HAWAII: snorkeling, insane beaches, BEST açaí

follow me on instagram! https://www.instagram.com/maggiemacdonald/ emma macdonald: instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emmamacdonald/ youtube: https://www.youtube.com/emmamacdonald gretchen geraghty: instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gretchengeraghty/ youtube: https://www.youtube.com/gretchenlovesbeauty ♥︎ Socials TWITTER: @maggiemacd_ SNAPCHAT: @maggiemacdonald ♥︎ If you’re interested in working with me please contact: → contact@tablerockmanagement.com I love you lil angels 🦋 xo maggie

HAWAII: snorkeling, insane beaches, BEST açaí sentiment_very_dissatisfied 30

Snorkeling 6 years ago 78,244 views

follow me on instagram! https://www.instagram.com/maggiemacdonald/ emma macdonald: instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emmamacdonald/ youtube: https://www.youtube.com/emmamacdonald gretchen geraghty: instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gretchengeraghty/ youtube: https://www.youtube.com/gretchenlovesbeauty ♥︎ Socials TWITTER: @maggiemacd_ SNAPCHAT: @maggiemacdonald ♥︎ If you’re interested in working with me please contact: → contact@tablerockmanagement.com I love you lil angels 🦋 xo maggie

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Most popular comments
for HAWAII: snorkeling, insane beaches, BEST açaí

dhjalahdkalal hdjaja
dhjalahdkalal hdjaja - 6 years ago
u can tell you're young hahaha playing make believe
Alexandria Krapes
Alexandria Krapes - 6 years ago
heart & soul
Maria Cortes
Maria Cortes - 6 years ago
where did you get your necklaces i'm so in love with them :))
Courtney Pettitt
Courtney Pettitt - 6 years ago
M= Maggie
E= Emma
G= Gretchen

Fozzy Bear
Fozzy Bear - 6 years ago
surf, sea, and acai
Mariah Edgington
Mariah Edgington - 6 years ago
Little Bite of Boston:)
Taylor Lammey
Taylor Lammey - 6 years ago
Morgan Mowl
Morgan Mowl - 6 years ago
meg acai for like maggie emma gretchen
missjamie611 - 6 years ago
How about Merry Berries for the açaí bowl place? Cute and happy?

10. comment for HAWAII: snorkeling, insane beaches, BEST açaí

Lauren DeCasperis
Lauren DeCasperis - 6 years ago
BOS-caí (Boston + acaí)
Jessica Moskal
Jessica Moskal - 6 years ago
GEM Paradise (gretchen, emma, maggie)
rorie markert
rorie markert - 6 years ago
Nina Parikh
Nina Parikh - 6 years ago
megs bowls or megs (Maggie,Emma, Gretchen)
katherine herlihy
katherine herlihy - 6 years ago
peace, love, acai bowls
* but acai spelled the actual, correct way
Yaz Bemis
Yaz Bemis - 6 years ago
GEM bowls- Gretchen Emma Maggie... GEM
KAYLA YVONNE - 6 years ago
Bebe bowls
grace puskar
grace puskar - 6 years ago
You should name it "gem bowls" like gretchen emma maggie
Karlie Hill
Karlie Hill - 6 years ago
GEM smoothie bowls
cailyn - 6 years ago
shes so annoying after a while

20. comment for HAWAII: snorkeling, insane beaches, BEST açaí

Lexi Francis
Lexi Francis - 6 years ago
where is your swimsuit from in this video in the beginning ? super cute!
julia mulhall
julia mulhall - 6 years ago
SoulGEM smoothie and Açaí bar , the GEM, Boston’s GEM
Carly Sniffen
Carly Sniffen - 6 years ago
3 AMIGAS- acai bowl store name
Keiauna Evelyn
Keiauna Evelyn - 6 years ago
Wait does that mean that Emma is going to school in Boston after high school?
S L - 6 years ago
Keiauna Evelyn yes she is. She has said she isn’t leaving Boston lol
Lady Katie
Lady Katie - 6 years ago
“Tropical GEM” ✨
Matt Lacowicz
Matt Lacowicz - 6 years ago
Boston Babes Acai Bowls. Btw hire peope that actually care about the quality of food you put out and not are there for a paycheck. Been in the restaurant industry for 6 years.
Mariana Reis
Mariana Reis - 6 years ago
MEGA Bowls

Serena McCarthy
Serena McCarthy - 6 years ago
The Organic GEM
Katy David
Katy David - 6 years ago
boston bowls
Kendra Abbott
Kendra Abbott - 6 years ago
Bos Acai
aloha acai
macdonald acai
acai you soon
good vibes
livin my best life acai

30. comment for HAWAII: snorkeling, insane beaches, BEST açaí

Brianna Nelson
Brianna Nelson - 6 years ago
Can you list all bikinis you wore in the description?
Dadne Candelas
Dadne Candelas - 6 years ago
Babe bowls
xxtheangelaxx - 6 years ago
Dadne Candelas Love this it fits their lifestyle so well
Dadne Candelas
Dadne Candelas - 6 years ago
Fun & fresh fruity bowls
Alia Bruckelmyer
Alia Bruckelmyer - 6 years ago
The açaí bar, acaiberry, açaí queens
Alia Bruckelmyer
Alia Bruckelmyer - 6 years ago
Three gals, açaí 3, açaí place, açaí lane, healthy corner,
Breah - 6 years ago
“Wicked tropical” !!!! Bc Boston ahahaha I live in Boston too and that would be so cute and funny
grace devlin
grace devlin - 6 years ago
soul bowls
Clara Power
Clara Power - 6 years ago
M.E.G acai (it ryhmes and it's all your the initials of you first names)
Kelsey Rezendes
Kelsey Rezendes - 6 years ago
Is your bathing suit the one from kulani kinis???
Elizabeth Lavoine
Elizabeth Lavoine - 6 years ago
Bowls for the soul ❤️❤️
Michaela O'Leary
Michaela O'Leary - 6 years ago
omg please open an açaí place!!! you should name it "Gem bowls" or something like that for Gretchen, Emma, and Maggie and it would be like a little gem in Boston for great açaí bowls:)
kylie mercurio
kylie mercurio - 6 years ago
“E M G bowls” for each of your names would be a cute name for your açaí bowl spot
Ashley McNulty
Ashley McNulty - 6 years ago
Açaí GEMs for Gretchen Emma and Maggie
Bridgette Starr
Bridgette Starr - 6 years ago
GEM bowls!!!!! Gretchen Emma Maggie
Samantha Gibson
Samantha Gibson - 6 years ago
acai bowl store names:
the element
the source
kind hearts
organic heart
living pure
loving pure
<3 <3
Bailey Stretton
Bailey Stretton - 6 years ago
boston bowls
adventure bowls
Medhin Buriani
Medhin Buriani - 6 years ago
i love you're idea about the Acai bowl place
Madison Riley
Madison Riley - 6 years ago
GEM açaí bowls. get it for gretchen, emma, and maggie
Taylor Chaff
Taylor Chaff - 6 years ago
Sol Bowls (sol as in sun but also soul)
Kali Bressi
Kali Bressi - 6 years ago

50. comment for HAWAII: snorkeling, insane beaches, BEST açaí

Kali Bressi
Kali Bressi - 6 years ago
GIMMIE bowls
Kali Bressi
Kali Bressi - 6 years ago
Soul sisters soul bowls
Kali Bressi
Kali Bressi - 6 years ago
Inside glow
Kali Bressi
Kali Bressi - 6 years ago
Beautiful bliss blows
Greta Zinn
Greta Zinn - 6 years ago
G.E.M. Bowls!!
Lauren DeJoe
Lauren DeJoe - 6 years ago
MEG'S BOWLS (Maggie, Emma, Gretchen)
Simply Sweet
Viktoria B
Viktoria B - 6 years ago
You should name it MEG Bowls (for maggie, emma, and gretchen)
allison leftridge
allison leftridge - 6 years ago
If get accepted to BU I'd love o work there ;) I love you guys
Kelsey Maguire
Kelsey Maguire - 6 years ago
MASSBOWLS (get it because massholes)
Hannah - 6 years ago
Gremmag & Magremma - lmao yalls names combined for the acai place
Maisy Richardson
Maisy Richardson - 6 years ago
bestie bowls!
SteveCat33 - 6 years ago
acai club
SteveCat33 - 6 years ago
steves acai bitches
Krissi - 6 years ago
I think you should call your shop  G.E.M. BOWLS.   It's each of your first initials and it spells Gem.  You all like Jewelry, I thought this would be a cute name.   Enjoy your trip!  xoxo <3
Maddie Schweitzer
Maddie Schweitzer - 6 years ago
yes please make that place omg
Lily M
Lily M - 6 years ago
GEM acai bowls (gretchen, emma, maggie)
Lily M
Lily M - 6 years ago
gold acai
Lily M
Lily M - 6 years ago
3 sisters
Lily M
Lily M - 6 years ago
sun bowls
Taylor Nelson
Taylor Nelson - 6 years ago
E M G acai (hehe it rhymes)
Nicole Schmidt
Nicole Schmidt - 6 years ago
omg pls open the acai bowl shop that would be adorable
Morgan Utera
Morgan Utera - 6 years ago
G.E.M bowls
cole quan
cole quan - 6 years ago
open of a boutique bc you all have the best style and everyone in boston would be obsessed over the store hehe
Nour Zaki
Nour Zaki - 6 years ago
when they were eating acai bowls gretchen kept saying "i want to try" about emma and maggie's bowls but no one gave her :( ahah poor gretch
Emma moran
Emma moran - 6 years ago
“Actually good açaí bowls”
Kate Timmons
Kate Timmons - 6 years ago
the MEG !!
Laineys Travels
Laineys Travels - 6 years ago
bostonbebe or bostonbebebowls bbb
Bonnie Mae
Bonnie Mae - 6 years ago
bebe bowls, I love my life bowls
Caroline O'Neil
Caroline O'Neil - 6 years ago
You should name the acai place you open "Jan 3" or "January 3rd" or something alone the lines of that because the date is so sentimental since its the date you came up with the idea and ate the acai bowls from Hawaii that inspired the idea.
sofia leon
sofia leon - 6 years ago
Boston bowls!
Angela Cheng
Angela Cheng - 6 years ago
SoulGEM Bowls or SoGEM Bowls
Lexi Roden
Lexi Roden - 6 years ago
You should do a video on how to plan trips! How to pick the best hotel and things to do once you’re there etc. and some tips on how to save money.
katerina panagakis
katerina panagakis - 6 years ago
bebe bowls
boston bowls
meg or gem bowls
soul bowls !
Taryn Obrien
Taryn Obrien - 6 years ago
jackie garcia
jackie garcia - 6 years ago
GEM bowls (gretchen emma maggie)
Remi Norton
Remi Norton - 6 years ago
Love u but if your smoothie shop is anything like me personalised I’m not down lol
Elley Graysmark
Elley Graysmark - 6 years ago
I think you should name it Boston Bowl and Soul and then you should have a little acai bowl shop and then a soul cycle "gym" both together!
cristinajade67 - 6 years ago
Your editing is so good!!
sydney meurling
sydney meurling - 6 years ago
bebe bowls
Jindy Timbobolan
Jindy Timbobolan - 6 years ago
That’s was a weird looking car door lol... I’m so jealous!!! Hope you girls had a wonderful time ❤️❤️❤️
morgannnnn - 6 years ago
what's the best acai bowl in boston?! I got one today at mother juice but it was subpar haahaha, need some suggestions plz!!
Alaina, Kat and Friends Friends
Alaina, Kat and Friends Friends - 6 years ago
Name your açaí bowl place Kalani Bowls meaning the heavens Bowls
Ally Smith
Ally Smith - 6 years ago
Wicked Bowls
Sunrise Bowls
Sienna Loconte
Sienna Loconte - 6 years ago
Ur videos make me so happpyyy
Samantha Childs
Samantha Childs - 6 years ago
BB Nut Bowls
Avery Shaw
Avery Shaw - 6 years ago
if you do boston bowls (BB)... i have a cute logo you guys should use for it if you want to know email me at averyshaw926@gmail.com
Avery Shaw
Avery Shaw - 6 years ago
here’s a list of name ideas for the shop:
- GEM bowls
- bowls for the soul
- soul bowls
- bb bowls
- bebe bowls
- big bowls
- fresh bowl
- fresh
- chill
- clean bean
- açaí +
... just a few ideas i thought of and narrowed down from the comments
Lauren Hart
Lauren Hart - 6 years ago
Açaí Aesthetic
April MacIntosh
April MacIntosh - 6 years ago
Acia bowl food place would be a great business idea
Peyton Darrow
Peyton Darrow - 6 years ago
“Baby nut bowls”

100. comment for HAWAII: snorkeling, insane beaches, BEST açaí

Meredith Snow
Meredith Snow - 6 years ago
Acai You Later
Meredith Snow
Meredith Snow - 6 years ago
The Whole Bowl
kayla cruz
kayla cruz - 6 years ago
I 100% would apply to work at your smoothie store! I’m going to UMB in the fall
shivani pathak
shivani pathak - 6 years ago
or GEM bowls
shivani pathak
shivani pathak - 6 years ago
is it Boston GEM?
Veronica Robb
Veronica Robb - 6 years ago
you should name it Heaven In A Bowl
Amanda K
Amanda K - 6 years ago
I’m back in the gym getting ready for spring break and this was the perfect treadmill motivation you all look so amazing!!!!
Krista Fedoruk
Krista Fedoruk - 6 years ago
Frubar juicery
Kiera Rathborne
Kiera Rathborne - 6 years ago
açai love my life
TAYLOR FIALA - 6 years ago
“The hidden gem” gem = Gretchen Emma maggie
Naomi Harper
Naomi Harper - 6 years ago
taste of island:acai
Naomi Harper
Naomi Harper - 6 years ago
Kahuna GEM bowls
Christina Budzinski
Christina Budzinski - 6 years ago
just curious but who was the guy driving your guys' range rover??
Lena Nadaner
Lena Nadaner - 6 years ago
Yes open up açaí place
Emma R
Emma R - 6 years ago
BOS BOWL because of its location obviously and then also because you guys are always inspiring your subscribers to be independent boss bitches and that way we are all included in this project haha
Syriah Howard
Syriah Howard - 6 years ago
the açaí bowl place should be called hidden GEM (your initials!)
Clare Roche
Clare Roche - 6 years ago
name it fresh bebe bowls
Marcus Dalpe
Marcus Dalpe - 6 years ago
wait HAHAH can i be named after one of the bowls
Marcus Dalpe
Marcus Dalpe - 6 years ago
yas qween acai bowl store. ill be the manager. HAHA
ellie bonn
ellie bonn - 6 years ago
i think GEM for gretchen emma and maggie!!! super cute
Allison Schlenker
Allison Schlenker - 6 years ago
Be you bowls
kevinaustinable - 6 years ago
boston bowls
Camille Lopez
Camille Lopez - 6 years ago
GEM simply açaí
Madison Herries
Madison Herries - 6 years ago
You guys are all so pretty!
Mya Hairston
Mya Hairston - 6 years ago
I say “whataGEM Açaí” because I can hear all three of you saying that phrase as a compliment towards a friend.
Grace Navratil
Grace Navratil - 6 years ago
Best bowls ever. Btw its ha-leh-ee-vah
Leah Levin
Leah Levin - 6 years ago
MEGaBowls (Maggie Emma Gretchen) or Zodiac Bowls (because you all love your zodiac signs and each bowl could be named after a different sign)
DoloLifestyle Tv
DoloLifestyle Tv - 6 years ago
The time lapse of the sunset was so beautiful.
boodyxettex3 - 6 years ago
Soul Bowls!!
Emily Angus
Emily Angus - 6 years ago
'Hawaii 3' would be a good name. Have all the decor Hawaii inspired with all the beautiful places you seen on your holiday
Squishy Life
Squishy Life - 6 years ago
U I meant
Squishy Life
Squishy Life - 6 years ago
You are the prettiest person ever luv u plz shoutout luv i
Jessie Levis
Jessie Levis - 6 years ago
name it Hidden GEM (Gretchen, Emma, Maggie)
Sophia Ellis
Sophia Ellis - 6 years ago
Bowls for the soul. perfect.
Catherine C
Catherine C - 6 years ago
All Things Açaí
Anna Smith
Anna Smith - 6 years ago
The name should be... M.E.G ‘s Açai bowls!!!!
Lily Whitley
Lily Whitley - 6 years ago
GEM Açaí bowl!!
Kiley Gnau
Kiley Gnau - 6 years ago
GEM Bowls! I thought of it on my own but just scrolled through the comments.. guess I'm not the only one haha
Zoe Stephens
Zoe Stephens - 6 years ago
omg, when do you go to Aruba??
Aleena Khusro
Aleena Khusro - 6 years ago
Maybe "Boss-ton Bowls" since the three of you are boss babesss
Sammi Rai
Sammi Rai - 6 years ago
soul bowls
ola ola which means best life in hawaii
or even something with aloha to give it that vibe you guys love
Brielle Vassil
Brielle Vassil - 6 years ago
PLEASE PLEASE open up a smoothie bowl place in Boston we need one so bad!!
Tessa Doerfler
Tessa Doerfler - 6 years ago
its not called ha-loowa bowls lol its ha-leh-ee-vah...the "W' in Hawaiian is pronounced like a V
Cecilia Greco
Cecilia Greco - 6 years ago
Samantha Perry
Samantha Perry - 6 years ago
“EMG Bowls” for the açaí bowl place && EMG stands for “Emma, Maggie, Gretchen” :))
Alyssa Mullan
Alyssa Mullan - 6 years ago
big kahuna bowls! LOL
liana l
liana l - 6 years ago
Who is the guy thats with them
Emma G
Emma G - 6 years ago
The name for your açaí bowl place should be GEMs bowls! (Gretchen Emma Maggie)
Casey Milton
Casey Milton - 6 years ago
You’re gonna name it Little gem...gem for Gretchen Emma Maggie
Or gem acai
Jasmine Gaind
Jasmine Gaind - 6 years ago
bebe bowls could be a good name!
Alyssa Rose
Alyssa Rose - 6 years ago
BosBowls since it’s in Boston and you guys will be the bosses lol or City Soul Bowls
Jennifer G
Jennifer G - 6 years ago
Boston Bowls
Annaleah Fraser
Annaleah Fraser - 6 years ago
"I spy acai" for the acai bowl place!
Kaleen Gendreau
Kaleen Gendreau - 6 years ago
yall could call it “bowl(s) for the soul” bc soul cycle, or maybe “3 natives” or “3 locals bowls” bc theres 3 of you, and then the natives/ locals describes yall since you will all be living in boston, but also could mean something along the lines that all the ingredients are native/ local, fresh, etc. :)
Gabby H
Gabby H - 6 years ago
fresh gem
Sara Nash
Sara Nash - 6 years ago
Bebe bowls!!
Kia Herr
Kia Herr - 6 years ago
sister bowls HAHAH
Gabby H
Gabby H - 6 years ago
GEM bowls (gretchen, emma, maggie) or gem bowls
Grace Papscoe
Grace Papscoe - 6 years ago
you should name it "big three acai" because you guys are the best little squad ever
Jennarenee333 - 6 years ago
GEM Bowls
Jennarenee333 - 6 years ago
also Soul Bowls! I saw soul bowls in the comments so wasnt my idea but love the name
Madison Tamm
Madison Tamm - 6 years ago
omg yes please open up a smoothie bowl place thatd be sick
M D - 6 years ago
Is that guy your manager? :)
grace victoria
grace victoria - 6 years ago
Boston bowls
Brooke Olivia
Brooke Olivia - 6 years ago
Gem bowls
Juliana Jackson
Juliana Jackson - 6 years ago
G.E.M bowls for Gretchen Emma and maggie
Mia Sophie
Mia Sophie - 6 years ago
Bebe Bowlz
Riley Godwin
Riley Godwin - 6 years ago
Maggie your guys idea for a smoothie bowl place is so cool and I really hope you do it
Jenna N
Jenna N - 6 years ago
Puffa ACai bowls
Hayden - 6 years ago
GEM bowls ☺️ Gretchen Emma Maggie plus it sounds trendy and cute ❤️
Danielle R
Danielle R - 6 years ago
You should name your shop Good for the soul
Danielle R
Danielle R - 6 years ago
You should name your shop Golden Hour
Rachel Carney
Rachel Carney - 6 years ago
You could name it GEM bowls
Rachel Carney
Rachel Carney - 6 years ago
The acai bowl place would be awesome!!! I live in newton and i would definitely love to go/ work there if you ever needed
ggt 32
ggt 32 - 6 years ago
Soul Bowls!
Miriam Goldberger
Miriam Goldberger - 6 years ago
Name for açaí bowl place: soul bowl
Bianca Lancellotti
Bianca Lancellotti - 6 years ago
or Bowls for the Soul
Emely Gomez
Emely Gomez - 6 years ago
"Gem bowls" Gretchen, Emma, Maggie.
Nicole Dude
Nicole Dude - 6 years ago
Boston bowlz
Tiffany Hanson
Tiffany Hanson - 6 years ago
You def need to go on an actual snorkeling trip to get good views off from your hotel. I went on an excursion in Maui and there was an actual marine biologist who showed us a bunch of cool things like some needley creature that he even let us hold and everything.
Morgan McCarthy
Morgan McCarthy - 6 years ago
GEM bowls where nutrition is the jewelry for your soul, coming in boston Fall 2019. BAM
Mariana10190 - 6 years ago
GEM Bowls or GEM organics
Rhett Fitzpatrick
Rhett Fitzpatrick - 6 years ago
The name for the place could be “soul sister bowls” or “sister soul bowls” ❤️❤️
Alexa Z
Alexa Z - 6 years ago
GEM Bowls (standing for Gretchen Emma and Maggie)
allison barber
allison barber - 6 years ago
you should call it Bowl Is Life lol love these hawaii vidssssss
Colleen Hughes
Colleen Hughes - 6 years ago
I would totally go to a store if you guys opened up one! And for a name maybe Make everything great bowls (M.E.G.) like for make everything great and Maggie Emma and Gretchen :))
Lindsay Salmon
Lindsay Salmon - 6 years ago
the fruit bowl!!!
Gabi Diskin
Gabi Diskin - 6 years ago
GEM bowls!!!
Maddi Stone
Maddi Stone - 6 years ago
swerve for the acai bowel place :)
glerisbeth - 6 years ago
meg’s açaí ( Meg is for Maggie, Emma, and Gretchen )
Maya - 6 years ago
Does anyone have the link to maggies gold hoop earrings? They are so cute!!
Caroline Stefan
Caroline Stefan - 6 years ago
Oo do soul bowls!
Caroline Stefan
Caroline Stefan - 6 years ago
GEM bowls
Caroline Stefan
Caroline Stefan - 6 years ago
MEG bowls
megan stefanowski
megan stefanowski - 6 years ago
acai shop name: bowl'd choices!!
MaKayla Variano
MaKayla Variano - 6 years ago
Juice babe ✨ honey bowls ✨ golden bowls ✨
Vanessa Vasquez
Vanessa Vasquez - 6 years ago
I think you guys should name it: Soul Açaí, Fresh açaí, Love bowls, açaí heaven or best bowls or GEM Açaí or GEM bowls or GEM heaven okay I’m done lol
Amberly Cabral
Amberly Cabral - 6 years ago
GEM Acai :)
Hailee Elizabeth
Hailee Elizabeth - 6 years ago
name ur açaí bowl restaurant MEGa Bowls like MEG (maggie, emma, gretchen) and it would be MEGa because they’ll be mega good
Maura Tomm
Maura Tomm - 6 years ago
I love the idea of you guys starting your own açaí bowl place !!!
Haley Cherry
Haley Cherry - 6 years ago
Bebe Bowls
Carolina E
Carolina E - 6 years ago
it should be called M.E & GG's acai bowls or cafe. because of your initals
Gina love
Gina love - 6 years ago
who’s that guy?
S L - 6 years ago
Gina love their manager spencer
christina valozzi
christina valozzi - 6 years ago
ola ke koko :) means “soul bowls” would b perfect name haha
Amber Rose
Amber Rose - 6 years ago
LOVE your vlogs!!
Elena Nicole
Elena Nicole - 6 years ago
Jasmine Dennis
Jasmine Dennis - 6 years ago
Bebe Bowls
Jasmine Dennis
Jasmine Dennis - 6 years ago
'Get after it' bowls
Kira Purcell
Kira Purcell - 6 years ago
M.E.G Bowls
Lydia Jost
Lydia Jost - 6 years ago
who's the guy lol
Shannon Elizabeth
Shannon Elizabeth - 6 years ago
if you put a peanut butter smoothie on the menu you should name it "bb nut" !!!
Mike & Al
Mike & Al - 6 years ago
Hawaii is a dream. I want to visit there so bad :(
Lexi Roberts
Lexi Roberts - 6 years ago
GEM Juice Bar
Lexi Roberts
Lexi Roberts - 6 years ago
Bowls of Souls
Ana victoria Moreno
Ana victoria Moreno - 6 years ago
Flezzi23 - 6 years ago
name it "gem bowls" or "gem juice" because gem stands for gretchen, emma and maggie
Ava Nelson
Ava Nelson - 6 years ago
MEG acai is name idea too <3
Ava Nelson
Ava Nelson - 6 years ago
i think the idea is such a good idea, maybe have some of your fav food as well!!
kelly colon
kelly colon - 6 years ago
i neeeeeeeeed to go here
Bree Kirk
Bree Kirk - 6 years ago
Just found your channel! This vlog is making me sooo jealous you’re in Hawaii!
Paige Clites
Paige Clites - 6 years ago
I’m in Boston!!!! Yes plz open a place!
keyara thompson
keyara thompson - 6 years ago
you should name it bb nut bowls!!
Hailey Wilkerson
Hailey Wilkerson - 6 years ago
That’s a really smart idea to do the açaí bowl cafe
Menaka Sen
Menaka Sen - 6 years ago
You could name it as Magremma acai bowls that includes all three of your names.
Bella Gamble
Bella Gamble - 6 years ago
I would love to get a job at your smoothie bowl place!!!!!!!!
katie h
katie h - 6 years ago
OMEGA BOWLS (maggie, emma, gretchen, & acai
Kayleah Harrell
Kayleah Harrell - 6 years ago
G.E.M acai bowls would be so cute
Nicki Schram
Nicki Schram - 6 years ago
NAME IT GEM SMOOTHIE BOWLS OR AÇAÍ BOWLS. GEM for gretchen emma and maggie!!
Farhiya Hassan
Farhiya Hassan - 6 years ago
little bits of heaven
Frozen love
Milo & Milo
Oh so good!
Michael Chen
Michael Chen - 6 years ago
GEM Acai
iamscego - 6 years ago
Food For Soul,
LeAnne Eggenberger
LeAnne Eggenberger - 6 years ago
You guys HAVE to open a store! There are so many things you could sell/serve! I live in Illinois, but I would come for sure :)
Julia Paole
Julia Paole - 6 years ago
Açaí for Me
Katie Desranleau
Katie Desranleau - 6 years ago
My mom owns smoothie bars in Burlington Vermont! You guys should definitely do it!
iamscego - 6 years ago
Gem Bowls and the G.E.M stands for Gretchen, Emma, Maggie. It's such a cute play on words because obviously you 3 are gems.
Ava Tracey
Ava Tracey - 6 years ago
Ohana bowls
Katie.Marie - 6 years ago
Boston's GEM bowls
Ava Tracey
Ava Tracey - 6 years ago
açaí soul sisters
Viosa Mullai
Viosa Mullai - 6 years ago
Bubba bowls
Maria clara Felix
Maria clara Felix - 6 years ago
Maria clara Felix
Maria clara Felix - 6 years ago
Kerry Marie
Kerry Marie - 6 years ago
You guys should try surfing on Waikiki!! That’s where I learned
Rebecca Schroth
Rebecca Schroth - 6 years ago
I would name it either GEM bowls (for your guys initials) or Boston bowls! I imagine Boston bowls with the o in Boston as an outlined hibiscus flower with the rest of the word as a pretty font. And if one day it becomes a franchise you’ll always carry a piece of home and where the business started with also a cathy phrase!
Shy Franklin
Shy Franklin - 6 years ago
GEM bowls...GEM for Gretchen Emma Maggie
Pretty Much Twins
Pretty Much Twins - 6 years ago
Live love Açai
Pretty Much Twins
Pretty Much Twins - 6 years ago
MEG AÇAI (Maggie Emma Gretchen)
Jordan Todd
Jordan Todd - 6 years ago
Maddie Shae
Maddie Shae - 6 years ago
Katie O'Sullivan
Katie O'Sullivan - 6 years ago
you guys should call it good vibes
Diana gordon
Diana gordon - 6 years ago
Our Smooth place should be called "Refresh" or "Refresh Cafe" if there's going to be more than acai bowls. Like coffee, food, smoothies and etc.
Madeleine Minotto
Madeleine Minotto - 6 years ago
Island Bowls!
Natalie McKay
Natalie McKay - 6 years ago
YES I’ve been waiting for you to post another hawaii vlog!!
Jackie McLain
Jackie McLain - 6 years ago
Gem Blends juice Bar
Gem for the letters of y’alls names!
Allison Schubert
Allison Schubert - 6 years ago
“Hoaloha” meaning friend in Hawaii
Allison Schubert
Allison Schubert - 6 years ago
“A little taste of Hawaii”
delany d
delany d - 6 years ago
You should name the place The M.E.G because it would me each of your initials and you guys are mega YouTube stars also Hawaii looks breathtaking
carly arnold
carly arnold - 6 years ago
Boston Bowlz
arissa grant
arissa grant - 6 years ago
m-e-g bowls!
EMILY COLEMAN - 6 years ago
YES make an açaí bowl restaurant
Lauren Goetz
Lauren Goetz - 6 years ago
name it Boston Bowls!!
Mia Elena
Mia Elena - 6 years ago
soul berry
Fastaesthetic - 6 years ago
Açaí place names; Bebe nut, laí açaí
Aleesa Smart
Aleesa Smart - 6 years ago
GEM Bowls (Gretchen, Emma, Maggie)
Issa Youtube Channel
Issa Youtube Channel - 6 years ago
Sorry if anyone actually commented that before I did! I didn’t go through the comment section
Zoe Gonzagowski
Zoe Gonzagowski - 6 years ago
Name it G.E.M Açaí Bowls for all your first names!
Jenna - 6 years ago
Bebe bowls
Meaghan McGrath
Meaghan McGrath - 6 years ago
You should name it “Smooth.” Simple and fresh!!
Mimi Terman
Mimi Terman - 6 years ago
G. E. M.

Gretchen Emma Maggie
Mimi Terman
Mimi Terman - 6 years ago
*option for the name of your açaí/ smoothie bowl place lol
Kate Burns
Kate Burns - 6 years ago
You should name it Bebe bowls!!
Kelly Gibson
Kelly Gibson - 6 years ago
“Binky Bowls” hahahaha
Madison Clark
Madison Clark - 6 years ago
emmagen (imagine) but with a play on on 3 of yalls names
Molly F
Molly F - 6 years ago
you guys should name it babe bowls
Taylor Hrabanek
Taylor Hrabanek - 6 years ago
MGEM - for the açai bowl store
Allysa Cunningham
Allysa Cunningham - 6 years ago
PINE-APPBOWL!!! I’ve always wanted to open my own place and that would’ve been the name i picked, but if i win i would LOVE free bowls for life! Haha xoxoxo
Silje - 6 years ago
i went there this summer and i miss it so much omg, you guys walked past my hotel and i almost cried hahah! hope you guys have fun <3
Corey Chatman
Corey Chatman - 6 years ago
Love your bikinis. Thanks girls.
Ryan Sholem
Ryan Sholem - 6 years ago
Bikini bowls
Its Vicss
Its Vicss - 6 years ago
Love ur vlogs ❤️
Rachel - 6 years ago
Hannah Welsh
Hannah Welsh - 6 years ago
Natalie Meyer
Natalie Meyer - 6 years ago
GEM Bowls and you could have crystals all over the store and make it good vibes
Maeve Morris
Maeve Morris - 6 years ago
GEM (Gretchen, Emma, Maggie) Bowls
Sarah O'Brien
Sarah O'Brien - 6 years ago
"GEM Acai Bowls" or "Soul food"
sarah john
sarah john - 6 years ago
You and Gretchen should start a podcast!!! Love you both so much!
Rachel Mann
Rachel Mann - 6 years ago
GEM Bowls (Gretchen Emma Maggie)
Kayla Birmingham
Kayla Birmingham - 6 years ago
Bebe Bowls
Juliana - 6 years ago
Matt Trav
Matt Trav - 6 years ago
really wish I was walking up in Hawaii rn
Nikia Porter
Nikia Porter - 6 years ago
“Soul sisters” since you guys have a passion for soul cycle and you guys are all sisters lol
Olivia Burke
Olivia Burke - 6 years ago
Name it “basic bowls” !
Emmy - 6 years ago
Omg Hawaii is STUNNING
Alexis Corvino
Alexis Corvino - 6 years ago
wicked acai is funny cause we live in boston
LaLa R
LaLa R - 6 years ago
Hawaii looks like California on drugs
Lauren S
Lauren S - 6 years ago
Healthy Soul for the name of the Açaí place
Lauren S
Lauren S - 6 years ago
Soul Bowls haha get it because they always soul cycle
Lelah-Simone Pitts
Lelah-Simone Pitts - 6 years ago
Bebe bowls?
bingaling5 - 6 years ago
You should all get pearls together
Abigail Howes
Abigail Howes - 6 years ago
GEM Soul Bowls!! Your initials & emphasizing fitness and your love for Soul!
Alison Gregg
Alison Gregg - 6 years ago
boston mega bowls (m-maggie e-emma g-gretchen a-acaí)
kimberlycamacho87 - 6 years ago
“Bikini bowls” “ kinis bowls “ “Bikini’s bowls” or just “Kinis”
Raysian - 6 years ago
so happy you guys are enjoying my hometown
claire elizabeth daves
claire elizabeth daves - 6 years ago
graggma bowls aw haha
Michelle Ducharme
Michelle Ducharme - 6 years ago
Joey Belcher ah so jealous enjoy!!!
Sydney Fevin
Sydney Fevin - 6 years ago
I like the name rollin with the bunches for your smoothie bowl place. I think you should make the name a play on words but a play on words to a hawaii quote.
Taya Hosking
Taya Hosking - 6 years ago
OMG so glad your video popped up on recommended!!
Going to watch all your videos now :)
Loved this - it all looked so amazing!!
Alessia Koutoufides
Alessia Koutoufides - 6 years ago
your store should be called Wave just because you were inspired in hawaii and hawaii the beach meaning waves or aloha babes
Katie Lim
Katie Lim - 6 years ago
Supa bowls!
Babe bowls
Health Queens
Boston Bowls
Ashley Hogan
Ashley Hogan - 6 years ago
you should name the acai bowl place after the beach you were at when you got those amazing acai bowls bc that influenced you're idea anyways so why not pay tribute to it
Ashley Hogan
Ashley Hogan - 6 years ago
you guys need pick a pearl in Hawaii you pick out a shell and they open it right in front of you and then you either get a pink black white or purple pearl and then you pick out the piece of jewelry and they will place your pearl in their and then you your piece of jewelry I got 2 pink Pearls and now I have earrings which is amazing have fun in Hawaii
Maggie MacDonald
Maggie MacDonald - 6 years ago
i love this idea!
jen james
jen james - 6 years ago
I think it will be called GEM Bowls
L Iravani
L Iravani - 6 years ago
“GEM Bowls” for Gretchen, Emma, and Maggie
Rachael Love
Rachael Love - 6 years ago
How about "Yummy Delights " for the acai bowl shop or "Yummies"
Erin Carroll
Erin Carroll - 6 years ago
name it Soul bowls!!!!
Erin Carroll
Erin Carroll - 6 years ago
hawaii is breathtakingly beautiful. It is my favorite place i’ve ever been to. i’ve been both to oahu and maui. So incredible
Lindsey Dewitt
Lindsey Dewitt - 6 years ago
Call it "bebe acai"!!!!
Skylar Shockley
Skylar Shockley - 6 years ago
Boston bowls
Michelle Avallone
Michelle Avallone - 6 years ago
Açaí u later
Berry Happy
Honey bowls
Lil coconut (omg served in a coconut!!)
Uh huh honey
Happy vibes
Island time
Faith Dabrio
Faith Dabrio - 6 years ago
yes please build a smoothie bowl place, I will gladly drive to Boston to get an açaí bowl
haya rahman
haya rahman - 6 years ago
i think you should name the acai place “acai you” LOL i think that would be very funny and clever. anyone else agree?
kimberlycamacho87 - 6 years ago
"laguna bowls" or "kini's bowls"
Georgia Cook
Georgia Cook - 6 years ago
megan mulv
megan mulv - 6 years ago
Bebe nut bowls
Angela Geraci
Angela Geraci - 6 years ago
bowl queens or gem bowls
jana christiano
jana christiano - 6 years ago
"GEM BOWLS" because of Gretchen, Emma and Maggie
Caroline Fossum
Caroline Fossum - 6 years ago
You should name it "Sweet Gems" or "Sweet Gem" or "Gem Acai" or "Gem Bowls" or something with Gem for Gretchen Emma and Maggie!!!!
Carter Voorhees
Carter Voorhees - 6 years ago
go go bowls
Carter Voorhees
Carter Voorhees - 6 years ago
Boston gems
Carter Voorhees
Carter Voorhees - 6 years ago
boston boogie
Carter Voorhees
Carter Voorhees - 6 years ago
Açaí gems
Carter Voorhees
Carter Voorhees - 6 years ago
Elisa Danielle
Elisa Danielle - 6 years ago
Omg Maggie your vlogs just get better and better!
Elisa Danielle
Elisa Danielle - 6 years ago
Your vlogs just get better and better!
Morgan S
Morgan S - 6 years ago
Name it “GEM Bowls” G for Gretchen, E for Emma, and M for Maggie!
Deaven Maull
Deaven Maull - 6 years ago
Bowls for the soul!
Lindsay Gordon
Lindsay Gordon - 6 years ago
Acai bowl store name: "The Hidden GEM" stands for Gretchen, Emma, and Maggie
livforeverxx - 6 years ago
Soul Bowls
Abby Fehr
Abby Fehr - 6 years ago
GEM - fresh Boston bowls
Kailey Peterson
Kailey Peterson - 6 years ago
Bebe bowls
Zoe Brill
Zoe Brill - 6 years ago
GEM BOWLS (Gretchen, Emma, Maggie)
Anna Baldinger
Anna Baldinger - 6 years ago
MEG bowls for Maggie Emma Gretchen ofc
Mary Vu
Mary Vu - 6 years ago
green g.e.m.
Lo Michelle
Lo Michelle - 6 years ago
ok stop haleiwa & the shops on kalakaua are my fave :((( i have fam on oahu and i miss it sm :,)
Summer A
Summer A - 6 years ago
MEG Bowls!
Mandy Lee
Mandy Lee - 6 years ago
BB ANGEL BOWLS like (Boston babes)
Dara George
Dara George - 6 years ago
Boston bowls of BB bowls pretty basic but you would be based in Boston! xx
Todd McCreary
Todd McCreary - 6 years ago
G. G. Emmaggination Soul Bowls
Awa Yuniwiyah
Awa Yuniwiyah - 6 years ago
Because I was born and raised here in Hawaii it makes me so happy that you and the girls get to see the amazingness! Come to Kauai next time!Love you Maggie!
Natalie Larrea
Natalie Larrea - 6 years ago
GEM Juice Bar or GEM Acai or GEM Bowls (GEM=Gretchen, Emma, Maggie) :-)
Sandy Song
Sandy Song - 6 years ago
fruttagem for gretchen, emma, and maggie
Lydia Skewes
Lydia Skewes - 6 years ago
Call it soul sisters
therealgv - 6 years ago
Rosiris Mendoza
Rosiris Mendoza - 6 years ago
How bout “YOUBOWLS”
Harley Hudoka
Harley Hudoka - 6 years ago
been looking forward to these videos since you announced the trip!! also maybe something like acai's the day, like seize the day/ acai for the day
Nicole h
Nicole h - 6 years ago
You should name is GEM bowls like (gretchen, emma and maggie) and you could have like a little gemstone sign
Nia A
Nia A - 6 years ago
Someone in Gretchen’s comments said GEM açaí bowls for (Gretchen, Emma, Maggie). So perfect
Ashley Spiegel
Ashley Spiegel - 6 years ago
Boujee bowls
Johnny Appleseed
Johnny Appleseed - 6 years ago
acai bowl place name: scorpisca bowls (pronounced SCORE-PEE-SUH). its a combination of your astrological signs (maggie - scorpio, gretchen pisces, and emma cancer), and i know that you all love staying in tune with your astrological signs and its significant to you three. "pisca" in spanish can also mean harvest, like a harvest of food (which is what you will be serving). love u three xx
Anna Clarin
Anna Clarin - 6 years ago
Tina’s Bowls
Alyssa Whitaker
Alyssa Whitaker - 6 years ago
GEM BOWLS (Gretchen Emma and Maggie) !!! Love y’all!
Anna Clarin
Anna Clarin - 6 years ago
Did your manager pay for this trip, that’s awesome !!!
Audrey Elyse
Audrey Elyse - 6 years ago
golden hour does maggie so good! stunning bb
edit: i'm a small youtuber and would love to support anyone trying to reach there goals
magan basque
magan basque - 6 years ago
Audrey Elyse yass
ivanah - 6 years ago
"Soul Bowls" i saw this idea commented by @keanamarie earlier, so its not my idea,, but this would be so good, with every bowl could come a little inspirational note. Maggie loves uplifting quotes like when she does her deep talks sometimes. your motto could me something like feed your soul
Campbell Roper
Campbell Roper - 6 years ago
no LITERALLY open a bowl shop!!! in fayetteville, arkansas this girl opened one and it does SO well. she was even able to close for December!! do it!!! such a smart idea.
ivanah - 6 years ago
"ooo baby" for the acai store
Liz Moon
Liz Moon - 6 years ago
Or "Boston Bowls"
Liz Moon
Liz Moon - 6 years ago
Sky High Açái Bowls
Juanita Villagomez
Juanita Villagomez - 6 years ago
There’s actually a pro surfer who vlogs, his name is Koa Rothman, his videos are so dope and cool if you have a slight interest into what surfers live like. 10/10 would recommend!
MR 9999
MR 9999 - 6 years ago
These girls could all get the pipe but they're kinda annoying but then again if I had money I'd be rubbing it in people's face too
Jocelyn Chen
Jocelyn Chen - 6 years ago
Soul bowls!!!!!!! Bc u guys love soul and bc being healthy and eating good is good for the soul!! :)
Autumn Lawrence
Autumn Lawrence - 6 years ago
Where did you get your swimsuit from? (the first one) Super cute!!
Emmie Loper
Emmie Loper - 6 years ago
gem bowls (Gretchen, Emma, Maggie!)
TheLaraKaya - 6 years ago
what car is that??
brianna - 6 years ago
Meg’s Açaí!! (M-Maggie E-Emma G-Gretchen)
Natalie Marie
Natalie Marie - 6 years ago
kaileigh oden-bolden
kaileigh oden-bolden - 6 years ago
chica bowls !!
Lillie Anne
Lillie Anne - 6 years ago
açaí you it’s kinda like i see and then you is like youtube and meeting and discovering new places and people
Lillie Anne
Lillie Anne - 6 years ago
açaí nugs
Lillie Anne
Lillie Anne - 6 years ago
açaí you soul
Lillie Anne
Lillie Anne - 6 years ago
pain in the açaí
dakota lowry
dakota lowry - 6 years ago
Boston GEM's!!
(Gretch, Em, & Maggie)
dakota lowry
dakota lowry - 6 years ago
& of course y'all need an LED sign of whatever name you choose just like soul cycle!!
Haley Nicole
Haley Nicole - 6 years ago
Bebe bowls
Bleep Bloop
Bleep Bloop - 6 years ago
not all of hawaii is glamorous there are alot of drug addicts who hang out around parks and beaches
Kaitlin Sheets
Kaitlin Sheets - 6 years ago
Beach babe bowls
Haley Nicole
Haley Nicole - 6 years ago
queenie bowls
Michael - 6 years ago
omg idk why but 'Vlogger Bowls' sounds so cute and simple to me and ya'll could make it like a background story of 3 YouTube Vloggers opening an acai bowl shop and creating their own business im LIVING. Lets go to Vloggers!!
Haley Nicole
Haley Nicole - 6 years ago
GEM bowls or hidden GEM bowls because Gretchen Emma Maggie = GEM
Abigail Washington
Abigail Washington - 6 years ago
Açaí sisters
Genesis Aguilar
Genesis Aguilar - 6 years ago
Bebe bowls!!
kaileigh oden-bolden
kaileigh oden-bolden - 6 years ago
Amy Laske
Amy Laske - 6 years ago
Mega bowls!! (Maggie, Emma, Gretchen)
Lindsey LeDoux
Lindsey LeDoux - 6 years ago
Bebe Nut Bowls hahahhaha
Celeste Martinez
Celeste Martinez - 6 years ago
GEM Bowls
Grace Stenson
Grace Stenson - 6 years ago
new england island
Sarah Kern
Sarah Kern - 6 years ago
You should name the açaí bowl place GEM for Gretchen, Emma, Maggie cuz you’re all gems:)
Amanda Mantione
Amanda Mantione - 6 years ago
MGE bowls
Emma Woodard
Emma Woodard - 6 years ago
GEM Bowls, all your first name letters!
Samantha - 6 years ago
boston paradise (cuz acai bowls are like tropical paradise food lol)
Emma Anane
Emma Anane - 6 years ago
store names:
honey may
oahu bowls
Passion Bowls
Jessica Fitchett
Jessica Fitchett - 6 years ago
I love the name honey may
Ava Jacobs
Ava Jacobs - 6 years ago
Spoons full of soul
Margaret Pecha
Margaret Pecha - 6 years ago
ugh snorkeling at hanauma bay is my favorite
Ava Jacobs
Ava Jacobs - 6 years ago
GEM bowls
Samantha - 6 years ago
TRIO (cuz you gretchen and emma are a trio) BOWLS
Katherine Burciaga
Katherine Burciaga - 6 years ago
Omg please open up a açaí bowl place in Boston !!!!
Samantha - 6 years ago
i might be going to school in boston this year!! and i’m all into healthy living so hmu once you open it!!! and love your vids
Bethany Tong
Bethany Tong - 6 years ago
I live in Cali so I wouldn’t even b able to get the açaí bowls in Boston but in case I go to Harvard, the name should be Aloha Gems (Gretchen Emma Maggie) and aloha bc Hawaii obvi :)
Jessica Hillman
Jessica Hillman - 6 years ago
GEM smoothie bowls
Lovenpurple4eva33 - 6 years ago
you should name your açaí bowl place “MEGa bowls” because it incorporates all 3 of your names and it’ll be mega good!!!!
Aubrie S
Aubrie S - 6 years ago
GEM Bowls :)
P Moor
P Moor - 6 years ago
You should call it gem bowls
Mya Spencer
Mya Spencer - 6 years ago
a cool name would be GEM BOWLS written all cute with a little gem doodle :))
jane kealy
jane kealy - 6 years ago
GEM Bowls
Bettiel H
Bettiel H - 6 years ago
eva poleschuk
eva poleschuk - 6 years ago
GEM Bowls for your initials!
Cody H.
Cody H. - 6 years ago
PLEASE invest in an acai bowl spot in Boston! I'm from CA and it's so tough finding good acai in Boston. I miss it!
Flora Goodman
Flora Goodman - 6 years ago
Cody H. try Jugos or Revolution Health Kitchen!
Philly Hall
Philly Hall - 6 years ago
ur soo pretty mag
Philly Hall
Philly Hall - 6 years ago
who’s the guy?
S L - 6 years ago
Philly Hall their manager spencer
Taylor Baker
Taylor Baker - 6 years ago
açaí restaurant name: magemen (ur names combined)
Jillian Frappier
Jillian Frappier - 6 years ago
bestie bowls
Sage Oreos
Sage Oreos - 6 years ago
MEGA bowls (mega stands for maggie, emma, gretchen, acai)
Mary Austin
Mary Austin - 6 years ago
boston bowls , soul bowls , beyond bowls
Carlie - 6 years ago
BB nut bowls!!
Annie Rius
Annie Rius - 6 years ago
Bebe Bowls
Melissa Mae
Melissa Mae - 6 years ago
I think now you literally need to call it “Spiritualina” lmao
Devyn Sax
Devyn Sax - 6 years ago
MEG Bowl
Anne Tucci
Anne Tucci - 6 years ago
store names:
1. soul bowls**
wicked bowls**
2. blended bowls
3. magic bowls
4. SoBol
5. Loco bowls
6. boston bowls (BB)
7. bowls of boston
8. fluffa bowls (puffa bowls)
Ava Grace
Ava Grace - 6 years ago
Anne Tucci SoBol is already a chain
Angelia Heimsoth
Angelia Heimsoth - 6 years ago
Hidden GEMS Bowls (GEMS for Gretchen, Emma, and Maggie!!!! S for smoothie!!)
Grace Kellerman
Grace Kellerman - 6 years ago
GEM bowls!!
katie h
katie h - 6 years ago
Cally Flynn
Cally Flynn - 6 years ago
GEM’s Basic Bowls
Kyle Jilla
Kyle Jilla - 6 years ago
Who is the guy ?
Flora Goodman
Flora Goodman - 6 years ago
Kyle Jilla their manager with Table Rock Management
Charlotte Irwin
Charlotte Irwin - 6 years ago
Meaning Gretchen, Emma, and Maggie. Yalls own special place. Love you beautiful and sweet girls :)
Kyle Jilla
Kyle Jilla - 6 years ago
Cally Flynn
Cally Flynn - 6 years ago
Hidden Gem Bowls
kelly k
kelly k - 6 years ago
GEM bowls Gretchen Emma maggie and it could all be bowls Named after crystals!!
Emma - 6 years ago
Omg!! The acai store is such a good idea! We don’t have a lot of healthy choices in Rhode Island but Boston is not too far!
Flora Goodman
Flora Goodman - 6 years ago
Emma omg there’s a REALLY good açaí place in Cranston, RI called Wicked Fresh Cafe !! you have to try it
Niamh Bastow
Niamh Bastow - 6 years ago
acai sisters
Hannah Ngo
Hannah Ngo - 6 years ago
Island Fresh Bowls!
Charlotte Irwin
Charlotte Irwin - 6 years ago
Charlotte Irwin
Charlotte Irwin - 6 years ago
Grace Reimer
Grace Reimer - 6 years ago
A Hidden GEM (Gretchen, Emma, Maggie)
Cally Flynn
Cally Flynn - 6 years ago
GEM Bowls
Katelyn Robinson
Katelyn Robinson - 6 years ago
GEM Bowls
Claire Bottcher
Claire Bottcher - 6 years ago
store names: so delicious, MGE bowls, mega sugar sweet bowls, or esthetic bowls
Chandler Paige
Chandler Paige - 6 years ago
golden hour bowls
Chandler Paige
Chandler Paige - 6 years ago
Boston bowls!!!
Ellie Adams
Ellie Adams - 6 years ago
gem bowls (gem standing for gretchen, emma, maggie)
Hannah Helton
Hannah Helton - 6 years ago
GEM bowls !
Keana Marie
Keana Marie - 6 years ago
you should name the place "SOUL" or " soul bowls " since you guys all love SoulCycle and we all know fresh healthy foods are good for the soul :)
Kaithleen Rodriguez
Kaithleen Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Michelle Ducharme
Michelle Ducharme - 6 years ago
It’s funny cuz there’s a juice place in Boston next to soul cycle called nourish your soul! Ha
Rachael Love
Rachael Love - 6 years ago
Keana Marie so good :) x
Taylor Bobbi Beauty
Taylor Bobbi Beauty - 6 years ago
bowl for the soul
Amanda Radich
Amanda Radich - 6 years ago
Bestie bowls!!!!
A Gallien
A Gallien - 6 years ago
MEGa acai bowls . (maggie emma and gretchen) obvi lolz
jillian spinali
jillian spinali - 6 years ago
soul bowls
irishchick21099 - 6 years ago
boston bowls!! xx
Avery - 6 years ago
Wait who is Spencer is he someone's boyf?? Ps obsessed w this vloggg ✨✨❤
Maggie MacDonald
Maggie MacDonald - 6 years ago
he's our manager!
Regina Johnson
Regina Johnson - 6 years ago
EMG Açaí !! It rhymes lol
Jessica Martin
Jessica Martin - 6 years ago
M•E•G acai
Jessica Martin
Jessica Martin - 6 years ago
Regina Johnson
Regina Johnson - 6 years ago
Please open up that Açaí Bowl Store !!
Emily O'Rourke
Emily O'Rourke - 6 years ago
meg’s açaí bowls (maggie,emma,gretchen)
Abby Hooker
Abby Hooker - 6 years ago
MGE açaí
perri shelton
perri shelton - 6 years ago
Daeyana Moss
Daeyana Moss - 6 years ago
You should name you're açaí bowl place "EMG Bowls" representing each of you're names :)
Kate Zimney
Kate Zimney - 6 years ago
GEM bowls
(gretchen maggie emma)
Erika Melo
Erika Melo - 6 years ago
MEG bowls!!!
Alexis Annarummo
Alexis Annarummo - 6 years ago
Bebe Bowls!!!
love y'all <3
Chloe MacVane
Chloe MacVane - 6 years ago
Who is Spencer??
Flora Goodman
Flora Goodman - 6 years ago
Chloe MacVane their manager
Madelyn Hayes-DeLuca
Madelyn Hayes-DeLuca - 6 years ago
MEG Bowls

(like mega bowls but Maggie, Emma, Gretchen)
Sami Camper
Sami Camper - 6 years ago
GEM Açaí (G-Gretchen, E-Emma, M-Maggie) love you guys!!
Isabel Bekele
Isabel Bekele - 6 years ago
Or “Green Gems” for Gretchen Maggie and Emma
alenna manos
alenna manos - 6 years ago
GEM Bowls
Isabel Bekele
Isabel Bekele - 6 years ago
Bestie Bowls!
Trinity Lee
Trinity Lee - 6 years ago
You should name the açaí place “athlEATS,” a play on the word “athletes” because you can start off with healthy açaí bowls and maybe branch forward into other healthy snacks and meals that an athlete would typically eat!!!! Also, I know that in Boston there are many athletes and you, Gretchen, and Emma were all athletes in high school and even college!!
Maya Kohli
Maya Kohli - 6 years ago
love you maggie ! my fav youtuber ever
Meghan DiRenzo
Meghan DiRenzo - 6 years ago
Simply Acai. Love uuuuuu
hannah kerry
hannah kerry - 6 years ago
G.E.M.(Gem) Açaí/ Gem bowls!!!
anna kurpakus
anna kurpakus - 6 years ago
bebe nut bowls ! i always see you guys comment that on each other’s posts
Sydney I
Sydney I - 6 years ago
FRESH G.E.M.S: all their initials but it’s short, sweet, and to the point!!
Leah Martin
Leah Martin - 6 years ago
Gems organic açaí ( Gretchen, emma, maggie)
Colby Callahan
Colby Callahan - 6 years ago
GEM Bowls <3
Ayan Ismail
Ayan Ismail - 6 years ago
GEM eats or food ( gretchen , emma , and maggie )
Fallon Weaver
Fallon Weaver - 6 years ago
Boston's G.E.M acai (gretchen, emma, maggie)
Courtney Walsh
Courtney Walsh - 6 years ago
MEGA bowls
Makennah Brodie
Makennah Brodie - 6 years ago
definitely open your own shop, that would be so fun!
Raquel klumbach
Raquel klumbach - 6 years ago
Boss bowls
pturkeltaub - 6 years ago
omg is that spencer with you guys??
Flora Goodman
Flora Goodman - 6 years ago
pturkeltaub yes!
Zoe Kennefick
Zoe Kennefick - 6 years ago
ill acaí you in paradise
L Worley
L Worley - 6 years ago
Organic GEMS (Gretchen, Emma, Maggie) GIMMIE DA FREE AÇAÍ
Kate Brogan
Kate Brogan - 6 years ago
gem acai
justalyson - 6 years ago
It should be called Mood açaí or just mood and the bowls could resemble the sayings you use in your daily life
Paige Ellis
Paige Ellis - 6 years ago
GEM AÇAÍ Gretchen Emma Maggie :) but loving these Hawaii vlogs. Hawaii is a dream of mine one day! For now I’ll just live it thru watching you hahah
Amanda Lechner
Amanda Lechner - 6 years ago
Bebe or MEG GEM
Natalia Gonzalez
Natalia Gonzalez - 6 years ago
that is such a smart idea to put a acai place in boston
Danielle Koster
Danielle Koster - 6 years ago
GEM bowls. For Gretchen, emma and Maggie
Lauren Charleville
Lauren Charleville - 6 years ago
Literally the whole vlog I kept saying “wow.” Hawaii is actually insanely beautiful.
Kate Brogan
Kate Brogan - 6 years ago
ideas for store:
island heart
island time
island mind
boston bowls
boston fresh
good eats
healthy eats
brighid clare
brighid clare - 6 years ago
this acai bowl place better not be a joke bc i need that in my life asap
Hannah Matthy
Hannah Matthy - 6 years ago
Be Bowld (bold)
Cecilia Rachel
Cecilia Rachel - 6 years ago
GEM acai, GEM acai bar!!!
Aliyah Kohagen
Aliyah Kohagen - 6 years ago
Yay yay yay I have been so excited for the Hawaii vlogs!!!!
Zoe Kennefick
Zoe Kennefick - 6 years ago
lovvvvvvvvvveeeee. also, its a monstera leaf, lol. xxx<3
Hannah Matthy
Hannah Matthy - 6 years ago
GEMs too
Anna Ostrowe
Anna Ostrowe - 6 years ago
you should name your acai bowl shop “bebe bowls”!!
Hannah Matthy
Hannah Matthy - 6 years ago
MEG’s Bowls (maggie emma and gretchen) or just MEG’s
Cloe. J
Cloe. J - 6 years ago
MEGA M-maggie E-emma G-gretchen A-açaí or arlin lol
Cassandra Collins
Cassandra Collins - 6 years ago
Or GEM Bowls!!

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