GoPro HD: Snorkeling in Destin, FL (raw audio)

Filmed entirely on a GoPro Hero 3+ Silver edition Watch in HD for best audio and video playback Snorkeling in Destin, FL on the east jetties. Watch the editing involved in this video here: follow me on Instagram and twitter Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe! Enjoy!

GoPro HD: Snorkeling in Destin, FL (raw audio) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 12

Snorkeling 10 years ago 108,651 views

Filmed entirely on a GoPro Hero 3+ Silver edition Watch in HD for best audio and video playback Snorkeling in Destin, FL on the east jetties. Watch the editing involved in this video here: follow me on Instagram and twitter Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe! Enjoy!

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Most popular comments
for GoPro HD: Snorkeling in Destin, FL (raw audio)

Danny Porsche
Danny Porsche - 7 years ago
Very nice !
humblelongboards - 7 years ago
What's the name of this particular spot/beach ?
Brett Wright
Brett Wright - 7 years ago
Do you know where this is so I can check it out :D
Jean Delgado
Jean Delgado - 8 years ago
Great video!! Did you use a filter with your GoPro?
FireMonkey 2
FireMonkey 2 - 8 years ago
Great vid going to destin Florida for spring break and I'm going to snorkel to
Conor MacDonnell
Conor MacDonnell - 8 years ago
Took some guts releasing that catfish. Those barbs are insanely painful!
ThingsToDo - 8 years ago
What part of destin were you at? Was this Norriego Point?
bubby hardy
bubby hardy - 8 years ago
awesome to see you freeing that catfish that was hung on the line.... kudos to you man!!!
Ikram Jumayev
Ikram Jumayev - 8 years ago
nice maaaaan

10. comment for GoPro HD: Snorkeling in Destin, FL (raw audio)

Jay Sukom
Jay Sukom - 8 years ago
I live in Destin, never been out snorkeling but I gotta try it out sometime
Tyler Flanders
Tyler Flanders - 8 years ago
Quit abusing fucking animals with your camera
A.J Galecki
A.J Galecki - 8 years ago
A poke is hardly abuse.
tootsie girl
tootsie girl - 8 years ago
Beautiful, thank for sharing
E2 M5
E2 M5 - 8 years ago
fucking awesome
John Lemon
John Lemon - 8 years ago
That sting ray was like: um can you move pl- no wait go the othe- no noooooooooo
jeanpierre coello
jeanpierre coello - 8 years ago
which gopro is best
CC Media
CC Media - 8 years ago
Great cameras but I think GoPro needs to redesign the microphone build. It captures too much of the plastic body of the camera making an annoying audio experience.
Duy Ha
Duy Ha - 8 years ago
Can I use your video for my project video :D
John Lemon
John Lemon - 8 years ago
+GoProGalecki it was probably for a ecosystems project
A.J Galecki
A.J Galecki - 8 years ago
Not sure what that means exactly but sure, give me some credit though, - A.J Galecki
Cod Gamer
Cod Gamer - 8 years ago
I went ther 2 days ag
Mike Bell
Mike Bell - 8 years ago
That's pretty cool

20. comment for GoPro HD: Snorkeling in Destin, FL (raw audio)

MrCurtisass - 8 years ago
excellent video !  ii love that place
Awesome Vids!
Awesome Vids! - 9 years ago
Awesome vid nice
TAPP Channel
TAPP Channel - 9 years ago
check out my videos... Explore Florida, Hawaii by drone, scuba diving and more...
Subscribe and enjoy with more coming up from my vacations :)
noahanddiinnoo _
noahanddiinnoo _ - 9 years ago
I have been snorkeling there at that spot it was awesome but there is a huge 25 ft deep drop off
noahanddiinnoo _
noahanddiinnoo _ - 8 years ago
+Bob Finckle it's one the east jetties
noahanddiinnoo _
noahanddiinnoo _ - 8 years ago
+Bob Finckle I don't exactly know, you can drive there or take a snorkeling tour and that is one of the spots they take you too and they took us there
Bob Finckle
Bob Finckle - 9 years ago
I'm headed to Destin in a few days. Where exactly is that spot?
A.J Galecki
A.J Galecki - 9 years ago
+Noah Does Stuff Games,Bmx,And More Yeah thats the best part! Spadefish love to cluster there, as well as one big barracuda!
Jakson Magalhaes
Jakson Magalhaes - 9 years ago
Faltou a música
Neftali2332 - 9 years ago
looks amazing! going to Miramar this weekend, have any suggestions on where to go? :)
fettersphotography - 9 years ago
Is it a pretty safe area to snorkel? See Any sharks? I'll be down ther eon Monday the 21st of Sept for the week.
Gunnar Zwart
Gunnar Zwart - 9 years ago
Nice vid!
What do you think about my snorkel video in the maldives:
Nick Shawn
Nick Shawn - 9 years ago
Destin is great in general, haha!
HaloMC117 - 9 years ago
fricken hardheads lol. Damn I thought those rocks are infested with sharks.

30. comment for GoPro HD: Snorkeling in Destin, FL (raw audio)

Walker Moncel
Walker Moncel - 9 years ago
i went snorkeling at those same rocks last year. the water clarity wasnt the best though and i couldn't see as much:)
wyatt flamont
wyatt flamont - 9 years ago
is the girl in pink...single? lol
Ayham Hasham
Ayham Hasham - 9 years ago
Your snorkel fell of
Grit Gang
Grit Gang - 9 years ago
That's so cool, I went there for vacation. I always wanted a gopro to do that stuff!
austin dean
austin dean - 9 years ago
Where in Destin is this? I live in SRB and the beaches suck there for snorkeling.
austin dean
austin dean - 8 years ago
They suck in the nature that there isn't shit to see.
John Lemon
John Lemon - 8 years ago
No they don't I don't think you know what you're talking about
Snorkel Geek TV
Snorkel Geek TV - 9 years ago
+austin dean I believe this is filmed near the East Jetty in Destin, originating at O'Steen beach. Of course, I could be wrong.
TheToneman - Gulf Coast Snorkeling
TheToneman - Gulf Coast Snorkeling - 9 years ago
Hey guy! Great shots... especially the schools of fish! Just upgraded my GoPro to the Hero 3+ Black Edition this year so I hope I get better clarity of the schools of fish like yours on my next visit to Destin. There has been a learning curve, but videos like yours give me so many ideas and I already see improvements on my newest videos. Curious.. looks like you are filming MED FOV, is that correct? Keep it up!
A.J Galecki
A.J Galecki - 9 years ago
+TheToneman I never saw this comment Toneman, sorry I didnt reply. For better clarity I would suggest a good set of filters to add the red back into the shots. Get pink, orange and red and use it at different depths, or watch my video on white balance correction, that can fix it too. And no I always use Wide, unless someone changed the setting on me before and didnt change it back (thats what i get for letting people borrow my gopro!)
Slim Shady
Slim Shady - 9 years ago
Badass video dude!! Hope to see the same when I move there in a couple of months.
Slim Shady
Slim Shady - 9 years ago
Thanks alot!
A.J Galecki
A.J Galecki - 9 years ago
+Bobby Lane of course man, just be sure to check tidal charts, go at high tide or leading up to high tide for the clearest water
bandido79 - 9 years ago
Great vid thanks for sharing.
Good times
A.J Galecki
A.J Galecki - 9 years ago
+bandido79 absolutely
nosmirc73 - 9 years ago
I'd be afraid I'd run across one of those Steve Erwin-killing sting rays.
Clark Canepa
Clark Canepa - 8 years ago
"harmless, unless" so therefore by default, not harmless. These can put a nice hole through your foot if you don't see where your stepping. not quite "harmless" by any definition. Aggressive, no. Neither were the ones that killed Steve.
Md nasir
Md nasir - 9 years ago
A.J Galecki
A.J Galecki - 9 years ago
+nosmirc73 he was filming a segment called "worlds deadliest". the stingrays shown here are harmless, unless you poke them enough times or step on them
MCNova - 9 years ago
but thats where everyone wuz drunk XD
MCNova - 9 years ago
A.J Galecki
A.J Galecki - 9 years ago
+MCNova Its a great place to scuba dive, for sure!
MCNova - 9 years ago
+MCNova i went scooba diving
Kyle Timmons
Kyle Timmons - 9 years ago
Where are you guys at in Destin?? Im going there in June and I'm gonna be doing this stuff.
Fresh Prince Of Dreamland
Fresh Prince Of Dreamland - 9 years ago
I love how you saved that catfish you did the right thing
A.J Galecki
A.J Galecki - 9 years ago
+geekfortress2 i have a soft spot for all living things (except cockroaches which I kill immediately)
bchick22 - 9 years ago
What part of Destin is this at?
bchick22 - 9 years ago
Okay thank you!!
A.J Galecki
A.J Galecki - 9 years ago
East Jetties! +bchick22 
Jon Najimian
Jon Najimian - 10 years ago
Bravo, for freeing the fish from the hook! I love fishing, but always seem to throw them back... After taking my tackle back...
H1TMARK3R RAG3 - 9 years ago
Hey gopro guy im going to florida in agust 8 so i really wanna be in your videos im a you tuber too i wanna be on your videos please im a 9 year old kid
A.J Galecki
A.J Galecki - 10 years ago
+Jon Najimian for sure, agreed.
SnowLine714 - 10 years ago
im not from there do i need a license to do what you just did?
A.J Galecki
A.J Galecki - 10 years ago
Nope, no license needed to snorkel! +SnowLine714 
cancatssurf - 10 years ago
Beautiful! I need to put this on my bucketlist when I visit Florida! Here's my snorkeling video from Bora Bora (but just underneath my water bungalow hut): The GoPro is awesome for capturing underwater video footage.
Cody Pittman
Cody Pittman - 10 years ago
Where was this spot at we are headed down in May and would like to check it out
A.J Galecki
A.J Galecki - 10 years ago
+Cheryl Bennett Oh, not very far. If you walk from the beach along the rocks, maybe, 20-30 feet out is where a lot of the fish hang out, near the small drop off. Thats where all the snorkel tour boats post up. 
A.J Galecki
A.J Galecki - 10 years ago
+Cody Pittman nice, thats a bit of a ride for sure. the snorkeling is great and we have had a incredibly minor winter on the gulf coast, by May it'll be nice and warm. two more tips... check local tides when you get here, you want to snorkel when its hide tide or the hours leading up to high tide... the water will be the clearest.
Cody Pittman
Cody Pittman - 10 years ago
Thank you, I will definitely check it out we are riding a sport bike from Missouri to Destin and wanted to do some snorkeling great videos by the way.
A.J Galecki
A.J Galecki - 10 years ago
It's the east jetties. Don't go to the west jetties, there's not as much wildlife over there. Any of the tourist snorkeling boats will take you to the east jetties, or you can park close and walk (what we always do). Have fun!
Chimp - 10 years ago
I went to destin fl in semptember for 10 days and snorkled it was pretty
Dan Oshier Productions
Dan Oshier Productions - 10 years ago
Cool man, us guys up north & land-locked appreciate...
A.J Galecki
A.J Galecki - 10 years ago
+Dan Oshier Thanks! I'm gonna be relocating soon to the mountains, so I'm gonna have a few more marine-type GoPro videos and then it'll be landlocked for me as well, so be sure to check em out!

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About GoPro HD: Snorkeling in Destin, FL (raw audio)

The "GoPro HD: Snorkeling in Destin, FL (raw audio)" video is part of the snorkelling, underwater, diving category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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