Hi! Key West was beautiful, one of my favorite places so far! Thank you for watching my video! Instagram: martinealexandra

SNORKELING IN KEY WEST, USA! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Snorkeling 7 years ago 4,637 views

Hi! Key West was beautiful, one of my favorite places so far! Thank you for watching my video! Instagram: martinealexandra

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Most popular comments

Victoria Hill
Victoria Hill - 7 years ago
Martine Alexandra,

I notice you seem to enjoy the states a lot, do you ever plan to move here to the U.S.? And if so, what state would you pick to live in?
Anthony K
Anthony K - 7 years ago
Glad you're not in Key West right now!
Brian Sullivan
Brian Sullivan - 7 years ago
I love your vlogs and watching you and your beautiful family enjoy your time in the US.
Martine Alexandra
Martine Alexandra - 7 years ago
Thank you so much for your support! :)
Apollyon67 - 7 years ago
Who else thinks Martine would be an Awesome Ambassador for Norway to the U.S.?
Janie Tyrell
Janie Tyrell - 7 years ago
I'm an American from the south so it was cool to see your point of view on my home but now I'm excited to learn more about daily life in Norway!
Jim Caudill, Guitarist
Jim Caudill, Guitarist - 7 years ago
What a great role model for your younger sisters!
sactiger - 7 years ago
Your beautiful face, with that gorgeous sunset in the background... how wonderful!! <3 :)
a00141799 - 7 years ago
Super vlog again. You really set a high standard Martine. So nice to see your dad, seems like such loving man. What a bright future you will most certainly have. I am American and it is so ironic to experience parts of America though a visitor to America. Huge country.

Really looking forward to seeing and experiencing Norway and your culture. Hei og velkommen til Norge.
Charlotte Koning
Charlotte Koning - 7 years ago
im enjoying your videos so much omg
Martine Alexandra
Martine Alexandra - 7 years ago
Charlotte Koning Aww thank you girl! I am so happy to hear that!

10. comment for SNORKELING IN KEY WEST, USA!

Donna Rushton
Donna Rushton - 7 years ago
Thank you for sharing your year with us. It has been nice to see your excitement for everything you have experience this past year.

I am looking forward to my exchange student coming for the year and hope she has many amazing experiences like you did.
livingabovethe12th - 7 years ago
Really getting hooked on your channel....keep up the great work as your vlogs are improving with each one...and I look forward to some Norway vlogs! I have been to Norway probably 10 times and have visited Oslo, Kristianstand (sp?), Trondheim and Bergen. Much love from Las Vegas
Odothuigon - 7 years ago
Great vlog! Did you fly or drive from Miami to Key West?
So glad you and your family enjoyed your 2nd trip to the US.
Y'all come back soon!
Hailee Thieme
Hailee Thieme - 7 years ago
I'm from Florida! I'm glad you like it here and had such a good time :) Thanks for replying to my question btw
Micha EL
Micha EL - 7 years ago
I hope you come back to visit us again real soon Martine. There is still so much more to see, from New Orleans, to Chicago, to Branson, to the Rockies or the Grand Canyon, the Oregon coast with Northern California's giant sequoias and ultimately Hollywood ! And that just scratches the surface!
yaimavol - 7 years ago
Haven't been to Key West in years.   That brought back memories.   It's a lot more cool place to visit than a lot of the touristy places in Florida.
HorribleDeplorableHarry - 7 years ago
I've been there a few times, awesome place. I want to go back to check out Robert the doll. For people who don't know, Robert the doll is a possessed doll that is in a museum in Key West.
twk0500 - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing all the great videos, love your channel. Safe trip back to Norway. Take care, Tom.
Kenbo Atlas
Kenbo Atlas - 7 years ago
Awesome way to end the US trip. That sunset was incredible. Did you like the snorkeling?
saigonbond - 7 years ago
Sweet Norwegian lobster sunburn! LOL

20. comment for SNORKELING IN KEY WEST, USA!

crossbow1203 - 7 years ago
And a bunch of his cats have 6 toes!
Susanne Borgund
Susanne Borgund - 7 years ago
flinkee søss <33
Martine Alexandra
Martine Alexandra - 7 years ago
Susanne Borgund ;) <3
Rich samuel
Rich samuel - 7 years ago
So, did you apply to the University of Alabama yet. It's very easy for foreign students to go to college in US & then you could learn the proper reply when someone says
GO BAMA!!!!!!!
yaimavol - 7 years ago
Yes, they love foreign students because they pay the full tuition.   Very expensive.
Rich samuel
Rich samuel - 7 years ago
Martine Alexandra & there it is! The first thing they teach you in Alabama. :)
Martine Alexandra
Martine Alexandra - 7 years ago
Rich samuel roll tide roll!!
Rich samuel
Rich samuel - 7 years ago
tman111195 omg! That's not it!!!!!! I do like auburn tho.
David Douglas
David Douglas - 7 years ago
Hei Martine - Thanks a lot for sharing Key West with us. I have enjoyed every entry you've uploaded from exchange year and your trip back to the USA. Tusen takk!
Big Ozone
Big Ozone - 7 years ago
did you know the Hemingway cats have 6 toes!
Martine Alexandra
Martine Alexandra - 7 years ago
Big Ozone haha Yess!
NoneOfYourBusiness - 7 years ago
You live a very interesting life.
Big Ozone
Big Ozone - 7 years ago
I'm going to miss these US vlogs!
Martine Alexandra
Martine Alexandra - 7 years ago
Big Ozone me too!
Alain C
Alain C - 7 years ago
NOooooooooo...... we want more America vlogs!! PLEASE PLEASE!!! hahaha
Martine Alexandra
Martine Alexandra - 7 years ago
Alain Corona hahaha:( i would love to make more, but gotta go home for a while!

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