Masque facial "Easybreath" - Full face snorkeling mask "Easybreath"

Masque facial "Easybreath" : Voir et respirer sous l'eau comme sur terre : Subtítulos en español disponible. Sottotitoli in italiano disponibile. Inspiration et expiration naturelle, flux respiratoire anti-buée, champ de vision 180°, Système Dry Top stoppant les entrées d'eau... Le masque Easybreath est le gagnant des Oxylane Innovation Awards 2014. Disponible à 24,99 € dans les magasins et sites web de Decathlon. Depuis 2017, les produits plongée de Tribord changent et deviennent la marque Subea. Full face snorkeling mask "Easybreath" : Natural breathing in and out, the breathing flow prevents the build-up of condensation, 180 degree field of vision, Dry Top System preventing water entry. On sale at Decathlon stores and websites : 24,99 € From 2017, Tribord diving products changes and becomes the brand Subea.

Masque facial "Easybreath" - Full face snorkeling mask "Easybreath" sentiment_very_dissatisfied 175

Snorkeling 11 years ago 2,625,899 views

Masque facial "Easybreath" : Voir et respirer sous l'eau comme sur terre : Subtítulos en español disponible. Sottotitoli in italiano disponibile. Inspiration et expiration naturelle, flux respiratoire anti-buée, champ de vision 180°, Système Dry Top stoppant les entrées d'eau... Le masque Easybreath est le gagnant des Oxylane Innovation Awards 2014. Disponible à 24,99 € dans les magasins et sites web de Decathlon. Depuis 2017, les produits plongée de Tribord changent et deviennent la marque Subea. Full face snorkeling mask "Easybreath" : Natural breathing in and out, the breathing flow prevents the build-up of condensation, 180 degree field of vision, Dry Top System preventing water entry. On sale at Decathlon stores and websites : 24,99 € From 2017, Tribord diving products changes and becomes the brand Subea.

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Most popular comments
for Masque facial "Easybreath" - Full face snorkeling mask "Easybreath"

Jaareed Master of memes
Jaareed Master of memes - 7 years ago
I got it, it does not work that great
#peideisai esse programa ta uma poha
#peideisai esse programa ta uma poha - 7 years ago
Uau negão
Burger Egg
Burger Egg - 7 years ago
Can u breath underwater with dis
Now that's a LOT of damage
Now that's a LOT of damage - 7 years ago
I got one for 20€
Hermann Melville
Hermann Melville - 7 years ago
why it is fogged? I am using it the first problem is fogging after 2-3 minutes (at most). second problem is mostly when I try it during backwards swimming, it make me choke. like air coming from outside blocks for some seconds. I used that mask like a duration of 30 hours. and no other problem happened.
Ivan Domoni
Ivan Domoni - 7 years ago
Ok, let summary this, you are saying that there is no way for water to enter into mask, except couple drops. On video it is presented how system works when going under water. How system react on waves and when water comes from a side? And if water from some reason enters into mask, is it possible to remove it with harder air blow?
What about fogging ?
CkeyiN Qiao
CkeyiN Qiao - 7 years ago
Pink King
Pink King - 7 years ago
Can we breath when we dive to deep?
JAKZ - 7 years ago
I just got mine today

10. comment for Masque facial "Easybreath" - Full face snorkeling mask "Easybreath"

Shyklo ?
Shyklo ? - 7 years ago
I have that one. Everything to be easyer with.
Radivan Tiravi
Radivan Tiravi - 7 years ago
how to get this snorkel in indonesia, pls tell me
All In One Shop
All In One Shop - 7 years ago
Заказ масок без накрутки цены!!!!!!
All In One Shop
All In One Shop - 7 years ago
Маски везде с накрученной ценной!!!!!Вот ссылка кому интересно, заказывайте с бесплатным самовывозом или почтой России.Доставка быстрая, оплата удобная, качество хорошее. vk  точка com/aios_moscow
driss from
driss from - 7 years ago
Je veux un masque comment je peut vous contacté
sln sm
sln sm - 8 years ago
والله حلوة الي من قناة معلومات غريبة بلايك
Blue Cup Father
Blue Cup Father - 8 years ago
Cool! I really like the concept
I found this one on ebay:
They ship worldwide. Awesome!
Steve Morse
Steve Morse - 8 years ago
I tested this mask for two weeks and found that you have to be very careful in adjusting the mask and that you get leakage much more frequently than with a traditional cannot dive down with th easybreath mask so my advice would be to take a tranditional one with you too.
David VINCENT - 8 years ago
eureusmend que baucoup de jens l'utillise le frère de ma belle soeur à faillie mourire avec se masque
Giwrgos Papadopoulos 123
Giwrgos Papadopoulos 123 - 8 years ago
I have it

20. comment for Masque facial "Easybreath" - Full face snorkeling mask "Easybreath"

Mirror - 8 years ago
is this really effective as claimed?
P J Schuster
P J Schuster - 8 years ago
Mirror yes, I think it is. Bought one from Amazon - the brand named one - TRIBORD & have tested it in my gym pool before going to the Caribbean in January & it works great. As said by other reviewers, it's not too good at deeper diving because of the greater amount of air trapped around your face, makes you more buoyant
mr.king - 8 years ago
dissapointed thought it was working as an oxygen tank giving you at least couple of breaths underwater it is just a waste of money.
mr.king - 8 years ago
Phyllis Schuster true i just had a different image when i saw the mask
P J Schuster
P J Schuster - 8 years ago
mr.king They never claimed you can breathe underwater, it's a SNORKELING mask. You can't breathe underwater with the old regular snorkeling masks either.
Hadrien M
Hadrien M - 8 years ago
Merci ! c'est révolutionnaire ! enfin un objet utile et pas encombrant pour exploré les fond marins ! C'est un petit pas mais un bon début pour l'innovation sous marine
Peter Grochal
Peter Grochal - 8 years ago
this is thing soooo stupid
assia benhabit
assia benhabit - 8 years ago
Ils se sont inspirés de Scooby doo
张凯 - 8 years ago
are you sell this mask? i can't open the link. if possible could you add my whatsapp: +8613510539846
Etienne Wettingfeld
Etienne Wettingfeld - 8 years ago
I bought one yesterday and it's great!
PeopleCanFly23 - 8 years ago
Would it fit all sizes and types of heads?
Paul - 8 years ago
They're on sizes.
mickael rigaud
mickael rigaud - 8 years ago
il faut savoir s'en servir c'est tout
Plague Doctor
Plague Doctor - 8 years ago
Where can I buy this mask in California
mystuff63 - 8 years ago
Amazon has so many fake and counterfeit items. I'm an Amazon prime member and have done most all my shopping with them for convenience and price. But now, I will only buy from the company I want the product from. I have no affiliations with this specific company, I just don't want an invention stolen and an inferior unsafe product sent to me. I buy from the manufactures only now. It may cost more, or not - A recent purchase I made was a Buzz light year toy for my grandson. I naturally went to Amazon, read the reviews of all the fakes, toxic smells, cheap parts, and ordered it from - If I am underwater and not secure in my abilities with snorkeling, I want the best. So I will order from the company and review fairly. I will still order from Amazon if it's from the manufacture - Knowledge is power, so just do your research.
Marjorie SEVESTRE - 8 years ago
Anonymous Legion h
National Waters
National Waters - 8 years ago
Or less
In Amazon
Tribord - 8 years ago
In the USA, you can buy it here :
Best regards
Baptiste - Tribord

30. comment for Masque facial "Easybreath" - Full face snorkeling mask "Easybreath"

Jay Animations
Jay Animations - 8 years ago
I knew snorkeling ever since I was 9
Vidar Mathisen
Vidar Mathisen - 8 years ago
wanna try this.
muzictherpy - 8 years ago
Don't know how much you breath on nose when you are more physically active..
Sabrina Castellanos-Porres
Sabrina Castellanos-Porres - 8 years ago
This works for men with beard?
Ilya Vasilyev
Ilya Vasilyev - 8 years ago
Bonjour!)) Ajourd-hui j'ai acheter votre masque et hereusement c'est mon premier fois sous la mer!! J'ai ca filme!)) avec GoPro Hero 3)
PSA - Citrovidéo
PSA - Citrovidéo - 8 years ago
Inspiré ou troublante ressemblance avec le masque à gaz de la Marine francaise, l' 1934. La forme de la coquille faciale et la sortie frontale caractéristique.
Sympathique produit pour étendre la vision sous-marine depuis la surface aux plus récalcitrants !
Nykz Ambos
Nykz Ambos - 8 years ago
DaMiara Worriers
DaMiara Worriers - 8 years ago
do you and can you release pressure underwater?
Da-Ja Thinks' Quality Crap
Da-Ja Thinks' Quality Crap - 8 years ago
The best part is how ridiculous you'll look!
Buuuz TV
Buuuz TV - 8 years ago
You are so stupid.
pierre-michel Grenoblais
pierre-michel Grenoblais - 8 years ago
you can't do crawl with this mask i ve tried its useless you keep touvh it ith your elbows and falls off . after few power strokes when you take speed water begins to enter as it slips bit off your face . i wouldnt recommend this mask for crawl
Truth Sender
Truth Sender - 8 years ago
It would also be useful for some futuristic cosplays ;P
Hank Buk
Hank Buk - 8 years ago
Amazing! What I don't understand is if you can actually breathe underwater. Is it possible, even if for a few seconds?
Tribord - 8 years ago
Hi Hank Buk,
It's a snorkeling mask. You can just breath underwater with the snorkel out of the water.
Baptiste - Tribord
VEI DORJE - 8 years ago
anxiogène !!! certes l'apnée et la chasse c'est pas pour les claustrophobes aucun doute là dessus j'ai déjà entendu beaucoup de gens dire que la simple idée quand ils vont se baigner de mettre la tête sous l'eau pour voir le fond leur fout la trouille grave ( les films à sensations doivent y être pour quelque chose du moins en partie ) je ne pensais pas que respirer par le biais d'un tuba pouvait représenter un problème pour autant de gens
respirer et surtout expirer contre du verre ou tout matériau similaire = beaucoup de buée qui gène la visibilité j'espère qu'ils ont résolu ce problème et que beaucoup de gens s'y mettront le fond de la mer c'est un beau spectacle qui mérite d'aller au-delà de ses craintes pour être découvert
Essam95100 - 8 years ago
Le produit va résoudre plusieurs problèmes. Je pense que l'un des problèmes majeurs qui est fortement désagréable c'est le fait d'avoir le tuba dans la bouche, baver énormément, devoir souffler dans le tuba lorsque l'eau s'y infiltre (tout le temps) et avoir la bouche qui brule au bout d'un moment à cause de l'eau de mer, et être desséché à cause de cette dernière (et le mauvais goût aussi).
malcolm Alas
malcolm Alas - 8 years ago
crservice2008 - 8 years ago
как в ней продуваться? нос же не зажмёшь?
Yuda Bali
Yuda Bali - 8 years ago
Snorkeling with giant Manta rays in Bali. Only in Bali
Maria McCreary
Maria McCreary - 8 years ago
I can't wait to buy one. Now available on Amazon.
Arbre De bois
Arbre De bois - 9 years ago
Produit excellent, utilisé à l'île Mairice avec les dauphins, du pur bonheur, je plonge rarement et je n'utilise pas de tuba régulièrement, avec ca pas de soucis.
Excellent de voir les autres touristes galerer avec les tubas!
Dot Z
Dot Z - 9 years ago
any shipping to south east asia ??? especially Indonesia ?? hmm
Tribord - 8 years ago
in Australia, you can buy our Easybreath mask here :
Best regards.

Baptiste - Tribord
Adriel Sandji
Adriel Sandji - 8 years ago
Try going on, they sell a free breath snorkel mask, though in a different brand called "the nice"... PBA: if the website doesn't help, go visit the real store..
Dot Z
Dot Z - 8 years ago
+tallaganda83 hahaha xD
tallaganda83 - 8 years ago
I wonder if they ship to Australia, i want to buy one to use in Indonesia lol.
Inex rytp
Inex rytp - 9 years ago
я такую маску нехачу

50. comment for Masque facial "Easybreath" - Full face snorkeling mask "Easybreath"

Kyle Hosein
Kyle Hosein - 9 years ago
use   a zyack
Sanchi Pandey
Sanchi Pandey - 9 years ago
Is this inspired by Avatar?
Guillaume Boyer
Guillaume Boyer - 8 years ago
It is inspired by The Snorks actually :)
Metro Notte
Metro Notte - 8 years ago
or "ghost in the shell" :D
Karim Slayver
Karim Slayver - 9 years ago
Je pratique la chasse sous marine Jl'es essayer c'est vraiment nul comme masque je pref la tubas + masque
peut etre il est bon pour surface mais pour la chasse sous marine 10 20m c impossible j'ai pas pu depassé les 3m avec la pression le masque ne peut pas tenir
William Wong
William Wong - 9 years ago
I have 2 barely used sets in Adult L/XL (blue). Anyone interested I can ship anywhere as long as you pay (paypal only) for it. :)
Message me your email address.
William Wong
William Wong - 9 years ago
+Sablicious no foggy whatsoever, fitment is tricky as it matters in the length of your face. There should be a chart. Really meant for surface snorkel; world not recommend going below 6 meters as mask will pressurize and suck your face. Other than that, great snorkeling mask, always clear 180 vision and breath as you're on land.
William Wong
William Wong - 9 years ago
+Sablicious they were authentic, nor that China knock off named thenice. But they both sold sorry.
Sablicious - 9 years ago
+William Wong
Used? Authentic (branded) or Chinese knock-off? How much?
rgdstranger - 9 years ago
is this total dry? as in when u completely submerge into water does the water seep in?
Sander Snoek
Sander Snoek - 8 years ago
Masagué Jérémy
Masagué Jérémy - 9 years ago
Super masque, cependant il faut être certain de ne pas vouloir aller plus profond, c'est pour du snorkeling exclusivement en surface, étant donné que l'on ne peu pas décompresser en se pinçant le nez...
Bilbo Craft
Bilbo Craft - 9 years ago
Je me suis acheté le masque et j'en suis super fier
Tailslol - 9 years ago
acheté hier a montpellier et testé aujourd'hui,vraiment c est cool pour de la nage tranquil,j adore,beau boulot !j'attends juste une version 2 avec lanieres en pvc et une meilleure fixation tuba.
MMH - 9 years ago
But when you dive inside water it become dangerous with this mask, because the Pipe still connected and it will let water inside the mask
P J Schuster
P J Schuster - 8 years ago
MMH It does not enter the mask, other than maybe a drip or two if you don't have it fitted well
Tailslol - 9 years ago
+MMH it has a water blow valve on the bottom and a water seal on top so i can tell you nothing enter in use,anyway it is too big to dive,the size make me float if i try to dive under 1m
tuca - 9 years ago
+MMH it won't. It has a very efficient mecanism. In case it enters, just take off the mask...
Scott B.
Scott B. - 9 years ago
Check out this snorkeling video.
Emanouche - 9 years ago
Mais franchement, ils donnent l'impression que c'est super dure d'utiliser un tuba normal... c'est pas sorcier, je l'ai fait toute ma vie. Voici le grands secret: tu vas sous l'eau, tu remontes, tu souffles fort pour vider le tuba, et tu continue a respirer. lol, mais bon bonne idee quands meme. :)
Tribord - 9 years ago
Bonjour +Emanouche : effectivement pour certains cela parait un jeu d'enfant d'utiliser un tuba normal, mais pour information il y a environ 40% de la population pour qui c'est très compliqué, anxiogène, voir impossible...
Baptiste - Tribord
Imanuel Aaron Mogie
Imanuel Aaron Mogie - 9 years ago
It'd be great if i could somewhat customise the glass as glasses help me to see. I think wearing contact lenses is not a good idea for snorkelling.
Mero Dalusung
Mero Dalusung - 9 years ago
Should've been named "Easybreathe"
Jamimai Encallado
Jamimai Encallado - 9 years ago
Choooooya. Di hasol
Carlos Bastos
Carlos Bastos - 9 years ago
Teria essa mascara no Brazil?
tuca - 9 years ago
+Carlos Bastos Vc vai ter que pedir pelo eBay ou Amazon.
Ng Alim
Ng Alim - 9 years ago
Where can buy this. ? any online store that I can get this. Thx
Ronald Yudo Adityo
Ronald Yudo Adityo - 9 years ago
+Ng Alim Decathlon
Matthew Mulholland
Matthew Mulholland - 9 years ago
if i went underwater with it water would get in the mask right ?
Imanuel Aaron Mogie
Imanuel Aaron Mogie - 9 years ago
+Matthew Mulholland They have the system that prevents water to come into the mask at the end of the video. Not sure if it's very efficient but it looks more efficient than the conventional ones.
yeah10000000000000 - 9 years ago
what if you get water in your air tube, does the water go up your nose instead of your mouth
yeah10000000000000 - 9 years ago
+yeah10000000000000 i saw the end of the video.......think i get it
lyn perk
lyn perk - 9 years ago
notice how they didn't show how to clear the mask.Thats a mystery
Alex John
Alex John - 9 years ago
Hi there,
I have a question of the size of the mask. I'm currently ordering the S/M one and I realized most of the adults I have gone through online went with L/XL. Just wondering if there's a massive difference between both size. Well, I know you might find it hard to believe but when I measure the distance between the nasal bridge and my chin, it is between 12-14 CM. I know if it is <12 then I should go with the S/M one and the other way around. I'm just afraid that the S/M will suffocate me instead. Any opinion?
Joseph Punzalan Sagullo
Joseph Punzalan Sagullo - 9 years ago
marcel shoshan
marcel shoshan - 10 years ago
Snorkeling and free diving in the red sea 
Photographer - Marcel Shoshan
Enjoy…… 
Lee CambsUK
Lee CambsUK - 10 years ago
I would love to try this even though I am old school and can clear an old fashioned snorkel with no problem. I normally snorkel and free dive with a high end dry top these days and wondering how it performs at 5m-10m...
TheShinobiik11 - 10 years ago
Make a black and grey one please I don't like white and bright colours
Chaffrey Leclere
Chaffrey Leclere - 10 years ago
Je suis aux Etats-Unis, mais impossible de l'acheter, vous venez quand chez nous?
min gong
min gong - 10 years ago
턱이 조긍 아프네요 아시안 사이즈로는 좀 작은듯
수심 4m이하로는 압력이 굉장해요
펀다이빙용 입니다.
Lip-Nillson - 7 years ago
I understood "4m" Mr.Worldwide!
Cheeky Monkey Belize
Cheeky Monkey Belize - 10 years ago
We are doing our best to help mitigate the problems caused by cruise tourism on the small, wonderful, pristine Central American country of Belize.  Please take the time to check out our Indiegogo pitch and if you can’t help tangibly, please help by spreading the word.  We are truly the “good guys”.  Thanks!
Cheeky Monkey Belize
Chris Cooper
Chris Cooper - 10 years ago
Shut up and take my money!
Ricardo L
Ricardo L - 10 years ago
Just came back from Brussels and bought one for me and my wife. Can wait to use them. I have 4 extras in case anyone in the Los Angeles area is interested.
nicholas hughes
nicholas hughes - 10 years ago
thats a lot of dead air space :/
Cape Town Sup
Cape Town Sup - 10 years ago
Hi. Can you ship to South Africa yet?
Edgramor Production
Edgramor Production - 10 years ago
How will you balance your ear's pressure with this mask???
François Vahé
François Vahé - 10 years ago
Bought it in France 10 days ago, I live in Croatia and it's just a real delight to swim with it you can go deep as 2/3 m, the vision and the feeling is no compare to other annoying tube in mouth, noise pain and steam! So good!

J'habite en Croatie et j'attendais avec grande impatience la sortie de ce produit depuis plusieurs mois! Pas déçu au contraire, après en avoir acheter 2 à Decat VA59 je l'essaye tout les jours ici est c'est une révélation, sensation de liberté plus de mal au nez, pas de buée, une vision clair et panoramique, habitué au tuba et masque classic je ne comprend pas comment on a pu dorénavant été si longtemps sans ce produit génial! Bravo à Tribor vous avez fait un super boulot! 

Un Decathlon va ouvrir ces portes ici cette année (SUPER! ;) vous allez cartonner les Croates adorent le sport le pays offre une tres grande diversité de sport et les magasins actuels sont petits et pas tres atractifs! J'espère que vos vendeurs auront la patate et "esprit decathlon!" c'est pas toujours le cas ici.) à Zagreb à la mi-novembre est ce que vous pouvez me confirmer que l'easybreath sera disponible en magasin? Je vous ai fait déjà beaucoup de publicité ici!
Bruno Leblanc
Bruno Leblanc - 10 years ago
 I have personally try this in a swimming pool and couldn't go down more than 0.5m.... Impossible to clear the ears and the air pocket will compress on your face.. I am a professional Scuba Instructor with more than 5000 dives and this product is useless if you want to free dive.  
brunoscuba2011 - 10 years ago
+Keith James Lapere  I have read the facts... I know about equalization and it is not for everybody to equalize by flexing the jaw.
It mention on the product that you also can free dive.... the invention is right, if you read my first comment I didn't uncredit the mask...just mentioned it was not for free diving.

Pfft yourself!!!!!
Keith James Lapere
Keith James Lapere - 10 years ago
Negative attitude for someone that has over 5000 dives logged.
Obviously you don't have a appreciation for the people discovering snorkeling for the first time where some can't use a traditional snorkel, which it is created for.It's not meant for free diving,which it states.
  Pay attention to the facts! Oh! and about "Impossible to clearing the ears"  the technical term is called "equalization" try flexing your jaw the next time, if pinching off the nose don't work! And you call yourself an instructor? pfft! 
Lisa Gilbert
Lisa Gilbert - 10 years ago
can I swim laps with this?
ligerchris chris
ligerchris chris - 10 years ago
ligerchris chris
ligerchris chris - 10 years ago
Excellent, une bonne idée a tester
David VINCENT - 8 years ago
sa t'étoufe
Jorge Librelotto
Jorge Librelotto - 10 years ago
I can't find in Decathlon stores in Brasil, any chance I can find it soon around here. Or a website I can buy internationally ? Thks a lot
lillajason - 8 years ago
+Tribord it's awesome I have one
Felype Magri Trindade
Felype Magri Trindade - 10 years ago
Tribord we wait anxiously =D
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi, in Brasil they rarely received mask and in few quantity. The next year it will be more simple to buy the product. Best regards - JChristophe - Community manager junior
crazzybear45 - 10 years ago
J'en ai 2 est c'est vraiment génial tres dur a obtenir mais pas dessus du tout très bon produit ;)
Roberto Testa
Roberto Testa - 10 years ago
I think you should create a mecchanism to equalize the pressure so to allow deep dive more than 3 meter.. (for example could put a something like a button that clench the  nose and allow compensation)
Lets suppose that this mask have this mecchanism, would this mask suitable for more deep immersion? what is the maximum deep could be reached?
Bruno Leblanc
Bruno Leblanc - 10 years ago
+Tribord I have personally try this in a swimming pool and couldn't go down more than 0.5m.... Impossible to clear the ears and the air pocket will compress on your face.. I am a professional Scuba Instructor with more than 5000 dives and this product is useless if you want to free dive.  
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi thanks for your message. It's a snorkeling mask (for beginners)  to discover submarine landscape. You can deep dive at 2 or 3 meter. Best regards - JChristophe - Community manager junior
Alexandre Bès
Alexandre Bès - 10 years ago
Super classe, mais dire que le masque et tuba tu n y vois rien et que cela fait mal faut vraiment une sacré tantouze !!
Thalissa NVD
Thalissa NVD - 10 years ago
Great !!
TribordTV - 10 years ago
Hi @james Nguyen, the mask will be sold in 2015 in worldwide probably. best regards - JChristophe - Community manager junior
wikichris - 10 years ago
Bought yesterday and tried. It's as good as they say.
James Nguyen
James Nguyen - 10 years ago
Can you make the mask available to the u.s.a please I'll be happy if you guys sale it and reply
Tomas Røyland
Tomas Røyland - 10 years ago
How do you neutralize the pressure when diving deep?
Tribord - 10 years ago
HI! The Easybreath mask is create for snorkeling and beginners. You couldn't realise the Valsalva tricks for equalize pressure in yours ears. You can deep dive at 2 or 3 meter maximum but not more. best regards JChristophe - Community manager junior
Amed Mesa
Amed Mesa - 10 years ago
I live in the United States, can I order internationally?  If not, how soon before it hits stores here?  I want several for my upcoming vacation.
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi @Amed! thanks a lot for your interest for our Easybreath mask. Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell and ship it in the USA and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon. Best regards - JChristophe - Community manager junior
Vagina69Love - 10 years ago
40 Euro :)
Shiro Infires
Shiro Infires - 7 years ago
Hermann Melville turkey doesn't use euro
Hermann Melville
Hermann Melville - 7 years ago
it is 25 euro in Turkey...
Tolimpia - 7 years ago
Vagina69Love at amazon 25 euro ;)
SeeMeSoCute - 7 years ago
halstørklæde Kommune 29€
halstørklæde Kommune
halstørklæde Kommune - 7 years ago
Vagina69Love 129 tl :(
Tribord - 10 years ago
39,95 ;)
凍寧紅茶 - 10 years ago
Will Taiwan buy into it?
Tribord - 10 years ago
Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell and ship it in Taiwan and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.

The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :

Best regards.

Jean-Christophe – Community manager junior
James Nguyen
James Nguyen - 10 years ago
I can't believe there sold out
bokeflo - 10 years ago
Looks like a very cool idea for a snorkeling mask.

100. comment for Masque facial "Easybreath" - Full face snorkeling mask "Easybreath"

Julien Gamer
Julien Gamer - 10 years ago
Peut on réelement RESPIRER sous l'eau avec cet objet?
Tribord - 10 years ago
Bonjour Julien,

Le masque Easybreath est en effet prévu pour respirer (par le nez et la bouche) sous l'eau et pratiquer le snorkeling. 
+ d'infos:

Bien cordialement 

JChristophe - Community manager junior
Romain Serrano
Romain Serrano - 10 years ago
Après avoir HARCELÉ le vendeur de chez Décathlon (ils étaient en rupture, il m'a vendu son modèle d'essai) je peux enfin avoir un avis sur ce masque. Bilan: C'EST UNE TUERIE!!!!! la vision est incroyable, l'eau ne rentre pas, le fait de respirer par le nez sous l'eau c'est quand même assez dingue, tout ça pour un prix assez fou aussi. Donc un gros gros bravo à nos français qui ont pondu ce masque, le seul "petit" bémol pour ma part vient de la sangle de maintien, je la trouve un peu limite, je ne sais pas si elle va durer très longtemps, le tissu commence à se découdre un petit peu, bon après ce n'est rien de grave. Quel plaisir!
thomas yz 85
thomas yz 85 - 10 years ago
ianopongomagazin - 10 years ago
This mask is great and really does its work. But the ad is stupid, those people are retards
kingofallwhites - 10 years ago
Tommy likey!  This looks awesome and I will definitely be getting one or two of them! Reminds me of Johnny Quest gadgets. Kind of funny though to hear the interviews about how difficult snorkeling is.
Joi M Joaquin
Joi M Joaquin - 10 years ago
Where do they sell those mask to ... ???
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi! Thanks for your message and your interest for our Easybreath mask. To know where you can find the Easybreath mask, you can visit the following page : 
Best regards
JChristophe - Community manager junior
younes Benbessa
younes Benbessa - 10 years ago
c cool tout ca mais du coté décompression en fait comment ? 
Tribord - 10 years ago
Ce masque a été conçu pour la pratique du snorkeling (randonnée palmée), donc pour rester en surface. Il est néanmoins impossible de réaliser la manoeuvre du Valsalva et donc d'égaliser la pression dans les oreilles. Vous pouvez tout de même plonger jusqu'à 1 ou 2 mètre sans risque. 
Bien cordialement
JChristophe - Community manager junior
Simone Turci
Simone Turci - 10 years ago
Maschera per rompere i timpani! mi spiegate come si fa, se dovessi scendere di qualche metro in apnea, a compensare con una maschera del genere? bella idea ma sviluppata malissimo!
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi Simone, 
Sorry but is not a diving mask...The Easybreath is create for beginners which want practice snorkeling. Is true, you can't realise the Valsalva trick (for equalize pressure in hears). But for discover underwater landscape below the surface, is perfect.
more informations:
Best regards
JChristophe - Community manager junior
jarmo tverin
jarmo tverin - 10 years ago
I could only find it in french decathlon and  there it was sold out? This should be sold in every country!
jarmo tverin
jarmo tverin - 10 years ago
That's a shame, because anyone interested in diving would want this system for sure.
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi Jarmo, 
Thanks for your message, the mask is sold out in France but also in other countries. More informations about the distribution:
Best regards
JChristophe - Community manager junior
borncoza - 10 years ago
on peut pas compenser apparemment, ça limite la ballade à la surface
Tribord - 10 years ago
Bonjour, c'est un masque de snorkeling (randonnée palmée). Vous pouvez  plonger à 1 ou 2 mètres si nécessaire, néanmoin il est impossible de faire la manœuvre de Valsalva (permettant d'équilibrer la pression). Bonne journée.
Bart Meets Joe
Bart Meets Joe - 10 years ago
The under water power rangers haha
Dean Marchetti
Dean Marchetti - 10 years ago
How to turn the simple into the complex. 
madison twatter
madison twatter - 10 years ago
mais c'est quoi ces témoinages pourris sur des gens qui ne savent meme pas utiliser un vrai tuba  ?
Tribord - 10 years ago
Bonjour, au vu de l'engouement pour ce produit, il y a beaucoup de personnes (à travers le monde) qui aimeraient pratiquer le snorkeling ou randonnée palmée, mais qui ne le peuvent pas, par raison de santé ou autre. Avec l'Easybreath, les pratiquants n'auront pas besoin "d'utiliser un vrai tuba". Cordialement
Roodee - 10 years ago
Shut up and take my money!
Dean Meadows
Dean Meadows - 10 years ago
'Aimed at the idiot' marketing strategies are unethical!
Dean Meadows
Dean Meadows - 10 years ago
Seems like a good idea with interaction design principles nicely in place... well done? Biggets concern is the pressure build up when diving down... it seems like a large volume which will clearly produce a lot of pressure? Most of those dry snorkels suck your tongue right up the barrell if you keep them in... I can imagine this popping your eyeballs too? and how do you equalise?... or is it only designed for surface snorkelling?
pudinkk - 10 years ago
+Tribord maximum 1-2 meters , is there any way that you could damage the mask if you go further?

I mean I tend to dive to 3-4 meters regularly just to pick up stuff like starfish. that would be awesome with this mask
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi Dean, the Easybreath mask is create for Snorkelling. Not for deep dive. You can dive but at 1 or 2 meters maximum. Best regards 
Jamie Cummings
Jamie Cummings - 10 years ago
I've had several snorkels that say they close when you go under water. Did not work very well. At least with a regular snorkel you can spit the water out again. Curious to know how well this works with deep diving and flipping over under water. 
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi Jamie, the Easybreath mask is create for Snorkelling. Not for deep dive. You can dive, but at 1 or 2 meters maximum. Best regards 
Armitshu Shu
Armitshu Shu - 10 years ago
This is good.
Tribord - 10 years ago
Alan Phang
Alan Phang - 10 years ago
are these available in singapore? 
Tribord - 10 years ago

Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry it is not sold and available yet, it should be sold in september in Singapore on

The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :

Best regards.
Malteus Malteus
Malteus Malteus - 10 years ago
А купить это можно будет, никогда ?
Lore Aristimuño
Lore Aristimuño - 10 years ago
Ya se que regalarle a mi marido.. Genial
Tribord - 10 years ago
Socrates Alexander
Socrates Alexander - 10 years ago
Do you plan to sell it in Turkey?
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi! The Easybreath mask will available in Turkey in 3 or 4 week, for the man size (L/XL). For the woman size (S/M), we will wait at the end of august. Best regards. Visit our website here: best regards
Gail Felin
Gail Felin - 10 years ago
Gregg, Check this out.  This is a really great improvement on the snorkling mask.  Charlie
Tribord - 10 years ago
Thanks a lot Gail!
kanuckster - 10 years ago
Many comments and questions on the Tribord Facebook site with no replies from Tribord.
Sounds like this product is going down the same runway as the airbus A380, announce a amazing new product, set a release date and then nothing.
Would it not make sense to develop/perfect, make it fuctional, manufacture it and then introduce it to the masses when it is actually available?
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hello, thanks for your message. We have lot of questions for the Easybreath mask, but we answer at all. we had a slight delay in delivery, but now we will receive the man size (L/XL) each week. Best regards and enjoy snorkeling ;)
KahuniTv - 10 years ago
What about popping your ears when you go deep down?
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi! The Easybreath mask is create and sell out for Snorkelling. Not for deep dive. You can dive but at 1 or 2 meters maximum. Best regards 
MrJoe Sarkis
MrJoe Sarkis - 10 years ago
seems promising! when and where can we buy it in the US???
Vaguess _
Vaguess _ - 8 years ago
+Tribord bonjour tribord, j'aimerais savoir si on peux plonger entièrement sous l'eau et respirer avec ou doit-on garder le bout du masque hors de l'eau ?
Tribord - 10 years ago

Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry, at present, the  man size is sold in few Decathlon stores 
The woman size will be available at the end of july.

Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell it in the USA and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.

The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :

Best regards.
Cybdiver Underwater
Cybdiver Underwater - 10 years ago
perfect for resort first time snorklers
Tribord - 10 years ago
Yes it is, thanks a lot ;)
MusicalSawMen - 10 years ago
On croit que tous a été inventé, puis on découvre que des innovations pourtant pas si difficile que ça a réaliser n'avait toujours pas été faites. Chapeau pour votre créativité !
Tribord - 10 years ago
Merci beaucoup!
WASTMARK - 10 years ago
Tribord - 10 years ago
Thanks a lot!
SocaPoliceForce - 10 years ago
Now I can go snorkeling, love it.
Tribord - 10 years ago
Yes you can!
Komrade115 - 10 years ago
Okay, so let me get this straight...
This mask will give me an excellent view without fogging up, will allow me to breath through my nose and my mouth, will not have me swallowing water, AND let's me look like a sci-fi star-fighter pilot?  
Yeah, I'm sold...
MisterPeetBull - 7 years ago
Komrade115 right, but it's only good for surface swimming. Don't plan on going more than 3 ft under with it. It's a scuba mall for pussies
Ready Up Live
Ready Up Live - 10 years ago
I want one
Joseph Cocozza
Joseph Cocozza - 10 years ago
As an experienced Tec Diver and Free Diver this is one the dumbest thing I have ever seen. They have made something that is simple and that works into a Rube Goldburg design for underwater. 
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi Joe, The Easybreath mask is create for people which discover Snorkelling for the first time, or which can't use traditional snorkel. Not for deep dive. You can dive, but at 1 or 2 meters maximum. Best regards 
Katie Smart
Katie Smart - 10 years ago
where can I order this mask
Tribord - 10 years ago

Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry, at present, the  man size is sold in few Decathlon stores 
The woman size will be available at the end of july.

Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell it in the USA and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.

The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :

Best regards.
Francisco Gutierrez
Francisco Gutierrez - 10 years ago
Does it let you pinch your nose so you can equalize the pressure when you dive down?  Or is this snorkel for surface snorkeling only? 
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi Francisco! The Easybreath mask is create for people which discover Snorkelling for the first time, or which can't use traditional snorkel. Not for deep dive. You can dive, but at 1 or 2 meters maximum. Best regards 
lorenzom21 - 10 years ago
It looks like a pulled-back red-tipped penis with a single testicle. But... I would wear it.
Tribord - 10 years ago
It's perfect for discover snorkeling ;) best regards
Sean Santos
Sean Santos - 10 years ago
Wish we have this in the Philippines
Tribord - 10 years ago

Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry, at present, the  man size is sold in few Decathlon stores 
The woman size will be available at the end of july.

Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell it in Philippines and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.

The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :

Best regards.
Goat Head Hollow
Goat Head Hollow - 10 years ago
can you go completely under water with these with out getting water in the mask? like when using a traditional mask, if I see something I wanna dive down deeper for a min I would, and then i'd just empty the chamber when I came back up to the surface. how does that work with this one?
Tribord - 10 years ago
The Easybreath mask is create for people which discover Snorkelling for the first time, or which can't use traditional snorkel. Not for deep dive. You can dive, but at 1 or 2 meters maximum. Best regards 
Esteban Burke
Esteban Burke - 10 years ago
If you're diving downwards will it let water in (ie - diving downwards at an angle) and if so does it let you expell it with a blow when you resurface?
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi Esteban! If you diving at 1 or 2 meter deep, water can't come inside with the Dry top system. When you come back to the surface: the floater moove and you can breath again. Best regards
JChhristophe - Community manager junior
Spec0pleader - 10 years ago
I want one and I can't even swim
Satya Sahithy
Satya Sahithy - 10 years ago
when is it for sale? people will loose interest if not sale soon as they have been waiting for almost 6-9 months
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hello, it's depend where you lives...the product is available yet in Europe and some part of the world but not in USA and canada for 2014.. Best regards
tejaspics - 10 years ago
Dudes, too much bla bla bla at the beginning.  
nicegoodspeed1 - 10 years ago
Bring this to South East Asia region, a lot of my friends are really looking forward to buy this.
Tribord - 10 years ago
HI! Thanks for your interest for our Easybreath mask. The man size (L/XL) is available yet in China. Best regards
JChristophe - Community manager junior
Walter Iglesia
Walter Iglesia - 10 years ago
 maybe something to pull on the side of the mask to do the Valsalva manover
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi Walter, Thanks for your suggestion. But the mask is created for snorkeling and discover underwater landscape from the surface. You can dive at only 1 or 2 meter without do the Valsalva manover. 
Best regards
JChristophe - Community manager junior
Jansie Blom
Jansie Blom - 10 years ago
This makes me want to become a snorkeller.
Eric Lin
Eric Lin - 10 years ago
Is the circle on the bottom for flushing out water? Is that hard to do with so much air space in the mask? Having managed a hotel by the sea I saw a lot of people who could benefit from this, as for me I'll stick to my mask and snorkel.
Tribord - 10 years ago
HI Eric, the circle on the bottom is not for flushing out water, because it is waterproof and there is not water inside. Is just a part of the mask.
Best regards
JChristophe - Community manager junior
joaocorreiamedia - 10 years ago
I like the idea behind the product, and it's well explained. But did you really had to give the pink mask to the only girl? Really? Really?
Fancysaltedpeanut - 10 years ago
Oh, fuck off.
kineographBOT - 10 years ago
10/10 would snorkel 
Soapstef S
Soapstef S - 10 years ago
Such a wonderful invention! I can't wait till it reaches the US. Good luck. This should be huge.
Tribord - 10 years ago
Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell and ship it in the USA and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.

The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :

Best regards.

Jean-Christophe – Community manager junior
Matt Meyer
Matt Meyer - 10 years ago
Worst invention ever, you CANNOT equalize. DO NOT buy. This means you cannot freedive deeper than 5 feet, that's the best part of snorkeling!
Tribord - 10 years ago
The Easybreath mask is create for people which discover Snorkelling for the first time, or which can't use traditional snorkel. Not for deep dive. You can dive, but at 1 or 2 meters maximum. Best regards 
Lee Noyes
Lee Noyes - 10 years ago
Dead fish and toxic chemicals brought to you by BP. Snorkel sold seperately.
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi! The Easybreath is a mask with snorkel inlaid.
Best regards
JChristophe - Community manager junior
TD - 10 years ago
this will be more better product if there's a way to press the nose to equalize when the person using it wants a little freedive to see coral closer.
Tribord - 10 years ago
The Easybreath mask is create for people which discover Snorkelling for the first time, or which can't use traditional snorkel. Not for deep dive. You can dive, but at 1 or 2 meters maximum. Best regards 
Harold Broflovski
Harold Broflovski - 10 years ago
yea too bad 80% of all the coral reef is now dead so whats left much to look at? "THANKS", politics that are "supposed " to represent the people that take bribes from corrupt corporations like bp oil!
mcgym sawewit
mcgym sawewit - 10 years ago
when will be in the philippines? :)
Tribord - 10 years ago

Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry, at present, the  man size is sold in few Decathlon stores 
The woman size will be available at the end of july.

Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell it in Phillipines and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.

The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :

Best regards.
Eugenio Corrales
Eugenio Corrales - 10 years ago
This is a great innovation sir!!!Is this available here in the Philippines? if yes? how much will it cost? including the shipment?
Tribord - 10 years ago

Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry, at present, the  man size is sold in few Decathlon stores 
The woman size will be available at the end of july.

Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell it in Phillipines and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.

The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :

Best regards.
pcbluewater - 10 years ago
As a commercial Director I think you could of made a better marketing angle for this other than "people too dumb to snorkel".  This is a great innovative idea but this commercial is hilarious. 
seanmurray90 - 10 years ago
Maybe a version 2 could have a silicone nose piece for free-diving equalization? I seem to get larger and more comfortable breathe-ups using my nose. I think this could be very interesting for the shallow water free-divers however, im sure the device would create a lot of drag. Not to mention the amount of buoyancy from such a large surface. Still a great and innovative device for snorkelers tho! Snorkels are a pain to deal with sometimes.    
Tribord - 10 years ago
HI Thanks a lot for your interest for our Easybreath mask. I will transfer your recommandations at the Design team. Best regards
JChristophe - Community manager junior
vai07777777 - 10 years ago
The nose is great for breathing - it filters, moistens, and warms air before entering the body. However, when freediving you should be using your mouth to breathe. This will give the most effective exchange of air. We cannot feel it since we have breathing through our noses since we were born but breathing through our mouth actually uses 50x less energy then breathing through our nose.
Kathy Dowsett
Kathy Dowsett - 10 years ago
This product will open up the door for beginner snorkelers and those with breathing problems through their mouth only when snorkeling Kathy kirkscubagear
StormWaltz73 - 10 years ago
Brilliant!  Love the sleek design.
Jay Chrisman
Jay Chrisman - 10 years ago
Useless for anyone that has a beard...
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi Jay, in effect is complicate to buy this product when you have beard..Sorry.
Tomy - 10 years ago
C'est pas non plus la mort un tuba...
Tribord - 10 years ago
Bonjour, le masque Easybreath est conçu pour les personnes ayant des problèmes de respiration, ou des difficultés à utiliser un tuba. Ainsi eux aussi, pourront  découvrir nos magnifiques fonds marins. Sportivement!
flyassqbn - 10 years ago
Shut up and take my moneys!!!
Alex Sim
Alex Sim - 10 years ago
Alvin Wong
Alvin Wong - 10 years ago
Will you be producing one for scuba diving?
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi, maybe in few month..
Felix Ramos
Felix Ramos - 10 years ago
I want one!!! When and where can I order?
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi Felix!
To know where you can find the Easybreath mask, you can visit the following page : 
Best regards
JChristophe - Community manager junior
PAC CH - 10 years ago
Hi, I am amazed and how can I pre-order? I'm in Thailand. .
Xi Nova
Xi Nova - 8 years ago
+Tribord I got the mask but the chin is to loose how do you adjust it
Tribord - 10 years ago

Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry it is not sold and available yet, it should be sold in september in Thailand on

The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :

Best regards.
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 10 years ago
The video shows waaaaay too much cheesy stuff and not nearly enough explanation of the actual product function. Also the music made me bleed from orifices I didn't know I had. Interesting innovation and good luck - I hope it's a commercial success for you. Though I agree with some comments here - using a regular snorkel is one of the easiest things on earth. And "absolute nose breathers?" Please. It's a cool product. You don't need to feed us BS to sell it.
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi! The Easybreath mask is create for people which discover Snorkelling for the first time, or which can't use traditional snorkel. Not for deep dive. You can dive, but at 1 or 2 meters maximum. Best regards 
Frank Hatcher
Frank Hatcher - 10 years ago
Now... team up with GoPro to come up with a bracket to mount on the top the mask... and you have the ultimate combo. Great work all around. 
PAC CH - 10 years ago
Hi !!! Tribord, How i can pre-order and i'm in Thailand.
Tribord - 10 years ago

Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry it is not sold and available yet, it should be sold in september in Thailand on

The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :

Best regards.
Mary Molnar
Mary Molnar - 10 years ago
Is it available in the store yet?  Which country do I order it from since I am in the USA?
Tribord - 10 years ago

Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry, at present, the  man size is sold in few Decathlon stores 
The woman size will be available at the end of july.

Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell it in the USA and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.

The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :

Best regards.
Ed Mehrzad
Ed Mehrzad - 10 years ago
when is this gonna be available in Canada and the USA ?
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi +Ed Mehrzad : Really sorry but in 2014, our Easybreath mask won't be sold in North America.
Clint Byrne
Clint Byrne - 10 years ago
would love one when they come to the states.
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi Clint!
Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell and ship it in the USA and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.

The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :

Best regards.

Jean-Christophe – Community manager junior
Mary Molnar
Mary Molnar - 10 years ago
Please tell where may I order this mask from??
Mary Molnar
Mary Molnar - 10 years ago
Sad they are only offering online to France. I have no way to get one in the USA
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi, it will be sold in Decathlon stores
Baptiste - Community manager
Lala la
Lala la - 10 years ago
I want one!  Any chance to get this in Japan? Doesn't matter if you don't have Japanese web page...PLEASE!
Lala la
Lala la - 10 years ago
+Tribord Thanks for answering me! Definitely I will get one and tell my friends. Exciting!
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi +Taylor Nina : in Japan our products are sold here
the mask should be sold there from september/october.
Baptiste - Community manager
Bill Clark
Bill Clark - 10 years ago
I am a polio victim who swims 12 to 13 miles a week. About one third is regular face down crawl and two thirds face up inverted both hands stroking together. Ever 25 yards includes both strokes requiring a roll from face down to face up. Would this mask work for me? I swim continuously only stopping about 15 seconds every 30 minutes or so to clear the inside of the mask with water. I swim 6 days a week for about 2 hours each day or as long as the pool doors are open. I lose about 100 yards just clearing the mask even though it has been coated with RainX on both sides (safety glass). How does it work for upside down?
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi Bill, 
Thanks a lot for your message and your interest for our Easybreath mask.
The product cant function upside down, because the "snorkel" (in red/orange) will be in water and you will not breath..Dangerous for you.
But for snorkeling in normal position, is perfect!
Best regards
JChristophe - Community manager junior
Nils Nc
Nils Nc - 10 years ago
je ne le trouve pas sur décathlon ?   ou puis je le commander ?
Tribord - 10 years ago
Bonjour +nilsnc  : il n'est pas encore disponible à la vente.
Il le sera à partir de la dernière semaine de mai dans les magasins Decathlon voici la liste des magasins qui le venderont en avant-première :
Baptiste - Community manager
Howard Huge
Howard Huge - 10 years ago
Very nice presentation. They should also make them in small sizes for the kids.
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi MathiasVivas , the kids size should be available in 2015.Best regards .Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Mano0f - 10 years ago
i will buy but how? its not on
Tribord - 10 years ago
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi, sorry, it's not sold yet. The best way to be aware of availability is to subscribe to our newsletter.
At the bottom of this page : @en/brand/innovation/easybreath-snorkeling-maskRegards.Baptiste - Community manager
leon seat
leon seat - 10 years ago
When is available in Poland ?
leon seat
leon seat - 10 years ago
+Tribord Thank You for answer :) Waiting for first breath in Easybreath ;)
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi +leon seat : it will be sold sold in Decathlon stores at the end of may
Jason __
Jason __ - 10 years ago
I don't understand this design.  When I'm snorkeling I rarely look straight out in front of me, but typically downward.  It would seem that when the user looks down the snorkel would submerge.  I think there's some opportunity to improve/redesign. 
Jason __
Jason __ - 10 years ago
+Tribord Right, I understand that, but when I'm snorkeling, I'm usually looking down to where the fish are, not directly out in front of me at the top part of the water.  Any time I've been snorkeling the fish are usually more towards the bottom, feeding on the coral or other plant life, not swimming at surface level. 
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi jason, 
Thanks for your message and your interest for our Easybreath mask.
It is created for snorkeling, so for discover underwater landscape at the surface and not deep dive. With this large surface you can look down, up or where you want whithout problems.
Best regards 
JChristophe - Community manager junior.
Autumn May
Autumn May - 10 years ago
This looks incredible.
min gong
min gong - 10 years ago
Adult men's sizes in June release?
min gong
min gong - 10 years ago
Asked a friend who lives in France and bought. A bit expensive
min gong
min gong - 10 years ago
프랑스에 사는 친구에게 부탁해서 구입했습니다. 조금비싸지만
Tribord - 10 years ago
+min gong Hi!
Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell and ship it in the USA and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.

The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :

Best regards.

Jean-Christophe – Community manager junior
min gong
min gong - 10 years ago
+Tribord Hi,Living in South Korea.
Please show me the catalogue .
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi,Wich country please ?
min gong
min gong - 10 years ago
Want to buy this summer!!!
Sath Rasheed
Sath Rasheed - 10 years ago
Are you able to free dive underwater as well? That would be even more beneficial for more advanced snorkeling..
vai07777777 - 10 years ago
 If you look at scuba full face masks you will see the nose pinch design. It works, however, for freediving the design of a full face mask is entirely wrong for one main reason,

Volume. This mask will have 2-3x the volume a traditional mask has and perhaps 4x that of a freediving specific mask. What this means is the mask will require a lot more air to equalize. As you descend while freediving your lungs decrease in size, and soon you will not have enough air to equalize (without some advance technique such as a mouth fill). In short, this mask (with a nose-pinch design) would limit your depth and cause discomfort from an increase in pressure change.
Aspirin - 10 years ago
+Tribord Could a valsalva device (like the ones in spacesuits) be introduced in future models?
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi +Asna Rasheed , This mask is really designed for beginners snorkelers.You can't dive deeper than 2 meters with it because Valsalva is not possible with it.Regards. Baptiste - Community manager
satsumamoon - 10 years ago
Why is the tube not a few inches longer?
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi +satsumamoon : the tube is a bit longer than a normal snorkel.
It seems to be shorter because usually it starts from the mouth and here it starts from the forehead.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
leon seat
leon seat - 10 years ago
Water pressure problem. With long tube hard to breath.
Schooner MISTRESS - 10 years ago
Looking forward to May so we can buy these in the States.  Schooner MISTRESS
Tribord - 10 years ago
Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell and ship it in the USA and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.

The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :

Best regards.

Jean-Christophe – Community manager junior
Gary Simmons
Gary Simmons - 10 years ago
I needed this like yesterday! :)
Jeff Newton
Jeff Newton - 10 years ago
Are these available in the United States? Very cool and promising concept!
Jeff Newton
Jeff Newton - 10 years ago
+Tribord Thank you for the timely reply. I look forward to them once they become available in the United States. Good luck!
Tribord - 10 years ago

Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry it is not sold and available yet, it should be sold at the end of may in Decathlon stores for man size and the end of june for woman/teenager size.
Sorry we don't have yet the solution to ship worlwide but we look for solution to sell this product.

The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :

Best regards.

Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Jota Soares
Jota Soares - 10 years ago
how good does it handle pressure? How deep can you ? How does it work when you want to decompress by the classic "blowing to your nose while blocking it with your fingers"?
M U - 7 years ago
yakine fort talk is cheap
yakine fort
yakine fort - 7 years ago
I've created an innovative mask that is (without arrogancy) better than yours
how can I work with you?
2Fat4FlyTrash YT
2Fat4FlyTrash YT - 7 years ago
You can do pressure equalize by swallowing
Tribord - 10 years ago
It's not possible to do the Valsalva maneuver with this mask, you can't dive deeper than 2 or 3 meters.

Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
calil2000 - 10 years ago
Where can I buy it, in Brazil?!
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi  ,
It will be sold in Decathlon stores in Brazil from August 2014.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Felipe Freire
Felipe Freire - 11 years ago
shut up...and take my money.
Nuno Ribeiro
Nuno Ribeiro - 11 years ago
Nice product....but....the video doesn´t show a "diving mode".
One great part of snorkeling is to dive an watch all de details on rocks and sea floor.
And what about sizes for children???.....I started snorkeling when I was 8.
Keep on improving products but dont forget de key features of the original product.
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi +Nuno Ribeiro : This mask is designed for beginers in snorkling, you can't dive deeper than 2 meters with this mask.
A teenager size will be available at the end of june. Kids size will come in 2015.
Best regards.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Gonzalo Jose
Gonzalo Jose - 11 years ago
no sirve ya que por lo que veo la mascara es rigida y no permite hacer la maniobra de valsalva para compensar la presion del oido interno
OndaSeca - 11 years ago
Hello! I wonder if today's date you guys already have this product for sale? 
Where can I buy here online?
OndaSeca - 10 years ago
+Tribord I have a friend who lives in France. this mask is already available for purchase in france? in the positive case, where it can be bought in france?
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi ,

Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry it is not sold and available yet, it should be sold at the end of may in Decathlon stores for man size and the end of june for woman/teenager size.

Sorry we don't have yet the solution to ship worlwide but we look for solution to sell this product.
The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :

Best regards.

Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
lescure nadine
lescure nadine - 11 years ago
bonjour on peut l'acheter où?
Tribord - 10 years ago
Bonjour +lescure nadine :  il sera en vente dans les magasins Decathlon à partir de fin mai pour la taille homme et fin juin pour la taille femme/ado.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
svenbzh - 11 years ago
Pour la ballade pourquoi pas, mais pour la chasse sous-marine, on peut descendre à combien de mètre avec ce masque ?
Tribord - 10 years ago
Bonjour +svenbzh : C'est pour la balade en surface qu'il a été conçu, cette pratique n'est pas accessible pour beaucoup de personnes qui n'arrivent pas à utiliser un tuba. Il n'est pas du tout recommandé pour la chasse.
La manœuvre de Valsalva n'est pas possible donc maximum 2 à 3 mètres.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Shannon Prentice
Shannon Prentice - 11 years ago
has anyone seen a price for one yet ?
Tribord - 10 years ago
Hi +Shannon Prentice :
It will be sold 40€ in Europe in Decathlon stores.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Rebecca Ruck
Rebecca Ruck - 11 years ago
Any chance in getting in U.S.A? By end of May?
Tribord - 10 years ago

Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry, at present, the  man size is sold in few Decathlon stores  and the woman size will be available in august.

Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell and ship it in the USA and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.

The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :

Best regards.

Jean-Christophe – Community manager junior
SwollenCranium - 11 years ago
How about a color other than "fag" ?
franck julien
franck julien - 11 years ago
Juste une question, le nez est-il accessible pour la compensation ?
Tribord - 11 years ago
Non , la manoeuvre de Valsalva n'est pas possible avec ce masque.
Il est  fait pour s'initier à la randonnée palmée en surface.
Baptiste - Tribord
Calvin Lewis
Calvin Lewis - 11 years ago
I want one as well, is there a possibility of black or gray?
Tribord - 11 years ago
Hi +Calvin Lewis :  for 2015 we work on a lot of new colors with new graphic design, but I can't tell you now.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
poortwa - 11 years ago
Peut on avoir une date exacte de la sortie SVP ?
Tribord - 10 years ago
Bonjour +poortwa ,Désolé, je n'ai pas encore de date exacte à communiquer.Il devrait être vendu à partir de fin mai pour la taille homme et fin juin pour la taille femme/ado.Cordialement.Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
P. BC - 11 years ago
Qu'en est-t-il du bruit des valves du masque et du flotteur du tuba, cela ne "résonne" pas trop dans la boîte crânienne ? Merci.
Tribord - 11 years ago
Non pas de soucis.
Baptiste - Tribord
P. BC - 11 years ago
Le masque sera disponible en S/M et L/XL. A quand un modèle pour les enfants ? Peut on espérer des pièces de rechange en SAV si l'on perd le tuba ? Merci.
Tribord - 11 years ago
Oui nous travaillons également sur un modèle enfant. Par contre, il ne sera pas disponible avant 2015, désolé.
Concernant votre remarque sur le SAV du tuba, je n'ai pas encore l'information, je reviendrai vers vous dès que j'aurai l'information.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
shnuggumz - 11 years ago
How can US customers purchase one of these? Lots of feedback here from Americans, looks like there might be a strong market here too.
kaly Q.
kaly Q. - 11 years ago
ok need this to be in amazon... i need to buy it now
Patch Lee H
Patch Lee H - 11 years ago
Looks pretty good, wouldn't mind giving one a try.
Robert O
Robert O - 11 years ago
To me it appears the design is that of a gas mask with the "air in /  filter" moved and replaced with the snorkel. The principle for air flow is very similar. But having said that it is great that these innovators take an existing principle and adapt it, good stuff
Kyle Newman
Kyle Newman - 11 years ago
You know when you put one set of sub titles over another, you can't read the first one, right?  <smh>
Peterson Lindo
Peterson Lindo - 11 years ago
Full face snorkeling mask "Easybreath"
I want one!!!
Masque facial "Easybreath" - Full face snorkeling mask "Easybreath"
#snorkel   #mask   #scuba   #scubadiving   #tofb  
André Luiz da Silva Neves
André Luiz da Silva Neves - 11 years ago
A anos quero fazer mergulho, é chegada a hora heehe
André Luiz da Silva Neves
André Luiz da Silva Neves - 11 years ago
Sucesso. =D
Peterson Lindo
Peterson Lindo - 11 years ago
Eu tenho amigos na fran'ca. vou pedir pra eles comprarem e mandar uma pra mim e uma pra vc...
André Luiz da Silva Neves
André Luiz da Silva Neves - 11 years ago
Que top.

Importa uma aí e exporta pra mim XD
rpcomms1 - 11 years ago
Like the product,will you be doing a all black version?
Like to see a video of free diving with this mask system,I noticed on video it was surface only.
How easy to clear water out if you do get a slight bit of water inside mask?
I free dive and very interested in this mask for going below,do you have UK dealers?
Tribord - 11 years ago
Hi +rpcomms1 : We are working on 2015 colors, there will be maybe a black version. Yes all video was shot on surface because it not possible to do the Valsalva maneuver with this mask, it will be complicated to free dive deeper than 2 meters. The mask will be distributed in UK in Decathlon stores since may.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Glen Mead
Glen Mead - 11 years ago
With the common air cavity won't the wearer be breathing in the same air that he/she just expelled?
Glen Mead
Glen Mead - 10 years ago
Pierre B.
Pierre B. - 11 years ago
comment puis-je faire la balance de pression, si je veux aller plus bas? J'ai l'impression que je ne peut pas toucher mon nez sous le mask...

But how do I manage the altitude compensation if I want to go deeper, since it looks like I can't touch the nose through the plastic...
Pierre B.
Pierre B. - 11 years ago
+Tribord Hmmm, merci pour la réponse, mais c'est très dommage ...
Tribord - 11 years ago
Bonjour, effectivement la manoeuvre de Valsalva n'est pas possible avec notre masque Easybreath.
En effet, il s'agit d'un masque fait pour la randonnée palmée et non l'apnée en profondeur. Avec ce masque, il n'es pas possible de descendre à moins de 2 mètres, cela correspond à un usage très courant en randonnée palmée. Sportivement. Baptiste - Tribord
bahrta sai
bahrta sai - 11 years ago
It reminds me of the oxygen masks they wore in the movie Avatar.
maxime 29
maxime 29 - 11 years ago
Une petite question : Comment peut on faire pour compenser les variations de pression lorsque l'on descend un peu ? Vu que le nez n'est pas "accessible" cela me parait impossible... L'utilisation se limite donc à de la randonnée en surface ?
Tribord - 11 years ago
Effectivement, la manoeuvre de Valsalva n'est pas possible avec ce masque.
Il s'agit bien d'un masque destiné à la randonnée palmée en surface (ou peu profond), ce qui correspond bien à la pratique d'une grande majorité de débutants en snorkeling).
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Jessy Bernard
Jessy Bernard - 11 years ago
J'aimerai savoir comment se passe la décompression? 
Tribord - 11 years ago
La décompression par la manoeuvre de Valsalva n'est pas possible avec ce masque.
Il s'agit bien d'un masque destiné à la randonnée palmée en surface (ou peu profond), ce qui correspond bien à la pratique d'une grande majorité de débutants en snorkeling).
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Daniel San
Daniel San - 11 years ago
Really good idea, but with one fatal mistake! You guys forgot about the possibility of dealing with the pressure...Hope there will be a Version 2.0 with a silicone nose
esitubo - 11 years ago
Product looks great, but I'd like to see it being used by a) people that are used to scuba dive, b) under the water.
Side note:3,5 min of video, of which barely 25 sec showing the product being actually used... on the surface! Would've loved to see the same video done by Americans.
Pierre B.
Pierre B. - 11 years ago
Yeah! If the video would have been done by Americans it would have cost more than the development of the whole mask... But with more special effects...! Yeah More money into marketing, less money into the product. Way to go!
Tribord - 11 years ago
Hi Esitubo,
This mask is designed for snorkeling on the surface, not for deep underwater.
The Valsalva maneuver is not possible to equalize pressure in ears.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Hyères Tourisme
Hyères Tourisme - 11 years ago
nous on trouve l'idée fantastique. Si vous voulez faire une vidéo GoPro dans les eaux Hyéroise c'est quand vous voulez ! ^^

#hyeres   #innovation   #snorkeling   #tuba   #genial  
Juyain Leduc
Juyain Leduc - 11 years ago
Jorvalt - 11 years ago
These guys should team up with this guy:
and make the ULTIMATE diving gear!
Dean Meadows
Dean Meadows - 10 years ago
same for your product too... a snorkel that you can't submerge with??? Not really thought through properly was it?
Tribord - 11 years ago
Yes this looks great.
But it's just a design project, not really ready to dive... I hope one day it will works.

Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
John Kang
John Kang - 11 years ago
I really like the idea. When I first got my open sea diving license, I imagined a similar device. I hope it becomes available for not only snorkeling but for scuba diving as well!
Kyau Sersing
Kyau Sersing - 10 years ago
If you are talking about scuba diving there's actually full face mask for has been on the market for quite some time
Mourad Goublié
Mourad Goublié - 11 years ago
Can we go under water with the mask
BC Running
BC Running - 11 years ago
+Tribord Bummer.  I was afraid that equalizing was going to be a problem.
Tribord - 11 years ago
Yes but you can't go deeply because Valsalva maneuver is not possibe to equalize pressure in ears. This mask is designed for snorkeling and not for diving.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
David Je
David Je - 11 years ago
Is it possible to equalize this mask when diving? I guess it is, because of the vents in the inner part that covers your nose and mouth, but I'd like to make sure.
99% ways to die
99% ways to die - 11 years ago

i dont think he was talking about valsalva.....but i ll asnwer him also....
no is not possible to equilize the u can not pump air through ur nose against the glasses.....
Tribord - 11 years ago
Hi David,
Non the Valsalva maneuver is not possible with this mask.
It's a snorkeling mask and not a diving mask, impossible to go deep underwater with it.

Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
ughduhful - 11 years ago
Congrats you put a snorkel on a gas mask
Kai Yu
Kai Yu - 11 years ago
Looks cool for beginners. How easy is it to clear? If it filled, I'd be concerned that water would be trapped against your face even when you take their head out of the water. For people who can't handle the complexity of a snorkel, this could be a problem.
anthony rincon
anthony rincon - 11 years ago
are you delivering to the us?
Johhny Apollo
Johhny Apollo - 10 years ago
+Tribord How about
Tribord - 11 years ago
it will be sold in Decathlon stores. Sorry, we don't have any store in the US.
We look for solutions to sell it worlwide, but we don't have the solution yet, sorry.

Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Sam Undercover
Sam Undercover - 11 years ago
Awesome! Where in the US can I get them??
Tribord - 11 years ago
it will be sold in Decathlon stores.
Sorry, we don't have any store in the US.
We look for solutions to sell it worldwide, but we don't have the solution yet, sorry.

Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
DynamicMentalFitness - 11 years ago
Most awesome.  I'm getting a couple.
Camille Rabal
Camille Rabal - 11 years ago
cool.. mais... pour les barbus ça marche aussi ??!
Tribord - 11 years ago
comme avec un masque classique, trop de barbe va gêner l'étanchéité de la jupe... Désolé, nous n'avons pas encore trouvé la solution pour cela.
Par contre, pour les moustachus cela fonctionne bien ;-)

Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
LittleTony - 11 years ago
How do you clear your ears?
Tribord - 11 years ago
Valsalva maneuver is not possible with this mask.
It's a snorkeling mask , the mask is not designed to dive deeply underwater.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
suh dude
suh dude - 11 years ago
something they should have made years ago!
Camila Cortez
Camila Cortez - 11 years ago
traducion castellano?
Tribord - 11 years ago
Hola +Camila Cortez
Si hoy, hay subtitulos en castellano.
Un saludo.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Duran Bodasing
Duran Bodasing - 11 years ago
The best $80 you'll spend this summer - wow, so dope ;)
Ridha Salhi
Ridha Salhi - 11 years ago
Bonjour même en immersion totale l’eau ne passe pas  ?
Tribord - 11 years ago
Oui le système Dry top stoppe les entrées d'eau au niveau du tuba.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Sam OnTheRoad
Sam OnTheRoad - 11 years ago
Je trouve ca absolument génial , vraiment impatient que ce produit soit disponible , j’achète dés qu'il sera en vente !! 
pio meunier
pio meunier - 11 years ago
Blutrache - 11 years ago
C'est dingue toutes ces personnes qui ne sont pas à l'aise avec un tuba, pour moi ça m'ait toujours paru super simple à utiliser et assez confortable, enfin je veux dire que je n'ai jamais trouvé quoi que ce soit à redire sur l'utilisation d'un tuba. Et même si je suis à l'aise avec ça, ce masque me tente bien car il faut avouer que ça a l'air foutrement plus pratique que l'ensemble masque/tuba et ça a l'air de bien tenir au niveau des attaches, pratique et efficace, sans parler du prix super abordable, la prochaine fois que je retourne faire de la plongée ou de la randonnée aquatique, j'achète sans hésiter !
e5ion - 11 years ago
Ok pas mal.
Par contre comment ça fonctionne en immersion :
Est-ce que la respiration est simplement coupée?
Est-ce que l'on respire son propre air?
Et du coup est-ce que l'on se rend compte que l'on est en immersion?
Tribord - 11 years ago
Merci :-)
Quand on est en immersion, la respiration est coupée, le volume d'air enfermé dans le masque n'est pas suffisant pour respirer son propre air.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
TheZodiak80 - 11 years ago
обычная европейская семья))))
Géraud Cuignet
Géraud Cuignet - 11 years ago
Je le veut !!!
Gaius l'automate
Gaius l'automate - 11 years ago
Je n'ai jamais eu de problème avec le masque et le tuba, par contre ce qui me dérangé c’était qu'en faisant de l'apnée j’étais toujours obligé de vider le tuba une fois remonté a la surface, la avec ce produit plus de problème me le prendrai en été avant les vacances ;)
Gaius l'automate
Gaius l'automate - 11 years ago
+Tribord dommage j'ai peut être mal compris pourtant dans la vidéo à 1:37 il dise "un produit qui évite les entrées d'eaux quand on s'immerge" ..... parce que pour moi qui n'est vraiment aucun mal avec un tuba ce serait vraiment ça l'atout majeur pouvoir faire de la rando et puis de temps en temps plonger vers les fonds et remonter a la surface sans a chaque fois devoir vider le tuba .....ça casse un peu l'exploration si vous voyez ce que veux dire !!! dans tout les cas merci de votre attention ;)  
Tribord - 11 years ago
Il s'agit bien d'un masque de randonnée palmée, il n'est pas possible de descendre profondément avec car la manoeuvre de Valsalva n'est pas possible avec.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
vachilot - 11 years ago
Tres bonne idée mais j'ai quant meme une question : comment on decompresse les oreilles maintenant ?
Tribord - 11 years ago
Effectivement, la manoeuvre de Valsalva n'est pas possible avec ce masque.
Il s'agit bien d'un masque destiné à la randonnée palmée en surface (ou peu profondément), ce qui correspond bien à la pratique d'une grande majorité de débutants en snorkeling).
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
hahahashish - 11 years ago
Olivier Cj
Olivier Cj - 11 years ago
belle invention à tester
borgqueenx - 11 years ago
whats the music piece that plays on the background?
Josh Jensen
Josh Jensen - 11 years ago
Brilliant! Well done.
Attitude Glisse
Attitude Glisse - 11 years ago
Super votre produit! Chapeau bas pour l'innovation!
Tribord - 11 years ago
Merci :-)
Nick Ignatenko
Nick Ignatenko - 11 years ago
They look like those breathing masks from Avatar. Really cool
hahahashish - 11 years ago
that's for watching from the can't dive with that because it has a huge volume and you can equalize the pressure by blowing air in because it would take all your air to equalize...
99% ways to die
99% ways to die - 11 years ago
you are absolutely right you cannot equilize the mask (high pressure to your eyes at 15 or more meters that is solved blowing some little air through your nose) or your eardrums (valsalva),
and not only this ,i actually think is a very dangerous shit-tech..... the people who try to go....any deep with this....they will exhale (cause they can with this gadget like if they were on scuba) they will not realise they just emptied their  lungs...then surprise !!!  negative boyancy experience!!! they will  panic  black out and death will opinion on this....
...if you cannot "learn" how to breath through a tube and then close ur mouth when u want to go either stupid, or  i dont think you wanted  so much in the first place.....
even  new borns babies know how to close their fxxxxing mouth  when inside water....
Tribord - 11 years ago
You are right, Valsalva maneuver is not possible with this mask.
It's a snorkeling mask , the mask is not designed to dive deeply underwater.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Greg Samborski
Greg Samborski - 11 years ago
Snorkel, mask and next year's IRON MAN costume all in one!
Maria-Elisabeth REPPIN
Maria-Elisabeth REPPIN - 11 years ago
So good. I was looking for a full-face-mask for years!  Only 'problem' now, wher to buy? Can't wait to use it !!!
Maria-Elisabeth REPPIN
Maria-Elisabeth REPPIN - 10 years ago
I think "tribord" also has a website. May be, you can buy it "online". Good luck!
Gabriel Nielsen
Gabriel Nielsen - 11 years ago
+Tribord What about the product availability in Brasil?
Maria-Elisabeth REPPIN
Maria-Elisabeth REPPIN - 11 years ago
Oh, great, thank you for answering!
Tribord - 11 years ago
It will be sold in Decathlon stores since the end of april.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Petar Stefanov
Petar Stefanov - 11 years ago
Did anybody try free diving with it? Wonder how you equalize the pressure. 
Damnitzz - 11 years ago
+Tribord how many meters is the limit? thx 
Tribord - 11 years ago
Valsalva maneuver is not possible with this mask.
It's a snorkeling mask, the mask is not designed to dive deeply underwater.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Gildas MAROT
Gildas MAROT - 11 years ago
Avec une fixation Gopro svp ;)
DisconnectedAG - 11 years ago
How the heck would you equalize in this thing?
DisconnectedAG - 11 years ago
Noted. I guess the primary audience is people who snorkel on the surface rather than go down. Fair enough to them (and you), and good luck with the product development!
Tribord - 11 years ago
Valsalva maneuver is not possible with this mask.
It's a snorkeling mask , the mask is not designed to dive deeply underwater.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Hugo BALLESTER - 11 years ago
Beau produit, qui je pense peux vraiment aider les personnes qui ne se sentent pas à l'aise avec le #masque et le #tuba pour faire de la randonnée #sous-marine.
auzio - 11 years ago
wow it's really not that hard to use a regular snorkel
vai07777777 - 10 years ago

40%, really? I could see 10%, at most, if you include children and elderly. They just need proper instruction on using a mask and getting a mask that fits. Don't mess with the sea. If your not committed to spending 5-15min getting comfortable with a mask and snorkel you don't need to be near the water.
Tribord - 11 years ago
30 to 40% of the population are not able or are affraid of using a snorkel.
This is a solution for them.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
auzio - 11 years ago
Maria-Elisabeth REPPIN
Maria-Elisabeth REPPIN - 11 years ago
auzio - 11 years ago
I've never heard of "absolut nose-brething persons" and I will consider them next time I post a comment on youtube.
Maria-Elisabeth REPPIN
Maria-Elisabeth REPPIN - 11 years ago
Good for you, if you think so! And what about absolut nose-brething persons?
Stefano Bardelli
Stefano Bardelli - 11 years ago
questa è innovazione!!
Julien SCHERMANN - 11 years ago
Ca va cartonner si ça marche comme sur la vidéo !
bbredouille - 11 years ago
C'est de la D... en boite pour touristes.
C'est dangereux sans explications, impossible de compenser et en plus si le masque ce remplie d'eau ça va pas être évident.

Beau challenge pour vendre ce produit.
Damien Alario
Damien Alario - 11 years ago
comment décompresser?
Tribord - 11 years ago
Bonjour, il s'agit d'un masque destiné à l'initiation à la randonnée palmée, la manoeuvre de Vasalva n'est pas possible. Il ne s'agit en aucun cas d'un masque d'apnée. 
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
cyril usseglio
cyril usseglio - 11 years ago
C clair ca donne vraiment envie
Biz le daroche!!
Benjamin Folliot
Benjamin Folliot - 11 years ago
Et comment on compense avec ce type de masque ?! 
Pom POM - 10 years ago
pour se percer les tympans il faudrait descendre vraiment profond et brutalement, pour donner un ordre d'idée, sans compenser on ressent la pression entre 3 et 5 m, une douleur se fait d'abord sentir au niveau des sinus, mais ça dépend des gens, à 10m de profondeur on a 2 bars de pression, donc 2 fois plus que la surface de l'eau
Tribord - 11 years ago
merci pour votre commentaire, qui correspond à votre point de vue de plongeur aguerri.
Le randonneur palmé débutant qui est ciblé par ce produit ne fait généralement pas d'apnée et ne descend jamais à plus de 2 mètres.
Il n'aura pas de frustration, au contraire, il aura accès à un monde qui lui était inconnu jusque là car il était dans l'impossibilité d'utiliser un tuba.
Avant qu'un utilisateur ne se perce les tympans quand même... quand vous n'arrivez pas à descendre vous forcez et descendez à toute vitesse ? non. il en sera de même pour les utilisateurs de ce masque, si les oreilles sifflent ils ne descendront pas plus bas.
Sportivement. Baptiste - Community manager
Benjamin Folliot
Benjamin Folliot - 11 years ago
+Tribord Il faudrait penser à le préciser je le pense car il va y avoir des tympans de percer. Pour ceux qui l'utilisent en Normandie-Atlantique par exemple, il ne faut pas espérer voir quelque chose de la surface :/ C'est vraiment un masque pour les eaux chaudes alors ...Mais en même temps quelle frustation d'avoir une bonne visibilité sans pouvoir plonger une seule fois ... 
Benjamin Folliot
Benjamin Folliot - 11 years ago
Il faudrait penser à le préciser je le pense car il va y avoir des tympans de percer. Pour ceux qui l'utilisent en Normandie-Atlantique par exemple, il ne faut pas espérer voir quelque chose de la surface :/ C'est vraiment un masque pour les eaux chaudes alors ...Mais en même temps quelle frustation d'avoir une bonne visibilité sans pouvoir plonger une seule fois ... 
Tribord - 11 years ago
+Benjamin Folliot : Bonjour, il s'agit d'un masque destiné à l'initiation à la randonnée palmée, la manoeuvre de Vasalva n'est pas possible. Il ne s'agit en aucun cas d'un masque d'apnée. 
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
NIMHFS - 11 years ago
Just told my boss who does underwater photography about this, he can't wait to get his hands on one.  I just moved to the Keys, first time I've lived by the ocean.  If I had one of these I'd never be on dry land :D
sebre31 - 11 years ago
shut up and take my tuba
Hadrien Mathivat
Hadrien Mathivat - 11 years ago
quelqu'un aurait la musique à partir de 1:49 ?
Sly Vfw
Sly Vfw - 11 years ago
sympa de supprimer mon comm bravo la tolérance! en tout cas c'est super de s'attribuer le mérite d'un morceau d'un artist qui a plus de 30000 likes sur son facebook...l'artiste en question etant LIGHTS & MOTION.
Tribord - 11 years ago
Bonjour, la musique a été spécialement composée pour ce petit film.
Franck Jourdan
Franck Jourdan - 11 years ago
Comment fais t on pour décompresser, pour compenser les oreilles ?
kalou - 10 years ago
Avec un pince nez... Dans ce cas autant avoir un masque "dit normal" CQFD ;)
Alain Dumettier
Alain Dumettier - 10 years ago
Cela est possible avec un pince nez !
Tribord - 11 years ago
+Corsecanyon Corse  : Bonjour, il s'agit d'un masque destiné à l'initiation à la randonnée palmée, la manoeuvre de Vasalva n'est pas possible. Il ne s'agit en aucun cas d'un masque d'apnée. 
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
kalou - 11 years ago
on ne peut pas....
Frederic Chopin
Frederic Chopin - 11 years ago
tu deglutis , et c'est pas pour plonger à 8 mètres ...
mantid - 11 years ago
Migo Elmigo
Migo Elmigo - 11 years ago
I want snorkel that lets me go deep under water, does this otherwise even make sense?
Tribord - 11 years ago
+Mark Sparrow  : Yes 6 to 8 feet will be the maximum.
Mark Sparrow
Mark Sparrow - 11 years ago
+Tribord Can you go under at all?  Even maybe just like 6-10 feet?
Tribord - 11 years ago
Hi, with this facial mask, it's impossible to go deep. Vasalva is impossible.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Maxime Schmid
Maxime Schmid - 11 years ago
ahahahahah on dirait les gens qui témoigne sur télé achat.. Oui alors j'ai perdu 12 kilos en 2 jours vraiment incroyable... c'est pas naturel les gens qui témoignent...
rys - 11 years ago
I want one!
SdrannocS - 11 years ago
kalou - 11 years ago
Ce masque ne permets que de faire une balade en surface la tentation de faire une apnée vous y amènera a crevé vos tympans (pas de pince nez) bien entendu les fameux ingénieur de chez Décathlon n'ont prendrons pas la responsabilité du a une mauvaise utilisation...
Tribord - 11 years ago
+kalou perr :  Bonjour, oui évidement la manoeuvre de Vasalva est impossible avec ce masque facial. Mais je vous rassure ce n'est pas pour faire de l'apnée ou de la plongée bouteille que ce masque a été conçu.
Il s'agit d'un masque fait pour rendre accessible au plus grand nombre la randonnée palmée, notamment pour les personnes ayant un problème avec l'usage du tuba (et ils sont très nombreux, mais je ne dois rien vous apprendre au vu de votre grande expérience en plongée).
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
letiyann - 11 years ago
+kalou perr nous somme d'accord !
kalou - 11 years ago
ok a la différence qu'un débutant ne sais pas faire une BTV....
letiyann - 11 years ago
+kalou perr je ne vois pas trop le lien entre l'impossibilité de faire Valsalva et celui de faire de l'apnée sachant tu tu l'as très justement dis plus loin qu'il y a également la possibilité de faire la BTV. Donc bien que ce soit un masque exclusivement conçut pour faire de la ballade en surface je ne vois pas pourquoi on ne pourrait pas faire quelques petites apnées dans 4 à 5 mètres d'eau ? (en pensant bien entendu à faire la BTV ainsi qu'en compensant la pression dans ce gros volume de masque : et vu le volume de ce dernier il ne faudra pas descendre profond pour ne pas se vider les poumons à compenser :))  
d'ailleur dès qu'il sort je le testerai histoire de me faire une idée concrète de tout ça et voir ce qu'il en est vraiment.
kalou - 11 years ago
1: je pratique la plongée ss marine depuis l'age de 13ans soit + de 30 ans de plongée (la chasse et la nage avec palme pour le plaisir...
2: je suis E2  (P4+ initiateur) et stagiaire pédagogique pour le plaisir
3: je suis scaphandrier Classe 3, A, inscrit maritime "capitaine 200" MF1 voile.
4: j'ai plus de 4000 plongées(civil + militaire "actuellement reserviste")
5: en plus de la méthode valsalva et de fenzel ... moi je suis en cela te parle"béance tubaire volontaire...
6: donc avant de faire tes petits commentaire sache qu"avec ce masque il est IMPOSSIBLE de faire Valsava et donc interdit et dans l'impossibilité de faire le Apnée....
7: relis mes postes correctement et réécoute la vidéo en aucun cas là il s'agit d'un masque pour faire de la plongée et/ou apnée !!!! mais de la balade en surface....^^
8: a bon entendeur.
MrTuba221 - 11 years ago
+Memphis Harrison Si tu pratiquais la chasse sous marine comme moi ou la plongée autonome   tu saurais qu'une des seule façon d'égaliser la pression dans l'oreille interne pour la grande majorité des débutant reste la méthode de Valsalva , moi j'utilise la déglutition!! donc avant de faire tes petits commentaires apprend ou renseigne toi!! 
kalou - 11 years ago
De plus le système d'attache au niveau de la nuque et très contraignant et en plus très dangereux en cas de problème la filtration d'eau ou d'une obstruction au niveau du tuba impossible de l'enlever en une seconde risque d'étouffement !!!!
Tribord - 11 years ago
Non, il est simple à retirer, pas de risque, nous avons bien anticipé cela...

Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
kalou - 11 years ago
Bref ce système a déjà été effectué aussi dans les années 80 : plusieurs incidents on eu lieu due à une mauvaise utilisation : tympan percé, noyade du à de l'eau sur le bas du masque, toujours le même problème grosse infiltration.
Guillaume - 11 years ago
Ouais ok c'est joli comme masque, mais y a quoi de révolutionnaire la dedans, à part le système anti buée ? Le coup du bouchon qui remonte dans le tuba pour éviter d'avaler de l'eau ca existe déjà depuis des années... 
Guillaume - 11 years ago
T'es un troll toi nan ? :)
Tribord - 11 years ago
Bonjour +TheZek54 : merci pour le commentaire.
Effectivement le système anti-buée est complétement nouveau.
Le principe du tuba bloquant l'entrée d'eau n'est pas nouveau mais le système Dry Top utilisé ici est techniquement bien différent de ce qui se faisait avant.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
sheridann198 - 11 years ago
Je n'ai pas non plus de problèmes avec les masques "classiques" mais ça a l'air sympa et mérite d'être essayé. Il ne manque plus qu'à ajouter un système de communication (radio ? acoustique ? infra-rouge ? etc.) pour parler avec votre/vos co-snorkeler/s préféré/s ("Oh ! Regarde le requin qui fonce vers nous !") et c'est parfait ! A bons entendeurs...
Tribord - 11 years ago
+sheridann198  : Effectivement la manoeuvre de Valsalva n'est pas possible avec ce masque. Il s'agit bien d'un masque surtout destiné à débuter en snorkeling. La grande majorité des débutants restent en surface et ne vont pas à moins 2 mètres.


Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Tribord - 11 years ago
On y pense ;-)  ça donnerait une nouvelle dimension au snorkeling .... 
sheridann198 - 11 years ago
Par contre pour descendre à plus d'1 ou 2m ça risque d'être difficile, à moins de savoir équilibrer sans se pincer le nez (technique du "bâillement" ou "Béance Tubulaire Volontaire").
zwartekwibus - 11 years ago
la marque c'est Trobien
Jonathan Guernon
Jonathan Guernon - 11 years ago
Dispo au Canada ou via le net?
seb astien
seb astien - 10 years ago

  here is a chance to have "THE" mask EASYBREATH 

  good luck!
Tribord - 11 years ago
Bonjour, désolé ils seront disponible en ligne sur mais ils ne livrent pas encore jusqu au Canada. Cordialement. Baptiste - CM Tribord
HCarota - 11 years ago
You can't lean your head forward... sucks if you can't see what's underneath you
lordrampage - 11 years ago
Tribord - 11 years ago
Désolé ce masque sera vendu en exclusivité dans les magasins Decathlon et , malheureusement, nous ne vendons pas encore sur le territoire nord américain, désolé.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
mansour2783 - 11 years ago
et pour la compensation ? sa ce passe comment ?
mansour2783 - 11 years ago
Merci (y)
Tribord - 11 years ago
Bonjour, il s'agit d'un masque destiné à l'initiation à la randonnée palmée, la manoeuvre de Vasalva n'est pas possible. Il ne s'agit en aucun cas d'un masque d'apnée. 
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
nounouf87 - 11 years ago
Le futur du snorkeling est là ! Lancez les précommandes, vite !
Jonathan Guy
Jonathan Guy - 11 years ago
Pendant un moment j'ai cru qu'ils avaient inventé un masque pour respirer sous l'eau
Mathieu Bouvier
Mathieu Bouvier - 11 years ago
good design ! cant wait to test it in Hawaii !
Claire Farron
Claire Farron - 11 years ago
Même moi qui n'ait pas de problème avec masque et tuba, je dois reconnaître ceci a l'air bien plus agréable à porter !  Sympa le design aussi ^.^ Good job ! ;)
Phoelipe - 11 years ago
Le masque a l'air génial, mais concernant le système anti-buée, j'ai de sérieux doute, combien de fois n'avons nous pas acheter des lunettes marqué: "anti-buée" pour nous retrouver sous l'eau à n'y rien voir..!
Tribord - 11 years ago
Bonjour +Phoelipe  , je confirme la réponse de +nounouf87.
Le système de ventilation à l'intérieur du masque permet la prévention de l'apparition de buée (bien plus efficacement et durablement qu'en crachant dans son masque).
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
kalou - 11 years ago
il y aura tjrs de la buée dans un masque ou dans des lunettes de natation le remede et simple= craché dedans frotté sa propre salive sur les vitres durant 10 seconde et rincer et la on est tranquille pdt 1h...
nounouf87 - 11 years ago
Le problème avec les masques classiques c'est que l'air de circule pas dedans, alors que là, l'air frais inspiré passe par les yeux. Apparemment lorsqu'on expire l'air humide prend un autre chemin et ne vient pas embuer le masque. Je pense que c'est très bien pensé et que ça va marcher.
matias sevillano
matias sevillano - 11 years ago
It's looks like avatar film. is it not?
Provideur - 11 years ago
Petite astuce contre la buée c'est "d'enduire" la vitre du masque avec de la salive.
Un peu de salive dans le masque humidifié à l'eau de mer et ensuite plus de buée.
Les tubas modernes à valves de gestion bloquent l'entrée d'eau et facilitent son évacuation après une apnée...

Autre chose à faire : Une paire de ciseaux des oursins et du vin blanc sur le rocher. vous coupez l'oursin et vous récupérer les grappes oranges à l'intérieurs ce sont des oeufs un petit plaisir de la mer pour un apéritif originale et très nature. (préférez les gros oursins à pointes à bout blancs)
Tribord - 11 years ago
+Thibault casanova +Provideur : plus efficace encore que la salive, je vous conseil de faire tremper une nuit entière avec du liquide vaisselle votre masque. Une vidéo tutorielle sera bientôt disponible à ce sujet sur notre chaine Youtube.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Thibault casanova
Thibault casanova - 11 years ago
La salive par contre ça marche pas du premier coup, c'est seulement après l'avoir fais régulièrement que ça devient vraiment efficace.
Armand Rochas
Armand Rochas - 11 years ago
Enooooorme ! Première place méritée aux OIA, vivement l'été !
Tribord - 11 years ago
Bonjour, Merci !

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