Shark Whisperer: Woman Swims With Great Whites in Perfect Harmony
Snorkeling 12 years ago 1,955,831 views
The woman can hold her breath for six minutes while swimming with the predators.
Snorkeling 12 years ago 1,955,831 views
The woman can hold her breath for six minutes while swimming with the predators.
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The "Shark Whisperer: Woman Swims With Great Whites in Perfect Harmony" video is part of the snorkelling, underwater, diving category, which contains similar videos like this one.
i like sharks
10. comment for Shark Whisperer: Woman Swims With Great Whites in Perfect Harmony
and then there's this Shark calmly swimming by
20. comment for Shark Whisperer: Woman Swims With Great Whites in Perfect Harmony
30. comment for Shark Whisperer: Woman Swims With Great Whites in Perfect Harmony
50. comment for Shark Whisperer: Woman Swims With Great Whites in Perfect Harmony
Shark in mind"hmm just had a seal for lunch not any more now....will munch u in ur nxt dive :)"
Sharks love hot chicks!!
Don't do this at home !
Guy tried living with bears and was successful for a long time until the inevitable occurred.
Now we have someone in the water with White Sharks. Which will lead to copy cats. Not sure how this helps the sharks.
Next, someone will be trying to swim up to the misunderstood Hippopotamus.
Why did you read this comment
I think not...
100. comment for Shark Whisperer: Woman Swims With Great Whites in Perfect Harmony
I love Great Whites! Thank you for sharing such a magnificent Spirits beauty with the world! 1♡
out of all the Shark attacks from 1500 to present, only 6% of the victims were female.
Reason? still yet to be answered.
if she walked in the hood...
"the hood wisperer".....
(the shark whisperer was killed by a great white today. She died loving what she did....)
I only need one if you know what I mean
Great Whites = women
Silver back gorillas or lions= men
the shark whisperer is carrying shark babies.......
"no George don't people are watching and she cute too"
"ooo damn you right hey baby you come here often"
ALL wild creatures are unpredictable and have different personalities just like humans.
The reason we allow pets like dogs, cats, and even birds into our homes is because they aren't dangerous.
If you touch a dog, or especially a cat in the wrong place, that cute little animal of yours will not think twice before biting or scratching you. But what's a cat scratch?'ll cry about it for a minute, put some hydrogen peroxide on it, bandage it up and forget about it.
All animals are friendly, until you aggravate them. If you aggravate a cat, you get scratched. If you aggravate a shark, you lose a limb, or die. Simple as that. I think the woman is VERY stupid for doing what she's doing.
And the sexual comments here are disgusting.
then what're you gonna do???
I'd be like "ehm...sorry babe, I kinda allergic to water, I'm fine just watching you, have fun!!!"
Now who the third person??
Shuu Tsukiyama VoiceEveryone tends to forget that sharks are actually surprisingly intelligent.
I think when day comes when a shark tears her body to peices then we might start thinking more realistic about nature.
The difference BTW horse, dog and eagle whisper is those other animals can be trained. you can't train a shark. ..Ocean is just lucky she was in the ocean at the right time with the right shark. different time different shark she may have become part of the ocean for life.. STAY SAFE LUCKY LADY..
He's / She's just jealous of her
Humans are horrible and disgusting, animals are true and amazing.
If u playing with fire u will burn
I agree with that!
And I think great whites are cute, too. Threshers are the cutest to me though~
Sharks can be quite curious, which unexperienced people would see as aggressive behavior. If a shark starts to get too close the best thing to do is stay calm and push it away at its sensitive areas (eyes and snout).
Sharks in general are just so damn misunderstood because they live in an environment that we are not made to naturally survive in, we are out of our comfort zone, and we don't feel safe even when the sharks have no intention to harm us. It keeps many people from getting close and personal with sharks, as well as it being more difficult to relate to a shark than it is to relate to say a wolf or a lion because they have a similarity with cats and dogs, so we can see some common behavior. The closest normal people get to relate to sharks is their pet fish in a fish tank.. On top of that, media and hollywood blow the shark scene up to be something horrific and abnormal in the sense that they kill just for the sake of killing. Some animals do this, but sharks are not among those species. We are not their natural prey, and they have no need to feed on us, nor hunt us. The main big sharks that differ some from this are the Tiger Sharks and Bull Sharks, which are more aggressive and have a tendency to eat whatever they can (literally anything, like car tires, fish, metal parts, anything). I suggest you all do a little research on the topic, I am sure you will learn a whole new side to marine wildlife that you did not know about.
Sharks are the dogs of the sea, find a big one that isnt hungry, no problem, come across a pack that are, then you're just another prey.
Something tells me she doesn't just spot a fin and dive in, for every minute of film there will be hours of preparation. Still, a brave girl.
Who is the idiot now?
I thought I replied to this lol.
It sounds narcissistic because it sounds very prideful and vain that human beings are the only ones who does things like this.
How is that narcissistic? Are we not the most dangerous predator on our planet? Don't tell me you've never heard of poachers, terrorists, industrial farms, corrupted leaders, serial killers or wars? Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on humans but statistically we are the most dangerous predator. We kill and exploit more than any other animal.
actually wolves do. in fact every animal does genocide to one or the other. and to say that human beings are the most dangerous predators is a most narcissistic way of thinking. I assure you I won't ea th you.
The reason why we humans think we are the most dangerous is that we are just going through a cycle of life, we adapted the fastest, we understood and reasoned with the surrounding we lived in for hundreds of thousands of years, to each other self preservation is a must, so that's why most humans won't act when someone is being chased in public. At the same time we are a social species, in order for us to reach to where we are at we must have connections to one another sharing mutual goals.
Thinking about one thing with out considering the how is not a philosophical way of viewing it.
Also you need to stop viewing bad things in a way we understand it. In this case Western Morales should never be compared to another culture's Morales.
Many hive like insects do so. Humboldt Giant squids also do this, when food is of low supply and some species of giant squid actually kill other packs.
Competing animals in the animal kingdom have committed genocide for millions of years.
Bacteria are also the kings if not the Gods of genocide. They destroy living matter around them through their toxins they secrete.
Human's are the most dangerous, nothing even comes close. Ever heard of another species doing genocide, lol no.
inferior too?
BTW a racist is someone who believes a race is inferior to another. The American people showed that you dont consider Americans to be one race. America consists of more races and you all discriminate each other.. Yes i believe Americans are inferior to Europeans, but you are not a race. And if you believe there is a American race, then ACT like it and stop discriminating among yourselfs and give the right example.
Bravo, little boy. A gold star for you.
It would be fun to see...these kind of individuals, who think that a large-sharp-toothed-predator is misunderstood, met with the said predators in real life. Either it would be an awesome spectacle like the one in the video or a scene worthy of gore flick movie.
Sure, take a bite...when a great white take an initial bite, it certainly leaves greater mark than when a person take a bite on cupcake.
My condolence.
Dude, some people are blessed with the ability to befriend wild animal, most dont. For those who arent blessed, caution is a virtue.
And instead of trying to disprove my comment with weak argument, why dont you just swim with the great white shark (no protection) and upload your video on youtube.
That way, you would prove her point on 1:04 and disprove mine.
Did some of them ever spit out your flesh?
Besides, not liking the taste does not mean that its inedible.
shark: dayum son look at those big melons.
sharks are misunderstood animals
She is smart enough to know that there is more to sharks then their razor sharp teeth.. they think, they reason, they investigate, they make choices. Try watching a video of a shark that is not in the middle of dinner..Better yet do what this girl is doing and go take a swim with one. Then you will understand. The real disrespect that goes towards wild animals really does come from people like you who want to sit and watch videos and cast judgments on what these animals are all about. You have no idea.
"Let us create man in our Image... in His image He created them, male and female"
But we messed it all up...
"... all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God"
... And we introduced Death into ourselves and the world.
"by one man, sin entered the world, and death entered by sin. So death passed over all men, for all have sinned"
.... and again it is written....
"The payment for sin is Death but the (free) gift of God is immorality thru Jesus Christ our Master / Lord".
Jesus said this....
"Whoever believes in Me will live, even though they die, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die"
Do you believe this?
Then Jesus went to the cross and .....
"He who never knew sin, BECAME sin for us, that we might become the Righteouness of God thru Him."
and again it is written....
"Christ died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God...having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit;"
Jesus died in the flesh, but was Resurrected by the Spirit!
This is the message of the whole Bible... the "Good News".... the Gospel.
Face God (repent), believe and confess this, and you will receive the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
Having received His Spirit, you will suffer in His likeness, but hold fast your faith and confession in God, and God's Spirit will resurrect you eternally, the very same way He resurrected Jesus Christ and those other people who have already been raised from the grave.
Sure sharks are "killing machines", they evolved that way over millions of years to be perfect predators, but that doesn't mean they should be feared, or be labeled in ways that encourage ignorance and fear.
When us humans go into the ocean, we're entering their world, so people need to understand that we humans are taking that risk upon ourselves and we need to educate ourselves to lessen the probability of being attacked if we want to share the ocean with sharks, as well as respect them as one of the apex predators of their domain.
Fear is the worst emotion we can direct towards them, fear tends increase the likelihood of being attacked or killed because people tend to react erratically to the situation instead of remaining calm enough to take the logical steps to avoid or reduce injury.
Respecting them doesn't mean expecting them to never attack, there is always that chance. Giving them their space, not acting in distress, wearing patterns or colours that distinguish us as not food, and learning about other ways of making oneself less vulnerable to attacks are ways how human can show sharks respect.
We can better understand their behaviour through education about the animal. When we strive for better understanding, and show respect for an animal in its natural habitat, we can appreciate that they are not bloodthirsty monsters, just animals trying to survive.
Bullshit. Sharks are opportunistic hunters, just like all other predators. Humans are probably not on their usual menu, but sharks didn't survive for hundreds of millions of years by not beeing able to adapt. If they are hungry, they'll try to eat whatever they can chew.
The seal mix up theory is a myth.
also shes doin what i cant swim for long mins and not drown..