Powerbreather - The ULTIMATE Swimmer's Snorkel

Buy here: http://www.powerbreather.com/ Check out our app in the app store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/teach... Website: http://teachingmensfashion.com/ Instagram: @teachingmensfashion and @gentstech Email: info@teachingmensfashion.com Facebook: teaching men's fashion Music By: https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired

Powerbreather - The ULTIMATE Swimmer's Snorkel sentiment_very_dissatisfied 22

Snorkeling 8 years ago 32,739 views

Buy here: http://www.powerbreather.com/ Check out our app in the app store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/teach... Website: http://teachingmensfashion.com/ Instagram: @teachingmensfashion and @gentstech Email: info@teachingmensfashion.com Facebook: teaching men's fashion Music By: https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired

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Most popular comments
for Powerbreather - The ULTIMATE Swimmer's Snorkel

Saku Rato
Saku Rato - 7 years ago
How much 1 set??
LOFT Brad - 7 years ago
Looks like the USA Site is www.powerbreatherusa.com
Abdulrahman Ibrahim
Abdulrahman Ibrahim - 7 years ago
its a cool one but too much expensive that cant buy for all family mems
Jonathan Tatler
Jonathan Tatler - 7 years ago
That has to be the worst review I've ever seen! Did you even try it on? Let alone swim with it
CitronBleu - 7 years ago
please watch George Carlin's video on businessmen because that is what watching you made me think of - maybe you should stick to helping your brother sell clothes
Mark Miller
Mark Miller - 7 years ago
Cousteau came up with the same design back in the 1960s, so it took a Chinese company 50 plus years to come up with a new color of a antique design. didn't work in 1960 and doesn't work now
david tunnicliff
david tunnicliff - 7 years ago
you have to be kidding me.................like i have never ever read about anyone having problems with co2. and, all my snorkels exhale out of the valve anyway. I think this product is unnecessary and overpriced.
bazinga1000 - 7 years ago
Can dive with it
Filip Petrinovic
Filip Petrinovic - 8 years ago
I used to swim professionally and I can tell you from my own experience that no serious swimmers use snorkels.
Filip Petrinovic
Filip Petrinovic - 7 years ago
We never used them because our coaches emphasised breathing as the most important part of the sport
LOFT Brad - 7 years ago
All due respect to you as a professional swimmer, but really? Even Michael Phelps trains with a snorkel. Pretty common practice to train with for swimmers.

10. comment for Powerbreather - The ULTIMATE Swimmer's Snorkel

Eestoyen H2O
Eestoyen H2O - 8 years ago
excelent explanation
GentsTech - 8 years ago
+Eestoyen H2O Thanks!
Oasis Sharma
Oasis Sharma - 8 years ago
waiting for giveaway
sadiiq Abdi
sadiiq Abdi - 8 years ago
tnx man but if i may ask which country arre you from
R Garcia
R Garcia - 8 years ago
Snorkels aren't an essential for swimming.
Peter Belansky
Peter Belansky - 7 years ago
Can you actually breathe with the snorkel underwater for like 5 minutes?
GentsTech - 8 years ago
Yes they are when you are training
Paul Kemp
Paul Kemp - 8 years ago
I highly doubt you swim.
yahashua - 8 years ago
This video would be better if you could show us how to use it and if you enjoyed actually using it.

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