Brooklyn and Bailey in Hawaii | Vacation Ideas

We were super EXCITED when Disney invited us to spend a week in Hawaii! (We'd been wanting to go to for SO long!) This video is brought to you by Aulani, A Disney Resort & Spa! Our parents have called Hawaii their "sacred" place since we were little. It's the place they love to go without children to relax and spend quality time together. They always take about the fun outdoor activities they get to do, too. Since they always talk about Hawaii that way, we've naturally always wanted to go! When Disney Aulani reached out to partner with us, our parents decided to book a trip for the whole family over Spring Break! We had so much fun enjoying the resort and also enjoyed an ATV adventure, soaking in the sun, snorkeling, shave ice and much, much more! 💥SUPERFANS💥: Please help us translate this Brooklyn & Bailey in Hawaii video, and get credit below! If you loved this family vlog, please give it a HUGE "👍🏻" and comment below which part of the video was your absolute favorite! What is your dream vacation spot? ❤️'s -Brooklyn & Bailey Watch our #BehindTheBraids family vlogs HERE! Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel... Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Follow us on SnapChat: @BrookAndBailey _ FTC Disclaimer: This video is sponsored by Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa.

Brooklyn and Bailey in Hawaii | Vacation Ideas sentiment_very_dissatisfied 393

Snorkeling 8 years ago 2,009,923 views

We were super EXCITED when Disney invited us to spend a week in Hawaii! (We'd been wanting to go to for SO long!) This video is brought to you by Aulani, A Disney Resort & Spa! Our parents have called Hawaii their "sacred" place since we were little. It's the place they love to go without children to relax and spend quality time together. They always take about the fun outdoor activities they get to do, too. Since they always talk about Hawaii that way, we've naturally always wanted to go! When Disney Aulani reached out to partner with us, our parents decided to book a trip for the whole family over Spring Break! We had so much fun enjoying the resort and also enjoyed an ATV adventure, soaking in the sun, snorkeling, shave ice and much, much more! 💥SUPERFANS💥: Please help us translate this Brooklyn & Bailey in Hawaii video, and get credit below! If you loved this family vlog, please give it a HUGE "👍🏻" and comment below which part of the video was your absolute favorite! What is your dream vacation spot? ❤️'s -Brooklyn & Bailey Watch our #BehindTheBraids family vlogs HERE! Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel... Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Follow us on SnapChat: @BrookAndBailey _ FTC Disclaimer: This video is sponsored by Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa.

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Most popular comments
for Brooklyn and Bailey in Hawaii | Vacation Ideas

Celine Yousefian
Celine Yousefian - 6 years ago
I have the same dress as Paisley 7:18 but a bigger size. I also went to Oahu Hawaii the same exact date as the McKnight family
Eloise Gordon
Eloise Gordon - 6 years ago
that looks sooooo fun jeaulos !!
Thuvaagini Makaswaran
Thuvaagini Makaswaran - 6 years ago
That was amazing
Vioela MSP
Vioela MSP - 6 years ago
Carolinempv - 6 years ago
I really don’t mean to be rude or anything but who are Dawson and paisley? Are they adopted, family friends or something else? Again I’m not trying to be racist or rude or suggest that they don’t belong, I’m just curious.
Kaitlin O'Malley
Kaitlin O'Malley - 6 years ago
Carolinempv they’re adopted :)
Analee Nunez
Analee Nunez - 6 years ago
Love this
Jolianne Jensen
Jolianne Jensen - 6 years ago
Paisley is so friking cute
Jasmine Broomfield
Jasmine Broomfield - 7 years ago
I would love to go on this holiday! I would want to do everything on this trip! Disney in Hawaii! I’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii and I am a mega Disney fan! Also, Chip and Dale are my favourite characters so, this holiday would be a dream come true!
Karim Hamed
Karim Hamed - 7 years ago
The view

10. comment for Brooklyn and Bailey in Hawaii | Vacation Ideas

Katelyn - 7 years ago
i think my favorite part to do there if my fam and i went would be surfing i've never gone either!!!!!!!!!
Esperanza Erreguin
Esperanza Erreguin - 7 years ago
I want to meet you!!!!
Esperanza Erreguin
Esperanza Erreguin - 7 years ago
So bad
Jaclyn Hoffman
Jaclyn Hoffman - 7 years ago
what island did u go to
Lulu Paisley
Lulu Paisley - 7 years ago
I went there too
Zalmari Harris
Zalmari Harris - 7 years ago
Y'all are so so so lucky. ♡♡♡♡♡
Marcy Hawes
Marcy Hawes - 7 years ago
I think chip has one tooth and do has two teeth and did anybody else notice that in the picture of Chippendales I did
Kayden Gray
Kayden Gray - 7 years ago
I went there it is soooo gorgeous
Taylor Corrin's World
Taylor Corrin's World - 7 years ago
Brooklyn and bailey. You're awesome.. but rylan has GOT to be my favorite. I heard alot of rumors about why i dont see her much. I love you all but rylan the most. Please show her more
Brooke_ Freckles
Brooke_ Freckles - 7 years ago
I went there April 2017
Ayen Yai
Ayen Yai - 7 years ago
Love this video! Looks like it was an amazing holiday! :)

20. comment for Brooklyn and Bailey in Hawaii | Vacation Ideas

Beyond The Normal
Beyond The Normal - 7 years ago
I went there before and it’s so fun!
Michelle Khan
Michelle Khan - 7 years ago
I love this video SO MUCH
AwesomeOwlDesigns - 7 years ago
I’ve literally been abroad 1 time well technically 2 but I was a baby
helen kuti
helen kuti - 7 years ago
You guys should vlog .ore your blogs are really good like if u agree
Deeznutz Hardie
Deeznutz Hardie - 7 years ago


Candace Donoghue
Candace Donoghue - 7 years ago
if I went to aulani i would love to surf
bestylife2 - 7 years ago
I’ve been there too!
You Cam
You Cam - 7 years ago
I wish I was rich like my best friend. She just went to Disney World, and took a $1,600 tour, and got a $60 banshee from Pandora!
Chloe D
Chloe D - 7 years ago
Paisley is so adorable!
Saleha Omer
Saleha Omer - 7 years ago
When will you guys will come to Abu Dhabi.
Please come !!!!!!!!
Thanks again for your time.

30. comment for Brooklyn and Bailey in Hawaii | Vacation Ideas

Saleha Omer
Saleha Omer - 7 years ago
I am a swimming lover.
I love this place.
Love u .
By Brooklyn and Bailey.
melissa schmitt
melissa schmitt - 7 years ago
I mean rylan is the best at surrfing
melissa schmitt
melissa schmitt - 7 years ago
Elam is the best at surffing
Swimmer Sisters
Swimmer Sisters - 7 years ago
I surf all the time in Hawaii the biggest wave I’ve rode was 8ft high!! Ps go checkout our channel
Allie Beishuizen
Allie Beishuizen - 7 years ago
Being Able to afford it
Maria Silva
Maria Silva - 7 years ago
Which island is that
2 Ks channel
2 Ks channel - 7 years ago
Paisley - were making cookies!
2 Ks channel
2 Ks channel - 7 years ago
when you say nice things because its sponsered
Ridwana Ahmed
Ridwana Ahmed - 7 years ago
Luckily they took the two adopted kids this time it was so cruel seeing the other videos where they left them behind
Natalie Fishback
Natalie Fishback - 7 years ago
I have been there
Lan Lan
Lan Lan - 7 years ago
How to tell chip and dale apart dale has a red nose chip has a black nose
Emma De Lucia
Emma De Lucia - 7 years ago
Literally I did everything that yall did except surfing! Lol. I went last April
Teagan Radcliffe
Teagan Radcliffe - 7 years ago
I went there and went the water slides!
Bet-hey Hernandez
Bet-hey Hernandez - 7 years ago
Oml in 5:25 Brooklyn moves rylans foot on purpose
Kylie Rose
Kylie Rose - 7 years ago
i stayed in the same place when i was there !! loved it
jessica costanza
jessica costanza - 7 years ago
Chip has a black nose dale has a red nose
Hannah McCormack
Hannah McCormack - 7 years ago
I would like the crafting part
Katelyn Shoemaker
Katelyn Shoemaker - 7 years ago
Chip has a the black nose like a chocolate chip
Reagan Ericsson
Reagan Ericsson - 7 years ago
I went there, it was awesome!!!
Isa Trujillo
Isa Trujillo - 7 years ago
You guys must have had a lot of money to go there it looks beautiful

50. comment for Brooklyn and Bailey in Hawaii | Vacation Ideas

Zoey’s Life
Zoey’s Life - 7 years ago
I've been to hawii but I was in my moms stomach
Puppluv 223
Puppluv 223 - 7 years ago
I want to live in Hawaii again ( lived on Oahu twice)
Kiv's ohana Vlogs
Kiv's ohana Vlogs - 7 years ago
I'm going!!!!!
Liz Merritt
Liz Merritt - 7 years ago
water slides
ALLIYAH WHYTE - 7 years ago
i love hawaii
Kate Sweeney
Kate Sweeney - 7 years ago
That was so COOL!!! I wish I could go there!!!
Jk Jewelers
Jk Jewelers - 7 years ago
Omg! This resort is awesome! I've already been to Hawaii, but I would love to visit the Disney Aulani Resort! My favorite part would be the Spa Day or chilling at the pool!
Jessi Floyd
Jessi Floyd - 7 years ago
I'm so excited I'm preparing because I leave for Hawaii in two hours
Lila Durzy
Lila Durzy - 7 years ago
I've been there and my favorite thing was the volcanic vertical slide!
Samantha Checkley
Samantha Checkley - 7 years ago
a pazleey and daxton adopted
Amelia Ross
Amelia Ross - 7 years ago
chip has a chocolate chip nose and a chipped tooth(one tooth). dale has a red nose and two teeth
FaithDisney - 7 years ago
My favorite part would be surf lessons it looks so fun!! Was it hard??
Anna Wilner
Anna Wilner - 7 years ago
I've been to the Aulani aswell!!!!!!!!!!!
Sara Hollar
Sara Hollar - 7 years ago
I just got back from Aulani and I loved it so much. It was amazing and I really wish I didn't have to leave.
Carissa Laing
Carissa Laing - 7 years ago
Omg that was like my dream vacation to Hawaii!! So jealous!!!
Mae Akins Roth
Mae Akins Roth - 7 years ago
You inspired me to go to Aulani!
jordan bowler
jordan bowler - 7 years ago
I'm going there in November for thanksgiving and we are staying at the 2 bedroom villa also!!
Queen Rani
Queen Rani - 7 years ago
I'm going to got to Disney aulani and I loved your video I can't wait to go next month it'll be awesome!!!
Esther Ogungbenle
Esther Ogungbenle - 7 years ago
That view is so amazing❤️❤️❤️
Cutie D
Cutie D - 7 years ago
The spa
Sitara Telly
Sitara Telly - 7 years ago
I lived on that inland and went there and we were on the top floor
Soccer Rules
Soccer Rules - 7 years ago
Chip has black nose and dale is red nose
Soccer Rules
Soccer Rules - 7 years ago
I am actually Hawaiian
emily sannes
emily sannes - 7 years ago
that was awesome you are so lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
coolandsmartforever GD
coolandsmartforever GD - 7 years ago
I went it was soooooooo fun
Just Jana
Just Jana - 7 years ago
Chip has one tooth and Dale has two xP
Ava Morgan
Ava Morgan - 7 years ago
how was surfing for the first time I want to learn how so bad ☺
Jenna Funtanilla
Jenna Funtanilla - 7 years ago
I go there every year for my sister's birthday and sometimes just for fun.
Zaynab Saaleha
Zaynab Saaleha - 7 years ago
The lazy rivers they are so relaxing
Neon Life
Neon Life - 7 years ago
I whent to that exact resort in Hawaii
Kiwi Kiwi
Kiwi Kiwi - 7 years ago
I am going to Hawaii in 4 days sooooo excited and watching this video makes even more excited
Dani Escobar
Dani Escobar - 7 years ago
Aulani is the bestttt ✨✨
Narwel Loveer
Narwel Loveer - 7 years ago
I want to go there so bad
Kittens _lover
Kittens _lover - 7 years ago
My mom and dad know that place it's very cool
Linda Hannon
Linda Hannon - 7 years ago
My daughter says that ALL OF IT was her favorite part!
Asad Khan
Asad Khan - 7 years ago
chahna jolly
chahna jolly - 7 years ago
very good
Mohammed Al Jasmi
Mohammed Al Jasmi - 7 years ago
the pool
RayAnn Marquez
RayAnn Marquez - 7 years ago
Lps Confetti Kitten!
Lps Confetti Kitten! - 7 years ago
I play ukulele and do yoga
Emma Merrill
Emma Merrill - 7 years ago
Chip has the black nose and Dale has the red nose
DIY Ally
DIY Ally - 7 years ago
Anyone else notice the Mickey Mouse ears3:02
Mackenzie Madeira
Mackenzie Madeira - 7 years ago
Chip has a nose like a chocolate chip and dale has a red nose
Keith Lew
Keith Lew - 7 years ago
I sooooooo! Wish I could have been there
Natasha Ansai
Natasha Ansai - 7 years ago
my fav was aunts beach house. i live in Hawaii. i was the one who took pics with you and my friend when you went to aulani. i saw you on the chairs texting
Dianne Leiva
Dianne Leiva - 7 years ago
Romaissa Derras
Romaissa Derras - 7 years ago
do you have a facebook
BOWS ARE LIFE - 7 years ago
I went last Summer and I'm going this summer too !!!!! IT IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!
Tianna Weymouth
Tianna Weymouth - 7 years ago
I went snorkelling in Maui this April and I was sooo scared that the fish would bite me!!
Selesh Karan
Selesh Karan - 7 years ago
which island did they go to? I went to Kona, Hawaii in March

100. comment for Brooklyn and Bailey in Hawaii | Vacation Ideas

Kaylee H
Kaylee H - 7 years ago
The spa part would be my favorite
Katie Fraser
Katie Fraser - 7 years ago
I love you guys videos
Marisa Wall
Marisa Wall - 7 years ago
ive been there!
ahsan ali
ahsan ali - 7 years ago
which hotel is this brooklyn and Bailey
meggyrrr - 7 years ago
Their eyes are SOO beautiful!! omg I am so jealous.
Yasmin Behbehani
Yasmin Behbehani - 7 years ago
swimming is my fav or crafts or spa
Itzz Me
Itzz Me - 7 years ago
I have surfed on 6 foot waves
Daniella Casey
Daniella Casey - 7 years ago
Stop at 7:28 not really a princess look no offence
Xanthe Hart
Xanthe Hart - 7 years ago
My favourite part would be going to America and going a a plane and sleeping at the hotel
Clara. You AMAZING! Maynard
Clara. You AMAZING! Maynard - 7 years ago
My fav part would be the LAZY RIVER!!!!! Because I'm so lazy!
Chloe Johnson
Chloe Johnson - 7 years ago
When we snorkeled in the rainbow reef it was sooooooo cold
Chloe Johnson
Chloe Johnson - 7 years ago
I went there and it was so fun!!!
Mackenzie Panda
Mackenzie Panda - 7 years ago
How did they fit in a 2 bedroom villa ?
T & A Productions
T & A Productions - 7 years ago
Who else felt like we were with Brooklyn and Bailey in Hawaii?
Hareny Puganeswaran
Hareny Puganeswaran - 7 years ago
Pls do more...
Hareny Puganeswaran
Hareny Puganeswaran - 7 years ago
The pools and spa
Audrey Lim
Audrey Lim - 7 years ago
I went there!!!!! Oml
Makenna Broome
Makenna Broome - 7 years ago
Mythri Pidaparti
Mythri Pidaparti - 7 years ago
I am jealous
LilyFlower 20071
LilyFlower 20071 - 7 years ago
Kapua Karina
Kapua Karina - 7 years ago
I'm from Hawaii
Valeria Suarez
Valeria Suarez - 7 years ago
You guys are awesome and so pretty.
MIlliemoo4884 - 7 years ago
the pool
Akmal Kayani
Akmal Kayani - 7 years ago
Can you plz come to pakistan
Pink Polar Bear
Pink Polar Bear - 7 years ago
I went there!! It was awesome
Madelyn Gordon
Madelyn Gordon - 7 years ago
Spa definitely
Ms18 Dubai
Ms18 Dubai - 7 years ago
The spa
Jem-Kimber-Aja-Shana - 7 years ago
We went to Hawaii On April 22nd-26th, 2016. We Went to Maui.
Andreea Pampu
Andreea Pampu - 7 years ago
I saw you guys there but I was shy so I didn't come say hi but ilygsm
Emily Xiong
Emily Xiong - 7 years ago
I love b and b but they have so much time lol love them
Emily Xiong
Emily Xiong - 7 years ago
the thing I don't get is how are they have so much time to go to so many countries and I'm here doing homework
Aayusha Bista
Aayusha Bista - 7 years ago
The spa
Pizza Pizza
Pizza Pizza - 7 years ago
That's so fun
Xoxo Chloe
Xoxo Chloe - 7 years ago
Cute :)
Kacy Heffernan
Kacy Heffernan - 7 years ago
You girls are so lucky! I have been out of the state like once and I'm 13 years old!
Dandee Sabiano
Dandee Sabiano - 7 years ago
i went there for my brithday
Chad Rathner
Chad Rathner - 7 years ago
I love you do Glued lip and uwicor hair
Forever Grace
Forever Grace - 7 years ago
who else LOVES paisleys swimsuit
Idaly Escalante
Idaly Escalante - 7 years ago
the spotlight
C and V
C and V - 7 years ago
Storylynn Dagostino
Storylynn Dagostino - 7 years ago
Chip has a black nose like a chocolate chip and dale has the red nose
Vnzeya - 7 years ago
Brooklyn and Bailey is the best in the world I love you
Faith Benavidez
Faith Benavidez - 7 years ago
You are so lucky I wanted to go to Hawaii
Paola Cervantes
Paola Cervantes - 7 years ago
Amy Miller
Amy Miller - 7 years ago
My sisters in the Caribbean when my parents and me are in south Bend Indiana freezing and there's snow outside
Judy Coleman
Judy Coleman - 7 years ago
I got my own ATV
Maggie Baker
Maggie Baker - 7 years ago
you guys are so cool!!!!!!
Cheedratur Seaseprent
Cheedratur Seaseprent - 7 years ago
You girls are SO LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #WishIcouldbeinBrooklynandBaileyfamily
Skye Cruz
Skye Cruz - 7 years ago
Jasmin Castillo
Jasmin Castillo - 7 years ago
the lacy river. btw y'all are so pretty
Maya Clarke
Maya Clarke - 7 years ago
Next time when you go I want to come with u lol
Layla Wade
Layla Wade - 7 years ago
Can you pet the fish
Mohan Lal Sharma
Mohan Lal Sharma - 7 years ago
I think your Mom need to make some videos on badly cut hair from frant it my request please
lps bubblepop
lps bubblepop - 7 years ago
i was born in iceland
lps bubblepop
lps bubblepop - 7 years ago
my name is leilani but my Nic name is lei and i was in Iceland
Baz 98
Baz 98 - 7 years ago
Wow my life is boring
Naura Shabrina
Naura Shabrina - 7 years ago
you are a muslim?
Lexi Hauck
Lexi Hauck - 7 years ago
you should do guess that youtuber
aleksa Vignjevic
aleksa Vignjevic - 7 years ago
I went there it was so much fun Alani is the best
ben foster
ben foster - 7 years ago
I am so asking my mom if we can go there on summer break!
Miya Dollente
Miya Dollente - 7 years ago
i live i hawaii i wish i got to meet you
Phil Christie
Phil Christie - 7 years ago
my fav would be the snorkoling
Baking and Challenges with Leia
Baking and Challenges with Leia - 7 years ago
does this remind you of when stacyplays went to disneyland
Cameryn Noelle
Cameryn Noelle - 7 years ago
This looks like the resort from good luck Charlie when they went to Hawaii
Myriam - 7 years ago
Cameryn Noelle yessss
CharlyLexie - 7 years ago
I wish I could go there but we don't have the money
Dark Spiderman
Dark Spiderman - 6 years ago
CharlyLexie same
Saleha Omer
Saleha Omer - 7 years ago
Me too

It's ok we both don't have money.
In which country do you live.
Emily Yoder
Emily Yoder - 7 years ago
The spa
K Kim
K Kim - 7 years ago
I live in Hawaii
Mia Isabella
Mia Isabella - 7 years ago
Pasily is so cute
karen ruiz
karen ruiz - 7 years ago
I when's their and in that hotel it's was great that was like in 2012
Lana Larsen
Lana Larsen - 7 years ago
Tiny Trinkets
Tiny Trinkets - 7 years ago
Ive always wanted a twin but im a only child
Laura Hasan
Laura Hasan - 7 years ago
WHAT HOTEL DID YOU GO TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iM GOING TO HAWAII THIS SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tania Dass
Tania Dass - 7 years ago
I want to go sooooooooo bad but my mom and dad would never say yes because we can't afford but 1 day it will and I will film it and be sooooooooo excited
Makenna Ferre
Makenna Ferre - 7 years ago
you guys have been in really awesome places
Joyce D. Santos
Joyce D. Santos - 7 years ago
I love it
katie rutterford
katie rutterford - 7 years ago
i love your channel omg i wish i could be their with you
Anya Deising
Anya Deising - 7 years ago
Haylie Reiny
Haylie Reiny - 7 years ago
I live in hawaii
Addie Borke
Addie Borke - 7 years ago
I've been there!!
Makenna Ferre
Makenna Ferre - 7 years ago
that looks so fun!
linda elsa laji
linda elsa laji - 7 years ago
Hey guz u should go to India
glenn brewer
glenn brewer - 7 years ago
I was just kidding but I wish I was telling the truth
Talya Stern
Talya Stern - 7 years ago
can you give shoutouts
Phoebe Jones
Phoebe Jones - 7 years ago
Lol when you play ukulele
Maddie Ivy
Maddie Ivy - 7 years ago
The white swimsuit on Paisley is SO CUTEEE
Iliana Luna
Iliana Luna - 7 years ago
I want to go there some day
Azad Uddin
Azad Uddin - 7 years ago
You guys are amazing
Araiya Mahikoa
Araiya Mahikoa - 7 years ago
I live in hawaii
Makenna Ferre
Makenna Ferre - 8 years ago
i love your summer it looked like it was so fun!
Aaliyah Lawson
Aaliyah Lawson - 8 years ago
I went yo the same hawaii
Malaika Ali
Malaika Ali - 8 years ago
u guys should do a video based on how twins fight with other siblings
Ball is Life
Ball is Life - 8 years ago
why do they wear helmets i never do
Olivia And Brianna
Olivia And Brianna - 8 years ago
you are awsome
Mauli Das
Mauli Das - 8 years ago
Brooklyn and Bailey have gorgeous eyes
Aliya Alshamsi
Aliya Alshamsi - 8 years ago
I'm so jealous
Natasha Harry
Natasha Harry - 8 years ago
You guys are so rich
Arianna Garcia
Arianna Garcia - 8 years ago
:D I ❤️ The lazy river
Kristen Taylor
Kristen Taylor - 8 years ago
paisley and daxton looked so cute
Myranda Dillon
Myranda Dillon - 8 years ago
chip has a chipped tooth(one) and a chocolate chip nose(black)
dale has two teeth and a red nose
Bella Perez
Bella Perez - 8 years ago
Miss Aulani so freakin much
Kiki Fauria
Kiki Fauria - 8 years ago
I went to Malory ranch but I went horse back riding
Kiki Fauria
Kiki Fauria - 8 years ago
I go to Hawaii ever year in the summer and my grandma lives there and I stay at her house and for 3 days we stayed at aliani resort I remember all of this
Lonny Wong
Lonny Wong - 8 years ago
just came back from Aulani yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOO FUN +AWESOME
EMB VLOGZ - 8 years ago
EMB VLOGZ - 8 years ago
sufyan paswal
sufyan paswal - 8 years ago
hawai is,so cool
Ashlynn Larson
Ashlynn Larson - 8 years ago
Paisley is the cutest kid ever
Selina Danso
Selina Danso - 8 years ago
So much fun
Margery Robles
Margery Robles - 8 years ago
They are so nice to adopt Daxton and Paisley
Eliza Briley
Eliza Briley - 8 years ago
Emiko Cunningham
Emiko Cunningham - 8 years ago
l was born in Hawaii
Melani Garcia
Melani Garcia - 8 years ago
KoalaMermaidLover14 - 8 years ago
I'm going to Aruba soon hopefully it is as beautiful as Hawaii
_Prïñçêšś_ mômø.
_Prïñçêšś_ mômø. - 8 years ago
I went there as well so much fun
Lily.g - 8 years ago
Ahhh I'm going there today!!! So excited!!!
Matthew Ceiley
Matthew Ceiley - 8 years ago
i wish my place looks like that jealous
Nelani Saechao
Nelani Saechao - 8 years ago
I love Hawaii so so so so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nelani Saechao
Nelani Saechao - 8 years ago
I went to Hawaii to the same one
Vashti Francia
Vashti Francia - 8 years ago
You Guys should go to the Phillipines! Especially Boracay
Eri Yang
Eri Yang - 8 years ago
I've been to Aulani and my favorite part was the lazy river and the pool
Sydney - 8 years ago
Im going in April!
James Church
James Church - 8 years ago
Brooklyn and bailey I love yr videos
Glenda Banos
Glenda Banos - 8 years ago
omg that look so fun
Gabriela Salazar
Gabriela Salazar - 8 years ago
i live in hawaii in kapolei
abdul nazar medaparambil
abdul nazar medaparambil - 8 years ago
Khloe Cunningham
Khloe Cunningham - 8 years ago
The Gymnast
The Gymnast - 8 years ago
How old is Kamri and Rylan in this video?
Jade Myers
Jade Myers - 8 years ago
I really really want to go there and where did your pets stay
Gaming With Cat
Gaming With Cat - 8 years ago
im poor so
Juan Rosales
Juan Rosales - 8 years ago
MAC_attack - 8 years ago
I all ready went and my fav part was the slides the one when it goes all pitch black!
sharel Dhani
sharel Dhani - 8 years ago
Jill Smith
Jill Smith - 8 years ago
My favorite part there is the lazy river probably went down that thing 100 times
Sadie Lovato
Sadie Lovato - 8 years ago
Hawaii is so pretty
Sana Mohamadhosen
Sana Mohamadhosen - 8 years ago
How much did it cost
Rebecca Walter
Rebecca Walter - 8 years ago
I love you so much
Ilija orlic
Ilija orlic - 8 years ago
I never get to go there
Riley Douglas
Riley Douglas - 8 years ago
i get to go to Kuai in the summer for the 4th of july
Riley Douglas
Riley Douglas - 8 years ago
which island are you in?
The Mermaid Life
The Mermaid Life - 8 years ago
madelyn chavarria yolky because you were born on the side of the highway where accidents happen
The Mermaid Life
The Mermaid Life - 8 years ago
madelyn chavarria yoley i bet you are not
Maddie Chavarria
Maddie Chavarria - 8 years ago
Strawberry Swirl I am so stop saying
Jaslynn Hernandez
Jaslynn Hernandez - 8 years ago
I went to the same resort because my grandpa lives in Hawaii and we always go visit
Videos with friends
Videos with friends - 8 years ago
The spa
Maddie Chavarria
Maddie Chavarria - 8 years ago
I been their and my favorite part is the spa
Nelani Saechao
Nelani Saechao - 8 years ago
I been their to
lana minter
lana minter - 8 years ago
At the time y'all were there I was living in wheeler a military air base in Oahu Hawaii I as eleven and aulani is one of the 5 loogns and no I didn't make all this up or look it up on the Internet
Freyas Vibes
Freyas Vibes - 8 years ago
I have. Always wanted to go to hawii
Alex cainas
Alex cainas - 8 years ago
Arvi Binanitan
Arvi Binanitan - 8 years ago
At 5:14 I so the parents are kissing in the pool
Arvi Binanitan
Arvi Binanitan - 8 years ago
AJS Skits
AJS Skits - 8 years ago
Paisley and Dax are so cute!
Karina Morales
Karina Morales - 8 years ago
It is so bueatiful
Kellie Ogimachi
Kellie Ogimachi - 8 years ago
Do you know where Kamri got her orange swimsuit?
Sonja Zavin
Sonja Zavin - 8 years ago
New subscriber
Joseph Velasquez
Joseph Velasquez - 8 years ago
I have been there and I loved the watersides and the ocean it was warm sometimes
Keila Salgado
Keila Salgado - 8 years ago
I will go there when I am older
Clari Mejia
Clari Mejia - 8 years ago
OMG love Hawaii
Kelsey O'Brien
Kelsey O'Brien - 8 years ago
I lived in Hawaii for three years
Stella Fry
Stella Fry - 8 years ago
Dia Chavda
Dia Chavda - 8 years ago
Lucy & Stella lucky
Abs xox
Abs xox - 8 years ago
I went there for my summer holidays last year it's soooo good!!
Antonia xx
Antonia xx - 8 years ago
I am desperate to go there but it's so expensive
I will one day❤️
Lia Rey
Lia Rey - 7 years ago
You don't have to stay at the Aulani resort you can find somewhere cheap and just find free or cheap activities the plane ride is the only thing you should really worry about but you'll go one day i know you will :)
Christi Harrison
Christi Harrison - 7 years ago
Antonia xx Same!
Mackenzie Panda
Mackenzie Panda - 8 years ago
How do all 8 of them fit in a 2 bedroom villa. There's six people in my family and we still need 3 bedrooms.
Tahirah Khatun
Tahirah Khatun - 8 years ago
the spa
Kaylee's World
Kaylee's World - 8 years ago
My favorite part would be going to that spa place and yes Hawaii is the best!!
Kaylee's World
Kaylee's World - 8 years ago
O my gosh we used to live there!!!!
shaleen latchman
shaleen latchman - 8 years ago
swimming or making lays
Adwoa Gyamfi
Adwoa Gyamfi - 8 years ago
their mom is young my mom is 32
Anna Titov
Anna Titov - 8 years ago
Im 10 and i been to hawaii like 6 or 7 times!
Anna Titov
Anna Titov - 8 years ago
Except way smaller hotels but that's OK
Luke Tate
Luke Tate - 8 years ago
I went to Aulani in Hawaii and it was awesome
Ashlee Ali
Ashlee Ali - 8 years ago
Luke Tate lucky. i've been to a lot of places but none of them were Hawaii
Autumn Giannette
Autumn Giannette - 8 years ago
Haille Romero- Espana
Haille Romero- Espana - 8 years ago
That looks fun I have bin there before
Antonia xx
Antonia xx - 8 years ago
Haille Romero- Espana lucky
Ashlee Ali
Ashlee Ali - 8 years ago
Haille Romero- Espana been*
My beautiful Magic
My beautiful Magic - 8 years ago
How u tell chip and dail is dail is the red nose and the black nose is chip!
Annie Hall
Annie Hall - 8 years ago
I saw u in hawaii at the pool!!!!!
Anika Varma
Anika Varma - 8 years ago
Omg haha I went there for a week, it was really cool
Nikki Cookie MSP
Nikki Cookie MSP - 8 years ago
who is who
Pepe Vlogs
Pepe Vlogs - 8 years ago
Brooklyn I love the betting sout wen you where paddle bordering
Geri-Lynn Devereaux
Geri-Lynn Devereaux - 8 years ago
You guys are awesome
Elisa Forever
Elisa Forever - 8 years ago
Whose excited for Christmas
Amazing Maddie
Amazing Maddie - 8 years ago
Elisa Forever ME
Jessica Berry
Jessica Berry - 8 years ago
I love your videos
kettle family
kettle family - 8 years ago
I have been there for my birthday
Ela Ash
Ela Ash - 8 years ago
My fav would be atving
Frank Ioannou
Frank Ioannou - 8 years ago
How do you subscribe?? ?
Lizzy Bennion
Lizzy Bennion - 8 years ago
Vaso Ioannou you, hit, the, red, button, that, says, SUBSCRIBE
Jeremy Vickers
Jeremy Vickers - 8 years ago
Hall Productions
Hall Productions - 8 years ago
Hi guys - Great video :) Give me a like and a comment if you love Brooklyn and Bailey. You're so cute as a family! Xx
Mandeep  Boyal
Mandeep Boyal - 8 years ago
You guys are in the same room as other people I watch on YouTube but you guys went a few months before them ps. The YouTuber is Funnel Vision
Trishantks - 8 years ago
guys why dont you come to
I N D I A !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jin Suk Park
Jin Suk Park - 8 years ago
I live in Hawaii
All About NBA
All About NBA - 7 years ago
Jin Suk Park LUCKY
Carolina Escobedo
Carolina Escobedo - 7 years ago
I’m so jealous you’re so lucky to be living in Hawaii
Antonia xx
Antonia xx - 8 years ago
Jin Suk Park so lucky
Lizzy Bennion
Lizzy Bennion - 8 years ago
Jin Suk Park SUPER lucky
Tiffany Esmond
Tiffany Esmond - 8 years ago
Jin Suk Park lucky
My beautiful Magic
My beautiful Magic - 8 years ago
Where u actually in Hawaii?
Alice A
Alice A - 8 years ago
Gotz to be Cute
Yeah. They were in a Disney resort.
Amelia Parish
Amelia Parish - 8 years ago
How many people are there in their family?
Melody Varani
Melody Varani - 8 years ago
Brianna Davis
Brianna Davis - 8 years ago
Zoe 787
Zoe 787 - 8 years ago
how old are they
Aaliyah Ali
Aaliyah Ali - 8 years ago
Zoe 787 17
Emma Carolina Pacheco
Emma Carolina Pacheco - 8 years ago
Is this Disney World or Disney Land?
Antonia xx
Antonia xx - 8 years ago
Emma Carolina Pacheco is it as good as Disney land I'm desperate to go there even though I probs won't I just would prepare there than the other ones with rises
Anna funkeymonkeyblue
Anna funkeymonkeyblue - 8 years ago
Emma Carolina Pacheco it's aulani in Hawaii on Oahu
Sisters Beauty
Sisters Beauty - 8 years ago
It's a Disney resort in Hawaii
Phoenix Barfuss
Phoenix Barfuss - 8 years ago
Who watched this a million times?
Crystal Storm
Crystal Storm - 7 years ago
Phoenix Barfuss me
Peace as Always
Peace as Always - 7 years ago
Phoenix Barfuss me
Hannah M
Hannah M - 8 years ago
Phoenix Barfuss me
Kavya Dhakal
Kavya Dhakal - 8 years ago
Phoenix Barfuss it wad you
Michelle Murphy
Michelle Murphy - 8 years ago
Phoenix Barfuss qwazscf Siri how to get into a PPS thank you Siri PPS yes now math now the end thank you
Ashlee Ali
Ashlee Ali - 8 years ago
Phoenix Barfuss ME
Hannah Hill
Hannah Hill - 8 years ago
i when there and it was so amazing and beautiful and i had so mush fun
Katie Aston
Katie Aston - 8 years ago
how mech did it all cost
PapayaGirl - 8 years ago
I go to Hawaii every year but I don't go to Aulani but I usually go to a resort very similar to Aulani and/or stay with family
Ammu Loosy
Ammu Loosy - 7 years ago
PapayaGirl which resort do you go... tell me which resort is cheap and comfortable
Lil Waters
Lil Waters - 8 years ago
Marushka Sequeira
Marushka Sequeira - 8 years ago
sharel Dhani obviously , they have 4 utube channels running
sharel Dhani
sharel Dhani - 8 years ago
Great question
Isabella Melksham
Isabella Melksham - 8 years ago
Kate Wake
Kate Wake - 8 years ago
Ok cant lie, love the towel elephant
Lauren Kroner
Lauren Kroner - 8 years ago
Is Aulani Disney Resort I. Disney World, Disney Land, or Hawaii
Lauren Kroner
Lauren Kroner - 8 years ago
I mean We're is that resort????
Angel Gaytan
Angel Gaytan - 8 years ago
WOW so amazing and cool súper,..
Roy Farrell
Roy Farrell - 8 years ago
can i have one of the necklace's
A & A Show
A & A Show - 8 years ago
you gys are soooo rich
It's ya girl Shayla
It's ya girl Shayla - 8 years ago
Candace Cheng
Candace Cheng - 8 years ago
Linda Cunningham
Linda Cunningham - 8 years ago
Paisley is so cute
Jaliyah Owens
Jaliyah Owens - 8 years ago
Coffee Cat 7
Coffee Cat 7 - 8 years ago
My fav part was when they made spa scru
The Itzel And Dehanna Show
The Itzel And Dehanna Show - 8 years ago
I went were you wurst it was fun
Patricia Gallaway
Patricia Gallaway - 8 years ago
the pool
Yahnee Solis
Yahnee Solis - 8 years ago
I started surfing when I was 8 years old
Erica Parks
Erica Parks - 8 years ago
I love surfing!
Marissa Camacho
Marissa Camacho - 8 years ago
Marissa Camacho
Marissa Camacho - 8 years ago
I went there in July to u saw you guys there
Saba Farooqui
Saba Farooqui - 8 years ago
the swimming pool
CallyC - 8 years ago
you guys are so lucky!!!
Paige Thompson96
Paige Thompson96 - 8 years ago
If I were to visit there my favorite part would probably be surfing
R Almazroui
R Almazroui - 8 years ago
rainbow reef
It'sAnanya - 8 years ago
Tunnels idol also went there for there sons birthday
Jaslynn Tran
Jaslynn Tran - 8 years ago
Alondra Diaz
Alondra Diaz - 8 years ago
I wish I was part of ur family
Sophia D.
Sophia D. - 8 years ago
The Spa!
Aleena Hussain
Aleena Hussain - 8 years ago
Brooklyn and bailey is so so pretty I wish they was my sister's
MadLyn Borecky
MadLyn Borecky - 8 years ago
it was so beautiful
Lauren Mainord
Lauren Mainord - 8 years ago
Where is baileys shirt from in the outro??
Irish Potato
Irish Potato - 8 years ago
At this moment I do now on summer vacation
Ari P.
Ari P. - 8 years ago
I went there in 2014!
Chris West
Chris West - 8 years ago
Omg to twins hug two other twins xD
Princess-Tiana-Brunette - 8 years ago
I love bailey's pink swimsuit
Ansley Morghan
Ansley Morghan - 8 years ago
The pool and ocean
Millie Bamfield
Millie Bamfield - 8 years ago
what should I do fir my first video
lily may buckley
lily may buckley - 8 years ago
love this video you must of had a great holiday xxx
Emily R
Emily R - 8 years ago
You're so lucky that you went to Hawaii because I've always wanted to go
Katherine Núñez
Katherine Núñez - 8 years ago
have you ben in dominicana república
Nikki Nauta
Nikki Nauta - 8 years ago
You should come to Guam
Rayan Hamdaoui
Rayan Hamdaoui - 8 years ago
my views in hotels are always parking land
Ashlee Ali
Ashlee Ali - 8 years ago
Rayan Hamdaoui samee
Lola Ramirez
Lola Ramirez - 8 years ago
Witch island are they on?
Ellie Vlogs
Ellie Vlogs - 8 years ago
I'm going to Hawaii next June!
arbatn - 8 years ago
Wish I was there hope you had a great time loved Paisley and her make over
BeautybyBeth sonder
BeautybyBeth sonder - 8 years ago
Kirra Heindorff
Kirra Heindorff - 8 years ago
I have the same swimsuit as paisley! And I am getting the coral Sydney from radswim
Natasia Moore
Natasia Moore - 8 years ago
When you wish you had money like they do
chloe - 7 years ago
ellie - 7 years ago
Natasia Moore this was a spon they didnt pay
Sheilan santana
Sheilan santana - 8 years ago
Natasia Moore I know right
Figgy Shell
Figgy Shell - 8 years ago
Natasia Moore I know!
KpopIs Contagious
KpopIs Contagious - 8 years ago
Madelyn Chavarria yoley you don't have to show off k
#Its Colleen Green
#Its Colleen Green - 8 years ago
Madelyn Chavarria yoley you are rude to say that just because you have money doesn't mean other people don't have that much money
Maddie Chavarria
Maddie Chavarria - 8 years ago
Natasia Moore too bad because I am rich
Anna & Zoe
Anna & Zoe - 8 years ago
Natasia Moore i really really want to go to hawi
Arvi Binanitan
Arvi Binanitan - 8 years ago
Ella_Drakee ss
Sophlie G
Sophlie G - 8 years ago
Natasia Moore yeah lol
Lisa Thomas
Lisa Thomas - 8 years ago
Phoenix Barfuss But some of us don't get the same opportunities as them. I have never been out of the country I live in
Phoenix Barfuss
Phoenix Barfuss - 8 years ago
They didn't use money. Disney sent them on the trip.
Sjobodens. Kaniner
Sjobodens. Kaniner - 8 years ago
Analy Perez
Analy Perez - 8 years ago
Lego Brady
Lego Brady - 8 years ago
Chip has a black nose and dale has a red nose
Toxicrafa - 8 years ago
Their theeth are different also.
Ashlee Ali
Ashlee Ali - 8 years ago
Lego Brady ya
Lilian Matautia
Lilian Matautia - 8 years ago
what hotel is that
SpacedOut - 8 years ago
I'm going here TODAY!
Vanessa Theodore
Vanessa Theodore - 8 years ago
i went to the same hotel
AsoKhmer - 8 years ago
Awesome video! I would have loved to go to the Aulani Resort!
Ashlee Ali
Ashlee Ali - 8 years ago
AsoKhmer omi wanna go to
Kalena Kahilihiwa
Kalena Kahilihiwa - 8 years ago
my dad works there and he he helped the people and he um he built that whole lot on the left side the whole hotel on the left side and he designed all the bedrooms for you guys
Jeshna Beauty101
Jeshna Beauty101 - 8 years ago
Aloha amigo
Rama Letchimanan
Rama Letchimanan - 8 years ago
i love you guys
nanea ?
nanea ? - 8 years ago
U don't even know how expensive aulani I live in Oahu and I haven't been there before
Ashlee Ali
Ashlee Ali - 8 years ago
Sisters Beauty of ok thx
Sisters Beauty
Sisters Beauty - 8 years ago
+Ashlee Ali yeah
Gracè's Squishies!
Gracè's Squishies! - 8 years ago
PLEASE tap my name and subscribe if it get 1,000 I'll do blogs.......sorry for the caps in please :/
Nataliya nechyporuk
Nataliya nechyporuk - 8 years ago
I love this vid
Cute Paws
Cute Paws - 8 years ago
Ur mom wanted to go to Hawaii once right I got to know dat in d mom tag
Ahsan Mohammed
Ahsan Mohammed - 8 years ago
Did you feel the fish touching your body?
Kawaii_ Michelle
Kawaii_ Michelle - 8 years ago
I have been to Hawaii 3 times so much fun and I'm going this summer to and also to cancun
Kawaii_ Michelle
Kawaii_ Michelle - 8 years ago
It's fun?
Kallyn Z.
Kallyn Z. - 8 years ago
I live in Hawaii!!
Kawaii_ Michelle
Kawaii_ Michelle - 8 years ago
sharel Dhani
sharel Dhani - 8 years ago
Kawaii_ Michelle
Kawaii_ Michelle - 8 years ago
Oh ok
Sjobodens. Kaniner
Sjobodens. Kaniner - 8 years ago
Cupcake 23
I have been 7-8 times (not to brag) isn't it amazing
Josephine Aulaumea
Josephine Aulaumea - 8 years ago
I have been to Hawaii
Josephine Aulaumea
Josephine Aulaumea - 8 years ago
I love Hawaii
Emily Ch.
Emily Ch. - 8 years ago
i have the same googles as rylan
Domonique Walker
Domonique Walker - 8 years ago
Emily Ch. 6
Emily Ch.
Emily Ch. - 8 years ago
sorry goggles
Jamie Kleinbord
Jamie Kleinbord - 8 years ago
do the gum challenge! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Patricia Rocha
Patricia Rocha - 8 years ago
all of it
Chake Khulyan
Chake Khulyan - 8 years ago
SO......... Can your family adopt me!!
Ashlee Ali
Ashlee Ali - 8 years ago
Chake Khulyan ME TOO
Yenis Escorcia
Yenis Escorcia - 8 years ago
Would like to go to Hawaii
Sam The Star
Sam The Star - 8 years ago
I wish I there with you! That looks like so much fun!
nafen - 8 years ago
I went there this summer
Bernice Emmons
Bernice Emmons - 8 years ago
four wheeling
Sam The Star
Sam The Star - 8 years ago
Chip has a black nose. Dale has a red nose
EmilyGrace - 8 years ago
Chip has a black nose like a chocolate chip. and dale has a red nose
Christine xoxo
Christine xoxo - 8 years ago
lol im watching doing homework.So jelly right now.I miss summer.
Laura Jelbert
Laura Jelbert - 8 years ago
If I visited there I dono what would be my favourite part as it all looked great fun
-3ThrillingOreos- - 8 years ago
Alexis Flores
Alexis Flores - 8 years ago
I went here in May
E Sullivan
E Sullivan - 8 years ago
Jill Lode
Jill Lode - 8 years ago
I've been to Hawaii!
Kali lopez
Kali lopez - 8 years ago
I went to Hawaii and it was fun ❤️❤️
Sophie Bolyard
Sophie Bolyard - 8 years ago
Are y'all Mormon?
Stanley Nawatani
Stanley Nawatani - 8 years ago
I live in Hawaii
Ashlee Ali
Ashlee Ali - 8 years ago
Holly Underwood lucky. i live in nj but i still love it
Jasmine Broomfield
Jasmine Broomfield - 8 years ago
Chip has a black nose and Dale has a red nose
Sarosh Afzal
Sarosh Afzal - 8 years ago
i have shave ice almost everyday it so common in my country
Jamie Sumner
Jamie Sumner - 8 years ago
Zai D
Zai D - 8 years ago
I have the same dress and it is pink
Naomi Rimmer
Naomi Rimmer - 8 years ago
How many siblings do you have
OceanWave !
OceanWave ! - 8 years ago
The spa and snorkeling
Molly F.
Molly F. - 8 years ago
i would of loved the everything!
Sudarshna Vijay
Sudarshna Vijay - 8 years ago
Love you sooooo much... And please come to Kochi, Kerala... Pls
brooklyn rainey
brooklyn rainey - 8 years ago
you should take me
Hayley Mulder
Hayley Mulder - 8 years ago
their Mom is so awesomely awesome
OlaCOCAcola8# Passion
OlaCOCAcola8# Passion - 8 years ago
OMG 3:54 is Apollo cute!!!
hiwahiwak _
hiwahiwak _ - 8 years ago
I also just missed by an hour at Kuuloa Ranch, I was there for a field trip, then I saw your instagram post and was very sad I didn't get to see you.
hiwahiwak _
hiwahiwak _ - 8 years ago
I saw your whole family sitting by the pool on Saturday I believe, but I was to scared to say hi to you because I didn't want to inturupt your relaxing vacation
A Hastings
A Hastings - 8 years ago
Love you
mark tyler
mark tyler - 8 years ago
i hate you
Renee Gaud
Renee Gaud - 8 years ago
Just took my family there in July and it was wonderful. The best part for me was the lazy river. Everywhere you walked just smelled fantastic.
Adove sHRESTHA - 8 years ago
i wish i could meet them.....
seema sharma
seema sharma - 8 years ago
u both r lucky
love u both
blessings from india
Lola Cobley
Lola Cobley - 8 years ago
Lauren Payer
Lauren Payer - 8 years ago
I'm going tomorrow to Hawaii at aulani
Gaby´s Amazing Channel
Gaby´s Amazing Channel - 8 years ago
Where is the aulani resort ?
The Queen Franka
The Queen Franka - 8 years ago
who is actually cutting the videos you or your dad?
Jenna Funtanilla
Jenna Funtanilla - 8 years ago
I'm at aulani right now. I'm having so much fun!
lifeasoma 12
lifeasoma 12 - 8 years ago
I was there when they were lmao I saw them when I was leaving the hotel and they were entering . I didn't even realize it was them until after I passed them . I wish I got to say hi :/
Kylie Chong kee
Kylie Chong kee - 8 years ago
I live in Hawaii
Lucca Deocariza
Lucca Deocariza - 8 years ago
I really want to go there
Jessie heart
Jessie heart - 8 years ago
You guys live the life
100 subscribers without vídeos???
100 subscribers without vídeos??? - 8 years ago
i love you guys
Dani Something
Dani Something - 8 years ago
Lets be honest you are watching their vacation videos because you are at home binge watching Youtube during summer vacation and have no money to get on trips like this
Lindsay Bush
Lindsay Bush - 8 years ago
I've been there it's so fun!!!!!
Izzy xox
Izzy xox - 8 years ago
Chip and dale,haha Bailey:how do you tell them apart? Brooklyn:do they have nametags? Hahahahahhaahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahah I think chip and dale were thinking the same thing!!
Reagan K
Reagan K - 8 years ago
we went to the same resort and had a view of the countryside and the whole resort
Amazingpandas 75
Amazingpandas 75 - 8 years ago
me and my cousin are ur biggest fans brooklyn and bailey
Shelly Dukes
Shelly Dukes - 8 years ago
I should really go there it looks like so much fun
Amazingpandas 75
Amazingpandas 75 - 8 years ago
I love this videooooooooooooo
Frida Sofia Lopez
Frida Sofia Lopez - 8 years ago
I been to Hawaii and it was super duper duper fun!!!!!!!!!!✴✴✴
Hailey Nakanishi
Hailey Nakanishi - 8 years ago
I went to aulani 4 times with my uncle
Hailey Nakanishi
Hailey Nakanishi - 8 years ago
I live in oahu
lolly jenno
lolly jenno - 8 years ago
it looks beautiful
Oh my Gosh
Oh my Gosh - 8 years ago
My name is pronounced Aulanie
Oh my Gosh
Oh my Gosh - 8 years ago
Nicole Reyna
Nicole Reyna - 8 years ago
Lauren Payer
Lauren Payer - 8 years ago
I go there every year
Vivi Pham
Vivi Pham - 8 years ago
I liked this vid before watching it
Ornella Salifo
Ornella Salifo - 8 years ago
Someone please help me what is that camera they were using. It looked like a selfie stick, what is that called?
Imelda Lopez
Imelda Lopez - 8 years ago
i have been to hawii before it was really fun and also ive been to disney orlando
Elisha abraham
Elisha abraham - 8 years ago
Is tat there real dad or step dad
Potato Chips
Potato Chips - 8 years ago
You should do a granprarie tx meetup
Noor AR
Noor AR - 8 years ago
I really love your videos ❤️❤️
Kashmiri Ramsaran
Kashmiri Ramsaran - 8 years ago
i love you brooklyn and bailey
Kalena Kahilihiwa
Kalena Kahilihiwa - 8 years ago
I want them so beautiful
nadine McFarlane
nadine McFarlane - 8 years ago
the spy
dancing unicorn
dancing unicorn - 8 years ago
I went to Maui and the Disney one and my faveret part was the shaved ice
Pooh Bear
Pooh Bear - 8 years ago
Did they dye there hair
Cord Coleman
Cord Coleman - 8 years ago
btw my name us Tatiana but im on my moms boyfriends phone
aiyanna soriano
aiyanna soriano - 8 years ago
my favorite part would be the spa and the surfing!
Lindsey Langford
Lindsey Langford - 8 years ago
Shad Kibet
Shad Kibet - 8 years ago
Love your clothes
Angelina DeLeon
Angelina DeLeon - 8 years ago
Did you have to pay extra to do the spa?
lola - 8 years ago
Veronica Rodriguez
Veronica Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Nadje Cena
Nadje Cena - 8 years ago
Love paisley's bathing suit 2:02
Ella Nelson
Ella Nelson - 8 years ago
Reinalite Pulotu
Reinalite Pulotu - 8 years ago
I live in Hawaii and I am going to go to Disney Aulani this summer!!!
Danbri Kawehiokalai Kealoha Bates
Danbri Kawehiokalai Kealoha Bates - 8 years ago
ive been to kualoa ranch before
Georgia Whiteford
Georgia Whiteford - 8 years ago
love that place!!!!!! went there last year!!
Ani Petrossian
Ani Petrossian - 8 years ago
How old is Rylan
Laura Roberts
Laura Roberts - 8 years ago
How much is it
Tatum Talks
Tatum Talks - 8 years ago
I have been there 2 times so nice I stayed in Alain too
CRISTAL Diy - 8 years ago
aw lucky!
Desiree Kassab
Desiree Kassab - 8 years ago
The spa day would be my favorite part!
Andrea Smith
Andrea Smith - 8 years ago
where did you get Paisley's swimsuit
Jenna Funtanilla
Jenna Funtanilla - 8 years ago
Pause at 11:00
Jessica Mota
Jessica Mota - 8 years ago
i already went to Disney alanine
Brenaya White
Brenaya White - 8 years ago
my favorite part will be all of it
Brenaya White
Brenaya White - 8 years ago
my favorite part will be all of it
Unicorn Cupquake
Unicorn Cupquake - 8 years ago
no fair
Bruce Mitteer
Bruce Mitteer - 8 years ago
that sounds awsome
Melissa Sims
Melissa Sims - 8 years ago
going to the spa
Mo N
Mo N - 8 years ago
you should totally come up here to alaska... Im up here!!:)
Sky Dorsey
Sky Dorsey - 8 years ago
My favorite part would be the spa. :)
Girly_girl _25
Girly_girl _25 - 8 years ago
How old is paisley
Hi JsI p
Hi JsI p - 8 years ago
Kim Kim I saw a movie that had like that have like your face in it and it looks like just like you
TW4L Walker
TW4L Walker - 8 years ago
the spa would be my favorite part
chrispleasantable - 8 years ago
The color of Chip and Dale's noses will help you tell them apart. Dale's nose is kind of a reddish-brown color and Chip's nose is black.
Minecraft Seeds Heinzig
Minecraft Seeds Heinzig - 8 years ago
I LOVE Paisleys bathing suit where did you get it

Sorry if I spelt Paisley wrong
Ashley Lupian
Ashley Lupian - 8 years ago
O my god this wish with u guys
Layla XOXO
Layla XOXO - 8 years ago
the walking dead m
the walking dead m - 8 years ago
omg paisleys swimsuit is so cute I want it
Wajma B
Wajma B - 8 years ago
what's mom and dad stuff
Alessandra Maldonado
Alessandra Maldonado - 8 years ago
I have went there too
Hope Clark
Hope Clark - 8 years ago
Where's kamris swimsuit from
niggaslept - 8 years ago
I wish my whole family wasn't poor
Emily JuVeno
Emily JuVeno - 8 years ago
so much fun ! I enjoyed my adventures in Hawaii !
Tina Kadado
Tina Kadado - 8 years ago
The slides
Sophie Thelen
Sophie Thelen - 8 years ago
I was just there a week ago omg did u get to go to the pizza corner across from the hotel?
Nivini Coutinho
Nivini Coutinho - 8 years ago
where is Brooklyn hat from
Nivini Coutinho
Nivini Coutinho - 8 years ago
Ps I think u guys should do some more of these
Grace S
Grace S - 8 years ago
Just noticed you spell her name with two o's
Erica Parks
Erica Parks - 8 years ago
I love to surf! Like if you do as well!
Deedee Weber
Deedee Weber - 8 years ago
The spa
Jorge  Serrano
Jorge Serrano - 8 years ago
the wum (what's up moms) family was there
Soiny Encher
Soiny Encher - 8 years ago
Sydiedance :3:3
Sydiedance :3:3 - 8 years ago
I went there toooooooooooo!!!
Arianna R
Arianna R - 8 years ago
You guys are amaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing
silk the SheiK'
silk the SheiK' - 8 years ago
kamri can literaly be their triplet...
Avery Vlog Channel
Avery Vlog Channel - 8 years ago
I went there and got a snow cone
KJAS Design
KJAS Design - 8 years ago
LOVE!!!!!! I'm going to Disney World in Florida in 25 days!!!! So excited, there's seven of us going!!!!1
Alyssa Gianakopulos
Alyssa Gianakopulos - 8 years ago
I was there in February and we had a blast! my favorite part was rainbow reef!
direction lover
direction lover - 8 years ago
who loves summer break
Weird Queen
Weird Queen - 8 years ago
the spa would be my fav
lm s
lm s - 8 years ago
I would like everything!!
Pooh Bear
Pooh Bear - 8 years ago
at 2:17 all of them look a like
Katie Browning Browning
Katie Browning Browning - 8 years ago
where are kamris braces gone???????
lizzie ivey
lizzie ivey - 8 years ago
Ryland and I have the same bathing suit
haleysky - 8 years ago
What camera do u use to film
Catie Eagan
Catie Eagan - 8 years ago
chips nose is black like a choclate chip and dales is red
Catie Eagan
Catie Eagan - 8 years ago
chips nose is black like a choclate chip and dales is red
icvfoster - 8 years ago
you're cute
My_Life_Style - 8 years ago
i just love it <3
Kennedy Kelly
Kennedy Kelly - 8 years ago
I'm there right now the shave ice is the bomb there and I love snorkeling and the fish r amazing. Did you go to the waterpark? I was to tall and they yelled at me lol it was right outside our door lol
Isabella H
Isabella H - 8 years ago
Mine would be surfing because I love to surf, or the teen spa thing
Linda Filipkowski
Linda Filipkowski - 8 years ago
its beautiful
Sifa Anjum
Sifa Anjum - 8 years ago
Nice holiday
Chelsea Ramlackhan
Chelsea Ramlackhan - 8 years ago
i wish i could be there now

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The "Brooklyn and Bailey in Hawaii | Vacation Ideas" video is part of the snorkelling, underwater, diving category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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