Why NO Aquarium In The WORLD Has a Great White Shark!

Check out why no aquarium in the world has a great white shark! This top 10 list explains why these most dangerous sharks in the world can't be kept in captivity anywhere! Subscribe For New Videos! http://goo.gl/UIzLeB Watch our "STRANGEST Artifacts Ever Discovered!" video here: https://youtu.be/gG0XGt3jFZA Watch our "SECRETS Casinos DON'T Want You To Find Out!" video here: https://youtu.be/hAoABuvzOZM Watch our "RAREST And Most EXPENSIVE Cars In The World!" video here: https://youtu.be/MtCnWSqqilg 7. They Need A Lot of Space Many people visit aquariums hoping to catch a glimpse of sharks up close. Especially the great white, but no exhibit like this exists anywhere in the world. Since 1955, numerous attempts have been made by aquariums to place great white sharks into captivity. 6. Captivity Causes Depression Marine biologists believe that because we are unable to create a suitable artificial environment for great whites in captivity causes them to become depressed. They aren’t at all happy with their new environment. 5. They Injure Themselves A common behavior among great whites in captivity is to ram their heads into the walls of their tanks. There are several theories for why this happens. Some scientists believe that being in a tank disrupts the great white’s keen sense of electroreception, which allows them to sense the electrical charges in the water around them, making it difficult for sharks to detect the tank walls. 4. It’s Expensive From the very first steps of capturing and transporting a great white shark to keeping one in captivity, exhaustive resources are required. When the Monterey Bay Aquarium was tasked with transporting a 4-foot-long great white from Malibu to northern California in 2004, a custom mobile tank had to be built. 3. Not Good For Viewing The introduction of a great white shark exhibit would most likely result in many disappointed customers. A tank large enough to accommodate a great white shark would be impractical in size, making it difficult for hopeful spectators to catch a consistent, close view of the predator. 2. They Do Not Survive in Captivity Generally, there are two possible outcomes when a great white is placed in confinement: death or release back into the wild after a short stint at an aquarium, usually refusing to eat and injuring itself. 1. Public Perception Is Changing Information about the effects of confinement on certain species has become more transparent and accessible than ever in recent years. Documentaries such as Blackfish and The Cove have brought widespread attention to the inhumane nature of keeping marine life in captivity. Origins Explained is the place to be to find all the answers to your questions, from mysterious events and unsolved mysteries to everything there is to know about the world and its amazing animals!

Why NO Aquarium In The WORLD Has a Great White Shark! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2061

Shark videos 6 years ago 3,129,236 views

Check out why no aquarium in the world has a great white shark! This top 10 list explains why these most dangerous sharks in the world can't be kept in captivity anywhere! Subscribe For New Videos! http://goo.gl/UIzLeB Watch our "STRANGEST Artifacts Ever Discovered!" video here: https://youtu.be/gG0XGt3jFZA Watch our "SECRETS Casinos DON'T Want You To Find Out!" video here: https://youtu.be/hAoABuvzOZM Watch our "RAREST And Most EXPENSIVE Cars In The World!" video here: https://youtu.be/MtCnWSqqilg 7. They Need A Lot of Space Many people visit aquariums hoping to catch a glimpse of sharks up close. Especially the great white, but no exhibit like this exists anywhere in the world. Since 1955, numerous attempts have been made by aquariums to place great white sharks into captivity. 6. Captivity Causes Depression Marine biologists believe that because we are unable to create a suitable artificial environment for great whites in captivity causes them to become depressed. They aren’t at all happy with their new environment. 5. They Injure Themselves A common behavior among great whites in captivity is to ram their heads into the walls of their tanks. There are several theories for why this happens. Some scientists believe that being in a tank disrupts the great white’s keen sense of electroreception, which allows them to sense the electrical charges in the water around them, making it difficult for sharks to detect the tank walls. 4. It’s Expensive From the very first steps of capturing and transporting a great white shark to keeping one in captivity, exhaustive resources are required. When the Monterey Bay Aquarium was tasked with transporting a 4-foot-long great white from Malibu to northern California in 2004, a custom mobile tank had to be built. 3. Not Good For Viewing The introduction of a great white shark exhibit would most likely result in many disappointed customers. A tank large enough to accommodate a great white shark would be impractical in size, making it difficult for hopeful spectators to catch a consistent, close view of the predator. 2. They Do Not Survive in Captivity Generally, there are two possible outcomes when a great white is placed in confinement: death or release back into the wild after a short stint at an aquarium, usually refusing to eat and injuring itself. 1. Public Perception Is Changing Information about the effects of confinement on certain species has become more transparent and accessible than ever in recent years. Documentaries such as Blackfish and The Cove have brought widespread attention to the inhumane nature of keeping marine life in captivity. Origins Explained is the place to be to find all the answers to your questions, from mysterious events and unsolved mysteries to everything there is to know about the world and its amazing animals!

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Most popular comments
for Why NO Aquarium In The WORLD Has a Great White Shark!

Lauren LaPota-mitchell
Lauren LaPota-mitchell - 6 years ago
James Crader
James Crader - 6 years ago
Heck yeah
Adriana Hidalgo
Adriana Hidalgo - 6 years ago
Gracie Puckett
Gracie Puckett - 6 years ago
Olivera Blagojevic
Olivera Blagojevic - 6 years ago
No no no and noooooooo
rily campbell
rily campbell - 6 years ago
gloria james
gloria james - 6 years ago
OMG the great wihte
gloria james
gloria james - 6 years ago
I really do love the great wiht
Allison Gosse
Allison Gosse - 6 years ago
seraflame - 6 years ago
i wuold nevr evr go to a aqwaeryum that had a great wight for....resons

10. comment for Why NO Aquarium In The WORLD Has a Great White Shark!

Guardianglass block
Guardianglass block - 6 years ago
Zara GOODMAN - 6 years ago
Penguin The top guy
Penguin The top guy - 6 years ago
Sherry  Powell
Sherry Powell - 6 years ago
Johnny Pepper
Johnny Pepper - 6 years ago
In a aquarium in Atlanta, Georgia they have a small pool filled with baby great white sharks and stingrays
Jolien V.v.S
Jolien V.v.S - 6 years ago
The sad thing is that it is the exact same thing for orcas, dolphins and other species. But apparently a lot of people don’t want to know about this problem. We need to stop taking animals out of their natural habitat to amuse ourselves with stupid hypocritical circus shows. They deserve so much better.
Sneha Thirunavukkarasu
Sneha Thirunavukkarasu - 6 years ago
Ayden Fuller
Ayden Fuller - 6 years ago
Keiraaa - 6 years ago
Claudia Desarmes
Claudia Desarmes - 6 years ago
I watch a lot of survivle vids still I am never going in the water by water I mean beach

20. comment for Why NO Aquarium In The WORLD Has a Great White Shark!

Logan Stewart
Logan Stewart - 6 years ago
ya i wod go see it
Brittany Armstrong
Brittany Armstrong - 6 years ago
I would take a risk to go see it!
Caitie Huskins
Caitie Huskins - 6 years ago
Great white sharks aren’t made for captivity. They die in it
Vanessa Valencia
Vanessa Valencia - 6 years ago
ImaSavaage - 6 years ago
Chloe Brown
Chloe Brown - 6 years ago
I hate Aquariums and Zoos,Lettheanimalsbefree
lyn bennett
lyn bennett - 6 years ago
how about putting them in large tanks for our amusement then after each show - the shark is presented with one of the staff to eat - now thats entertainment
lyn bennett
lyn bennett - 6 years ago
should be illegal to contain any animal other than tropical fish in captivity , cruel and barbarous
Josh Evertsen
Josh Evertsen - 6 years ago
I would never
Pernilla Bengtsson
Pernilla Bengtsson - 6 years ago
sharks should never be in a aquarium ! or killers wales ! fucking idiots how try to have this or even promote it ! stupid fucking humans! but what more to excpet from USA u are allowing guns also so.. not suprised..

30. comment for Why NO Aquarium In The WORLD Has a Great White Shark!

goku vlogs
goku vlogs - 6 years ago
Roger Verse
Roger Verse - 6 years ago
here's an idea raise a great white inside a tank and get it used to living there and make a giant aquarium I mean like thousands and millions kilometres wide and long
Riptide Gaming
Riptide Gaming - 6 years ago
Go figure yeah....sharks have been around for millions of years, just swimming around and eating. Other than Killer Whales, they have no known natural predator.

Yet along comes man, and proves once again that man excels at killing anything and everything it touches.

Sharks have evolved little to none over millions of years, and have thrived.

Man on the other hand has gone through several notable evolutionary changes in a relatively small amount of time....and is still just barely hanging on.

Sharks are the clear winners here.
bugeja jurgen
bugeja jurgen - 6 years ago
great white sharks are my favorit sharks
Nicoline Mattzon
Nicoline Mattzon - 6 years ago
Orcas travel thousands of miles too uno
Nameless Anonymous
Nameless Anonymous - 6 years ago
I expected this video to be an objective explanation, not a typical "captivity is evil" thing. I am not saying great whites do well in captivity. Of course, they don't. However, that does not change the video's over all quality. I shouldn't have expected any good info from a clickbait list channel, but since I like giving people a chance, I watched the video anyways. If you want a much better video on the subject then go watch Vox's 5 minute video of the same title.
Jose Aguilar
Jose Aguilar - 6 years ago
Hell no I will not see a great whit
Elijah Hosein
Elijah Hosein - 6 years ago
Yes I would love to see a grate white shark up close
Iris Hammond
Iris Hammond - 6 years ago
Poor sharks... they get such a bad rap. Sure, some sharks are highly aggressive, but most are just hungry.
Ken Baker
Ken Baker - 6 years ago
Great White Shark "Death is better than bondage"
beaver bear
beaver bear - 6 years ago
Mack and D's Sassy Slimes!
Mack and D's Sassy Slimes! - 6 years ago
If you think sea world sucks leave a like!
melanien zuniga
melanien zuniga - 6 years ago
I wouldn’t even get by one even if it was in a metal tank
Mack and D's Sassy Slimes!
Mack and D's Sassy Slimes! - 6 years ago
We get it don't put them in captivity!!They will die!
Rosemary Ann
Rosemary Ann - 6 years ago
ibs mehmi
ibs mehmi - 6 years ago
Honestly it's disgusting how we destroy the lives of these animals for our own entertainment. Just hire a cage smh
Nugget Man
Nugget Man - 6 years ago
I would definitely go see the great white!
Joshua Halliday
Joshua Halliday - 6 years ago
yes yes i would
Spud Brother
Spud Brother - 6 years ago
No animal, human or any living thing should be taken out of its habitat and thrown into an artificial environment. If you want to see one go diving in the sea cages not in a fukin glass shoebox
Jennifer Upchurch
Jennifer Upchurch - 6 years ago
only endangered species should be in artificial environments to be defended and breedm.
Jennifer Upchurch
Jennifer Upchurch - 6 years ago
only endangered species should be in artificial environments to be defended and breed

50. comment for Why NO Aquarium In The WORLD Has a Great White Shark!

william farrell
william farrell - 6 years ago
william farrell
william farrell - 6 years ago
Anyways it is in Brooklyn NY
william farrell
william farrell - 6 years ago
The space thing where they have no space to provide that's a lie for the aquarium I live by
william farrell
william farrell - 6 years ago
And the aquarium has a lot of space
william farrell
william farrell - 6 years ago
I know one aquarium that has a great white shark and the thing for it opened weeks ago
Tony Talbot
Tony Talbot - 6 years ago
There is a place where you can see sharks up close in sydney and you can feed them ,majestic aquariums, but no great whites.
James Doakes
James Doakes - 6 years ago
Great whites are the ultimate savages wpuldrather die then be fed by inferior species
AJ Lopez
AJ Lopez - 6 years ago
Lupe Galvan
Lupe Galvan - 6 years ago
Hell no
Maddy Friend
Maddy Friend - 6 years ago
I only tapped this cause I wanted to see people scream...
Mimmz1989 - 6 years ago
Why doesn’t it surprise me that SeaWorld managed to kill one in captivity. Orcas are also migrant creatures, they get depressed too...none of these large animals should be in captivity
Sharpboi_jamariYT Fortnite and more
Sharpboi_jamariYT Fortnite and more - 6 years ago
So far I’m on 0:17 seconds and I’m like the reason why great white sharks in my opinion aren’t in aquariums is because they deadly and plus they might be hard to handle
Rigoberto Morales
Rigoberto Morales - 6 years ago
Colin Gifford
Colin Gifford - 6 years ago
The great white is 1 of the most dangerous fish in the sea and its strong enough to break glass
Formless Blob
Formless Blob - 6 years ago
7) they need a lot of space
6) captivity causes depression
5) they injure themselves
4) it's expensive
3) not good for viewing
2) they don't survive in captivity
1) public perception is changing
Ryan Napoleon
Ryan Napoleon - 6 years ago
AlexAndZacharyMegaFan - 6 years ago
Yes! Yes I would! It would be awesome to see one in person!
Debra Masso
Debra Masso - 6 years ago
Yes I should see it or try too
LPS Chihuahua
LPS Chihuahua - 6 years ago
Great video I subscribed to you <3
Ryan Jacob
Ryan Jacob - 6 years ago
Speaking of sharks I just saw this trailer called the Meg and I have a feeling I'm never going on the boat ever again because that shark we don't know if it's still alive or not
Jose Acevedo
Jose Acevedo - 6 years ago
yo it breezy and tiannie
yo it breezy and tiannie - 6 years ago
Hell yes
Mrs Bower
Mrs Bower - 6 years ago
Not enough space... Death... Depression... All of these are applicable to orcas as well and yet they still have them in captivity.
Nolan Moua
Nolan Moua - 6 years ago
8:06 there is a heart ton the fin
nobody Uknow
nobody Uknow - 6 years ago
With technology these days, zoos could have robotic versions of some animals they can't house or it would be inhumane to do so (as long as they explain that they aren't real). They could have VR gear for people to feel like they are up close and personal with some of these animals.
I have wished I could own a small, endangered species and illegally exotic pets, zoo. Animals rescued from black markets and private zoos that have suffered so that they could not be returned to the wild. It could promote the protection of animals by showing some of the abuse they suffered (like having teeth pulled, nail, claws, even toes or fingers of primates cut off).
It would be healthy to find a way for the animals to interact with humans, safely (for both sides), not only to stir compassion in people but the animals could use the mental stimulation opposed to just seeing humans walk around, looking at them.
Jillian Hartman-Grelowski
Jillian Hartman-Grelowski - 6 years ago
Samuel Garibay
Samuel Garibay - 6 years ago
Lester Gross
Lester Gross - 6 years ago
Amanda Kenyon
Amanda Kenyon - 6 years ago
Umm actually yes some aquariums do..... so false video
Elizabeth Arias
Elizabeth Arias - 6 years ago
I will look at it but from a safe distance
John Laming
John Laming - 6 years ago
There is a great white in london
XXX I - 6 years ago
If y’all don’t stfu talking about aquariums should be illegal..If you eat meat I don’t wanna hear about how you hate this because u should see how they treat the animals you eat before they’re killed.
skys hotspots
skys hotspots - 6 years ago
They just need to be left alone #6 made me sad and angry...let’s just love them from a far smh
Speckled Cow
Speckled Cow - 6 years ago
Great white sharks are like teenagers
Gavin Harvey
Gavin Harvey - 6 years ago
Yeah but bull sharks are really buff teens
katty charisma
katty charisma - 6 years ago
There are some animals that are happy in captivity and don’t really care like small fish and smaller breeds of sharks. I’ve been to at least three different aquariums. All of them had reef sharks and sawfish, and rays, ect,

All of the animals were so happy.
Theres just some animals that aren’t supposed to be kept in captivity.
Like orcas and great whites and other animals.
bloodcat1234 kitten
bloodcat1234 kitten - 6 years ago
I was born in 2004
caiyeo 123
caiyeo 123 - 6 years ago
yeah I love sharks
Chris Ambler
Chris Ambler - 6 years ago
it is bella
it is bella - 6 years ago
MrZilla2323 - 6 years ago
I've seen great whites in aquariums one is the aquarium in baltimore
Norma Sanchez
Norma Sanchez - 6 years ago
Meany deany
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson - 6 years ago
why can't we just leave wild life alone?
Haley T
Haley T - 6 years ago
Jordyn Jones
Jordyn Jones - 6 years ago
I've seen a great white at an aquarium
Maniyah Soltren
Maniyah Soltren - 6 years ago
Shawn McKenna
Shawn McKenna - 6 years ago
(And its still there) ;3
Clyde Locklear
Clyde Locklear - 6 years ago
I would not go to an aqieriam with a great white shark
moist faucet
moist faucet - 6 years ago
we should put human and great white together in a Aquarium.
Tina Marie
Tina Marie - 6 years ago
Public demand?! Seriously?! Ha...wanna see a shark? Go for a swim in Guadalupe Bay! Lmao ppl are so stupid!
Santiago Rodriguez Guillen
Santiago Rodriguez Guillen - 6 years ago
Matters? To some I guess

100. comment for Why NO Aquarium In The WORLD Has a Great White Shark!

Klara mooncloud Fan!!!
Klara mooncloud Fan!!! - 6 years ago
Great white sharks are not the strongest sharks. Search up megalodon sharks that might change what you think about great white sharks.
Ib's rocki'n world Also
Ib's rocki'n world Also - 6 years ago
I would go...
I think
Kendra Welka
Kendra Welka - 6 years ago
I would but leave Fast
Todd Anderson
Todd Anderson - 6 years ago
Zudu Happy Tree Friends
Zudu Happy Tree Friends - 6 years ago
i would. i love sharks.
Lekhi Brown
Lekhi Brown - 6 years ago
No because great white sharks band from aquarium cuz they broke the last to eat the children they flooded the aquarium and many other reasons
el'jenno - 6 years ago
A great white shark (or any shark/animal) just shouldn't be kept in captivity. They are called wild animals for a reason
The Rider
The Rider - 6 years ago
Should BE a crime to Cage that animal
Sophia Esparza
Sophia Esparza - 6 years ago
I live near the monteray aquarium and am a local their but i never rember them containing a great white shark a hammer head yes and some smaller sharks but no great white
Kylie dietze
Kylie dietze - 6 years ago
Nooo i would be scared, like from Jaws
Gamer 4life
Gamer 4life - 6 years ago
Because the shark would die
Moomoo Moo
Moomoo Moo - 6 years ago
Oh hell noooooooooooooooooooooooo o ooooh
Xxx_Forlife _Xxx
Xxx_Forlife _Xxx - 6 years ago
Can train them and plus you have to clean cage
superman OINK SUPERMAN - 6 years ago
Speak in English not no science science thing my bober
Alisharksurf Smith
Alisharksurf Smith - 6 years ago
People have to torture animals for viewers to see them in a cage this is why is stand by sharks 100%
Mimi games
Mimi games - 6 years ago
I would not go see q great white shark
Tionne Martin
Tionne Martin - 6 years ago
Hell naw i wouldnt go see it
Jay Zbieszkowski
Jay Zbieszkowski - 6 years ago
I wanna see a great white so badly I love sharks
The Real Deal Beal
The Real Deal Beal - 6 years ago
Nature’s most fascinating predator is a Crocodile fuck out of here.
Wigga Mcwiggins
Wigga Mcwiggins - 6 years ago
I didnt think shed fit 7 facts in here since she spent like 3 minutes on each subject
Rambo Who
Rambo Who - 6 years ago
U full of shit go to San Diego SeaWorld
hkh1580 - 6 years ago
Gusana1972 - 6 years ago
Maybe someone can make a tank that is big enough for a great white shark and there can be a big tunnel for the great white
that leads to the open ocean.
Cynthia Nations
Cynthia Nations - 6 years ago
A lot of those problems are also the same problems Orcas have.
Brandon Lepano
Brandon Lepano - 6 years ago
Maybe because theyre dangerous idk
Demonic DumbAss
Demonic DumbAss - 6 years ago
Honey Shivdasani
Honey Shivdasani - 6 years ago
I love sharks they are my favourite marine creatures
Im_That_Monk - 6 years ago
I would love to see a great white. But I want to see it in its natural habitat
Katelyn Cave
Katelyn Cave - 6 years ago
No I would not go see the great white shark if they had one they are dangerous
ItsSpyro - 6 years ago
Triquetra - 6 years ago
Great witey cannot be capture

He attacc
He protecc
He's never capt
Robert Lujan
Robert Lujan - 6 years ago
All these poor creatures should be free to live there lives just like us. They have the right to live as they choose just like us. I am really disappointed and ashamed of the human race. We're monsters.
Kenn Bouchard
Kenn Bouchard - 6 years ago
I would see a great white shark
Nahapet Balian
Nahapet Balian - 6 years ago
Alot of personalty
Angela Kase
Angela Kase - 6 years ago
Cara Keesling
Cara Keesling - 6 years ago
This was a very interesting video. I’m glad I know more about this.
Blu Dude
Blu Dude - 6 years ago
you need a new mic
Senita Davidson
Senita Davidson - 6 years ago
Noooooooooooooooo fuck
Timo Sijm
Timo Sijm - 6 years ago
I found my spirit animal, a depressed shark
rommel rommel
rommel rommel - 6 years ago
All Wild Marine Species shouldn't be on any aquarium anyways,
Roderick Pollock
Roderick Pollock - 6 years ago
my aquarium had a great white shark
Zoe Bruckner
Zoe Bruckner - 6 years ago
Joseph Harris
Joseph Harris - 6 years ago
robert miramontes
robert miramontes - 6 years ago
I would definitely go see great white shark I wish I would've known Monterey had one I just recently became member
I Love ASMR - 6 years ago
8:06 alittle heart on the shark's fin
Beniamin Prundus
Beniamin Prundus - 6 years ago
lil fresh
lil fresh - 6 years ago
that's a lie I went to a aquarium that had a great white shark
Catspaw - 6 years ago
In other words sharks belong in open ocean not to be stared at this video basically says what happens when sharks are put in a tank these creatures will die. It's best to leave all aquatic life in the ocean.
Unicorns 101
Unicorns 101 - 6 years ago
I would Not Go
Antonia Souza
Antonia Souza - 6 years ago
The great white shark is my favorite animal
Nikki Patton
Nikki Patton - 6 years ago
I hope great whites become extinct they kill people
Emily Paniagua
Emily Paniagua - 6 years ago
They're mammals
Sunnylucy - 6 years ago
I wanna see a whaleshark, other than in wow !
Mauro Araiza Muñoz
Mauro Araiza Muñoz - 6 years ago
No i would not make an effort
Martina Rocha
Martina Rocha - 6 years ago
6:09 notice how they are all ones
Tristan Reid
Tristan Reid - 6 years ago
Emely Calderon
Emely Calderon - 6 years ago
But orcas are in small pools SMH just cause we put orcas in small pools doesn't mean its right
Game Up 9008
Game Up 9008 - 6 years ago
In the past i was hoing through a water tunnel and my dad lifted me to a great white i was like omg that is huge! And thrn i cried lol
Lizette Kronby
Lizette Kronby - 6 years ago
I believe its because of the magnetic fields and their "radars" and the earth poles drawn to the magnetic fields.
Berk Vingerling
Berk Vingerling - 6 years ago
ur saying the same fact over and over again
Betsy Wallace
Betsy Wallace - 6 years ago
Ok jeez they could have just some up the whole video in "Great White Sharks die in captivity" that's a good obvious reason why and DUH you shouldn't capture a creature that died in captivity just for show!!
mirna khudhur
mirna khudhur - 6 years ago
Laser Legend
Laser Legend - 6 years ago
Btw if you didnt know the royal melbourne aquarium has a great white
hayden morgan
hayden morgan - 6 years ago
Professer severus snape What's good
Professer severus snape What's good - 6 years ago
PikachuGaming 100
PikachuGaming 100 - 6 years ago
Sarrah GamerZ Sarry GameZ
Sarrah GamerZ Sarry GameZ - 6 years ago
Michele Geiss
Michele Geiss - 6 years ago
Because they are dead for ever
Michele Geiss
Michele Geiss - 6 years ago
It's dead for ever
Flemming Holst
Flemming Holst - 6 years ago
In Denmark have i been there
Joy Park
Joy Park - 6 years ago
Imagine you were kept in a tank and stayed there for the rest of your life. NO animal should be kept in captivity.
Dora McGarrigle
Dora McGarrigle - 6 years ago
n n no
A Ganda
A Ganda - 6 years ago
Is this why they are endangered?
Dasiy Latoski
Dasiy Latoski - 6 years ago
No because if you go to one they starve the animals if they don't do the tricks right
Spider-Man Jeff
Spider-Man Jeff - 6 years ago
Hell no I would not see it
Toby Phillips
Toby Phillips - 6 years ago
Chad Anderson
Chad Anderson - 6 years ago
Karisa Richardson
Karisa Richardson - 6 years ago
hell no
An Nguyen
An Nguyen - 6 years ago
Manuel Ramirez
Manuel Ramirez - 6 years ago
XmimikyumasterX101 Thebossmimikyu
XmimikyumasterX101 Thebossmimikyu - 6 years ago
Really lots of these pics aren’t of great whites
Mada Playz
Mada Playz - 6 years ago
what about make the aquarium to be a circle and in the middle blocked off by a giant circle and that make the shark just keep swimming in circle
jae zee
jae zee - 6 years ago
Captivity = depression = no $#it
Hunter Mclellan
Hunter Mclellan - 6 years ago
Zidane Isidore
Zidane Isidore - 6 years ago
I wouldn't come to see
Joey Carter
Joey Carter - 6 years ago
7:17 to 7:18. * GWEAT WHITE SHARK*
Hollie Mangus
Hollie Mangus - 6 years ago
Dream Talker
Dream Talker - 6 years ago
2:21 is that my aquarium?????
Juleidy alvarez
Juleidy alvarez - 6 years ago
I will not go to place s that have a great white shark why is sad that they are in fish tanks they need to be FREE
Flint And Friends
Flint And Friends - 6 years ago
I hate aquariums
Just Michelle
Just Michelle - 6 years ago
Nope I won’t see it
Mr. Tides
Mr. Tides - 6 years ago
Who came for the thumnail?
Mr. Tides
Mr. Tides - 6 years ago
I seen one in a aquarium
Cam Good
Cam Good - 6 years ago
Orcas are also migratory and can travel hundreds of kilometers in a period of days. Putting them in slightly larger than average swimming pools is tantamount to killing them. I think anyone who watches Black Fish should have the common sense to not go to SeaWorld any more..
Jack Mcgrath
Jack Mcgrath - 6 years ago
Noooo I will not see one in a aquiriam
Alice-Cartelet - 6 years ago
that thumbnail is complete bullshit that's not why
Tee Tee
Tee Tee - 6 years ago
8:00 me and my sister watched the movie 47 meters down today and we both said NOPE at the same time.lol
ZonE PlaYz YT
ZonE PlaYz YT - 6 years ago
i might
Martin Kuliza
Martin Kuliza - 6 years ago
so... they released the shark because IT BECAME AGGRESSIVE LMFAO

Ok, I'm afraid to ask hehe

so, was is like,
Nahh, she'll be right, the shark will be cute, won't give us any drama
they then catch the shark
and it's like
fuck, this one's a bit aggressive, let's throw it back and get one that's more friendlier

seriously, how does this work ?
Martin Kuliza
Martin Kuliza - 6 years ago
so...... what you basically did was you read this before shooting the video


and then you after 5mins of readin you made the video without even bothering to change the words

and you now want a like hehe
Sunshine - 6 years ago
So dumb can you imagine if you put a human in a fucking glass box see if they like that??? It's just common sense
akashi uzumaki
akashi uzumaki - 6 years ago
Loronzo DeVaughn
Loronzo DeVaughn - 6 years ago
Marleena Winslow
Marleena Winslow - 6 years ago
I would probably go see it
Little Monster
Little Monster - 6 years ago
There should be a movie, where the aquarium glass breaks and the facility gets flooded. I'd definetly watch that.
Dan 0_0
Dan 0_0 - 6 years ago
I wouldn't cause great white sharks are very strong and they can crack open glass easily if i did i would call batman to bring the shark item from 1966
Usman Sarimsakov
Usman Sarimsakov - 6 years ago
No shits I would wanna see a white shark
Usman Sarimsakov
Usman Sarimsakov - 6 years ago
Think with your brain
Vylonious Bloodwing
Vylonious Bloodwing - 6 years ago
I am glad they aren't! Aquariums shouldn't be able to have Killer Whales either. Orca's lives are utterly destroyed by captivity.
If i see a great white on a aquarian
darwin fisher
darwin fisher - 6 years ago
i dont see any Makos ?
Maisie Hall
Maisie Hall - 6 years ago
Tonam Gallardo
Tonam Gallardo - 6 years ago
Number- #1 They're fucking dangerous and will end up eating your child if the glass accidentally breaks.
Bree Nelson
Bree Nelson - 6 years ago
I would not go see the great white shark because of Jaws
Benz Claasz Coockson
Benz Claasz Coockson - 6 years ago
No no no no
Blayden Smith
Blayden Smith - 6 years ago
Honestly why do people care about a few sharks that they have never seen you wouldn’t have even known about these sharks if this video wasn’t made I’m a fisherman and it makes me mad to hear people say that hunting is a horrible thing to do I mean seriously people just keep that type of stuff to your self
Deidre de Beer-Human
Deidre de Beer-Human - 6 years ago
Never never never never never never
Louann Wright
Louann Wright - 6 years ago
Kai Fury
Kai Fury - 6 years ago
Omg 2:25 ahahahaha
Annika Curtis
Annika Curtis - 6 years ago
The thought of having whales in tanks makes me want to throw up.
Evan Tindall
Evan Tindall - 6 years ago
it's 11 pm and I'm on this side of YouTube again
Slime'n Things
Slime'n Things - 6 years ago
I have seen a young great white shark at an aquarium
Slime'n Things
Slime'n Things - 6 years ago
It was right right by the glass i saw its bottom teeth it open its jaws a bit and I walked away
Vincent101 - 6 years ago
I've seen great whites in an aquarium right by my house there healthy two
alex flores
alex flores - 6 years ago
alex flores
alex flores - 6 years ago
SaNai Austin
SaNai Austin - 6 years ago
Lana Huls
Lana Huls - 6 years ago
"Standard tanks for whales ar a little small to" A little in just going to say sea world hunny your parking lot is bigger than the tanks you keep the whales in and they are still way to small its just inhumane and they teach children will ill informed people with the wroung inframattion. Iv have been asked why they would keep them if its inhumane im like dear god M-O-N-E-Y
Devin Good
Devin Good - 6 years ago
Cody Gamer3
Cody Gamer3 - 6 years ago
Its all makes sense to people who didn't understand
My2 Playz
My2 Playz - 6 years ago
Yes i s
Aileen Pablo
Aileen Pablo - 6 years ago
wow......wowowowowowow i dont like that

copy sorry

read more
Aileen Pablo
Aileen Pablo - 6 years ago
like not like that
Climbing Bros
Climbing Bros - 6 years ago
I would not go to see the shark because it is abusive enough to keep marine mammals in captivity a shark would another abused animal
Climbing Bros
Climbing Bros - 6 years ago
I don't understand how people feel so bad for sharks being in captivity when marine mammals especially Orcas who are animals that second only to humans in inelegance and personality. Orcas have cultures, languages, family groups yet we keep thing in a tank equivalent to a human in a bathtub.
Phoenix McGirr
Phoenix McGirr - 6 years ago
7:02. Yes there is a tank largely large enough.

It’s called the ocean
Im_That_Monk - 6 years ago
Phoenix McGirr the ocean isn’t a tank it’s freedom and home
Ty - 6 years ago
yes yes yes and..... ye_no
i love jurassic world
i love jurassic world - 6 years ago
Majestic af Penguin
Majestic af Penguin - 6 years ago
The picture of Monterey Bay aquarium doesn’t resemble the aquarium very much, I’m sure it’s the angle because I’ve only seen it from the front on the street and not from a higher view, but I’ve never seen any of the signs or anything. But that’s just my opinion( please don’t be mad at me if I misunderstood)
Nikolas Pratt
Nikolas Pratt - 6 years ago
A great white can break the glass if it’s not strong enough
sarah  hill
sarah hill - 6 years ago
What the
84Msfoxy - 6 years ago
Probably because a great white shark will blessed with the glass
Melanie White
Melanie White - 6 years ago
Sophia Gilden
Sophia Gilden - 6 years ago
I love sharks
Ngirmang Omerael
Ngirmang Omerael - 6 years ago
car fan1234
car fan1234 - 6 years ago
Fuck no
Choco-Chan - 6 years ago
I’m so against marine animals in captivity. Or any animal really. Zoos and marine parks are places I don’t like visiting.
Adrian Adrian
Adrian Adrian - 6 years ago
Yup but need thick glass
Rihanna Gordon
Rihanna Gordon - 6 years ago
These people are so sickening.
Erika first
Erika first - 6 years ago
Fuck no i won't go to watch you assailed kill it for cash
TJ Calf Robe
TJ Calf Robe - 6 years ago
Eli Sample
Eli Sample - 6 years ago
Ville the first up, I have
Tracee Shipoo
Tracee Shipoo - 6 years ago
I love great white sharks I think it's sad that they had to die no mammals or sharks should not be taken from their home...
desiree adams
desiree adams - 6 years ago
Hell noooooooo
Jay Gaming
Jay Gaming - 6 years ago
kyle kendall
kyle kendall - 6 years ago
I would go to see it! I love to study sharks. One think me and a group of shark biologist study everything about sharks. What they eat, there habitat, behavior, sexual reproduction ETC..
shape shifter
shape shifter - 6 years ago
Oh hell no I would never visit
Connie Morgan
Connie Morgan - 6 years ago
I ❤ sharks but lots of sharks died
Gavin Harvey
Gavin Harvey - 6 years ago
Gopi Thyagarajan
Gopi Thyagarajan - 6 years ago
Karen Kenny
Karen Kenny - 6 years ago
Orcas should not have stay and great white
Jasmine Marshall
Jasmine Marshall - 6 years ago
I will go see them
Donut Oueen
Donut Oueen - 6 years ago
6:50 Flying shark!!!!
Frances Mcleod
Frances Mcleod - 6 years ago
Dillon Locke
Dillon Locke - 6 years ago
Why do Great Whites have so many special needs compared with other sharks?
Dillon Locke
Dillon Locke - 6 years ago
Call me crazy, but I would be willing to dive with a Great Without a cage.
Dillon Locke
Dillon Locke - 6 years ago
Of course I would!
gamer23 12
gamer23 12 - 6 years ago
GeorgiaDoesSlime - 6 years ago
i went to the aqurium and a skerk went really close
SHOWROV HOSSAIN - 6 years ago
ballooncup5 - 6 years ago
6:18 that shark actually bent the cage inward, effortlessly.....
Judgment Soul
Judgment Soul - 6 years ago
All those people who disliked the video because they don't like to see such majestic creatures in captivity,should put their little mind to work and understand that the video is talking about just that and explains the reason why Great White Sharks cannot be held captive.You REALLY should put what's left of your brain to work before it's too late.You dislike a video that shows the reasons that this beautiful animal cannot be prisoned because some scientists dared to prison it.It's them who you should dislike,not the video that explains why your thoughts are correct.Start using your brain from today.
Ramen Bear
Ramen Bear - 6 years ago
#2 that's so cruel to create a new species only to have them live their entire life in captivity....
Busselton PSI Admin
Busselton PSI Admin - 6 years ago
Definitely no of course not because they can kill you and they can break the glass so will you go there if you could die okay I'm saying this in this video is really interesting really really interesting yes it's really good
brianna jokerst
brianna jokerst - 6 years ago
#1 They need a lot of space? All animals do. Animals aren't meant to be caged by humans. Just because we're more capable in changing the natural order of this planet, does not mean we are superior.
Helgardt Muller
Helgardt Muller - 6 years ago
kimberley he
kimberley he - 6 years ago
The weird Show
The weird Show - 6 years ago
Just leave them alone we have already almost destroyed this world!
Minecraft Mar
Minecraft Mar - 6 years ago
Hell no
undertale sansgod2319
undertale sansgod2319 - 6 years ago
No i wouldn't go
skulliton - 6 years ago
buy a huge tv that looks like an aquarium and make it put on a great white shark moving picture or whatever, this is animal abuse :(
Andrew Gibbs
Andrew Gibbs - 6 years ago
At least half of what is said here applies to Orcas as well.
Tom Hong
Tom Hong - 6 years ago
Can we have a male narrator
Timothy King
Timothy King - 6 years ago
At Odysea aquarium in Arizona has a bathroom with windows looking into a small shark only exhibit.
Its pretty cool
Tom Reed
Tom Reed - 6 years ago
When you said an aquarium in Montreal you showed the Georgia aquarium...??
D GamerTv
D GamerTv - 6 years ago
Why no aquarium in the world has a megalodon.

Reama Pearson
Reama Pearson - 6 years ago
xXGuar dianXx
xXGuar dianXx - 6 years ago
Yes, I will se it
shnufflebutt napier
shnufflebutt napier - 6 years ago
No way
Michael Colapietro
Michael Colapietro - 6 years ago
When monetary bay aquarium had the great white in it I went and saw it. She was very impressive and it looks like she had a smile on her face because that’s is all you see those teeth.
Kimberly Mason
Kimberly Mason - 6 years ago
Polygonic Carnosaur
Polygonic Carnosaur - 6 years ago
Reasons why no aquarium has narwhals
3. They don't last long
2. There's more space in the wild
crazy mankey
crazy mankey - 6 years ago
Some aquriums allow young great whites but let them go soon
PizzaFriday - 6 years ago
Scientists should breed a shark with angler fish features. It probably wouldn't work due to the difference in numbers of genes though.
Ridogg81 - 6 years ago
This is just one of the reasons I boycott seaweed and most aquariums. Sea world is the worst though
JosTheBoss - 6 years ago
I would not make an effort to see a Great White shark, because it can kill me, and what if it broke the glass! I would definitely die and the people near me.
Xodus Gaming
Xodus Gaming - 6 years ago
its because the great white shark is extremely endangered and require massive amounts of space, swimming around the world several times in their life.
Crysta H
Crysta H - 6 years ago
Decapitating Concepts
Decapitating Concepts - 6 years ago
leave sharks alone their older then man the sea is not our world never will be
Tilly Shearing
Tilly Shearing - 6 years ago
mlgorcadork HD
mlgorcadork HD - 6 years ago
This is why there endangered.
Jennifer Lufkin
Jennifer Lufkin - 6 years ago
Angel Ubiles
Angel Ubiles - 6 years ago
The whole list can be wrapped up in one they don't eat, or survive in captivity. Done. Like if you truly love and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and keep the true Sabbath day Holy. Saturday. God bless you all
vanessa perez
vanessa perez - 6 years ago
Qpeliculas se avionics
Reed Lucas
Reed Lucas - 6 years ago
What if the had a great white the was born in the aqaruim and didn't know the the ocean was would react.
Richard Simmonbuns
Richard Simmonbuns - 6 years ago
Who would expect animals will be happy and healthy in zoos anyways? What mentality is that?
Victoria Harris
Victoria Harris - 6 years ago
I would
Mybloodline - 6 years ago
Unless the animal needs special attention people should not be taking them out of their natural environment i really don't like that
Graceful Playz
Graceful Playz - 6 years ago
Where I live my aquarium has a great white it seem really happy , but the scary thing is that there is a train that passes by the top of his tank and he comes out and wets everybody , but there is a border that doesn't let him go through so he can't go where the train is
Goh Vivian
Goh Vivian - 6 years ago
No I won’t visit
Mimi Manzo
Mimi Manzo - 6 years ago
I sin 1it cot a girl and a boy
Alpha Wolf
Alpha Wolf - 6 years ago
This is clickbait I have seen a great white shark in a aquarium and it was perfectly fine
glaceon Pliego
glaceon Pliego - 6 years ago
wat if in the future great whites almost 2 extinction and only a few left
Bob Backus
Bob Backus - 6 years ago
TwinkYaLater xox
TwinkYaLater xox - 6 years ago
I would NOT see a great white, I cant even be around a seahorse, so.. Yeah
Wyattnmax Squires
Wyattnmax Squires - 6 years ago
Tianna Doherty
Tianna Doherty - 6 years ago
Why don’t u get a baby and rise it so it thinks it belongs in captivity and it’s used to it
arctic fox girl videos and gaming
arctic fox girl videos and gaming - 6 years ago
Ray Bay Live
Ray Bay Live - 6 years ago
There is one reply’s in Toronto
Throw communists out of helicopters
Throw communists out of helicopters - 6 years ago
Love when these pussies whine and cry about this shit.
Ann Harms
Ann Harms - 6 years ago
Humans are so dumb like is no one gonna pay attention to the fact that these people have killed or damaged great whites for their stupid experiments
Saketh Chodey
Saketh Chodey - 6 years ago
Melodie Bott
Melodie Bott - 6 years ago
Also u would not want a great white shark because it will eat all of the other animals in the tank
Christopher Hindsley
Christopher Hindsley - 6 years ago
Nicole Caravella
Nicole Caravella - 6 years ago
jonte schytzer
jonte schytzer - 6 years ago
Sweden have a Great White shark!
Big Head
Big Head - 6 years ago
Also, I’m the bathrooms. At the sink, you can see sharks and fish swim in a tank while you wash your hands, my father took a picture of a shark pass by
Big Head
Big Head - 6 years ago
I’ve went to odysea aquarium and they have lemon sharks and stuff, but obviously no great white.
Junjun Go
Junjun Go - 6 years ago
#7 yes
Janine Willemans
Janine Willemans - 6 years ago
Jazzy Bear
Jazzy Bear - 6 years ago
No no no no no noooo
0 5
0 5 - 6 years ago
The shark petting zoos (like Underwater World, Mall of America, MN) need to stop. By petting them, the natural mucus coating that protects them from germs, gets broken. They all become sickly and all die prematurely. Unfortunately, the income these horrid places receive outweighs the cost of a new shark.
Lata Holt
Lata Holt - 6 years ago
Lollie York
Lollie York - 6 years ago
That’s sad
Lollie York
Lollie York - 6 years ago
yamile zambrano
yamile zambrano - 6 years ago
I've been to the new York aquarium 2 times and see sharks
Steven Peters
Steven Peters - 6 years ago
There should be another one Liberals they think they know what right but there f***ing up America
Zero Two
Zero Two - 6 years ago
Orcas/killer whales get depressed in captivity yet we still keep them...smh
tRapdontRap - 6 years ago
I dont think you can put something thats beem around longer tham trees in anything other than its natrual environment. Stop trying.
Wendy Santorum
Wendy Santorum - 6 years ago
Maybe IDK
TG tv
TG tv - 6 years ago
I have a question do people put blue whales in tanks because I do wanna see one in person
Matthew Salas
Matthew Salas - 6 years ago
You locl
Laila Blox
Laila Blox - 6 years ago
SeaWorld Orlando had a white shark but it died
Normal Lol
Normal Lol - 6 years ago
I wouldn't
Alex Mendoza
Alex Mendoza - 6 years ago
I really don’t care if shark dies there stupid and evil and awful
Divine Daniels
Divine Daniels - 6 years ago
Nan Liu
Nan Liu - 6 years ago
Love to see a great white
Shannon Mace
Shannon Mace - 6 years ago
i havnot gon to a aqareum
Josh Shin
Josh Shin - 6 years ago
Why? Because they all have died in captivity.
Maybe we can stop trying to capture the fucking thing and let it be free.
You know. Like people.
Rosy Gacha
Rosy Gacha - 6 years ago
Why do channels like this clickbait?? ;-;
Taylor Brendle
Taylor Brendle - 6 years ago
Kimberly Carrasco
Kimberly Carrasco - 6 years ago
CookieStarzAJandLPS :3
CookieStarzAJandLPS :3 - 6 years ago
Sea world is horrid p, have you not heard of Blackfish??
Denise Chaney
Denise Chaney - 6 years ago
#7 frick no
Mr. White
Mr. White - 6 years ago
Sharks freak the living hell outta me
Cathy Mulvaney
Cathy Mulvaney - 6 years ago
Cathy Mulvaney
Cathy Mulvaney - 6 years ago
I a grey
David Hernandez
David Hernandez - 6 years ago
I will
Trisha Soman Tab
Trisha Soman Tab - 6 years ago
amyveeg - 6 years ago
Gabriella Munian
Gabriella Munian - 6 years ago
I would definitely go make an effort to see a shark
Name Sirename
Name Sirename - 6 years ago
Why is the music louder than the speaker's voice? Why do there need to be music in the first place? Trying to hear what's being said here - not to listen to the radio.
Hayden Young
Hayden Young - 6 years ago
Not true, there’s there’s like 3 at the Georgia Aquarium and they have Huge space. How? They also have whale sharks which are the biggest sharks today. They have about 4 of them in one tank! So the great whites have huge space, the only reason lots aquariums don’t have them is because there species is dying down, they’ve been here BEFORE the dinosaurs. The biggest great white shark caught on tape was about 24 feet long Female that was pregnant.
Angela Henderson
Angela Henderson - 6 years ago
I wouldent ever go ot a great white shark because if the glass breaks it will eat me and others and hurt others
db master 6000
db master 6000 - 6 years ago
The reason why the great white shark came aggressive is because its nickname is shark eater eats its own kind
Vicki Mccusker
Vicki Mccusker - 6 years ago
I heard sharks killed 138942 people
Sammy Niccum
Sammy Niccum - 6 years ago
Booker DeWitt
Booker DeWitt - 6 years ago
Caitlin Oconnell
Caitlin Oconnell - 6 years ago
Also, if they did have a Great White Shark I would see it but is it true great white sharks are HUGE?
Caitlin Oconnell
Caitlin Oconnell - 6 years ago
It is pretty obvious why aquariums doesn’t have a great white shark
SassySweetie Family channel
SassySweetie Family channel - 6 years ago
on number 6 was stupid cuz u should never have a pet shark!
Trish Haskett
Trish Haskett - 6 years ago
Then We Cheeched
Then We Cheeched - 6 years ago
Since when has 5ft equalled 1m? Retard.
Legendary Zman
Legendary Zman - 6 years ago
No I will not see it
Fatima B
Fatima B - 6 years ago
Yeah i think bo aqerium you know why no fish or turtels
Tabeeb Ahmed
Tabeeb Ahmed - 6 years ago
Catsy Cat
Catsy Cat - 6 years ago
A new subscriber!! And I pressed the notifications, I also liked the video!!!
Ashly H
Ashly H - 6 years ago
I love how in #6 they tried so many ways to save the sharks EXCEPT putting it back in the ocean.
Ashly H
Ashly H - 6 years ago
Captivity causes depression!? Isn't that true for all sea creatures, like the orcas (that you talked about), whales, dolphins?

Also why do they keeps orcas in small tanks when they lived in that big body of water like the sharks.
Aydin Robbie
Aydin Robbie - 6 years ago
100%NO for 6
Annette Melnychuk
Annette Melnychuk - 6 years ago
Shut SeaWorld down
Matt McGinnis
Matt McGinnis - 6 years ago
Kevin Wheelhouse
Kevin Wheelhouse - 6 years ago
Gloria Sanchez
Gloria Sanchez - 6 years ago
SπdR - 6 years ago
talks about captivity three times just for ad revenue. nice.
imaynaya imay
imaynaya imay - 6 years ago
never been in an aquarium :(
JustCurious - 6 years ago
Because they're not stupid
Ashley Levesque
Ashley Levesque - 6 years ago
Faith Condiff
Faith Condiff - 6 years ago
Why do they keep trying!?! Just leave them in the wild!!
German soap taylor
German soap taylor - 6 years ago
Hell yeah
Brittany silva
Brittany silva - 6 years ago
This would be so simple in just one “they dont have great white sharks cause duh. Logic.” The end
Violeta Hernandez
Violeta Hernandez - 6 years ago
The blue whale shark is bigger than the big white Shark
Danielle Cabrera
Danielle Cabrera - 6 years ago
Some of the great white sharks die as fast as my fishes I use to get when I was younger.
Rebecca Edwards
Rebecca Edwards - 6 years ago
H20 Kaboom
H20 Kaboom - 6 years ago
Click bait this shit it click bait
Tyla Kirk
Tyla Kirk - 6 years ago
Zach C
Zach C - 6 years ago
Poor jaws
Azlan Ahmed
Azlan Ahmed - 6 years ago
Joan/Bruce Berry
Joan/Bruce Berry - 6 years ago
about the great white shark HELL NO BITCH
Jessica Nguyen
Jessica Nguyen - 6 years ago
No I'm scared
Michael Murrin
Michael Murrin - 6 years ago
Max bGregorydj9lnk
Max bGregorydj9lnk - 6 years ago
Jaws 3...…….
Max bGregorydj9lnk
Max bGregorydj9lnk - 6 years ago
um...… yeah cause if aquariums did this it would be rare thing to see and very popular
Mizku Myu
Mizku Myu - 6 years ago
Im pretty sure they can brake the glass to,
Amiracle Mcgee
Amiracle Mcgee - 6 years ago
mattconner11 - 6 years ago
Why the shots of a guy welding on a car to represent building a fishtank?
Blaze Poke Master
Blaze Poke Master - 6 years ago
G Hquan
G Hquan - 6 years ago
I’ll give thousands of dollars to see one
Catherine Kue
Catherine Kue - 6 years ago
Rm Eppler
Rm Eppler - 6 years ago
Couldn't you just get a egg of a shark and grow it and when it gets big release it problem hopefully solved or just let them be like don't you get the point people
James T.
James T. - 6 years ago
FUCK aquariums, set the fish free
defender o justice
defender o justice - 6 years ago
I'm very afraid of sharks but i feel really soft to ANY animal. So i feel bad to any sharks harmed in the attempt to obtain it in a tank
defender o justice
defender o justice - 6 years ago
There shouldn't be aquariums. Let the fish live
Lindsay Evans
Lindsay Evans - 6 years ago
Bob Rellik
Bob Rellik - 6 years ago
400k$ gallon ?
YinTheRabbit - 6 years ago
Edward Oliver
Edward Oliver - 6 years ago
No because when that goes to you they shader the glass
YNiekAC - 6 years ago
My aquarium will have one. If I am rich later
s8mercury - 6 years ago
orcas migrate too
HSCisdabomb - 6 years ago
animals should not be permanently kept in aquariums unless they are completely unable to survive in the wild!!!!! they should only be taken in if they are sick or injured. and even then, they should be released
Jeannie Clarkson
Jeannie Clarkson - 6 years ago
No thanks
Dakota Phillips
Dakota Phillips - 6 years ago
brenda arseneau
brenda arseneau - 6 years ago
Yes I would
shyamala prabhu
shyamala prabhu - 6 years ago
marbeli nunez
marbeli nunez - 6 years ago
I will NOT do that
Naeva Wilke
Naeva Wilke - 6 years ago
I would make an effort to see a great white shark! My bff loves sharks so much!
M A Rafiq Sarkar
M A Rafiq Sarkar - 6 years ago
Fahad Lakhanpal
Fahad Lakhanpal - 6 years ago
Isabella Hernandez
Isabella Hernandez - 6 years ago
Adam Szulim
Adam Szulim - 6 years ago
I WAS ONCE AT MARINELAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Silver Fox
Silver Fox - 6 years ago
I literally went to a aquarium a few years ago and they had and still have a great white
Jamie Lewis
Jamie Lewis - 6 years ago
Bear Boy
Bear Boy - 6 years ago
SCP-096 - 6 years ago
Wait what I saw one in an aquarium before
Jurassic Ava
Jurassic Ava - 6 years ago
Ripleys aquarium has sharks and sea turtle and everything else but not great white and orca
Nintendo Franny 206
Nintendo Franny 206 - 6 years ago
tehMothMan - 6 years ago
Didn't know Great Whites were such delicate little flowers lol
Karabelo Matshaba
Karabelo Matshaba - 6 years ago
I would not go see great whites, I'm scared of all sharks sooo nah I won't go
Zedish - 6 years ago
nah fuck that shit
DubGames - 6 years ago
Damn all of greenpeace in this comment section or what
Emma RB
Emma RB - 6 years ago
JEN_ #1
JEN_ #1 - 6 years ago
There is a great white shark at the zoo that I go to
DustDevil26 Gamer
DustDevil26 Gamer - 6 years ago
Matt Sagasta
Matt Sagasta - 6 years ago
Damn it's sorta like animals shouldn't be put in captivity.
BeautybyAlethia - 6 years ago
How about...leave them ALONE in the ocean where they belong!
Gavin Harvey
Gavin Harvey - 6 years ago
I know a good prank but u may get arrested so no no no nah
Orfea Cool
Orfea Cool - 6 years ago
And die? From shark attacks?
kitteh cool
kitteh cool - 6 years ago
Yeah good great white sharks aren't in captivity but what about all the other animals do they matter? They get separated from families and put in zoos or aquariums for entertainment doesn that make you uncomfortable to see them sad in closed environments and they are even sometimes forced to do tricks for us thats not cool thats rude just because we are the top of the food chain doesn't mean we matter more so please stop putting animals in cages let them free
Xavier Alexander
Xavier Alexander - 6 years ago
Jacob Barber
Jacob Barber - 6 years ago
No, I personally wouldn't make a effort see a great white because it would basically encourage them to keep trying and hurting more sharks
Liva Plays
Liva Plays - 6 years ago
No i wouden't because i hate water and if some of the fish/sharks can meaby it can destroy the glass so i woudn't do it!
frisk.y - 6 years ago
i would love to see a great white shark!!! they are my favorite animal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Avery Martin
Avery Martin - 6 years ago
Hell no
nikki51964 - 6 years ago
I hope I don't see any more animals in captivity except to try to save them from extinction! Over killing everything it can for the last couple hundred years, man needs to save every animal it can!
russell morgan
russell morgan - 6 years ago
No shark or whale should be in captivity,unless we are helping endangered ones recover.
Marci Lapan
Marci Lapan - 6 years ago
the hezekiah's
the hezekiah's - 6 years ago
that wus sacry
iamjuliaboyle - 6 years ago
Jaws 3 yo
RSP - 6 years ago
Stacy Gore Rodriguez
Stacy Gore Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Great whites are best sharks
van bawi
van bawi - 6 years ago
hell o no
wu heng
wu heng - 6 years ago
No thanks... beause what happens if the window breaks and it attacks you? (Well maybe i'm being dramatic ;-;)
Trina Venard
Trina Venard - 6 years ago
faith lowery
faith lowery - 6 years ago
Jessica Camarillo Martinez
Jessica Camarillo Martinez - 6 years ago
Umm no shark
Oswin2006YT - 6 years ago
Hell nah ima be eaten
Flow Em
Flow Em - 6 years ago
geesus humans stop putting apex predators in cages, they are meant to keep the food chain balanced. humans are self-fish and too lazy to go out into nature to view animals.
BrittneyLetsPlay - 6 years ago
Its not called a great white. Its called white shark. What has FAKE
Science told us?! ❌❌❌❌❌
Carlee Ramos
Carlee Ramos - 6 years ago
No maybe YES
mikey cool the best
mikey cool the best - 6 years ago
For sure if great whites were there I would look at it for 24 hrs
Ashleylin Yetyet
Ashleylin Yetyet - 6 years ago
Yep #7 that's why many of them died in the aquarium because of their body temperature
Ashleylin Yetyet
Ashleylin Yetyet - 6 years ago
I love marine life
Lily Redberg
Lily Redberg - 6 years ago
She littereally repeats everything
Trinity West
Trinity West - 6 years ago
I would
Albert Jackson
Albert Jackson - 6 years ago
No way I would go see a great white shark.
Vada Blak
Vada Blak - 6 years ago
Kinda like what slavery did to "black" people...
Sumeth Lim
Sumeth Lim - 6 years ago
no never a Huge Shark
Rosemary Winters
Rosemary Winters - 6 years ago
Kellen Broach
Kellen Broach - 6 years ago
russ smith
russ smith - 6 years ago
Hayden Heath
Hayden Heath - 6 years ago
I go to a rehab aquarium that has many injured turtles, stingrays, and more. (They are released eventually if you wanted to know). The stingrays love being touched and the attention, not depressed whatsoever.
Holly Robinson
Holly Robinson - 6 years ago
Hayden Heath omg I love stingrays I went to an aquarium like that and they were like little puppies wanting everyone to pet them
Jack Skellington
Jack Skellington - 6 years ago
Personally I think captivity should be reserved for rescued animals who can't be fully rehabilitated to be returned to the wild.
AMOnatin 101
AMOnatin 101 - 6 years ago
The Monterey bay aquarium had a great white for 4 years
Jeff Porkson
Jeff Porkson - 6 years ago
I'd go see it
Katarina Vargovska
Katarina Vargovska - 6 years ago
Maga Aga
Maga Aga - 6 years ago
Wait... so which kind of sharks are swimming in Aquarium in London?
Nikki Lewis
Nikki Lewis - 6 years ago
Paola Dubon
Paola Dubon - 6 years ago
Keith Lindsay
Keith Lindsay - 6 years ago
I don’t think they have good vision.
Krista Vaillancourt
Krista Vaillancourt - 6 years ago
I don't support animals in captivity for entertainment. I do support animal rescues though.
CC Champagne
CC Champagne - 6 years ago
Don't put a shark in a cage because it can break the walls and Peale will get hurt and then the shark will die and life without sharks are really bad without sharks we would be in danger so please don't hurt sharks
Blazthe Assassin
Blazthe Assassin - 6 years ago
No great white. Why!!!!!!!!!
Lilyviolet Hunley
Lilyviolet Hunley - 6 years ago
No but I would see a killer whale
S1LENT x PRODIGY - 6 years ago
I never new great whites were Emos
DiamondsDolls Kennedy
DiamondsDolls Kennedy - 6 years ago
Bullshit, Orcas need just as much space, if not more space than a shark! In fact Orcas DIE in captivity because other Orca are attack the others.
master sargent rex 50120
master sargent rex 50120 - 6 years ago
i would see it
Mr. Woofs
Mr. Woofs - 6 years ago
Why don’t make a roboshark that’s water proof
Nabila McGovern
Nabila McGovern - 6 years ago
Nope!! no sharks for me
sky playz
sky playz - 6 years ago
I would defentily see it
Jonas Solano
Jonas Solano - 6 years ago
No geat white shark is are deaf so no
Pavlina Liskova
Pavlina Liskova - 6 years ago
Captivity causes depression? What a surprise - who would have thought that?!
puncakeplater - 6 years ago
I've been to the Monterey bay aquarium like 100 times
Alexei Morffis
Alexei Morffis - 6 years ago
Timothy Brasacchio
Timothy Brasacchio - 6 years ago
Great White Sharks will end up killing themselves by not eating and if they can't move around like any other shark they die. And to all you smart * people in the world I am a shark enthusiast :)
ItsMe Crackler
ItsMe Crackler - 6 years ago
I wouldn’t go. See it
Prinz Jacham Juevesano
Prinz Jacham Juevesano - 6 years ago
Great white shark need 2 ectar
Raphael Foer
Raphael Foer - 6 years ago
hello no i would not make an effort to go see it and enable support for the institution that captured it. keep them where they belong in the ocean
Shayla Morris
Shayla Morris - 6 years ago
If my mom saw that it would be the death of her I would never because it could break through the glass Man don't yah hate glass

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