Why no aquarium has a great white shark
Shark videos 8 years ago 18,831,595 views
Many have tried to keep a white shark in captivity. Here's why that's so difficult. There are several aquariums around the world, including one in Georgia, that house whale sharks, the biggest fish in the sea. But not one has a great white shark on display. Aquariums have made dozens of attempts since the 1970s to display a captive great white shark. Most of those attempts ended with dead sharks. By the 2000s, the only group still trying was the Monterey Bay Aquarium, which spent a decade planning its white shark program. In 2004, it acquired a shark that became the first great white to survive in captivity for more than 16 days. In fact, it was on display for more than six months before it was released back into the ocean. In the following years, the Monterey Bay Aquarium hosted five more juvenile white sharks for temporary stays before ending the program in 2011. It was an expensive effort and had come under criticism due to injuries that some of the sharks developed in the tank. Responding to those critics, Jon Hoech, the aquarium's director of husbandry operations, said: "We believe strongly that putting people face to face with live animals like this is very significant in inspiring ocean conservation and connecting people to the ocean environment. We feel like white sharks face a significant threats out in the wild and our ability to bring awareness to that is significant in terms of encouraging people to become ocean stewards." Check out the video above to learn why white sharks are so difficult to keep in captivity and how the Monterey Bay Aquarium designed a program that could keep them alive. Link to the Biodiversity Heritage Library: https://www.flickr.com/photos/biodivlibrary/albums Subscribe to our channel! http://goo.gl/0bsAjO Vox.com is a news website that helps you cut through the noise and understand what's really driving the events in the headlines. Check out http://www.vox.com to get up to speed on everything from Kurdistan to the Kim Kardashian app. Check out our full video catalog: http://goo.gl/IZONyE Follow Vox on Twitter: http://goo.gl/XFrZ5H Or on Facebook: http://goo.gl/U2g06o
10. comment for Why no aquarium has a great white shark
If your argument is - it's done for research. Well, technologies are developed enough for that being redundant and anthropologists don't take people out of their environments and don't put them in labs ec. to research and get the knowledge of them/their tribes, but look from a far and that's how they see the best what that creature is up to and why, human, fish or the great white shark.
20. comment for Why no aquarium has a great white shark
30. comment for Why no aquarium has a great white shark
The answer is, sharks use echolocation. In an aquarium setting, where people are often bumping into or tapping the glass, is disrupts the sharks ability to use echolocation and they run into the glass or get confused. Basically they starve or just injure themselves and die.
50. comment for Why no aquarium has a great white shark
Me: 2 words, well tencicly 1 word and 1 letter, NVM, 2 words: JAWS 3
can any one else do this?Is from Vox = dislike
I dont get why its different just because its a shark. Poor creatures, they need to be free not put on display for us humans.
They dont put Great white shark cause they might break glass but nope
Those Glasses are Ballistic
great whites are cool... pretty glad you cant keep the whites in captivity... pretty dumb people to think you can keep them for a life span..
100. comment for Why no aquarium has a great white shark
It would be cool to see one, but it breaks my heart to find out that they suffer from being kept in a tank.
Its because they always die in captivity.
Why on earth would you take me to THIS?
I don't think anyone understood your comment!
an no one has seen that movie lol
why did you bring TRUMP into the comments?
jesus people cant rest
child the video is talking about SHARKS
not politics
please dont bring these things everywhere
and you will find that it is even more than the few that she mentioned. Don't judge before you make your own research, don't call peopel idiots. Spelling might not be 100% correct because I'm from switzerland.
Let sharks live on oceans
I just wanna see em grow up
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Source- Me, I was there in 2004 when they had this white on display as a student guide, they told us a lot of this because guests would ask us these questions. And "Can she break the glass?" was definitely one of my top-three questions I had about her while working there.
If you have a pet, or an animal in your home, then you're no better than these people.
Also, if you've ever went to a zoo or an aquarium, then you're just supporting this kind of crap. Get your heads out of your asses.
Yes, I absolutely hate that such a majestic creature has been bothered and attacked for this mess, but I'm also not going to sit around and act like I'm perfect when I have pets in my home and I've went to zoo's, aquariums, etc.. knowing damn good and well that all of the animals, including mine have been taken from their natural habitats for human pleasure.
and yes, humans have done great things like bringing animals back from endangerment and whatnot, but 9 times out of 10, we caused it.
We're not perfect, nor innocent, people. We've caused more damage to this world and everything on it than anything else ever has.
Why no zoo has a human?
yes but why do they die?
and Salinas ca
I'll add here that I'm not a "humans deserve to die because they cause animals pain" person, I just think that this is causing unnecessary suffering and further loss of individuals to a species that has suffered a big loss in its population over the years.
I'll see myself out :/
Get out .
As for diet, I'm not sure. Drop a seal in. x_x (Actually, figure out what exactly they need as an adult shark. What do the larger prey have that smaller ones don't besides mass? Specific vitamins?)
Before anyone wonders, no, I do not want to see any animal in captivity if it is, indeed, only dying (unnaturally). Just wondering about possible solutions.
As an aside, I loved visiting the Okinawa aquarium. The whale sharks and manta rays absolutely fascinated me and really strengthened my passion to learn more about animals in general.
This is cruel to this magnificent creatures! So little is known about them. Too little to keep them just for entertainment. I hate going to the zoo especially sea world in Queensland. They have a bigger room full of info about penguins and the penguins themselves have such a small room. More room dedicated to informing humans than making the penguins at least comfortable!
Oh crap wrong video