shark eats shark

huge 16 foot hammerhead eats 6 foot blacktip shark while out shark fishing on a 14 foot boat by skyway in st. pete florida. crazy experience shark rams boat with 3 guys on it one is screaming like a girl the whole time the other is trying to catch it with a dead stingray tied to a rope while its eating the other shark IDIOTlol and the one screaming like a girl falls in and we wish she woulda died!

shark eats shark sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1658

Shark videos 12 years ago 2,838,651 views

huge 16 foot hammerhead eats 6 foot blacktip shark while out shark fishing on a 14 foot boat by skyway in st. pete florida. crazy experience shark rams boat with 3 guys on it one is screaming like a girl the whole time the other is trying to catch it with a dead stingray tied to a rope while its eating the other shark IDIOTlol and the one screaming like a girl falls in and we wish she woulda died!

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Most popular comments
for shark eats shark

Corey . Eymann
Corey . Eymann - 6 years ago
@ 00:11 - "This is what you got out of jail for huh" Id bet my life these clowns are from Pasco CO.
Eeasy GamerTV
Eeasy GamerTV - 6 years ago
I saw a shark attack another shark at the skyway. I think the shark did eat the small one though.
Dana Hollifield
Dana Hollifield - 6 years ago
If youre intentionally chumming for sharks ,be prepared for anything. I would've like to seen the guy with the rope get dragged into the water so his friends would have a better video to reminisce with in 10 years
colt1911com - 6 years ago
a bunch of pussies...3 fags on a boat screaming like hoes...
SAVED SEVEN - 6 years ago
Did he say is this what you got outta jail for huh ??
Brian Mvbride
Brian Mvbride - 6 years ago
Stupid people. Obviously the dictionary must of ran down the moms legs
dominick dagostino
dominick dagostino - 6 years ago
(Just like a bunch of bitches)  Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God  YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA what the fuck Oh my God Oh my fucking cunt Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA  what the fuck oh my god I am shaken so fucking bad  fucking Brian I don't want to die I lived a good life  what a pussy I dont want  him near the boat YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Mealyexpert Playz
Mealyexpert Playz - 6 years ago
Coming back to watch this casue it’s a classic
Toni Dovalis
Toni Dovalis - 7 years ago
"omg wtf! Let's get the fuck up and get the fuck outta here!"

10. comment for shark eats shark

Matthew Brooks
Matthew Brooks - 7 years ago
Please buy a camera mount.
Daniel Ruano
Daniel Ruano - 7 years ago
Hi weinkle
Jillian Slowater Banks
Jillian Slowater Banks - 7 years ago
It's a shark eat shark World
Gene Ho-Ching
Gene Ho-Ching - 7 years ago
Still one of my favorite videos of all time. You guys are hilarious!
Matt Rush
Matt Rush - 7 years ago
We're gonna need a bigger boat....
HERDof BUFFALOED - 7 years ago
That was a hammerhead? 16 foot hammerhead? That looked way to thick to be a hammerhead
Penny Wise
Penny Wise - 7 years ago
There screaming is so annoying
JUsT mONiKA oNLy MonIKa - 7 years ago
Every time he says Omg take a shot and every time they swear spin in a circle
Santofulable - 7 years ago
bando d zé buucta
thekidwiththebluesweater - 7 years ago
Guys, a 15 to 20 foot shark just ate a 5 foot shark. What the fuck do you expect them to say?

20. comment for shark eats shark

kitten puppy
kitten puppy - 7 years ago
Everyone is making fun of them but

WeShall4ttack - 7 years ago
KelpNougatCrunch - 7 years ago
Dont drink kids
Cesar Muro
Cesar Muro - 7 years ago
Oh my god!!!! Stfu
Bobby Territo
Bobby Territo - 7 years ago
All these people busting on these kids for screaming and going crazy. Lol. Let me put you in a 14 foot skiff with a 15+ foot hammerhead circling the boat and attacking your catch in shallow water. You wouldn't exactly be mute at that moment.
Outdoor Adventures With Tanner
Outdoor Adventures With Tanner - 7 years ago
Just watched it on tv now watching it again
Ryan Barnett
Ryan Barnett - 7 years ago
Put yourself in their shoes. 3 guys. 1 12 foot boat. A 15 foot hungry ass hammerhead shark absolutely demolishing another creature that could kill you in a matter of seconds. One of your buddies is yelling "throw blood in the water!" Ya. I'm gonna be screaming like a bitch. That shark weighs twice the weight of those three guys and the boat put together. Your lucky I'm not pissing myself and crying like a newborn baby.
Ashley Valladares
Ashley Valladares - 7 years ago
" fuck you Brian "
Sonic16234 - 7 years ago
Great white.
Ryan Casey
Ryan Casey - 7 years ago
Am I the only one who wishes the shark would have fucked these guys up? Seriously I wish the shark would have just bit the boat and dragged it under.

30. comment for shark eats shark

Jedidiah Prillaman
Jedidiah Prillaman - 7 years ago
WARNING: Watch this video on mute. I wish they had fallen in.
jordan9318 - 7 years ago
what a bunch of pricks
Patrick Upton
Patrick Upton - 7 years ago
Hey I've watched this thing 100 times lol. People need to chill. They are kids that are not stealing etc but having fun. They saw something that many haven't and never will see. That's how some kids act. All these professional opinions etc lol may be just little jealous.Its just funny
MzComprehensive - 7 years ago
The idiot who was trying to provoke the shark to come back, wish he fell in and got taken away from the shark and eaten...i wonder how many times his friend would be say "Omg!" after that happened? Lol!

And this is how vulnerable weak minded people get killed. Learn from this people, you dont want to end up as shark bait.
Slayz0r - 7 years ago
is he getting fucked up the ass saying oh my god
Osvaldo Flores
Osvaldo Flores - 7 years ago
holy shitttt
Joseph McMurray
Joseph McMurray - 7 years ago
"F*** You Brian! You F**** **!" Lol, Brian's just mad cause he was named after Peter Griffins dog.
Mr.Bombastic - 7 years ago
Why does that retard on the left keep throwing the bait in the water the whole time?
ByQwslo - 7 years ago
The best part is when they said omg!!
Stranded Minnow
Stranded Minnow - 7 years ago
Momma's Boys... I wonder how they would have acted if one of them would have gotten hurt! Freak Out! and Panic! or Retain themselves and address the situation? I would have had to SLAP that guy upside his head and tell him to shut it and grow a pair if I would have been on that boat. That was sure enough a high danger situation and acting like a punk can often times
enhance the threat of danger into a reality.
Montalvo Monteka
Montalvo Monteka - 7 years ago
white guys saying nigga an playing with sharks yup they from Massachusetts
Joshua Carter
Joshua Carter - 7 years ago
they sound so fucking stupid
manu menorca
manu menorca - 7 years ago
That's a religious video... they are screaming "oh my god" all the time... it's boring
okami - 7 years ago
WOW the camera was so perfectly still! Great photography!!
okami - 7 years ago
I don't care if your "life is in danger", KEEP THE CAMERA STILL
HighJohnnyFive - 8 years ago
These guys sound like they are sucking each other's dicks. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG What a bunch of faggots
Mom Ma
Mom Ma - 8 years ago
Stupid to lure in a large shark in that tiny boat. I think these guys have a death wish. The guy wanting to leave apparently is the only one with a little brains. Great video without the sound tho.
Liquidnitrogen is for nerds
Liquidnitrogen is for nerds - 8 years ago
who counted how many oh my gods they said?
Diakoreftis - 8 years ago
63 times omg
Vida Septiceyebayby
Vida Septiceyebayby - 8 years ago

50. comment for shark eats shark

hoss011 - 8 years ago
kids dont smoke weed then go on a shark fishing adventure... case in point
Rez Boyz241
Rez Boyz241 - 8 years ago
They need a bigger boat
Derp Queen
Derp Queen - 8 years ago
next time that happens...don't react like that and relax. Some sharks can sense fear and can make you more eligible for an attack
Ariesponsible - 8 years ago
francisco4ben - 8 years ago
these nigas are dumb he could tip that shit just make sure Brain gets eatn first shit!!
Ashton Weathers
Ashton Weathers - 8 years ago
Am I the only one that laughed
Dumbest Brother
Dumbest Brother - 8 years ago
Iori Yagami
Iori Yagami - 8 years ago
They keep saying what the fuck
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 8 years ago
They said oh my god 63 times I counted.
bob joe
bob joe - 8 years ago
Retards cant hold a camera and scream like girls. bunch of idiot spoild punks lol. Fucking lil girls
robin williams
robin williams - 8 years ago
Nick Martone
Nick Martone - 8 years ago
Hi guys ya so I know you guys were on shark week but anyway questioning the sharks type, it is a hammerhead. However , it is not just a hammerhead ,it is a great hammerhead. I have never seen a hammerhead nor a great one go canibslistic. BTW the one throwing the dead stingray, you are a fucking idiot. With the length and power of the shark it could have easily tipped over the boat and take yours or one of your friend's life or lives. When you said it was sneaking onto the boat, I thought it must be really intelligent. My theory is: the shark waits for something to be hooked by a fisherman, wait til it is tired, then snag it once it has the chance.
Justin R.
Justin R. - 8 years ago
that was a legit monster sized shark.
james francis
james francis - 8 years ago
most ppl leave stupid comments about ong guy but I will tell you he is the only one with any common sense shark can fuck a small boat like that up and look at the kid with the rope in his hand one guy and he's gone shark bait stupidity
Angelica628 KungFu_Gamers clan
Angelica628 KungFu_Gamers clan - 8 years ago
crazy boys
Angelica628 KungFu_Gamers clan
Angelica628 KungFu_Gamers clan - 8 years ago
crazy boys
Takaii :D
Takaii :D - 8 years ago
Michael Caudle
Michael Caudle - 8 years ago
they've smoked themselves retarded.
Matthew Deetz
Matthew Deetz - 8 years ago
ladies and gentlemen if they are near the skyway bridge that hammerhead would be old Hitler I big fucking shark that's 34 foot long and lives under the skyway.

fun fact my friends dad actualy had old Hitler on a line on a big ass boat and he was still bigger than the boat
Lanscing Keelinghamm
Lanscing Keelinghamm - 8 years ago
Shark fishings illegal........
Cody H
Cody H - 8 years ago
Sounds like Jonny tapia from bad boys 2 when his house gets blown up lol
J G - 8 years ago
oh my god
Cole T
Cole T - 8 years ago
god the worst fucking camera man, literally every time there was an encounter he faces the camera down so he can see and all the viewers see is the tail end, and dont even get me started on the OMG, like Christ hes in a boat.
Jake DiPasquale
Jake DiPasquale - 8 years ago
omg they frecked or so much
Jake DiPasquale
Jake DiPasquale - 8 years ago
omg they frecked or so much
mrslisajckson - 8 years ago
I enjoyed this so much
King Daniels
King Daniels - 8 years ago
dog queef
dog queef - 8 years ago
why dont they leave
Siward Beorn
Siward Beorn - 8 years ago
pmsl !!! all standing up !!!! you deserve to be chomped!!! Brian you are a fckn dumbass!!! YOU HAVNT A CLUE WHAT LIFE IS YOUR TO YOUNG AN TO DUMB!!!
Awesomeness MLP Channel Eva
Awesomeness MLP Channel Eva - 8 years ago
is it possible to talk like ur white they sound like a reject beastie boy
Tou Ching Thao
Tou Ching Thao - 8 years ago
i went to the beginning of this video to see if he started this video with omg
Taylor Malquist
Taylor Malquist - 8 years ago
Instead of just staying there I would've GOT THE FUCK OUT OF THERE!!
Drifter Nomad
Drifter Nomad - 8 years ago
" let's get the f**k up and get the f**k out of here!".... Haha.... Wuss
Keira Kutscher
Keira Kutscher - 8 years ago
him: it's so big!!!!
me: that's what she said
Ap0calypse HD
Ap0calypse HD - 8 years ago
Me: kys
Keira Kutscher
Keira Kutscher - 8 years ago
him: it's so big!!!!
me: that's what she said
Paisley Williams
Paisley Williams - 8 years ago
this is fucking epic dude lol... the 2 kids who kept going were so fearless and awesome hahahabha absolutely love this video ...
Ricky Vang
Ricky Vang - 8 years ago
a shot for every time they say oh my god.
Tommy Mendius
Tommy Mendius - 8 years ago
Yall should have left after seeing that bigass shark with the tiny boat youre in... Lucky to be alive.
Gavinator Woomer
Gavinator Woomer - 8 years ago
that's a big shark
Dixx Almeity
Dixx Almeity - 8 years ago
"let's get the fuck up and get the fuck out of here!" lmfao.
Jams Only
Jams Only - 8 years ago
Xarien Art - Drawing tutorials and Speedpaints
Xarien Art - Drawing tutorials and Speedpaints - 8 years ago
after hearing them, i kinda wish they took a swim.
Ningwa Jimi
Ningwa Jimi - 8 years ago
12345 54321
12345 54321 - 8 years ago
white pussy
Thomas Butler
Thomas Butler - 8 years ago
Haber master
Anony - mouse
Anony - mouse - 8 years ago
OMG WTF OMG WTF OMG WTF... Can you say something else?
ThatWeirdChick ._.
ThatWeirdChick ._. - 8 years ago
I'm not complaining, but I'm lmbo
lien fung
lien fung - 8 years ago
I could watch he said the f word I'm too young to hear it
JoeConnoOldAccount - 8 years ago
He's in like the worlds smallest boat next to the worlds biggest shark
David Pavelko
David Pavelko - 8 years ago
better with the audio muted

100. comment for shark eats shark

Unikitty - 8 years ago
lol those screams
Charles Clarke
Charles Clarke - 8 years ago
3 guys screaming like little girls
shane ward
shane ward - 8 years ago
if you guys caught that hammer you guys would be world record holders with the largest hammerhead ever caught being 14 ft long
Dylan Legate
Dylan Legate - 8 years ago
viol8r007 - 8 years ago
12 foot at most maybe 13 at most ...
Olivia Williams
Olivia Williams - 8 years ago
The Sharks like ya be scared of me
Damon Moran
Damon Moran - 8 years ago
i dont understand the haters i only grew up around lakes. biggest fish ive seens was around 60 pounds. if i ever saw this girl i would poo myself. koodos to you ladied this shit should be viral
Rex97 - 8 years ago
LET'S GET THE FUCK UP AND GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!! It still makes me piss my pants I laugh so hard!
Clover The Silent Horse
Clover The Silent Horse - 8 years ago
Shark: Now, KILL THEM!!!
Other Shark:
Shark: WHAT?
Other Shark: NO!!!!!!!!
Ace harambabe
Ace harambabe - 8 years ago
Wow that's crazy
Tribeka - 8 years ago
I remember my first time holding a camera
Dragon 701
Dragon 701 - 8 years ago
This kids is,......canibleism
Francisco Bautista
Francisco Bautista - 8 years ago
While the guys in this video do come off as somewhat obnoxious, I can't help but be fascinated by the actual starts of this video. I mean, how often do you see something like THAT!?
Despon - 8 years ago
Wut dah fuk?!

Total: 999999999999999999
SERBINATOR 85 - 8 years ago
that was huge!!!!!
Pikachu Bomb 101
Pikachu Bomb 101 - 8 years ago
xPhantomLordx - 8 years ago
there fighting over bait
Chris Brown
Chris Brown - 8 years ago
I was just in St. Pete on vacation.. swimming in these waters.... SCARY
xisobelx373 - 8 years ago
dumb. standing so close to the edge when they can and do leap out of the water
Tyler Prüfer
Tyler Prüfer - 8 years ago
If spoken in Arabic, this video would sound like the period just after an ISIL RPG attack.
Vlad - 6 years ago
Well said
Xx_Bolbi_xX - 7 years ago
mohammed ak dhalai you sound like those triggere people on youtubr videos saying "Fuck you not all Muslim terorist"
Yello - 8 years ago
you are
Mastur Chief :)
Mastur Chief :) - 8 years ago
no u
mohammed ak dhalai
mohammed ak dhalai - 8 years ago
r u being racist
Logan Causey
Logan Causey - 8 years ago
im crying rn
Jnos - 8 years ago
this is so funny
Jay Lee
Jay Lee - 8 years ago
straight up queers. I'm glad I grew out of this stage and stopped hanging out with white kids like this. "nigga" smh stfu and go to college
Jay Lee
Jay Lee - 8 years ago
+Charle Magne
you sound closeted
Kalash Nikov
Kalash Nikov - 8 years ago
+Jayson Lee You sound smart.
Jay Lee
Jay Lee - 8 years ago
+Charle Magne
uh yeah huh huh huhuhuh. stupid af. shoot yourself
Kalash Nikov
Kalash Nikov - 8 years ago
Why only white kids? racist?
xisobelx373 - 8 years ago
glad u evolved.
Jay Lee
Jay Lee - 8 years ago
lol do you drive a datsun?
Alois Hitler
Alois Hitler - 8 years ago
The FoBroden One!
The FoBroden One! - 8 years ago
shark seption
Jim Kelly
Jim Kelly - 8 years ago
that high pitch squeal is hysterical
Jared white
Jared white - 8 years ago
You have no idea how to fish or film
brony gaming
brony gaming - 8 years ago
what is u guys problem u just watched a shark eat a shark and u did not call for a ambulance for that poor shark u lwf5 his remains untuched u witnessed MURDER
Autisti Helari
Autisti Helari - 8 years ago
zezo782 - 8 years ago
that reaction :D
Felando Waller
Felando Waller - 8 years ago
Dumb ass niggas!
Brooke Stanley
Brooke Stanley - 8 years ago
I would be crying! Thanks for the laugh <3 Happy eARTh day
Jeff Merrill
Jeff Merrill - 8 years ago
You scream like a bitch
kdm rey
kdm rey - 8 years ago
noneedforaname - 8 years ago
@cameron brewer wat
Zeno Dice
Zeno Dice - 8 years ago
Holy fuck, hit fucking puberty before you post videos you squeaky fucks.

Jesus christ.
xisobelx373 - 8 years ago
hahaha their balls haven't dropped
klondie straughn
klondie straughn - 8 years ago
exactly why I don't fish in small boats
Jay Lee
Jay Lee - 8 years ago
or take small dick
TheKetsa - 8 years ago
Americans with their "oh my god" are no better than allahuakbars...
Xx_Bolbi_xX - 7 years ago
Mitch Myers trump is just as bad
Nick Lewis
Nick Lewis - 8 years ago
TheKetsa except we don't typically blow up after saying oh my God
Mitch Myers
Mitch Myers - 8 years ago
+Babby Babbyson that's because there's a lot more Christians? People actually find logic in God instead of causing destruction and suffering for self gain
Meme Machine
Meme Machine - 8 years ago
+Mitch Myers
Actually christians have caused more deaths in the 20th century alone than muslims have in all history.
I am not trying to defend muslims or anything, I'm saying christianity is not just as bad, it's worse, and they're both shit.
Religion is evil at the core.
Kimberly Propes
Kimberly Propes - 8 years ago
TheMJ - 8 years ago
+Blazin Nug You're making my point stronger. It's best you go talk to someone else
Mitch Myers
Mitch Myers - 8 years ago
+TheMJ You're not even worth my time don't forget to fondle his balls.
TheMJ - 8 years ago
+Blazin Nug You know you took an L when you dont have a decent response
Mitch Myers
Mitch Myers - 8 years ago
+TheMJ eat dick
TheMJ - 8 years ago
+Blazin Nug accept the L
Jay Lee
Jay Lee - 8 years ago
+Blazin Nug
Leave the internet? lmao you sir, are hilarious
Mitch Myers
Mitch Myers - 8 years ago
+Jayson Lee if you don't like it then leave. It's as simple as that and trust me no one is stopping you...
Jay Lee
Jay Lee - 8 years ago
+Blazin Nug
Yeah you really deserve the leisure you get in America to smoke weed and come online and troll around using a screenname like Blaazzin Nug bro. lmao yur hilarious
Mitch Myers
Mitch Myers - 8 years ago
+Jayson Lee yea I'll change my name and you go live in a cave you undeserving little keyboard warrior
Drew B.
Drew B. - 8 years ago
well for your information, some of them don't, so saying Americans say oh my god too much is very offensive.
Jay Lee
Jay Lee - 8 years ago
+Blazin Nug
Please do the internet a favor and change your screen name you unoriginal bstrd
Mitch Myers
Mitch Myers - 8 years ago
+Jayson Lee please do us all a favor and leave our country if it's so bad
Nygle gaming
Nygle gaming - 8 years ago
+Blazin Nug ur saying all Muslims are bad
Nygle gaming
Nygle gaming - 8 years ago
That what I would say
xisobelx373 - 8 years ago
+Jayson Lee word. it's all crooked and shady
Jay Lee
Jay Lee - 8 years ago
+Blazin Nug
lol your screan name is Blazin Nug bro. What kind of credibility do you have with that?

Do some research and find out exactly what we do tardo. You think our military is over there to fight against Jihad? Psh, think again. The middle eastern occupation was all planned because they stopped accepting American currency in exchange for oil.
Mitch Myers
Mitch Myers - 8 years ago
+Jayson Lee yea we go around screaming death to Muslims while stepping on and burning their flags. If you honestly think Americans are as bad as a religion devoted to causing destruction then you must be a Hillary supporter probably an illegal
Jay Lee
Jay Lee - 8 years ago
+Blazin Nug
eh we do our own damage though
Mitch Myers
Mitch Myers - 8 years ago
except we don't cause destruction and blow shit up when we say it
Jay Lee
Jay Lee - 8 years ago
haha all retards
Captain Badass
Captain Badass - 8 years ago
+TheKetsa Don't lump the rest of us in with those Martians! We don't like those asshats either!
romanek shark
romanek shark - 8 years ago
the big fin look like fin a hammer head shark.nice adventure
veggiesoft googan
veggiesoft googan - 8 years ago
ha they think They are black
Joshua Hill
Joshua Hill - 8 years ago
Omg x9000
Stone cold Killer
Stone cold Killer - 8 years ago
Stop Swearing It Make Me Sick
Smiley Smileen
Smiley Smileen - 8 years ago
Cast And Blast TV
Cast And Blast TV - 8 years ago
Abood night Hijaz
Abood night Hijaz - 9 years ago
fuck eat fuck this is fake
wwet - 8 years ago
+shane ward yum.
shane ward
shane ward - 8 years ago
@Raymond7162 @BackwardMist no its a mullet
BackwardMist - 8 years ago
that my sir is a great white shark
Alex Ha
Alex Ha - 9 years ago
@ 3:38 he said i dont wanna die and his friend said " idc i lived a good life" ahahah lmao
Kaan Uğurlu
Kaan Uğurlu - 9 years ago
Another one
saulyb - 9 years ago
Omg yoU ruined the video by saying OMG
HamptonAveRepresenta - 9 years ago
Of course one of them had to say "Nigga" because it's 2016 and the world we live in 2day whites calling each other "Nigga" and "my Nigga". Mf's swear they hate black people though then turn round n steal our shit. Fucking wiggers kill yourself should of stuck with "dude" but I see you let it slip
Jamie Weber
Jamie Weber - 8 years ago
HamptonAveRepresenta this came out way before 2016 just saying lol
HamptonAveRepresenta - 8 years ago
+xisobelx373 You couldn't be more correct
xisobelx373 - 8 years ago
+xisobelx373 ××i.meant on the phone..haha not In it. and yeah my point is ..any white person saying that sounds like an instant Moron
xisobelx373 - 8 years ago
here's a true story..I was in the phone with a female and she called me a N. I said "Wtf??don't call me that,"-she said " I call everyone that, I came from Milwaukee and that's how it is" I said "stfu. I grew up in the core and have never said that shit to anyone cuz you sound like a stupid wigger lame ass-wanna be loser" she actually tried to defend her ignorance and stupidity until I hung up about 2m later...Wtf is wrong with people
Mike Scharfschwerdt
Mike Scharfschwerdt - 8 years ago
i hate when white people say that shit
v b
v b - 9 years ago
gotta love white kids dropping N bombs. unbelievable
Apples'n Pears
Apples'n Pears - 9 years ago
This might be the most annoying thing i've ever seen, OMG.
TheDoug2103 - 9 years ago
WHAT A BUNCH OF SPAZZED BITCHES. where did you think you were, frickin disney ?
shane ward
shane ward - 8 years ago
you dont know what to expect in the ocean
Roman Deutschmann
Roman Deutschmann - 9 years ago
So sick of the OMG
Scott whyte
Scott whyte - 9 years ago
assholes omg get er it ya faggots
ambivalent ambiguity
ambivalent ambiguity - 9 years ago
rename the video, Oh my God, what the fuck
xisobelx373 - 8 years ago
I agree hahaha
lily coughlan
lily coughlan - 9 years ago
omg megaladon
Jerome Lee
Jerome Lee - 9 years ago
oh my god, grab your knife, jump in and get ya some, oh my god
Freeway Godzilla
Freeway Godzilla - 9 years ago
Kids and their juvenile swearing. So impressed. Good video though. The bigger shark must have thought the little shark was a misidentified seal? Ha!
Thatguy 69
Thatguy 69 - 9 years ago
I dare someone to count how much times they said omg
rolling stone
rolling stone - 8 years ago
Ario Nz
Ario Nz - 9 years ago
oh my god. oh oh my god. oh my god. oh my god. this is all i hear..fuck you guys
Max Moonen
Max Moonen - 9 years ago
cool vid... omg
tmlafrance - 9 years ago
This would be a cool video if these nimrods would stfu.
machete joe
machete joe - 9 years ago
I watched this video a few years back and was like, what a bunch of pussies I wish they would shut up... Now I live in Tampa Florida, and a few weeks back Im in my 12 foot Kayak in the Gulf and a 10 foot Bull Shark swims by... It was amazing, but utterly fucking horrifying to think what would have happened if a hammerhead this size attacked my 12 foot kayak...
Guerrilla Gaming
Guerrilla Gaming - 7 years ago
I live here as well. I had a massive hammerhead swim up to the side of my 21 ft boat. It had to be 16 ft long. We all freaked out.
Imachowderhead - 8 years ago
Im from Hopewell and I do the Hardware to Bremo float all the time in Scottsville. . I see guys pulling up 40 and 50 lb cats in there. Crazy. I had a blue float by me once and that sucker looked like Jaws.
machete joe
machete joe - 8 years ago
haha man im from Richmond and spent countless day wading and floatng the upper James..Those gar are pretty impressive.. As are those damn flathead..Ive actually been attacked by one. But yeah there are serious river monsters to be found there..
Imachowderhead - 8 years ago
I would probably lose my shit if I saw a shark in my yak. I was yakking in the James RIver one year in Virginia and I had a 7 feet long Alligator Gar nuzzle my yak. That thing had to be about 2 feet around. I was terrified. He was longer than my kayak.
Zakje - 9 years ago
Inderdaad VRT va. Acheme al oranje en de baas van de maffia van Bilal hafi
Zakje - 9 years ago
Tv'tjes is van mijn oma Disney ushw. Slag dheb j h gs Xbox s x C FNV. KVM kbm. M mombinpruim mvj jij nvjcnczAFBVDZZDFILVAHFDLIUAHVI,JAVBSCKJ, BI,HBILHDSBFLIH
Per Qvindesland
Per Qvindesland - 9 years ago
I am not saying that these kids are retarded just OMG how fucking retarded can you get?
Alexander  Perez
Alexander Perez - 9 years ago
that teen said omg alot of times wow
Jack McCall
Jack McCall - 9 years ago
He said omg 635 Times
Derp Queen
Derp Queen - 8 years ago
Jack McCall Lol
Siward Beorn
Siward Beorn - 8 years ago
+Coexist 2015 yup an iI think they need a bigger boat
Coexist 2015
Coexist 2015 - 8 years ago
if I was on the boat, I would have been pushing omg guy into the water
GAME KING - 8 years ago
Harrison John
Harrison John - 8 years ago
+Jack McCall did u just sit thre and count how many times he said OMG
TopazTornado - 9 years ago
+Jack McCall 679 You Mean (F*** Off Fetty Wap)(No Offense)
KohOppa - 9 years ago
Bobby Territo
Bobby Territo - 9 years ago
New drinking game, take a shot every time you hear "Oh My God!"
100blinky - 9 years ago
Great video cept for the girl screaming oh my god.....
Ross Merrigan
Ross Merrigan - 9 years ago
That high pitch scream is a classic.. Lol
jerryy538 - 9 years ago
i hope whoever your god is that they are a nice one. because if i was your god i would have told you to shut up lol. or pushed you in. then i get home and be like yeah so he fell in the ocean and a hammer head shark ate him ..... totally wasn't me.
Milan Bobalik
Milan Bobalik - 9 years ago
If somebody is noisy in situation like this its beter stay at home.Becouse if something hapent nobody will understand nothing.Its big risk guys been like a girls.Shame on you.Fags.
Milan Bobalik
Milan Bobalik - 9 years ago
No tak si vyser oko debile uz tomu rozumies lepsie?
Itz ayaz
Itz ayaz - 9 years ago
Its better to go to school before commenting. No one will understand you.
Jack Belgrove
Jack Belgrove - 9 years ago
it's also a shame for someone to drop outta school at such an early age of ten, you grammatically incorrect fuckwad
Peter Peter
Peter Peter - 9 years ago
shane ward
shane ward - 8 years ago
learn to spell dipshit
DotKYUU - 9 years ago
Jay Roberts
Jay Roberts - 9 years ago
These dudes clearly need to smoke some more weed.
Michael Jones
Michael Jones - 9 years ago
Nice video made my day
Tree Fellas Ltd
Tree Fellas Ltd - 9 years ago
stupid american fuks
Jonsen Perez
Jonsen Perez - 9 years ago
they think thats funny.. if that mother fucker go up . They gonna be so fuck..
San Ban
San Ban - 9 years ago
Shark fight boys 40 bucks on wiener
dorkfish4life - 9 years ago
shane ward
shane ward - 8 years ago
mr mr
mr mr - 9 years ago
chris davis
chris davis - 9 years ago
Andreas Engelhardt
Andreas Engelhardt - 9 years ago
fucking Idiots what the fuck what the fuck Camp you say more oh my good.... moreones
Conner Bapst
Conner Bapst - 9 years ago
Hey jackass you spelled moron wrong
Andreas Engelhardt
Andreas Engelhardt - 9 years ago
therese marie
therese marie - 9 years ago
Probably one of the funniest videos I've ever seen lol
oh my god
Rann809 - 9 years ago
They all freak out from an shark. LOL
Jay Benedict
Jay Benedict - 9 years ago
who else wants the shark to eat them. They got got so annoying m
riverland tresures
riverland tresures - 9 years ago
dude i think its a killer whale look at the white face when it comes up
ant0ine2 - 9 years ago
fucking brian
jerry mitre
jerry mitre - 9 years ago
That is soooo hilarious you guys that's what memories are all about.your right Tyler
"lets get up and get the fuck outta here!!!" so fucking funny I too watched 10 times
Bryan Smith
Bryan Smith - 9 years ago
The shark was a great hammer head almost 3 times as big as normal hammer head shark. Researches estimated the size to 17 feet long which the great hammer heads can reach up to 20 so catching this huge great hammer head on film is insane but having it filmed attacking and eating a 6 foot shark is crazy . The hammer head treated that 6 foot shark like a regular meal for him awesome
Diamond Heart
Diamond Heart - 9 years ago
And whilst the three men were filming this beast, the famous words had been spoken. "FUCK YOU BRIAN!!!"
Jay Lee
Jay Lee - 8 years ago
..."you fuckin dick"
Ryan G1288
Ryan G1288 - 9 years ago
+Diamond Heart Thats the best reply in the video, Ive seen this like 30 times and only realized just now. The voice change in comparison to the entire video is funny
alice morales
alice morales - 9 years ago
Me And my friends in the future xD it so true cause I'm the dumbest xD
MC Smoke
MC Smoke - 9 years ago
JohnBelz - 9 years ago
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god"  They sound like orgasm-ing women. .
gentlemonsterkennels - 9 years ago
"I don't think he is hungry, he just ate that other shark"
Probably the smartest guy on that boat
gentlemonsterkennels - 9 years ago
1:22 one of them turned into a dolphin
Matthew Estrada
Matthew Estrada - 9 years ago
100 out of 10
Luis Martinez
Luis Martinez - 9 years ago
Never fish and take lad at the same time
henninho1985 - 9 years ago
Michael Quintero
Michael Quintero - 9 years ago
That's a huge shark I would crap my pants
Karlos1234ify - 9 years ago
They used a lifetime of the phrase "OH MY GOD!"
leeboyoio - 9 years ago
LC. For
LC. For - 9 years ago
OMG DUDE !! There in a fucking blow up boat LOL!!!
Darren G.
Darren G. - 9 years ago
I'd have shit my pants seeing that, all while in a fancy Jon boat.
Talia BaeLuv
Talia BaeLuv - 9 years ago
There so scared, I would be all like, sitting in the back of the boat and say I'm ready to die
James Woods
James Woods - 8 years ago
That's so spiritual. I'm be sitting at the back of the boat thinking about how not ready I am for the sensation of having my body torn to shreds with razor sharp teeth while my lungs fill with water and my friends continue throwing chunks of dead shit at the shark with hope that the shark will troll my body in to frame because "getting it on video is all that maters". If those were my friends I'd be sitting in the back of the boat saying fuck my life long before the shark ever showed up.
Anthony Melillo
Anthony Melillo - 9 years ago
I was really hoping the shark knocked the boat over and ate you guys
Outdoors Rob
Outdoors Rob - 9 years ago
i wish that shark bit your foul mouth off
Trolling all the way
Trolling all the way - 9 years ago
Fucking retards, why would you throw a fishing rod when there's a shark.
jermzdee - 9 years ago
These guys were hilarious.
Caribbean Sport Fishing
Caribbean Sport Fishing - 9 years ago
Who came here after Shark Week 2015?
Kris Landry
Kris Landry - 9 years ago
That kid who's about to cry should have took one for the team and jumped in
Chris Mackenzie
Chris Mackenzie - 9 years ago
This video needs an annotation at the beginning that says: "You should probably mute if hearing screeching pre-pubescent teens belt out the only two curse words they know annoys you"
David Smith
David Smith - 9 years ago
Annoying pricks. That wanker with the rope deserved to go in.
Saralf - 9 years ago
American are obsessed with that word "oh my god"
Eff Yoo
Eff Yoo - 9 years ago
You must be French also, because you can't take a joke. the word came originally from Italian, and means shower. So I am a shower? Which is what you French fucks neglect to have. Go shave an armpit you stinky fuck!
TheKapahuluKid - 9 years ago
+Eff Yoo - You're a douche...That's french, moron
Eff Yoo
Eff Yoo - 9 years ago
Being French is your excuse for being dumb. I thought it was your excuse for smelling like ass everywhere you go. Have a baguette and a shower frenchie.
Saralf - 9 years ago
+PinkDonut Gamez ok sentence ? Or quote ? Sorry i'm just French, my english is not perfect ;)
PinkDonutGamez - 9 years ago
"Oh My God" isn't a word dipshit
mybluebelly - 9 years ago
Hammerheads are not very dangerous species.
SwillyVision - 9 years ago
"Hey fuck u bryan" lol true friends
Ethan Hosking
Ethan Hosking - 9 years ago
so funny
stef reinier
stef reinier - 9 years ago
should of cut the line.
Christian Prepper
Christian Prepper - 9 years ago
Harrison John
Harrison John - 8 years ago
+Christian Prepper haha
xXDubXx GoCrxzy
xXDubXx GoCrxzy - 9 years ago
+Connor Yo jeez chill
LC. For
LC. For - 9 years ago
That was not even close to getting a thumbs up bitch!!!
Andrew Wilkinson
Andrew Wilkinson - 9 years ago
Let's get the fuck up and get the fuck outta here!!
Derek Eadie
Derek Eadie - 9 years ago
Stephy Whiskey Hands
Stephy Whiskey Hands - 9 years ago
funnier in slow motion
Dany Farooq
Dany Farooq - 9 years ago
Paxon Bartley
Paxon Bartley - 9 years ago
Ricky Lopez
Ricky Lopez - 9 years ago
Screaming like a bunch of lil girls
marco terni
marco terni - 9 years ago
i wouldnt be fucking around with sharks in such a lil boat just saying and i defenetly wouldnt be standing on a cooler and if your afraid thats nature saying get the hell out
everything about this just screams stupidity and your lucky natural selection didnt happen there
HDMINDFREAK - 9 years ago
Crazy boys
Meghan McKinley
Meghan McKinley - 9 years ago
I feel like after seeing that shark eat the other one, I would have left and not tried to catch or feed the bigger one. Yknow, the one that's bigger than your boat and would knock you all in the water if it bumped you? :P
bweezy80sbaby - 9 years ago
2:03-2:05 LOL!!!!
Tj Minutillo
Tj Minutillo - 9 years ago
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA everyone commenting about how they're over reacting, i would have done the same exact thing
Jeffrey Godshall
Jeffrey Godshall - 9 years ago
I've never wanted a boat to sink more in my life.
the beliver
the beliver - 9 years ago
晋三安倍 - 9 years ago
Oh my god!!what the fuck!! X100
davidlmatteson - 9 years ago
Probably shoulda left the screaming out, youre acting like group of homos
Poohead - 9 years ago
Mike Davis
Mike Davis - 9 years ago
meth and fishing
Jayana Bubak
Jayana Bubak - 7 years ago
Mike Davis oh my God
Reverse Yoself
Reverse Yoself - 9 years ago
Oh my God.
Arthur M
Arthur M - 9 years ago
hahah awesome! Im laughing so hard that was awesome! "get on our level"
Colonel Kurtz
Colonel Kurtz - 9 years ago
"look at the seagull - the seagulls gonna die.."
Lauren Kate
Lauren Kate - 9 years ago
jbafia95 - 9 years ago
This is where I go swimming. O.o
Zetetic - 9 years ago
yea i quit watching after hearing " oh my god, what the f#%@!" over and over. Dude shut up I'm filming!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dustin D
Dustin D - 9 years ago
Wonder if they had a bit too much smoke.
mackineste - 9 years ago
It's too bad none of you fell in.
Lady Vertical
Lady Vertical - 9 years ago
The dude filming is the only one of them with half a brain cell. Trying to chum the waters and shit with that little ass boat. And y'all screaming sounds like a bunch of prepubescent girls lol. Cool footage though.
The Kid Frankie
The Kid Frankie - 9 years ago
LMAOOO right at minutes gets me everytime hahahaha
shredcod - 9 years ago
this has tosh.0 written all over it
Scanova the Carnotaurus
Scanova the Carnotaurus - 9 years ago
Im a bit ticked off that everyone's mad at them screaming in fright. I get it, they were going a tad overboard, HOWVER, I knew I would've been freaking out if I saw a shark as big as my bloody boat attacking at the line. Not to mention the shark rammed into the boat, that alone would've had me freaking out if I wasn't already.
Im pro vise
Im pro vise - 6 years ago
Every normal person I know says oh my god less than 10 times when they see something crazy. Get excited, sure, but don't be annoying, that'll get you punched 9 times outta 10.
Jacob Parker
Jacob Parker - 9 years ago
It's the camera guy he sucks fat dick at filming and he may ACTUALLY suck fat dick for real with all that bitch screaming. ACTUALLY LIKE YOU'VE BEEN THERE FAGGOT!
Brian Heimgartner
Brian Heimgartner - 9 years ago
Counted 47 "Oh my god"s,
BadBowtie03 - 9 years ago
They sound like a bunch of black yankee girls from the inner city
Eliseo Hernandez
Eliseo Hernandez - 9 years ago
This would've been an awesome video if your inner bitch didnt come out dude. hahaha.
LynxTank - 9 years ago
If this guy sais oh my God one more time im gonna slap him the fuck out that boat and let the shark swallow him to.. Hell if the shark is full I will forcefeed it with him
BKEDWARDS32 - 9 years ago
oh my god
BKEDWARDS32 - 9 years ago
+BKEDWARDS32 *xfinity
Lisa Toussaint
Lisa Toussaint - 9 years ago
These are the kind of idiots that have no respect for marine life. Fucking tools.
Mr Woofz
Mr Woofz - 9 years ago
+Ben Acosta haha mad bro?!
Ben Acosta
Ben Acosta - 9 years ago
+ShockWave30001 stfu, you have a freaking Anime characters as your avi. Shut up
Lisa Toussaint
Lisa Toussaint - 9 years ago
Nah I think I'll keep saying what I want to say!! I don't really care what you think.
riverland tresures
riverland tresures - 9 years ago
Study animals am i right? But seriously its kinda part of life. We catch fish and the we get the meat grill it up and eat it so stop complaining because we all do it!
mackineste - 9 years ago
+Lisa Toussaint Seriously. They talked about stabbing stingrays. Moronic dude bros who like to hurt animals but wet themselves with fear at the sight of a creature stronger than them. Too bad the shark didn't finish them off.
Tyler Kelaher
Tyler Kelaher - 9 years ago
I watched it like 10 times just to keep hearing "lets get up and get the fuck outta here!!!" classic lol
mrcableguy - 9 years ago
+tyler delahey I watch this video every year and laugh at that line
H G - 9 years ago
So you dudes all have your period together too?
PlazmaMoon - 9 years ago
did WHITE just say ni**a?
Jackson Bates
Jackson Bates - 9 years ago
"what if he jumped and came in the boat?"

"all that matters is we get it on video"
MrNarayanc108 - 9 years ago
WATCH THE WHOLE THING. mute it. That giant shark rammed their boat at least two times. And that little ass boat would be no challenge for this monster!

Shane Burns
Shane Burns - 9 years ago
where is this?
Trophy 205
Trophy 205 - 9 years ago
Pathetic.... I've seen teenage girls not react like that. You guys need to grow up and actually act like men. Or at the very least. Teenage boys.
Everett Madsen
Everett Madsen - 9 years ago
For everyone saying "oh I bet you would be screaming too in that situation you internet tough guy", umm no not really. I have been shark fishing, and anyone else who has and is not a complete pussy knows it's not scary at all, its fucking awesome. The chances of even a huge shark like the one in the video attacking the boat are virtually nil. These guys were ridiculous with their reactions, mainly the OMG 100x guy
IBlewUponYourFace - 9 years ago
"I don't want to die"...." I've lived a good life" lmao the second is cool but that's the type of guy that will get you killed
baby alysha
baby alysha - 10 years ago
lol i wouldn't be screaming they are so cute
Digidude50 Gaming
Digidude50 Gaming - 10 years ago
These guys are either stoners or complete fucking idiot.
xTHUNDERCLEASx - 10 years ago
Eric Cecil
Eric Cecil - 10 years ago
All you guys saying they're little girls or pussies shut up. All of you would have done the same thing if you were in that little boat. Most of you would have left right as soon as that situation happened. This was absolutely hilarious
EnchantedGaming - 10 years ago
These guys are like fucking civilians in gta
EnchantedGaming - 10 years ago
I skipped a few times and every fucking time a skip it I here OH MY GOD - OH MY GOD - OH MY GOD LIKE EVERYONE FUCKING SECOND
HookedOnTheBay - 10 years ago
Their screaming and what they were saying made this video 2x better than what it would have been if it were silent. I personally think this is hilarious and awesome.
eddie lugg
eddie lugg - 10 years ago
Like fucking little girls say oh my god shut your fucking little bitch mouths couldn't watch the end fuck off.
PhinsOG - 10 years ago
Looks more like an orca ate that shark
Kaity Ryan
Kaity Ryan - 10 years ago
King Sergio
King Sergio - 10 years ago
This Video To Funny Asf I Mean I liked The Video Shiiit!!!
TheOriginal GGHarasser
TheOriginal GGHarasser - 10 years ago
They're eating her, then they're gonna eat me! OMG!
TheOriginal GGHarasser
TheOriginal GGHarasser - 10 years ago
Props to the dude who puts the bait in the water towards the end to try catch it.
Loop Loop
Loop Loop - 10 years ago
SocConomos - 10 years ago
Would a been funny if he took one of the baits.. They would have gotten dumped in .2 seconds!! Lol
Tyler - 10 years ago
16 ft hammer head? Are you cray? that thing is hella lot bigger than that from waht it looks like. 
GREG HANCHO - 10 years ago
You know what makes me laugh lmao, they actually tried to catch it. I thought I was dumb.
Gabriel Jarvis
Gabriel Jarvis - 10 years ago
om my god x30
Dylan Stultz
Dylan Stultz - 9 years ago
rynne - 10 years ago
Hahahaaha this is so funny!!!
Lance Parker
Lance Parker - 10 years ago
Bwahahah!! WTF??? This was just a set-up joke video, right?
OM fucking God, OM fucking God!!! You little boys sound like 11 year-old girls! This is what happens when you cut English class and miss all of 7th Grade, and end up staying home burning spleef after spleef with your homies, spending every day jerking-off to internet porn and playing Call of Duty for 70 hours end up with a 9-word vocabulary, and that 3.5 percent THC marijuana from the local pot shop keeps your voice high-pitched well into your 30's, because your balls just never, never drop.

I'm sure Daddy (it was his boat, right?) would be proud.
Jeez, here in America 25 years ago, they used to send us men......
Owen West
Owen West - 9 years ago
Fuck off. Do you have anything better to do then insult people you will never know and never talk to all because of one video?
Tree Fellas Ltd
Tree Fellas Ltd - 9 years ago
+Lance Parker fuk up
Lance Parker
Lance Parker - 9 years ago
Yep.....with 40 years and 8000 hours out on the Pacific. You're what....about 13? I'm glad you saw your first shark...let us all know whenTF you get your first piece of we can hear you squeal some more.
mrcableguy - 9 years ago
+Lance Parker

You're a fedora wearing old white dude. STFU.
Francisco Montes
Francisco Montes - 9 years ago
+Tyler Goss pretty much not act like this...and they do come up to my boat all the time. so what would i do if a shark this big came up to my boat...look at it and keep doin what i'm doing, it's not a big deal it's a just a big fish
Mizzou Rah
Mizzou Rah - 9 years ago
Thank you for this. Now I need not comment lol.
Lance Parker
Lance Parker - 10 years ago
Ignore it and hope it doesn't steal the fish I'm reeling in off my line.
Tyler - 10 years ago
What would YOU do if a shark of that size came to your boat? Pet it on the head and become it's best friend?
rynne - 10 years ago
2012... 2012....
Stephen S
Stephen S - 10 years ago
I've fished in that spot. That dude screamed like a girl mother of god. I lol'd so hard thank you for posting this.
Jasmyne Huggins
Jasmyne Huggins - 10 years ago
Jasmyne Huggins
Jasmyne Huggins - 10 years ago
Stupid video not impressed at all
Mikah Ryan
Mikah Ryan - 10 years ago
Omg omg omg if yall like this video check out the full version then talk more shit about my video thanks yours truly omgster
Adam D
Adam D - 10 years ago
Guy holding camera.
"Dude I'm shaking so bad right now!"
...yeah we know
Hamilton Seger
Hamilton Seger - 10 years ago
LoL how manny times did that guy scream OMG!! OMG!! ????
icycheesecake - 10 years ago
Like listening to some mlg faze clan video
sandra onassis lopez
sandra onassis lopez - 10 years ago
I want to fuck everyone on that boat
Mikah Ryan
Mikah Ryan - 10 years ago
One may be your guy in the green pants
PR F - 10 years ago
"That was the coolest thing I've seen all day" Hahahah this woulda been the coolest thing I've seen in my LIFE :P 
Dinstra Little
Dinstra Little - 10 years ago
Sounds like FaZe wuz on this boat
Zedisaninja - 10 years ago
"Oh my god what the fuck was that" Shark jumps up and bites kids hand off
Kim Stephens
Kim Stephens - 10 years ago
I would have reacted even worse
Rayan Valdez
Rayan Valdez - 10 years ago
Crystal4282828 Gamer
Crystal4282828 Gamer - 10 years ago
BlatFlattery - 10 years ago
Oh my god, I pissed my self laughing
Patrick Star
Patrick Star - 10 years ago
Awesome vid! Sounded like the faze fishing clan lol
zOmgLynn - 10 years ago
Was hoping one would've fell in. :)
Ted Seal
Ted Seal - 10 years ago
One did fall in
EchoLett - 10 years ago
Me too
pete preli
pete preli - 10 years ago
Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg... wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf
really, u scream like a girl
Skipper - 10 years ago
crap footage
haze cudi
haze cudi - 10 years ago
The sharks could have flipped the boat dumb asses fuck boys gots to be more careful
Rocky Marciano
Rocky Marciano - 10 years ago
Calm the fuck down dude, Great video but your fking omg ruin it all.
keith sw
keith sw - 10 years ago
Ignorant white trash people like these are what is ruining Florida's coastal cities
Repo - 10 years ago
Boat full of fags trying to be awesome huh? "Get on our level"? These kids parents should have their bits chopped off. 
Anime4 Mii
Anime4 Mii - 10 years ago
what a loser
ya made it angry
now it want u lol
Daniel Gray
Daniel Gray - 10 years ago
Let's get the fuck up and get the fuck outa here !
Julian Verbaan
Julian Verbaan - 10 years ago
Omg: 1092883
Omfg: 1038
Wtf: 37468366476378423674823647234723524376452
Oliver Johnson
Oliver Johnson - 10 years ago
omg omg omg yeah even god wouldn't be as stupid as to stand on a narrow boat whilst a 18ft'er circles in
Alejandro Novo
Alejandro Novo - 10 years ago
is like the dialogue out of a recurring and endless family guy bit. oh my god, dude!
Sa Ai
Sa Ai - 10 years ago
How many OMG did he say?
Leonardo De Nadai
Leonardo De Nadai - 10 years ago
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in Vain

If the christian god really existis, these guys are fucked!
Elodia Castillo
Elodia Castillo - 10 years ago
White boys saying nigga wtf pinche gringos
beinghumangirl - 10 years ago
awesome guys. You caught a great piece of nature
schwartz wolfe
schwartz wolfe - 10 years ago
The title of this video should be " o my godd "
Collin Rogers
Collin Rogers - 10 years ago
hands down one of the funniest videos ive seen.  funny commentary. the keyboard warriors can buzz off.
jake friedman
jake friedman - 10 years ago
thinks hes black
tianwei sun
tianwei sun - 10 years ago
If the shark ate you, maybe because it just can't stand you screaming any more. :D   Nice video though, you are so brave!!
Everyone - 10 years ago
typical american ; oh maaaaaaav gadddddddd fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkk oh mmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gaaaaaaaaaaadddddd fucking pussies
Mr Beer Cat
Mr Beer Cat - 10 years ago
I was kinda hoping the shark would eat those guys, just so I didn't have to listen to them anymore
Emmery Kirk
Emmery Kirk - 10 years ago
Thank god for the volume down button
Skwisgaar Skwigelf
Skwisgaar Skwigelf - 10 years ago
You guys are hilarious. 
greg Isaacs
greg Isaacs - 10 years ago
Many on that day will say to Me "Lord,Lord" And I will declare to them, depart from Me you who practice lawlessness. Blasphemy, whether you like it or not, is a sin. Repent and put your trust in Jesus. He's coming back.
Gary Richards
Gary Richards - 10 years ago
Screaming like a bunch of little girls. Y'all went looking for sharks and you found 'em, why so surprised??? Could you have possibly squeezed in one more "OH MY GOD" in your frenzied reaction to getting what you came for?
dgs - 10 years ago
1:22... "There's the little girl! "
Karma - 10 years ago
Doesn't shark hunt people?
bbonet98 - 10 years ago
PeteDaBomb - 10 years ago
Squeaker alert, oh my god, what the fuck!
ycdocs120 - 10 years ago
Shark appears at 1:19. Skip the rest
PoopStinkPie - 10 years ago
Whoever a girly scream that was hahaha made me laugh
Toui Thao
Toui Thao - 10 years ago
omg omg omg... never heard this been repeated so much since mean girls.
Christopher A Williams
Christopher A Williams - 10 years ago
Eric Clough
Eric Clough - 10 years ago
We're going to need a bigger boat
Dustin DeFoore
Dustin DeFoore - 10 years ago
Epic reference!
Marian Covalcic
Marian Covalcic - 10 years ago
If you should be in that boat with Old hitler shark or harbour master trying to eat you you wont be scared right for those who say why the heck they was screaming like that . And Old hitler and Harbour master its said that they can be the same shark that migrates from florida to bahamas
Pop Turner
Pop Turner - 10 years ago
Are these girls fishing? They sound like a bunch of little girls with all of that screaming.
Andrew Yee
Andrew Yee - 10 years ago
pansy ass stoners fuckin hate little pussies I'd be tryin to catch them
Tomasz Musiał
Tomasz Musiał - 10 years ago
JTKGamingFilms - 10 years ago
BOOSTEDLASER - 10 years ago
I know these guys, this is CGI and 100% fake.
Andrea Lara
Andrea Lara - 10 years ago
Shut up too
Andrea Lara
Andrea Lara - 10 years ago
Next time don't shake the camera so people could see fine
Andrea Lara
Andrea Lara - 10 years ago
Next time don't shake the camera so people could see fine
Richard Phillips
Richard Phillips - 10 years ago
shame one of you never fell in... that would have been worth watching... oh my God!
Sierra Rebarchek
Sierra Rebarchek - 10 years ago
Shut up all you say in the video omg wtf omg wtf multiple times
XYDog Austria
XYDog Austria - 10 years ago
 Oh my god! WTF! Oh my god! WTF! Oh my god! WTF! Oh my god! WTF! Oh my god! WTF! Oh my god! WTF! Oh my god! WTF! Jesus Maria and Josef  hahahaha
11viewer77 - 10 years ago
 Oh my god! WTF! Oh my god! WTF! Oh my god! WTF! Oh my god! WTF! Oh my god! WTF! Oh my god! WTF! Oh my god! WTF!
Efrain Guerrero
Efrain Guerrero - 10 years ago
Call me crazy, but I want to fish with these guys.
Mikah Ryan
Mikah Ryan - 10 years ago
You guy can take me out fishing ><> ill show ya some spots in st Petersburg
Uniform Tango 74
Uniform Tango 74 - 10 years ago
I'd be on the deck laughing all the time. LOL!!!!
ModernGrap - 10 years ago
You said it my friend, you said it! :D
Kiki - 10 years ago
you're crazy lol
GuildBankLooter - 10 years ago
I found myself interested until you guys started screaming like a bunch of girls.
Rolck1 - 10 years ago
mdm3boi - 10 years ago
Proper annoying faggots. That's all I got from the video well done.
Brandon Epstein
Brandon Epstein - 10 years ago
O mui ghaad!
Brandon Epstein
Brandon Epstein - 10 years ago
O mui ghaad!
Ovi Chan
Ovi Chan - 10 years ago
Swifty Dark
Swifty Dark - 10 years ago
man can't they STFU 
Not a-Theist
Not a-Theist - 10 years ago
Drunk idiots watching an amazing experience, I shocked one of them didn't fall in.
Anthony Sharpe
Anthony Sharpe - 10 years ago
Oh my god oh my god ihh my. God shut the f up dude
Mike Rotkis
Mike Rotkis - 10 years ago
Wow man that kid niko looks like a bad ass I would totally pay to go fishing with him.
clobbyhops - 10 years ago
You boys would be really screaming if the Harbor Master took the small shark ya'll caught, you would have fired up that engine  quick!
Jan Hocevar
Jan Hocevar - 10 years ago
haha what a cool expiriont. dude who scremed u r funny :)
Papa Heresy
Papa Heresy - 10 years ago
He said ni**a racist confirmed
Drew Rumpf
Drew Rumpf - 10 years ago
A bunch of fucking pussies
Prof. Hilary L. Chow FRAS
Prof. Hilary L. Chow FRAS - 10 years ago
Perhaps this friendly shark was trying to help these screaming humans, thinking that they were in danger or had lost their way.
Cherelle Papworth
Cherelle Papworth - 10 years ago
Cocky Mike
Cocky Mike - 10 years ago
Three guys in a fucking row boat and you wanng land a 1000 lb shark? bunch of idiots.
Cher Vang
Cher Vang - 10 years ago
It's like one of those horror movie where one says let's go but the other guy acts tough and all things goes wrong. Lol
asskickn88 - 10 years ago
I'll sum this up for everyone:
oh my god
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!
TheFirstBloodyNation - 10 years ago
Ah, another boat full of underdeveloped monkeys.
When u Bored
When u Bored - 7 years ago
TheFirstBloodyNation no they're white
PewDiePie’s Chair
PewDiePie’s Chair - 9 years ago
PP O2 - 10 years ago
+Roddy Piper Theyre out killing sharks for a laugh,and stingrays it sounds like;theyre ignorant.Sharks are getting rarer and rarer 
John Jessome
John Jessome - 10 years ago
+Roddy Piper ya,they are out killing predators,for kicks
nothing wrong with that at all
teed zillah
teed zillah - 10 years ago
Liam Northcott
Liam Northcott - 10 years ago
count how many times they say "oh my god" haha
Michael Faatz
Michael Faatz - 10 years ago
Solid vid..
Wesley Gutting
Wesley Gutting - 10 years ago
No blood....
Brian Guo
Brian Guo - 10 years ago
LOL u guys r so scared
Flipodahippo - 10 years ago
What kind of guy screams like that.
Lukred - 10 years ago
thank you for the head ache
Jerod - 10 years ago
Jeari Czapla
Jeari Czapla - 10 years ago
They look like young boys, but sound like little School Girls. OMG, OMG, Wholly.
Fayez Eltayyeb
Fayez Eltayyeb - 10 years ago
Come on everyone they saw some exciting shit I'd be screaming too. Just put it on mute and don't hate appreciate some rare footage :).
LLDJisMANLEY - 10 years ago
Same video from shark week.....really they said it was 22 feet bunch of bull shiiiit
Fierce Rex
Fierce Rex - 10 years ago
That scream though lol
Narbe Vanessa
Narbe Vanessa - 10 years ago
lol looks like some fun ppl to be with and do that thats like me haha (wtf! lets get the fuck out of here omg wtf!) lol that was too funny and dangerous
Skating 101
Skating 101 - 10 years ago
Old hitler
lilasianboy48 - 10 years ago
omg the only word they know  so sad
libsRturds - 10 years ago
Bet they had to change their tampons after this. OMG
CreeperCoreGaming - 10 years ago
Oh my aged what the fuck!?
Ruth Blagden
Ruth Blagden - 10 years ago
I believe I saw some of this footage on shark week last night.
peter maloco
peter maloco - 10 years ago
bobblezs - 10 years ago
The guy with the curly hair couldn't be my friend. He said "I've lived a good life." OKAY WAIL I'm not ready to die lmao get me back to the shore
ukedc - 10 years ago
... extreme lack of vocabulary!
ruben g
ruben g - 10 years ago
A small ass boat, how would you guys react?
PewDiePie’s Chair
PewDiePie’s Chair - 9 years ago
Probably say omg xD dude!!!
Andrea Campbell
Andrea Campbell - 10 years ago
OMG shut the fuck up. i want to see the shark not have you shit in my ear
kenneth 92
kenneth 92 - 10 years ago
I understand  you grandma
jose C
jose C - 10 years ago
That's cool. I bet most of the people who are telling stuff like you were screaming like girls, that's because they're jelous
misspopmusic42 - 10 years ago
2:48 did I hear "nigga, don't"....?
Mathew Dos Santos
Mathew Dos Santos - 10 years ago
i would have reacted no different
Steven Gonzalez
Steven Gonzalez - 10 years ago
Dudes are all stupid
Nick Jantschek
Nick Jantschek - 10 years ago
that was the funniest possible reaction to seeing a shark lol
ODG Lordy
ODG Lordy - 10 years ago
This would have been a great video if the idiot shouting "oh my god" was screaming it constantly, ruined it for me. 
Collin Evans
Collin Evans - 10 years ago
Hahaha this video is great! These guys are fucking comedy!
Smokey Joe
Smokey Joe - 10 years ago
Wow they r so annoying
Bornin Arkham
Bornin Arkham - 10 years ago
OMG OMG OMG OMG ... STFU! Seriously!
theALLMITiY - 10 years ago
If I had to be in a situation like this I would be freakin the heck out. Imagining the shark tips thee boat over. We humans have no percent chance of fighting or staying up against a shark in their surrounding habitat.
theproducerspart2 - 10 years ago
This is why douchebags shouldn't fish
NachoDog3 - 10 years ago
good size porker
Johnny Rocket
Johnny Rocket - 10 years ago
the camera man is so scared ahahhaha "hey life jackets dude lets get em" 
OdieAteACat - 10 years ago
You dumbfucks and your mallrat, retard screaming completely turned me off. Couldn't even finish the video.
Bipolar Kitty
Bipolar Kitty - 10 years ago
Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg
Cisco Martinez
Cisco Martinez - 10 years ago
yelling out "omg" really load will surely scare the shark away...
randolf christian gador
randolf christian gador - 10 years ago
Jo Poisi
Jo Poisi - 10 years ago
superguinea - 10 years ago
you assholes sound like little bitches.
RJ Emmons
RJ Emmons - 10 years ago
Epk Duncan
Epk Duncan - 10 years ago
The guy throwing the stingray bait is so stupid.....none the less i will gisve him props for throwing the rope
Danielle Doovale
Danielle Doovale - 10 years ago
TheKranski - 10 years ago
If I had a dollar for everyone time all of them said "Oh My God"...
Daddy Dana
Daddy Dana - 10 years ago
never laughed so much 2:15 that shit broke the sound barrier
EshWolff - 10 years ago
this video should be renamed "OHMYGOD"
EshWolff - 10 years ago
hahahahahaha i love the reactions nice work boys 
Dankwheelie - 10 years ago
So basically " OMG OMG OMG!" 
Aidan F
Aidan F - 7 years ago
Dankwheelie what are you doing here?! i fuckin love u man
RDRowner - 10 years ago
Australians would have been so much calmer
cool cat like looking thing
cool cat like looking thing - 10 years ago
Haha calm your tits bros...
Cameron Lhamon
Cameron Lhamon - 10 years ago
Rain mees
Rain mees - 10 years ago
Omg counter : 1000
Joe Garcia
Joe Garcia - 10 years ago
Andrew Hood
Andrew Hood - 10 years ago
Insane!! Awesome vid!
usalax76 - 10 years ago
Just watched this on TruTV Worlds dumbest hillbillies hahahah
Nathan Whitfield
Nathan Whitfield - 10 years ago
Nathan Whitfield
Nathan Whitfield - 10 years ago
tony samos
tony samos - 10 years ago
One of these rednecks addressed someone on the boat as " Nigga " but I didnt see any niggers on the boat in the video ? hmmmm quite perplexing indeed ...
jess parker
jess parker - 10 years ago
Im 12 and I have hand fed a hammerhead
Deion Sheffield
Deion Sheffield - 10 years ago
Lmao, he says nigga when he is at a near death situation
swampbear39 - 10 years ago
this video is so awesome
Lord Crobar
Lord Crobar - 10 years ago
What a bunch of pussies.
Jayana Bubak
Jayana Bubak - 7 years ago
Lord Crobar I know right, Pussies.
Lance Parker
Lance Parker - 10 years ago
Well, I don;t know if you are replying to me personally, but I've gone shark-fishing, and have caught numerous blue sharks, back when I was young and arrogant. The largest was about 9 feet long, caught right a mile offshore over the Monterey Canyon.
I've also reeled in a few 4-5' leopard sharks off the sand, always fun on little perch hooks, and have landed many, many small sharks and stingrays in San Francisco Bay.
I also once jumped in and swam with sharks careening around our vessel, as a totally stupid, know-it-all kid, swimming unprotected once around the boat, just to win a $200 bet with an old guy on my boat who had a big mouth and an unnatural fear of sharks.
That was out 1/2 mile east off of the southern Farallones Islands. In 35 years on the Pacific, I've only seen a White shark with my own eyes, twice.....once feeding on a whale carcass down in Monterey Bay, and once with its head out of the water near the Farallones, just watching our little 19' boat and us while we were bouncing ling jigs off the bottom in 350' of water for ling cod.
Frankly, even with their tiny brains, I think the average shark is smarter than some of the fisherman I see out on day-trips, the drunk, high, and under-equipped folks making fools of themselves, you know the type: accidents waiting to happen.

But I'm no expert on sharks....just a concerned Pacific angler.  
Hassan Abdi
Hassan Abdi - 10 years ago
U try fishing for sharks i grantee you'll shit your pants just seeing one tiny one  
Lance Parker
Lance Parker - 10 years ago
+morteza gholami
Well, I'm not much of a show-off, but once, an arrogant old man we were taking out fishing bet me 200 bucks I wouldn't jump in the water and swim around the boat one time, while we were out fishing for lings at the Farallones Islands, with a half-dozen Blue Sharks circling us, and I did's all about how big your scrotum is, and how sure you are of your experience with sharks and ocean-fishing.......of course, that was 30 years ago and I was in much better shape. Still, as I was dripping wet and freezing afterwards, It felt REAL good sliding those two C-notes into my wallet.......and even better, the mouthy old guy STFU for the rest of the trip, which no amount of $$ could have bought us....making the rest of the trip much more enjoyable.
Zedisaninja - 10 years ago
I'd be like NOPE
morteza gholami
morteza gholami - 10 years ago
i'de love to see how you would react in a similar situation. we are all brave behind one's computer screen
Pop Turner
Pop Turner - 10 years ago
+Ethan Jeffrey Maybe, but I wouldn't be sitting there screaming like a bunch of 10 year old girls. 
Eleno Jaramilla
Eleno Jaramilla - 10 years ago
Indeed they are a bunch of pussies
Ethan Jeffrey
Ethan Jeffrey - 10 years ago
+Lord Crobar if u were on a 14 ft boat i think u would probs shit yourself if you saw that shark.
Lord Crobar
Lord Crobar - 10 years ago
What r u? His bum buddy?
Colin Puffer
Colin Puffer - 10 years ago
+Lord Crobar Lol you just proved his point by acting even more like a keyboard warrior
Lord Crobar
Lord Crobar - 10 years ago
+Collin Evans Make me you fucking pathetic Troll
Collin Evans
Collin Evans - 10 years ago
Shut up ya keyboard warrior.
TaviOnlyZone - 10 years ago
That's when you get new friends
10ga - 10 years ago
That one girl should shave the goatee off or she'll never get a guy. 
proartsrider - 10 years ago
I was hoping one of em would have fallen in lmao that would have kept me interested a little more no likes from me sorry guys keep the composure better next time
Alpha Capella
Alpha Capella - 10 years ago
This was hilarious
Antonio Lash
Antonio Lash - 10 years ago
you people who made this video is stupid
Matt Swanoski
Matt Swanoski - 10 years ago
Idiot punks! I hope their moronic behavior has caught up with them my now.
Alec Aponte
Alec Aponte - 10 years ago
Shit crazy af
Vir Animus
Vir Animus - 10 years ago
The stupid screaming made me stop watching. Otherwise you might have had a compelling video.

Seriously, guys, you're screaming like teenage girls at a One Direction concert. Chill out.
assassin 339
assassin 339 - 7 years ago
You are a fat ass hole
kitten puppy
kitten puppy - 7 years ago
LeGecko1 - 8 years ago
+Vir Anus Right back atcha
Vir Animus
Vir Animus - 8 years ago
+LeGecko1 RUF Do me a favor and go get eaten by one.
LeGecko1 - 8 years ago
If I was fishing and I got a pretty good sized shark on the line and a even bigger shark just comes up and eats it I'd be terrified too.
Jonah_Chum - 9 years ago
+Vir Animus you would scream like a bitch too
Dylan Stultz
Dylan Stultz - 9 years ago
Staticalfaun I think it was over 9000
James Ostrander
James Ostrander - 10 years ago
+Tyler Goss
 Calm the tits bro, i was just examining that the "teenagers" if that's what would perfer (weirdo) scream like little girls. I didn't state anything about staying calm with no reaction to a shark.
Tyler - 10 years ago
+James Ostrander Grown men? Don't look very grown to me. Not to mention it's a giant shark. What would you do? Stay calm and pat it on the head when you got the chance? Yeah, whatever..
Bare Knuckles
Bare Knuckles - 10 years ago
+libsRturds dude stop it. Jeez. Tryouts for World's Toughest YouTuber isn't until next Spring. Chillax guy, go stock up on Huggies for your shark dive coming up. To the dudes in the video, I'd been chummin the water with my lunch I had that day if it was me. The screaming makes this video authentic to me. I mean I don't recall the title saying anything remotely close to "Screw shark divers! Real men scream on video, not posture behind keyboards." Get a grip on reality tough guy. Nobody is attacking your shark diving cred. Welcome to grown up shiz. Haha. Made myself laugh just then.
staticalfaun0 - 10 years ago
$1 to the first person that counts how many time they said oh my god.
morteza gholami
morteza gholami - 10 years ago
yes i know i would scream too but not like this girls but these mans scream like they are at one direction concert
portal - 10 years ago
I thought it was funny
morteza gholami
morteza gholami - 10 years ago
i'de love to see how you would react in a similar situation. we are all brave behind one's computer screen
Pop Turner
Pop Turner - 10 years ago
+Connor Collins Maybe a yell of surprise, but this is excessive.  
Pop Turner
Pop Turner - 10 years ago
+lo gi Some people would like it for that reason. People like little girls, women or fags.  
ColtFace Gaming
ColtFace Gaming - 10 years ago
thats what made it funny
unk irooki
unk irooki - 10 years ago
+libsRturds so go dive with a feeding hammerhead.. idiot. if you see a shark in a frenzy like that i suggest not falling in.
libsRturds - 10 years ago
+Connor Collins Some of us dive with sharks like that. Welcome to Florida. 
Ben Affleck!
Ben Affleck! - 10 years ago
+James Ostrander So your saying you wouldn't scream at all if you saw a shark like that.
James Ostrander
James Ostrander - 10 years ago
+lo gi Ik, its funny to see grow men cry like a bitch haha.
lo gi
lo gi - 10 years ago
Well the screaming maked me like the video
Cody Thomas
Cody Thomas - 10 years ago
Toyota joe
Toyota joe - 10 years ago
hahaha, ohh my god get the fuck out of here!!
Eric Preuss
Eric Preuss - 10 years ago
that one guy is such a sissy bch
pji1979 - 10 years ago
Can I just say...OH MY GOD!!!
Anon Ymous
Anon Ymous - 10 years ago
Holy shit, you guys are annoying.
Supercharged HEMI
Supercharged HEMI - 10 years ago
This is very rare because Sharks usally don't eat other sharks.
Silus Jackson
Silus Jackson - 9 years ago
shark expert here, qualified from google. sharks often do eat other sharks mainly because of tyrones mixtape in 5th grade that was just pure fire but they didnt back n now he making millions and they just still sat there working a 9-5. 
Heron Wibisono
Heron Wibisono - 10 years ago
no dude sharks will eat even their own kind shown by baby sand tiger eat their ousins inside their mom embrio sack
Cesar De Jose
Cesar De Jose - 10 years ago
Not if the same kind... cause the smell of blood from their own kind scares them a lot.
jonas Hyldgaard
jonas Hyldgaard - 10 years ago
Hammerheads Are known to eat other sharks pretty often
Colin Puffer
Colin Puffer - 10 years ago
Actually they do, large sharks eat small sharks on a regular basis.
Amy Aquije
Amy Aquije - 10 years ago
No shit..
illuminayted - 10 years ago
dude a boat full of white boys just call each other "nigga" .... fuck i hate this generation so much
plzki11m3 - 10 years ago
its just a word
plzki11m3 - 10 years ago
we only put power onto our words. god bless ur soul.
illuminayted - 10 years ago
+954isme To convey your message you must spell properly  and the correct words so the person receiving the message can understand what message you are trying to convey. That is why spelling is important you dumb fuck.
Lance Parker
Lance Parker - 10 years ago
Word Dat!
plzki11m3 - 10 years ago
+illuminayted so how is spelling everything?
plzki11m3 - 10 years ago
grow up lil kid. spelling aint everything. besides u just proved me right. killing j0ke
illuminayted - 10 years ago
+954isme Will I be able to spell as horribly as you did?
plzki11m3 - 10 years ago
put thoughts in ur life, u will see clearer.
illuminayted - 10 years ago
+954isme You need to put thought into your sentence.
plzki11m3 - 10 years ago
+illuminayted we only put power into our wordds. penisholevagina
Benn Sommerfeld
Benn Sommerfeld - 10 years ago
Its only a word
Felixy Lowered
Felixy Lowered - 10 years ago
im laughing just because of their reactions
Roshua - 10 years ago
OMG x187
gensu101 - 10 years ago
I think that shark was just doing what it does best predatory fish can react to distress signals from other fish.... I think that's how it goes... One shark sensed that the other was acting strangely and seemed that the hooked shark might've flipped and flopped as a dying or injured fish would and the other was just close enough to take an advantage of the situation and have a free meal on the house
Tomasz Zalewski
Tomasz Zalewski - 10 years ago
you people are so fucking annoying
Jag Heter
Jag Heter - 10 years ago
If I were there I would fucking punch its eyeballs in and he would spent the rest of the time recovering leaving me alone, yeah, don't fucking mess with me!!!
AkiHimura - 10 years ago
Sharktopus III: Attack on Sharky
Raymond Bermea
Raymond Bermea - 10 years ago
I saw this on World's Dumbest. I bet y'all was scared shitless and one of y'all was screaming like a girl and kept on saying "Oh, my God" a million times.
bloodlucky - 10 years ago
I was dying when the kid threw the stingray back in right after the shark appeared "BRIAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING BRIAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING"
bloodlucky - 10 years ago
Pack of white bums on a tiny boat + great white shark = funniest shit ever
Sean Onoshko
Sean Onoshko - 10 years ago
Man fuck you bryan 
AZ Viking
AZ Viking - 10 years ago
LMAO at the people saying that these guys are going way overboard with the screaming.  I've never caught a shark, but I fish for musky and when you see a 40+ inch fish up near the side of the boat, you go crazy.  I can't imagine how much adrenaline was pumping after seeing that monster.  
Michael Hayes
Michael Hayes - 10 years ago
This video sucked....Would have been 100x better if one of the guys fell in and got torn apart on cam.
Adano Brown
Adano Brown - 10 years ago
What a bunch of holes. Who fishes for sharks? Aren't sharks endangered?
Allyson Young
Allyson Young - 10 years ago
I'd probably be having a panic attack.
Zipporah Johnson
Zipporah Johnson - 10 years ago
I wouldnt laugh... I would probably scream like a 2 year old
RobertHochberg - 10 years ago
"one screaming like a girl falls in and we wish she woulda died!" Ahahahahaha.
tolowamaidu - 10 years ago
Cool video
Danysha Smithers
Danysha Smithers - 10 years ago
Y'all needed to mute this vid. Y'all are annoying af. "OMG OMG OMG" like stfu.
Eric Losh
Eric Losh - 10 years ago

a little over board....
Woody - 10 years ago
StabmasterArson21 - 10 years ago
Wish I had a dollar for every OMG out dude's mouth. :D
Orcaluv26 - 10 years ago
That was a bull shark getting eaten by a great hammerhead waitaminute...that looks like...nope nope and nope I am never swimming here again!!
Travis Prothero
Travis Prothero - 10 years ago
the most annoying fucking sounds made from a human
yoliverrr - 10 years ago
1:59 "lets get the fuck up and get the fuck outa here!" 
Made me lol, awesome video
Dirty Rotten Imbecile
Dirty Rotten Imbecile - 10 years ago
 Put on captions and at 2:25 it said..: go got your bracket my god even. ROFL.
dangerdenn - 10 years ago
scott wills
scott wills - 10 years ago
I wish the guy with the long hair would shut up.. put him in the water
scott wills
scott wills - 10 years ago
what a bunch of dumb asses
BaileeGermanotta - 10 years ago
"Omg dooooood" lol funny guys but i agree with the shaking dude....gtfo of there in that small ass boat! I dont wanna die today!lol
ryanowns5 - 10 years ago
It wouldve been even funnier of that cocky little shithead ended up with that shark on the end of his line.
Levels - 10 years ago
OMG COUNT 12,462
StabmasterArson21 - 10 years ago
That dude owes us $12,464, LMAO!
Ryan Darr
Ryan Darr - 10 years ago
Where is this?!?!?
Sunshine Flowers
Sunshine Flowers - 10 years ago
your acing like a baby
Jenn E
Jenn E - 10 years ago
They were never in danger of being attacked by the the hammer head (especially one with a full stomach) the danger was the ninny's flipping the boat over acting like morons and then possibly drowning before getting any help.
Jenn E
Jenn E - 10 years ago
Because he just ate the other shark.
gomes gaiins
gomes gaiins - 10 years ago
how do you know the stomach was full?
Caleb Unger
Caleb Unger - 10 years ago
Yes someone that understands if u fall in the water with a shark doesn't mean game over especially when it got done eating another shark
jeremy harrell
jeremy harrell - 10 years ago
Yay some one right
Seth Gates
Seth Gates - 10 years ago
listen it is freaky and all but you dont have to say the f word like 8,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times.
JB Anthony
JB Anthony - 10 years ago
LOOKS LIKE YOUR OUTVOTED ... White trash at its finest !! Great performance ...
BAMA 1986
BAMA 1986 - 10 years ago
Fucking faggets
Gavin B
Gavin B - 10 years ago
Would have been better without these five girls screaming and swearing.
Eduard Nowee Geronimo
Eduard Nowee Geronimo - 10 years ago
All i heard was  "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD"
Jakob Jansson
Jakob Jansson - 10 years ago
Tacoking916 - 10 years ago
Atleast they can swim
derernsti - 10 years ago
Kids.. OMG
Riis Larsen
Riis Larsen - 10 years ago
These are "the idiots who ruin it for the rest of us". Class act, fellas.
Gh05t.B05 - 10 years ago
Yeah I can hear some screaming, but where are the girls?
Rick Fanoy
Rick Fanoy - 10 years ago
couldn't finish watching this video because you guys couldn't shut up. very annoying.
Drewsen - 10 years ago
Was this a real video or a deleted scene from Spring Breakers?
Jenn E
Jenn E - 10 years ago
Johnathan McCallister
Johnathan McCallister - 10 years ago
camera man is such a fucking faggot shut the fuck up u fucking pussy nigger cunt bag dick sucking homo faggot
monster paw
monster paw - 10 years ago
Awe they think they're black. Lol
Narbe Vanessa
Narbe Vanessa - 10 years ago
wtf!! omgg whoaaa!! GET THE FUK OUTTA HERE!! LOLLL
Runge D
Runge D - 10 years ago
Hey guys let's try to catch the 16 food shark in an 8 foot boat! Sounds like a good plan.
DonkaKong - 10 years ago
OMG was said 51 times in 5 mins! ...SMH! lol
sabrina hayes
sabrina hayes - 11 years ago
Y'all sound like the boys in the shark movies that get ate tho.Haha
Jake Reyes
Jake Reyes - 11 years ago
Shit man.. thats really intense...

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