Sea Urchin Sting Removal Maui Hawaii - Daredevil Girl

I got to experience a sea urchin sting, which inspired my Accelerate Beauty Shop I was snorkeling on Maui, Hawaii. Amy Chmelecki (Team Red Bull Air Force) filmed this sea urchin spine video during the Team Icarus Evolution project. We were all across the street from our condo spending some leisure time snorkeling in the ocean. I spotted an underwater arch/cave looking reef thing about 20ft deep. I was in the water with Wyat Drewes, my fiance at the time. I said, "Hey Wyat watch this. I'm going to swing under that reef arch!" I held my breath and swam down to swim under the arch. As I approached it, I was a little apprehensive. But I had to go through with it. From up at the surface it looked harmless. Once I got closer, it was a little scary looking. It was dark under there and I started thinking about eels. I went for it anyways. As I swam through it the water shifted and that scared me. It felt like I was going to get pushed into the coral. So I panicked and kicked really hard to swim out of there fast! I kicked the top of the reef arch with my heel and ouch that hurt!! Wyat was watching me and as I swam to the surface he could tell something was wrong. The sea urchin spikes went through my flipper. Wyat held me up in the water so we could look at my heel. It was ugly. Big long spikes were sticking out of my heel. I didn't know what it was and thought it was maybe something poisonous that I could die from. Wyat helped me swim to shore. Fruitcake (Jason Peters) and Amy Chmelecki came over to help. We weren't sure if I needed to go to the emergency room so we called our good friend Jimmy Hall who was a shark diving ocean expert. We described what happened and he said, "Oh that's just a sea urchin (uni). It will hurt, but it's not poisonous." Boy oh boy was I relieved!! So Wyat and Fruitcake helped me walk to our condo across the street. Then the sea urchin spike removal surgery began. Amy filmed this video and laughed at my pain. Wyat tried to removed the spikes the best he could, but they were brittle and kept breaking off. I sucked it up, dealt with the pain and we continued our awesome Hawaii project/vacation. The sea urchin spikes left a tattoo in my heel that lasted for about 2-3 weeks. What a trip! Now I know what it's like to get the wrath of the mighty sea urchin! This happened in 2003. Jimmy Hall died May 9, 2007 (Wyat's 33rd birthday) in a base jumping incident. Wyat Drewes died August 10, 2007 in a motorcycle accident. RIP boys! I miss you! - Diana Blackburn Watch me skydive over San Deigo, CA Watch me go shark diving in Hawaii Watch me river rafting on the Kern River Watch me rappel down a waterfall in Utah Watch me shoot tv with a shotgun

Sea Urchin Sting Removal Maui Hawaii - Daredevil Girl sentiment_very_dissatisfied 25005

Snorkeling 10 years ago 39,608,101 views

I got to experience a sea urchin sting, which inspired my Accelerate Beauty Shop I was snorkeling on Maui, Hawaii. Amy Chmelecki (Team Red Bull Air Force) filmed this sea urchin spine video during the Team Icarus Evolution project. We were all across the street from our condo spending some leisure time snorkeling in the ocean. I spotted an underwater arch/cave looking reef thing about 20ft deep. I was in the water with Wyat Drewes, my fiance at the time. I said, "Hey Wyat watch this. I'm going to swing under that reef arch!" I held my breath and swam down to swim under the arch. As I approached it, I was a little apprehensive. But I had to go through with it. From up at the surface it looked harmless. Once I got closer, it was a little scary looking. It was dark under there and I started thinking about eels. I went for it anyways. As I swam through it the water shifted and that scared me. It felt like I was going to get pushed into the coral. So I panicked and kicked really hard to swim out of there fast! I kicked the top of the reef arch with my heel and ouch that hurt!! Wyat was watching me and as I swam to the surface he could tell something was wrong. The sea urchin spikes went through my flipper. Wyat held me up in the water so we could look at my heel. It was ugly. Big long spikes were sticking out of my heel. I didn't know what it was and thought it was maybe something poisonous that I could die from. Wyat helped me swim to shore. Fruitcake (Jason Peters) and Amy Chmelecki came over to help. We weren't sure if I needed to go to the emergency room so we called our good friend Jimmy Hall who was a shark diving ocean expert. We described what happened and he said, "Oh that's just a sea urchin (uni). It will hurt, but it's not poisonous." Boy oh boy was I relieved!! So Wyat and Fruitcake helped me walk to our condo across the street. Then the sea urchin spike removal surgery began. Amy filmed this video and laughed at my pain. Wyat tried to removed the spikes the best he could, but they were brittle and kept breaking off. I sucked it up, dealt with the pain and we continued our awesome Hawaii project/vacation. The sea urchin spikes left a tattoo in my heel that lasted for about 2-3 weeks. What a trip! Now I know what it's like to get the wrath of the mighty sea urchin! This happened in 2003. Jimmy Hall died May 9, 2007 (Wyat's 33rd birthday) in a base jumping incident. Wyat Drewes died August 10, 2007 in a motorcycle accident. RIP boys! I miss you! - Diana Blackburn Watch me skydive over San Deigo, CA Watch me go shark diving in Hawaii Watch me river rafting on the Kern River Watch me rappel down a waterfall in Utah Watch me shoot tv with a shotgun

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Most popular comments
for Sea Urchin Sting Removal Maui Hawaii - Daredevil Girl

София Калашникова
София Калашникова - 7 years ago
что это такое
PalmmY AAR
PalmmY AAR - 7 years ago
You not meant to remove them or try to squeeze. You could get infection! all you do is use glass bottle (or something hard) to hit where all the black dot is to break it up so it not stay in then get lime/lime juice and rub it on after that to reduce the pain.Then it will disappear by itself but will take time.
Eyeless Jack
Eyeless Jack - 7 years ago
Sea Urchin "Stepped on me. Stepped on me? You kidding? She was dancing all over me. I mean just look at this: broken, broken, gone, gone, broken, broken, broken"
Holman Faatili
Holman Faatili - 7 years ago
Pee on it!!
Aleeza Halasan
Aleeza Halasan - 7 years ago
its almost 4am and I have finals tomorrow at 10am and instead of studying im watching this vids why
Väinö Töppärä
Väinö Töppärä - 7 years ago
Christina Richardson
Christina Richardson - 7 years ago
This is nastey
madestmax1 - 7 years ago
All you can do is piss on it. They're barbed and actually shot out of the black/blue urchins spines. Get enough in you and you'll hallucinate like LSD... I speak from experience.... I dive for lobster all season and can't really avoid the damn thing's...
Duvmasta - 7 years ago
That’s gotta hurt!

10. comment for Sea Urchin Sting Removal Maui Hawaii - Daredevil Girl

rick devault
rick devault - 7 years ago
Next time use bikini wax just like pulling hairs out.
Moo Loo
Moo Loo - 7 years ago
I'm SO shivery.... My SKIN IS CRAWLIN
AyeBuddy - 7 years ago
Is this the start of a porno?
lee lunk
lee lunk - 7 years ago
2 Trinity
2 Trinity - 7 years ago
I was watching makeup tutorials and now I ended up here ?????
Pedro H.a
Pedro H.a - 7 years ago
Eeeew, stranger
Adam Kirk
Adam Kirk - 7 years ago
This gave me gas. 87 unleaded
Loving_That _Animu
Loving_That _Animu - 7 years ago
Excuse me miss. But do you happen to have Daredevil man. Because I have you know I stepped on Legos. Hmu.
Лариса Мир
Лариса Мир - 7 years ago
Морской еж.
skobite123 - 7 years ago
urine  dissolves those no need to pic them out

20. comment for Sea Urchin Sting Removal Maui Hawaii - Daredevil Girl

Lana Noles
Lana Noles - 7 years ago
Ah yes... the weird part of YouTube. Welcome. How did we get here? Did you start off watching tutorials or your favorite content creator? Probably. Did you get distracted by some random crap and keep clicking. Yeah. So now you find yourself down the rabbit hole that is the weird side of YouTube. And the suggested videos aren’t much better. You’ll never escape. Surrender to it.
Padparadscha Sapphire
Padparadscha Sapphire - 7 years ago
Please don't try to do this at home, go to a doctor. Removing them at the doctor's office is much cheaper than treating an infection at the doctor's office. Getting treatment for an infection at the doctor's office is much cheaper than getting a limb amputated at the doctor's office.
Jesús Jiménez
Jesús Jiménez - 7 years ago
Tainus_ - 7 years ago
Why is this in my recommended?
Koen van Coevorden
Koen van Coevorden - 7 years ago
Show artistic net qthoot organize hotel focus logic favor enhance shift concept.
julia pony
julia pony - 7 years ago
I can't look my body is shaking
Sapphire Star
Sapphire Star - 7 years ago
seeing someone else doing this knowing it might hurt really is cringy
lance Long
lance Long - 7 years ago
Or you r rite
Doodus6 Phase3
Doodus6 Phase3 - 7 years ago
Ive seen a dude face plant the reef surfing and his forehead looked like her foot ✖10
Сергей Иваницкий
Сергей Иваницкий - 7 years ago
а что это такое

30. comment for Sea Urchin Sting Removal Maui Hawaii - Daredevil Girl

Journey-Wynn Ragpala
Journey-Wynn Ragpala - 7 years ago
Actually I’m from Hawaii and has experienced that before. What to do is to urinate on it then leave it alone. Like no joke that’s how they go away, and if they stay there nothing happens really it’ll disappear later on
Carrot From BFV
Carrot From BFV - 7 years ago
How the heck did it phase through her skin
deven kimble
deven kimble - 7 years ago
I have fucking drivers ed at 8 in the morning it’s midnight
Ola M8
Ola M8 - 7 years ago
My smol brother got a sea urchin spine in his foot this her,but his was on the bottom of his foot ;[
Shaira Boucher
Shaira Boucher - 7 years ago
Is it just me or was there no footage of them being removed. Just of his blurry hand and spots on a heel
Egg - 7 years ago
they look like blackheads
Galaxy wolf
Galaxy wolf - 7 years ago
What happened if you don't fix it? Are you gonna die? It's venomous?
Pedro Nicolas
Pedro Nicolas - 7 years ago
둥 둥
둥 둥 - 7 years ago
What is it...??
Игровой канал Спрингера
Игровой канал Спрингера - 7 years ago
oooooooooooooooo No
Muhammad Amin
Muhammad Amin - 7 years ago
Delete video!
Jake Dawg
Jake Dawg - 7 years ago
Guy: doesn't have tweezers yet
Girl: "are they coming out easy?"
•Chocolate Rainbow•
•Chocolate Rainbow• - 7 years ago
its a muffin affection
Lilly Bears
Lilly Bears - 7 years ago
This has happened to me before in Jamaica
Yoh'Boi Bigge
Yoh'Boi Bigge - 7 years ago
1:06 she was quoting Xvideos there.
Laurie De Silva
Laurie De Silva - 7 years ago
Worst youtuber
Queries Solution
Queries Solution - 7 years ago
Hostwith Damost
Hostwith Damost - 7 years ago
there is a wonderful invention it's called a hospital
노네님 - 7 years ago
저게 뭐야
#CanaJeonStudio - 7 years ago
This was before I as even born

50. comment for Sea Urchin Sting Removal Maui Hawaii - Daredevil Girl

Skye 768
Skye 768 - 7 years ago
This was so unsatisfying
HeyIts Fufurs
HeyIts Fufurs - 7 years ago
Why didn’t u guy go to the doctors
Clorox God
Clorox God - 7 years ago
Pee on that hoe!!
erikaovvyo10 guzman
erikaovvyo10 guzman - 7 years ago
Dantdm ROBLox
Dantdm ROBLox - 7 years ago
Female Gamer
Female Gamer - 7 years ago
This video went from real interesting to extremely sad and a tad bit depressing in just a matter of two seconds after reading the entire description
Sparkling Fortnite
Sparkling Fortnite - 7 years ago
Sub to my channel if you ever hit your toe
Samuel Zuñiga Prado
Samuel Zuñiga Prado - 7 years ago
Is poop
IShootYou StayDown
IShootYou StayDown - 7 years ago
So you gotta do that shit on the island where people keep food!?
บอย น่ากิน
บอย น่ากิน - 7 years ago
The Real Slim Shady
The Real Slim Shady - 7 years ago
J T - 7 years ago
뺀거여 만거여..
Miles Benitez
Miles Benitez - 7 years ago
Lemon is a cure for sea urchins, they will pop out by there own. I had a first hand experience so it's really effective.
it's you gurl kj!!!!
it's you gurl kj!!!! - 7 years ago
Piss on bro...

คามิโอชิ โมบายล์นะค้าบ
คามิโอชิ โมบายล์นะค้าบ - 7 years ago
N.S.G. - 7 years ago
Gringos cochinos no se duschan ponte guantes
Abel Antonetty
Abel Antonetty - 7 years ago
Whom ever is holding the camera dont ever record anything else because you are so bad at it
Łøřī Łîĺ
Łøřī Łîĺ - 7 years ago
Jaden Hu
Jaden Hu - 7 years ago
Why didn't they just go to the hospital?
Tamatha Hood
Tamatha Hood - 7 years ago
Jefry was here
Jefry was here - 7 years ago
1:06 oaaaahh you're a good doctor
Spector555 - 7 years ago
че нормально снять не получилось, хуйня какая то
Jason Money
Jason Money - 7 years ago
Wth you idiots doing take her to the doctor you cheep ass two dollar plucker won't do shit
Kap of Tae and Suga
Kap of Tae and Suga - 7 years ago
So I first started at kpop to kdrama and brain and heart surgery, now here
The Raven Boys
The Raven Boys - 7 years ago
Just pee on it lol
KaiDaDestroyr - 7 years ago
The description tho. RIP.
Clyde Vince Manzon
Clyde Vince Manzon - 7 years ago
Just pee at iy
あにお前はもう死んでいる - 7 years ago
Kinda got the chills from looking at the stings they look like holes, probably bc i have trypophobia
Bad Aliens
Bad Aliens - 7 years ago
Put in vinegar for a wile. If u pull them out they get smaller and smaller
Bad Aliens
Bad Aliens - 7 years ago
It happens somtimes
Bad Aliens
Bad Aliens - 7 years ago
jommel calilap
jommel calilap - 7 years ago
Why is this in my recommendation?
Amarius Howard
Amarius Howard - 7 years ago
See look at her she is scard
Julio Vergara LA FEA
Julio Vergara LA FEA - 7 years ago
Just pee on the affected area and it will come out..
Michael McNamara
Michael McNamara - 7 years ago
You mean non-removal!
Toodles AAAGAIN - 7 years ago
Ádám Bence Rász
Ádám Bence Rász - 7 years ago
I wont go surfing anymore.
White Boy Reacts
White Boy Reacts - 7 years ago
mars aicar
mars aicar - 7 years ago
just pee on it.
DRIPLYstudio zz
DRIPLYstudio zz - 7 years ago
Just pee on it
potato - 7 years ago
Pee on em and they melt
Isaiah Davidson
Isaiah Davidson - 7 years ago
You houlies
Quốc LQM Channel
Quốc LQM Channel - 7 years ago
Eh Gay
Eh Gay - 7 years ago
柏崎星魔魄如魅 - 7 years ago
jiren_ black_goku_yt
jiren_ black_goku_yt - 7 years ago
Gary Blagdon
Gary Blagdon - 7 years ago
Well that was uneventful and unsatisfying. Lol
Spero R
Spero R - 7 years ago
I’ve got stuck with those before your body will start to push it out on it’s own and a few months then you can pop it like a zit
戚文清 - 7 years ago
Is this still human?
Lexine Mae
Lexine Mae - 7 years ago
Your just gonna pee that using your own urine. That's the easiest way dude. I'm not joking

100. comment for Sea Urchin Sting Removal Maui Hawaii - Daredevil Girl

R6 God
R6 God - 7 years ago
I’m in Maui for vacation rn
Gogfot_ - 7 years ago
two part in pornhub xd
Game_Biz - 7 years ago
how the hell did i g...get here
구독하지마라 구독하지마라
구독하지마라 구독하지마라 - 7 years ago
go hospital
Ajay Dasrath
Ajay Dasrath - 7 years ago
That’s one way to spend your vacation
Big Ant
Big Ant - 7 years ago
Zuby Siti
Zuby Siti - 7 years ago
Need to get that thing out
I'm weird always
I'm weird always - 7 years ago
Ok first it barley showed anything and second whoever is working the camera sucks
KRM Immortal
KRM Immortal - 7 years ago
Why is this in my recommended what have I been watching lately?
Terri Brunelle
Terri Brunelle - 7 years ago
I’m officially terrified of Hawaii
Daisy Fair
Daisy Fair - 7 years ago
Что єто?
YFSB AK47 - 7 years ago
What happens if I leave it in there brah you a dumb bitch
gulcan6 msp
gulcan6 msp - 7 years ago
F-Fuck this is dramatic!! 0-0
iflovessonice - 7 years ago
click bait
Zurimotoji Bng
Zurimotoji Bng - 7 years ago
just pee on it it will melt
Lugia Playz
Lugia Playz - 7 years ago
Your a bad camera women
Names Regine
Names Regine - 7 years ago
pee on it swear to god it comes off by itself when you do, not even kidding
Naomi Walmsley
Naomi Walmsley - 7 years ago
Why i dont hang in the sea
Darlene Castro
Darlene Castro - 7 years ago
Downvoted because of the endcard. Those are very annoying and keep people from enjoying videos.
Fatimah Jamjuji
Fatimah Jamjuji - 7 years ago
Just urinate on it .it wil melt away promise
cherie mae
cherie mae - 7 years ago
what are thes :p
최jongwon - 7 years ago
이게 모임?
Treveasy the giant
Treveasy the giant - 7 years ago
I started on Blackhead videos, went to earwax removals, now I'm on this.
SneakyRaptor the gamer
SneakyRaptor the gamer - 7 years ago
Hmm well how did you find the thing oh i know BECUSE YOU DID NOT LOOK WHERE YOU WERE GOING
Ryan French
Ryan French - 7 years ago
She’s so drunk lmao
jacksonyan - 7 years ago
Why does this remind of that scene in surfs up where the one guy pees on the main characters foot since he was stung by a sea urchin
Riley Cabanero
Riley Cabanero - 7 years ago
Vinegar and hot water dude
Милана Мингажидинова
Милана Мингажидинова - 7 years ago
English fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!;;;!:::!!!!
Morgan Eduardsen
Morgan Eduardsen - 7 years ago
Sana Choi
Sana Choi - 7 years ago
I hate this iyuhhhh
Badtrip - 7 years ago
What is this aq
jjcool jeremy
jjcool jeremy - 7 years ago
That's gross
Julia Boolia
Julia Boolia - 7 years ago
This was wild start to finish.
At points I was certain it was gonna turn into a porno..
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Yes, I'm fine thank you. :)
Christine L C
Christine L C - 7 years ago
that kinda stuff best solution is pee on it it's called vana
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
I still find the pee solution hard to believe, but I hear that a lot on here!
TrueToCaesar - 7 years ago
Same thing happened to me
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Oh no. What did you do?
Tiffany Bernard
Tiffany Bernard - 7 years ago
demon 214
demon 214 - 7 years ago
Dumb whores
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Who? The sea urchins?
JayTheBoss98 - 7 years ago
I once got sticken by a sea urchin... I went O O F
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
It does not feel good does it?
mochi cloud
mochi cloud - 7 years ago
Tourist always get wana in there feet lmao
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Ha. Well, shit happens. :/
리마리유다LimarYoda - 7 years ago
But you know, here in our country, Philippines, we just pee on it and after minutes it's off
NCR Ranger
NCR Ranger - 7 years ago
리마리유다LimarYoda you really peed on it?
리마리유다LimarYoda - 7 years ago
Daredevil Girl yeah I have tried that when we were on a birthday and we decided to go set it on the beach and I just step on a sea urchin and they told me to just pee on it and all will be alright and it really happened
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
After minutes with pee? That is so crazy!
jason samamaju
jason samamaju - 7 years ago
What is inside the towel ??
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Which towel?
Jose Daniel
Jose Daniel - 7 years ago
Pulled what? A boner watching you on your side? Dude had a muff shot
Jose Daniel
Jose Daniel - 7 years ago
Daredevil Girl well,ur a tough girl. Hopefully,alls well
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Ha. Well good thing he was my fiance. And the point is that it is impossible to remove sea urchin spines. You can't pull them out.
Eric Dysert
Eric Dysert - 7 years ago
Oh no!! A semi professional not using gloves!!! He is getting turned on of his own pervertness touching your feet bearhanded---- your now part of the #metoo!!!!------ of course he is doing you a major favour--- but what the femnazis want everyone to think
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Well, he was my fiance so I didn't feel sexually harassed in any way. It's ok snowflake. ;p
Bakim Bi
Bakim Bi - 7 years ago
Nice legs
Thank you
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
I'm glad you enjoyed the video. You are one of a few out of millions.
The monkey
The monkey - 7 years ago
Yo that is scary
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Just avoid the reef and you'll be ok. If this happens to you, the word on the street is have someone pee on it!
Scrubs R/C
Scrubs R/C - 7 years ago
i kicked one as a kid whilst swimming going in my instep and the last bit of spine came out 15 years later 3/4 of the way up my shin
Scrubs R/C
Scrubs R/C - 7 years ago
they dont disolve over time so if a tiny tip wasnt got out it still will be
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
No way! Do you think they are still in my skin??!!
Gabriel - 7 years ago
asi es como debe iniciar una escena porno
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Oh really? I wouldn't know.
Dariwan Anderson
Dariwan Anderson - 7 years ago
I'm a professional earchin diver in BC west cost I see it now and again it don't come out right away got to let it feature of it don't come out it turns to calcium I got one in my finger I've been trying to get out for a year it's eratating it comes out in lil peaces
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Oh wow. Fortunately after about 3 weeks all the spikes worked there way out of my foot. It hurt pretty bad and was really irritating.
Greek Tiger11
Greek Tiger11 - 7 years ago
Poison... you need to pee on it
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
I'll try that next time. If there is a next time...
Thomas Camp
Thomas Camp - 7 years ago
Umm... Did I miss the removal part?
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
It is not possible to remove them. That's the point. They are barbed and don't come out.
Fon Leward
Fon Leward - 7 years ago
White people
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Yes we are.
SkirtSkirt Skirt
SkirtSkirt Skirt - 7 years ago
How do I always end up in the weird part of YouTube??
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
kirk mcclean
kirk mcclean - 7 years ago
Fucking lame!
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
haha ok
kirk mcclean
kirk mcclean - 7 years ago
Daredevil Girl Nope. But it's lame.
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
you mad bro?
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
She's a cutie!
help me nigga
help me nigga - 7 years ago
That moment when you loose yourself on youtube
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Loose yourself in the moment, you own it.
むむむむむーむむ - 7 years ago
Choochoo Moo
Choochoo Moo - 7 years ago
Wow they gained 34 thousand dollars from uploading this disgusting video,
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
34 thousand, not even close. YouTube doesn't pay nearly as much as people think...
Phillip Mercurio
Phillip Mercurio - 7 years ago
Hot girl.
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Jason Sine
Jason Sine - 7 years ago
Lil skinny girl gotta!
Jason Sine
Jason Sine - 7 years ago
noneya123 not true. She's pretty damn cool. And we ain't pervs. LOL
noneya123 - 7 years ago
Daredevil Girl Girl your average at best, don't let these old perves blow your head up lmao
Jason Sine
Jason Sine - 7 years ago
Daredevil Girl LOL! You look damn good. And yes skinny girls need love too. ;-) don't feel bad I'm like a hundred and fifty five pounds and have the same issue minus the amazing rack. LMAO... Super high metabolism eat a ton of food but don't gain any weight, but a skinny guys need love too. :-)
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Yep, all natural. Good genes. I eat a lot - super human metabolism. Hey skinny girls need love too!
Camilo Armendariz
Camilo Armendariz - 7 years ago
Amo el pene
victor henrique
victor henrique - 7 years ago
Wtf what a idiot
victor henrique
victor henrique - 7 years ago
o cara que está tirando isso de voce
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Who, me?
Aneta Rohlíčková
Aneta Rohlíčková - 7 years ago
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
The TMTG Gaming
The TMTG Gaming - 7 years ago
How I came here from despacito?
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Really? Wow crazy.
Marie Felix
Marie Felix - 7 years ago
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
RoBo Roket
RoBo Roket - 7 years ago
Damn both died in the same year
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Yes, three months apart. Thanks for watching and reading.
Bob Kelsh
Bob Kelsh - 7 years ago
No hes not hes a retard...doese he not know how to use a tweazer
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
They were shite tweezers.
Flyers Lover345
Flyers Lover345 - 7 years ago
Wtf Richard
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Richard who?
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Daniel Mihalko
Daniel Mihalko - 7 years ago
Worst camera work of all time like just leave it on the sting site.
simona forever
simona forever - 7 years ago
జ్ఞ‌ా - 7 years ago
Fake you drew dots with a marker
fikriyana hidayat
fikriyana hidayat - 7 years ago
Anticlimax when I'm sooo close
Leoremee Clapano
Leoremee Clapano - 7 years ago
Here in the Philippines, we don't need doctors to remove those.. The best and fastest solution to that is pee on them.. That's basically to dissolve whatever got stuck under your skin.. And it is believed that you would recover faster if a person of the opposite sex would do it, the pain would go away faster..
Araya Self
Araya Self - 7 years ago
Why did i watch this
Kenny McCormick
Kenny McCormick - 7 years ago
To find the easy way

You need to pee on it
Novitananda Syakayla
Novitananda Syakayla - 7 years ago
ngga selesai
โซ มายด์
โซ มายด์ - 7 years ago
Ольга Шаймарданова
Ольга Шаймарданова - 7 years ago
Ковырялся - ковырялся и ничего не сделал
Polina Makarova
Polina Makarova - 7 years ago
Я одна тут русская
GTR Car - 7 years ago
What the hell is that thing? O. M. G
Linda Gomez
Linda Gomez - 7 years ago
This guy doesn't have the proper equipment to remove them
Kangil Obong
Kangil Obong - 7 years ago
People in Philippines sat pee on it
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
The Filipinos are all about pee for the cure.
Lorie anne Del Castillo
Lorie anne Del Castillo - 7 years ago
here in the Philippines we just pee on it . that is the easiest way to cure.
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
I have heard this many times. Thank you.
Adiktus Neo
Adiktus Neo - 7 years ago
Here i am again, in youtube's dark side
Adiktus Neo
Adiktus Neo - 7 years ago
Daredevil Girl hello, mother
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Adiktus, I am your mother.
I WAS YIXINGED - 7 years ago
Someone call the doctor
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
I didn't need one.
Christina Pippas
Christina Pippas - 7 years ago
Youre not supposed to pull them out they're barbed
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Yes that is what I learned. You can't pull them out.
James Bomar
James Bomar - 7 years ago
Poor babe! Wish I coulda helped you, you're so pretty.
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Thank you! I was ok though. All good, just a little pain.
The Berrin
The Berrin - 7 years ago
Be honest

You cringed once
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Jer Fernandez
Jer Fernandez - 7 years ago
Mga tanga iniihian lang yan, urinate it and it all gone instantly.
Macky Anderson
Macky Anderson - 7 years ago
I didn't see anything remove from her ankle ;)
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
No that is the point. It is NOT possible to remove them. Just have to leave them in.
Tony Montana
Tony Montana - 7 years ago
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
We just got that little bit of footage. You cannot remove the sea urchin spines from the skin. It is not possible as they are barbed. You have to leave them in and deal with it.
Aaron Monsivais
Aaron Monsivais - 7 years ago
It "Burns good though right"
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
She sounds just a bit kinky. :)
jameel ahmed
jameel ahmed - 7 years ago
raimbowsixsiege123 profile
raimbowsixsiege123 profile - 7 years ago
Katherine A. Estrera
Katherine A. Estrera - 7 years ago
The FAST way of removing sea urchin's sting is pee on it.
danielle constantine
danielle constantine - 7 years ago
What a waste of time, no difference
PinkSenSation. - 7 years ago
What is that
jay chase
jay chase - 7 years ago
I knew that using the counter with all the booze on it would mean these people are professionals...
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
I guess the booze gave us away...
jay chase
jay chase - 7 years ago
Ants too...

Nice place ya got there
JOECHEL GILS - 7 years ago
you should pee on it
Henk Potvis
Henk Potvis - 7 years ago
Its sunday night gross night!
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Sunday night gross night?! Oh dang I had no idea.
No Le Den A Suscribirse :v
No Le Den A Suscribirse :v - 7 years ago
Porque si estaba viendo DED termine aqui alv :v?
Mr. Lavalava1
Mr. Lavalava1 - 7 years ago
Back in Samoa, you just flip the urchin over and step on it again. It'll suck the needles out.
Polad Babayev
Polad Babayev - 7 years ago
holly scott
holly scott - 7 years ago
um i was watching makeup tutorials and how did i get here!!
Ex-Muslim Libertarian Atheist
Ex-Muslim Libertarian Atheist - 7 years ago
Alicia c
Alicia c - 7 years ago
Go back to hillbillyville
Bara Izzam
Bara Izzam - 7 years ago
뮬림 youtube#
뮬림 youtube# - 7 years ago
저게 뭐야!!
kunst v
kunst v - 7 years ago
mike fister
mike fister - 7 years ago
Shut up and show us your beaver!
Michelle Hiew
Michelle Hiew - 7 years ago
Love Love
Love Love - 7 years ago
ALERT: if you are reading this it was kinda gross

Continue reading

You fell into a trap!! Since you read this subscribe to me and I’ll subscribe to you.... lol
canargo724 - 7 years ago
She said what happens if i leave them in there wtf bish go to the dam hospital
Dircey Soraya Mosquera
Dircey Soraya Mosquera - 7 years ago
como eliminar los clavos del pie
Justin Pfennig
Justin Pfennig - 7 years ago
ยอดนักปรุง Toriko
ยอดนักปรุง Toriko - 7 years ago
Х Н Б - 7 years ago
ณภัทร ดีโสภา
ณภัทร ดีโสภา - 7 years ago
คนไทย ไลค์ หน่อย
Николетта котейка
Николетта котейка - 7 years ago
Vi vce brigyrki
김복선 - 7 years ago
คารานาชิ เซ็นจิ
คารานาชิ เซ็นจิ - 7 years ago
S.MD63 - 7 years ago
Worst camera work in history.
DJ Mika
DJ Mika - 7 years ago
iiTHICCNESS BOI /ティックネスボイ
iiTHICCNESS BOI /ティックネスボイ - 7 years ago
From Spongebob
Nikk jones
Nikk jones - 7 years ago
I know that shit hurt
- [CNZ.] Channel. -
- [CNZ.] Channel. - - 7 years ago
555+ ผมฟังไม่รู้เรื่อง
ketch up tube
ketch up tube - 7 years ago
Do u guys even knw
Hospitals r exit?
K0b3 P0di0tan
K0b3 P0di0tan - 7 years ago
Your a good doctor
why did you read my name
why did you read my name - 7 years ago
Imma bout to puke
Mario_HD 131
Mario_HD 131 - 7 years ago
Un si al alicante de sevilla berska
Armandas Sapas
Armandas Sapas - 7 years ago
man from 1990:In a decade we will have flying cars!
man from 2018:video gets viral of someone picking Someone's foot...
까꿍책상밑에 - 7 years ago
아윽 으으으응 헤으윽
Jim Boerner
Jim Boerner - 7 years ago
She has a smokin' hot body.
Gabrielle stories
Gabrielle stories - 7 years ago
I can barely see how they remove it
S ad
S ad - 7 years ago
Better to go to a hospital
Acquisya MSP
Acquisya MSP - 7 years ago
omg.. this is why i only go to pools
Autumn Bishop
Autumn Bishop - 7 years ago
That looks pain ful why didn't y ou just go to the doctor
Yadeka Mclean
Yadeka Mclean - 7 years ago
You have to piss on it
Kadies animating Corner
Kadies animating Corner - 7 years ago
hey man. he is the best
it burns good
Kadies animating Corner
Kadies animating Corner - 7 years ago
hey man. he is the best
Thomas Morales
Thomas Morales - 7 years ago
2 0 0 3
Eva Ristrem
Eva Ristrem - 7 years ago
Did you ever get them out
CHUBACAN 89 - 7 years ago
Urguya Yalcin
Urguya Yalcin - 7 years ago
Az donuzz yiyin.
PaintHerWhite - 7 years ago
Shitty camera work and a waste of time.
Juliano Nzz
Juliano Nzz - 7 years ago
Wat the isde
Mr Mistery10
Mr Mistery10 - 7 years ago
Holly shit
Dårk Shådøw
Dårk Shådøw - 7 years ago
Jason go get some in your feet so I can pick it out .. loved that part but entertaining vid
Hải Dớ GaMeR
Hải Dớ GaMeR - 7 years ago
Jhoon Aun Ng
Jhoon Aun Ng - 7 years ago
All I know from an old man once said.. the thorns are so fragile it’s impossible to remove it.. the only way to do it is to shatter them smaller and let your body reject it.. wash with vinegar..
rowena ugdiman
rowena ugdiman - 7 years ago
just pee on it
Michael Venable
Michael Venable - 7 years ago
Holy fuck
Fluffy Nazi
Fluffy Nazi - 7 years ago
Off !
Off ! - 7 years ago
Gianfranco Gatt Ellis
Gianfranco Gatt Ellis - 7 years ago
Haha thats nothing. We play waterpolo in the sea and i have gotten 6 sea urchins in my feet. I have to admit that it did hurt tho
selena **
selena ** - 7 years ago
Follow me plz
anisa i
anisa i - 7 years ago
Sex rappe
Alfred Barrozo
Alfred Barrozo - 7 years ago
Next time just pour vinegar on it.. trust me I had tons of those growing up.. lmfao.. better than what my cousins used to do.. we used to pee on it.. lmfao.. but the vinegar does the same thing.. it melts it away..
vanessa bonham
vanessa bonham - 7 years ago
i feel sorry for u
vanessa bonham
vanessa bonham - 7 years ago
i feel sorry for u
Chargarr Jamaa
Chargarr Jamaa - 7 years ago
I was jumping around like EHHH STAP
wilson pickett
wilson pickett - 7 years ago
take 1 thong (flipflop)and beat the area of spines and break them into microscopic pieces
VVT293 - 7 years ago
Little tip: You can pee on the sea urchin sting part, it helps with the poison and gets rid of it. It'll just take a few days to heal.
alex a
alex a - 7 years ago
They banged right after.
Ishla Harrison
Ishla Harrison - 7 years ago
You need to piss on it asap. The spikes are a defense mechanism and will only disperse in the form of spreading more spikes through the area.
Flavia Alves Amaral
Flavia Alves Amaral - 7 years ago
Dylan the video guy
Dylan the video guy - 7 years ago
2018 anyone
Jonathan Cooperman
Jonathan Cooperman - 7 years ago
Absolutely terrible- I still have no idea how to make meatball Parmesan
MrMegaFlich - 7 years ago
Very poor performance, you need a needle to get them out. Nice tits tho!
Dutch 1664
Dutch 1664 - 7 years ago
I'd slip her a length. nice bristols as well.
Camila Mascarenhas Reis
Camila Mascarenhas Reis - 7 years ago
What is that? How did she get that?
Dragon Seed
Dragon Seed - 7 years ago
You supposed to pee on that
Larkin Hancock
Larkin Hancock - 7 years ago
So you don't pee on Sea Urchin stings
Brittny Lee
Brittny Lee - 7 years ago
Never try to remove sea urchin needles if you’ve been stung. Only if they are big enough to pull out with your fingers. If they are under the skin your body will eventually absorb and get rid of it naturally. If anything you can soak in oxygen peroxide, and put some pain relief cream on the area.
turtle a.k.a. pj
turtle a.k.a. pj - 7 years ago
They're on some some drugs
Henry Verdant
Henry Verdant - 7 years ago
Me in a Nutshell .________.
Me in a Nutshell .________. - 7 years ago
I feel uncomfortable...
Neima Suzana
Neima Suzana - 7 years ago
Gente o que é isso? ??
Nokwanda Sikosana
Nokwanda Sikosana - 7 years ago
trypophobia bitch
Nokwanda Sikosana
Nokwanda Sikosana - 7 years ago
trypophobia bitch
anthony j
anthony j - 7 years ago
Umh just pee on it or pour some vinegar on it and it will melt ayaw
Alex Essien
Alex Essien - 7 years ago
He is just 14 years check this out
dghtehkff hfvbte
dghtehkff hfvbte - 7 years ago
What is that's
The Bell Tolls
The Bell Tolls - 7 years ago
theres ants in here
Melchu - 7 years ago
Hope Watson
Hope Watson - 7 years ago
This makes my skin crawl
Henrique Gomes Santana
Henrique Gomes Santana - 7 years ago
Que isso?
Armando Susalo
Armando Susalo - 7 years ago
put vinegar on it it will melt
Del - 7 years ago
Seriously, if you are doing this to someone put some gloves on, if you don't have any, get some. Staphylococcus bacteria is very common on the skin of even healthy people. You get sick from it once it gets into an opening and enters your bloodstream.
M Catherine W
M Catherine W - 7 years ago
I had those on the bottom of my feet! Awful! You couldn't even see them, they were too far in... I only had the pain... removed them myself.
nothing matters
nothing matters - 7 years ago
Sorry I'm not good at English but what the hell is that
BlueKid - 7 years ago
your a dare devil, people dont get to hold you hand!
BlueKid - 7 years ago
I meant the girl who got the sea urchins in her foot, sorry if it sounded different
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
did you see me holding anyone's hand? I though not.
roca art
roca art - 7 years ago
elinden bi bok göremedikkiaq
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Die Stacheln brechen in die Haut ab. Sie sind unmöglich rauszukommen und schwer zu sehen.
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Nice teacher.
Rain Roth
Rain Roth - 7 years ago
The camera woman is enjoying this a little too much
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
mmmmmm could be...
H Max
H Max - 7 years ago
"A good doctor"....naaaah.
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
hey he tried
Ford Fiesta16v
Ford Fiesta16v - 7 years ago
Bet he want to eat those feet of hers hehe sexy feet
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Thank you. I've been told I would be a great feet model.
Noah Drawing
Noah Drawing - 7 years ago
I still dont understand What was all that about
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Well I got sea urchin spines stuck in my foot. It hurt. My fiance tried to get the spines out the became embedded into my heel while my friends filmed, pointed and laughed.
Cadie Johnson
Cadie Johnson - 7 years ago
What were them things he was getting out her heel
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Sea urchin spines. It's a dangerous creature in the ocean. DON'T GO IN THE OCEAN!
KushBlazzer420 - 7 years ago
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
You don't like white people?
Garfield Nakhonphanom
Garfield Nakhonphanom - 7 years ago
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
LjayArvi - 7 years ago
Piss on her.
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
I saw this one coming...
Oriana Perez
Oriana Perez - 7 years ago
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
EMÍLY Quintana
EMÍLY Quintana - 7 years ago
modre mia
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
what does this mean?
ツdhosto - 7 years ago
CODE: 002
CODE: 002 - 7 years ago
시ㅣㅣㅣㅣ발 저거모냐
Ivy Aguirre
Ivy Aguirre - 7 years ago
Just use a pee
Ivy Aguirre
Ivy Aguirre - 7 years ago
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
or a pea?
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
a pee?
Adan Barragan
Adan Barragan - 7 years ago
Heeeee que asco
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Patrick Henry Rivas Heredia
Patrick Henry Rivas Heredia - 7 years ago
que enfermedades tan raras son esas
GonzaloVlc . ! Wolfteam Skrillex Garrix y etc xD
GonzaloVlc . ! Wolfteam Skrillex Garrix y etc xD - 7 years ago
pero eso q es algien sbe
Guillermo Ceja ramirez
Guillermo Ceja ramirez - 7 years ago
ツdhosto - 7 years ago
Patrick Henry Rivas Heredia yea
maria paulitto
maria paulitto - 7 years ago
Free tattoo
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Yes! Temporary. Lasted 3 weeks.
Byron Lomeli
Byron Lomeli - 7 years ago
That was so fucking nasty
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching.
Shane C.
Shane C. - 7 years ago
Next time you're in Hawaii, and get sea urchin in your foot, pee on it. The acids in the urine will melt it away. That's what we do in Hawaii all the time. Pee on it.
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Thank you. I get these comments a lot. I will try if it ever happens again!
Bella Jones
Bella Jones - 7 years ago
What am I doing here at 4 am?
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Same as me? I'm eating chili cheese Fritos....
Mar James Taruc
Mar James Taruc - 7 years ago
Pee on it. It would dissolved the spikes.
Julise Davis
Julise Davis - 7 years ago
Daredevil Girl urine is sterile
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
I hear this often. Amazing! Is there something else besides pee? Pee sounds very unsanitary.
Giovanie Eugenio
Giovanie Eugenio - 7 years ago
Very bad tweezers. But good job!
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
This made me LOL! Ha. We tried. The spines break off and they are impossible to tweeze out.
kilme please
kilme please - 7 years ago
Que puto asco cortate el pie mejor :v
Allyxx - 7 years ago
I stood on a sea urchin when I was around 13 :( it hurt so bad
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Ouch! I bet! That would hurt so bad!
Matthew Hall
Matthew Hall - 7 years ago
I wish people knew how to use manual focus and depth of field
Metanoia - 7 years ago
andry cot
andry cot - 7 years ago
Bilal Auto Center
Bilal Auto Center - 7 years ago
Why you don't use gloves?
PalmmY AAR
PalmmY AAR - 7 years ago
She's not Thai
Alisha Cropper
Alisha Cropper - 7 years ago
มาเลย ! บักสีดา ! Ii
ben nat
ben nat - 7 years ago
มาเลย ! บักสีดา !
มาเลย ! บักสีดา ! - 7 years ago
- [CNZ.] Channel. - ช่ายยยยยยยย
Gg’s World Of awesomeness
Gg’s World Of awesomeness - 7 years ago
มาเลย ! บักสีดา ! Genesis
- [CNZ.] Channel. -
- [CNZ.] Channel. - - 7 years ago
มาเลย ! บักสีดา ! คนไทยหรอคับ
jorge carmona
jorge carmona - 7 years ago
daisyries vlog
daisyries vlog - 7 years ago
You only have to do is to put it with human urine :) wait for a while and it will remove by itself.. :) thats what we do here in the philippines and it works :)
Kurnacopia - 7 years ago
removal of???
kalulew - 7 years ago
I could've had those out in 20 seconds
Exploring with David
Exploring with David - 7 years ago
Am I gonna get fucked up. Ur foot will.
Ivanide Ferreira
Ivanide Ferreira - 7 years ago
그리고네 저는 병신입니다
그리고네 저는 병신입니다 - 7 years ago
저거 뭔지 아는 한국인 있음??
호롤로롤 - 7 years ago
네 저는 병신입니다 그리고 성게인가 바다에사는 뾰족한거 그거 박힌것같음
Hellcandyx - 7 years ago
It’s a joke gees of course I’m not
Abbi: Let’s talk
Abbi: Let’s talk - 7 years ago
If you’re watching’ve been on YouTube too long
Jane Doe
Jane Doe - 7 years ago
i can say in complete honesty this is the weirdest and most upsetting video Iv’e ever watched
Дмитрий Ким
Дмитрий Ким - 7 years ago
а че это такое?
FunkyPlayz - 7 years ago
in Australia i skidded around a corner barefoot (in the bush) and i hit a cycad i stripped the plant of its spines and i wasnt even im much pain i even pulled them myself. initiation...
เอกนรินทร์ สุขสมบัติ
เอกนรินทร์ สุขสมบัติ - 7 years ago
Hellcandyx - 7 years ago
I am the girl sitting there guys lol and yes I finally got my urchin thing out and my feet are saved! ;)
Alien - 7 years ago
Hellcandyx pretty sure that's not you
Coral Reefer
Coral Reefer - 7 years ago
Where's the removal part? This is a shitty video, don't waste your time
O Minecraftiano Jogador
O Minecraftiano Jogador - 7 years ago
WISELEE IS A ONCE - 7 years ago
In my country we pee on the sting and the needle eventualy dissolve
ItzTime To Recall
ItzTime To Recall - 7 years ago
I was crying because my dad had the same thing and he used a glass to cut it out. My dads a diver and we were far from the car. It was crazy
ubi nin
ubi nin - 7 years ago
How does this have 31 million views
Jessie Cooley
Jessie Cooley - 7 years ago
Aren’t sea urchins poisonous?
Daniel Gerber
Daniel Gerber - 7 years ago
I was searching best jerkoff material and this came up and let me tell you bammm I just came
Melissa Greene
Melissa Greene - 7 years ago
not a good vid!
Aerin Atkins
Aerin Atkins - 7 years ago
This looked and sounded like it was the start of a bad homemade porno.
Varya Velikaya
Varya Velikaya - 7 years ago
Оператор рукожоп!
Joao Victor
Joao Victor - 7 years ago
Que porra é essa?
President Cater
President Cater - 7 years ago
Mr. Lindeman
Mr. Lindeman - 7 years ago
I hope he got anal later
Jenny alexandra Rebolledo
Jenny alexandra Rebolledo - 7 years ago
Y ya!! Que sucede ..
ブラックレイヴン - 7 years ago
Time to amputate.
druidboy76 - 7 years ago
Shit video
Neil Kenneth Silong
Neil Kenneth Silong - 7 years ago
I think urine is the best for that
Lost Alien
Lost Alien - 7 years ago
I was 1 years old when this video was taken
Now you see that
Now you see that - 7 years ago
Wow nice...
나라꼬라지하곤 - 7 years ago
우리나라 부항으로 하면 한방에 다 빠지는데
Insperious Moissanite
Insperious Moissanite - 7 years ago
Vana, almost tattooed
Zechariah Reed
Zechariah Reed - 7 years ago
Nasty hoe
levar gingles
levar gingles - 7 years ago
I'm so terrified and so ichy
Anette Olsson
Anette Olsson - 7 years ago
Whatis that that looks bad {:(
호박 - 7 years ago
이게 머람
김우성 - 7 years ago
Sean Apit
Sean Apit - 7 years ago
Lol the easies way to do it is pee on it it will remove the sting and tomorrow it will be gone
Thalles Silva
Thalles Silva - 7 years ago
WTF what is this ???
Natalie Ortiz
Natalie Ortiz - 7 years ago
What are those!?!
misya urfandi putri
misya urfandi putri - 7 years ago
What is that? What happen?
Janet Landao
Janet Landao - 7 years ago
Urine also can dissolve...
Rigor_Mortis - 7 years ago
Worst camera woman ever. Finally gets it focuses then immediately moves it.
Leanna Everett
Leanna Everett - 7 years ago
I'm never going to the beach again
오준영 - 7 years ago
한국인없냐 뭔지설명좀해줘
中村理人 - 7 years ago
kimosugi mazimannzi
Paul Naranjo :D
Paul Naranjo :D - 7 years ago
Put vinegar on it. If you got stung by it
Socialists Will Lose Civil War 2
Socialists Will Lose Civil War 2 - 7 years ago
Truly, who fucking cares...
HonestyFirst - 7 years ago
Getting stung by wana and a large catch of liquor bottles are synonymous with ignorant stupidity
Rianne Animations and Other Stuff
Rianne Animations and Other Stuff - 7 years ago
This girl drunk af
Killer top Krutoy
Killer top Krutoy - 7 years ago
Кто русс я один русс
かずのこかずこ - 7 years ago
Chacal do Parana
Chacal do Parana - 7 years ago
Roberto Alves
Roberto Alves - 7 years ago
Isso e cravo no pé
Mario Valle Moreno
Mario Valle Moreno - 7 years ago
Q es eso
AlphaWolfX - 7 years ago
How did I get here from watching vines?
Ashif Islam
Ashif Islam - 7 years ago
黃喚 - 7 years ago
黃喚 - 7 years ago
私生活肯定 當是兩腿開開任人插爽
Jhi Ali
Jhi Ali - 7 years ago
Dirty mf
adrian guitron
adrian guitron - 7 years ago
Sirlane Souza
Sirlane Souza - 7 years ago
Mas o que é isso?
alex Bustos
alex Bustos - 7 years ago
aisy rose
aisy rose - 7 years ago
Itreaற றolina
Itreaற றolina - 7 years ago
Esas son las famosas: "niguas"...y se contagia x medio de los cerdos.
LowkaLowka Lowka
LowkaLowka Lowka - 7 years ago
"Oh youre a good doctor" "It burns good" Uhmmm girl??? Ar you horny at the moment? U sounds like u want something ? Haahaha lol
JewDd* 89
JewDd* 89 - 7 years ago
Ugh filming is awful
flakjacket5 - 7 years ago
Hold the fucking camera still, you twat!
mundo da milly
mundo da milly - 7 years ago
Que horror
Danil Safin
Danil Safin - 7 years ago
Вот у них бухла много
Phamela Oliveira
Phamela Oliveira - 7 years ago
Que porra é essa?
Ксения Краус
Ксения Краус - 7 years ago
И ничего не изменилось
Mr Fisher
Mr Fisher - 7 years ago
It burns good though right... damn what is this hen into?
Lieuten ant
Lieuten ant - 7 years ago
19k dis for the shit cam
Angelika Balan
Angelika Balan - 7 years ago
I need hd version of this.
lv10 omg
lv10 omg - 7 years ago
Pasense por mi canal lv10 omg
lGX - 7 years ago
that’s something a white person would say , “ no that’s where we prepare food”
rocky laode
rocky laode - 7 years ago
In my town the best way to remove it is hit it till it crush in side. Do it till it realy crush. And you will get better in few second. Trust me it works it will get out by it self
rocky laode
rocky laode - 7 years ago
And dont forget to pee on it hehehe it help also
STIVE_ 47 - 7 years ago
Wtf ... I not look it
NHIT NHOT Ahmad - 7 years ago
Jorok nya ini bule
Sanchir Alone
Sanchir Alone - 7 years ago
Huynh Nguyen channel
Huynh Nguyen channel - 7 years ago
Michael M. Roman
Michael M. Roman - 7 years ago
They will break in pieces because its still alive, if you pour hot wax or oil on it, they will come out
d a n i e l
d a n i e l - 7 years ago
Luno the Pug
Luno the Pug - 7 years ago
And yet we met again, strange side of YouTube.
#사랑 - 7 years ago
아프겠다... 어떡해ㅜ
마스터 - 7 years ago
이게뭐냐 멍자국이냐?
Chonticeha Traunrern
Chonticeha Traunrern - 7 years ago
Chonticeha Traunrern
Chonticeha Traunrern - 7 years ago
Nina Misteriosa
Nina Misteriosa - 7 years ago
Isso é oque?
Константин Николаевич
Константин Николаевич - 7 years ago
что это за засеря! он что, год носки и обувь не меняла???
따끔한충고 - 7 years ago
오줌을 뿌려야돼 암모니아가 필요하거든
#핑크돼지 - 7 years ago
Jr Inting
Jr Inting - 7 years ago
In Philippines the number 1 cure for that problem you got there is just pee on the foot..
geem cenner
geem cenner - 7 years ago
Very sad videos are being played
geem cenner
geem cenner - 7 years ago
My heart is coming soon
Евгений Пупкин
Евгений Пупкин - 7 years ago
И че это было?
Stepannos Takashi
Stepannos Takashi - 7 years ago
Nice Boobs she got
Grayfizzle - 7 years ago
Wow stfu camera
きゃんでぃー - 7 years ago
Sarah B
Sarah B - 7 years ago
The person holding the camera is a moron.
GayRecyclables - 7 years ago
Torres Montesdeoca
Torres Montesdeoca - 7 years ago
Vien dororoso es esto
Ruth Gonzales
Ruth Gonzales - 7 years ago
I'm using my mother's phone but anyways WHERE THE FUCK IS THE REMOVAL
dance lover
dance lover - 7 years ago
just pee on it it will go away
Camchi - 7 years ago
The thing is the urchins sharp points can shatter in the skin so removal is for the doctor
。ドナルド - 7 years ago
luis franco
luis franco - 7 years ago
Eric Sanders
Eric Sanders - 7 years ago
She has very erotic feet
noneya123 - 7 years ago
Fucking creeps. And she loves it apparently
Metal Inc
Metal Inc - 7 years ago
Daredevil Girl lmao
Eric Sanders
Eric Sanders - 7 years ago
Daredevil Girl your very welcome
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Thank you
Immortal Games
Immortal Games - 7 years ago
That sucked
Jayne Jansen
Jayne Jansen - 7 years ago
Dr pimple popper
maria de lourdes costa silva
maria de lourdes costa silva - 7 years ago
NOisy bOy
NOisy bOy - 7 years ago
plz support this video
Deisi Lobo
Deisi Lobo - 7 years ago
Qporraéessa ?
坂本栞理 - 7 years ago
babsnadoy - 7 years ago
Yeah, I could really see what was going on. Pffft.
LA Cartel
LA Cartel - 7 years ago
To the dumb bitch recording. Learn how to fuckin record. For future info, you can’t see through a fuckin hand. Dumb bitch.
D.J. Schumacher
D.J. Schumacher - 7 years ago
I love foot fetish videos that are also informative.
Daredevil Girl
Daredevil Girl - 7 years ago
Amina Aminova
Amina Aminova - 7 years ago
Че это такое?
Джей Хоуп
Джей Хоуп - 7 years ago
Amina Aminova колючки от морского ежа
강우성 - 7 years ago
바다에서 성개한테 찔렸네
Nam Fun channel
Nam Fun channel - 7 years ago
Gabbe Chippi
Gabbe Chippi - 7 years ago
Quicker way put it in hot water, easy way to pull it out
Namic Macdan
Namic Macdan - 7 years ago
Despite what others have said, do not pee on it. Or jellyfish stings, or stingray barbs. Pee contains ammonia making it a strong base, what you need to neutralize the neurotoxin is an acid. Vinegar works and is what most coastguard vessels carry. So why then do people say pee works? Well, it's simple. The pee is warm and as such relaxes the muscles in the affected area, this does not fix the problem and can only serve as temporary pain relief. Any further effects are placebo. If you are stung, seek professional medical help. Do not attempt to fix the problem unless properly trained. One final note. If you use vinegar on a jellyfish sting do not use hydrogen peroxide immediately afterwords. Rinse the vinegar covered area with clean water before using hydrogen peroxide as when vinegar and hydrogen peroxide mix, they react to form a stronger acid. If left on the skin for a prolonged period of time it may cause a rash or in extreme cases chemical burns. It is also important to note that when using vinegar on the skin, you should rinse it off within a thirty minute period as vinegar over a long period on skin can also act as a irritant. If you get vinegar in your eyes, flush with clean water. That is all.

Tl;dr use vinegar, not pee.
STAY FROSTY - 7 years ago
she is not daredevil od anything. only stupid for not looking where she puts her feet
ТёМа 2018
ТёМа 2018 - 7 years ago
Canal hackeado
Canal hackeado - 7 years ago
Thre , thwo , one aaaaaaa
ณภัทร นวลแตง
ณภัทร นวลแตง - 7 years ago
wiLLy wONka
wiLLy wONka - 7 years ago
Daredevil girl?? Lol
Jello-relish Plays
Jello-relish Plays - 7 years ago
Paulo Rogério Jasiocha
Paulo Rogério Jasiocha - 7 years ago
Bad vídeo.
WorldSTAR Patrick
WorldSTAR Patrick - 7 years ago
This is why you should go to something called the doctor idk it’s kinda revolutionary i know...
HamilcarR - 7 years ago
not really...
last time I had these in my foot , I just used a needle .
It's easier to remove with a needle
Kornelius Kam
Kornelius Kam - 7 years ago
What that???
Retarded Chicken
Retarded Chicken - 7 years ago
(im retarded too dont worry, my name said it all)
Retarded Chicken
Retarded Chicken - 7 years ago
Why do you need a doctor for things like this, r u retarded
Hail Storm
Hail Storm - 7 years ago
WorldSTAR Patrick read the desc
mochi cloud
mochi cloud - 7 years ago
WorldSTAR Patrick you don't call a doctor for a little wana lmao
clayton dafoe
clayton dafoe - 7 years ago
WorldSTAR Patrick well Hawaii is a part of the USA and they dont have free health care soooo....
예지앞사 - 7 years ago
Crystal Windley-Smith
Crystal Windley-Smith - 7 years ago
Ehh that poor lady
DAT REVERZE - 7 years ago
I watched the video, then read the description.

Rip the boys fam.
Allison K
Allison K - 7 years ago
nothing was removed THE VID IS A LIE
StaticJET - 7 years ago
You disappointed me. I thought he was gonna take out all those black dots.
Swolfy TDP
Swolfy TDP - 7 years ago
She needn’t remove them, they are made out of calcium carbonate, the same thing her bones are made of, so you bones will just absorb them. Apart from some pain when walking. A couple months should fix it. Oh an the traditional method is to bash it with a board to break them up
Pedro jardel oliveira
Pedro jardel oliveira - 7 years ago
Q porra é essa???
Chronic Sociopath
Chronic Sociopath - 7 years ago
I like the part where they remove the stings
Ugandan Knuckles
Ugandan Knuckles - 7 years ago
Man whoever is holding the camera is great at filming
CrazyGymnast 278
CrazyGymnast 278 - 7 years ago
I went to Maui this year
Noe Lopez
Noe Lopez - 7 years ago
rejects sexy bunny
rejects sexy bunny - 7 years ago
Not supposed to pick them out like that u half to pee on her foot i live in Hawaii
Dolly Daydream
Dolly Daydream - 7 years ago
โดนอะไรหรอ ??
ดรีม มี่
ดรีม มี่ - 7 years ago
Dolly Daydream ใช่ช่วยบอกผมทีงงเรย
Isabelle Gilcylene
Isabelle Gilcylene - 7 years ago
is that the FUCKING KITCHEN TABLE where u do ur FRICKIN FOOD????!
That random Lesbian
That random Lesbian - 7 years ago
When me and my family we're in Jamaica for my cousins wedding my brother got stung with a sea urchant on his finger, he went to the little nurses thing on the cruise ship, they said to just let it come out by its self over the corse of a couple weeks and he was fine after
Zezva`s World
Zezva`s World - 7 years ago
its not hurting?!
Cameron Cloud
Cameron Cloud - 7 years ago
This is the shittiest fucking video. Nothing happens. No sea urchin spines were removed and you just listen to two vapid cunts run their dick suckers for entirely too long. Title should have read: "Two stupid bitches talk about nothing while a third stupid bitch films a foot."
Кот Дикий
Кот Дикий - 7 years ago
ходи в баню! Не будь свиньей!
Maria Candido
Maria Candido - 7 years ago
No isplic inglês
Blane Costa
Blane Costa - 7 years ago
fuckn haoles
Elvis - 7 years ago
I have the same in the same body part xD
Brunno br
Brunno br - 7 years ago
sora maru
sora maru - 7 years ago
random person
random person - 7 years ago
Chubz moto Loyal
Chubz moto Loyal - 7 years ago
in PHL the best way to cure a sea urchin ... like that.... pee on it and it will go out by its own
Massive Fox
Massive Fox - 7 years ago
Discribtion is really sad
Benjamin Martinez
Benjamin Martinez - 7 years ago
Como iege aki estaba viendo manten tu dedo en el punto :'v
Lisa Franks
Lisa Franks - 7 years ago
No gloves?
feik viado 789
feik viado 789 - 7 years ago
Maggie :3
Maggie :3 - 7 years ago
That happened to me too but I put olive oil on it, was in the sun and a few stings popped out and the deeper ones i removed like in the video.
Cover Music CH
Cover Music CH - 7 years ago
what's that
زوجي وحبيبي
زوجي وحبيبي - 7 years ago
sammy babizin
sammy babizin - 7 years ago
I bet that this guy gets pussy after that
junggukah - 7 years ago
I tried frikking hurts.
Alessandro AhmadDhani
Alessandro AhmadDhani - 7 years ago
In indonesia using a pee
Andrea Christian
Andrea Christian - 7 years ago
Oh my! I'm glad you had some fun with your friends before they passed away. So sorry for your losses.
Da Wae
Da Wae - 7 years ago
Here i am... dipping in bed with a Pirouline can for me to spit into. Im 19 days from shipping to the Marine Corps and im watching sea urchin spine removals at 2310. I should spit my lip out and go to bed; OR i could stay up all night and continue my vibe... i think ill keep my vibe.
Beast Killer
Beast Killer - 7 years ago
White people exaggerated to much
ᄆ.ᄆ - 7 years ago
陳鳳 - 7 years ago

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About Sea Urchin Sting Removal Maui Hawaii - Daredevil Girl

The "Sea Urchin Sting Removal Maui Hawaii - Daredevil Girl" video is part of the snorkelling, underwater, diving category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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