Nicole Spearfishing Freediving in South Florida/ Hogfish, Lobster Grabbing, Huge Tarpon Schools! HD

This is a mix of my Freediving/ Spearfishing footage for the past year. Hogfish, grouper, lobsters, schools of tarpon, and lots of hand-grabbing lobsters! All Pole Spear. It goes through a season of the cooler months of 2014, through 2015, with Summer diving where I could dive for 5 hours straight with no wetsuit and still feel toasty...which is awesome!. I've only been diving/spearing for about a year, so it shows some of my progression. I will make a shorter version, but here are my favorite moments: 11:20, and on, my little fish army follows me, then I shoot a mangrove snapper 21:57, Lessons learned that day, was in 40+/- feet with super strong current and no float line to my spear. Off a friends boat. Was such a struggle to go against current to get down to one spot...I shot a black margate in a hole, pulled him out, then had to let him got because I was struggling to get to surface and played it safe by letting my spear go. It was actually so exhausting fighting the current that day, just to stay in one place, so you couldn't get your breath holds up, that it took each of us 3 times to try to get the spear back (the fish had swam it back into the hole I pulled him out of). I finally got to it, but not after a nurse shark ate the fish off the spear inside that hole afterwards (you can see the shark going after it in slow-mo right after I shot him). 22:43 LOBSTER GRABBING section, a lot of it :) --- I found this sport on my own, and have spent hours researching info/watching others videos, and holding my breath on my couch, lol. I did some things the harder way initially, hence you will notice I'm wearing wetsuits with no weight belt (didn't even own one yet). I did that the whole first cold season lol, it was really hard to stay underwater being so buoyant and hunt/shoot fish, but I worked it out! I left a lot of full clips that may not seem so eventful, but for me it really represents a lot of what is the reality of (at least my experience in) freediving/spearfishing. For me, it's 90%+ about the beauty, the freedom, the moments, the nature, being in harmony, witnessing another world full of life, and then there is the hunting aspect that comes in after, and doesn't conflict with the other appreciations. When I spear and kill a fish, or a lobster, anything...I respect that life and that it is suffering so much, and I want that to show in every way I handle that creature. Then to be as humane as possible even in how they are killed (quickly). It is not lost on me that until I came along, that creature was living a life, and that it ended so I could be nourished, and I always give my thanks and respect. On a side note, it always "bugs" me a little (pun intended, lol) when people throw around lobsters like they are not alive and experiencing misery, I even kill them (knife through head) before I twist their tails off so they don't experience a slow death. I just like to share these ideas, because I think as the evolved species that is hunting, we can be conscious about how we end something's life, unlike the rest of the animal kingdom that can't. Just sharing my 2 cents here :) To each their own though. You might notice..I don't "only" hunt big, impressive, trophy fish (to say the least! lol). 99% of these dives were from walking to the beach carrying my gear, and swimming offshore a couple hundreds yards out to the 1st reef. There is a lot of spectacular life out here, but I can easily dive a few hours and only come across a few good fish. I'm out there to have fun, dinner is a bonus, and I don't have any ego about the attitude is that I'm grateful to have it and it's going to be delicious fried up. Heck…small means will fit right in the pan- whole! Yummy! lol. Yes, I often dive solo. I made sure I was knowledgeable in enough ways to minimize the biggest risks, and the rest of the risk I accept. I NEVER push my breath holds while diving. I would ONLY do that with someone watching me directly, knowing I'm pushing it, in case I blacked out. I dive within my comfort zone, I won't risk trying to hold a little longer, a little longer, just for that fish...because I understand there is no forgiveness in that kind of error, if you end up blacking out. So I listen to my body and surface before I really need to, I pay attention to the time I'm down. Boats are the other thing I look out for constantly, and then the sharks...but it's not sharky around here at all (very rare to see other than a nurse). I tie off my float and keep my fish there, they're only on my hip for a short time. Thanks for watching! May everyone get to be able to get out and do something they love! - Nicole - tags, Bimini lobster spear fish fishing spearfishing, hog, stonefish, night, lobster, tarpon, hawaiian sling spear, pole spear, spearfish, ocean, girl, sexy, bikini, reef, freedive, snorkel, fish, snapper, underwater, freediving, Nicole d'Aiguillon, girl, women, sharks, shark, diving, girls, free dive, woman

Nicole Spearfishing Freediving in South Florida/ Hogfish, Lobster Grabbing, Huge Tarpon Schools! HD sentiment_very_dissatisfied 227

Snorkeling 9 years ago 785,239 views

This is a mix of my Freediving/ Spearfishing footage for the past year. Hogfish, grouper, lobsters, schools of tarpon, and lots of hand-grabbing lobsters! All Pole Spear. It goes through a season of the cooler months of 2014, through 2015, with Summer diving where I could dive for 5 hours straight with no wetsuit and still feel toasty...which is awesome!. I've only been diving/spearing for about a year, so it shows some of my progression. I will make a shorter version, but here are my favorite moments: 11:20, and on, my little fish army follows me, then I shoot a mangrove snapper 21:57, Lessons learned that day, was in 40+/- feet with super strong current and no float line to my spear. Off a friends boat. Was such a struggle to go against current to get down to one spot...I shot a black margate in a hole, pulled him out, then had to let him got because I was struggling to get to surface and played it safe by letting my spear go. It was actually so exhausting fighting the current that day, just to stay in one place, so you couldn't get your breath holds up, that it took each of us 3 times to try to get the spear back (the fish had swam it back into the hole I pulled him out of). I finally got to it, but not after a nurse shark ate the fish off the spear inside that hole afterwards (you can see the shark going after it in slow-mo right after I shot him). 22:43 LOBSTER GRABBING section, a lot of it :) --- I found this sport on my own, and have spent hours researching info/watching others videos, and holding my breath on my couch, lol. I did some things the harder way initially, hence you will notice I'm wearing wetsuits with no weight belt (didn't even own one yet). I did that the whole first cold season lol, it was really hard to stay underwater being so buoyant and hunt/shoot fish, but I worked it out! I left a lot of full clips that may not seem so eventful, but for me it really represents a lot of what is the reality of (at least my experience in) freediving/spearfishing. For me, it's 90%+ about the beauty, the freedom, the moments, the nature, being in harmony, witnessing another world full of life, and then there is the hunting aspect that comes in after, and doesn't conflict with the other appreciations. When I spear and kill a fish, or a lobster, anything...I respect that life and that it is suffering so much, and I want that to show in every way I handle that creature. Then to be as humane as possible even in how they are killed (quickly). It is not lost on me that until I came along, that creature was living a life, and that it ended so I could be nourished, and I always give my thanks and respect. On a side note, it always "bugs" me a little (pun intended, lol) when people throw around lobsters like they are not alive and experiencing misery, I even kill them (knife through head) before I twist their tails off so they don't experience a slow death. I just like to share these ideas, because I think as the evolved species that is hunting, we can be conscious about how we end something's life, unlike the rest of the animal kingdom that can't. Just sharing my 2 cents here :) To each their own though. You might notice..I don't "only" hunt big, impressive, trophy fish (to say the least! lol). 99% of these dives were from walking to the beach carrying my gear, and swimming offshore a couple hundreds yards out to the 1st reef. There is a lot of spectacular life out here, but I can easily dive a few hours and only come across a few good fish. I'm out there to have fun, dinner is a bonus, and I don't have any ego about the attitude is that I'm grateful to have it and it's going to be delicious fried up. Heck…small means will fit right in the pan- whole! Yummy! lol. Yes, I often dive solo. I made sure I was knowledgeable in enough ways to minimize the biggest risks, and the rest of the risk I accept. I NEVER push my breath holds while diving. I would ONLY do that with someone watching me directly, knowing I'm pushing it, in case I blacked out. I dive within my comfort zone, I won't risk trying to hold a little longer, a little longer, just for that fish...because I understand there is no forgiveness in that kind of error, if you end up blacking out. So I listen to my body and surface before I really need to, I pay attention to the time I'm down. Boats are the other thing I look out for constantly, and then the sharks...but it's not sharky around here at all (very rare to see other than a nurse). I tie off my float and keep my fish there, they're only on my hip for a short time. Thanks for watching! May everyone get to be able to get out and do something they love! - Nicole - tags, Bimini lobster spear fish fishing spearfishing, hog, stonefish, night, lobster, tarpon, hawaiian sling spear, pole spear, spearfish, ocean, girl, sexy, bikini, reef, freedive, snorkel, fish, snapper, underwater, freediving, Nicole d'Aiguillon, girl, women, sharks, shark, diving, girls, free dive, woman

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Most popular comments
for Nicole Spearfishing Freediving in South Florida/ Hogfish, Lobster Grabbing, Huge Tarpon Schools! HD

naida077 - 6 years ago
you are so beautiful and should have many kids with the wright man.
Kıvanç Tutal
Kıvanç Tutal - 6 years ago
ı am from turkey you very good performance turkey ın not free dıvıng and spearfıshıng famele .congratulations :)
manuel tsai
manuel tsai - 6 years ago
thnk u for letting dat lobster wd its belly full of eggs thnk u again
Oz Abdi
Oz Abdi - 6 years ago
hi, been waiting for your new vids but to no avail, ols post other videos to motivate us, I'm in Kenya
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 6 years ago
I have one ready to go but I need to re-edit, I agree I am taking way too long! But it is coming lol. Thank you for the support!!
Michael Anthony
Michael Anthony - 7 years ago
Girls that freedive are the best.
MOSESBLUE - 7 years ago
Hey great videos . You should definitely come to Bermuda and do video ,, Mo Hamza Bermuda on fb
Nick Austin
Nick Austin - 7 years ago
This is amazing i just moved to south Florida ill be learning tbis
Everett Padgett
Everett Padgett - 7 years ago
Hand catching lobsters..! wow
Everett Padgett
Everett Padgett - 7 years ago
cool girl...all underwater

10. comment for Nicole Spearfishing Freediving in South Florida/ Hogfish, Lobster Grabbing, Huge Tarpon Schools! HD

dino ceballos
dino ceballos - 7 years ago
you need to go to Panama, Colon Portobelo!!
Edesio Sousa
Edesio Sousa - 7 years ago
Nicole, you're young, beautiful, you know how to dive and cook. Will you marry me?
Gordon Murray
Gordon Murray - 7 years ago
pretty cool pole spear with the flopper on the end, might have to try that out on mine!
Flying Fish Guy
Flying Fish Guy - 7 years ago
OMG My daughter is going to see this when I get home.
Michael Patterson
Michael Patterson - 7 years ago
hahaah 11:25 just call this chick "School Master" That's cute as hell. Also cool as hell too. A human mammal providing protection for fish. I guess they school with manatee too, but not half as cool as with a human. Loves the video N thanks for sharing your world with us.
Sail Oria complete refit
Sail Oria complete refit - 7 years ago
where did u go???
Barry Culloty
Barry Culloty - 7 years ago
I didn't know who you where, once I saw you dive, I went damn this girl isn't just looks, she is a DIVER! Wish I was there diving with yah!
S. White
S. White - 7 years ago
Great lungs
juniors1220 - 7 years ago
Cool video
Shaun Sim
Shaun Sim - 7 years ago
That is my kind of woman!! 1, you go get the fish, 2, and i will nip to shops for the bag of chips! stunning and she can shoot, what is that water temp there? I bet she would last 20 min where i dive in scotland Brrr!

20. comment for Nicole Spearfishing Freediving in South Florida/ Hogfish, Lobster Grabbing, Huge Tarpon Schools! HD

Андрей Вербовой
Андрей Вербовой - 7 years ago
Max Bortoletto
Max Bortoletto - 7 years ago
Nicole did you do this video in South beach, in the end of South beach like around 2nd street ? which means that you don't even need the boat to go out and find fish ? an i correct ?
Miguel Santos
Miguel Santos - 7 years ago
❤️ Vídeo de Sexo Istrefi
Comandante Galvão
Comandante Galvão - 7 years ago
Ricardo Bentes
Ricardo Bentes - 7 years ago
olha subscrevi o seu canal ...... subscreva o meu  ....)
Rod Ola
Rod Ola - 7 years ago
successfully selfie spearing :) I subbed
Sam krieger
Sam krieger - 7 years ago
I find your demeanor relaxing . You put a smile on my face. The hunting was ethical , something import to do. Maybe a educational video showing people how to spot eggs on a lobester the future is in order.
Juan Gomez
Juan Gomez - 7 years ago
Cosita hermosa
Anthony Gehl
Anthony Gehl - 7 years ago
Planning a trip to FL to intro my son to SF. Can you recommend a couple of good over the beach spots for us?
Paulo Oliveira
Paulo Oliveira - 7 years ago
menina linda, video incrivel

30. comment for Nicole Spearfishing Freediving in South Florida/ Hogfish, Lobster Grabbing, Huge Tarpon Schools! HD

Anthony Gehl
Anthony Gehl - 7 years ago
I love your minimalist vibe. Just you and the ocean. Are most of your sessions swimming out of the beach?
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 7 years ago
Anthony Gehl thank you! Yes 99% are beach dives :)
Anthony Gehl
Anthony Gehl - 7 years ago
Just found my new favorite site. You are awesome, huntress yes but also a friend of the ocean.
giuseppe infantino
giuseppe infantino - 7 years ago
seibrava afare pesca subacuea
Michael Williams
Michael Williams - 7 years ago
I would love to do that ,bet their good eatin, very pretty Nicole
Daniel Martinez
Daniel Martinez - 7 years ago
Cute as heck and a good shot from the look of it, but damn girl, get yourself some better gear. For starter's a ULV free diving mask and proper FD snorkel and a better pole spear, Gatku or Headhunter. And never.. ever clip fish to a belt clip. Or ever clean fish you have trailed with you already in the water, you are just a statistic waiting to happen using those habits. Use a float with a clip and a line at least 60 feet long.
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 7 years ago
Daniel Martinez Thanks! This video shows a few pole Spears but I mainly use my Riffe pole spear which is amazing, my favorite.
ratballs007 - 7 years ago
Did you drop off the map ?? Where did you go ?
Ular Laut
Ular Laut - 7 years ago
incedible video.. i like it
Ye Bae
Ye Bae - 7 years ago
í love you bae :[
Michael Martinez
Michael Martinez - 7 years ago
Sexy! I like snorkeling but this year I caught spearfishing fever.
กิจจา โพธิ์หอมศิริ
กิจจา โพธิ์หอมศิริ - 7 years ago
แจ๊ว ดีจังนะ นะจ๊ะ
Niki Stoyanov
Niki Stoyanov - 7 years ago
Amazing skills. Good joob :)
flanikent - 7 years ago
Great vid. What gear do you like what gear do you dislike that you own.
flanikent - 7 years ago
Perfect thank you!
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 7 years ago
flanikent thank you! Best pole spear by far in my opinion- Riffe International brand. They are not the cheapest but they are carbon fiber, amazingly made and the fastest spear. Also Riffe has the best snorkel "Riffe stable snorkel". I love mine. Torelli wetsuits are amazing. DiveR Fins are great and have the best designs. Otter Float for diving and staying visible. Omer is a good brand as well, lots of happy diving friends with their brand. No comment on what I don't like ;) but I hope this helps!
Darcy Brooker
Darcy Brooker - 7 years ago
She is very cute and I love what she is doing. I'd like to spearfish soon. Please keep posting Nicole. You are an insperation.
Segev Shtubi
Segev Shtubi - 7 years ago
You look very cool under the water!
lawrence sullivan
lawrence sullivan - 7 years ago
Ricardo Nuñez C.
Ricardo Nuñez C. - 7 years ago
Nicole, great videos and great sport, you look like a wonderful person but, need to say the fish you are catching as far as i could see, is too small..maybe better to give back those and catch larger ones to help underwater colony..anyway whish you best..
Charles Wilder
Charles Wilder - 7 years ago
So lovely that it almost distracts from your awesome skills! You look so at home, free-diving! Very impressive and entertaining. I scuba dive, but never felt as relaxed as you look, and do not have your breath control. I am certainly a fan!
MrKveite1 - 7 years ago
Some species sure have a nicer tail than others
anon - 7 years ago
I've watched a lot of those hot girl does ... videos where some moderately good looking chick showing a lot of skin is the clickbait for a mediocre video made by someone with no talent doing something boring.

However this video is legit - pretty woman, actual talent, a theme that hasn't been played out - very good job, impressive!
Emmanuel Luna
Emmanuel Luna - 7 years ago
Nicole estas bellísima eres un bombom a de ser por que comes mucho pescado.saludos desde ensenada baja California (México)

50. comment for Nicole Spearfishing Freediving in South Florida/ Hogfish, Lobster Grabbing, Huge Tarpon Schools! HD

نخل السماوه
نخل السماوه - 7 years ago
Why men always cover most of them body's in every thing they do but women try to sell they body not what they good at?
I think women like this lack self confidence thats why?
pat - 7 years ago
The music was so cool in the video. That song at 20:52 was something else. That was a great watch.
lmedinaxyz - 7 years ago
Do you do spearfishing off Fort Lauderdale
Patrizio Falconi
Patrizio Falconi - 7 years ago
You are a very special girl.
rjcappy Popa
rjcappy Popa - 7 years ago
That suit makes her ass look BIG!
Joel Fernandes
Joel Fernandes - 7 years ago
tem folego de sereia
Joel Fernandes
Joel Fernandes - 7 years ago
o tubarão do teu esposo ta de olho em tu no barco
Joel Fernandes
Joel Fernandes - 7 years ago
cuidado com os tubarão eles estão de olho em t u
Joel Fernandes
Joel Fernandes - 7 years ago
e muita fartura de sereia
Joel Fernandes
Joel Fernandes - 7 years ago
gostei quando estava de biquini
Joel Fernandes
Joel Fernandes - 7 years ago
Peyman sheikhchi
Peyman sheikhchi - 7 years ago
Holy ...... you can hold your breath soooo much??? Amazing
One Love
One Love - 7 years ago
I wanna spear something,and it aint a fish.
dave chandler
dave chandler - 7 years ago
barronredneck - 7 years ago
Cool vid
Alan Hamilton
Alan Hamilton - 7 years ago
Nice going. What is that pattern structure on the bottom showing in some of the vids?
Agent 86
Francisco - 7 years ago
Que ricas nalgas tiene esta mujer, y me encanta cuando le filman la pata del camello.
Sam Percham
Sam Percham - 7 years ago
Dream girl
Robert Carpio
Robert Carpio - 7 years ago
Yup... definitely following you on instagram
JOSUE - 7 years ago
Perfect ass
mr10man69 - 7 years ago
@0:18 when you first went down. What is that pattern on the sea floor? Awesome video. Thank you.
CanadianLlama - 7 years ago
Some sick lobster grabbing by the hand there.
Ronald Knight
Ronald Knight - 7 years ago
how far off the shore is that spot. I want a decent place without needing a boat.
John A Neufeld
John A Neufeld - 7 years ago
call him sebastion nicole
John A Neufeld
John A Neufeld - 7 years ago
dinner is serve from the princess of my heart luv you nicole
John A Neufeld
John A Neufeld - 7 years ago
hey you got a couple nice
John A Neufeld
John A Neufeld - 7 years ago
its so fantastic she can be boss of the sea too i really love her and she do know it
Philippe Virgili
Philippe Virgili - 7 years ago
Nilo Ledesma
Nilo Ledesma - 7 years ago
I have only seen is a nice butt she's not fishing
bicolmange - 7 years ago
Again thats so nice with lobsters,,,i miss Philippines,,,miss the sea..
bicolmange - 7 years ago
You are awesome,,,good life...
bicolmange - 7 years ago
WOW,,,thats the way you should live,,,but i dont have her skills anymore,,,must get fit again...But it gives me inspiration,,,
Eduardo Storti
Eduardo Storti - 7 years ago
Beautiful woman
lawrence sullivan
lawrence sullivan - 7 years ago
Marvin Lockhart
Marvin Lockhart - 7 years ago
Just awesome all around
Norma Sotelo
Norma Sotelo - 7 years ago
hyyt isui
Mark Stanley
Mark Stanley - 7 years ago
Does it taste fishy?
Kenny Noland
Kenny Noland - 7 years ago
jefeerson sato
jefeerson sato - 7 years ago
Meu sonho fazer isso
Kassio Santos Felix
Kassio Santos Felix - 7 years ago
nice diving \o/
Zheng-Wei Chen
Zheng-Wei Chen - 7 years ago
Zheng-Wei Chen
Zheng-Wei Chen - 7 years ago
(||| ̄▽ ̄) orz
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 7 years ago
yes, he was wanting the fish. He ended up getting it when the fish swam back into the hole with my spear still in it. I was able to retrieve my spear after he was done though!
360 ibz
360 ibz - 7 years ago
si vienes por ibiza te invito a cazar .. saludos
360 ibz
360 ibz - 7 years ago
muy bueno el comentario y muy linda la chica, pero te dejaria una recomendacion el minuto 22:30 , suelta la presa porque sube muy forzada, lo ideal es soltar el lastre y despues recuperarlo..!! una pequeña indicacion que seguro ya lo sabes??
Luis Rodriguez
Luis Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Damn, I can't believe I just discovered you...! You are an amazing girl. You are sooo good at what you do and the fact that you are so beautiful as well but yet carry yourself as a really humble and sweet person says a lot about yourself! I truly enjoyed watching you dive, i can see how passionate you are.Your parents must be so proud of you. Peace, from Cali, take care and be safe out there. Oh and of coarse I subbed.. ;)
Jack Taylor
Jack Taylor - 7 years ago
Loved the video ! Your free diving skills are super ...... For some reason I can't seem to get deeper than around 10 feet before my head feels like it's going to explode !! LOL !!
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 7 years ago
Thank you! That pain is because you need to equalize. Look up youtube videos about it, you will see me do it when I am diving down and I pinch my nose. What I'm doing is pinching my nose, then still blowing air gently into my nose...the result is it will put/reroute the pressure into your eardrums. You feel immediate relief, because you have "equalized" the pressure since the deeper water has been pressuring you from the outside. If you've ever been on an airplane and wiggled your jaw and felt the relief after a pop, it's similar. Without that step it's excruciating I know! Hope you try again and get to enjoy it more now!!! Thanks again!
camp&fish - 7 years ago
Nice , I enjoyed watching it thanks for sharing
δημητρησ μουζακης
δημητρησ μουζακης - 7 years ago
i wanna fuck your ass like a crazy!!!!!!!!
Amin Ibni
Amin Ibni - 7 years ago
is the lobster legit with the eggs 25:35 ?
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 7 years ago
No and I did realize that after I caught her, and if you keep watching I notice the eggs afterwards and release her back inside of her hole...also while apologizing to her lol...
Richard Dixon
Richard Dixon - 7 years ago
where does that spear derive from, never seen any like it?
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 7 years ago
It's called a "pole spear". My favorite is the Riffe carbon fiber pole spear, it's the fastest!
Fishing Rod
Fishing Rod - 7 years ago
I just find this video...what a goddess!
I would love a shorter video, like two out this 30 min video. Anyway fantastic!

100. comment for Nicole Spearfishing Freediving in South Florida/ Hogfish, Lobster Grabbing, Huge Tarpon Schools! HD

ebotellojr1 - 7 years ago
Awesome !
Kat Lyn
Kat Lyn - 7 years ago
William Taylor
William Taylor - 7 years ago
Nice job! Love it that you used Bassnectar - Underwater ;) My favorite artist. #BASShead
Thomas D Harrell
Thomas D Harrell - 7 years ago
Hell of a woman.
Thomas D Harrell
Thomas D Harrell - 7 years ago
Андрей Иванов check the end of the video pretty woman
Андрей Иванов
Андрей Иванов - 7 years ago
Thomas D Harrell pony with balls, not a woman lol
Hi5 Productionz
Hi5 Productionz - 7 years ago
Island Girl, the best !
Maurizio Candido
Maurizio Candido - 7 years ago
But you have to resume as you fish without mud
Kenleigh Umali
Kenleigh Umali - 7 years ago
Whoa was that shark you saw at 17:30?! Kudos for keeping a cool head!
Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu - 7 years ago
I hope I can start spear fishing like you nicole. nice vid. keep it up.
Μιχαηλ Αλαχουζος
Μιχαηλ Αλαχουζος - 7 years ago
I wish you continue enjoying sea and diving for a long long time. First woman hunter I ever see and is nice suprise!!! Greetings from Greece.
miopera40 - 7 years ago
Where in South Florida can you just swim out from shore without having speed boats or security freaks around?
I miss it so much, used to spearfish every weekend back in Las playas de Marianao from shore much deeper than here in Miami, but the few times I have tried to do snorkeling and take out from shore I have had a sec freak on the side in less than an hour telling me I can't do that here in FL
Jonathan Nicholas
Jonathan Nicholas - 7 years ago
I'm new to spearfishing, anyone in the south Florida area want to take me under their wing?
Serge Lainesse
Serge Lainesse - 7 years ago
Real awesome diving Videos, thanks to you Nicole....
Julio Perez
Julio Perez - 7 years ago
realmente sorprendente
Mendez Cherry
Mendez Cherry - 7 years ago
beautiful girl
karayv - 7 years ago
7:30 Are those barracudas?
Drunk By U
Drunk By U - 7 years ago
damn, u have a deadly bod. n a nice àss to boost. u phat girl. lucky guy
CraZy hOrse
CraZy hOrse - 7 years ago
ahhhh where you been my whole life, spearfishes, loves water and is attractive F@#k ML... awesome catches... go Girly
Blu - 7 years ago
this is one sport that i would love to do, all the rest are boring as hell
Renato Jorge
Renato Jorge - 7 years ago
You eat all that? or you store or share with friends?
miamiwax - 7 years ago
hey I know this is a dumb question but how do u keep the dive flag in one place? does it have an anchor or something?
Mike X
Mike X - 7 years ago
Wow! .. you are a good fisher(wo)man! Congratulations!
Vindictus - 7 years ago
at 21:57 there is a huge jump in water depth lol
Gardo Olaguer
Gardo Olaguer - 7 years ago
your so beautiful nicole
Doug Gann
Doug Gann - 7 years ago
So cool! Perfect girl for sure
clara sano
clara sano - 7 years ago
Hello Nicole, What is the name of the pole you bought at min 9:13. I'm interested in getting a very light spear pole but at the same time with power and good. Please recommend one for me. I'm not very strong either (female). Thank you in advance for your answer.
Mitra Bandoo
Mitra Bandoo - 7 years ago
very beautiful and super sexy
joe jumanju
joe jumanju - 7 years ago
hey why my a-email my dads using
Michael Coffman
Michael Coffman - 7 years ago
hey dont know when you go spearing but do you have any good tips. I drive in alabama gulf shores area.
Mogzter Rawr
Mogzter Rawr - 7 years ago
Wow..! Subscribed.
Out On The Reef
Out On The Reef - 7 years ago
I have enjoy your videos
just subscribe to your channel.
can't wait for next adventure.
safe free diving my friend.
OxBen - 7 years ago
really nice your video!
Mohammed Ghandaoui
Mohammed Ghandaoui - 7 years ago
Corey Hansen
Corey Hansen - 7 years ago
Hi, surfer Nicole.. My name is corey, but I call myself snorkel Corey. I call myself that because I snorkel dive and surf in the summer. I love snorkel diving and surfing in the summer. And I like your diving video. Snorkel Corey.
Serge Kazinets
Serge Kazinets - 7 years ago
hi, Nicole, what about the sharks????
PARATROOP EightyDuece - 7 years ago
The free diving that begins around 1:30 is awesome!!
Desmond Gilbert
Desmond Gilbert - 7 years ago
tlsmoke23 - 7 years ago
Your holding it down.
Ed The Beach Hunter
Ed The Beach Hunter - 7 years ago
Pretty cool vid Nicole ! Just Subed ! I'm a Scuba Diver & Treasure Hunter ! Check out my Vids and let me know what you think ? ............ Keep the vids coming and be safe : ) ..................... Sincerely, Ed The Beach Hunter !
Nafeesa A Cader
Nafeesa A Cader - 7 years ago
Ed The Beach Hunter
John Surf
John Surf - 7 years ago
I really enjoyed this video
memito1967 - 7 years ago
beautiful Nicole
Maniek 212
Maniek 212 - 7 years ago
Shark ! ! ! :)
Ivelin Georgiev
Ivelin Georgiev - 7 years ago
You're an angel! :)
Andrey Sukhoyvanov
Andrey Sukhoyvanov - 7 years ago
Красивая девушка и видео шикарное.
jesse ray
jesse ray - 7 years ago
How far off shore were y'all?
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 7 years ago
it ranges from 150 yards up to 300 yards depending on the spots....
Equipe Triângulo das Águas
Equipe Triângulo das Águas - 7 years ago
Out-of-the-way look, great catch and what a beauty to part. Very good!
Антон Сушков
Антон Сушков - 7 years ago
I like you video
Deluxequill - 7 years ago
15:08 thank you camera guy!!!
Sasha Alvarez
Sasha Alvarez - 7 years ago
where is(like exactly) and how deep is it
Alcides Moreno
Alcides Moreno - 7 years ago
Nice video nicole
ALEZUDO oFP - 7 years ago
pow que belas imagens,pena que nao deu pra
atirar nos tarpons em,pois os mesmo eram gigantes...
mas muito bom seu video,aqui do Brasil
Peter Elios
Peter Elios - 7 years ago
Looooove spearfishing. You are beautiful. Live life
Antônio cesar Barbosa Silva Barbosa
Antônio cesar Barbosa Silva Barbosa - 7 years ago
muita corajosa
stefanr00 - 7 years ago
You are both beautiful and skillful! Awesome video!
Moris- walfish
Moris- walfish - 7 years ago
José Neto
José Neto - 7 years ago
Robert Clavin
Robert Clavin - 7 years ago
Great work! Thank you for sharing.
Jay-Wi Fisher
Jay-Wi Fisher - 8 years ago
You are amazing!!! A little bit crazy, I would say (LOL), to dive by yourself, so confident and relax under water... for sooooooo long! So conscious of nature. So polyvalent... diving (even among sharks), fighting, surfing, parapent, paddle board, wooow... even painting?!...Hats off! But above all that, you're GORGEOUS!!! You can be... if you are not yet... a model, too.. You are and have everything to be showing off... but only hearing your voice we realize how humble... (even shy) you sound.
Thanks for sharing the footage, your passion, and of course your amazing being (you look beautiful in and out). Eagerly looking forward to your next vid, so I get my mask back into the water with you and catch some fish... (imaginarily!! LOL... I couldn't keep up with you... I would be coming up for air every 10 secs!!)

P.S. Maybe you could answer a question... (No... it's not the "would you marry me?" question LOL).... the egg-bearing lobster you released lost the antennas... do you know if they will ever grow back... like the claws of crabs? Thanks in advance... (Sorry, I know most of the comments here are to tell you how sexy and good looking you are... some people don't see beyond that... but as it's true and I love to see nice girls too, I HAD to tell you.)
Jay-Wi Fisher
Jay-Wi Fisher - 7 years ago
Nicole Surfer Hi diving beauty... so glad you answer back... thank you for the info... I didn't know that about the antennas... I'm just waiting for the next vid... keep diving and smiling too... I love both!!! Take care down there.
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
Well thank you so much for all of that, wow! :) To answer your question, the lobsters do grow the antenna back, and also regenerate lost legs during molting phases. I do have my new video finished up now, just tweaking some last things so it will be up hopefully this week! Thanks again!!!
Pusvawirna Natalia
Pusvawirna Natalia - 8 years ago u are great spearwomen. I like spearfishing too... but only be a buddy of my husband n taking video.
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
Pusvawirna Natalia thank you! well it was still great to watch yours, looking forward to seeing more :)
DarkSagan - 8 years ago
OMG I am in love. lol Great video, great music, lovely girl doing awesome stuff. Most women are scared to get their hair wet.
ANGEL JIMENEZ - 8 years ago
Marie me plz. view at 15.13
Robert Orellana
Robert Orellana - 8 years ago
Wow, deeply impressed. I always wanted to learn to free dive myself but have been conditioned by the media to be afraid of the ocean. Please tell me how do you not fear given the reputation that Florida coast has for sharks? Also where did you learn how to dive so well? Oh, by the way, you're gorgeous...
Koen Vanderpoorten
Koen Vanderpoorten - 8 years ago
amazing way of life, great vid. how long can you hold your breath?
Mike - 8 years ago
still looking for the first #SPINYLOBSTERQUEEN check out #jumbolobster & #monsterlobster @ #spinymike
James Arte
James Arte - 8 years ago
Call me the coward that I am, but all I see at 0:12 is a fancy lure just waiting for some big fish (shark) to gobble up.Seriously, I LOVE this stuff, but how can I get rid of my fear of sharks??????
timbirth - 8 years ago
First fish seems a bit on the small side, was it legal? Hogfish need to be 12-16" looked like a 6" baby
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
Appreciate you contributing your view because you clearly care and have knowledge about the oceans ecosystem and some of its issues. Thanks and may we both continue to enjoy it while working in ways that also show it respect :) Take care!
timbirth - 8 years ago
Nicole you are doubtless a keen predator, and I know how it feels to kill, pretty natural, and not so easy I know. As you mature I hope you will find ways to actually help the ocean you love by helping fish live. The main problem is that humans are the only species that targets the largest member among a group of prey, and that has left us with races of pygmy fish that do not reproduce as well as intended, so the fisheries are in collapse. Be part of the really hard work. Be even more beautiful.
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
first fish was a trigger fish, at that time they were 10" total legal and that one was fine (in 2016 it increased to 12 inches fork length). All fish here are legal, hogs need to be 12" fork length, which is set to increase to 16" sometime in 2017 since they are seeing a decline. I make sure to go by the rules, I care very much for our ocean world out there!
dodoy calope
dodoy calope - 8 years ago
nice video i hope someday i can spear fishing with you
sigbinGA2wad - 8 years ago
i'm here for the fish. :)
Samuel Gilmore
Samuel Gilmore - 8 years ago
Salut Nicole comment s'appel l'arme avec laquelle tu pêche ? Je voudrais faire une pour moi. Merci
Florida Huntsman
Florida Huntsman - 8 years ago
Love your spear poling . Your doing great. I live in west palm .I love the beach diving in the Lauderdale. Love all your stuff.
Сергей Кирюхин
Сергей Кирюхин - 8 years ago
Very beautiful girl. What is it you catch, as the device is called?
Очень красивая девушка. На что это ты ловишь, как это устройство называется?
P. A.
P. A. - 8 years ago
I wish Bats could swim! =(....
Andres Etchenique
Andres Etchenique - 8 years ago
What spits are you hitting off the beach? I go out frequently also (solo), the arrow jacks of of hallandale are pretty good.
Dillondrd Daiagi
Dillondrd Daiagi - 8 years ago
hey nichole i just came home from or dinner plz upload more and also i can prove it's dillon because i'm still trying to t glitter on david
Dillondrd Daiagi
Dillondrd Daiagi - 8 years ago
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
Dillondrd Daiagi hahaha you found me!!! this is where I'm bringing you to dive with us, but we can bring a kayak or paddleboard for you to hang out on too :) love ya cousin happy bday again!!!!
Adolf Argarin
Adolf Argarin - 8 years ago
i luv these pretty girl
João Madureira
João Madureira - 8 years ago
well done, good vídeo. you seems very calm and consious on water, i like how you take decisions and move underwater. i will fallow you, good vídeos and Tarpons.
brandon records
brandon records - 8 years ago
Let's just have a round of applause for that back side
malaihiboi - 8 years ago
Holy smokes, every guys dream... Good god.
Ben Dacanay
Ben Dacanay - 8 years ago
that cone shell that you turned over is VERY poisonous! be careful!
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
Ben Dacanay it was a Conch so it was safe :)
Dale Gross
Dale Gross - 8 years ago
You're really amazing, and in so many ways. I'm jaded with the internet, but you stand out and are refreshing, in that, you are this total and amazing package of a woman and a human being.
TheLoner801 - 8 years ago
I don't know what is more impressive, you gorgeous little bum or the way you caught that lobster at 26:00 mark.
ThisIsG - 8 years ago
5:15 theres a ufo in the back! you can tell because its a random ball of light in the middle of no where!
L. CH.
L. CH. - 8 years ago
So cool :) Thanks for sharing it.
ManufacturedReality - 8 years ago
I'm here for the fish. ;)
Juan Ruiz
Juan Ruiz - 8 years ago
I miss those warmer waters. So demotivating to dive out here in California.
Влад М
Влад М - 8 years ago
how you do not afraid of sharks?
Knife Nut
Knife Nut - 8 years ago
I wish my nice cock was that snorkel.
aaron panasiuk
aaron panasiuk - 8 years ago
Sick video and bad ass sound track (Y)
pkbjorn35 - 8 years ago
Superfun vid, beautiful woman, it looked awsome. I wanna live like that too
pkbjorn35 - 8 years ago
11:20 those fish following you was super cool :-)
izakaman - 8 years ago
you are very brave. I would be afraid out there. Nice video
Matdogg2k - 8 years ago
If I was a fish I would let you catch me
Neil Rodriguez
Neil Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Great video ..that was pretty awesome ..Share more adventures with us ..Thanks
apogeus2 - 8 years ago
i can spearfish your fish Nicole
Jason Miller
Jason Miller - 8 years ago
Wow have me hooked. Love your write up almost as much as the video. You are right though, the world under water is hypnotizing with beauty. I've always had a deep desire to dive and hunt, but you have aroused a monster within me. Please keep making these awsome videos!
Asys11 - 8 years ago
Amazing to watch. Can't understand how you can be under water for that long, guess its many years of training. If you would upload videos like this regularly, Im sure you would get alot of subscibers and could make a good profit from YouTube. Really harmonic to watch the underwater life. Nothing we can see for ourself here in Sweden haha
Alex Maldonado Sanchez
Alex Maldonado Sanchez - 8 years ago
i would like to know where ? in east cost can i go diving
Andrew N
Andrew N - 8 years ago
Great video. Thank you for showing not only some great diving and fishing but also conservation.
tinynoggin - 8 years ago
you are a real 5 star badass
skin diving, while spearing, while taking video with a selfie all the while looking so omg
gordoak4777 - 8 years ago
thank you :-)
gordoak4777 - 8 years ago
hello where can i bay the pole you use
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
gordoak4777 it's a Riffe pole spear, also on Instagram @riffe_international. They are the BEST!!!!
Frank C
Frank C - 8 years ago
here in cali we are not allow to "tickle" or use any tool to push out a lobster or catch a legal size lobster...hands only and got to carry your ruler at all times!... awesome video, awesome hostess !
Marcos Benitez
Marcos Benitez - 8 years ago
im in loved with you my god so much beauty
DaebakMonkey - 8 years ago
Have you ever tried using a speargun and going after larger game? Nice video. You are pretty dang good for only doing it for a year. It took me about w years to get that good in Puget Sound, Washington.
David B
David B - 8 years ago
Really loved your video. My hope is that you get enough subs so you can make enough to do this as much as you want as it is obvious that you love it. Good luck, cutie!
Mike L Hawaii
Mike L Hawaii - 8 years ago
RIchard Perez
RIchard Perez - 8 years ago
Damm i've never seen a girl free dive the way you do, awesome I got to watch more your videos.
Gandolf - 8 years ago
She hunts fish. Where do I find her?
nick clay
nick clay - 8 years ago
Suddenly I'm really into spear fishing!
The Home Barman
The Home Barman - 8 years ago
So Hot, nothing like a good drink to go with it though!
One Ocean
One Ocean - 8 years ago
you are the most beautiful woman I ever know! Great video!!!!
SERGIO ALMEDIA - 8 years ago
oi ok ok..
SERGIO ALMEDIA - 8 years ago
oi oi oi
Spyros Livieratos
Spyros Livieratos - 8 years ago
I am in LOOOOVE!!!!
dave thompson
dave thompson - 8 years ago
Awesome video, looks like allot of fun. Very game going it alone though.
cluttz Locc
cluttz Locc - 8 years ago
Nicole surfer can I be your surf board?? lolol pretty hotand tempting great vid
strini2 - 8 years ago
una vera sirenetta...bellissima! real mermaid ... beautiful!
Daniel Hagin
Daniel Hagin - 8 years ago
hey nic were u been we need more vids ??????
Russ Batik
Russ Batik - 8 years ago
Nicole Surfer hi u have weigth that u attach to ur body..
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
Agreed! I am finishing up getting some last footage, stay tuned! Thanks for watching :)!!!!
Charles Clements
Charles Clements - 8 years ago
Where is your dive buddy? Surely you are not free diving alone, are you? Why has not some one chastise you for that? How many times does Ted H. have to tell people not to free dive alone before any one listens? Next time you put up a free diving video, it had better be "we" instead of "I".
Steven Tenbears
Steven Tenbears - 8 years ago
id be diving in that for days
Qua Phan
Qua Phan - 8 years ago
That body is to die for!!!! would have taken back my like and unsubscribed if you took that lobster with all the eggs....good job !!! fun video to watch!!! love all them fishes swimming with you...
Samuel Morales
Samuel Morales - 8 years ago
Wish I had a girlfriend like you
William Benner
William Benner - 8 years ago
Good job with putting that lobster back with eggs!
allen olson
allen olson - 8 years ago
i was memorized by your skill and mostly the passion and respect you have for the water creatures... God Bless you !
gypana - 8 years ago
I'm not too sure about tying speared fish close to your body though, you never know.
Olivieri Leonardo
Olivieri Leonardo - 8 years ago
sarai una gran figa bella ma cervello zero.
Olivieri Leonardo
Olivieri Leonardo - 8 years ago
se ti infilzassero a te? come fai tu ai pesci
Michael Sullivan
Michael Sullivan - 8 years ago
Solo Spearfishing? Holy shit you're crazy girl. But great video btw..
Paolo Santi
Paolo Santi - 8 years ago
first of all congratulations for the video .... what kind of gun use? I've never seen before
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
It's called a pole spear, and that one is a 6ft carbon fiber "Riffe" brand, my favorite :) Very primitive style. Thank you!!!
xxx xxx
xxx xxx - 8 years ago
I loved your video, need to work on the audio, we can't hear properly what you are saying.
but in general loved it, you're such a beautiful lady, hopefully your next video will be in Sharm El Sheikh :-)
Mark Clift
Mark Clift - 8 years ago
mmmmmm  lobster!
Ivanilson Mendens
Ivanilson Mendens - 8 years ago
parabéns muito showwwwwwwwwww
MattHoff4Designs - 8 years ago
what kinda of fish where following you ?
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
they were baby bar jacks (jack fish family) They get much bigger. They were hanging out with me for safety it was really neat. :)
Jesse Broome
Jesse Broome - 8 years ago
Spearfishing and martial arts, my two favorite sports... I am a fan! You just need a yacht with a nice RIB to fish from...
Norcal Dynarider
Norcal Dynarider - 8 years ago
I rather see her dive without the wetsuit!!!!
James Owen
James Owen - 8 years ago
You make me smile just watching you.
So cute yet deceptively seductive.
You make me want to get my Mares and sling spear and go for a swim!
You are soo cute.
ChefGiovanni - 8 years ago
Cool video. I like how you editied several dives together. Impressive how deep you dive. What kind of sling spear is that your using ? I love to snorkel to wreck dive.
João Madureira
João Madureira - 8 years ago
i like your moves and decisions underwater... i saw the lobster mothers eggs, before you touch her... and im here, release her release her. so you saw it and take her back... sory my inglesh, im from brazil. nice vídeo and tarpons. congratulations.
Raul Fajardo
Raul Fajardo - 8 years ago
Nicole Surfer b
ChefGiovanni - 8 years ago
Awesome. Wish I could cook us a fresh fish meal someday.
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
It's a pole spear, different from a hawaiian sling but also a primitive style. Mine is a carbon fiber 6ft "Riffe" brand, I love it. Thanks!!
you have a great video i watched every min of it. thanks for sharing with the world.If you have a chance check my channel out.if you like hit subscribe.let me know you did and ill say WHAT UP! HOLLA AT YA BOY!!!!!
smokster0604 - 8 years ago
Yes a salty bitch for sure......keep up the great footage....hookem and cookem.....
Ivan Martinez
Ivan Martinez - 8 years ago
xavier asuncion
xavier asuncion - 8 years ago
do you love eating fish?
Olotele Forge
Olotele Forge - 8 years ago
You are awesome! Subscribed....
nowhereland25 - 8 years ago
enjoy that bikini bod for all but 1 minute of this vid ;)
Ivan YU
Ivan YU - 8 years ago
какая телочка!!!
Ryan Wood
Ryan Wood - 8 years ago
great enthusiasm! shows passion. worth subscribing! xo
john vernon
john vernon - 8 years ago
where are the lobster claws? I notice they are broken off gone?
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
yes I could not grab them if they had the claws, here we can do that :)
john vernon
john vernon - 8 years ago
thank you for telling me that, I did not know
Ed G
Ed G - 8 years ago
Florida lobsters unlike Maine lobsters do not have claws
konstantin Roitman
konstantin Roitman - 8 years ago
TheAnglingAddict - 8 years ago
lovely body
Rob Talaska
Rob Talaska - 8 years ago
I would love to try this but I just can't hold my breath that long or free dive as deep as you can. I tried it in the Andros Islands with some locals and just could not keep up. A true skill. I guess I will have to stick with traditional fishing from my boat in SWFL. Not such a bad thing. Great video, thanks.
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
practice, practice, practice....and it will build up, you would be surprised how quickly! Thanks!!
Poolshark79 - 8 years ago
Hi, off of which beach are you finding these spots?
thruid3 - 8 years ago
Great video Nicole, thx for sharing. It takes me back to my youth, free diving and spearfishing. Just awesome
B!tch Slap
B!tch Slap - 8 years ago
now i believe on mermaid
Miqallani Ehmes
Miqallani Ehmes - 8 years ago
B!tch Slap
William Benner
William Benner - 8 years ago
Evgeniy Pastushenko
Evgeniy Pastushenko - 8 years ago
What are beautiful girl!!!
Critter Catcher
Critter Catcher - 8 years ago
I'm looking to go in June. Where can I go close to shore? I hear FL has lots of regs. Thanks.
Critter Catcher
Critter Catcher - 8 years ago
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
I'm so sorry I don't share my exact would get too crowded. But there are dive shops that will point you in the right directions. And for regulations there is a great phone app called "Fish Rules", also the state regulation site: Hope this helps!!
Aljon peña
Aljon peña - 8 years ago
tumbs up! from Philippines!
Angus and Vivian Adventures
Angus and Vivian Adventures - 8 years ago
Did you say "Fish me luck?" Cause if so, great pun :)
adam yelland
adam yelland - 8 years ago
Ricardo Armentero
Ricardo Armentero - 8 years ago
please tell us yours flaws, or have we found perfection? great footage in the lovely reefs and shallows of miami.
Сергей Киселёв
Сергей Киселёв - 8 years ago
Мне в России приходится снимать увы в мене прозрачной воде
AE LIVESTYLE - 8 years ago
I love you.
LouSpowell - 8 years ago
14:54. You're welcome.
Subhunter Spearfishing
Subhunter Spearfishing - 8 years ago
Will you merry me? Jk
Tony Mayo
Tony Mayo - 8 years ago
I'm in love!!!
alex teixeira
alex teixeira - 8 years ago
Adorei meus parabéns.
nick cotter
nick cotter - 8 years ago
cool bb a real outdoors person like me wish i could meet 1 like her
Brett Smith
Brett Smith - 8 years ago
wow, awesome video. At times i was holding my breath to see if i could match yours while you were underwater. yeah i know. im a dork. im moving to ft lauderdale in a week, and ive been watching videos on YouTube for lobster hunting. I've never been spear fishing before. Your video has definitely sparked the desire to also try that. Any info or tips you could give me would be much appreciated. Do you go out by yourself or with a group of people spear finishing? Hopefully i can search online and see if i can find someone to break the ice and show me the ropes for a first time fish spear outing. I checked out your youtube channel. You need more videos. :-) Keep up the great work. Hopefully I can spear fish soon.

Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
Hi Brett, I did/do the same thing at home practicing holding my breath with divers that are much better than I am! It works! lol. I would recommend getting certified, and also going alone has some serious inherent risks so although I do it I cannot tell anyone it's the way to go. I take my own risks based on the knowledge i have of them, and I minimize them all the best I can, and it's a personal choice. But if you join a group, I have a good friend who's a phenom diver and instructor; you will make friends & groups through doing things like that :) Hope this helps! And thank you so much, I'm honored to have sparked your inspiration!
Jonah Clement
Jonah Clement - 8 years ago
Fantastic video, Absolutely Incredible Nicole !!!!
Throttles Down
Throttles Down - 8 years ago
My son and I started out with spear poles and I would have to say, your much better than we were. There aren't to many woman into this sport, so good on you!
Дмитрий Хаустов
Дмитрий Хаустов - 8 years ago
You are very beautiful!
Дмитрий Хаустов
Дмитрий Хаустов - 8 years ago
Ruben Rivera
Ruben Rivera - 8 years ago
I like the video great job! Where is this in Florida, I am a spearo also and just moved to Florida looking to learn the sites. If the community has info I would appreciate it.
8redwhiteshark - 8 years ago
Awesome YT video and pics! : )
flysubcompact - 8 years ago
A stone cold beautiful huntress. A good bit of that footage was out you out solo. (not to be crude, but) I'm thinking your five pound brass testicles must be internal. :) Good for you.
BRAVO NICOLE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jasper jack
jasper jack - 8 years ago
u make it look easy , awesome breath
Ivan Lekovic
Ivan Lekovic - 8 years ago
a ltl bit windy and with the waves today, but I'm going .... you know where..:-)
Ivan Lekovic
Ivan Lekovic - 8 years ago
Hi Nicole, salutation from cote d azur :-)
Jonathan Brown
Jonathan Brown - 8 years ago
Where in South Florida are you at at 3:40?
Joseph Tien
Joseph Tien - 8 years ago
Hey Nicole I've noticed that you don't attach the float line to your spear. How come don't you do it? I'm also going down to Florida in May and I was told not to put fishes on the stringer, is it true?
Joseph Tien
Joseph Tien - 8 years ago
Ryan Waugh Damn
Ryan Waugh
Ryan Waugh - 8 years ago
Check out 17:26 on the top right hand corner. Had a friend who didn't use the stringer and tied fish on him. He is no more as a result.
Fellow Spearo
South Africa
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
it's often shallow water so I don't have to worry about my spear being difficult to retrieve after shooting a fish, also yes the fish on your stringer will attract sharks. It's not as sharky in south Florida as farther north, so I can get away with it without getting bothered. It's more risky though. I have tied off my stringer then come back to an empty one at least once for sure...
mario jacobo
mario jacobo - 8 years ago
You eat a lot of fish or do you sell them?
Mark Stewart
Mark Stewart - 8 years ago
watch your video on free. diving totally amazed how comfortable you are in the water I wish I could do that like you
Outdoorscout - 8 years ago
New sub here. Geat video.
RA D - 8 years ago
Nicole, you are a beautiful creature in and out of the water. It's not often that you see such an attractive woman, into this sport. I would love to know the locations your diving on and their depths. Can't wait to see more of your diving adventures. Oh, and I too, love to be in the water when it's raining.
manobr2000 - 8 years ago
2:18  wow ! :)
Justin Nova
Justin Nova - 8 years ago
This is amazing!!! where in South Florida? I wanna move there asap.. lol. And check out my videos if you don't mind :)
ahendley3 - 8 years ago
that ass wow would I like to bite it!!!
canal-livre vitória
canal-livre vitória - 8 years ago
Hi how are you? I signed up on your channel for some time,
a beautiful canal congratulations, who visited the mine?
just go there and mano part,
grateful and continue in toasting with beautiful videos
and adventures
Porglit - 8 years ago
Music starting at 11:15?
Katsutoshi Nomura
Katsutoshi Nomura - 8 years ago
Porglit van
A minha r cmX
Tony Mayo
Tony Mayo - 8 years ago
a true mermaid!
Porglit - 8 years ago
Turns out it's Bassnectar - Chasing Heaven. Great soundtrack, thanks!
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
I can't remember the name this second, but it's all mainly a mix of Bassnectar and Odesza :)
Domnaek - 8 years ago
Could you please stop being so hot?^^ Nice shooting though! Wish we had this much fish in the mediterranean sea...
krazymarmot - 8 years ago
the lobster you take are sooo small omfg
krazymarmot - 8 years ago
the fish you take are small. ..
Harm Olga
Harm Olga - 8 years ago
don t you need faking air?
Steven Ubiera
Steven Ubiera - 8 years ago
Hi, Love you video!! where in Florida is this? I free dive as well but with my friends who usually go to Dania.
conrad powers
conrad powers - 8 years ago
Please don't hand fish off your waist like that. The fish leaves a blood trail. I've heard of a man having a chunk of his side taken, by a shark going for the fish.
conrad powers
conrad powers - 8 years ago
Sorry, 'hang' - not 'hand'
My Travel Vanz
My Travel Vanz - 8 years ago
Wow hot chicks... Awesome, Adventures... enjoyed it!..
A K - 8 years ago
you need a color filter for your camera. ;)
Terry Harms
Terry Harms - 8 years ago
question about the flippers, are long soft ones better the short stiffer ones?
I dont know so I am asking
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
sorry to take so long, they each have different pros and cons in different's best explained in a dive shop by the people there and you can hold and bend them to see the differences. Carbon fiber, long freediving fins are much firmer so without the flex, all of your kicking energy drives you forward and pushes your momentum forward harder. However, this also means it's harder on your legs and in the beginning it's easy to cramp up and you use muscles you aren't used to. So they also have great rubber, long freediving fins that work great as well, and are much more affordable. For just typical snorkeling or ocean cruising you can get almost anything, just make sure your foot pocket is comfy :) Hope this helps a little!
dejan sverko
dejan sverko - 8 years ago
long soft ones are better..
Terry Harms
Terry Harms - 8 years ago
Wow am I impressed unreal and thank you so much for showing me what I need to impove on in my life style, That was one of the best I have seen to date,
Thank you two for sharing, \
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
aw thank you so much!! I use other's video to help inspire me as well, so glad I could do a little for you :) Hope to see your videos one day!
Ty Olopai
Ty Olopai - 8 years ago
Love your videos Nicole! I'm a Hollywood Florida resident. It's hard to find a fishing buddy. Ring me up whenever you need one. ;)
jose filippo
jose filippo - 8 years ago
New vid anytime soon?
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
Yes soon!
Odins warrior /Deutscher Krieger
Odins warrior /Deutscher Krieger - 8 years ago
ask me the same
jose filippo
jose filippo - 8 years ago
Wassup new here
ekim andersom
ekim andersom - 8 years ago
What a beauty
Frank LoGrande
Frank LoGrande - 8 years ago
Wow, pretty awesome video and you are a pretty special person. So I subscribed , but then I noticed your last video was a few months ago. That's disappointing, was hoping to see some current stuff. Hope you do something soon, anything....cause I am sure coming from you, it will be awesome!! Stay safe out there...and to the camera out for each other out there, but I'm Sure you already know that. :)
uwman1978 - 8 years ago
Wow you can hold your breath for ages!!! Would love to see some uncut full length dives :)!!
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
Thank you so much! You're right, and I'm working on a new video now and will be posting more frequently in the upcoming months! Thanks so much for the support :)
Nazar N
Nazar N - 8 years ago
molto bello!
Mansur - 8 years ago
ItsAlexN - 8 years ago
Oh my god marry me. Kidding- But for real great video, I'm trying to get into spear fishing, just bought all the gear last week now I just have to find someone to go with. If you're ever in San Diego hit me up!
Андрей Иванов
Андрей Иванов - 7 years ago
Nicole Surfer hope just not fucking buddies , oh well, however )
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
FYI hope you guys have been diving together by now, that's pretty awesome if you guys became dive buddies as a result of this! Makes me happy when you see people connect and reach out to each other :) You're awesome!
Michael Hodgson
Michael Hodgson - 8 years ago
send me a message

tag subject with freediving
ItsAlexN - 8 years ago
Fuck yeah man. What's your number?
Michael Hodgson
Michael Hodgson - 8 years ago
DUDE!! I LIVE IN SAN DIEGO!!! Lets fucking go man
marceloevera2009 - 8 years ago
27:20 best part of the video
Geraint Davies
Geraint Davies - 8 years ago
found the virgins.
grayboo212 - 8 years ago
She is spearfishing.  The camera guy is hunting clams.  Appears to have found a good one.
paraskevas ptohos
paraskevas ptohos - 8 years ago
perfect.. my regards from Greece!
Matthew Lizardi
Matthew Lizardi - 8 years ago
Hi im also new and before i go out for the first time i was wondering if u know any spots that i can go to without a boat and i live in new york so spots near ny. Im 11 and i love all things outdoors so any suggestions would be great
Juan José Brito Lara
Juan José Brito Lara - 8 years ago
grate video. thanks for doing. congratulations . saludos. desde Merida Yucatan México
Subhunter Spearfishing
Subhunter Spearfishing - 8 years ago
Will you merry me?
oxlydangerfield - 8 years ago
Wow, I wish I could freedive like you, that looks amazing! Can't believe how you don't get cold without a wetsuit after several hours in the water, I get cold when I've scuba dived in tropical climates even with a wetsuit.
Great video, keep them coming!!!
Aragorn Elessar
Aragorn Elessar - 8 years ago
I have swum in the ocean before, I used to live near a coast...but never tried spearfishing. What really gets me though is how long you hold your breath under there...I'm so worried of passing out and drowning.

Did you take special lessons or is that just practice?
Naiomi Ortiz
Naiomi Ortiz - 8 years ago
hi, I'm really new to pole spearfishing (and I'm only 14) and I really want a GOOD pole, can you please help me?
Odins warrior /Deutscher Krieger
Odins warrior /Deutscher Krieger - 8 years ago
+Nicole Surfer ok
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
Congrats on getting into it, that's awesome! I love my Riffe pole spear, it's amazing quality and also the fastest, which will help you get fish farther away. If you need something inexpensive but will also work, the 6ft yellow spear "Trident" will work fine for you as well. You can actually see I'm using it early on in the video, also works great! If you get a Trident though, then upgrade youf tip and band to get a better performance. A single barb flopper tip is perfect. Also, there is a "Fish Rules" app, very important to memorize your legal fish and size requirements before shoot anything.Taking a freedive course is also going to be one of the best things to do. Have fun out there, and I would love for you to share your videos even as your learning!
judofan - 8 years ago
I definitely have no experience, so forgive my ignorance, but are you ever concern about sharks, you seem so relax out there, and how do you develop to hold your breath for so long. Thank you for your videos, great job.
Titanforge62601 - 7 years ago
judofan there are excersizes that you can take to help with holding your breathe. A man i heard cycles 200 mikes a week to help build up stamina and lung capacity.
Андрей Иванов
Андрей Иванов - 7 years ago
judofan if i was a shark i would stay away from her, she has a spear and a knife !
______ M
______ M - 8 years ago
I'm new to this, just did 2 dives (twice) so far, I see that you are very skilled!!
How long have you been Freediving??
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
glad you're getting into it and thanks! This video is of my first few months (if I have a yellow spear that's in the beginning) up to around a year. Enjoy it out there and it all just fills in naturally :) have fun!
the huckster
the huckster - 8 years ago
do you see many fish of the kind that like to bite us???? lol
Palm Beach Chico
Palm Beach Chico - 8 years ago
awesome video you are brave
GTZ - 8 years ago
you are beautiful and strong girl... mmm.. so different.. i like it
c s.
c s. - 8 years ago
Are you going to put out anymore videos of you spear fishing? Would love to see more.
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
yes definitely, I have a lot of new footage now and it will be coming soon :) thank you!!!!
c s.
c s. - 8 years ago
How long can you hold your breath for nicole?
Billie Bleach
Billie Bleach - 8 years ago
Nice bird...
Mohammed Alzayat
Mohammed Alzayat - 8 years ago
You are gorgeous
Ron Carp
Ron Carp - 8 years ago
Hi Ms. Nicole, that's awesome skill and great video...Do you go spearfishing alone? aren't you frightened of sharks/barracudas etc.?
Kenan Zudjelovic
Kenan Zudjelovic - 8 years ago
Gr8 video Nicole,
Nice catches, water and you also :)
Do u know were I could order good pole spear with all of the equipment?
Thanks in advance and gl in next dives
Alex Menendez
Alex Menendez - 8 years ago
Hi, love your vids....please tell me the type of gear you favor......sticks, speargun....what brands for East Coast?
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
Thank you!! Love these questions because I love my gear lol...ok..pole spear recommendation is a RIFFE hands down. Worth every penny. Lightning fast and farthest range, game changer. If you like a snorkel with a purge the Riffe Stable snorkel is amazing. Molchanov fins are amazing, every top diver I know who has used them says they blow other top brands out of the water, they are a European brand, but look them up- they have carbon fiber foot inserts that make the boot stiff so you have the most effective energy transference. Pretty awesome. The Otter Float is a great shore diving float, I will show it more soon. Soon I'll be getting a Torelli wetsuit, which makes some of the coolest patterns and colors and everyone loves their Torelli suits, amazing quality, from Australia. I'm super excited to get their red suit, I think it's the most bad ass one I've ever seen haha. I will be using a Torelli carbon speargun, which I understand to be a pretty amazing gun...great feedback from the most experienced and talented divers I know. You'll see everything pop up in future videos here and there for sure :) Have fun out there, hope this helps!
Vlad Xavier
Vlad Xavier - 8 years ago
Dear lord, a kickass woman spearfishing!

Please marry me!
Temren Alican
Temren Alican - 8 years ago
Why do the fish follow you? I also noticed that myself when i go diving the fish follow me around and I always thought it's creepy as hell. It's like they're waiting for an opportunity to go all piranha on me.
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
I believe it's for protection from other larger predatory fish. When they see you are not hunting them, they want to stick with you for security. The weird moment was after an hour of them being with me they suddenly took off disappearing and I was all alone wondering...uh oh...what did they know that I didn't? Got nervous for a second and was looking around for something scary haha
Chris Wildoner
Chris Wildoner - 8 years ago
I just stumbled upon your site and enjoyed the video. this is why I miss Florida and want to move back when I can! abundant of marine life and beautiful waters!
David Frost
David Frost - 8 years ago
nice video but not nice to take lobster with eggs
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
Agreed! Which is why the moment I realized it was a pregnant female I released her, it's all in the same video clip. I put her back in the hole I took her from, after apologizing profusely to her! I responded already to someone else who misunderstood as well, will copy and paste--> : "That was my very first time actually catching a pregnant lobster and seeing them aside from just hearing about what it looked like. It's clearly very obvious! I did know you must release them. But there are times when it's impossible to see things like that sooner than a little later, but now I know to look at their underbelly sooner. When it's your first time having a first hand experience you often do it different the next time. I felt so bad I even stressed her out and broke her antenna, if you can hear I'm calling it a "him" until I see the eggs then I say "oh I'm so sorry I took your antenna baby!" haha...I wanted her to have an easy experience surviving and peacefully having her eggs. If these beautiful creatures aren't going to be a food source I definitely try not to stress them out and want them to thrive. I agree with you not to hurt the future generations! :)"
FreeDiving FreeLiving
FreeDiving FreeLiving - 8 years ago
I know you want the exact location to be disclosed, but might I ask what city this is? I do a lot of open water spearing, but might want to check out some diving such as this.
Tristan Carr
Tristan Carr - 8 years ago
Sometimes it looks like you are out there by urself? you are brave girl
cherrabi mohammed
cherrabi mohammed - 8 years ago
i feel in love...
Cédric BOCAHUT - 8 years ago
You should go in New-Caledonia, you will be in paradise ! Nice video ! Thanks you ;)
DJ Jorge Castellanos
DJ Jorge Castellanos - 8 years ago
Wow! That is all....just Wow! Ive grown up in So Fla surfing up & down the coast... and been heavy into rod/reel/boat fishing now for over 10 yrs, Own a pair of spearguns but I cant hold my breath for the life of me..... this is pretty inspiring to see. Keep it up & stay safe! :) Im gonna go lose 20lbs, quit smoking and practice breath holds on my couch now. LOL  ;)
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
+DJ Jorge aka Stealth hope you have a blast! I don't like thinking about how well I do, it's what you get out of it (I believe), and thanks so much!!
DJ Jorge Castellanos
DJ Jorge Castellanos - 8 years ago
We're booked in Key largo for 5 days around the mini season :)
Keep you posted. I can only go about 15-20ft, but like you steps. Again, thanks for the inspiration. Keep it up. Love how you respect the resource.
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
aw that makes me so happy! And happy for you!! Do it and you are going to feel so great, hope you start today..and would love to watch any video you take out there. And don't worry about waiting to get to a certain point before getting out there. Get out there asap and you'll adapt while having a great time, just do it right off the bat, it's motivating to see all that beauty and keep it going. Be safe and yes the couch breath holds are the safe way to go ;) thanks for inspiring me too with your decision!!
MICHAEL GREKO - 8 years ago
vitor soeiro
vitor soeiro - 8 years ago
muito bom e muito linda também rs.
Frank Herrnkind
Frank Herrnkind - 8 years ago
Frank Herrnkind
Frank Herrnkind - 8 years ago
I agree. It is like hunting with a simple bow. It evens the playing field. How long did it take your links to adapt?
Dillon Snyder
Dillon Snyder - 8 years ago
Please tell everyone where this is so close to the beach?
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
Hi Dillon! I would love to share it because I love everyone to have great experiences out there! However, I can't share exactly where I go for a few reasons, but mainly because I realize it would change my experience out there because the result would be potentially many, many divers flooding to those spots and clearing it out. It's better to be spread out so there isn't a substantial impact on 1 location. Also I feel I'm not greedy and respectful in my methods, and there not everyone is that way. Hope you understand! There are many locations you can search for with research, a beautiful easier diving location, although you cannot spear there (it's protected) is Blue Heron bridge in Palm Beach, fl. If you want to see incredible underwater life and abundance it's a great spot! Enjoy!
Simon Kong
Simon Kong - 8 years ago
you are fantastic - sexy, attractive and awesome hunter. What a woman!!!
Angel C
Angel C - 8 years ago
Mesmerized with your spearing video... You are an awesome apnea diver/hunter and I applaud you for going alone...
Keep it up and share your videos so I can see you catch an elusive monster hog...
FreeDiving FreeLiving
FreeDiving FreeLiving - 8 years ago
I know what you're talking about, but I would say I'm very talented at free diving, and I wouldn't go alone. Not anymore at least.
Angel C
Angel C - 8 years ago
I hear you but the fact that she is doing it draws me that much more...
FreeDiving FreeLiving
FreeDiving FreeLiving - 8 years ago
Why alone? If she has a swb, she's gone bud. Never dive alone. Too many friends of mine have died from diving alone.
kayak Fishing Giosa
kayak Fishing Giosa - 8 years ago
great video !!!! congratulations! !
Frank Herrnkind
Frank Herrnkind - 8 years ago
What is the type of spear do you like best? Do you prefer slings to guns? Thanks
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
I use the pole spear, I am open to anything but right now I'm loving the natural and more primitive aspect and feel of it. Riffe is my favorite :)
FireMan51 - 8 years ago
Отличное видео! Молодчинка, так держать!)
mariano lopez
mariano lopez - 8 years ago
How far the reefs from shore? 2 miles?
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
a couple hundred yards offshore usually, for 1st reef
vfxanimacion - 8 years ago
When are you coming to Panama?
blackbirdx7777 - 8 years ago
What beaches/coasts are these? Thanks
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
South florida :)
Riley Brannon
Riley Brannon - 8 years ago
27:05... Nice lobster!
manmarvel - 8 years ago
Its also ilegal to bring a female lobster out of the water, as the eggs aré very fragile, and such an experience can easily kill Many of the eggs
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
That was my very first time actually catching a pregnant lobster and seeing them aside from just hearing about what it looked like. It's clearly very obvious! I did know you must release them. But there are times when it's impossible to see things like that sooner than a little later, but now I know to look at their underbelly sooner. When it's your first time having a first hand experience you often do it different the next time. I felt so bad I even stressed her out and broke her antenna, if you can hear I'm calling it a "him" until I see the eggs then I say "oh I'm so sorry I took your antenna baby!" haha...I wanted her to have an easy experience surviving and peacefully having her eggs. If these beautiful creatures aren't going to be a food source I definitely try not to stress them out and want them to thrive. I agree with you not to hurt the future generations! :)
manmarvel - 8 years ago
Hey nicole, good job on the hunting, but the regulations on triggerfish aré 14 inches fork length. At 3:20 i saw some that couldnt have Been that size. Please follow the regulations, or else youll just be another poacher, not leaving fish for the up and coming generations. Your thoughts on this would be appreciated!
manmarvel - 8 years ago
awesome stuff ! glad you are a responsible spearo. keep up the good work haha
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
Thanks! The limits are actually 12" for length in this area, I use my "Fish Rules" app and am always up to date. This video spanned from a little bit of 2014-2015 (I'm new to the sport). Those were my earliest days (yellow spear shows those) in 2014 when the limit used to be 10" total length, then in 2015 it was raised to 12"FL, same as a hogfish now. So you are right those are undersized by today's rules :) I do care very much about helping people understand the limits which I support and respect as conservation reasons. I have another video- "cleaning a triggerfish" and I made a special point to go back after the rules change and put an update playing over the video "2015 update size has been increased to 12" FL" to help spread awareness. So I agree with you on respecting the limits and it bummed me out to even think of that there was a reduction in the population, I now see much fewer that are size and I rarely shoot them anymore. Those are my thoughts, we are on the same page... and also thanks for the compliment!
Wagner Eduardo
Wagner Eduardo - 8 years ago
parabens garota muito bom
Cisco C
Cisco C - 8 years ago
very cool.
David Wielt
David Wielt - 8 years ago
Nicole how do you hold your breath so long underwater!!!
David Wielt
David Wielt - 8 years ago
Your welcome!
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
a lot of practice, even at home breath holding on the couch! Thanks!!
jpat99 - 8 years ago
Great video. Very peaceful and can see why some love diving so much.
Jody Ho
Jody Ho - 8 years ago
great camera work w the lobsters! thank you to your dive buddy...!
Andrs Mntzs
Andrs Mntzs - 8 years ago
David Fuentes
David Fuentes - 8 years ago
Hi, what program do you use to edit your videos ?
David Fuentes
David Fuentes - 8 years ago
+Nicole Surfer if it is true but most do not have quality
because your videos are not lost quality?
or you lower the quality of your video?
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
Sony Vegas Pro...something like that, it's good but I don't think it's anything special, I believe there are much newer easier programs to use honestly hah
Gypsea - 8 years ago
I've been looking for a free diving course near me for a while now and saw this. You are so inspiring. I'm booking a course this summer!
Gypsea - 8 years ago
+Nicole Surfer Oh I only wish I was in warmer waters like FL! I'm in the Portland area but fly home to HI as much as I can. Thank you for the referral though! I'll look for you on IG, I'm @gypsea.journey. Maybe someday I'll do videos. Looking forward to your next one!
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
Aw that makes me so happy and thank you!!! I'm no sure which area you're in, but if you're Florida then my buddy Forrest is an amazing instructor Have fun and I hope to watch your videos in the future!
Muhammad Abdel-fattah
Muhammad Abdel-fattah - 8 years ago
I just gave you my first subscription ever! Great video;)
IreneBella - 8 years ago
Woouu eres increible !!! sub + like ;D
Georges Sejaan
Georges Sejaan - 8 years ago
Amazing Nicole !
GailF2010 - 8 years ago
Nicole, you could give Sheri Daye a run for her money!Do you live in the Fl. Keys?  If so, you should join Wild Women On the Water (WWOW).
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
I don't know about that haha, she's awesome... but thanks! No competition mentality for me I just love being out there, and the more the merrier :)
Timothy Dolphin
Timothy Dolphin - 8 years ago
Hey Nicole check out my YouTube channel Timothy Bechtel. I feedive and swim with Dolphins. Very nice Video you have here you can check out some of mine AS well. Im at Facebook, Timothy Bechtel
Demos Par
Demos Par - 8 years ago
ufallout23 - 8 years ago
You're a smooth swimmer.
M DEE - 8 years ago
make friends with the lobster and then kill his neighbor is still living a double standard
David Hidalgo
David Hidalgo - 8 years ago
Hey I am new to spear fishing and I don't have a boat what beach is this?
Miguel Collazo
Miguel Collazo - 8 years ago
nice video godbless you salute from Puerto Rico take care.
LUIS FRANCO - 8 years ago
Good job Nicole, Que Dios the cuide en el mar and stay safe please.
Metadjer Benali
Metadjer Benali - 8 years ago
chasse sous-marine. sport et loisirs. et le risque aussi
Metadjer Benali
Metadjer Benali - 8 years ago
wooow.underwater hunting. sport and fun. and the risk also..
Frank RICHARD - 8 years ago
I'm sorry I have not instagram, can't send you our pictures
Mahmudul hasan
Mahmudul hasan - 8 years ago
Woaw ......beautiful
fotfoti - 8 years ago
question no1: don't you guys have great white and tiger sharks roaming around in these waters ?
no2: what kind of fishing gun are you using ? pneumatic ?

PS. you should visit Greece some time, its fishing paradise :) tc
MLA - 8 years ago
Cool. Love the video. Reminds me of spearfishing and catching lobster (nighttime) back in the 1980's in Hawaii. Good memories.
UZIEL RODRIGUEZ - 8 years ago
If I could design the perfect girl, this is what she would look like... im blown away..
marco gemello
marco gemello - 8 years ago
Great soundtack
David Wielt
David Wielt - 8 years ago
Nicole weren't you nervous getting so close to that eel? The first time I went diving in Puerto Rico I saw a very big sting ray it was going underneath me and scared the ever living day lights out of me. Great video!
Вован Сидорович
Вован Сидорович - 8 years ago
Greetings from Russia! When will be new video?
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
diving and getting new footage and just enjoying it out there right now, it will be coming though, thank you and greetings!!
Kostas Floropoulos
Kostas Floropoulos - 8 years ago
Bravo nicole you are very good!!!try to be better.......
Henrique Veloso
Henrique Veloso - 8 years ago
立花徹也 - 8 years ago
Frank RICHARD - 8 years ago
Hello Nicole. We are some friends who spearfishin in New Caledonia. I would like to show you a litle about our country under water but I don't know how to do it. Have you a mail or FB?
Frank RICHARD - 8 years ago
I'm sorry but I don't even know how to use Youtube. I have not instagram so I can't send you pictures of my under water world but as soon it's posible I will post some film of here, promised. Check out this title "NC. OBS" (New Caledonia Old Blod Spear-fishing). :). I'll see you.
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
Wow, I just looked up where that is and it seems amazing! You should upload it to youtube and share it with everyone! I would love to watch it when you do, I love that diving brings everyone around the world together....and you can show what your underwater world looks like! Looking forward to it :)
Kerry Ward
Kerry Ward - 8 years ago
WOW, you are soooo beautiful !
Deli Bedri
Deli Bedri - 7 years ago
Kerry Ward and u are ugly
Michael Adler
Michael Adler - 8 years ago
OMG you're gorgeous and so good at that too! Thanks for the videos. I want to go fishing with you! What part of SoFla are you in? I'm in Palm Beach County.
Pascal Marsoep
Pascal Marsoep - 8 years ago
j'adore respect. ...
Co Mo
Co Mo - 8 years ago
great video...
Yacoub wait for it
Yacoub wait for it - 8 years ago
nicole how come ur not using any guns ? awesome diving nice catching i was in florida last November but water was not that clear .. hey i saw some big fish in ur videos how come u dont shoot one of them will be great for 2 weeks in advance :D nice video i like it
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
Right now I prefer the pole spear but I'm open to always trying new things in the future. I like the primitive and natural feel of the pole spear. Those fish were tarpon, they are inedible. Thanks!
Paulo Cunha
Paulo Cunha - 8 years ago
The most beautiful mermaid Ive ever seen.
rico villa
rico villa - 8 years ago
rico villa
rico villa - 8 years ago
Boudy ElAgmawy
Boudy ElAgmawy - 8 years ago
I would suggest that you come visit Dahab in Egypt ^^
Jimmy Erazo
Jimmy Erazo - 8 years ago
what kind of spear is that?
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
Riffe pole spear :)
WT Rand
WT Rand - 8 years ago
Very cool. Reminds me of the free diving I did when living in the Keys. Did it mention where this video was taken? Thanks for sharing. Wes
DiCh - 8 years ago
Beautiful sea :) To bad im not in florida
Laghmadi Tarik
Laghmadi Tarik - 8 years ago
thanks for this video i wish You have a good sweet things
270WeaMag - 8 years ago
Very good your video Nicole, but want me to say something? You're more good than eating fried fish. You are too beautiful. Greetings from another freediving and spearfishing in Venezuela.
MrBabyc23 - 8 years ago
amazing skills, good stuff keep the vedios coming
jerel de luna
jerel de luna - 8 years ago
do you have facebook or instagram?
jerel de luna
jerel de luna - 8 years ago
got it! great breathing skill you possess, way to go Nicole!
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
instagram @NicoleSurfer thanks!
Michael Hunter Vierra
Michael Hunter Vierra - 8 years ago
i GREW UP IN HAWAII. I saw the things you look at
Michael Hunter Vierra
Michael Hunter Vierra - 8 years ago
You know how many beautiful women there are in the world? Um Teen beautiful mcreATURES LIKE YOU
Superior Underdog
Superior Underdog - 8 years ago
let me get this straight, when someone posts hunting video (that is killing land animals) there is so many dislikes and hate self-rightreous comments, but when someone posts fishing video of any type (that is killing water animals) there are no hate comments and standard number of dislikes (cronic haters). Someone explain me why is this phenomenon exist?
lmedinaxyz - 8 years ago
how long have you been free diving?
James C Eastep
James C Eastep - 8 years ago
I spent the last 30 minutes transfixed, watching you ply your skill, largely photographing yourself with a selfie stick underwater, on ONE breath, spearing fish under coral shelves!!!
I can't imagine how challenging that was.
Your video reminded me of days gone by when I lived in Hawaii (Oahu) where I took every opportunity to hit the water, mostly SCUBA diving with my friends, but also free diving whenever the site was good for that.
I remember well one free dive where I pole speared an octopus (to eat), and he grabbed both my arm and the coral below us. All of a sudden I wasn't sure who had caught who! Of course i did get away for a breath, but he escaped when I surfaced and I retrieved my pole spear, and I was a little wiser for the experience. That dive will live in my memory forever.
Thanks for sharing the dream with the rest of us. You are a beauty and very talented woman.
I just expanded and read your comments....they are wonderful!! You have a great attitude and I am grateful that you share it.
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
wow thank you so much!! :)
Keith Johnson
Keith Johnson - 8 years ago
I love you. My dream girl
ekim andersom
ekim andersom - 8 years ago
In one date? i doubt that Solaray
First Amendment
First Amendment - 8 years ago
And she would take everything you have in 2 seconds.
Albert Ledesma
Albert Ledesma - 8 years ago
Stay in school?! You idiot. I'm a graduate of The Ocean Corporation as a commercial diver, scuba instructor and as of right now, working as an oil rig paramedic offshore. I'd tell you what my yearly income is but will refrain for failure that you just may shit your pants a bit. Joke's on you "smarty pants."
Guy Cruls
Guy Cruls - 8 years ago
these fins look super efficient - may I ask brand and model, please? continuing to watch the video, you swap fins! I was referring to those very long ones, which you wear early on in the video.
great diving skills btw. you look almost like you live down there!
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
because the early part (or with clear fins, or even yellow spear) were my first few months of diving/spearing, I kept getting better ones as time went on. The long one's you see here are Sporasub brand, Spitfire model (very comfortable). They are definitely great and I recommend them. I am now just recently using carbon fiber fins, Molchanov brand...freedivers far far faaaar superior to me have been calling them the best on the market even compared to top brands, they are a European brand and definitely worth it if you are looking for the best and don't mind paying extra for it. Have fun out there and thanks!!!
Jared Tomochak
Jared Tomochak - 8 years ago
Where are you diving it like beautiful I'm looking for new places I'm kinda new to it but do it often I love right by Lauderdale by the sea
OneMoreLife - 8 years ago
Beautiful! Came for the freediving... Stayed for you ;)
wassim Hamuth
wassim Hamuth - 8 years ago
keep it on. Wonderful. From Mauritius Island.
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
Thank you, and just checked out Mauritius Island on google earth...beautiful!
alex gonzalez
alex gonzalez - 8 years ago
Damascus Steele
Damascus Steele - 8 years ago
I don't see many huntress in the ocean. Great to see that you possess great water skills!
Kai Palangi
Kai Palangi - 8 years ago
Nice spear, where do u buy them?
Kai Palangi
Kai Palangi - 8 years ago
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
you can get the Riffe pole spear online, or google for a dive shop's location near you that carries them :) The Riffe is well worth it...
Mike - 8 years ago
you should join THE MIAMI SPINY LOBSTER TOURNAMENT.. mini season 2016... and maybe you could be the first SPINY LOBSTER QUEEN... also THE MIAMI MINI SEASON SLAM ... combined weight ... LionFish, HogFish & Lobster wins you part of the $5000 cash & prize
David Fuentes
David Fuentes - 8 years ago
what kind of ear plugs do you use ?
Scott Harris
Scott Harris - 8 years ago
You are "clearing" your ears because the external pressure is closing off the Eustachian Tubes. You are getting rid of, or clearing, the "blockage".
Justin Bloomberg
Justin Bloomberg - 8 years ago
What do ear plugs do? We all just clear our ears to equalize
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
+David Fuentes No ear plugs necessary :)
Nikhil Kumar
Nikhil Kumar - 8 years ago
you look so hot :* :)
bgswtdaddyliscious - 8 years ago
so you must forgive my mainland ignorant question, but when you are looking under these large rock formation for there a chance a large unfriendly animal will reach out and grab you? like a big octopus?
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
+bgswtdaddyliscious you get a good look before you really enter those areas, you can usually see what's there. Most creatures will be afraid of you actually!
Elkilani Maliuna
Elkilani Maliuna - 8 years ago
Nice vid, well done, what camera are you using?
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
+Elkilani Maliuna gopro hero 4 silver :) Thank you!!
canopypilot - 8 years ago
makes me want to spear fish....
DarkSagan - 8 years ago
I am in love for video and for playing Bassnectar -chasing Heaven.
Ceyhun GÜVEN
Ceyhun GÜVEN - 8 years ago
you exceptional :)
Don Diego
Don Diego - 8 years ago
marry me... lots of love xxx
Spearfishing Life - fck0f
Spearfishing Life - fck0f - 8 years ago
Great breatholds Nicole and very good catches!!!
Im jealous about the lobsters...they are so rare in Greece...
Thnx for sharing keep it up!
Vidal jacques
Vidal jacques - 8 years ago
sportive ,elle arrive à se surpassée ,quelle enthousiasme et quel courage!!
Indonesia spearfishing charter
Indonesia spearfishing charter - 8 years ago
I Don't see any fish at all, only a gorgeous diver
Drew's View
Drew's View - 8 years ago
Cute girl + Free-diving + spearfishing= Awesome video!
Great job Nicole ;)
Rolando Carno
Rolando Carno - 7 years ago
Drew's View ❤❤❤⚘⚘⚘
Dana Hovorka
Dana Hovorka - 7 years ago
Drew's View O
Brennan Montoni
Brennan Montoni - 8 years ago
Hey, Nicole! Where in South Florida are you diving? I live in Delray Beach and would like to find somewhere close by. Thanks!
daniel turetahi
daniel turetahi - 8 years ago
hackman55able - 8 years ago
Way cool video, here comes Summer and hopefully good spearfising in So Cali. HooYA.
Andy P
Andy P - 8 years ago
I lived in the Marshall Islands for a year and have not seen any good diving since then. This girl makes free diving and spear fishing look like fun again. Any one know of a reef within swimming distance off St. Augustine?
Andy P
Andy P - 8 years ago
+Nicole Surfer Thanks for the link. Looks st.Augustine may be a no go for this summer vacation. it looks like you need a boat to get out to it.
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
Θανασης 957
Θανασης 957 - 8 years ago
To fish pair with you and will watch as my eyes
Diego R
Diego R - 8 years ago
Hey Nicole, you videos are so cool. I moved to South Florida no too long ago and getting into fishing, this is definitely the way to do it, I will go to the store this week to buy some equipment and will try it next weekend. Any tips for beginners?
Diego R
Diego R - 8 years ago
+Nicole Surfer Thank you. I am doing my research and clases online, then I will practice and little by little...
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
+Diego R If you've never done it before, taking a course is a sure way to cover your bases (I didn't though, but I know they will give you all the necessary knowledge and more). Learn your fish & legal sizes (download the "fish rules" app). Hope you get out there and enjoy!
liu gonzalez
liu gonzalez - 8 years ago
awesome video. I want to start spear fishing from the shore much like how you do it. do you have any tips?
liu gonzalez
liu gonzalez - 8 years ago
thanks for the tip on the boats, I figured they would stay away from the diver down flags but i guess that is not the case lol.
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
+liu gonzalez When you get in/out...don't lose your stuff, you can juggle a lot for a moment haha.... look out for boats, they are the most dangerous thing will run you right over, don't count on them seeing you. You can't always hear them, keep a 360 visual constantly after you come up so you know what's coming. Have fun!
SilviaGang - 8 years ago
Probably some people that had cum to sea dat ass
Alexandro Mullings
Alexandro Mullings - 8 years ago
haha pretty nice shore dives, that's how i started off to, hmu if you're ever in bahamas :)
M Kyoshi
M Kyoshi - 8 years ago
Hey... how nice.. awesome!!
you are truly a beach gal surfer free diving spirit girl...
keep it up.
Robert Whitehurst
Robert Whitehurst - 8 years ago
Nicole, thanks for the beauty that you are........and the blessing you have been to me in the last 30 minutes while watching your video. I'm an instant fan and hope I meet you in the water one day.........
Marcus  Waithe
Marcus Waithe - 8 years ago
Thank you for the vidz,your amazing
Mike Albanese
Mike Albanese - 8 years ago
Well just to let you know. . .You happen to miss one and now he's gotten away.

Great display of athleticism and pure enjoyment.

Please find someone with a red camera with an underwater housing. Your views, likes, subs and quality will advance exponentially. Peace.
Doc Rig
Doc Rig - 8 years ago
Hey! you are amazing! ... stunning and gorgeous!... what kind of speargun is that?... thanks keep uploading your adventures babe!
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
+Titusmd1985 Riffe pole spear (my favorite) 6 ft, and thank you so much!!!
Dani Ramirez
Dani Ramirez - 8 years ago
i think i went to that beach cause i went to florida
FreeDiving FreeLiving
FreeDiving FreeLiving - 8 years ago
+Nicole Surfer I am, its just that I can't go to the keys everyday :'(
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago know I can't share exacts, I'm sorry!!! You look like you are finding beautiful places by your default pic though! :)
FreeDiving FreeLiving
FreeDiving FreeLiving - 8 years ago
Psst. What's the beach...?
ESSAN 29 - 8 years ago
question: how is this a safe sport? what about sharks smelling blood and sensing the fish struggles?
FreeDiving FreeLiving
FreeDiving FreeLiving - 8 years ago
+Θανασης Efth Generally, its not very safe. Everyone's going to have that temptation to chase a fish deeper unfortunately.
Superior Underdog
Superior Underdog - 8 years ago
battle shark, what's the problem
Gabriel Jensen
Gabriel Jensen - 8 years ago
It is not a safe sport
carlos linares
carlos linares - 8 years ago
I've been dying to go out there and do some spear fishing but I haven't found a good spot to do it from. I normally go out wit a friend on his boat but i want to do it more often. Can you advise where to go or where to get out from.

Thank you,
superchic4u - 8 years ago
you are awesome!
Noel Mercado
Noel Mercado - 8 years ago
You're so amazing. Takes a lot of caution. Be careful always.^^
M Kyoshi
M Kyoshi - 8 years ago
Hello there Nicole..Nice video, you always loved the water...I lived next you for a few years...340 Jack.....You still have your paddle board...? Keep it up, you are truly amazing and of course beautiful....
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
+M Kyoshi wow small world haha, yes I do still have my paddleboard...that's how I found the reef (I didn't know it was there!) and then it motivated me to research freediving so I could stay down longer times, which then led to all this haha. Thanks!!!!!
LADICIM UC - 8 years ago
Amazing! A beautiful video! Nicole, I would you could use a pair of the carbon fins of dbSub (Spain). My email is, can you write me? Thanks!!
Marcelo pesca sub
Marcelo pesca sub - 8 years ago
É uma sereia pescando !! Parabéns pelas imagens !
It's a mermaid fishing !! Congratulations on your pictures!
Tory Lanez
Tory Lanez - 8 years ago
19:45 why is there a cock
23systems - 8 years ago
Wow you are one cool gal. Awesome Pole spearing.
Nige - 8 years ago
Stunning. Stay safe and safe diving.
Mc Chill
Mc Chill - 8 years ago
die tiere wissen was sie tuhen .. lass sie besser in ruhe
Splash - 8 years ago
wow, in dem satz hast dus geschafft 2 fehler rein zu bringen, respekt
Keoser Seventy three
Keoser Seventy three - 8 years ago
oh ok, I was thinking it was one or the other.. thanks for answering so quick and thanks for the vids. it's cool to see traditional style spear fishing.. keep it up and safe diving
Keoser Seventy three
Keoser Seventy three - 8 years ago
Hey real quick.. That antenna on your weight belt. is that a shark deterrent? if so what brand.
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
no it's the tip to my fish stringer. I have another bigger metal stringer on my float where I end up putting the fish afterwards though. "Shark Shield" is a brand that my buddy uses, he's the one who does the shark and dive Charters (his name is Michael Dornellas /Reef Safaris, he's an awesome ocean photographer and handles the sharks amazing..check him out). But I've seen him use it and he says it absolutely works.
Seahorse1949 - 8 years ago
Great diving. I timed one dive at 1.10. And very good bh control.
Bobby Shafer
Bobby Shafer - 8 years ago
amazing videos.... keep them coming!!
perseus zeus
perseus zeus - 8 years ago
please girl becareful.. just alone out there just might be dangerous.. go with friends at least can protect you if in danger.. we all love you thats why out there is ben so dangerous.. dont waste anything that you have. you so beautiful cuz..
Blow Dart.
Blow Dart. - 8 years ago
+Justin Bloomberg ohhh.
Justin Bloomberg
Justin Bloomberg - 8 years ago
+Blow Dart. No, thats a common misconception, blackouts can happen for a range of different reasons, and hyperventilating is one of them, but also not listening to your body, going beyond your limits, and other factors are also causes
Blow Dart.
Blow Dart. - 8 years ago
+Justin Bloomberg Thats true i suppose... but doesn't that only happen if you over breathe?
Justin Bloomberg
Justin Bloomberg - 8 years ago
+Blow Dart. Except for SWB, nothing to do with ocean but lots of reduced fatalities when you have a good dive buddy
Blow Dart.
Blow Dart. - 8 years ago
In the sea, if something is dangerous enough to harm you, then people with you wont be able to protect you from it.
Nate Grasch
Nate Grasch - 8 years ago
Very cool video, I'm out of ft Lauderdale, nice grabs on the bugs....Open boat, could use a spearing partner
Neville Robertson
Neville Robertson - 8 years ago
Strong breath holding skills!What mask is that?
Kevin James
Kevin James - 7 years ago
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
My friend Forrest is an amazing instructor: Have fun!!
david jenkins
david jenkins - 8 years ago
where can I learn to hold my breath like you - you seem so natural under water, I would like to get hooked up with someone, somewhere with my 16 year old son to free dive and spear fish,,, need much better breath-holding skills/practice.  can you help or recommend someone in the keys or Bahamas?
Neville Robertson
Neville Robertson - 8 years ago
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
+Neville Robertson Aqualung linea mask :) Thanks!!
{ Ace-Kid97 }
{ Ace-Kid97 } - 8 years ago
Killing fish isnt good
208miuwu - 8 years ago
How do you like that area I haven't dive that area in years. Any Lobster?
vince065us - 8 years ago
When are you going to do a shoot of you just freediving?
vince065us - 8 years ago
You're incredible!
Green Consciousness
Green Consciousness - 8 years ago
what a ghoul deal soul - all that beauty and all she can do is kill
Ferd Vega
Ferd Vega - 8 years ago
12:02 nice caboose
mike - 8 years ago
wish all girls came in your version!!!
Dexter Davson
Dexter Davson - 8 years ago
what spear are you using in the vids? the long one looks like a ray odor.. I currently have 5 poles pears and 3 guns but I just can't put down the Spears. too much fun.
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
+Dexter Davson riffe is full carbon fiber (is why it's the fastest/lightest, gatku is 1/2 carbon 1/2 metal, mantis is full metal so it's the strongest/but slower. I'm curious to learn about the spears you just mentioned, thanks!
Dexter Davson
Dexter Davson - 8 years ago
The riff and the mantis are carbon fiber poles, am I correct? They are great but I like a heavier spear so I go with the Ray odor or the Christ Spears when hunting halibut or shovelnose sharks (ray). Other wise I use a Gatku for the speed.
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
+Dexter Davson My favorite is the Riffe, it's by far the fastest, lightest (so comfortable to hold in water), and shoots the farthest of them all, so my range and potential is increased. The all black one with the yellow string on the tip is a Mantis pole spear. It's a great one, probably the strongest on the market but has a shorter range because the material that makes it so strong naturally makes it heavier. I love it;s features though(measuring laser etched into it, hybrid slip tip). Then the yellow one is an entry level I believe "Trident" about $40, you can't go wrong it's pretty good actually, just upgrade the band so it shoots farther and for the price it's great.
ICHECBasher - 8 years ago
What's the title of the song 26:07 please?
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
+ICHECBasher It's from Odesza, "I Play You Listen"
The Harris Family Team Harris
The Harris Family Team Harris - 8 years ago
looks like a spot i dove by the trump tower just north of halouver jetty
The Harris Family Team Harris
The Harris Family Team Harris - 8 years ago
Think I dove with one of your friends Griffin D. last saturday...
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
+The Harris Family Team Harris yes he's awesome! He's been doing amazing in his freedive courses.
The Harris Family Team Harris
The Harris Family Team Harris - 8 years ago
Awesome video nicole!!! haven't seen you in years good to see your still in love with the ocean...
K. Allen
K. Allen - 8 years ago
I love your spearfishing videos! Keep posting them, please! :) Also, do you still love your Riffe pole spear? I spearfish in Pensacola and am in a toss up between the Riffe and Gatku. Decisions, decisions. LOL!!! ;)
K. Allen
K. Allen - 8 years ago
+Nicole Daiguillon ... You are most welcome! Thank you for the response and recommendation! I do believe I will go with the 9' Riffe. The all carbon fiber pole spear will be more then tough enough for the fish I will be after. :) You definitely have me sold on them. LOL! ...P.S. - Since you are the only other person I know of who spears Spadefish, I blacken the filets (no skin, no blood line) and place them on a bed of angel hair pasta topped with alfredo sauce. ;) DELICIOUS! Great for fish tacos too! LOL! :) Keep up the great work!
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
+K. Allen Thank you! I do LOVE my Riffe, yes! I've tried several but never the Gatku. The major difference I believe is that the Riffe is ALL carbon fiber, where the Gatku is 1/2 carbon 1/2 aluminum. So the Riffe is lightening fast without competition in speed because it's the lightest. I LOVE the speed and it feels so great and light to carry in the water, and I can shoot a fish in a farther range because it will keep up speed and trajectory because it's so light...I was amazing how far away they could be (compared to a heavier pole spear before). It's plenty strong but you never get the fastest + the strongest in one (material factors change), so perhaps the gatku can get beat up a bit more, while still being fast enough (I hear only good things about gatku as well). For me I imagine the Riffe to be the Ferarri of pole spears haha, it's super fast/handles amazing/and it's sexy! lol. I did have one guy compare the 2 after I recommended the Riffe, and he chose the Riffe afterwards. I'm sure you can't go wrong though :) Good luck!
Te Meto Un Bofeton
Te Meto Un Bofeton - 8 years ago
ohh wow thanx i didnt even know ill be going this year for sure
varcity23 - 8 years ago
What snorkel and mask are you using?
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
the snorkel is a riffe stable, and the best I've come across. I kept buying and exchanging about 3 until I landed on the riffe, has great reviews as well. Comfortable and the smoothest water purge. The mask is an aqualung linea, which is their model for a small face. I need a new one that fits me even better, but it's a great mask if you want a clear silicone.
Michele Lustrissimini
Michele Lustrissimini - 8 years ago
bravissima bellissimo video
andrew baylon
andrew baylon - 9 years ago
You are awesome! I can't stay out of the water either.
sander verweij
sander verweij - 9 years ago
i really like the way you made this video.great footage of the underwater world,and the joy you have spearfishing/freediving is something so beautiful to look at.
00Pottus00 - 9 years ago
I really admire you dedication to this kind of fishing! I love fishing myself but I also love your fishing just as much and would really love to try it one day!
GetOutoFHere Mate!
GetOutoFHere Mate! - 9 years ago
At 2.19 it was breath i think i nearly had a heart attack hehe Sorry! Awesome and thanks for sharing.
SirLongshank64 - 8 years ago
+David Kalolo yea, she is fine that's for sure
HlwDboi - 9 years ago
Wow!! Just how long can you stay under?
HlwDboi - 8 years ago
I think 3:30 is something special, and definitely when you're moving. I wish I could hold my breath that long. I would love to get some training in free diving. and I would love to see more of your videos!
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
+HlwDboi not sure, never pushed myself to my limit with someone watching, and won't do it alone...but I've done 3:30 on the couch at home when I practice, lol. 3:30 is nothing special compared to some others, but I'm not completely still for the longer holds, I will practice walking around etc. while holding
isaaczhangz - 9 years ago
very nice !
tango1 foxtrot1
tango1 foxtrot1 - 9 years ago
We freedive all around Tampa to Sarasota, the water up here is damn fickle too.
Great video!
Te Meto Un Bofeton
Te Meto Un Bofeton - 9 years ago
i tried one time spearfishing but i kept thinking about sharks and getting paranoid
Te Meto Un Bofeton
Te Meto Un Bofeton - 9 years ago
i tried one time spearfishing but i kept thinking about sharks and getting paranoid
Te Meto Un Bofeton
Te Meto Un Bofeton - 9 years ago
how far from shore u need to be in florida for freediving
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 8 years ago
+Christian Morales you can be right off the beach anywhere, no limitations :)
clyddoudou - 9 years ago
she's a bad ass woman!
George Corbo
George Corbo - 9 years ago
That school at 7:10 you should of gone for it!!
Joe Parker
Joe Parker - 8 years ago
you mean the tarpon?
MIKEBRANT555 - 9 years ago
You kept the lobsters?
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 9 years ago
only during season and if not pregnant (you can see I released the pregnant one)
Mike De Santa
Mike De Santa - 9 years ago
Nice, i like the way you do it, and by the way what are the songs you used in this video? im curious.
Mike De Santa
Mike De Santa - 9 years ago
+Nicole Daiguillon Thanks
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 9 years ago
+Mike De Santa I don't know the names of all but some of it is "Odesza", and another is "Bassnectar"- Into the Sun. Thanks!
John Tamez
John Tamez - 9 years ago
I love diving area! Lots of beautiful reef and we have shot some nice hogfish there too! I can't wait to start diving again! Do you guys still have visibility this time of year? Here in ft Pierce/ vero beach area we only get a couple months really of clear water. :(Sorry I didn't realize I was kind of giving your "spot" away! My bad! Be safe!
John Tamez
John Tamez - 9 years ago
+Nicole Daiguillon I'll let you know how it goes. hopefully I'll be able to video it and post it! im gonna add you on google+.
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 9 years ago
+John Tamez Only surfed there...good luck on the blue water spearing that sounds awesome!
John Tamez
John Tamez - 9 years ago
+Nicole Daiguillon yea, I'm not really tuned into it as well as I want to be. I'm going to try and do some blue water shooting soon I think. this summer I'm hoping to get out alot more than I did this past year. Have you ever dove ft. pierce or vero beach?
Nicole Surfer
Nicole Surfer - 9 years ago
+John Tamez No worries lol! I really love Ft. Pierce, I used to surf the jetty a lot. I think viz is just not great anywhere around here consistently except in the Keys, and there will be different areas that are more clear on different days...but I'm not really tuned in to all of that because I dive so locally all the time, off the beach. I'm not picky with viz so it's fine though. Thanks!!!
John Rigsbee
John Rigsbee - 9 years ago
Great video. Thanks for letting us post your pics on Spearfishing Girls! Keep it up and dive safe!
diveguy33 - 9 years ago
I. LOVE. You !!!
Just a total pleasure to watch you in action. Thanks for sharing your underwater adventures. You're amazing.
Greg Pizzano
Greg Pizzano - 9 years ago
Thank you for this video. Brings back many good times I spent free diving off Hallandale Beach. I can relate to your love of what you do.
aGKfilm - 9 years ago
Finally! Another video, been waiting for this. :) I enjoyed watching
H Kam
H Kam - 9 years ago
The killer griller!
bill saizon
bill saizon - 9 years ago
you look like enjoy and love what your doing good for you and by the way your looking doing it also

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The "Nicole Spearfishing Freediving in South Florida/ Hogfish, Lobster Grabbing, Huge Tarpon Schools! HD" video is part of the snorkelling, underwater, diving category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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