An Irish girl swimming & testing a new gadget toy Ameo Powerbreather snorkel + gopro.
Snorkeling 8 years ago 56,712 views
Powerbreather: - Music: Different Heaven - Feel Like Horrible (feat. Sian) [NCS Release] -
You'll get wet.
Do you know what's wrong with me?
Finding yourself a parterre like you is almost impossible.
Because of water, fence, and mask, I love it.
But everyone feels like you're a jerk.
So what I'd like to swim with you and spend all day in the water :-)
Here, though, there are water tanks and clean enough, so there is no one to conjure up.
And do not give a god to find a girl who would have traveled for you and enjoyed it too.
p.s. whose your cameraman or woman? a boyfriend perhaps?? or is it a family member!
he or she deserves a cameo they are obviously toughing it out in the water with you!
p.p.s. Dana you are obviously into this stuff! if you can think of any cool swimming gear ideas that should be invented, let us KNOW! you obviously have a good Irish brain in your head!
Please make more snorkel/mask and fin testvideos in the future. maybe a comparsion between the tested models and witch is your fav. not neccessary professionels tests, only your own opinions.
10. comment for An Irish girl swimming & testing a new gadget toy Ameo Powerbreather snorkel + gopro.
20. comment for An Irish girl swimming & testing a new gadget toy Ameo Powerbreather snorkel + gopro.