Quicklook/Review: NEOpine's GoPro Snorkel Mask (NDM-1)
Snorkeling 9 years ago 56,563 views
I'm terrified of water but I can't wait for the weather to warm up or find a heated pool to try out NEOpine's GoPro full face snorkel mask some more :D (NDM-1) (Using this link will help support MarkHawkCam) Check Out the NEOpine Link here: http://amzn.to/2jyXEGL Please like and help me share these videos :D It's a huge help in how our channel it listed here and on the web. NEW WEBSITE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be sure to check out the soft launch of http://MarkHawkCam.com. Help contribute to a community review, see more feature driven write ups, and more. http://MarkHawkCam.com. PATREON -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I run this channel out of pocket. Most of the cameras covered are purchases I've made unless otherwise stated. Any contribution would mean a tremendous amount and would be another step towards validating all the time and effort put into it. Please check out the link and stay tuned for future premium options. http://Patreon.com/MarkHawkCam Social Networks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For questions or opportunities please contact me here Email: MarkHawkCam@gmail.com Instagram is my jam. Seriously, I love sharing unique content here. Instagram: https://instagram.com/markhawkcam Where I post more about my daily VFX job and adventures. Twitter: https://twitter.com/MarkHawk Join the reddit community Our Community: https://reddit.com/r/helmetcameras I put a lot of personal time into each video and answering questions. The one area I'd greatly appreciate help sharing and linking to my videos. Views, Likes, and Subscribes are what really help me in getting more videos uploaded each month. FIRMWARE INFO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firmware Version installed during the creation of this video: "info version":"1.00, "camera type":"camera a", "info version":"1.00", "camera type":"camera b", **Date** June 2015 ADDITIONAL INFO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Email: MarkHawkCam@gmail.com Website: http://MarkHawkCam.com Instagram: https://instagram.com/markhawkcam Twitter: https://twitter.com/MarkHawk Our Community: https://reddit.com/r/helmetcameras
The fact that any company tried to price it so high then to bring it down by that much shows it's a failing product. Just my 2 cents on marketing from someone who knows nothing.
10. comment for Quicklook/Review: NEOpine's GoPro Snorkel Mask (NDM-1)
When is your HDR-AS50 review coming out?
how do you equalize your ears while wearing this mask?