How To Snorkel Safely

We show you to snorkel safely. For loads more handy how-to’s and the latest trending videos head over to Subscribe! Check Out Our Channel Page: Like Us On Facebook! Follow Us On Twitter!

How To Snorkel Safely sentiment_very_dissatisfied 158

Snorkeling 13 years ago 692,354 views

We show you to snorkel safely. For loads more handy how-to’s and the latest trending videos head over to Subscribe! Check Out Our Channel Page: Like Us On Facebook! Follow Us On Twitter!

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Most popular comments
for How To Snorkel Safely

Английские зарисовки
Английские зарисовки - 7 years ago
Very good video, thank you! I love snorkelling :)
Raymond Medina
Raymond Medina - 7 years ago
at 6:18 , that has got to be a dub :D
mama 79
mama 79 - 7 years ago
I'm obviously not a great swimmer but I have a genuine question. How do you stay close enough at all times to the surface so the open end doesn't go underwater?
Goldfish :D
Goldfish :D - 7 years ago
Will your nose be protected?
Monte Wolf
Monte Wolf - 7 years ago
How to fuck while snorkeling?
LoveBugAlexis - 7 years ago
I feel like I’d suck at snorkeling cause I’ll think about myself breathing and fuck up everything .....
the no spin ninjas
the no spin ninjas - 7 years ago
he wasn't even using the fins right it looks like a kid trying to use them
Andy Web
Andy Web - 7 years ago
"Take a dump inside your mask, rubbing it all over the lenses before rinsing it in the pool and placing it on your face..." :-D LOL
Tanisha Cesar
Tanisha Cesar - 7 years ago
you also need a life jacket to wear if you don't know how to swim
Gammelfleischvomtoasterschmecktgut - 7 years ago
Tanisha Cesar wtf?

10. comment for How To Snorkel Safely

Casper Bradley
Casper Bradley - 7 years ago
Casper Bradley
Casper Bradley - 7 years ago
Delete this video from youtube!!!
Asibi .S
Asibi .S - 7 years ago
I don't swim but i use snorkeling vest
Nodir Nigmonov
Nodir Nigmonov - 7 years ago
Watch out for dangerous fish too, i once got attacked by three huge fish
Jemuel Deal cueva
Jemuel Deal cueva - 7 years ago
Dreamtowin15 - 7 years ago
I never try snorkel yet, thanks for the lesson. I always afraid to breath in with the water, oh and hate that water noise in my ears. Really want to try overcome my fears.
Plantmaster526 - 7 years ago
I get the speedo fog proof goggles for juniors
Pure Blooded
Pure Blooded - 7 years ago
Can u snorkel without fins?
Pure Blooded
Pure Blooded - 7 years ago
Κωνσταντίνος Μιχαλισλής O
Κωνσταντίνος Μιχαλισλής
Κωνσταντίνος Μιχαλισλής - 7 years ago
Cold blooded Panda Of course? The fins will just make you faster.
Kayler de Jesús
Kayler de Jesús - 7 years ago
thank you for this video, I'm ready to star :)
snake79545 - 7 years ago
I want to do that ?. .

20. comment for How To Snorkel Safely

Sarrha Bayani
Sarrha Bayani - 7 years ago
umm....I'll just use the defog solution and that's it like I ain't gonna spit on it what if someone needs to use the mask that is just disgusting
Sarrha Bayani
Sarrha Bayani - 7 years ago
Awesome Drone Video's well I mean we did snorkeling for school in the pool and we just rinse it in the pool so idk
Awesome Drone Video's
Awesome Drone Video's - 7 years ago
Sarrha Bayani you can wash it?
Levi Ackerman
Levi Ackerman - 7 years ago
what if you lost your goggles
Gammelfleischvomtoasterschmecktgut - 7 years ago
Levi Ackerman asked someone others to find ot
Roli Martinez
Roli Martinez - 7 years ago
Fuck this. Didn't help me for shit
Matthew Ignacio
Matthew Ignacio - 7 years ago
yay thx now I know
David Warrington
David Warrington - 7 years ago
I am sometimes afraid to snorkel because I'm afraid water goes into my ears because my sister ate my earplugs and died.
Nut - 7 years ago
and finding your mask completely fucked up
Mk A
Mk A - 8 years ago
Great video. Thanks!!
IceCod Blitz
IceCod Blitz - 8 years ago
*wedige in my bootie
Coming for that bootie.
Nash Frogman
Nash Frogman - 8 years ago
Practice breathing with the tip of your tongue just behind your front teeth. This prevents any water inhalation as you snorkel. Water conditions are not always prime in the ocean. We teach beginners this little trick so they don't end up getting sick later from inhaling water. Your fins? Trying them on while next to the ocean is not the time for that. Too tight, and you will get leg cramps. When you shop for your fins, go in the afternoon. Your feet will swell to their max size so you will have true size when you try them on (the same reason you never buy shoes in the morning, too tight in the afternoon after all that walking) Myself, I prefer fins with the strap so you can adjust them. I also wear neoprene booties with them. Split fins? Everyone makes his choice. I prefer Scubapro Jet Fins (no split) here is my reason based upon experience: The ocean shore, depending on the tide and wave action, will be subject to rip tides (undertow). If you get caught in one of these, swimming perpendicular (at a 90 degree angle) from the flow of the undertow, will get you out and safe. Never swim against a rip tide, you will lose. Split fins mean much more work to get yourself out of an emergency. Swimming in a pool? Use whatever you want. Swimming in the ocean can be fun, but it can also go bad on you in a heartbeat if you don't keep your wits about you at all times. Plan for anything when swimming in the ocean. Go with a buddy. If you dive down past the tolerance of your snorkel, do so, one at a time. One up, one down. Look up the definition of these terms please: Rip Tides, Shallow water blackout. Be safe and have fun!
Nash Frogman
Nash Frogman - 8 years ago
Anytime brother! I want you to enjoy the exp and pass it on when you get the wisdom. Divers and Freedivers are all into teamwork. Thanks!
Charlie Ball
Charlie Ball - 8 years ago
Nash Frogman thanks for all the extra info!
Nash Frogman
Nash Frogman - 8 years ago
If you don't want to use an anti-fog solution and decide to go with the old method. You cannot just spit into the mask, especially, if it is new. First, you dab some toothpaste on the lens (inside, not outside) then scrub the inside lens with an old toothbrush (removes any silicone runoff from the skirt of the mask) after you have scrubbed the inside with your toothpaste, then you rinse with water. This is better done, at home prior to going snorkeling. Now, when you need to use your mask, then you can spit in it, rub it on the glass, rinse with seawater, and you are ready for total fog free lenses for your dive. If you use your mask frequently to snorkel, rubbing toothpaste on the lens once will be enough. If you store the mask for more than a few months, just repeat the toothpaste method and you will be good to go.
Mr. Moseby
Mr. Moseby - 7 years ago

30. comment for How To Snorkel Safely

trash #90,657
trash #90,657 - 8 years ago
wetsuits in my size are like 300 dollars
snake79545 - 7 years ago
Me too
Nash Frogman
Nash Frogman - 8 years ago
If you live in the U.S. try craigslist, when typing in the search, bear in mind, people type wetsuit and wet suit. Do both and you will find what you are looking for. I have found wet suits for friends for as low as $25, the most I have seen for snorkeling, is around $50. The thickness you will need for snorkeling is 3/2 (three millimeters on the body, two on the legs and arms. You should be fine. Craigslist is loaded with wetsuits from new divers and snorkelers that decided the ocean was too scary to swim in. I hope this helps.
コメントします - 8 years ago
It was at this moment the mask knew... It fogged up.
Mac Hawkins
Mac Hawkins - 8 years ago
Commentator bu-dum-pssssss
Barbara Stirling
Barbara Stirling - 8 years ago
Thanks for another helpful video!
Arthur Vieira
Arthur Vieira - 8 years ago
Also, don't forget. "If you're a beginer snorkling in open waters don't do it alone. Have an experienced snorkler with you." "Keep aware of your surroundings and keep close to your colegues." "Don't do snorkling on bad weather or rough seas, principle if near ledges."
Esej Snake
Esej Snake - 8 years ago didn't actually tell how to swim with the fins on? Kicking? That hurts.
Forest Green
Forest Green - 8 years ago
great video!
reactive gamersITA
reactive gamersITA - 8 years ago
default your mask with a standard d-fucking solution
Anish Mehta
Anish Mehta - 8 years ago
yes very helpful tips ....really like your video
spinorex - 8 years ago
do you need fins if you are in a pool?
Gammelfleischvomtoasterschmecktgut - 7 years ago
spinorex yes or u can die
Limex Munzkie
Limex Munzkie - 8 years ago
It's just for practicing purposes :)
Ethan putnam
Ethan putnam - 8 years ago
Not but it's more fun because you move around faster
Elijah Stewart
Elijah Stewart - 8 years ago
is it necessary to wear fins? I don't even have a tube, I'm just checking this out to see if I like it
CNN - 8 years ago
Perhaps not necessary, but it makes the experience much more effortless and therefor enjoyable. You can usually find beginner's fins for around $20.
Furthermore, I would seriously recommend fins for snorkeling in more rip current-prone beaches and in beaches with more active waves. Fins can make it much easier to quickly and effectively get out past waves, and can aid you greatly in escaping rip currents and other oceanic dangers.
Peter Hughes
Peter Hughes - 8 years ago
hi I have tried this and love it when I was in Greece... but how do you go down without water getting in the snorkel.... hope you can help...Peter :-)
CNN - 8 years ago
I would suggest looking for a "Dry-top snorkel." These snorkels are specially designed with a floating valve on the top that, when submerged, closes, blocking water from entering into the snorkel.
With a Dry-top snorkel, you will rarely have to worry about water entering the snorkel, even when diving downwards.
Skyler Farris
Skyler Farris - 8 years ago
+Tao Te Ching Ching my mom but me a youth 7+ snorkel and mask it's awesome can wait to test it out
Tao Te Ching Ching
Tao Te Ching Ching - 8 years ago
When you first want to dive, take a deep breath, dive down, as you start to come back up you can begin to blowout till you reach the point of when the snorkel is out of the water where you can then blow all the water out of the snorkel. There's two types of snorkel, be sure you're using the right one that allows you to blow out while coming back up. Otherwise hold your breath till you reach the surface then blowout sharply, this will remove the water from the snorkel. Hope that helps...
zaheera moosa
zaheera moosa - 8 years ago
Do you have to wear fins
Jefferson Moralez
Jefferson Moralez - 8 years ago
+ThatGuyYouArent2 he said fuck
ThatGuyYouArent2 - 8 years ago
Only if you want to be able to swim faster than normal.
xoppa09 - 8 years ago
defogging solution - spit
Cyinu - 8 years ago
Khir Abdullah
Khir Abdullah - 9 years ago
If I wear adjustable fins, is it compulsory (or necessary) for me to wear booties? Thanks
Pugnacious LB
Pugnacious LB - 8 years ago
Only if your fins are uncomfortable or for extra warmth
The Gordon Show
The Gordon Show - 8 years ago
Not necessarily you could just wear fin socks
Nathan - 9 years ago
Wait if you're mask is on to tight does that mean water will still get in?
snake79545 - 7 years ago
I guess I'm tough ?. .
CNN - 8 years ago
No. If your mask is on too loose then it will allow water to enter. If it's too tight, it can be very uncomfortable, sometimes even leading to headaches, or premature wear of the mask.
Aim for a snug but comfortable fit!
Dylan Sneyd
Dylan Sneyd - 8 years ago
+Nathan van Horrik Water will still get in, because when it's too tight, it makes creases and dips in your skin, and it seeps through the gaps.
Vian Meemo
Vian Meemo - 9 years ago
A Phillips
A Phillips - 9 years ago
The best basic step by step video I've found. Thanks.
Amr Eldesoukey
Amr Eldesoukey - 9 years ago
but i dont have apair of fins
Dylan Selensky
Dylan Selensky - 9 years ago
thank you I like to go snorkeling in my pool I love to swim and now with this I can swim longer!

50. comment for How To Snorkel Safely

Tia Williams
Tia Williams - 9 years ago
Spit!? Oh my word!
Mac Hawkins
Mac Hawkins - 8 years ago
Tia Williams it works or you can get de-fog like I do
ofir zagury
ofir zagury - 8 years ago
sounds stupid but its really works
Nicholas Griffin
Nicholas Griffin - 9 years ago
if you don't have easy access to a pool to somewhat shallow with cum water where there's no current big waves a heavy boat traffic.   
Nicholas Griffin
Nicholas Griffin - 9 years ago
beattie's if wearing adjustable fans. THANKS CAPTIONS, YOU REALLY HELPED.
Junmar Lungay
Junmar Lungay - 10 years ago
harita kambhampati
harita kambhampati - 10 years ago
Thank you for teaching the basic steps for snorkelling. I have no idea of snorkelling at all. After watching your video I'm quiet confident to give a try.
rec isotboi
rec isotboi - 10 years ago
That was pro
Ion Sustriono
Ion Sustriono - 10 years ago
Is it as simple as your explain?
Imanuel Aaron Mogie
Imanuel Aaron Mogie - 10 years ago
lol i live in Manado. it's only 1 hour away from the incredible sites of Bunaken Marine park to snorkel. Greeting from Indonesia, too! ahahah
Ion Sustriono
Ion Sustriono - 10 years ago
Oh God.....
Yeah!!!!! I will try it on next holiday. Thank You Imanuel. Warmly regards from Indonesia.
Imanuel Aaron Mogie
Imanuel Aaron Mogie - 10 years ago
Yes, it's very simple. I took my first snorkelling session directly into the sea. As long as you're confident, you're good to go.
Parris Ackerman
Parris Ackerman - 10 years ago
what if there's a shark
Cianna Curcio
Cianna Curcio - 7 years ago
Sharks have a really sensitive nose so if one becomes aggressive and attacks you the best advice would be to punch or hit it in the nose and swim away
paulkazjack - 9 years ago
+Parris Ackerman I'd advise everyone NOT to snorkel purely on that basis.
Bigcat2501 - 10 years ago
iCeleport - 10 years ago
run like hell
Bigcat2501 - 10 years ago
Don't hug it
TheColonelAngel - 10 years ago
im going to try this tomorrow at keywest but im not the best swimmer...i think im going to buy one of those vests
bokeflo - 10 years ago
Snorkeling is Awesome!!
Captain H
Captain H - 10 years ago
When he says FOG it sounds like fuck
Nattiphat R.
Nattiphat R. - 7 years ago
snake79545 - 7 years ago
i want too do that ?. .
David Warrington
David Warrington - 7 years ago
Captain H it sounds like fucked up.
Chas Wenmoth
Chas Wenmoth - 10 years ago
Do you need fins or can you just use jelly shoes
Matthew Sweet
Matthew Sweet - 8 years ago
Swim with a car. Much faster than fins.
5K VENOM - 9 years ago
You don't need fins swim with your feet
Lucian Iacob
Lucian Iacob - 10 years ago
You absolutely need fins and a good pair of them for that matter! Open water currents are very strong and only a proper pair of fins can get you out of trouble. Even if snorkeling in a lake, you won't cover much 'ground' without fins. (I'm an Advanced + Rescue Diver, currently in the Divemaster programme). 
dudelivestrong - 10 years ago
I use short fins when snorkeling I hate long fins.
Justin Boza
Justin Boza - 10 years ago
Wow.  What location are you at in that video?  It is beautiful.  
abdalla atya
abdalla atya - 10 years ago
Thank you very nice video
Said Abimelec
Said Abimelec - 10 years ago
and finding a musque completely fucked up. captions 1:58
CourageousRmuel14 - 8 years ago
Standard d fucking solution
Nicholas Griffin
Nicholas Griffin - 9 years ago
+Said Abimelec and finding a mosque completely fucked up.  THANKS CAPTIONS. LOL
Louis Griffiths
Louis Griffiths - 10 years ago
I practice in the bath or the sink sometimes even in the toilet but only when the water bill is high ;)
snake79545 - 7 years ago
i want too do that ?. .
Tia Williams
Tia Williams - 9 years ago
+Louis Griffiths bwhahahahha
Janice Sarmiento
Janice Sarmiento - 9 years ago
+The Maxx lool
Rika Roasts
Rika Roasts - 10 years ago
how do you practice in a toilet
Daniel Alvares
Daniel Alvares - 10 years ago
thanks mate. really helpful
Enilorac Lominarch
Enilorac Lominarch - 11 years ago
Thank you! :D
Chandra Kanta
Chandra Kanta - 11 years ago
Excellent video for basic knowledge. Thank you
Motasam Freiwan
Motasam Freiwan - 11 years ago
thanks mate ! i definitely learned something from your video, is to do the "moonwalk" when walking on ground, coz i had a struggle today XD
Gordon Reeves
Gordon Reeves - 11 years ago
@Mohammed Faiz Hoosen probably pressure or issues with your ears dissipating it.. depends on how deep you mean and in some cases the type of water.
MoeFaiz Hoosen
MoeFaiz Hoosen - 11 years ago
my ears hurt when i put them in water but after it does that once it doesnt hurt again can anyone explain this to me?
1Life Resist
1Life Resist - 10 years ago
you need to equalize the pressure in your ears.
mveer d
mveer d - 11 years ago
pressure difference.
pinch your nose and blow it. (same like in a plane)
Kevin Floyd
Kevin Floyd - 11 years ago
Very professional YouTube how to. Annoying accent but professional. .. jp
1046Fay - 11 years ago
Annoying accent? What planet you on?
Enrique Herrera
Enrique Herrera - 11 years ago
Casper Bradley
Casper Bradley - 7 years ago
Snorkeling sucks
Duke Ashvin
Duke Ashvin - 11 years ago
whiterottenrabbit - 11 years ago
This is a very useful video, thanks for the upload!
Amal BEN HADDA - 11 years ago
thanks for the video! very useful for beginnes.
horacio michelini
horacio michelini - 11 years ago
we have been renting in phoenix towers for more of five years, on summer vacations, from may till beginning september. like to receive an offer. we are a senior couple (just two of us) ask pat for refferences. regards horacio michelini mail me to
R6V3N - 11 years ago
try bend over face backwards lol 4:40
Tarhankut TV
Tarhankut TV - 11 years ago
just put your legs in to the mouth of the shark :)
tharanga Wijethilake
tharanga Wijethilake - 11 years ago
yeah, this is really fantastic. i know one thing for sure, even my friend also earning well monthly doing surveys and reading mails daily. if you wanna try just try now:\11FgFe1
MattPro - 11 years ago
Try in scotland ;)
Sergei - 11 years ago
step 5: practice in a swimming pool...(ain't nobody got time for that!)
David G
David G - 11 years ago
Damn he is a handsome bloke..I would dive with him anyday
drelopes - 11 years ago
You really should learn to swim first.
popasmaluko1 - 11 years ago
i´ll smooth criminal to the watter
Master - 11 years ago
i learned nothing that i didnt know before.. waste of time video
S Rix
S Rix - 11 years ago
This must be for idiots
azam s alghamdi
azam s alghamdi - 11 years ago
thanks ...good snorkling ...withe baby ..:)
drjones198 - 11 years ago
just put the things on and jump in mate. You'll be fine...probably.
Rajnish B
Rajnish B - 11 years ago
very helpful video. really appreciate it!!!
Joanne Liew
Joanne Liew - 12 years ago
Thanks for the tips!
Usher111 - 12 years ago
Thx for the tips!
Abe Zukor
Abe Zukor - 12 years ago
Ray Tek
Ray Tek - 12 years ago
you may also need a pair of legs! lolz.
Joshua Lloyd
Joshua Lloyd - 12 years ago
haha yeah :P :P
Yomisma - 12 years ago
La Herradura!! lol best place ever!!!
Naruto Kyuubi
Naruto Kyuubi - 12 years ago
u remind me of commander shepard from mass effect series a bit
Bear Paws
Bear Paws - 12 years ago
good vid!! ...

100. comment for How To Snorkel Safely

Riley Miller
Riley Miller - 12 years ago
Sudeep Dileepkumar
Sudeep Dileepkumar - 12 years ago
Great Video,, many thanks bro..
Monica Abreu
Monica Abreu - 13 years ago
Hi! I subscribed to your channel. Please subscribe back so we can share videos. Also will you please feature my channel on yours (Add me as a Featured Channel on yours)? I'm all about AQUATICS (Boating, Fishing, Diving, Swimming), HEALTH & FITNESS (Running, Swimming, Biking, Climbing, Gym, Diet, Exercise), OUTDOORS (Hiking, Camping, Hunting, Fishing), BEAUTY PRODUCTS (Natural Makeup, Hair Care, Skin Care), & PRETTY, BEAUTIFUL, SEXY GIRLS, WOMEN, & LADIES - - The FINER things in life!!! ;-)
Ali Shaheen
Ali Shaheen - 13 years ago
I am soon going to try it.....thank you made it look very interesting and easy.

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