Oslob, Cebu - Snorkeling with Whalesharks

Snorkeling with Whalesharks in Oslob, Cebu, Philippines in November 2013. Underwater footage filmed with GOPRO HERO 3 Black Edition

Oslob, Cebu - Snorkeling with Whalesharks sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

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Snorkeling with Whalesharks in Oslob, Cebu, Philippines in November 2013. Underwater footage filmed with GOPRO HERO 3 Black Edition

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Most popular comments
for Oslob, Cebu - Snorkeling with Whalesharks

Aazen Iwayan
Aazen Iwayan - 7 years ago
To be honest watching the whale sharks is good, but the tour and these guys driving the boat is upsetting. Feeding a wildlife animal does not do any good. The second upsetting thing is that they don't allow you to touch it which we understood but they hit the whale sharks with their boat! It's upsetting to see a gorgeous gigantic animal with scars and being endangered by these guys.
chocoluver18 - 7 years ago
teary eyes

i saw the shark yesterday
they loved the people

if they are mistreated they wont come
oslob shark is only one in this world that miraculous come close to oslob people / place
thry are well cared
and they only stay contact with ppl
till 12 pm and they all leave the place and come back daily
thats the shark routine and these shark enjoy with ppl

oslob look after well their shark
they are the magical thing they have
and no one in this world can be found this shark, only can be found in oslob phil..
this shark
never migrate to usa japan other asian country only they trust ppl in the oslob philippines

dnt ever miss the opportunity to feel gods love thru this loving shark
Hamburger7 - 7 years ago
we are coming there at may,29,2017 I also post it on youtube
Cebu City Tour
Cebu City Tour - 7 years ago
Skye Centina Garcia
Skye Centina Garcia - 8 years ago
I have been there since 2012 I go there when I was 3 yrs old it was so fun
before going to the water they will have rules and meetings
Stephen Osborne
Stephen Osborne - 8 years ago
Sorry Kierztin but you argument is moronic....Anybody thinking this is cool or great in any way....Google girl surfing whale shark....look at the images and then decide if you think this is responsible tourism
guerfali abdallah
guerfali abdallah - 8 years ago
it s amazing video sorry brather i mean how to get oslob from alona bech mean how long and how cost and the boat its disponible thank you too much its nice video
guerfali abdallah
guerfali abdallah - 8 years ago
hi brather mario i want to know how to get oslob from cebu
KierztinHD456 - 8 years ago
you can take a bus from south bus terminal.. if you will stay in a hotel at the city you can rent a van it would be more exciting if you bring a lot of companion because it would be more cheaper and there are also packages not only in oslob but you can also experience canyoneering, kawasan falls, aguinid falls as will... if you need help just try to contact me sir so we could arrange some packages tour for you here in Cebu...thank you...just be aware of the person that would take advantage specially if you are a first timer...
James Russel
James Russel - 8 years ago
this is wrong, to close to the fish. this is exactly what the people of Oslob has been asking not to do.

10. comment for Oslob, Cebu - Snorkeling with Whalesharks

Ed Pal
Ed Pal - 8 years ago
wow. the water was clam and clear. Mine was a bit wavy and the sky was gloomy. Great video.
JoRam Chan
JoRam Chan - 8 years ago
thank you for finding Philippines as a beautiful place.
Karen Tally
Karen Tally - 8 years ago
darn grief
darn grief - 8 years ago
i really love your videos! it looks so great! i wanna come back!!! your so close!!! :D
yogi yogi
yogi yogi - 9 years ago
that is sick/. should be illegal. protect animals. fish should not be fed for profit or your entertainment.
olifous abelo
olifous abelo - 7 years ago
It is only feed from 6 am to 12 noon just for tourist attraction,, after that they go back to the deep on thier own,,and come back the next day,,
Stephen Osborne
Stephen Osborne - 9 years ago
Nothing amazing about this...a circus of the very worst kind.
If you are considering going please do some research and find out why you should not support this.
KierztinHD456 - 8 years ago
they are not in a cage... they are free to go anywhere that is why there are times that nobody showed up and there are times also that more than 10 showed up... the whale just come back there because they are feed by the government...
Kaizen 86
Kaizen 86 - 9 years ago
u r right, those whale sharks are inside the cage, those villagers installed a large border to keep those poor creatures near the island.
Angelica Hannam
Angelica Hannam - 10 years ago
what snorking/dive centre did you go with? looks amazing
Elena Sinmás
Elena Sinmás - 10 years ago
I am sorry to say that, but it's a horribe and artificial spectacle, that should be ABSOLUTELY forbidden. Fedding whale sharks by humans does nothing good to these fantastic animals, but harm their health. In the last years, whale sharks in Oslob are not reproducing, because their nutrition, based on human feeding, is not appropiate. Also, staying so many hours at surface is causing them terrible sunburns, that after cause them terrible infections. In addition, on this video you can see several whale sharks with it dorsal fin with cuts and damaged, because of their proximity of propelllers....

PLEASE! If you love marine life, do not contribute to this artificial and harmful spectacles, that are damaging whale sharks life. It's a matter of sensitivity with marine life and awareness with this beautiful animals. 

If not, maybe our children will never have the opportunity of seeing whale sharks any more....
bono hiuson
bono hiuson - 7 years ago
So what is more evil, feed them or have them butchered when they go to North Asia?? C'mon..
ecf08 - 9 years ago
+norie “serval” m OK..sorry it was meant to the original poster who claimed propellers (he's lying definitely). As for the rest, it stands.
serval FPV
serval FPV - 9 years ago
+ecf08 I'm sorry but where did I mention propellers? Learn to read before accusing people of lying...
ecf08 - 9 years ago
+norie “serval” m Right ignorance is bliss(your ignorance in your case since you only see black and white). no need to believe in what you want .You can see for yourself. I went there and I can tell you that there are no boats there that used propellers(obviously your lying). The feeds they used are the ones caught there as well(these are fisherman and have no means for farmed feeds). While its true they are migratory, did it ever occur to you that big industrial fishery almost wipe their feeding grounds clean? Not to mention they might be caught as by catch on big thralling nets of this fisheries? Its no wonder maybe these animals are just smarter than you think and they learn to chose the easier route for food? You bark on these poor people yet big industrial fisheries has never followed science recommended on limits on fishing(due to money of course). Maybe the whale sharks you saw with lacerations are caused by big industrial boats (fishing and cargo) since they are known to cause problems for whales? Also did it occur to you that these poor fisherman finally found a way to make a living than catching them? or do you prefer to go to seaworld? How about the effects of animal agriculture on marine life? Are you vegetarian? You talk with little to back on I think...
serval FPV
serval FPV - 9 years ago
+Vicky Federigan believe what you want, many fish have been spotted with lacerations, sun burnt from being on the surface all the time, there migratory fish not supposed to stay in the same space for months caught in a tourist trap.. ignorance is bliss.. 
Cheryl Anne
Cheryl Anne - 9 years ago
+Marinacation ...i'd be more upset seeing them poached and slaughtered. or being hit by properllers of big oil tankers.
Marinacation - 9 years ago
+Elena Sinmás I agree with this, and I was very upset when I saw this with my own eyes... I have a video about this on my channel if you are interested.
serval FPV
serval FPV - 9 years ago
+Stevennickel her statement is mostly true..
SilverBird - 9 years ago
+Elena Sinmás I call B.S on your theory simply because A: the Whale sharks are happy, and species breed when happy, and B: You can see the offspring nursing on them in half these videos!
prettymeanscowl - 10 years ago
what were you thinking vacationing in the dangerous,backwards corrupt failippines. i'm glad the stupid filipino people there didnt mug,kidnap you or even do worse
olifous abelo
olifous abelo - 7 years ago
you are an idiot ,,go some research first b4 talking some bad words against us,,for sure in all south east asian countries we are the most hospitable people,,and 95 % we can communicate in english ,,not like other asian contries,,
TheLegend - 7 years ago
prettymenscowl, your an idiot,, you have absolutely no clue how to live your life.... Philippines is beautiful and safe. more people die in the United States than anywheres else, get your facts straight. on my way again for 4 weeks. luv the philppines, nicest people in the world and way more beautiful than others places around the globe.
Sofia Kilat
Sofia Kilat - 8 years ago
Philippines is a great country ..more beautiful than other countries...
ronald black
ronald black - 8 years ago
Tell him !
you have nice country with great people
Jamimi meow
Jamimi meow - 8 years ago
racist mathafucker im from phil.. and oslob cebu is my province.
ronald black
ronald black - 10 years ago
great people there 
maillaarni - 10 years ago
OMG so many of them and they don't seem to mind the boats and people around them.
olifous abelo
olifous abelo - 7 years ago
cause this animals are gentle giants & friendly,,
ronald black
ronald black - 9 years ago
Im well aware..just reiterating ... Once a person has reached enlightenment in one thing, he will have an enlightened mind and understand many things.
serval FPV
serval FPV - 9 years ago
if you read my original post i even says myself i was being a hypocrite.. so learn to read before replying ! duh
ronald black
ronald black - 9 years ago
Ya then why were you there then ?....what a hypocrite. Glad you were so uninspired . Go to Sea World there you will see animals which don't have the option of retiring unto the entire worlds oceans. 
serval FPV
serval FPV - 9 years ago
i have been and yes nobody is allowed to touch them or they get fined, but that doesn't mean ppl don't touch them !! and do you think the whale sharks don't brush against the boats ?  do some research the " circus " is doing more harm than good ! 
ronald black
ronald black - 9 years ago
Yes I have and if you had you might know that no one is allowed to touch much less ride on them. 
serval FPV
serval FPV - 9 years ago
have you been to Oslob Ronald  ?  i`m sure you think its cool for people to ride piggy back on there backs.. 
ronald black
ronald black - 9 years ago
NO different than feeding the birds .
serval FPV
serval FPV - 9 years ago
+ronald black Greg is right i`ve been and it felt like a circus ! totally exploiting these animals, yes there free to go but there getting free food, there supposed to spend most of there lives out in the deep open waters, not hand reared in the shallows ! i know i`m being a hypocrite but i didn't know it was that bad until i got there..
ronald black
ronald black - 10 years ago
+Greg Bloom Alot of good comes from this place ..they are free to come and go as they please...you
 ever feed a bird ? 
Greg Bloom
Greg Bloom - 10 years ago
Uh,because they hand feed them. No shit, sherlock. This experience isn't authentic at all - no different than swimming with them in an aquarium. If that's your thing, go for it. Shouldn't feed wild animals IMO.

20. comment for Oslob, Cebu - Snorkeling with Whalesharks

Ray Anthony Navaja
Ray Anthony Navaja - 10 years ago
went there last month. after the shark watching we went to a nearby resort. luckily, 2 whale sharks passed by our resort and we got the chance to swim with them for free! Oslob, Cebu is great. 
임진경 - 10 years ago
omg!!!! I went there 2years ago but I`m jealous of you..
Ray Anthony Navaja
Ray Anthony Navaja - 10 years ago
good choice of music 
Chirriru M
Chirriru M - 10 years ago
Omg! its beautiful....I love it and I can't wait next year with my whole familyyyyy. love your video and thank you for sharing so wonderful awesomeeee!!!
Nika84 - 10 years ago
ole johnson
ole johnson - 10 years ago
hello there! just curious what do they feed the whale shark?
A Doroon
A Doroon - 9 years ago
+ole johnson I think, its plantons or tiny shrimps
Jaqen H'ghar
Jaqen H'ghar - 10 years ago
tiny shrimps :)
Yoga Love
Yoga Love - 10 years ago
Great Video AND Music!! One of my future destinations ;) Thx for Sharing!!!
Roland Pañares
Roland Pañares - 11 years ago
Andrie SP I would suggest you go directly to Cebu instead of coming from Alona Beach in Bohol, which is an island fronting Cebu. Oslob is a province in Cebu and you can just take a bus going to the south and tell the driver to drop your group in Oslob where whaleshark (mostly known in Cebu as BUTANDING) watching is located. This system, you group will not be charged higher fee compared to coming from any resorts in Bohol. I am a Cebuano residing now in Manila and I just want you to have an enjoyable experience w/o that extra cost people charge to foreigners.
Theresa Aiza Bajao
Theresa Aiza Bajao - 9 years ago
+Roland Pañares It is a bit more costly using the Bohol route especially that it's the most unheard of. Surge of tourists will soon bring these prices down. This route cuts your travel time tremendously, making you max out your day to the fullest. It's a good option if money is not an issue. And if well, obviously, you're coming from Bohol.
Adrie SP
Adrie SP - 11 years ago
amazing video!!=) great lightning,very huge whalesharks..it's perfect!
my partner and i are planning to go to oslob next month and we kinda dont know the place more than what we've seen in internet specially youtube.i would like to ask if theres any helpful tips you can share about whaleshark encounter like which area is better to go,because most of the videos i've seen are not as big whalesharks as in your video,very crowded and water was very blurry.your video is very clear and looks like theres not much people.we would like to have an amazing and unforgettable experience and a good video as a remembrance.hope you could help us!! thank you.
岩黒恭大 - 8 years ago
Mario Neumann
Mario Neumann - 11 years ago
Hi Adrie, yes it was a really great experience to meet these whalesharks and swim with them. We have been on holiday on Bohol at Alona Beach and made this trip starting from there. It tooks us about 2.5 hours by boat to get there. The place is perfect, because there huge whalesharks and you really can be sure to see them. I think it´s one of the best places on the Philippines for stuff like this. Even when you spend your time on Cebu it is easy to get there. Enjoy it!!
DupiDiver - 11 years ago
Ist ein sehr schönes Video...tolle Aufnahmen...bestimmt GoPro oder ähnliche...;-)
Geniale Aufnahmen!!!
Katja Neumann
Katja Neumann - 11 years ago
Heissen Dank, mit der GOPRO könntest Du Recht haben ... ;-)

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