How to Snorkel

Watch more How to Have Fun at the Beach videos: If you want a better look at what's underwater, all you have to do is snorkel. Step 1: Collect your gear Find a mask that fits your face and a snorkel. Attach the snorkel by sliding its hook through the strap on the side of the mask. Carry the mask, snorkel, and fins into a shallow part of the water. Step 2: Put on your mask To keep your mask from fogging, rub saliva around its interior and dunk it in the water. Then, bring it to your face, place the straps around your head, and pull them until the mask is snug, but not tight. Hold your face underwater briefly to ensure the mask doesn't leak. Tip Before using a brand new mask, rub the inside with toothpaste -- not gel -- and then rinse it with warm water to help prevent it from fogging. Step 3: Get used to the snorkel Place the snorkel's mouthpiece in your mouth and breathe through it. Practice putting your face in the water and breathing in and out through your mouth as you rest your teeth lightly on the rubber tabs. Step 4: Use your fins Lift your feet out of the water, put on your fins, and push off the ground lightly to begin swimming. Kick your legs calmly and evenly to propel you through the water, keeping your fins below the surface and your body parallel to the sea floor. Tip Do not position yourself perpendicularly, as you are more likely to step on live coral or stir up sand and debris. Step 5: Purge your snorkel If water enters your snorkel, clear it by exhaling a short burst of air, similar to saying the word "two." If that fails, lift your head out of the water, take out the mouthpiece, turn the snorkel upside down to drain it, and return it to your mouth. Step 6: Go with the flow Stay aware of your location, your energy level, and other divers as you relax and enjoy peeking in at the mysteries of the deep. Did You Know? The coral reef tract off the coast of the Florida Keys is home to over 5,500 species of marine life.

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Snorkeling 14 years ago 402,574 views

Watch more How to Have Fun at the Beach videos: If you want a better look at what's underwater, all you have to do is snorkel. Step 1: Collect your gear Find a mask that fits your face and a snorkel. Attach the snorkel by sliding its hook through the strap on the side of the mask. Carry the mask, snorkel, and fins into a shallow part of the water. Step 2: Put on your mask To keep your mask from fogging, rub saliva around its interior and dunk it in the water. Then, bring it to your face, place the straps around your head, and pull them until the mask is snug, but not tight. Hold your face underwater briefly to ensure the mask doesn't leak. Tip Before using a brand new mask, rub the inside with toothpaste -- not gel -- and then rinse it with warm water to help prevent it from fogging. Step 3: Get used to the snorkel Place the snorkel's mouthpiece in your mouth and breathe through it. Practice putting your face in the water and breathing in and out through your mouth as you rest your teeth lightly on the rubber tabs. Step 4: Use your fins Lift your feet out of the water, put on your fins, and push off the ground lightly to begin swimming. Kick your legs calmly and evenly to propel you through the water, keeping your fins below the surface and your body parallel to the sea floor. Tip Do not position yourself perpendicularly, as you are more likely to step on live coral or stir up sand and debris. Step 5: Purge your snorkel If water enters your snorkel, clear it by exhaling a short burst of air, similar to saying the word "two." If that fails, lift your head out of the water, take out the mouthpiece, turn the snorkel upside down to drain it, and return it to your mouth. Step 6: Go with the flow Stay aware of your location, your energy level, and other divers as you relax and enjoy peeking in at the mysteries of the deep. Did You Know? The coral reef tract off the coast of the Florida Keys is home to over 5,500 species of marine life.

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Most popular comments
for How to Snorkel

bird fox king2018
bird fox king2018 - 7 years ago
don't got fins
Yugo Matsuhashi
Yugo Matsuhashi - 7 years ago
im going to okinawa in a couple days thnx
Otaku-Durpy Arium
Otaku-Durpy Arium - 7 years ago
Yugo Matsuhashi how was da trip?
snake79545 - 7 years ago
I want to do that. .
adeQuate - 8 years ago
how does the mask work?
Sophia Yamaguchi
Sophia Yamaguchi - 8 years ago
what to expect from howcast- NOTHING LOL
Jim M
Jim M - 8 years ago
I'm sorry but I'm just not understanding the purpose of the snorkel.. lol You're just taking a breath and holding it. Then returning to the surface for air.... What do you need a snorkel for? Just lift your head and breath with your mouth.
Samuel Akinmusere
Samuel Akinmusere - 7 years ago
Matthew Pastorin keep at surface
reallyinsanelylongenamedudeskybruh koocer
reallyinsanelylongenamedudeskybruh koocer - 7 years ago
Savage123 wait so can u breath underwater or do u have to keep the snorkel at the surface
Savage123 - 8 years ago
Savage123 - 8 years ago
You keep your head underwater for as long as you want. You breath in and out of the snorkel. Thought that was obviois
BossGamerNation - 8 years ago
I though this was how to basic for a second
kansasthunderman1 - 10 years ago
The girl has a bikini, but I don't get why the guy is going in the water with his clothes on.
Meme Guy
Meme Guy - 7 years ago
kansasthunderman1 Its a swimsuit

10. comment for How to Snorkel

Danny Desrosiers
Danny Desrosiers - 10 years ago
I am going in the water today 10:30
bokeflo - 10 years ago
Snorkeling around and seeing the marine life under the wave is awesome.
French fry Gamer
French fry Gamer - 10 years ago
tommorow i am going to snorkel
Vikas Dhyani
Vikas Dhyani - 7 years ago
because a gamer never leaves his home but you did!
French fry Gamer
French fry Gamer - 7 years ago
This comment is 3 years old, I am not sure how It got 13 likes?
bird fox king2018
bird fox king2018 - 7 years ago
I'm going today
Zykerfox !
Zykerfox ! - 7 years ago
me too xD
SteliMan - 7 years ago
French fry Gamer sameeee!!!
alex c
alex c - 11 years ago
@snapple448 so did you get tired and float away
Enrique Herrera
Enrique Herrera - 11 years ago
i cant wait till winter passes so i can snorkel
rob b
rob b - 11 years ago
i went out today and drank more water out of the snorkel than took in air lol
Billy Leech
Billy Leech - 11 years ago
Maarten Vorwerk
Maarten Vorwerk - 11 years ago
the oil spill didn't really affect the keys
Howard Moore
Howard Moore - 11 years ago
A good snorkel is a Aqua-Lung dry snorkel. It is a true dry snorkel.
Iqbal Rois
Iqbal Rois - 12 years ago
help me alot :D

20. comment for How to Snorkel

aquaiz - 12 years ago
Nice video! There is 1 mask that's by far the best for snorkeling...XS Scuba Z-Duo (formerly Oceanmaster Z 2). The strap system can't be beat!! Especially for women (much less hair jerking out). If you can't find them, I know a dive store that has lots of them, The're nothing else even close.
Gideon_Hall - 12 years ago
hey thanks for tips, and that, but when water gets into the snorkle wouldn't it go in your mouth because your mouth is open when you rest your teeth on the mouth piece???
asuperreader - 12 years ago
@Kino0726 I live off the Gulf of Mexico. The Florida Keys was not effected by the spill. Thank you for your input though, but please check your info before you post.
REVIGOR - 12 years ago
@pinksakurablossem you don't need them unless it's deep, and I guess you need them to push you underwater.
TheLesser - 12 years ago
ya but how do go under the water's surface and breathe deeper in the water so you can go really deep!?!?
Virginia Hush
Virginia Hush - 7 years ago
KidArachnid you go scuba diving not snorkeling
Jeff Greathouse
Jeff Greathouse - 12 years ago
@Minkais Canon tx3500
just G'
just G' - 12 years ago
yeah.. let me go ask them! -_-
Stephanie Smoluk
Stephanie Smoluk - 12 years ago
Snorkeling looks safe.
Seldanas - 12 years ago
I think I will stick to a tank of oxygen.
Ian Brown
Ian Brown - 12 years ago
Can't wait for spring break!

30. comment for How to Snorkel

Austin Gao
Austin Gao - 13 years ago
Thank you
hoihoihoihoihoi5x - 13 years ago
Diving is more fun just saying
doggynog - 13 years ago
@demonowl2 uh kuz you need to position your tounge in the snorkel so that the salt water doesnt get into your mouth then just blow all the air that u hadinto the snorkel and breathe in tada no more salt water
cmlinney - 13 years ago
fuckin mormans
demonowl2 - 13 years ago
i did that two thing i accidentally swallowed soooooooooooooooo much salt water
JUKEBOXX1990 - 13 years ago
@Kino0726 oil spill is not funny
2s7a2m7 - 14 years ago
@agenthelios1 np
2s7a2m7 - 14 years ago
@agenthelios1 dive down holding your breath then clear it when you come uip
manta965 - 14 years ago
ok for all you uninformed idiots the florida keys where un effected just like most of the floridian gulf coast i live near stpeat and every thing is just how it has always been its the upper gulf that has the wors and its realy not that bad most places so stop say "5000 fish oh not realy" ect and it would take for ever to wipe out just a few species of fish
Jocelyn Perez
Jocelyn Perez - 14 years ago
yeah well it problably went down to a 1000 becuz of the oil spill in florida :P RIP fishes and other speices
JCamins2013 - 14 years ago
"The coral reef tract off the Florida Keys is home to over 5,500 species of marine life." LOL jk there was an oil spill.
Hindered Bender Esquire
Hindered Bender Esquire - 14 years ago
John-Ein - 14 years ago
Howcast....Too soon to say nice facts about florida after the BP accident
Melina Piccolo
Melina Piccolo - 14 years ago
that was nothing compared to what you see in the sea in greece *_*
RiffSkozz's Offical Bara Furry Spank Bank Of Dicks
RiffSkozz's Offical Bara Furry Spank Bank Of Dicks - 14 years ago

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