Nellie celebrates a white Christmas with cocaine | Drugslab
Snorkeling 8 years ago 2,137,157 views
This episode Nellie Benner snorts a white crystalline powder: Cocaine. The active substance is cocaine hydrochloride and has a stimulating effect and a bitter taste. USE: Are you about to use Coke? Keep the following things in mind: - Cocaine is most of the time blended with other (harmful) substances. Therefore, it is good to test your drug so you know the purity of your coke. - Use it when you are physically and mentally healthy. Don’t use it to suppress problems. - Clean your nose and your snort pipe. - Combining with alcohol or other drugs is very risky. DOSE: There is no safe dose. Risks are increasing when you use it regularly. The dose depends on the person and his/her experience with cocaine. 1 gram of cocaine = 15 to 20 lines. RISKS: Increased risk of heart problems Exhaustion Ignitions in the nasal mucosa Addiction Overdose OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!
10. comment for Nellie celebrates a white Christmas with cocaine | Drugslab
if so that sounds hilarious and somewhat apt
20. comment for Nellie celebrates a white Christmas with cocaine | Drugslab
Nellie : ok then ( bit nervous )
Doctor : I see you drugs like I collect Pokemon ya got to catch them all
30. comment for Nellie celebrates a white Christmas with cocaine | Drugslab
After The Vid
50. comment for Nellie celebrates a white Christmas with cocaine | Drugslab
And, if I still chose to use them, it would have been with proper knowledge.
The war on drugs is a massive failure and has only caused crime to inadvertently rise. Legalize, educate, and provide a safe, secure environment.
Drug use is more often than not a result of something missing in one's life, whether it's a sense of loneliness, or lacking spiritual fulfillment, amongst many other reasons.
Treating already beaten down drug users as criminals and addicts is not only futile, but inhumane.
Also, apart of the factual errors, they are at the beginning of their drug experiences and cannot be so experts on the “long durée” effects. I lost, as anyone of my age (28) a percentage of friends on substances used during the 20s. Sometimes it takes just4-5 years of entertainment to change the person radically. They’re alive (one with severe heart issues tied with cocaine), but they are just...dumber, absent. Addicted. Not free to quit or to enjoy life in a free way, mostly depressed or aggressive-defensive if they’re out. And history repeats itself. Festivals and drugs, and most of all, misinformation. Darwinian fate?
Another point is the naïf consumeristic trend, cocaine is a blood drug which passes on unaccountable dead bodies to finish in your egoistic fucking nose. “Never trust a hippie” finally makes sense. Nellie is so cute that is dangerous, if you see what I mean. Guys, do some research please. This shit seems cool, but there are the worst explanations I ever see on drugs. Totally anti-scientific, I wonder how they say it’s a governmental thing. Maybe for commercial ties and purposes with the zones of drug production? Idk.
100. comment for Nellie celebrates a white Christmas with cocaine | Drugslab
Increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature
Contracted blood vessels
Increased rate of breathing
Dilated pupils
Disturbed sleep patterns
Hyper stimulation
Bizarre, erratic, sometimes violent behaviour
Hallucinations, hyper excitability, irritability
Tactile hallucination that creates the illusion of bugs burrowing under the skin
Intense euphoria
Anxiety and paranoia
Intense drug craving
Panic and psychosis
Convulsions, seizures and sudden death from high doses (even one time)
Cocaine causes heart, kidney, brain and lung damage.
Permanent damage to blood vessels of heart and brain
High blood pressure, leading to heart attacks, strokes, and death
Liver, kidney and lung damage
Destruction of tissues in nose if sniffed
Respiratory failure if smoked
Infectious diseases and abscesses if injected
Malnutrition, weight loss
Severe tooth decay
Auditory and tactile hallucinations
Sexual problems, reproductive damage and infertility (for both men and women)
Disorientation, apathy, confused exhaustion
Irritability and mood disturbances
Increased frequency of risky behaviour
Delirium or psychosis
Severe depression
Tolerance and addiction (even after just one use)
so were going to take some more
Self control is not possible
It starts out sensibly...
"I Know i'll just tip a bit out of the bag and make myself three decent lines and that will be me for the night... I'll save the rest for another night"...
An hour later you have turned the empty bag inside out and you are licking it clean... you have also decided that there is some coke lodged up your nostrils that you could dislodge and rub into your gums. You see what looks like tiny spots of coke on your table and scrape it all together to make one last dirty line even though you know that it's 90% cigarette ash as you have caned a pack of 20 while you have been partying.
Sound familiar?
Luckily I have never succumbed but I have tried it and seen many "good" people become coke whores...
I would just add that the highs from coke are so shortlived that they do not cancel out the fallout afterwards EVER !
Feeling like you have the flu. Fucking up your body clock, making you difficult to be around with your mood swings, the lethargy/ high anxiety swings.. The sheer fucking cost of it and the fact that you have to mix with people you would normally cross the road to avoid... and don't forget the effect it has on your little chap
Fuck this makes me want to try it
jk g uys its november
Thats what i heard
There is no substitution-medicament for it! Nobody can help you with your psychosis’s!
Believe me....10yrs on methadon now and have a normal life! I will finish next summer as sw developer
With cocaine addiction, it will go very very fast downwards with you...
There's a large part of society that doesn't use drugs. They prefer to be sober and wisely don't want the extra problems that go along with drug usage. Jesus Christ didn't ask for drugs when He was being beaten, whipped, having His beard pulled out and finally hanging on the cross in torture, while He died for everyone.
People who believe they need to use drugs to get through life are weak and spineless ... the kind of people that are a drag on others. The kind of people that society has no use for.
You will never see how strong you can be, nor find the best in yourself, nor enjoy a great relationship with your maker through Jesus, until you are willing to lay down your comforts and vices and give yourself to Jesus Christ.
I'm white and right wing but you are an idiot mate! There is no such thing as master race and Dutch people are definitely not the most beautiful... Innocent? Northerners?
Do you know anything about history? Dutch people...slave trade...ring a bell? Fucking retard!
Se hizo el boludo pero lo que hizo fue apología acá y en la China.
Mañana voy a caer fumado al colegio (total lo hice con amigos y en mi casa) y si me rajan, bueh, es el problema del gobierno por no saber afrontar el problema de las drogas.
A lo que voy es que no aclaro que si fumas, hacelo de forma moderada y recreativa, no vayas fumado en la vida porque NO te sirve de nada, al contrario.
That’s when you know it’s got you
don't do coke. If you have people that love you, don't do this drug. It burns away your gums, the insides of your nose and puts a hole in your nose right through to the roof your mouth. And your mental health will be ruined for the rest of you life. The side affects to this drug are ireversable.
(Obviously NOT joking)
Him: “...we’ve decided to have some more”
Also it shouldn't burn your nose, wtf.
Looking at you, taught me to
"Discover myself by being smashed"
I know it might sounds weird but I was a lot lacking in self-confidence and you helped me!
Before I couldn’t smoked (weed) alone or absolutely had to stay next to someone, but whithout really showing it.
alone I was scared of everything (yes I'm 22 years old). I did not see that or ignored it so I could panicked. Know, I literally found you, you’re so amazing.
I learned from seeing your videos and how how you feel by describing the stuff , and what you see, good trip and bad, everything you do while having fun and being serious at the same time , it's incredible. it's exactly what I see and feel when I'm high by myself now because you gave me the confidence to do it, to understand that the set is important, the dosage, everything has been influenced on me and I communicate it to a lot of friends now!
I have more confidence in trying drugs, controlling myself and stopping.
I managed to find this balance and strangely your videos only gave me the motivation to understand the drugs and enjoy them thoroughly.
And here I am sitting in my room lighting my prepared joint, (2 small packets of candies) and I put myself in my favorite spotify podcast and let myself go.
Finally this freedom somewhere that I can see in myself looking at the mirror and I danced and more discovered and understood this man (me). Yes under the effect of the weed but still having the ability to stay in the reality and thinking of happiness and seeing so many things open up, that I can finally smoke alone having no one around to be with me or to count on and that I could be OK , I also see the world differently and I remember in a deep corner into my head your videos and I tell myself that avi, is gonna be OK, let it go.
Thank you Drugslab
PS: nelly i am EXACTLY like you with drugs, and Im in love with you.
Cutest moment EVER
P.S. Nellie, did you have a right eye injury? I have a similar scar on my left eye.
Doin cocaine ona podcast is badass
er word nu nog steeds dexamfetamine voorgeschreven aan kinderen, wat te vergelijken is met cocaine
Just a little more.
And great show, as well!!!!
Im Vegan!
Congrats you just contributed to the problem of regulatory drug use and caused more kids to go try this shit through normalization.
Way to many of my friends have gone to rehab since they literally sold everything and did anything to snort that shit. Sad you make money from this