swamp us, ya crazy son of a bitch?
L. S.
L. S. - 6 years ago
So what were they doing to that shark? Trying to tag it? Just curious. Maybe they had been chasing it for a while and it just got annoyed. Anyway...very scary.
nomoreheroes1718 - 6 years ago
I was just anticipating that plank would break. Scary.
Chris M.
Chris M. - 6 years ago
Legend had it he was shooting a YouTube video for his underwater friends.
King Corey
King Corey - 6 years ago
Shows why white sharks are the top predators ever. This shark actually timed this breach attack precisely from under the water.
nate word
nate word - 6 years ago
yeah my doodoo would be all in that ocean
LiqurMeUp - 6 years ago
What if the shark was a little bigger and committed to the attack....dude would have ended up in the water for sure.
gixxxer1k - 6 years ago
Pretty sure that shark been tagged before. “Not today mofo, ima eat ur ass...”
LiqurMeUp - 6 years ago
It was breaching to meet him. Narly. ....anyone want to do some paragliding and hover low over the water?
Dolph C. Volker
Dolph C. Volker - 6 years ago
Definitely trying to eat you... wow. I wonder if you can tame a great white shark?
lil Clock
lil Clock - 6 years ago
Edward Brink Nahhhh reallly? i thought it was in fortnite
King Ellis
King Ellis - 6 years ago
I’ve never heard someone say aqua zoo lol
Edward Brink
Edward Brink - 6 years ago
only in Ark Survival
Smokey 420
Smokey 420 - 6 years ago
You're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat.
allycookie2009 - 6 years ago
Yes, that too.
LOX SnipeGod
LOX SnipeGod - 6 years ago
allycookie2009 make sure you have at least a few hundred buckets of narcotics lol
allycookie2009 - 6 years ago
Yeah, you just knock it out and feed it prime meat.
SmellMySpoon EatableMeat
SmellMySpoon EatableMeat - 6 years ago
Nearly impossible if they don't travel they die
Herr Aufklärung
Herr Aufklärung - 6 years ago
Dolph C. Volker nah, can‘t even hold it in Aqua zoo‘s. They die within some day‘s if they living in capture.
The Pornographer
The Pornographer - 6 years ago
Chris Fontaine
Chris Fontaine - 6 years ago
I love my waterproof seal skin boots, I think I'll wear those with my white pants....
kamalrex1 - 6 years ago
Hooper is that you ?
leet leetmore
leet leetmore - 6 years ago
sharks dont eat human, human died from toaster more than shark attack statistically, they only protect their own territory, no need to fear them
QueenBee Druid
QueenBee Druid - 6 years ago
The statistics are fucked because everytime a shark shows up on something people say " We gotta go for safety reasons" No bitch, you're gonna jump into that fucking ocean and prove the statistics right. Prove that the toaster is more dangerous than those fucking enlarged salmon looking motherfuckers.
QueenBee Druid
QueenBee Druid - 6 years ago
Oh you're triggering me to hell and back
Nitokris Ghoul
Nitokris Ghoul - 6 years ago
Queenbee Druid

But statistics say you're more likely to get killed by a mundane daily object! You are only .00000000000000000001% likely to be killed by a shark, and as you know, we humans live out in the middle of the ocean so we're clearly as exposed to sharks as we're exposed to toasters so there's nothing to fear!
QueenBee Druid
QueenBee Druid - 6 years ago
Well you fucking mutt you see people tend to be on land. People say there is a higher chance of being hit by lightning than getting bit by a shark. So I am willing to sit in the park during a storm for 1 hour, while you jump in the ocean and stay there for one hour. Lets see who is safer...
Fook The Daiz Brothers
Fook The Daiz Brothers - 6 years ago
That's such a rare experience. Wow. Very strange behavior... Maybe it was Prego or in mating grounds very close to shore too. I live in Plymouth. I need to get on a boat to see the most amazing creatures alive asap
Nereyda Calderon
Nereyda Calderon - 6 years ago
Wao wao wao
Troy Wilson
Troy Wilson - 6 years ago
This is the scene from jaws the revenge
Robert barnes
Robert barnes - 6 years ago
Your Tax Dollars at work .....
Shabisky's Grandma
Shabisky's Grandma - 6 years ago
lol jk
Shabisky's Grandma
Shabisky's Grandma - 6 years ago
At least it's helping the white sharks and not the dirty black ones on welfare stealing what the spear fisherman catch
SadieJ - 6 years ago
OneTw0 - 6 years ago
Would have been cool if they used a 360cam
He tried to swallow him whole but that damm steal rail....
Douglas R
Douglas R - 6 years ago
Time for massive shark hunts these things are too aggressive and a problem world wide now Time to legalize shark fin soup.
mark adams
mark adams - 6 years ago
Oh shit moment!!
ryttu3k - 6 years ago
Just looks like a spyhop to me. It was probably just curious!
allyson ragusin
allyson ragusin - 6 years ago
What does that tell u dummies,leave the sharks alone!
Lori Squires
Lori Squires - 6 years ago
Martin MacGill
Martin MacGill - 6 years ago
Not a good day to wear white shorts! LOL
J Two
J Two - 6 years ago
Amazing video... But Where is this? Is this on Bay side or not? extremely close to shore... Video demonstrates how aggressive these fish can get. Hate to sound cruel but they are not native species and should be fished out of cape Waters. Also, seal population needs to be dealt with. The first kid who gets chomped will lead to hysteria
VanGogh34 - 6 years ago
The hunter becomes the hunted.
Wes McGee
Wes McGee - 6 years ago
Bring it around Mr. Hoopa!
Xilom82 - 6 years ago
"Did you guys see that?!!!" No. We didn't.
Georgia Arlott
Georgia Arlott - 6 years ago
Amazing video. I work for Sky News in London - please may we use this with a credit?
Devin Frederick
Devin Frederick - 6 years ago
I love the 2 step dance my mans does on the bow lolololol
Mi Musisica
Mi Musisica - 6 years ago
A shark jumping out of the water. Who'd thought in a million years you'd find a shark in the water. Hmmm.
Uylessess Dodd
Uylessess Dodd - 6 years ago
Doing to much ...
chunkylefunga - 6 years ago
Veng3r - 6 years ago
This video is definitely for all those confused 'Animal Lovers' who STILL think that Great Whites are our friends...
khabib record
khabib record - 6 years ago
Jawsus Christ that was close.
khabib record
khabib record - 6 years ago
Holy shit that was close lol
Junkman2000 - 6 years ago
Wow. That's why I keep my butt on dry land.
Rico & Jade Play Games!
Rico & Jade Play Games! - 6 years ago
“So close...” the shark says as it turns its hungry blood thirsty self south to find its next meal
VolDep45 - 6 years ago
That guys is lucky he didn't fall over!!
Comicbookstoreguy177 - 6 years ago
Good way to lose a toe or foot
SamFreedom - 6 years ago
I can't process the excuse that it was a case of mistaken identity because this time nothing looked like a seal. It actually leapt at him.
Simon Farrell
Simon Farrell - 6 years ago
Woman of Substance
Woman of Substance - 6 years ago
Are they trying to tag the shark?
David C
David C - 6 years ago
First, Fonzie jumped the shark, and now the shark jumped this guy.
John Caprai
John Caprai - 6 years ago
Greg Skomal, almost Chum ....
Cat G
Cat G - 6 years ago
Did he pee is pants? I would have.
SJ Greer
SJ Greer - 6 years ago
Sooner or later the sharks had to figure it out...protein snacks standing around on those boats.
Dale M
Dale M - 6 years ago
There is absolutely NO DOUBT what that shark was trying to do!
Juan Carrasquel
Juan Carrasquel - 6 years ago
Sir! Did you check your underwear? Lol
Mass Debater
Mass Debater - 6 years ago
it's a shame all that wood and fiberglass is in the way really
Mass Debater
Mass Debater - 6 years ago
one day you might be on the right current at the wrong time and the shark will nail his techniques and be able to get you from the side please keep filming so I don't miss that I love when sharks kill people it makes my day
Ben Finny
Ben Finny - 6 years ago
Keeper steady hooper. She can't stay down with 2 barrels. Get ready chief Brody
Mohit Gadre
Mohit Gadre - 6 years ago
Inches away from one of the most terrifying creatures and he’s still laughing. Props to that man on what was almost a feeding platform
tim miller
tim miller - 6 years ago
You couldn’t shove a 10 penny finish nail in his a@#hole when he realized what had just happened
Dustin H
Dustin H - 6 years ago
fuck the ocean imagine the size of the ones we don't know about
Janetta Schuch
Janetta Schuch - 6 years ago
You need a bigger boat.
bandido79 - 6 years ago
Scary shit!!
dan man
dan man - 6 years ago
T Garrison
T Garrison - 6 years ago
Richard Dreyfuss really nailed this scene.
goodbi99 - 6 years ago
Now I won't sleep tonight.
Brent Delong
Brent Delong - 6 years ago
Is that guy even tied off. At least get a lanyard or something. That little rail isn't worth a crap. On little dip and that guy would be right in the water.
Sam Spade
Sam Spade - 6 years ago
Change yer " shorts " !!!!
Arnold Stollar
Arnold Stollar - 6 years ago
Never swimming,there
golfrockstr - 6 years ago
Sharks don't go after people. BS. Hunt all sharks
Spoony Love
Spoony Love - 6 years ago
That'll make you dance in a hurry.
AWSOMUS LATEST - 6 years ago
His boot looks like a seal........
069220 - 6 years ago
That guy is shark bait!
Shaun2040 - 6 years ago
That guy should have worn brown shorts.
harold johnson
harold johnson - 6 years ago
well I'd be going below deck to change some shorts for sure after that... man...………………..
DL stev
DL stev - 6 years ago
Woahhh holy crap!!!! Hahah
mikerafone music
mikerafone music - 6 years ago
Wow no big deal shitty footage over hyped
wayne daley
wayne daley - 6 years ago
Buddy did a little jig there
Dalavine - 6 years ago
So did he get the tag that time or did they need to try again?
Greenid Guy
Greenid Guy - 6 years ago
WSM...White Sharks Matter
Starbuck - 6 years ago
Wow!! I thought white sharks only breached like that in South Africa
Banita Clayson
Banita Clayson - 6 years ago
Why is he trying.to.put a hook in him?
hendrsb33 - 6 years ago
If that had been Meg, the platform and the guy would have been gone...
hendrsb33 - 6 years ago
Ugh. Imaging shitting out a boat!
VancouverCanucksRock - 6 years ago
Nah, that be the whole Boat down the Megs throat
hendrsb33 - 6 years ago
Y'know... Meg. Jason Statham's girlfriend! :-D
Crown Commando
Crown Commando - 6 years ago
Meg Griffin???
matt s
matt s - 6 years ago
If that were me It would have been the first time a great white shark was shit on by a human.
Josh Lewis
Josh Lewis - 6 years ago
They are gonna need a bigger... Nah, their boat looks big enough.
SheIsntReal 0_0
SheIsntReal 0_0 - 6 years ago
Shark sez mmmm, you look tasty!
Giovanni Bazzini
Giovanni Bazzini - 6 years ago
Hey chief go out on the pulpit
Peacemaker Wolf
Peacemaker Wolf - 6 years ago
Shark just lookin for a snack
Ant Dean
Ant Dean - 6 years ago
Little known fact: his movements have been adopted by urban youth as a dance they call "the jaws step"
R J - 6 years ago
You can see the chum run down his shorts.
s mc
s mc - 6 years ago
Okay....who's the wise a$$ ringing the dinner bell????!!!!
TigerMeadows - 6 years ago
Dude almost became dinosaur food.
Stephanie Nicole
Stephanie Nicole - 6 years ago
See....am I the ONLY PERSON WHO SAW JAWS??? Hell to the no....I wonder how big that shark was??,
WhiteStone !!!!
WhiteStone !!!! - 6 years ago
You're gonna need a bigger bow...
cityofchamps66 - 6 years ago
Here's to swimming with bow legged women
Shawn Jarman
Shawn Jarman - 6 years ago
Bet that guy underwear is a bit wet on the front and stinky in the back!
Charles Moore
Charles Moore - 6 years ago
Dude did the Eastcoast two step.
Robin Spade
Robin Spade - 6 years ago
Did you guys see his shit stains? Did you see that?
davidlrobinsonred - 6 years ago
That foot work tho
petev23 - 6 years ago
pnut84 - 6 years ago
Someone get that man a new pair of underwear.
thetouch315 - 6 years ago
SUPRISE Theres a shark in the ocean
TKDetecting - 6 years ago
It just wanted to be pet!
Tyler Vincent
Tyler Vincent - 6 years ago
TKDetecting https://youtu.be/8ognfYSICMo This link shows a great white being pet.
sherman4970 - 6 years ago
That’s his way of telling you to F off and leave me alone!!!!!
broomsterm - 6 years ago
Shoot that fucking thing. What is this, PETA?
JaKBaLL TV - 6 years ago
at least he brought his rubbers!
T Blanco
T Blanco - 6 years ago
But it just wanted a little snack !!!
Nelson Craig
Nelson Craig - 6 years ago
If there was no gang-plank for that guy to stand on...game over
Hello Mr wolf
Hello Mr wolf - 6 years ago
" Hooper! Aint ya watchin it?!"
Hello Mr wolf
Hello Mr wolf - 6 years ago
Brenda Forster Thanks fuck face
Brenda Forster
Brenda Forster - 6 years ago
Hello Mr wolf It's Quint.
Andrew Wheeler
Andrew Wheeler - 6 years ago
it looked as if it would have jumped up and take him right off of their goodness that was close enough for a bite for sure don't ever ever under estimate a great white just don't do it at all.
buickmonte - 6 years ago
"I'll never put a life jacket on again"
Jonnyjib Job
Jonnyjib Job - 6 years ago
Holy fuck!
First Creek Films
First Creek Films - 6 years ago
And people say they are not mindless killing machines. They will eat ANYTHING. If anyone was in the water right then they would be attacked without question.
Andrew Thomson
Andrew Thomson - 6 years ago
That's why you NEVER dangle over the side
18boraIX - 6 years ago
Hopefully he had spare undies
Pathduck - 6 years ago
"Ow mah nose" -Shark
val johnson
val johnson - 6 years ago
it just thought he was a seal
M J C - 6 years ago
It was lunchtime
unclejack123 - 6 years ago
that folks is the definition of a S.E.E. "Significant Emotional Event"......... JRW
spr822 - 6 years ago
We gonna need a bigger boat.
Michael Edwards
Michael Edwards - 6 years ago
your gonna need a bigger boat
Donald Mousseau
Donald Mousseau - 6 years ago
"Pulpit my ass"
larry towns
larry towns - 6 years ago
This video is proof sharks can't be trusted lol
Edward Thayer
Edward Thayer - 6 years ago
WOW it actually tried to get him!
Ronald Hartke
Ronald Hartke - 6 years ago
Shark wanted a piece of his ass!
Ferret Family
Ferret Family - 6 years ago
Lol I love watching his feet dance
Derrick Robinson
Derrick Robinson - 6 years ago
Good for his ass, fuckin dummies
Jeff Pittel
Jeff Pittel - 6 years ago
I think we need a bigger boat,,,LOL.
Totalavulsion - 6 years ago
They’re gonna need a bigger boat
elitestar - 6 years ago
Totalavulsion was scrolling for your comment lol
jadesluv - 6 years ago
Sharky was hoping for a beach ball to play with, or he thought those rubber boots were a lounging seal.
Federico Diaz de Leon
Federico Diaz de Leon - 6 years ago
lol and the dude stayed on the bow i would of ran tf out of there
Jason Douglas
Jason Douglas - 6 years ago
Two Serious Dogs
Two Serious Dogs - 6 years ago
That was insane!
fatstercat - 6 years ago
I think he just filled those boots with poop
idid yourmom
idid yourmom - 6 years ago
that's it. No more kayaking in the ocean for me.
AK HAN - 6 years ago
Eleanore Musso
Eleanore Musso - 6 years ago
AK HAN lol
Wake Up America
Wake Up America - 6 years ago
I have one word.....NOPE!!!!
I AM ALIVE !!!!!
I AM ALIVE !!!!! - 6 years ago
You're damn lucky that wasn't a black shark that could jump
I AM ALIVE !!!!!
I AM ALIVE !!!!! - 6 years ago
David Rook
David Rook - 6 years ago
Dammit, I am not a seal, do you hear me Mr. Great White, I AM NOT A SEAL!
Brian DiMarco
Brian DiMarco - 6 years ago
Hooper! Tie it up, will ya!?
Robert Bennett
Robert Bennett - 6 years ago
Oughta be captioned “Shark Gets Photobomb of the Year Award”.
Robert Bennett
Robert Bennett - 6 years ago
Shark is like: “DANCE MOFO”!!!!!!!!
DOPEY ASS whiteBOY - 6 years ago
White sharks hate white BOYS
Claudia Heidelberger
Claudia Heidelberger - 6 years ago
Shit myself doo doo doodoo doodoo shit myself doo doo doodoo doo doooo shit myself doo doo doodoo doodooooooo
marvel mary
marvel mary - 6 years ago
I hope.he is harness to the rail
Marie Joy
Marie Joy - 6 years ago
Noel Ignatiev
Noel Ignatiev - 6 years ago
You're a hottie Katherine
Kroshak 1992
Kroshak 1992 - 6 years ago
And now the memes coming ," hell no to the no no no"
Dave Rucci
Dave Rucci - 6 years ago
Definitely not the time to lose your balance!
Josue Garcia
Josue Garcia - 6 years ago
"we're going to need a Bigger Boat" lol
IBLCI GriGa - 6 years ago
That was unbelievable moment! Never saw something like this. Sharks don't do that!
analogkid01 - 6 years ago
"Would you just go to the end of the pulpit please? I need something in the foreground to give it some scale!" "Foreground my ass!!"
TigerMeadows - 6 years ago
Reminds me of Hooper and Quint. :)
I Am Chosen
I Am Chosen - 6 years ago
I hope he brought a change of underwear because he definitely pooped himself!
MaryAnn Williams
MaryAnn Williams - 6 years ago
Gary Rodrigue
Gary Rodrigue - 6 years ago
Stick your friggin head in there and see if its a man eater
SheerWill Survival
SheerWill Survival - 6 years ago
He was hungry
J G - 6 years ago
Great White: If you stick me with that tag I will f**k you up..!!
jack fuk
jack fuk - 6 years ago
TeamDuckMeat - 6 years ago
Good thing it wasn't a black shark
Joe Ferraro
Joe Ferraro - 6 years ago
That was awesome!
Uriel Reyes
Uriel Reyes - 6 years ago
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that.!
Michael Abberton
Michael Abberton - 6 years ago
Should have worn the brown pants
Brandon Smith
Brandon Smith - 6 years ago
Hooper you idiot lol

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