How to Snorkel, Snorkeling Class for Beginners

Join Angie Treasure from as she takes a beginner snorkeling class to learn some of the basics and has a great time at Adventure West Scuba! For more information and a detailed post about snorkeling visit: Find out more or in the links below!

How to Snorkel, Snorkeling Class for Beginners sentiment_very_dissatisfied 745

Snorkeling 11 years ago 731,512 views

Join Angie Treasure from as she takes a beginner snorkeling class to learn some of the basics and has a great time at Adventure West Scuba! For more information and a detailed post about snorkeling visit: Find out more or in the links below!

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Most popular comments
for How to Snorkel, Snorkeling Class for Beginners

Great Vids
Great Vids - 7 years ago
Brigonza Gaming
Brigonza Gaming - 7 years ago
um you dont need a class for snorkeling...
Lewis Ingram
Lewis Ingram - 7 years ago
so how do you snorkel under water...
Logan Paul Vlogs
Logan Paul Vlogs - 7 years ago
What do you have to learn to snorkel, just fucking put that thing on to breathe and fucking swim
MadBiscuit - 7 years ago
Hey! i was just wondering is there any good beaches or open waters in idaho? blackfoot or pocatello.
reuel joshua
reuel joshua - 7 years ago
I want to rub my dick on her nose
Thought Frankly
Thought Frankly - 7 years ago
its an ad! a bad one at that
Thought Frankly
Thought Frankly - 7 years ago
thanks for wasting our time
Klein Fletchers
Klein Fletchers - 7 years ago
This video sucks but she is cute though...

10. comment for How to Snorkel, Snorkeling Class for Beginners

Daniel gregory
Daniel gregory - 7 years ago
This is some lady swimming around
Stephen Curry
Stephen Curry - 7 years ago
wait you can go underwater?
Soxruleyanksdrool - 7 years ago
How to snorkel my ass! This is how to take a class on snorkeling.
KneeDeepScience - 7 years ago
Useless video.
D04ini22 D122
D04ini22 D122 - 7 years ago
There is no point in taking this class tbh
Judah TheOracle
Judah TheOracle - 7 years ago
This is like something kids watch other kids do on PBS.
Y TUBS - 7 years ago
Hey this is an ad.
You got me :(
Carlos Rivera
Carlos Rivera - 7 years ago
Hey numbnut, how about changing that video title to "playing music in my snorkeling class video" and learn the definition of "how to" before uploading videos.
Floron Faries
Floron Faries - 7 years ago
James W
James W - 7 years ago
Didn't learn anything on this vid.

20. comment for How to Snorkel, Snorkeling Class for Beginners

Jonathan Young
Jonathan Young - 7 years ago
you don't need a snorkeling lesson, this girl needs a damn swim lesson #kneekickbro?
Ferdinand E. Marcos
Ferdinand E. Marcos - 7 years ago
The owner of this video only reply when people say nice like "aww your so beautiful". Like wtf they never reply when people complain to their shity video. Like this comment again they will not reply
Edgar Reynoso
Edgar Reynoso - 7 years ago
Is it me or the video is actually useless? I didn't learn anything.
Portie Dubla
Portie Dubla - 7 years ago
You have all that gear for swiming, but you dont have a swim suit ? :))
NguyenVanThock2185 - 7 years ago
It is so weird to watch a snorkeling video shot in south Ogden. Not just because I live there, but it's the most irrelevant activity in the wasatch front. : /
Donut - 7 years ago
i got a snorkel, wetsuit but no flippers because i dont like the feeeling
snake79545 - 7 years ago
dad say's water shoe's because of string ray's ?. .
Goku Doge
Goku Doge - 7 years ago
My snorkel grew mold in the clear part
LimeKi - 7 years ago
What if you don't own flippers can I improvise
Snorkel Reviews
Snorkel Reviews - 7 years ago
You don't NEED to have flippers, but it definitely will help you glide more easily and not get tired as fast.
blt80513 - 7 years ago
Perfect. Thanks.
Blue Cup Father
Blue Cup Father - 8 years ago
Cool! I really like the concept of full face snorkelling mask
I found this one on ebay:
They ship worldwide. Awesome!

30. comment for How to Snorkel, Snorkeling Class for Beginners

L A - 8 years ago
Pointless video
ApexHD - 8 years ago
How to make a snorkeling video Step(1) Don't explain ways to snorkel just talk to dumb music Step(2) Upload Video
Paul Bucy
Paul Bucy - 8 years ago
Video doesnt actually show you how to snorkel, waste of time
Lucho Portuano
Lucho Portuano - 8 years ago
Wtf where is the class :<
Richard Young
Richard Young - 8 years ago
Please rename your video. It's nice that you learned how to snorkel, but we are looking for actual instructions not a video of you swimming around to annoying stock music.
wero dinero
wero dinero - 8 years ago
didn't show me shit on how to snorkel
chrisgast - 8 years ago
Thanks for this video. It reminds me how to snorkel. Although, I'd prefer a tank so that I can stay under longer.
Smooth Chris
Smooth Chris - 8 years ago
This video was great
Pipo Batanga
Pipo Batanga - 8 years ago
...I think she'll do better on my bed than inside the pool.
SarahGamer - 8 years ago
Thx was very helpful
Mohammad Waleed
Mohammad Waleed - 8 years ago
When the snorkel gets under the water surface I can 't breath please tell me a solution
Raj Dasgupta
Raj Dasgupta - 8 years ago
He's joking as far as I can tell.. He may be trying to convey that you should not have your snorkel in your mouth while diving, and he would be right. If not, he'd be an idiot..
Nikos Lamprinos
Nikos Lamprinos - 8 years ago
You CAN' T breathe when the snorkel is underwater. You just hold your breath. If you want to breathe underwater you have to get scuba-diving equipment.
Mohammad Waleed
Mohammad Waleed - 8 years ago
but I want to know how to breath while the snorkle is under the water surface ☺
Snorkel Reviews
Snorkel Reviews - 8 years ago
+Mohammad Waleed You have to use your tongue to block the mouthpiece of the snorkel and then blow out the water when you surface again. It takes a little practice, but will become second nature. Thanks for watching!
ahmed hesham
ahmed hesham - 8 years ago
when the snorkel gets under the water surface i can not breath please tell me a solution for this problem
Noah Smith
Noah Smith - 8 years ago
Salwa Ramzy well what you do is go back to the surface and open your lungs and breath that's when you go back btw your welcome
TiffParody Lee
TiffParody Lee - 8 years ago
25$!!!! It cost 80$ here in Toronto
Minecraft Disney Kid Mc Disney Kid
Minecraft Disney Kid Mc Disney Kid - 8 years ago
today I just bought my fins for snorkeling and iam so excited to try them out in the ocean in outer banks north Carolina :) on my trip which iam at right now can't wait to try them tommrrow. tonight iam trying them out at the pool :) I will probably be use to them cause swim in fins before but not in ocean. so excited ive been exploring the ocean a lot so far in my outer banks north Carolina trip so farr in snorkeling :) its been so cool and so much fun :)
RocKiteman _ 2001
RocKiteman _ 2001 - 8 years ago
+Snorkel Reviews -- What was that 'gizmo' you let go of at about 2:54 in the video?
classiclistener01 - 8 years ago
Great beginner's video - thank you for posting! :)
Hugo Vazquez
Hugo Vazquez - 8 years ago
can you snorkel underwater
sswimmer0529 - 8 years ago
+classiclistener01 oh. Thanks for explaining all that. Now I understand.
classiclistener01 - 8 years ago
You need a mask to see clearly (to keep water out of your eyes). The snorkel allows you to breath while swimming on the surface. If you see something of interest, you take a deep breath and swim down. If you swim too deep, you can get mask squeeze because you cannot equalize the mask.

In SCUBA (Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus), you can do all of this, equalize the mask, and, breathe underwater.

You're not dumb, many people seem to think that. Snorkeling is basically for sightseers; whereas scuba is for long-term underwater activities.

Once you get good at snorkeling (and, scuba), you'll see how simple, and, fun, it all is; and, you'll forget all about your misunderstanding and our conversation here.

Take care! :)
sswimmer0529 - 8 years ago
+classiclistener01 then wtf is the point of snorkeling when u can just buy goggles and dive deeper. I don't understand snorkeling I always thought u could breath underwater with them but now that I have been informed I feel dumb.
classiclistener01 - 8 years ago just can't breathe.
aziz zamanan
aziz zamanan - 8 years ago
The way she git in the water was wrong i am a licensed scuba diver and we don't do that not showing of tho
GoodOne917 - 8 years ago
Hey I'm a super new swimmer, like 3 weeks. I've never even thought about snorkeling.I wish they offered classes where I live in north Texas. I wish I could be learning to snorkel this winter. This looks like a blast.
classiclistener01 - 8 years ago
It "IS" a blast!

I just bought my Son a Sea View 180° snorkeling mask and he's excelling better than I ever did at his age. This mask/snorkel combination is great! Get one of these and you'll do fine and enjoy snorkeling fully! :)
Agus Primasport
Agus Primasport - 8 years ago
I liked this one video

50. comment for How to Snorkel, Snorkeling Class for Beginners

Maria Morales
Maria Morales - 8 years ago
MutR - 8 years ago
"How to snorkel" Step 1: Cover all actual snorkeling instructions with annoying music that doesnt teach you anything
Step 2: Upload video.
Fallen Osprey
Fallen Osprey - 7 years ago
mr krabz I wasn't the one that made the original comment. All you need is just at least a small brain to realize that he was talking to someone else that deleted their comment. It's not hard to figure out.
Fallen Osprey
Fallen Osprey - 7 years ago
mr krabz Which one do you think dumbass?
snake79545 - 7 years ago
i want too do that ?. .
MutR - 8 years ago
actually, Mr Know it all, I came to this video to Gasp!! Learn how to snorkel! Guess what i found? Not snorkeling instruction!
TheBayoubreeze - 8 years ago
I hope they talked to you about your kick. You tended toward bicycling kick wish actually makes you use more energy rather than the slow leg waves which save energy.
John Jackson
John Jackson - 8 years ago
ThatguyMark - 8 years ago
Cta2006 - 8 years ago
Do you have to have finns or is koral shoes OK ?
Highlight DeBomb
Highlight DeBomb - 8 years ago
+Snorkel Reviews your LDS ME TTOO
Snorkel Reviews
Snorkel Reviews - 8 years ago
+Cta2006 Fins are much easier to move through the water. I think coral shoes will make you work much harder and get tired faster.
Esther - 8 years ago
I wanted to hear his advice.
I have been snorkeling since I was young. I never used a purge valve, interesting.
sage w
sage w - 9 years ago
I just got my wetsuit and snorkeling gear today! Will be joining you in the water lovely looking lady. :)
๖ۣۜSquish༻ - 8 years ago
+Snorkel Reviews um when you snorkel and. Dive will you still breathe?
Snorkel Reviews
Snorkel Reviews - 9 years ago
+sage w :)
Hectorr877 - 9 years ago
I thought this was a how to snorkel video...this was a why should you go to a class thumbs down all day :(
Marie Quek
Marie Quek - 8 years ago
Hectorr877 and
Ben Andrew
Ben Andrew - 9 years ago
just an advert. useless video
Achieving More
Achieving More - 9 years ago
Whats the point in buying a snorkel when you can just breathe in your mouth???
Trevor Figueras
Trevor Figueras - 9 years ago
+SourPatchGamer X3 The purpose of a snorkel is to let you breath while keeping your face in the water to see what is under water. When you see something cool you can watch it while floating on the surface. Then, if you want,  you can dive down to get a closer look.
Gigih Seftiadi
Gigih Seftiadi - 9 years ago
I like your smile at the end :)
Snorkel Reviews
Snorkel Reviews - 9 years ago
+Gigih Seftiadi Thanks! :)
rgdstranger - 9 years ago
i would like to buy a good total dry snorkelling kit. There is one for $9 & $50. i would liek to know if they both r the same. I need experts help.

for $9
Light Blue Total Dry Snorkel Diving Snorkeling Swimming Scuba Tube Dual Valve


for $50
kapitolreef Ground Breaking Kadence Technology
link -

are both the same? is the 2nd worth $50? does it have huge difference?

Let me know
Snorkel Reviews
Snorkel Reviews - 9 years ago
+rgdstranger The Kapitol Reef snorkel may be better quality, but the $9 looks ok. We haven't tried both of them, so we can't tell you for sure which one would work best, but $9 is a pretty cheap price, so it may be worth the gamble. Thanks for watching!
Julia L
Julia L - 9 years ago
Can I ask why swimming in regular clothes?
Julia L
Julia L - 8 years ago
+Franchesco Le Blanck 1) not sexy 2) typically not allowed in swimming pools 3) creates drag when swimming 4) bleaches out her clothes & dmg the fabric 5) does not dry well like how do you not know any of this logic?
Srividya Penukonda
Srividya Penukonda - 9 years ago
what camera were you using to take this video underwater ?
Srividya Penukonda
Srividya Penukonda - 9 years ago
+Snorkel Reviews thanks :)
Snorkel Reviews
Snorkel Reviews - 9 years ago
+Srividya Penukonda For the underwater shots, we simply used a Go Pro Hero 3+ Black Edition. A Sony FS100 was used for the rest of it. Thanks for the comment!
Kinite - 9 years ago
why do they love girls in the video?!
i can't even watch because my mom watching me and she will thought im watching a nude girls!!!
RandomVideos - 9 years ago
+Daniel Atienza you are dumb
Christopher Bassit
Christopher Bassit - 9 years ago
+Daniel Atienza you're not very bright xD
Kinite - 9 years ago
gold what?
Lance Summer
Lance Summer - 9 years ago
+Daniel Atienza hahahaha gold!
Akbar Alfarisy
Akbar Alfarisy - 9 years ago
nice :)
lilblaise - 9 years ago
This isn't that hard, I didn't even take a class
snake79545 - 7 years ago
i want too do that /. .
Daniel Santos
Daniel Santos - 9 years ago
+My Name is Blaise Well, you're a fish, so...
Ramona - 9 years ago
+My Name is Blaise It's not easy for some people. Not everyone is like you.
xphantomx 69
xphantomx 69 - 9 years ago
thanks for the advice
lite moon
lite moon - 10 years ago
south ogden, heck yeah
Fabi F
Fabi F - 10 years ago
Do you have to know how to swim to snorkel?
Fabi F
Fabi F - 10 years ago
Ok thanks
Fabi F
Fabi F - 10 years ago
Do you have to know how to swim to snorkel?
British killer
British killer - 8 years ago
Yeah I don't know how to swim and there aren't any swimming classes where I am and I don't know what to do
liam71rock - 9 years ago
+Fabi F You can get a snorkel vest that will keep you near the surface when fully inflated. As you get better/more confident you can bleed off some air to go deeper. I just wouldn't go near open water without knowing how to. YMCA's offer swimming courses.
Thanos - 10 years ago
Of course
StudioDuRhone - 10 years ago
Nice tips. Ty
Cheesey McCheese
Cheesey McCheese - 10 years ago
Id totally tap that....Your a hottie Angie ;) But i gotta question when im swimming my flippers are always splashing out of the water..whats the cure for that one?
Johnny Rendon
Johnny Rendon - 10 years ago
You and Whitney Westgate look alike!
hyun oh
hyun oh - 10 years ago
Awsome dude I learned a lot about snorkeling the booty was a good idea my my swimming teacher doesn't know about snorkel
Juhan Voolaid
Juhan Voolaid - 10 years ago
useless video
Ulfric The Third
Ulfric The Third - 7 years ago
Trevor Figueras no its not
Trevor Figueras
Trevor Figueras - 9 years ago
+Juhan Voolaid It's informative bro.
Will Jarrott
Will Jarrott - 10 years ago
Word of advice you should try kapitiol reef snorkel it makes it so you dont have purge the snorkel because water does not get in.
liam71rock - 9 years ago
+Will Jarrott I actually saw their ad when looking for videos. So you would recommend it?
bokeflo - 10 years ago
Some good Snorkeling tips.

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About How to Snorkel, Snorkeling Class for Beginners

The "How to Snorkel, Snorkeling Class for Beginners" video is part of the snorkelling, underwater, diving category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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