Orcas playing with swimmer at Hahei Beach, New Zealand (Original)
Snorkeling 6 years ago 3,386,127 views
Copyright Dylan Brayshaw, This footage CANNOT be copied or reproduced without permission. To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email licensing@storyful.com Donate to orca research - http://www.orcaresearch.org/ Plan your trip to find Orcas - https://hubs.ly/H0fV4vg0 Song - Peter Sandberg - Dismantle Drone I used - https://amzn.to/2SMt8dT Filmed on 4 December at Hahei Beach on the Coromandel peninsular, New Zealand. I was watching a pod of orcas swimming up the beach, I saw a swimmer swimming along shore directly towards them, at this point I asked my partner to get my mobile phone as I wasn’t sure what would happen and I may have to call for help. The orcas circled her and she got quite the fright. She then got out the water as she was only 20m from shore. Some on lookers chatted to her about the experience and then to my surprise she got back into the water and swam back towards the pod, to I assume continue her training swim. I then launched the drone and filmed from a fair distance away making sure not to disturb the pod of orcas. What I witnessed was truly amazing. All enquiries please contact dylan@eatsleepsurf.com.au Purchase my 2019 Calendar here - http://www.dylanbrayshaw.com/product/2019-calendar/ Webiste - www.dylanbrayshaw.com Judie Interview - https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/new-zealand/most-watched-extraordinary-drone-footage-shows-woman-surrounded-orca-whales-while-coromandel-swim?variant=tb_v_1 For weekly surf photography videos hit that subscribe button. Instagram - @dylan_brayshaw Surf films - www.eatsleepsurf.com.au The gear I use: CAMERAS AND LENSES Canon 5D Mark 3 - Love this thing - http://amzn.to/29E1Dwe Canon 24-105mm f4 IS - Real sharp - http://amzn.to/2abLQXa Canon 70 - 200mm f4 IS - Sharp and Light - http://amzn.to/29E1Krr Canon 16-35mm 2.8f - Landscape wonder - http://amzn.to/2eNk9KN Canon 85mm 1.8f - http://amzn.to/2siKcw3 VLOG DJI Phantom 4 Pro - http://amzn.to/2oADiPO GoPro Hero 5 - http://amzn.to/2jijX39 Canon G5X - http://amzn.to/2i7O6o0 Lavalier Mic Rode - http://amzn.to/2ddy3Ep WATER HOUSING AquaTech PD-85 Dome - http://amzn.to/2j2p0Vi Aquatech Housing Body - http://amzn.to/2uchpZX Aquatech Lens Port for 200mm lens - http://amzn.to/2j2ox5q MEMORY CARDS x1 16gb CF Card Sandisk Extreme Pro - http://amzn.to/2dUCpld x1 32gb SD Card Lexar Professional - http://amzn.to/2dRuwLa Wrist Watch G Shock Tide - http://amzn.to/2guBaIR Super warm 3/2 Wetsuit - http://amzn.to/2dUFdis Tripod - Manfrotto and Fluid Head - http://amzn.to/2dRtDlC Camera Bag - http://amzn.to/2dqEXVj
Imagine in old age retirement some asks name some of Ur greatest thrills throughout Ur life -
"One day while swimming I was escorted & protected by a mother Orca & her baby" what a great story !!
10. comment for Orcas playing with swimmer at Hahei Beach, New Zealand (Original)
20. comment for Orcas playing with swimmer at Hahei Beach, New Zealand (Original)
30. comment for Orcas playing with swimmer at Hahei Beach, New Zealand (Original)
How wonderful it is for humans to be harmonised with animals and nature...
That would be paradise..!
50. comment for Orcas playing with swimmer at Hahei Beach, New Zealand (Original)
Mom:"no junk food"
Being intelligent certainly doesn’t mean a species isn’t violent, humans for example. Plus have you ever watched Black fish? Or even orcas hunting in the wild? I wouldn’t want to get too close
Is that a song from ludovico einaudi?
What does a diver resemble? Seal
Yep, am I the only one who saw that the orca was continuously blocking his path to land? Tiring him out, probably wanted to see if her calves could take a shot at him
MOM Orca: Let's go see!
100. comment for Orcas playing with swimmer at Hahei Beach, New Zealand (Original)
It almost feels like the mother orca is checking to see if everything is OK with the human as she checks again and again. Maybe they have met before?
I would love to swim with wild orcas..
In that wet suite he looks a little like a seal.
The mother(?) must be close to 15 feet, with the two offspring still longer than the swimmer, but
the grace and apparent nonchalance of the Orcas slowly manoeuvring around the person is a
real joy to behold.
It almost looks like the swimmer is taking the Orcas out for a little early morning swim.........beautiful!
I do realize that sub populations of orcas cater to specific diets and that the ones in the video may not be the same that kill seals, and may be only hunting fish and/or squids. But it is my understanding that this behavior is representative across these populations.
I love it, but I don't get it.
Whales go human watching.
This is so beautiful! What an amazing video, this guy had one EPIC DAY!
Thank you for sharing!
Mama Whale: "Oh no my dear, it has a mommy and a daddy, who miss it. Just like you. So, go head and watch it a little more so we can leave it for its parents to come and get it."
Great comment Kirsten Kennedy and how right you are, we have no listed fatalities from Orcas in the wild and as a matter of fact we have listed stories from the past which show that when this mammal comes into contact with human beings they engage with them in a positive manner but when we capture and then trap such a big creature in pools not big enough to swing a cat in and they react negatively it's suddenly the Orcas fault so it must be destroyed, wild life is aply named so for that reason, it a wild animal and should not be used as a source of entertainment for Moran's who laugh and cheer at a creatures who must be living a miserable and confused existance. Shame on mankind and if he had any sort of bond with his planet and what exists upon it, he would seek out such creatures and enjoy them in their natural habitat and that gift should be opened to all but more importantly to children who are the next generations, after all it will be up to them to protect mother earth and all her inhabitants from future carnage.
What a positive life altering experience
Baby Orca - "I can't, it is too cute, look at it struggling to move in the water"
Father Orca - "Oh c'mon... You got to "Orca-up" your game son!!"
Baby Orca - "buaaaaahhh"
Mama Orca - "Leave the kid alone, Robert, he is not ready yet, let's go home NOW or there's no dessert tonight!! (If you know what I mean)"
Most are locked up now........in SeaWorld , with a very long non- parole period !
There are two kinds of killer whale, those that eat fish, and those that eat mammals. There is no way to be able to physically distinguish between the two kinds of Orca. The mammal killing Orca eat seals, walrus, dolphins, Beluga whales, and if an opportunity presents itself - humans.
I've heard Orcas don't attack humans ( considerig they are killer whale). seems they protect humans from shark.
just I know sadly a few of them attacked their trainer in the pool in sea world.
"These are long journeys for us. We much prefer to make them in calm or good weather, since the Bad Fish which often infest these seas do not allow us to sail without worry and fear. All too often, these malicious beings attack the sterns of our canoes so suddenly and without warning that they sink the boat and all who are in it. Some escape by swimming, but there are always some who fall prey to these voracious flesh-eating fish. When we see them bearing down on us, we stop paddling immediately, and, taking a pole tipped with a very hard pointed bone, we try to harpoon the fish if we can. As soon as it feels the wound the creature draws off for a time. We take advantage of the short respite to paddle as fast as we can; and if it returns to the attack we repeat our actions until we see land. There is almost no way to escape if two animals attack the canoe at the same time. If we are caught without our spears, with fear and trembling we throw overboard any pieces of meat or fish we may have, one by one, to distract the fish behind us while the one in front paddles gently on without stopping. If we have nothing else to throw, we take off our furs and throw them overboard. We have often thrown even our game-bird headdresses to the creatures. At last, when there is nothing left to throw, we take the longest and sharpest of the bones we always have in our canoes and tie them as best we can to the ends of our paddles. Or else we tie several arrows together, binding the points as tightly as we can, and tie the bundle to the end of a paddle or an oar with a belt. Then we lie in wait to harpoon the creature. "Of course, it is not as easy to harpoon the animal with this weapon as with the spear, because the paddle is never long enough. However, this makeshift weapon has often served us well.
Finally, when we have to make a journey (which we do rarely because of these fearsome animals), we take several very leafy branches and put them at the stern of our canoe, where they stick up about two feet above the rim. We know by experience that when these fish see and catch the scent of the branches they draw away and do not come near us. Apparently, they think it is a piece of land where they could become stranded."
I wonder how they see us...
"See son? Those land creatures are humans, very low in fat, slow swimmers, not interesting for our diet or our playtime.
They often help our youngsters when they get stuck on the beach. Some of them are evil and kidnap children with giant floaters that emit powerful high frequencies. It's better to not attack them for now..."
“Sometimes you have to go up really high to understand how small you really are.”
I got nervous the way the Dad was sniffing at the swimmer's feet !
And Mom had, what, a t-shirt in her mouth ?
Incredibly nice, large dolphins !!!! I wonder if they have color vision, so they can see the red hat and tell that she's not a seal ?
i feel with the way momma orca was trailing behind the lady, really close to her feet,
she most likely at least thought once about eating her lol.
dressed in all black, looking like a slim seal c;