World's Biggest Shark EVER! Megalodon

The biggest shark to have EVER lived, is the Megalodon, a giant prehistoric shark and a legendary killer. Megalodon monster shark lives? 11 Biggest Sharks Caught 9 ft Shark Eaten by Unknown Sea Creature It's name is Greek word meaning "Big Tooth". This giant mega shark is as one of the largest and most powerful attacking apex predators in the history of our planet. Having been extinct for millions of years, The Megalodon has influenced pop culture as photos and drawings of this legendary shark continue to appear all over web with some websites and blogs dedicated to it. Fossils indicate that the Megalodon Shark reached lengths of almost 70 feet, 20 meters long and was much wider and stockier than your typical great white shark believed to have weighed almost 100 tons. Blue Whales being slightly bigger can weigh over 100 tons. The teeth of the Megalodon are gigantic, some found to be over 7 inches long. These tooth fossils have been discovered all over the world and at one point were believed to be petrified tongues of dragons & giant snakes. The shark bite of the Megalodon is the sea creature's most impressive features as scientist estimate it's chomp to have created up to 18 tons of force, compared to that of a great white's bite which is less than 2 tons of force. With that kind of biting pressure the Megalodon could crush a whales skull as easily as a human child would bite into a grape making it the most powerful bite of any creature in history. The Megalodon's closest living relative is the Great White Shark and although they have many similarities, their hunting patterns proved to be different. Great white sharks tend to attack the under belly or soft spot of their victims for a quick kill as the Megalodon's attacked with it's massive biting force to rip off the fins of other large fish before going in for the final kill. A sea monster as deadly and powerful as the Megalodon dominated the oceans for millions of years, however no one knows why exactly they became extinct. Was it global warming...A lack of food sources, or is it possible they still exists somewhere beyond our reach deep within the ocean depths. Let's Connect -- -- -- -- -- Megalodon - The Biggest Shark that Ever Lived Other Giant Deadly Shark Videos -- Top 10 Deadliest Sharks -- Massive 1,300 Pound Shark Caught -- Worlds Deadliest Shark -- Huge Shark Caught 2012 - Biggest Shark Ever Captured! Royalty Free Music & Sound

World's Biggest Shark EVER! Megalodon sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8428

Shark videos 11 years ago 37,346,068 views

The biggest shark to have EVER lived, is the Megalodon, a giant prehistoric shark and a legendary killer. Megalodon monster shark lives? 11 Biggest Sharks Caught 9 ft Shark Eaten by Unknown Sea Creature It's name is Greek word meaning "Big Tooth". This giant mega shark is as one of the largest and most powerful attacking apex predators in the history of our planet. Having been extinct for millions of years, The Megalodon has influenced pop culture as photos and drawings of this legendary shark continue to appear all over web with some websites and blogs dedicated to it. Fossils indicate that the Megalodon Shark reached lengths of almost 70 feet, 20 meters long and was much wider and stockier than your typical great white shark believed to have weighed almost 100 tons. Blue Whales being slightly bigger can weigh over 100 tons. The teeth of the Megalodon are gigantic, some found to be over 7 inches long. These tooth fossils have been discovered all over the world and at one point were believed to be petrified tongues of dragons & giant snakes. The shark bite of the Megalodon is the sea creature's most impressive features as scientist estimate it's chomp to have created up to 18 tons of force, compared to that of a great white's bite which is less than 2 tons of force. With that kind of biting pressure the Megalodon could crush a whales skull as easily as a human child would bite into a grape making it the most powerful bite of any creature in history. The Megalodon's closest living relative is the Great White Shark and although they have many similarities, their hunting patterns proved to be different. Great white sharks tend to attack the under belly or soft spot of their victims for a quick kill as the Megalodon's attacked with it's massive biting force to rip off the fins of other large fish before going in for the final kill. A sea monster as deadly and powerful as the Megalodon dominated the oceans for millions of years, however no one knows why exactly they became extinct. Was it global warming...A lack of food sources, or is it possible they still exists somewhere beyond our reach deep within the ocean depths. Let's Connect -- -- -- -- -- Megalodon - The Biggest Shark that Ever Lived Other Giant Deadly Shark Videos -- Top 10 Deadliest Sharks -- Massive 1,300 Pound Shark Caught -- Worlds Deadliest Shark -- Huge Shark Caught 2012 - Biggest Shark Ever Captured! Royalty Free Music & Sound

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Most popular comments
for World's Biggest Shark EVER! Megalodon

Vilde Lund
Vilde Lund - 6 years ago
Capture least witness telescope look agenda international past oppose office.
Michelle Peters
Michelle Peters - 6 years ago
Is there such thing as a Megalodon there's only a sleeper shark or blah blah blah I don't know but there's no such thing as a Megalodon you're crazy
Michelle Peters
Michelle Peters - 6 years ago
You're crazy the Megalodon is stupid it's not even real
SillierCell Elite
SillierCell Elite - 6 years ago
I want you to say face to face that..
95% has NOT been explored and their are no megaladon
People say “Oh what are they gonna eat though” UUH HELLO there could be bigger prey as big as a whale for them to eat
tornadomanatwork - 6 years ago
and naturally they kill it
helen elliott
helen elliott - 7 years ago
global warming has been proven a HOAX!!
Mia Beresford
Mia Beresford - 7 years ago
They are like 10000ft
Lydia Smith
Lydia Smith - 7 years ago
they exist
ElfBro - 7 years ago
Or it's fake.

10. comment for World's Biggest Shark EVER! Megalodon

josh messier
josh messier - 7 years ago
Most scientists tell us that the meg was probably less than 60 feet long. Also the picture of the woman holding a giant meg tooth is a fake. There are many other things that you say that are simply not true or that have changed in the last 100 years.
DuBbix games
DuBbix games - 7 years ago
Megalodons are not related to the great white shark, fossil evidence shows that Megalodons family went extinct some 2 million years ago and fossil evidence also shows that great white sharks most likely evolved from ancient mako sharks
Antonio Albarico
Antonio Albarico - 7 years ago
Megalodon is fake watch at real or fake
Cool TV
Cool TV - 7 years ago
Metalledon don't egg sised any more
Joy Ann Billete
Joy Ann Billete - 7 years ago
Megalodon vs carsachosus
Joy Ann Billete
Joy Ann Billete - 7 years ago
The teeth is f###7 fake
Joy Ann Billete
Joy Ann Billete - 7 years ago
W0lfs S0ngs The M0vies Kara Girl
W0lfs S0ngs The M0vies Kara Girl - 7 years ago
1 size - baby shark
2 size - kid shark
3 size - juvenile shark
4 size - young shark
5 size - tiger shark
6 size - bull shark
7 size - big shark
8 size - whale shark
9 size - great white shark
10 size - megalodon
Gabriel Mascitti
Gabriel Mascitti - 7 years ago
No, he does not longer exist, you dumb fuck.
FN Fishing
FN Fishing - 7 years ago
i believe that the megalodon is st ll alive because there was a shark recorded that went further then a great white has ever gone before

20. comment for World's Biggest Shark EVER! Megalodon

AdithSivadas Sivadas
AdithSivadas Sivadas - 7 years ago
Dale Bohanan
Dale Bohanan - 7 years ago
Wow i wit to see it in rill life
Jan Ludwikowski
Jan Ludwikowski - 7 years ago
How on earth would megolodon would survive it is extinct mannnnnn........
Frater Sol
Frater Sol - 7 years ago
All they ever found of megladon is 1 tooth
Stephen Wraith
Stephen Wraith - 7 years ago
The ocean is THEIR domain,why can't we just leave them alone FFS..!!! Man has ALOT to answer 4.
EH DAM EH LONG - 7 years ago
p illlp
juana artica
juana artica - 7 years ago
Melissa McClain
Melissa McClain - 7 years ago
Just so you know you have no idea that Megaladon is extinct only 25% of the ocean is explored the rest is unknown so all these "extinct" creatures could and will most likely be out there. Do your research. Proof of Megaladon still out there has been found.
Dale Bohanan
Dale Bohanan - 7 years ago
My d d
Blametheidiot Clintons
Blametheidiot Clintons - 7 years ago
Idiots and Addicts.

30. comment for World's Biggest Shark EVER! Megalodon

Ugandan Knuckles
Ugandan Knuckles - 7 years ago
Plot twist: It was the dunkelostuos that killed of megalodons
Kim Sturgis
Kim Sturgis - 7 years ago
ok, the lady holding tooth was determined FAKE! Also, why does anybody want to see or hear this jerk with an idiotic Hat on?
H20undertale Lover
H20undertale Lover - 7 years ago
Ppl make this stuff up gosh
Jason Duey
Jason Duey - 7 years ago
A shark that big taking finns off? Lol HOLY BALLS BATMAN!!
Philippe Virgili
Philippe Virgili - 7 years ago
isabella Highriver
isabella Highriver - 7 years ago
everytime i hear about big sharks i cant even look its si scarey
Bianca Miller
Bianca Miller - 7 years ago
I asked my dad what is the biggest shark in shark history and he said the megladon so must be real
michael White
michael White - 7 years ago
Not to shore it was the baddest the giant crocodile preyed on dinosaurs and it was huge
Sizwe Ndlanzi
Sizwe Ndlanzi - 7 years ago
Extinct because of the "white man"!
Humairah Aira
Humairah Aira - 7 years ago
I don't Give a rats ass
I don't Give a rats ass - 7 years ago
This guy is a total moron lol. Back in the dinosaur age the earth was much warmer. Then came the ice age the supposed reason for many of these animals extinction. Not Global Warming!!! This clown must work for CNN the Clown News Network Bwaaa hahaha. .
Erik Gonzalez
Erik Gonzalez - 7 years ago
need to start mating
super man
super man - 7 years ago
1 left in the world
Lovett Ruiz
Lovett Ruiz - 7 years ago
UGKisback - 7 years ago
36 million fucking views? i should make wildlife videos
Brian Roche
Brian Roche - 7 years ago
Megalodons are still a live
MsCppnpa - 7 years ago
I think megaladon still exist we haven't explored some parts of the ocean so I think they are still there.
Sims 3 Forever Dude
Sims 3 Forever Dude - 7 years ago
Alright I was scrollin through the comments and a lot of people say Megalodon is still alive, while a lot of other people say Megalodon is extinct. I take a differing opinion. I think it's both and here's why. We've only explored 3% of the ocean, and most likely less than 3%, meaning the other 97% is still completely unexplored. There have been reported sightings of very large and very long Sharks, much, much longer and larger than any known living Shark species today, and some teeth are way more recent than millions of years ago, so it makes sense that it's still alive, and another thing. It has been proven, that we actually know much less about our own oceans, than we do about outer space, so we really don't have a direct answer. Megalodon is the King of Predators. Or is it????? Even though Whales moved on, Megalodon literally had a million other things to eat in the ocean, so scratch food loss off the list, and while the climate did change, Megalodon could've evolved to adapt to the new climate changes, so scratch that off the list, but then, how did the Megalodon to extinct?????? Most likely, IF AND ONLY IF Megalodon is extinct, it would be because some unknown Super Predator of absolutely colossal unimaginable size killed off the Megalodon. That's the true answer for you all. Full disclosure: There is no proof of its existence nor is there proof of them being extinct.
SillierCell Elite
SillierCell Elite - 6 years ago
Sims 3 Forever Dude Amen ,yo should have a million likes
Jenny Berger
Jenny Berger - 7 years ago
TheBatmeme368 the reason why lots of megalodon teeth are small is because they died as juveniles most megalodon would have died young because great whites have a 70% chance of not making it to its first birthday if you put these factors in an adult megalodon would be 70 feet long and a 70ft great white will weigh 105 tonnes megalodon couldn’t go into colder climates because it had a lot of muscle mass and not a lot of fat so it would be a bit heavier around 110 tonnes on average
Jenny Berger
Jenny Berger - 7 years ago
It’s not up to us to prove that Megalodon is extinct it is up to them to prove it isn’t extinct first
TheBatmeme368 - 7 years ago

No teeth have been sighted near present day, at best, AT BEST, Megalodon died out tens of thousands of years ago.
Also, large Whale Sharks could probably get to an "average" Megalodon's size, the largest Megalodon tooth is 7+ inches while an "average" white tooth is 2 inches, so about 3.75 times longer, so the average of a White Shark's length multiplied by 3.75 is about 17 metres, however, it's Rae to find a Megalodon tooth more than five inches long, so a large Megalodon would "only" be about 11 metres in length,which would yield a mass of 32 tonnes, keep in mind this is a large Megalodon, so Whale Sharks, and possibly even Basking Sharks could be mistaken for a Megalodon from a bad point of view.

And, there isn't a large enough food source to sustain a 20+ tonne Megalodon, not unless there were Whales around... What would it eat? Tuna?

Also, Giant Squid is out of the question, as Megalodon doesn't have the protective blubber that a Sperm Whale has to defend against a Squid of that size. Not that it would lose, but it would lead to some injuries.

Also, an apex predator wouldn't go unnoticed for that long, it's an important part of the ecosystem...

Oh, and a predator that would totally eclipse even the largest Megalodon's in size would have to feed off of Blue Whales EVERY DAY. That's not happening, Megalodon wouldn't eat Whales of that size daily. That would shift the entire food chain.
mohammed khalander
mohammed khalander - 7 years ago
Dude, if there is a video of the Bigggest shark caught please pop it up
TheRealSlick - 7 years ago
Stop, just for the love of god, stop

50. comment for World's Biggest Shark EVER! Megalodon

Lucy Cooper
Lucy Cooper - 7 years ago
FAKE FAKE FAKE but could be real......
Harl Mctrusty
Harl Mctrusty - 7 years ago
The only skull the megalodon couldn't crush is Calum houldsworths
OWEN STEVENS - 7 years ago
Андрей Зубро
Андрей Зубро - 7 years ago
мегалодоны вымерли. все фото фейки.
Sara Sarwan
Sara Sarwan - 7 years ago
JordanB - 7 years ago
This guy's voice, combined with that dumb hat, and editing of this video, made me lose my erection completely.
cindy eyeoftheangel le marinel
cindy eyeoftheangel le marinel - 7 years ago
It's jaws son but he fucked poor Megi off cos he was ashamed of him being over weight and chomping on cod bars. Jaws always said Megi made shamu look like a tictac cos of huge size. but to me he'll always be fat and fabulous.
Story Lava
Story Lava - 7 years ago
Is it possible that you're a pothead? Your eyes are all bloodshot bro. I love it. 420 everyday
Patrick Moore
Patrick Moore - 7 years ago
holy s*** its frickin'strong
OLD MAN Chiaf - 7 years ago
Fake just like CNN
Nosheen Aslam
Nosheen Aslam - 7 years ago
ok who is a retard to think the megalodon still exists it is older than the dinasaurs how would it live and if it did we would lose a lot more whales and would have non
Yuya Sakaki
Yuya Sakaki - 7 years ago
One of us don't know that Megalodon still exist .. Because me and my Friends we're 5-6 there on the Yate . And my Very young friend fall And he scream We quickly get him until megalodon showed eating a Big Whale .. Do You Believe ?
Bitupon Lahon
Bitupon Lahon - 7 years ago
very nice video
Terror Tiger
Terror Tiger - 7 years ago
I have a megladon tooth
ItzMeMia :3
ItzMeMia :3 - 7 years ago
Tangiia Unu
Tangiia Unu - 7 years ago
extinct for Millions of years? they would of evolved into something totally different
what a load of SHHIIIIIIT
MarlonMax - 7 years ago
fuck you .
路人2 - 7 years ago
0:51 1:01
must fake
Adam j Raja
Adam j Raja - 7 years ago
Megladon Is 100% Dinosaur Heritage, Same as Giant Anacondas & Mega Crocodiles (prehistoric & Deadly)
James Leonard
James Leonard - 7 years ago
What is it with you tube channels like this! And the dick heads that on them
PLATOON72 - 7 years ago
Clickbait picture ➡ dislike and fuck you.
Raj Nair
Raj Nair - 7 years ago
this moron has a million subs...somebody drown me in an empty well pls
LALO DEIVE - 8 years ago
Damian DoUrden
Damian DoUrden - 8 years ago
when will you idiot people stop putting pictures on your opening that are not in your video fake
bas toni
bas toni - 8 years ago
Maggot of slipknot
Maggot of slipknot - 8 years ago
it is completely plasable that megoledon still is alive today animal planet did a show or two about it the evidence they showed was quite convincing I recommend it highly
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
If you are referring to the mockumentaries Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives (2013) and Megalodon: The New Evidence (2014) then, rest assured, they're a load of twaddle with regards to evidence. It was all made up for entertainment purposes.
Keadriah Butler
Keadriah Butler - 8 years ago
so there all dead is this video real
Howard Stone
Howard Stone - 8 years ago
don't want to see one.
Pedagogiadogame - 8 years ago
(1:21) esse esqueleto não parece ser de um peixe
gta 5 master
gta 5 master - 8 years ago
megaldons could be still living
meta527II - 8 years ago
Do they attack ships? Because our family is planning on going on one of those Disney cruise ships sometime this Summer and I don't want to worry about these monsters threatening us.
Karmatt ycddeddreedzsss Hardyn t
Karmatt ycddeddreedzsss Hardyn t - 8 years ago
So cool
jose Toscano
jose Toscano - 8 years ago
bro you're full of shit and your stats are all wrong
Sofiane Muller
Sofiane Muller - 8 years ago
decline survey universe balance related gather parking blow deer nonetheless.
Luna The The Fox O///O :3
Luna The The Fox O///O :3 - 8 years ago
I know why they are not here the water got cold so they died
BuragoANime - 8 years ago
Megalodon is 50 tons and blue whales weighs 150 tons....
Sims 3 Forever Dude
Sims 3 Forever Dude - 8 years ago
You guys think the Megalodon is scary? Well have I got a story for you. Several years ago, my family and I were out in the Pacific Ocean. We were so far out that you couldn't see the bottom of the Ocean. We saw some bubbles in the distance. Our boat guide had been exploring these waters for years. He was excited. These bubbles came from 10-15 Blue Whales, however, coming up from the depths, was an absolutely enormous Whale that, I kid you not, was big enough and capable of swallowing whole steamships alive. The 10-15 Blue Whales scattered as fast as possible. No joke, this Whale was 25 times the size of a Blue Whale, or 5,000 tons. And 5,000 feet long. Our boat guide said he's been to that exact spot for years, and had never seen any creature that big, ever. When this giant toothed Whale came up, we sped out of there as quickly as possible. I kid you not, those of us in the back of the boat were literally inside the Whale's mouth as it chased us back to shore. When we finally reached the reef, that's when this Whale gave up and quickly retreated back into the depths. This story is 100% true. I'd have no reason to lie about something like this. Unfortunately, we didn't tell anyone of importance because we didn't want hoaxes getting out there, or fake sightings. We didn't even take a picture of it. This Whale is what would've killed off Megalodon, as it was 50 times the size of a Megalodon. It's useless to look this Whale up because, again we didn't tell anyone of importance because we didn't want hoaxes getting out there or any fake sightings. This story is, I promise you, 100% true. And if you don't believe me, then wait until we invent time travel, and I'll take you back to the exact day and time.
Fallout King 987
Fallout King 987 - 6 years ago
First Name Last Name you don’t get it do you it’s a joke like how sims 3 said that he saw a 5000 ton whale
Loptikeye - 6 years ago
First Name Last Name
First Name Last Name - 7 years ago
josh messier lies....
josh messier
josh messier - 7 years ago
The other day I was taking a bath (I usually take a shower as it's quicker) and I was horrified and dismayed when a megalodon appeared in front of my feet. It was so big that it could probably have swallowed Sims 3 Forever 5000 tons whale whole. That was the biggest shark I had every seen although the sharks in parliament are far more dangerous. This story is completely true (especially the last part).
Anthonymax Flynn
Anthonymax Flynn - 7 years ago
i think its either a leviathan whale that survived the mass exinction, or its an alien that looks like a whale,or, i don't know what drugs your on.
Jenny Berger
Jenny Berger - 7 years ago
Sims 3 Forever Dude how did you know how heavy it is next time don’t say that people won’t fall for it then
eternal Playz
eternal Playz - 7 years ago
Sims 3 Forever No
Jenny Berger
Jenny Berger - 7 years ago
I’m surprised that people are taking this seriously you know it is not real and you know others know it is not real and your joking some people though
Roger Sayer
Roger Sayer - 7 years ago
Are you high
TheBatmeme368 - 7 years ago
Sims 3 Forever Dude Uh, yeah, a 5,000 tonne predator would have to feed off of at least a half dozen Blue Whales daily, sending them, and it, extinct...
peter papadimitriou
peter papadimitriou - 8 years ago
very cool thanks for that
Nemwot Fanizet
Nemwot Fanizet - 8 years ago
Rocky Lopze
Rocky Lopze - 8 years ago
Heey Frienddsss I Have Founddddd Workinggg Online Hacck visittttt : -
Jerome juguilon
Jerome juguilon - 8 years ago
Mariella Pfirsch
Mariella Pfirsch
Mariella Pfirsch - 8 years ago
Frozz Gaming
Frozz Gaming - 8 years ago
Jacob walters megalodon has been in 25million years
BronwynSP06 - 8 years ago
I know where that Statue is at the Start. Its in a Museum in New Zealand, In New Plymouth, and there's a Tooth there as well
David Fuglseth
David Fuglseth - 8 years ago
oh my god
Edith Fisher
Edith Fisher - 8 years ago
Eliyahu Yosef
Eliyahu Yosef - 8 years ago
Ocean City, MD in the background :)
Christie Willey
Christie Willey - 8 years ago
I suppose your an expert on this now?
Christie Willey
Christie Willey - 8 years ago
Please forgive typos,with all the commas the keys on the smaller,iPads are just to close.
Christie Willey
Christie Willey - 8 years ago
How,do,you,put up,with the vulgar remarks like the one below,about the penis. Why don't you just delete it?
Christie Willey
Christie Willey - 8 years ago
Marcus Griffith - by the way I do enjoy your flog. But pronunciation always gets to me,no matter who it is. We all have our idiosyncrasies like pronunciation and not eating broken cookies. lol
Christie Willey
Christie Willey - 8 years ago
Marcus Griffith - is that you in the picture? I have been trying to,find out who. There is someone,that looks exactly,like,him or his him and always seems to know,everything,about whatever is trending. I am sorry things have been hard excepting I can't do much of any thing being disabled, my husband is disabled with COPD and my youngest son had a complete nervous breakdown. I am,sorry I took it out on you. I am truly sorry but every thing seem to just build,up and I needed to vent. Yes I have medication but I hate to take pills all the time. It is bad enough I have to take pain medication because insurance for a 62 year old will not pay for a,pain devise,that would control the,pain without the need for pills and I certainly can't afford it. I hope you understand. Would you please accept my apology and I won't bother you anymore. But I really would like,to know,the name of the person in the picture??? PLease???
Marcus Griffith
Marcus Griffith - 8 years ago
Christie Willey
Sofaimalo Atanoa
Sofaimalo Atanoa - 8 years ago
jacob walters
jacob walters - 8 years ago
The earth is only 6000 years old so its kind of strange that this shark hasnt been around for millions of years. Stupid people out there.
Abdul Kassim
Abdul Kassim - 8 years ago
Hi hi hi
L Yh
L Yh - 8 years ago
I don't believe in that magolodon is still alive

100. comment for World's Biggest Shark EVER! Megalodon

Ashlyn - 8 years ago
The beginning of the Video, he looks as if he is lip sinking it's cringe
Dark Conqueror of the Noble Lands
Dark Conqueror of the Noble Lands - 8 years ago
It Means Mega Tooth not Big tooth , Dumbass
Kiki Pinkos
Kiki Pinkos - 8 years ago
Bombs in the water autocorectt
Kiki Pinkos
Kiki Pinkos - 8 years ago
Or the bobs in the water
Imfromfuture - 8 years ago
Would you, just please, say the, sentence, in one, go please.
Rod Parry
Rod Parry - 8 years ago
Killua Zoldyck
Earl Edwards
Earl Edwards - 8 years ago
Visit Twitter website @freddythefreel1 Brief about subliminal suggestion and conspiracy tactics that came into the civilian sector as of 35 years ago. Take up collection for the author, me.
Amy Miller
Amy Miller - 8 years ago
thats in ocean citty Maryland
Kendrick Rollins
Kendrick Rollins - 8 years ago
I thought I saw one before, then I just realized it was my penis
I don't Give a rats ass
I don't Give a rats ass - 7 years ago
+Georgie Galaxy Bwaaa hahaha. .
JJRRsv 78
JJRRsv 78 - 8 years ago
Kendrick Rollins rude but cool
Georgie Galaxy
Georgie Galaxy - 8 years ago
So it's extinct and dead now
Younggunz - 8 years ago
Kendrick Rollins you wish
Doua Xiong
Doua Xiong - 8 years ago
Jan Chircop
Kendrick Rollins
Kendrick Rollins - 8 years ago
What im telling the truth
Jan Chircop
Jan Chircop - 8 years ago
Kendrick Rollins gubhbkJjr o .us
Julio M
Julio M - 8 years ago
Kendrick Rollins fucking puto
Mark Davis
Mark Davis - 8 years ago
Master mewtwo Mew2
Master mewtwo Mew2 - 8 years ago
I know how it got Extinct!!!it live from begging of dinosaurs to ice age!!!the problem was that it was warm blooded so
In the ice age it was harder to get food!!!
fakhre alam
fakhre alam - 8 years ago
Master mewtwo Mew2 right
Kaneki Ken
Kaneki Ken - 8 years ago
if Megalodon is real all of us are dead
HorseLover horses
HorseLover horses - 7 years ago
there is a bigger shark 10x a megladon i aint telling the name cos i want to see if ppl are not idiots and know ive been through every comment and no one knows for sure that it is no way the biggest and i know the truth
Snow Ball
Snow Ball - 8 years ago
If it is real, do you know the odds of it killing someone? Highly, highly unlikely.
Kaneki Ken
Kaneki Ken - 8 years ago
I was talking about like the beach or something so shut up
john gabriel enolva
john gabriel enolva - 8 years ago
the megalodon cant walk on land IDIOt
Levi Nathan Dedase
Levi Nathan Dedase - 8 years ago
Is Megalodon Still Exist?
joe calderon
joe calderon - 8 years ago
he's so hot
Aiden Timmons
Aiden Timmons - 8 years ago
That's ocean city Maryland in the background in the beginning
Blacktahoe DMan
Blacktahoe DMan - 8 years ago
I think their still around maybe not as much, but we know more about the moon than our oceans, we know more about the stars and space than we know about our own damn planet.
Justice Davis
Justice Davis - 8 years ago
Scott Shubert
Scott Shubert - 8 years ago
they are out there.
Jessica Marie Saunders
Jessica Marie Saunders - 8 years ago
I hate sharks
DodzgamingNooB baToy
DodzgamingNooB baToy - 8 years ago
Anonymous Guy
Anonymous Guy - 8 years ago
Thats one huge bastard.
Rafael Umana
Rafael Umana - 8 years ago
35 million views and less than a million subs?
Chris Gerber
Chris Gerber - 8 years ago
This was a stupid video.
Dominic Cusson
Dominic Cusson - 8 years ago
then fuck you Chris Gerber
xDrDeathx 607
xDrDeathx 607 - 8 years ago
Your more stupid then the video
COCA COLA :D - 8 years ago
lookinforthelightful - 8 years ago
COCA COLA :D cause the public are retarded
Randy Edwards
Randy Edwards - 8 years ago
Chris Gerber bass fishing
COCA COLA :D - 8 years ago
if this was a stupid video how this video get over 35 millions views ?
Ossi Vuori
Ossi Vuori - 8 years ago
+Chris Gerber What do you mean by that,
Chris Gerber
Chris Gerber - 8 years ago
+Ossi Vuori you are still very dense.
Ossi Vuori
Ossi Vuori - 8 years ago
+Chris Gerber In the video there was nothing about it not being real. It was/is real.
Chris Gerber
Chris Gerber - 8 years ago
+Ossi Vuori you're really dense. They say that megalodon didn't exist. If we fossils about it, how did it not exist?
Ossi Vuori
Ossi Vuori - 8 years ago
Shark Fan Forever
Shark Fan Forever - 8 years ago
Allena Roy Basak
Allena Roy Basak - 8 years ago
EXTINCT or not I am not going in open sea. That's a STRICT no no
fire flame
fire flame - 8 years ago
Do you know that to days scientists think the megaldon might be another spices of sea creature because they could only find a tooth of the enormous creature but in to days scientist have found another tooth which dose not match a sharks tooth so it's possible that the megalodon could be a inter new spices. (Sorry about spelling I'm horrible at spelling)
CLEAN WITH ME! - 8 years ago
megalodons were extint, extint things can't come back dimwit
fakhre alam
fakhre alam - 8 years ago
erindlz some do
E.A.G 65
E.A.G 65 - 8 years ago
but some do
Yakko Walls
Yakko Walls - 8 years ago
The megalodon is cute :D !!
Kurtis Allen
Kurtis Allen - 8 years ago
takara daley
takara daley - 8 years ago
i belive that they still ecsest i love SHARKS
Sans Bones
Sans Bones - 8 years ago
actually the strongest bite belonged to the Dunkleosteus
Deadly Gaming
Deadly Gaming - 8 years ago
Megalodons are probably still living far way in the ocean thinking that there is way more fish out there
Robert Strobel
Robert Strobel - 8 years ago
I'm not sure if that bigger one is around anymore but I seen more than three pictures of shark much bigger than a regular great white shark.The pictures I'm talking are incredible because of the size of the sharks.Some the people sat on the back of the shark & their feet were at least four feet from the beach.Also the length of that shark was shocking it was so loge then the orca whale in the movie Orca.
L Yh
L Yh - 8 years ago
Deadly Gaming you shut up magolodon (is) dead
fenggo xu
fenggo xu - 8 years ago
Deadly Gaming
COCA COLA :D - 8 years ago
they are dead*
COOL FISH poop - 8 years ago
Arcadego.7 2
Arcadego.7 2 - 8 years ago
jake keys fit sam
jake keys fit sam - 8 years ago
yes me to megalodon is big 70fits
StoleYourGem - 8 years ago
It's so fake it's stupid
Michael ciardullo
Michael ciardullo - 8 years ago
I bet u there still alive sitting at the bottom of the ocean cause we only now 5% of the oceans animals
Physicorum est valde This is Latin
Physicorum est valde This is Latin - 8 years ago
+MLG John Cena Wrong they're.
MLG John Cena
MLG John Cena - 8 years ago
No the're f*cking dead
Physicorum est valde This is Latin
Physicorum est valde This is Latin - 8 years ago
Wrong the'yre
jen hughes
jen hughes - 8 years ago
holey cow
Josh Perez
Josh Perez - 8 years ago
et went extinct species because of global warming
samantha maass
samantha maass - 8 years ago
Sure this is so fake look at it its not reality people
BlueGamercsU - 8 years ago
You never know Megaladons could still be alive there is probably on 2 left in the depths of the water
Emergency Drawings1302
Emergency Drawings1302 - 8 years ago
Why does his face look familiar?
XxFaboLordXx fair
XxFaboLordXx fair - 8 years ago
you never know if the megalodon is still alive theres part of the ocean we havent been in
melody villa
melody villa - 8 years ago
Megalodon Doesent Exist Now It Existed From The Start Of Earth/Our Lives... I Think.
Kerri Monteith
Kerri Monteith - 8 years ago
It's b coz it's the only biggest creche in this world
Saquil Edwards
Saquil Edwards - 8 years ago
look there not alive so I was wondering if our dumb
Ryan Lange
Ryan Lange - 8 years ago
Megaladon swallows blue whales you idiot
David Rojas
David Rojas - 8 years ago
sharks dont eat us if wont mess with it
David Rojas
David Rojas - 8 years ago
its not a real meglodon in the picture
kirsty fisher
kirsty fisher - 8 years ago
One of those are jaws
Justin Fuller Jr
Justin Fuller Jr - 8 years ago
oh I'm on dis side of YouTube
Tony Liang
Tony Liang - 8 years ago
the guy looks stone as shit. red eyes
Sharod Brown
Sharod Brown - 8 years ago
herobrine destroyer HD
herobrine destroyer HD - 8 years ago
the megladon had a bite of 18.2 tons of force
Jonas 7185
Jonas 7185 - 8 years ago
This is so fake
Katie Hart
Katie Hart - 8 years ago
I don't believe it exists now
Katie Hart
Katie Hart - 8 years ago
I don't believe it exists but I do believe it existed millions of years ago
Jeanne Igao
Jeanne Igao - 8 years ago
it went extinct because it's too big!!!!!!
ana-maria Caulea
ana-maria Caulea - 8 years ago
No food left
xavihus2 xivihus2
xavihus2 xivihus2 - 8 years ago
wasn't it more related to mako???
Noreljohn Quintal
Noreljohn Quintal - 8 years ago
lol me too I'm scared now
Osama BM
Osama BM - 8 years ago
Sea levels rise and whales traveled in cold water it is hard to get food for the Megladon
kaitlyn jenkins
kaitlyn jenkins - 8 years ago
I still wont go in the sea
Pug in a Mug
Pug in a Mug - 8 years ago
maybe this is what ate the 9 foot great white off the aussie coast
Pug in a Mug
Pug in a Mug - 8 years ago
+Hi im scorpio im sorry but who said ur opinion was right? exactly! no one knows so we could both be wrong or one of us is right ok?
Scyte - 8 years ago
Nope the 9 foot great white shark is also eaten by a bigger great white
Jasper Symonds
Jasper Symonds - 8 years ago
there is a meglodon but just1 it's called black devil
Sidney Mathious
Sidney Mathious - 8 years ago
I hope it don't exist as it could come up from the deep with the oceans being poisoned, to look for food.
Crispiest crouton
Crispiest crouton - 8 years ago
its known to be extinct since it was a prehistoric in the dinosaur times
Huzaifa Imran
Huzaifa Imran - 8 years ago
is there a omegaladon
Echoes Of A Lone Wolf
Echoes Of A Lone Wolf - 8 years ago
now you know folks that this is why I'm staying away from the deep end of the ocean
lost gaming Angel
lost gaming Angel - 8 years ago
Which was the first shark
Nazareth Estrada
Nazareth Estrada - 8 years ago
megaldadon isnt bigger thrn the big daddy
Razzy Kazzy
Razzy Kazzy - 8 years ago
No shit sherlock
Ryan A
Ryan A - 8 years ago
Hey frankie go to the sun and get burned to hell
The Greasy Strangler
The Greasy Strangler - 8 years ago
Crikey mate
sizar majzoub
sizar majzoub - 8 years ago
good vedio
Lena Dlllem
Lena Dlllem - 8 years ago
Здравствуйте уважаемы
Huber Hacker
Huber Hacker - 8 years ago
You suck
Pikachu Lover
Pikachu Lover - 8 years ago
Pikachu Lover
Pikachu Lover - 8 years ago
Coltyn10 Gaming
Coltyn10 Gaming - 8 years ago
I believe
RudiAlvesChannel - 8 years ago
toma no cu todos
Michelle Olaithe
Michelle Olaithe - 8 years ago
I believe that the megaledon still egsists and lives deep deep down in the ocean leave a like or a replie if you think it's true too!
COCA COLA :D - 8 years ago
reply* not replie
Anthony Caporicci
Anthony Caporicci - 8 years ago
Hey  Michelle check out the Brazilian coast guard video they just might have caught a Megalodon let me know what you think?
Jenny Murfitt
Jenny Murfitt - 8 years ago
your prediction is true it down there:)
Truman Yingling
Truman Yingling - 8 years ago
I think its not extinct either
Truman Yingling
Truman Yingling - 8 years ago
I think its not extinct either
NidaBulotaite - 8 years ago
i thinks its true
NidaBulotaite - 8 years ago
i thinks its true
Master Gamer
Master Gamer - 8 years ago
I do
KaiZGaming - 8 years ago
+AquaDox Millions of years fishes moved to the cold waters some say they dont like cold water so they died
AquaDox - 8 years ago
It lived in warmer waters so that theory is debunked
Roxy Trickster
Roxy Trickster - 8 years ago
Jadjohn Gaming
Jadjohn Gaming - 8 years ago
Megalodon may still be alive because we only explored the ocean 5% (MY OPINION) im 9 years old just in case someone cursed on me
Anna Rapp
Anna Rapp - 8 years ago
" extinct"... I still won't go in the ocean
Adam j Raja
Adam j Raja - 7 years ago
Anna Rapp NOT DAMN instinct enough for me either Lol
a girl
a girl - 8 years ago
Penelope Loza
Penelope Loza - 8 years ago
Me too.
Freddy The Fisherman
Freddy The Fisherman - 8 years ago
im so glad its extinct
henry Kasirye malcom
henry Kasirye malcom - 7 years ago
Freddy The Fisherman because your a surfer
Plushbro 123
Plushbro 123 - 8 years ago
Umm aren't there one that's bigger then a megladon the mosasaurus
TheRealBitterbub - 8 years ago
First off, it's not a shark. Secondly, they reached a maximum length of 18.3 meters, aka 60 feet. Megalodons reached lengths longer than this.
ツShawn - 8 years ago
+Cass Bunch
thats not a shark
William Ward
William Ward - 8 years ago
A megalodon is exstinted because it's a dinosaur
Isaac Moring
Isaac Moring - 8 years ago
Wasn't the Megalodon extincted?
Erikboyz - 8 years ago
yay I'm the 802,151th subscriber
turbo turret
turbo turret - 8 years ago
the shark is real
josh messier
josh messier - 7 years ago
Stephanie Green No they don't because sharks have cartilage in lieu of bones and that stuff is organic and is always eaten away by bacteria before it can fossilize. All we have from the Megalodon are its teeth and a few vertebres. They don't really know what it looked like although they have made guesses based on the fact that its teeth resemble those of great white sharks.
Svenshine - 8 years ago
yeah, big fucking teeth is horrible proof. Just like Dinosaur bones are bad proof.
Stephanie Green
Stephanie Green - 8 years ago
dont they have skeletons of the Megalodon?
bluewoodforest gamma
bluewoodforest gamma - 8 years ago
the shark was never real in the first place they don't have good proof they have bad proof.
Guavs boy
Guavs boy - 8 years ago
I know
pikachu cute
pikachu cute - 8 years ago
like my videos in the future
pikachu cute
pikachu cute - 8 years ago
iuyt no
Zak Hughes
Zak Hughes - 8 years ago
You definetely have to be one of the most annoying humans I think any of us will ever see. Im glad I got that outta the way this early in my life
Zak Hughes
Zak Hughes - 8 years ago
Get ur weird ass outta the video and get a friend or someone else to voice the narration... fuckin annoying hahaha
DoubleOJ - 8 years ago
Um, actually the closest living shark to a megalodon shark, is a sleeper shark.
Its smaller then the blue whale, and the megalodon
دينية - 8 years ago
Tomas cz
Tomas cz - 8 years ago
is fake
ツShawn - 8 years ago
+iR2bMLG 99 the fossils have been found
iR2bMLG 99
iR2bMLG 99 - 8 years ago
+Shawn ツ anything is possible
ツShawn - 8 years ago
+Tomas cz
kid, this is real,
they're just extinct now
Lawrence Jeffrey Carbos
Lawrence Jeffrey Carbos - 8 years ago
+Tomas cz Do You Have Any Proof That It Is Fake? I Mean With The Fossils And Tooth
Josh hay pat and jen Lowery
Josh hay pat and jen Lowery - 8 years ago
it is in the bottm of the sea
Croakore - 8 years ago
If I was alive when that shark was alive I would pay whatever amount of money I had to, to get bit by it.
joseph alequin
joseph alequin - 8 years ago
megladon these nuts
waboem - 8 years ago
AquaDox - 8 years ago
+Eduard Snijders take in to concept the parts where it can't live and the chance is smaller. Plus. It's a warm water shark and it would have been spotted at the surface.
waboem - 8 years ago
90% of ocean is unexplored so 90% chance it does
XxcluZion - 8 years ago
It doesn't
Stay Fatty
Stay Fatty - 8 years ago
And do you have any proof?
Kian Vargas
Kian Vargas - 8 years ago
+megaphilobeddoe HOLY CRAP!! Over 34,000,000 views
Kian Vargas
Kian Vargas - 8 years ago
A megalodon is bigger than a ship :o
Kian Vargas
Kian Vargas - 8 years ago
The megalodon is bigger than a ship :o
Yagamiza - 8 years ago
c'est faut
Aa - 8 years ago
Come on , gimme a break , you take a cool video and turn it into crap by slipping in the BS global warming scam!
Outta here!
gugeyewalker - 8 years ago
+Abuser abuser lol
Aa - 8 years ago
First of all I'm not ranting , just schooling , big difference.
And you're a veteran , well then you should pay more attention to the signs that our world is being run by psychopaths that are not just happy with enslaving humanity , but ultimately want us all dead.
gugeyewalker - 8 years ago
+Abuser abuser Youre ranting about an airhead's use of words regarding an extinct fish lol get out more. my excuse is am sitting in va clinic...waiting
Aa - 8 years ago
Buzz words that solicit a knee jerk reaction in me.
I'm tired of the BS the media tries to cram down my throat.
They always inject a lie into their propaganda to condition people to embrace their enslavement.
gugeyewalker - 8 years ago
+Abuser abuser no he was referring to why it went extinct. he probably just meant to say climate change or global cooling.
Aa - 8 years ago
No , the narrator was speaking about current times when he mentioned global warming.
gugeyewalker - 8 years ago
+Abuser abuser Dont be silly, we're talking 10's pf millions of years ago. Besides it was more likely to be global cooling that did them in.
Vicky Dawson
Vicky Dawson - 8 years ago
Cool bro
Landen Montallegro
Landen Montallegro - 8 years ago
That look lip synced
Rollin D
Rollin D - 8 years ago
Rollin D
Rollin D - 8 years ago
WORLD of GAMERS - 8 years ago
FrostFallon Fire
FrostFallon Fire - 8 years ago
Mosasaur is more awesome than him
cem batur kemikkiran
cem batur kemikkiran - 8 years ago
I thought we lost megaladons because of sea level lowered and they couldn t find enough space to hunt. Or it was some dinasour. Not sure. I need help here.
Swish Swish
Swish Swish - 8 years ago
man thats crazy
Johnny Cheng
Johnny Cheng - 8 years ago
global worming? ... million of years ago?... really ?
Fordson Bailey
Fordson Bailey - 8 years ago
I don't believe megldon is alive and i'm glad about it☺☺☺☺
Fordson Bailey
Fordson Bailey - 8 years ago
I don't believe megldon is alive and i'm glad about it☺☺☺☺
Alex White
Alex White - 8 years ago
in this video he said that they were almost as big as a blue whale but in the strange mysteries top 5 bigest animal mysteries he said the megaladon was much smaller
SycoTactician - 8 years ago
Yo what if some retarded scifi movie becomes real like we uncover some big ass megalodon
MegaPhiloBeddoe - 8 years ago
34 million views???...
Wan Abdul Rashid
Wan Abdul Rashid - 8 years ago
i dont know want to believe it or not
dsknight103113 - 8 years ago
bigset shark ever is the big daddy a preostoric shark
Game Dude lv 100
Game Dude lv 100 - 8 years ago
Stop Playing Fucking Hugry Shark Evo!! That game is fiction the big daddy is a fish not a shark!!! Get a Life!!
Prodigy Child
Prodigy Child - 8 years ago
+Darien Smith dunkleosteus
ListedFire /
ListedFire / - 8 years ago
You are a kid and a hungry shark player it is a Dunkleosteus
Neko Person
Neko Person - 8 years ago
Thank god they're dead!! -_-
LEGIT BOSS - 8 years ago
Only some megaladons are instinct but they died by cold waters a megaladon tooth was found to only be 10,000 years old and megaladons can live up to around 23 million years old....................WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tane Hickey
Tane Hickey - 8 years ago
how do you know that?
Lyandro Zosa
Lyandro Zosa - 8 years ago
No its the sleeper shark
Earl Edwards
Earl Edwards - 8 years ago
Alien alliance with Federals The Dulce Book by Branton Do NOT become anti government! Read intire.
Earl Edwards
Earl Edwards - 8 years ago
Mentality war's in effect with subliminal suggestion and conspiracy tactics intelligence sponsored 33 years of victimization for me. A civilian revolts in effect also by Mr Earl D Edwards Jr Get briefed Twitter website @freddythefreel1 briefing package. Alien's and Federal alliance. The Dulce Book (classified info leaks). Do NOT become anti government!
wendy thompson
wendy thompson - 8 years ago
this is real and amazing and I am so excitedly to be able to watch the clips
wendy thompson
wendy thompson - 8 years ago
this is real and amazing
wendy thompson
wendy thompson - 8 years ago
this is real and amazing
wendy thompson
wendy thompson - 8 years ago
this is real and amazing
Khaver Naveed
Khaver Naveed - 8 years ago
They became extinct coz of u r annoying video..
PartyJJ sy
PartyJJ sy - 8 years ago
you guys are stupid!
Prodigy Child
Prodigy Child - 8 years ago
+michael sy Why?
Brylen Pimentel
Brylen Pimentel - 8 years ago
Megalodon is my favorite shark too
Klaus Fronius
Klaus Fronius - 8 years ago
idiot ego show
Ryan A
Ryan A - 8 years ago
It died by meteor it lived when dinosaurs were here by when impact happened it cleared the water away
Frank Eeee
Frank Eeee - 8 years ago
we have a dumbo here
Pink Cave Spider
Pink Cave Spider - 8 years ago
The megalodon still exists! They are killer whales!
Andrew Young
Andrew Young - 8 years ago
way to go forest..ignore the the fact a killer whale is actually the largest of the dolphin family,and a mammal..
ツShawn - 8 years ago
stop not realizing a joke
Frank Eeee
Frank Eeee - 8 years ago
stop being dumb
fares milano
fares milano - 8 years ago
faker mather
Pb&j Astronaut
Pb&j Astronaut - 8 years ago
Millions of years ago? Hahaha global warming? Hahahhaha too funny. You should try to think critically for once instead of just believing empty propaganda
Joshua Delgado
Joshua Delgado - 8 years ago
ShaneD3488 - 8 years ago
95% of the ocean is unexplored they could still be out there among many other things that we don't know about.
KandT-Venture - 8 years ago
+ShaneD3488 I agree with you on the most. The caps have been recorded melting by all the stations around the Antarctica. I doubt all of them are on it and are playing as a team to scam everyone. I am most def positive that Russia and US are not going to play these games together. So, obviously this will cause temp changes due to rise in the seal level. Yes, the believe is that CO2 is the reason and we could be very much just as responsible as the nature. Although, planet has always changed temp levels and shapes of it's lands. I don't even understand why people don't see the changes in general. Even our beaches have become much smaller. It doesn't mean we all will die but those changes have been known to kill lots of big creatures. In reality, global warming did not change temps that much. Our winters used to be so much warmer and it has been different for the past few winters. We even called it global freezing as a joke because we had ice a few times. Not very common here.(More like, ice is not a thing here)
goatboy - 8 years ago
+ShaneD3488 Shane, I'm no conspiracy but. There may be a perfectly logical, sensible and believable explanation for them. But I have not read it any media that I give credence to. So....unless there's anything new? Have a good one.
ShaneD3488 - 8 years ago
+goatboyful It all has to do with the conditions in the atmosphere. It's a very simple explanation. I have no idea why people try to come up with complex theories for simple things such as this.
goatboy - 8 years ago
+ShaneD3488 Mate, I'm fifty years old and have been a plane spotter since I could lift my head. I can categorically tell you they are not common in the sky over my city. And no one ever mentions them in the media. Not once. Seriously, I have no reason to make this up.
ShaneD3488 - 8 years ago
+goatboyful You should also watch that video, it shows that long lasting contrails have been around since at least 1957. They are nothing new as some believe.
goatboy - 8 years ago
+ShaneD3488 Actually mate, I live in Perth, Australia and I've seen them as well in the last five or six years. No bullshit.
Aa - 8 years ago
I'm in my mid fifty's , I have a library of family photo albums that I inherited , with hundreds of photographs going back decades , even before the jet age , and not one of them has a picture of a chem trail in it.
Jet engine technology hasn't changed that much in general , at least on how it effects the atmosphere.
If anything they are more efficient.
The city I live in has an air force base , there have been airplanes flying over it every day that I have lived here , which is all my life.
No chem trails.
Chem trails are part of teraforming , weather modification , HAARP , weaponry ,
No , chem trails are real , they started in the mid ninety's.
But we're done here.
ShaneD3488 - 8 years ago
+Abuser abuser Well I don't believe in any of that, so I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree...and chemtrails aren't real...they're condensation trails caused by water vapor that doesn't evaporate because of the level of humidity in the air. If the air is less humid they will disappear quickly, more humid and they stick around's simple really.
Aa - 8 years ago
I don't believe that , first of all the media is a propaganda tool for the global elite who want to usher in their NWO , who have made no secret they want to eradicate 90 % of the worlds population through their eugenics program , they have been proven over and over  and over again to be corupt , they kill ,  lie , cheat and steal.
Now why would I want to deceive myself and believe their media telling me man's activity is causing a PLANET!!!! to heat up.
When over 70% of the earths surface is covered in water , mans activity is going to sustain a temperature increase of trillions upon trillions upon trillions of gallons of water with the exhaust from the tailpipe of his car.
Not one mention of chem trails  in all this science you trust in , you omit that.
Yea , man pollutes , I'll give you that , but not enough to change the temperature of this huge heat sink called mother earth , let alone enough to sustain that increase.
Gimme a break.
ShaneD3488 - 8 years ago
+Abuser abuser It's not because of the sun, now it is debatable on whether it's a natural cycle the Earth is going through or not...however you would have to explain why the rise in temperature began at the same time as the start of major industrialization. Also there's the fact that CO2 levels are higher now than they have been in millions of years.
Aa - 8 years ago
The sun.
Not man.
ShaneD3488 - 8 years ago
+Abuser abuser Except the effects of it are already happening....2015 was the warmest year on record, guess what the second warmest year on record is....that's right...2014.
Aa - 8 years ago
Hand picked scientists to skew the data so the globalists can institute their carbon tax.

It's a scam!
ShaneD3488 - 8 years ago
+Abuser abuser It's not that absurd really, ocean life really is going to be in trouble in the next hundred years and beyond. Global warming is backed up by plenty of data. The U.S. is the only country that still has politicians that dispute it.
Aa - 8 years ago
Yea , but the sea life in that unexplored part of the ocean is dying due to the heat from your carbon foot print.
I know , sounds just as absurd as the global warming scam does.
Anayah Muniz
Anayah Muniz - 8 years ago
what a loser
Desmond Hastings
Desmond Hastings - 8 years ago
it is real
Cecilia Lui
Cecilia Lui - 8 years ago
Hunters killed that shark
Clara Kok
Clara Kok - 8 years ago
Magalodens eats whale than why are we not fing dead body's of whales
youarenttoosmart - 8 years ago
+Kok Clara we couldn't find a Malaysian airlines 747 in the ocean what makes you think we're gonna find bones
Clara Kok
Clara Kok - 8 years ago
+ShaneD3488how about bones
ShaneD3488 - 8 years ago
+Kok Clara Dead bodies in the ocean don't last long, same with any forest or jungle.
Emilie Shupe
Emilie Shupe - 8 years ago
no animal is bigger than the megaledonnot even a whale shark.
Teleportation Girl4554
Teleportation Girl4554 - 8 years ago
That's scary
Mr.hubbublub - 8 years ago
I ur gonna lip sink then do it good
christina arceno
christina arceno - 8 years ago
ChicaGoToHell 312
ChicaGoToHell 312 - 8 years ago
Bruh , do us a favor and just smoke up while you're filming, Would be awesome,
Masyn Williamson
Masyn Williamson - 8 years ago
I think megldon,s still igzist
wolfhowlin - 8 years ago
omg I was at that Ripleys Believe it or Not museum it is in Ocean City Maryland
Tina Snow
Tina Snow - 8 years ago
Mickey mouse
Luigi Conder
Luigi Conder - 8 years ago
Nice Music.
IA Khan
IA Khan - 8 years ago
Yeah really
SuperDooperFunTimeShow - 8 years ago
the only shark that's comes close to this shark is the ghost shark. that lives in the deepest part of the ocean and can come to the surface but is rare hit the name ghost shark.
Angela Bray
Angela Bray - 9 years ago
cool but i dont think megalodons exist any more :( :| :( ()-() :(
Jalal Kader
Jalal Kader - 9 years ago
if megaldon were real and we extorted one as a person it probaly wouldn't even want to eat us. the sive of us to a megaldon is like a jelly bean to a new born.
Josh Perez
Josh Perez - 8 years ago
it was real
Josh Perez
Josh Perez - 8 years ago
it was real not a joke
Mr Moustache
Mr Moustache - 8 years ago
You spastic!

It's spelt fucking Megalodon!
Jimmy Novak
Jimmy Novak - 8 years ago
+Stephen Ken Obane Megalondon
Mr Moustache
Mr Moustache - 8 years ago
No it isn't, it's Megalodon
Mr Moustache
Mr Moustache - 8 years ago
Unknown Guider
Unknown Guider - 8 years ago
A megalondon is real I think it was in 2.0 millions year ago maybe or I might exist in this year.
Jalal Kader
Jalal Kader - 9 years ago
sorry auto correct really messed me up on those senteces.
Leon Nation
Leon Nation - 9 years ago
oh I can do that to ugliest mom in the world MEGALADON
Diane Ramirez
Diane Ramirez - 8 years ago

qwn djeenen

e.e eae a
nmm. d ddndn
RAFAEL TORRES - 9 years ago
I'm a professional submarine pilot, and I can tell you, down there there's almost no life, just few small creatures... I dive few kilometers below the sea level. Who that fck would fill a daily diet of a 50 ton monster? Not deep down there, but close to the surface...So, if nobody saw that in the past decades, it's gone...
Jaicee Gomez
Jaicee Gomez - 9 years ago
Melissa Jackson
Melissa Jackson - 9 years ago
FUCK NO if a fucking megaladon bites me I fucking hate life then I would be like fuck you stupid dumb ass sharks fucking hell no that shark still live. Or does it. :|
instalite14 - 9 years ago
I wonder what test line you would need to reel one in?
vickthedealer - 9 years ago
It is friking extinct
อุทัย รัดถา
อุทัย รัดถา - 9 years ago
Bella Mccaugherty
Bella Mccaugherty - 9 years ago
looloogirl gt
looloogirl gt - 9 years ago
what the fuck
xFruityz - 9 years ago
i thoght apex was short
John Manzuki
John Manzuki - 9 years ago
Global warming? You mean climate change, or extreme weather? The words they use always change to try to scare people out of using carbon.
Game Time
Game Time - 9 years ago
Christopher Mcveigh
Christopher Mcveigh - 9 years ago
this was so cringy
PaulOverwatch - 9 years ago
why. do you talk. like this.
do u know da wei?
do u know da wei? - 7 years ago
just here to say that overwatch is cancer.
jose Toscano
jose Toscano - 8 years ago
Ved he is an idiot his size stats are wrong this is a lie
Ranjith Wijesinghe
Ranjith Wijesinghe - 8 years ago
Tаke аctiоn guys: usе this link ...befоre theу runs оut !! Links Hеre!! --- === !! Guidеs рlacccеd right here cоmmоnlу working. Wоrld s Biggest Shark ЕVЕR Меgаlodon
Soep Vork
Soep Vork - 8 years ago
cuz he's a lame a- hole
mr minecraft kid creeper pal! :O
mr minecraft kid creeper pal! :O - 8 years ago
I. Do. Not. Know.
TheDetailedMovie TDM
TheDetailedMovie TDM - 8 years ago
scummy cunt
LightningFury2 - 8 years ago
These tooth fossils. have been found. all over the... world
EpicPics - 8 years ago
Pfff, THIS is the biggest megalodon ever caught, click here (youtube video): #dDqM4R6wSQc
Anastasia Combs
Anastasia Combs - 8 years ago
Be. Cause. He is. Captain Kirk of. Course. ;) He's probably reciting what he wanted to say from memory. Remembering a word or two can. cause a lapse. in. words. being spoken. ;)
Rowindekrijger - 8 years ago
Rowindekrijger - 8 years ago
Idk maybe hè Thinks hè is cool of something
JesseJames - 8 years ago
hahaha funny as
YTMelroy - 9 years ago
Because. it is. very cool. m8.
stripcook - 9 years ago
why does this fucktard keep coming up on my screen!........wanna punch him in the throat
KILL JOY - 9 years ago
Im going wiyh the last thery
Joseph Peter
Joseph Peter - 9 years ago
Alter das sind so besondere tiere das mann sie liebe in rue lassen soll
ThisBoiThough - 9 years ago
There were 4 Megaladons a long time ago, 3 died, one remains, a mystery has BEGUN!!!
KorotheFox - 9 years ago
megalodon is a dinosaur
Bugs Bunny
Bugs Bunny - 9 years ago
XD someone is right
Dominick Banda
Dominick Banda - 9 years ago
wrong the dunkeleostius has the strongest bite, it wiss a whales skull like a kid squezzing juice out of a grape
Game Dude lv 100
Game Dude lv 100 - 8 years ago
Stop playing Hungry Shark Evo!!
Layla boyd
Layla boyd - 9 years ago
The mecldon is extinct idoit
judge villanueva
judge villanueva - 9 years ago
make bedtime vidz instead...dickhead..,,/,,
josiah kiddle
josiah kiddle - 9 years ago
it go instegsed becuse it eat to much peplo
Jr Maldonado
Jr Maldonado - 9 years ago
I got your megalodon right here! ;)
Mark Gentile
Mark Gentile - 9 years ago
just knowing that they existed at one time is amazing but maybe still around that's scary
The Wild
The Wild - 9 years ago
Love this channel, More wildlife and animal videos coming every Wednesday on my new channel, if you're a fellow animal lover feel free to subscribe!
Alexandra Nikki Guerrero
Alexandra Nikki Guerrero - 9 years ago
we have little proof that Megalodon existed
Matthew Noll
Matthew Noll - 9 years ago
I know where he's at ocean city Maryland
Kaitlyn Moessner
Kaitlyn Moessner - 9 years ago
I think it is true
Thanh Nguyen
Thanh Nguyen - 9 years ago
Because of the flippin dunkelosorous. I have bad spelling
Mick Dunn
Mick Dunn - 9 years ago
Mick Dunn
Mick Dunn - 9 years ago
B U L L S H I T ! ! !
mallarysangel - 8 years ago
Fossilized bullshit!
Michelle Olaithe
Michelle Olaithe - 8 years ago
What is bull-shit?
Moh The Pro 2
Moh The Pro 2 - 8 years ago
pikachu cute
pikachu cute - 8 years ago
Ryan A
Ryan A - 8 years ago
Bruh if you don't know live dinosaur time
Angela Bray
Angela Bray - 8 years ago
no >:(
Stitch's 1 fan forever
Stitch's 1 fan forever - 9 years ago
Yeah b u l l s h i t
Zuplayers - 9 years ago
Caracahs veio
CABRON 100% - 9 years ago
i don't like Shark
Lavender Girl
Lavender Girl - 9 years ago
the megalodon died by a bigger shark
Azzam Al qazi
Azzam Al qazi - 9 years ago
Guys let's just hope and pray that this creature is still extinct and there is no more
Alfonso SANCHEZ - 9 years ago
It is because the cold water
Maria Nolasco
Maria Nolasco - 9 years ago
It's too big
henryboy arizona
henryboy arizona - 9 years ago
And the Elephants fly!!!!
Katie Fitzpatrick
Katie Fitzpatrick - 9 years ago
Sara Contreras
Sara Contreras - 9 years ago
DubbledSkills | Gaming
DubbledSkills | Gaming - 9 years ago
bobsmelledtheshoe - 9 years ago
I think the megoladon is still out there
B.LW_ N17
B.LW_ N17 - 9 years ago
This guy is clearly a stoner... That thing on his lip is something you get when you wet the end of the blunt
S Paul Guitars
S Paul Guitars - 9 years ago
Did He really say global warming. LOL.
Bunny Man
Bunny Man - 9 years ago
Dang the ocean is scary
Müslüm Sivrikaya
Müslüm Sivrikaya - 9 years ago
John Dow
John Dow - 9 years ago
Global Warming "Bullsh*t. That word was invented by Svante Arrhenius in 1896 when fossil fuel started to be used then was forgotten about until the 1980's when tree huggers started using it for environmental protection. Later Governments seen they could make money out of it and spread propaganda thru the media, now we have a Carbon Tax. NASA has proven by planet ex-ray imagining the planet goes thru temperature highs and lows which we have just come out of the 1800's mini ice age. Don't forget the suns cycle is also 200,000 km closer to the earth which is causing a temporal change.

The picture of the jaws with the 5 scientist has also been proven to be wrong. It was cast by the size of one tooth but sharks teeth are different sizes and that wasn't taken into account in making the jaws. Meaning the Megalodon isn't as big as originally thought.
Elgus 114
Elgus 114 - 9 years ago
Fukushima's spill will turn them into fish & chips.....
Becki Pugh
Becki Pugh - 9 years ago
How the fuck do people knows these things existed in the first place! Not hating just impressed by science
Sienna Charlton
Sienna Charlton - 9 years ago
Fluffy Dasher
Fluffy Dasher - 9 years ago
this creature may have been mentioned in the bible
remember in the book of Jonah, when Jonah got swallowed up by a big fish? this may have been the fish, but went extinct from human hunting
Ventshe - 9 years ago
+Throttle Kitty exactly smh.
Max Poloski
Max Poloski - 9 years ago
+It Was I, Dio! could have been or the story was just bullshit
Alyce Capek
Alyce Capek - 9 years ago
+Alyce Capek though again it also depends what translation you read. e.g. being a sunday school kid it was always a whale, but then you read the story and it says fish. And another translation says creature. So theres no real direct answer as to what it was
Alyce Capek
Alyce Capek - 9 years ago
+Amelia & Oska It depends on which translation you fucktard. Theres more then one and the one i read from said a whale but i know NJKV says fish. Go tie your tubes idiot
Amelia & Oska
Amelia & Oska - 9 years ago
+Alyce Capek if thats what you think than you're an idiot
Throttle Kitty
Throttle Kitty - 9 years ago
This is just getting sad -.-
Alyce Capek
Alyce Capek - 9 years ago was a whale
Duncan ledesma
Duncan ledesma - 9 years ago
That fish might have been a dunkleostous
Duncan ledesma
Duncan ledesma - 9 years ago
SCIENCE!!! The megalodon was a prehistoric shark and are ancient ancestors of the modern great white shark, it existed millions of years ago and feeder on whales, dolphins, and other marine animals. We may never know if it actually went extinct, probably because we only explored 5% of the ocean. YEAH!!!
Its Brute
Its Brute - 9 years ago
I thought that was a whale
Ibarra Daniel
Ibarra Daniel - 9 years ago
Frankie Eubanks
Frankie Eubanks - 9 years ago
Eh who knows. That's what makes it interesting is the unknown. Far fetched maybe but what if it is still lingering? That's what still drives these uncertain videos. I guess it's up to each person to decide what they think the mystery is or isn't. I have commercially fished the worlds oceans for two decades. I have seen things I never thought possible. However I haven't seen anything close to what they imagine in this video. Possible? Maybe but I don't have a high certainty of it just on my experience. But hey prove me wrong on it cause it would be a great discovery if so.
Mohamad al marzooqi
Mohamad al marzooqi - 9 years ago
There is no chance it's lived so deep it's a surface hunter only if some type adaptation happened
Yazmine Arteaga
Yazmine Arteaga - 9 years ago
Yazmine Arteaga
Yazmine Arteaga - 9 years ago
gaming gamer
gaming gamer - 9 years ago
FAKE! megladons are extint
Martin Balleteros
Martin Balleteros - 9 years ago
Mega means big- Don means tooth it's name is bigtooth
LT CReep
LT CReep - 9 years ago
we all nkow
Gigli Ripa
Gigli Ripa - 9 years ago
I know that they still are alive and its a big fat FACT and I'm the smartest person in my family
Alex Dunphy
Alex Dunphy - 9 years ago
megalodons got extinct by cold water
Asha Jama
Asha Jama - 9 years ago
I thought Dunk

funny dolphin
funny dolphin - 9 years ago
it's bruce from nemo, he lost nemo so he's looking for him again
Mom I Found Nemo
Mom I Found Nemo - 9 years ago
It does 92% of the ocean wasn't discovered so yeah
Ellie May Higgins
Ellie May Higgins - 9 years ago
i dont think it still exists
Brandon Carliles
Brandon Carliles - 9 years ago
Why are people watching this kid go watch Brave Wilderness for some actual entertainment whiles still learning
juan garcia
juan garcia - 9 years ago
The megalodon still exist they remain hidden in deep deep water to never be able to be seen ever again
martell k
martell k - 9 years ago
La Seis S.L.
La Seis S.L. - 9 years ago
ima loser
John Lavender
John Lavender - 9 years ago
a Megalodon is not extinct
Fin28 Inc
Fin28 Inc - 9 years ago
Probably picked up by a "Sharkicane"...
Sadja Setic
Sadja Setic - 9 years ago
the megalodon is 100% extinct no real proof has shown that it still lives
tarantulady - 9 years ago
Most of these "megalodon is totally still around" freaks don't even know which FICTIONAL book started the whole trend ;) Anyway, why megalodon? There were so many other species more likely to survive. There's also this thing called evolution and natural selection.
Kristine Salmone
Kristine Salmone - 9 years ago
that's really scary
Ahyman Tanzim
Ahyman Tanzim - 9 years ago
Megalodons died because there favourite food was whales so the whales like cold water and megalodons
Did not like cold water so that how they died
Ghulam Hussain
Ghulam Hussain - 9 years ago
what's app and imo. Dubai.00971556329915. i feel alone..
Layne W
Layne W - 9 years ago
In the intro, that clip of Ripley's Believe it or Not is in Ocean city, near me!
Pita Taungatua
Pita Taungatua - 9 years ago
megalodon are dead there were no mo mre whales it for them so they die'd all of themm
Nurizam Batterfly
Nurizam Batterfly - 9 years ago
Karmen González
Karmen González - 9 years ago
yah he still lives just look at 5th vidio by interisting facts
Nerio Nocedo
Nerio Nocedo - 9 years ago
i seen a boat just sailing and a giant mouth just eat it the ship explodes and the megalodon survive
Nerio Nocedo
Nerio Nocedo - 9 years ago
the megalodon live many years now its real
blake Lindsell
blake Lindsell - 9 years ago
IamBatman722 - 9 years ago
so crazy.............................................................................................................scary...............................................................................
Deadly Gaming
Deadly Gaming - 9 years ago
The megalodon still lives but still there could be like a million out there 90% of the ocean has not yet been investigated
as they might like warmer/colder areas
Patrick Wadam
Patrick Wadam - 9 years ago
the megalodon teeth is big as mine
AM3R1CANTR4G3DY - 9 years ago
The donkleosaurus is believed to be responsible for the megaladons extinction.
goatboy - 8 years ago
+31 337 But Megalodon is not one of them. Not now. Not ever.
31 337
31 337 - 8 years ago
+AquaDox we have discovered only 5% of the deep sea and more things are being discovered every day
AquaDox - 8 years ago
+31 337 there could be zero could be o wait nvm there are non or yea non that are alive
31 337
31 337 - 8 years ago
+AquaDox >there could be a million
> could be
Game Dude lv 100
Game Dude lv 100 - 8 years ago
Stop Playing Hungry Shark Evo!!!
AddeFake - 8 years ago
Nice hungry Shark bullshit
AquaDox - 8 years ago
+Jacob Meyers millions? And they can,t live to deep because it's to cold so how haven't we found one?
31 337
31 337 - 9 years ago
1. A great shark had been found eaten by an unknown creature.
2. The bloop
You're welcome
goatboy - 9 years ago
+Jacob Meyers Two found? Oh that's a good one! Care to elaborate? Do you dare try? Only time will tell. In the meantime, the bloody thing is extinct. And all the finger crossing from fanboys, is not going to change that simple fact. There, I said it.
Deadly Gaming
Deadly Gaming - 9 years ago
+AM3R1CANTR4G3DY Megalodons Are NOT extinct there has been 2 found and there could be a million out there
90% of the ocean has NOT been investigated
Pandas 4 Days
Pandas 4 Days - 9 years ago
That giant shark behind you in the thumbnail? I KNOW WHERE THAT IS! I WENT THEREE! Ocean city maryland, on a board walk!!!
LeLLama_JJ - 9 years ago
They are still alive shark week has da proof
Ryan K Win
Ryan K Win - 9 years ago
but megalodons love warm waters so it didn't get extinct by that. Possibly had to move to warm waters while their main source of food went into colder waters.
Minerva Cruz
Minerva Cruz - 9 years ago
lawson weber
lawson weber - 9 years ago
that is not the biggest shark doosh
Shae Bell
Shae Bell - 9 years ago
I believe it does. Just at the very bottom of the address.
Spade Frost
Spade Frost - 9 years ago
try the Bermuda triangle
Aga W
Aga W - 9 years ago
True but they dont live
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
Not anymore
TheKroul - 9 years ago
megalodon mmmm
Joyce Hu
Joyce Hu - 9 years ago
i think it is dead the megalodon
martell k
martell k - 9 years ago
Andrew  Thomas
Andrew Thomas - 9 years ago
+Joseph Wilson soscary
Joseph Wilson
Joseph Wilson - 9 years ago
it is dead
Steven Pt
Steven Pt - 9 years ago
+frodo482 srry but you are completely rong
MaxieBoyo - 9 years ago
+frodo482 actually we've only explored 5% of the world's oceans. c:
(I learned that from a milk carton)
Joyce Hu
Joyce Hu - 9 years ago
Joyce Hu
Joyce Hu - 9 years ago
Joyce Hu
Joyce Hu - 9 years ago
frodo482 - 9 years ago
+Jack Hagar but, but , but... we've only explored like 95% of the ocean...
Joyce Hu
Joyce Hu - 9 years ago
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
Me too, some say "Oh, we still haven't seen the majority of the ocean yet, so we don't know" but we've discovered over 200,000 sea creatures ranging from microscopic plankton to whales, and it seems like we would have seen at least one megalodon by now
Lacy Williamson
Lacy Williamson - 9 years ago
We have only seen 3% of the ocean
Melle aka popi Melle construction
Melle aka popi Melle construction - 9 years ago
not real
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
Yea it was
Deijah  Torain
Deijah Torain - 9 years ago
Deijah  Torain
Deijah Torain - 9 years ago
The megalodon is fake and it will never be ral
Deijah  Torain
Deijah Torain - 9 years ago
Deijah  Torain
Deijah Torain - 9 years ago
The megaphone is take guys
Mochichi - 9 years ago
Lol 0:06 the shark behind him
Miharu Katsumoto
Miharu Katsumoto - 9 years ago
If a turtle keep walking in the earth, why the megalodon doesn't?
Simonjs - 9 years ago
+Miharu Katsumoto some kinds of turtle is gone like carbonemys
sandeep shinde
sandeep shinde - 9 years ago
Piotr Palucki
Piotr Palucki - 9 years ago
Shaun Bennett
Shaun Bennett - 9 years ago
U people hang on fiction... If it's real it's real if it's fake it's fake the big question is are u really real and are u really existing
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
DannyPlays - 9 years ago
yeah I think we know that but where's the photo smart ass
19SkinHead - 9 years ago
Glitchy Twitchy
Glitchy Twitchy - 9 years ago
its not dead only a small amount of our ocean is explored so they are 100% living along with most dinosaurs that were in the water
Glitchy Twitchy
Glitchy Twitchy - 9 years ago
but It gives them a good percentage
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
What makes you so certain? Just because we haven't discovered most of the ocean yet doesn't mean they exist
James Williams
James Williams - 9 years ago
the megladon is still alive
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
How do you know
Bubnova - 9 years ago
nice music bro
Aaron Coldwater
Aaron Coldwater - 9 years ago
the megalodn may still exist in fact there no proof that they don't or they do but there has been siting we cant say for sure weather it is still alive or if its extinct but we know it was running out of food so it may have gone down deeper in to the depth where food is pretty plenty full and has survived in the darkness if you think about it the shark used the depth to get under its prey most of the time and bit its tail of preventing it from swimming as it sank to deep my theory is that it dint go extinct but it may be hiding deep within the ocean where it can find more prey then closer to the surface if this is the case then we could soon or later experience this creature of power i mean most sharks have lived a long time what makes us think the most adaptable shark out of the rest would just be wiped out it had better advantage in most ways then the great white it had no predators it basically eat anything so how could something like that just disappear into thin air we shouldn't just throw it out as none living something in that history doesn't seem to fit the puzzle out of all the sharks why would the megalodn be the one to extinct when there were basically other sharks at the time and whales i mean there been spotting of it and stories and not some big foot story i mean not many things can bit a whale almost in half that we know of i think its just luring at the bottom of the deep ocean where its harder for prey to see it and plenty of prey where its just eating and wandering the depth who knows no one can say for sure but one thing is for sure if its out there then we better hope in those depth its not over populating some how cause then they be forced to come to the surface of the shore then were in trouble but i still believe such a creature who can survive so long is still hiding somewhere maybe it one day show itself again and reclaim top sea predator again
Peter A
Peter A - 9 years ago
I think it exists!
Ben Warren
Ben Warren - 9 years ago
same I belive megalondon is real we only discovered a little bit of the ocean
Kelly Scott
Kelly Scott - 9 years ago
Is this really real??????
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
games friends & vlogging
games friends & vlogging - 9 years ago
I love this video so much!!!!!!!:)
Minnie - 9 years ago
PManPlays - 9 years ago
Dr.Parveen.Kumar Parveen.
Dr.Parveen.Kumar Parveen. - 9 years ago
Maks - 9 years ago
this guy was weird. weirder than me
Dani Star
Dani Star - 9 years ago
The megalodon no longer exists. At least that's what I hope!
Martin Petrov
Martin Petrov - 9 years ago
hate it gus
terminator beast
terminator beast - 9 years ago
I hope it eats all of you
Halleen Chhun
Halleen Chhun - 9 years ago
That is big
THATSCOOTERDUDE 1 - 9 years ago
Mitchell Cutler
Mitchell Cutler - 9 years ago
I think everyone here owes Megladon a great big apology.
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
xXCumXXsuacexXXX - 9 years ago
is it just me but i don't really like megalodon i think its boring i mean like its just a giant version of a great white and we have already seen one so they are not that special but they are awesome but i would prefer great white because megalodon would be to dangerous and kill all the whales
spartanwolf643 - 9 years ago
Hey i know that animatronic shark. That's the Ocean City Boardwalk.
MsCppnpa - 9 years ago
Do you think megalodon still exists?
BrySkye - 9 years ago
+MsCppnpa No, and for good reason. There's just no modern evidence.
A shark as big as Megalodon has to eat, and the only thing that's really going to satisfy such a large predator would be whales, other large sharks and giant squid.
We find remains of all three, but never with signs of a Megalodon attack.
We do find ancient whale fossils with Megalodon teeth marks, but nothing like that on any modern whale carcases.

Also consider that a creature like Megalodon would have been a legendary beast amongst the whalers of the sailing era that Moby Dick was set in. Saying as these boats had whales tied to their side for days at a time as blubber was stripped by hand, if anyone would have encountered a surviving Megalodon, it would have been those sailors.
But no, they considered the Orca their greatest threat rather than a shark every bit as large as their catch.
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
I don't
Kujie Lugay
Kujie Lugay - 9 years ago
megalodon is still exist right
Lego_Max_A_Million - 9 years ago
megalodons are weak in cold makes them die
Lego_Max_A_Million - 9 years ago
we do know how it got extinked the food move to colder places so megalodon move to but into a death trap.
Mitchell Cutler
Mitchell Cutler - 9 years ago
Instead of worrying about the shark, why not worry about how you're going to create a bun big enough for a Megalodon steak sandwich. AND DON'T GIVE ME THAT CUT IT UP INTO SMALLER PIECES SHIT!
Amburger - 9 years ago
for me I still think they exist I mean this big thing about the bloop might be a Megalodon
Colton Bullshark
Colton Bullshark - 9 years ago
It's so real derp
Jose gomez
Jose gomez - 9 years ago
Jose gomez
Jose gomez - 9 years ago
penkop2012 - 9 years ago
no one can claim they dont exist since 98%of the ocean is unknown . and how do they know how this shark attackedits prey?
Crumby Rock6
Crumby Rock6 - 9 years ago
the shark more than likely still exists today. we know more about the moon's surface than our own oceans
TheDWhiteProject - 9 years ago
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Prince Chara
Prince Chara - 9 years ago
why do sharks are smaller now we are evolving sharks are evolving too but the more they evolve the smaller they get but what if a hybrid shark 10x more bigger than a great white shark was created and that shark was more bigger than megalodon if that happens that shark will be the biggest animal in the world but if the unkown creature named bloop was around which is said 4x more bigger than a whale happend to be around then the bloop and the hybrid shark fighted then the world will be a Fish bait 0_0 ):
Anthony Ralabate
Anthony Ralabate - 7 years ago
Ben Tovey
Jr Maldonado
Jr Maldonado - 9 years ago
my dick says otherwise
Ben Tovey
Ben Tovey - 9 years ago
+Very Doge true who knows what's in the ocean there could be big sea monsters
Sir Isaac
Sir Isaac - 9 years ago
+rovick aeron We still have like 90% of ocean do discover...?
Freddie JAG
Freddie JAG - 9 years ago
0:00 is that Ripley's believe it of not?I loved Ripley's believe it or not so much!!
Виктория Делегей
Виктория Делегей - 9 years ago
Дате зуб акули
Harvey Lemon
Harvey Lemon - 9 years ago
megalodons still exist in the ocean's some people just think they don't exist I think they do that might not be right or it is wright
KING OF GAMEZ Gamer - 9 years ago
no real yes fake
KING OF GAMEZ Gamer - 9 years ago
nope dosnt exist its fake they died
Louise Main
Louise Main - 9 years ago
that was fack or to some people it is rill
Mr.Quartly :3
Mr.Quartly :3 - 9 years ago
It could still exist but i doubt but still ar ocean is only 6% discovered
HunterNugent - 9 years ago
Global warming (laughing hysterically)
XxLight MidnightxX
XxLight MidnightxX - 9 years ago
Matt Massie
Matt Massie - 9 years ago
it is not extinct I guess?
Matt Massie
Matt Massie - 9 years ago
it is not extinct I guess?
Lostkeygaming - 9 years ago
How high are you my nigga.
Brian Rose
Brian Rose - 9 years ago
Take that hat off
George Washington
George Washington - 9 years ago
+Jack Hagar omg XD
TheCherroes - 9 years ago
I like his hat
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
It hides his bald spot
Lscasual S
Lscasual S - 9 years ago
believed it may have bin a petrified dragon tongue? dragons are myths u wet ones
X.R.S XX - 9 years ago
omg dat j dat heb overleeft (dutch)
Minimad 951
Minimad 951 - 9 years ago
Yhosi Hernandes Herdiman
Yhosi Hernandes Herdiman - 9 years ago
morkiten mlokdoi mabafdkdi
Nanoo nub nub
Nanoo nub nub - 9 years ago
Google images and Photoshop made this video possible. sarcastic clap
Sabita Barran
Sabita Barran - 9 years ago
I love this video its amazing
Tracy Taylor
Tracy Taylor - 9 years ago
I love you. ;-)
Victoria Perez
Victoria Perez - 9 years ago
are they still alive
Ethax - 9 years ago
I love how people everywhere who don't know much about the Megalodon are putting clickbait thumbnails for video's and just photo's in general, with having the megalodon no where near scale, like the megalodons bottom of the jaw to the top is about a a meter taller than about a 6ft human... if the megalodon was next to a human, the mouth of it from the bottom of the jaw to the top would match, like a house, they're not a little great white shark with a bit of extra added fat, THEY'RE HUGE.
Alexa Whitehead
Alexa Whitehead - 9 years ago
that is cool
Mr pro gamer Awesome
Mr pro gamer Awesome - 9 years ago
I found a megalodon when I was fishing
Am not kidding megalodon is still living
Phoenix Marshall
Phoenix Marshall - 9 years ago
I love sharks my favorite is a great white shark
Мусса магамадов
Мусса магамадов - 9 years ago
menya poymut tolko isbranie
semsay the wise lol
semsay the wise lol - 9 years ago
Copy this comment and paste it on another video!:3 We'll see if it can take over the world!>:3 #CopyIsLovePasteIsLife
Caleb Hastings
Caleb Hastings - 9 years ago
First of all the world is around 10 thousand years old and secondly ITS EXTINCT
Jennifer Ellis
Jennifer Ellis - 9 years ago
is the shark still alive
Tank Dempsey 3
Tank Dempsey 3 - 9 years ago
megalodon doesnt exist anymore he was in dinosaur years but he is not anymore in the world
Ristinia Dwi Leovita
Ristinia Dwi Leovita - 9 years ago
kalo ngeliat megalodon serasa mau pingsan, lemes
Do you want some suga with your tae
Do you want some suga with your tae - 9 years ago
the megladon shark is still alive there are just barely any left!
prodigy master star clasher
prodigy master star clasher - 9 years ago
megolondons are still ALIVE!!,!
Michelle Schmidt
Michelle Schmidt - 9 years ago
they still exist
Shaider - 9 years ago
Samuel Bachelor
Samuel Bachelor - 9 years ago
the megalodon is living in the era of homo sapiens , the megalodon have the most powerfull bite in the world the megalodon is 30 meters of tall and of alture 6 meters
martell k
martell k - 9 years ago
+Samuel Bachelor how can it be real it lived 900,000 years ago and there was only a few of them
THANH LONG HỒ - 9 years ago
thomas ãnd
Deus Lux Mea Est
Deus Lux Mea Est - 9 years ago
+Kelvin Low Megalodons ranged from 20 meters to 30 meters.
Kelvin Low
Kelvin Low - 9 years ago
Dude, It's not 30 Meters, it's 20 Meters
Mabelle Young
Mabelle Young - 9 years ago
or beacause of the eggs of it
Rajah Lyann
Rajah Lyann - 9 years ago
Many things are hiding deep beneath the ocean.  It is no surprise that megalodon is most likely hiding down there too.
Mary Doherty
Mary Doherty - 9 years ago
Carl Gabriel Pangatungan
Carl Gabriel Pangatungan - 9 years ago
Americans wow great great not an american
Carl Gabriel Pangatungan
Carl Gabriel Pangatungan - 9 years ago
Wow kids still believe this good video internet no evidence yet.
Noelle Wilkins
Noelle Wilkins - 9 years ago
no I'm not lieing
Lorelei Wood
Lorelei Wood - 9 years ago
the background in the beginning was the Ripley's place in Ocean City Maryland!!!!!
Nathan Jandreau
Nathan Jandreau - 9 years ago
Who's your daddy great white shark lol
Nathan Jandreau
Nathan Jandreau - 9 years ago
Maybe there not extinct just hiding from us maybe playing hide and seek with us?
Anonymous Kid
Anonymous Kid - 9 years ago
I know why it's exstint it's because ok it's gonna be a while so get comfortable ok here we go.It would be extinct because the bigger it would be the wayyyy stupid it would be it was at the top of the food chain but other sea creatures were smarter into tricking the megalopons so BASICLL it was completely stupid so the other sea cretures knew how to get rid of it because of its brain so the cretures formed together and destroyed them one by one because they were very huge and I know this stuff because I studied this every since I was in second grade I finished my studies on it and now I'm in fifth grade according to my calculations these things seem to be very true so may I say you might believe me some won't but if you don't pls don't hate anyways on a level of survival that kids like to say "sharks are every thing"but really not all sharks are full level like this shark the megalopons was on top of the food chain it had the highest level on everything but on its brain skills it wasnt
Anonymous Kid
Anonymous Kid - 9 years ago
I will go on I had no more room!so on its brain skills it was the lowest it was it's only flaw besides being ugly and since it was the lowest on the brain level other cretures learned the megalopons weakness then the cretures used their brain correctly and defeated the megaladons so until today well to my calculations until today the megalopons are extinct I shall go on with my studies now everyone I am studying worms now this should be easy just need some gloves and something sharp plus a worm and I cutted it already so three hearts it has now for my second one to see if all of them have three you know I need proof thank you for reading if you did hopefully this explained to you why they are gone and pls be pausitive I didn't force you to read this thanks for staying and reading this for a while unless your a fast reader wink wink and hope you have a good holloween well right now it's almost September boo I'm a time traveler
Maximilian Hawkins
Maximilian Hawkins - 9 years ago
Well their was once creatures much bigger than the megaladon that would swallow a t rex whole.... Would be even more crazy if they was still alive in deep but I don't think I could be possible.... Who knows :)
Jesse Garcia
Jesse Garcia - 9 years ago
i weep forma this futuro
Jesse Garcia
Jesse Garcia - 9 years ago
i weep forma this futuro
Mohamad Sabeer
Mohamad Sabeer - 9 years ago
ramjan khan
Imam Fathoni
Imam Fathoni - 9 years ago
are you tom cruise?
Isaiah weaver
Isaiah weaver - 9 years ago
I love your video
Nathaniel Keffer
Nathaniel Keffer - 9 years ago
its not extinct I has one in da gwaat bawweiw wif
ollie yeey
ollie yeey - 9 years ago
Sam Ragil
Sam Ragil - 9 years ago
I remember at Jonah. Cheers.
Synai Ché Williams
Synai Ché Williams - 9 years ago
They still exist because 75% of the ocean hasn't been discovered yet so it still exist!!!
Dulan Prameeth
Dulan Prameeth - 9 years ago
good.I am very happy.
Marivic Loyola
Marivic Loyola - 9 years ago
it so scary aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O :O :O :O
Markiplier Fan
Markiplier Fan - 9 years ago
I heled megalodons tooth before!!
david griffiths
david griffiths - 9 years ago
lol global warming killed megaladon, getting the blame for everything lately
Bobby Leung
Bobby Leung - 9 years ago
imam chooye
imam chooye - 9 years ago
kearabetswe moses
kearabetswe moses - 9 years ago
fake fake and fake
kearabetswe moses
kearabetswe moses - 9 years ago
Yeah right
Steve52344 - 9 years ago
" easily as a human child could bite into a grape." Wow, you can't get more impressive than that. Duh.
"Believed to use it's biting force to rip off the fins of large fish." Wait, stop swimming and let me bite your fins off.
Who wrote the narration to this video, Miss America?
d0ubl3 gamerblitz
d0ubl3 gamerblitz - 9 years ago
Maybe the reason it became extinct is because probably it drowned
Vae ._.
Vae ._. - 9 years ago
OMG I HAVE ONE OF THOSE BLACK TEETH I never liked it and thaught what do I need this for then 1 day I lost it and never cared UNTIL NOW HOLLLLLY SHAZ BRUH
Ridz - 9 years ago
what about the leopleurodon?
Brian Dreher
Brian Dreher - 9 years ago
Dragons Exist!?
Long street
Long street - 9 years ago
a real big shark attacked the canary islands, eating 5600,000 people ant the tenerife airport
Audrey Cecilia
Audrey Cecilia - 9 years ago
They do still exist they were seen in the ocean of Mexico, China and other places
Sharon Pornea
Sharon Pornea - 9 years ago
Conceicao Lima
Conceicao Lima - 9 years ago
Kimberly Howard
Kimberly Howard - 9 years ago
I am never going back in the water...EVER 0.0
princessmitsuko - 9 years ago
up until recently people used to think the giant squid was extinct until one washed up on shore
Alec Olden
Alec Olden - 9 years ago
Good day, If you ever need to hire a professional hacker for jobs, contact on this number +1 763 280 8650
Bella Forti
Bella Forti - 9 years ago
I used to think that the great white was the biggest shark and then I see this...
Rina Meilani
Rina Meilani - 9 years ago
I see a shark that is 12 metres big
Rina Meilani
Rina Meilani - 9 years ago
You know that megalodon just the baby
Mckenzie Rousseaux
Mckenzie Rousseaux - 9 years ago
00:24 = ok heart attack
Gorge Flores
Gorge Flores - 9 years ago
I think that they extinkt because in the past they killde many sharks
Roger Yip
Roger Yip - 9 years ago
if you look at this youtube video at 26mins in to it ,history science people giant human skeleton discovered , i think they not gone there just smaller and so they have to change how they eat
Jose Almendariz
Jose Almendariz - 9 years ago
it dose its in south Africa or south america
Марјан Ѓорѓиевски
Марјан Ѓорѓиевски - 9 years ago
ne jajte lajna ce ve skinam site
Rosie Gilbert
Rosie Gilbert - 9 years ago
All of the pictures of Meligdons look different!
Jay Ddog1111
Jay Ddog1111 - 9 years ago
its not extinct. that beautiful monster is still out there.
Brandon Edwards
Brandon Edwards - 9 years ago
That pic was a whale
Sana Abedi
Sana Abedi - 9 years ago
Mark Asgar
Mark Asgar - 9 years ago
is not real but i like it
Boanerges the Anti-Catholic
Boanerges the Anti-Catholic - 9 years ago
Milllllllllllllllllllions of years; we believe. Kinda like a religion.
Susan L.
Susan L. - 9 years ago
Casadaeezyttttn c
tri nham
tri nham - 9 years ago
You are smart
IANR 3808
IANR 3808 - 9 years ago
The megalodon might be in the Bermuda Triangle.
kenpachi zariki
kenpachi zariki - 9 years ago
Everyone this shark is dead i killed it and made shark soup
yokonakajima75 - 9 years ago
+kenpachi zariki (Kenny) Ichigo's potential blows yours away
kenpachi zariki
kenpachi zariki - 9 years ago
+Simmy Morgan i am awesome don't u know who i am
kenpachi zariki
kenpachi zariki - 9 years ago
+Simmy Morgan what
Aztec Maya
Aztec Maya - 9 years ago
i got one in my aquarium i fed it a camel
Strazman - 9 years ago, was this video supposed to be intentionally this cheesy and corny? Or was this guy really acting like this and taking himself seriously? I mean, between the awful wardrobe and hat, the horrible music, and the "facts" that he read off a 4th-grader's English paper assignment, I almost forgot to laugh at the pictures.

I'm not trolling. I'm genuinely concerned for this guy and this video if he was intending it to be serious.
Peyton Ament
Peyton Ament - 9 years ago
THAT IS A WHALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cliff reid
cliff reid - 9 years ago
You know they are not extinct!!!! (LOOK IT UP!!!) Scary eh!!
Blake Place
Blake Place - 9 years ago
+cliff reid extinct, soz
#ToastedGibletsProductions 16
#ToastedGibletsProductions 16 - 9 years ago
this guy definitly smokes pot
big mike obama
big mike obama - 9 years ago
nice earing fagut
GAMER 4 LIFE - 9 years ago
the megalodon died from the ice age froze the oceans to dumbie
cun7us - 9 years ago
It's been extinct but millions of years yet you show pictures of it? Ok, that makes sense.
Rikardo .A Kabrera
Rikardo .A Kabrera - 9 years ago
+cun7us They probably are trying to make people believe it's out there!! Remember the Great White Shark is a close relative amd can easily be mistaken for this giant shark, probably the ocean plays tricks with their eyes and they see the Great White bigger than they appear. Probably jumping to the conclusion that is a giant shark, so it has to be a Megalodon. And since the beginning of time, sailor's and people that live near the oceans, probably mistook the Great White for this acient Titan! In conclusion scientists recreated this creature using the Great White as a jumping off point, just like they do with birds and dinosaurs.
cun7us - 9 years ago
+Blake Place Of course we can remodel it, that's pretty obvious, and I'm under no illusion that it's been extinct for millions of years, but how do you explain the thumbnail? It's either superimposed or remodelled to try and make people think that it still exists, which I find unnecessary.
Blake Place
Blake Place - 9 years ago
+cun7us we have the teeth of it, we have bones of it. we can model it
cun7us - 9 years ago
+Conway Stone Why don't you elaborate what you mean
Conway Stone
Conway Stone - 9 years ago
How much dumber can you get..?
TheVeryTallMidget - 9 years ago
the lupleridon has a more powerful bite
TheVeryTallMidget - 9 years ago
+yokonakajima75 ye it does I've researched all aquatic dinosaurs and lupleridon is bigger, more teeth and more bite power
yokonakajima75 - 9 years ago
+GravityGaming Jude no it doesn't
TheVeryTallMidget - 9 years ago
the lupleridon has a more powerful bite
William Elverd
William Elverd - 9 years ago
I just watched your other video on the tagged great white that the tag washed up on a beach and its a mystery. well in this vid you said that megaladons eat the fins first and don't they put the tag on the fin of a shark? just a theory

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