shark eats shark
Shark videos 12 years ago 2,838,651 views
huge 16 foot hammerhead eats 6 foot blacktip shark while out shark fishing on a 14 foot boat by skyway in st. pete florida. crazy experience shark rams boat with 3 guys on it one is screaming like a girl the whole time the other is trying to catch it with a dead stingray tied to a rope while its eating the other shark IDIOTlol and the one screaming like a girl falls in and we wish she woulda died!
10. comment for shark eats shark
20. comment for shark eats shark
30. comment for shark eats shark
And this is how vulnerable weak minded people get killed. Learn from this people, you dont want to end up as shark bait.
enhance the threat of danger into a reality.
50. comment for shark eats shark
fun fact my friends dad actualy had old Hitler on a line on a big ass boat and he was still bigger than the boat
me: that's what she said
me: that's what she said
100. comment for shark eats shark
Other Shark:
Shark: WHAT?
Other Shark: NO!!!!!!!!
Total: 999999999999999999
you sound closeted
uh yeah huh huh huhuhuh. stupid af. shoot yourself
lol do you drive a datsun?
Jesus christ.
Actually christians have caused more deaths in the 20th century alone than muslims have in all history.
I am not trying to defend muslims or anything, I'm saying christianity is not just as bad, it's worse, and they're both shit.
Religion is evil at the core.
Leave the internet? lmao you sir, are hilarious
Yeah you really deserve the leisure you get in America to smoke weed and come online and troll around using a screenname like Blaazzin Nug bro. lmao yur hilarious
Please do the internet a favor and change your screen name you unoriginal bstrd
lol your screan name is Blazin Nug bro. What kind of credibility do you have with that?
Do some research and find out exactly what we do tardo. You think our military is over there to fight against Jihad? Psh, think again. The middle eastern occupation was all planned because they stopped accepting American currency in exchange for oil.
eh we do our own damage though
don't call me that,"-she said " I call everyone that, I came from Milwaukee and that's how it is" I said"stfu. I grew up in the core and have never said that shit to anyone cuz you sound like a stupid wigger lame ass-wanna be loser"she actually tried to defend her ignorance and stupidity until I hung up about 2m later...Wtf is wrong with people"lets get up and get the fuck outta here!!!" so fucking funny I too watched 10 times
Probably the smartest guy on that boat
everything about this just screams stupidity and your lucky natural selection didnt happen there
"all that matters is we get it on video"
OM fucking God, OM fucking God!!! You little boys sound like 11 year-old girls! This is what happens when you cut English class and miss all of 7th Grade, and end up staying home burning spleef after spleef with your homies, spending every day jerking-off to internet porn and playing Call of Duty for 70 hours end up with a 9-word vocabulary, and that 3.5 percent THC marijuana from the local pot shop keeps your voice high-pitched well into your 30's, because your balls just never, never drop.
I'm sure Daddy (it was his boat, right?) would be proud.
Jeez, here in America 25 years ago, they used to send us men......
You're a fedora wearing old white dude. STFU.
"Dude I'm shaking so bad right now!"
...yeah we know
really, u scream like a girl
ya made it angry
now it want u lol
Omfg: 1038
Wtf: 37468366476378423674823647234723524376452
If the christian god really existis, these guys are fucked!
oh my god
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!
nothing wrong with that at all
I've also reeled in a few 4-5' leopard sharks off the sand, always fun on little perch hooks, and have landed many, many small sharks and stingrays in San Francisco Bay.
I also once jumped in and swam with sharks careening around our vessel, as a totally stupid, know-it-all kid, swimming unprotected once around the boat, just to win a $200 bet with an old guy on my boat who had a big mouth and an unnatural fear of sharks.
That was out 1/2 mile east off of the southern Farallones Islands. In 35 years on the Pacific, I've only seen a White shark with my own eyes, twice.....once feeding on a whale carcass down in Monterey Bay, and once with its head out of the water near the Farallones, just watching our little 19' boat and us while we were bouncing ling jigs off the bottom in 350' of water for ling cod.
Frankly, even with their tiny brains, I think the average shark is smarter than some of the fisherman I see out on day-trips, the drunk, high, and under-equipped folks making fools of themselves, you know the type: accidents waiting to happen.
But I'm no expert on sharks....just a concerned Pacific angler.
Well, I'm not much of a show-off, but once, an arrogant old man we were taking out fishing bet me 200 bucks I wouldn't jump in the water and swim around the boat one time, while we were out fishing for lings at the Farallones Islands, with a half-dozen Blue Sharks circling us, and I did's all about how big your scrotum is, and how sure you are of your experience with sharks and ocean-fishing.......of course, that was 30 years ago and I was in much better shape. Still, as I was dripping wet and freezing afterwards, It felt REAL good sliding those two C-notes into my wallet.......and even better, the mouthy old guy STFU for the rest of the trip, which no amount of $$ could have bought us....making the rest of the trip much more enjoyable.
Seriously, guys, you're screaming like teenage girls at a One Direction concert. Chill out.
Calm the tits bro, i was just examining that the "teenagers" if that's what would perfer (weirdo) scream like little girls. I didn't state anything about staying calm with no reaction to a shark.
a little over board....
Made me lol, awesome video
LOOKS LIKE YOUR OUTVOTED ... White trash at its finest !! Great performance ...