Montego Bay Scuba Dive 3 of 6 - Active panic in open water diver

Scuba diving Montego Bay with a divemaster and 3 other people. The woman was pushed into doing something she wasnt comfortable with by her husband ( A PADI openwater instructor) and freaked out ~80 feet under water. Great job by the divemaster who prevented a potential terrible injury! Temp - 86 Visability - ~100 ft Depth - 85 ft

Montego Bay Scuba Dive 3 of 6 - Active panic in open water diver sentiment_very_dissatisfied 308

Snorkeling 12 years ago 436,923 views

Scuba diving Montego Bay with a divemaster and 3 other people. The woman was pushed into doing something she wasnt comfortable with by her husband ( A PADI openwater instructor) and freaked out ~80 feet under water. Great job by the divemaster who prevented a potential terrible injury! Temp - 86 Visability - ~100 ft Depth - 85 ft

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Most popular comments
for Montego Bay Scuba Dive 3 of 6 - Active panic in open water diver

Morten Alslund
Morten Alslund - 5 years ago
damn you guys have horrible air control. Breathing super fast. I take most of your dives are like 30-45 mins - max depth 18M - at best.
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 5 years ago
Good thing you guessed wrong.
aldrich inciong
aldrich inciong - 5 years ago
Ricardo montalban
Ricardo montalban - 6 years ago
I would free dive that shiz
Ricardo montalban
Ricardo montalban - 6 years ago
Once at 60 feet I realised I had a snake in my boot.
Ali B
Ali B - 6 years ago
They should not be past 60 feet as basic OW.
loveIsraelnow - 6 years ago
she should have said no
ocean diver
ocean diver - 6 years ago
Why was she left alone behind n the divemaster didnt do anything on her? Too dangerous for her at such a depth n did nothing.. I am really shock of seeing her, although I m a diver too..
SCUBACHICK 76 - 6 years ago
I wander if she narced. It’s not unheard at about 85 ft to narc. If she was already uncomfortable she narcosis might have gotten exacerbated.
TheCuilinn - 6 years ago
Get to the surface and where's the f'ing boat gone. Oh their just chilling back soon

10. comment for Montego Bay Scuba Dive 3 of 6 - Active panic in open water diver

TheCuilinn - 6 years ago
looks like she had trouble equalizing her ears, not realy a panic. Diving in Jamaica is shit
K. P.
K. P. - 6 years ago
That's why I go just snorkeling! I had a fundive in 13 m and when I realized, one mistake and I could die, I started to get panic. I have respect for all the divers!
Zinaida Belonoshko
Zinaida Belonoshko - 6 years ago
Your buddy was cool, Ryan, breathing slowly and calmly. I would not doubt to dive with her!
JestersCapxXx - 6 years ago
Mask mounted cameras are crap.
John Gayle
John Gayle - 6 years ago
Jamaicans literally caught every fish in the sea
Merchant Ivory
Merchant Ivory - 6 years ago
I already know i have depth issues (never dived but want my cert) I would be happy as a clam just hovering a few feet below water, no drive at all to go down 30-50 yards scary as hell down there. I like having fast escape options :P
Lisa Simkins
Lisa Simkins - 6 years ago
no snorkels ???!
Eric Thompson
Eric Thompson - 6 years ago
Seems like sign language would be an invaluable for divers to know
Damascus Steele
Damascus Steele - 6 years ago
Learning to dive and keeping the mask clear and clear of water is something that needs to be practiced especially in cold water. You develop techniques that work and need to practice them. I always like to keep a little water in the mask to swish off the condensation that builds to see clearly. Without a mask you're not totally blind of senses, up would be feeling and following your bubbles. Practice with your eyes closed. Let go of your regulator and see if you can find them back into your mouth. All these simple things need to be practiced with a safety diver watching. More so in high stress environment like in kelp or cave. Know that no matter how experienced you are Sh_t can happen. Your only saving grace is a cool thinking head and not cross over to panic land towards death.
{Yasenia} - 6 years ago
I have a feeling that she (and possible all of them except for the dive master) took a crash course at some tourist destination. You get no much training. Just enough to not panic or die as long as nothing goes wrong. It’s more like an introductory dive. A quick way for this tour guides to make a quick buck.

20. comment for Montego Bay Scuba Dive 3 of 6 - Active panic in open water diver

Mike Ramsey
Mike Ramsey - 6 years ago
I think her husband should had taken her on some shallower dives before hitting this depth, this is why a good instructor will make you keep practicing until you are comfortable.
Tenebris oculi
Tenebris oculi - 6 years ago
The way that woman held her feet while descending.. Oh, fuck. No. Get her out of the water, now.
ooh la la
ooh la la - 6 years ago
Why's the ocean void of a fish in Montgomery bay? Looks dead
Greg Smith
Greg Smith - 6 years ago
Looks like it's hard to swim a hold hands! If I paid to learn how and went I would want
To look around and experience the whole dive!
tammyrules2000 - 6 years ago
I don't see a panic, is it with the three divers or with the ...
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 6 years ago
It is exactly around the 12 minute mark.
S F - 6 years ago
I prefer free diving. The bubbles are sooo annoying
LuisManuelHdez - 6 years ago
Scuba diving is not for everyone! Know yourself and your ability to deal with stressful situations before you put your life at risk, or simply stick to shallow dives.
jellyfishattack - 6 years ago
That woman looked like she could barely even swim, and was so afraid she had to hold her husband's hand the whole dive. I'm certain that the guide knew 110% that she didn't want to dive at all, but.... with her open water instructor husband along and able to assist, he just went along with it. It was a lucky/good thing they were able to stop her from bolting to the surface.
johanne bernier
johanne bernier - 6 years ago
i hate when somone post a video with wrong title! R E S P E C T VIEWERS PLEASE ! Where is the ACTIVE panic ?
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 6 years ago
T H E E N T I R E V I D E O is active panic. Learn to recognize the signs. Death grip on the dive master, death grip on her partner, reluctance to clear mask, right up to the point where she panics and we all have to ascend.

I hate when people comment on something they didnt watch or understand.
PuckysWorld - 6 years ago
I see on her face that when her mask is off she plugs he nose. I had to do that cause its hard for me not to exhale through my nose and the bubbles from the regulator goes in my nose

30. comment for Montego Bay Scuba Dive 3 of 6 - Active panic in open water diver

ED PE - 6 years ago
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 6 years ago
Dydy Dydy
Dydy Dydy - 6 years ago
Hi what brand that action cam ?
Brandon Erickson
Brandon Erickson - 6 years ago
shark bait
Arnold Stollar
Arnold Stollar - 6 years ago
No need to panic in clear,warm water,with buddies closeby .
Arnold Stollar
Arnold Stollar - 6 years ago
Nice, warm, clear, shallow diving. At Jamaica.
Arnold Stollar
Arnold Stollar - 6 years ago
Shaun Parra
Shaun Parra - 6 years ago
I don’t care if it’s a loved one, friend, whatever if I’m uncomfortable I’m not diving in it.
Олка Макарова
Олка Макарова - 6 years ago
I mentioned that all girls had too much weight on them. Hard to swim in vertical position.:) Were did you dived? What happens with the mask?
campervan20 - 6 years ago
Push to top of your mask to your forehead and blow hard out your nose
Meike Peters
Meike Peters - 6 years ago
I just hate that feeling - that I can´t get up if I want to - so I just go for snorkeling - with a full mask, this is very comfortable to breathe in and out trough Your nose - not mouth! The snorkel get closed automaticly when I go down and opens when I come back to the surface.
weerobot - 6 years ago
There are some people who should never dive...
Venus - 6 years ago
Does anyone else like the sound of the bubbles
zarathustra - 6 years ago
i dont know the first thing about what im seeing. I have never dived in my life....

to someone with no knowledge it seems weird... firstly, why is she doing this if she has no idea what to do when something goes wrong.... or how to stop things from going wrong in the first place?
shes panicking like she has no idea what to do... well, ok, then why is she doing it? What am i missing about this?
ForShizzleMaNizzle - 6 years ago
where exactly in this 20 min video is the panic???
Rafael LLanes
Rafael LLanes - 7 years ago
That other girl's face when she realize she had to stop her dive... lol
Lascelle Robinson
Lascelle Robinson - 7 years ago
If some one produce a Open Water Certificate to the Dive Master it means it was acquired from someone else, not the Dive Master. His job is to give a tour in a safe environment and protect each member of his group. Regardless of the dept, the absence of fish and a secondary mask, he was in charge and gave assistance to someone who needed help. Further, he maintained contact with the rest of the group who ascended with him. This must mean he gave a Diving Brief before entry and the entire group surfaced safely. Great job Dive Master
ocean diver
ocean diver - 6 years ago
I had a crash OW course taken, very tough theory n practice itineraries. Killer instructor, but I got all I was taught. Practical job... love it...
dirk belaey
dirk belaey - 7 years ago
why does a divemaster go with beginners to deep.
why does a divemaster stays with a beginner with problems to deep
why does a divemaster takes almost 10 min under water wheen an incident accurs

Good dive master ???really ??,
Thomas Anderson
Thomas Anderson - 6 years ago
Divemaster took the time to control the situation. Having a "panicked" diver and 3 others is a major problem. He had established that the others were a little more experienced or at least they were comfortable with the environment. Knowing this, he proceeded to calmly work out the issue with the person having the problems. Her buddy was maintaining a calm demeanor, so was possibly able to assist as needed. The lady had everything she needed to survive. Air was functional, divemaster focused on keeping the regulator in her mouth and getting her to a situation where she could ascend safely. Your body knows not to inhale through the nose underwater, it is actually pretty natural to breathe even without the mask. As long as the divemaster can keep the regulator in her mouth, and everyone else stays out of the way unless asked to assist, the situation can be handled.
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 7 years ago
1. Going deeper than what you are trained for is common in the Caribbean. Its frequent to take OW divers to 80 or 100 feet. Was on a discover down to 65 feet in Roatan. OW class 1 - went down to 85.
2. Do you expect the DM to abandon the person? Seriously?
3. You are 85 feet down you cant shoot to the surface.

Im guessing there is a language barrier issue here...
Yulia Fransiska
Yulia Fransiska - 7 years ago
Jerry Gillespie
Jerry Gillespie - 7 years ago
This was a group of OWD beginners, no real panic, just some insecurities, the main thing that all ended well! Go diving people! By the way, love the videographer diving buddies tits!
junior Beukman
junior Beukman - 7 years ago
junior Beukman
junior Beukman - 7 years ago

50. comment for Montego Bay Scuba Dive 3 of 6 - Active panic in open water diver

LiquidGF - 7 years ago
This looks like a bunch of DSDs way too deep to me.
Where did this lady put her mask? ^^'
eZ Gold
eZ Gold - 7 years ago
I got 3 questions how do they decend like that , are you not allowed to acend to the surface fast, and how do you now panic bc i feel like if i got ima panic
Gaolii - 7 years ago
Thats not 100' vis. 100' vis means you can clearly see bottom at 85' - I'd peg this around 60-70' vis. Still really clear and nice - looks like a great spot.
I never had mask issues or panic at depth, but I remember a long time ago on one of my first wreck dives, descending the line into what seemed like a bottomless dark blue void I had to stop and signal to my instructor I was not chill ... I was feeling an insatiable urge to go up and to breathe through my nose - I felt with 1000% certainty that if I descended that line any further I was committing myself to certain death. My instructor and I just took 2 minutes - he had me check gauges, check gear, basically busy myself with other things, he was signaling me to breathe nice and easy and after about 60-90 seconds the feeling passed, and I carefully made my way down to the wreck and had an awesome time.
That was many many dives ago, and I have never since had any issues with nervousness in the water - but even after years of diving I can still remember that feeling and I have had moments where I remember hoping it doesnt pop back up due to being narc'd or disoriented. It's a paralyzing response by your brain - and if you've never felt it it is difficult to articulate.
Fear and panic are the most dangerous beasts in the ocean for a diver. There is no situation underwater that cannot be made worse by panicking.
Porter Hale
Porter Hale - 7 years ago
any one else notice how his shorts were red on the boat and when they got to the sunken boat they were blueish black.
Don Anator
Don Anator - 7 years ago
I would have been pissed off.
Dan Vaught
Dan Vaught - 7 years ago
Damn, no marine life in sight.
chua wee kirk
chua wee kirk - 7 years ago
looks like she lost her mask. DM should volunteer his mask since most adapted to diving without mask when such situation arises. some DMs even bring spare masks.
Abby Cox
Abby Cox - 7 years ago
Jonathan Wong
Jonathan Wong - 7 years ago
no fish.
Radley2612 - 7 years ago
Nobody was at 80ft
Radley2612 - 7 years ago
OK (excuse the pun) as an experienced diver why wouldn't you want to pass on your recollection of the dive plan briefing? What questions were raised within the group? Did you raise concerns with the dive master regarding the experience of others within the group / suitability of the dive?
Radley2612 - 7 years ago
No logs!!!!  No report...No wonder it happened...No clue where you are...No idea why it happened...No preparation just a bunch of dangerous chancers....Who'd want that on their CV....Figures!
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 7 years ago
I stopped keeping logs 350 dives ago. It was about 80 ft / 25 m when she started panicking.
Radley2612 - 7 years ago
Post the dive log profile
Radley2612 - 7 years ago
15m max
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 7 years ago
It was about 80 ft deep...
Bill Latibay
Bill Latibay - 7 years ago
What is the depth? I dont think its within open water limits. Maybe 70-80 ft.
Caleb Audia
Caleb Audia - 7 years ago
Amazing video! Can I just say you are my favorite diver YouTuber? Anyway, how much did this dive cost you. Going to Montego Bay soon... Thank you so much!!!!
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 7 years ago
This was the head strap "cave helmet" style mount. I DO NOT recommend that for a couple of reasons.

1. It falls off way to easily.
2. Exhaled bubbles go right through the video.

I would recommend a Telescoping mono-pole. This will allow you to get close up to life without scaring it. Check out the Cozumel videos I have on here which were filmed with the pole.

As for dive sites, the only ones I can really recommend were the spanish anchors, which this one was supposed to be. A bunch of swim throughs and 2 giant old spanish anchors. Second would be the airport wall. The water was VERY clear and night dives could be good here.
Caleb Audia
Caleb Audia - 7 years ago
Ryan Conley Thanks man. One more question, were you holding the camera, or did u get a strap? You do not know how much you are helping me. You are saving me hours of planning lol. Thanks again!
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 7 years ago
It has been a couple of years so i dont remember the price, but I dove with Kellys water sports in montego bay. They were very reasonable and a small shop. Most of the dives it was just my wife, myself and the divemaster.
John Poe
John Poe - 7 years ago
recover from codependency in codependence anonymous........
blah87241 - 7 years ago
80 feet is quite deep for a novice diver
IfArTiNbEd 2
IfArTiNbEd 2 - 7 years ago
go easy guys! its people like you who make us not want to continue learning! why put her down? shes only human, and if you are so perfect at diving 5 bucks says you suck at everything else! diving is daunting, not all of us are naturals, but were fucking trying! so help us newbies out!! ffs. you were a learner to, its not a god given gift, its unnatural and frighting the first few times, bunch of assholes, yes it endangers people but remember if youve got the skills and the hours to help, then fucking help dont bitch and carry on cause us newbies look up to people like you!!
454chevy454 - 7 years ago
What this the worst dive where is the fish??
Monica Weinle
Monica Weinle - 7 years ago
Unreal that her hubby would risk her life. Kudos to them for getting her safely oceanside up.
steve wujek
steve wujek - 7 years ago
I had the person picked before they got off the boat smh, it looked like it was her first few dives and it was too deep or else she wouldn't have panicked
Villads Prehn
Villads Prehn - 7 years ago
Daniel Crawford
Daniel Crawford - 7 years ago
a 20 minute dive and not one single fish to be seen.
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 7 years ago
Daniel Crawford Jamaicans have over fished their reefs. They need better education, and policy for policing. This was in their marine park also! They should look to cozumel Mexico with their marine park. It could be mostly restored within 10 years.
Aaron Van Meter
Aaron Van Meter - 7 years ago
that bitch is dumb
Tom Warren
Tom Warren - 7 years ago
What GoPro mount are you wearing?
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 7 years ago
It wasnt a mask, but the straps for the head. I would be extremely hesitant about the mask mount. if you bump the go pro you might lose the mask.

I would find a way to mount to shoulder/BC or similar.
Tom Warren
Tom Warren - 7 years ago
Ryan Conley thanks mate .. I use a pole at the moment but needed something for wreck/cave diving that freed up my hands .. was thinking about a mask with a mount
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 7 years ago
This was the head mount, which I have moved on from. The exhale goes right into the view of the camera if you are not moving.

Ive been using a expandable pole with the go pro mounted on the end in the other cozumel videos which allow a closer view of the wildlife without being intrusive. Check them out!
missourispartan - 7 years ago
Good action by the divemaster! Credits to the panicked diver for allowing the divemaster to help her catch her breath. It's always important when in a panic (if it must happen, any diver should know NOT to allow it to happen in the first place, but if so) , something being shoved toward your mouth is not going to be hostile, or hands grabbing your shoulders to steady you are not a bad thing. Try to relax and think about the situation, especially if it's someone trying to help you breath.

It was a nice calm ascension on the way up so no OEIs. Stinks that the diver lost her mask, though.
Marilu Carvallo
Marilu Carvallo - 8 years ago
hate when you need to hold their hand.
Robert Coltrane
Robert Coltrane - 8 years ago
so boring, don't bother.
ShambhaMyka - 8 years ago
Where are all the fish?
Harry Werner
Harry Werner - 6 years ago
Dead. All the fish are dead, because the reef is dead, because Jamaica didn't take care of it.
Michael Ängu
Michael Ängu - 8 years ago
which camera did you use while recording this?
Whitetail Sales
Whitetail Sales - 8 years ago
what camara are you using sir?
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 8 years ago
i believe this was a go pro 2 black with head mount. I've since upgraded to hero 4 silver with a selfie stick. the video comes out much better. check out some if the videos in the Mexico group!
DeathammoPlays .-.
DeathammoPlays .-. - 8 years ago
2:25 the water looks so wierd and rounded
Michael Ängu
Michael Ängu - 8 years ago
its the fisheye effect from the camera he is using. usually actioncams like go pros have that.
luke carmody
luke carmody - 8 years ago
I have went to the Great Barrier Reef Mexico worlds second largest reef and I also went to Egypt
Virus /
Virus / - 8 years ago
You want a cookie ?
Chris S
Chris S - 8 years ago
Typical tourist dive location on a dying reef.... what a shame!
Steven Williamson
Steven Williamson - 7 years ago
Remember lionfish have eaten allot of the fish
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 7 years ago
When the above conditions are meticulous, they are extremely resilient. I agree, but the conditions need to be great.
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 8 years ago
to a degree. they cannot tolerate temperature, salinity or poor water quality changes at all. cutting them is no problem however.
Chris Burgin
Chris Burgin - 8 years ago
Coral are actually very resilient. In the reef hobby we cut them in to tiny pieces and grow whole colonies. Moderation is everything in this case in the wild.
nobody fromnowhere
nobody fromnowhere - 8 years ago
Well the people were educated and laws were put in place, but because they are impoverished, they can make money by selling off coral souvenirs they've become scofflaws, and you know coral is symbiotic with itself, if you touch it, it will slowly die. It's too late for Jamaica, the damage is done. Bermuda is a place that does it right, I think every place where the reefs are a draw could learn from them.
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 8 years ago
+C.M. Terrell how do you correct that? complain about it and do nothing or educate the locals about preservation?
nobody fromnowhere
nobody fromnowhere - 8 years ago
Typical Jamaica 80% of their reef is dead.
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 8 years ago
Any foreign location would be a tourist spot...
Michele Migliorini
Michele Migliorini - 8 years ago
No serious diver would dive with a bathing suit. Wear ALWAYS a wetsuit (if the water's warm go for a short one and 3mms).
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 8 years ago
You go with what you are comfortable in. I dive in the Great Lakes and northern cold waters and frequently wear a 3mm when warmer or a 5mm in 37 degree water.
Jens Peterson
Jens Peterson - 8 years ago
Divemaster here and when I dive in warm water I wear my board shorts. If I'm going around coral then i'll wear a skin suit. Don't judge unless you have evidence.
Chris S
Chris S - 8 years ago
Robin - 8 years ago
Totally agree with you Chris. I have an friend who was an instructor. She has over 4000 dives and loves diving in a bikini...very freeing and you don't need as much weight!
Chris S
Chris S - 8 years ago
It's obvious your diving buddies are limited!
Michele Migliorini
Michele Migliorini - 8 years ago
+Chris S Absolutely. I know many divers, none of them would dive without a wetsuit (at least a shorty, 3mm).
Chris S
Chris S - 8 years ago
Matt D
Matt D - 8 years ago
Maybe some of you more experienced divers can comment about this. I only have 50 or 60 dives under me. It seems to me that if you have to hold her hands and drag her through the dive you should have surfaced a long time ago. I would gladly sacrifice my dive to get her safely to the surface when things began to get dicey long before a real panic incident occurred.
ocean diver
ocean diver - 6 years ago
Good job.... she might have been getting DCS n intolerance at such a depth, with no buddy around her, noted from her pale face n awckward eyes, might be leading to narcosis as everybody has his/her intolerance stage...
povang - 8 years ago
I didnt see a panic?!...
Capt Eric Bergeron
Capt Eric Bergeron - 8 years ago
Enjoyed this video, thumbs up from us and cheers from sunny IGY Simpson Bay Marina, Sint Maarten in the Caribbean.
Robbie!!! - 8 years ago
I am currently doing my open water course now and I cant wait to diver in open water!
Don Quixote
Don Quixote - 8 years ago
Watch this video repeatedly and still cannot find any 'active panic.' The lady being assisted by the DM/Instructor appears to either have mask problem, maybe coughing or something. But, she is in no panic. A person in panic will be blowing a lot of air and unresponsive. She seems to have problems but she is calm and responding to the DM. However, every divers in this group including the videographer are unstable. Looks more like students in their training OW dives.
Will B
Will B - 6 years ago
Don Quixote exactly - EVERYONE looked very unfamiliar with the water, only the DM(s) was really horizontal.
Jaiden Itis
Jaiden Itis - 8 years ago
I find these so interesting and realistically mind triggers to what if real life situations !
zombiejase - 8 years ago
well I'll give you my opinion on this I've just attempted the open water course in Malta and I've not had any problems until I got to the mask removal and replacement. now don't get me wrong I know how to do it on paper but 2 different instructors have tried 3 times on 2 different days to get me through it and I can't get my head around it. 1st time i panicked and took water up my nose then almost cleared the mask and fucked it up and had to surface. 2nd time got the mask off for about 35 seconds then felt water on the back of my throat and surfaced, 3rd time tried flooding the mask then forgot to breathe through the regulator and surfaced again! I hold my hand up and say I felt like shit for not completing it so kept going back for another go and failing. I can perform it above water no probs but down there it's a different story. mabe I'll try again some day I've only got a handful of skills to finish but I know another one is swimming with the mask off procedure and not looking forward to that either.
zombiejase - 8 years ago
That's some good tips dude!
Jerry Ayling
Jerry Ayling - 8 years ago
I struggled with anything to do with mask removal during the open water course. I only cracked it after I was qualified. I guess I did just enough to pass but I recognised it was a weakness and worked to get over it. Speak to your instructor, they may take you into confined water (pool) and work on it before you go back out in the open water.
zombiejase - 8 years ago
+Jerry Ayling thanks my friend for all your support and thats reassuring to know that your also a u.k diver to just hope I can get passed this and the no mask swim wich will be next i would think, most of the rest of it seems easy appart from the free flowing regulator task as well? how did you get on with the no mask swim was that ok???
Jerry Ayling
Jerry Ayling - 8 years ago
I'm in the UK. Cold water makes it a little harder because of the body's reaction to it. Last week it was 18' on the south coast (Devon) so it's nice and warm in UK standards. Don't give up, keep at it until you are relaxed doing it. It will come.
zombiejase - 8 years ago
+Jerry Ayling thanks for the tip Jerry that's interesting to hear and some good ideas there buddy! I'll tell you it really broke my resolve when it happened and I tried on 3 days to get passed it to. I'm now back in the U.k and priced up the course again after I'd already paid out once for it abroad but it's more money to take it again over here even though I'm half way through it and been signed off half way as over here we have to have dry suit training as it's so cold in the U.k. not sure how to go about it all now but I have just under a year to complete it before I have to go and do it all over again from scratch! thanks again for your tips I'll keep that in mind dude :-)
Jerry Ayling
Jerry Ayling - 8 years ago
I struggled with mask removal. I went for a shallow dive and just kept flooding and clearing, maybe 50 times. Then as I flooded I pulled the mask away from the front of my face. If I began to panic I was able to easily drop it back in place and clear. I just kept doing this until my breathing remained the same wether flooded or not. Then I pulled the mask off my face completely. Then replace and clear. Just keep doing it over and over, you will eventually wonder what all the fuss was about.
zombiejase - 8 years ago
+JoePro thanks dude I'll give it a go sounds like you got it Sussed there buddy great info!
Joe - 8 years ago
Try in shallow water (maybe a pool) first and take a deep breath make yourself calm then start by partially flooding your mask so the water goes up your nose but slowly, or trying humming whilst you do it which may keep the water out your nose. I had a bit of a problem with this for a while but if you stay calm and just think as long as the regulator is in your mouth you're fine! Hope this helps
zombiejase - 8 years ago
+BigDog thanks man I hope so! I had three attempts on it over 2 days the first instructor was quite "this is how you do it and after everyone else completed it ok I then found out about the swim without the mask wich kinda made it worse as I knew even if i beat the first one there was another bigger one to come!? Mabe I'll give it another bash now I'm back in the U.k who knows!? to be honest I tried to fight the fear but it got to me by the second day. bit of a waste of the whole course too I spose not even completing it after all that money spent.
BigDog - 8 years ago
Just finished my open water and going for advanced course in coming weeks. Sounds to me like you're thinking about it too much. You need to practice just holding your breath in a swimming pool and sinking to the bottom without mask or anything at all. The only thing that this skill is testing is whether you can breathe only through you regulator and not through the nose. When you put you mask on, then you take a breath through the regulator and just exhale through your nose ( not inhale) through your nose. I'm sure you'll get it next time, just need to practice doing it in the pool rather than the ocean.
Grant Martin
Grant Martin - 8 years ago
Was thinking about becoming a scuba diver instructor until I saw all the videos
Kent Godfrey
Kent Godfrey - 8 years ago
Only been scuba diving once but I'm sure you are meant to blow through your nose into the mask to clear water right?
greg77389 - 8 years ago
Yep, if your mask gets flooded, you can easily clear it by blowing air our your nose while slightly lifting the bottom of your mask from your face. This will also prevent mask squeeze, thus it is a good idea to do this after each equalization.
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 8 years ago
Blowing threw your pinched nose is to equalize pressure in your ears. Its called the vasalva method.
Quaeroveritas - Just call me Q
Quaeroveritas - Just call me Q - 8 years ago
You should not be taking noobs to these depths, it is obvious from her body language and method of movement in the water, that she is not experienced enough for this level of diving.
Pyro Wiener 2015
Pyro Wiener 2015 - 5 years ago
+Sal Dash Yes, you are right i am a open water diver and i never was deeper than 18 meters. I am going to make my advanced owd this summer
Sal Dash
Sal Dash - 6 years ago
They are open water diver max depth for them should be 18 meter
Storm Tater
Storm Tater - 8 years ago
I was wondering about that. 80 feet seems really deep for a novice.
Spank My Monkey
Spank My Monkey - 8 years ago
I would have also panicked if there was nothing to see, and their gauges were hanging loose.
Joey LoBianco
Joey LoBianco - 8 years ago
Thumbs up for the name
ThinkinGuy - 8 years ago
why does anyone want to go diving in Montego Bay anyway? Noticeable absence of something divers like to call FISH!!
Kim Siewers
Kim Siewers - 8 years ago
1. no snorkels 2. female diver has too much weight 3. someone pushed her to go past her comfort zone. I can't tell if her eyes are closed which may indicate she wears contact lenses underwater. I use an RX mask.
ANY person can become a PADI instructor; it doesn't mean you have the common sense to not push a person past his comfort zone in an activity.
I have been using scuba since 1964 and have thousands of dives in many different conditions.
sunnyhighway1 - 6 years ago
+Ricardo montalban You just cough or sneeze exactly as you would do above water. The only difference is that you would hold your hand on your mask and regulator instead of your nose an mouth. It's the same reflex. You can even vomit trough your regulator. Feeding the fish as we call it.
Ricardo montalban
Ricardo montalban - 6 years ago
What if you need to have one of those unexpectedly violent coughs or sneezes underwater? That’s the thing that worries me as a non scuba dude
Bryan Lee
Bryan Lee - 6 years ago
Kim Siewers bringing a snorkel triggers me dont bring a snorkel when u scuba dive lmao
David Sevil
David Sevil - 8 years ago
leuk nikes
hunter Maynard
hunter Maynard - 8 years ago
my first dive was in 3-5 foot waves.... I was the only one in my family who didn't get sick. my mask was faulty and leaked water for the whole dive. I Stuck It Out For My family And got pictures
James Oliver
James Oliver - 8 years ago
Hard Man
Darrell Grainger
Darrell Grainger - 8 years ago
Noticed the dive guide was sticking close the the woman who panicked. At points he is holding her hand. Probably felt something was wrong before they even started the dive. He did a great job.
jellyfishattack - 6 years ago
He held her hand while they were still at the surface. He knew she did not want to dive, she seemed very uncomfortable at the surface; but he left all his training and basic common sense in his wallet. She looked like she wanted to bolt to the surface. He had to stick close to her, Luckily, between her husband and him, they were able to make a controlled ascent.
Radley2612 - 7 years ago
and the 350+ dive unorientated videographer was too self concerned to notice
Leny Puicouyoul
Leny Puicouyoul - 7 years ago
no he didn't, you don't start a dive going that deep with someone panicking without mask or even with someone not comfortable at the begining of the dive. Hopefully he seems to have good skills, indeed.
Xpert Gaming
Xpert Gaming - 9 years ago
By the way... Why is everyone so condescending? Yes, this woman was obviously a noob and she freaked out when her mask filled. Is everyone that commented on this willing to go on record saying they never had 1 instance where they messed up when they first got their card? I've been certified for 20 years and can still remember my first few noob dives. In fact I remember doing a rapid ascent on my very FIRST 20 meter dive due to my mask filling. I had cleared it flawlessly during certification, but still managed to get anxious enough to ascend. Maybe some ppl who have commented here were perfect their first few dives. I certainly wasn't.
whynottalklikeapirat - 6 years ago
Well - as long as it's tempered glass with a silicone skirt whatever fits you best is the right mask. A cheaper one may do the job just as well as long as the materials are right - it's all about the fit - and a good fit is worth paying for. Dives are expensive so why waste the good times fighting with the wrong mask and paying for it. Good gear aka gear that fits you is always worth it.

I couldn't say what makes you feel queasy but here are a few culprits that I know:

1. Sometimes it's the boat ride to the first site. Any combination of waves and gasonline fumes in the morning is likely to hit you harder when you are at your most vulnerable at the start of the day. On shallow dives the waves may still affect you underwater as well prolonging the sea-sickness.

2. An acidic diet - like maybe driking too much coffee in the morning and eating citrus fruits, will for some reason affect some people. It's easier for me to get a bit dizzy or nauseous if I've had too much coffee, and am maybe a little dehydrated because of it. But I am being very unscientific about that. It's just how I feel.

3. Could you be swallowing salt water? Novice divers will often have a lot of facial movement when they are settling into a dive. Maybe working with the mask, chewing on the unfamiliar reg, maybe just being animated. That will sometimes let a bit of water into their mouths. Some people swallow a fair amount in stead of purging. I have certainly seen THAT lead to underwater vomiting. There is a limit to the amount of salt water you can comfortably ingest.

4. Maybe it's just proneness to nausea and maybe a little nervousness while settling down and getting into the routine. Second dive is very often better than the first because you have come to terms with your gear, your buoyancy, and your technique - and your breathing has relaxed more and things are going more smoothly - where the first dive can be a bit more jagged. In other words YOU may be more relaxed on the second dive.

I kinda suspect salt water ingestion, but you would know if that's it.
Andrew Skeith
Andrew Skeith - 6 years ago
Ginger helps reduce motion sickness. A lot of dive boats and sport fishing boats keep a box of ginger snaps handy for that exact reason.
As far as what not to eat, just imagine all the foods that might give you acid reflux if you ate them. If in doubt TUMS it out!
Avoid anything with a lot of carbs (sugar). You want to eat something with a lot of protein and perhaps a little fiber.
Penguin1290 - 6 years ago
I'm actually glad I didn't buy my mask in advance. I would have just bought a cheap mask that I thought fit ok....but because of all the problems I went for a much more expensive, but a much nicer mask. My first dive with in the ocean was...OH MY GOD...I can just enjoy the dive and not fiddle with this mask?? And it doesn't press into my forehead?!? Woaaaah!

Now I just gotta figure out my queasiness. I've actually thrown up after my first dive of the day a couple times...once in training and once on a recreational dive. Shallow, easy 5 meters. I start feeling sick by the end of the first tank, and i actually threw up during my safety stop. Still felt kinda queasy on the boat, but as soon as we went back down for the second dive I felt 100% better and after the second dive was over I felt great. Not sure what it is...maybe I gotta work out what to eat, or what NOT to eat before I dive.
Meister Kaos
Meister Kaos - 6 years ago
Masks with smaller air pockets also experience less squeeze factor.
whynottalklikeapirat - 6 years ago
Yeah that's true as well. For some reason some of the hunting masks for spear fishing are fairly narrow as well. Part of it is probably that they have to be low volume, so the glass is fairly close to the face. I don't know that I would necessarily recommend those for scuba-diving but if you like it and it fits why not I guess. I use all my masks for everything anyway.

Can be a problem the other way as well if you have wide face. I don't know that my face is unusually wide, but we had this Oceanic mask in the diveshop that they used to call "the fat head mask" xD. It did have increased volume so that was a downside but it also had a huge outlook - I loved that mask but it got stolen too and I haven't come across one like it since.

But honestly I think a low volume mask may actually allow for a similar field of vision in terms of the angles, because it's closer to the face. It just FEELS a little more confined because the space is small.
Andrew Skeith
Andrew Skeith - 6 years ago
I personally prefer the lower profile masks with the least amount of space between your eyes and the glass. I find it gives a wider range of vision underwater, not to mention a lot easier to clear than a larger mask.
Meister Kaos
Meister Kaos - 6 years ago
And while we are on the subject of masks, I believe they do make certain designs for womens' faces which are narrower in width than traditional sized masks.
whynottalklikeapirat - 6 years ago
Meister Kaos. That's the best way. You always want at least your own ABC kit.
Meister Kaos
Meister Kaos - 6 years ago
My instructor made me buy my mask before the first dive for that exact reason
whynottalklikeapirat - 6 years ago
Yeah - thin face is often the most difficult with masks. It's actually annoying for diving professionals as well, if you are working for a diveshop without too much of a selection. You want to give your students what they need, and if it's not there - well - it's just annoying. Oceanic is a great brand though. The wetsuits are extremely durable and my old Oceanic bcd had some 350 dives on it, in rough conditions mind you, when it got stolen - and it looked like it had been just pulled off the shelf.
Penguin1290 - 6 years ago
I guess I'm lucky in a way with the mask clearing...I'm still a noob, but during my training I could not find a single mask that fit properly from my instructor, they ALL leaked around the side of my face, I'm skinny (i have a very thin face).

So I was clearing my mask TONS of practice at that particular skill. First thing I did after getting my cert was go out and buy a mask that actually fit me. Oceanic Cyanea - has a really nice elastic strap like a ski mask. Love it!
whynottalklikeapirat - 6 years ago
Dmitry Shevchenko
While I completely agree that water in the mask or a fogged up mask should be considered routine matters to deal with, and nothing to seek to avoid out of fear - I must also disagree a bit. Yes you can find a mask, that if you treat it right will only let water in very rarely. One should not consider a flooded mask a problem, that is for damn sure - but all of my masks work for me very well, unless I make specific mistakes in handling - which is then not a gear issue. However - treated right a mask should NOT fog up. I could lecture at length on how to avoid this - but the point is that this is more or less completely avoidable. I never have this issue - again unless I personally make one of a number of identifiable mistakes that can be easily avoided through proper procedures.
Meister Kaos
Meister Kaos - 6 years ago
During S&R training, I accidentally initiated the search pattern in the wrong direction and swam right to the edge of a 400 ft drop-off.
Always remember to rotate your compass bezel the right way, kiddies.
Guillermo Pelaez
Guillermo Pelaez - 7 years ago
Fully agree with Dmitry. I am an AOW and consider myself a newbie, but cleaning mask is something you are repeatedly doing. I cannot remember one dive where I haven't had to do it. Sometimes even to clean slight fogging. I had one time (switching diving centre and masks) that I needed help to tighten the mask. I tried myself three times but the mask keeps flooding constantly (17m down, not that bad). The DM helped to set it properly (guess my big nose was the problem!!! :) seriously), and after the third attempt, we got it almost perfect. Just keep calm underwater, ask help if you need to, but keep calm and keep breathing. If you are not comfortable removing and repositioning your mask, go to the swimming pool and do it 10, 20, 50 times until you can do it with closed eyes, on top, and underwater. Withing my very limited experience, I don't think scuba diving should be done without spending quite a few times at the pool polishing basic skills.
Weird that the husband being an instructor didn't realise she was off limits, are not all OWI rescue divers first? I do hope she ventured again, now properly trained ad nauseum to help enjoy the experience.
Giacomo Audero
Giacomo Audero - 7 years ago
Xpert Gaming i
Maxwell - 7 years ago
I from t understand why one would freak out over something as simple as a mask getting filed with water.. I mean shit you don't even need a mask. If you lose it entirely you will still be fine
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 7 years ago
The point is her husband, the OWSI, kind of forced her to go on this dive. This was before my rescue course and before I knew the signs of pre dive panic.
Mark Webster
Mark Webster - 7 years ago
+ Todd Gilbey, Nice and warm at Stoney Cove isn't it. I qualified there last month and am going to book again for a bit of PPB in September
Dmitry Shevchenko
Dmitry Shevchenko - 7 years ago
It's not the point wether everybody was perfect their first time, the point is if you can't clear your mask without freaking out you should not be able to go diving with scuba gear, period. Especially at depths like on video.

I just got my certification with PADI and I am no expert but through the few dives I have taken I had to clear out my mask periodically. There is no perfect mask, and the water will sip through, the mask will fog up or whatever. Sometimes you'll have to take it completely off and clear it if it is fogged up.

Freaking out about something so trivial is a big no no, what if there is a more serious situation, that person will put to danger not only herself but even her dive buddy.
Todd Gilbey
Todd Gilbey - 7 years ago
Mask clearing was one of the worst things I had to do, in the pool it took me a whole session just to nail it. I just qualified last weekend @ Stoney Cove in the UK and had to do it at 15 meters down - my tip is to try not thinking about it when you're doing it. You think too much into it you'll be paralysed with anxiety.
Misty Sutton
Misty Sutton - 8 years ago
This was exactly what happened to me on my very first OW dive. I was having issues with my weight belt staying over my hips (wasn't tight enough) and with a constantly filling mask (crappy resort equipment) and I ended up coughing and choking on water and doing a very unsafe rapid ascent because I thought I was going to die. It was very scary.
Don C
Don C - 8 years ago
+Xpert Gaming Good point
Xpert Gaming
Xpert Gaming - 9 years ago
You're always going to have a noob here and there who can't clear their mask... I think the most notable point of this video is how it was handled. The DM was very attentive, especially to the first 2 divers, most likely because of their experience level. So when trouble arose, he was Johnny-On-The-Spot with attending to the panicked diver in a calm and controlled fashion. And he still maintained continual communication with the other divers... Even when bringing everyone to the safe-stop. I bring this up because I just watched a video where a DM shared his air with an airhog at 100' and continued the dive! That DM should be getting lessons from this DM! This is a perfect example of how to handle a common situation at depth... I use the word situation (not emergency) because this DM did everything right and PREVENTED it from becoming an emergency.
The_Black_Rose - 8 years ago
Ahh now I see thank you.
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 8 years ago
+The_Black_Rose The person leading the dive was the DM. The PADI OWSI was in the red shorts, and was diving recreationally. This was not a instructional dive.
The_Black_Rose - 8 years ago
+Xpert Gaming Thank you for you honesty on 1st comment. I myself had same problem and it made me very aware and sympathetic to my Students. Finished my diving career as a P.A.D.I  M.I.  So the D.M. was leading the Dive ? I watched and thought it was the Instructor leading. Was the Instructor Filming ? If so he needs to look a video again and see what he did wrong. What training agency was it ? Free decent no visual aids i.e. no line ? P.A.D.I. Open Water Dive 4 has that if I remember correctly (please correct if wrong). Looking at the video a few times looks like the student didn't loose mask but took it off. That's what confused me. Looked like they were doing a drill (Mask R&R). but in a hover and at depth ? Anyway I've had worse with certified experienced divers. S.A.F.E Dive and blow bubbles (not M.J's Monkey).

100. comment for Montego Bay Scuba Dive 3 of 6 - Active panic in open water diver

Steph Grace
Steph Grace - 9 years ago
Literally one of the first basic skills I was taught was how to clear a flooded mask or a partially flooded mask...
Jennifer - 6 years ago
+Jason Harrold Absolutely agree..I got certified in 1993...have about 20 dives total. My BF wanted to get certified so I just did whole class with him again. I'm PADI and he is SSI so it was great to have the refresher and to have both of us know how the other will do, how we work together, etc. Our open dives were in a lake this past weekend and viz was 30". It was not fun. It was a bit stressful. We had a girl freak out on her mask removal and bolt to the top. She didn't complete. My bf and I are going to go practice more in the pool before we head to Kauai in a few weeks.
Jason Harrold
Jason Harrold - 6 years ago
People get certified and then dont five for years thinking they can just do it. this is why people need to refresh the skills.
Steph Grace
Steph Grace - 9 years ago
+Ryan Conley I panicked the first 30 times I did it! I still panic even now, but I just remember that I can still breathe through my reg. It takes a long time to master, but before you go out by yourself with a buddy, all skills should be up to standard. Otherwise there is always an option to go with a divemaster.
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 9 years ago
+Steph Grace Even though this is one of the first skills everyone should or does master, sometimes panic overwhelms common sense. Then it becomes one of the most difficult tasks because she wasnt thinking reasonably.
Jamby Perez
Jamby Perez - 9 years ago
how is the safety diver/instructor allowing her to hold her nose on ascend? I would have slapped her hand out of her face and tied it to her waist. good wait to get a POIS
chapmasi - 9 years ago
The is the exact reason why I carry a 2nd mask on the bottom of my BC.
Pussycatfeathers - 9 years ago
i didnt see any panic here at all.....which one of the women was it? very confused
Michele Grassi
Michele Grassi - 8 years ago
wow!! it must be nice there...i don't know,maybe it's higher than where i live and dive , italy.... i know it s annoying here too when you dive without a mask,but if you try when you are at 3 mts deep for example,you take more confidence with yourself in case of problems.
take care,good dives :)
Annette Stevens
Annette Stevens - 8 years ago
Don't know why your eyes aren't stinging. It's happened every single time. Maybe the salinity is higher where I dive - sea of Cortez.
Michele Grassi
Michele Grassi - 8 years ago
+Goelu well said. and you should try ,in my opinion, when you go underwater,especially when you go diving
Guolin - 9 years ago
+Annette Stevens Salinity in tears is approximately the same as in sea water. You can open your eyes in the sea while swimming or diving, I do it all the time and most people I know from diving do it as well! It doesn't "sting" - its not physically but its a mental thing in how comfortable you feel with having your eyes open in water! You can try for your self the next time you're swimming in sea water! @14:32 the lady in the video had her eyes open btw...
Pussycatfeathers - 9 years ago
+Annette Stevens thanks for the explanation, i see it now :-) personally i would panic just getting my head 1 foot under water....brave people
Annette Stevens
Annette Stevens - 9 years ago
+Pussycatfeathers Go to the 12 minute mark of the video.  The person panicking is the one who is blowing tons of bubbles and kicking her feet like crazy.  If you watch later in the video (14.4 min), she has completely lost her mask.  She is holding her nose with her hands and her eyes are closed (because you can't open your eye in salt water (it stings)).  There is a long pause at that point with nothing happening but looking at gauges - That's when they're taking their 3 minute safety stop before surfacing as they had to abort the dive.  They were close to the bottom, so I'm not sure why they didn't find her mask.
Jason Wolf
Jason Wolf - 9 years ago
just did my basic open water with SDI. First thing we Learned was mask clearing and that cert only allows max depth of 60 feet so why was she at 80?
Freakschwimmer - 9 years ago
+Jason Wolf
Depending on your Training and/or Organization you may dive as deep 40m (ca 130 ft) on air.
george austin
george austin - 9 years ago
80 ft is too deep for people with those skills - keep it 30-50 ft
Todd Gilbey
Todd Gilbey - 7 years ago
george austin better still, stay in the pool until you're ready.
greg77389 - 8 years ago
Not even. I'd say 30 at most.
george austin
george austin - 9 years ago
I don't see a panic at all  The woman lost her mask and had a momentary freak out but that's far from a panic  The video operator should get a double hose reg or a rebreather though - those bubbles in frame of view sure are annoying
Short E
Short E - 9 years ago
How does the Pressure not hurt there Ears?

Every time I go swimming and go more than 10ft under water my ears feel like there ganna burst?
M.J. Leger
M.J. Leger - 6 years ago
Perhaps your ear canals are narrow, see a doctor and get checked out, THEN get some dive training in a pool before going to the ocean. Also you can try an antihistamine like Claritin (one that doesn't make you sleepy like Benedryl) before swimming. Sometimes that helps people. Also it could be something in the water, ask about that, chlorine bothers some people.
Kirk Williams
Kirk Williams - 8 years ago
Grammar, not "grammer". ;-)
greg77389 - 8 years ago
It's not the pressure that hurts, it's the difference in pressure. When your ears start to hurt, it's because the external water pressure is pushing against your ear drum because the pressure on the other side (your middle ear) is much lower. The middle ear cavity connects to the Eustachian tubes which are part of your sinuses meaning there is a way to equalize the pressure and safely, comfortably go down deeper. Anyone can do this, try it right now if you want: Simply pinch your nostrils shut and try to blow air out your nose until you hear and feel air entering your middle ear cavity. Just don't try to force it. This may be difficult with swollen sinuses. Once you master this, you can dive to just about any depth you want without having to worry about rupturing your ear drum or worse. On the way back up, your ears should equalize automatically, unless you get the dreaded reverse block. Google that one if you like... Also check out ear barotrauma for outer, middle, and inner ear. The more you know...
Adam Lund
Adam Lund - 8 years ago
+Pussycatfeathers The irony is your punctuation and grammar is terrible. "Drummed in" you say?
Pussycatfeathers - 9 years ago
+Short E ok, point taken....but i never put capitals on anything on here because it makes it quicker to type, but yes, you are right, it`s also wrong, though not a grammatical error ......anyway enough said about all this don`t you agree :-)
Short E
Short E - 9 years ago
I didn't say you were doing it to troll, Alot of people do it to feel superior never said you were, it is mostly laziness and that drive You crazy, But YOU also make small grammar mistakes out of laziness( I is suppose to be capitalized not i.), so kinda make you a hypocrite. Im not offended but I DID get annoyed after I had to repeat myself, & your making just as big a deal as I am.
Pussycatfeathers - 9 years ago
+Short E it`s not trolling to correct incorrect grammar! ....there may be some people who do it to feel superior, but i can assure you i`m not one of them, it`s just something that is important to me because, like you said, it`s probably mostly laziness and that`s just wrong.....and also i find some things almost impossible to read because how they are written makes no sense! keep saying you are not offended, but i think yes, you are, otherwise you wouldn`t make such an issue out of it, i do not feel superior to anyone and i didn`t do it to show you up in any way, i did it because it drives me crazy......that`s all !
Short E
Short E - 9 years ago
+Pussycatfeathers It doesn't sound like both you & matthew read my last comments competently or didn't understand it completely cause it answer's what you both are asking so ill try to keep this short but its the fcking internet people are Not trying to be perfectly grammatically correct on stupid youtube or facebook comments,,, believe me I know the differences between all the there's & if I was writing a paper that mattered and not a youtube comment I wouldn't make that mistake, like i said people mostly just use there out of laziness or not caring to put the correct there.... And the real reason its become an issue recently is because of Trolls on the internet have made it popular to correct there/their mistakes, because people ARE doing it to show people up, that's why you mostly see people correcting there/their mistakes and no other grammar mistakes,,, right? That's also why I say correct someone whos made more than a there/their mistake because those people most likely need the help.
Short E
Short E - 9 years ago
+matthew fraser I wouldn't know the answer to that because im not mad or angry just curious as to why this there issue is one of the only grammar thing people correct,,, But the reason why people get mad could have something to do with the fact that most people do correct people to show their above them,,, kinda like adding that this is something people should know because it was taught to them in elementary school(is that really necessary to add?)... If your truly trying to help someone showing their mistake and then acting superiors to them not how you do it.
Pussycatfeathers - 9 years ago
+Short E the need is there because it is`s as simple as doesn`t matter if the meaning is being understood, that`s not the point. ....and the reason it`s now become an issue is because due to the internet everyone has become aware of how poorly people (children) are being taught grammar, spelling and punctuation today.......i think if you take notice of the posts everywhere on the net you will realise the extent of the mistakes people are making, many cannot even write the simplest english! personally i think that`s a problem....... don`t you?
Pussycatfeathers - 9 years ago
+matthew fraser hahah, yes, thankyou for correcting me! :-) as my daily spoken language is no longer english and i`ve lived abroad for a long time, i do tend to make lots of mistakes myself, but when i was in school the correct use of grammar and spelling and punctuation was really drummed into us, i think people are not being taught properly in school anymore, many cannot spell even the simplest of things, and completely misuse many words..... it`s not a good thing......i think people feel offended because they think you are showing them up by correcting them
matthew fraser
matthew fraser - 9 years ago
+Pussycatfeathers *grammar
matthew fraser
matthew fraser - 9 years ago
+Short E Because it will help you tremendously in the future if you ever have to write any kind of professional paper or emails. I am curious, why is it that people get so angry when someone else corrects his/her grammar that should have been taught in elementary school?
Short E
Short E - 9 years ago
+Pussycatfeathers who's made more than this mistake because that persons most likely needs the help. Other than that people mostly make this mistake out of laziness like when someone uses ain't instead of the correct grammar...
Short E
Short E - 9 years ago
+Pussycatfeathers I'm not offended, I'm seriously curious as to why someone feels the need to correct someone even though they know exactly what the person is talking about. It's completely understandable if you're learning a new language and someone corrects you but when someone corrects a small grammar error that almost everyone and anyone could make on a sentence that doesn't really need to be corrected or scrutinized in that way just seems a little rude. This issue also drives me crazy because it's never been a real issue until a few years ago when internet troll started doing it in spite of people. Again I'm not offended just curious... Here's an example of kinda what I mean, If we were watching truck video and I typed something like that's a big ass car, would you correct me, I don't think so, most people know what I mean and would assume I know the difference between a truck and a car and go on with their business...If you really want to help someone next time correct someone
Pussycatfeathers - 9 years ago
+Short E please don`t be offended, it`s not personal, it`s just that this kind of thing drives me crazy and i was just in a conversation on FB about spelling and grammer and how it`s gotten so bad today, and so i noticed your mistakes :-) and no, of course i wouldn`t have noticed if we had been speaking to eachother, but that`s not the point.....why is it wrong to correct this? i live in a foreign country where i have to speak and write a foreign language every day, and people correct me all the time, i don`t take it personally but am happy to do it right the next time, i really don`t mean to offend you and i`m sorry if i did.....namaste
Short E
Short E - 9 years ago
+Pussycatfeathers Ok, can you answer something for me that drives me crazy,,, Why correct someone if you know Exactly what they are talking about??? If I had spoken those words to you would you have noticed any incorrections? Seriously i'm curious
Pussycatfeathers - 9 years ago
+Short E i`m sorry to do this but it drives me crazy! it`s their not there, and they`re not there.....-:-)
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 9 years ago
+Short E One way is the vasalva method. You will frequently see divers pinching their nose. This equalizes the pressure in your ears, and prevents the pain.

There are other ways as well, but I will leave that for you to learn while you get certified!
Daniel Eckenrode
Daniel Eckenrode - 9 years ago
It looked like she lost her mask, maybe kicked off her head. While my training shows you what it is like to lose a mask in a controlled situation, I can easily see how you can be panicked by not being able to read your depth or air with no mask in open water. You are blind with not direct conception of up, down, left or right. My biggest fear would be ascending too fast, or sinking top the bottom. No mask means no limited visual and your nose is vulnerable to water inhalation. I think the team she was with did a great job of getting her to safety.
Ricardo montalban
Ricardo montalban - 6 years ago
Especially when near water.
Lech Wołodkowicz
Lech Wołodkowicz - 6 years ago
Thats why you should always carry another mask in your pocket. Simple as that.
Jens Devolder
Jens Devolder - 9 years ago
OWSI still constantly kicking and moving arms??? I don't believe it. This is no one fit to be an OWSI. Did you see their cert card?
weerobot - 9 years ago
69adrummer - 9 years ago
Wonder how much her life insurance policy is for?! haha

Oh, NAUI vs PADI?! What say you all?!
Caroline Seneca
Caroline Seneca - 9 years ago
I learned how to take my mask off and clear it in 25ft of open water through NAUI. Is this something that not everyone learns?
henry c
henry c - 9 years ago
+EmptyGlass99 i did my open water diving course with padi and the company i did it with did a great job and with padi you do learn all the stuff you listed and more, when some people get panicked they relay on basic training others freak out, just because she freaked out doesn't mean she didnt learn it.
Grady Romblad
Grady Romblad - 9 years ago
+EmptyGlass99 Did PADI do something to you? I wonder due to the fact that you are blaming the entire organization rather than instructors that are dubious. I have met NAUI instructors just as bad. Never met an BSAC instructor so I couldn't say. My experience has always been about the individual not the organization. If you are not aware mask clearing and changing kit in confined water are two of PADI's required skills before moving to open water (there are 22 all told). The instructor in this case should not have put his wife in that position. If she were not certified she shouldn't have been that deep, if she were only PADI OW she should not have been below 60. The dive master did his job and did it well. She and her husband (emphasis on her husband) should have known better.
EmptyGlass99 - 9 years ago
+Caroline Seneca Not all diving organisations have the same rigorous training methods. I learned through BSAC (British Sub Aqua Club) and we did the same sort of thing - clearing mask at depth; rescue dive training (removing someone else's kit at depth) etc etc. PADI are a joke. Do not learn to dive with PADI.
s4ujcd - 9 years ago
Oh, great!  Now they can't find the boat!  :(
dylok4200 - 9 years ago
Not good for a new diver to be that deep. Have to practice, a lot, first and only go with other experienced divers. Learning how to equalize comes with experience.
slowfaller - 9 years ago
panic starts around 12 min
Thanks dude :)
james jones
james jones - 7 years ago
Having a snorkel attached to your mask is more than a comfort issue – it is a safety issue. ... Scuba divers use a snorkel not only as a safety device to float for extended periods of time while locating, or being located by, a boat; it is also used to swim to diving sites without using up precious air from the scuba tank.Aug 13, 2009
Tiger H. Lore
Tiger H. Lore - 9 years ago
There's plenty of pre-panic symptoms before then. Dive master was oblivious.
MyBigdanny - 9 years ago
I hate it when my mask floods too. Bought an Tusa Imprex 3D, it has a valve that's great for clearing the mask but also great for letting the water in. No surprise that mask is gone !! Mask clearing is one the of first skills you learn in a course? 
Scott Outdoors
Scott Outdoors - 9 years ago
it says Divemaster, OWSI, I take it the other 3 were AOW to be at 80ft (24.38m)
mikaelglasgow - 9 years ago
Tempting in open water to enjoy the freedom.
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 9 years ago
+mikaelglasgow Black fins was dive master leading the dive, the male in white fins ( husband) was the owsi, and the woman in white fins was the ow.

Hindsight is 20/20, and is a great point made.
mikaelglasgow - 9 years ago
+Ryan Conley So the guy with the black fins was the husband, the instructor, right? The guy in the white fins looked like he was barely beyond the entry level training. As for yourself I am surprised you didn't stay closer to the AOW student on decent, as divemaster you could set a better example.
Scott Outdoors
Scott Outdoors - 9 years ago
cool, just curious. dive safe buddy (OWSI)
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 9 years ago
There was the dive shops divemaster, the OWSI, his wife ( who knows, probably OW), myself ( divemaster ), and a AOW.
Matt Sutton
Matt Sutton - 9 years ago
I did some practising in a swimming pool and I panicked in the pool at times so didn't end up going out into open sea. I'd definitely try it again though, just at the time it wasn't for me. You've gotta stay calm and I just found it difficult.
Wade Howlett
Wade Howlett - 9 years ago
I have an issue when diving with panicking....especially if I go down over 60 feet...I've learned the best way to overcome it is by humming or singing to yourself while diving.  I always try to dive shallow (above 80 feet), but the if I feel a panic attack coming on, the best way to combat it is to grab onto something like a rock or hard coral, slow down your breathing until the feeling passes.  It is more likely to happen if you have a long gap between dives (a year or more).  I try to get a dive in at least every six months or so when I can, and when I take a long dive trip I always make my first two dives shallow dives do I can get my "dive legs" back.  Hope this helps!
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 9 years ago
It can be overwhelming at times, being underwater for any extended time is not a natural thing and our body fights it. I would stick with it and stay in the pool until you are comfortable.
boog567 - 10 years ago
A crash course in open water diving could be deadly. I blindly took such a course in the Caribbean last week with the intention of diving to only 8 meters. After doing the training exercises, I got down to 5 meters, freaked and went back to the surface. I've learned scuba training is only to be done in gradual steps to be comfortable with it. Some people may have a natural ability for it but I'm sure more beginners are like me and need to approach it in the proper steps. 
Charles Parker
Charles Parker - 9 years ago
+Ryan Conley The first day learning to dive should all be spent in a classroom - with a emphasis on all the ways you can die in this sport. Pretty much that is how my first day went. You have to respect it first then learn the rules and stay within them - why ? simple - it is how you stay alive.
That said I love diving and wished I lived somewhere where I could dive at least a few times a month.
buminbeer2 - 10 years ago
+Ryan Conley I agree with you 100%. To the poster, your fine man. Just got to take your time slowly. Take a real course, not a starter/beginners course and you'll have a lot more pool time to acquire skills. Besides, honestly most sea life or freshwater life, exists in the top 30' anyway. I take more photos and spend more time in 30' or under because of the diversity. Sometimes you get to 80-100' and see nothing unless it is a wreck...
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 10 years ago
Keep with it. The Caribbean shops have been known to bypass regulations and stray outside of depth limits. 

My discover in the Caribbean took me to 90' when it should only be 40'. 

I would find a reputable dive shop which stresses moving on when you are ready for it. Spend as much time in the pool as you need and only move on when you have mastered the skill and are comfortable.
buminbeer2 - 10 years ago
Don't mean to sound hard, but yes is the answer. I myself was born into water and learned to swim at age 3. I can tread water/snorkel for hours on end with no float and probably survive 24 hours if need be, I love the water. Learned to dive at age 15, am 45 now. My point is YES, take it slow. I never was scared of water so I took right to it.
Now imagine a beginner, scared somewhat, then on an open water dive to get certified, 20' down a barracuda swims between your legs or you spot a shark. Panic, would be the next step or someone like me, heart rate might go up a little, but no biggie. For the record, I hate Barracudas, they swim in diamond patterns sometimes. One second you see nothing, next 4 in a diamond 4 feet from you staring, teehe. 200 dives I have.
Freshwater story-  I went underneath a rock in about 20' and about a 25# catfish hit me square in the chest because I startled it. I screamed underwater for a second and then started laughing. That is what it takes to scuba, expect the unexpected and not losing it. Dove twice more that day.
ScubaBoy14 - 10 years ago
I am new to scuba. Have only done the pool part so far. Go to the lake on the 21st. of this month and feel nervous already.
buminbeer2 - 9 years ago
+Анатолий Кнышов Did you mean Goa in India? If so small world, as have been there, hehe. 
Анатолий Кнышов
Анатолий Кнышов - 9 years ago
+buminbeer2 Just get my OWD, at GOA vis is 9-10 ft all the time, amd my GF was scared at the pool training, but when we went to the ocean she felt much comfortable than in a pool. So you have to try it in open water.
buminbeer2 - 10 years ago
If you are scared of the open water, why are you diving??? My point is, you are not as scared as you think or nervous. Yes, the vis might be bad in the lake, but this is what you signed up for. Not diving in pools I assume, teehe. You'll be fine, the absolute rule, is no matter what happens, DO NOT panic. Worse case, inflate BC, and if not enough, drop weights and remember to exhale the whole time. Otherwise, you'll suck a tank dry if worried in 15 minutes, seen that a bunch. Always make sure you are breathing in and out, never hold breath. The coolest thing, just watch the fish go about their day while training. That is the coolest thing in the world mad, watching shit underwater when your buddys at home cannot!
goldenfluffnugg - 10 years ago
Do what you feel comfortable with and don't rush it man.
ScubaBoy14 - 10 years ago
Thanks. I did the pool part twice already.
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 10 years ago
Stick with it. I know the pool is boring, but this is a great place to practice your skills. See if your instructor will allow you to practice in the pool until its perfect.
John A
John A - 10 years ago
nice cam pics what do use mate?
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 10 years ago
+Steve A  I like the Go Pro 4, but the battery life was terrible. If I started the camera after the descent, and ended right at the safety and shut it off, I would be able to barely get both dives in. I would def get another battery to be changed out.

That being said, It will also take pictures while it is taking video which was pretty cool. I used it on a pole, and brought it on site seeing as well and worked out well with the wifi remote attachment to the cell phone.
John A
John A - 10 years ago
Mostly scuba but if i can use it for anything else it would be great. Im new at this stuff… I dont mind paying for a gopro 4 if its worth it in your opinion...
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 10 years ago
+Steve A Depends on what you are looking for, and how much you want to spend.

Do you want to film the entire dive?
Do you want to be able to take photo and video? 
John A
John A - 10 years ago
Thanks for answering. I thought so, Im buying my first one and just dont wanna make a mistake etc...
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 10 years ago
The camera in this video is a GoPro 2 Black mounted on head. Currently my most recent trip is a gopro 4 silver mounted on a pole.
Bobby Kelly
Bobby Kelly - 10 years ago
I really have enjoyed watching your scuba videos. Thanks for sharing!
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 10 years ago
Thanks for watching! I going to continue to upload the rest of the videos hopefully once a week.
ImaCoward124 - 10 years ago
ugghhh these go pros are so damn loud under water.
Jim K
Jim K - 10 years ago
This sport just isn't for everyone. it has to be something you always wanted to do.
ImaCoward124 - 10 years ago
Yeah totally. It has become something people do with no intention of continuing later in the future and this usually results in laziness in the basic course to actually go on your first dive and then they end up doing what is in this video.
paul knueven
paul knueven - 10 years ago
Husband should have never let her dive without being Certified. Its pretty obvious she hasnt been in the water too much. If he was indeed a Padi Instructor he should be ashamed of himself for letting someone dive if they were not ready. 
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 10 years ago
She was certified. If I recall correctly, she was open water. Regardless, she should have never been going down to 100ft.
Antonio Gee
Antonio Gee - 10 years ago
Michael Strike
Michael Strike - 10 years ago
So, from the looks of the video, her mask flooded and she forgot how to clear it? What exactly happened? It must have been terrifying for her to to be able to see.
henry c
henry c - 9 years ago
+EmptyGlass99 let me guess, she should of trained with BSAC? why you out to get padi for? just chill
EmptyGlass99 - 9 years ago
+Michael Strike Her husband is a PADI instructor. They probably don't even learn how to do something as basic as that with PADI. They are a joke.
INTERNA9 - 10 years ago
Great save!
Cory R
Cory R - 10 years ago
Should a newbie go down 80 feet?
S Benshir
S Benshir - 6 years ago
No. That is asking for trouble.
jr. Nanca
jr. Nanca - 7 years ago
Should be advance diver only performing deepdive
Radley2612 - 7 years ago
The Russians demanding cheap prices and block bookings have levered the standards test more is the key and that squeezes pay Nice!
Radley2612 - 7 years ago
There are good bad and dangerous outfits everywhere including excellent places in Thailand Ko tao being the best including a training center for dive masters with same level of integrity as yourself.
Valatharian - 7 years ago
Arthur FitzPatrick problem with PADI (as a dive master I used to see this all the time) is some centers pass people who should have failed, because they were paying customers and felt bad. Club diving is all voluntary so if someone has a qualification you know they were probably thoroughly tested to get it. I had to do my bsac sports diver rescue 5 times before I passed it, I’ve seen PADI rescue diver trainees totally fluff it and get passed. Not all centers are the same but PADI has huge cowboys passing people that need far more training, huge issue in the Caribbean and South East Asia. One of the centers I worked at wouldn’t let anyone who had PADI qualifications earned in Thailand dive with them, because they knew how bad many of the dive centers are out there. European centers seem to be a bit better but not many people learn in Europe with PADI compared to elsewhere. I can tell you that bsac, ssi, cmas etc were all much more relaxed and better drilled divers than any PADI customers I ever saw
Radley2612 - 7 years ago
EG99. What is the maximum age a trainee diver can enjoy and study with the BSAC version? How many school trips in the UK have been cancelled when there's an imminent threat of rain or little Johnny forgot his "Lord Wellington" boots.
henry c
henry c - 9 years ago
+EmptyGlass99 are you trying to advertise BSAC or something PADI is a huge organisation and the large majority of people that dive/ train with them have a great time and like DrDrMoneY said you are limited to 18m (open water diver) and have to do the advanced open water/ adventurer diver to dive deeper
DrDrMoneY - 9 years ago
+EmptyGlass99 Hey! I'm doing my Open Water with PADI now (Philippines) and I'm happy with them. It's spefically valid for depths no deeper then 18m. For going deeper you need special training with PADI.
Arthur FitzPatrick
Arthur FitzPatrick - 9 years ago
+EmptyGlass99 You seems to have a real chip on your shoulder regarding PADI. You call the largest dive training organisation in the world a disreputable operation. Thats ridiculous and narrow minded. Every dive organisation has excellent, good, ordinary and poor diving instructors it's just life you can't tarnish everyone with the same brush
EmptyGlass99 - 9 years ago
+Ryan Conley Narcosis is not really the problem. An inexperienced diver will however have terrible buoyancy, bad attitude (by which I mean their positioning - unable to maintain a horizontal position) chew through their air and are likely to panic, putting themselves and their instructor at risk. 10m is plenty for a beginner, then gradually increasing to 25m max.
EmptyGlass99 - 9 years ago
+Cory R PADI is a disreputable operation. Avoid them like the plague. Pay And Dive In is what they are known as to BSAC divers (British Sub Aqua Club). Newbie divers should be limited to 10m (30 feet) and after more experience to 25m (approx 75ft). I dived in the Red Sea as an experienced diver and we were diving with PADI divers on their second dive going to 30m. Ridiculous.
bighands69 - 9 years ago
+John Llorens
I trained to dive in the Military and we got extensive training in environmental conditions. We also in increments built up our skills.

Even with the experience you know have I would recommend you still carry out more research and try to prepare in greater detail with your skills.

my maximum dive depth was 200 ft. But today i do most of my dives at about 60 ft as a maximum. I tend to favor shallow clear dives.
Alex Leonardi
Alex Leonardi - 9 years ago
+Cory R Depends on your certification lol you shouldn't ask this if you've done one. If you haven't then you shouldn't dive alone! (And you wouldn't be able to) what a weird question! o_o
Alex Leonardi
Alex Leonardi - 9 years ago
+Cory R A "newbie" should probably only stay at like 50-60 ft
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 9 years ago
Wow. You could have died on that trip. Never dive outside your skill level and im sure this post proves it. Im sure diving at 90ft seems like the same as 30, but when the narc kicks in and it feels like you are drunk underwater scary things happen. I have seen people take their regulator out of their mouth and try and give it to fish because the fish was "drowning".

Do yourself a favor and take it slow. Only dive deeper when you have the experience at 60 feet and the classroom experience understanding the effects of deep diving.
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 10 years ago
No. Unfortunately, in the Caribbean, many dive shops ignore recommended depths. I remember going to 80ft in a discover in Roatan, 85ft in my open water cert in the Bahamas, and 95ft in Jamaica on other people's dives.
добрий день
добрий день - 10 years ago
Never fails... it seems women and dudes who aren't divers in the sense that they keep up with some recent dives this happens to. Good thing the DM was on his toes... shit goes south underwater you WILL have a bad time!!
Atte Santala
Atte Santala - 10 years ago
Many people have complains about PADI, but here in finland we have excellent PADI instructors, i have been only 2 times 4 meters deep pool now and i have already learn how to dive without mask and be cool and how to clear my mask without any panic or feeling stressed , of course i know how regulators work and how to replace them or clear them, without air in my lungs or with air in my lungs and with buddies.. Yes i have hobby snorkeling and free diving many years now, maybe it helps a little.. Funny thing what happened couple days ago in pool 4 meters deep, i was super calm without mask and think "holy shit, someone will freak out about this at this point, so my opinion is scuba diving is not everyone, if you are not comfortable, you cannot scuba. ever.. Sorry bad english
HappyGuyMikeF - 10 years ago
Glad you love the sport, but open water is very different from pool diving.  Salt water affects the eyes differently in some people who arent used to it.  
Rachel V
Rachel V - 10 years ago
Atte, I believe scuba is an acquired sport. Like everything else it requires practice. Although you have mastered mask clearing in a 4 meter pool, remember that it is just that. A 4 meter pool with clear visibility and no current. When you have to clear your mask in open water it is a lot different then in a pool. Composure may not be as easy to find. Many times the diver will be encountering a current, equipment failure, or even a panicked diver who knocks it off and is thrashing around violently. As you journey further out into your scuba adventures you will learn about redundancy. I always carry a spare mask in my drysuit pocket just for that reason. It is very important to keep your trim in check while clearing your mask to avoid silting the bottom up, ascending, or losing your guideline. These skills become even more important if you were to consider penetration or cave diving. Good luck! 
Laura A.
Laura A. - 10 years ago
I was diving today, actually. I descended normally and could not equalize my left ear. I eventually did and was at 50 feet for about 20 minutes. I ascended to do my 3 minute safety stop. After 2 minutes passed blood began pooling up in my mask. I cleared it multiple times but as soon as it was clear it got filled with blood again. I finished my 3 minute safety stop completely blind. As I ascended I patted myself on the back for not panicking. And that ladies and gentlemen, is a sinus squeeze.
Pit g
Pit g - 6 years ago
whats sinus?
Shilo the Pup
Shilo the Pup - 7 years ago
I remember well having this type of issue when diving off Oahu in 1976. I ended up at the Flight Surgeon's and had to use Afrin for all subsequent dives as I have problems equalizing my ears due to sinus issues.
Tony K.
Tony K. - 7 years ago
Agreed 100%.
bighands69 - 9 years ago
+Laura Chai
Get into the habit of equalizing at regular intervals so that it becomes part of your behavior.
Manuel Antonio Rivas
Manuel Antonio Rivas - 9 years ago
I also had sinus problems, not only while diving, but whenever I flew in a plane had problems equalizing. After I started SCUBA the first few dives I used to bleed but after a few months my sinus dissappeared forever.
Stephen Cordwell
Stephen Cordwell - 9 years ago
+Casey Bacci You just keep the blood in your mask until you get to shore ;)
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 9 years ago
+Casey Bacci
Most sharks will ignore you if left alone. During my open water checkout dives in Freeport Bahamas, my first open water dive was in 40' with about 15 sharks circling at the bottom. Very scary the first time you see it.
Casey Bacci
Casey Bacci - 9 years ago
+Laura Chai What are you supposed to do if there's sharks around you?
Meadow Delorto
Meadow Delorto - 10 years ago
That is freaking scary. That's why I have my hands on my nose the whole time.
Michael Strike
Michael Strike - 10 years ago
+Michael Strike Just read that it was sinus related. Good job not panicking.
Michael Strike
Michael Strike - 10 years ago
One thing I have learned is to equalize intermittently. Once you can tell you need to equalize, it's too late. It is much harder to equalize under pressure. Start equalizing from the moment you get wet until you are at depth and you'll be fine.
akmediascope - 10 years ago
wow! congrats!
Erik Stephens
Erik Stephens - 10 years ago
I was in the Dominican Republic not too long ago and there were fresh open water certified divers on board. They kept saying they were 'real nervous'  and that should have just been a flag. They got under water, the girls mask started flooding and she panicked hard. She then bolted to the surface and then had to be treated with O2, blowing the whole dive for the group. Needless to say, I was pissed. Now I'm almost hesitant to dive with anyone with no experience.
Yudi Herdiana
Yudi Herdiana - 10 years ago
People should be trained to be very comfortable and confidence in the water first, before get a SCUBA training
Yudi Herdiana
Yudi Herdiana - 9 years ago
Thank you for the comment Ryan :)
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 9 years ago
Sometimes that isnt an option. I agree it would be nice to have people comfortable around water, but sometimes that isnt an option.

I do believe any shop which operates needs to make sure each skill is mastered before moving on and the person is completely comfortable with doing them.
Yudi Herdiana
Yudi Herdiana - 10 years ago
She lost her mask??
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 10 years ago
The mask was leaking and the person was not able to clear her mask. She was not able to control her panic and it overwhelmed her.
TheBSideDJ - 10 years ago
one advise : NEVER dive PADI, take a decent CMAS course... you will NEVER find a CMAS video like this, it's ALWAYS PADI with terrible actions like this... CMAS you learn to dive in swimmingpools and lakes until you are ready (and I mean ready-ready, cool and skilled), before you go to deeper water without any experience.... I hate PADI... and I am able to speak because I had a terrible PADI experience on holiday, and after my holiday I started a REAL course, ... with CMAS.
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 10 years ago
+TheBSideDJ  I agree with both of you. The Caribbean has its own set of rules. During my discover in Roatan Honduras, we had a 45 minute classroom session, 30 minutes in 3 ft/1m, and went down to 60-80 feet. I felt nervous about diving and being in the water because I didnt understand clearing the mask because the divemaster didnt explain it well. In Jamaica, they took us down to ~95-100 feet with my wife who was a new open water student with 6 dives experience.

On the other hand, some of the instructors are set within the rules and will not deviate what so ever. OW to 60ft max, not moving on in class until the skill is mastered...

There are poor instructors in every organization.
TheBSideDJ - 10 years ago
+Richie Wiggins I completely understand that you had a fantastic PADI course, and therefore have no complains about PADI..but you also have to know that around the world (especially on great diving beaches) there are A LOT of PADI companies who give a direct "initiation dive" to 10 m. without any practise in a pool, with leaking material, without explaining how to clear your mask etc.  I think it is also a moral job of PADI to make internals audits, especially in places like that.  During summertimes so called "padi instructors" take 3 persons in one time on a initiation dive to 10 m, 3 people who never had any diving experience before, every day again ... personal expierence... !!!!!!   My only conclusion : BE AWARE WITH PADI WHEN STARTING TO DIVE ON A HOLIDAY !!
M0ntium - 10 years ago
Scuba isn't for everyone. Never be peer pressured into it.
Thomas Aucott
Thomas Aucott - 10 years ago
I was 11 and on a dive in Mexico, the yucatan peninsula and my mask had cracked and started filling, i felt panic and wanted to go to the surface however, stayed on the floor and pulled a spare mask from my BCD, replaced the mask and continued the dive. Now I'm 13 and still loving diving. It's not for everyone though.
Light Marks
Light Marks - 6 years ago
LiL Baby you put it in underwater tilt your head up & lift the bottom of the mask slightly and the water will leave the mask.
edgar helbling
edgar helbling - 6 years ago
That Yung Boi Easy, part of doff and don training. You should not attempt to dive without serious training.
Lemon_811 h
Lemon_811 h - 6 years ago
Who has a spare mask? And what kinda mask did u get for it to start cracking mid dive
0x4A616B7562 - 6 years ago
You put mask underwater the same way you put it above water. Then you breathe out through your nose, while gently pushing the top of you mask against forehead, and accumulating air pressure (between you face and mask) unseals the bottom of your mask and pushes water out.

The only difficulty is the sudden change in pressure you feel in your nose when taking mask off. When you have mask on there isn't enough air to breath in through your nose, so you are forced to breath in through your mouth. Some people have so strong instinct to breath through their nose, that when there suddenly is a possibility, they instinctivly try to do so, and in result inhale a bit of water into their nose, which is rather unpleasant and panic inducing, and possibly what happened in video. So the trick to changing mask underwater is to control oneself and not panic - pretty much the same as everything else scuba related.
M F - 6 years ago
That Yung Boi that’s one of the first things you’ll learn when you go on your diving course....
Ce Sar
Ce Sar - 6 years ago
How do you put another mask on underwater ?
Samuel Storaker
Samuel Storaker - 6 years ago
Soo... u 16 now?
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 10 years ago
She took it off after she panicked.
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 10 years ago
+WildAndLiving I dont believe it was the stinging of the water, it was the panic of the water entering the mask.
divermate - 10 years ago
+Thomas Aucott I'm impressed that your Dad had the foresight to see that you were equipped w/ a spare mask. Kudos to you for having the skill set and presence of mind to use it. 
Thomas Aucott
Thomas Aucott - 10 years ago
+ckbond41 Thank you very much. :-)
ckbond41 - 10 years ago
+Thomas Aucott Well done... you must be really brave to do that..... some adults can't do what you do...
Thomas Aucott
Thomas Aucott - 10 years ago
I took diving up when I was around 8. My dad was a DM so I thought I'd give it a try.
ckbond41 - 10 years ago
May I ask at what age did you take up diving?
mike hunt
mike hunt - 10 years ago
Never dive beyond your limits.  What a douche of a husband, who is apparently an instructor.  He should have known better.  
wcresponder - 9 years ago
+mike hunt If I had a nickel for every time those words were spoken. Look out Bill Gates.
tomatodamashi - 10 years ago
It always bothers me when people exceed their limits or allow themselves to be pushed passed their limits.
I went on a drift dive in the Maldives in January with a couple who had been roped into getting their AOW right after their OW. We needed to submerge immediately after jumping in and yet the couple paused for a long time to simply get into the water. Furthermore, the woman was panicking within 5 metres of the surface. And when we got to the bottom, they were both thrashing around sucking up air incredibly quickly. They ran out of air within 15 minutes at 25 metres. They did not deflate their BCDs so while we all ascended holding hands, they tanked our ascent rate because their BCDs were filling up like balloons. Seriously, the husband ascended vertically upside down! All of our watch alarms were going off and I was trying my best to slow our ascent. We went from 25 metres to the surface in less than 2 minutes. Near the surface I let go of the group and completed my 3 minute safety stop by myself. I'm not letting that inexperienced bitch (which she is for endangering all of us) put my life in danger.

The dive master made SO many mistakes. 1) letting that woman and her husband do a drift dive when they weren't ready 2) choosing a small reef with a strong current 3) Not stopping the dive when she was freaking out at 5 metres or at the bottom 4) Letting their panic send the whole group into an uncontrolled ascent 5) Not addressing their BCD problems earlier during the ascent and 6) Thinking that people who have just finished their OWs are ready for AOWs.

Other than that one dive, the trip was fantastic.
Ricardo montalban
Ricardo montalban - 6 years ago
It’s always someone else’s fault
Charles Parker
Charles Parker - 9 years ago
I did a drift dive in Kona - we were down for about 90 mins - one of the best dives ever - It was with a dive master, and another guy doing his last dive to get his master diving and myself (finishing up my AOW)
sagabhcrew - 10 years ago
should'v left the bitch ti die-she spoiled the dive!
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 9 years ago
+sagabhcrew You never know if you will have a bad day and panic. There are always more days to dive and this was a great chance to ensure safety for all.

Spoiled dive or not, we all now can dive another day.
Quentin Bahr
Quentin Bahr - 9 years ago
Dang chill out
Marcus Dahlberg
Marcus Dahlberg - 10 years ago
This shows how important the mask clearing exercises really are in the PADI OW course. And why instructors really should be certain that their students master the skill before they get there certification!

And on a sidenote, you should try to have your gopro on some kind of tray or stick so you don't get all the bubbles in the video and audio. Also the video tends to be a lot smoother when you hold on to the camera, preferably with two hands.
Marcus Dahlberg
Marcus Dahlberg - 9 years ago
Good for you Quentin. :) But in many cases students struggle with the task of clearing the mask. Practice makes perfect.
Quentin Bahr
Quentin Bahr - 9 years ago
In my opinion clearing your mask is one of the easiest things to do
s4ujcd - 10 years ago
A long time ago, I was adjusting my face mask UW & it flooded.  I held my breathe & I felt a tinge of panic.  I concentrated on continued breathing while clearing my mask.  I remembered what I was taught at that moment. 
tomatodamashi - 10 years ago
I think that happens to many people. It has happened to me too, the best thing is to recognize it, calm yourself down and fix the problem.
Geoff Infield
Geoff Infield - 10 years ago
Dunno... as a noob myself I've suffered a few balance problems, different tank types, sometimes mounted too low like hers, and if someone asks me to hover vertically I have to thresh my fins around to keep my feet under me and invariably it's assumed I'm freaking out which really pisses me off cos I'm utterly calm, albeit frustrated sometimes, and never ever panic. As for removing the mask, I had one that kept leaking, poorly chosen I guess, and eventually I just wanted to rip it off and throw it away too... but you surfaced with her and would have talked to everyone later so clearly she WAS panicking but it doesn't look like enough to shame her... which I know wasn't your intention, but if I was her I'd hate it - what IS clear from this video tho is that the photographer is a great buddy, always looking around, checking, asking if ok etc :)
Ron Really
Ron Really - 10 years ago
It might be your trim weights are not right. /shrug
William novelo cirerol
William novelo cirerol - 10 years ago
that stupidest diving panic gave the fat lady, and his rise was as if they were 100 meters deep, do not suck! you are ridiculous! and then think where they dived into a pool that did not see a single fish, the Dead Sea seems je je je
kurgon1976 - 10 years ago
Noob sauce.. if you can't clear your mask, you don't belong in the ocean.
tomatodamashi - 10 years ago
Or at the very least, not lower than 18 metres...
gr8gmblr - 10 years ago
That reef is hurtin!
David Low
David Low - 10 years ago
There are to types of diving mask and it is the mouth piece and a whole face the whole face is better you can breathe in your nose
T J - 10 years ago
ALWAY"S Have an exit route for a mishap or fail. Part of any safe divers strategy. Experience is key ! I actually go through fail scenarios in my head just about every day. Kinda fun making them up and discussing with other divers.
T J - 9 years ago
For me  it's part of he fun.
Lascelle Robinson
Lascelle Robinson - 10 years ago
Hi have been diving in Montego Bay for two years now.  I think panic is natural in uncertainties but the dive master did a great great job. He was in focus of all his divers along the journey and stayed with the one he assess to be more in stress.  Great dive master!
whynottalklikeapirat - 11 years ago
Bit of water in her mask under ideal conditions, lack of basic skill professionally handled. Big deal. Nice viz though.
KEAGAN GHOSTS - 11 years ago
cool vid
pewpewetc - 11 years ago
not a fish in sight ...
vandoo66 - 6 years ago
Dove in Mo- Bay on vacation 20 yrs ago and it was just as desolate. Boring dives....Until the pod of dolphins showed up:)
ronald brignoni
ronald brignoni - 6 years ago
There is a lot of over fishing in the Caribbean, I noticed that too while diving La Parguera in Puerto Rico. There is some nice black coral on a section of the reef in La Parguera but no fish.
DeepBlueSpirit - 6 years ago
found one at 10:44 lol
Keith Guitar
Keith Guitar - 6 years ago
What video did you ladies watch?
Steven Hopkins
Steven Hopkins - 6 years ago
7billion + people = ocean dead zones
Meister Kaos
Meister Kaos - 6 years ago
The reef looked kinda dead
Steven Williamson
Steven Williamson - 7 years ago
Lionfish probably ate all of em
Maxwell - 7 years ago
pewpewetc yes a pretty shitty reef
Attila Von Stryker
Attila Von Stryker - 11 years ago
There is so muck kicking going on in this video ... I thought I was watching a soccer match. People need to slow down and relax a bit. Great Quality on the video though thanks for posting it, what were you shooting with?
Ricardo montalban
Ricardo montalban - 6 years ago
I bet you use that line all the time. Retire it
Nicholas Galliano
Nicholas Galliano - 6 years ago
Lack of bouancy control
popnfrresh - 11 years ago
Go pro hero 2 black
Attila Von Stryker
Attila Von Stryker - 11 years ago
So sad what Jamaica has allowed to happen to their "Reefs". Even their marine parks are deserts, it is still common practice there for people to cyanide or "dynamite" fish. I would not even dive outside of the parks due to the danger of injury and lack of respect by boaters. 
Jeff Tenenbaum
Jeff Tenenbaum - 10 years ago
It's not just Jamaica, it's our oceans in general. You don't hear it talked about much, but one side effect of pumping so much CO2 into the air aside from climate change is the acidification of our oceans. As the pH drops, the coral dies. As the coral dies, so does the rest of ocean life. 
Joshua Spear
Joshua Spear - 11 years ago
At least she wasn't off the jersey coast she would have been done
Jeff Tenenbaum
Jeff Tenenbaum - 10 years ago
I'm happy for anyone that's not in or near Jersey. 
Droogle - 11 years ago
Panicking because of a leaky mask? Back to the pool with you!
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 11 years ago
From what I remember, she stated after that water was coming in her mask.
Droogle - 11 years ago
I can see the panic, but can't figure out why? Can someone help explain what happened?
popnfrresh - 11 years ago
Unfortunately, in the Caribbean the rules are not always followed. They are more like guidelines.
Adam Oliva
Adam Oliva - 11 years ago
popnfrresh - 11 years ago
You allow air to escape the BC to prevent a runaway ascent.
Adam Oliva
Adam Oliva - 11 years ago
Your right. You just won't be able to control your ascend if you inflate. That's why you deflate. Sorry.
Screwd - 11 years ago
If you're diving with homemade gear.. then yeah.... 99% of BCD's today have a release valve which will allow excess air to escape.
sw1ft2U - 11 years ago
Great job by the dive master he kept her calm, this could of gotten ugly he had the situation under control.
jpbreeze - 11 years ago
man, nice looking video~! Thanks - felt I was right there. Great viz - you can see for miles and miles~ I dive out of Boston, where on a good day you can see your fins.
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 11 years ago
Air expands when ascending from depth. This could result in an uncontrollable ascent.
US DENTAL DEPOT - 11 years ago
camera shooting looks acceptable, the bubbles coming in front of the lens every time you breath makes watching the video very uncomfortable . I would try using th camera somewhere else, or in m hands.
philippe freedive
philippe freedive - 11 years ago
the dm with te couple had good reaction the camera man should stop to film after looking i have the feeling to vomit because of the movement of the camera
Matthew Westover
Matthew Westover - 11 years ago
Kudos to the divemaster!!
Mr. Hellas
Mr. Hellas - 11 years ago
Nice bubble sounds
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 11 years ago
Go pro Hero 2 with a "cave light" mount on my head above the mask.
harini rao
harini rao - 11 years ago
which camera?
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 12 years ago
I am heading to the Dominican republic in May and still have 4 more of this series to post. It has been so crazy I havn't had the time to upload the other videos.
Karin Schiller
Karin Schiller - 12 years ago
Nice video without any cuts. I felt just being with them and enjoyed it, At the moment I can't go SCUBA diving and I miss it so much. Thank you!!!
icn80 - 12 years ago
She shouldn't have been pushed into it anyway, nervous divers make for panicking divers on almost any less than ideal dive
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 12 years ago
Believe it or not that was in a marine park also. It didn't matter because there were still tons of traps.
YouToob - 12 years ago
n 2 fish only¿ :(
YouToob - 12 years ago
they need to chill n swim slower
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 12 years ago
Thank you! It takes a little bit to get used to diving with the go Pro on my head. I will eventually be posting the other 4 dives we did during our stay. Also will be posting more dives locally on Lake Ontario soon.
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 12 years ago
My computer puts the max depth at 84 ft and we did a safety stop at 14 minutes into the dive to 17 minutes @ about 18 feet deep.
valeris2004 - 12 years ago
enjoyed the video, it was like going on a dive again. Good quality too.
aquaholic38 - 12 years ago
how deep was that dive? so no safety stop, just a controled accend?
AvidDiving - 12 years ago
very well said :)
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 12 years ago
She panicked when water was seeping into the mask and she couldn't clear it.
Mr. Hellas
Mr. Hellas - 12 years ago
The girl with yellow mask is very cute
Ryan Conley
Ryan Conley - 12 years ago
She did not have her equipment and was using rental gear. She said she was not able to clear her mask, and then ripped the mask off her face. This shows how important it is to check all your gear before everydive.
Craig Dore
Craig Dore - 12 years ago
What did she freak out at?

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