Pregnant Trainer Snorkeling with Dolphin

Pregnant trainer snorkeling with her dolphin!

Pregnant Trainer Snorkeling with Dolphin sentiment_very_dissatisfied 29

Snorkeling 11 years ago 133,087 views

Pregnant trainer snorkeling with her dolphin!

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Most popular comments
for Pregnant Trainer Snorkeling with Dolphin

felix rojas
felix rojas - 7 years ago
M . F.
M . F. - 7 years ago
Do a miracle bar!
can you do that with me?
Do you speak German ?
Underwater swimming is usual there with diving!
How old are they ?
John Doe
John Doe - 7 years ago
4 years late but that music was amazingly soothing for my stressed mind, anyone got the name?
Frances Venezia
Frances Venezia - 7 years ago
Is that a female dolphin?
BlackSpider4 UNIVERSE peace.
BlackSpider4 UNIVERSE peace. - 7 years ago
Not safe
Ba Ri
Ba Ri - 7 years ago
Love this video. How lucky is she?
Anna Catherine Kowalsky
Anna Catherine Kowalsky - 7 years ago
amazing! I'll do this next year,I think it'll be wonderful
Tom Servo
Tom Servo - 7 years ago
There's a reason why she only swims with female dolphins
Susannah Ayres-Thomas
Susannah Ayres-Thomas - 7 years ago
Dolphins can tell/see, sometimes, they know, even before the woman does.

10. comment for Pregnant Trainer Snorkeling with Dolphin

Vanva Ferraz
Vanva Ferraz - 7 years ago
I know some asian countries kills the dolphins, China, Japan, Korea, i'm not sure. I wonder what they feel (if they have feelings) when they see this! Bastards!
Jara Leoni
Jara Leoni - 7 years ago
This dolphin is in captivity and this is not ok
Jennifer B.
Jennifer B. - 7 years ago
Its in the open sea, not in captivity.
Keri Stevenson
Keri Stevenson - 7 years ago
Wow...this is like a choreographed water dance, amazing! There is something g to pregnant woman and Dolphins, my friend was unable to swim with dolphins on her vacation, because they want to interact with you so much, it could be dangerous if you aren't experienced and you start to panic etc.
CPWHUNTERGUY - 7 years ago
most beautiful video I've seen in a long time it was just absolutely fantastic to see this
Ray Low Peng Hoe
Ray Low Peng Hoe - 7 years ago
so beautiful!!!
MrSamfala - 7 years ago
Wow! Amazing and beautiful.
Renegade Shrimper
Renegade Shrimper - 7 years ago
Beautiful video. Thank you for sharing!
владимир степанов
владимир степанов - 7 years ago
Cute Glaceon
Cute Glaceon - 7 years ago
This kills my legs I'm the worst swimmer
Me Jiyana and my family
Me Jiyana and my family - 7 years ago
why some peoples kill dolphins ....

20. comment for Pregnant Trainer Snorkeling with Dolphin

Fatso the Circus Clown
Fatso the Circus Clown - 7 years ago
Dolphins are amazing lovers
Daniella Bernal
Daniella Bernal - 7 years ago
is this safe?
ChocoMonster - 7 years ago
if a pregnant woman goes diving...
does the woman technically count as a human submarine?
vkdee44 - 7 years ago
omg so adorable!
Herr Richtig
Herr Richtig - 7 years ago
Poor dolphin must be shocked for life now..
Tyler Mathis
Tyler Mathis - 7 years ago
Wow! Dolphins are so damn cool! Gah! I want one :(
Laura Verbiest
Laura Verbiest - 8 years ago
its so cute
Alex Moor
Alex Moor - 8 years ago
Удивительно прекрасно:)Интересно было бы узнать историю взаимоотношений между героями
Канал-Dolphin - 8 years ago
unless the child is useful to lack of oxygen when to hold their breath?
Yass Tomi
Yass Tomi - 8 years ago
I saw da dolphin in maury show getting his paternity test and maury go's dolphin you are the father

30. comment for Pregnant Trainer Snorkeling with Dolphin

sherese dasilva
sherese dasilva - 8 years ago
Absolutely beautiful video. so wish I could get this experience.
softandprecious1 - 7 years ago
sherese dasilva jjkmkko
ninja - 8 years ago
im so jealous! (in a gd way :)) wish i cud have access to the chance to do this...
Канал-Dolphin - 8 years ago
bbbbb iii ii i ///i
TheBandScanner - 8 years ago
I heard that the dolphin sonar lets them see inside the human body; so maybe it can see the baby already.
Raxes !
Raxes ! - 7 years ago
Yes, they do. They can also locate tumors
Mathaantje - 7 years ago
Makes sense as sonography (medical ultrasound) is the actual medical technique that lets you see babies in the womb, which is also based on sound waves
Larciell - 7 years ago
it's obvious to me that they can sense it, most animals can, so of course that goes for dolphins as well. but i cannont imagine that they can see the dang baby..
shouldnt the sonar reflect off of the mothers body first? nvm what i've said, ill go look up how sonar works
The Immortal
The Immortal - 7 years ago
They actually can.. Sonar lets them get a figure on how the baby looks like, and they can also hear the heart beating . Something like dogs but more advanced. Dogs can only hear the heart.
Larciell - 7 years ago
thats not how it works
EmmaPZBfan - 7 years ago
that would be beautyful
Nicole j Grimes
Nicole j Grimes - 8 years ago
that's was verry elegant and beautiful wow awsome video.
postoronny - 8 years ago
Are she's pregnant from this dolphin? :) (joke)
A sweet video!
iHateDentists - 8 years ago
She want dat dolphin dick
Lilly Rose
Lilly Rose - 8 years ago
she's a human submarine
Steffi Scholz
Steffi Scholz - 8 years ago
wow i love dolphins soooooooooo much!!! <3
Natashia Yurkiw Yurkiw
Natashia Yurkiw Yurkiw - 8 years ago
I have to say I'm totally against animal captivity but this bond and how gentle the dolphin was with her was heartwarming, truly beautiful video
Yass Tomi
Yass Tomi - 8 years ago
Natashia Yurkiw Yurkiw I saw that dolphin on maury show waiting 4 paternity test and maury go's dolphin you are the father lol
Ouija1210 - 8 years ago
God forgive me what I'm about to say but to think that Japanese slaughter these humans of the sea is dispicable... i get so pissed off at times that I wished americans dropped more nukes on those people..... god forgive me..
Tui Allen
Tui Allen - 8 years ago
Do you know that if not for the captive industry which provides dolphins for captivity like the one in this video, that practice in Japan would stop for lack of money? It's people who pay to see captive dolphins like this one who are financing that bloodbath in Japan. Never buy a ticket.
Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine - 9 years ago
WOW ! He's mimicking her with his fins !
What an animal ! -
ciara5003 - 9 years ago
I teared up, that was so beautiful :)
umar luxat
umar luxat - 9 years ago
Amazing .
fhoneman - 9 years ago
jessie ramer
jessie ramer - 9 years ago
This is beautiful & amazin
Arabella White
Arabella White - 9 years ago
This would be so amazing!
Dopemaster Fx
Dopemaster Fx - 9 years ago
stupid pregnant mom..
Ростислав Поляк
Ростислав Поляк - 9 years ago
ure the one whos stupid its a dolphin not a shark
Ростислав Поляк
Ростислав Поляк - 9 years ago
ure stupid
Dopemaster Fx
Dopemaster Fx - 9 years ago
she is too stupid to know that it's no need to do that.... gratefully dolphin is much more intelligent than she is....
Bendy Senpai
Bendy Senpai - 7 years ago
+GoTbRays162 Well, she is a trainer so...thinking logically here.. she probably is at a zoo, or a aquariam etc. So technically you're not thinking logically on this situation.
GoTbRays162 - 7 years ago
Dopemaster Fx I really doubt it's actually "her" dolphin retard
Bendy Senpai
Bendy Senpai - 8 years ago
Dopemaster Fx well it's her choice to do that and it's HER dolphin dumbass read the description
Sanguinefern - 8 years ago
There's no need to do about 90% of what you do so that point is moot.
Fary N
Fary N - 10 years ago
Im going to the bahamas in the next 3 months when ill be 6 months pregnant.. will i be allowed to swim with the dolphins during pregnancy?
Guille Moreno
Guille Moreno - 7 years ago
Fary N Wish you and your child the best ❤️
Pedro C
Pedro C - 7 years ago
how is your kid?
Fary N
Fary N - 8 years ago
Taisha Thadal - Viel you should definitely go for shallow water interaction. i did that too when i was 6 months pregnant.
Taisha Thadal - Viel
Taisha Thadal - Viel - 8 years ago
Fary N im in freeport i dont think ill be able to do this. im exactly 6mos
Kaylee Hatcher
Kaylee Hatcher - 9 years ago
did you get to?
Rs500ybd - 10 years ago
Fucking adverts seriously awesome event , they are best friends 

50. comment for Pregnant Trainer Snorkeling with Dolphin

StarSeed63 - 10 years ago
Simply breathtaking! :)
SassyQ87 - 10 years ago
Beautiful !!
Mermaid Bonnie
Mermaid Bonnie - 10 years ago
This is amazing! I wish to swim with dolphins while pregnant...but Im content swimming with the sharks who have embraced my pregnancy :)
Ina naar
Ina naar - 10 years ago
EpicBunty - 11 years ago
i am japanese...
EpicBunty - 8 years ago
this is the dilemma you have now left me with.... I guess all thats left is to fast myself to death..
Sanguinefern - 8 years ago
Actually, plants may count. Verdict's still out. You feel about them as people once felt about animals. Just saying - not hating :)
EpicBunty - 8 years ago
we all eat living beings, and that needs to be stopped. PERIOD.
Plants don't count xD
Clara Cooper
Clara Cooper - 8 years ago
Sorry love I am a vegetarian and a vegan so fk you
EpicBunty - 9 years ago
wow great job at generalizing an entire island!
and i'm not japanese I don't even remember the hows and whys of this comment lol.. 
Ростислав Поляк
Ростислав Поляк - 9 years ago
+Claire Cooper but i bet not all of them
Clara Cooper
Clara Cooper - 10 years ago
Japanese eat Taiji Dolphin slaughter and dolphin meat...,
Jade Gordon
Jade Gordon - 11 years ago
Hellsconsort - 11 years ago

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About Pregnant Trainer Snorkeling with Dolphin

The "Pregnant Trainer Snorkeling with Dolphin" video is part of the snorkelling, underwater, diving category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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