Why no aquarium has a great white shark

Many have tried to keep a white shark in captivity. Here's why that's so difficult. There are several aquariums around the world, including one in Georgia, that house whale sharks, the biggest fish in the sea. But not one has a great white shark on display. Aquariums have made dozens of attempts since the 1970s to display a captive great white shark. Most of those attempts ended with dead sharks. By the 2000s, the only group still trying was the Monterey Bay Aquarium, which spent a decade planning its white shark program. In 2004, it acquired a shark that became the first great white to survive in captivity for more than 16 days. In fact, it was on display for more than six months before it was released back into the ocean. In the following years, the Monterey Bay Aquarium hosted five more juvenile white sharks for temporary stays before ending the program in 2011. It was an expensive effort and had come under criticism due to injuries that some of the sharks developed in the tank. Responding to those critics, Jon Hoech, the aquarium's director of husbandry operations, said: "We believe strongly that putting people face to face with live animals like this is very significant in inspiring ocean conservation and connecting people to the ocean environment. We feel like white sharks face a significant threats out in the wild and our ability to bring awareness to that is significant in terms of encouraging people to become ocean stewards." Check out the video above to learn why white sharks are so difficult to keep in captivity and how the Monterey Bay Aquarium designed a program that could keep them alive. Link to the Biodiversity Heritage Library: https://www.flickr.com/photos/biodivlibrary/albums Subscribe to our channel! http://goo.gl/0bsAjO Vox.com is a news website that helps you cut through the noise and understand what's really driving the events in the headlines. Check out http://www.vox.com to get up to speed on everything from Kurdistan to the Kim Kardashian app. Check out our full video catalog: http://goo.gl/IZONyE Follow Vox on Twitter: http://goo.gl/XFrZ5H Or on Facebook: http://goo.gl/U2g06o

Why no aquarium has a great white shark sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8096

Shark videos 8 years ago 18,831,595 views

Many have tried to keep a white shark in captivity. Here's why that's so difficult. There are several aquariums around the world, including one in Georgia, that house whale sharks, the biggest fish in the sea. But not one has a great white shark on display. Aquariums have made dozens of attempts since the 1970s to display a captive great white shark. Most of those attempts ended with dead sharks. By the 2000s, the only group still trying was the Monterey Bay Aquarium, which spent a decade planning its white shark program. In 2004, it acquired a shark that became the first great white to survive in captivity for more than 16 days. In fact, it was on display for more than six months before it was released back into the ocean. In the following years, the Monterey Bay Aquarium hosted five more juvenile white sharks for temporary stays before ending the program in 2011. It was an expensive effort and had come under criticism due to injuries that some of the sharks developed in the tank. Responding to those critics, Jon Hoech, the aquarium's director of husbandry operations, said: "We believe strongly that putting people face to face with live animals like this is very significant in inspiring ocean conservation and connecting people to the ocean environment. We feel like white sharks face a significant threats out in the wild and our ability to bring awareness to that is significant in terms of encouraging people to become ocean stewards." Check out the video above to learn why white sharks are so difficult to keep in captivity and how the Monterey Bay Aquarium designed a program that could keep them alive. Link to the Biodiversity Heritage Library: https://www.flickr.com/photos/biodivlibrary/albums Subscribe to our channel! http://goo.gl/0bsAjO Vox.com is a news website that helps you cut through the noise and understand what's really driving the events in the headlines. Check out http://www.vox.com to get up to speed on everything from Kurdistan to the Kim Kardashian app. Check out our full video catalog: http://goo.gl/IZONyE Follow Vox on Twitter: http://goo.gl/XFrZ5H Or on Facebook: http://goo.gl/U2g06o

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Most popular comments
for Why no aquarium has a great white shark

Jesus has set me free
Jesus has set me free - 6 years ago
when people do something bad we confine them, what did any of these creatures do to be incarcerated ???, what a vain heartless species humans are, the best of humans hardly have any compassion for their own kind and none whatsoever for any other species
Fee wok
Fee wok - 6 years ago
lol I have a great white shark in my 7 inch tank and he's been alive for around 7 months
Kakashi Hatake
Kakashi Hatake - 6 years ago
I'll go
Pseudynom - 6 years ago
Why is the white shark called 'Great White ..' but the black whale is called 'Killer Whale'?
BombasticJedi - 6 years ago
What if the sharks were put in a donut shaped tank making their swim around the loop seem virtually endless ?
Jameson Dymond
Jameson Dymond - 6 years ago
They need to stop putting great whites in aquariums if it just harms the shark sharks are endangered already
66Wolfman87 - 6 years ago
Christ - 6 years ago
Wow your hot, can i eat your clam?
Tiara - 6 years ago
I have the biggest fear of sharks but I feel so bad for them that they an other marine animals have to live in a tank or just animals in cages therefore I refuse to go to zoos and aquariums because I’ll just burst

10. comment for Why no aquarium has a great white shark

Laura Riekstiņa
Laura Riekstiņa - 6 years ago
I think the problem is in those walls. As in, that people try to put those animals inside of them, out of their own home and habitat, for their own amusement.
If your argument is - it's done for research. Well, technologies are developed enough for that being redundant and anthropologists don't take people out of their environments and don't put them in labs ec. to research and get the knowledge of them/their tribes, but look from a far and that's how they see the best what that creature is up to and why, human, fish or the great white shark.
Josh Standing
Josh Standing - 6 years ago
fish are friends not food
psikopatadam - 6 years ago
The Turkish word for shark literally can be translated as dog fish
J CMD - 6 years ago
Humanity can be so stupid and cruel
Bram Ruysch
Bram Ruysch - 6 years ago
toy pretty exactly umtqy poem former correct change interest interrupt.
AztexHD - 6 years ago
You spelt The title wrong does not make sense
grapetownkid - 6 years ago
Your beautiful! Great video
XxNekoKilaxX - 6 years ago
Make them a moving water tank and strap it on 8)
Mike Donovan
Mike Donovan - 6 years ago
Why don't human's just try not to be horrible monsters and leave the sharks alone???
Deriuz - 6 years ago
Sounds way too complicated. Let's just let them be.

20. comment for Why no aquarium has a great white shark

blackmore4 - 6 years ago
How disappointing. I thought I was going to hear they'd become extinct ;)
china thailand
china thailand - 6 years ago
you also need to realize that these animals belong in their own environment and not being exploited for humans to see for the almighty buck. sick sick sick
Mrutyunjaya Pattanaik
Mrutyunjaya Pattanaik - 6 years ago
Sharks belong to the ocean, you can't keep them in aquarium
doirtlee - 6 years ago
Aquarium's should be shut down.
Rhishikesh Dongre
Rhishikesh Dongre - 6 years ago
what is it at 2:24
American Made
American Made - 6 years ago
Just leave the sharks alone...geez.
FoofooDingleWabs 9
FoofooDingleWabs 9 - 6 years ago
False. Victor from despicable me had one so...
Izabel Jipson
Izabel Jipson - 6 years ago
Why don’t they make a circular tank like a race track so the shark has infinity movement over and over again
like my comment gurl
like my comment gurl - 6 years ago
What is it with this obsession with capturing animals.. just think about it what kind of sick twisted minds do we have
Hank Hodges
Hank Hodges - 6 years ago
Exactly !!! Let's leave them alone.
Immortal_bitch Immortal_bitch
Immortal_bitch Immortal_bitch - 6 years ago
Honestly a great white can’t be kept in captivity it will die within days it don’t matter how much u know about there habit food or whatever it’s just not possible plus who the tf would go there we have all seen jaws

30. comment for Why no aquarium has a great white shark

Lynx - 6 years ago
Stop bringing them into your little containment! "They kept dying shortly after being put in that aquarium. HmMmM I wOnDer wHy??!!?? Better be successful next time around!" No, just no! Stop being such a greedy and egotistical human. They don't belong there. There are tons and tons of water and space where they live, hell, they probably roam around the earth without any obstacle at all. Humans just had to be greedy bastards and caught those beautiful ancient creatures just for what, entertainment, money, and fame? If it's for knowledge or studies, you can do it from their habitat. Geez, no need to killing it.
Lynx - 6 years ago
Hank Hodges glad to have something in common. You rock too, btw!
Hank Hodges
Hank Hodges - 6 years ago
You rock, Lynx !!! (One of my FAVORITE cats BTW.)
Michael Romero
Michael Romero - 6 years ago
2018??? Anyone?..
BuffyBlue Lps & Ajpw
BuffyBlue Lps & Ajpw - 6 years ago
What background music is this, btw this helped me with my school shark debate!
FatDolan - 6 years ago
İn turkish sharks still mean seadogs aka kopekbaligi
ticecl1 ticecl1
ticecl1 ticecl1 - 6 years ago
Japan has one
Adrian - 6 years ago
Let’s put aquarium executives in confinement and see how long they last?
Aliza Rodriguez
Aliza Rodriguez - 6 years ago
all this trouble to display a shark? oof
K White
K White - 7 years ago
Sharks don’t deserve to die for human entertainment
maliah jones
maliah jones - 7 years ago
right after I move away from Okinawa, they get a great white smh
mandy trbl
mandy trbl - 7 years ago
hmmmmm its almost like animals werent made for being held in capitivity
YellowMiss - 7 years ago
You didn't actually say why.

The answer is, sharks use echolocation. In an aquarium setting, where people are often bumping into or tapping the glass, is disrupts the sharks ability to use echolocation and they run into the glass or get confused. Basically they starve or just injure themselves and die.
Ulfah Aulia
Ulfah Aulia - 7 years ago
ok come on stop this already theyre supposed to live in the ocean
BrandonRL - 7 years ago
Just leave the damn things in the wild, how would you feel if a team of sharks walked on land and took you captive in their habitat?
Patty Dehaan
Patty Dehaan - 7 years ago
Hank Hodges
Hank Hodges - 6 years ago
Patty, why don't we agree to feed them lawyers instead?
B Bunny
B Bunny - 7 years ago
How about you just leave nature alone and not use them for human entertainment
Truth118 - 7 years ago
Maybe if they gave it some sort of equivalent of a hamster wheel, like a chamber with a weird current that would make the shark feel like it was roaming vast distances. Seems like they're really expensive to maintain, whether or not they figure out a good method of keeping them alive for more than few days in captivity.
Sheikh Sameer
Sheikh Sameer - 7 years ago
Leave them alone man!
vas17 - 7 years ago
poor sharks :((
a Saun
a Saun - 7 years ago
This makes me so angry. Leave them alone
Ashish Babar
Ashish Babar - 7 years ago
make a law for prohibated aquariums to not catch them and use as a income source

50. comment for Why no aquarium has a great white shark

Mr. Reality
Mr. Reality - 7 years ago
Great White Patriarchy, right Vox? Those great white sharks need to check their great white privilege!
carla brown
carla brown - 7 years ago
all for fucken money....
Elliott Gagliano
Elliott Gagliano - 7 years ago
I live 10 minutes away from the Monterey Bay Aquarium And I didn’t know that.
Vincent2wice - 7 years ago
Sleep deprivation is why the sharks are dying.... sharks sleep while still swimming, it's hard to do that in a circular glass tank. Hence the bumping into the glass and the sores
CoolConner 307
CoolConner 307 - 7 years ago
*see title
Me: 2 words, well tencicly 1 word and 1 letter, NVM, 2 words: JAWS 3
_dnimfoetats _
_dnimfoetats _ - 7 years ago
animal abuse at it's finest
Milatary girl101
Milatary girl101 - 7 years ago
can any one else do this?
Milatary girl101
Milatary girl101 - 7 years ago
Or this?
Beaucoup de choses
Beaucoup de choses - 7 years ago
Leave them alone please. Stop this madness .
CoriGowins - 7 years ago
Isn’t this a question that answers itself? It’s animal abuse for orcas it’s abuse for great whites. They don’t belong in pools!
MollysMiniStuff .VincentPurpleGirl.
MollysMiniStuff .VincentPurpleGirl. - 7 years ago
Protecc the shark babies. ;-;
HenkYou VeryMuch
HenkYou VeryMuch - 7 years ago
Don't try it again!! Leave the white sharks alone!! (and all the other species)
David Borromeo
David Borromeo - 7 years ago
the poor sharks got tortured to death but no, the main reason they stopped trying is "it's a very very resource intensive program". come on.
Anon Anon
Anon Anon - 7 years ago
why capture them in the first place just seems mean
Gage Robison
Gage Robison - 7 years ago
I've seen great white shark in a aquarium
Felicia Rodrigues
Felicia Rodrigues - 7 years ago
South Africa, Cape Town has great white sharks. I've seen them myself . There were 5-6 of them
Zimba's Doom Corner
Zimba's Doom Corner - 7 years ago
I live in Monterey!
DJ Lodose
DJ Lodose - 7 years ago
Leave sharks alone!!
Sarah Garner
Sarah Garner - 7 years ago
Uhhhhh...ya released the shark after two months in captivity and aren't sure why he died? Really? Couldn't have anything to with your selfish human meddling....
Amanda Leigh
Amanda Leigh - 7 years ago
How is it considered a "success" that they only kept a shark alive 6 months?
Tania Rodriguez
Tania Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Wow..good facts im showing my friends this vid!
B - 7 years ago
great work showing captivity is not good for anyone. stop captivity
Andy F.
Andy F. - 7 years ago
Is about sharks = like
Is from Vox = dislike

Kristian Tiglao
Kristian Tiglao - 7 years ago
I know....why they died quickly when they realised it...because they still dont know how to hunt whats dangerous or not....so yeah thats how they died quickly
Molly Sapadin
Molly Sapadin - 7 years ago
ITS REALLY SIMPLE! LEAVE THEM ALONE!!! all living things deserve the right to be FREE! not held behind glass for our own amusement which is usually why they are captured!
Hank Hodges
Hank Hodges - 6 years ago
Right on, "Molly Sapadin" !!!
Camron Mozaffari
Camron Mozaffari - 7 years ago
"Death is better than Bondage" - Michael B. Jordan
Miss Mocca
Miss Mocca - 7 years ago
Imagine some other lifeform accidently catching us in their "fishnet" and then be like; hey, since you're allready in a net, why not put you in a glass box for all the others to look at. And if you die after some days its okey, cause there are plenty of more humans to collect and to be put inside this great box.
I dont get why its different just because its a shark. Poor creatures, they need to be free not put on display for us humans.
Hank Hodges
Hank Hodges - 6 years ago
Beautiful "Miss Mocca" !!!
J D - 7 years ago
Or...... Humans can stop trying to contain everything and leave and observe it in its natural habitat.
Serenata TV
Serenata TV - 7 years ago
Just let them live free
Chikibongbong - 7 years ago
Oh so basically wild animals shouldnt be taken from the wild. Wow who coulda fckn guessed
monra90 - 7 years ago
5:40 Is it funny?
Brenda Grobbelaar
Brenda Grobbelaar - 7 years ago
Not quite true the aquarium in south africa has great white sharks ... Now true thy have also had deaths but still keep great whites and large once also.
Viktor Reyus
Viktor Reyus - 7 years ago
Treat others as u would like to be treated. Please.
Achaiah Sabastian Cruz
Achaiah Sabastian Cruz - 7 years ago
If ur thinking this right now
They dont put Great white shark cause they might break glass but nope
Those Glasses are Ballistic
nomipafu - 7 years ago
just don't. the fact that they die easily means they should not be taken captive!
Robert Mcintyre
Robert Mcintyre - 7 years ago
i think he went for a sh......
great whites are cool... pretty glad you cant keep the whites in captivity... pretty dumb people to think you can keep them for a life span..
DanielWhaaaa - 7 years ago
4:24 hmm I wonder why
Kyle - 7 years ago
I was younger when I went I'm pretty sure there was a great white there on of the times I visited
Kyle - 7 years ago
The Monterey Bay aquarium is amazing I recommend if you are in the Santa Cruz area then go on over to the aquarium it is worth the time
V Lo
V Lo - 7 years ago
So sad :( I really do hope they're done trying to contain greatness
they may try instead of walls, maybe gradual shallow water. deep in the middle and more shallow at its boundaries meeting the edge of the enclosure instead of high walls. a shark is used to varying depths of the ocean. perhaps this would help it get used to its smaller home.
Gaby_Panic! Fall Chemical Brendon Boy
Gaby_Panic! Fall Chemical Brendon Boy - 7 years ago
Just let them be free in the ocean. If people want to see them, they should go into the ocean.
Mohamed Jacobs
Mohamed Jacobs - 7 years ago
I went wounce it was funnnnn
WinterCranium - 7 years ago
All that trouble and killing a bunch of sharks just so they can keep it in a shitty tank... selfish people.
Frankie Flapjacks
Frankie Flapjacks - 7 years ago
It is believed by marine biologists that sharks don't sleep and they believe that they swim their whole life just to breathe. I believe they have an ability to find ocean currents that they can have run through their gills while their bodies movement is drastically reduced.During this time they sleep. All animals sleep. Maybe not like mammals but certainly on some level. They need to build a tank that mimics natural swift running ocean currents. Maybe with special contours on the floor so the animal can rest.
Sidius doe
Sidius doe - 7 years ago
Dumb....learn to make correctly your research before claiming something....got aquarium with white shark close to my birthplace since YEARS....like since the 90s....never had problems except their size after years required a bigger tank.....
Gilbert Clarete
Gilbert Clarete - 7 years ago
Did'nt know about this. Thanks though!
Die Arachnologen
Die Arachnologen - 7 years ago
Maybe build a container in the ocean around a coast line so its big enough for the shark? You could still watch him through glass being put inside the ground at the coast.
xVvix xnNix
xVvix xnNix - 7 years ago
Kidnapping sharks for entertainment purposes? Disgusting.let those animals live in peace.

100. comment for Why no aquarium has a great white shark

Preben Thomsen
Preben Thomsen - 7 years ago
This video makes me sad somehow
Grim - 7 years ago
seems like the sharks prefer death over bondage....
Silent Gaming
Silent Gaming - 7 years ago
there's White shark in Manila Ocean park
Tomalo Lako
Tomalo Lako - 7 years ago
Ahhh poor sharks
emmyr uu
emmyr uu - 7 years ago
ah the extents humans go to for captivity.
Kat Nie
Kat Nie - 7 years ago
There is NO shark who should live in aquarium!!!
NeinNein NEIN.
NeinNein NEIN. - 7 years ago
Because white sharks are racist D:
Sean O'Rourke
Sean O'Rourke - 7 years ago
Just seeing a picture of this shark seriously unnerves me.
AwesomeGuy - 7 years ago
0:36 But aren't we all in the process of dying? With some taking loner than others?
Ted G
Ted G - 7 years ago
I'm not impressed.
dazzling hae
dazzling hae - 7 years ago
You know after watching this, I feel really bad, not just for the white sharks but for ALL the animals that are placed in a tank/cage. It's almost as if humans were caught by the aliens and caged for their entertainment purpose.
DIO Brando
DIO Brando - 7 years ago
I regret going into the comments.. My head hurts now
gene doolie
gene doolie - 7 years ago
Cobra - 7 years ago
leave them alone, why do you need them in prison?
JAM - 7 years ago
Sara Swathy channel
Sara Swathy channel - 7 years ago
erwinruff01 - 7 years ago
isnt the titel of the video wrong, if there is an aquarium who has/had them?
The Weresheepdog
The Weresheepdog - 7 years ago
Hope they all die.
0cube - 7 years ago
Lets kill more sharks so we can figure out how to keep them alive. Great idea
Outfield 243
Outfield 243 - 7 years ago
Brandon Cameron
Brandon Cameron - 7 years ago
More crap from vox.
Donovan Howes
Donovan Howes - 7 years ago
There's animals who can be kept in captivity, but there are also animals who can't be contained. Even in the best conditions, they need the freedom of wide, open areas that being in captivity just can't provide for them. An aquarium just isn't a place for a great white shark.

It would be cool to see one, but it breaks my heart to find out that they suffer from being kept in a tank.
FrameGame - 7 years ago
Animal captivity :(
iaaliyahj - 7 years ago
How about just leave them alone.
Va Bella
Va Bella - 7 years ago
human is the damness creature in the world.... human is the real monster..... yes we all monster
Yann Dupuis
Yann Dupuis - 7 years ago
Engage silent scatter receiver greatest rating personal rapid enthusiasm.
Miga Mafiri
Miga Mafiri - 7 years ago
The shark killed 2 other sharks. What did they expect?Transmutation ?
DasPikachu - 7 years ago
Why would you even need a great white shark in a tank? Or any sharks and big sea creatures at all.
John Johnson
John Johnson - 7 years ago
R.I.P Jaws
StargazingLoner - 7 years ago
"Open ocean fish" Key word there OPEN!
quois fac
quois fac - 7 years ago
It's because they all die in captivity, saved you the watch
Bryn Jackson
Bryn Jackson - 7 years ago
They're just not meant for being in captivity. I understand the curiosity and awe of wanting to see them, be near them, experience a live great white up close: They're seriously awe-inspiring animals, modern day prehistoric giant predators that live right out in the silent, deep, wide open ocean... It's fascinating. But human fascination isn't a good reason to keep capturing and killing animals. That's like a little kid who hurts the pet cat because it's curious about cats. I know that more sharks are killed by fishing trawlers, for food, or in shark culls than in any of these aquariums, but it's still unnecessary (and so are those other things). Scientific curiosity and research is one thing, and I'm glad that these attempts at least lead to more knowledge and understanding about these sharks, but they just don't belong up here, on land, in a tank inside a building, bumping into walls getting distressed while people gawk. I'm glad they stopped the program. Leave the sharks in the ocean, we share a planet but have completely different worlds. They don't belong in ours.
Hank Hodges
Hank Hodges - 6 years ago
sith boss
sith boss - 7 years ago
Kelly Rille
Kelly Rille - 7 years ago
Good Video!
Jesse loco
Jesse loco - 7 years ago
Kevi C
Kevi C - 7 years ago
Hatfield marine science center, Newport Oregon, has had a great white in captivity for years
Natalia Habczyk
Natalia Habczyk - 7 years ago
If it weakens them when people scream through the glass, then why can’t they just tell the people to be quite because it benefits the shark.
Emanuel Mouratidis
Emanuel Mouratidis - 7 years ago
In Greek sharks are also called skylopsara (Dog fish)
Absolute Garbage
Absolute Garbage - 7 years ago
I feel awful for the sharks
Operon - 7 years ago
Before I watched the video I thought at first it was going to be because they would find a way to break out of captivity. And yes, I think keeping whales and sharks in aquariums is terrible because they tear them from their parents and they treat them poorly.
Z J - 7 years ago
When will people stop messing with animals' natural habitats just for the sake of human entertainment
Jess L
Jess L - 7 years ago
I hate SeaWorld they capture and put in a zoo animals the should be let free
Za Golden Dragon
Za Golden Dragon - 7 years ago
One like Is 1 shark being saved from captivity!!!
Za Golden Dragon
Za Golden Dragon - 7 years ago
Leave a like on my comment to be in the shark squad we save the sharks
Za Golden Dragon
Za Golden Dragon - 7 years ago
Um the aquarium in Baltimore has one
creeper emerald
creeper emerald - 7 years ago
Yo good video
Ehhha awn
Ehhha awn - 7 years ago
this was very interesting
sleder man Forest call 1000837284729
sleder man Forest call 1000837284729 - 7 years ago
And also they are very strong so Capturing them Isnt gonna be good for them plus they have seen jaws unleashed he destroyed glass GWS Needs Deep water
Edrina Flores
Edrina Flores - 7 years ago
Do we really neeed an explanation for this? COMMON SENSE! they need to roam freely without barriers POOR ANIMALS! these people need to stop and let these sharks be just that SHARKS
nomnom moon
nomnom moon - 7 years ago
This is the first time i see the face of that vox's voice lol
thetedmang - 7 years ago
Surprised they didn't blame it on Trump.
BigBlue - 7 years ago
But I’ve seen one in aqua world in Australia
Valeria The Narwhall
Valeria The Narwhall - 7 years ago
Why dont they just leave the sharks alone
Travis Calloway
Travis Calloway - 7 years ago
Longest was 5 weeks, get your facts straight.
Lps Dreamy
Lps Dreamy - 7 years ago
Sharks are scary
SandroRocchi - 7 years ago
Did she just say we pet land sharks?
vagabond - 7 years ago
the sharks just kill themelves and the Director Jon Hoech says,"its a very very very resource intensive program"
t millz
t millz - 7 years ago
nice vid !!!
ROBLOXMASTER pixelgun3d - 7 years ago
Yeah chuse the glass ahahah
Vvv - 7 years ago
All that money and effort for a stupid great white...?????!?!?!Stupid humans...
Mustang Racer Boy Bcab
Mustang Racer Boy Bcab - 7 years ago
I never been in a aquarium before
Garrick Kidd
Garrick Kidd - 7 years ago
how do you know it has been 300 million years??? Y'all are just calling random numbers aren't you ? lol
Hus 9
Hus 9 - 7 years ago
Why are you asking such questions. Dont put animals in cages it wrong even putting humans in cages.
moonlight Madness
moonlight Madness - 7 years ago
These are the true guardians of the deep. The great creator will never allow humans to be able damage the last of it's magic. We don't deserve to know after what we have done!
kenia wendolyne estevez carreon
kenia wendolyne estevez carreon - 7 years ago
We don't need white sharks in aquariums, actually we don't need aquariums. We don't need animals in captivity just for entertainment.
Quentin Edge
Quentin Edge - 7 years ago
I once lived near Monterey south of San Francisco
Tramp - 7 years ago
Sharks couldn't have lived for 300 million years, because the Earth is 6,000 years old --- Right Christians?
alexander claes
alexander claes - 7 years ago
might lead rank suspect rank evening pause significant territory.
Daniel Woodley
Daniel Woodley - 7 years ago
What about a donut-shaped tank?
Sophia Marie
Sophia Marie - 7 years ago
Very negligent to capture a species knowing they’d do not survive long in captivity. It’s like the orca disaster all over again, but they don’t care. Money comes first.
Jo Murphy
Jo Murphy - 7 years ago
This really begs the question, Why Keep Trying?
Sandi Andersen
Sandi Andersen - 7 years ago
How about we stop capturing any other living species for entertainment?
pewdieseptiplier pewdieseptiplier
pewdieseptiplier pewdieseptiplier - 7 years ago
Animal exhibits r like the closest way for humans to see predators without actually getting eaten by one
Andrew Blacks
Andrew Blacks - 7 years ago
Somebody gunna get hurt and i hope its filmed
HowTube 101
HowTube 101 - 7 years ago
I thought they were just poor losers
Nando 2801
Nando 2801 - 7 years ago
I thought it would be like the scene In jaws 3 where the shark bursts threw the glass
Keith Mahoney
Keith Mahoney - 7 years ago
Jesus??? Leave them alone !!!
Rich Red
Rich Red - 7 years ago
No living thing should be in a f,n cage
Apple_tree - 7 years ago
What bollox
Stephen C
Stephen C - 7 years ago
I'm not really certain that husbandry is the same as conservation. Does caging animals for public viewing and academic curiosity really count as education and science?
Epic gamer girl Yilmaz
Epic gamer girl Yilmaz - 7 years ago
Stop putting sharks in tanks people! Do you know how helpful sharks are to the world? Well sharks diets are good so if there are too many fish sharks will eat them and make sure the ocen is good without them we could have a hard time in waters so stop putting sharks in tanks! If its gonna die then ok thats it dont do it
maximumrisk2004 - 7 years ago
Why not just make the Tank like a globe. if the Walls arent flat, they would simply redirect the shark instead of it bumping directly into a straight surface.
Nath my problem
Nath my problem - 7 years ago
They are making efforts in caging a shark. Ugh just stop
LOL LEL - 7 years ago
bc they can only live 3-5 days in captivitie
Mr.Death Wish
Mr.Death Wish - 7 years ago
Oh cool I went to Monterey bay aquarium when I was 4th grade
Inky Crawley
Inky Crawley - 7 years ago
why do humans always have to mess with nature.
Dallas dabs
Dallas dabs - 7 years ago
Carlos Landeros
Carlos Landeros - 7 years ago
I would smash tbh
Torelle - 7 years ago
I thought it was because they were to dangerous
Jacqueline Olvera
Jacqueline Olvera - 7 years ago
How about you get over the fact that they keep dying and leave them alone
Sylvie Wallner
Sylvie Wallner - 7 years ago
Big, majestic creatures like sharkes,whales or dolphins are not ment to be put into a cage/tank! They need to swim miles and miles in order to remain healthy & catch prey(and other important behaviors..). Stop inhuman institutions like seaworld!
Ben Franklin
Ben Franklin - 7 years ago
The real question is why do white people love taking Animals out of They’re natural habitats and put them in cages and tanks.
Tamia Alyssa Cornelius
Tamia Alyssa Cornelius - 7 years ago
Why does south africa have great whites? At ushaka marine world??
Soda King
Soda King - 7 years ago
That's one of the great mystery's of the shark world why can't a great white shark stay in captivity solving that would be the holy Grail on shark world
RedBalloon 21
RedBalloon 21 - 7 years ago
Gage Burney
Gage Burney - 7 years ago
The sharks need to stop dying so the population goes up to help with fish overpopulation so I'm glad they stopped trying even though it'll suck not to see any great whites but luckily humans have stopped being selfish (well the smarter ones, humans, have)
TangoPlays - 7 years ago
So they could keep one in captivity temporarily, the same way they tested it out, a large fenced in area and use the natural sea water. Sounds extremely expensive, and having an observation area would likely mean having a tunnel underneath the water...
Captinamerica599 - 7 years ago
ISeeYouLookin - 7 years ago
Could just leave them be
DEATHRIDE2316 - 7 years ago
Bull. I live near South Town Aquarium and they have three great whites there.
Felix P3
Felix P3 - 7 years ago
I think sharks need Megalodon now.
Giu Yi He Liang
Giu Yi He Liang - 7 years ago
lol, instead of trying to find a way to make them live longer, why don't the aquariums just leave them alone?
I Upload Random Stuff
I Upload Random Stuff - 7 years ago
Let me guess, far too aggressive to be kept in an aquarium?
Isabelle O’Connor
Isabelle O’Connor - 7 years ago
I honestly hate aquariums because they just keep sea animals in tanks for money like imagine you were put in a cage so the person could get money like let them be free they live in the ocean for a reason this is probably why animals are going extinct because they are keeping them in tanks like so they can’t have babies while out in the ocean they can be free they literally need to stop this before all sea animals come extinct
Natendo - 7 years ago
To quote John Hammond from The Lost World Jurassic Park; "These creatures require our absence to survive, not our help. And if we could only step aside and trust in nature, life will find a way."
Gabriella Bussanmas
Gabriella Bussanmas - 7 years ago
This is sick letting sharks die just to test out how to keep them in tanks for our viewing! Even though they are scary doesn’t mean they deserve this!!
Hank Hodges
Hank Hodges - 6 years ago
Exactly "Gabriella Bussanmas", let's not just show compassion towards the cute n' cuddly animals. The other animals that scare the hee bee gee bees outta us deserve consideration too. It's essential to keep the natural ecosystem intact.
Dani - 7 years ago
I wish sharks could just hop out the water, grab a human and place it in a bubble..see if it stays alive.
SuperGirl Lover
SuperGirl Lover - 7 years ago
sa thanimals have to die because of us humen
Kayla Paez
Kayla Paez - 7 years ago
My aquarium has great whites
Yanji Xu
Yanji Xu - 7 years ago
Sometimes, the best aquarium is the first even aquarium, if you know what I mean..
Vidya Sinha
Vidya Sinha - 7 years ago
This is terrible. Great white sharks and all other animals are wild and deserve to stay in their habitat. Animals are already dying because of us! More than 100 species of animals die every year mainly because of HUMANS. People can be monsters! Our kids might never be able to see sharks!
YouCanCallMeReTro - 7 years ago
I know with many animals people say they're meant to be free... well with the Great White they are literally meant to be free or else they will die from not being able to gather oxygen
original wolfpak
original wolfpak - 7 years ago
why don't u just leave them were they belong you are killing more of them by trying to cage them for your own selfish needs then if u leave them in the ocean they live why dont u do the math
Bg Labelle
Bg Labelle - 7 years ago
How many of these poor creatures died due to stupid humans wanting to cage them? Cancerous human species that is killing off everything good and natural in this world. Happy I won't be around in 100 yrs to see the horror of the days to come.
Jonathan Wheeler
Jonathan Wheeler - 7 years ago
Guys I swear I just got free $5612real money from this amazing website>>>>freepplmoney.win/?63hcuo Try once.
Melissa Garza
Melissa Garza - 7 years ago
I saw the great white shark at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. So amazing! It commanded respect. So beautiful.
Jacob Lawrence
Jacob Lawrence - 7 years ago
great white just except the humans love dang it!
warriorprince101010 - 7 years ago
Aquariums and zoos are evil.
warriorprince101010 - 6 years ago
Thnx Hank.
Hank Hodges
Hank Hodges - 6 years ago
And you, "warriorprince101010" are very wise & obviously have compassion. Bravo !!!
Movies, etc
Movies, etc - 7 years ago
warriorprince101010 ignorant comment. They do amazing work there and more often than not, it’s for good purposes and not for entertainment.
Grano Jay
Grano Jay - 7 years ago
Because we shouldn't let such an incredible animal live in a aquarium. Its just sad and cruel. They need the entire ocean to even live. How dare people put them in aquariums
Silvia R.
Silvia R. - 7 years ago
don't hold these innocent creatures captive for our amusement. they deserve to be living free and in the wild
Silvia R.
Silvia R. - 7 years ago
lifemetall - 7 years ago
1wor1d - 7 years ago
4:04 According to the map the Great White Shark swam 80KM across dry land, yet aquariums can't keep them alive in a tank, go figure??!!
kenoash - 7 years ago
This girl knows what she's talking about. I like that.
Jason Wicklund
Jason Wicklund - 7 years ago
This is so interesting!
you saw me
you saw me - 7 years ago
yeah, i have been wondering why?
LuxuryHomes888 - 7 years ago
the grey white knows that's why....
DatOneDood - 7 years ago
Mine had a great white shark trained, but then it started eating all the fish, so they had to remove it.
ULTRAS SHKUPI - 7 years ago
How about to leave them leave them in peace ;
Ben Clark
Ben Clark - 7 years ago
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams
RedRyanRover Mc
RedRyanRover Mc - 7 years ago
Charel G to the T
Charel G to the T - 7 years ago
Stop capturing marine wildlife. They do not belong in tanks!!!
Pumpkin Monkey
Pumpkin Monkey - 7 years ago
I hate to be THAT person, but why can’t we just allow these beautiful marine animals to live in peace? In the OCEAN?
chandler stewart
chandler stewart - 7 years ago
the earth is flat
Zyilla - 7 years ago
:04 “nerd sharks”
Mish - 7 years ago
I find this sad
MrGman2000watts - 7 years ago
Modern day slavery! When will we learn that all creatures want to be free?
TRAGICTACTICS - 7 years ago
These guys should make a video on how in Jurassic World they kept that Mosasaur in a giant tank
Madison Butusov
Madison Butusov - 7 years ago
Aisha - 7 years ago
Sharks are one of the coolest animals on this planet. If you want to protect them, help organizations to stop illegal hunting, and fight against polluting the oceans
Bradley Bishop
Bradley Bishop - 7 years ago
We have a great white shark in our aquarium
MrUranium238 - 7 years ago
ban this practice
Random Dude
Random Dude - 7 years ago
I don't even pay attention to vox videos , I just admire the editing. It's legendary.
Shafiq Eite
Shafiq Eite - 7 years ago
There are some in Malaysia
Flavius Fake
Flavius Fake - 7 years ago
Also new research indicates great whites likely sleep by swimming against currents at night that difficult to recreate in a tank. Probably explains the major bumps.
Mario Sanon
Mario Sanon - 7 years ago
Is because they're the most friendliest fish water swimming around. No aquarium employee wants to bother such a pathetic animal.
QuesoGr7 - 7 years ago
Those beasts cannot be tamed. WAAAY to OP (with no intentions of being nerfed)
Saul Thegamer
Saul Thegamer - 7 years ago
Sharks front need to move to breathe your facts are wrong, some sharks stay still and still breathe
Obey Spartan
Obey Spartan - 7 years ago
Everyone is such cry babies lol
Saif Amin
Saif Amin - 7 years ago
Very well researched video. Really enjoyed watching it. Nice one!
Pooton Crooton
Pooton Crooton - 7 years ago
4:24 This part annoys me because its very obvious why the shark died because of any animal is held in captivity they become accustomed to being fed so if they set them free they wont know haw to hunt causing death
charles lee ray
charles lee ray - 7 years ago
Any Animal should be in captivity.
Zack Cantrell
Zack Cantrell - 7 years ago
why does the human race feel like it is some personal challenge to cage something that wasn't meant to be caged? does it make one feel that they are the master of the animal kingdom? how would they feel to be caught by so e alien race taken to another planet and put in a cage and have them present noted as look!!!! the earthling in its natural habitat! probably wouldn't be a great experience I would think!
ebil ebol
ebil ebol - 7 years ago
Because no animals like being held captive
mollyjune 78
mollyjune 78 - 7 years ago
aw kinda sad
Brian Smith
Brian Smith - 7 years ago
I feel sorry for the shark
Dank Potatoes
Dank Potatoes - 7 years ago
openotaku - 7 years ago
Leave them alone...how many have to die before you accept that great whites don't belong in captivity...causing all those deaths isn't worth the research.
히히히 - 7 years ago
If you know that's impossible just STOP TRYING AND LEAVE THE SHARKS ALONE!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!! Why can't humans just leave animals alone. Even if u go to an aquarium what can u learn? And can people stop being scared of sharks, like little stupid babies? People who still think sharks are dangerous, listen, if ur gonna be scared of sharks, run away right now to an island where nobody lives cause there‘s an even more danger thing right next to. People. Less than 10 people are killed by sharks every year. But how many sharks do people kill? Probably millions. Then which one should we be more scared of? Isn't it obvious? Just stop being stupid and realize the reality.
Impro YT
Impro YT - 7 years ago
Poor sharks
Dogo - 7 years ago
im australian
Hillary Trump
Hillary Trump - 7 years ago
I though the shark can break the glass
elk832 - 7 years ago
It's strange to think that the most intelligent species on earth can't manage to keep an adult of one of the oldest, most successful species to exist alive for more than a week or two in captivity.
Yessy Estrada
Yessy Estrada - 7 years ago
Stop trying to catch these majestic creatures. Poor sharks that died on all these stupid attempts. These wonders of the ocean deserve to be free and swim in a huge ocean not a stupid aquarium just to please stupid people who want to see them. You cannot contain greatness.
Bastila Shan
Bastila Shan - 7 years ago
The Monteray Bay aquarium in California has a baby Great White :)
Gcal1956 - 7 years ago
Anyone ever notice no other animal or creature species, other then HUMANS, catch other species to hold them captive?
Alex Thornton
Alex Thornton - 7 years ago
Maybe they die because they get stuck with the mentality of being captive like a flea if it hits a cieling over and over again it will never go higher than it could with the obstruction
MuhJuuuwb - 7 years ago
Vforfettuccine - 7 years ago
So great yet so fragile
Peter Chandra
Peter Chandra - 7 years ago
You know there is a billionaire out there with a few acres of water for exactly this.
Åshley Gomez
Åshley Gomez - 7 years ago
stop killing and eating sharks !!! no point! Y’all want the ocean ecosystem to be disrupted? Y’all want other animals to overpopulate? this isn’t right. They were put on the ocean and that’s where they should stay
Hank Hodges
Hank Hodges - 6 years ago
Perfectly said, "Åshley Gomez" !!!
Hell Fire
Hell Fire - 7 years ago
I doubt it since they can hold gorillas behind glass
Miscellaneous 64
Miscellaneous 64 - 7 years ago
Monterey bay aquarium? Isn’t that where subnautica was fully released?
Kai Myers
Kai Myers - 7 years ago
aquarium of the pacific has a white shark?
Chloe Wang
Chloe Wang - 7 years ago
"Despite the successes of the recent five week record and previous 16 day survival of a Great White Shark in captivity, a single Great White Shark has never survived in a tank in an aquarium".

Its because they always die in captivity.
Kelly Jackson
Kelly Jackson - 7 years ago
shoulda given them Red Bull
Miles Hanley
Miles Hanley - 7 years ago
Silver Mountain Country
Silver Mountain Country - 7 years ago
Those poor ancient giant sharks had to wait millions of years for tasty mammals to come along what a pity lol
Tafi Yoko
Tafi Yoko - 7 years ago
I wish they could stop taking these sharks out of their habits! They are literally hurting / killing them. The human race is disgusting...
Ian Chamberlin
Ian Chamberlin - 7 years ago
Why capture a wild animal knowing that it will not survive in captivity?
AJGAMING - 7 years ago
No matter which animal, they shouldn't be kept in captivity
DMA - 7 years ago
Is this what it was like for Mike Tyson while he was locked up?
Potato Evil twin
Potato Evil twin - 7 years ago
The very existence of this video is so stupid the answer is so obvious; they are endangered
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke Uchiha - 7 years ago
4:54 Great White biting an Ocean Sunfish.
Stuff I Like
Stuff I Like - 7 years ago
when it falls asleep it probably swims in a straight line for oxygen, if there is a tank its not gonna be big enough, other fish were probably trolling it to death 2
iceCrack - 7 years ago
Please stop killing sharks just because some kids can see it in reality. Watch sharks on tv, youtube, the internet, etc. Stop being so stubborn because the price to be payed is the lives of some animals, which you do not have the right to take.
SlendermanSurge Gaming
SlendermanSurge Gaming - 7 years ago
Wtf was that shark biting at 5:10
Chicken Wings
Chicken Wings - 7 years ago
Putting a great white in a tank is like putting a wolf in your house no matter how hard you try it just wont work
Cappuchino Fonzarelli
Cappuchino Fonzarelli - 7 years ago
All Sharks Matter
Cies Wordnado
Cies Wordnado - 7 years ago
The most deadly is... the mosquito. They're not the most dangerous, they're just scary. You have to go out of your way to get hurt by one?
Avi Rami
Avi Rami - 7 years ago
sharks are an important part of keeping the food chain in check. w/o them certin populations would get out of control
relf gang
relf gang - 7 years ago
Cappuchino Fonzarelli. Why. There one of the most dangerous animals in the world we wouldnt miss the great white
Joe W
Joe W - 7 years ago
I was there at the MBA as a student guide during 2004 when they were displaying the White. Vox is missing a key component of why Great Whites in particular are so damn hard to keep alive in captivity, as opposed to say, hammerheads, another deep sea shark that while difficult, is kept alive quite frequently. Great Whites hunt with a finely tuned system that sends out some sort of pulse into the environment. Great whites kept detecting the generator that was being used in exhibits such as the Outer Bay, (where they kept the one they finally got to work), and it was literally sending the sharks into seizures. It's why the MBA gave up on keeping whites, it was simply too hard to adjust everything in the environment for them. Plus, ofc, the one they had in 2004 tore into a tuna also in the exhibit right in front of a guide explaining how these creatures are so misunderstood, lol.
Binichmoses zwei
Binichmoses zwei - 7 years ago
Animal cruelty hurray -.-
john martin
john martin - 7 years ago
Great White's are badass if it cant kill you then it kills itself lol
thenothinguploader - 7 years ago
sometimes I wonder why I even tr< with comment sections....
shoot n ride
shoot n ride - 7 years ago
I can relate to the sharks... Takin from ur vast home and endless freedom to life in prison for doing nothing wrong at all yea id rather be dead too the sharks prob just give up on life and shut themselves down
Patrick Palmarella
Patrick Palmarella - 7 years ago
Sure the Chineese can
E Sharae
E Sharae - 7 years ago
Why can’t humans just leave animals alone. Smh
Weeb4life - 7 years ago
Weeb4life - 7 years ago
Largest living predatory shark not fish the’re realated but sharks aren’t fish
Mcjuts 420
Mcjuts 420 - 7 years ago
Best shark was at the end. She is cute too :))
Hank Hodges
Hank Hodges - 6 years ago
Succinctly & perfectly said, "Sade Life1015". Haven't humans damaged enough of nature?
Izabel Jipson
Izabel Jipson - 6 years ago
While everyone in the comments are getting salty I’m over here singing the Jurassic park theme song
Red Wood
Red Wood - 7 years ago
Fatima Diallo btw Indians were held captive jews and Asians all slaves ... there are Pakistani slaves in Saudi Arabia and modern day slaves in Italy picking tomotoes so u can eat pizza as u please slaves are all over the world to this day !!!
Red Wood
Red Wood - 7 years ago
Mohit Garg who fucken cares what does it benefit us ? dumb comment
Red Wood
Red Wood - 7 years ago
american cheese saysn.a. total dumbass
Red Wood
Red Wood - 7 years ago
A Person help off the animals ? what's that mean ? they weren't helping them at what point did they mention anything was wrong with any of them ?
Ted G
Ted G - 7 years ago
You can read a book.
JokerCirca66 - 7 years ago
Respect Everyone no
JokerCirca66 - 7 years ago
Sade Life1015 horrible analogy
Spooked Rabbit
Spooked Rabbit - 7 years ago
Sade Life1015 bringing a prehistoric creature to live in a zoo is pretty dumb, we have farms which can contain velociraptors (chickens with teeth) so we don’t need a zoo to entertain people
pouplur lol boy
pouplur lol boy - 7 years ago
The Pokékid no not you sorry
The Pokékid
The Pokékid - 7 years ago
pouplur lol boy
pouplur lol boy - 7 years ago
The Pokékid
The Pokékid - 7 years ago
Okay, i scroll down and see this. First: Sade Life1015, considering how many they tried (and failed) to bring into captivity, I'd say they did a pretty good job tryna take care of it. The sharks are endangered, the ecological system already went a few rungs down, and a buncha guys taking in one for entertainment is.... wrong. But not all zoos do that, and some may be even tryna save a few sharks, except.. they're not succeeding. Also, how would we know what we know about the sharks if there was no zoo? Sure, wildlife studies can be conducted, but they can often be a little misleading in regards to the situations. Also, we don't know what the shark was thinking (and we never will), and we don't know if the shark wanted it or not. And if the sharks die... then they die. It's what will happen with us anyway.
Ximena Hernandez
Ximena Hernandez - 7 years ago
So true these people need to leave the animals alone there not freaking puppets
cestalia - 7 years ago
Say that to Sunda Rhino.
Joey Melo
Joey Melo - 7 years ago
Gabriel Sylar
Gabriel Sylar - 7 years ago
I totally agree. I bet this is the solution with China too. I say we nuke them to show some real dominance. Because that's what helped us always.
Lovedeep Sandhu
Lovedeep Sandhu - 7 years ago
Sade Life1015 we are at the top of the food chain for a reason. If we were always mr.nice to all animals am pretty sure we wouldnt be at the top and another animal would assert dominance over us
Steampunk Seven
Steampunk Seven - 7 years ago
Respect Everyone Yes. But some people want slavery back. Ok, How bouts we keep them (people who want slavery) as slaves? Great, they wanted slavery anyways :D
Plan D
Plan D - 7 years ago
Do you feel sorry for the 400 years blacks were held captive?
mrspiderben 73
mrspiderben 73 - 7 years ago
A Person why are you all so stupid it’s clearly not helping the sharks Is it? and yes of corse it’s for entertainment purposes that’s why you bloody pay to go to and see them. These animals are wild animals and are not meant to be kept locked up regardless I love to go and see them but that dose not make it right.
Mohit Garg
Mohit Garg - 7 years ago
Yeah u wouldn’t know about a great white if a human being didn’t go there and check em out. This is not how the world works. Grow up.
american cheese
american cheese - 7 years ago
You're dumb
TheGamingLofty Mlp
TheGamingLofty Mlp - 7 years ago
Sade Life1015 agreed
A Person
A Person - 7 years ago
I can't tell if you are a 10 year, no 5 year old, or you are just uneducated in the regards to what you just watched. It's not for money, or entertainment, it;s mostly for the help off the animal. If you don't understand then 1 go to school or 2 do some more research.
Gabriele B.
Gabriele B. - 7 years ago
I'm afraid of sharks, they're monsters, but they're living being yet, so respect their lives, keep them free in the ocean
rogerthat155 - 7 years ago
'exhibit' means kidnap. so much effort put into kidnapping... making an seaworld circus.... give it up humans.
rogerthat155 - 7 years ago
because they want to be free.
Jago Shogun
Jago Shogun - 7 years ago
Apex Predator, Dies in Tank
Itzel neira
Itzel neira - 7 years ago
Maybe because they need ocean water
Weeb4life - 7 years ago
Itzel Delaney umm don’t you think they would figure that out after keeping so many sharks
Kyle S
Kyle S - 7 years ago
How about a tank in the shape of an "O" so they can just swim in a circle forever?
عبد الرحمن المطيري
عبد الرحمن المطيري - 7 years ago
that's oddly genius xd
Zeth Quintos
Zeth Quintos - 7 years ago
They not put the great white shark the shark is pretty wild on the water if he broke the glass you know why
RR PLANB - 7 years ago
We Shouldn't keep any any large species taken from the wild. It's only done for human profit for companies like this.
Rafe Peña-Rios
Rafe Peña-Rios - 7 years ago
Damn it youtube, I was in PragerU.
Why on earth would you take me to THIS?
Spoony Pizzas
Spoony Pizzas - 7 years ago
Because everyone has seen Jaws 3
Tykeya Florence101
Tykeya Florence101 - 6 years ago
Spoony Pizzas right like for real
Spoony Pizzas
Spoony Pizzas - 6 years ago
adriana Baez :o
adriana Baez
adriana Baez - 6 years ago
Spoony Pizzas no not me
Spoony Pizzas
Spoony Pizzas - 7 years ago
Evan Torres :o we can never be friends. (Although Jaws 3+ does kinda suck) - go see them in real life... they're beautiful.
Evan Torres
Evan Torres - 7 years ago
I haven’t lol
Cabb Blooms
Cabb Blooms - 7 years ago
I did
Milatary girl101
Milatary girl101 - 7 years ago
Spoony Pizzas HA HA!
Theman - 7 years ago
I and 500 other people got the reference
Ryan Wolver
Ryan Wolver - 7 years ago
Nic8585 rip grammar
TheepicAnimator369 - 7 years ago
Ikr jaws 3 made me focken paranoid about most aquariums involving anything bigger than you
Charlotte :p
Charlotte :p - 7 years ago
eevee lover34
eevee lover34 - 7 years ago
U saw Jaws 1
123 can you see me?
123 can you see me? - 7 years ago
Spoony Pizzas tre
I lied Imrightbehindyou
I lied Imrightbehindyou - 7 years ago
Thank you the answer is just simple logic I ain’t gonna die at sea world hell naw
Frank Zappa
Frank Zappa - 7 years ago
Spoony Pizzas
I don't think anyone understood your comment!
Luke Aspinall
Luke Aspinall - 7 years ago
Spoony Pizzas the cgi of the shark looks like they tried painting a hotgod green and using cgi on it
Aidan Furst
Aidan Furst - 7 years ago
1 is the best
Kakashi Hatake
Kakashi Hatake - 7 years ago
Spoony Pizzas I understood but when I saw this comment I was like "my dude I already knew about it"
Spoony Pizzas
Spoony Pizzas - 7 years ago
Think some people misunderstood my comment... lol. Jaws 3... it had the underwater theme park...remember? Of course Jaws (not "Jaws 1") was better. Best movie I've ever seen.. diving with these beautiful creatures is even more incredible.
Nic8585 - 7 years ago
1 is so better lol
Tyrell Suraiya
Tyrell Suraiya - 7 years ago
Exactly the third is NOT on the Original's level of pop culture relevance
Jesse Palacios
Jesse Palacios - 7 years ago
Spoony Pizzas
an no one has seen that movie lol
Forty Seven
Forty Seven - 7 years ago
Uhh, what kind of "researchers" handles this stuff? Im not a scientist of any sorr but you cant easily recreate a habitat for them in a tank? Theres so many factors involved, pressure and what not(maybe). Not to mention, stress. If they really want to have a great white shark, just place them in a very large enclosure outside. And a deep one too. by deep I mean underground. If they already tried those then idk, maybe stop? Do atleast 2 more decades of research and comparison before placing them in aquariums
Chris Arnold
Chris Arnold - 7 years ago
Instead of having aquariums on land, taking animals out of their environment, why not spend all that money on making an aquarium in the ocean? If you find that idea stupid, you’re hypocritical. If you don’t know why that makes you hypocritical, then do not have an opinion on this
Meaghan Fabiani
Meaghan Fabiani - 7 years ago
Y'all are gonna kill all the Great Whites.
Richard Ruego
Richard Ruego - 7 years ago
for me i think GW sharks are not too comfortable in leaving in such a not so wide space aquarium and they tend to quit they life like self suicide like Tarsier here in the Philippines when they'd startle they tend to suicide but for the sharks i think as a theory of myself and as i've observe GW sharks do like moving water for example the big wide ocean and its saltiness ya na wa i mean? coz way back then okay-okay when i was a little kid i use to catch fish in the sea (Alive) and make it as a pet by putting it in a common aquarium and put water on it put the fishes i;ve caught there and bwuala but as the days goes by they all die... All my poit here is GREAT WHITE SHARKS Cant easily ADAPT in such Choking EVIRONMENT such an AQUARIUM and quitting life like those Everyone else who dont fell like living in this what they called PRISON/HELLl like world...
SWFARE - 7 years ago
If they could they should feed Trump to him. The shark would probably spit him out b/c he would taste like a rotten orange.
عبد الرحمن المطيري
عبد الرحمن المطيري - 7 years ago
why did you bring TRUMP into the comments?
jesus people cant rest
child the video is talking about SHARKS
not politics
please dont bring these things everywhere
Ramzy - 7 years ago
Short answer is they can't handle being enclosed. They always die. This is an animal that travels tens of thousands of km in it's life, and you think it's gonna do well in a fish tank?
Lizi zhu
Lizi zhu - 7 years ago
Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris - 7 years ago
Just create a robot white shark
Puhk - 7 years ago
stop trying... leave the animals alone
kyle munoz
kyle munoz - 7 years ago
831 sharks live longer proven
Hank Hodges
Hank Hodges - 6 years ago
But it's "quality" of life, not "quantity". If YOU were a shark, where would you rather live; a pool or the ocean?
African Child
African Child - 7 years ago
Ahahah Salinas
blank - 7 years ago
lmao 831 is the area code
Mellø - 7 years ago
Poor sharks :/ imagine how terrified they are
Rio Hemmings
Rio Hemmings - 7 years ago
No need to hold animals captive. No one is entitled to do something against another beings will.
louis reder
louis reder - 7 years ago
I have been to Monterey Bay Aquarium.
Ranel Gallardo
Ranel Gallardo - 7 years ago
Don't support aquariums
Rishabli nagarkar
Rishabli nagarkar - 7 years ago
Watch blackfish if u liked dis vid. Tho u prob have
Balboa the cougar slayer
Balboa the cougar slayer - 7 years ago
Humans automatically think that they can control every situation in the world, as well as the other life forms inside of it.
Maxim Dupuis
Maxim Dupuis - 7 years ago
Poor animals
Captain crunch ah hoy mateys
Captain crunch ah hoy mateys - 7 years ago
If sharks are dying In Tanks Does that Mean that it could be possibly The same with some Mammals Too if they are also taken From home the same Way ?
nutella forever!
nutella forever! - 7 years ago
Why take them? It just hurts them. Yes there really cool to see but it hurts them and its not cool to kill animals.
KR YW - 7 years ago
You can't cage the storm. Leave them in the sea.
Fabio Laochunshack
Fabio Laochunshack - 7 years ago
Maybe we should just leave them alone.
Chrisfragger1 - 7 years ago
Great White Sharks are not pets...
B-B4ll_ b0mber
B-B4ll_ b0mber - 7 years ago
I live 20 min from the Monterey Bay Aquarium whare they had the great white shark for 6 months, I saw it but I was to little to remember
MrPanetela - 7 years ago
I am not surprise, Loan Sharks do well in the wild too, until they are placed in prison.
Vaderboy 05
Vaderboy 05 - 7 years ago
2:20 shark hanging out with it's Eal friend
Rhett lama
Rhett lama - 7 years ago
4 people are killed by sharks every year 600 sharks are killed every hour
Juliette Kauflin
Juliette Kauflin - 7 years ago
Go to that internet page: http://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/how-many-sharks-do-humans-kill-hour/
and you will find that it is even more than the few that she mentioned. Don't judge before you make your own research, don't call peopel idiots. Spelling might not be 100% correct because I'm from switzerland.
RxDoc - 7 years ago
Rhett lama really I find that hard to believe considering they would be extinct by now lol. Idiot's like you are the problem for all this their lives are more important than ours.
Freddy Fazbear
Freddy Fazbear - 7 years ago
LOL im not an idiot it would break the glass
Playa Hater
Playa Hater - 7 years ago
Stupid humans
Games for life HD
Games for life HD - 7 years ago
Ur ugly
Alexander Marsh
Alexander Marsh - 7 years ago
Before you make a post about (stop killing the sharks) or (its all for money) or some other crap like that.... just realize that these people sink at leask 3-4 million dollars into 1 shark and they may only make 10% of that back..... its just shitty investment. So make your comment a little more compelling and original.
Danielle Brush
Danielle Brush - 7 years ago
So inhumane.
Leeann Chen
Leeann Chen - 7 years ago
Will Campbell
Will Campbell - 7 years ago
Great white sharks have senses and abilities that humans and a lot of sharks don't have. These abilties help the shark hunt and well... Navigate the ocean because that's what great whites do. They travel. They travel for miles upon miles. They go to mating areas and hunting areas generally staying near the coast but not in a shallow reef area altho they can travel as shallow as they are tall from stomach to back. The reason they don't generaly hang in these shallow areas is because there hunting tactics is to attack something from above from a great length below using the vertical distance to gain speed. So there hunting abilities really on a large area of vertical room. Us humans have are basic 5 senses that everybody talks about. Sight, touch, hearing, taste, and smell. But imagine if we spent all our life in a world completely differant. Where our form of seeing was murky and to eat we had to find our food in a one colored sea with a lot of that food being colored like the ocean or rocks. Well the sight thing won't get you too far. So ovecorce we would need to fall back on those other senses. While sharks do have sight they have a multitude of other abilitys that are very useful. Have you ever heard the saying "a shark can smell a drop of blood from a mile away"? Well that may be an exaduration to some extent but it is true that sharks are very good at finding blood and injured fish that are easy pray. Great white sharks also have the ability to sence magnetic fields. Thats why magnetic shark repelants works. They can feel very very slight activities in the water that can tell them where activity is. And these are only the surface of all shark abilities. But when you put all this together you have a shark that has a map of the ocean and what is happening around the ocean in the white sharks head. This is how they are able to travel all over and still find breeding and feeding areas. That's what makes this shark so amazing. Some sharks hang out in the reafs. Some sharks near shores feeding on fish and birds that fly near the water. Some behemoth sharks swim in the depths of the ocean feeding on large amounts of plankton and other small sea life. Some even live in the deepest places amagionable under great amounts of pressure and heat. Some live on the bottom of the sea, on top of rocks, blending in with sea bed until a fish swims over it. Some, like the great white, travel long distances as do some forms of the hammerhead but they travel in schools that are formed a lot like the geese we see on land. But the great white has no bounderies or limits the thing about the great white. Its a lone adventurer that goes anywhere it wants when it wants to. One shark could travel all over the world by themselves. That's why they have all these abilities because that's just how they work and live. So when you take one and put it in a tank its like doing the following to a human. Imagine if you were just walking down the street and all of a sudden your blind, deaf, and have almost no senses at all the ones you do still have tell you you've been put in a completely new environment. Even the air your breathing has been changed and feels differant. So you try to move. Nomater what way you go you always bump into a wall within a few feet. You don't know how to eat anymore. And Ofcorce there's no one there to teach you! There's food present but you can't eat it because the old way you ate food doesn't work anymore. You had no warning you just were there. Had all your world suddenly disappear. How long do you think you would survive?
Delete Me
Delete Me - 7 years ago
As long as they don’t get near me I’m good with it.
Connor Combs
Connor Combs - 7 years ago
I thought it said Aquarius. I’m like who would have a pet shark and what do horoscopes have to do with it?
Imperfect - 7 years ago
Thats bullshark
Nawehya Abbas
Nawehya Abbas - 7 years ago
David Dobrik on the left at 0:16...
James Mac Neil
James Mac Neil - 7 years ago
Man that chick is hot! Oh. , good video too.
XCaitlyn CrozierX
XCaitlyn CrozierX - 7 years ago
No animals should be in zoos unless they need help!!!!!! Great white sharks should be in the ocean if you want to see animals get on a boat and go see them!
Slytherin Queen!
Slytherin Queen! - 7 years ago
We STUPID humans. We take more than we need, we choose quantity over quality. We’re the only known animal to take milk from another living creature. WE ARE MONSTERS. We take a shark from its home, thinking that it’s just a shark, it’s a predator, it cannot feel pain. By doing this, we have only 6 months of cheap entertainment, then we leave a living creature to suffer the outside world with bruises and disoriented minds. We think that small containers will be enough for the magnificent beasts of the earth? We know we are wrong, we know that these creatures should be respected from afar, not cooped up in zoos and aquariums. Answer me this, can we not help them breed in sanctuaries? Can we not leave them be and create fake skin cloaks and accessories? Apparently, we think we are better than the creatures that do not have our brains. We think that they are just items to look at and move on to the next one.
Zoraida Magana
Zoraida Magana - 7 years ago
They probably commit suicide too, like the dolphins.. they don't want to be captive ...and should not be, for anyone's viewing pleasure.
Billy Kelly
Billy Kelly - 7 years ago
Why has the woman on this vid have her y fronts on her head?
vial.of.photons - 7 years ago
It's OK to be white shark.
Jack Son
Jack Son - 7 years ago
So just build a 100 mile long tank for them!
Tealtown 408
Tealtown 408 - 7 years ago
But why do they die?
Arianna La Tona
Arianna La Tona - 7 years ago
Woah it’s almost like sharks and other animals shouldn’t be in tanks!!
alexsandra cruz
alexsandra cruz - 7 years ago
We need to leave them be and let them live this is one of the reasons why there are not many great whites left
DactamGaming - 7 years ago
the tennessee aquarium has had hammer heads and great whites for years....
Rowan Jones (Disgybl 2015)
Rowan Jones (Disgybl 2015) - 7 years ago
i got one in me back garden
Exoti Playz
Exoti Playz - 7 years ago
U sound like gloom games
Ray Bars
Ray Bars - 7 years ago
sharks are gonna start catching people and take them down in the ocean to see if they can breathe under water
Thomas Miracle
Thomas Miracle - 7 years ago
Want to solve the problem with krrpong grestwhites your aquarium would have to be like a river but salt water flowing throu the shark has to sleep and they sleep by diving so the water still flows past there gills so maske the watre flow and problem solved
Killing Tortilla
Killing Tortilla - 7 years ago
Could you
Let sharks live on oceans
I just wanna see em grow up
FlamingDomino Gaming-Vlogging-and more
FlamingDomino Gaming-Vlogging-and more - 7 years ago
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kriya rawal
kriya rawal - 7 years ago
They may be facing some psychological shock.. That may be one of the major reasons.. If they are not able to find out the reason of the death.. This may be the one.. Mental pressure is something that can't be measured.
Bobo SackScratch
Bobo SackScratch - 7 years ago
the biggest killer of sharks of all species is commercial fishing nets worldwide! They survived what killed the Dinosaurs but they won't survive humans population explosion and in the end... neither will humans! ...but the mighty Cockroach will!!
Hank Hodges
Hank Hodges - 6 years ago
2 true !!! : (
Mad Pyer
Mad Pyer - 7 years ago
Maybe the pressure has something to do with it
Hot Frog88
Hot Frog88 - 7 years ago
No man made tank is big enough to be able to let the great white rest/sleep cycle which is miles long and they travel huge distances, its not that they have difficulties with walls at all, they just don't have the space and never will.
Squidblaster33 - 7 years ago
If capturing sharks obviously kills them then they're just basically murdering an endangered species
Mellojello - 7 years ago
FlexGod Jay
FlexGod Jay - 7 years ago
I'm a ninja !
I'm a ninja ! - 7 years ago
Rohan Saxena
Rohan Saxena - 7 years ago
Elon Musk must make an aquarium
Angel Garcia
Angel Garcia - 7 years ago
I thought it was because they didnt want to risk the shark breaking thr glass
Angel Garcia
Angel Garcia - 6 years ago
Soleil Saliva lol
vorcazm - 6 years ago
Angel Garcia Lol you can make glass as thick as you want. it's seethrough
Soleil Saliva
Soleil Saliva - 6 years ago
Hahahaha sameee we have watched too many movies
Angel Garcia
Angel Garcia - 7 years ago
CyberCitizen ok true
Doodlebugdude - 7 years ago
Joe W I would have said yes the shark breaks the glass every week. Americans are stupid.
M. Reactions
M. Reactions - 7 years ago
Angel Garcia same
DanielWhaaaa - 7 years ago
They would die from blunt trauma after ramming themselves into reinforced glass
Armaros IV
Armaros IV - 7 years ago
Now look how your comment has 911 likes. Exactly the number you would call if a shark was to break through a glass in an aquarium!
maryjoy vasquez
maryjoy vasquez - 7 years ago
Angel Garcia me too
SuperSeboGaming - 7 years ago
Angel Garcia same
Samuel Plaster
Samuel Plaster - 7 years ago
I thought it was because of maybe laws against it.
Edgar Galustian
Edgar Galustian - 7 years ago
Of course it is possible that a shark breaks every thickness of glass, like 5m glass is nothing! Please think before you write!
american cheese
american cheese - 7 years ago
They probably wouldn't even break 10inch glass if im not dumb
Celeste Cast
Celeste Cast - 7 years ago
Yea me too
Isabella P
Isabella P - 7 years ago
Angel Garcia same
CyberCitizen - 7 years ago
Angel Garcia So you think a shark would be able to break a tank that holds a MILLION gallons of water? Can you even imagine the amount of force the glass has to endure? Some puny little shark is nothing compared to that.
snow flake
snow flake - 7 years ago
Me too
RussX5Z - 7 years ago
Ha ha ha!! You've been watching too much Jaws.
lenny face
lenny face - 7 years ago
Angel Garcia same
Joe W
Joe W - 7 years ago
The Outer Bay exhibit, which is where the great white was kept in the Monterey Bay Aquarium, had its glass created by a Japanese company that was so secretive on how they did it, that they shut down the entire area while they installed the glass. Even MBA employees were kept out. Nothing short of a wrecking ball could have taken that glass out- plus there were 11 layers to it, a crack in one layer would do absolutely nothing to the other 10.

Source- Me, I was there in 2004 when they had this white on display as a student guide, they told us a lot of this because guests would ask us these questions. And "Can she break the glass?" was definitely one of my top-three questions I had about her while working there.
Willow Clouds
Willow Clouds - 7 years ago
Same lmao
jonny penn
jonny penn - 7 years ago
JohnDaWhale3 - 7 years ago
Watch the movie Jaws 3. That's exactly what happens in that movie.
Angel Garcia
Angel Garcia - 7 years ago
peter haddad lol
Angel Garcia
Angel Garcia - 7 years ago
Melese Getahun true
peter haddad
peter haddad - 7 years ago
Angel Garcia sharknado
Gina Powell
Gina Powell - 7 years ago
Angel Garcia that's silly... they aren't that strong...and of course they would make sure you get glass is thick enough that they couldn't break it
Lily Weese
Lily Weese - 7 years ago
Lily Weese
Lily Weese - 7 years ago
Lily Weese
Lily Weese - 7 years ago
prabhu gurung
prabhu gurung - 7 years ago
Me to
Melese Getahun
Melese Getahun - 7 years ago
Angel Garcia They would die though,no water for them to breath.
creepjax - 7 years ago
Angel Garcia I thought if he same exact thing
Manish Sharma
Manish Sharma - 7 years ago
None of the animals r designed for captivity... all r in process of dying..some die instantly..some r taking time...
OMPhalanx - 7 years ago
All these people complaining about taking sharks out of their natural habitats.
If you have a pet, or an animal in your home, then you're no better than these people.
Also, if you've ever went to a zoo or an aquarium, then you're just supporting this kind of crap. Get your heads out of your asses.
Yes, I absolutely hate that such a majestic creature has been bothered and attacked for this mess, but I'm also not going to sit around and act like I'm perfect when I have pets in my home and I've went to zoo's, aquariums, etc.. knowing damn good and well that all of the animals, including mine have been taken from their natural habitats for human pleasure.
and yes, humans have done great things like bringing animals back from endangerment and whatnot, but 9 times out of 10, we caused it.
We're not perfect, nor innocent, people. We've caused more damage to this world and everything on it than anything else ever has.
Hank Hodges
Hank Hodges - 6 years ago
"POP" !!! Now that my head's outta my ass; have you heard about wild vs. domesticated animals? When we bring, (hopefully!!!) a pet from a shelter, they blossom & grow, it's a partnership that works out beautifully. When you take a wild animal, stuff it in a tiny enclosure, & watch it slowly rot away, for profit, well now, that's not the same thing. Let's show animals compassion.
DJ Lodose
DJ Lodose - 7 years ago
OMPhalanx I get what your saying but have you ever made a mistake and never did it again. I think that's why so many people hate the fact that aquariums have tortured these majestic beasts. We shouldn't repeat our mistakes all for the dollar.
Stupidsloth - 7 years ago
If you release your pets into the wild they will die, domestic dogs and cats are not suited to survive in the wild
Joe W
Joe W - 7 years ago
Educating people on the great white was worth the risk of losing some of them. Public attitude changed, I could see it while talking to people. I worked there as a student guide while this was going on it was amazing.
OMPhalanx - 7 years ago
I respect that...
Alexander Marsh
Alexander Marsh - 7 years ago
I agree with your comment 99%, but the smartass in me couldn't resist... The last large meteor still has us beat XD
xmugiwarax - 7 years ago
People are annoying, you wanna see an animal, go to them and see them instead of having them captured smh
Boston Terrier
Boston Terrier - 7 years ago
I heard they crash into the wall until they die.
birine8 - 7 years ago
Just don't try it. All animals should stay in the nature, where they belong. It's so selfish hurt animals arresting them like that. Just stop!
Randy Hutchinson
Randy Hutchinson - 7 years ago
flakjacket5 - 7 years ago
Don't let this video distract you from the fact that Al Bundy once scored four touchdowns in a single game at Polk High.
TheGamingLofty Mlp
TheGamingLofty Mlp - 7 years ago
flakjacket5 football is not as important as survival, you dumbass!
hexagon523 - 7 years ago
flakjacket5 Now that's a story we should all be discussing here.
Tanner Vogan
Tanner Vogan - 7 years ago
flakjacket5 this isn't Facebook
Andrei Design
Andrei Design - 7 years ago
Because the shark will get lonely after the first meal xd
sonicwolf 360
sonicwolf 360 - 7 years ago
May be theres some thing in the sea that help great white shark live ???
Benz Holmes
Benz Holmes - 7 years ago
Leave them TF alone....
Steven W
Steven W - 7 years ago
stupid music all the way through, makes it so irritating to try and watch
Jay F. B.
Jay F. B. - 7 years ago
Why take on all that effort and expenses ? Animals should be left alone, in their natural habitats, and there do every effort to take care of them.
ben Patterson
ben Patterson - 7 years ago
why can you just catch sharks and keep them in tanks this should be illegal
CGI - 7 years ago
Same kind of question that everyone liking zoo and aquarium should ask :
Why no zoo has a human?
Justin Gomez
Justin Gomez - 7 years ago
Monterey Bay aquarium
Jayyjackson - 7 years ago
People ruin everything
DeFactoLeader - 7 years ago
Do the books at the end study biodiversity in humans?
eprahs - 7 years ago
Nora Albarakati
Nora Albarakati - 7 years ago
Humans are so unfair to Animals, We move animals to aquariums just so we can take stupid photos with them. It’s not fair because Animals don’t move us to places so they can take pictures of us. Humans kill Animals more than Animals killing Humans
Dante - 7 years ago
Touya Black
Touya Black - 7 years ago
Good, kill them all
abdulmohsen marafie
abdulmohsen marafie - 7 years ago
i wanna see a great white in a aquarium
Hank Hodges
Hank Hodges - 6 years ago
Oh yeah? Then since they're not captured, show some cajones & see them up close & personal in a shark cage. Why don't YOU make the effort? Leave the shark in it's home.
Dracado 69
Dracado 69 - 7 years ago
They sent them there to die.....
Mark Reyna
Mark Reyna - 7 years ago
What about the regae shark?
Daniel Boon
Daniel Boon - 7 years ago
maybe they forget water pressure?
Ingkisquatha _
Ingkisquatha _ - 7 years ago
They should make a large under water dome see you can just go and watch sharks or an underwater see thru tunnel
Knives77 - 7 years ago
ok its a pain to keep them alive
yes but why do they die?
Cole Sunderland
Cole Sunderland - 7 years ago
Vox is fake
WhoWatchesVideos - 7 years ago
Natalie Christie
Natalie Christie - 7 years ago
Over 70 million sharks are killed either as bycatch, for sharkfin soup, or other shark products. Yes, aquariums should stop displaying animals they can't keep. But don't demonize the aquariums, either.
Israel Perez
Israel Perez - 7 years ago
i live in Monterey ca
and Salinas ca
Sofy said
Sofy said - 7 years ago
Because they don't wanna die.
Kirby Brown
Kirby Brown - 7 years ago
I'm scared of fish and sharks
Luis Lopez
Luis Lopez - 7 years ago
No the pacific use to have them as well
SNS4TV - 7 years ago
This is why I hate humans. Stop ruining nature! The world is already about to explode, haven't you done enough damage?
Mark Fuzuzu
Mark Fuzuzu - 7 years ago
This is either narrated by Sarah Koeneg, or by her very similar sounding sister.
caleb cagle
caleb cagle - 7 years ago
So many SJW commenters. Jesus Christ.
bhavana samhita
bhavana samhita - 7 years ago
Why? Please stop torturing and murdering nature. Leave the biosphere alone. We've done enough damage already.
Josh Uaxxx
Josh Uaxxx - 7 years ago
A whale shark is a fish not a shark learn your facts
Jesse Jacobo
Jesse Jacobo - 7 years ago
i hate fake world sea
Jesse Jacobo
Jesse Jacobo - 7 years ago
no jail slave 4 shark
kez kezooie
kez kezooie - 7 years ago
I hope aquariums stop trying if it causes so much stress to the sharks they try to contain. I realise they would be a great drawcard but it's not worth an animal suffering and dying just so crowds can be entertained.
I'll add here that I'm not a "humans deserve to die because they cause animals pain" person, I just think that this is causing unnecessary suffering and further loss of individuals to a species that has suffered a big loss in its population over the years.
607 - 7 years ago
Huh, I didn't expect Vox to make a good video. :P
Zethany - 7 years ago
Its saddening to think that there may never be a possible way to contain such an amazing creature for the purpose of teaching the public about them. People tend to fear what they don't understand and only hear horror stories about, so zoo and aquarium animals help us to put aside our fears and have appreciation for such creatures. It's definitely better that sharks remain in the wild, but its such a shame lots of people only see them as terrifying aquatic monsters...
JP Stone
JP Stone - 7 years ago
Imagine the money they pissed away on all this, not to mention how many fish they killed in an effort to make some coin for their museum.
Shane Surrey
Shane Surrey - 7 years ago
My great grand daddy was a shark and I am appalled at the mistreatment my people have had to go through. I was recently profiled by the police who took me into custody because someone ate a guy. That could've been anyone. I'm a professor dammit. When will my people finally experience social justice?
Alpha Wolpie
Alpha Wolpie - 7 years ago
oh........i thought they breaked out off the aquarium.......lol
Ash Kathleen
Ash Kathleen - 7 years ago
After they held that shark captive for damn near 2months then it dies days after they released it and they allegedly don't know why!!?? Bs
Alexander Marsh
Alexander Marsh - 7 years ago
its the illuminati!
AnzhooDragons - 7 years ago
Wow. I thought the reason had something to do with the sharks killing, not being killed. This is heartbreaking.
Ellbell - 7 years ago
I have been to the Monterrey bay aquarium. and I am proud to say that I have seen a great white shark
Gregoravich - 7 years ago
i hate the way vox relentlessly and disingenuously pushes a political narrative in a lot of their content, but this video has shown me that their more informative content is actually very watchable. liked
Andrea Bergonzi
Andrea Bergonzi - 7 years ago
Stop killing sharks Thats a idea .
Andrea Bergonzi
Andrea Bergonzi - 6 years ago
Lol .
Alexander Marsh
Alexander Marsh - 6 years ago
i have adjusted my original statement to correlate properly with your statement. Sorry for my improper grammar.
Andrea Bergonzi
Andrea Bergonzi - 6 years ago
I didnt ask a question . I made a comment , thats how i felt after watching that . So no stupid question asked .
Alexander Marsh
Alexander Marsh - 7 years ago
They tried to keep it alive! Here is an idea, understand the information before making a stupid statement! Have a great day :)
0waffel0 - 7 years ago
Wow that's sharking news!!!

I'll see myself out :/
Scarlett Tran
Scarlett Tran - 6 years ago
0waffel0 sea*
amanda lisa
amanda lisa - 7 years ago
0waffel0 lolol
Shonta Parks
Shonta Parks - 7 years ago
Sans would be proud of you
1-800-CALLME - 7 years ago
0waffel0 hahahhahahah

Get out .
0waffel0 - 7 years ago
XShot_Killer I consider it if you join me on that epic journey
Xshot Killer
Xshot Killer - 7 years ago
Instead go to South Korea
Xshot Killer
Xshot Killer - 7 years ago
Sorry I didn’t really mean that
Xshot Killer
Xshot Killer - 7 years ago
0waffel0 no deport ur self to north korea
Sav Kvd
Sav Kvd - 7 years ago
Yea, its for the best...
KyraReviews - 7 years ago
Why cant they use like a 1 way glass.....so that the sharks can see the walls and the humans can see the sharks
Alexander Marsh
Alexander Marsh - 7 years ago
over 90% of aquatic animals have the equivalent of a polarizing lens on their eyes. This is what gives them the clarity they need to see through murky water and even correct lightshafts coming in from the surface. While it helps them with hunting it also would negate the 1 way glass that your talking about as they would be able to see right through it. You can try this yourself. grab some polarized glasses put them on and stick your head in a glass filled with water and look at a 1 way mirror, you will be able to see right through it.
Fdsa Desa
Fdsa Desa - 7 years ago
Kind of like a man when he marries and American woman, he soon dies inside
Thomas Peckoff
Thomas Peckoff - 7 years ago
I would love to stick a human in a zoo and c how long he lasts
Will Calder
Will Calder - 7 years ago
me and sharks have an agreement they stay out my home and i stay out theirs hehehehehe
Asma Zaheer
Asma Zaheer - 7 years ago
they should leave sharks in oceans
KnightWatcher11 - 7 years ago
they die bc they lived their whole life in the ocean and its their home, they have certain temps and the water, they are not used to the fresh new water they are put in, which makes it harder for them to adapt.and then whe they are trying to adspt u put them back?! thats not right of course they are going to die, they are confused, they dont knkw if they are going to smash into a tank or wat the hell their doing..shame on every1 in this situation leave them alone!
E.B.S the saint
E.B.S the saint - 6 years ago
Joe W ok shame on you then
Mentally Disturbed
Mentally Disturbed - 7 years ago
Anthonymax Flynn bc means because, smartass.
The Pokékid
The Pokékid - 7 years ago
Evan Murath, this guy can't tell the difference between adapt and adspt. He is high
Ali Cheyy
Ali Cheyy - 7 years ago
KnightWatcher11 no to captuting shark for entertainment
nofty - 7 years ago
Lol. The video said why..
- SushiCloud -
- SushiCloud - - 7 years ago
Anthonymax Flynn bc = because. You play too much roblox
Joe W
Joe W - 7 years ago
Not at all. They died because of what Vox said in the video, the temp had nothing to do with it, MBA was very careful to make the temp the same as they were used to. everything is highly regulated. They also died because they would sense the generator behind the exhibit and go into seizures because its electrical systems interfered with the white's method of hunting. People calling shame on the MBA is hilarious, the MBA has done more for environmentalism than everyone in these comments combined.
Gina Powell
Gina Powell - 7 years ago
Alexandra J yeah I see just how much of an "expert" the moron.. oops, I mean guy, is
Alexandra J
Alexandra J - 7 years ago
This guy's an expert, everyone.
Anthonymax Flynn
Anthonymax Flynn - 7 years ago
They die builder's club? No sense at all
Kaylee Owen
Kaylee Owen - 7 years ago
The scientists are very aware of all of that. They did their best to transition them, but some animals are not meant to live in captivity.
Evan Murath
Evan Murath - 7 years ago
You seem confused with your English or grammar.
Moonlight Princess
Moonlight Princess - 7 years ago
Why can’t people leave animals in the wild
beaconrider - 7 years ago
They have a bad habit of eating politicians, which made them sick, and the vet bill got too high.
MrTarfu - 7 years ago
I can't help but laugh reading the comments on this video.
Katie Mann
Katie Mann - 7 years ago
Bryce Richard me too! I blew on it..
Max Liston
Max Liston - 7 years ago
Bryce Richard I thought that to!!!
Bryce Richard
Bryce Richard - 7 years ago
MrTarfu I literally thought your profile pic was a hair on my screen
american cheese
american cheese - 7 years ago
These people are stupid
Brine Gaming
Brine Gaming - 7 years ago
MrTarfu IKR
RxDoc - 7 years ago
MrTarfu just a while bunch of people who are animal lovers, not like the everyday one or even furrys, these people will cry over this stuff.
A Person
A Person - 7 years ago
Me too!
Steph Ss
Steph Ss - 7 years ago
Zoos are prisons for the innocent. Stop supporting zoos.
Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne - 7 years ago
Poor thing
XxGamer_ _GraciexX
XxGamer_ _GraciexX - 7 years ago
My friend used to live in South Africa, and she said they have great white sharks in tanks
OHKPodcasts - 7 years ago
Aquarium and zoos are just animal prisons, humans are disgusting apes just walking about looking at other poor creatures which have been caged for our entertainment.
A. J.
A. J. - 7 years ago
Why don't they understand that some animals aren't to be caged!?
Brad Johnson
Brad Johnson - 7 years ago
Leave the sharks in the ocean. You take them into captivity SOLELY for profit.
CHIZUOKA RIN - 7 years ago
I think theyre get stressed
blackmore4 - 6 years ago
I think I'd be more stressed if I ever met one.
i sell CHICKEN
i sell CHICKEN - 7 years ago
this is lies bc the aquarium at my city holds great whites
Maxwise Ganjee
Maxwise Ganjee - 7 years ago
'Eggs shaped tank' i think cylinder is the word you're looking for.
Alexander Marsh
Alexander Marsh - 7 years ago
no cause a cylinder has a straight top and bottom. The take is literally shaped like an egg so if the shark was to hit the bottom he would slide down instead of hitting a flat surface head on.
janoski09 - 7 years ago
The title of this video asks a question it offers no answer to.
DirtyHandGamer. - 6 years ago
Hank Hodges right
Hank Hodges
Hank Hodges - 6 years ago
But "DirtyHandGamer", the aquariums & zoos will try to convince you it's all about "entertaining & educating children." Aaaaaawwww........ (B.S. !!!)
blank - 7 years ago
Pavlina - 7 years ago
How about this: because you shouldn't contain a wild animal for people to oggle. What we want is not that important
Quintillion - 7 years ago
Great whites don’t do well in captivity
Ephemeral Memory
Ephemeral Memory - 7 years ago
Hmm..I wonder how well sharks can see and whether they are sensitive to non-visible (for humans) wavelengths of light. Just like how there are stickers designed for windows to allow birds to view the obstruction, maybe something for sharks could be made. Or use other senses that a shark would have to warn it away from the barrier.

As for diet, I'm not sure. Drop a seal in. x_x (Actually, figure out what exactly they need as an adult shark. What do the larger prey have that smaller ones don't besides mass? Specific vitamins?)

Before anyone wonders, no, I do not want to see any animal in captivity if it is, indeed, only dying (unnaturally). Just wondering about possible solutions.

As an aside, I loved visiting the Okinawa aquarium. The whale sharks and manta rays absolutely fascinated me and really strengthened my passion to learn more about animals in general.
Red Lego Brick
Red Lego Brick - 7 years ago
Tbh this video could be summed up in 20 seconds.
Matt Haas
Matt Haas - 7 years ago
Well said, Red Lego Brick
excelerater - 7 years ago
just say no to captivity.........
em D
em D - 7 years ago
They just simply don't survive in captivity and why should they! Leave them alone. Robots are talking about putting all humans in a zoo.
This is cruel to this magnificent creatures! So little is known about them. Too little to keep them just for entertainment. I hate going to the zoo especially sea world in Queensland. They have a bigger room full of info about penguins and the penguins themselves have such a small room. More room dedicated to informing humans than making the penguins at least comfortable!
Sumra Khan
Sumra Khan - 7 years ago
Dang that’s really sad/ crazy
Wolves are cool
Wolves are cool - 7 years ago
No harambe why did you have to die
Oh crap wrong video
Coco N
Coco N - 7 years ago
Why can’t they just leave them alone?
Smoking Krills
Smoking Krills - 7 years ago
What gives us the right to remove a wild animal from it's natural habitat and cage it for human entertainment? The human species makes me sick, we're a cancer to the planet.
Dipper and cat Gaming
Dipper and cat Gaming - 7 years ago
1 answer

WowzaBowie - 7 years ago
I’m going to be happy when Sea World trains their Orcas to live in the wild and let them go. Making Them live in a freaking bathtub for over 20 years is horribal, but that’s just a dream
Crying Penguins
Crying Penguins - 7 years ago
Leave animals and exotic animals in the ocean, just bring like small octopus and pretty fish .-.
Primed Salt
Primed Salt - 7 years ago
There is a aquarium in Sweden that had a great white for many years but it recently died of old age
Valentina Bartolomeo
Valentina Bartolomeo - 7 years ago
You should be in prison to do this.
Wolfbane_41 - 7 years ago
You would think that after the first few times the white sharks died, people would get to the conclusion that it might not be the best thing to do
Tony Di Giovanni
Tony Di Giovanni - 7 years ago
All aquariums are animal prisons!
Sam - 7 years ago
big as sshark xD
GHOUL GALAXY - 7 years ago
They are tooo great to be keep in an aquarium !
JD123483 - 7 years ago
Damn Japs always killing sharks.
GigiH8 AJ
GigiH8 AJ - 7 years ago
Because they can’t handle it, get depressed and die or can’t handle it.
monkey boy
monkey boy - 7 years ago
Human species are the worst!
Vaping_ Orchard
Vaping_ Orchard - 7 years ago
Stupid humans. Let's intentionally knowningly harm another life JUST so we can look at it. Even tho we know what it looks like!!!! Even if we didn't that's still no excuse...but we do.....and we STILL do!!!!
Saki Wolf
Saki Wolf - 7 years ago
Rip lil sharky
Micky MyFreakyMind
Micky MyFreakyMind - 7 years ago
So we killed lots of sharks trying to use them as an atraction for kids and the biggest problem we think of is how to make it not die so quick so we can show it off more time, nice
Яetard - 7 years ago
Ğřęāț whįțě śhäřķ?
Tlgaming5555 6
Tlgaming5555 6 - 7 years ago
RIP to all animals that died in a zoo or aquarium

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