Hawaii Diver Swims With Record Breaking Largest Great White Shark | TODAY
Snorkeling 6 years ago 1,138,812 views
» See more footage of the massive great white shark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duSPHGiPhwk Marine biologist Ocean Ramsey joins TODAY to talk about her and her team of divers’ encounter off the coast of Hawaii with what could be the largest great white shark on the planet. “It fills my heart with joy and takes my breath away,” she says. » Subscribe to TODAY: http://on.today.com/SubscribeToTODAY » Watch the latest from TODAY: http://bit.ly/LatestTODAY About: TODAY brings you the latest headlines and expert tips on money, health and parenting. We wake up every morning to give you and your family all you need to start your day. If it matters to you, it matters to us. We are in the people business. Subscribe to our channel for exclusive TODAY archival footage & our original web series. Connect with TODAY Online! Visit TODAY's Website: http://on.today.com/ReadTODAY Find TODAY on Facebook: http://on.today.com/LikeTODAY Follow TODAY on Twitter: http://on.today.com/FollowTODAY Follow TODAY on Google+: http://on.today.com/PlusTODAY Follow TODAY on Instagram: http://on.today.com/InstaTODAY Follow TODAY on Pinterest: http://on.today.com/PinTODAY #GreatWhiteShark #OceanRamsey #TodayShow Hawaii Diver Swims With Record Breaking Largest Great White Shark | TODAY
10. comment for Hawaii Diver Swims With Record Breaking Largest Great White Shark | TODAY
20. comment for Hawaii Diver Swims With Record Breaking Largest Great White Shark | TODAY
Interviewer: How did it feel like diving with the shark?
Ramsey: I realized that these moments are rare because people keep killing these sharks for shark fin.
Interviewer: How big is the shark?
Ramsey: The shark is a grandma, but it is sad because they are being killed...
umm, Ok, we get the point but, you didnt answer the question.
30. comment for Hawaii Diver Swims With Record Breaking Largest Great White Shark | TODAY
Shaq is a unit of measure
She's gonna get eaten one day
She's going to be the next Steve Irwin
She's fortunate and wonderful for defending sharks
Now you don't need to read anymore comments.........you're welcome.
I mean come on! They are wild animals. Ofc they are beautiful but not friendly. It is very very risky situation. Is your life that cheap?
So yeah, her chances of being eaten by a shark are very high.
50. comment for Hawaii Diver Swims With Record Breaking Largest Great White Shark | TODAY
100. comment for Hawaii Diver Swims With Record Breaking Largest Great White Shark | TODAY
I work for sea world and we do sedate marine animals to handle them.
There is no way of getting close to a great white
You people that fall for these scams are really stupid
This shark has been tranquilized. I work with sharks.
This video is fake and fraudulent
If you read this "Ocean"....do you use intermittent fasting to be able to "heal and retain such health?" Holding one's breath for over 3 minutes is done by only .001% of the population. Perhaps you have some "gills" somewhere that you've not shown us?!
Peace....I salute you young lady. Love.
This is misleading and a fraud. The drug used is Xylazeene. The shark is unable to use its jew mussels.
I came here for some scientific amazement.
I am heartbroken by the negative side of humans and how it impacts these animals. These are all serious talks.
But then I am just so thirsty that all I can think about half of the time is... "my god she is beautiful, I hope she loves me too".
I hate you hormones.
We wouldn't be even on their Menu under snacks category.
1) she was pregnant
2) It was full and had already eaten
3) it’s an old great white and knows what it likes and doesn’t like for dinner..
She acts as if she has this social and spiritual bond with this animal when in fact she is just lucky so far ..
She’s an edge lord who probably can’t wait to tell everyone at the diversity bar in L.A. about how she swims with sharks ...
Check out the following link and see what an actual marine biologist thinks of what "Ocean" is doing.
Seriously though, she's so chill and relaxed. It's probably why she can be around such huge sharks.
(and I'm a conservative/libertarian pro coal/oil flesh eating monster who hates tree huggers!)
Thank you mam for being a voice for them .