First time testing a new full-face easybreath snorkeling mask underwater winter time / review.

You can buy this mask here: The full-face easybreath snorkeling mask was made by NEOpine - If you’re lures (or any other fishing or outdoor gear/tackle) manufacturer or re-seller and you would like to show to the world how your products act/work above & underwater write me on contact [at] Also if you are interested to display your adds or if you are interested in any kid of collaboration. If you would like to support ‘Underwater Ireland’ please follow this link - Если Вы производитель или продавец искуственных приманок (или других рыболовных снастей и пренадлежностей) и Вы хотели бы увидеть сами и показать миру свою продукцию в действии над и под водой пишите на contact [at] Пишите также если Вас интересует возможность размещения своей рекламы или сотрудничества. Пройдите по этой ссылке если Вы хотите поддержать проэкт

First time testing a new full-face easybreath snorkeling mask underwater winter time / review. sentiment_very_dissatisfied 262

Snorkeling 9 years ago 1,087,067 views

You can buy this mask here: The full-face easybreath snorkeling mask was made by NEOpine - If you’re lures (or any other fishing or outdoor gear/tackle) manufacturer or re-seller and you would like to show to the world how your products act/work above & underwater write me on contact [at] Also if you are interested to display your adds or if you are interested in any kid of collaboration. If you would like to support ‘Underwater Ireland’ please follow this link - Если Вы производитель или продавец искуственных приманок (или других рыболовных снастей и пренадлежностей) и Вы хотели бы увидеть сами и показать миру свою продукцию в действии над и под водой пишите на contact [at] Пишите также если Вас интересует возможность размещения своей рекламы или сотрудничества. Пройдите по этой ссылке если Вы хотите поддержать проэкт

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Most popular comments
for First time testing a new full-face easybreath snorkeling mask underwater winter time / review.

Pedro Moreira
Pedro Moreira - 7 years ago
Eu tenho uma
jask320 - 7 years ago
every day I go to school by bus)
Robert Abbott
Robert Abbott - 7 years ago
Can you tell me how to size the mask to fit. Other than S, M,L, should the head be measured with a tape ? thank you [RABID BOB
Van ich
Van ich - 7 years ago
Dana Allen
Dana Allen - 7 years ago
I like full face masks for hookah diving (like Bering Sea Gold but in rivers for gold) Do you think one of these could be adapted? There is new hookah (air pump at surface pumping air to you) just introduced today that is super portable, you can run with it on your back, maybe 18 pounds and runs on lithium batteries and you can stay down over an hour at 35 feet. It is on kickstarter today, Nomad by Brownies The existing hookah systems are so heavy it takes two people to carry them.

So instead of using regulator in mouth thinking of putting regulator into one of these. And keep your face warm in cold water and not get sore teeth. Has anyone done it? Anyone think it would work?
Ayman Alhasan
Ayman Alhasan - 7 years ago
Can breath when it is inside the water?
Cherrylyn Maya Velasquez
Cherrylyn Maya Velasquez - 7 years ago
Sharingan is red rasengan is blue dive at the water early or ill chidori you
Ek Chuah Studios
Ek Chuah Studios - 7 years ago
Good information, I want that mask.
Carp Spudpicker
Carp Spudpicker - 7 years ago
What’s a walve?

10. comment for First time testing a new full-face easybreath snorkeling mask underwater winter time / review.

WOohoo PLAYZ - 7 years ago
When that piece of rubbish flew away.
David Martin
David Martin - 7 years ago
Just bought the same one..haven't tried it now looking forward to trying it.
Kimchiboy08 - 7 years ago
Good review . Thank you. I enjoy your accent mate.
sidney collier
sidney collier - 7 years ago
moose and squirrel.
Ed Straker
Ed Straker - 7 years ago
Eva Liu. Your company sounds more like a front that produces huge quantaties of heroin out of an abandond breakfast cereal factory. We're on to you ...
Sour Feet
Sour Feet - 7 years ago
Can’t pop your ears under pressure
TTTanketroll 564
TTTanketroll 564 - 7 years ago
Is he russian? I love russia
SnappyboyGaming1295 - 7 years ago
is it a snorkel?
Andy Dunnock
Andy Dunnock - 7 years ago
There are some thick twats in these comments who are going to drown.
Good. Society wins.
beboboy mann
beboboy mann - 7 years ago
Thank you for a great review. I have been interested in this type of mask mainly for the increased range of view and I have concerns about them being water tight and what issues fogging up poses. You cleared up these concerns for me. Thank you for your time making this video. By the way, the channel looks to shallow for the size boats I see moored. Interesting.

20. comment for First time testing a new full-face easybreath snorkeling mask underwater winter time / review.

OD 7 3
OD 7 3 - 7 years ago
This was so good
Eva Liu
Eva Liu - 7 years ago
Hello , I am Eva from SMACO , we are the manufacturer of snorkel mask . If you have interested in our products , please feel free to contact with me , Thank you !
Danny KJ
Danny KJ - 7 years ago
Got it today, I love it already!
IoriFrancis Dionco
IoriFrancis Dionco - 7 years ago
wow this is cool i have that gear it make me breath oh yeah very fun
ManElegant Gaming
ManElegant Gaming - 7 years ago
Is that Maynooth?
HunterDamus - 7 years ago
Ты русский да?
Mariya Dumanska
Mariya Dumanska - 7 years ago
Как смешно когда Русский говорит английски
Sergey Boglyukov
Sergey Boglyukov - 7 years ago
Nice fish)) looks like okyn and schuka.. ))
noctanol - 7 years ago
I don't even go out when it's 30. This dude has some balls of steel swimming in 5° to 7° water
outbackeddie - 7 years ago
Nice videography. I would really like to see how the Go Pro works out with that mask. Thanks for the video.

30. comment for First time testing a new full-face easybreath snorkeling mask underwater winter time / review.

Tesz- Vesz
Tesz- Vesz - 7 years ago
5:21 what is that?
Underwater Ireland / Подводная Ирландия
Underwater Ireland / Подводная Ирландия - 7 years ago
Sea Gold - anti-fog gel.
Holly Wilkins
Holly Wilkins - 7 years ago
So can you breathe completely underwater with this?
Pundah - 7 years ago
Holly Wilkins Dont think so
D L - 7 years ago
hi! is the fresh air tube too tight to breath normally for you? I have the Aria ocean reef mask. it is great mask but I think every model of these fullmask has the same problem to get enough fresh air. the freshline is too tight. hard to breath like normal snorkelpipe.
InFiniTy - 7 years ago
How can i know how many oxygene i have ? pls tell me i will bought that mask :D
A380FlyinGamer Productions
A380FlyinGamer Productions - 7 years ago
You can breathe as Long as the tube is above the surface :)
Sucuk Boi
Sucuk Boi - 7 years ago
i have question , can you breath with it when your 3 meter underwater or not ?
planet cybertron
planet cybertron - 7 years ago
yes because the tube has a system that block the water from getting in so basically you can go underwater i search this from google
A380FlyinGamer Productions
A380FlyinGamer Productions - 7 years ago
You can only breathe when the tube is above the surface
Bugz Buggy
Bugz Buggy - 7 years ago
good man like video
Michael Gonzalez
Michael Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Nice water alot of life
Michael Gonzalez
Michael Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Great video my friend.. Be safe
ISMA CG REYSUB - 7 years ago
Great vídeo thanks.Suscribed.Take a see to my channel and suscribe please.
Trigered Boy
Trigered Boy - 7 years ago
roses are red
violets are blue
he gets in the water  at 2:22
MemeJuice - 7 years ago
Trigered Boy HOLY SHIT
Eitan Minyan
Eitan Minyan - 7 years ago
Your life must be really boring if you can come up with that
Jean Aarav
Jean Aarav - 7 years ago
Trigered Boy Ty
wonder waffle
wonder waffle - 7 years ago
fuck your accent
HaploXL - 7 years ago
Thank you for your review, about how much air is held inside for rebreathing?
A380FlyinGamer Productions
A380FlyinGamer Productions - 7 years ago
It's not a rebreather it's a snorkel
Falcons Are the best
Falcons Are the best - 7 years ago
Omg he sounds exactly like terminator
Risyenth Yentl
Risyenth Yentl - 7 years ago
can you breath underwater with it ?
A380FlyinGamer Productions
A380FlyinGamer Productions - 7 years ago
Space cats
Space cats - 7 years ago
You can put a action camera on the mask. That is cool.
Bowser from Sonic
Bowser from Sonic - 7 years ago
hello everybody and welcome to mah laboratory were safety is numba wun perority. today we gonna check some under water gadgets out!
Николай Мелехин
Николай Мелехин - 7 years ago
Наш человек )))
Underwater Ireland / Подводная Ирландия
Underwater Ireland / Подводная Ирландия - 7 years ago
You can buy this mask here:
Noco - 7 years ago
I've got this mask
HD Weird OFFICIAL Pojun - 7 years ago
Привет.Greetings from New Zealand.

50. comment for First time testing a new full-face easybreath snorkeling mask underwater winter time / review.

Barb Vision
Barb Vision - 7 years ago
hi i have a mask jsut like this but when i tryed to use it it kept like sucking up to my face so i couldnt breath no air in any more do you no what i was doing rong ?
planet cybertron
planet cybertron - 7 years ago
mark68227 what type of mask you have? if its dry snorkel you can go underwater but if its not dry snorkel you have to keep your tube above the water also its very important that you get a perfectly fit for your head because if its not perfectly fit the water will get inside your mask
A380FlyinGamer Productions
A380FlyinGamer Productions - 7 years ago
Don't breathe in too hard
mellkiades - 7 years ago
Looks like a freaking bee is stuck in the snorkel at the end of the video. I just died visualizing myself breathing it!!
Alejandro Rios
Alejandro Rios - 7 years ago
Excellent! Thank you for your advice. Greetings from Argentina!
George Gordoff
George Gordoff - 7 years ago
А где покупали если не секрет. Тоже хочу.
Underwater Ireland / Подводная Ирландия
Underwater Ireland / Подводная Ирландия - 7 years ago
Эта лучше -
Но мне если честно обычные (хорошего качества) больше нравятся.
Wlad MX
Wlad MX - 7 years ago
Может и на русском сделаешь обзор. Ихтиандр ты наш.
Catten Whisperer
Catten Whisperer - 7 years ago
All In One Shop
All In One Shop - 7 years ago
Маски везде с накрученной ценной!!!!!Вот ссылка кому интересно, заказывайте с бесплатным самовывозом или почтой России.Доставка быстрая, оплата удобная, качество хорошее.  vk точка com/aios_moscow
Frost - 7 years ago
ага русский акцент
Serghei Istrati
Serghei Istrati - 7 years ago
Can I use this video for advertising
zongheng xie
zongheng xie - 7 years ago
I tried this flat fronted mask since then has a flat front and have been pretty disappointed in how it distorts your field of view around the outside. I prefer the round front one with only 39 bucks
slabby rider
slabby rider - 7 years ago
What!! You don't care about the cold water on your face. Your a bad ass mutha fuckin Russian!! You sleep naked in the snow.
Ricardo Martins
Ricardo Martins - 7 years ago
Thank you from Brazil.
Blueberry Sans
Blueberry Sans - 7 years ago
Where did you buy?
Tuscani011 - 7 years ago
so are you Russian or not ? everyone is wondering what you are
Randy is Lit
Randy is Lit - 7 years ago
Its for like kids that dont go that deep you can only go a certain depth befor the preasure gets to bad
Benjamin Lees
Benjamin Lees - 7 years ago
this is how to looks like omg wow grat English
Benjamin Lees
Benjamin Lees - 7 years ago
dont liter
YunaIesca - 7 years ago
Great review!! Did you have to pre-treat it with toothpaste or other agents so it doesn't fog up? If so what did you use and for how long?
G G - 7 years ago
YunaIesca watch the end of the video
Adzha Abd Hamid
Adzha Abd Hamid - 7 years ago
Вин Дроссель
Вин Дроссель - 7 years ago
Русский чувак
Chickerlicker - 7 years ago
Underwater Ireland / Подводная Ирландия
Underwater Ireland / Подводная Ирландия - 7 years ago
Well, I could give you a couple of lessons :)
Belnick6666 - 7 years ago
dont get the point of snorkling, it is doing something half way
also if you do this close to surface why bother with the snorkle?
just get some good small underwater glasses and turn your head to breathe
JJ Coon
JJ Coon - 7 years ago
so whats the difference between a normal snorkeling mask and this one
planet cybertron
planet cybertron - 7 years ago
JJ Coon the normal one is uncomfortable you have to keep your tube in your mouth but this one you dont need to do that also this one is full face mask
Anon Heel
Anon Heel - 7 years ago
You can buy this on Ebay!
delfin1971 - 8 years ago
I bought two of these - both are leaking from above. What could I possibly do to stop that from happening? In 2 min tops it is filled with water.
Ahmed Sirat
Ahmed Sirat - 8 years ago
c bon
Blue Cup Father
Blue Cup Father - 8 years ago
Simple but awesome!! I really like the concept
I found this one on ebay:
I would buy this for my brother
Bob Rossington
Bob Rossington - 8 years ago
This guy deserves more subs, as in subscribers and the sandwiches
Ph9nix7 Rize
Ph9nix7 Rize - 8 years ago
I believe some pose goof ball queries in an effort to show the modicum, I do mean modicum of knowledge attained. Goodness all questions are answered.
Юрий Трофимов
Юрий Трофимов - 8 years ago
гениально . а с противогаза получится так
Максим Данилишин
Максим Данилишин - 8 years ago
ландан ис зе кэпитал оф грэйт британ
Curtis Westsail
Curtis Westsail - 8 years ago
Question? How is the mask when it is fully submerged under the water? I saw you on the surface but not below the water line. Does water back fill?
planet cybertron
planet cybertron - 7 years ago
Curtis Westsail theres 2 type of snorkel the dry snorkel and the normal one the dry one has a system that block the water from getting inside so basically with the dry snorkel you can go underwater but the normal one you have to keep your tube above water
tollytime propulsion
tollytime propulsion - 8 years ago
I live in Michigan and our fish look identical!! How can that be?? We are separated by the Atlantic!!
PBAHb BARABURF - 8 years ago
Алексей Никитин
Алексей Никитин - 8 years ago
у автора произношение русское или мне показалось? 0_о
почитал коменты, походу не показалось :)
Cobra Khan Last
Cobra Khan Last - 8 years ago
can you breathe thru your nose?
A380FlyinGamer Productions
A380FlyinGamer Productions - 7 years ago
sealed pegasuss
sealed pegasuss - 8 years ago
its me
Thimo - 8 years ago
damn good visibility for that type of water
Igor Reshetov
Igor Reshetov - 8 years ago
я в санаде чувак а ты ат кудо
WESIEN GAMING - 8 years ago
Can this the snorkel Go in if you dive
Richard Sandwell
Richard Sandwell - 8 years ago
Great video, stunning film quality and a nice product review..
TheLukoW32 - 8 years ago
I WISH i had that mask
joey ash
joey ash - 8 years ago
ware did you get it
MDG - 8 years ago
joey ash Amazon,its in the description
как выбирать размер?!
Programming Cafe
Programming Cafe - 8 years ago
you are from Russia?
Парфирий И
Парфирий И - 8 years ago
Молодец мужик !! Русские идут .
Сергей Юрьевич Беляков
Сергей Юрьевич Беляков - 8 years ago
русский чтоли????
Igal Savis
Igal Savis - 7 years ago
yess yesss obxcccc
Mr. Frogman
Mr. Frogman - 8 years ago
Интересно, как в этой маске продуваться?
JUGGIE CHANNEL - 7 years ago
Mr. Frogman Да никак! Ушные затычки вставил и вперёд! Я сам заказал себе эту маску, только, она замылена в районе рта, носа и лба. Но у глаз обзор 180°. Не знаю, можно ли погружаться в ней на 10 метров, но в моей модификации маски, рекомендуется погружение на глубину до 7 метров. А по поводу "продуваться", есть маски с двумя клапанами, для зажима ноздрей.
Premium Rider
Premium Rider - 8 years ago
Russian Federation blyat
XDXDXDXDXD - 7 years ago
Premium Rider хотя с чего я решил
XDXDXDXDXD - 7 years ago
Music Videos
Music Videos - 8 years ago
Вы русский!?По акценту не скажешь что вы Англичанин!)))

100. comment for First time testing a new full-face easybreath snorkeling mask underwater winter time / review.

Kapkarawka - 8 years ago
ондер уотер ийерлэнд итс уэри эмэйзинг! итс тру
Sean scoots
Sean scoots - 8 years ago
ⓘ ⓚⓝⓞⓦ
Samp Js
Samp Js - 8 years ago
здраствуйте где заказали маску можно сайтН
Rikkimaru86 - 8 years ago
skullcrusher of night
skullcrusher of night - 8 years ago
when you go under water do water come in the mask
Andrew Wirtz
Andrew Wirtz - 8 years ago
skullcrusher of night only if water manages to get in the snorkel
Luketanker I'm Back
Luketanker I'm Back - 8 years ago
so what does this do?
A380FlyinGamer Productions
A380FlyinGamer Productions - 7 years ago
devouringexpert - 8 years ago
+7 that's warm for me
Mike Fielder
Mike Fielder - 8 years ago
Dude it is a anti fog mask anyway
peter berry
peter berry - 8 years ago
Good work champ it is hard to put yourself on centre stage , i too was trying out a full face mask the incorporated snorkel is the only way to keep it a full face mask the camera mount used with the hero session gopro 4 and 5 is a gift as these cameras are only about 1 inch square and without a dive housing is good for about 33ft enough for any snorkelling adventure . Snorkelling the great barrier reef or the waterways of Ireland you need the right gear either way . Happy snorkelling cheers.
Art Wong
Art Wong - 8 years ago
Did anyone think it was odd that the underwater footage was bright like a sunny day while above water was dull/overcast. Looking into the water it seemed dark but in the water it was very clear.
In the tropics, above the water it was blue and you can see the fish. Even then underwater visibility is ok and not as good as the stream/river video.
Art Wong
Art Wong - 8 years ago
Underwater Ireland / Подводная Ирландия Thanks for the explanation. I began to think Ireland was becoming the new Great Barrier Reef.
Eestoyen H2O
Eestoyen H2O - 8 years ago
good explain and demo about mask; thanks for sharing....
isbn - 8 years ago
As an experienced diver, I had a go of one of these masks. Firstly, It's uncomfortable. The vision is distorted (the design does not have a flat surface like yours, it's all curved). You cannot dive with it, because it causes massive face squeeze, even if you breath out to try and pressurise the airspace on your face.

It's relatively hard to get a good seal on your face, particularly if you wish to dive a little.

For outright sitting on the surface looking around in open waters, or cold waters. Probably not a bad choice if you don't care about the look.

The valve works well, and you can return to the surface with a completely empty lung and just take a breath as normal which is quite a strange experience.
Diego Marquez
Diego Marquez - 7 years ago
knique4ever - 7 years ago
HWP I used a life vest and that keeps you from sinking.
isbn - 7 years ago
Well, any water activity is fun :) it is a unique experience breathing through one of these. Have fun! Like I say, for surface snorkelling it seems fine - as long as you have the one with a flat section for looking through. And hopefully it doesn't fog up! Take care!
knique4ever - 7 years ago
I can't swim but I enjoy snorkeling, I'm curious to see how this will be when I try it. I'll let you know my experience as a nonswimmer
isbn - 7 years ago
I hope people are not interpreting my "review" as something I would scuba dive with? Jeez!

As far as diving (below the surface), all the promo videos I saw of this type of mask had people diving underwater - so it seems strange to say it's not marketed for diving?

Having a snorkel and not being able to dive 2-3 meters comfortably seems like such a waste. The whole valve thing is otherwise perfect for diving down.

However the massive face squeeze underwater, heavily distorted vision, and not being able to pressurise your face cavity while diving down is an unusual and uncomfortable experience beyond about 1m.

Maybe the one I had a go of was not as good as this one being reviewed. In my experience, it's certainly no replacement of the standard mask and snorkel for anyone's sake (except when it's super cold and your creeping around in drain lakes) I wouldn't give this to my kids, and I personally wouldn't rush and buy one, it's just not right.
knique4ever - 7 years ago
ibsn87 Its a snorkeling mask. Indeeded for surface swimming/snorkel. It is not marketed for divers.
Alerty - 8 years ago
didn't he see he bought a gopro edition..
Mr. Underdog
Mr. Underdog - 8 years ago
Great video and a very cool mask!
Niransha D. Hutch
Niransha D. Hutch - 8 years ago
cool :)
Lance Cobb
Lance Cobb - 8 years ago
so its not a rebreather.
Sally Armstrong
Sally Armstrong - 8 years ago
Awesome review Victor thank you
Sean scoots
Sean scoots - 8 years ago
Sean scoots
Sean scoots - 8 years ago
In what town or county did you do this in
Jan Bresky
Jan Bresky - 8 years ago
Neil Armstrong
Neil Armstrong - 8 years ago
Underwater Ireland / Подводная Ирландия Hey you old commie! Totally cool! Never saw perch? with red fins before (I am American) but that was definitely a PIKE! Did you try the dive valve? I know it was shallow but I want to know if it works well... ALSO!!, How much for the mask?! And thanks for the show.. neat snorkeling spot.. how big is it? ...ever spear?... I NEED ANSWERS!!! You left me with so many questions! tempted to subscribe but....
Charles Kemp-jones
Charles Kemp-jones - 8 years ago
Is that a pike 3:15
pechenke - 8 years ago
братан айм глад ту си ю
pechenke - 8 years ago
+Underwater Ireland / Подводная Ирландия благодарю, уважаемый. Извиняюсь за фамильярность. Акцент улыбнул просто.
pechenke - 8 years ago
+Underwater Ireland / Подводная Ирландия диар френд, в ней правда можно дышать немного? К лету возьму может.
Андрей Вербовой
Андрей Вербовой - 8 years ago
В Ирландии есть еще рыба и почему-то не видно мусора.Хочу туда.
Gee Tonie
Gee Tonie - 8 years ago
unny accent
Cip Pastor
Cip Pastor - 8 years ago
he seems like good people ... but you never do know do you ...
tom williams
tom williams - 8 years ago
Of course the mask is wonderful, my son purchased one and loves it.... BUT !!!!! What they don't tell you, and really folks, its kinda obvious .... If you have a BEARD or facial hair.... FORGET IT !!! The mask will not seal...
Jose Puga
Jose Puga - 8 years ago
Snorkeling in The Dead Marshes. Looking for Frodo
MUY INTERESANTE - 8 years ago
JLA The Tub
JLA The Tub - 8 years ago
I like this full face mask better. Thanks for the review.
Spearfishing Northern Ireland
Spearfishing Northern Ireland - 8 years ago
you will need compressor to equalize !!! :D
James Dunbar
James Dunbar - 8 years ago
Spearfishing Northern Ireland yup Lotta volume in that mask. Possible to equalize but just stick with traditional mask/snorkle if you want to be able to dive past 10-12ft I presume.
Gary Armstrong
Gary Armstrong - 8 years ago
Great endorsement for the mask, thank you. If legal, I think you need a spear gun for the pike. They are tasty!!
veroman007 - 8 years ago
all those delicious perch. wonder if the locals eat them
Dmitry Kolomiytsev
Dmitry Kolomiytsev - 8 years ago
русский ?
Red Night
Red Night - 8 years ago
One thing your supposed to go all the way under water
Theodore Santos
Theodore Santos - 8 years ago
J Z he said that they close when you swim down in da water
carina griego
carina griego - 8 years ago
Nice!! I'm going to need one of those!
Davis Jugroop
Davis Jugroop - 8 years ago
i always wondered why some dinosaurs had their nose on their fore head
Zaihan Kariyani
Zaihan Kariyani - 8 years ago
Sezr - 8 years ago
aligators and crocodiles have their nose and ears behind the eyes

so they just leave the eyes nose and ears out of the water to hunt
JM - 8 years ago
do you mean like WHALES?
Dale Allen
Dale Allen - 8 years ago
I felt like he should have gotten eaten by something at 3:55
MrSeedofdeath - 8 years ago
Why is he swimming in a dirty ass canal??? Hold this L, my G..
CheeKs - 8 years ago
i Think i know How this Mask Works.... You Go up For air for a Bit and Dive underwater And you go up to the Air a bit
And Repeat Over and Over Cause he said There is a Valve and it Prevents Water from Getting in.
Yggdrasil42 - 8 years ago
No, it's just a differently shaped snorkeling mask. It doesn't have any air reserves for breathing under the surface. Still really nice for snorkeling since you get a large field-of-view.
Eric Luna
Eric Luna - 8 years ago
Nice video. I was wondering about these full face masks with built in snorkels for cold water. My local river is a bout 10 degrees celsius now. My face gets very cold. I may try one of these masks. Thanks for sharing
Beep-beep Alula
Beep-beep Alula - 8 years ago
Quel endroit étrange pour plonger.
Ed Cody
Ed Cody - 8 years ago
Great video and looks like a great mask to use.
OXGN 5 - 8 years ago
Brady Vay
Brady Vay - 8 years ago
That's some clean--ass water. Lol
tokenfishin - 7 years ago
dcb1138 dumb ass
Berkcam - 7 years ago
He just said he's in IRELAND!
Diego Marquez
Diego Marquez - 7 years ago
wanna drink it
dcb1138 - 7 years ago
That is Russian water…clearest in the world.
Mast AMX
Mast AMX - 8 years ago
сильно потеет?
Jose Enaje
Jose Enaje - 8 years ago
you freaking look like subzero
xin0 - 8 years ago
brother, you are meant to use it in the sea, not a damn pond!
张凯 - 8 years ago
are you sell this mask? i can't open the link. if possible could you add my whatsapp: +8613510539846
Arthur Chung
Arthur Chung - 8 years ago
You can go underwater dummy
Arthur Chung
Arthur Chung - 8 years ago
Can you even research properly???
Arthur Chung
Arthur Chung - 8 years ago
Despicable Memes
Despicable Memes - 8 years ago
ownedkapoo - 8 years ago
so this is basically a snorkeling mask and not a rebreather?
awesome noob84
awesome noob84 - 7 years ago
It's a rebreather
Edward Medellin
Elena Zenati
Elena Zenati - 7 years ago
Ahgii - 7 years ago
You cant breathe underwater with snorkels, any type of snorkel, if it doesent look like scuba gear, it's very likely that it's not.
Lea Sofia Li
Ryan Huang
Ryan Huang - 7 years ago
mellkiades - 7 years ago
Hey Moron Master, stop using Sagan in your name. It's a sad insult to the entire scientific community.
BoleBoki77 - 7 years ago
Cool video Thank you!
I just bought it here:
Frank Kelver
Frank Kelver - 7 years ago
Are you fucking stupid or what? Do you know what a rebreather is and how it works?
DarkSagan - 8 years ago
lmfao no its not.
moto - 8 years ago
how should this work? just use your brain and think. Of course its just a snorkel mask.
devouringexpert - 8 years ago
Mason Jobe there is no possible way to breathe under water without real o2
devouringexpert - 8 years ago
ownedkapoo there are different versions
THE COD DISCIPLES - 8 years ago
ownedkapoo no he just didnt take the actual snorkel under water because u can breathe under water with the whole snorkel under
ownedkapoo - 8 years ago
+Arthur Chung so this can replace scuba gear?
Arthur Chung
Arthur Chung - 8 years ago
It is rebreather

He's just dumb
김길동 - 8 years ago
what a beautiful country: perfect environment for snorkeling !
Mini1llus10n - 8 years ago
Wow, nice review and ireland looks so nice! Definitely subscribed, looking forward to your videos :)
RonPaul Revered
RonPaul Revered - 8 years ago
I like that sweatshirt you are wearing at the end. What is the brand?
Phil Knirck
Phil Knirck - 8 years ago
thx for this.
Paul Kubin
Paul Kubin - 8 years ago
How did it do when you took the snorkel underwater and then resurfaced? Do you clear it the same way -- just by blowing air out of your mouth quickly?
Brian Woods
Brian Woods - 8 years ago
Mike Siegle
Mike Siegle - 8 years ago
Saw somebody using this in Russian in Crimea Kreme
crops4fun - 8 years ago
Thank you for your review of this product. I am considering purchasing it for my son and you answered all the questions I had about it.
joseph tamihana
joseph tamihana - 7 years ago
what exactly did he answer for you? he hasent done shit.
69 69
69 69 - 8 years ago
crops4fun it is dangerous dont do it!
stim0lol - 8 years ago
Crook mayton
Crook mayton - 8 years ago
I tried that mask out and its very good
Rukhshana Ihusan
Rukhshana Ihusan - 7 years ago
Pablo Velasquez
Pablo Velasquez - 8 years ago
Bro i see your comments everywere
Yurchiks - 8 years ago
Можешь ещё по русски болтать
NSNX - 8 years ago
It also is a sex toy stick it up your ass
Jayo Vera
Jayo Vera - 8 years ago
Good review. Thanks for doing it
Rodolfo Fleitas
Rodolfo Fleitas - 8 years ago
muy lindo video ! hermoso río .
Mike H
Mike H - 8 years ago
If you dive, is there oxygen left for a little breathe<??
dakota reeder
dakota reeder - 8 years ago
its made so no water can get in if ur fully submerged so u can breath  a little bit but eventually u have to stick the tube out of the water
Steve Jones
Steve Jones - 8 years ago
What a waste!!! The whole point of this "new" mask is to prevent water from coming into the snorkel when you go UNDER WATER. You did not go under water that whole damn video. COMPLETE WASTE SMH
Ben's Reel World Fishing
Ben's Reel World Fishing - 8 years ago
The whole point of this mask for his purpose was to keep his face warm. For just about anyone else it would be not to have to spend the whole time you snorkel biting a mouthpiece. And what Casey said.
Casey jones
Casey jones - 8 years ago
dry snorkel technology has been out forever, that IS NOT the point of this mask
Moustafa Magdy
Moustafa Magdy - 8 years ago
where can i get this anti fog
Kelly Jones
Kelly Jones - 8 years ago
its on amazon
jarmornj - 8 years ago
I had stupid Question in my mind .
Ireland have an aligator ?
callum farrell
callum farrell - 7 years ago
Colby Barton
Colby Barton - 8 years ago
haventgotoverit I live in 'merica, where you can be eaten by a bear or swept up by a tornado. Lol.
haventgotoverit - 8 years ago
Here in south east asia we have crocodiles. Those are mean human eating mofos. Europeans are fortunate. The only thing that can kill them is cholesterol.
barry cha
barry cha - 8 years ago
Thank you for the review
Carlos Rodriguez
Carlos Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Where can buy one. Looks like lots of fun? !!
drmstx - 8 years ago
Watching this gave me anxiety. I kept expecting a gator to pop out from somewhere lol.
LordBLB - 8 years ago
Naw, gators wouldn't last long in that cold water. They'd die off during winter.
Oscar Gonzalez
Oscar Gonzalez - 8 years ago
Unless some idiot introduced gators to Ireland, which depending on what your faith in humanity is, im certain it should be fine. Besides, the water is very cold and the water is shallow so I don't believe there's anything harmful to a human there. Do your own research though when ever you are going to swim somewhere.
Mick J McFlynnington
Mick J McFlynnington - 8 years ago
Gators in Ireland? Really?
Mark Davies
Mark Davies - 8 years ago
Haha seriously. I'd be more scared to snorkel there than in the open ocean.
Trapani Sicilia
Trapani Sicilia - 8 years ago
Hello Great Video very informative can you do more videos please I have brought one of these since your review there brilliant .
pt actuba
pt actuba - 8 years ago
thank you for the movie!
Elijah Stewart
Elijah Stewart - 8 years ago
that was really cool. I would paint mine black/navy blue if I had one
Haiky - 8 years ago
+7c is cold haha warm brit
Charlie Wright
Charlie Wright - 8 years ago
Very good review, thank you! Purchasing now because of this review. I always watch reviews from average people not being endorsed and that are very unbiased.
Barbara Waters
Barbara Waters - 7 years ago
Dear Charlie , you need some Prozak.
Charlie Wright
Charlie Wright - 8 years ago
+Underwater Ireland / Подводная Ирландия
Could you recommend a better full face mask?
17madracki17 - 8 years ago
How to you de pressurize your ears if you can't reach your nose. ?? Thanks. Looking at a local shop that has these right now.
Ahgii - 7 years ago
The exact mask that he has, with gopro and all that, cost 20 bucks for me, very comfortable, good quality and i have no complaints except the equalizing thing. Also about the equalizing, i can normally equalize hands free with any mask, but with this one i just cant, i think its because of the internal volume.
Jay Que
Jay Que - 7 years ago
theres a way to do it by moving your jaw its hard to explain but it has to do with ear muscles to
Keane N1411
Keane N1411 - 7 years ago
17madracki17 wiggle jaw, nose pincher/plug, yawning, swallowing many ways yawning works best for me but you can't open your mouth wide
Randy is Lit
Randy is Lit - 7 years ago
17madracki17 thats what im saying
Mazda rx7
Mazda rx7 - 8 years ago
Jut you jaw forward and yawn , helmet divers do this all the time
James Dunbar
James Dunbar - 8 years ago
there are many techniques to equalize your ears. I scuba in a ffm and never use my nose blocks. wife chews gum. I head turn with hard swallow even can wiggle jaw.. don't have to be able to pinch nose to equalize..
Mr. Underdog
Mr. Underdog - 8 years ago
17madracki17 Great question!
Undead Soldier
Undead Soldier - 8 years ago
Raymond Bland while using this you can breath out yout nose why put a clamp on breathing through your nose is more comfortable so yea
John Segol
John Segol - 8 years ago
Can u take a breath or two while under?
Raymond Bland
Raymond Bland - 8 years ago
put a nose clamp on ?
17madracki17 - 8 years ago
+Vernon Smithjr you've never wanted to go down 15ft while snorkeling your fucked.
IcanFartLOUD 1
IcanFartLOUD 1 - 8 years ago
you don't equalize while snorkling
3 - 8 years ago
? :)
Amanda Sizemore
Amanda Sizemore - 8 years ago
!$ swimming games semi semi games singing games singing games games games games games games games games
3 - 8 years ago
yea, but I think if you are a adult Person (im 15) - you could still only dive to around 15 - 20 meters :/ - because you Need some (pretty much actually with this mask )  air of your lungs to equalize the mask too (...gets a Little tight as you go deeper). :)
17madracki17 - 8 years ago
+3 a nose clip might help my ears are still sore today from 10ft yesterday for me the mask feels it gets alittle tight as you go deeper but it's my ears limiting me. I'll try the nose clip idea
3 - 8 years ago
Have you ever tested "Frenzel" technique? Or do you have a noseclip (to dive deeper with that mask), or is there simply to much air in it to dive deeper?
3 - 8 years ago
Not too bad :) My best was exactly 27m (or88,5827 feet, - divingwatch) this year in croatia :)))
17madracki17 - 8 years ago
+3 hey lukas think 50 ish feet deepest I've been holding a bolder maybe 45 seconds at best. We only get out a couple times a year and since this video I have purchased the mask pritty cool I keep to 10 ft deep with it as I can't pop or presurize my ears. Great with the go pro. 100 bucks well spent for playing with the dog and my seadoo scooter. Check my channel I'll post yesterday's fun.
3 - 8 years ago
how deep can you dive? How Long is your static- time?  ( i am into freediving too :)) Greetings, Lukas!
David Leach
David Leach - 8 years ago
Great test, very useful, I'm tempted to buy. Love the perch etc
Dimitris Uoa
Dimitris Uoa - 8 years ago
Thanks for the video! What if we will dive for 2-3 meters? Does the mask fills with water from the snorkel?
Dimitris Uoa
Dimitris Uoa - 8 years ago
Ok! Hope so! Thank you so much!
Burak - 8 years ago
DagiLovesIreland - 8 years ago
Thanks for testing. I thought about buying that mask and now I know what to do.
Rifixis|Антон - 8 years ago
Спалился ^ ^ Акцент русский
Rifixis|Антон - 8 years ago
вот я баран
там же написано в названии канала XD
wcroadrunner 1
wcroadrunner 1 - 8 years ago
it looked cold out to be snorkeling
Janos Vamos
Janos Vamos - 8 years ago
ine problem I found was breathing too quickly & deeply brings that ball bearing up suddenly and can clog the port hole. As I like to chase after things in the water to bring my heart rate up for exercise, I found this to be a problem as I would try for a gulp of air that suddenly wouldn't be there.
Janos Vamos
Janos Vamos - 8 years ago
+subtenko Try and keep your breathing under control and don't get to the point of taking deep breaths rapidly. Basically keep with casual snorkeling.
subtenko - 8 years ago
O_O soo....what is the solution?
Adam Moore
Adam Moore - 8 years ago
These masks look like a good idea, but I have heard stories of people not looking up to check their bearings and winding up out at sea.
Tiny Ocean Orange
Tiny Ocean Orange - 8 years ago
myRadiotron - 8 years ago
bill Anderson
bill Anderson - 8 years ago
A friend of mine submerged off England and suddenly he was in France. Not always a bad thing.
fissilemissile - 8 years ago
That's not the mask's fault though... just sayin.
KEVIN WILLIAMS - 8 years ago
if everyone think he is doing such a nice job and you like watching his videos how about you go and donate 1 or be 5 bucks it adds up every little counts.
George Kelso
George Kelso - 8 years ago
Nice information, but I'm really impressed with you. You are not young but, you do youthful and adventurist things. That's jus great.
Vesselin Dobrev
Vesselin Dobrev - 8 years ago
Hello, can you advice on the size of the mask. My face looks kind of
like yours but I wonder if I am S/M or L/XL size. I found the mask on
(I don't work for them, just an advertise popped up and I really liked
it and searched for similar on youtube). A size guide will be really
helpful, thank you
Renato - 8 years ago
Seriously mate where the hell you swim!!!
Richard Sandwell
Richard Sandwell - 8 years ago
Welcome to the amazing world of freshwater snorkelling..
Ruckus Piper
Ruckus Piper - 8 years ago
Renato i dive for bodies in the mud in Cleveland. This is pristine brother!
Renato - 8 years ago
You actually right didn't meant to be rude, actually is awesome... sounded weird to me cause I never swim in a canal before!
pierre-michel Grenoblais
pierre-michel Grenoblais - 8 years ago
why would you go snorkeling in a mash
K Bougie
K Bougie - 8 years ago
I think Younes meant to ask why you were snorkeling in a marsh. I understand, but just am trying to be helpful with the other person's question. Thank you for this video.
subtenko - 8 years ago
A snorkel is a mask, wat r u trying to say? It wouldnt be snorkeling without one, unless u just used a tube which wont hold in place without a mask.....
PlasmaMistGaming - 8 years ago
Try the trybord easy breathe
Cesar Pulido
Cesar Pulido - 8 years ago
can you equalize your ears or is there no problem with that mask?
Sally Edwards
Sally Edwards - 8 years ago
Cesar Pulido
Kristian Larsen
Kristian Larsen - 8 years ago
The nose can be closed without using a hand, using the compressor naris muscles; it can be described as "wrinkling the nose as if there was a bad smell".
Lorenzo Giollo
Lorenzo Giollo - 8 years ago
The author already replied, sorry for my late answer. The point is: the deeper you go, the higher the pression. This means that all the air will be compressed (like: on the surface you have 1 bar at 10mt you have 2 bars, this is double pressure, this means that the air volume will be half - and of course, all the intermediate depths are % of this ratio). Also the air in your lungs will face this compression and loose volume, so you'd have to equalize and replace the half air missing from the mask and in the meantime you have half air in your lungs. At 20 mt you have 3 bars so you'd have to equalize and face the same problem. Not to mention that anyway you cannot equalize because you cannot clamp your nostrils so all the air would simply exit the mask. In the meantime you should also equalize your ears, but you just wasted all the needed air to try to equalize your mask... hope I was clear enough. Best regards
Cesar Pulido
Cesar Pulido - 8 years ago
+Lorenzo Giollo I wonder what would happen if he would just dive?
Lorenzo Giollo
Lorenzo Giollo - 8 years ago
how could you? you cannot clamp your nostrils. And I'd laugh seeing somebody equalizing the mask itself with such a volume
Supaflyy Owen
Supaflyy Owen - 8 years ago
100th comment
sleepyboi - 8 years ago
dude where the fuck are you snorkeling
sleepyboi - 8 years ago
100%% XD
amfe52 - 8 years ago
Shit looks like an open sewer!!
TrashureSeeker - 8 years ago
I had a good laugh, thanks :)
Shane kenny
Shane kenny - 8 years ago
It's called a canal
yen ling
yen ling - 8 years ago
can you breath underwater ? with the mask easily?
yen ling
yen ling - 8 years ago
can you breath underwater ?
Janos Vamos
Janos Vamos - 8 years ago
Once the telescope is underwater, there is no way to breathe.
Michael Rhoads
Michael Rhoads - 8 years ago
Can you speak audibly with it on, or is there an internal mouth piece.
Michael Rhoads
Michael Rhoads - 8 years ago
Sorry guess I should watch again before asking questions.
Emerson Ricardo
Emerson Ricardo - 8 years ago
One question if you don't mind. This mask is only for snorkeling? Can you also scuba dive with it?Thanks for sharing the video!
Justin Searle
Justin Searle - 8 years ago
I SCUBA dive with their Ocean Reef G.Diver mask which runs around $600 USD. Because it has air circulation, it never fogs, you can breath through your mouth and nose, your jaw doesn't get tired biting a regulator, and your mouth doesn't get dry since you usually breath through your nose. It is perfect for both warm and cold water dives. I can't imagine diving without it. On my last trip, I was in California diving kelp forests and did one dive without the G.Diver mask, however I quickly remembered all the disadvantages of a traditional mask and regulator and returned to my G.Diver mask for the other 10 dives.

As for this Ocean Reef Aria snorkling mask, you can do shallow free diving but you will need to learn to equalize without pinching your nose. However since you can breath using your mouth and nose, it doesn't take long to learn to equalize by moving your jaw. However I have yet to be able to do it quick enough to dive deep, plus the Aria's air mass does make it harder to go deep anyway.
SebasGaming - 8 years ago
They have special ones for scuba use but are about 1000 US dollars
Lorenzo Giollo
Lorenzo Giollo - 8 years ago
I do really discourage anybody to use such a mask for anything different from snorkeling or superfuicial dives: you cannot equalize correctly such a huge volume plus you may have serious problems with direct water entrance in the mask and no possibility to quickly breathe once you'd resurface.
Emerson Ricardo
Emerson Ricardo - 8 years ago
Thanks for the answer. Have an excelent day!
Danee McMahan
Danee McMahan - 8 years ago
There would be no way to put your mouthpiece in that is connected to your tank. I don't know but I would would be no.
Emerson Ricardo
Emerson Ricardo - 8 years ago
No problem... Thanks for the answer. Have fun! This is the most important thing, ever!
kris reaven
kris reaven - 8 years ago
you are the best!! nice mask
Lukas Longus
Lukas Longus - 8 years ago
wow, so many fishes... the perches and pikes are beautiful
Hingle McCringleberry
Hingle McCringleberry - 8 years ago
jeez, is russia so depressing that all you can have a little fun in is in a ditch on the side of the road?
Renato - 8 years ago
haha that was hilarious dude
Tango Airsoft
Tango Airsoft - 8 years ago
Its a copy of the Trobord snorkel mask
BEAVIS - 8 years ago
Yoda Zero
Yoda Zero - 8 years ago
Adam LIGEZA -POLAND- - 8 years ago
Hey, As far as I'm concerned, this patent belongs to Decathlon - well known sport goods company . Originally is known as Tribord Easybreath, where Tribord is the company name. Price is around EUR 40 .
angelisone - 8 years ago
Two questions, if you don't mind.
1. If you dunk your head all the way into the water, will water come in from teleport?
2. Would your size be a large or medium mask?

Real nice video in cold water.
Temperatures where I am at get very cold also.
Very nice video that you allowed us to see.
Janos Vamos
Janos Vamos - 8 years ago
The ball in the teleport prevents water from making it's way into the mask.

The size he wire would have been a med/large.
zet10ru - 8 years ago
Доброго дня. Думаю взять такую маску но по отзывам пишут что в этой маске при интенсивном плавании не хватает дыхания. Так ли это и побывали ли вы в ней полностью погружаться как себя веду клапаны?
zet10ru - 8 years ago
+Why? Cause im batman. the author of the channel understands Russian
do You need it...
do You need it... - 8 years ago
thanks for nice review. May I ask with itch gear you using for filming your underwater video. You can answer here or private to my mail
Thank You in advance
do You need it...
do You need it... - 8 years ago
+Underwater Ireland / Подводная Ирландия Thank you
Miss PYT
Miss PYT - 8 years ago
Nice job. Thanks!
Sanya Alves
Sanya Alves - 8 years ago
What camera did you use in this video?
Christopher Anastasi
Christopher Anastasi - 8 years ago
well done ,good review ,and clear to ,,
demagneto - 8 years ago
Good review....
Thanks, comrade!
kenneth tornabene
kenneth tornabene - 8 years ago
Is there a mask that can be used with scuba gear ?
UMeeshko - 8 years ago
+kenneth tornabene you mean fullface? no as far as I know
SeikiBrian - 8 years ago
+Cynthia Abutan -- Yes, the icy waters of Ireland are known for the hordes of cold-water piranha.  ;-)
UMeeshko - 8 years ago
+Cynthia Abutan are you kidding? That's river perch
craig smith
craig smith - 8 years ago
How to you "equalize" the pressure? Typically plugging the nose works but not sure how you would do it with this mask
Christopher Anastasi
Christopher Anastasi - 8 years ago
+craig smith your snorkelin craig ,,not diving ,so no need to equalise
UMeeshko - 8 years ago
+craig smith well, you are not. so 6-8ft is the best option for this mask
Mārtiņš Ābols
Mārtiņš Ābols - 9 years ago
Mozno li produtj masku pod vodi v sluchaje popadanija vodi ili cherezvichainih obstajateljsvah?
Kvark LT
Kvark LT - 9 years ago
+Mārtiņš Ābols мебрана в низу маски наверно для этого как раз и сделана
Underwater Scotland
Underwater Scotland - 9 years ago
Hi there V, so how does the mask work with the Gopro fitted? Is it better than the gopole or not?
Евгений Игоревич Фролов
Евгений Игоревич Фролов - 9 years ago
к винтам так близко лучше не подплывай...
Андрей Степаньков
Андрей Степаньков - 9 years ago
на русском языке обзор этой маски можно?
Susan S
Susan S - 9 years ago
What size mask were you wearing? S/M or L/XL? I want to buy one as a gift.
Nisha Khatoon
Nisha Khatoon - 9 years ago
how do you equalize your ears while wearing this mask?
tonyo524o524 - 9 years ago
Nice clean honest review. Thank you appreciate the time and effort.
Александр Попов
Александр Попов - 9 years ago
Пожалуйста, сделай обзор на русском!
makaveli24k - 9 years ago
another great video thanks victor keep it up and greetings from london
Seadog. - 9 years ago
Great effort.
matt atherton
matt atherton - 9 years ago
do you think I could wear eye glasses with this mask? that's my issue with masks like this. my eyes are so bad I cant see anything! would be nice to be able to use my glasses with a snorkel mask
matt atherton
matt atherton - 9 years ago
haha cool story. if I lived near an ocean id try it! too bad I live many miles from and salt water
Мотогон - 9 years ago
Йайа дастишь фантастишь!
vejas butkus
vejas butkus - 9 years ago
Many likes Bro. your videos are wonderfull. LIKE
legion sibir
legion sibir - 9 years ago
Подскажите чем обоснован запрет ловли на живца?
legion sibir
legion sibir - 9 years ago
+Underwater Ireland / Подводная Ирландия ясно! спасибо за ответ!
arcanekrusader - 9 years ago
Have you tried grease to protect your face? I believe people who swim in the sea use it...
Casper Rasmussen
Casper Rasmussen - 9 years ago
thanks for the testing video of the mask, can I have you testing diving deep and up again with the mask, I normal UV hunt in open see, so waves and drives is I big factor if I buy one for that. and what camera are you using on you selfie stick. ? I see only  have some small pixels some time and it looks good in the water with sun light, I do normal use it when it's dark, but still, I like to know what camera you using :)
Casper Rasmussen
Casper Rasmussen - 9 years ago
+Underwater Ireland / Подводная Ирландия thanks again :)
kapitancieno - 9 years ago
aliexpress 38€
Sylinder Goatrider
Sylinder Goatrider - 9 years ago
What canal lock was this filmed at?
Max Orlov
Max Orlov - 9 years ago
На мой взгляд ты один из лучших видиоблогеров!!!
Nicolas Valentin
Nicolas Valentin - 9 years ago
Fantastic once again .I enjoy watching your videos .It's always an eye opener .And yes it's winter ! People who enjoy the outdoor already know it's winter .Well done again ,top mark !
Chief Valmet
Chief Valmet - 9 years ago
Mother Russia
Константин Сметанников
Константин Сметанников - 9 years ago
Как в целом для подводной охоты эта маска?
Константин Сметанников
Константин Сметанников - 9 years ago
Спасибо за развернутый ответ, думал что-то интересней и подходящее появилось на просторах.
ihaveadarksoul - 9 years ago
+Константин Сметанников она не предназначена для охоты, так, по поверхности поплавать.. ибо нормально продуться в ней не получится
Fred PaPaK
Fred PaPaK - 9 years ago
huumm...i guess you won't fond it long on market, because this mask bas been develloped and created by Décathlon ( the french sport products company ).Having said that, i think this mask is perfect for discovering the wonderfull under water world !
greetings from France And thanks again for all your great videos!
John Griffiths
John Griffiths - 9 years ago
do you not know how to get your facts right ?
painful1978 - 9 years ago
How easy to exhale the water out if u dived in?
John Griffiths
John Griffiths - 9 years ago
oh, you are refering to the pre christian calendar. I would read it again if I was you
Will P
Will P - 9 years ago
Do you not know how to reply to a comment?
zeroy - 9 years ago
great device!
John Griffiths
John Griffiths - 9 years ago
Google it
John Griffiths
John Griffiths - 9 years ago
What irish calendar ?
John Griffiths
John Griffiths - 9 years ago
It's not winter in Ireland now
Владислав Бакума
Владислав Бакума - 9 years ago
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AsLoz // Живее Живых //
AsLoz // Живее Живых // - 8 years ago
+Underwater Ireland / Подводная Ирландия да он прям русский на ломаном английском ))))
koidar yyu
koidar yyu - 9 years ago
The Dark One
The Dark One - 9 years ago
The Dark One
The Dark One - 9 years ago

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About First time testing a new full-face easybreath snorkeling mask underwater winter time / review.

The "First time testing a new full-face easybreath snorkeling mask underwater winter time / review." video is part of the snorkelling, underwater, diving category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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