Masque facial "Easybreath" - Full face snorkeling mask "Easybreath"
Snorkeling 11 years ago 2,625,946 views
Masque facial "Easybreath" : Voir et respirer sous l'eau comme sur terre : Subtítulos en español disponible. Sottotitoli in italiano disponibile. Inspiration et expiration naturelle, flux respiratoire anti-buée, champ de vision 180°, Système Dry Top stoppant les entrées d'eau... Le masque Easybreath est le gagnant des Oxylane Innovation Awards 2014. Disponible à 24,99 € dans les magasins et sites web de Decathlon. Depuis 2017, les produits plongée de Tribord changent et deviennent la marque Subea. Full face snorkeling mask "Easybreath" : Natural breathing in and out, the breathing flow prevents the build-up of condensation, 180 degree field of vision, Dry Top System preventing water entry. On sale at Decathlon stores and websites : 24,99 € From 2017, Tribord diving products changes and becomes the brand Subea.
What about fogging ?
10. comment for Masque facial "Easybreath" - Full face snorkeling mask "Easybreath"
I found this one on ebay:
They ship worldwide. Awesome!
20. comment for Masque facial "Easybreath" - Full face snorkeling mask "Easybreath"
In Amazon
In the USA, you can buy it here :
Best regards
Baptiste - Tribord
30. comment for Masque facial "Easybreath" - Full face snorkeling mask "Easybreath"
Sympathique produit pour étendre la vision sous-marine depuis la surface aux plus récalcitrants !
It's a snorkeling mask. You can just breath underwater with the snorkel out of the water.
Baptiste - Tribord
respirer et surtout expirer contre du verre ou tout matériau similaire = beaucoup de buée qui gène la visibilité j'espère qu'ils ont résolu ce problème et que beaucoup de gens s'y mettront le fond de la mer c'est un beau spectacle qui mérite d'aller au-delà de ses craintes pour être découvert
Excellent de voir les autres touristes galerer avec les tubas!
in Australia, you can buy our Easybreath mask here :
Best regards.
Baptiste - Tribord
50. comment for Masque facial "Easybreath" - Full face snorkeling mask "Easybreath"
peut etre il est bon pour surface mais pour la chasse sous marine 10 20m c impossible j'ai pas pu depassé les 3m avec la pression le masque ne peut pas tenir
Message me your email address.
Used? Authentic (branded) or Chinese knock-off? How much?
Baptiste - Tribord
I have a question of the size of the mask. I'm currently ordering the S/M one and I realized most of the adults I have gone through online went with L/XL. Just wondering if there's a massive difference between both size. Well, I know you might find it hard to believe but when I measure the distance between the nasal bridge and my chin, it is between 12-14 CM. I know if it is <12 then I should go with the S/M one and the other way around. I'm just afraid that the S/M will suffocate me instead. Any opinion?
Photographer - Marcel Shoshan
수심 4m이하로는 압력이 굉장해요
펀다이빙용 입니다.
We are doing our best to help mitigate the problems caused by cruise tourism on the small, wonderful, pristine Central American country of Belize. Please take the time to check out our Indiegogo pitch and if you can’t help tangibly, please help by spreading the word. We are truly the “good guys”. Thanks!
Cheeky Monkey Belize
J'habite en Croatie et j'attendais avec grande impatience la sortie de ce produit depuis plusieurs mois! Pas déçu au contraire, après en avoir acheter 2 à Decat VA59 je l'essaye tout les jours ici est c'est une révélation, sensation de liberté plus de mal au nez, pas de buée, une vision clair et panoramique, habitué au tuba et masque classic je ne comprend pas comment on a pu dorénavant été si longtemps sans ce produit génial! Bravo à Tribor vous avez fait un super boulot!
Un Decathlon va ouvrir ces portes ici cette année (SUPER! ;) vous allez cartonner les Croates adorent le sport le pays offre une tres grande diversité de sport et les magasins actuels sont petits et pas tres atractifs! J'espère que vos vendeurs auront la patate et "esprit decathlon!" c'est pas toujours le cas ici.) à Zagreb à la mi-novembre est ce que vous pouvez me confirmer que l'easybreath sera disponible en magasin? Je vous ai fait déjà beaucoup de publicité ici!
It mention on the product that you also can free dive.... the invention is right, if you read my first comment I didn't uncredit the mask...just mentioned it was not for free diving.
Pfft yourself!!!!!
Obviously you don't have a appreciation for the people discovering snorkeling for the first time where some can't use a traditional snorkel, which it is created for.It's not meant for free diving,which it states.
Pay attention to the facts! Oh! and about "Impossible to clearing the ears" the technical term is called "equalization" try flexing your jaw the next time, if pinching off the nose don't work! And you call yourself an instructor? pfft!
Lets suppose that this mask have this mecchanism, would this mask suitable for more deep immersion? what is the maximum deep could be reached?
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon. Best regards - JChristophe - Community manager junior
Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell and ship it in Taiwan and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.
The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :
Best regards.
Jean-Christophe – Community manager junior
100. comment for Masque facial "Easybreath" - Full face snorkeling mask "Easybreath"
Le masque Easybreath est en effet prévu pour respirer (par le nez et la bouche) sous l'eau et pratiquer le snorkeling.
+ d'infos:
Bien cordialement
JChristophe - Community manager junior
Best regards
JChristophe - Community manager junior
Ce masque a été conçu pour la pratique du snorkeling (randonnée palmée), donc pour rester en surface. Il est néanmoins impossible de réaliser la manoeuvre du Valsalva et donc d'égaliser la pression dans les oreilles. Vous pouvez tout de même plonger jusqu'à 1 ou 2 mètre sans risque.
Bien cordialement
JChristophe - Community manager junior
Sorry but is not a diving mask...The Easybreath is create for beginners which want practice snorkeling. Is true, you can't realise the Valsalva trick (for equalize pressure in hears). But for discover underwater landscape below the surface, is perfect.
more informations:
Best regards
JChristophe - Community manager junior
Thanks for your message, the mask is sold out in France but also in other countries. More informations about the distribution:
Best regards
JChristophe - Community manager junior
I mean I tend to dive to 3-4 meters regularly just to pick up stuff like starfish. that would be awesome with this mask
Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry it is not sold and available yet, it should be sold in september in Singapore on
The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :
Best regards.
Sounds like this product is going down the same runway as the airbus A380, announce a amazing new product, set a release date and then nothing.
Would it not make sense to develop/perfect, make it fuctional, manufacture it and then introduce it to the masses when it is actually available?
Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry, at present, the man size is sold in few Decathlon stores
The woman size will be available at the end of july.
Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell it in the USA and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.
The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :
Best regards.
This mask will give me an excellent view without fogging up, will allow me to breath through my nose and my mouth, will not have me swallowing water, AND let's me look like a sci-fi star-fighter pilot?
Yeah, I'm sold...
Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry, at present, the man size is sold in few Decathlon stores
The woman size will be available at the end of july.
Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell it in the USA and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.
The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :
Best regards.
Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry, at present, the man size is sold in few Decathlon stores
The woman size will be available at the end of july.
Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell it in Philippines and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.
The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :
Best regards.
JChhristophe - Community manager junior
JChristophe - Community manager junior
Best regards
JChristophe - Community manager junior
Best regards
JChristophe - Community manager junior
Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell and ship it in the USA and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.
The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :
Best regards.
Jean-Christophe – Community manager junior
Best regards
JChristophe - Community manager junior
The Easybreath mask is create for people which discover Snorkelling for the first time, or which can't use traditional snorkel. Not for deep dive. You can dive, but at 1 or 2 meters maximum. Best regards
Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry, at present, the man size is sold in few Decathlon stores
The woman size will be available at the end of july.
Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell it in Phillipines and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.
The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :
Best regards.
Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry, at present, the man size is sold in few Decathlon stores
The woman size will be available at the end of july.
Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell it in Phillipines and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.
The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :
Best regards.
JChristophe - Community manager junior
To know where you can find the Easybreath mask, you can visit the following page :
Best regards
JChristophe - Community manager junior
Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry it is not sold and available yet, it should be sold in september in Thailand on
The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :
Best regards.
Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry it is not sold and available yet, it should be sold in september in Thailand on
The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :
Best regards.
Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry, at present, the man size is sold in few Decathlon stores
The woman size will be available at the end of july.
Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell it in the USA and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.
The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :
Best regards.
Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell and ship it in the USA and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.
The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :
Best regards.
Jean-Christophe – Community manager junior
Baptiste - Community manager
the mask should be sold there from september/october.
Baptiste - Community manager
Thanks a lot for your message and your interest for our Easybreath mask.
The product cant function upside down, because the "snorkel" (in red/orange) will be in water and you will not breath..Dangerous for you.
But for snorkeling in normal position, is perfect!
Best regards
JChristophe - Community manager junior
Il le sera à partir de la dernière semaine de mai dans les magasins Decathlon voici la liste des magasins qui le venderont en avant-première :
Baptiste - Community manager
At the bottom of this page : @en/brand/innovation/easybreath-snorkeling-maskRegards.Baptiste - Community manager
Thanks for your message and your interest for our Easybreath mask.
It is created for snorkeling, so for discover underwater landscape at the surface and not deep dive. With this large surface you can look down, up or where you want whithout problems.
Best regards
JChristophe - Community manager junior.
Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell and ship it in the USA and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.
The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :
Best regards.
Jean-Christophe – Community manager junior
Please show me the catalogue .
If you look at scuba full face masks you will see the nose pinch design. It works, however, for freediving the design of a full face mask is entirely wrong for one main reason,
Volume. This mask will have 2-3x the volume a traditional mask has and perhaps 4x that of a freediving specific mask. What this means is the mask will require a lot more air to equalize. As you descend while freediving your lungs decrease in size, and soon you will not have enough air to equalize (without some advance technique such as a mouth fill). In short, this mask (with a nose-pinch design) would limit your depth and cause discomfort from an increase in pressure change.
It seems to be shorter because usually it starts from the mouth and here it starts from the forehead.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell and ship it in the USA and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.
The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :
Best regards.
Jean-Christophe – Community manager junior
Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry it is not sold and available yet, it should be sold at the end of may in Decathlon stores for man size and the end of june for woman/teenager size.
Sorry we don't have yet the solution to ship worlwide but we look for solution to sell this product.
The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :
Best regards.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
how can I work with you?
It's not possible to do the Valsalva maneuver with this mask, you can't dive deeper than 2 or 3 meters.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
It will be sold in Decathlon stores in Brazil from August 2014.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
One great part of snorkeling is to dive an watch all de details on rocks and sea floor.
And what about sizes for children???.....I started snorkeling when I was 8.
Keep on improving products but dont forget de key features of the original product.
A teenager size will be available at the end of june. Kids size will come in 2015.
Best regards.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Where can I buy here online?
Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry it is not sold and available yet, it should be sold at the end of may in Decathlon stores for man size and the end of june for woman/teenager size.
Sorry we don't have yet the solution to ship worlwide but we look for solution to sell this product.
The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :
Best regards.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
La manœuvre de Valsalva n'est pas possible donc maximum 2 à 3 mètres.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
It will be sold 40€ in Europe in Decathlon stores.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Thanks a lot for your interest in our Easybreath mask.
Sorry, at present, the man size is sold in few Decathlon stores and the woman size will be available in august.
Really sorry, in 2014, we are not able to sell and ship it in the USA and we apologize for it.
Decathlon team are working on a website and logistic able to sell worldwide, but it won't be set soon.
The best way to get informed is to subscribe to our newsletter, at the bottom of this page :
Best regards.
Jean-Christophe – Community manager junior
Non , la manoeuvre de Valsalva n'est pas possible avec ce masque.
Il est fait pour s'initier à la randonnée palmée en surface.
Baptiste - Tribord
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Non pas de soucis.
Baptiste - Tribord
Oui nous travaillons également sur un modèle enfant. Par contre, il ne sera pas disponible avant 2015, désolé.
Concernant votre remarque sur le SAV du tuba, je n'ai pas encore l'information, je reviendrai vers vous dès que j'aurai l'information.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
I want one!!!
Masque facial "Easybreath" - Full face snorkeling mask "Easybreath"
#snorkel #mask #scuba #scubadiving #tofb
Importa uma aí e exporta pra mim XD
Like to see a video of free diving with this mask system,I noticed on video it was surface only.
How easy to clear water out if you do get a slight bit of water inside mask?
I free dive and very interested in this mask for going below,do you have UK dealers?
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
But how do I manage the altitude compensation if I want to go deeper, since it looks like I can't touch the nose through the plastic...
En effet, il s'agit d'un masque fait pour la randonnée palmée et non l'apnée en profondeur. Avec ce masque, il n'es pas possible de descendre à moins de 2 mètres, cela correspond à un usage très courant en randonnée palmée. Sportivement. Baptiste - Tribord
Effectivement, la manoeuvre de Valsalva n'est pas possible avec ce masque.
Il s'agit bien d'un masque destiné à la randonnée palmée en surface (ou peu profond), ce qui correspond bien à la pratique d'une grande majorité de débutants en snorkeling).
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
La décompression par la manoeuvre de Valsalva n'est pas possible avec ce masque.
Il s'agit bien d'un masque destiné à la randonnée palmée en surface (ou peu profond), ce qui correspond bien à la pratique d'une grande majorité de débutants en snorkeling).
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Side note:3,5 min of video, of which barely 25 sec showing the product being actually used... on the surface! Would've loved to see the same video done by Americans.
This mask is designed for snorkeling on the surface, not for deep underwater.
The Valsalva maneuver is not possible to equalize pressure in ears.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
#hyeres #innovation #snorkeling #tuba #genial
and make the ULTIMATE diving gear!
same for your product too... a snorkel that you can't submerge with??? Not really thought through properly was it?
Yes this looks great.
But it's just a design project, not really ready to dive... I hope one day it will works.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Yes but you can't go deeply because Valsalva maneuver is not possibe to equalize pressure in ears. This mask is designed for snorkeling and not for diving.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
i dont think he was talking about valsalva.....but i ll asnwer him also....
no is not possible to equilize the u can not pump air through ur nose against the glasses.....
Non the Valsalva maneuver is not possible with this mask.
It's a snorkeling mask and not a diving mask, impossible to go deep underwater with it.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
it will be sold in Decathlon stores. Sorry, we don't have any store in the US.
We look for solutions to sell it worlwide, but we don't have the solution yet, sorry.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
it will be sold in Decathlon stores.
Sorry, we don't have any store in the US.
We look for solutions to sell it worldwide, but we don't have the solution yet, sorry.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
comme avec un masque classique, trop de barbe va gêner l'étanchéité de la jupe... Désolé, nous n'avons pas encore trouvé la solution pour cela.
Par contre, pour les moustachus cela fonctionne bien ;-)
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Valsalva maneuver is not possible with this mask.
It's a snorkeling mask , the mask is not designed to dive deeply underwater.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Si hoy, hay subtitulos en castellano.
Un saludo.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Oui le système Dry top stoppe les entrées d'eau au niveau du tuba.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Par contre comment ça fonctionne en immersion :
Est-ce que la respiration est simplement coupée?
Est-ce que l'on respire son propre air?
Et du coup est-ce que l'on se rend compte que l'on est en immersion?
Quand on est en immersion, la respiration est coupée, le volume d'air enfermé dans le masque n'est pas suffisant pour respirer son propre air.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Il s'agit bien d'un masque de randonnée palmée, il n'est pas possible de descendre profondément avec car la manoeuvre de Valsalva n'est pas possible avec.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Effectivement, la manoeuvre de Valsalva n'est pas possible avec ce masque.
Il s'agit bien d'un masque destiné à la randonnée palmée en surface (ou peu profondément), ce qui correspond bien à la pratique d'une grande majorité de débutants en snorkeling).
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
and not only this ,i actually think is a very dangerous shit-tech..... the people who try to go....any deep with this....they will exhale (cause they can with this gadget like if they were on scuba) they will not realise they just emptied their lungs...then surprise !!! negative boyancy experience!!! they will panic black out and death will opinion on this....
...if you cannot "learn" how to breath through a tube and then close ur mouth when u want to go either stupid, or i dont think you wanted so much in the first place.....
even new borns babies know how to close their fxxxxing mouth when inside water....
You are right, Valsalva maneuver is not possible with this mask.
It's a snorkeling mask , the mask is not designed to dive deeply underwater.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
It will be sold in Decathlon stores since the end of april.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Valsalva maneuver is not possible with this mask.
It's a snorkeling mask, the mask is not designed to dive deeply underwater.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Valsalva maneuver is not possible with this mask.
It's a snorkeling mask , the mask is not designed to dive deeply underwater.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
40%, really? I could see 10%, at most, if you include children and elderly. They just need proper instruction on using a mask and getting a mask that fits. Don't mess with the sea. If your not committed to spending 5-15min getting comfortable with a mask and snorkel you don't need to be near the water.
30 to 40% of the population are not able or are affraid of using a snorkel.
This is a solution for them.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
C'est dangereux sans explications, impossible de compenser et en plus si le masque ce remplie d'eau ça va pas être évident.
Beau challenge pour vendre ce produit.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Biz le daroche!!
merci pour votre commentaire, qui correspond à votre point de vue de plongeur aguerri.
Le randonneur palmé débutant qui est ciblé par ce produit ne fait généralement pas d'apnée et ne descend jamais à plus de 2 mètres.
Il n'aura pas de frustration, au contraire, il aura accès à un monde qui lui était inconnu jusque là car il était dans l'impossibilité d'utiliser un tuba.
Avant qu'un utilisateur ne se perce les tympans quand même... quand vous n'arrivez pas à descendre vous forcez et descendez à toute vitesse ? non. il en sera de même pour les utilisateurs de ce masque, si les oreilles sifflent ils ne descendront pas plus bas.
Sportivement. Baptiste - Community manager
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Il s'agit d'un masque fait pour rendre accessible au plus grand nombre la randonnée palmée, notamment pour les personnes ayant un problème avec l'usage du tuba (et ils sont très nombreux, mais je ne dois rien vous apprendre au vu de votre grande expérience en plongée).
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
d'ailleur dès qu'il sort je le testerai histoire de me faire une idée concrète de tout ça et voir ce qu'il en est vraiment.
2: je suis E2 (P4+ initiateur) et stagiaire pédagogique pour le plaisir
3: je suis scaphandrier Classe 3, A, inscrit maritime "capitaine 200" MF1 voile.
4: j'ai plus de 4000 plongées(civil + militaire "actuellement reserviste")
5: en plus de la méthode valsalva et de fenzel ... moi je suis en cela te parle"béance tubaire volontaire...
6: donc avant de faire tes petits commentaire sache qu"avec ce masque il est IMPOSSIBLE de faire Valsava et donc interdit et dans l'impossibilité de faire le Apnée....
7: relis mes postes correctement et réécoute la vidéo en aucun cas là il s'agit d'un masque pour faire de la plongée et/ou apnée !!!! mais de la balade en surface....^^
8: a bon entendeur.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
T'es un troll toi nan ? :)
Effectivement le système anti-buée est complétement nouveau.
Le principe du tuba bloquant l'entrée d'eau n'est pas nouveau mais le système Dry Top utilisé ici est techniquement bien différent de ce qui se faisait avant.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
here is a chance to have "THE" mask EASYBREATH
good luck!
Désolé ce masque sera vendu en exclusivité dans les magasins Decathlon et , malheureusement, nous ne vendons pas encore sur le territoire nord américain, désolé.
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
Le système de ventilation à l'intérieur du masque permet la prévention de l'apparition de buée (bien plus efficacement et durablement qu'en crachant dans son masque).
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord
il y aura tjrs de la buée dans un masque ou dans des lunettes de natation le remede et simple= craché dedans frotté sa propre salive sur les vitres durant 10 seconde et rincer et la on est tranquille pdt 1h...
Un peu de salive dans le masque humidifié à l'eau de mer et ensuite plus de buée.
Les tubas modernes à valves de gestion bloquent l'entrée d'eau et facilitent son évacuation après une apnée...
Autre chose à faire : Une paire de ciseaux des oursins et du vin blanc sur le rocher. vous coupez l'oursin et vous récupérer les grappes oranges à l'intérieurs ce sont des oeufs un petit plaisir de la mer pour un apéritif originale et très nature. (préférez les gros oursins à pointes à bout blancs)
Baptiste - Community manager Tribord