Filming a Great White Shark For First Time, No Cage, Armed With a Snorkel and GoPro

Upon deciding to start filming for a documentary on shark conservation and marine life I also wanted to swim with a Great White Shark as it was on on bucket list. This was the first shark I have seen underwater and was the first time filming for the intended film. To be tested by this massive beast was not what I expected although I was warned!!!!! What an epic start to my journey of underwater film making. Filmed in Lucky Bay near Esperance, Western Australia. Subscribe for more action!! Scuba course in 2 weeks, YeeeeeeeeW!!!!! I have over 300 skydives and the Adrenalin does not compare. Give it a go and subscribe for more action. For licensing / permission to use: Contact -

Filming a Great White Shark For First Time, No Cage, Armed With a Snorkel and GoPro sentiment_very_dissatisfied 65

Snorkeling 8 years ago 494,616 views

Upon deciding to start filming for a documentary on shark conservation and marine life I also wanted to swim with a Great White Shark as it was on on bucket list. This was the first shark I have seen underwater and was the first time filming for the intended film. To be tested by this massive beast was not what I expected although I was warned!!!!! What an epic start to my journey of underwater film making. Filmed in Lucky Bay near Esperance, Western Australia. Subscribe for more action!! Scuba course in 2 weeks, YeeeeeeeeW!!!!! I have over 300 skydives and the Adrenalin does not compare. Give it a go and subscribe for more action. For licensing / permission to use: Contact -

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Most popular comments
for Filming a Great White Shark For First Time, No Cage, Armed With a Snorkel and GoPro

グッチグッチcitypop - 7 years ago
This video looks like complete bullshit. He's not just swimming in place while a shark like that swims around so close without any panic and when this dude surfaces, it's an edited cut. Sorry guys, awesome and excellent shots, but it most definitely wasn't a dude snorkeling (not rising up for air any time the shark was right near him) up close.
Side Tracked TV
Side Tracked TV - 7 years ago
I will be releasing a doco this year and you can watch it and find it makes people who have called bullshit look a bit silly. I came to the surface straight away if you take notice and am breathing vertically on the surface not turning my back on it. Yes edited cut as it goes for quite some time and drags on. There is a lot of shit out there but not this video mate.
Jadenatic - 7 years ago
Wow your brave I would of swimed away
Tim Murphy
Tim Murphy - 7 years ago
That's not a shark. That's a shahk!
sniz p
sniz p - 7 years ago
Impressive. Looks like the shark was smiling, lol.
NetPlanet Video
NetPlanet Video - 7 years ago
Not extremely surprised at all..This is a female White which is known not 2 be as aggressive as the males can be. Also she only express curiosity and nothing more. Not even 10% the specific shark will go aggressive on you
Big eye Tuna
Big eye Tuna - 7 years ago
Side Tracked TV
Side Tracked TV - 7 years ago
Side Tracked TV
Side Tracked TV - 7 years ago
Thanks but yes I was in the water. Negative people and shit comments. Love them!
kyle wachter
kyle wachter - 7 years ago
holy shit I snorkeled right there! I had the feeling something was watching me and a seal was swimming around me. damn that's crazy
Side Tracked TV
Side Tracked TV - 7 years ago
Yeah I guy that was camped next to me saw the footage on my gopro and said he was there only minutes before me. Freaked him out!
Shane Western
Shane Western - 7 years ago
Shame you had to edit to show yourself. There's no way you would of turned the camera off.
Side Tracked TV
Side Tracked TV - 7 years ago
I didn’t turn it off ya wank. I chose to cut it. Nice practice of sarcasm. Would be funny if you took the piss out of someone who didn’t post an epic encounter.

10. comment for Filming a Great White Shark For First Time, No Cage, Armed With a Snorkel and GoPro

Glenn Miller
Glenn Miller - 7 years ago
Well done friend! Too many people arguing whether this is a snorkel or scuba dive. Who cares?  An enjoyable video of a curious 10 - 12 foot white making harmless passes at you. I really like the head on grim "smiles" of these magnificent creatures. A big thumbs up.
BlueLenaEevee - 7 years ago
Oh wow... You can see the eye of the shark looking at you and turn when it turns because it still looks at you :O SCARY!
David Bloyd
David Bloyd - 7 years ago
How are you alive?
Hi Thanks
Hi Thanks - 7 years ago
lmao the video is fake.. when he turned the camera around to show himself there was a cut. The only thing in the water with the shark was a go pro, not him
wotever99ninynine Hamilton
wotever99ninynine Hamilton - 7 years ago
amazing, how did he not panic? guts.. not panicking probably saved his skin
OmqItzJazzy YT
OmqItzJazzy YT - 7 years ago
Holy moly if i was you i would just freeze wow XD
edit: to think about shark wont eat you they only want seals :P
Penzig - 7 years ago
"NnnnNO!! NOOO!!"
"Honey, you alright? Watching shark videos again?"
"Yeah. I'm ok though."
"Sleeping with the light on again tonight I assume?."
"Sorry honey".
Uberus - 7 years ago
The cut at 2:23 makes it obvious it's fake..
Side Tracked TV
Side Tracked TV - 7 years ago
Do I need to post a very long uncut version to prove you idiots wrong?
moreb33r1 - 7 years ago
Wow that must have been one hell of a buzz.
She's was a small white but you've got balls of steel mate.
TheVikingGuy - 7 years ago
what a amazing video dude!! holy shit :O but you should turn of the auto stabilisation thing on your camera, the video wouldnt be so shaky :D but wow! this is amazing footage!
Side Tracked TV
Side Tracked TV - 7 years ago
Cheers. Plenty of skeptics out there!

20. comment for Filming a Great White Shark For First Time, No Cage, Armed With a Snorkel and GoPro

SWE Dreamhack
SWE Dreamhack - 7 years ago
youre absolutely out of your mind
Michael Nardmann
Michael Nardmann - 7 years ago
As if have seen in other clips, the shark was not there to play. it is trying to see if it can take a bite or not. If you turned your back on him he might well have bitten. What was the shark eating at the end?
Roy Bunch
Roy Bunch - 7 years ago
Before I saw you I was sure you must have been wearing a shark costume but nope,it was a wet suit..I think that color choice helped the situation a lot too.
Vet Vetsnipe
Vet Vetsnipe - 7 years ago
damnnnnnnnnn this guy has ballz but this is a young great white if it was mature you would of panic
Tiisiphone - 7 years ago
Great encounter with this amazing apex predator!
sugasugaki - 7 years ago
Cool vid... but man you're lucky that female wasn't more aggressive. Some have a more edgy personality and will bite first, ask questions later. Your not acting like prey when she made close passes made her more cautious too... nice controlled breathing, wow. Swimming with a White is on my bucket list too. Thought it was kinda cute you could see her Iris looking at you as she passed by in 1:51.
Jennette lavender
Jennette lavender - 7 years ago
he loved you!
Jones Jones
Jones Jones - 7 years ago
Ocean Chan Freediving
Ocean Chan Freediving - 7 years ago
This is incredible! You have balls of steel! How did you keep it from test biting you?
roberto Jorge solis conzales
roberto Jorge solis conzales - 7 years ago
It's a Yong one maybe 8 months looking if the camera man is it food or not

30. comment for Filming a Great White Shark For First Time, No Cage, Armed With a Snorkel and GoPro

lazy0nara - 7 years ago
1:45 almost seems like a mock charge to see how you would react, shark trying to figure you out maybe?
rustinonthevine - 7 years ago
You shouldn't let a shark circle and get so close without at least a poke from the spear. They are trying to figure if you are a threat or an easy meal. A larger, hungrier shark, like a pregnant female, will circle, then attack. Twice the size, twice the appetite.
SmoothRhythms - 7 years ago
oh hell no
Nathan Hogan
Nathan Hogan - 7 years ago
great white is an ambush predator, some experts believe they see the camera as an eye watching them and so don't attack, if you had turned your back it might have attacked
Izzoroth - 7 years ago
You are very brave sir, to swim with a Great White no less.
Nina Katrina
Nina Katrina - 7 years ago
Sharks aren't bad monsters there beautiful
Costa Mappis
Costa Mappis - 7 years ago
so the shark was coming within inches of you and not once did your instinct tell you to fend it off ?
Paradigm Apocalypse
Paradigm Apocalypse - 7 years ago
if u didnt have some kind of weapon you clearly don't value your life that predator has evolved to sense weakness with precision
Carlos García
Carlos García - 7 years ago
please where is it ? The place
MrSunnyB - 7 years ago
I would say u got a little lucky the shark just bumped you instead of test-biting you...
Ingur Lund
Ingur Lund - 7 years ago
GivesaMinute is just pure wanker. Some people can't just enjoy.

What a great shark video, one of he best I've ever seen.
Major Tom
Major Tom - 7 years ago
Moe_ Rabs
Moe_ Rabs - 7 years ago
1:44 A diver's scariest point of view
lachlachXDlachlach - 7 years ago
Awesome Shot !
I was already diving with sharks but i think in this Situation i would shit in my wetsuit
Mar K
Mar K - 7 years ago
hello, names Bruce
keith bruens
keith bruens - 7 years ago
gopro on a pole
Deadpool's real Dad
Deadpool's real Dad - 7 years ago
It was a young Great White. It didn't know how to approach you. If you look carefully,it swam off and returned. My fear for you that it might have tasted you,OR another White hitting you from behind. Always remember that you play in their playground,and unnecessary risks could cost you your life. Nice video nonetheless.
Seikowski V
Seikowski V - 7 years ago
I have always wanted to do this as well. With clear visibility and either a big camera or a big speargun, it seems relatively safe, as far as free diving with great whites is concerned. Awesome video.
Philip Kearney
Philip Kearney - 7 years ago
Yeah right there's a duck pond opposite my house think I'll go and visit Nessie.
Damian - 7 years ago
@1.47.............i've just shit myself

50. comment for Filming a Great White Shark For First Time, No Cage, Armed With a Snorkel and GoPro

Side Tracked TV
Side Tracked TV - 7 years ago
Thank you to the many people who enjoyed the video and share my view on sharks. I think social media and platforms like YouTube are great although if you are one of those who invests so much time throwing negative comments on as many posts as possible and calling honest people offensive names and discrediting material they risked their life for, maybe spend your time doing something productive. I look forward to you all seeing my story through credible broadcasting networks represented by credible producers and directors in the near future. Fake???? No, very real and the most amazing yet terrifying experience of my life. Sceptics, keep an eye out for documentaries which will have you embarrassed for trying to publicly shame someone. Enjoy your day and stay positive!
Jones Jones
Jones Jones - 7 years ago
Fuck off retard. Not everyone is as gullible as you think. You know this is fake so stop bullshitting you fucking liar.
Giovanni Onfiani
Giovanni Onfiani - 7 years ago
absolutely a fake
LKNANML - 8 years ago
The other side of sharks. So tired of then being labeled as monsters, killers, man hunters and people who think they should be hunted down. KS.. Are they dangerous? HELL YEA THEY ARE!!! I'd say this is about as far as curious goes for a shark without touching you to see what you are. Unfortunately they don't have hands so when they do "check you out" and decide your not food the water ends up red and you get an adrenaline fueled parade of your life flashing by. On one side you could freak out, try to head to shore or fight the shark off with whatever. The other side you could decide there is no way that will end well so you stay calm, stay passive and think non prey thoughts while he checks you out. Looks like you correctly gauged the sharks curious demeanor. Fins are relaxed. Slow turns and large orbits around you. The close flybys seem cordial enough but those larger orbits and head on approaches would definitely test my fortitude and confidence in my "lets just check each other out and go our separate ways" plan. Humbling experience when you realize your actually a wild card in the food chain. Posting the unedited portion showing the swim from the encounter to the shore would end the all the fake allegations. Awesome footage!
Paradigm Apocalypse
Paradigm Apocalypse - 8 years ago
he's testing you seeing if you have what it takes to make it in the struggle lol
Thegamingwar - 8 years ago
I'm afraid it's fake
Yashneil Lal
Yashneil Lal - 8 years ago
this is only a baby
Luke Gulley
Luke Gulley - 8 years ago
that Shark was pretty curious of you. It's a shame that society views sharks as monsters with no remorse.
Louis Reha
Louis Reha - 8 years ago
holding your nerve... nice
geri173 - 8 years ago
That cut at 2:24 :/
Sharkie626 - 8 years ago
Good god man. Huge kudos to you. I would NOT have this kind of courage.
elvis55555 - 8 years ago
1:48 is too cool!
Liam Jones
Liam Jones - 8 years ago
elvis55555 It's terrifying, lol
Claudia Velasquez
Claudia Velasquez - 8 years ago
Muy buena lección. Si te encuentras un tuburon, NO nades a toda velocidad para huir. Quedate vertical y siempre miralo. Suavemente te vas moviendo hacia el bote o un lugar mas seguro. Quedarse vertical es un truco porque el tiburon intenta ver si eso tan grande se lo puede comer. Si estas horizontal, te ve pequeño y puede atacar con mas facilidad. Es cierto, hay que tener nervios de acero y mucho control.
Shayv8 - 8 years ago
Hello Ash? Amazing video, and have watched many times. Thank you for sharing.

It sounds like you shot a fish; my questions are, where was your spear and do you think would it had made a difference having it if the shark had become even more aggressive.

I always carry a spear but not sure of it's value with the sharks that cause concern.

Lastly, I would say you could do the exact same thing again, with a different outcome.

Safe Dives!
Coda57 - 8 years ago
chris Smith
chris Smith - 8 years ago
Jordan Link
Jordan Link - 8 years ago
pistolero Jake
pistolero Jake - 8 years ago
Such beautiful creatures and scary as well
Slow Diver
Slow Diver - 8 years ago
Legend. Great shots. He was just a curious pup. Thankfully at that size they are frequently more curious and might you bit of a raz.
Ryan Davidson
Ryan Davidson - 8 years ago
It's either a pet shark or a hologram. - Sincerely, Youtube Skeptic Society.
zuckerkane - 8 years ago
Omg I just figured it out. You were never in the water, we never ever see your hands, not when you're supposed to be swimming or floating in the surface. You simply had the camera in the water, a cut scene later you're filming yourself as if you just shot the whole thing. That's really lame.
zuckerkane - 8 years ago
How? You had nothing to poke him with. And he clearly wanted to check you out. What stopped him from taking an exploratory bite? Did you just look him in the eye? How have you remained so calm?
Twenty One Pilots was a Mistake
Twenty One Pilots was a Mistake - 8 years ago
zuckerkane Actually, SHE was just curious. She decided not to take a bite because she 1) Wasn't hungry, 2) Didn't smell any blood, or 3) Realised he wasn't a threat or a prey animal. I'm pretty sure it's all three. While not really proven humane or not, you can rub/punch them in the nose if they come too close. That deters them
iM3 Phirebird
iM3 Phirebird - 8 years ago
Thank you for that second-hand experience! I think I have never seen a footage like this. Doesn't matter how big the shark was, but seeing it swim away and then turn right back at you, that is awesome!
romanek shark
romanek shark - 8 years ago
soooo i hope for moooore videO
Qu33nOfDiamonds - 8 years ago
Fake 100% 3 times filmed
Albert Verduzco
Albert Verduzco - 8 years ago
Well that was rude on the shark's part. Bumping into someone without saying excuse me.
Art Silva
Art Silva - 8 years ago
fake as fuck
Art Silva
Art Silva - 8 years ago
+The Patriarchy still
Lu Bu
Lu Bu - 8 years ago
Licensed.... You silly little niglet
73split - 8 years ago
Great video, great job staying cool. I don't think I would have been able to keep filming like you did. How big was that shark?
cptEarf - 8 years ago
I saw shaking along with you, dude. I would have been a dead man if I had been in your place. respect
Snow Assassin
Snow Assassin - 8 years ago
Ok I believe this cause they react to movement so good job not moving intell the shark left
korzer - 8 years ago
how big would you say the shark was? 3m ?
Mark Ellis
Mark Ellis - 8 years ago
Shiiiiiiiit. Respect to you. The urge to flee must have been excruciating but you faced it out.
joynthis - 8 years ago
Could be that you smell funky. Shower between dives.
Khoa Hiện Đại Bựa
Khoa Hiện Đại Bựa - 8 years ago
So cute !!
Hakan Sagerkrans
Hakan Sagerkrans - 8 years ago
Amazing! Massively impressed you kept your composure as he was swimming straight at you.
Very, very jealous.
Pamela Garcia
Pamela Garcia - 8 years ago
good footage. I would have been a bit frightened too. They're not the monsters people make them out to be. They are at the top of the food chain in the ocean while we are quite low on that food chain when we enter the water. What I've always heard is the shark you should be frightened of is the one you don't see. She wasn't hungry, she was curious and you didn't quite look like food. Great job staying cool, and thanks for sharing what you saw.
barticus04 - 8 years ago
Aussie mate, that shark knows when it's met it's match.
HELLO BRN - 8 years ago
That's one great white do you know how many there are in the sea
jason bourne
jason bourne - 8 years ago
White people do the some of the craziest shit, when something bad happens. the same white people doing the crazy shit, blame everyone/everything but themselves
jean-luc Mutabazi
jean-luc Mutabazi - 8 years ago
White People don't give fuck about their lives
bebertease - 8 years ago
Amazing how this "little" great white was testing hade the courage not to flee and to stand your ground, so he assumed that you were no prey and left. At 1min50s your were not far away from a "test bite" :-)
Tchikitchiki Bambam
Tchikitchiki Bambam - 8 years ago
In this situation, not everyone would react like you at all dude ! If something would have happened to you in this long time with such a predator spinning around, it would not habe been a surprise... You're kind of crazy you know O_O
Joe Joe
Joe Joe - 8 years ago
Fuck that shit
Chris Raiford
Chris Raiford - 8 years ago
Wow man, I wish I could say I had the guts to do this... but I don't know. Good job man, with your nerves and mentality youll make a great UW photographer/videographer. You just need to upgrade your equipment!

And to those saying it's fake-- Look how shaky the footage is! His hands cant stay still he's so nervous! haha
Lucas Melo
Lucas Melo - 8 years ago
It really looks like he was thinking about eating you. lol.
That's some crazy shit right there.
Twenty One Pilots was a Mistake
Twenty One Pilots was a Mistake - 8 years ago
Lucas Melo Actually, I'm pretty sure it's a female shark. Male sharks have claspers but this one doesn't look like it has any. She's just curious. You could probably touch her if you wanted to. Best thing to do in this situation though is just get out of the water lmao. You're in her territory, not the other way around
Obi Wan
Obi Wan - 8 years ago
You are a crazy cunt
Lee Sanders
Lee Sanders - 8 years ago
What an amazing experience that ended well because you stood your ground but posed no threat. Had you of panicked and swam off it might not of gone so well.
yo yo
yo yo - 8 years ago
your just a lucky cunt that dosent get eaten
pit man
pit man - 8 years ago
it was a young great white still a little bit confused and cautious .he got out i think just in time it was going to happen just a little longer .pitty we would have seen it on film,maybe next time. i have experience with these shark's i know what they can do.i have no respect for people that free dive with them.
icimblind - 8 years ago
What was all that rattling going on, your bones? lol It was very interested in you, but also cautious. Those big, black, eyes were lifeless, like a doll's eyes. Good job in keeping it together. I guess you have no choice. Panic and swim and you're dead.
mathias dos santos
mathias dos santos - 8 years ago
Hi, cool video. However, can you upload the original video? the one that doesnt cut at 2:23? Because you have clipped togheter severeal videos. The main one that lasts until 2:23, with the great white. Then at 2.23 a new video gets clipped in, but no shark - only you. then, you clip a new video, at 2:51 showing the shark again, but you are out of the water.
Can you show yourself in the water at the SAME time as the shark? I want proof, because i want to know how great white sharks react to snorklers/scuba divers if the shark is just swimming around them.. I must know the truth or I cant sleep.

By the way, in what country is this in? great shots by the way

100. comment for Filming a Great White Shark For First Time, No Cage, Armed With a Snorkel and GoPro

Kylian Noel
Kylian Noel - 8 years ago
Hi ! ! ! Bbq ought I prefer the video very much "invasion ..
David Kavalcenti
David Kavalcenti - 8 years ago
lucky he wasn't hungry...
Brian Adkins
Brian Adkins - 8 years ago
Not one frame with one of the filmer's fin in it, nor a shadow of the filmer on the bottom anywhere as he circles. Sorry - not buying it.
Brian Adkins
Brian Adkins - 8 years ago
... and even then, to keep rotating around, you're bound to get a fin in view of the camera eventually. The complete absence of that really cries fake to me.
Brian Adkins
Brian Adkins - 8 years ago
I don't think he did actually. I've done quite a bit of scuba diving and snorkeling. To keep your fins out of the way of the camera, you'd have to do the exact opposite of what your body would be screaming at you to do i.e. you'd need to lean toward the shark with your head and hands while keeping your feet behind you.
KBR production
KBR production - 8 years ago
This is all pure bullshit
thebacka - 8 years ago
Gnome Add
Gnome Add - 8 years ago
If you could bottle this experience you would put Ex-Lax out of business overnight.
Doingit4Jesus - 8 years ago
Great footage! Did you just happen upon it, or did you attract it somehow? I'm not baiting you, just really interested.
Tennjk Jk
Tennjk Jk - 8 years ago
Even though sharks are extremely powerful..if it was that close I'd poke it in the eyes...its probably the best thing you can do..I'm sure they would hate that...and I'm sure since they operate purly from instinct that they swim away after that.
thetransformationnow - 8 years ago
Wow that great White was really curious. I am amazed that you did not panic. I think even the shark was impressed by that. clearly more curious than aggressive, look up mike Rutzen the shark man he dives with great whites and actually gets a ride on ones dorsal fin, it is amazing and epic. Great filming too, thanks for the post.
studentjohn36 - 8 years ago
I always believed that as long as you look a shark in the eye, he/she won't attack you. The bull sharks are legendary for surprise attacks in very murky water where you don't see them coming.
pit man
pit man - 8 years ago
studentjohn36 if you look at a shark's eyes your to close your dead
mybluebelly - 8 years ago
I think he likes you.
billsixx - 8 years ago
The way that fkr kept angling in for a strike, I would have buried my dive knife to the hilt in that big black eyeball....see if you want a snack now, Sharky Boy.....How does that stainless taste?
Jerry Henderson
Jerry Henderson - 8 years ago
The only great white he filmed, was his great white lard ass in h boat.
pit man
pit man - 8 years ago
Jerry Henderson true bro
Jerry Henderson
Jerry Henderson - 8 years ago
Nice aquarium. Where is it?
Peter Charles
Peter Charles - 8 years ago
Very brave . but you are playing a very dangerous game my friend ...
SunDance00 - 8 years ago
Ok, but next time please don´t pee in the water
Jim Culberson
Jim Culberson - 8 years ago
Good film. Hard to get such good footage of a Great White. Very well done.
Betty Lynn
Betty Lynn - 8 years ago
Hi,I'm writing you in a case you have missed my message.We really liked your video and we'd be glad to have it on Please e-mail me at ,we have a great deal for you. Thanks!
Rusizzle - 8 years ago
That takes some real guts.
Sam Lorusso
Sam Lorusso - 8 years ago
Seriously, that is the greatest educational survival video i have ever seen. Stare that motherfucker down. That's your only chance if the initial bump doesn't kill you!
Or not. Either way, awesome
Thommo - 8 years ago
Wolfsangell - 8 years ago
As my Aussie mate says, "its not Australia, its Straya Ya Cunt"
Shrav P
Shrav P - 8 years ago
rangas and convicts
Jagger Alexander-Erber
Jagger Alexander-Erber - 8 years ago
Josh Thompson YEAH BOIII
Jack Campell
Jack Campell - 8 years ago
1:40 - 1:48 I would have been shitting
Carl Barnett
Carl Barnett - 8 years ago
i dont care bout negative comments , that was mind blowing scary as shit . that was awesome .
Grant Wilson
Grant Wilson - 8 years ago
Not convincing but if it was real - Mate - how about putting some value on living.
Ewani95 - 8 years ago
haha awesome man! hollywood have made sharks seem way worse than they actually are. This video is 100% real for sure
WarpedStream - 8 years ago
fake as fuck lmao. why did you have to cut at 2:00? sad loser pays youtube to be on the trending tab
theHILLBILLYcat - 8 years ago
lol why did he cut at 2:00 really? you just wanted to look at murky water? he cut it because save us having to watch however long the shark swam away for... it could of swam away for 5 minutes for all you know. sad loser making stupid comments
CALLUZ - 8 years ago
Suicidal Emoji it probably swam away for awhile
Chris Hanson
Chris Hanson - 8 years ago
sup3rdim - 8 years ago
dont know how you kept your chill when it came straight for you multiple times
Brendan Mercado
Brendan Mercado - 8 years ago
fuck that
Anthony Nicholls
Anthony Nicholls - 8 years ago
that was really cool but im tipping you wouldn't do that at hans bay south africa or where the big elephant seals hang 20 miles off the calafornian cst
dustball3010 - 8 years ago
some Internet keyboard warriors having a debate in the ocean with all those typing sound
tigertiger - 8 years ago
GoPro on a pole.
Shadow H. Mask
Shadow H. Mask - 8 years ago
Thankfully the human was not aggressive and only did an exploritory nip on the sharks fin.
Gweekgodx - 8 years ago
don't know how you didn't sink too the bottom with big balls like that!!
areeb1296 - 7 years ago
I hope you realize he's not actually in the water with the shark.
SMAV Emerson
SMAV Emerson - 7 years ago
Antonio Palmas so right man. Sharks are misunderstood.. I won't swim in the ocean, and that's not because I don't like sharks, but because if one confused me for food I'd be at a disadvantage in mobility cause I'm in water. Crocs and alligators are a different story they're far more aggressive than sharks. I'd much rather be in the face of a great white than a croc. And also T leaves is right as well, humans are far more dangerous than sharks
NucleareWarfare - 7 years ago
T Leaves underrated comment spotted
T Leaves
T Leaves - 7 years ago
I'm surprised the shark didn't sink with balls that big. Brave shark was swimming next to the most dangerous and deadly animal in the history of planet Earth.
korzer - 8 years ago
yo yo haha you're pathetic
Reds Rede
Reds Rede - 8 years ago
cry me a ryver
imperial biscuit gaming
imperial biscuit gaming - 8 years ago
yo yo calm mate leave the salt in the ocean
yo yo
yo yo - 8 years ago
fuck u cunt
imperial biscuit gaming
imperial biscuit gaming - 8 years ago
yo yo what if I don't have kids and don't kill them with out them the fish in the ocean could live with out them they play a big part of the food chain
Antonio Palmas
Antonio Palmas - 8 years ago
yo yo it's like running into the middle of the motorway and getting hit by a truck and then blaming the truck for the death!!! How ignorant !! These are wild animals that have been on this earth millions of years prior to us!!! You wouldn't swim in a croc infested river in NT so why go in the sea where sharks are !
Antonio Palmas
Antonio Palmas - 8 years ago
yo yo what the fuck are you talking about?
stonerjamie - 8 years ago
i can not begin to imagine how horrible and tragic it must be to loose a loved one to a shark attack but you also have to take in to consideration that when you enter the water your are entering there home i mean you guys must know that by now the waters in your part of the world is an area where Great white Sharks are present but still people take that risk we really should not hunt them and kill them because sharks of all species are so vital to maintaining the delicate balance of the marine Eco system and if we kill them all that could cause irreversible damage to the oceans marine Eco system we need to learn more about these beautiful animals and in my opinion this video clearly shows that these animals are not mindless killing machines but animals that have been demonized and misunderstood by the movies and the mine stream media as man eaters but to those how are victims of a shark attack and and as specially to those who have lost there lives and those who have lost loved ones you have my greatest sympathy and condolences we need to find a way to protect both man and shark.
yo yo
yo yo - 8 years ago
tell that to the peoples wifes or hasbands how have died sharks kill and if your not in the water every day you should have NO say kill the big sharks one day it might be your kid
Gweekgodx - 8 years ago
imperial biscuit gaming i know bro dw
imperial biscuit gaming
imperial biscuit gaming - 8 years ago
MemeWorks sharks don't attack on purpose they see the people swimming on top of them so they are curious so they bite them to see how they react and if they do it on purpose they are hungry
Oscar Horsey
Oscar Horsey - 8 years ago
+hadz Smith no, just no
hadz Smith
hadz Smith - 8 years ago
MemeWorks I would of
how2scuba - 8 years ago
Very nice work. This video is going to do well.
What model were you you shooting with?
just jammen
just jammen - 8 years ago
I wanted to watch all the other divers without a cage film great whites but can't find much. I wonder what happened???
David Leeal
David Leeal - 8 years ago
would love to see un cut version if there is one the editing makes it seem fake. i know this can be done but this seems fake
Robin Giovanni
Robin Giovanni - 8 years ago
this is fake Australia only has hammerhead and bull sharks great white only live in america n mexico also you can tell he stole footage n added breathing into audio n filmed him getting out of water with photoshopped floor. flag him for scamming
Robin Giovanni
Robin Giovanni - 8 years ago
EmoFnafUndertaleAnimeFan123 read wat i wrote retred i siad government placed fake great white in water. look it up on internet
EmoFnafUndertaleAnimeFan123 - 8 years ago
Robin Giovanni your a dumb shit. you said that the government placed them in Australia but then say that there are no great whites in Australia? the fuck?
Came to change my username - can't think of one.
Came to change my username - can't think of one. - 8 years ago
This guy..
Cameron Brooks
Cameron Brooks - 8 years ago
Robin Giovanni do ur research. Australia has plenty of great whites and South Africa, New Zealand, Chile, Japan, China just to name a few more not just were the movie's are made
Robin Giovanni
Robin Giovanni - 8 years ago
Riley Conway nope wrong. they are fake. the government placed them in the water to scare people n control. look it up idot
Riley Conway
Riley Conway - 8 years ago
Robin Giovanni we have great whites in Australia
suthobay - 8 years ago
Not exactly worth risking your life over, but well done
NeedMoreCoffee - 8 years ago
I'm TERRIFIED of sharks, I can barely look at them, but it's important they are looked after and not culled or somehow punished for being who they are in their own territory. Thank you for advocating for them! They are not monsters. This still gave me a full blown panic attack... but phobias are not rational.
Sharkie626 - 8 years ago
It's totally normal to be scared of sharks and still respect them.
Laura Bignami
Laura Bignami - 8 years ago
I know what you mean, I also had a phobia of sharks and I couldn't look at them, especially the mouth and the teeth. It was horrible, I was even afraid of watching tv because of the possibility to see them in documentaries. But a couple of months ago I started watching videos of sharks here on youtube and now I've almost completely overcome this fear :) only mako sharks are a bit challenging but nothing impossible to watch
Jason Georgiades
Jason Georgiades - 8 years ago
A fear of Great White Sharks is perfectly rational.
TONY COSTANZO - 8 years ago
fake as fuck , who do you think you are trying to fool
Emmett McCann
Emmett McCann - 8 years ago
TONY COSTANZO mate it's not fake. Looking a shark in the eye can deter them from you. Look it up plus it looks too real and his reactions are accurate. He stayed composed and calm because being scared and swimming away will make it worse. You can see the shark swim away then come back. Trying to surprise him from the back but he stayed front on. The only time will the shark made contact with him was when at the start when the shark was behind him and he didn't know. It's real!
DoomiePookie - 8 years ago
Fake and gay.
DoomiePookie - 8 years ago
Luca Perugini it feels fucken horny!!! It makes me wanna cum. Try it.
Luca Perugini
Luca Perugini - 8 years ago
i wonder how it feels to like your own comment.
jez350 - 8 years ago
Interesting to note this fella was wearing one of the new non-contrasting wetsuits, yet it made no difference to the shark. She still came several times to check him out...
Spencer Jarvis
Spencer Jarvis - 8 years ago
You deserve more subs
barenjager1966 - 8 years ago
Have to agree with all the comments that say great camera work. Staying calm and focusing on what's in front of you.
kara H
kara H - 8 years ago
She was there to intimidate! That bump she did, was to make you aware you are in her territory. At 0.50 she was keeping right in view of you. You kept your calmness though. The end of vid, she sure got a feed!! You were lucky you got out when you did. But great footage and very daring!
James Prince
James Prince - 8 years ago
If it in the middle of the day no shark will bother you only if it is really hungry
pit man
pit man - 8 years ago
Rock jamie wrong dead wrong
Jeff H
Jeff H - 8 years ago
what a load of rubbish!
Sam - 8 years ago
You're lucky the shark wasn't hungry by the way the shark swam it seems to have already eaten something
korzer - 8 years ago
ofc the shark wasnt hungry, thats why it circles him for minutes and then tried to smash open his livewell to steal all the fish he had caught? That shark will eat at every opportunity it gets, not when it feels hungry.
Joe Bigornia
Joe Bigornia - 8 years ago
I would have shat myself
Kermit Learnt it
Kermit Learnt it - 8 years ago
That's one chilled great white shark
Xayrsi - 8 years ago
1:44 would have been so freaking scary. Omg swimming towards him. This guy is literally God for being that great
Robert Alexander
Robert Alexander - 8 years ago
+Tempest calm keyboard bitch
j - 8 years ago
Robert Alexander You're retarded but don't worry I have a solution, bleach.
j - 8 years ago
ButtonBeats wait a minute, you're calling him god becuase he has some guts to swim with a shark? Lol you're cooked.
Swell Edits
Swell Edits - 8 years ago
1:40 is fucking terrifying.
SMAV Emerson
SMAV Emerson - 7 years ago
The shark was just checking him out. If it left completely and then came back I'd be worried. Plus if it really wanted him it would've came at him a lot faster and most of the time they come from below you. Great whites can go 40 mph.. A great white is one of the least of your worries in the ocean when it comes to sharks. 1:20 was the biggest concern
burns0100 - 8 years ago
And Nikko
And Nikko - 7 years ago
prove it
*Ct Ma*
*Ct Ma* - 8 years ago
burns0100 fuck off
truth is indestructible
truth is indestructible - 8 years ago
if its real , what if another one came along ? its fake ..agreed
Zelda Fnafnatic
Zelda Fnafnatic - 8 years ago
real or fake, I got bored 30snds in
The Marauder
The Marauder - 8 years ago
Looks like a juvenile, probably never seen a human before.
SilentBiscuit333 - 8 years ago
Are sharks like dolphins in the way they are curious? And what would happen if you reached out to it?
McFooger - 8 years ago
Yeah, sharks are really curious. Most of the times their bites are just tests to see if you're actually edible. If you reached out to it one of two things will happen. Nothing and the shark will just accept your presence. Or it would dart away some distance. You'd be lucky for it to bite you if you reached out.
Geenobe - 8 years ago
SilentBiscuit333 it would see you as a threat since you're an animal they don't know and would go in defensive mode and bite of your arm.
TheVJProduction - 8 years ago
all the cuts and scars on the shark just makes him look so badass.
Zac Riddle
Zac Riddle - 8 years ago
Classic legend :D
Ben Haigh
Ben Haigh - 8 years ago
Break Editor
Break Editor - 8 years ago
Wow! That was incredible. I'm an editor for and we're interested in making you an offer to represent your video to our media partners. If you're interested, please email us at acquisitions (AT) defymedia (DOT) com to discuss it further with us. Cheers! -Christian
Luke Caters News
Luke Caters News - 8 years ago
Hey there, amazing footage - I'm sure sure how you stayed so calm!? I work for Caters News an international press agency and I'd love to speak to you about sharing this footage with some of our clients, most namely Nat Geo who are on the lookout for footage such as this. If you could email me on that would be amazing, thank you!
Stephen Prescott
Stephen Prescott - 8 years ago
skeptics. ........ get a life. Well done mate. how hard was it getting the stains out of your wetsuit
Drew Abegglen
Drew Abegglen - 7 years ago
korzer would you do that? could still take an arm off.
Stephen Prescott
Stephen Prescott - 8 years ago
korzer hahaha
took the bait
korzer - 8 years ago
get a life? This is 100% fake, if you believe anything you see on youtube without knowing anything about it and doing no research its you who needs to get a life.. Sheep.
Sophie Jay
Sophie Jay - 8 years ago
Roger Roger and lower his defensive guard? That would not be a practical idea now would it!
Roger Roger
Roger Roger - 8 years ago
Need to have him and the Great Shark in the one shot.
Noites sem dormir
Noites sem dormir - 8 years ago
The experience of a lifetime.
invalidusername - 8 years ago
Incredible. You're a lot more brave than me
Roger Roger
Roger Roger - 8 years ago
and you are a lot more naive than me.
Erich Lissner
Erich Lissner - 8 years ago
It is not the first time Andre Hartman legend of Gansbaai has been swimming with and filming themFor years
Zac Riddle
Zac Riddle - 8 years ago
Erich Lissner first time for this guy tho :)
phillip Lawson
phillip Lawson - 8 years ago
he not even in the water with the great white
Jeff H
Jeff H - 8 years ago
+Roger Roger Born again sceptic, are you?
Roger Roger
Roger Roger - 8 years ago
You figure it out by the fact that nobody else was there to film the guy and the shark in the one scene.
Jeff H
Jeff H - 8 years ago
How do you figure that?
DarkShark357 Jackson
DarkShark357 Jackson - 8 years ago
phillip Lawson yeah he is
Frank Philpott
Frank Philpott - 8 years ago
This is not even a sentence.
Gary Beilby
Gary Beilby - 8 years ago
Far beyond legendary Ash Gibb. Cannot believe how steady you held that shot. Consider yourself up there with Irwin, Fanning and Dundee mate.
Paradigm Apocalypse
Paradigm Apocalypse - 7 years ago
how do you know somebody had to film this
korzer - 8 years ago
its fine comparing him to Dundee because this is also fictional and fake, its just a publicity stunt to gain attention for his media creation company
LDMc - 8 years ago
Oscar Horsey yea i dazzle people with my shark facts
Oscar Horsey
Oscar Horsey - 8 years ago
+LDMc so? I bet you are no fun at parties
LDMc - 8 years ago
Gary Beilby fanning isn't 'up there' at all, and dundee is a fictional character
Felix Lahache
Felix Lahache - 8 years ago
Most insane footage of a Great white encounter ever! Thank you for still being alive and sharing this!
Antia Xeada
Antia Xeada - 8 years ago
Hi there, my name is Antia and I am a researcher at Newsflare agency. I would like to get in touch with you about this amazing video. Please contact me at for more information. Thanks, Antia.
Zero Signal
Zero Signal - 8 years ago
mad dog
GivesAMinute - 8 years ago
Something doesn't add up here. You were already under the water composing a shot of that fish while snorkling, but then the shark bumped you from behind. You didn't rise to the surface for air as anyone in a panicked state would? In the last few frames (underwater) you show us you were snorkelling, but there are also bubbles from what sounds like an oxygen tank (00:37), the sounds of breathing (00:45, 01:08 - 01:15) and there is the anchor and rope in shot at 01:22 and 01:57 which leads one to think you were scuba diving from a boat? The water depth looks at around 2-3 meters, for you to hold your boyancy and position and also compose those shots while maintaining a stable position all while snorkelling within arms reach of a great white is just not plausible.
Ray Lieben
Ray Lieben - 7 years ago
John Tuttobene
John Tuttobene - 7 years ago
Douglas Cortez
Douglas Cortez - 7 years ago
Yo mamas are slutty champions
pit man
pit man - 7 years ago
Side Tracked TV Multimedia Productions you're full of shit
Elliot Tarrant
Elliot Tarrant - 7 years ago
+pit man yo mama's so fat she has to hire a digger to take her to work
pit man
pit man - 7 years ago
+ET yo mama's so fat she does her shopping with a mack truck with tree trailers
Elliot Tarrant
Elliot Tarrant - 7 years ago
+pit man yo mama's so fat she once saw a kid in a red raincoat and tried to eat them thinking they were a kit Kat
pit man
pit man - 7 years ago
+ET your mama's that fat she can't find panties her size so she got custom ones made up from parachute matiral
Elliot Tarrant
Elliot Tarrant - 7 years ago
+pit man yo mamas so fat that when she goes to the beach all the whales pop out and start singing "we are family"
pit man
pit man - 7 years ago
+ET your mama's so fat that when she went to the beach to suntan people started throwing buckets of water on her,they thought a whale beach it self.
Elliot Tarrant
Elliot Tarrant - 7 years ago
+pit man yo mama's so fat that when she wears anything yellow people scream taxi at her
pit man
pit man - 7 years ago
+ET your mama's that dumb it takes her 2hrs to watch a 60 minutes show,and she's a champion
Elliot Tarrant
Elliot Tarrant - 7 years ago
+pit man yo mama's so dumb she got locked in Costco over night and starved to death
pit man
pit man - 7 years ago
+ET your mother lives on the second floor full of junkies, she's that hairy she lifts her arms up and drops her hair that long i climb up like Roepanzo,and lift the living day lights out of her. .she's a champion
Elliot Tarrant
Elliot Tarrant - 7 years ago
+pit man yo mama so hairy when she lifts her arm up it looks like she's got bob Marley in a head lock
pit man
pit man - 7 years ago
+ET your mama hole is as big as an equator after i finished with her...she's a champion
Elliot Tarrant
Elliot Tarrant - 7 years ago
+pit man yo mama so fat, her belt's the equator.
pit man
pit man - 7 years ago
+ET your mother" understand " she's a champion
Elliot Tarrant
Elliot Tarrant - 7 years ago
+pit man too* understand* cock, it's*
Elliot Tarrant
Elliot Tarrant - 7 years ago
+pit man oh I'm far from illiterate, I can assure you of that. Just had to take my speech and grammar back to 1st grade, purely so you could understand me.
Elliot Tarrant
Elliot Tarrant - 7 years ago
+pit man yo your mum is whack she can't do shit down there no wonder you had no food on the table coz she was shit at being a prozzy
pit man
pit man - 7 years ago
+ET well i haven't, but your mother is ugly as fuck and she still makes me blow and she doesn't waste a drop she's a champion
Elliot Tarrant
Elliot Tarrant - 7 years ago
+pit man tbh I reckon if you did have a sister she'd be an ugly one
pit man
pit man - 7 years ago
+ET i dont have one ether, looks like its mother and your misses. two bitchs aways
Elliot Tarrant
Elliot Tarrant - 7 years ago
+pit man there's one flaw in your little comment there, I don't have a sister. I may buy yours though and make her my toy.
pit man
pit man - 7 years ago
+ET your mother always sucking my cock while im watching shark videos she loves it ,she fights your sister over it they just can't get enough, as blowing in their faces they scream out potentially real footage and laugh
Elliot Tarrant
Elliot Tarrant - 7 years ago
+pit man why would you want me to do all that when your own mother already does it for you inbred bitch
pit man
pit man - 7 years ago
+ET shut up ,suck me off ,get fucked. Have a good look at video you dumb fuck .fake just like you
pit man
pit man - 7 years ago
GivesAMinute .he never will his a FAKE
pit man
pit man - 7 years ago
+Side Tracked TV Multimedia Productions you are a fake ,loser, lieing foney prick,you know its all bullshit. Go again this time film your self in the water and the shark. Point the camera toward the shark then point it to your feet.i bet you cant your for me free diving no chance im not that stupid, well look at yourself you dont do it.let me tell you when it comes to sharks i do the killing. Im never the dinner
GivesAMinute - 7 years ago
Post any footage of you and the shark in the same frame and confirm your story.
Side Tracked TV
Side Tracked TV - 7 years ago
The shark hit me from behind when I was on the bottom filming the fish. The reason the media loved it is because I didn't panic, I didn't look for the shore line because I knew where it was. 15m from me! I went to film a Great White and did and managed to just keep my shit together. I slowly rose to the surface, SLOWLY to not cause the shark to think I was distressed and eat me! Thank you for the compliment that I was buoyant and clearly not in a panicked state. That was the plan and I nailed it so job well done I say! Go find another video to critique or better yet go do something worth while and positive with your life. I would advise not to go free dive with a Great White though as you obviously have no idea and would be dinner.
pit man
pit man - 7 years ago
+L that was a ww11 sub ,just out training nothing important. LOL
Hyeonsik Li
Hyeonsik Li - 7 years ago
GivesAMinute he was surprised by the shak as you can see right at the beginning when the small fish swam away very fast and the big shadow appeared on the bottom.
Radim Schreiber
Radim Schreiber - 8 years ago
I also believe it is fake. You cannot record with a wide angle GoPro and not see a surface of the water when shooting horizontally near the surface. You can see it when he cuts to himself, but not during the shark scene.
pit man
pit man - 8 years ago
Full of shit. Fake
nighcore vevo
nighcore vevo - 8 years ago
at depth you use Ely you end up dieing but rarely you may sirvive
Argus Tuft
Argus Tuft - 8 years ago
just to clarify, I did not get it across in my first (long) post. to my experience sharks are generally spooked by SCUBA, and he clearly is NOT on SCUBA, there does appear to be a hit from behind, but sharks and dolphins seem to dislike the noise of SCUBA gear and no way is this guy using SCUBA, it would be noisy and a lot of bubbles after years of diving and not seeing sharks I dived in the Manly Marineland Tank just to get close to one.
Argus Tuft
Argus Tuft - 8 years ago
you don't breathe pure oxygen at depth. At depth pure oxygen is toxic. You do of course mean AIR tank. (at least I hope you do). But I agree, at the first it seems that he is hit from behind and generally sharks seem spooked by the noise of bubbles from a SCUBA system, it's still a nice shot, but that f**ker seems a little too interested. Staying still and slowly moving away is regarded as the best "defence" when diving, but 20 years regular diving up and down the east coast of Australia the only sharks I saw was a Hammerhead on the surface, and some Port Jackson sharks (no teeth) at about 20m some distance from "The Gap". I did some deep dives of the artificial reef off Dee Why (39, 42 and 46m) Still did not see a shark.
korzer - 8 years ago
No screaming or splashing means nothing, only stupid or suicidal people scream and splash when confronted by a shark, its probably one of the worst things you could do..
pit man
pit man - 8 years ago
korzer nothing adds up its shallow then its deep he talks about he heard there is gws in this spot going in first time with gws no screaming or splash to calm for first time rope with anchor gws came that close and didn't bite something wrong must be in cage different video then shark goes in feeding frenzy when video shows no fish plus shark is bigger and if it was in feeding mode he would be dead 3 different videos here .
korzer - 8 years ago
After considering this and reading through the observations made mostly by GivesAMinute, i myself would want to see the un-edited footage of this before i beleive it too..
Theres too many little details that don't add up,..
Id love to beleive that this man just has balls and nerves of steel, and incredible snorkling/diving skills, but without proof... yea..

Post the unedited footage please ;)
pit man
pit man - 8 years ago
GivesAMinute to true bro looked at it again and again. his full of shit, your right he's a phony
korzer - 8 years ago
anyone in a panicked state would probably have got bitten in a similar situation, the worst thing you could do is rise to the surface panicking, could be the trigger for the shark to attack.
The lines you see are from his fish livewell or keepbox, which is floating in the surface, spear fishermen use this to deposit their catch before diving to hunt again, this is probably what attracted the shark in the first place.
And you know people snorkeling or free diving still need to blow bubbles right? in fact dispelling air is one of the best ways to spook an inquisitive shark, they hate bubbles.
Anna Civolani
Anna Civolani - 8 years ago
GivesAMinute, maybe you should spend less time being picky about youtube
vids and go scuba diving, so that you can learn what scuba bubbles look
like, what a scuba regulator sounds like and that you can't go diving
with an oxygen tank, because pure oxygen is toxic. Down to 50m scuba
diving uses *compressed air* tanks.
AL3X2580 - 8 years ago
GivesAMinute why isn't it plausible
Layla Bishop
Layla Bishop - 8 years ago
Dude chill, your questions have been answered already, go get yourself a curry or something.
kara H
kara H - 8 years ago
And at 0.57 that is clearly a spear gun not anchor lol
Dylan Williams
Dylan Williams - 8 years ago
+GivesAMinute We should have been semi vertical when he was filming. If he was swimming horizontal that would make splashes and be stupid as a shark would be more interested in attacking him.
GivesAMinute - 8 years ago
See, this is exactly what I was suggesting in my initial post: if he was down about 2-3 meters when that shark bumped into him there is no way he wouldn't have panicked, risen to the surface and the first thing we would see is him looking for how far the shore is. Instead we see a totally motionless, buoyant shot from a person who is clearly not in a panicked state. When I made that post earlier it was refuted by the guy himself and he states that he was not under the water, he was on the surface.

No one has given any clear indicator how he filmed this either. We know it was on a gopro, but are we talking handheld with a backdoor floaty on it? Or are we thinking chest mount? Head mount? In the shot on shore at the end we see him hand holding in selfie style, but no where in the shark clip is this the case. We never see his second hand in the frame, we never see his feet which would be clearly in shot if he was maintaining buoyancy to get those shots where he is pointing downward but moving backwards.

If he was on the surface where are the splashes of his feet from kicking? And where is the other hand as he is swimming? How exactly is he moving? Turning? He clearly is moving with the shark to compose his shots, but that is not a snorkelers movements. Particularly one who is within hands reach of a great white.

Theres no way a person could handhold a gopro that steadily with one hand while snorkelling on the surface with no splashing.

Anyway, I've made my point a bunch of times, not everyone will or has to agree with me, that's cool, but I'm suggesting there is more to this story than Ash is having us believe.

Until he either comes out with what actually happened and how this footage was shot we will never know.

Cheers for the interesting conversations tho everyone!!
Dylan Williams
Dylan Williams - 8 years ago
+GivesAMinute He never said the whole time, he said the video was in the surface meaning the main bit.
Dylan Williams
Dylan Williams - 8 years ago
+GivesAMinute You can see him rise, if you watch the video.
theHILLBILLYcat - 8 years ago
GivesAMinute He still doesn't say the whole fucking time! Yes he says "i was on the surface with a snorkel and mask" but no where does he say "I was never on the ocean floor I spent the entirety of my snorkeling on the surface". Like I said you can clearly see he had dove down to the ocean floor to look at the fishes or some shit. That put him is a situation where he is under the shark thats why you see it swim above him. He then swims up to the surface where he swam for the rest of the video. Everything you point out is irrelevant because you have no clue what you are talking about. The bubbles that you hear at 00:37 are not bubbles at all its the sound of him reaching the surface because as soon as he saw the shark he swam up thats the reasons you starts to hear breathing at 00.45 , 01:08 and 01:15 right after witch is through his snorkel and like someone already pointed out its not an anchor at 01:22 and 01:57 its a spear gun that you can see in the sand and everything you point out after that is just bogus its it completely plausible to hold your buoyancy in a stable position when you know what you are doing.
GivesAMinute - 8 years ago
His words were: "it was on the surface with a snorkel and mask" I'm taking him using the word "it" to mean "I". Or even if he is referring to the incident as "it" it still makes no sense as that shark first appeared above and to his left.

That and the cut shot at the end are leaning me towards this not being the full story.
theHILLBILLYcat - 8 years ago
GivesAMinute I ask again where does he say "the whole time" ? Wait a sec he doesn't. You can clearly tell he is swimming close to the bottom of the ocean when the shark swims above him from the left then he swims up to the surface and starts breathing through his snorkel that's why you can hear breathing! You are seriously so thick if you can't see that and hear that.
Dyabolikl - 8 years ago
+GivesAMinute I'll ask again. Where does it say in his post that he was on the surface the ENTIRE time? Oh right, it doesn't. He was replying to your claims he was on scuba gear, nothing more. I think you need to go back and read through this thread again.
GivesAMinute - 8 years ago
"If you think I can hold my breath for that long your kidding yourself. Enjoy criticizing but it was on the surface with a snorkel and mask" Right there.
theHILLBILLYcat - 8 years ago
GivesAMinute where does he say he was on the surface the whole time?
GivesAMinute - 8 years ago
Again, this is irrelevant, Ash has himself said he was on the surface the whole time. Yet look where that shark is when it first appears, it's above and to his left.
theHILLBILLYcat - 8 years ago
GivesAMinute take a looks at the Sharks skin in the video, Gives you a better idea of how close they were to the surface.
GivesAMinute - 8 years ago
+Dyabolikl "If you think I can hold my breath for that long your kidding yourself. Enjoy criticizing but it was on the surface with a snorkel and mask" from his comment earlier up...
Dyabolikl - 8 years ago
Where did he say he was on the surface the entire time? That's not what he said.
I'm not even going to bother anymore.
GivesAMinute - 8 years ago
+Dyabolikl That is the opposite of what Ash himself says tho? He says he was at the surface the entire time.
Dyabolikl - 8 years ago
There's always going to be skeptics mate, awesome vid.
Earned yourself a sub.
Good luck with the scuba course as well.
Dyabolikl - 8 years ago
At the start of the video yes, he isn't at the surface, he's swimming along the bottom, read my first reply again.
He's not in deep water at all, 4m max, go watch a few free diving / spearfishing videos, people go way deeper & can hold their breath longer than this.
GivesAMinute - 8 years ago
+Dyabolikl Hmmm, it looks to me in the establishing shot of the shark that it has come from above left (i.e. above Ash), so he can't have been on the surface?
GivesAMinute - 8 years ago
+Side Tracked TV Multimedia Productions But that very first shot where the shark comes from your left appears to be deep water? And you are under the shark (as it comes from above left)?
Side Tracked TV
Side Tracked TV - 8 years ago
If you think I can hold my breath for that long your kidding yourself. Enjoy criticizing but it was on the surface with a snorkel and mask. I filmed it and either way, there's no benefit to me lying.
Dyabolikl - 8 years ago
As someone who scuba dives, freedives & spears regularly, this is 100% shot while on the surface with just goggles & snorkel.
And in regard to the cut in the video there's probably 2+ (of quite boring I'd imagine) minutes of him very VERY slowly making his back to the rocks while keeping his eyes peeled.
I'm usually pretty skeptical of this sort of stuff too, but this is legit IMO.
For him to go chasing an encounter like this blows me away. The guy either has balls of steel or is an absolute nut job. Probably a bit of both.
GivesAMinute - 8 years ago
+Dyabolikl I'm not convinced he was on the surface. There is a cut between the last scene of the shark and the surface shot of him.
GivesAMinute - 8 years ago
+CHeWy Yeah ok, fair call with the line from the spear gun. I'm not a spear fisher myself as you correctly commented. I don't buy that he was on the surface tho. What's your take on my snorkel vs scuba idea?
CHeWy - 8 years ago
He was on the surface, that is the line for the fish float, or line from the spear gun that is laying on the bottom. He also mysteriously waited at the rocks for months to get a shot of a great white thrashing in the water. As someone who spear fishes, you have no idea what you are on about.
Dyabolikl - 8 years ago
Not saying it couldn't be fake, plenty of other vids I've seen like this are.
This seems pretty genuine to me though.
After the shark comes into view he starts to ascend to the surface, the sound you hear at 0.37 is him purging his snorkel of water and taking in a breath.
He's on the surface for the rest of the vid.
The anchor you're talking about is actually his spear gun lying on the bottom, attached with rope to a float on the surface (watch the end of the video)
Andriy Mikhailov
Andriy Mikhailov - 8 years ago
Mark McConville
Mark McConville - 8 years ago
Hi, I work for British press agency Media Drum World. We'd love to feature your video in an article for our worldwide clients. We split our fees with you to ensure you get paid. Can you contact me at for more info? Thanks!
Weedboy - 8 years ago
Mark McConville yeah just contact him in YouTube comments are you fucking stupid
God - 8 years ago
Mark McConville can I send you Harambe memes
Sarah Sue
Sarah Sue - 8 years ago
that shark was casing you out! a little too cheeky for my taste ... good on you for keeping your nerves though!
Kurt C
Kurt C - 8 years ago
Insane,very VERY lucky to make it out of there.
brent haestier
brent haestier - 8 years ago
Awesome stuff! Fantastic!
X Toa
X Toa - 8 years ago
Awesome. Balls like coconuts.
jayne mcswiney
jayne mcswiney - 8 years ago
So you filmed this (snorkelling) from the surface of the water? Sorry, finding your "No Cage, Armed With a Snorkel" story hard to believe, some of the low shelf footage seems legit if you're breathing on the surface through a snorkel, other shots which appear in deeper water, seem unlikely if you're shitting yourself and breathing underwater through a snorkel. Regardless of how you got the shots, great footage.
Weedboy - 8 years ago
jayne mcswiney it's called swimming you should try it
Richard Ashmore
Richard Ashmore - 8 years ago
Hi Ashley, I work for an international press agency and we'd like to work with you getting your amazing video to the US, UK and rest of the world, we're based in Sydney and work with filmmakers and photographers getting them fees for their pictures and video from the international media, email me or asap if you could, or call 0280684248
Father Bertolucci
Father Bertolucci - 8 years ago
Great job staying calm and getting good, steady, well composed shots for us all to see. You deserve a medal.
Troll Team6
Troll Team6 - 7 years ago
ian white lord *you're
ian white
ian white - 7 years ago
your fake
George Ryan
George Ryan - 7 years ago
This is as real as it gets!
korzer - 8 years ago
Its fake
Roger Roger
Roger Roger - 8 years ago
You were probably in a cage when you shot that. You should have had someone diving and filming with you so just to show it wasn't faked.
Jeff H
Jeff H - 8 years ago
+Roger Roger stay in your sad little world Roger.
Roger Roger
Roger Roger - 8 years ago
If you're in a cage like this its easy to pass the few vertical members of the structure if you have you have your Go Pro on a selfie stick. We know this guy uses a selfie stick as you can see him use in his jump into the mine lake. Somebody else could have been holding a powerhead in close proximity.

This guy doesn't look honest enough for me to rely on his word.
Jeff H
Jeff H - 8 years ago
+Roger Roger Yes please.
Roger Roger
Roger Roger - 8 years ago
Would you like me to design a cage where 360 panning as easy as pie?
Jeff H
Jeff H - 8 years ago
fantastic 360 degree panning with no cage bars. Cynic.
Roger Roger
Roger Roger - 8 years ago
Easy mate, just put a go pro on a selfish stick and stick it outside of the cage
Ross Cayley
Ross Cayley - 8 years ago
volunteering for the next time are you 'Roger'? Maybe you can sit in one of those magical 'invisible bars' cages too, eh?
Lachlan MacDonald
Lachlan MacDonald - 8 years ago
It was serious. Pectoral fins lowered and back arched . Not good body language for a shark .
Kickative truth
Kickative truth - 7 years ago
Lachlan MacDonald nope your wrong! it was a friendly young great white trust me
Kickative truth
Kickative truth - 7 years ago
Justin Ferrell I agree that shark was friendly I don't know why this person would comment such a lie about this great white
And Nikko
And Nikko - 7 years ago
Don't confuse a great white with a grey reef. 2 I actually didn't notice lowered fins or S shape.
Justin Ferrell
Justin Ferrell - 8 years ago
WelcomeToCarnate Not only that but she never one gaped at him, another indicator that this individual was curious and not territorial. It is fascinating watching her do a pass by since you can see her eye turning in the persons direction. They really are intelligent, amazing animals who are unfortunately severally misunderstood. That is not to say they are harmless by any means, but they defiantly don't deserve the cold blooded, mindless killing machine image they have gotten.
Layla Bishop
Layla Bishop - 8 years ago
+WelcomeToCarnate Oh yeah! That's a good a point, it didn't try to sneak up at all only came face on. I love this Great White. Thank you!
Wow I wonder why this shark is so confident, not scared, and not so curious with it's mouth.
Jesse Enclave
Jesse Enclave - 8 years ago
+Layla Bishop
I don't think him looking at the shark had anything to do with it. Notice that the shark never made any attempt to come in from behind; it always approached head-on, and didn't turn away once it knew it had been spotted, like most sharks do.

Then again, Great Whites tend to have a "confidence" about them. Where, say, a Blue Shark will dart away in a completely different direction once their cover is blown, a Great White will turn slowly while still swimming in your general direction. But the shark in this video goes beyond even that; it doesn't turn until it's mere feet away from the dude, and even then it passes by remarkably close. The behavior is eerily similar to a dolphin or Orca.
Layla Bishop
Layla Bishop - 8 years ago
Do you think maybe because the guy was looking at the Great White a lot it didn't attack because they like to do it by surprise?? Only wondering but I know that's for Tiger Sharks. Although itcould have at the start when he didn't see it.  Maybe it is just curious. I just answered my own question? Should I still post this? Yes I will.
Jesse Enclave
Jesse Enclave - 8 years ago
The pectoral fins were not lowered, and Great Whites naturally have a sort of "hump" in their backs, but the belly stayed flat throughout, no arching. There were no threat displays in this video, or any signs of aggression whatsoever. A total lack of fear/caution, yes, but not aggression. The shark swims well into biting range on several occasions, but never makes even the slightest attempt to do anything. The mouth never opens, the eyes never roll back.

If it actually was a threat display, this guy would've been attacked, no question. That body language is shark-speak for "Go away", and he didn't. Great Whites don't do idle threats. If the threat posture doesn't do the job, the next "warning" will be a bite, just like they do to other sharks.

This was just curiosity, plain and simple. A young shark checking out something new in its environment. This guy is just lucky that the shark decided to satisfy its curiosity visually instead of physically. Since they lack hands/paws or other appendages, sharks typically use their mouths to find out what something is. Unfortunately, with something like a Great White, what may be an "exploratory nip" to them can take a mighty big chunk out of us squishy humans.
Kould B
Kould B - 8 years ago
That's what I thought, but then thought I was just thinking that. But, nah, the body language was death itself, staring at him between the eyes. I could literally feel the danger coming through the screen. Insanity. Those who are healthy, want to become cripples. I would give anything to be healthy.
Cryogic - 8 years ago
Its surprising how curious that great white was. the reason it was getting so close is to observe every detail trying to figure out what you are and on the news you said that their was a "Violent Bump" that's because sharks bump unusual creatures with their nose to "Sense them"
bullatthegate - 8 years ago
He was testing your nerve well done to keep cool it probably saved your life
andygoo2 - 8 years ago
It's fake. Not once do you see the diver when the shark is present. Only when it cuts to him getting out. And at 2 mins the camera is too deep for him to be snorkelling, even though you can hear him breathing like he is on the surface of the water. It's on a stick or something. Looks good though.
DeepBlueSpirit - 7 years ago
This guy was spearfishing... in the video you see him filming the fish at the beginning.
He is that "deep" to film the fish. Then the shark came and he started filming the shark. as he reaches the surface at 0:36 you can hear him blowing out his snorkel.
So how should that be fake? Not even one cut or anything...
Only because he wasnt doing a selfie with the shark???
I'm a freediver myself and I filmed lots of sharks where I myself am not visible in the video... Does that mean it is fake? Of course not
Better educate yourself before posting stupid stuff!
TheOrcinus - 7 years ago
andygoo2 does this footage look fake to you
TheOrcinus - 7 years ago
andygoo2 does this footage look fake to you
David Hill
David Hill - 8 years ago
Mate I'm speechless that this one great video he was so sneaky pretend that he swim away and came back. I would be shitting my pants
Qandik Gaming
Qandik Gaming - 7 years ago
it looked like the shark was trying to scare him off his territory, and that is confirmed by the last 20 sec of the video, when the shark went after the fish.
djmcau - 8 years ago
Awesome video. well done keeping your cool. you need to send this to Ocean Ramsey and Juan Oliphant. both shark conservationists.
Craig Banks
Craig Banks - 8 years ago
Wow, no wonder you were shaking. I reckon your composure as it turned around and swam directly at you was the moment of truth, if you had attempted to swim away maybe he would have given chase.
Matthew Jacobson
Matthew Jacobson - 8 years ago
Tidy work. Very tidy.
Matthew Jacobson
Matthew Jacobson - 8 years ago
Is that Esperance?
CHeWy - 8 years ago
Yeah....almost Bremer Bay....
Adventures With Wild Warrior Bill
Adventures With Wild Warrior Bill - 8 years ago
just goes to show, always look them in the eye, don't panic, once in a lifetime experience well done mate
Ross Cayley
Ross Cayley - 8 years ago
Looks over 4 metres - a big one - wow. Reef sharks, hammerheads, gray nurse, galapagos, whalers, blue problem. Great Whites.....sheeit! Well done for staying composed.
Harry Houdini
Harry Houdini - 8 years ago
you are an idiot diving in shark infested waters by yourself the Shark probably wasn't hungry. You broke the number 1 diving rule
Father Bertolucci
Father Bertolucci - 8 years ago
Houdini you were a fool. You continued to perform with a ruptured appendix for two days and did not seek medical help until you had acute peritonitis. Even then you continued to ignore medical advice. Now here you are lecturing other people about safety!
Harry Houdini
Harry Houdini - 8 years ago
+Geoff Longford I knew what I was doing I was a professional escapologist.
Geoff Longford
Geoff Longford - 8 years ago
Harry Houdini
Didn't you risk your life with those silly escapology routines.
Roberta Bray-Enhus
Roberta Bray-Enhus - 8 years ago
That was just an incredible experience. .you just proved again they're not always mad hungry had an extremely intimate audience with an alpha species,where you weren't at the top of the food chain while in her presence .. She was definately just as interested and curious about you as you were of her..just amazing. Concider yourself blessed by a goddess of the sea . Just so cool...
T.A. Helton
T.A. Helton - 8 years ago
You are one lucky SOB!! Gotta love it. You were being tested ;-)
Akane Cortich
Akane Cortich - 8 years ago
Truly is your Lucky Bay
Solo World Traveler
Solo World Traveler - 8 years ago
Great shot buddy, lots of nerve. For the douche who said it was only a "baby", try a "baby" like that on for size yourself and then come back to us! (always one like you on YouTube !!)
Guy Skillen
Guy Skillen - 8 years ago
Well done mate - very composed. That last shot as it comes into visibility straight at you. Wow.

Your wetsuit may have saved you from getting a bite - that's the same behaviour as observed in the tests. Really wanted to know what you were but really couldn't see you very well.
Dyabolikl - 8 years ago
Completely agree with you mate.
She was just checking him out, showed no real aggression at all.
His calm demeanor & wetty colour kept it that way I'd say.
Amazing footage, you wouldn't catch me spearing anywhere down south that's for sure.
Kevin Nguyen
Kevin Nguyen - 8 years ago
Hi there, I'm a journalist with social media news agency Storyful. We help media companies like The Australian, New York Times, and Sky News find great videos for online and broadcast news. We're interested in having a chat with you about this video for a media licensing opportunity. Could you please email us on with your contact details? Thanks and have a great one.
Roger Roger
Roger Roger - 8 years ago
New York Times, it would be good them...they specialise in fake news.
God - 8 years ago
Kevin Nguyen can I send you Harambe memes?
Adventures With Wild Warrior Bill
Adventures With Wild Warrior Bill - 8 years ago
anything to make some money, you'd be lovin it if he was attacked, died and / or the footage survived and even if the shark was killed and they found the gopro in its stomach! Share and like button is above, you guys will take away his glory, and make alot of money from his video, Media Sucks... wake up! Sorry
SJ Bigshow
SJ Bigshow - 8 years ago
Wow! I think I would have died from fear! Truly amazing. Shows sharks probably attack humans by mistake
Bobby T
Bobby T - 7 years ago
SJ Bigshow True But Mostly Because He Was Spalshing , Swimming Or Movings
Jetaninja - 7 years ago
It's funny how people say getting attacked is like 1 in like 200million. Yet when you jump in the water like this your odds are like 1 in 2
Fremen Warrior
Fremen Warrior - 7 years ago
So don't get in the fucking water asshole! It's their environment!
justme - 7 years ago
Thank you for being one of the only people besides myself on these boards that shares this opinion. Idiots and shark lovers just love to promote the "it was a mistake" theory all day long. Same people who tried to say there were only 250 GW's off the California coast when in reality it's over 2500. Fake news! We all know seals don't rescue seals, humans unless ambushed will fight back that is something GW's don't like. If attack is seen by others they will come and try to rescue which throws off the GW for it to take effect. But given opportunity they will eat human just as fast as anything else.
justme - 7 years ago
Really? Then what about the yaker in Santa Barbara CA or boarder the same day? I could look for mores holes to your theory but I'm to lazy.
SMAV Emerson
SMAV Emerson - 7 years ago
Hevy C though I agree with some of what you said, the whole nose thing won't work on a great white. If it wanted you it would get you and the best thing to do is inflict pain to the eyes or gills, but you'd still bleed out most likely if it took a chomp
Fremen Warrior
Fremen Warrior - 7 years ago
It probably didn't attack because being ambush predators you had already spotted him and kept facing him. If he would have come at the diver from behind and he wouldn't have seen him I think it would have been curtains for him. The key is they attack unsuspecting prey, hit, wound, retreat and come back when the prey is either dead or very much weakened.
Shane Bray
Shane Bray - 7 years ago
TH3GPS No-one wonders why they were attacked lol... everyone knows
TH3GPS - 7 years ago
They do... Humans make themselves look almost identical to seals, then wonder why they were attacked.
Shane Bray
Shane Bray - 7 years ago
Scott Parsons This was a young great white.. Won't eat anything besides fish for atleast another 5 years or so. There was no danger to begin with.. This shows nothing
Justin Ferrell
Justin Ferrell - 8 years ago
Žiga Lausegger The reef was based on a true story, but the the events that inspired it involved a tiger shark, not a great white like what was depicted in the movie. Also the story involved three individuals, two of which were taken by the shark and the other, a man survived as opposed to the five people in the movie with only the woman surviving. Due to this you can see that the movie is not a faithful adaptation of the story and as such not a great way to represent great white behavior.

Honestly it does not make sense why a white shark would track and kill three, maybe four, people since they are notoriously picky eaters. After all they perfer fatty foods like marine mammals and large fish and often use specific hunting to obtain said prey. However it makes sense for a tiger shark since they are generalist feeders and while not as aggressive as a white or bull will are not opposed to taking people as food and may follow them over significant distance since they take prey wherever they can find it.

It was a good movie, one of the best shark horror movies infact, but using movies as a representative of white shark behavior is not the best strategy. Anyways hope that clears things up and provides some insight. I hope you have a good one.
Žiga Lausegger
Žiga Lausegger - 8 years ago
I do not have any personal experience, but if sharks canibalise their own kind why would you think they will make an exception for people? Isnt that naive? I advise you to watch movie "The Reef (2010)" based on a true story.
rohan goddard
rohan goddard - 8 years ago
On the one hand Ziga, you are right (opportunism), on the other, (where I cannot comment from lack of experience, nevertheless...) if a shark has a doubt, will it attack? Do you have the personal experience to say so?
truth is indestructible
truth is indestructible - 8 years ago
Žiga Lausegger
Žiga Lausegger - 8 years ago
I can't agree with you. No matter the size if shark sees an opportunity it will bite. Nature is oppurtunistic...
Hevy C
Hevy C - 8 years ago
Žiga Lausegger by the death of the diver if it was hungry.But this a young lets say ten-age shark they usualy attack people by mistake beacuse they are not very expirienced in recognising their prey.If it was a big great white it would actually(if it wasnt hungry)circle around him few times to explore what it is,and after recognising would go away.Its safer to be with a bigger and expirienced but of course more scary.If u get a situation like him a that shark is attacking hit it on its nose or eyes they gonna swim away like fly's without a head.
Žiga Lausegger
Žiga Lausegger - 8 years ago
I don't agree. The shark here was trying to get a good chance to bite, but luckily didn't. I wonder, how this would ended if shark was bigger and therefore braver...
rohan goddard
rohan goddard - 8 years ago
Well I thought that too, but it's not like this represents the entire spectrum of shark behaviours. Neither do attacks, obviously, but an apex predator is likely to be territorial... and we do go into their territory.
Sophie Jay
Sophie Jay - 8 years ago
Oh it's only a baby one!
Robin Giovanni
Robin Giovanni - 8 years ago
Sophie Jay you're right though
Sophie Jay
Sophie Jay - 8 years ago
Ross Cayley I was being sarcastic
Ross Cayley
Ross Cayley - 8 years ago
still way more than big enough to eat you by accident......
Surfsuckers - 8 years ago
He means business Gibbsy. shit dude
Jack Diaz
Jack Diaz - 8 years ago
Fucking crazy dude !

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