World’s Largest Shark: 7-Metre-Long ‘Deep Blue’ Believed To Be Biggest Ever

SUBSCRIBE to the Barcroft network: UNSEEN footage of what experts believe is the biggest great white shark ever caught on camera has been released. The seven metre-long female known as Deep Blue stunned the world last year when video was unveiled of it dwarfing cage divers off the coast of Guadalupe Island, Mexico. Now, diving enthusiast Michael Maier, 48, has released even more eye-catching clips of the giant female feeding on bait and inquisitively circling divers. Deep Blue, who is estimated to be at least 50 years old, was filmed by Michael in November 2013 - but these latest files were previously unseen. Videographer / director: Michael Maier Producer: John Balson, Nick Johnson Editor: Sonia Estal, Ian Phillips Barcroft TV: Barcroft Cars: Bear Grylls Adventure: For more of the amazing side of life: For the full story, visit BARCROFT.TV: Like BARCROFT TV on Facebook: Follow @Barcroft_TV on Twitter: Check out more videos:

World’s Largest Shark: 7-Metre-Long ‘Deep Blue’ Believed To Be Biggest Ever sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1892

Shark videos 9 years ago 10,348,161 views

SUBSCRIBE to the Barcroft network: UNSEEN footage of what experts believe is the biggest great white shark ever caught on camera has been released. The seven metre-long female known as Deep Blue stunned the world last year when video was unveiled of it dwarfing cage divers off the coast of Guadalupe Island, Mexico. Now, diving enthusiast Michael Maier, 48, has released even more eye-catching clips of the giant female feeding on bait and inquisitively circling divers. Deep Blue, who is estimated to be at least 50 years old, was filmed by Michael in November 2013 - but these latest files were previously unseen. Videographer / director: Michael Maier Producer: John Balson, Nick Johnson Editor: Sonia Estal, Ian Phillips Barcroft TV: Barcroft Cars: Bear Grylls Adventure: For more of the amazing side of life: For the full story, visit BARCROFT.TV: Like BARCROFT TV on Facebook: Follow @Barcroft_TV on Twitter: Check out more videos:

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Most popular comments
for World’s Largest Shark: 7-Metre-Long ‘Deep Blue’ Believed To Be Biggest Ever

Scott Fox
Scott Fox - 7 years ago
"Deep Blue" her name has 4 baby sharks in her. Thats why shes so big. Shes beautiful.
Aniis Jeebun
Aniis Jeebun - 7 years ago
Am not quite sure that feeding this shark is a good idea.. accustoming to human as a food supplier to a shark is not a great idea, is it?
Chris Bar
Chris Bar - 7 years ago
I want it !!!
Vez Queen
Vez Queen - 7 years ago
She been eating GOOD!!
Minister of the Light
Minister of the Light - 7 years ago
Nope..."Submarine" of south africa is bigger.
Kavinda Liyanage
Kavinda Liyanage - 7 years ago
Is it 7m.¿ I think it's longer than that.
RED PILL GOSPEL - 7 years ago
I'll go into space, I'll throw down with xenomorphs, but I will NOT go into the ocean.
Hayden91BlueYT - 7 years ago
If she is 7 meters or 7.1 meters she is probably 23 or 24 feet
Marko Sofranic
Marko Sofranic - 7 years ago
25 ft. There's 3 tonnes on him.

10. comment for World’s Largest Shark: 7-Metre-Long ‘Deep Blue’ Believed To Be Biggest Ever

Jay - 7 years ago
holy hell that is terrifying
Beck Parsons
Beck Parsons - 7 years ago
big fish
Jenuel Adam
Jenuel Adam - 7 years ago
its really no wonder why the shark didnt visciously attack, they only bite when you touch their private parts.
Mr Adlan
Mr Adlan - 7 years ago
bro idk why i loved Sharks
XxDj rebastex da gamer86xX
XxDj rebastex da gamer86xX - 7 years ago
Bill,is this real or just CGI?
A Jones
A Jones - 7 years ago
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...
A Jones
A Jones - 7 years ago
Don't great whites just keep growing and growing until they are so big and slow they die from starvation? Still it would be interesting to see a jaws size shark out there. This one at over 20ft was close but when you're that big another foot or two is a huge difference. Wonder if we'll ever see a 25 footer. Also interesting how big her body was but her mouth/head was relatively small.
Владимир Кузнецов
Владимир Кузнецов - 7 years ago
Crown Commando
Crown Commando - 7 years ago
She is magnificent. Of course she is calm. Being that large she has nothing to fear except a large pod of orcas.
ΠΕΛΟΠΙΔΑΣ ΑΛΕΞΗΣ - 7 years ago
Beautifull creature..

20. comment for World’s Largest Shark: 7-Metre-Long ‘Deep Blue’ Believed To Be Biggest Ever

Dominique - 7 years ago
Superbe , rien à voir avec le film " les dents de la mer"; trés belle vidéo de cet animal magnifique
Just a bit of Fanta
Just a bit of Fanta - 7 years ago
Im not even drinking water anymore. Just in case
Kids Arcade Room
Kids Arcade Room - 7 years ago
Oh wow
Taylor Made2
Taylor Made2 - 7 years ago
Its Jaws
Bruno Stooker
Bruno Stooker - 7 years ago
It are no monsters just animals
LKP LLC - 7 years ago
omg she is massive
Ben Sal
Ben Sal - 7 years ago
At 1.03 the shark goes to bite the diver. If no cage he would be toast.
Stephen edwards
Stephen edwards - 7 years ago
no chance will you ever get me out there
Jason Blake
Jason Blake - 7 years ago
It looks like my lawyer Mr.Sharkowitz
Brittany Goreham
Brittany Goreham - 7 years ago
that's actually not the largest shark, the biggest great white ever seen was 38ft, look it up

30. comment for World’s Largest Shark: 7-Metre-Long ‘Deep Blue’ Believed To Be Biggest Ever

North Wales Shore Hugger
North Wales Shore Hugger - 7 years ago
Look at how well fed that pregnant shark is.
She's by no stretch of the imagination the largest white shark in the world's oceans.
The larger sharks don't come up, they do all of their activities in deeper water and let's be honest there's plenty of food to sustain them.
Maybe not quite megalodon 60ft long but not as far off as you'd think.
In almost every deep sea dive with white sharks I've seen there's almost always reports of much larger sharks below.
I think the larger sharks are wise to coming to close to the surface for whatever reason but I'd go with predation myself from things like orca super pods etc.
They stay deep because they feel too vulnerable to venture up.
Nice to see this girl though and looking really healthy on its weight.
darren malcolm
darren malcolm - 7 years ago
Orcas be like.... naw we cool!
Jed Smith
Jed Smith - 7 years ago
Video should clarify that Deep Blue is not the "largest shark ever" recorded- that would by necessity be a whale shark, or barring that a basking shark. But this is absolutely a big fuckin' white shark.
russell morgan
russell morgan - 7 years ago
Amazing creature,theres plenty of room in that mouth for a diver or two.....majestic animals,sharks,love em.
Fatma Celik
Fatma Celik - 7 years ago
He: damn gurl you thicc
she: H U G H, M U N G U S
Karen De Guzman
Karen De Guzman - 7 years ago
Baby megalodon
Chris Tafel
Chris Tafel - 7 years ago
Largest shark ever? I think megaladon would disagree.
Tanya Trayanova
Tanya Trayanova - 7 years ago
ALLAH - 7 years ago
i am now hydrophobic
Josefina Balagtas
Josefina Balagtas - 7 years ago
Is Really Scary!! 0_0
SWSimpson - 7 years ago
She is huge.
GothicPhantom01 - 7 years ago
"We're gonna need a bigger ocean"
armpitfuzz - 7 years ago
You're all mad.
Cat Boss
Cat Boss - 7 years ago
This makes me wanna hug her. Then when i watch jaws and hate Bruce.
The Bear
The Bear - 7 years ago
the bigger the shark the nicer the shark
Lee Ab
Lee Ab - 7 years ago
Beautiful animal love sharks
Brennan Wallman
Brennan Wallman - 7 years ago the cage not terrifying enough?
Phillip White III
Phillip White III - 7 years ago
God, she is massive!
chindo88 - 7 years ago
The guy said diving with the sharks is 'reassuring'.....what?!
may the wind be in your face
may the wind be in your face - 7 years ago
She's probably the shark that ate a whole man in South Africa.

50. comment for World’s Largest Shark: 7-Metre-Long ‘Deep Blue’ Believed To Be Biggest Ever

G2 Andru
G2 Andru - 7 years ago
white people are crazy
Bradley Waller
Bradley Waller - 7 years ago
That's a twenty footer twenty-five three tons of him...quote from jaws he's a big boy
SaphireGaming - 7 years ago
“Meekle Meyer”
Todd - 7 years ago
Josh Dukes
Josh Dukes - 7 years ago
0:36 SharkBae
Upside down
Upside down - 7 years ago
The diver floats right outside the cage as if he could move faster than a shark if it really went after him.
Guilherme S.P.
Guilherme S.P. - 7 years ago
oh hell no
sock sock
sock sock - 7 years ago
That shark has been taking roids.
TheForceisWithme Avila34
TheForceisWithme Avila34 - 7 years ago
Real life Jaws! Deep blue
original Minecraft songs.
original Minecraft songs. - 7 years ago
finally a shark video that wasn't click bait
Danny Mcneil
Danny Mcneil - 7 years ago
That's Jaws with its sequels inside it :O
Jake Fejer
Jake Fejer - 7 years ago
That’s a huge fish. Too bad they are endangered
ורד חשמונאי
ורד חשמונאי - 7 years ago
it's a miracle that cage didn't sink from the weight of these guys' balls.
Jacob Zondag
Jacob Zondag - 7 years ago
01:08 Of course she was very calm. She's seven meters, weighs three tons and is in her element. You are less than two meters, weight eighty kilos and you run out of air if the line snaps.
kdo chce vidí
kdo chce vidí - 7 years ago
Nádherná březí samice.
Muhammet Karakas
Muhammet Karakas - 7 years ago
Makes Sex with Shark
Marta Šillere
Marta Šillere - 7 years ago
Fatass shark
XxEasySqueezyxX - 7 years ago
It's Bruce's mum from finding Nemo
round thicckitty
round thicckitty - 7 years ago
thicc shork amazing
Rock Star
Rock Star - 7 years ago
I think it says “who put you in a cage I’ll help you out” (they don’t talk lol)
Edgar Martínez
Edgar Martínez - 7 years ago
Baby shark. Doo doo doo doo doo doo.
NightWaves - 7 years ago
It's all fun till you find out the sharks can flinch into a 180 degree turn with a flip of the fin. Scaring them you can see lightening speed. Only works a couple times then they know your trick.
Tenele Willms
Tenele Willms - 7 years ago
Largest shark is Whale shark.
Raiden4019 - 7 years ago
That's probably the first time I've ever heard the words "Shark" and "Reassuring" in the same sentence before. But seriously though, this guy and this animal are both amazing. I can only imagine how it must have felt to be there.
peace lover
peace lover - 7 years ago
Mark Quintana
Mark Quintana - 7 years ago
They feed it before video recording so they knew it wasn't hungry
Angel Cho
Angel Cho - 7 years ago
Deep blue was sizing you up you nut!
Gündeme Özel Herşey
coldas - 7 years ago
Thats one T H I C C C shark
Valerie Freeman
Valerie Freeman - 7 years ago
Baby got back.
William Cox
William Cox - 7 years ago
Playing with her food?
kennedy Lorigan
kennedy Lorigan - 7 years ago
Wow I'm surprised she didn't nibble on the cage more because sharks explore with there mouth she must have seen some other shark cages
GREENDAYalltheWAY077 - 7 years ago
1:35 we take for granted the size of this shark because of our over exposure to portrayals in movies such as Jaws, Deep Blue, and the Shallows. So we're used to an image like this, but in actuality, geat whites are not usually that big! Ever! That's a giant fish right there! And best of all, its real.
the real kirito
the real kirito - 7 years ago
Deep blue is the modern day jaws 7meters in feet is 22 feet and 11inches
incredibleXMan - 7 years ago
Pretty sure she was pregnant.
Negasso Kadir
Negasso Kadir - 7 years ago
Sharks are the lions of the sea
Faisal Jamhala
Faisal Jamhala - 7 years ago
i seen dis shark i swim there all time and one tim me and da shak went for a tak some tim n den i beat im but im tuff shak n we found some hot womens but dis shak lik da men it seems lolz
Levi Ackerman
Levi Ackerman - 7 years ago
LMAO did that diver really try to push the shark away?....what a bully
George Goertzen
George Goertzen - 7 years ago
Let's hope she was heavily pregnant and gave birth soon after.
Eddy Spagetti
Eddy Spagetti - 7 years ago
don't GW's reach 26-28 ft / 8m ?
Jujubar Williams
Jujubar Williams - 7 years ago
"She was very calm and not nervous." That's funny. Should she have been? Or you.
George Alcazar
George Alcazar - 7 years ago
White people not scared of anything except equality
Nick N
Nick N - 7 years ago
This particular one although lethal it dosent have mean and ugly teeth like some.
Ryan Wilkinson
Ryan Wilkinson - 7 years ago
Flat earth ppl will say it's cgi
Tony RG
Tony RG - 7 years ago
They found that shark in Baja California, Mexico
Kati Phillip
Kati Phillip - 7 years ago
When you get to fat to be scary. That shark was like, I'm retired, all I eat is fish now.
Markhor handels
Markhor handels - 7 years ago
this shark is very fat, she go everyday to mc donald lol
IBISMK2 - 7 years ago
That's 22 feet.. 3 feet short of our favorite shark..
Hooper: "That's a 20 footer"
Quint: "25"
Mason Horne
Mason Horne - 7 years ago
Can't be the biggest great white ever there prehistoric
Karl Kindle
Karl Kindle - 7 years ago
does not look 20ft. Maybe 16

100. comment for World’s Largest Shark: 7-Metre-Long ‘Deep Blue’ Believed To Be Biggest Ever

Kayla Noller
Kayla Noller - 7 years ago
Yoo Jung
Yoo Jung - 7 years ago
It’s Lenny from Shark Tale lol
Biggils - 7 years ago
Bigger than the fake JAWS shark in the movie. Didn't think was possible.
Abebe345 - 7 years ago
I've seen that video where a great white takes a seal swimming in circles. The diver underestimates how quickly she could turn and take him if she wanted imo.
Andrew Givens
Andrew Givens - 7 years ago
Looked preggers
Lifeisgood, Peoplesuck!
Lifeisgood, Peoplesuck! - 7 years ago
This would be so much more impressive without he freakin' cage.
selena - 7 years ago
So jealous they got to experience that
Heinz Kunz
Heinz Kunz - 7 years ago
1:04"oh you ... :3"
Fulla Briffas
Fulla Briffas - 7 years ago
She must be pregnant.Maybe she follow the Gulf stream for the food and ended up in Mexico.
flytii - 7 years ago
definitely shorter than seven meters
Dominik Schnürle
Dominik Schnürle - 7 years ago
Oder behindert
Dominik Schnürle
Dominik Schnürle - 7 years ago
Is er Lebens müde?
Muiz Halim
Muiz Halim - 7 years ago
Woof Dog
Woof Dog - 7 years ago
Looks pregnant
H. I. McDunnough
H. I. McDunnough - 7 years ago
Better you than me. No thank you. Great White sharks scare me to death. The only thing in life that truly terrifies me are sharks. You're in THEIR world. I respect them for the fact that they are the perfect killing machine. They have adapted over millions of years. They are remarkable animals. I'd much rather stay on land. I'd probably pass out from fear if I saw that shark approaching me in that little cage.
Michael Edwards
Michael Edwards - 7 years ago
big fish . you will need 8 barrells and a bigger boat. good luck chief Brodie
BlackGrapes - 7 years ago
Beautiful animals. 50+ years old... That's amazing.
KINGSLAYER 92 - 7 years ago
he has a steal balls
crambone t
crambone t - 7 years ago
I guarantee there's bigger out there
Kerry Brown
Kerry Brown - 7 years ago
It looks like a megalodon
jodyroper - 7 years ago
That's terrible there was not enough room in the cage for that one guy.
tompparaideri - 7 years ago
CGI for sure
Elif Engin
Elif Engin - 7 years ago
he was there for that high five
Johnny Threefour
Johnny Threefour - 7 years ago
Jaws was 20-25 feet long and this one is 22 feet so this is about as big as Jaws.
Seth Winters
Seth Winters - 7 years ago
His last name is Maiko, pronounced like Mako shark. Coincidence?
It's Juggy
It's Juggy - 7 years ago
Not too many people can claim that they punked off a great white shark. This man can! Talk about bragging rights lol.
Lee Winters
Lee Winters - 7 years ago
Tilikum was twice as heavy as deep blue.
Aizah Zubair
Aizah Zubair - 7 years ago
Md Aziz Malik
Md Aziz Malik - 7 years ago
Wow amazing
Guided Meditation
Guided Meditation - 7 years ago
She's a big girl. I think she was making dinner plans for later.
MrGreenwizard - 7 years ago
Orca would fuckin destroy it no problem.
Chester Finecat
Chester Finecat - 7 years ago
If you grab a shark by their front tooth they go all docile like baby lambs.
Craig Simons
Craig Simons - 7 years ago
These idiots will end up dead and will only have themselves to blame.
grow daily
grow daily - 7 years ago
A cage ? Cowards. I have fought and defeated more sharks than I can count. The secret ? They cannot defend an uppercut.
FACT -This could save your life
Marko Zivak
Marko Zivak - 7 years ago
What a beautiful opposed to humans in general
Nidal Kabboul
Nidal Kabboul - 7 years ago
This shark is big
openotaku - 7 years ago
I'm sure it's just cause i've been conditioned to think this way, but great white sharks' faces just LOOK so scary....those black eyes that never blink...those teeth that just stick out for all to see....i mean, they're majestic as hell, but my word they are indeed frightening.
Callme Ishmael
Callme Ishmael - 7 years ago
Nah, the one that ate Robert Shaw was much bigger.
Michael gordon
Michael gordon - 7 years ago
Screams and almost goes into a permant coma when sees a spider. High fives a great white. Yeap
ROBZTA M - 7 years ago
At one point the sharks jaws was only 30cm away from his head.
Did anyone else notice all the chains surrounding the diver plus all the ropes & wires attached to his body.
He could have easily got himself tangled & had his head bitten off, then the video would have ended up on
Russell Wilson
Russell Wilson - 7 years ago
Who was filming it!
Lars Stange
Lars Stange - 7 years ago
1:26 " Say Hi to the TV" :D
Matt Grillz
Matt Grillz - 7 years ago
No love for megladon?
Ian Knau
Ian Knau - 7 years ago
That's one fat shark!
tomcash007 - 7 years ago
The hunt for the red October is over, I saw Sean Connery pop his head out.
Brandy H.2426
Brandy H.2426 - 7 years ago
She’s beautiful and so curious
Joe Soap
Joe Soap - 7 years ago
mandraget m
mandraget m - 7 years ago
Nes - 7 years ago
still no match to a whale shark
Dustin Moon
Dustin Moon - 7 years ago
No. Not me. Never Ever.
Danielle Hawks
Danielle Hawks - 7 years ago
It's a meglodon!
K Y - 7 years ago
Well it's looks like less than 7 m (23 ft) long. It's looks like 4 m (13 ft) long because any Great White Shark that 7 m (23 ft) long bigger than that.
Al Rivers
Al Rivers - 7 years ago
K Y Looks bigger than 13ft but probably not 23ft either
Dark Metal 62
Dark Metal 62 - 7 years ago
sees biggest shark in the safety of his cage.

let's get out and touch it
Achai Fazira
Achai Fazira - 7 years ago
KekeandErin - 7 years ago
tht shark looked pregnant
Ladykaprowkai - 7 years ago
She is so beautiful. Very majestic!!!!
Ken pira
Ken pira - 7 years ago
In Shqiperia/Albania we cought one 4 matters long. and let it go. Never seen BEFORE that big in Adriatic.. FRONT head means Ballkan..
Kim Cornell
Kim Cornell - 7 years ago
Kim Cornell
Kim Cornell - 7 years ago
Kim Cornell
Kim Cornell - 7 years ago
Dimas Parjo
Dimas Parjo - 7 years ago
adv20 - 7 years ago
More like 6 meters if you try to visually measure it against the diver
Barney nomnom
Barney nomnom - 7 years ago
i saw that shark last week . Tried to get me to do a PPI claim
scalomenia - 7 years ago
o_o momi...I piss my pants!!!!! o_o OMFFFFFFFG!!!!!!
M. Dachorst Wiaceck
M. Dachorst Wiaceck - 7 years ago
Craig Noble
Craig Noble - 7 years ago
I have never been in the ocean but i want to see her and feed her she beautiful
annakeye - 7 years ago
So who was actually recording the footage of Deep Blue interacting with and including the people in the cage?
not jeremy
not jeremy - 7 years ago
stupid people
J W - 7 years ago
jaws 5 niggas
Robert Thomas
Robert Thomas - 7 years ago
I wonder if his heart was indeed pounding so hard and so fast when he got so close to the monster. Robert in California.
The Angry Bass
The Angry Bass - 7 years ago
Definitely not the video Sea World wants everyone to see.  How free and intelligent these animals are!
Pumpernickle Pickle
Pumpernickle Pickle - 7 years ago
Most luckiest guy is an understatement for this guy. Because he didn't get bit in half.
vladislav petkov
vladislav petkov - 7 years ago
jaws theme intensifies
Diego P
Diego P - 7 years ago
"She was really interested in us and very calm", he says. She's not circling around just to see what you are.... and not even close to be relaxed
joshua o'dea
joshua o'dea - 7 years ago
Who was filming the guys in the cage?
Aaron Becker
Aaron Becker - 7 years ago
waiting for the follow up video of him getting eaten by deep blue
Donnie Wallace
Donnie Wallace - 7 years ago
Big girl
Blade 3243
Blade 3243 - 7 years ago
Micheal? I have a feeling that that’s pronounced wrong
dem trees
dem trees - 7 years ago
(Shark biting)
Diver: Hey! Shoo! you're drunk, go home...
Shark: sorry, I'm kinda grouchy today...
Aimee Simpson
Aimee Simpson - 7 years ago
She looks pregoss. Shes a BabyMommaa
o e
o e - 7 years ago
Ja klar wenn tauchers zu übermütig werden, könnte ihn im ganzen verschlingen.
Liam French
Liam French - 7 years ago
I've just watched two vids that are bigger than this jaws is real 3 times over
Terry Etuale
Terry Etuale - 7 years ago
Damn look at all that protein looks tasty
Dominique - 7 years ago
Yung Papi Dad
Yung Papi Dad - 7 years ago
Lol “meekle meyer”
Chihuion - 7 years ago
OH HELL NO! NOPE! I'M OUT!!!!!!!!!!
cryospiral - 7 years ago
Jaws was her sickly little brother.
liu kuri
liu kuri - 7 years ago
Michael Myers
Maine Archery
Maine Archery - 7 years ago
Pregnant female about 4 to 5 pups in her 30 to 50 lbs each
ULSTERISBRITISH 1690 - 7 years ago
Beautiful creature. Can't believe we've nearly wiped these from existence...........we really are scum !!
Advection - 7 years ago
Nope. I'll stay on the beach. On the pier... far from waves... it might crawl out of the water or something.
Nikolas Cecil
Nikolas Cecil - 7 years ago
LF FL - 7 years ago
like more a spaceship then shark.
MrNadie000 - 7 years ago
1000 sea lions disliked this
Александр Волков
Александр Волков - 7 years ago
orbit flyer
orbit flyer - 7 years ago
She is beautiful, but that won't get me in the water with her.
kevin patrick scott
kevin patrick scott - 7 years ago
the shark looks like a great white , are big blue sharks the biggest man eaters ?
Shaun A
Shaun A - 7 years ago
What a gorgeous specie of sharks. Absolute beauty
True Grit Jiu Jitsu
True Grit Jiu Jitsu - 7 years ago
Quite possibly pregnant as well.
moemoney131 vee
moemoney131 vee - 7 years ago
Dude on the top of the cage is a maniac. Don’t care how good you are with sharks that’s psychotic
Tyler Small legs
Tyler Small legs - 7 years ago
Shark bait!
Jersee Perkins
Jersee Perkins - 7 years ago
This guy is super duper Braves
7 - 7 years ago
Wow, he's the biggest shark I've ever seen!
Ben Eifert
Ben Eifert - 7 years ago
You're gonna need a bigger boat!
al capone
al capone - 7 years ago
Like a pitbull
Logan Ross
Logan Ross - 7 years ago
He’s a fatty, like a hippo shark
BluBrd324 #47
BluBrd324 #47 - 7 years ago
She looks beautiful
Rafa YouTube
Rafa YouTube - 7 years ago
Inferior Delirium
Inferior Delirium - 7 years ago
That shark has the good life. Divers want to see it because of its size and it's that size because it eats the divers that come to see it.
Luke Holman
Luke Holman - 7 years ago
Deep Blue the shark should play Deep Blue the computer in a game of chess
Randy Kirkham
Randy Kirkham - 7 years ago
looks more like 5-6 meters to me
Whoop Whoop
Whoop Whoop - 7 years ago
Seen bigger!
Wazza D
Wazza D - 7 years ago
That's one big Mother F.
Ian Sneddon
Ian Sneddon - 7 years ago
This shark looks like she ready to give birth
Pro fessional
Pro fessional - 7 years ago
so cage diving is for people to satisfy their egos???? that way they can get close to sharks and annoy them???? DISLIKE!
Pro fessional
Pro fessional - 7 years ago
I did NOT say uscflash in anywhere in my message. U r just assuming... the message was for trish dmc.
USCFlash - 7 years ago
+Pro fessional
I did not say a thing about cage diving, so I don't know why the hell you are whining at me.
Pro fessional
Pro fessional - 7 years ago
Yeah but what s the purpose for this whole thing???? So that people can have this 'amazing' experience???? I bet they do something to attract the shark. Why play with those animals??? SO disrespectful in the name of having some experience.
USCFlash - 7 years ago
+Trish DMC
Um yeah, Great White Shark mothers don't keep their babies with them....cause they'd eat them. They give birth in safer shallower coastal areas, then leave the babies...
GWS young are all on their own, from the second they pop out of their mom.
Trish DMC /Rias Gremory
Trish DMC /Rias Gremory - 7 years ago
Pro fessional well she doesn't look annoyed, and didn't even bother to attack. Usually a female would be agressive depending on many factors. If she was pregnant or had babies , his arm would be torn off
heymisterderp - 7 years ago
When he grabbed her fin, she turned her head and looked down at him like "are you serious?"
Kommandant Franz
Kommandant Franz - 7 years ago
It's Tony Soprano
The Irishpanic
The Irishpanic - 7 years ago
I thought this was a shark video...all i saw was a Volkswagen beetle swimming around
Steven Littleton
Steven Littleton - 7 years ago
She's pregnant for sure...
Cos Playa
Cos Playa - 7 years ago
First dates
“Sharks are like dogs, they only bite, when you touch their private parts
yalis pedroza
yalis pedroza - 7 years ago
She pregnant
Benjamin Myles
Benjamin Myles - 7 years ago
After reading the comments I think 35% of ppl are in love with his big balls lol
izat asri
izat asri - 7 years ago
1:24 Fish number 324 : Hey is that a camera...
ต่อ - 7 years ago
ใช่ค่ะ.. ขอบคุณสารคดีที่สวยงามชอบมากค่ะ..11/1/61...เวลา..10;58....
Diego SS
Diego SS - 7 years ago
ต่อ your momma
asianthor - 7 years ago
This shark would be a good snack for an Orca.
Brock Zinck
Brock Zinck - 7 years ago
1:52 Those teeth are kinda underwhelming tbh...
Peter ruiz
Peter ruiz - 7 years ago
Awesome videos makes you want to stay out of water. You must be crazy to kayak and fish in three Same water sharks r in!
Mr Me
Mr Me - 7 years ago
The little fish around Big blue wants to swim away but can't because of Big Blue's gravity. They're like satellites.
Hengleang Huy
Hengleang Huy - 7 years ago
not biggest but fattest shark
M Irwin
M Irwin - 7 years ago
SHE is fuckin HUGE.
dji zzah
dji zzah - 7 years ago
thats what you call an apex predator
Ja Z
Ja Z - 7 years ago
How old is she?
trancetasy - 7 years ago
that's a fat shark
luminous& weird
luminous& weird - 7 years ago
why are these sharks have so many scars in their body?
USCFlash - 7 years ago
mating scars and dominance fights/scars
Scott Kucinski
Scott Kucinski - 7 years ago
Swallow a man whole no thanks
m101 a
m101 a - 7 years ago
A 6 pack a scar 17 and a few 308 ap rounds. Where can you go shark shooting?
Diego SS
Diego SS - 7 years ago
m101 a in your mothers bush
jay kol
jay kol - 7 years ago
That shark will RIP that cage apart.
Rocky Losco
Rocky Losco - 7 years ago
At 104 he bout lost his life!
Troy Birdman
Troy Birdman - 7 years ago
holy caw thats a big shark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rollerblading geek
rollerblading geek - 7 years ago
Hmm this doesn't look that big compared to jaws so I guess if this is the biggest, sharks are tiny then
Trey Holton
Trey Holton - 7 years ago
0:13 MEEKal Maier? ... That's it. I'm done.
autumn w
autumn w - 7 years ago
she thicc
Nigel 900
Nigel 900 - 7 years ago
Very happy to have a cage between you and it’s teeth.
Nathan Steffanic
Nathan Steffanic - 7 years ago
swimming with that shark is scary enough... being in Mexico is the dangerous part. don't do anything the cartel wouldn't like
HYDROPHILIK - 7 years ago
Incredible video! You will like a drone video we posted on our channel of SHARKS & Tarpon feeding together right near the beach!!
Christina jones
Christina jones - 7 years ago
Its obvious she's pregnant. She is soooo beautiful!
frederick steiner
frederick steiner - 7 years ago
the size of his testiculs MUST HAVE SCARED THE SHARK !
kornofulgur - 7 years ago
Actually, a tad bigger one was caught in the Mediterranean sea back in the 80's, you can see it here and it's quite impressive
Inside it's stomach were a 6 foot blue shark, a 8 foot dolphin and a big sea turtle.
Still, it's preferable to see Deep Blue alive n' swimmin^^
Matthew Harry
Matthew Harry - 7 years ago
0:05 high five
Erika Ortega
Erika Ortega - 7 years ago
dominik sternáth
dominik sternáth - 7 years ago
Sàrk nő
Tom Evans
Tom Evans - 7 years ago
Damn. That is a magnificent creature.
Gillygerbil Chillman
Gillygerbil Chillman - 7 years ago
She's very fat!!
Jacky Boy
Jacky Boy - 7 years ago
But why would you stand there unprotected? Balls or stupidity?
Lucky moron.
anna Last
anna Last - 7 years ago
This shark is a TREASURE.he even shakes fins w/ the diver. She's calm, she also appears to look pregnant, looks like a swollen belly there. I can appreciate a video like this, where the shark isn't harmed.
George - 7 years ago
"She was very calm" .... yeah.. not many things out there that can stress out a 7 meter shark. For comparison "Bruce" the shark in Jaws was about 7.5m long.
pfl95 - 7 years ago
If that was me, ya'll would have seen brown stuff come out the back of the dive suit
anna Last
anna Last - 7 years ago
That would be an all out assault on the shark. And that's one shark that will never come back.
Love Life
Love Life - 7 years ago
scary, my biggest fear
steve wilkos
steve wilkos - 7 years ago
its not 7 meters
Magnificent Bastard
Magnificent Bastard - 7 years ago
Capture it,,,, cage it,,,,, feed it prisoners....
SF MORRIS - 7 years ago
absolutely terrifying probably would have had a heart attack
。あー - 7 years ago
檻から出てる人怖いもの知らずやな ホオジロは危ないよー
Nighthawk Dutch chameleon
Nighthawk Dutch chameleon - 7 years ago
A human has a natural defense in ocean. Shitting oneself will cast a cloud of murky smoky brown water. Wich will confuse the shark as its sences are overwhelmed. Now escape.
Brooklynne Sulfridge
Brooklynne Sulfridge - 7 years ago
Hahaha! Love it!
doomvillen 101
doomvillen 101 - 7 years ago
Shannen K it's Tru tho
Shannen K
Shannen K - 7 years ago
This is hilarious. Be my friend
pete smith
pete smith - 7 years ago
Shoulda named her big sexy
J CaaM
J CaaM - 7 years ago
why would she be nervous she 's big as hell and will eat you.
Billy Collins
Billy Collins - 7 years ago
Something about seeing empty Blue scares me while underwater which is why ill never be a Marine diver.
Ayhan - 7 years ago
What an idiot ..
sr20drft - 7 years ago
bites tyre ... she was very calm
EvenSteven - 7 years ago
9m great white off coast of western australia in 2017. Not rare
Tom B
Tom B - 7 years ago
There is no way that's 7 meters
Andy S
Andy S - 7 years ago
How come it show no interest in camera man
Andy S
Andy S - 7 years ago
anna Last hehe I volunteer my mother in law
anna Last
anna Last - 7 years ago
Emmi Fritz
Emmi Fritz - 7 years ago
Ihr macht das gut.
Oder Passierte das im echt?
Und wer hat gesehn und dann ein Video davon gemacht?
Snax Pendragon
Snax Pendragon - 7 years ago
Is she pregnant, or just a fat bastard?
Jon Dury
Jon Dury - 7 years ago
Orcas are watching this video salivating.
Hassan Syed
Hassan Syed - 7 years ago
Well, this shark won't go down without a fight.
Jack Jackson
Jack Jackson - 7 years ago
Jon Dury My M-16 annihilates orcas! Lol!
jessy lee
jessy lee - 7 years ago
not close to 7 meters. One of the men who were there revealed later that when they did measurements she was estimated to be around 14 feet. About average length for a full grown white although she is very heavy due to pregnancy.
Joe Newman
Joe Newman - 7 years ago
The shark keeps coming back because it wants to eat u !!!! Shouldn’t have forced that high five on her !!!! Also she is pregnant.
Amber Brown
Amber Brown - 7 years ago
I wanna do this but I wanna be in the cage!
c p
c p - 7 years ago
Cellar Door
Cellar Door - 7 years ago
So many guys talking about his supposed big genitals...
Chandradat Maraj
Chandradat Maraj - 7 years ago
Rick - 7 years ago
Now I can't just imagine how big Megalodon was...
Ryan Palermo
Ryan Palermo - 7 years ago
It's amusing when fishermen think they're macho for catching a shark. I would like to see them face a shark like this without any protection. They would cry for their mamas, haha! Anyway, protect these beautiful sea creatures.
Josue Luna
Josue Luna - 7 years ago
i dare u to ride on a shark plz
bercibacsi - 7 years ago
ThE BeSt !
ThE BeSt ! - 7 years ago
Most of the body of white sharks is black
Just the underbelly is white .
Al Rivers
Al Rivers - 7 years ago
ThE BeSt ! I guess a more accurate name would be Great Grey Shark
USCFlash - 7 years ago
It's not "to each their own" it's a fact.
They are not black at all, except for the very tips of their fins and some marking spots and....they can "look" black to you, but they are not. Look at any description of them in all the species biographical descriptions.
They are not "80% black".
THey are light grey, to dark grey with occasional edges and points and markings that are black.

And "great white shark" is just one of their names. White pointer is another.
If you want to time travel back in history and try and rename them, be my guest....
But the fact remains....they are not black and not 80% black.

Their lateral and dorsal coloring, ranges from light gray to dark gray and sometimes with brownish or blue shade, and with black markings....but they are absolutely not, "80% black", no matter your preference for your own set of incorrect facts.
To each their own is based on subjective opinion, not objective fact.
ThE BeSt !
ThE BeSt ! - 7 years ago
USCFlash so I Googled the image great white shark out of water and the shark looks black to me .
But if they are gray then call them that .
To me great white shark is a strange name for a 80% non white creature.
To each their own .
USCFlash - 7 years ago
Nice try, yet totally, miserably, wrong.
Great Whites are not black at all.
"most of their body" is not black at all.
They are pale grey to dark grey, on their sides and dorsal surfaces.
And no, they are not white on "just their underbelly"
They are white on the undersides of their pectoral fins, under their mouth, under their nose, under their tails, on their genitals as well.
Christ, go look at a picture of them.
Kindly don't post totally erroneous information.
gary barr
gary barr - 7 years ago
Looks pregnant
S J - 7 years ago
That's a beautiful shark
Roberta Bray-Enhus
Roberta Bray-Enhus - 7 years ago
Has anyone see her in the last couple of years?
Brandon Lee
Brandon Lee - 7 years ago
She was very calm, eh? Well being a 7m white shark, I'm not surprised!
PJ - 7 years ago
0:04 "Flavor crystals? Flavor Crystals? Excellent! High five!!"
Hititdj - 7 years ago
i wish lolong was alive man what a dream match, Lolong vs Deep Blue, Australian saltwater crocodile vs Great white shark, Goddman its a Pay-per-view match, an even match-up could go either way
Nelson de oliveira
Nelson de oliveira - 7 years ago
Bloody hell, one hell of a shark .....just look at it compared to the guys, they look like toys.
Fernando Milan
Fernando Milan - 7 years ago
No way 7 meters - In comparison with the guy interacting. Or the guy is as tall as Shaquille.
AESCULAPTORmark3 - 7 years ago
Looks well fed
Vincino Gstar
Vincino Gstar - 7 years ago
I heard they feed it naughty children lol
Frank Kelly
Frank Kelly - 7 years ago
The male shark who jumped her bones,, make that her cartilage, must have had a pair of brass ones.
Karen Joy Alaska
Karen Joy Alaska - 7 years ago
andrea summers
andrea summers - 7 years ago
TheGreaterGood80 - 7 years ago
Pregnant females need a lot of food.....just like human women
Tony Manley
Tony Manley - 7 years ago
She's prego
cloveraby - 7 years ago
So that it wont attack ppl
Andeas Handoyo
Andeas Handoyo - 7 years ago
Carol Chaves
Carol Chaves - 7 years ago
AESCULAPTORmark3 she was pregnant
Forever Crypto
Forever Crypto - 7 years ago
Osama is in his stomach
Nike - 7 years ago
She's beautiful. wow.
remziye durgut
remziye durgut - 7 years ago
No no tvo
Обо всем сразу
Обо всем сразу - 7 years ago
Justice - 7 years ago
Apparently sponge bob was the camera man
stvnburg - 7 years ago
She's a fatty!
xxwhispersxx - 7 years ago
Wouldn't get me to do this for all the tea in China.
Ramon Ramitos
Ramon Ramitos - 7 years ago
please don don't feel berry chanpion ner dos bulies they bayyou if you do it will chop you the bas bas hahahaha
Steely Phil
Steely Phil - 7 years ago
Pause at 1:16 she's wider than the cage! Now that's what I call
Mark Wilcons
Mark Wilcons - 7 years ago
Looks pregnant.
RJ Dunkeld
RJ Dunkeld - 7 years ago
"She was very calm, not at all nervous" wonder if the same could be said of the occupants of the cage? What an awesome animal.
thug life
thug life - 7 years ago
What about megaladon
Sol Badguy
Sol Badguy - 7 years ago
You're gonna need a bigger cage.
K. W. Churchill
K. W. Churchill - 7 years ago
That shark was AMAZED at the size of these guys Balls!!!
SUNGEAR59 - 7 years ago
What a special Creature ) The oceans should be full of them but alas we humans know better ! What a shame Media has So Condemned these majestic Creatures due to half a dozen people being eaten ! You swim with tigers and lions expect a little curiosity at times ! don't like it stay away .
Robert Cornelius
Robert Cornelius - 7 years ago
"We gonna need a bigger battleship."
Chaos_ 82
Chaos_ 82 - 7 years ago
Only thing I ever really want to do before I die. Cage dive with White sharks at Guadalupe Island. If It hasn't happened by 50 I'll sell my damn house to make it so.
baby gray
baby gray - 7 years ago
Big Dumps
Big Dumps - 7 years ago
Pretty small actually
Arielle Mandara
Arielle Mandara - 7 years ago
wow she's really big
ekim andersom
ekim andersom - 7 years ago
Its just a big fish
D Larson
D Larson - 7 years ago
Its the biggest YET filmed.
Theres bigger out there, they just havent been FOUND yet.
ajaku - 7 years ago
I got chills watching this! What an absolutely gorgeous creature...
budak kampong
budak kampong - 7 years ago
Fat cute
Proxy Lin
Proxy Lin - 7 years ago
Are we gonna ignore the fact he said “Meekle.” Instead of “Michael.”
Lili Mi
Lili Mi - 7 years ago
That is lightening disturbing.
Jay Jay
Jay Jay - 7 years ago
I find biggest ever hard to believe.
La he Liao
La he Liao - 7 years ago
*6 meters
the middle man
the middle man - 7 years ago
That shark is obviously fake you idiots
Sterling Rock
Sterling Rock - 7 years ago
She was calm and very interested in you alright.. a meal
RayoLokoTJ - 7 years ago
En dónde estará y que estará haciendo hoy en día
Alfredo Quisto
Alfredo Quisto - 7 years ago
Shark ill bite you
Alfredo Quisto
Alfredo Quisto - 7 years ago
Shark:ill nito you
Diver:no wait dude lets high five
Shark: oh year sure
Diver *high fives to the shark
Shark:*high five to the diver
cshubs - 7 years ago
How old is such a shark?
mike Durry
mike Durry - 7 years ago
lcpLJC888 - 7 years ago
a 21 footer Great White is very scary.she is huge.
Babyyoshi309 - 7 years ago
Sharks love to be pet. So I am sure she loved it when the guys pet her.
Crown Commando
Crown Commando - 7 years ago
Bict Cuoent
Only perverted homosexual liberals have a gender. The shark has a sex and it's female.
HajliHajlo - 7 years ago
Thats true- Sharks love to be pet from inside theirs stomach.
Hassan Syed
Hassan Syed - 7 years ago
I don't think they response to affection.
Cherri Rosebud
Cherri Rosebud - 7 years ago
Bict Cuoent .. Not at all..
The Scientists called her a cow.. Slow, circling, and quiet..
Bict Cuoent
Bict Cuoent - 7 years ago
Did you just assume this shark's gender?
Mestrekuka em cinamdo
Mestrekuka em cinamdo - 7 years ago
Nigel 900
Nigel 900 - 7 years ago
They love to be fed. Are volunteering?
popeyepanther - 7 years ago
It looks like it was pregnant. Pretty sure of it actually.
Benfkn Cousins
Benfkn Cousins - 7 years ago
Who in the world can say they high fives a live 7 meter great white shark!
Explorer Guy
Explorer Guy - 7 years ago
How is th cameraman not freaking out (the one filming outside the cage)
BLACK ICE - 7 years ago
That was awesome! Wish I was able to do that.
Greg Chapman
Greg Chapman - 7 years ago
Looks like she is gonna give birth soon to me
Oliver Cromwell
Oliver Cromwell - 7 years ago
Thats a 20 footer....25 three tonnes of him
moy gulapa
moy gulapa - 7 years ago
afendi ujud
afendi ujud - 7 years ago
It a loan shark
MICHAEL Rudge - 7 years ago
Why would she be nevous.stupid statement.......
Lootroq - 7 years ago
She can still get the D
Titanium Quarrion
Titanium Quarrion - 7 years ago
"must have been around 7 m (23'). Has the actual size been verified? I mean if you are going to claim it is the biggest shark filmed maybe you'd actually verify your estimate? Just saying.....
josh cain
josh cain - 7 years ago
"She was very calm....and not at all nervous..." I would think it takes quite a bit to make her nervous...
avaorchid - 7 years ago
There is something beautifully fair about sharks. They do not discriminate and are not swayed by emotions. They simply eat to live and do so with no judgement. They are seemingly intelligent to some degree and are methodical but not in any way calculating. What you see is what you get. They are transparent yet misterious. They also seem kind of like dogs at times lol. Sharks are really amazing.
Dominique - 7 years ago
Quelle bête magnifique
Katherine Uribe
Katherine Uribe - 7 years ago
Deep Blue was definitely pregnant! Her huge belly will get a bit slimmer when she gives birth, but she's still an enormous shark! I think she's very beautiful and a very nice, friendly shark!
Jewels Martin
Jewels Martin - 7 years ago
I promise that their are much larger shark are oceans have monsters
julie mathias
julie mathias - 7 years ago
How beautiful is that shark, they so much deserve our respect and deserve to live in peace,
Horse Run
Horse Run - 7 years ago
It looks well short of seven meters. Sorry.
wweoldschool - 7 years ago
Jaws 101!!!!!!!!
David Lopez
David Lopez - 7 years ago
I want the shark lol
Hoten Hitonokoe
Hoten Hitonokoe - 7 years ago
CatfishMan43 - 7 years ago
Pregnant female
Alicia Romero
Alicia Romero - 7 years ago
Daniel Lockaby
Daniel Lockaby - 7 years ago
It was pregnant
USCFlash - 7 years ago
That's no shark, it's a space station.
iinFamousz Blade
iinFamousz Blade - 7 years ago
That's no space station, that's the deathstar
Asley IceGold
Asley IceGold - 7 years ago
Sacha Cremin
Sacha Cremin - 7 years ago
USCFlash you may fire when ready...
907 4life
907 4life - 7 years ago
she looks pregnant.
Amir Hossein
Amir Hossein - 7 years ago
What a wonder, the shark shouts, then shakes hands.
Diego P
Diego P - 7 years ago
Nice film but feeding them is greatly wrong as sharks link food with humans.....
Ser Garlan Tyrell
Ser Garlan Tyrell - 7 years ago
"she wasn't nervous" - are you talking about the shark or the lunatic standing on top of the cage?
Kevin Zachary
Kevin Zachary - 7 years ago
Shark is like..."Ya...I'm full...I just ate a Toyota!"...
Benjamin israel
Benjamin israel - 7 years ago
so-called whites people is not human.
Jacob Dewitt
Jacob Dewitt - 7 years ago
I would not ha've come out of that cage, let alone high five the thing... I am not scared of anything, man beast or anything else... The ocean is where those things are normally the top predators. I would have to have God's word on it to swim with any sharks that are carnivores. At any point in that time that shark could have spun around and would have gotten very close to snapping mister Michael in half. Of course that shark wasn't nervous, a 21 foot by 3-5 foot diameter shark has very little to be afraid of.
wildabeast w
wildabeast w - 7 years ago
Buddy just pushes the shark like their pals, dear lord
Jessica Bolinger
Jessica Bolinger - 7 years ago
he had no reason to b scared no way the shark could eat him it would of choked to death on that dudes huge balls
Mr Pokiesmeister
Mr Pokiesmeister - 7 years ago
Jaws was what? 25ft? This sucker is pretty close!
# 187
# 187 - 7 years ago
1:03 My Mind is tellin me no , but my body , my body , is tellin me yeaaa
brucefan26 - 7 years ago
Fair well and how do to you fair Spanish ladies fair well and how do to you ladies from Spain, now I've received orders for a sail back to Boston, and so never more will I see you again, Spanish lady :-)
Dane Patterson
Dane Patterson - 7 years ago
Look at her scars
Kat Marino
Kat Marino - 7 years ago
Looks like the megladon off ark survival
P. Hamilton
P. Hamilton - 7 years ago
Ehhh......that's nothing.... I've seen sharks three times that size on TV.....
Black Jack
Black Jack - 7 years ago
Идеальная !
Trav Vino
Trav Vino - 7 years ago
That slow mf will destroyed EASILY.
Bulk Logan
Bulk Logan - 7 years ago
Looks like sharky had one too many seals, maybe even a killer whale or two. Quick, get the her on a diet of crack heads. Take care of her weight and get rid of the street filth.
beatz04 - 7 years ago
Nice and stupid. Btw is the cage open at the top ?!
Golden 47
Golden 47 - 7 years ago
It's the first time a Shark got pushed away by a human
picksensd - 7 years ago
Maybe pregnant?
NaNa - 7 years ago
I think is not easy working
Rafi Fauzan
Rafi Fauzan - 7 years ago
Thats megalodon... So cute:)
Hassan Syed
Hassan Syed - 7 years ago
Rafi Fauzan No it isnt. Megalodon teeth are distinctly different from white sharks if you look closely.
Nicolas Shane
Nicolas Shane - 7 years ago
Awesome high five that guy is a shark whisperer . Deep blue is beautiful she's a gorgeous mature shark. Give respect to the ocean and it will respect you back !!
Rick Pyle
Rick Pyle - 7 years ago
In the next video he rides Deep Blue like a pony!
Wooslayer MCOC
Wooslayer MCOC - 7 years ago
You are Gonna need a bigger Boat XD
T.J.C.P - 7 years ago
She so big cause she was preggers
Daniel Madden
Daniel Madden - 7 years ago
holy crap that thing is huge. you will never see near that fuking thing.....................
Javon Kimbrough
Javon Kimbrough - 7 years ago
Guys I swear I just got free.$ from this amazing website: (just go to)=>
AW Killer
AW Killer - 7 years ago
Candice Nicole
Candice Nicole - 7 years ago
She's the size of a bus... She has no reason to not be calm!
riff724 riff724
riff724 riff724 - 7 years ago
she liked being man handled .  they should have named her BIG SHIRLY NOT BIG BLUE .
Anob 1980
Anob 1980 - 7 years ago
The shark seems obese...
BlackHowl1 - 7 years ago
The average size of a Whale Shark is almost 10m, you inaccurate clickbait title fucks.
TJ D - 7 years ago
high five with a big fat shark
That Dang Skeleton
That Dang Skeleton - 7 years ago
I love how much hollywood has oversold reality here:

In Jaws the 25 foot long shark is a diabolical beast that devours children and harrows a ship for days on end. Ripping a shark cage to shreds

In reality, Deep Blue is a placid giant, the diver pushes her away one handed when she takes a lazy test bite in his direction.
PinkOld - 7 years ago
She is just gorgeous!
What a magnificent beast.
So glad that we have a few of these maximum-sized Great Whites left, both because we need genuine monsters, and because having them means that the environment where they are found is healthy enough to support them.
sy the mong mchale
sy the mong mchale - 7 years ago
What a lad
Julie Gogola
Julie Gogola - 7 years ago
One hell of a great white there!
1984rockabilly - 7 years ago
Impressive animal
Amira Lozse
Amira Lozse - 7 years ago
shark must have been thinking whilst looking at the diver 'hello you tasty snack, how ru doing today'
Rob S.
Rob S. - 7 years ago
Haha Deep Blue, as in Deep Blue Sea. Like the movie
hem iraapn
hem iraapn - 7 years ago
shark needs a diet
John Richards
John Richards - 7 years ago
Whatever the length, she could EASILY have swallowed one of those guys whole. I like the film maker's attitude. He is respectful of the magnificent animal he is recording. He does not provoke it or take unnecessary risks, or try to overdramatize the situation. I thank the film maker for catching on video such a rare and elusive super-apex predator — the odds of us seeing one elsewhere are infinitesimal.
LJ F - 7 years ago
Jaws for real!!
colin brown
colin brown - 7 years ago
I would love to dive with this BEAUTIFUL animal , how awesome is she? , To think it is the Biggest Great White found in the wild now at 7+meters when in the past ( probably pre JAWS THE MOVIE ) they we’re up to 10 metres , just goes to show how decimated the population of these amazing animals are ?. I have been DIVING since the early eighties and never once have i been attacked by any Marine Animal , though to be fair i have not come across anything like a great white , however i have seen 8 metre long basking sharks and 4 metre long white tips , and they are also BEAUTIFUL animals . If i ever had a fear , it would be large saltwater Crocs , simply because they are predictable , IF YOU MOVE YOUR FOOD!
Parker - 7 years ago
guys getting excited after the dive with this big shark , errr no thanks bit of bro love going on
ZAIM ASSIST - 7 years ago
Lonnie Farrare
Lonnie Farrare - 7 years ago
Good to see positive shark vids. They are amongst the most misunderstood animals in the world.
Вася Иванов
Вася Иванов - 7 years ago
Она есть не хочет ей просто интересно
Phoenix Chastaine
Phoenix Chastaine - 7 years ago
Ben Lee
Ben Lee - 7 years ago
So do you wanna tell us where it is? Great description you have, everything but the location.
Thomas Monroe
Thomas Monroe - 7 years ago
Amazing animal.Beautiful.
zimtak111 - 7 years ago
If only he was wearing a GoPro at the time.
John dribo
John dribo - 7 years ago
Medium, the one here at Marshall Islands large one on Enewetak atolls almost the size of the biggest container,what's that about 40ft..srry but i have to say it I just watch discovery channel and found out the this channel is also talk about the most biggest sharks on earth ok if the on in Marshall is the largest say so we can know....thanks
Brigid Knumbthumbs
Brigid Knumbthumbs - 7 years ago
She looks prego... Very... Prego...
Brigid Knumbthumbs
Brigid Knumbthumbs - 7 years ago
Trish DMC /Rias Gremory
Trish DMC /Rias Gremory - 7 years ago
Brigid Knumbthumbs OMG you're right! Female sharks get very aggressive when pregnant so I'm surprised she didn't chew his arm off
El Mostrito
El Mostrito - 7 years ago
Shark was pregnant, so it doesn't count.
Zack Cantrell
Zack Cantrell - 7 years ago
I think his name is Mike-el
Niye hic turk yok lan
White Wolf
White Wolf - 7 years ago
Beautiful ...............
JayAr02 - 7 years ago
"She was very interested in us"... Well, I am not interested in you, shark... Wait what are you... Nooooooaaargh!!!
katie golden
katie golden - 7 years ago
I can't stop watching this video. I've seen it about 15 times, over a period of time, and I enjoy watching her SO MUCH! I only wish I could see her in person (through the strongest cage ever constructed, of course. SHE IS EXTRAORDINARY and BEAUTIFUL! I really do pray that no one harms her for "Bragging Rights" She's had to fight long and Hard her whole life to be as Old and HUGE as she is. Just Breathtaking!!
Rogelio  Torres
Rogelio Torres - 7 years ago
How much is 7 meters? ??
All Shipper
All Shipper - 7 years ago
It looks cute . Does it bite ? ;)
Chris Williams
Chris Williams - 7 years ago
There's just a special breed of stupid and that dude on top of the cage has it.
Glen Doucette
Glen Doucette - 7 years ago
I am fascinated with Great White Sharks such a beautiful creature but a deadly one. That is my dream to go down in a shark cage.
T BONE - 7 years ago
I believe differently.
yeah - 7 years ago
but its not the biggest ever tho lol
paolobbbbb - 7 years ago
"give me five , Jabber Jaws" :D
budsmoke bunny
budsmoke bunny - 7 years ago
That's the most intimidating thing I've ever seen in my fukkin life
Todd Toure
Todd Toure - 7 years ago
She's Beautiful and Pregnant
Regina knight
Regina knight - 7 years ago
Um, he says the shark was very calm, not nervous at all. At that size who or what would she need to be nervous!!!!!!!!
Stokes - 7 years ago
Mical? It’s Michael
max nilsson
max nilsson - 7 years ago
its not the worlds largest shark.....
Marco Van Der Merwe
Marco Van Der Merwe - 7 years ago
typical fokken afrikaner xD
TADionysus - 7 years ago
that shark is barely 18 feet long and they claim its 22 feet its is a pregnant female she is more girth then anything
Gent Bar
Gent Bar - 7 years ago
fack off
some local tip them off
mr bogus $$$ gets the credit
typical whigger
James Hazard
James Hazard - 7 years ago
Esse cara é corajoso ficando fora da gaiola em kkkkkkkkkk slk
Richie H e r r m a n
Richie H e r r m a n - 7 years ago
Wow a 22 foot shark great white that is one big monster. Jaws was supposed to of been 25 foot 3 foot short of becoming a movie star.!
Emanuel Khachaturov
Emanuel Khachaturov - 7 years ago
Janna GriveoCanada
Janna GriveoCanada - 7 years ago
When they are that big and that calm its beautiful...
Rhys Peregrine
Rhys Peregrine - 7 years ago
We've been having our arms bitten off because we've been getting a little too cocky.
Maria Skødt
Maria Skødt - 7 years ago
OOOMMMMGGGGGG She is just so beautiful. What a magnificent beast Deep Blue is.
Nocturne - 7 years ago
33ladyRAM - 7 years ago
That is a big shark...and to think bigger one's exist.
11 B
11 B - 7 years ago
Deep Blue, also plays a mean game of chess!
Valery 333
Valery 333 - 7 years ago
yeah real giant
Khoa Do
Khoa Do - 7 years ago
after dodging the shark bite my man high five the shark... how did he not sink to the bottom of the ocean with his 1000lbs balls ?
Jennifer Fox
Jennifer Fox - 7 years ago
She looked pregnant! (Watched with no audio). We know sod all about their reproduction. How amazing would it be to see her give birth.
iflewbeyond - 7 years ago
Beautiful shark!
Gazza 'rafale mozzy'
Gazza 'rafale mozzy' - 7 years ago
what if as hes hi fiving the shark flapped its tail and hit him in the head and he got knocked out and then hed get eaten
Paul Lee g
Paul Lee g - 7 years ago
I bunbed into big blue once spilt my drink so I put it in a headlock and gave it a black fin
Kirby Calitis
Kirby Calitis - 7 years ago
We call a big fat shark magnificent, and we call a big fat lady what?
junoon xaxa
junoon xaxa - 7 years ago
Need banana 4 scale...
Oh Lawd
Oh Lawd - 7 years ago
I'm pretty sure that the world's largest shark is the whale shark...
paulmooney476 - 7 years ago
Minecrafter 101
Minecrafter 101 - 7 years ago
Either the mgeladon is that shark or cousins or brothers of the mgeladon
Luke Campbell
Luke Campbell - 7 years ago
Samira Bk
Samira Bk - 7 years ago
Luke Campbell
Louis Johnson
Louis Johnson - 7 years ago
Its wants to eat you
Ashlyn Daulton
Ashlyn Daulton - 7 years ago
It's fat
Ashlyn Daulton
Ashlyn Daulton - 7 years ago
The shark is not that long
KOOL BROTHA - 7 years ago
that's allot of great soup right the there. yum
YoungKev Savage
YoungKev Savage - 7 years ago
SR. CAVEIRA - 7 years ago
Libo Xue
Libo Xue - 7 years ago
Bruh I thought Megalodon was the largest shark
Nanni V.
Nanni V. - 7 years ago
What a cute chubby shark lol
noway6489533 - 7 years ago
If that’s a female, surely the males would be bigger? Or is she pregnant?
Scott Whaley
Scott Whaley - 7 years ago
as a Bigfoot researcher for over 45 years I realized immediately to that she was very big. It takes a Keen Eye to notice that the shark was very big. As I said I've been a Bigfoot researcher for over 55 years. Started my researching Bigfoot and Vietnam. So in all of my years as a Bigfoot researcher I think somewhere around 65 years I have a Keen Eye to tell how big is shark is thank you
Mason Teague
Mason Teague - 7 years ago
Learn to pronounce a man's name properly
Samantha MacDoo
Samantha MacDoo - 7 years ago
Umm dude. I'm pretty sure I just saw the shark trying to bite you. That's not calm.
Diana Dona
Diana Dona - 7 years ago
Luka Albijanic
Luka Albijanic - 7 years ago
At the end hi five with the shark ... :)
Vasto Lorde
Vasto Lorde - 7 years ago
it was 6 metres not 7 you click-baiter!
Plark k
Plark k - 7 years ago
Michael Maier=Michael Myers
Hardik Saxena
Hardik Saxena - 7 years ago
its broos
Gia Long
Gia Long - 7 years ago
lollero240 - 7 years ago
would bang
Ramsey Nelson
Ramsey Nelson - 7 years ago
Huh so meekle is a pretty brave guy.
dhanushka sachintha
dhanushka sachintha - 7 years ago
She's beautiful.
dhanushka sachintha
dhanushka sachintha - 7 years ago
She's beautiful.
Junius Ducante
Junius Ducante - 7 years ago
She's cute
Franzel Claudette Carlos
Franzel Claudette Carlos - 7 years ago
So big
Help Me!
Help Me! - 7 years ago
1:07 high fives shark
Lasse Riise
Lasse Riise - 7 years ago
It looks like a single mom from NY.
Madman - 7 years ago
Doesn't look that big in video
Bambi Geronimo
Bambi Geronimo - 7 years ago
I SUBSCRIEBE!!!!!!!!!!
Jesaldo Valdez
Jesaldo Valdez - 7 years ago
Shark : hey yow..
Diver : hi there hot chubby
momma. How is it going?
Shark : all is good
*high five
TZ3z - 7 years ago
jaws is fake as balls stop comparing
hayden andrews
hayden andrews - 7 years ago
"Were going to need a bigger boat"
Mara Gubanic
Mara Gubanic - 7 years ago
Born in '92 and I know that's from Jaws.
Leah Milne
Leah Milne - 7 years ago
hayden andrews you mean "we're gonna need a bigger cage"
Hassan Syed
Hassan Syed - 7 years ago
It's you're gonna need a bigger boat.
Jean Kloot
Jean Kloot - 7 years ago
The Titanic sank. Not much of a help, is it
hayden andrews
hayden andrews - 7 years ago
oh alright thank you
Taradhish - 7 years ago
hayden andrews Oh no problem it wasn't a criticism ahah.
hayden andrews
hayden andrews - 7 years ago
close enough i was 10 when i last saw the movie
Taradhish - 7 years ago
"You're gonna need a bigger boat" *
Brooklyn 1
Brooklyn 1 - 7 years ago
ik this is a jaws reference and im a 2000's kid
hayden andrews
hayden andrews - 7 years ago
so my ex
Rishad Mohamed
Rishad Mohamed - 7 years ago
Only 70's kids know this...right?
xXSeal FactsXx
xXSeal FactsXx - 7 years ago
We gonna need the Titanic
Thayná - 7 years ago
Eu tenho fobia de tubarão assisto parece que vou desmaiar quando olho pra ele
Philippe Virgili
Philippe Virgili - 7 years ago
Amazing encounter!
Ferlandi Gomez
Ferlandi Gomez - 7 years ago
Biggest ever? Have you not ever heard of a megladon?
teleherzog - 7 years ago
World’s Largest Shark..they found till now ;))
Paul Los
Paul Los - 7 years ago
Was he being interviewed in the shower?
ZEB - 7 years ago
It’s pretty bad, which is really lame when people don’t put in more effort to make videos. It’s so easy to just record in a room with dampened acoustics and/or invest in decent microphone.
Monster Fox
Monster Fox - 7 years ago
Nathan Steffanic He's commenting on the terrible audio quality of the guys interview.
Nathan Steffanic
Nathan Steffanic - 7 years ago
Paul Los he's on the couch right in front of his living room window dude
samuel smith
samuel smith - 7 years ago
There's Sharks out there that BIG ?
Despiser Despised
Despiser Despised - 7 years ago
In the military I learned a term called "fixation". It can lead to disaster quickly. Seeing the guy out of the cage fixate on the shark I couldn't help but peer off behind him. I don't know why but I always imagined the largest GW could eat a human in one bite.
The Honest Man
The Honest Man - 7 years ago
I'm sorry, but there's no way in HELL I believe this shark is over 23 feet! As it swims pay the top of the cage it is inky like twice his body length so unless this man is 11 & 1/2 feet long that shark is at best 12 to 13 get long! Typical ma'am with a 'big fish story' that he expects everyone to believe because in the water size can be hard to calculate. The real question is how tall is this guy so the real length of this shark can be figured out!
frank dizzle
frank dizzle - 7 years ago
If i was the discovery channel or any nature related channel i would make this shark my number oner commitment. Tag it and film it as much as possible. Easier said than done i know, but its legit 20 plus feet, some legit proof would be epic.
Seng Chow
Seng Chow - 7 years ago
a big horror white shark
Jason Turoff
Jason Turoff - 7 years ago
oh man great footage. thats a BIG shark
Clone 1453
Clone 1453 - 7 years ago
Baby Megalodon :)
Hassan Syed
Hassan Syed - 7 years ago
fdgdfafassff No they're not. They are separate. Mako sharks are more closely related to megs than whites. Hence why most scientists are calling it carcharocles megalodon. In fact whites coexisted with megs back then.
fdgdfafassff - 7 years ago
areeb1296 Yea they actually are. great whites are distant relatives of megalodons
bris fry
bris fry - 7 years ago
areeb1296 He is relating to size dude.
areeb1296 - 7 years ago
Yeah because Great whites and Megalodon are totally related.
anna Last
anna Last - 7 years ago
Newborn megalodon more like it!
Vaughan Hodgon
Vaughan Hodgon - 7 years ago
orca bait
specialk - 7 years ago
you can pet it on the head.
Bowral Australia
Bowral Australia - 7 years ago
obese shark! i need she needs a doctor.. lol
Terry TT
Terry TT - 7 years ago
This is a WoW moment. Its also a time when you discover the colour of Diarrhoea! Awesome video thanks guys.
1xoACEox1 - 7 years ago
Shes got the recent Godzilla film "chubby" look.

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About World’s Largest Shark: 7-Metre-Long ‘Deep Blue’ Believed To Be Biggest Ever

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