GoPro: Man Fights Off Great White Shark In Sydney Harbour

Close Call with a Great White Shark in Sydney Harbour! Filmed on a GoPro at Manly jump rock HOLY SH*T! -- 'Terry Tufferson' Created By CASPAR MAZZOTTI Directed By CASPAR MAZZOTTI Find out more @

GoPro: Man Fights Off Great White Shark In Sydney Harbour sentiment_very_dissatisfied 26415

Snorkeling 10 years ago 37,272,176 views

Close Call with a Great White Shark in Sydney Harbour! Filmed on a GoPro at Manly jump rock HOLY SH*T! -- 'Terry Tufferson' Created By CASPAR MAZZOTTI Directed By CASPAR MAZZOTTI Find out more @

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Most popular comments
for GoPro: Man Fights Off Great White Shark In Sydney Harbour

HealthyAsAHorse! - 6 years ago
Shark: "Hello there sir. Are you okay? I saw you fall off of that cliffs edge. I was trying to catch you! Okay, be careful human! Cliff jumping is dangerous...crazy humans...."
J.k Ahru
J.k Ahru - 6 years ago
It’s fake
Fabian Darłak
Fabian Darłak - 6 years ago
Michael Xiong
Michael Xiong - 6 years ago
That scream 0:41
I subscribed to your channel from Jake C
I subscribed to your channel from Jake C - 6 years ago
The spike thing is different look
supermareo logan
supermareo logan - 6 years ago
This is a not relly a video the great white shark is a photo shop I'm imge
supermareo logan
supermareo logan - 6 years ago
Asshols fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
Corbin Coon dawg
Corbin Coon dawg - 6 years ago
Bryan Gibbons
Bryan Gibbons - 6 years ago
me too
The Werecube
The Werecube - 6 years ago

10. comment for GoPro: Man Fights Off Great White Shark In Sydney Harbour

DJ. DOMINO - 6 years ago
He drank alot of water at that moment you can laugh about it now lol but in the moment wasnt shit funny.
Living Life
Living Life - 6 years ago
Cyprianq - 6 years ago
Ron Rivero
Ron Rivero - 6 years ago
zedlerin babasi
zedlerin babasi - 6 years ago
0:59 1:00 look good it teleports nice photoshop dumb fuck.
Banana - 6 years ago
and u guy still comment It's fake ooahhh i'm genius.
Александр - 6 years ago
Interesting video) on Amazon saw cool t-shirt on the subject "Shark T-Shirt I love you my sweet!"
Jordan W
Jordan W - 6 years ago
I can feel the fear in this video
Jordan W
Jordan W - 6 years ago
Oh ok this is the real footage
sam legend
sam legend - 6 years ago
That shark has teleporting hacks.

I want his Minecraft hacks too

20. comment for GoPro: Man Fights Off Great White Shark In Sydney Harbour

Strategy Games
Strategy Games - 6 years ago
0:11? Shark or...?
TrajansWALL - 6 years ago
I would never go swimming in Australia
SillierCell Elite
SillierCell Elite - 6 years ago
If fucking shit myself
Julio Castillo
Julio Castillo - 6 years ago
Fuck sharks i hope they all die.
Im fuckin scared of them and always will
Jose Garcia
Jose Garcia - 6 years ago
This is fake great white sharks don't hunt in packs
sans from undertale
sans from undertale - 6 years ago
Clickbait. Soooooo clickbait
alger game
alger game - 6 years ago
Y fhuk your mom
Nigel Schultz
Nigel Schultz - 6 years ago
its fake
sbjkd - 6 years ago
Fake. You’ve edited in footage
Nurtlaughing - 6 years ago

30. comment for GoPro: Man Fights Off Great White Shark In Sydney Harbour

Sajjad Mehal
Sajjad Mehal - 6 years ago
Wow that was intense
sverreplays // playstacktion
sverreplays // playstacktion - 6 years ago
look in 58 sec shark teleported
mason jokinen
mason jokinen - 6 years ago
fake and gay
POYZINIS - 6 years ago
0:59 OMG its a magic shark, it teleported 8O
That's HanK
That's HanK - 6 years ago
Savannah Biller
Savannah Biller - 6 years ago
He just wanted to say hi I mean what’s wrong with that
Ej Deville
Ej Deville - 6 years ago
Its fake. Because if it was me that water would be brown
jimboy 3d
jimboy 3d - 6 years ago
If u dont think thats a real shark ur dumb becuase sidney harbor is connected to the ocean
jimboy 3d
jimboy 3d - 6 years ago
Thats a really scarry moment and thats a real shark
Eliott Qc
Eliott Qc - 6 years ago
Its fake but its lock lick so real
DIYDiva 1
DIYDiva 1 - 6 years ago
Ok sorry to burst everyone's bubble but this video is fake I mean come one a great white shark doesn't come hat close and not attack and he would of swan much faster than that
wizkid8205 - 6 years ago
And he probably got back in the water the very same day
Cartelli - 6 years ago
Fuck guy's... if you thinking this clip is real...
Adventure._.Piggies - 6 years ago
The shark Was like: Fuck reality, if i wanna swim in fresh Water, imma fucking swim in fresh water.
CrispyBacon - 6 years ago
Fake or not, it's well done.
Brady Pelletier
Brady Pelletier - 6 years ago
So fake. Great whites can't swim in freshwater rivers.
GameWolfTM - 6 years ago
THIS IS FAKE: if you watch very very closely at 0:59 the shark goes from the right side of the screen to the left seemingly as if teleported
Aidan Tinsley
Aidan Tinsley - 6 years ago
A teleporting shark? That's new! Check between 0:58 - 1:02.
Oliver Tonthat
Oliver Tonthat - 6 years ago
Either this is the original or this is a fake because I seen that video on fake ones a lot of times
lusira - 6 years ago
if you want to live with a shark you have to do not move

50. comment for GoPro: Man Fights Off Great White Shark In Sydney Harbour

Ian Landry
Ian Landry - 6 years ago
Chip McKinley 2
Chip McKinley 2 - 6 years ago
0:41 and 0:59 shark moments
MatteBeatle 4365
MatteBeatle 4365 - 6 years ago
Toys Collector
Toys Collector - 6 years ago
At 1:00 there’s an edit
Reub's Neuroscience
Reub's Neuroscience - 6 years ago
hahaha nice
Justin Castillo
Justin Castillo - 6 years ago
fag cunt this is so fake get a life you cunt
Damon - 6 years ago
fake as fuck, 1. The water was clearly way to dark to see anything let alone the shark at that depth, and 2. if someone points and yells "shark shark" YOU DONT GO "where" THEN SWIM THE WAY HES POINTING. Oh shark? lets have a little look, maybe ill cut my arm and say hi
Саб Зиро
Саб Зиро - 6 years ago
KRACHU TV - 6 years ago
its a fake
Zbieram 1 tys. subskrypcji bez filmów
Zbieram 1 tys. subskrypcji bez filmów - 6 years ago
Ludzieeee to nie jest prawdziwe
stoneman squarepants
stoneman squarepants - 6 years ago
Faker then fuck, congratulations on tricking 38 million people.
EnglandIsMyCity - 6 years ago
Go to bills channel. its fake
Kat !
Kat ! - 6 years ago
Watch the shark teleport 0:59
DEREXII - 6 years ago
0:57 proof its fake, the shark was at one side of him then teleported to the other side. Put it in slow motion to see it
DEREXII - 6 years ago
So fake
Leila Celeste
Leila Celeste - 6 years ago
This is fake
dfvfv dfdsfvds
dfvfv dfdsfvds - 6 years ago
OTW 7 - 6 years ago
Can Sezer
Can Sezer - 6 years ago
Deserves Oscar for short films ! march...
Can Sezer
Can Sezer - 6 years ago
Viral video great fake job editting. Film
Legenden_N4 Gustav
Legenden_N4 Gustav - 6 years ago
The shark is fast: 0:59!! ik, its fake
Koffe MSP
Koffe MSP - 6 years ago
Also we have a wizard shark, it can teleport. Should we warn the FBI, or CTA?
Koffe MSP
Koffe MSP - 6 years ago
Fake, but first, off he didn't "fight the shark", bad luck mate, we all know?
Coldwelth Simms
Coldwelth Simms - 6 years ago
too horrifying
David Aguilar
David Aguilar - 6 years ago
Hahaha it's fake
You Poo
You Poo - 6 years ago
It’s not fake and holy shit I would shit my self if that happened
Belle Rice
Belle Rice - 6 years ago
This is so fake it's not even funny.
MLG Pug - 6 years ago
Ajani Nedrick
Ajani Nedrick - 6 years ago
Fake don’t you know we’re human we have a brain not like you
Young Doggie King Kong Da Savage Pom
Young Doggie King Kong Da Savage Pom - 6 years ago
welp thats probably the most terrifying expirience you will ever be in.....if it was real
Luis D Piedra
Luis D Piedra - 6 years ago
Lord Smexy
Lord Smexy - 6 years ago
Julia Wilderness
Julia Wilderness - 6 years ago
This is fake because a great white would be in the ocean. If you can see there are really no big waves out there or near the shore so it’s obviously a lake and not an ocean so there would be no shark
drawing_ Beast360 billy Halcrow
drawing_ Beast360 billy Halcrow - 6 years ago
Its the harbour it literally leads to the ocean, great whites swim through often, but its fake and sharks rarely attack you unless it thinks ur a threat. Last big flood brought sharks on the golf field they were bull Shark's tho.
BlueberriMuffinz - 6 years ago
Yea neither
BlueberriMuffinz - 6 years ago
Julia Wilderness bro it’s ssydney harbour
Nicetreday14 The Robloxian Warrior
Nicetreday14 The Robloxian Warrior - 6 years ago
He lucky to be alive!
RagnerFX - 6 years ago
Sooo fake
Michael Carpenter
Michael Carpenter - 6 years ago
Sydney boy signing in mate you are a lucky c*nt I’ll tell you that
Juan Powell
Juan Powell - 6 years ago
This is faker than fake taxi
Wreck it Chucky
Wreck it Chucky - 6 years ago
Stupid idiot. Stay still or it will attack u
Wreck it Chucky
Wreck it Chucky - 6 years ago
It's real because the place is salt water. Search it up
Namjoon sold Jimins jams for 5 dollars
Namjoon sold Jimins jams for 5 dollars - 6 years ago
fake af the shark just teleported to the other side of the screen -_-
tyler vannatter
tyler vannatter - 6 years ago
The shark just jump
tyler vannatter
tyler vannatter - 6 years ago
Nig - 6 years ago
Once he had flippers the other time he didnt
Flaming Tiger
Flaming Tiger - 6 years ago
DJ DA VINCI - 6 years ago
Has a black person ever been attacked by a shark ?
Zub_Gamer YT
Zub_Gamer YT - 6 years ago
pαʀɪѕ AJ
pαʀɪѕ AJ - 6 years ago
How in the world is the shark gonna disappear then teleport back. There are no great whites in small lakes. Plus the shark wouldve ate you already because you were moving so much.
Monster Coin Hunter
Monster Coin Hunter - 6 years ago
It is fake but fuck be got the blood pumping rite
Roblox fun
Roblox fun - 6 years ago
Omg this is why i don't like swimming in oceans
LOL - 6 years ago
FAKE the surk teleport 0:58

100. comment for GoPro: Man Fights Off Great White Shark In Sydney Harbour

Evan Poole
Evan Poole - 6 years ago
It was exposed the day it came out
Dj Gay Money
Dj Gay Money - 6 years ago
You lucky sob
Jose Lievanos
Jose Lievanos - 6 years ago
Sorry I meant go to :58 and stop and play it
Jose Lievanos
Jose Lievanos - 6 years ago
It’s fake go to 1:00 and stop and play the footage you’ll see the shark teleport somehow to a hard right
Miguelito Alonso
Miguelito Alonso - 6 years ago
Fake af
David Aguilar
David Aguilar - 6 years ago
HAHAHA it's fake
Alessandro Scarpino
Alessandro Scarpino - 6 years ago
Beware fake sharks can teleport now
Ethan's Vlogs
Ethan's Vlogs - 6 years ago
Can I use this for my video please?
Chris P. Bacon
Chris P. Bacon - 6 years ago
Where the fuck is falconloverxxXxxXx?
Arianna Belcher
Arianna Belcher - 6 years ago
Sorry it is fake I coumperd thin
Anna Bella
Anna Bella - 6 years ago
Fake because if u move shark will eat u idiot
Clara Farmer
Clara Farmer - 6 years ago
CaptainSquid - 6 years ago
This shit ain't fake it just can't be
Eman Productions
Eman Productions - 6 years ago
Dandy Pantun
Dandy Pantun - 6 years ago
its real i checked twices.
Christian Molina73
Christian Molina73 - 6 years ago
It’s fake
Brooklynn 58
Brooklynn 58 - 6 years ago
Fake how in the world would the shark skip to one side of the screen to the other
Hei Din mammasønn
Hei Din mammasønn - 6 years ago
ITS fake
Jade Grant
Jade Grant - 6 years ago
Fake, but it's interesting haha
Jade Grant
Jade Grant - 6 years ago
Always look at the shark with wide eyes, try your hardest not to show fear and don't panic and swim away, chill with it till you can slowly make your way out
GALAXY BOY - 6 years ago
This is fake because when he kicks his foot over the shark it goes back in the same position and came and it's clickbait
the main man
the main man - 6 years ago
I was bit by a shark today
Tangle Fried
Tangle Fried - 6 years ago
Fake the first time the shark came the fin did not match the fin the second time the shark got close to him
Arrow Films
Arrow Films - 6 years ago
To all the people saying its fake.

I live in this area and have been to Jump Rock many times. There have been a HELL of a lot of sharks and stories of sharks around there.

Arrow Films
Arrow Films - 6 years ago
True, but it may have been a higher-than-normal tide for that time of day. Anyway, you're completely right.
Krazy Keira
Krazy Keira - 6 years ago
Arrow Films I also live in manly and regularly fish off little manly point!!
The water in the shark footage is a lot deeper than the actual depth of this water.

You’d have to be 20 metres out to find water anywhere near that deep
Krush Plays
Krush Plays - 6 years ago
This is fake
halouxy - 6 years ago
Good job bro, shake your arms and scream under water, way to go.
Kenneth Blagg
Kenneth Blagg - 6 years ago
Even if it's fake it's TERRIFYING
Ella Higgins
Ella Higgins - 6 years ago
I jump here like every week lol anyways it’s fake so idc
Kawos1212 - 6 years ago
Super FAKE!!!!!!!!
Cryo - 6 years ago
SharkFace - 6 years ago
More like 'Guy swims up to shark minding its own business and completely freaks out (I guess I would too) goes on youtube and uploads a vid claiming he fought off a shark

Anyways its fake so yeah
möm Mömi
möm Mömi - 6 years ago
Faik no subscrieb
Akila Cooper
Akila Cooper - 6 years ago
guys relaxe it just a virtual reality
Jack White
Jack White - 6 years ago
Click bait
Alexander Schultz
Alexander Schultz - 6 years ago
Looks like a megalodon.
Mikookie - 6 years ago
Its fake but its fucking hilarious... bro nice edit teach me
Norma G
Norma G - 6 years ago
Roses are read violets
Are blue I just got
Clickbaited and so
Dis you
Tristan Jonesfunky
Tristan Jonesfunky - 6 years ago
That a real shark
Tristan Jonesfunky
Tristan Jonesfunky - 6 years ago
This is real
Kyle Cooper
Kyle Cooper - 6 years ago
Jumps into water.
Immediately sees a shark that couldn't be seen the whole time he was jumping in the water.
Swims towards the shark instead of away which is also away from the rocks and shore and deeper out into the water.
Turns around and sees no shark that could be spotted by his friends.
Definitely believe this video is real.
Jose Hernandez
Jose Hernandez - 6 years ago
It's not gonna bite! It's not gonna bite!
aesthetic hoodie
aesthetic hoodie - 6 years ago
if he was out and moving the shark would come straight to him.
Ethan Williams
Ethan Williams - 6 years ago
Paul Suarez
Paul Suarez - 6 years ago
You jammy twat..good for you.
deadlock 243681
deadlock 243681 - 6 years ago
gussua - 6 years ago
Its sad that this i fake
Mike Allen
Mike Allen - 6 years ago the title of the video is certainly fake.
Mike Allen
Mike Allen - 6 years ago
Looks real enough. Fortunately he didn’t have to do any fighting because the shark didn’t attack.
Firefox Pro haker???
Firefox Pro haker??? - 6 years ago
2 reasons it's fake about 58 seconds in the shark makes a jump and it you look at it both times it showed a different shark
Daniel DM
Daniel DM - 6 years ago
So fake. There's a cut between frames at 58-59 seconds and in the video it shows two different sharks. They have different Dorsal fins. Also when attaching the go pro the water is calm but when we see the shark for the first time you can see the water is wavy. Good editing though as its hard to spot but its still fake
Jordan Mallouf
Jordan Mallouf - 6 years ago
Just look at 0:59 too 1:02
Jordan Mallouf
Jordan Mallouf - 6 years ago
Fake, a shark can’t transfer to the other side of the screen
didi xoxo
didi xoxo - 6 years ago
I came cos of pewdiepie aha
SealAngel - 6 years ago
That shark is HUUUGE!!! It is absolutely HUUUUUUGE!!!
Vince Te
Vince Te - 6 years ago
Jake Santoro
Jake Santoro - 6 years ago
Its pissing me off that people keeps saying it teleported at 0:58 no it didn't the guy jerked around.
Don't believe me? pause the video at 0:58 and use the < and > to go frame by frame.
Jesus Diaz
Jesus Diaz - 6 years ago
This video shows a man fight a shark doesn’t it clickbait
Gamer_jazlyn Onsurez
Gamer_jazlyn Onsurez - 6 years ago
Opposite side
Gamer_jazlyn Onsurez
Gamer_jazlyn Onsurez - 6 years ago
It fake because When you put your feet down and u we're kicking it disappears and it comes back on the
clash gamer ddx
clash gamer ddx - 6 years ago
ItzKtan - 6 years ago
Francesco Filograsso
Francesco Filograsso - 6 years ago
Miltos XD
Miltos XD - 6 years ago
its fake if u look at 0:58 that shark is teleporting
I'm Gay
I'm Gay - 6 years ago
At 00:58, the shark is in the middle but when is becomes 00:59 or 1:00 it transfers to the leftside without any movement ._. This is some fake bullshit people
Rashid Al Ansari
Rashid Al Ansari - 6 years ago
Mr.Argument - 6 years ago
We don't give a shit post your opinion somewhere else
Marcel Prochniewicz
Marcel Prochniewicz - 6 years ago
Mr.Argument - 6 years ago
We don't give a shit post your opinion somewhere else
Bebe Torres
Bebe Torres - 6 years ago
Mr.Argument - 6 years ago
We don't give a shit post your opinion somewhere else
RageBEAR gaming and vlogs
RageBEAR gaming and vlogs - 6 years ago
This looks fake
vivian dta
vivian dta - 6 years ago
That shark is so fake cause he would have been killed ween the shark saw him
Fuq N¡ggers
Fuq N¡ggers - 6 years ago
Dumb bitches he isn't fighting em off
Sascha Hehn
Sascha Hehn - 6 years ago
We love Fakes.
Ivanaro Venar
Ivanaro Venar - 6 years ago
Ik this
Robis GT
Robis GT - 6 years ago
so gake its funny
xXthegamingbeastXx 420
xXthegamingbeastXx 420 - 6 years ago
1:39 look at hes face
EnglandIsMyCity - 6 years ago
Its fake.
Mr.Argument - 6 years ago
We don't give a shit post your opinion somewhere else
chocolate 7766
chocolate 7766 - 6 years ago
This is fake the sharlk should eated the guy
Mr.Argument - 6 years ago
We don't give a shit post your opinion somewhere else
Jc Collins
Jc Collins - 6 years ago
the video is a fake
Mr.Argument - 6 years ago
We don't give a shit post your opinion somewhere else
Briana Baker
Briana Baker - 6 years ago
His ass thought he was cool until he jumped his ass off in that water..
Abinadith Rodriguez
Abinadith Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Abigail Rose
Abigail Rose - 6 years ago
It’s fake, look at the first time you see the shark then the second time you see the shark, their fins are completely different, so it’s two different sharks
Michelle Fratto
Michelle Fratto - 6 years ago
fake ass shit
slendergta 349
slendergta 349 - 6 years ago
Look in minute 1
slendergta 349
slendergta 349 - 6 years ago
Its fake
ramdom guy
ramdom guy - 6 years ago
Jordanas Robux
Jordanas Robux - 6 years ago
fake i watch billschannel and say fake
Lera Channel
Lera Channel - 6 years ago
Guys look at 1:00 and 1:02 the shark changes its place
pollo gaming
pollo gaming - 6 years ago
Akadon Denma no
Johnny Cash
Johnny Cash - 6 years ago
Lol i dont know how you spotted that tbh. Lol even the experts missed that when showing it was fake
Akadon Denma
Akadon Denma - 6 years ago
slow down at 0.25, It's just the camera
Dunkeroni Deep
Dunkeroni Deep - 6 years ago
montage postanovka fuflo i from russia
Patrick Melander
Patrick Melander - 6 years ago
Bill say it With me. So fak its funny
The star games ,
The star games , - 6 years ago
Did everyone notsits something I did they was 2 sharks because one had a darker fin and the other had a lighter one
The star games ,
The star games , - 6 years ago
A nother think I noticeds about this video you edit it because the shark jumped when you went beck under and plues it looks like you jumped in cold water
Savage tiger Mc
Savage tiger Mc - 6 years ago
Fake why wold there be a shark in that water
Mr.Argument - 6 years ago
Because they live in the water? Idiot
Patricia Colville
Patricia Colville - 6 years ago
Patricia Colville
Patricia Colville - 6 years ago
It scared me but I knew it was fake because I watched BillsChanle
Patricia Colville
Patricia Colville - 6 years ago
I5 scared me but I knew it was fake
ZeckGDTM - 6 years ago
So fak it's funny
christian Chavez
christian Chavez - 6 years ago
ZeckGDTM so fak it funny ik that too bitch motha fucka
Mr.Argument - 6 years ago
tam adoki
tam adoki - 6 years ago
it looks staged lol
its me NELSON!
its me NELSON! - 6 years ago
Thats fake, the shark got photo shoped, ive seen the acctual video with that shark in a different thing
Baietu' ALEX
Baietu' ALEX - 6 years ago
Horseluver4ever 1234
Horseluver4ever 1234 - 6 years ago
He should have kicked it in the nose.
Deadlock mccoy
Deadlock mccoy - 6 years ago
It's funny because he tells him there is a shark after he jumps
Gilvan Macedo
Gilvan Macedo - 6 years ago
O caneco do cara n passava nem um alfinete
Savages - 6 years ago
Julie Vences
Julie Vences - 6 years ago
Why would a shark be in that shallow water. Plus looks fake to me
Savanna Moses
Savanna Moses - 6 years ago
this is real
Badger_29 last name
Badger_29 last name - 7 years ago
he holds the camera then u clearly see both hands
ALEX - 7 years ago
Smokey Bear
Smokey Bear - 7 years ago
Fake news
Karen Hekla Grønli
Karen Hekla Grønli - 7 years ago
This is why I hate the sea
Sean O'Rourke
Sean O'Rourke - 7 years ago
Very fake
Jonathan Sheneman
Jonathan Sheneman - 7 years ago
Pretty sure I would've stayed in the water and fought this shark with my BARE HANDS!
Mato Campbell
Mato Campbell - 7 years ago
Fran_PC 933
Fran_PC 933 - 7 years ago
David Longoria
David Longoria - 7 years ago
this is fake if you see when he goes in the water you see the shark on the right then all of a sudden he looks to the left and there the shark is its photo shoped
Hadrien Poulenc
Hadrien Poulenc - 7 years ago
fake nice montage tough
Victor Pantojas
Victor Pantojas - 7 years ago
The shark was calm.... splashing about like that doesn't help.
Elias Farah
Elias Farah - 7 years ago
Go team shark
Sjoerd Leenes
Sjoerd Leenes - 7 years ago
Hhahahaha this is so fake its funny
Turbo Spyder
Turbo Spyder - 7 years ago
So fake
Luis Alvarez
Luis Alvarez - 7 years ago
How the fuck is this fake idiots ppl think that everything is fake now a day
Von Dutch
Von Dutch - 7 years ago
Pussy , shoulda stood your ground . The ocean is for everybody.
Beast Style
Beast Style - 7 years ago
David gregson
David gregson - 7 years ago
It's fake but in a real life situation, you're not suppose to swim away or panic, you're suppose to do nothing to make the shark less curious by intimidation. Because whatever' happens is going to happen anyways so might as well stand your ground like shark avoiding tutorials tell you to do
Moze Cm
Moze Cm - 7 years ago
que buena historia tiene para contarle a sus nietos
Godzilla - 7 years ago
Anakin Sandwalker
Anakin Sandwalker - 7 years ago
0:41 dat reaction
Costache Robert
Costache Robert - 7 years ago
Dave Brown
Dave Brown - 7 years ago
Duuuude! You are one lucky fella !!!
Fuck this has been a close call ^^
Sass Ky
Sass Ky - 7 years ago
That is so close...
Christy GTFO
Christy GTFO - 7 years ago
First of all the guy was pointing at the shark in the opposite direction of where it actually was
Savage pig
Savage pig - 7 years ago
So fake
man dua lipa
man dua lipa - 7 years ago
hunterhunter 773
hunterhunter 773 - 7 years ago
Holy moly if i were tou i will never do that
Ihaveloadsofsubsbecauseofmylongaschannlename Yeah
Ihaveloadsofsubsbecauseofmylongaschannlename Yeah - 7 years ago
This fake or nah
MAN WONG - 7 years ago
W M - 7 years ago
MAN WONG naaah men
Marcos Rojo
Marcos Rojo - 7 years ago
Gay and fake
anony mous
anony mous - 7 years ago
In the US, according to Jonathan Blue TV, sharkz move up to fresh whitewater for abt 500km.
It's CTF Johnnyboy
It's CTF Johnnyboy - 7 years ago
Wow, your smart...
GLU TV - 7 years ago
The shark was only interested in what was going on it didn't want to attack him if it did that great white would of rolled its eyes back opened his jaw and blasted at him like a torpedo
Victor Pastrama
Victor Pastrama - 7 years ago
Oh yeah
G Smith
G Smith - 7 years ago
FUGAZY - the shark is wearing a Gopro and he edited the footage on an Mac from Sea world where sharks get the opportunity to swim with homos (sapien) for seven thousand clown fish.
Just me Tryna get views
Just me Tryna get views - 7 years ago
This was found to actually be fake
JAiRO GaMINg - 7 years ago
Shark not attack u but if u run he will follow u
Steff Shizophrenic
Steff Shizophrenic - 7 years ago
Mike Mizzill
Mike Mizzill - 7 years ago
Faker than my boss.
Marcy Luczon
Marcy Luczon - 7 years ago
SharkFace - 7 years ago
More accurate title: man swims up to a shark minding its own business and completely freaks out
xt Kayra tekmen
xt Kayra tekmen - 7 years ago
Alan  Velazquez
Alan Velazquez - 7 years ago
No mames yo me ubiera salido bien Cagao del miedo
Drawings4 You
Drawings4 You - 7 years ago
Big fat fake! When you kick the shark goes from the right to the left
Jakeh - 7 years ago
Hmmm I think he got this footage of the shark at this link
TJ DAB - 7 years ago
God kept u safe
ivootje88 - 7 years ago
TJ GAMING oh boi just fuck me up good
Hajime Kun
Hajime Kun - 7 years ago
Maybe shark is full
goitzki - 7 years ago
Harry M
Harry M - 7 years ago
Holy s*** is right !!!you are so lucky!!! You gotta look before you jump.. Great whites attack from A underneath and swim straight up at their prey ...You're lucky he wasn't Repositioning himself For an attack ... God-bless you .....
Frozen girl
Frozen girl - 7 years ago
Lol only the 20 shark atack humans
Josiah Aldom
Josiah Aldom - 6 years ago
Frozen girl do you know what spelling is?
Storm Trooper
Storm Trooper - 7 years ago
its fake i saw the shark just teleported
\./Xstream playz\./
\./Xstream playz\./ - 6 years ago
Storm Trooper bruh
Storm Trooper
Storm Trooper - 6 years ago
\./Xstream playz\./ you are selfish just
\./Xstream playz\./
\./Xstream playz\./ - 6 years ago
Your dumb
Dan-Daniel - 6 years ago
Storm Trooper same
Arwen Sacdalan
Arwen Sacdalan - 6 years ago
Its obviously photoshopped
Arwen Sacdalan
Arwen Sacdalan - 6 years ago
DEREXII - 6 years ago
Yyyeeah sure
c a n c e r
c a n c e r - 6 years ago
Sharks teleport so what? Everyone knows they can teleport.
Mellie K
Mellie K - 7 years ago
Still bummed this is fake because it would have made shark week history and just have been awesome to see!
Joseph Browncow
Joseph Browncow - 7 years ago
that shark isn't interesting you, but it would have been a crazy video if he was
cheese and pie
cheese and pie - 7 years ago
this is fake for 1 thats not sydney harbour 2 y would u put ur head under to look for it instead of swimming away 3 y does the colour of the water change when u go under oh wait it is fake thats right
Dawn Villa
Dawn Villa - 7 years ago
Pretend that this is not fake. Okay? lol
F Gaming
F Gaming - 7 years ago
Shark won't attack people
Taylor Martin
Taylor Martin - 7 years ago
This video is fake
Karlie Roach
Karlie Roach - 7 years ago
Literally the shark didn't give a shit about him. He just flipped the camera everywhere to make it look like there was a problem. Thank you so much .. I lost 1:37 seconds of my life
Michael Saunders
Michael Saunders - 7 years ago
ABU ALI - 7 years ago
If thats happen to me one day , I would die in my place without being killed by the shark ,, for real .
Muhammed Nadjib
Muhammed Nadjib - 7 years ago
If this was real then you're an OG
Crazy 2-1 ILZ
Crazy 2-1 ILZ - 7 years ago
This video is totally fake because how Did they not see the shark before he jumped in also the shark somehow teleported to the left side
wrathguard - 7 years ago
I would pop brown smoke and get the hell out of there!
Imjust1 Guy
Imjust1 Guy - 7 years ago
Swim bitch
Cruz Marsella
Cruz Marsella - 7 years ago
The shark teleported at 0:59 it obviously fake
Nusrat Hasham
Nusrat Hasham - 7 years ago
Sweet mother monkey head is this real cuz when he jumped in the water it didnt attack so fast
AaronKokee - 7 years ago
0:59 if you look close you can see the shark teleport so its fake.
Avery Gale
Avery Gale - 7 years ago
Obviously sharks don’t swim it’s impossible they “teleport” around everywhere, weak ass defence. Before you go and make a statement about this being “fake”, and how the shark is teleporting, go get some evidence. It’s not unrealistic that that a shark could move that little of a distance under water with them being fantastic swimmers with the time given, and how far away it was from the “teleportation point”.

The shark had 9 seconds to get there, and sharks can move at 35mph. Usain bolts top running speed was 28mph, 7mph slower than a sharks top speed. So imagine how long it would take a faster usain bolt to get there, not very long.
Luka Stanix
Luka Stanix - 7 years ago
Its fake...even if it was real how stupid can you be to jump in the water full of Great White Sharks?
Cristina Everson
Cristina Everson - 7 years ago
American Bassist
American Bassist - 7 years ago
How did the shark teleport in front of him like 3 times?
SkullTurtle - 7 years ago
This video is so fake and misleading.

For one thing, the great white was photoshopped and also, the guy never fought off the shark considering he just panicked and swam away.

Sorry, but for that, you get a DISLIKE
Never Mind
Never Mind - 7 years ago
fuck you for getting millions of views off a fake shark.... and fuck you for making me one of those views.
Blackwell Melinda What the hell is rong wjt
Blackwell Melinda What the hell is rong wjt - 7 years ago
uhh im pretty sure sharks dont teleport
Rosa Calderon Gonzalez
Rosa Calderon Gonzalez - 7 years ago
He almost died from a shark
kishore Ramdhayan
kishore Ramdhayan - 7 years ago
this is fake and i will tell you guys why . because a normal shark would want to attack a moving pray while i the video, the man shakes as fast as he can to make as if he was panicked!
Pvppi Love
Pvppi Love - 7 years ago
Holy Shit ._.
Greenbean playz
Greenbean playz - 7 years ago
fake fuck
ILikeGaming - 7 years ago
proof this is fake at 0:59
Hei Din mammasønn
Hei Din mammasønn - 7 years ago
hydro nix
hydro nix - 7 years ago
Ryan Sakai
Ryan Sakai - 7 years ago
fake and gay
Nirvezz - 7 years ago
wolflike because it ain’t straight real
scarcrowX9140 - 7 years ago
Ryan Sakai how the hell is it gay
Slient Storm
Slient Storm - 7 years ago
He doesn’t fight it..... plus he totally does the wrong thing to do you don’t splash around and then scream under water :| you’re supposed to stay still and slowly back away dude and if he comes at ya punch him in the nose
Hunter Sheffield
Hunter Sheffield - 7 years ago
Alson Ho
Alson Ho - 7 years ago
This is fake, shark is not in the small sea, shark must be in big sea
gAmEsTV GB - 7 years ago
Lelu Elements
Lelu Elements - 7 years ago
Clash gems
Clash gems - 7 years ago
ii_unicorn 11amaz_ii
ii_unicorn 11amaz_ii - 7 years ago
JAWS is REAL!!!!!!!!! So beat the shit out of the shark
Koffe MSP
Koffe MSP - 6 years ago
ii_unicorn 11amaz_ii this is fight. First, off he never fought the shark.
itzyaboij aa
itzyaboij aa - 6 years ago
OhCrapIts Zea1776 the shark in this is fake
Lukomansk Gaming
Lukomansk Gaming - 7 years ago
debilina žralok keby ta chytil ta k by musel zacítit krv
KING TNT!!!!!!!
KING TNT!!!!!!! - 7 years ago
N K - 7 years ago
Paweł Sawicki
Paweł Sawicki - 7 years ago
TheMcGuffin - 7 years ago
Hacking shark
Ethan Baker
Ethan Baker - 7 years ago
ok I didn't see a man fight a shark
Gabriela Darmofał
Gabriela Darmofał - 7 years ago
Ibrahim al balushi
Ibrahim al balushi - 7 years ago
plushiez_show - 7 years ago
1. sharks dont teleport
2. a shark would not think your a seal if your right in front of it
3. people would say shark!
4. there would be a sign saying sharks are inside
MrPokerPL - 7 years ago
Cactus J
Cactus J - 7 years ago
The shark only wanted friends :(
1 like = 1 friend for the shark
Paloma Pseudoautista
Paloma Pseudoautista - 7 years ago
0:59 no idiots, the shark didnt teleport himself away, the camera angle was changed when he freaked out
Garage Modifiers
Garage Modifiers - 7 years ago
It looks to me like that shark was very obviously scared away at the end, due to the sudden increase of human piss and shit in the water
Cullen Crowder
Cullen Crowder - 7 years ago
lol. You fool!
Mathias Haemhouts
Mathias Haemhouts - 7 years ago
Tath is so scary
Matthew McVey
Matthew McVey - 7 years ago
It was a real life great white
Nick Spice
Nick Spice - 7 years ago
That’s about as close as you can get to 5he top of the food. Chain lol
Mr. Potato
Mr. Potato - 7 years ago
Rylee G
Rylee G - 7 years ago
1:people not all sharks attack! 2:who knows if s shark teleported at 0:59 3:why do people jump in to shark infeasted quarters who knows?! 4:even know it might be fake it got 36million views and he made some sweet cash.
John Morris
John Morris - 7 years ago
very lucky he wasn't hungry
Banana Pills
Banana Pills - 7 years ago
Owe my
Vaidas Švabauskas
Vaidas Švabauskas - 7 years ago
0:56 now look very closly shark jumoed from left side to right side... ITS FUCKING PHOTOSHOPPED FAKE
agenthelios1 - 7 years ago
More like the shark wasn't interested in you. Plus its fake.
YuneShik - 7 years ago
Face at 0:00 vs. the face at 1:39
Daniel Ryans
Daniel Ryans - 7 years ago
Hobo Final FLASH
Hobo Final FLASH - 7 years ago
"fights off shark" all he did was scream and cower no actual fighting has occured not to mention the shark didnt look aggressive plus its most possibly fake
Erik Andersson
Erik Andersson - 7 years ago
I used to live in manly, just before that great hill. Heard that there hadn't been seen a shark in Manly since 1914. And yes, this is obviously fake!
Deadly Pineapple
Deadly Pineapple - 7 years ago
This hast to be fake
Martijn Koning
Martijn Koning - 7 years ago
mlg shark
mlg shark - 7 years ago
All of the DUMBASSES in the comments saying it's real it's not fucktard great white sharks don't live in fresh water
Music1222 - 7 years ago
Why would you splash so much? Alao I hwar it is fake?
TheWhat? Archival
TheWhat? Archival - 7 years ago
FAKE bro because when he swing his arms the sharks fin is in front I mean what so I mean it slap you in the face or in the neck plus how can you see underwater when your floating you swim not dive you fool
Louia Stsaa rt
Louia Stsaa rt - 6 years ago
channel of Cancer a youtuber called billschannel worked it out and it's fake go watch it
c a n c e r
c a n c e r - 6 years ago
First of all, human eyes can see underwater, second of all it wouldn't feel frightened by him swinging his arms at it, and third of all learn grammar, but still the news said they were fake so go kys
OMG , you were born again ! happy birth day twice
Jay Ambroise
Jay Ambroise - 7 years ago
This is fake
Elmo And Kermit's Dank Channel
Elmo And Kermit's Dank Channel - 7 years ago
Fake at 0:59 the shark teleports
Lucia Poole
Lucia Poole - 7 years ago
people are saying this is fake and idk I kinda believe that cuz wouldn't the shark try to kill him? like, the shark wouldnt be THAT close to a human and just swim the other way the shark wouldve killed him
Ella Moloney
Ella Moloney - 7 years ago
How could a shark be in a harbour
Maura Haifa
Maura Haifa - 7 years ago
truck lover2017
truck lover2017 - 7 years ago
Rosette The Artist Swan
Rosette The Artist Swan - 7 years ago
Mr peabody: the great white shark is that used in photoshopped
Yolanda Morales
Yolanda Morales - 7 years ago
This is fake
James Brennan
James Brennan - 7 years ago
Tonne Fan
Tonne Fan - 7 years ago
Screams and makes bubbly noises while swimming away= fighting
Alex Napier Holland
Alex Napier Holland - 7 years ago
I live here. Whether this is fake or not, Great White sharks almost always swim by, without doing anything. If you don't dive in the ocean regularly, your opinion on this topic is worthless.
Davidgreen 123
Davidgreen 123 - 7 years ago
fake if your moving around the shark would of saw you and killed you already super fake -_-
David Silva
David Silva - 7 years ago
ohh shit the second time he looked like he was going to get your legs fuckkk
David Silva
David Silva - 7 years ago
ohh shit the second time he looked like he was going to get your legs fuckkk
Min Min
Min Min - 7 years ago
you can tell this is fake, if you don't belive go seach top 10 popular videos that are fake from top trend
RAV - 7 years ago
its fake, fuckn asshole tried making it real.
MR. MCGRATH - 7 years ago
This is really well edited but at 0:59 you can see the shark teleport from the top middle to the bottom left
FaZe cazzy
FaZe cazzy - 7 years ago
This is so fake
saitama opm
saitama opm - 7 years ago
Did u know sharks attack if u move in the water to much HOW I KNOW ITS FACK
Wewong TV
Wewong TV - 7 years ago
its fake why shark didnt attack him
Wewong TV
Wewong TV - 7 years ago
yay nice video nice fake video
Gamingnoob - 7 years ago
its fake
Fuzer - 7 years ago
Fights? Or swims away?!
Black Is Cool but not as coool as pink
Black Is Cool but not as coool as pink - 7 years ago
That’s to even a fucking great white you motherfucking faggot it’s a motherfucking black tip reefshark
Kendra Derus
Kendra Derus - 7 years ago
Go dumb ass
The vampire guy
The vampire guy - 7 years ago
That's not fighting that's call running
Cereal King
Cereal King - 7 years ago
Its no fake he moved the camera to the right which made the shark look like it teleported kinda like a optical illusion but it also might have a possibility of being fake
XXX313 - 7 years ago
Mxrkiie - 7 years ago
So fake cuz its so obvious on 0:59 the shark is back there and at 1:00 the shark apparently gets all the way close to the camera
The Awesome Tag
The Awesome Tag - 7 years ago
You can flipping know that it’s fake because right after the guy jumps off and hits the water they say shark fast
Jay Dee
Jay Dee - 7 years ago
The guy who posted this eats semen...
hybridkiller 9017
hybridkiller 9017 - 7 years ago
Althought this is fake as shit I still don't dick with the sea
boss waffles
boss waffles - 7 years ago
I like how it says man fights off shark when he didn't even touch it
Oliver Frid
Oliver Frid - 7 years ago
Vee Lor
Vee Lor - 7 years ago
Is that a lake what the hell there ain't no shark in lake
YoungSavage_ 101
YoungSavage_ 101 - 7 years ago
Boy this is so fake u could see he shark skip from one part of he screen to the other
Lauralye Kennedy
Lauralye Kennedy - 7 years ago
ok some people are saying this is fake coz the shark didn't attack him this is why I hate how people don't understand that animals attack coz your either dumb and dressing like there food or jumping off a cliff and making splashing
or your INVADING TERRITORY thank you for reading and have a nice day P.S. this could be real the
shark was there to scare him off trust me that guy was lucky that the shark just scares him off instead of killing him.And that guy was INVADING THE SHARKS TERRITORY.I love sharks to death and I do allloooot of research so goodbye and have a nice day.
GrizDaBear - 6 years ago
i go to this rock all the time, Just got back actually, No signs of sharks rn like honestly
pollo gaming
pollo gaming - 6 years ago
Lauralye Kennedy look at 0:59 its fake
christian Chavez
christian Chavez - 6 years ago
OnickyzO Gaming ikr even if it did attack him it still be fake bc it says man fights of shark
OnickyzO Gaming
OnickyzO Gaming - 6 years ago
Idiot it's fake
christian Chavez
christian Chavez - 6 years ago
Lauralye Kennedy also maybe should check even if the shark attacked or not it be fake bc the man dident fight it
christian Chavez
christian Chavez - 6 years ago
Lauralye Kennedy i like how stupid u r bc not one comment has said that also u can see the shark fucking teleporting
Kyle Cooper
Kyle Cooper - 6 years ago
Its fake because he just combined two videos
deadlock 243681
deadlock 243681 - 6 years ago
0:57 slow it down and you'll see
deadlock 243681
deadlock 243681 - 6 years ago
Fishing challenges teleports
deadlock 243681
deadlock 243681 - 6 years ago
Look at at the great white near the middle of the vid it ducking telepor5s
Dan Zabo
Dan Zabo - 7 years ago
You lie! I hope you choke on your I’ll gotten gains!
Tristan Depano
Tristan Depano - 7 years ago
Fake his dead if you attack a shark
איתי שפירא
איתי שפירא - 7 years ago
feck! -_-
Amelia Reagan Wright
Amelia Reagan Wright - 7 years ago
What an IDIOT!
Honey May Angeles
Honey May Angeles - 7 years ago
Its damn Scary in 0:59 i thought he will eat by a shark but I dont think it is FAKE OR REAL
Cintia Moraes
Cintia Moraes - 7 years ago
I know its fake but someone tell me how does it look fake?
MrKing ཇ
MrKing ཇ - 7 years ago
only shit
dangerouswater - 7 years ago
This is not fake ... this is Australia...
Micah Lynn
Micah Lynn - 7 years ago
Fake but well edited
Susanna LaCroix
Susanna LaCroix - 7 years ago
Not today!
Mafaura - 7 years ago
odiamo tutti
odiamo tutti - 7 years ago
Fake muthafaka .
BlueberriMuffinz - 7 years ago
He said shark behind you but it came from the front?
Brozuca - 7 years ago
I never go to Australia
geshhdssuus hrhrhr
geshhdssuus hrhrhr - 7 years ago
...I can't swim and im not planning on going swimming in the ocean any time soon...

edit: no one asked for your opinion I don't care if its fake.
Dylan Claro
Dylan Claro - 7 years ago
You're going to die
Grace Campistrous
Grace Campistrous - 7 years ago
Fake bc if u look closely at the sharks fin it has changed
Shayd Johnson
Shayd Johnson - 7 years ago
Why I don't go to the sea I'm happy in Tennessee hunting fishing and swimming in rivers and lakes with no sharks
Matthew M.
Matthew M. - 7 years ago
I know it's fake, but why the fuck did he swin towards it?
Diego Saputra
Diego Saputra - 7 years ago
good fake
Qwerssgf Poltjrkt
Qwerssgf Poltjrkt - 7 years ago
Fake :)
토토르크막토 - 6 years ago
OfficialAnthony - 7 years ago
fake :/
Carlos Jose A. Oblefias
Carlos Jose A. Oblefias - 7 years ago
Video is fake
arminswelt - 7 years ago
You can see that the shark is fake
The Original Pancake
The Original Pancake - 7 years ago
Well even a fucking professional said it was fake
Da Epicc Potatoez
Da Epicc Potatoez - 7 years ago
The shark was like, meh fuck u on 1:03
David Harrison
David Harrison - 7 years ago
not much of a fight more a flight but ay gr8 looking quality
mr mr
mr mr - 7 years ago
DoomFinger511 - 7 years ago
At the 1:00 mark, when he kicks his foot, the shark magically teleports from the right to the left side of the screen..... hmmmm
Julka GBC
Julka GBC - 7 years ago
hau tupou
hau tupou - 7 years ago
lucky... as long as you are safe...
Bts Army_forever
Bts Army_forever - 7 years ago
The end tho

holy shit
niigata- 30
niigata- 30 - 7 years ago
I took a picture of the sea with action camera.
Toni Vrbos
Toni Vrbos - 7 years ago
there are two sharks one has a small fin on top on has a bigger fin on top
Toni Vrbos
Toni Vrbos - 7 years ago
and yeah its fake the camera should break from that fall
AreYouAPlebDriving? - 7 years ago
1:03 - 1:07 look at the top fin of the shark there's some bubbles it could be real to be honest
Krestige クレスチェス
Krestige クレスチェス - 7 years ago
It's Fake Don't Believe :D
Queen Wavy
Queen Wavy - 7 years ago
Dude I would have pissed myself
Kaycer - 7 years ago
Fake ass fuck
Jazmine Mejico
Jazmine Mejico - 7 years ago
i like that
Ryan Manak
Ryan Manak - 7 years ago
Good attempt to make it look real
Brvndon IV
Brvndon IV - 7 years ago
"Holy Shit"
Thorsten Kümmel
Thorsten Kümmel - 7 years ago
Fake 0:42 there are no big waves in this bay when he jumped in the water.
ArnelisLTU - 7 years ago
It's Fake...Man why did all 99% man and womens think this is real...
Hayden Fort
Hayden Fort - 6 years ago
Blobux Blob me too
Blobux Blob
Blobux Blob - 6 years ago
ArnelisLTU proof ? Seems real to me.
10,000 subs with no content challenge
10,000 subs with no content challenge - 7 years ago
Fake asf but funny as hell.
Raslan Ahamed
Raslan Ahamed - 7 years ago
Dont fuck with sharks
Raslan Ahamed
Raslan Ahamed - 7 years ago
Wait is not attack you
Martina Baldo
Martina Baldo - 7 years ago
The shark transfer from the other side and the stupid man didn't even fights the shark LOL
Goldfish 101
Goldfish 101 - 7 years ago
Stupid people I have lived in Sydney and they should know that Australia mostly Sydney that is were all the shark attacks happen
rujtt9 - 7 years ago
Is this Fake?
Key Killer 74
Key Killer 74 - 7 years ago
Nice fake video =)
Gregory Skalka
Gregory Skalka - 7 years ago
pa de fake le mec a plongé et boom la pense pa qu il pensait qu il allait ce trouver en face d un requin blanc.le mec a du baliser comme jamais avant.
dakota clark
dakota clark - 7 years ago
That shark is a great actor
Mr.Tacosoos - 7 years ago
Fake af
Lacey Rehberg
Lacey Rehberg - 7 years ago
Lu Ana
Lu Ana - 7 years ago
Fake :-)
Danilo Jr. Buenafe
Danilo Jr. Buenafe - 7 years ago
keviZ - 7 years ago
Fake! Haha xD
FreeKill 101
FreeKill 101 - 7 years ago
This was so cool when it came out and now it was proved to be fake it's still pretty cool though
Melina Keovongsack
Melina Keovongsack - 7 years ago
OMG that's a real life great white shark in the water
Nick Laletin
Nick Laletin - 7 years ago
Def fake - this is around the corner from Little Manly Beach (the Gasworks) where I grew up - with Collins Flat on the left. Swam, fished, sailed there all my life, no sharks let alone a Great White - too shallow and warm.
Gummy Hippo
Gummy Hippo - 7 years ago
that is special effects and its fake
tramp is dope
tramp is dope - 7 years ago
its fake 0.59 it is moving the opesite way and then it teleports to him and i dont think a shark can teleport
tramp is dope
tramp is dope - 7 years ago
srry my englisch sucks
bat Koussaimi
bat Koussaimi - 7 years ago
Date graet whit shark from hungry shark World lol
jkl jalgf
jkl jalgf - 7 years ago
Max Lawrence
Max Lawrence - 7 years ago
I promised you he went back in That water after
CowOnThe Internet
CowOnThe Internet - 7 years ago
This was proved fake
Svetlin Sabev
Svetlin Sabev - 7 years ago
there is no way this is fake
Shaundre Villalobos
Shaundre Villalobos - 7 years ago
reddybear - 7 years ago
fights off? more like swims away like a pussy
Joshua calderon
Joshua calderon - 7 years ago
It does say directed in the description
ALLEN SHAFIK - 7 years ago
dipeyes - 7 years ago
Dawson Besecker
Dawson Besecker - 7 years ago
Shark = Solar Eclipse. Man = Everyone Else
Frederik Lauber- Richter
Frederik Lauber- Richter - 7 years ago
typical australians... what are we gonna do for fun... lets fight some sharks
JB Chad
JB Chad - 7 years ago
Instead of staring at the shark how about you swim away from it fckn idiot!
sarahingalls86 - 7 years ago
He didnt really fight it off
Jacob Patterson
Jacob Patterson - 7 years ago
That want much of a fight. But I would be very scared if I was in that water.....
ganuv - 7 years ago
Fake video !!
MadStrikes GT
MadStrikes GT - 7 years ago
wow this is scary!
Indos Rage
Indos Rage - 7 years ago
Matthew William
Matthew William - 7 years ago
0:41 screaming underwater
Milkk Dog
Milkk Dog - 7 years ago
This is why I swim only in pools.
TheWarrior 247
TheWarrior 247 - 7 years ago
The shark teleports at 59 seconds what the fake?!
Far online Gamers
Far online Gamers - 7 years ago
So fake it's funny
Byron Mitchell
Byron Mitchell - 7 years ago
Well at least we know what happened to all those dead teenagers.
Alejandra M
Alejandra M - 7 years ago
This is fake
Exploosiv - 7 years ago
Reporter : after all that chase you got, any last words?
Man : Holky Ship
mjccmc82 - 7 years ago
NAMECOMINGSOON - 7 years ago
Grown man flails at great white shark in Sydney harbor
i believe i would have created an instant brown cloud .
Arsen Akopyan
Arsen Akopyan - 7 years ago
damnnnnnn mannnn your the luckies man alive god dammnnnnn go see a doctor or something what a fukkk was that i was scared watching this shit already u got lucky mannn stop swiming in does damn oceans i swear that how people get beat by sharks all that
The Angry German Kid Show
The Angry German Kid Show - 7 years ago
Holy fuck shark attack
Stickmanbill - 7 years ago
how is it fake?
DPokojewskyy - 7 years ago
Who watching 2017 ?!
Lauren Mitchell
Lauren Mitchell - 7 years ago
Do you play ROBLOX
CooCat - 7 years ago
Seba xd xp MSP
Seba xd xp MSP - 7 years ago
fake ;-;
יוסף בוסקילה
יוסף בוסקילה - 7 years ago
Fake man
Roy Bunch
Roy Bunch - 7 years ago
So did the shark eat all of your turds or what
Tristan Depano
Tristan Depano - 7 years ago
Fake not scary
Langz Langz
Langz Langz - 7 years ago
faker than my girl's ogarsms
Noah Carroll
Noah Carroll - 7 years ago
Noah Carroll
Noah Carroll - 7 years ago
Noah Carroll
Noah Carroll - 7 years ago
jasmean - 7 years ago
holy shit
stelt_frez48 c
stelt_frez48 c - 7 years ago
Who gives a FUCK bitches he could have died and everyone just damn jeouloes
Oscar Schlepper
Oscar Schlepper - 7 years ago
where is the fight? -.-
Isaac Blackhurst
Isaac Blackhurst - 7 years ago
I wouldn't really say he fought it off he kinda just swam away...
Artur Chuyashov
Artur Chuyashov - 7 years ago
I mean it's great visual effects
Chris J O'Donnell
Chris J O'Donnell - 7 years ago
fake fake fake
Sulma Pineda
Sulma Pineda - 7 years ago
Well another video another Fake
alexa bendayan
alexa bendayan - 7 years ago
Will Ingold
Will Ingold - 7 years ago
On the 2nd appearance of the shark, the shark teleports to the left side when it started on the right!!!??
Will Ingold
Will Ingold - 7 years ago
Biggest fake ever
danamaite's life
danamaite's life - 7 years ago
Is so funny
krondyret - 7 years ago
its real
RedInterceptor - 7 years ago
Dude I would've screamed too
Олег Ястребов
Олег Ястребов - 7 years ago
she is not hungry ))
Guigas 2665
Guigas 2665 - 7 years ago
"Man Fights Off" ??? Ahahah man, if he'd really wanted to fight u, you would be fucked.
MELLOW ANGELO - 7 years ago
Dartrix - 7 years ago
he went to far into the ocean and reached the limit! (GTA)
Girlsgames - 7 years ago
At 0:58 it changes form
Girlsgames - 7 years ago
At 1:00 minute it goes into a different place fast
Girlsgames - 7 years ago
This is clearly fake because the shark didn't even want to attack and if you see we're he is a great white wouldn't be there they are most likely to be in salt water and only salt water
Josie Lee
Josie Lee - 7 years ago
Fake or not. This is why I'm fuckinh scared of open water.
Vasich lolcode
Vasich lolcode - 7 years ago
great white shark fights off man...
fake title, report!
lilythegymnas t
lilythegymnas t - 7 years ago
Leave these animals alone
The Vegan Bear
The Vegan Bear - 7 years ago
Keyera Clark
Keyera Clark - 7 years ago
That shar was not even worried bout him till he star waving his arms
RAGEQUITER101 - 7 years ago
Fluffy Dango
Fluffy Dango - 7 years ago
Wow, already been 3 years since I watch this vid the last time :O
Wicked fight :P The great white looked at the guy twice and didn't give a shit, while the guy was pissing himself :P
Carla Gonzalez
Carla Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Oh wow I thought thee would be more action
Al Ham
Al Ham - 7 years ago
You should rename the video "great white shark attacks diver in a pond in idaho" while your at it.
Grace Boyle
Grace Boyle - 7 years ago
If it was real he would try to go out and the shark with bite him if he was that close
Fluffy Dango
Fluffy Dango - 7 years ago
You've watched too many shark movies.
A great white rarelly attacks humans. If they do, they won't eat the human, they will only take a bite out of the human and swim away. We aren't exactly their favorite food.
Don't base your beliefs on sharks by what the shark horror movies tell you.
There are those insane people who swim along side great whites.
999,999,999,999 views - 7 years ago
This is fake there are so many video that prove how fake this is
evan ebner
evan ebner - 7 years ago
so fake
Killaninja - 7 years ago
he didn't fight it off i didn't evan attack him
Mia Kay
Mia Kay - 7 years ago
this is so fake...

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The "GoPro: Man Fights Off Great White Shark In Sydney Harbour" video is part of the snorkelling, underwater, diving category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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