Shark Whisperer: Woman Swims With Great Whites in Perfect Harmony

The woman can hold her breath for six minutes while swimming with the predators.

Shark Whisperer: Woman Swims With Great Whites in Perfect Harmony sentiment_very_dissatisfied 382

Snorkeling 12 years ago 1,955,831 views

The woman can hold her breath for six minutes while swimming with the predators.

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Most popular comments
for Shark Whisperer: Woman Swims With Great Whites in Perfect Harmony

Yort - 6 years ago
Is this real life????
When the shark eats her that ass will of gone to waste.....
Dan Gibbs
Dan Gibbs - 7 years ago
Clearly the presenters are to dumb to 'get it'
Immanuel Weaver
Immanuel Weaver - 7 years ago
sharks are so misunderstood
Loganasaurus Rex
Loganasaurus Rex - 7 years ago
Proof that sharks are not killers
Kerry Platt
Kerry Platt - 7 years ago
This girl has got balls!
Ellie Sanz
Ellie Sanz - 7 years ago
How does she do that !!!!?!??!?!?!
Gabriela Catalina de Fatima Estevez Thimotheo
Gabriela Catalina de Fatima Estevez Thimotheo - 7 years ago
i like sharks
m3dmonds - 7 years ago
Will you marry me?

10. comment for Shark Whisperer: Woman Swims With Great Whites in Perfect Harmony

biker for live
biker for live - 7 years ago
they are not killers,the protect there habbitat,and bite to see what we are,
Eddie Smithers
Eddie Smithers - 7 years ago
Silly woman soon to be shark poop lol
ChumpyChicken2 - 7 years ago
That Wahman is a shark whasper
Justin Grogan
Justin Grogan - 7 years ago
Just wait!!
Kayana - 7 years ago
This makes me mad. It's not that she's a shark whisperer, it's that sharks aren't man-eating, violent fish like the media makes them out to be (even in this video by claiming that because they don't attack her, she must be a shark whisperer). Also, she shouldn't be touching them unless they come up to her. It's disrespectful. If I were walking around and some weird creature came up and grabbed my from behind and followed me, I'd probably punch it in the face.
Tomasz Wójcik
Tomasz Wójcik - 7 years ago
Really extreme pleasure...
andrew the og gansta
andrew the og gansta - 7 years ago
People who play with fire eventually get burned, people who swim with sharks eventually get bit...
oriana garrido
oriana garrido - 7 years ago
Here is the most dangerous creature in the entire planet. fierce... a killer

and then there's this Shark calmly swimming by
MarlonMax - 7 years ago
fuck you steven spielberg
Joep Suttorp
Joep Suttorp - 7 years ago
Thats something you don't see everyday

20. comment for Shark Whisperer: Woman Swims With Great Whites in Perfect Harmony

Megumin _
Megumin _ - 7 years ago
When that shark snaps her shit up she gonna be think "idk what happened, they were always so haaaarmless when i swim with them"
Daniel Lim
Daniel Lim - 7 years ago
Sharks play with their food too?
James O'Brien
James O'Brien - 7 years ago
Aww i wanted to hear more dribbling from the news panel...
Rose Girl
Rose Girl - 7 years ago
My mom and I have a theory that, the reason sharks are so calm when swimming with humans like this, is because Mermaids, being rumoured to look so much like humns, swim with sharks daily
Andrew Fegal
Andrew Fegal - 7 years ago
Kind of reminds me of Grizzly man.
shadowhunter springer4life
shadowhunter springer4life - 7 years ago
She's a crazy girl people say stupidity but think about it she has sum fucking guts to do it I take my hat off to her
Anna Ganser
Anna Ganser - 7 years ago
the jaws producer regretted filming it
Edgar Luminog
Edgar Luminog - 7 years ago
It's not the dangerous shark in the world the dangerous shark is megalodon
Alex Butters
Alex Butters - 7 years ago
That shark must be gay cos id be eatin her pussy all night long. Faggot shark
Will Clifton
Will Clifton - 7 years ago
Yeah and if it is hungry??? rip

30. comment for Shark Whisperer: Woman Swims With Great Whites in Perfect Harmony

john imperial
john imperial - 7 years ago
I wanna fuck her in the water while riding shark
Drews Stakkin
Drews Stakkin - 7 years ago
She is fucking cool
Eric Cartman
Eric Cartman - 7 years ago
Great White Shark is as fat as me.
enos baltazar
enos baltazar - 7 years ago
So is she still alive
vitalisperez01 - 7 years ago
White people are just different
Trippy Atheist
Trippy Atheist - 7 years ago
Hold her breath for 5 minutes 45 seconds ? Thats 5 minutes deep throat and 45 second to Gulp down my cum...
Jaden  Cano
Jaden Cano - 7 years ago
No what about submarine the 38 foot shark was he like nice no he wasnt
Tara L.
Tara L. - 7 years ago
5 min wtf
family hacks
family hacks - 7 years ago
Not smart
FIGHTFANNERD9 - 7 years ago
white people
Anonymous Unknown
Anonymous Unknown - 7 years ago
now that"s so awesome and cool..keep it going ocean ramsey....keep swiming with the great white
LukeCageforhire - 7 years ago
They're ambush predictors, meaning you won't see them coming.
Myra Mami
Myra Mami - 7 years ago
Theres a whisperer for every animal. Shit, next thing we'll have insect whisperer. Shes crazy crazy!
hardfactsforever - 7 years ago
Is she still alive or resting in pieces?
T Slap
T Slap - 7 years ago
In a year she'll be on the news again for being attacked by a shark. They don't like to eat humans? Try and explain that to people that lost arms and legs to sharks. I'm keeping my ass out of the ocean.
Brad Smith
Brad Smith - 7 years ago
This chick has bigger balls than me.
Kyle Draper
Kyle Draper - 7 years ago
00:18 the hell is wrong with its head
Kenneth Janczak
Kenneth Janczak - 7 years ago
complete braindead...... leave the sharks alone, and dont risk u life
Xsharknz - 7 years ago
Ocean Ramsey
Oscar T
Oscar T - 7 years ago
She is a Beauty

50. comment for Shark Whisperer: Woman Swims With Great Whites in Perfect Harmony

David Palmer
David Palmer - 7 years ago
I was attacked by a tiger shark in 1988, at Kurnell, Australia, I was 11 & survived by hitting it in the eye, I only had 5 metres to shore, but I was really scared, then 2 months later I was snorkeling just 150 metres away and I was chased into a cave by a 12ft Great White, lucky I was only 2 metres from the cave, after it tried getting in I was running out of breath, and pushed its nose, but it was so powerful, there was no use, it eventually swam away, and I only had 2 metres of water to be out of the water and onto rocks, I cut my self as I propelled with my flippers, out of the water, as I sat on the rocks, I looked into shore and I could see my girlfriend riding her bike to the shop, " Kyla " I said quietly, I cried because I was so happy to be alive.
Skull Strider
Skull Strider - 7 years ago
I'm the best whisperer you know why i whisper

Roy Mckie
Roy Mckie - 7 years ago
Crystal Slimes ;3
Crystal Slimes ;3 - 7 years ago
She’s going to find herself in trouble with 5 sharks coming at her
Oli Grassi
Oli Grassi - 7 years ago
this is most stupid person i seen in my life.
Theophilus Thistler
Theophilus Thistler - 7 years ago
What sound do you make whispering underwater? Blub blub glug glug...
joseph montague
joseph montague - 7 years ago
Try that with the shark called Slash....good luck
Varkeychan Thomas
Varkeychan Thomas - 7 years ago
Shark whisperer 'hello sharki am ur friend'
Shark in mind"hmm just had a seal for lunch not any more now....will munch u in ur nxt dive :)"
muslim cunt
muslim cunt - 7 years ago
I'm fairly sure you will fart and defecate in your pants when you do that like her
MANUTD4LIFE171 - 7 years ago
Quite amazing seeing someone get in the water with a great white. I hope she knows what she's doing.
Kelly14UK - 7 years ago
Good on her.
MariaAngels - 7 years ago
She is brave
layinginbeda lott
layinginbeda lott - 7 years ago
look up shark fin soup and you will feel sorry for sharks. it's terrible and i feel so helpless
Sherryll Portugal
Sherryll Portugal - 7 years ago
wow I'm. a proud okf that woman
Matthew Fornear
Matthew Fornear - 7 years ago
Probably non aggressive because she moves in such care free ways. They're instinctual creatures. If she literally has no fear and dances about in the water not appearing like any seal just a mad woman they're much less likely to bite aren't they. Also pilot fish tag along on the fin so if she does it it might be a genetic predisposition to assume she's harmless / not food.
ThatSkyrimGuy - 7 years ago
lol i think this guy wants to nail more than the shot and who can blame him, her body is toit!
Ace Fury
Ace Fury - 7 years ago
2017 update: she was eaten
Ray - 7 years ago
Looked like they were all females. Males are a lot more aggressive, from the videos I've seen.
A Voice In The Wilderness Angela van Es
A Voice In The Wilderness Angela van Es - 7 years ago
I think all animals have different temperaments,.I hope she never meets a truly ill tempered great white!
Didem Sanane
Didem Sanane - 7 years ago
She got balls of steel ...
Rikardo .A Kabrera
Rikardo .A Kabrera - 7 years ago
Everybody knows that.........

Sharks love hot chicks!!
SVVAT GOD - 7 years ago
I can't wait for the Dino whisperers
FenechGeish fox
FenechGeish fox - 7 years ago
Animals are no killers(maybe just chimps  occasionally),they are predators they don't do it for fun.The most feared animal on the planet is the homo sapiens.
Makenna Alvelo
Makenna Alvelo - 7 years ago
You have to be gentle when you touch them, and slow and cautious when you approach. Otherwise the shark will be provoked
Michael YT
Michael YT - 7 years ago
OK, she's awesome because I've always been fascinated by sharks since I was a little kid, and yet I still am nowadays. I just really like learning about these kinds of sea creatures. :)
Aløha Queen
Aløha Queen - 7 years ago
Robert H.
Robert H. - 7 years ago
The shark just want to eat her out... like the rest of us...
Michelle Clough
Michelle Clough - 7 years ago
Honey Badger
Honey Badger - 7 years ago
Don't do this at home !
Random Stuff
Random Stuff - 7 years ago
I love sharks
hate.everything - 7 years ago
Shark Whisperer my ass nigga she feeling to special but a lot of times sharks dont attack humans
KM K - 7 years ago
they call the shark a killer then show its huge gaping gash and wound on its gills on the right side. i wonder what did that? human fishing lines??
SVTsupercharged - 7 years ago
339 left my ass! They are all over California.
ToeJ - 7 years ago
LOL what a misleading video, you cannot approach and hold onto a hungry great white shark like that. They obviously chummed the waters and made sure that shark was well fed before she even got her prissy ass into the water
U Turn Farming, Foods & Concentrates
U Turn Farming, Foods & Concentrates - 7 years ago
A lot of this going on. Guy wants the world to know that lions are not savage man-eaters so he inches his way toward a pride.
Guy tried living with bears and was successful for a long time until the inevitable occurred.
Now we have someone in the water with White Sharks. Which will lead to copy cats. Not sure how this helps the sharks.
Next, someone will be trying to swim up to the misunderstood Hippopotamus.
Skodz Gaming
Skodz Gaming - 7 years ago
So sad to see such a beautiful women that want to be eaten alive
Fredrickson - 7 years ago
People think sharks are some feared scary animals that will brutally murder you NO they can kill you instantly but it's very very rare for a shark to even attack
Roy Bunch
Roy Bunch - 7 years ago
Dangerous but beautiful
Danish Dragon
Danish Dragon - 7 years ago
I fucking love this video, because this shows that great whites are just as fierce as any other wild animal. They only attack us if they want and/or need to
Breten Humphries
Breten Humphries - 7 years ago
Shark in the water, woman in the water, "farewell and aido to you fair Spanish madiens..."
Kiarra Bazan
Kiarra Bazan - 7 years ago

Why did you read this comment
CaptainWafflez - 7 years ago
Beautiful shark, beautiful girl, coincidence?
I think not...
BMJ_ALT on roblox
BMJ_ALT on roblox - 7 years ago
gate crasher
gate crasher - 7 years ago
Beautiful creatures, and they should be protected, but this woman is taking a huge risk. Swim with the wrong White shark that Is hungry, and it's predatory instinct will kick in
Jsuis14 - 7 years ago
I know they're misunderstood, but I'm not going to feel remorse when one makes a meal of a human swimming willing with them.
mrblackbeard18 - 7 years ago
Woman. You are out of your goddamn mind.
Davide Consonni
Davide Consonni - 7 years ago
Michele Newberry
Michele Newberry - 7 years ago
mkeonine - 7 years ago
Shark: It's cool we can take a stroll down the ocean... But on our next date, you gotta let me make you dinner!
Preston Garvey
Preston Garvey - 7 years ago
white people are crazy
luca Rossi
luca Rossi - 7 years ago
Bitch ur lucky she wasn't hungry or else ud be in pieces

100. comment for Shark Whisperer: Woman Swims With Great Whites in Perfect Harmony

Amy Bee
Amy Bee - 7 years ago
"These killing machines"?! Come on're part of the problem. We kill them FAR FAR more than they kill us. And we don't have a good reason. They're just looking for food.
davy v beurden
davy v beurden - 7 years ago
Its just stupid and dumb what she do trust me one day she have the wrong shark and get attacked and then sudden she blame the shark and gonna think its weird i bet this will happen one day and thats her own fault no empathy nothing i have for her
Carlos Estrada
Carlos Estrada - 7 years ago
They are so gentle but we mess with them so they get mad....
Acts 2:38
Acts 2:38 - 7 years ago
She will most likely die from a Great White eating her...
GUMMYBEAYUH - 7 years ago
Yeah, this ended well for Timothy Treadwell too.
Luis Mendoza
Luis Mendoza - 7 years ago
she sexy
Caesar Augustus
Caesar Augustus - 7 years ago
Crazy people
duckymagic57 - 7 years ago
She's wasting her youth on that shit.
Boss berry 1
Boss berry 1 - 7 years ago
I love this I'm a soon to be shark whisper hopfully
Japhet - 7 years ago
she's a mermaid!
Heather G
Heather G - 7 years ago
I love Great Whites! Thank you for sharing such a magnificent Spirits beauty with the world! 1♡
Christina Concepcion
Christina Concepcion - 7 years ago
Is she a mermaid?
DeadBunny69 - 7 years ago
Timothy Treadwell once too had such delusional beliefs about apex predators. I see a Darwin Award in this girl's future.
Tim Blison
Tim Blison - 7 years ago
dumb blonde. but ill eat her ass
Kazik Anhalt
Kazik Anhalt - 7 years ago
Lucky bastard the shark is
bigbaba1111 - 7 years ago
such an idiot. the shark defends itself and kills this moron and gets killed then. and all that because of this blonde bimbo.
William Beda
William Beda - 7 years ago
She is playing with fire. They are nice and mysterious but they will bite any chance they can. Her beautiful ass would lose a cheek
DOOM Squid
DOOM Squid - 7 years ago
is the narrator hagrid?
Buddha's Disciple
Buddha's Disciple - 7 years ago
SHARK WHISPERER ??? Hello, sharks don't have ears !! They act as per the vibrations around them - so, it's more like sensation of touch for them !!
katy taffy cat
katy taffy cat - 7 years ago
sean im
sean im - 7 years ago
Interesting fact,
out of all the Shark attacks from 1500 to present, only 6% of the victims were female.
Reason? still yet to be answered.
Douglas Taggart
Douglas Taggart - 7 years ago
it's only a matter of time before she's killed by one
Mayra Sandoval
Mayra Sandoval - 7 years ago
this little blond girl
if she walked in the hood...
"the hood wisperer".....
Myke Swaggins
Myke Swaggins - 7 years ago
lol she just got lucky, not all sharks will tolerate her and if she continues doing this one day she'll get eaten alive
VivaNellie - 7 years ago
what a dumb bitch
xtc- xtc-
xtc- xtc- - 7 years ago
пизда телке, скоро мы увидил как её разрывают на части.... тупая пизда
Mockturtlesoup1 - 7 years ago
Jebus freaking Christ. There are only 339 greats whites along the entire U.S. Pacific coast? is that accurate?
Katherine Spencer
Katherine Spencer - 7 years ago
She is a dumbass!
Sir William
Sir William - 7 years ago
Damn!....wasn't expecting this person to be a beautiful blond.
Cheng Xiong
Cheng Xiong - 7 years ago
Wonder if they ever try that on a hungry shark or a megadon
Chill ass turtle
Chill ass turtle - 7 years ago
forgetting the part where they feed the sharks for hours on end before getting into the water with em..
Derrick G Wood
Derrick G Wood - 7 years ago
Hope she doesn't go out like that Grizzly guy did.
Samy Dragon
Samy Dragon - 7 years ago
I believe she will be in he's stomach
Phil Giellea
Phil Giellea - 7 years ago
Tempting fate - she's just shark-bait to a hungry shark. Problem is, other's will see this and think its cool, and wind up disappearing.
MYsticShadowXL - 7 years ago
It's funny because most of the comments are sex jokes about that lady and the shark
Ryan Brown
Ryan Brown - 7 years ago
Bullshitt !! They are mindless eating machines They would rip anyone else in half fuck , that !!
Eddy Padilla
Eddy Padilla - 7 years ago
Killer? Fuck you abc news. And yes I'm triggered motherfuckers!!
Mèr Do
Mèr Do - 7 years ago
0:33 She needs a skincare lol
That guy
That guy - 7 years ago
There misconstrued that's whats gunna be stamped into her tombstone if there's anything left to bury
Jordan Keith
Jordan Keith - 7 years ago
I understand sharks to I love them I protect them
Leg3ndKilla687 - 7 years ago
I bet he eats pussy
GalaxyG25 - 7 years ago
"Ride me great white model."
Masochistic Suicidie
Masochistic Suicidie - 7 years ago
She will get eaten. Mark my words.
(the shark whisperer was killed by a great white today. She died loving what she did....)
Achazia Aquillo
Achazia Aquillo - 7 years ago
And her I am having a fear of touching the ocean
SnakeRiverFishing - 7 years ago
that's like dancing around holding a rod in a storm saying lightning is misunderstood
JD X - 7 years ago
debasish jash
debasish jash - 7 years ago
she is amazing .and a brave girl
threedots are nice
threedots are nice - 7 years ago
ur probably like a big lamprey to it LOL
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
Wtf was wrong with that one shark at the beginning. That's one huge ass wound. D:
WyattFantana - 7 years ago
let me cum in you bare back
Notenoughammoandguns - 7 years ago
She's smoking hot!
HeyThereVader - 7 years ago
Not going to lie, I have feared sharks since I was just a little kid. Though I hate having that fear. I wish I had the will power this woman has. But I just don't.
Courtney Elizabeth Te iu besc
Courtney Elizabeth Te iu besc - 7 years ago
The shark doesn't even know she's swimming with him, she swimming over him not beside him where he can see her. sharks are very beautiful animals but if you are in their home they will eat you otherwise. they don't care what you are!
TheDRIBBLER2 - 7 years ago
Well, it wasn't the movie "Jaws"what gave the great white his reputation. He won it by himself making news in the tabloids from time to time about his brutal killings and I guess that shark was fed before she entered to the water otherwise not a chance she could do that. Bur she was very brave still.
BuShi Do
BuShi Do - 7 years ago
Please re-title the video to" Woman Swims With Great Whites in Perfect Stupidity". Just because she got away unhurt it doesn't mean it will always go this way. This is a very unnecessary and short sighted risk simply because these animals can be unpredictable at any moment. Maybe not in an aggressive way but in a curious way which can and has been fatal for some people.
George - 7 years ago
Weird looking dog!!
Kaoru Hitachiin
Kaoru Hitachiin - 7 years ago
I wanna be a shark whispers too!!!!
Inoe Putraw
Inoe Putraw - 7 years ago
every Beast Monter Wil bel subdue to the beauty of a woman.. Right God Hand.!!!
Nope I think not
Nope I think not - 7 years ago
0:19 ummm is that supposed to be there
PB Lobster
PB Lobster - 7 years ago
I like sharks
nemarik abuali
nemarik abuali - 7 years ago
Nadz - 7 years ago
What's next? The hamster whisperer?
Edith Corona
Edith Corona - 7 years ago
The entire population of canda
The entire population of canda - 7 years ago
0:16 bitch plz Orcas can rekt sharks in 4 min
snow leopard
snow leopard - 7 years ago
I am a Shark whisperer whisperer just all you know..
MadDag Clash Royale
MadDag Clash Royale - 7 years ago
good Shark
good Shark - 7 years ago
TwinTrident - 7 years ago
Damn, would kill to give that Girl MY Great White!
Freja Andrea Fyhr
Freja Andrea Fyhr - 7 years ago
sharks are adorable
YOUlookprettygud - 7 years ago
Look at all these idiots saying this is "cool". Why don't you search white shark attack on google images. Nature is to be respected, not made a tool for fame and attention. This is just asking for a tragedy and more persecution of sharks.
Sarah Obrien
Sarah Obrien - 7 years ago
update she's dead
Sarah Obrien
Sarah Obrien - 7 years ago
Vermard Paulin
Vermard Paulin - 7 years ago
hmm im the shark i should have bang that girl..
Jøhñŷ Töûçåñ
Jøhñŷ Töûçåñ - 7 years ago
she can hold her breath for almost 6 minutes good

I only need one if you know what I mean
TheGrandFall - 7 years ago
"Hi, good morning, I´d like to buy a life assurance" "Ok, no problem, what´s your job?" "I´m a shark whisperer" "Let´s see... Computer says NO!!"
TheGrandFall - 7 years ago
Even sharks do fear beautiful women, if it was me they would gobble down me in a second... Sharks, I mean.
Darth Vader
Darth Vader - 7 years ago
I would turn her into the cock whisperer.
Aluminum Wire Flowers
Aluminum Wire Flowers - 7 years ago
A white blonde girl beautiful whats new exactly.
Great Whites = women
Silver back gorillas or lions= men
pari onelove
pari onelove - 7 years ago
Why is the human race not protecting these sharks??? This is a serious crime!!!
Devilrose - 7 years ago
Is this chick still alive?
William 310700
William 310700 - 7 years ago
She is an idiot do NOT touch sharks because of human bacterias she can make the sharks ill and in worst case kill them!
zacharycat - 7 years ago
misunderstood. the key is to remain calm and not show any fear, no matter what the shark does.
Chris The Barber
Chris The Barber - 7 years ago
yeah keep it up reality will hit you fast
Dillon The pro
Dillon The pro - 7 years ago
Listen people some documentary are not real
Upamanyu Dogra
Upamanyu Dogra - 7 years ago
I believe, she must have saved one of the individual as you can see some marks on the neck, and hes being nice to her
Hoi Hoi
Hoi Hoi - 7 years ago
No bravo.. she's just nuts. There's a big chance it'll just kill her. Sharks aren't tamable. I'd still fuck her tho
Gary Murphy
Gary Murphy - 7 years ago
I wonder would the story have made the news if the lady was rough. Beauty opens doors, no doubt about it.
imy - 7 years ago
One day head line will be .........
Einsley Harriot
Einsley Harriot - 7 years ago
oh she could hold her breath for 5 mins? i'll put that into good use ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Brian Hart
Brian Hart - 7 years ago
This is not actually a shark but a killer whale, otherwise known to scientists like myself as an orca. Sharks can't survive in water parks like this, where as orca can because they're trained to do tricks whilst listening to loud Christian rock music which stops them getting bored. Another interesting fact you'll likely be unaware of is how they got the name killer whale; it's because they look a little like whales and enjoy killing other fish for pleasure.
LeAnn Holexa
LeAnn Holexa - 7 years ago
i love shark my chanel is shark girl and her life. i am crying I'm crying for all the sharks that have been around for millions of years and now they are bailing being killed and I am so so scared for them okay so I'm glad you made this video this is the best video of ever seen about saving sharks and being a shark whisperer I wish I was like you this is not Lee and it's Lily her daughter
LeAnn Holexa
LeAnn Holexa - 7 years ago
sorry I meant Leanna not Lee
Lorenzo Deckmyn
Lorenzo Deckmyn - 7 years ago
i am the dragon whisperer, have like 99 charizards on pokemon go!
Princess abs
Princess abs - 7 years ago
Sounds about white
robrod007 - 7 years ago
one day she'll be video highlight of when"sharks attack". she will be bitten and likely killed
415hispfemale - 7 years ago
Fool! That's exactly what they are - mindless man-eating machines. That's not a criticism. That's what they're supposed to do!
hemanth kumar
hemanth kumar - 7 years ago
next news ..
the shark whisperer is carrying shark babies.......
jimipurple123 - 7 years ago
Ahmed Bebars
Ahmed Bebars - 7 years ago
It'll always be a wild animal, and "you're going to ignore this particular problem until it swims up and bites you in the ass"
Naya Imanda
Naya Imanda - 7 years ago
WSUH Gaming
WSUH Gaming - 7 years ago
dam id totally love to explore all 3 of that babes holes
themarshmallownerd pablo
themarshmallownerd pablo - 7 years ago
what is this mean?
Louvenia McDougald
Louvenia McDougald - 7 years ago
It's still a reality. If you enter their domain there's always the possibility of not being attacked or being attacked. Duh! Brave Girl! Plus don't sharks tend to attack on the surface of the water? She can hold her breath for over 5 mins. that's impressive. Why some are attacked and others are not go figure.
Jen Dark Energy 384400
Jen Dark Energy 384400 - 7 years ago
Only 330 left? They can't be kept in captivity to breed. So..greatwhites are gone. Well done humanity. 220 species goes extinct on this planet EVERYDAY. We should be ashamed of ourselves.
Butterknifebab - 7 years ago
This is so beautiful and peaceful
genuine ;
genuine ; - 7 years ago
the Sharks probably like "bitCh gtfo off me tf ima bite yo foot off"
"no George don't people are watching and she cute too"
"ooo damn you right hey baby you come here often"
The Wu-Tang Batman
The Wu-Tang Batman - 7 years ago
Impressive..but it's only a matter of time till she gets bitten.
ALL wild creatures are unpredictable and have different personalities just like humans.
Mariana Lopez
Mariana Lopez - 7 years ago
Sharks only sometimes atack people because people May get cuts or scratches when their swimming and sharks can smell blood from a long distance
wheeping willow2 4U
wheeping willow2 4U - 7 years ago
want a dodo, the shark was not coming toward her, never saw that footage, what a pack of lies. but oh well, they are all DYING ANYWAY as a result of FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI, but you msm puppets wont report THAT.
DIABLOinWEHRMACHT - 7 years ago
She's a fucking moron. she'll make a beautiful shark turd
Arianna Lopez
Arianna Lopez - 7 years ago
What if she got her period while next to them!
wordofhopeonline - 7 years ago
I think the men on the USS Indianapolis would disagree. One of the worse shark attacks. And they kept coming back for more human flesh. They knew they weren't seals. Do they dump a bunch of food in the water before she jumps in or something?
Kyle Thomson
Kyle Thomson - 7 years ago
Yeah they are not ravenous or mindless, but they are apex predators and not something to be played with. Whether you like the reality or not, great white sharks are built to kill. You cannot read their mind or communicate with them thus it will be no surprise to me when a great white chews you up and spits you right back out.
Matt Konny
Matt Konny - 7 years ago
This woman didn't anything.

The reason we allow pets like dogs, cats, and even birds into our homes is because they aren't dangerous.

If you touch a dog, or especially a cat in the wrong place, that cute little animal of yours will not think twice before biting or scratching you. But what's a cat scratch?'ll cry about it for a minute, put some hydrogen peroxide on it, bandage it up and forget about it.

All animals are friendly, until you aggravate them. If you aggravate a cat, you get scratched. If you aggravate a shark, you lose a limb, or die. Simple as that. I think the woman is VERY stupid for doing what she's doing.
PatrickJGamboa - 7 years ago
What trickery is this??? :O
Judith Reyes
Judith Reyes - 7 years ago
If you love Mermaids then you will love my my Poshmark Boutique @TheMermaidShop. I will be listing more items soon. Use my code UUQIU (When signing up) to get $5 off your new purchase.
Co Tran
Co Tran - 7 years ago
Have fun!
codergames - 7 years ago
It's great that some people can switch off their base instincts like fear and get in harmony with other predators.
Korrin Adrianna
Korrin Adrianna - 7 years ago
White people.
Pixelgunking Gaming [PGKG]
Pixelgunking Gaming [PGKG] - 7 years ago
Thing is sharks aren't mean in the first place
Hurley Cape town
Hurley Cape town - 7 years ago
I would let her give me aids!
Sam Gorton
Sam Gorton - 7 years ago
dumb bitch
harleyss1968 - 7 years ago
eat me out
Stephen Strange
Stephen Strange - 7 years ago
Namorita stop fooling around and go back to Atlantis.
Anastasiya Badi
Anastasiya Badi - 7 years ago
I like sharks, I think the only animal I'm really scared of are crocodiles
Gonzalo Ulloa
Gonzalo Ulloa - 7 years ago
I cant`t believe that!! If I were one of that sharks, I ´shall give her one bite at least!! She es georgeous!!
TakaS013 - 7 years ago
She's not a shark whisperer, I've seen many people who swim with great whites like this all the time.
Benjie Boro
Benjie Boro - 7 years ago
Don't trust too much with that creature, It was not hungry on that time probably
Death Scythe
Death Scythe - 7 years ago
pretty face nice ass ohh what the hell i would suck her farts out of her ass
Diamond back
Diamond back - 7 years ago
Diamond back
Diamond back - 7 years ago
Women, not even the King of the Sea himself can say anything LOL
Hades Daughter vengi
Hades Daughter vengi - 7 years ago
Christina Leifeste
Christina Leifeste - 7 years ago
Incredibly stupid. Not trying to be a hater. Trying to be one with the universe is admirable but eventually reality will set in. There are several examples out there and they are not hard to find.
Leelz247 - 7 years ago
She's a true pioneer.

And the sexual comments here are disgusting.
MrGraffitiFTW - 7 years ago
hot chick gets pounded by a great white(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
McHaazelnutz - 7 years ago
Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope
THUNDER SMOKE12 - 7 years ago
Is there a can whisperer
Leo Messi
Leo Messi - 7 years ago
Wouldnt say the most feared beast on earth but certainly one off them
Zmadmonkey - 7 years ago
i like how the narrator is so supprise that the shark isnt eating her, he probably got terrified by jaws as a kid and had it branded into his brain that sharks are blood thirsty killers that will kill humans at sight
mustafidh rahman
mustafidh rahman - 7 years ago
imagine you go on a date with her at beach... she'd be like "let's swim honey, the shark's fine"
then what're you gonna do???
I'd be like "ehm...sorry babe, I kinda allergic to water, I'm fine just watching you, have fun!!!"
Lewis Taylor
Lewis Taylor - 7 years ago
I love how in these things the camera guys are ignored they do everything to
sasquatchSGK - 7 years ago
the only reason sharks attack people is they mistake us for seals and their pray....they aren't mindless killers .
Sinisa Sentocnik
Sinisa Sentocnik - 7 years ago
if girl was black she gone.
Elijeh Glenn
Elijeh Glenn - 7 years ago
Her ball's are bigger than mine and I'm a old man!
Tabmow9 - 7 years ago
cant wait till she gets eaten.stop pushing bs theories.
stevecamp06 - 7 years ago
It's been well known for many many years that these amazing animals are not "ravenous mindless man-eating machines" like this bimbo suggests we all think. One thing is for near certain though, I very much doubt they are too jazzed about having someone hanging off them and grabbing their dorsal fin. So when one finally whips around and takes a limb or worse, well this dummy had it coming.
OceanPaws 04
OceanPaws 04 - 7 years ago
shes a shark in a human body just admit it
Mukesh Goyal
Mukesh Goyal - 7 years ago
First u introduced girl.. Then it's valid u introduced boy filming the video. Nd now at 1:26 someone is filming both..
Now who the third person??
mitchel norvalls
mitchel norvalls - 7 years ago
Trey Stephens
Trey Stephens - 7 years ago
I wish I was cool then she would let me bang her like her camera man. :(
SidneyXda - 7 years ago
I have loved great white sharks since I first seen them 20+ years ago but let's not kid here they picked this one out, some great whites (the smaller ones) are a little friendly and come to the boats you can play with them but the larger ones off the coast of Australia or by Guadalupe island well this lady wouldn't dare swim with them. This is a 14 foot gw. If you must swim with them then try with a 14ft one first
jurassicsushi - 7 years ago
It's not the one you see that you have to worry about, it's the one you don't see.
jurassicsushi - 7 years ago
Dr. Ian Malcolm: Oh, yeah. Oooh, ahhh, that's how it always starts. Then later there's running and um, screaming.
STUNNER23100 - 7 years ago
Bella the Great White Shark is beautiful way to go Ocean Ramsey keep up the good work!
Fion - 7 years ago
Beautiful, she should try free diving since she's not afriaid of the ocean.
J Mac Hero
J Mac Hero - 7 years ago
How does she do it? How did she do that?
Mr. Afifi
Mr. Afifi - 7 years ago
hey Ocean Ramsey if you or others like you are reading this... and I don't mean to be crude... don't ever go in the water with sharks, killer whales or the like... if you are on your period or if you even think there's a single drop of blood coming from you... from shaving... even dental work... they don't know you from a wounded fish... this applies to everyone... my good deed for the day is done, time for some cookies...
Kingtot - 7 years ago
Her name is "Ocean"? lol
AT ANISH - 7 years ago
Sharks are awesome
Nita210 - 7 years ago
yall forgot the lion whisper
Dave S.
Dave S. - 7 years ago
Yeah she's an idiot
Brandon Welsch
Brandon Welsch - 7 years ago
bigger balls then me
白百合 - 7 years ago
PERFECT HARMONY Shuu Tsukiyama Voice
Zakary Rodgers
Zakary Rodgers - 7 years ago
Well you tell that to the people who lost a leg, arm, family member etc that's they aren't man eaters. Um mm
Sincere One
Sincere One - 7 years ago
She should try that with the Great Whites in South Africa!
KatariaGujjar - 8 years ago
sasha grey: the cock whisperer
Ermir Dibra
Ermir Dibra - 8 years ago
Funny how he said this beautiful shark and this graceful diver. That's some great white lover right there.
Martin Bruun
Martin Bruun - 8 years ago
She swims with sharks.. until she doesn't
Stabren Caires
Stabren Caires - 8 years ago
Not Hawaiian, just living in Hawaii.
petra meulemans
petra meulemans - 8 years ago
die haai is zwz getraint eh
Cookie Dragon
Cookie Dragon - 8 years ago
I think it rather is "the most dangerous animal on earth which is a killer, swimming next to a peaceful white shark"
Miki Seius
Miki Seius - 8 years ago
I love this woman. The Jaws movies are garbage.
RUS38 - 8 years ago
A killer shark LOL yeah right. That's how mass media and movies shape minds of people into believing any bullshit. The whole world population walking around thinking they are smart and educated when in fact thy are a bunch of programmed sheep with stereotypes and wrong views about the world.
missconduct024 - 8 years ago
cant wait to see the shark eat her face off XD
Allan medrano
Allan medrano - 8 years ago
Unbelievable shark it is danger do you know Kevin Richard a lion whisperer
Krixus Le Deoux
Krixus Le Deoux - 8 years ago
She is a shark herself lol. Holding her breath that long underwater?
Night Sky Studios
Night Sky Studios - 8 years ago
Sharks aren't as dangerous as people think. You only have a 1 in 11.5 million chance of being attacked by a shark. You're more likely to be struck by lightning or killed by a vending machine than by a shark.
Brian Duncan
Brian Duncan - 8 years ago
I look up to Ocean Ramsay. I follow her on instgram, along with Juansharks,and many others. As a student to become a marine biologist I have to say that sharks are INCREDIBLY misunderstood. I volunteer with my local aquarium and they're the most beautiful animals on earth. Yes they're perfect on an evolutionary level. They're fast, strong, agile, and intelligent. That's how they have survived for over 400 million years, even before he dinosaurs. We are not on the menu, by any means. First off there's not a big enough population of humans in the oceans for sharks to development such a diet, and next, they're just plainly not interested! Most bites are curiousity bites, which explains why they're superficial, and why people hardly sustain serious injuries. I think the average death toll for sharks killing humans is 5. We kill 100-150 MILLION. At that rate, you could wipe out the whole human race in just 60 years. we should not fear such a beautiful animal. Without them, many of or oceans will die along with them, and we will be left with a cataclysm of wildlife devastation. Which eventually hurts us in the long haul. Super long tangent over
xinshishinra - 8 years ago
She doesn't swim with them for "some unknown reason". She's trying to raise awareness about the animal.
member ?
member ? - 8 years ago
Samuel Lim
Samuel Lim - 8 years ago
damn shark got more game than me
James Florida
James Florida - 8 years ago
Sharks feel like dating this gourgeous and sweet woman but above all she's really concerned to preservation of this awesone and important animal for the ocean echosystem.
Anna Browne
Anna Browne - 8 years ago
It's a stunning experience and Ocean Ramsay is very brave. She clearly has something to say and isn't afraid to say it -- but yet GMA is making all these biased remarks on the video without even listening to what Ocean is trying to convey or watching the grace between her and the shark. THAT in itself is a disgrace.
Admin Assistant
Admin Assistant - 8 years ago
Shark whisperer? Next episode: "Shark whisperer gets eaten"
Dylan Roberts
Dylan Roberts - 8 years ago
I feel like half the time the shark merely tolerates her, yet the other half knows that the shark truly enjoys her company.
Everyone tends to forget that sharks are actually surprisingly intelligent.
Dudley - 8 years ago
If I was a shark I'd eat her.
Sharon Porter
Sharon Porter - 8 years ago
shoot. breathing for over 5 MINUTES was the awesome part of this. I can barely do a minute!!!!!!
Karthik Mothukuri
Karthik Mothukuri - 8 years ago
sharks be like.. "wanna make out with me? "
uldruch - 8 years ago
She's hot and crazy! Perfect
Hungry Hungarian
Hungry Hungarian - 8 years ago
She can touch my white pointer anytime!!!
Shadow KILLA
Shadow KILLA - 8 years ago
women are not the sharkest fish in the sea if you catch my drift
Red 7669
Red 7669 - 8 years ago
Whether it's the news or just the narrator, whoever decided to use the phrase "a killer" referencing the Great White, is an idiot.
m33lover - 8 years ago
Yeah,  Keep fucking with them sharks.....One day the bitch won't be whispering shit.
Hans Wurscht
Hans Wurscht - 8 years ago
Well, we all know what happend to the "bear whisperer". It's only a matter of time...
Ruben Sahakian
Ruben Sahakian - 8 years ago
This is similar to Timothy Treadwell bears were nice until one day one ate him and his girlfriend.Lets not forget these are wild predators! Why do humans insist to prove this fact wrong.
I think when day comes when a shark tears her body to peices then we might start thinking more realistic about nature.
mom0g1 - 8 years ago
i love these comments
Ross Snipes
Ross Snipes - 8 years ago
that shark looked fucked on one side
Philip Berthiaume
Philip Berthiaume - 8 years ago
Beautiful but just be cognizant, these are species that are millions of years old from a different time.
cobblepot _1
cobblepot _1 - 8 years ago
she´s hot :DD
Radek Srednicki
Radek Srednicki - 8 years ago
Lol try that with an adult
Nicole Aguiar
Nicole Aguiar - 8 years ago
The difference BTW horse, dog and eagle whisper is those other animals can be trained. you can't train a shark. ..Ocean is just lucky she was in the ocean at the right time with the right shark. different time different shark she may have become part of the ocean for life.. STAY SAFE LUCKY LADY..
420Praiseit Git gud
420Praiseit Git gud - 8 years ago
Actually, sharks are usually very passive.
frankdrebin - 8 years ago
Yeah, remember the Grizzly Bear whisperer? No? That's b/c the last thing he did was record he and his girlfriend getting eaten by a bear. "Nice bear, good bear!" Bear - "Hey I'm hungry! Rrrrrrraaaaaarrrrrgh!!! Bear whisperer GOOD!".
Ayden Farmer
Ayden Farmer - 8 years ago
Who cares about the shark that girl is beautiful
THΞLONLYDUDΞ - 8 years ago
she dead yet?
james lloyd
james lloyd - 8 years ago
Do that with a bull shark bitch
EXTRA plus ORDINAREH - 8 years ago
Brendan P

He's / She's just jealous of her
Brendan Perell
Brendan Perell - 8 years ago
so angry
Lil Pump
Lil Pump - 8 years ago
Lil Pump
Lil Pump - 8 years ago
Lil Pump
Lil Pump - 8 years ago
Lil Pump
Lil Pump - 8 years ago
Lil Pump
Lil Pump - 8 years ago
Lil Pump
Lil Pump - 8 years ago
Lil Pump
Lil Pump - 8 years ago
Lil Pump
Lil Pump - 8 years ago
Lil Pump
Lil Pump - 8 years ago
Lil Pump
Lil Pump - 8 years ago
Crimson Shade
Crimson Shade - 8 years ago
I wanna swim with great white sharks
Red Pier
Red Pier - 8 years ago
Shark whisperer? Do people know sharks don't kill people that often? They kill about 6 people a year, and more than half of those are in Australia.
DIY Pup - 8 years ago
treble fox
treble fox - 8 years ago
Sharks dont usually just attack humans. Its usually a mistake, and think you are a seal or turtle. The real thing to fear is the praying mantis those little shits are creepy and pinch.
New York Giants
New York Giants - 8 years ago
she acts like he can tame them or something nah ur just lucky and they arent hungry but keep doing that and see what happens
420Praiseit Git gud
420Praiseit Git gud - 8 years ago
Sharks aren't naturally aggressive, though.
Odaine Williams
Odaine Williams - 8 years ago
she only doing to be known by people all over or be popular. I leave this at soon to be eaten.
sIMP37 - 8 years ago
i dont get why you would do that, swim with a shark, ride a tiger, jump without parachute, it s all the same stupid shits for me
John Vogt
John Vogt - 8 years ago
"Ever since 'Jaws' it's pretty hard to generate sympathy for these killing machines" - Great journalism bro
TheShadowlin - 8 years ago
Mark Ruchman did it first. still amazing, though.
Voula Kangles
Voula Kangles - 8 years ago
Don't kill sharks they are an amazing creature to our world and if you kill a shark your mostly making them an undaunted spices (please shark whisper or someone please share this it would make my so happy❤️plus keep sharks safe ❤️
hailey lewis
hailey lewis - 8 years ago
eric pieper
eric pieper - 8 years ago
She is an idiot
Desirée Rodríguez
Desirée Rodríguez - 8 years ago
BooN Gaming
BooN Gaming - 8 years ago
i have done alot of freshwater predator fishing in the past. on clear waters i have seen prey swimming around a predator without a care in the world. they know that predator isnt after food, its just cruising. there isnt a bait in the world that will tempt them when they are like that. the prey soon know when to bug out and you can almost see the silence in the water. this woman has got away with if so far, but it will end messey and create another horror story for these beautiful creatures. guess she could become an amputee model if she is lucky.
Ninja - 8 years ago
okay next time swim with a tiger shark
Rosso The'Crimson
Rosso The'Crimson - 8 years ago
I think this same chick does lol.
hailey lewis
hailey lewis - 8 years ago
Ninja Eh. That's already been done.
Ninja - 8 years ago
milly kay yes they are the strongest of the sharks but they aren't really that aggressive. More curious than anything else. Tiger sharks and bull sharks are much more aggressive
milly kay
milly kay - 8 years ago
The great white is the deadliest shark that still exists
Ninja - 8 years ago
She's gorgeous, it would be a pity if she lost a leg
McLarenBMW - 7 years ago
Ninja or a titty
UBER 1 - 8 years ago
People fear what they don't understand.  It's that simple.
nightb4day - 8 years ago
probably didnt attack because of the passenger it had, maybe its near a cleaning station, of which most fish dont attack one another?
zuckerkane - 8 years ago
Is she even real? How can you be so pretty and cool at the same time?
Susan Thor
Susan Thor - 7 years ago
zuckerkane XD
Kekistani nationalist
Kekistani nationalist - 8 years ago
Typical democrat.
Robyn Nunya
Robyn Nunya - 8 years ago
People tend to forget even the family dog can turn on you and take a bite out of you. These are at best wild animals, and known to have killed quite a few people and subject to their own behaviours, I wouldnt trust one as far as I could throw it. She is quite safe till the day one decides its hungry then I wouldnt give a tinkers curse for her chances.
Your Typical Animator
Your Typical Animator - 8 years ago
I'm the human whisperer
mike Durry
mike Durry - 8 years ago
I'd let her shit in my mouth anyday!
TheShadowlin - 8 years ago
why? just open it and your brain pours it out already.
jordan9318 - 8 years ago
I would like to have sexton with her. then I want to see her eaten by a great white.
BigHunTraps - 8 years ago
the comment sections show how horrible humans are compared to every animal on earth..

Humans are horrible and disgusting, animals are true and amazing.
Triple J gaming
Triple J gaming - 8 years ago
Cool video
Alexey Bogdanov
Alexey Bogdanov - 8 years ago
that girl is hot))) as to fearsome predators - see statistics on which animals causes most human casualties. Guess who's in the lead? Moscitos! 750.000 casualties a year!!! Sharks - 6. Not 6 thousand, just 6. Even dogs kill over 35.000 people a year. And we call them human's best friends. So stop this nonsence already. Sharks are cool
Sandwich Kun
Sandwich Kun - 8 years ago
Better than Cesar Millian
mage huber
mage huber - 8 years ago
the shark-pitch
Static Board
Static Board - 8 years ago
Sharks are actually a little bit docile. she's not that special
Alex Williams
Alex Williams - 8 years ago
Kids, don't try this at home.
Mars - 8 years ago
she wants the shark's D
Simz Redz
Simz Redz - 8 years ago
If I was a shark, i would eat that booty so fast
Violent_Jiggler - 8 years ago
Hey, does anybody remember that "Grissly Whisperer" guy that lived with bears? Anybody know what happened to that guy?
MeargleSchmeargle - 8 years ago
That woman is badass. Wish I could do that.
aud loves life
aud loves life - 8 years ago
In perfect harmony? Says who?!
RUNNER X - 8 years ago
Something Boris Johnson would do on a sunday morning
Pisslord inmyrectum
Pisslord inmyrectum - 8 years ago
Here's this beautiful......shark and this .....graceful ..diver
Irish Warrior
Irish Warrior - 8 years ago
shes blonde what do you expect
Desirée Rodríguez
Desirée Rodríguez - 8 years ago
wtf victorious??
Irish Warrior
Irish Warrior - 8 years ago
MICHAEL WILLIAMSON ah you talk like a fag and you're shits all retarded
I love blondes.
xyman - 8 years ago
A plastic shark.
Pika_girl - 8 years ago
She's not a shark whisperer any one an do that as long as they do it right
420Praiseit Git gud
420Praiseit Git gud - 8 years ago
I don't think you know how long it takes to become a certified diver
Static Board
Static Board - 8 years ago
She's just a dumb blonde who thinks she's special, hyped up on seaweed and the news just eats this shit up. "Just another amazing white blonde girl".
jessie27james - 8 years ago
One thing they tell you about sharks is to stay calm & keep your pulse from racing because they can sense it. She seems to have that down. lol. And sharks also don't like air bubbles from the tanks... which is probably why she is free diving. Definitely cool but I wouldn't make a career out of it.
John Paul Kohere
John Paul Kohere - 8 years ago
That Shark is pretty beaten up. Looks like it got hit by something big on one side near the gills. Incredible Lady! She must have ton of experience in the ocean before she first did this.
Ben Decuir How to Channel
Ben Decuir How to Channel - 8 years ago
people if you look her up on google...she is a model......she is an attention seeker that will get killed doing this eventually. Sad, but its reality. Good luck to her though
Yılmaz DALKIRAN - 8 years ago
No voice.
RHayabusa - 8 years ago
World's thirstiest shark.
Troll - 8 years ago
white people would do crazy shit like this.. but would still be scared and intimidated by a black man lol
KageyamaM - 8 years ago
Troll Look up crocodile man, is he white? Fuck off with that lol
420Praiseit Git gud
420Praiseit Git gud - 8 years ago
Yes, yes, you don't like white people. Still, though, sharks are usually very passive creatures
Hailee the Master Pleiss
Hailee the Master Pleiss - 8 years ago
Brainless girl your actually Brainless
Your World Must Die
Your World Must Die - 8 years ago
2 feminists of different species playing underwater, nothing special
AzraelTheHellAngel - 8 years ago
Fun fact, humans swim in a way similar to seals and sharks tend to misidentify humans. They rarely actually chase down a human, knowing it's a human
Error Sans
Error Sans - 8 years ago
Did you know your more likely to be hit by lightening than killed by a shark? Cool huh? So stop fucking wishing death and famine on every GW >=T they aren't even the most aggressive species.
giovaluci - 8 years ago
Che gnocca. Peccato che non ci sia con la testa, è buona solo da scopare.
Eat Sleep JDM
Eat Sleep JDM - 8 years ago
One day she will be eaten
CxTurkChiief - 8 years ago
damn thats a women! ;-)
SMAV Emerson
SMAV Emerson - 8 years ago
CxTurkChiief she is legion?
Shadowed Rose
Shadowed Rose - 8 years ago
I wanna do stuff like this!!! Diving is so much fun.
Ernest Muric
Ernest Muric - 8 years ago
People who don't wanna die of Aids. still fuck each other in the ass without doing a blood test furst. Bitches who won't put out and whose first names are chastity.Still go swimming with shark's.
Thuy Huynh
Thuy Huynh - 8 years ago
I feel like she's to high
David Craig
David Craig - 8 years ago
Shark whisperer? (Please don't eat me, please don't eat me...)
Kayana - 7 years ago
Sharks don't eat people.
king for a day
king for a day - 7 years ago
Fabian Pacheco actually the bull shark is way more aggressive than a great white there have been more deaths and attacks by bullsharks than there have been of great white's
Veronica DG
Veronica DG - 7 years ago
Fabian Pacheco
Fabian Pacheco - 8 years ago
Tiger shark maybe, bull shake maybe, great white fuck no!!!
A I - 8 years ago
David Craig Lol!
CherryCats - 8 years ago
k good
Beaver Potato
Beaver Potato - 8 years ago
just a scar
R. S.
R. S. - 8 years ago
wow who in their right mind duz that. she must be smoking that real Hawaiian grade
Donovan Wilington
Donovan Wilington - 8 years ago
she got a nice fat butt. If I was a shark there I aint eating her neither if I could see that ass everyday. That ass is sure as hell whispering for my fat cock to bust a fat one inside it.
Vic C
Vic C - 8 years ago
Donovan Wilington you need help boi
Danny B
Danny B - 8 years ago
this is beautiful.. but a big part of me wants her to get savaged, just to say i told you so.
dylan wadey
dylan wadey - 8 years ago
I call bull Shit it's bull Shit
BarbaricTemptress - 8 years ago
dylan wadey No it's not.
Nicola Douglas
Nicola Douglas - 8 years ago
only takes one time! remember that guy who describes bull sharks as just puppy dogs and how misunderstood they are? just before it ripped his leg to shreds!
Wild Harvest Ranch
Wild Harvest Ranch - 8 years ago
I want to marry this woman.
error error
error error - 8 years ago
she have shark cum before :D
Woody - 8 years ago
Has she met Steve Irwin's fate yet?
quovadis1952 - 8 years ago
She sounds like a typical bubble headed blond dipstick. It's only a matter of time before her remains fertilize the ocean bottom.
RP S - 8 years ago
They must have fed it a lot already. Or she's a relative of Aquaman.
8arbarossa - 8 years ago
i am an American, i can talk to animals.. hahahahaha you Yankies are sooo stupid
SMAV Emerson
SMAV Emerson - 8 years ago
Twixlumer80 haha all I got was you're a little bitch no matter where your from
8arbarossa - 8 years ago
only an American would know that i ran to my computer to say ignorant things.. you have seen it on your NSA cams.. See me running.. lol you see me giving you the middle finger now?
SMAV Emerson
SMAV Emerson - 8 years ago
Twixlumer80 Not all are like that lmao. You must have shit for brains and anything you see on media you have to run and say on the Internet.. Haha pussies these days..
Xavi Xiang
Xavi Xiang - 8 years ago
Damn, this girl is a hottie
miss chloejade
miss chloejade - 8 years ago
Xavi Xiang she is indeed
Ninja Mice
Ninja Mice - 8 years ago
Swimming alongside sharks huh... Hmmmm... she must be a lawyer.
Radeno 33
Radeno 33 - 8 years ago
One day things will turns to tragedy...
If u playing with fire u will burn
Mordakan - 8 years ago
Well, for the love of the ocean, why shark? Why can't she swim with orcas and whisper to them? They are much cuter and prettier.
420Praiseit Git gud
420Praiseit Git gud - 8 years ago
Wild Orcas are actually probably much more dangerous
Daniel Kemnitz
Daniel Kemnitz - 8 years ago
hahaha awwww yea they just look so sweet and innocent, like they have no idea what's going on in the world, they are just mesmerized by the blue colors all around them xD so cute
Sharky Moot
Sharky Moot - 8 years ago
+Daniel Kemnitz
I agree with that!
And I think great whites are cute, too. Threshers are the cutest to me though~
Daniel Kemnitz
Daniel Kemnitz - 8 years ago
There is also the fact that Orcas are pack animals and behave differently to say a lone Great white shark. Some sharks are pack animals too, and it's very hard to classify shark behavior as a whole. Actually, many sharks are very docile and curious, and attacks only happen when provoked or people are mistaken for prey. I actually think the great white and reef sharks are cute af :3
Mordakan - 8 years ago
+Sharky Moot Of course, it's the only reason I believe why they attack in captivity and not in the wilds. I once touched a wild orca's nose face to face, the whale didn't do anything and there was a big pod of them around.
Sharky Moot
Sharky Moot - 8 years ago
+Mordakan Sharks don't intentionally eat humans, they investigate thing with thier mouth. They give a test bite, and usually leave the victim alone from there if it's a human. They sometimes mistakes us for thier prey, too. But whatever, you're perfectly allowed to like orcas, and I do understand that they would be pissed for what we do to them at Seaworld, and attack.
Mordakan - 8 years ago
+Sharky Moot Yes but they don't eat humans. When orcas attack humans it's because they are being defensive towards themselves or misidentified a human into a prey which I believe once happened but the human was ok after the whale stopped its attack (still don't know if that story is true though) ... Also, when orcas attack humans, they do it by jumping over or on the human, pushing human, making the person tired and exhausted to the point they don't move anymore, that's how they do. Or they just drown you like seen mostly in captivity. These 2 ways have never happened in the wilds.
Sharky Moot
Sharky Moot - 8 years ago
Mordakan Cuter...? You do realize orcas sometimes torture thier prey, right...?
louis stalker
louis stalker - 8 years ago
I knew it would be a white woman
DeJ Bi
DeJ Bi - 8 years ago
why they call it great white when it's mostly black
93Jossan - 8 years ago
Just so people know, Traffic lights are responsible for about 2,000 deaths in the U.S. each year, Malaria-carrying mosquitoes kills more humans than any other animal, High school and college football injuries claim an average of 12 lives annually, champange corks kills about 24 people each year. ladders, raw meat, cows, horses, bees kills more people than a shark. People trying to get candy from vending machines or way more likely than sharks attacks. You are more like likely to get killed by tripping or falling out of bed at home than by a shark. And you are much more at risk everyday of getting killed by another human than by shark. There are way more sharks getting killed by humans than the otherway around. This doesn't mean sharks aren't dangerous, but they are not as dangerous as many people think. They do not kill as many people some thinks they do.
EenMeisjex - 8 years ago
Girl powerrrrr
scoob5 boi
scoob5 boi - 8 years ago
scoob5 boi
scoob5 boi - 8 years ago
Junel Cole
Junel Cole - 8 years ago
That's not how they are ? What the fuck you talking about bitch they will eat you and your fucking pissy
Tarkus - 8 years ago
This is the only Great white she can swim with...... Would liek to see her try it with others
Daniel Kemnitz
Daniel Kemnitz - 8 years ago
Many great whites feed on seals and have no intention of feeding on humans. Probably the only things that could provoke an attack is if you resemble a seal silhouette in the surface (aka why surfers are sometimes at risk), you are bleeding, or you are panicking or adrenaline is getting the best of you. Sharks can sense electric vibrations that our bodies emit (it's an old evolutionary sense that helps them find prey in the dark, in sand, etc), like when we are panicking, which is why the cages are made, so that normal people can get closer to them without risking their body response to put them in danger. Cages are for people who are not used to/willing to swim openly with sharks.
Sharks can be quite curious, which unexperienced people would see as aggressive behavior. If a shark starts to get too close the best thing to do is stay calm and push it away at its sensitive areas (eyes and snout).
Sharks in general are just so damn misunderstood because they live in an environment that we are not made to naturally survive in, we are out of our comfort zone, and we don't feel safe even when the sharks have no intention to harm us. It keeps many people from getting close and personal with sharks, as well as it being more difficult to relate to a shark than it is to relate to say a wolf or a lion because they have a similarity with cats and dogs, so we can see some common behavior. The closest normal people get to relate to sharks is their pet fish in a fish tank.. On top of that, media and hollywood blow the shark scene up to be something horrific and abnormal in the sense that they kill just for the sake of killing. Some animals do this, but sharks are not among those species. We are not their natural prey, and they have no need to feed on us, nor hunt us. The main big sharks that differ some from this are the Tiger Sharks and Bull Sharks, which are more aggressive and have a tendency to eat whatever they can (literally anything, like car tires, fish, metal parts, anything). I suggest you all do a little research on the topic, I am sure you will learn a whole new side to marine wildlife that you did not know about.
SMAV Emerson
SMAV Emerson - 8 years ago
relic323 I'm playing some sad melodies for you my good mate
Tarkus - 8 years ago
Lol see this is prime example of mere stupidity. You don't research shit make retarded comments and now you're salty. Also no longer receiving updates from this. Get a life.
SMAV Emerson
SMAV Emerson - 8 years ago
relic323 don't talk to your daddy like that you will be slapped and get a cock in your mouth
Tarkus - 8 years ago
Chance Emerson lol get bent fool, know your facts before you comment. Also this shark has an injury which may have caused it to be so docile towards her. #dealwithit
SMAV Emerson
SMAV Emerson - 8 years ago
relic323 ummm did a dingo eat your baby??? "m8"
Tarkus - 8 years ago
ummm they invented the shark cage because of great white sharks... its not common at all m8.
SMAV Emerson
SMAV Emerson - 8 years ago
relic323 People swim with great whites a lot actually. It's safer with a spear gun to give them a poke if they get to curious and you have to always watch your back cause most sharks attack their prey from behind.. It's tiger sharks and bullsharks you really gotta be cautious of. Also I'd say the main rule is don't let the adrenaline get the better of you (easier said then done) as cheesy as it sounds they can smell or sense your fear and then are more likely to attack
ash algor
ash algor - 8 years ago
why they dont mention the lion whisperer.  best off all
Eduardo Fernandez
Eduardo Fernandez - 8 years ago
That shark just eated a boat of fishes.
Cann Abis
Cann Abis - 8 years ago
i would eat her just saying
hi - 8 years ago
Damn, gonna need a dump truck for these balls she's got
Stefan Strömer
Stefan Strömer - 8 years ago
This woman has bigger balls than Chuck Norris.
BangoBean - 8 years ago
:-( 339 is a pitiful number, hope they make a comeback.
BangoBean - 8 years ago
She's amazing...
Andrew Le
Andrew Le - 8 years ago
the sharks probaly think shes hot, no wonder that dont eat her
pit man
pit man - 8 years ago
sad but she will die.
Debb Mendoza
Debb Mendoza - 8 years ago
pit man she wont die. like why would you even say that.
Chicken Lips
Chicken Lips - 8 years ago
haha, her name is Ocean. And she swims in the ocean! Mind...... Blown
Siedler Joe
Siedler Joe - 8 years ago
Soooooooooooooo, does anyone remember the animal activist dude who wanted to prove how one of the other big predators of this planet are perfectly tame and harmless? The Grizzly guy.... Yes they are super cute and super nice untill they eat your brain live on camera..... Dude, i watched that shit and it aint nice but i cant wait till we get to see how a great white eats that chick.
Demiler - 8 years ago
She's got my full admiration and respect.
Axyoes - 8 years ago
TheVoiceOfTruth - 8 years ago
white people > the rest of the species
Agustí Guerola Garcia
Agustí Guerola Garcia - 8 years ago
Jeez, it's a frigging 5 meter long white pointer... Guess that's the reason why it didn't bother to have this human grabbing her dorsal fin. It's to big to fucking care haha. Doupt she would have gotten the same result with a 3 meter specimen though.
Johny Croteau
Johny Croteau - 8 years ago
adrenaline junkie.... one bite you're gone whatever you're opinion!!
William Bilimon
William Bilimon - 8 years ago
she kinda looks like laurdiy
Rafael Aguilar
Rafael Aguilar - 8 years ago
alguien me explique por que carajo no se la come el tiburon?
Kaede Jiang
Kaede Jiang - 8 years ago
ademas no come humanos, no forman parte de dietas, pueden morderlo para saber si son comestible o no, al final siempre escupen, la mayoría de ellos no conocen humanos por eso muerden, por la primera vez, pero nunca comen. puedes investigarlo todos sobre tiburones, y que comen, en vez de creer que los tiburones comportan igual como la estúpida película Tiburon
Desirée Rodríguez
Desirée Rodríguez - 8 years ago
Hay muchas personas que pueden conectar con animales " peligrosos".... Personalmente yo he agarrado tarántulas y me he acercado bastante a lobos
lmazueraable - 8 years ago
Porque no tiene hambre!
Lisa - 8 years ago
Don't do that on your period
Drew Farran
Drew Farran - 8 years ago
Have no fear and it's more unlikely they kill you. They are not dumb and calculate the benefits of avoiding something that's not affraid of them.
NavySharkz - 8 years ago
Wow that "reporter" that was talking throughout the video was a real tool. He was making it seem like sharks just kill indiscriminately for no reason. Having said that, the minute one of these Great Whites has a bad day and decides to remind blondie here that it is a wild animal and bites a chunk out of her butt people are going to start demanding that it be hunted down and killed.
crack61616 - 8 years ago
is she still alive???if it s yes then respect.....but a human should never think about to"beeing nice"TO A MILLION YEAR OLD killermachine that crushes flesh and bone with sawlike teeth!!
Debb Mendoza
Debb Mendoza - 8 years ago
crack61616 not a killing machine
Jon Mathews
Jon Mathews - 8 years ago
The only reason that girl's alive is because those sharks are full, lonely males. LMAO
Copper Blue
Copper Blue - 8 years ago
Jon Mathews haha, also cause she's a model with low fat content and therefore not on the menu.
ashley! - 8 years ago
iffy 220 again thanks so tru. (:
Brian M
Brian M - 8 years ago
Jon Mathews Female sharks
April - 8 years ago
Or maybe it's because the bullshit that the media peddles about sharks being soulless, unforgiving murder machines is entirely without merit or evidence :/
Jon Mathews
Jon Mathews - 8 years ago
It's a fear of mine, even in fresh water lakes... deep black abyss scares me. I can't take it. LOL I've face more evil things, but deep dark water spooks me out.
Jihad Pandapatan
Jihad Pandapatan - 8 years ago
Jon Mathews i would love to. i wanna see a great whites in person.
Jon Mathews
Jon Mathews - 8 years ago
+Jihad Pandapatan It's really cool how people can connect with animals like this. I was really just goofin around. My brother and sister are shark diving in Hawaii next month, but I'd never do it. I'm too scared of deep water.
Jihad Pandapatan
Jihad Pandapatan - 8 years ago
Jon Mathews that shark in this video isn't a male. it's actually female.
Jon Mathews
Jon Mathews - 8 years ago
+-Axeal- Oops, I got to making jokes again. Forgot this is the interwebs where people get offended over everything. Lord knows I like women. So do the women around me. Seems to only be a problem on the interwebs
_HeshedPotato - 8 years ago
Jon Mathews there it goes again
Jon Mathews
Jon Mathews - 8 years ago
My God! If I was a shark, I'd let her whisper to me too!
Heavens_ Knight_-
Heavens_ Knight_- - 8 years ago
the shark must be like look at this little girl touching me, she must be misssing a screw doesn't she know what im capable of
Piinkstar17 - 8 years ago
GOALS. sharks are soo beautiful!
Apex Predator
Apex Predator - 8 years ago
dmadma4 - 8 years ago
really stupid act...
J R - 8 years ago
Any updates, has she been eaten yet
HuSia Cat
HuSia Cat - 8 years ago
We can all imagine the future headlines....

Sharks are the dogs of the sea, find a big one that isnt hungry, no problem, come across a pack that are, then you're just another prey.

Something tells me she doesn't just spot a fin and dive in, for every minute of film there will be hours of preparation. Still, a brave girl.
Leah Lloyd
Leah Lloyd - 8 years ago
The most dangerous predator on Earth is a human being. Humans should be feared 100x more than sharks.
Kirikan Kuu
Kirikan Kuu - 7 years ago
Nations don't start wars for fun, but because they compete over limited space and natural resources. They can ally, but that's situational/temporary. Moral is relative. US army is an attack dog for the international banking elite. They finance a major conflict in any nation that tries to control its own currency and avoid debt-slavery (if they fail to replace or assassinate the leaders). Saudi Arabia, a Salafist country, is their ally.
Ronyfcb Farfan
Ronyfcb Farfan - 7 years ago
Leah Lloyd true
Susan Thor
Susan Thor - 7 years ago
Jimmy Nava it's true you just she sharks and think it's going to kill me but maybe read a book about SHARKS so your stupid
tommoore2012 - 7 years ago
Pretty sure the most dangerous thing on Earth is the hotspot beneath Yellow Stone.
Mother of Dragons
Mother of Dragons - 7 years ago
Jimmy Nava you are the idiot haha
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 7 years ago
Leah Lloyd jk humans alteady are feared 100x more than sharks
Forest Guardian
Forest Guardian - 7 years ago
vinnie kov sharks deserve more rights than we do the have been around for four hundred million years possibly longer
Jake the dog
Jake the dog - 7 years ago
+Leah Lloyd true im surprised how much damage humans have done to our home and other animals too. killing millions of sharks every year whales too
Forest Guardian
Forest Guardian - 7 years ago
Aria Foregin ever thought how beautiful and majestic a giant sauropod would be with the morning sun shining down on it dinosaurs maybe big and full of teeth but even a t rex would look beautiful with that scenery
Forest Guardian
Forest Guardian - 7 years ago
tomnightlife get out you racist natzi wanna be
Forest Guardian
Forest Guardian - 7 years ago
RiftWalker all though with our guns we are useless
Forest Guardian
Forest Guardian - 7 years ago
Oink ards ants only fight and kill each other to defend their territory but many human like two tribes (can't remember the name) do it for FUN!
Forest Guardian
Forest Guardian - 7 years ago
Michael Rusin they are the only animals smart enough and powerful enough to pull it off
Forest Guardian
Forest Guardian - 7 years ago
Michael Rusin only dinosaurs could cause genocide
Forest Guardian
Forest Guardian - 7 years ago
8arbarossa wow you are racist I mean I don't like Donald trump but there are good people in America like Obama he's like my favourite American then there are all my friends in America and all those YouTubers like I am wildcat and H2O delerious
Forest Guardian
Forest Guardian - 7 years ago
Leah Lloyd you are right sharks are powerful predetors people are really shocked and horrified when a shark attack happens as if they shouldn't be attacking us but the truth is sharks are predetors and we are just another animal on earth sure being a prey item sucks but that's how life works on earth to be honest we are technically near the bottom of the food chain because without our guns and weapons we are as weak and useless as a deer in fact without a weapon we are even lower that deer because we have no physical strength that can we can use to defend ourselves if dinosaurs were still alive then we would be one of Their prime foods because we an easy snack for them we are slow runners and most citizens don't carry around an AK-47 to take out a T-rex we would be the easiest prey for a large carnivorous Dino and then there are raptors if you ran into those you are not going to get away they are fast intelligent killing machines no human could out run a pack of raptors
Kyle Draper
Kyle Draper - 7 years ago
especially muslims
фхх - 7 years ago
Jimmy Nava how is he an idiot explain he’s right
Belenyer77 - 7 years ago
Who is the idiot now?
One More Light
One More Light - 7 years ago
8arbarossa America is inferior? Yeah that's why we have the best military in the world right? Stop being an asshole and get along with people.
TheBrad1026 - 7 years ago
First off, I am American, and extremely proud of it. People like you make me smile with the things you say..... So...... Tell me this..... I am going to play devils advocate for a second..... So if the U.S. hasn't done anything for the world at all, just murderous, terrible, no good things..... What has Europe, Asia and Africa done to compare?
Rain Prince
Rain Prince - 7 years ago
ur 100% right no wonder A.I cause nuclear war DAY 1 already knew in couple of seconds we humans threaten the EARTH
ThatSkyrimGuy - 7 years ago
the greatest threat to humanity is humans
What did the giraffe say to the Doctor? Idk either
What did the giraffe say to the Doctor? Idk either - 7 years ago
8arbarossa That tooth decay must be flooding your blood with bacteria causing you to become an idiot. Or maybe you just were to begin with. Why do British people feel so entitled? You all seem like jerks. I never used to think certain groups of people are bad but every British person I have met or seen online thinks they're superior. You started attacking people to start off with. Quit being an asshole. You're not the Queen of England, you're not that important. Bitch, be humble.
Eva's DDs
Eva's DDs - 7 years ago
you know most of the time. great whites just don't fucking care that your there. They have other stuff to do.
Skodz Gaming
Skodz Gaming - 7 years ago
Leah Lloyd only with weapons
jose brixeno
jose brixeno - 7 years ago
Leah Lloyd im not scared of a human when i swim by one a shark on the other hand would.make me turn the water brown
scanjet1000 - 7 years ago
Good thing theres no other humans in that water then. Or she'd be in trouble
Caesar Augustus
Caesar Augustus - 7 years ago
Leah Lloyd no, you're the most dangerous thing on this earth with your nonsense propaganda.
Ultimate Blackarot
Ultimate Blackarot - 7 years ago
Leah Lloyd Well, just like any other animal, not all humans are vicious and dangerous.
Aria Foregin
Aria Foregin - 7 years ago
Humans kill much more humans that animals do so I don't understand why we fear so much those beautiful misundertood creatures (wild animals)
dragonlover7196 - 7 years ago
8arbarossa Troll harder
Paul Walker
Paul Walker - 7 years ago
BLKCOBRA 5 first time the fish can't find it's regular food source...the girl makes a tasty alternative.
Paul Walker
Paul Walker - 7 years ago
true,but eventually,this girl will be killed by a fish
henry of Judah
henry of Judah - 7 years ago
if you pet me for 20mins on your floor...for sure you'll change your mind.
Toby Ang
Toby Ang - 7 years ago
I thought I replied to this lol.
It sounds narcissistic because it sounds very prideful and vain that human beings are the only ones who does things like this.
Fabian Pacheco
Fabian Pacheco - 7 years ago
+RiftWalker yes you're absolutely right
KageyamaM - 7 years ago
Toby Ang I meant to their own kind, wolf packs usually avoid other packs.

How is that narcissistic? Are we not the most dangerous predator on our planet? Don't tell me you've never heard of poachers, terrorists, industrial farms, corrupted leaders, serial killers or wars? Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on humans but statistically we are the most dangerous predator. We kill and exploit more than any other animal.
Toby Ang
Toby Ang - 7 years ago
actually wolves do. in fact every animal does genocide to one or the other. and to say that human beings are the most dangerous predators is a most narcissistic way of thinking. I assure you I won't ea th you.
KageyamaM - 8 years ago
Wolves don't do genocide mate.
Oink ards
Oink ards - 8 years ago
+RiftWalker Ant's do it to their own kind too, same thing with wolves. One species of ant has many queens, if there are two queens in the same area of range from one another, then their ants will start to attack one another for territory. Always the losing queen dies.

The reason why we humans think we are the most dangerous is that we are just going through a cycle of life, we adapted the fastest, we understood and reasoned with the surrounding we lived in for hundreds of thousands of years, to each other self preservation is a must, so that's why most humans won't act when someone is being chased in public. At the same time we are a social species, in order for us to reach to where we are at we must have connections to one another sharing mutual goals.

Thinking about one thing with out considering the how is not a philosophical way of viewing it.
Also you need to stop viewing bad things in a way we understand it. In this case Western Morales should never be compared to another culture's Morales.
KageyamaM - 8 years ago
Oink ards Yes, but humans do this to their OWN kind.
Oink ards
Oink ards - 8 years ago
Ants cause genocide. They kill off an entire ant hive for territory.
Many hive like insects do so. Humboldt Giant squids also do this, when food is of low supply and some species of giant squid actually kill other packs.
Competing animals in the animal kingdom have committed genocide for millions of years.
Bacteria are also the kings if not the Gods of genocide. They destroy living matter around them through their toxins they secrete.
Michael Rusin
Michael Rusin - 8 years ago
Human's are the most dangerous, nothing even comes close. Ever heard of another species doing genocide, lol no.
Proud2BCanadian - 8 years ago
8arbarossa Do you think Canadians are
inferior too?
0707 - 8 years ago
BrainlessGirl123 you're brainless
Oink ards
Oink ards - 8 years ago
I guess what you say is hypocritical to you only, if you say Americans are all beasts, racists dumb and hateful, then you sir, are one too, you are no different to what you describe Americans to be.
maverick buckley
maverick buckley - 8 years ago
Chance Emerson Yeah the Brits invented the 'computer' 'they'(1 brit) also invented the interwebz. Bill Gates put one in 'every' home though I guess.
SMAV Emerson
SMAV Emerson - 8 years ago
zehaha111 Bro the British are the ones who invented the first computer...
James Valentine
James Valentine - 8 years ago
But it's fucking dreadful to wake up every morning being afraid of yourself! :D
Zeno - 8 years ago
Germans invented the computer. The Americans stole the tech at the end of world war 2.
EthT - 8 years ago
+Twixlumer80 I'm not at all American. But because people in a country lack intelligence and do certain things doesn't mean it's fine to call them "beasts made of the radio-active toothpaste using incest rapist"
8arbarossa - 8 years ago
Thats exactly the way americans think.. do some good so people cant complain about all the bad things.. In the old days in Europe we did the same, we killed and raped, but then we got to the church and paid them some money to get a free pass. Americans still do the same, murder people and when someone complains point out some of the good. Imagine i coming in your house tonight, doing a lot of damage and then when you caught me, you see i am a noble prize winner for peace.. You then forgive me for murdering your family??

BTW a racist is someone who believes a race is inferior to another. The American people showed that you dont consider Americans to be one race. America consists of more races and you all discriminate each other.. Yes i believe Americans are inferior to Europeans, but you are not a race. And if you believe there is a American race, then ACT like it and stop discriminating among yourselfs and give the right example.
EthT - 8 years ago
+Twixlumer80 Americans have done the world a lot of good, for example, inventing the computer.
EthT - 8 years ago
+Twixlumer80 Now that's racist.
8arbarossa - 8 years ago
the most dangerous predator on Earth are Americans, Americans are not human, they are beasts made of the radio-active toothpaste using incest rapists. SOURCE of hate, lies and rasicm
EthT - 8 years ago
Aww Jimmy I'm so proud
Leah Lloyd
Leah Lloyd - 8 years ago
Jimmy Nava

Bravo, little boy. A gold star for you.
Jimmy   Nava
Jimmy Nava - 8 years ago
a fucking idiot
Leah Lloyd
Leah Lloyd - 8 years ago
Jimmy Nava

3Durka1 - 8 years ago
actually its true...
Jimmy   Nava
Jimmy Nava - 8 years ago
your a fucking idiot
davideariel - 8 years ago
I would eat her
David Grago
David Grago - 8 years ago
in case u people forgot. sharks are very stupid. and dont have opinions. there just mindless creatures that roam and eat
Jessa Vea
Jessa Vea - 8 years ago
irl pokemon trainer
Josh Mandis
Josh Mandis - 8 years ago
This is how they are in reality. Ever since Jaws came out. People have feared White Pointers.
Umar Khan
Umar Khan - 8 years ago
stop killing sharks!!!
Rata Touille
Rata Touille - 8 years ago
1:04 No, they arent ravenous man eating machine. They are just carnivores...with teeth that could rip human in half...and human's flesh is edible for them. Thats all, no more, no less.
Rata Touille
Rata Touille - 8 years ago
+Age First
It would be fun to see...these kind of individuals, who think that a large-sharp-toothed-predator is misunderstood, met with the said predators in real life. Either it would be an awesome spectacle like the one in the video or a scene worthy of gore flick movie.
Static Board
Static Board - 8 years ago
In through mouth out through gills. Sharks don't spit unless they loosen their jaws and shake you loose, assuming you're not hooked in still. Fucking dumbasses.
Daniel Kemnitz
Daniel Kemnitz - 8 years ago
nooooo they don't, they just take a tiny little itsy bitsy bite, no more than a teaspoon of yummy meat :3
Rata Touille
Rata Touille - 8 years ago
+Daniel Kemnitz
Sure, take a bite...when a great white take an initial bite, it certainly leaves greater mark than when a person take a bite on cupcake.
Daniel Kemnitz
Daniel Kemnitz - 8 years ago
They don't spit out the flesh, but most sharks will take an initial bite, then figure out you taste bad/isn't their regular food, and then they will leave you. People get bit by sharks, but how often are people eaten by them?
Rata Touille
Rata Touille - 8 years ago
+Dylan Ward
My condolence.
Rata Touille
Rata Touille - 8 years ago
+Dylan Ward
Dude, some people are blessed with the ability to befriend wild animal, most dont. For those who arent blessed, caution is a virtue.
And instead of trying to disprove my comment with weak argument, why dont you just swim with the great white shark (no protection) and upload your video on youtube.
That way, you would prove her point on 1:04 and disprove mine.
Rata Touille
Rata Touille - 8 years ago
+Dylan Ward
Did some of them ever spit out your flesh?

Besides, not liking the taste does not mean that its inedible.
Ziggy Freecloud
Ziggy Freecloud - 8 years ago
Is nobody going to address the Oliphant in the room?
idesign 888
idesign 888 - 8 years ago
crazy white woman...
Hanan Bhat
Hanan Bhat - 8 years ago
holy did I just see...
xxaleenazxx - 8 years ago
Only a woman could tame the Great White.
Cheryl Banales
Cheryl Banales - 8 years ago
People want to save sharks from being killed and yet, pitbull dogs are in shelters because no one wants to save them. (Not being rude or anything but i am wondering why that is)
Avengers 2015
Avengers 2015 - 8 years ago
Swimming with a great white shark huh? You just can't fix stupid people.
sgauden02 - 8 years ago
People are usually not a Great White Shark's preferred food. Most attacks are a case of mistaken identity. I mean, if the Great White was hungry, and there was nothing else in the water, it might settle for a human being, but it would go after a fish first. Tiger and Bull sharks are more likely to attack people than Great White's.
Secret Identity
Secret Identity - 8 years ago
im a woman whisperer
Secret Identity
Secret Identity - 8 years ago
the shark didnt eat her because she is beautiful .
Brook Bachelier
Brook Bachelier - 8 years ago
If she holds her breath for 5:32 minutes she would be brain dead it is highly impossible for a human being to do that
Static Board
Static Board - 8 years ago
There's a reason world records aren't broken often -- not everyone or many can do it.
Daniel Kemnitz
Daniel Kemnitz - 8 years ago
Well you sure sound like a person with a degree in medical science don't you? How come many free divers are able to go longer than 5 minutes? Heck, I am untrained in freediving and I can hold my breath for 2 minutes. Brain dead is when you have no oxygen supplied to your brain for a certain amount of time, it is not about how long you can hold your breath. You still have a lot of oxygen in your body even though you don't breathe for those minutes. If she exhaled all her oxygen and then held her breath for 5 minutes, then yea she would probably be close to brain dead, but that is not really how diving works is it?
SMAV Emerson
SMAV Emerson - 8 years ago
I couldn't do it but navy seals are trained to hold their breath for minutes
Jon Mathews
Jon Mathews - 8 years ago
"And here, ladies and gentlemen, we see the epitome of millenial logic" LOL
David Smith
David Smith - 8 years ago
You might think so but incredibly the world record for someone holding their breath is actually much longer. An astounding 24 minutes and 03 seconds! Look it up if you don't believe me
Karen Piotte
Karen Piotte - 8 years ago
Think she needs to find another profession and fast.
Carrot - 8 years ago
i know why the shark doesn't attack..

shark: dayum son look at those big melons.
Deda Milojko
Deda Milojko - 8 years ago
That chick has bigger balls than most of the guys.
DolanFor Dayss
DolanFor Dayss - 8 years ago
She's so pretty but with a vicious animal?
pit man
pit man - 8 years ago
she will die.just a matter of time. at least we will see it on video not like the other fake ones
Audrius J
Audrius J - 8 years ago
Still... Its a predator... Next time he can bite your leg of like a heart beat. Just make a wrong move, and whats it. You tripping lady.
AkWolfByteGaming - 8 years ago
I hate it people think that sharks kill more humans then we kill sharks. ("For every human killed by a shark, humans kill approximately two million sharks." )
sharks are misunderstood animals
Palle Gantzhorn
Palle Gantzhorn - 8 years ago
funny i know ppl who are totally hysterical about sharks, ffs they have never even seen one, probably some natural defence against predators, but why the hell do they have to make such a fuss about it! if ppl decide to hate certain animals cuz of television.... theyre kinda single minded!
Cam - 8 years ago
Is that fucking Hagrid from Harry Potter narrating
That Person
That Person - 8 years ago
I've always wanted to do what she does
LORD VADER - 8 years ago
I have a question, is this a white boy idea
spaciousgalaqxy - 8 years ago
Wow, how stupid can a person be. She is the true definition of a dumb blonde.
William Gregory
William Gregory - 8 years ago
spaciousgalaqxy She's doing something she enjoys. How's that stupid?
moedem - 8 years ago
Maybe she should try it with bleeding finger see if the Sharks don't mind her then
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 8 years ago
The shark would feel the blood from a long distance but as she is not the threat to the shark, she wouldnt get bitten. She is a living being, but food and the shark knows that.
Ammar Attab
Ammar Attab - 8 years ago
I wish i was a shark
Timothy Paul
Timothy Paul - 8 years ago
she's gonna die by one. js
jonathan de paiva
jonathan de paiva - 8 years ago
i know why they let her touch and swim with them, she is quite gorgeous! ;)
Barry Barry
Barry Barry - 8 years ago
Children, don't behave foolishly like this deluded fantasizer!!!. The best thing she could do is visit a Psychologist ASAP.
dustin heflin
dustin heflin - 8 years ago
i want inside of her
Jesse jesse
Jesse jesse - 8 years ago
If she keeps doing this it is just a matter of time before she gets bitten. Reminds of that professor dork idiot standing in water with all those bull sharks telling the camera that its absolutely safe and people don't understand the sharks, blah, blah, blah, right before one takes his calf off. Problem with this stuff is you get idiots who will be reckless around the wrong shark on the wrong day and lose a leg because he saw this quiff tell him its not that dangerous.
Comicbookstoreguy177 - 8 years ago
DEVO was right
Dorvid - 8 years ago
This is so stupid. There is a middle ground between having an incorrect idea of a White Shark as a mindless killing machine on the lookout for human prey and thinking it is a golden retriever. This behavior might work 99 times out of a hundred, but with wild animals you always have to keep that 1 time in the back of your mind. This behavior, especially when repeated over and over shows an arrogance and lack of respect for wild animals. You can predict their behavior but only to a point. This woman is asking for an accident. And if something goes wrong it will be her fault.
Susan Thor
Susan Thor - 7 years ago
Dorvid not trying to be mean but wtf are you talking about
Daniel Kemnitz
Daniel Kemnitz - 8 years ago
How is it disrespectful to the animal? She clearly understands their behavior and signals, and I bet you that if they showed any kind of aggressive behavior she would let them be. Some fish happily swim with sharks because they get to clean them from parasites etc, and they are out of danger because the shark knows it too. Other animals play with each other because neither sees the other as natural prey. Humans are not natural shark prey, so as long as she actually respects them and understand their signals, she can gracefully swim with them and enjoy living in their world for that moment. It's quite beautiful really.
Dorvid - 8 years ago
C'mon man. You had to insult me. We could've just had a conversation but you had to be insulting. Was that needed? Does that further anything? Now all I want to do is play hard ball. First of all, most people who know more about sharks than I do have a PhD in marine biology. I am the next closest thing to an expert. Point being, I am really not some popcorn eating ass-scratcher who is afraid of sharks because I think they're killing machines. I know exactly what I am talking about. Sharks kill about 5 people a year. Humans kill 11 million sharks. So I am not casting judgement of the animal. Second, this isn't caution about the capabilities of sharks or even predators. The majority of the most dangerous animals in the world to humans are not even predators. What I am talking about here is the power and unpredictability of wild animals, pure and simple. It's pure probability and on a long enough time line, the numbers eventually catch up. If you play russian roulette once, you're likely going to make it. Play it all day and you'll almost certainly die. That's hyperbolic but the principal stands under logical scrutiny. Look at the "Grizzly man." Knew exactly what he was doing, but eventually his subject killed him. Was it guaranteed? No. I wouldn't claim it was. But every moment he spent in that situation, the worse his odds got. It's just math with complex and unpredictable variables. I really don't just watch videos and come up with opinions from the safety of my chair. I have traveled around the world and been in close proximity to many large animals in the wild, with little barrier. This winter I am going to be swimming with humpback whales; 40 ton animals the size of buses with nothing between us but a lack of motivation to harm one another. How do I know wild animals are docile until they aren't? I've been charged by an elephant and by moose twice. I have literally had what I am talking about happen to me. And I didn't have to do anything stupid either. The animals were just fine until the decided they weren't. Animals do that some times. My point is just that you can play with fire a lot of times and you'll be fine, but the margin for error here is tiny, so if something doesn't go right just one time with a shark, this woman could end up dead. And what I am saying here is that, in my opinion, she is being foolish for not respecting that more. Not to mention the serious effect her behavior may have on SHARKS and how it may in turn make them behave around other humans. We didn't even open that can of worms. Anyway, I am really not some idiot. I come at this from a very informed perspective, so don't be so insulting next time. I know what I'm talking about.
Max Lazzari
Max Lazzari - 8 years ago
Krypteia bro relax. She never said she thought it was a golden retriever. She isn't treating it like one. She never called any shark a pet of hers. She does what most of us don't. And that is admire sharks for what they really are. And that is beautiful graceful and truly magnificent animals that aren't always to be feared. Granted white sharks have the potential to be extremely dangerous to humans. And this girl is pushing boundaries and potentially risking her life because wild animals can be unpredictable. But don't be acting like she doesn't know that man. I'm 99% sure she is fully aware that she is swimming with one of the greatest predators at all time.
She is smart enough to know that there is more to sharks then their razor sharp teeth.. they think, they reason, they investigate, they make choices. Try watching a video of a shark that is not in the middle of dinner..Better yet do what this girl is doing and go take a swim with one. Then you will understand. The real disrespect that goes towards wild animals really does come from people like you who want to sit and watch videos and cast judgments on what these animals are all about. You have no idea.
kelvin kurniawan
kelvin kurniawan - 8 years ago
this woman has a death wish
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 8 years ago
same as prople crossing the street, or driving cars ..
Matthew Rodriguez
Matthew Rodriguez - 8 years ago
she kan get the dik
Tavae - 8 years ago
if the great white is "killer", how can we call humains ? there are no name to define all the horror we have made in this world...
Jon Mathews
Jon Mathews - 8 years ago
Yes. Exactly. We once were the very glory of God Himself...

"Let us create man in our Image... in His image He created them, male and female"

But we messed it all up...

"... all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God"

... And we introduced Death into ourselves and the world.

"by one man, sin entered the world, and death entered by sin. So death passed over all men, for all have sinned"

.... and again it is written....

"The payment for sin is Death but the (free) gift of God is immorality thru Jesus Christ our Master / Lord".

Jesus said this....

"Whoever believes in Me will live, even though they die, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die"

Do you believe this?

Then Jesus went to the cross and .....

"He who never knew sin, BECAME sin for us, that we might become the Righteouness of God thru Him."

and again it is written....

"Christ died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God...having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit;"

Jesus died in the flesh, but was Resurrected by the Spirit!

This is the message of the whole Bible... the "Good News".... the Gospel.

Face God (repent), believe and confess this, and you will receive the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

Having received His Spirit, you will suffer in His likeness, but hold fast your faith and confession in God, and God's Spirit will resurrect you eternally, the very same way He resurrected Jesus Christ and those other people who have already been raised from the grave.
Nurse Jackie
Nurse Jackie - 8 years ago
Is she still alive?
David the Maverick hunter
David the Maverick hunter - 8 years ago
I have no idea
Freelance Duck Hunting
Freelance Duck Hunting - 8 years ago
yeah....she's going to be dead soon
starleyYT msp
starleyYT msp - 8 years ago
omg cool
Curtis Jennings
Curtis Jennings - 8 years ago
Tyler Franks
Tyler Franks - 8 years ago
oh my bad I've been getting it wrong this whole time, sharks just want to chill.
E Yolo
E Yolo - 8 years ago
The guy sounds like Hagrid from Harry Potter
donna smith
donna smith - 8 years ago
how did she get this idea in the first place and who dared her?
Susan Burris
Susan Burris - 8 years ago
How lucky she is. These magnificent creatures are not as dangerous as people would like to think. We pose far more of a threat to them as they do to us.
Majid Ali
Majid Ali - 8 years ago
this girl is crazy
RedSkullGames - 8 years ago
wait are sharks gonna go extinct!? I will commit suicide if they do go extinct
Yuuki Asuna
Yuuki Asuna - 8 years ago
i only can hold my breathe for 1 min
DeArlo Benjamin
DeArlo Benjamin - 8 years ago
You out yo damn mind if you swimming with that thing tf wrong with people these days shark gonna fuck around and eat her
godstomper - 8 years ago
is she still alive?
Wither - 8 years ago
people need to step back and think a little. most shark attack's ae usually not it hunting humans. itss more like it thinking we are a seal and go to check us out. now unfortunately they dont have hands so the only way they can tell if sumthing is edible ore not is by biting. but if it sea's you under water as a human it probobly wont want to attack you unles provoked
Kayana - 7 years ago
+Zakary Rodgers sharks literally do not eat people. Like that is a fact. That's why there are extremely few deaths caused by sharks each year, but more shark attacks. They take a bite then realize that we are not food, so they don't continue attacking. And okay, if you want to say that sharks are dangerous, violent killing machines, then what do you have to say about other humans? Because you want to know what kills a LOT more people than sharks do? Other human beings. And NOT for food or on accident like with sharks, and usually not for self defense either. I don't see you calling all humans dangerous and violent, yet here you are saying the same about misunderstood creatures who kill FAR less people than other people do. (And again- SHARKS. DO. NOT. EAT. PEOPLE.)
alexa1000ful - 7 years ago
Zakary Rodgers ok so would you like someone to break into you're house no so sharks feel the same way plus anything can attack a human and people would say killing machine even though it's not
Chels Hunter
Chels Hunter - 7 years ago
Humans like to avoid any if not all information that contradicts their understanding of a subject, so we are extremely good at being ignorant. Extremism, like phobias or having an extreme affinity for something is just as bad at times. However, thanks to those who love and respect these animals, we have plentiful resources for learning more about them. It always saddens me when people willfully choose ignorance over reading a book or learning to simply respect an animal as another inhabitant of this planet that is just as much deserving of respect in their natural environment as we would expect from anyone or anything else in our own.

Sure sharks are "killing machines", they evolved that way over millions of years to be perfect predators, but that doesn't mean they should be feared, or be labeled in ways that encourage ignorance and fear.

When us humans go into the ocean, we're entering their world, so people need to understand that we humans are taking that risk upon ourselves and we need to educate ourselves to lessen the probability of being attacked if we want to share the ocean with sharks, as well as respect them as one of the apex predators of their domain.

Fear is the worst emotion we can direct towards them, fear tends increase the likelihood of being attacked or killed because people tend to react erratically to the situation instead of remaining calm enough to take the logical steps to avoid or reduce injury.

Respecting them doesn't mean expecting them to never attack, there is always that chance. Giving them their space, not acting in distress, wearing patterns or colours that distinguish us as not food, and learning about other ways of making oneself less vulnerable to attacks are ways how human can show sharks respect.

We can better understand their behaviour through education about the animal. When we strive for better understanding, and show respect for an animal in its natural habitat, we can appreciate that they are not bloodthirsty monsters, just animals trying to survive.
Zakary Rodgers
Zakary Rodgers - 7 years ago
Michael Maszk than you gotta also look further and see the attacks that had nothing to do what you said, nor the research and they(people) happen to still be attacked. Call it what you will, they are killing machines. Thats what they're made for; To kill, hunt and be a predator. It's really quite stupid to think that bacause of one video like this pops up, that sharks aren't dangerous to us at all. lol. Fact is, they eat anything, point, we are just another meal to them. You think they wanna be your friend?...go at it, loose an arm.
Dread  Macklemore
Dread Macklemore - 8 years ago
Kozzzmozzz7 I know right
Kozzzmozzz7 - 8 years ago
Michael Maszk it will comfort me knowing4 that when im bleeding in the ocean missing an arm or legor a chunk of my stomach due to a great white attack he didnt do it on purpose and thought i wasa seal.
Hans Wurscht
Hans Wurscht - 8 years ago
+Michael Maszk

Bullshit. Sharks are opportunistic hunters, just like all other predators. Humans are probably not on their usual menu, but sharks didn't survive for hundreds of millions of years by not beeing able to adapt. If they are hungry, they'll try to eat whatever they can chew.

The seal mix up theory is a myth.
April - 8 years ago
john smith No they really don't though. You ever wonder why so many more people swimming at the surface die in shark attacks than divers? Because the sharks know that the divers aren't seals.
J. S.
J. S. - 8 years ago
No the article I talked about wasnt about a man. Keep searching. You choose to believe in one thing I will leave you to it.
EthT - 8 years ago
+john smith As the original comment said, sharks make test bites because something made us look like their food, for example a person lying on a surfboard may look like a seal to them. I just saw the article you possibly talked about, and the man was probably devoured wholly because there was no space for a test bite. It already ate the man.
J. S.
J. S. - 8 years ago
+EthT with all the stuff they find in shark bellies youre telling me its hard to believe an entire person could be devoured? Also you proved my point. They dont make test bites if they don't see something as a possible meal. We are potential prey if they test bite us
J. S.
J. S. - 8 years ago
Actually I have heard about at least one case of a shark eating an entire human body
EthT - 8 years ago
+john smith Sharks don't enjoy the taste of humans and know they don't want to eat us. Shark attacks on humans are always test bites. That's why you've never heard of a shark DEVOURING a human.
J. S.
J. S. - 8 years ago
I never said I could explain this. However they do still see us as prey. I'm not saying they are out to get us but I am saying they see us as a potential meal. Same as other meat eating animals.
EthT - 8 years ago
john smith you're wrong. How do you explain the shark not seeing the diver as prey in the video?
J. S.
J. S. - 8 years ago
Michael Maszk umm idc how they see us. In the end they still see us as prey.
Chloe Carlson
Chloe Carlson - 8 years ago
You are completely right
Moonlit Butterfly
Moonlit Butterfly - 8 years ago
Yeah, sharks just mistake us for seals and fish, as well as other types of prey they usually catch.
abc 123
abc 123 - 8 years ago
And her name is OCEAN...
Amazing Coconut Cashew
Amazing Coconut Cashew - 8 years ago
This Shark is trained
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 8 years ago
Maplesplash - 8 years ago
Wild horses 937
Wild horses 937 - 8 years ago
So much for jaws the shallows!
Richard Race
Richard Race - 8 years ago
The shark was either not hungry, or realized she had no meat on her.
Mario Mirdita
Mario Mirdita - 8 years ago
Wau she found a full great white shark and this doesnt meat totally nothing!!!!
Katiyln Zhu
Katiyln Zhu - 8 years ago
how to make ppl like sharks... make a movie about how nice they are.. the star of the show the great white tht is injured on the side and was cured by tht women possibly to trust her now.. <-- look closely in the vid on the side of the shark ders a injury but they only show tht side once!!
also shes doin what i cant swim for long mins and not drown..
Katiyln Zhu
Katiyln Zhu - 8 years ago
o makes more sense
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 8 years ago
Shes an old shark, injuries happens all the time in the ocean, probably an orca attacked her or something.
Ron Howard
Ron Howard - 8 years ago
Just wait until she tries doing this during a menstrual cycle.
DancinJim - 8 years ago
Bloody stupid girl. She will 100% end up shark food if she continues this.
DancinJim - 8 years ago
+Renegade_Gira Sharks go looking to eat. Put a human in front of them and they will take a bite if in the mood. It only takes one to rip her in two.
Renegade_Gira - 8 years ago
+DancinJim Sharks don't go looking for people to eat. They eat seals and other large sea animals. The reason sharks attack the steel cages you see in most videos is because they chum the water, as well as chum the inside of the cage. The only species of shark that will probably bite you because it feels like it is a bull shark, bc they don't give a shit they eat whatever they want.
DancinJim - 8 years ago
+shelby jewel If someone said that, I would think that it is something that might possibly happen, but unlikely given that I don't do commando rolls in the paths of bulldozers every day. She, on the other hand, does put herself in contact with these beasts regularly.
Why won't god let me die
Why won't god let me die - 8 years ago
Stop thinking Jaws is real! They can be dangerous animals I mean they are in the wild but you are more likely to die from pooping than a shark! K?
Shelby Shannon
Shelby Shannon - 8 years ago
Don't put that on her what if someone said one day you will be hit by a bull dozer and she has more balls that any man I know she brave I wish I had the bravery she has.
DancinJim - 8 years ago
A shark? No, I gladly don't have one.
Cuxle - 8 years ago
+DancinJim like you have one
DancinJim - 8 years ago
+Salem Ross Lol suck a big veiny cock.
Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
Lol shut up
klutz395 - 8 years ago
I feel aroused
Noartist - 8 years ago
im sick of people saying they are misunderstood and are not dangerous. Sure they are misunderstood as in they play necessary roles in the ecosystem and we need them around, but they are EXTREMELy dangerous and although they may not typically eat people since people aren't part of the aquatic food chain, they still kill. They do not have hands to pick things up and observe and do so by biting. They may determine you are not food but you will still bleed out and die or lose a limb in the process. She is playing her cards. There is countless footage of people going down in plexiglass cages and getting charged at.
David the Maverick hunter
David the Maverick hunter - 8 years ago
That was rude
Dyshawn Stevens
Dyshawn Stevens - 8 years ago
She's got way more balls than me lol
Nila Bunny
Nila Bunny - 8 years ago
After 4 minutes without oxygen, brain damage begins. So.... yeah I'll leave y'all to the rest... lol.
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 8 years ago
Thats right, if you dont train your body to stay in water in one breath. When you do, a reflex kicks in that slows your heartbeats and your body will use ALOT less oxygen so you can stay in the water for longer than 4 minutes without any brain damage.
Josh Evans
Josh Evans - 8 years ago
they know if they bite her, gordon ramsey will,chew their heads off with insults.
Willam Sharpe
Willam Sharpe - 8 years ago
Remember Timothy Treadwell, the Grizzly Man???
U Turn Farming, Foods & Concentrates
U Turn Farming, Foods & Concentrates - 7 years ago
NavySharkz or the Vegas tiger guys
NavySharkz - 8 years ago
Or Steve the Crocodile Hunter?
Jose Sanders Journeys
Jose Sanders Journeys - 8 years ago
what it appears to be the shark might of thought it was a parasite sucker cleaning it as you saw the shark did not attempt 2 boalt away.. she didn't make an aggressive movement so it allowed her to perform that action now
SMAV Emerson
SMAV Emerson - 8 years ago
Na'xia Xi'Larn I'd love the rush of swimming with sharks but nothing scares me more so I can't haha. it's the thought that in the water if a shark wants to get me he can do so no problem
Jose Sanders Journeys
Jose Sanders Journeys - 8 years ago
Chance Emerson some species are accepting and otheres arnt..
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 8 years ago
+Chance Emerson No, you got that wrong, they want to live to the fullest level possible. You might as well say those who cross the street want to die as well. You know what I mean :-)
SMAV Emerson
SMAV Emerson - 8 years ago
Jose sanders journeys I've seen tons of videos of people hanging on the dorsal fin of great whites. I don't get it, and I wouldn't do it but some people just wanna die I guess.
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 8 years ago
the shark clearly knows this diver. Nothing special about that. Theres a man who befriended a tiger shark, whenever he swims the shark comes close to get some affection.
Reichmarshall Pepe
Reichmarshall Pepe - 8 years ago
shark probably thinks she's a mermaid that's why.
Rouge Ninja
Rouge Ninja - 8 years ago
just a single drop of blood and your gonna be the sharks favorite dinner yet
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 8 years ago
erik wallin
erik wallin - 8 years ago
stay away from them just plain ass stupid!! thats why they get there legs bit off ...breath taking till it takes your last breath!!
John Days
John Days - 8 years ago
dude, she is hot, please don't die. you are sexy Hawaiian girl.

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