GoPro: Snorkeling With Humpback Whales

Cecil and Mallory Johnson snorkel with a group of majestic humpback whales off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada. Shot 100% on the HERO3+® camera from ‪ Get stoked and subscribe: Music Wildcat! Wildcat! "End of the World Everyday"

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Snorkeling 10 years ago 180,090 views

Cecil and Mallory Johnson snorkel with a group of majestic humpback whales off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada. Shot 100% on the HERO3+® camera from ‪ Get stoked and subscribe: Music Wildcat! Wildcat! "End of the World Everyday"

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Most popular comments
for GoPro: Snorkeling With Humpback Whales

Tony Aguilar
Tony Aguilar - 9 years ago
What song
OneWeirdGuy - 10 years ago
Wildcats Wildcats -End of the World Everyday is the song
+You Tube
+You Tube - 10 years ago
That was cool. I came here after watching a video titled: GOPRO vs. CRAWFISH. I think you might enjoy it as well (/watch?v=WKlkznxo9aM) (not mine)
Birch Team
Birch Team - 10 years ago
Xstar7 - 10 years ago
Omg... ._.
Ungegurkt - 10 years ago
This would be very awesome
Tammie Searles
Tammie Searles - 10 years ago
I could watch this over and over and fabulous!
secretcctvcamera - 10 years ago
GoPro: Snorkeling With Humpback Whales
Caio Filgueira
Caio Filgueira - 10 years ago
what song is this that this going on?

10. comment for GoPro: Snorkeling With Humpback Whales

isabella rogatschenko
isabella rogatschenko - 10 years ago
Its Clue
Its Clue - 10 years ago
I'm from newfoundland:)
Justin Anthony
Justin Anthony - 10 years ago
Beautiful!!! :)
Kleberson Alves Oliveira
Kleberson Alves Oliveira - 10 years ago
Apenas Três palavras: não tem preço!
pj gallardo
pj gallardo - 10 years ago
I know they call em gentle giants and all... buy i gotta admit. They scare me xD my positive side is all "they cant hurt you at all" and my negative side is all "They'll eat you in one giant gulp RUN FOR YE LIFE"..i had that experience when swimmin with whale sharks
ProjectPhenix - 10 years ago
I see 14 haters disliked this video
Aaron Chau
Aaron Chau - 10 years ago
Those whales are massive. Seem so gentle.. 

I made a snorkeling GoPro edit. Check it out please if you're interested. Thanks!
EdgedGaming - 10 years ago
Awesome! Hope I can do this one day!
rnevg - 10 years ago
Tout simplement magnifique !!
Quelle rêve !
Flash Cadeirante
Flash Cadeirante - 10 years ago
NICE +_+

20. comment for GoPro: Snorkeling With Humpback Whales

James Connolly
James Connolly - 10 years ago
How about swimming with blue whales.... Now that would be a sight!
bokeflo - 10 years ago
Snorkeling with Humpback Whales!!! Gotta Love Snorkeling! Gotta Love Humpback Whales!! Gotta Love GoPro!!!
how to do it yourself
how to do it yourself - 10 years ago
nice video
B DOB - 10 years ago
I love the way these videos are made. Kuddos to the editors! :)
Daniel Harding
Daniel Harding - 10 years ago
Looks like a whale of a time
WwWWWwwwWwWwWwwwwww - 10 years ago
Do you like whales?

cuz we can go hump back at my place
Jenny Cox
Jenny Cox - 10 years ago
Bryan Ye
Bryan Ye - 10 years ago
I did this once
Rodrigo's HDTV [GoPro & Travels]
Rodrigo's HDTV [GoPro & Travels] - 10 years ago
Great footage that make me feeling cold. :)

Check out my GoPro channel 
(soon a video contest with prizes, sub for more ;)
PerunSdz - 10 years ago
Whales are truly amazing animals, the are more free than we. Dont have limits, laws all days and nights they do what they want. Its somthing beautiful. So big and so peacefully.

30. comment for GoPro: Snorkeling With Humpback Whales

Kayla Phaneuf
Kayla Phaneuf - 10 years ago
I would love to be able to do something like this!! So cool!!
Jen Schmidt
Jen Schmidt - 10 years ago
So beautiful. So many things I need to do.
SHOORTYS - 10 years ago
Very cool
Frozen Goat
Frozen Goat - 10 years ago
This will definately go on the list of things to do before I die!
Bashenga The 1st
Bashenga The 1st - 10 years ago
i <3 whales
Vermz - 10 years ago
Each time i watch a GoPro video i remember how my life is boring
krossoverpro - 10 years ago
I love the sea
Engineering Explained
Engineering Explained - 10 years ago
Whales are awesome. As are GoPros.
I Hate Black ops 3
I Hate Black ops 3 - 9 years ago
Yea especially that shit growing on them....
Giancarlo Aguilar Che
Giancarlo Aguilar Che - 10 years ago
¡¡Sra. Majestuosidad!! excelente video
Merab Andoev
Merab Andoev - 10 years ago
Martine Felts
Martine Felts - 10 years ago
Beautiful :):)
Altamont317 - 10 years ago
A. Alonso
A. Alonso - 10 years ago
Whales are such beautiful creatures, they make me feel the sensation of, peace, freedom, oblivion, and so many other sensations, they're mystical creatures without a doubt.
Bitter_Lemon - 9 years ago
100 % correct I would give so much money to do this
maizecookie - 10 years ago
I love whales and I'd love to do this! Well done for giving the whale space, people get up in their space far too often and distress them which is horrible
распаКУЙ - 10 years ago
TiagoWazzup - 10 years ago
Stikypiston100 - 10 years ago
I wish I had a go pro...

ABMNS PRODUCTION - 10 years ago
+eastcoast78 Hey, is it not your place?
eastcoast78 - 10 years ago
yup thats here :)
Jump WI
Jump WI - 10 years ago
There is a misspell in the title, it should be Humpback. :] Check our channel out before you fix the error, haha thanks :)
Daniel Harding
Daniel Harding - 10 years ago
I will, mind having a look at my channel?
Drew Pyrc
Drew Pyrc - 10 years ago
this is amazing 

50. comment for GoPro: Snorkeling With Humpback Whales

Dimerz - 10 years ago
I will release my first speed art on photoshop at 200 subscribers! I am NOT telling you to subscribe.
Dimerz - 10 years ago
No subs were recieved. +Daniel Harding 
Dimerz - 10 years ago
Daniel Harding
Daniel Harding - 10 years ago
I'm not telling you to subscribe to me but subscribe to me anyway
Crazy Clash
Crazy Clash - 10 years ago
fingerboardTV - 10 years ago
StrikerGirl - 10 years ago
I'm from Newfoundland, and I can just say, humpback season is long gone! I am so surprised to see humpbacks here at this time of year
Cecil Johnson
Cecil Johnson - 10 years ago
Hey there! You're right about the humpback season being long gone, these shots were taken in the beginning of August. Cheers!
Spoderman 116
Spoderman 116 - 10 years ago
Ok next time should be snorkeling with Blue whales :P
Cars Guns and Guitars
Cars Guns and Guitars - 10 years ago
I love listening to humpbacks sing and cannot believe the overdubbed wretched ear assault you blast over that. Hands down... the worst music I've ever heard.
lfrinki - 10 years ago
Mike Driscoll
Mike Driscoll - 10 years ago
that's so wild
Sarah S.
Sarah S. - 10 years ago
so cool!
Trevor - 10 years ago
What's the name of this song?
Alfonso Farfán
Alfonso Farfán - 10 years ago
crap for your ears
FETFAZIDIS - 10 years ago
Darude - Sandstorm
Денис Неронов
Денис Неронов - 10 years ago
Wildcat! Wildcat! "End of the World Everyday"
CuzItzAless - 10 years ago
Amazing _
Bears&Cookies - 10 years ago
And then the whale just ate him.
Tomas Durcan
Tomas Durcan - 10 years ago
+James Orlando Urrr yes Orca's are dolphins.. but dolphins are whales. All whales and dolphins belong to the order "cetacea". They are thus, all cousins in a sense. The whales are divided into two classes - toothed whales and baleen whales. Toothed whales include the sperm whale, killer whale and the dolphins (which are small toothed whales). Baleen whales filter their food out of the water. Examples include humpbacks and blue whales. Saying "killer Whales" aren't whales is a misinterpretation. Sure the name comes from Killing Whales, but they are still a whale, because they are dolphin.
Julie Ferguson
Julie Ferguson - 10 years ago
Pitch Black
Pitch Black - 10 years ago
+Noel Kaffeetrinken you do know that that there are more than one types of orca right? Each type eats a different thing. Some will eat fish. Some will eat seals. Others will be badass enough to prey on animals such as larger whales, fast dolphins, sharks, and even stingrays
Paula - 10 years ago
+GiantBlockPlays Tilikum
The Girl With The Platypus Hat
The Girl With The Platypus Hat - 10 years ago
Whales eat krill
maizecookie - 10 years ago
Orca's aren't even aggressive in the wild. There has only ever been one reported Orca attack, because it mistook the guy for a seal. Once it realised its mistake it let him go. The ones in Sea World should be let free, it's disgusting that they're kept in tiny places like that.
Noel Kaffeetrinken
Noel Kaffeetrinken - 10 years ago
+James Orlando why you talk such bullshit you dont know about!
They are still whales, but count to the family of dolphins
And they just very rarely kill other (very small) whales or sharks, and just when they are really hungry, and the other animal is old and weak.
Most of the times they eat fish, penguins, seals and such stuff, and they got that name back in the time, just cause people found meat in their stomach (unsure of which animal).
And yeah they can go crazy if you hold them for years on very little room and they cant even turn around.
Noel Kaffeetrinken
Noel Kaffeetrinken - 10 years ago
Which Whale would ever do that?
There is a reason why these animals are called Gentle Giants
(and even other, more aggressive animals wouldn't attack them)
Jazz world
Jazz world - 10 years ago
Peter Zombori
Peter Zombori - 10 years ago
Rogier Wijnants
Rogier Wijnants - 10 years ago
Neon Icon
Neon Icon - 10 years ago
Len - 10 years ago
First :3

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