almost shark food, 4 miles off key west, july 2011

almost shark food, 4 miles off key west, july 2011

almost shark food, 4 miles off key west, july 2011 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3077

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almost shark food, 4 miles off key west, july 2011

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Most popular comments
for almost shark food, 4 miles off key west, july 2011

Mike dolton
Mike dolton - 6 years ago
This is why you need to keep you pokeballs on you at all times
Charlie Tango
Charlie Tango - 6 years ago
This is why I will never swim in the ocean. Ever!
Frank Castle
Frank Castle - 6 years ago
I remember being out 3 les due south of Marathon Key on a friends fathers charter boat and having to tell some guy to take all of his gold and silver jewelry off , he asked why so I told him the baracuda would think its bait fish and might attack .
Needless to say he never got in the water but I did get a few pics of the school of about 40+ baracuda and showed them to him . He said I was crazy because I could have gotten attacked but they just swam by watching me while heading out futher into the gulf
Bu Rida
Bu Rida - 6 years ago
She must’ve been bleeding for de possay
Paul McKnight
Paul McKnight - 6 years ago
why would you wana swim in shark infested waters......ffs
Jorian Hipp
Jorian Hipp - 6 years ago
It's so sad to see peoples ignorant attitude towards these amazing species. Please look for facts before you talk! It is extremely rare for sharks to attack humans, and even more rare with death as the outcome. It happens yes, but in the vast majority of these cases, It's the stupid human who have disturbed or provoked them somehow.
They are one of the oldest species on earth and extremely important for the ecosystem, and we humans kill up to 100 million sharks per year! Now that's worth thinking about!
iscazsw - 6 years ago
This is absolutely terrifying! The idea of swimming miles out from shore is exhilarating, to do it you would have to have the shark conversation and convince yourself your being dramatic and thinking worse case scenario. Just jump in and enjoy the liberating freedom of the dare devil act. Then you've done it, your in, your feeling awesome. This is what life's all about, ahhhhh .... i need to do this more often... confidence building ... Then the illusion is shattered 'get in the boat'. That feeling that washes over would make your face feel like goose bumps... Sharks are evil. Eye gouge or stun him with a first to the nose, Australian recommend self defence actions.
chhaattygroovy - 6 years ago
I know I wouldn't jump in ocean / deep water either I afraid of sharks etc, !
Dopey - 6 years ago
Lol why the fuck would u be in the ocean all vulnerable like that? Stupid!!!

10. comment for almost shark food, 4 miles off key west, july 2011

Audfile - 6 years ago
Just dumb.
Casper Wallace
Casper Wallace - 6 years ago
The sea doesn't want us, it bites us, stings us, drowns us, eats us. When will we take the hint.
Chuck Iringtwice
Chuck Iringtwice - 6 years ago
So swimming in open water in known shark areas. Not real smart.
Jon B.
Jon B. - 6 years ago
Good thing she wasn't on her period
Mont Robinson
Mont Robinson - 6 years ago
This is why wht ppl always getting eaten by animals stay outta their home
Dave Smith
Dave Smith - 6 years ago
I will never understand why people choose to drop to the bottom of the food chain just to go for a swim. I am a land mammal and plan to stay that way!
Just Jenn
Just Jenn - 6 years ago
Arggghh!...Exactly why I have been in FL since 76 and NEVER swim in open water lol I don't even use my scuba cert anymore due to close calls like this. If 1 would have nipped her, the others would have went frenzy mode eeek. Well played Guy.
Sam Johnson
Sam Johnson - 6 years ago
0:17 I think if she’s gonna swim in shark territory she should at least learn how to swim first lol
April Griffin
April Griffin - 6 years ago
Omg I saw it...Thank God she didn't get attacked.
Bizu - 6 years ago
god made pools for a reason....if I can't see the bottom and it doesn't have a drain then i'm not going in... :)

20. comment for almost shark food, 4 miles off key west, july 2011

Lyann Leyva
Lyann Leyva - 6 years ago
Holy shite!!!!!!
Timothy Farrell
Timothy Farrell - 6 years ago
Most don't know, pee is second to blood in the water . She peed.
RAY RAY - 6 years ago
If I want 2 get in the water it going 2 b a pool or the tub
JustCurious - 6 years ago
"At least the water was beautiful"
Dirty Cop Registry
Dirty Cop Registry - 6 years ago
Pretty sure that shark smelled something unpleasant.
Davucci Allah
Davucci Allah - 6 years ago
Yah Awsome guy was so calm great job
Sydney O'Bier
Sydney O'Bier - 6 years ago
Him- Get in the boat.

Me- pulls out gun and shoots myself.
Uncle Rich
Uncle Rich - 6 years ago
The sharks were thinking, “people sushi” LOL
MysteryMachine 444
MysteryMachine 444 - 6 years ago
Vegan sharks.
NickyB 75
NickyB 75 - 6 years ago
Even if there were one solitary shark in the world, I still wouldn’t get in water past my knees.

30. comment for almost shark food, 4 miles off key west, july 2011

Luci - 6 years ago
i bet they are regulars grew up in key west someone says out of the water you get out of the water quick and calm like a fire drill
J Hodges
J Hodges - 6 years ago
If your boat capsized or something and you had to tread water out there for the night you’d be in a world of hurt.
Keith Drummond
Keith Drummond - 6 years ago
Self correcting problem
Scott Read
Scott Read - 6 years ago
I'm actually a shark specialist. I believe that was In fact just a large species of turtle.
Jimmy Piehl
Jimmy Piehl - 6 years ago
Its beyond me how any retard would risk it, knowing there is even a slight chance of large sharks.
Joel Elliott
Joel Elliott - 6 years ago
Those r white tips. 1of the most aggressive shark. We have plenty where I'm @. Lucky. Close call
Charlie D
Charlie D - 6 years ago
Yep, because if he panicked her it could have attracted the sharks again. Good thinking.
Haydn Preston
Haydn Preston - 6 years ago
Are you serious lol just swim to the boat sweetheart dumb question lol
Amber Renee
Amber Renee - 6 years ago
This literally had me squeezing my butt cheeks! Wow
Tariq Balushi
Tariq Balushi - 6 years ago
Omg,not funny at all
Jessica De Oliveira
Jessica De Oliveira - 6 years ago
vai maluco, fica no território que nao é seu ks
Christian Chavez
Christian Chavez - 6 years ago
Crazy how they all showed up all of a sudden.
G J - 6 years ago
10.7 million swimming pools in Florida and ya had to jump in the ocean
Rob Hogg
Rob Hogg - 6 years ago
Fuck that
Caroline Paquier
Caroline Paquier - 6 years ago
My Pappy taught me never to swim where I was part of the food chain! :)))))))
Mike Bloodsworth
Mike Bloodsworth - 6 years ago
If she dies she dies
K Veneris
K Veneris - 6 years ago
You go in their territory and then are surprised to see one. What do you expect?
Michael Nonya
Michael Nonya - 6 years ago
Wow they were DEFINATELY sizing her up for a snack !!! Well played !!
Bill the Fifth
Bill the Fifth - 6 years ago
I love this guy. Not a melodramatic frantic pussy like so many men these days.
Meghan Dunn
Meghan Dunn - 6 years ago
wow that was close i would maybe be screaming

50. comment for almost shark food, 4 miles off key west, july 2011

EZ Off Grid
EZ Off Grid - 6 years ago
Harmless nurse sharks.
Stephen Merck
Stephen Merck - 6 years ago
That's exactly why i don't swim in the ocean.the splashing is like a dinner bell for sharks.
Aska 7792
Aska 7792 - 6 years ago
Imagine the guy didn't spot the sharks circling you in time.... you frickin idiot, you shat yourself "r u being serious" get the heck out of here, what did you think was going to happen going into open oceans knows to have sharks, your lucky to be alive, and I don't recommend anyone to do this because it's f$*/*# stupid!
E W - 6 years ago
Fuck how big is ig
danny boyo
danny boyo - 6 years ago
Must be on her period.
Shane - 6 years ago
A little bit of pee came out..
PORTAL AL INFINITO - 6 years ago
What else do these people expect when swimming in those waters?
Diti Diti
Diti Diti - 6 years ago
She was lucky cause sharks were having a teenage party...
Easy Grin
Easy Grin - 6 years ago
I see nothing?
P V - 6 years ago
Lucky as hell! A definite reason not to go in the ocean! Your in their territory, and it’s your fault, not theirs!
KENNEDY the Cosmetologist
KENNEDY the Cosmetologist - 6 years ago
I think Heidi's gonna stay in the boat.
Tawny D. Gutierrez
Tawny D. Gutierrez - 6 years ago
why do people swim in creeped out by swimming in lakes can't even imagine the ocean
IPrince Majestic
IPrince Majestic - 6 years ago
White people.
Michael Novak
Michael Novak - 6 years ago
I went fishing in key west with a friend and i asked him if he would get in the water and he said no way there are big animals out there, i with him
sensey s
sensey s - 6 years ago
Бля когда нибудь нарветесь на акул!
Troy Mason
Troy Mason - 6 years ago
Great calm guy good job
Lord Giles
Lord Giles - 6 years ago
I want to eat that shark
SupremeRevival155 - 6 years ago
I dont see anything.. Where was the shark when the husband called her 2 the boat? I barely see anything during the slow motion replay. Definitely can't see anything during the live video.
John Moffat
John Moffat - 6 years ago
I'd tell my misses to get in the boat calmly too. I still don't think she'd believe me.
Never24Summer - 6 years ago
She knew to get her booty in that boat! Lol his tone
zindi1138 - 6 years ago
why swim in shark beyond me..good luck with that.
K Nazir Ingram
K Nazir Ingram - 6 years ago
she was about the enter the food chain at not at the top
Corey Mullis
Corey Mullis - 6 years ago
The dude handled it perfectly.
Bushy JJ
Bushy JJ - 6 years ago
Sharks don’t attack me from under water... I attack them.
Joshua Thomas
Joshua Thomas - 6 years ago
Oceanic white tip??????
EMoney Howard
EMoney Howard - 6 years ago
U gotta be quicker than that lol
DJ Penske
DJ Penske - 6 years ago
Oh please
Michael Solomon
Michael Solomon - 6 years ago
Jaffe's from Richmond,Dayton area?
My Bad
My Bad - 6 years ago
Schade eigentlich
Unkle Antti
Unkle Antti - 6 years ago
little Dog, fuck, 4500 people here are taliking about Jaws.
Unkle Antti
Unkle Antti - 6 years ago
That is just Blue dog, Blue shark, no teeth no human attacks. calm the fuck down
Rahma Boudjendlia
Rahma Boudjendlia - 6 years ago
A very smart man ( control reaction)
Roman Grom
Roman Grom - 6 years ago
Morons; both of them.
Rommel Valentino Guinto
Rommel Valentino Guinto - 6 years ago
If its my fucking wife if i tell her get to boat she will insist and ask why.. if u repeat it again she will rply why again and i will start explaining to her that theres shark but its too late sharks will get my fucking wife.. my wife dont listen to me.. she's hard headed one.
Oswaldo M
Oswaldo M - 6 years ago
Foolish to swim in the ocean
Larry Becker Jr
Larry Becker Jr - 6 years ago
people get into bad situations,because they put themselves in those situations...fuck that.
Robert Cullen
Robert Cullen - 6 years ago
That’s white tip and mako territory. Can’t mess around out there.
Captain Planet The power is yours
Captain Planet The power is yours - 6 years ago
Way to go dude you saved her life I would of jumped in and we both be fish food glad you shared and can both talk about it with no injuries absolutely amazing even tho we know they are there it still leaves me amazed that they do not fear us one bit
Ragga_Muffin_84 - 6 years ago
maybe the sharks could smell her fishy minge.
Александр Шориков
Александр Шориков - 6 years ago
Повезло, надо хотябы эхолот портативный при себе иметь
Scott Eb
Scott Eb - 6 years ago
You obviously didn’t shower.
Chris Coleman
Chris Coleman - 6 years ago
What did u tell her for ???
Gordon O'Gairbhith
Gordon O'Gairbhith - 6 years ago
"The water's beautiful" famous last words.
Brute Force
Brute Force - 6 years ago
Too close
Rg 1
Rg 1 - 6 years ago
Those sharks are harmless, most are, only great whites are dangerous and will have smashed her from underneath and she'd have no chance
IamSofia - 6 years ago
Why would she swim in a shark infested water
BulletL - 6 years ago
Sharks usually don’t like human meat. It’s very unlikely that they would eat her
playinragz - 6 years ago
Swimming in open ocean is really hard. Current is real real strong. Sharks? Well that’s just fucking nuts!
Joe Billielo
Joe Billielo - 6 years ago
I'd love to see a video of someone being eaten alive......AWESOME!!!! Especially some dyke-haired feminist bitch!!!! I wonder if she went full feminist dyke after he was stupid enough to marry her and now he's fucked!!!
skooby153 - 6 years ago
They were just checking her out if she was food or not or she really would’ve been Sharrk food

100. comment for almost shark food, 4 miles off key west, july 2011

8888rionts - 6 years ago
Food lover
Food lover - 6 years ago
Don't put ur life in danger without reason
Dibeezy ThaGifted
Dibeezy ThaGifted - 6 years ago
Oceanic white tips would've made a quick meal
Marshall Wall
Marshall Wall - 6 years ago
Yup it's the ocean
Eclipse1988 - 6 years ago
"Oh, the water is beautiful"... stupid bitch
Christopher Blackwell
Christopher Blackwell - 6 years ago
Oooh they were gonna be real quiet about it too
Terence Taylor
Terence Taylor - 6 years ago
Jesus this just scared the shit outta me!! I loved the way how she knew he was serious and not fooling about. How calm was he? I'm telling the truth here now. After watching Jaws for the first time back in 1975 I only ever go up to my knees in the ocean It still has that effect on me even after all those years.
Paul Bernard
Paul Bernard - 6 years ago
Makes me think of the open water movies..
Chee Nou Lo
Chee Nou Lo - 6 years ago
Bit$&&$ get the f$&@ in THA BOAT RN!!!!
Tir Na Nog
Tir Na Nog - 6 years ago
She was naked.
Jerry Lee Kersey
Jerry Lee Kersey - 6 years ago
Im always amazed that people are surprised to see a shark or have a close encounter. I love how a surfer says hmmm that's odd that a shark almost ate me. Duhhhhhh your in their home.
Juan Vasquez
Juan Vasquez - 6 years ago
That would have been cool if the shark bit her goofy ass
Alfredo Diaz
Alfredo Diaz - 6 years ago
Viktor Vincent
Viktor Vincent - 6 years ago
God damn I would have jumped in hoping to startle the bastard long enough to get her out , of course if air jaws is watching if get snapped up before i Cannon balled next to her lol. That was scary fuck the ocean !!!! Go to a lake man nothing to eat you there but turtles lol.
No Name
No Name - 6 years ago
Why would 2800 people thumbs-down this?? Wtf?? They don't like the color of her suit?? People are so gd stupid!! Effing moronic idiots. These are the people who give something one star on a rating because the had to wait in line to buy it. Idiots.
Nico Chisha
Nico Chisha - 6 years ago
A shark looking for food right beneath and she'd been history. She did not survive because he told her to get out. If the sharks meant for her to be food, she would have been food
Angry Combat Wombat
Angry Combat Wombat - 6 years ago
Don't go swimming in open water that far out unless you're trying to get breached by a 15ft great white or some shit you're literally asking for something to try and eat you if you're that far out and don't have underwater visibility
Jerome Man
Jerome Man - 6 years ago
She was to big anyway. Would have been fine to carry on swimming
Dr. Hook
Dr. Hook - 6 years ago
She was a complete IDIOT for swimming 4 miles from shore.
manonamountain - 6 years ago
Majority of shark attacks take place close to the shore.
jhanlon1903 - 6 years ago
until one takes a bite. then they all join in
Jason Nosaj
Jason Nosaj - 6 years ago
Sharks don't care about her. This shark came towards her out of curiosity
ruminas011 - 6 years ago
when she says ... "holy crap can you imagine" ..... I dont understand how can one say stupid shit like that .... ofc imbecile I can imagine freaking shark in an open sea/ocean, it would be hard to imagine its not there .... entitled people
Nubby Tope
Nubby Tope - 6 years ago
Whenever I want a safe place to enjoy a swim, 4 miles off Key West is the first place I go.
James Doyle
James Doyle - 6 years ago
Do a shark impression darling
Michael Poyntz
Michael Poyntz - 6 years ago
That is one lucky lady and one cool, calm bet is he was in the marines!
jskrabac - 6 years ago
Mad respect for this guy! "Hey honey...get in the boat." So she doesn't freak out and splash around and draw their attention.
MusicVidsLife - 6 years ago
Don't disturb nature let nature take its course
James Schaneman
James Schaneman - 6 years ago
glad nothing happened, but DAMN no way in hell would I be swimming in middle of ocean like that!!!
Jack Quinn
Jack Quinn - 6 years ago
Ovaries of steel.
Jon Jonson
Jon Jonson - 6 years ago
Same thing happened to me 6 months ago. We were 2 miles off Miami when I was swimming and a Hammer head swam up behind me. He took all of me in his mouth and chomped down. After he swallowed me, I camped out in his gullet for a few hours then he shit me out and I swam back to shore!
NBW_BigBeAst_yt _yt
NBW_BigBeAst_yt _yt - 6 years ago
Nathan Grohnert
Nathan Grohnert - 6 years ago
MyLifeAtMoonAcre - 6 years ago
Geez are you serious???!!!!!
Jon Jonson
Jon Jonson - 6 years ago
Yes, I stank like hell for a while but fine now!!!
manonamountain - 6 years ago lucky are you,to have survived that!
Greg M
Greg M - 6 years ago
I swim in the Gulf all winter long (Southwestern Florida), but I wouldn't EVER go out and jump off of a boat without equipment and a group or divers, or at least a mask and a spear. Something about dropping in out in the middle of the ocean, blind, scares the bejesus out of me.
WW Outdoors
WW Outdoors - 6 years ago
Not fun.
Ruthless Mothafucka
Ruthless Mothafucka - 6 years ago
Only White people would jump in the ocean like this. Black, Asians and Hispanics would say fuck that!
Green Hope
Green Hope - 6 years ago
Are you serious ? Serious like a heart attack . Robert De Niro from the movie ( the fan ) .
LDB don
LDB don - 6 years ago
I remember when there was a shark behind me , luckily i have a 9.4 inch cock , so i beat it on the nose , i was lucky .
martin solano
martin solano - 6 years ago
Sadly this is why people kill sharks. How about you stay the fuck out of their homes.
claude_j4 - 6 years ago
Shut up you fucking maggot
Agustin DeJesus
Agustin DeJesus - 6 years ago
Is this really happen how come they are showing the sharks under is there is camara filming under water.
tranlanga mingo
tranlanga mingo - 6 years ago
Who won the run race right leg or left leg?
tony walters
tony walters - 6 years ago
She must of been on her period!
ZxRx7 - 6 years ago
Swimming 4 miles out. Might as well equip her with a dinner bell.
Krissy Manasieva
Krissy Manasieva - 6 years ago
gave me anxiety
george galouzis
george galouzis - 6 years ago
she's lucky he wasn't thinking about the life insurance policy
Neroo - 6 years ago
its a bogo free phone bro
Matthew J
Matthew J - 6 years ago
Note to self. There are sharks in the ocean.
masmainster - 6 years ago
I don't know what possesses people to think that it is perfectly acceptable and safe to jump into the ocean for a swim, natural selection of species at work I suppose.
Chris m
Chris m - 6 years ago
Who just swims in the ocean? I get freaked out swimming in a lake, forget that noise.
Abdulaziz Al-Fayez
Abdulaziz Al-Fayez - 6 years ago
brendan carter
brendan carter - 6 years ago
BOON - 6 years ago
All planned ! insurance scam ! ..........just testing for his next wife !
Paul Nosul
Paul Nosul - 6 years ago
Saw a break in the video and then stock footage of a shark swimming.... Bull.Shit.
Snafflemiester - 6 years ago
pffftttt...they were baby sharks lol
Matt Mattius
Matt Mattius - 6 years ago
cannibalcheese - 6 years ago
why even swim in there in the first place? retarded.
hotlanta35 - 6 years ago
ignorance is bliss
Anita Luca
Anita Luca - 6 years ago
4 miles off key west is shark infested waters and shes swimming on their turf. It’s pretty deep water 4 miles out so she’s obviously a great swimmer.
bubblerings - 6 years ago
at 1:00 -Pointy nose... MAKO! = Yikes!!!
The Wedge
The Wedge - 6 years ago
that wasn't even a great white or a bull shark SMH.... not even scary...
Hollywood Fresh
Hollywood Fresh - 6 years ago
She is so freaking lucky if you look closely at the video those are black tip sharks
DeVrijeStaat - 6 years ago
You are one brave woman.. Hats off to that.
john k.
john k. - 6 years ago
a real man would have shot the 'dolls eyes' out if that shark with his rifle, or asked his wife if her life insurance was paid up first.
das wright
das wright - 6 years ago
Real smart swing in shark infested waters,Darwin anyone?!
Lance Manyon
Lance Manyon - 6 years ago
I think that chick was naked
SeanH - 6 years ago
That would have not been fun - Yeah no shit lol
Susan Munford
Susan Munford - 6 years ago
Whoa!! Would have been interesting to see from above. I bet there were many more than what they were seeing.
Kube Dog
Kube Dog - 6 years ago
Don't worry. Key West sharks are gay.
Christian Chavez
Christian Chavez - 6 years ago
mr10man69 - 6 years ago
They are Vegan.
Margaret Ping
Margaret Ping - 6 years ago
Many are closeted bi. Watch out!
Eric Colon
Eric Colon - 6 years ago
Lmfao yes go do that 4 Miles Off the Australian coast
calibomber209 - 6 years ago
Gotta stay clear of those bull dyke sharks
THOTH - 6 years ago
She was entirely safe, being a female. Now if he was in the water, it would be a very different story.
Kcountry Corvettes
Kcountry Corvettes - 6 years ago
Kube Dog lmao !!
Elle's Reviews
Elle's Reviews - 6 years ago
They seemed to have a great way of communicating with each other-probably on a daily basis. He was calm but serious. She listened and immediately started moving with a purpose and only double checked with him after she listened and did exactly what he said. I wish more people (including and ESPECIALLY myself) communicated in a calm, intelligent way like this. Their effective communication likely saved her life. I am going to remember this! So glad she was okay!!! It was a great lesson for me!
George Mamonas
George Mamonas - 6 years ago
I think all you americans are dick know the sea has sharks and you continue to swim far away from shore!
rania ismail
rania ismail - 6 years ago
glade you're alive and didn't get hurt X
mixalis - 6 years ago
Well swimming r4 miles out to sea, well, hopefully next shark gets his meal @!!!!!!!!!1
ybzskci - 6 years ago
I don't care how calmly he tells her to get in the boat..What the f*ck is she doing in shark infested water in the first place!
JEFF DragonBall
JEFF DragonBall - 6 years ago
This is why I don't swim in the sea.
Mr.SnugglyDick - 6 years ago
i'm beginning to think swimming in the open ocean is not such a good idea
Eeee Jj
Eeee Jj - 6 years ago
Loan shark .....
imateapot51 - 6 years ago
Oceanic whitetip shark.
Michael Crenshaw
Michael Crenshaw - 6 years ago
Super poised...
trust me
trust me - 6 years ago
See how calm but serious her sounded it was intense!
July Moon
July Moon - 6 years ago
Ahhh beautiful water
Nomad -81-
Nomad -81- - 6 years ago
Imagine if you're a woman and get bit by a shark, only when bit one of the teeth directly impacts your vagina. I mean directly, like a swish.
DJJoeyJD - 6 years ago
i don't see the sharks yet
Ultra_Vex - 6 years ago
Lucky the water was a bit clear. Any more murkier and she may have been lunch meat.
That's a Wrap
That's a Wrap - 6 years ago
Her cunt was bleeding
Mark G
Mark G - 6 years ago
Way more likely to die from falling than killed by a shark.
Ash - 6 years ago
ralf norenberg
ralf norenberg - 6 years ago
shark dont care if you are calm or freak out,
John Rain McManus
John Rain McManus - 6 years ago
Wait, she's naked, right?
Bonnie Hunt
Bonnie Hunt - 6 years ago
I hope to die by jumping on a grenade, saving 10 to 15 lives... only after finding out I have days to live. Getting eaten by a shark would be senseless and dumb because... pools!
Lisa Sierra
Lisa Sierra - 6 years ago
He’s a keeper I hope she married him!
crazyrebl - 6 years ago
Nope, just nope. Ocean nope. In a little boat nope. No nope. Noway. Never. Nightmare. Terror. Scared. Take me to land.
The Murphree's
The Murphree's - 6 years ago
Good guy keeping lookout for you. Glad you made it safely back to the boat.....
Kage Krôss
Kage Krôss - 6 years ago
Murky waters = shark. I have this stupid selachophobia in which I wouldn't swim alone (except with company) in a body of water even in a pool! When I'm in the water I see images of a gaping mouth with gnarly, triangular, serrated teeth and huge Hellraser eyes swimming towards me. It even happens sometimes when I'm taking a bath. I really don't know why I have it because I never had such encounters. Watching too much shark week as a kid could be the only culprit.
Miguel Ortega
Miguel Ortega - 6 years ago
You deserve it, asshole.
Daniel Speake
Daniel Speake - 6 years ago
Fuckin white people.
GloomyAnthony - 6 years ago
Yeah because every white person is stupid enough to swim in shark waters.
A T - 6 years ago
It's your lucky day
PunkHippie - 6 years ago
If he was any less calm I bet she’d start splashing and freaking out.
DepressoExpresso - 6 years ago
she's got more balls then most men
George holbrook
George holbrook - 6 years ago
Go swimming 4 miles off the coast in 'their' domain.. don't whine if you do become shark food!
Biggieboss power
Biggieboss power - 6 years ago
This shark is what 30 Centimeters long?= xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD i gues if that would bea 20 Feet Great White you would not said hey Honey come into the Boat you would have cry shouted to her !
Candy Garcia
Candy Garcia - 6 years ago
OMG My mother used to let me swim all over the keys, and clearwater beach when I was super little(between like 4 and 12 years old). She would fall asleep on the beach and I would take off all stupid to the danger. I used to pet freaking dolphins. (my nickname is beast master lol) Some people really just should not have kids. I am scared of water (not pools ;) now because when I got old enough to realize just how lucky I was, It totally freaked me out and I feel like I used up all my "Ocean luck"
Thank God this lady was ok. Good Husband!
lucho04639 - 6 years ago
Michael Morrison
Michael Morrison - 6 years ago
He say, "Heidi... get in the boat" She then says, "Are you serious?" The bitch is a fucking lucky moron! Why do you think he said what he said?
knightowl50 - 6 years ago
Yeah, what a shock that there would be sharks 4 miles off the coast of the most shark infested waters in the world.

Lucky those are reef sharks. They are relatively harmless, compared to other species like bull sharks.

Although, reef sharks can get worked up into a frenzy.

Damn lucky did not come across bull or tiger. Also prevalent in those waters and absolutley man eaters.

SCOTTI BOY - 6 years ago
Jerry Mander
Jerry Mander - 6 years ago
I watched a movie called Jaws when I was 12. Never swam in the ocean since.
Camilla Barclay
Camilla Barclay - 6 years ago
Holy crap
Ron Jay
Ron Jay - 6 years ago
Anytime I go to Hawaii I do not go in the water I survived head cancer I don't think I have any more rolls of the dice I would never consider swimming with sharks
Weed Toking Crew- We Toke Chronic
Weed Toking Crew- We Toke Chronic - 6 years ago
Well she needs to do her research before jumping off a boat in Key West 4 Miles out. Hellllooo that’s where the most sharks in the world are at..key west and Bahamas area. Might even see a great white 4 Miles out so she’s lucky it was a white
angelboii17 - 6 years ago
Wait . Were u guys skinny dipping?? Lol
KnocksX - 6 years ago
How does everyone know that these were black tips? I can hardly see anything in the footage, let alone tell which shark it was.
silenthillmaster755 - 6 years ago
She had about 6 seconds of fun
bar kruk
bar kruk - 6 years ago
Nice dinner mmmmmm
muddyriverdogz - 6 years ago
This is why you alway's have a mask and snorkel on in the ocean. So you know what you are in the water with.Fins and clothes are other good idea's.Never be a top water jig.
Mark Hebbe
Mark Hebbe - 6 years ago
Mike12522 - 6 years ago
Only two idiots in this video. The husband, and the wife.
93CAMAROZ28 - 6 years ago
Good thing She wasn't on Her Period
aud loves life
aud loves life - 6 years ago
Any idea what type the Sharks were?
Theresa Nicole
Theresa Nicole - 6 years ago
Lol keep swimming in the ocean . Ppl are dumb your asking for trouble swimming in the FKN ocean !
Casual Gamer95
Casual Gamer95 - 6 years ago
Well you're fucking dumb aren't you
ACE Champion
ACE Champion - 6 years ago
like nobody saw this coming
Jared Sullivan
Jared Sullivan - 6 years ago
If he'd screamed and she panicked it could have gone down very differently
Richard Marte
Richard Marte - 6 years ago
Notice how a group of people don't notice the danger in what their doing.
I see why the're married. Dumb & dumbass. They probably do it again...
Mat C.
Mat C. - 6 years ago
The shark wasnt going to attack her, it was just curious what she was.
Cindy Stubbs
Cindy Stubbs - 6 years ago
David Turov
David Turov - 6 years ago
yeah, and they have no hands or feet... so guess how they 'touch' and feel you? dumbass..
Paul Polpiboon
Paul Polpiboon - 6 years ago
yeah get in the boat heidi, wtf is wrong with you. glad you're ok
Mylasia Bethea
Mylasia Bethea - 6 years ago
First time I ever seen a person run well in her case swim off without 500 hundred questions as to why to run or get back in the boat.
Russell Hughes
Russell Hughes - 6 years ago
When will people learn that the ocean is not meant for swimming in it's a habitat it's not a freaking swimming pool when people get attacked by sharks I have the same amount of remorse for them as I do a person that gets attacked by a lion or a hippo when they go to Africa you don't want to get attacked by animals stay out of their freaking home if you want to go swimming go to your local swimming pool and you won't have to worry about a shark attacking you stupid idiots
mybro727 - 6 years ago
Lady: “Could you have imagined?!”

My Reaction: “Bitch, could YOU have imagined?! Apparently not since YOU’RE the one 4 miles out from shore swimming in the open ocean as if you’re the only thing in the water!”

Lol. I’m glad she’s ok but wow some people are so brave and so stupid all at the same time. Potentially fatal combination.
Andrew Patrick
Andrew Patrick - 6 years ago
First, no one has any business being in he water like this. Totally irresponsible and stupid.
Og Triple Og
Og Triple Og - 6 years ago
Dumbass decides to swim in shark infested water. Deserves to get bit
Dr Soul
Dr Soul - 6 years ago
Lucky she wasn't on the rag
Thepringleman - 6 years ago
Shark bait hoo haha
Your Dad
Your Dad - 6 years ago
I lived in the keys for years, specifically Key West. Had many similar encounters, and never even a test bite. Those are tiny black tips that are probably the size of her leg.
I will admit the first time my buddy leaped off the bow with intent on swimming with the small blackies I thought he was bat shit crazy.
88' MikeTyson
88' MikeTyson - 6 years ago
Heidy sounds a lot younger than she looks!
88' MikeTyson
88' MikeTyson - 6 years ago
I don’t see shit under Heidy! I love how calm u r as ur girl is about to b chum!
Joyce Williams
Joyce Williams - 6 years ago
scared of black people but will get in shark water and flop around and when someone says shark, they ask, are you serious.
John Sanford
John Sanford - 6 years ago
Good eye on that guy!
Larry Orban
Larry Orban - 6 years ago
Shark wants to eat Heidi's pussy
Garry Laughlin
Garry Laughlin - 6 years ago
How did he see them?
scott warwick
scott warwick - 6 years ago
Shark spat her out anyway
Dominant Seth
Dominant Seth - 6 years ago
My boy is on guard...AT ALL TIMES!!
Great job!
Johnny the jeweler
Johnny the jeweler - 6 years ago
Was she skinny-dipping?
Robert Severson
Robert Severson - 6 years ago
I have no sympathy for these people you know what's in the water but you want to go out there anyway yum yum give me more stupid humans
AR APPLE AR 15 - 6 years ago
Dun dun dun dun chomp
J.P Animations
J.P Animations - 6 years ago
I was almost shark bait too! I saw a wave coming but there was something in it when the wave crashed I went to go look what it is I swam over and saw a shark in the water it was a black tip! I swam away and it went under and followed me to shore I out swam a shark!
Matt Brian
Matt Brian - 6 years ago
No need to ever go in the ocean. Ever.
thepatgomes1 - 6 years ago
It was at that moment that Heidi never swam again
Pierre Kk
Pierre Kk - 6 years ago
This Shark a lil riff shark or something. These are sometimes aggressive. Why did you swim in deep water lool
Bonnie Hunt
Bonnie Hunt - 6 years ago
I hate to sound judgy... WTF lady?!?! That water is better looking from a safe distance! This could have easily been a much different clip! I am glad you are okay though!
Aidan Barnes
Aidan Barnes - 6 years ago
The Beach is the only part of the ocean I should swim in. Taking a boat out and swimming in deep water looks uncomforting
Chris Nickle
Chris Nickle - 6 years ago
I just peed a lil
Ole Luggnutt69er
Ole Luggnutt69er - 6 years ago
This is terrifying to me
Stanislav Samoilov
Stanislav Samoilov - 6 years ago
В вольер со львом теперь пусть зайдёт. Отличное продолжение этого ролика...
nofd1977 - 6 years ago
Fuck swimming in the ocean
Al Martini 3rd
Al Martini 3rd - 6 years ago
My buddy and I used to let the riptide carry us far off the Santa Monica beach. So far that cars onshore would look like ants and you couldn't even see people on the beach. Sometimes the Coast Guard would come out thinking we needed rescue. We'd talk them into leaving us be. But on the last adventure a C.G. crewman sternly ordered us into their boat and we started cussing at him telling him we were okay and not getting in the boat. Well they all got mad after that and took off. The last thing we heard was "You know there are Great Whites swimming past the coast in this area. Me and John thought about it and decided to stop swimming so far out like that. We were only 16 back then. Besides, we always had a very hard time swimming back to shore anyways. The tide would carry us back out 5 feet for every 10 feet we swam.
easleyrider - 6 years ago
Awesome demeanor by the guy in this situation. Had she started kicking a flailing, CHOMP!
Carl Dean Williams
Carl Dean Williams - 6 years ago
What kind of a moron swims in murky water and in the open ocean no less. Might as well have tied a t-bone around your neck too.
Bruce Alexander
Bruce Alexander - 6 years ago
Right away she knew what he meant
Axiom Ape
Axiom Ape - 6 years ago
Is she naked? Lol it kinda looks like it. Crazy moment.
Nasurann Hub
Nasurann Hub - 6 years ago
He did the right thing by not freaking out and screaming shark cause that would made her panic and attract the sharks. Good job
Throw communists out of helicopters
Throw communists out of helicopters - 6 years ago
Sharpshooter12345 - 6 years ago
Shark: butt naked
chris mac
chris mac - 6 years ago
She was swimming like she was tired or sumthin. She looked like food lookin up from lower depths.
tinymouse - 6 years ago
Sharks accidentally mistake people for food
Dee Devlin
Dee Devlin - 6 years ago
Dumbasses will be dumbasses
Frank Bair
Frank Bair - 6 years ago
She swims like a Welshman.
Looks Up
Looks Up - 6 years ago
Its stupid to swim where sharks are known to be period
Roh P
Roh P - 6 years ago
I am a sea person but I am terrified of sharks. If I am in a swimming pool alone, especially at night, just the thought of sharks spoils the experience and I have to get out of the water
Atto Napz
Atto Napz - 6 years ago
Good thing she wasn't on her period.
BLACK LION - 6 years ago
Thats why i keep my black ass on solid ground ✌ unless im poppin wheelies on my gsxr baby
Danielle Dukes
Danielle Dukes - 6 years ago
Thank God...
xon tyr
xon tyr - 6 years ago
"Hunny, het back in the boat."


"No!!!!!" (eyes turn red)
(voice aquires demonic echo)

"I am hungry and have not eaten yet! May i feast on there souls!!"
(swims into the depths and eats a shark) no one would expect that to happen now.
grouperslayer20 - 6 years ago
전명훈 - 6 years ago
Stupid woman
Barf O
Barf O - 6 years ago
He just had to cockblock natural selection.
Com on man, we have to start somewhere
Wonderful Mom
Wonderful Mom - 6 years ago
For gosh sakes im never swimming in the ocean
Shyanne Chang
Shyanne Chang - 6 years ago
I couldn't see it when she was in the water.
Mestre Mestre
Mestre Mestre - 6 years ago
Justin OConnor
Justin OConnor - 6 years ago
Best thing to do stay calm from an aussie
Ms Daisy
Ms Daisy - 6 years ago
Uh duh, youre in their feeding ground!
Football Club David
Football Club David - 6 years ago
The worst thing she could have done was swim at the surface. She is lucky she was larger than the shark.
Kurose Shirotani
Kurose Shirotani - 6 years ago
that is why i dont swim on the ocean
Nydir Stewart
Nydir Stewart - 6 years ago
wtf r u doing swiming in the middle of the ocean like its a ymca but i like how u was cool about getting in the boat part .so she wouldn't panic
Johnny Chee
Johnny Chee - 6 years ago
Go ahead and get out there you stupid ho!! Lol
Esteban Orizaba
Esteban Orizaba - 6 years ago
Neil Johnson
Neil Johnson - 6 years ago
Sharks have been known to attack and even eat people. I heard them say it on a documentary once.
the cup next to me
the cup next to me - 6 years ago
Two things her. 1. Her vagina prolly smelled like fish. 2. Ocean slut
Tamera Siracuse
Tamera Siracuse - 6 years ago
To the sharks, boats now mean fresh fish, so the sharks come around waiting for the freebies.
Aaron Gann
Aaron Gann - 6 years ago
Murky water is the culprit here. It dangerous to get in the water when it is murky and you know there are sharks around.
jodopeg - 6 years ago
Was Heidi on her period..?,,, because she sure drew in a bunch of sharks rather quickly.. :)
Seanus32 - 6 years ago
Baby sharks
Thebaneo123 - 6 years ago
Cunts of the sea...
noway6489533 - 6 years ago
Why swim in the water knowing that their could be a HIGH possibility that there are sharks in the water.
You’re asking for trouble.
Роман на моноколесе
Роман на моноколесе - 6 years ago
Да спас свою подружку от акул.
Это где это Вы так плавали?
Stephen -'-
Stephen -'- - 6 years ago
Get in the boat and dont go back in that bitch .Lol I love swimming just not in the ocean. Do not like not knowing whats under me .
SKDK - 6 years ago
Aaaand this is why I'll never swim in an ocean. Screw spiders, you don't even see these coming
Sarah Willson
Sarah Willson - 6 years ago
Would have been an awsome vid if it bit her.
Biff Danielson
Biff Danielson - 6 years ago
I hate swimming in the ocean
AmfistomosAtlas - 6 years ago
Sharks are sharkling underneath the boat.... get it Carl? Sharkling.... SHARKLING....!
Carmine Mineo
Carmine Mineo - 6 years ago
Very cool and com that man saved her life for sure. Only reason she don’t get attacked was she wasn’t splashing like a hurt animal.
Jarid Gaming
Jarid Gaming - 6 years ago
Most of the Sharks in Florida are Harmless and really are just Curious. I go Seimming on the Reefs in Florida a few times a Month and I always Swim with the Sharks. They really just wonder what you are and that's about it normally they get close then see you and just find you not as Interesting as they thought and leave
akii1342 - 6 years ago
He stayed calm and she didn’t argue. Nice job!
Nautilus - 6 years ago
Hoping Here to see a live action feeding ... Disappointed
Happy kid Awsome
Happy kid Awsome - 6 years ago
The father saw but never told DUH DuH DuuuuuUUUUuUuUUUuUuUuUH
KING PHENOM - 6 years ago
walt spears
walt spears - 6 years ago
thank fully there way more inteligent than they seem .or are these power focus divers the dumb ones
Andrew Young
Andrew Young - 6 years ago
stupid is as stupid does
Jusufi Selam
Jusufi Selam - 6 years ago
Best Of The Best
Best Of The Best - 6 years ago
Caution always the best policy. But almost shark food, not likely. The sharks weren't being aggressive. They were curious checking her out, if they thought she was food there wouldn't have been time to tell her to get out, let alone time to reach the boat. People think just because they are in the water with sharks its a death sentence, its not. The dude, and the woman did exactly the right thing, Had she panicked and started screaming and thrashing around emulating an injured prey animal, that could have instigating a real attack. Smart people. Smart sharks. Whats that Bruce? Don't know Dylan! Lets check it out. Nope not food! Aw well, lets keep looking. :)
Mrmeowcat - 6 years ago
Nothing even there.
Kyrie Irving
Kyrie Irving - 6 years ago
White people are smart but they still do this kinda stuff, I just don’t get it
GloomyAnthony - 6 years ago
Its not abour race. If you're dumb then you're dumb no matter your race.
Hug -A- Bull
Hug -A- Bull - 6 years ago
Fake. Those sharks are paid actors.
andre mauricio
andre mauricio - 6 years ago
Brian Elling
Brian Elling - 6 years ago
Spooked just watching this.
Asad Hafeez Yousufi
Asad Hafeez Yousufi - 6 years ago
Ohh poor shark remains hungry.
a google user
a google user - 6 years ago
Omar Rivera
Omar Rivera - 6 years ago
You're either nuts or ignorant to the fact that you are swimming in the most shark infested waters in the planet. Try to get to a hospital from there on time with a shark bite. You can find almost any type of dangerous shark species in this waters.
Greek God
Greek God - 6 years ago
Do not swim in the deep.
Chucky Bananaz
Chucky Bananaz - 6 years ago
Is that bih naked
M Mckissack
M Mckissack - 6 years ago
swim in the open ocean...ok
Gagosmith - 6 years ago
oh yeah... that shark was ALMOST half a meter long.... SCARY...
Dio Santana
Dio Santana - 6 years ago
Haircut had me think it was July 1981
richard speed
richard speed - 6 years ago
Larry Orban
Larry Orban - 6 years ago
what a cunt
Jay M
Jay M - 6 years ago
Shitting myself sat at home on my couch, love how calmly you dropped that too i'd of left her and saved myself.
Иван Иванов
Иван Иванов - 6 years ago
Страсть то какая... Приезжайте к нам, в Россию! В Астрахань сгоняем, рыбки половим, искупнемся! Там этих монстров нет
Slack - 6 years ago
even tho he was calm you could tell he was deadly serious.
TwistedNIPZ 718
TwistedNIPZ 718 - 6 years ago
Swimming in those waters is suicide
Money Money
Money Money - 6 years ago
wow~ great bot. you are very rich man
sayap ilusi
sayap ilusi - 6 years ago
cant see her body naked
John Rometo
John Rometo - 6 years ago
Ok Heidi put some clothes on
David Martinsen
David Martinsen - 6 years ago
What someone was doing in the water 4 mles off the beach is beyond me
Virgulino Ferreira
Virgulino Ferreira - 6 years ago
Aí dentro seus baitolas
Guillermo Alonso
Guillermo Alonso - 6 years ago
White people
Aizack - 6 years ago
is this woman naked?
Last Outlaw
Last Outlaw - 6 years ago
How stupid to swim in these dangerous shark infested waters. She has no Brain at all.
Nigel 900
Nigel 900 - 6 years ago
CHUßßZ ßUNNY - 6 years ago
holy shit how did he see
Dex Foster
Dex Foster - 6 years ago
They smelled fish
tommy i-opener
tommy i-opener - 6 years ago
Repeatedly press X to save wife!!!
Osprexx - 6 years ago
I had a 6 foot shark swim within 3 feet of me off Tybee Island, Georgia. If I had not been looking in the right spot, I would have never seen it! I never go out into the water anymore. They can be right on top of you, and you will never know it.
D.L Gritter
D.L Gritter - 6 years ago
Next time: say it more like you really mean it. Now you say it like if you ask whats for dinner. There is no danger in your voice. Thats why she have to ask if you mean it.

If you say it directly right she would swim faster and would be less long in danger.

Why did you say it so calm? That are SHARKS!
Dean Campbell
Dean Campbell - 6 years ago
Wow man !!! Thankfully you're still alive holy shyte !!
Stephen - 6 years ago
Good eye.
Obi Ihsan
Obi Ihsan - 6 years ago
Guess they prefer lamb?
Chiho Glaser
Chiho Glaser - 6 years ago
I didn't see the sharks' fins.
Judas Priest Defender
Judas Priest Defender - 6 years ago
Their code for "get the fuck out of the water!!!" Was really good. But I don't think that woman has any idea just how bad it would have been if she got bit. Seen videos of bites from sharks that size and in one bite, the dudes knee was hanging off n bones visible and a cloud of blood everywhere
Danny D
Danny D - 6 years ago
Think I saw her starfish
Que es ese vídeo basura. ApestA.
well done
well done - 6 years ago
The sharks just want to have sex ☺️
Five hundred 20s
Five hundred 20s - 6 years ago
I keep telling ppl sharks don't eat white meat
Chris Joseph
Chris Joseph - 6 years ago
I'll bet she don't do that shit again, Any how whats wrong with a pool you dumb shit!
Rose K.
Rose K. - 6 years ago
Oh thank god!!! I saw that white of the under belly of the shark whew what a close call!!!
I was born and raised in Hawai’i and would often go snorkeling off shore with my friends. In hawai’i it is common to see tiger sharks, especially around the sides of the water under ground there are lava tubes they live in... usually they stay put when many people are out but this time it was just friends and myself. I was about 75 feet deep and looking about on a bright sunny day and was holding hands with a friend to feel ‘safe’.... I say this as the word is still hanging in the air... safe... and I kicked my legs to move about as I had water fins on my feet... I turned around because I felt this sort of resistance as my leg went up and down and when I turned around OMG I screamed in my snorkel... a 6-7 foot tiger shark was biting down on the tip of my flipper and I was moving it up and down with my legs!!! My friend heard my screams and saw and I could NOT get the foot fin off and there was no way I was going to stay. I wasn’t far from shore so I swam hard and fast as my friend held onto me as well... the shark let go from the flipper and I saw it come back around to all of us and by then we had gotten close enough to the shore where we could stand and we all yanked our flippers off and ran to the beach. NEVER swam there again. That is true honest to god fear...
SonnyGTA - 6 years ago
elmo z
elmo z - 6 years ago
Stupid tourists
Quetta Power
Quetta Power - 6 years ago
JAWS terrorized me; this is why I'm so scared to get in the water....
BROB1141 - 6 years ago
I honestly dont understand why people willingly put themselves in danger!! 4 Miles from the coast, oh yeah time to go for a swim smh. And the parents allowed this.

Who cares if the percentages are low in regards to shark encounters, smh it can still happen. Thank God nothing happened. Gotta be smarter than that.
Hello Newman
Hello Newman - 6 years ago
Didn’t this dumbass see Jaws
Saxon - 6 years ago
Sharks are harmless and misunderstood. They got a bad rap, they've never hurt anyone. Just ask the 300 survivors from the 800 that survived the Indianapolis sinking.
Larry Orban
Larry Orban - 6 years ago
maybe the shark wanted to eat her pussy
Mike - 6 years ago
Almost got that naked ass. No way I’d swim out in that shit.
Alex Coradini
Alex Coradini - 6 years ago
I really don't get it why is that people enjoy swiming in the ocean with all those dangerous animals in there, there's so many cool pools in the world
SpaceCowboy - 6 years ago
This is why swimming pools were invented.
Maxwell Smart_086
Maxwell Smart_086 - 6 years ago
love her swimming naked in the ocean - well, the shark didn´t want to eat pussy that day, I guess... happy days.
sneakybeaver - 6 years ago
A real man would of jumped in the water protecting his women and attack the shark head on
Extant - 6 years ago
That is how it's done.
BODHI byronboy
BODHI byronboy - 6 years ago
I am glad they wernt flipping out like AHHHH ASHARK UR GONNA DIE
Do Everything 899
Do Everything 899 - 6 years ago
why you don't go swimming on your period
PlutoTheGod - 6 years ago
we really don't belong in the water ool
Daan Vaan
Daan Vaan - 6 years ago
Was it that time of the month for her?
Tyclone - 6 years ago
Oh hell no. I wouldn't get in water that far out for a hundred million dollars. I will stay broke and alive thank you very much!! Lol
Naomi Ramirez
Naomi Ramirez - 6 years ago
Tyclone lol
Sonny Weber
Sonny Weber - 6 years ago
What do these people think is in the fricking water. Fricking sharks with laser beams lady. That’s like jumping in with the pissed off whales at sea world. Why don’t you just tie some chum to your legs next time. What a dumbass. I just see this to often and they act surprised. Uh duh I didn’t think there would be sharks 4 miles offshore. The boat is meant to protect you. STAY IN THE BOAT or don’t complain when your leg is missing.
Robert hamilton
Robert hamilton - 6 years ago
Genius you must be one lonely selfish bastard then.
J Scott
J Scott - 6 years ago
Exactly, I will use the pool please.
zmoke forest
zmoke forest - 6 years ago
Id give the shark my leg for $100,000,000 buy myself a fancy fake leg
Johnny the jeweler
Johnny the jeweler - 6 years ago
Tyclone word
x Rariii
x Rariii - 6 years ago
Genius Maker LMFAO am I the only one that thought that was funny
Genius Maker
Genius Maker - 6 years ago
Apple Juice ok
Apple Juice
Apple Juice - 6 years ago
Genius Maker Retard
Genius Maker
Genius Maker - 6 years ago
Ronny Hansen I'd kill my family for that much money
Ronny Hansen
Ronny Hansen - 6 years ago
Tyclone normally I'd agree, but for a hundred million there isn't much I wouldn't do.
Erick Lluch
Erick Lluch - 6 years ago
Sorry about all the bravery...but...I see lots of people doing realy STUPID things in the water (like being in there with sharks) ... WHY....???? Can somebody tell me ?
Alex Lewis
Alex Lewis - 6 years ago
A shark in the ocean or dare he be in his home.
Jay Williams
Jay Williams - 6 years ago
swim maddy, swim godammit!
Dan Of The People
Dan Of The People - 6 years ago
Yeah no.
#KitKat's squad !
#KitKat's squad ! - 6 years ago
The sharks just like "bitch get out of my water or ill circle you!!"
Mark Marsh
Mark Marsh - 6 years ago
Katie Kurylo
Katie Kurylo - 6 years ago
The calm call to get in the boat kept her from panic swimming and saved her life probably
Shibby - 6 years ago
That man is probably so good at de escalating arguments with how calm he was about all that.
rich gouette
rich gouette - 6 years ago
....aaaaand yet they still swim in the sharks house...
Vincent Venturella
Vincent Venturella - 6 years ago
bull sharks are bitey and aggressive !
Dark Horse 3/5
Dark Horse 3/5 - 6 years ago
Idiots...and almost one dead idiot.
Kristen - 6 years ago
Wow, a shark in the ocean, shocking! That's why I'll stick to swimming pools.
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 6 years ago
Drink me!!!
Freewheelin' Franklin
Freewheelin' Franklin - 6 years ago
The odds of shark attack if you go into the ocean are 1 in a million.
The odds of shark attack if you don't go into the ocean are 0 in a million.
I'm staying out.
Saucey Pants
Saucey Pants - 6 years ago
Fuck that
steven mundo
steven mundo - 6 years ago
Holy shit she got lucky
Ronldbx6 - 6 years ago
Horror on film
Jack R
Jack R - 6 years ago
fishy boi vs hooman
Fierce Leader
Fierce Leader - 6 years ago
She was on her time ,if ya know what I mean.
Jack Woods
Jack Woods - 6 years ago
I wish he'd have kept that camera on her whilst she was, "...get(ting) in the boat..."
Ferrari Hodler
Ferrari Hodler - 6 years ago
Nice and calm, but that would not of worked with my gf, she rarely listens to me.
Cameron Angel
Cameron Angel - 6 years ago
Can I get the fries with that
Shamzy Mgtow
Shamzy Mgtow - 6 years ago
NEVER swim in the ocean! Dumbfucks....
aoihoshigahuru - 6 years ago
Bojan Kis
Bojan Kis - 6 years ago
Guy almost sexseed of geting rid of his stupid wife, but he chikend out in last minute.
Dancing Candle
Dancing Candle - 6 years ago
She s swimming where sharks live. Is it really a surprise to see one?
TrAiLeR SqUaD - 6 years ago
Shark : she was too skinny to eat.... So left her
Life Of Chris
Life Of Chris - 6 years ago
Didn’t eat her cuz she’s a dizzyke
was water skiing in the bay in NJ waters, last place to think about big sharks - well, my friends all had that calm, but stern sound in their voice as they returned with the boat to pick me up after a fall - "dude, get out of the water", "what?" "dude, just get out of the water". Turned out, there was a large hammerhead cruising around - probably not very hungry due to so much food in the bay, but still...
rod powers
rod powers - 6 years ago
I have never woke.up one day and said ...yep today I'll go be a Scooby snack for Jaws!..good save,very cool how you maintained your excitement..
drumzmagoo - 6 years ago
Cole McCormick
Cole McCormick - 6 years ago
0:35 isnt a shark its just the water moving
Andrew Cater
Andrew Cater - 6 years ago
Swimming in the open ocean is simply a bad idea. The water may look inviting but you're rolling the dice especially in water known to have sharks.
Donn Worry
Donn Worry - 6 years ago
Andrew Cater all waters carry dangers.. choose your poison..
Emma Charlesworth
Emma Charlesworth - 6 years ago
+MrFlyersfan28 I believe you are scared just like me man I can tell I get paranoid in the water about things below
MrFlyersfan28 - 6 years ago
Andrew Cater it’s like getting out of your car in the African jungle, you’re literally in a wild environment. Except everything comes from beneath you
Zariis (Official)
Zariis (Official) - 6 years ago
SyedYashal Raza
SyedYashal Raza - 6 years ago
The water beautiful


Shark:hey what's up guys
Dustin Michel
Dustin Michel - 6 years ago
Heidi is sexy.
General Gigan
General Gigan - 6 years ago
Antxo713 - 6 years ago
White people
Antxo713 - 6 years ago
Huzi 87 take a joke lmao I have many white friends! Hope you get your sense of humor under control
Antxo713 - 6 years ago
Huzi 87 I'm actually in Africa rn I haven't seen not 1 raccoon. Just a bunch of mongoose
Admiral Ackbar
Admiral Ackbar - 6 years ago
Fuck this channel that safetrek bitch spoke loud af as the innocent Uber driver took her abuse homie didn’t even glance back once I guess he was shark food...
David Hubbard
David Hubbard - 6 years ago
I think that chick was naked!
J Blasko
J Blasko - 6 years ago
Gotta thank the man upstairs for that
A J - 6 years ago
Damn...this could have been such a great video
noneyerbidness - 6 years ago
I wouldn't have said a word..
...and start dating the next day
Eric  Frost
Eric Frost - 6 years ago
Why is she swimming out there! Thats nuts
Smegma Lasagna
Smegma Lasagna - 6 years ago
You handled it nice and calmly. Well done
*_The Person Who likes Legendary Content_*
*_The Person Who likes Legendary Content_* - 6 years ago
Gosh girl, water you even thinking?!

Are you shore they were going to hurt you?! Those kind of sharks doesn't attack, this currently bothers me.
Karl Kindle
Karl Kindle - 6 years ago
let me swim in a giant pool of predators that are trying to eat me!!ok sounds fun!!
Jimin 4life
Jimin 4life - 6 years ago
The way how this man calmly told her to get in a boat makes u think of how many more scary things hes faced in hos life to be so calm. We have a strong man here fellas
Enzo Ferrari
Enzo Ferrari - 6 years ago
Pshhht... If those sharks wanted you, you would've been torn into pieces faster than you would be able to get to the boat. They were only probing to see if you were prey or not. She reacted in the wrong way, she should've calmly swam to the boat instead of frantically slapping the water and kicking. How she swam back makes me cringe.
Gemma O'Hanlon
Gemma O'Hanlon - 6 years ago
It’s just a harmless little black tip reef shark, people go swimming with them all the time with no issues
dadegixxer - 6 years ago
Great eye, you saved her life
shadowscreamer1 - 6 years ago
It was the calmness that drove home the seriousness I think versus hysterical
CycoSven69 - 6 years ago
The same kind of person that hitchhikes.
RuinX - 6 years ago
I swear, i will never go to deep water
manonamountain - 6 years ago
I won't get in the bathtub,if it's more than 6 inches deep.
chris sosa
chris sosa - 6 years ago
dumb bitch
Melia Oleary
Melia Oleary - 6 years ago
The ocean is a scary place lol (sometimes)
Tonis Sam.
Tonis Sam. - 6 years ago
Why are you doing like this people?sharks don't eat people fucking idiots from the humans you must be afraid not the sharks
Julie Ritchie
Julie Ritchie - 6 years ago
Why do people swim in deep water? your just asking for it
Daniel Cordova
Daniel Cordova - 6 years ago
Honkey lives don’t matter
Hugo Cornellier
Hugo Cornellier - 6 years ago
Her reaction to almost getting eaten alive is pretty casual lol
Robyn Niblock
Robyn Niblock - 6 years ago
Get a Shark Shield!
oscarcsar - 6 years ago
And... what is she doing swiming there I mean open water is a bad place to swim because there could be any kinds of big fish
KingQuad Bott
KingQuad Bott - 6 years ago
Oh hell no
Olorin Mithrandir
Olorin Mithrandir - 6 years ago
Never go in the water!
Pesh Head
Pesh Head - 6 years ago
Good call
Joe Curr
Joe Curr - 6 years ago
Humans....stay out of the damn water.
Gappie Al Kebabi
Gappie Al Kebabi - 6 years ago
Dumb bitch, that's exactly the paddle that attracts them..
Lekir - 6 years ago
I wouldn't swim in a shark infested water.
juan waun
juan waun - 6 years ago
She's retarded for even going out there
chelsey L
chelsey L - 6 years ago
I really do have bad eyes, and honestly didn't see a thing where they said to look. Oh well.
Severely Artistic
Severely Artistic - 6 years ago
Dude handled it like a pro
Kris Mutou
Kris Mutou - 6 years ago
People who swim in shark waters deserve to get bitten cause the're DUMB.
442rocketdave - 6 years ago
She was very lucky those were large sharks and took off her leg or a gigantic piece of her leg lucky should be her name
manonamountain - 6 years ago
They weren't large,and they didn't take off her leg.
odell daniel
odell daniel - 6 years ago
never ever swim in the ocean
Ferrari King
Ferrari King - 6 years ago
Sharks gotta eat too.
Southern Gentleman
Southern Gentleman - 6 years ago
In the Navy, there is a sniper to shoot the sharks and all of the men have to get back on sub.
Collab Comm
Collab Comm - 6 years ago
I used to make love to men with boats, often on their boats, but after seeing this, now I think boats are dumb.
manonamountain - 6 years ago
I used to have a girlfriend,who had a minge the size of a boat.It was like throwing a pencil in a garbage can.
It didn't last.
Games'n' Guitar
Games'n' Guitar - 6 years ago
Looks like oceanic white tips, those are mostly deep open water sharks and extremely dangerous to humans. They, along with the tiger shark, were responsible for the hundreds of deaths occurred after 1100 men from the Indianapolis went in the water in 1945, and of all the highly dangerous sharks in the ocean, the only sharks with higher fatality/attack ratios than them are the great white, tiger, and bull sharks. This woman was EXTREMELY lucky.

Stay out of the oceans unless exploring for scientific reasons in a machine of some kind.
Big Cizzle
Big Cizzle - 6 years ago
Why be out swimming in deep unknown water?
Jack Brady
Jack Brady - 6 years ago
Sharks do this a lot they will come up ready to attack and realize you are not dinner and turn away at the last moment, unfortunately it doesn’t happen every time, but fortunately this was a good example of the shark realizing she was not normal prey and leaving her alone. Very happy to see she is safe, an awesome story to tell in the future no doubt
Bradley Turner
Bradley Turner - 6 years ago
If your swimming in shark water why would you be afraid when you actually see a shark. You know they are in there somewhere and could around come anytime.
HaloMan Searching For Truth
HaloMan Searching For Truth - 6 years ago
You visit Florida and forget they have sharks. Go swimming in the lakes. Just keep your head up for alligators.
The Witch hunter
The Witch hunter - 6 years ago
Well there goes paycheck video: D
Hayes Jackson
Hayes Jackson - 6 years ago
Can someone tell me what shark it was
3593893 - 6 years ago
Man is she lucky. Way to stay calm and help her stay calm.
kim98haha roblox
kim98haha roblox - 6 years ago
Was she skinny dipping?
Nick Hines
Nick Hines - 6 years ago
Great ending, but you should never swim in the ocean!!
Teo's gaming
Teo's gaming - 6 years ago
Glad to know no 1 got hurt
Xxskiller Xx123
Xxskiller Xx123 - 6 years ago
It's not a great white shark probably a sandbar shark or blacktip.
Pa!n737 - 6 years ago
People say that sharks don’t attack humans often at all, but why exactly is that? Do we not taste good or what’s the deal
Klas Banan
Klas Banan - 6 years ago
Just WHY in the hell would you swim in open water like that??!?!?
SalonTalk Men-Tal
SalonTalk Men-Tal - 6 years ago
Wow, great eye to catch that shark
Robert Cornelius
Robert Cornelius - 6 years ago
Oh, sure. Do it for your girlfriend but not your wife.
elteescat - 6 years ago
If people had even the slightest idea how many sharks they're swimming with they would never get in the ocean!
The Reptile King
The Reptile King - 6 years ago
I’m pretty sure if the shark was hunting you wouldn’t of seen it, they tend to go down deep and hide before striking, probably checking her out if anything
lota68 - 6 years ago
Dang !
TheBeedo11 - 6 years ago
Why would you go swimming 4 miles off the coast
IpikuOnYaMiku - 6 years ago
Nope nope nope there is no way I'm ever going to swim in the ocean or sea. Nope.
Ayesha Cool girl
Ayesha Cool girl - 6 years ago
Seriously she was so lucky that she did not get bitten
StneCldKilla - 6 years ago
Stop with the 1 min vids with 15 second commercialssss smh
buba cheese
buba cheese - 6 years ago
Actually she wouldnt have been ate unless they were starving....and they probably weren't your one of the reasons why sharks are stereotyped
Kitchen Homebrew Salter
Kitchen Homebrew Salter - 6 years ago
Question is she swimming in the nude ? Lol
lynxman busman
lynxman busman - 6 years ago
You could of added the jaws music to this scene
MadelynnCatalina - 6 years ago
Such control to be so calm! I’m sure it helped her in the long run!
ZblockWoW - 6 years ago
Sarim Hy
Sarim Hy - 6 years ago
Was she buck naked?
Yuanrun YAO
Yuanrun YAO - 6 years ago
I bet part of him wants a good footage over his girlfriend.
Devin Henning
Devin Henning - 6 years ago
Never swam with sharks. I have swam in gator filled lakes before though.
Vince A.
Vince A. - 6 years ago
Anyone know what kind of sharks they were?
dru. - 6 years ago
This is why I don’t get into the water without shark mace
manonamountain - 6 years ago
I always make sure at least one other person is with me,when i swim in the ocean,and i always have a small
knife in my pocket.If anyone was to spot a shark,i will draw my knife,and stab someone else,in the shoulder
or whatever,then swim away from them...Safety first.
karsyn cortez. I am 7 years old love you
karsyn cortez. I am 7 years old love you - 6 years ago
yea good I she is lucky
Paulette Martinez
Paulette Martinez - 6 years ago
I lpve his vpice, he was so calmed
dmrc43 - 6 years ago
Why would a wamen swim in the ocean that's asking for sharks to come.
Randy Tyson
Randy Tyson - 6 years ago
We went swimming at night in the gulf of Mexico off of Hudson Beach Fl. and when we got out after three dives in, we spotlighted 10 mid size bull shark's not even a half hour after we got out.
Mark Montoney
Mark Montoney - 6 years ago
Ami blind? I couldn’t see anything near her.
Dazzling Dino Dannucci
Dazzling Dino Dannucci - 6 years ago
That's why I swim in waist high water, even lakes.
TheEvermouse - 6 years ago
O man, what a horror, not knowing what's beneath you. I haven't been in the water since 84, after an incident. Hardly can watch this.
Billy Graham
Billy Graham - 6 years ago
Glad nothing happened to her, but she must have rocks for brains, and her husband maybe wanted to collect on a life insurance policy?
Michael Shelley
Michael Shelley - 6 years ago
number 1 reason why i will NEVER set foot in the ocean again!!!
NSVP Haaglanden
NSVP Haaglanden - 6 years ago
Sharks don't eat people we are not on there menu most of the time when a shark bites a human its a mistaken identity. If this shark really attacks she would had no way of escaping but he was just looking what is going on. This is nothing more then looking far attention here on youtube nice try but i didn't work
Lets Go Blues!!!
Lets Go Blues!!! - 6 years ago
Oh little baby shark. That probably means there was a pretty dangerous mama around!!!
Ali You
Ali You - 6 years ago
Hammer head are not that dangerous thou they dont usually attack people
TigerLily - 6 years ago
You know they aren’t usually aggressive towards humans, right? They’re so misunderstood.
graycloud057 - 6 years ago
Reef Shark going to get you
David Ward
David Ward - 6 years ago
Inner monologue: "HOLY F*CKING SH*T OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!"
but says calmly: "Hey Heidi...get in the boat."
good work.
bobinchainz - 6 years ago
Smh white people
사이코 - EuPH
사이코 - EuPH - 6 years ago
I Love how Calm he is lol
The IGN Sparrow
The IGN Sparrow - 6 years ago
You wouldn’t be shark food. Humans are not sharks natural prey. The only reason a shark would attack a human, if it thought the human was a seal, as the human might be flapping around.
Carla Hockeymomx2
Carla Hockeymomx2 - 6 years ago

I’m not good in emergencies.
Flare Bolt
Flare Bolt - 6 years ago
One time I was swimming in the ocean with my friends. Then I noticed that something was behind us. Luckily our boat was 5 feet before and we were all safe.
El Bronco
El Bronco - 6 years ago
It was after her bloody vagina
Kuro - 6 years ago
Smart idea swim in the ocean with sharks
Bubbles - 6 years ago
small lemons but still a little scary .

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