Quicklook/Review: NEOpine's GoPro Snorkel Mask (NDM-1)

I'm terrified of water but I can't wait for the weather to warm up or find a heated pool to try out NEOpine's GoPro full face snorkel mask some more :D (NDM-1) (Using this link will help support MarkHawkCam) Check Out the NEOpine Link here: http://amzn.to/2jyXEGL Please like and help me share these videos :D It's a huge help in how our channel it listed here and on the web. NEW WEBSITE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be sure to check out the soft launch of http://MarkHawkCam.com. Help contribute to a community review, see more feature driven write ups, and more. http://MarkHawkCam.com. PATREON -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I run this channel out of pocket. Most of the cameras covered are purchases I've made unless otherwise stated. Any contribution would mean a tremendous amount and would be another step towards validating all the time and effort put into it. Please check out the link and stay tuned for future premium options. http://Patreon.com/MarkHawkCam Social Networks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For questions or opportunities please contact me here Email: MarkHawkCam@gmail.com Instagram is my jam. Seriously, I love sharing unique content here. Instagram: https://instagram.com/markhawkcam Where I post more about my daily VFX job and adventures. Twitter: https://twitter.com/MarkHawk Join the reddit community Our Community: https://reddit.com/r/helmetcameras I put a lot of personal time into each video and answering questions. The one area I'd greatly appreciate help sharing and linking to my videos. Views, Likes, and Subscribes are what really help me in getting more videos uploaded each month. FIRMWARE INFO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firmware Version installed during the creation of this video: "info version":"1.00, "camera type":"camera a", "info version":"1.00", "camera type":"camera b", **Date** June 2015 ADDITIONAL INFO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Email: MarkHawkCam@gmail.com Website: http://MarkHawkCam.com Instagram: https://instagram.com/markhawkcam Twitter: https://twitter.com/MarkHawk Our Community: https://reddit.com/r/helmetcameras

Quicklook/Review: NEOpine's GoPro Snorkel Mask (NDM-1) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 12

Snorkeling 9 years ago 56,563 views

I'm terrified of water but I can't wait for the weather to warm up or find a heated pool to try out NEOpine's GoPro full face snorkel mask some more :D (NDM-1) (Using this link will help support MarkHawkCam) Check Out the NEOpine Link here: http://amzn.to/2jyXEGL Please like and help me share these videos :D It's a huge help in how our channel it listed here and on the web. NEW WEBSITE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be sure to check out the soft launch of http://MarkHawkCam.com. Help contribute to a community review, see more feature driven write ups, and more. http://MarkHawkCam.com. PATREON -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I run this channel out of pocket. Most of the cameras covered are purchases I've made unless otherwise stated. Any contribution would mean a tremendous amount and would be another step towards validating all the time and effort put into it. Please check out the link and stay tuned for future premium options. http://Patreon.com/MarkHawkCam Social Networks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For questions or opportunities please contact me here Email: MarkHawkCam@gmail.com Instagram is my jam. Seriously, I love sharing unique content here. Instagram: https://instagram.com/markhawkcam Where I post more about my daily VFX job and adventures. Twitter: https://twitter.com/MarkHawk Join the reddit community Our Community: https://reddit.com/r/helmetcameras I put a lot of personal time into each video and answering questions. The one area I'd greatly appreciate help sharing and linking to my videos. Views, Likes, and Subscribes are what really help me in getting more videos uploaded each month. FIRMWARE INFO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firmware Version installed during the creation of this video: "info version":"1.00, "camera type":"camera a", "info version":"1.00", "camera type":"camera b", **Date** June 2015 ADDITIONAL INFO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Email: MarkHawkCam@gmail.com Website: http://MarkHawkCam.com Instagram: https://instagram.com/markhawkcam Twitter: https://twitter.com/MarkHawk Our Community: https://reddit.com/r/helmetcameras

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Most popular comments
for Quicklook/Review: NEOpine's GoPro Snorkel Mask (NDM-1)

Takashi Hoshigawa Vlogs
Takashi Hoshigawa Vlogs - 8 years ago
Does that mean you can breath in deep underwater no mater how long the period of time is?
Takashi Hoshigawa Vlogs
Takashi Hoshigawa Vlogs - 8 years ago
Does that mean you can breath in deep underwater no mater how long the period of time is?
Halexja Golf
Halexja Golf - 8 years ago
Your brave bro
Yang Bella
Yang Bella - 8 years ago
This is Bella . We are offering whoelsale price for this diving mask. Please check our facebook : www.facebook.com/geekdigger/
US Mint Productions
US Mint Productions - 8 years ago
I want one so bad!
Rhys Youtuber
Rhys Youtuber - 8 years ago
you should look at the tribord easy breath
april delarosa
april delarosa - 8 years ago
is it really goo for free diving?
MarkHawkCam - 8 years ago
Other users have said past a certain depth it's hard/impossible to pop your ears. I would read some of the comments hear about it as I might be misremember the important thing that is tough. I think the idea is it's ideal above 15 feet depth.
Vesselin Dobrev
Vesselin Dobrev - 8 years ago
Hello, can you advice on the size of the mask. My face looks kind of like yours but I wonder if I am S/M or L/XL size. I found the mask on http://www.gearbest.com/action-cameras-sport-dv-accessories/pp_359220.html (I don't work for them, just an advertise popped up and I really liked it and searched for similar on youtube). A size guide will be really helpful, thank you
A J - 8 years ago
decent but 145? that's highway robbery.
MarkHawkCam - 8 years ago
+Ace J I've only ever seen it around 65 or less (depending if you want the GoPro mount or one of the special colors) anyway just wanted to point out Its current price in most markets currently.
A J - 8 years ago
That was the price it was quoted at on a flipbook article that endorsed it. To be honest, that just makes it sound like we can get it at a " NEW LOW LOW PRICE of 60% off when you buy now!"

The fact that any company tried to price it so high then to bring it down by that much shows it's a failing product. Just my 2 cents on marketing from someone who knows nothing.
MarkHawkCam - 8 years ago
+Ace J They are less than half that on Amazon. http://amzn.to/22tsEHa

10. comment for Quicklook/Review: NEOpine's GoPro Snorkel Mask (NDM-1)

Squintz Palladoris
Squintz Palladoris - 8 years ago
What happens with the float in the snorkel if it is inverted while submerged? Seems like it would fill up with water pretty quick. I am very tempted to order one of these. Thanks for the review!
Darin Harder
Darin Harder - 9 years ago
Thanks, I love the explanation of your experience, I'm 100% with you on it, I'm not comfortable in water myself, this mask looks like it would be perfect for me
Waleed Hammoudeh
Waleed Hammoudeh - 9 years ago
Thanks for the video, please advice me coz am planing to buy like this one from Aliexpress, but unfortunately i see the original one without Gopro mount, so you use this one, is it leave fog or water leaking inside?? thanks a lot and your advice will help me a lot.
MarkHawkCam - 9 years ago
+Waleed Hammoudeh There are a lot of companies that make variants of this design. You can find links in the more information section below this video. Didn't have any leaking or fogging issues outside of a error on my part.
Freediver HD
Freediver HD - 9 years ago
neopine keep beging me to test this thing.......what a joke... since there is no way to pinch your nose to equalise the pressure in your ears - making it 100% impossible use below a depth of 1 or 2 meters.  This mask is basically farse... a fake and useless product that should never have seen the light of day.
MarkHawkCam - 9 years ago
+Freediver HD Trying to get one from Sony. My former contact doesn't seem to be with the company. Hopefully we'll have something close to launch.
Freediver HD
Freediver HD - 9 years ago
i was considering making a joke out of their product, but didnt want to scare away any other manufacturers
 When is your HDR-AS50 review coming out?
MarkHawkCam - 9 years ago
+Freediver HD I really think you should take them up on their offer or pick one up on your own to test some of your concerns. I'm very upfront on my skill level and reasons why it benefits a user like me. I think it would totally benefit your audience and skill level class if you made a video going over the pros and cons of this mask fromt he perspective of a pro diver. :D
Nisha Khatoon
Nisha Khatoon - 9 years ago
how do you equalize your ears while wearing this mask?
Bandidos Yanquis
Bandidos Yanquis - 9 years ago
i used a body glove mask with gopro mount incorporated in the mask for scuba diving in Cozumel. Although, when you look slightly up bubbles cover the camera, it worked really well. It allowed me to concentrate on my diving and still provided me with good footage to share. I've since found a small piece used in a helmet mount which I believe will solve the bubble problem. Tip: always remember that you're recording when using the mask, move your head like a turret, instead of your natural movements. This will really help your usable footage.
Richard's World Traveler
Richard's World Traveler - 9 years ago
You have to have some pride and not review everything offered to you, unless you are going hungry.This will make you look like a Teletubbie. And I see no need to keep your face warm unless you are going to keep the rest of your body warm. For recreational use you probably don't want to go in cold water anyways. Kind of like how you mention you can't wait until the weather gets warmer.Have some pride.
Richard's World Traveler
Richard's World Traveler - 9 years ago
+Joe's Photo & Video Channel OK, OK. Looks to be practical, not tactical or sexy. LOL 
Joe's Photo & Video Channel
Joe's Photo & Video Channel - 9 years ago
+Richard's World Huh? Pride? It was a solid review. There are plenty of places on both the east and west coast the water is pretty cold year round. Being someone that served many years in the Navy and trained in some of the coldest water around. A full face mask can be nice. Plus he said he isnt comfortable in the water, unlike myself. I have no issues being in the water for hours on end. But someone like Mark that isnt, it actually takes a little courage to make a video like this. That shows he has pride in what he is doing, or he wouldn't have bothered at all with the review..
MarkHawkCam - 9 years ago
+Richard's World - Living on the west coast in America, water is cold year round. Most beach, dive, or snorkel going days aren't spent long in the water without a wet suit. That being said, I reached out to NEOPine about using this. How it looks and feels on my face isn't ruining my fun. Sorry to have to justify this to you outside the video but I'm okay with this mask and don't mind function over form in this case.
PanManDan - 9 years ago
Kinda cool, but I just use the GoPro head strap with goggles and snorkel. It puts the camera on my forehead so it's still under water when I'm floating and looking ahead.
MarkHawkCam - 9 years ago
+PanManDan appreciated :D
PanManDan - 9 years ago
Neat! Thank you for your work, I've recommended your channel to a few people wanting to buy action cams and told them to check your video comparisons.
MarkHawkCam - 9 years ago
+PanManDan The extending out chest piece would be really cool. Putting up a video on this extension pole tomorrow that comes with a little piece that would be perfect for that. Have a few surfer buddies who do the GoPro Floaty mouth bite technique.
PanManDan - 9 years ago
Chest mount with a short extension facing forwards, eh? I guess that can work too! Or I can just put the camera in my mouth like Nick Woodman does ;p
MarkHawkCam - 9 years ago
+PanManDan For me this lead to the camera often being too high up or sliding off my head as bobbed in and out of the water. Found the chest mount to be a better perspective in comparison.
Flashpoh - 9 years ago
Simon Frycia
Simon Frycia - 9 years ago
If it looks stupid but it works, it ain't stupid.

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