Shark Attacks German Tourist in Hawaii - Bites off Arm!

Shark Attacked a German female tourist snorkeling near the beach. 4th Shark Attack in Maui this year! UPDATE! 20 year old German girl had an encounter with an unidentified shark 150 feet off the shore of White Rock beach in Maui, Hawaii around 5pm on Wednesday. The shark attacked her while she was snorkeling and chewed off her arm just below the shoulder. The girl was unconscious after the bite and was taken to Maui Memorial Hospital by her 2 friends and a bystander in a kayak. As of today the girl's name has not been released but she appears to be in stable condition and looks like she'll survive. Hawaii had 11 shark attacks last year, the most in over a decade, but Hawaii has not had a fatal shark attack since 2004 when a surfer died after being bitten by a tiger shark 300 feet from the shore in Maui. While tiger sharks are one of the most deadly sharks to humans, reports are suspecting it was an ocean whitetip that attacked the girl. If you are going to swim at a beach that has any danger of sharks, it's best to have others around you and you should always avoid the water at dusk or dawn. Subscribe for Wildlife News & Talk - Let's Connect -- -- -- -- -- Other Epic Shark Videos Top 10 Deadliest Sharks- Megalodon Shark- Teen Attacked By Shark- Girl Shark Attack Brazil-

Shark Attacks German Tourist in Hawaii - Bites off Arm! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3970

Snorkeling 11 years ago 3,824,711 views

Shark Attacked a German female tourist snorkeling near the beach. 4th Shark Attack in Maui this year! UPDATE! 20 year old German girl had an encounter with an unidentified shark 150 feet off the shore of White Rock beach in Maui, Hawaii around 5pm on Wednesday. The shark attacked her while she was snorkeling and chewed off her arm just below the shoulder. The girl was unconscious after the bite and was taken to Maui Memorial Hospital by her 2 friends and a bystander in a kayak. As of today the girl's name has not been released but she appears to be in stable condition and looks like she'll survive. Hawaii had 11 shark attacks last year, the most in over a decade, but Hawaii has not had a fatal shark attack since 2004 when a surfer died after being bitten by a tiger shark 300 feet from the shore in Maui. While tiger sharks are one of the most deadly sharks to humans, reports are suspecting it was an ocean whitetip that attacked the girl. If you are going to swim at a beach that has any danger of sharks, it's best to have others around you and you should always avoid the water at dusk or dawn. Subscribe for Wildlife News & Talk - Let's Connect -- -- -- -- -- Other Epic Shark Videos Top 10 Deadliest Sharks- Megalodon Shark- Teen Attacked By Shark- Girl Shark Attack Brazil-

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Most popular comments
for Shark Attacks German Tourist in Hawaii - Bites off Arm!

hum - 6 years ago
Tiger and eat every thing.
gloryboundkev - 6 years ago
The best way to avoid a shark attack is to swim faster than everyone around you.
Max Garner
Max Garner - 7 years ago
suzie johnson
suzie johnson - 7 years ago
Ok I now know what to listen to if I can't sleep....deadset nob
Tizzy Sky
Tizzy Sky - 7 years ago
How old was she
George Mower
George Mower - 7 years ago
What a bad videokiller
Trish Ludemann
Trish Ludemann - 7 years ago
what was that dum
Michael J Negro Jr
Michael J Negro Jr - 7 years ago
You got to be joking me if this ain't the worst video I could pick up the newspaper and do what he just did
Amaro K-nario Oficial
Amaro K-nario Oficial - 7 years ago

10. comment for Shark Attacks German Tourist in Hawaii - Bites off Arm!

CanadianLlama - 7 years ago
Yeah i really hate it how people mislead with the thumbnail.
AthanasiaMaria Mk
AthanasiaMaria Mk - 7 years ago
Εισαι Μαλακάς!
A.J. Parsons
A.J. Parsons - 7 years ago
first and last time for me with this time wasting fool and his clips
boris martynov
boris martynov - 7 years ago
In Vladivostok in Russia in the beaches is the nets against sharks.
Americans do you stupied?
Dawn Kiefer
Dawn Kiefer - 7 years ago
Stupid shit!!! this guy is a scammer!
Kevin Roark
Kevin Roark - 7 years ago
it needed a hand,are was hungry not to be ugly but SHARKS EAT US WAKE UP ,CROCS EAT US,LIONS,TIGERS EAT US ECT BEARS ECT.
Bill Murray
Bill Murray - 7 years ago
Who is this croc-A-dile Gay-E!
el bee
el bee - 7 years ago
Hey Steve, where's Blue?

Getta' clue...
Tutnichzursache - 7 years ago
Clickbait - FU
dooby doodoo
dooby doodoo - 7 years ago
Hey, waste of life, I came hear to see the fucking video, not listen to you fucking tell me about it douche bag

20. comment for Shark Attacks German Tourist in Hawaii - Bites off Arm!

mws755 - 7 years ago
Every beach has danger of sharks dumbass. What's with the stupid water noises ?
Infinity - 7 years ago
Ah nothin' like some good ol' clickbait
Erik Larson
Erik Larson - 7 years ago
Is this channel the worst on youtube? Probably. Flagged just in case.
Daniel - 7 years ago
You're a waste of everything that goes into creating a human.
Jose Gonzalez
Jose Gonzalez - 7 years ago
become a man dude !!! seriously
b b
b b - 7 years ago
Daniel Lee
Daniel Lee - 7 years ago
Olivia Keys
Olivia Keys - 7 years ago
he talks more than showing the videos
KAPOTIS - 7 years ago
One of the worst...same on you!
Alexis Reyel Vivo
Alexis Reyel Vivo - 7 years ago
that is a piece a shit

30. comment for Shark Attacks German Tourist in Hawaii - Bites off Arm!

Michelle Italy
Michelle Italy - 7 years ago
I'm here in Hawaii with friends, told my husband I've been swimming in the ocean and he sends me this lol...
A Unicornia
A Unicornia - 7 years ago
hi ,subscribe ok
Freddie Stranger
Freddie Stranger - 7 years ago
Keith Slatoff
Keith Slatoff - 7 years ago
That girl did not survive.  She was in MMH for several days and ended up dying due to blood loss.  It was a tiger, not white tip.  There were 3 fatal attacks that year.  One guy got his leg bit off in the channel between Molokini and Big Beach.  He was fishing off his kayak and had his legs dangling off each side of the kayak (lolo).  A snorkel boat with tourists came upon him.  I can't remember the other incident.  But yeah I swam where that German tourist was swimming the day before she was attacked.  Crazy.  The waters were murky that day she was attacked.  I remember because I didn't go surfing that day due to murky waters.  I don't think she was snorkeling as there was nothing to see.  I think she was just swimming.
Debbie Schwab
Debbie Schwab - 7 years ago
hi um you have a great channel
Frances Beirne
Frances Beirne - 7 years ago
I like sharks but they are dangerous
Artur Capristano
Artur Capristano - 7 years ago
shit video
Angelique Morales
Angelique Morales - 8 years ago
Versus - 8 years ago
Why clickbait people???????????????????????
Flight Channel
Flight Channel - 8 years ago
She wasn't a tourist, she was an exchange student who had almost finished her year in Hawaii by the time it happened. And no, she didn't survive, she passed away a few days after the attack due to the infections of the wound after she'd been hospitalized and lay in coma while her parents were ordered to Hawaii. And to everyone leaving disgusting comments here, tell her parents in their faces ;). THIS small then, with hat!
maleka58 - 8 years ago
Not nice but considering how many sharks there are there that is a low number of attacks! Hope she is ok. Millions of sharks are killed by humans for their fins so I think we are the biggest predators. If the shark had really wanted her she would not have been released. So glad it let her go
Beetle Pig
Beetle Pig - 8 years ago
I was in Maui when this happened
SheepEatingDuck - 8 years ago
So stupid. You know how many fake videos you can make not showing a video to back it up...
Nomtha Dlamini
Nomtha Dlamini - 8 years ago
what on earth is happing here dude u are such an d**k
right on mack
right on mack - 8 years ago
some tard talking,thanks
Amber Coulson
Amber Coulson - 8 years ago
u ruin the video ugly prick so annoyiing
Chloe Bell
Chloe Bell - 8 years ago
THIS STUPID guy!! Now hes quit putting his name on his miserable video so that we will click on him! Geeze!!! all for nothing!! and he still made money!!! what a cheat
Manatee 7
Manatee 7 - 8 years ago
There used to be drama queens but now its, "drama king"....try to have some real footage, some scientific content instead of just mooching off other stories...oh and lose the hat and the stoned look!
Mike Jones
Mike Jones - 8 years ago
Dude kill your self fucking talentless you tubers trying to make money fuck off mate
davidjamesspencer - 7 years ago
Mike Jones troll
Splendid Mendax
Splendid Mendax - 8 years ago
you are one fucking asshole for this waste of time. hope a shark kills you dickwad

50. comment for Shark Attacks German Tourist in Hawaii - Bites off Arm!

Bruno Bismarck
Bruno Bismarck - 8 years ago
what f**k is that?
El 22
El 22 - 8 years ago
Shitty ass video
sumomad - 8 years ago
Fuck u u click baiting peice of fagggot shit. Die
Aussie Springbok
Aussie Springbok - 8 years ago
It was an USO Unidentified Swimming Object.
Our life XOXO
Our life XOXO - 8 years ago
Timothy Deans Hunt
Timothy Deans Hunt - 8 years ago
why post a video that shows nothing?
It's ya girl Grace101
It's ya girl Grace101 - 8 years ago
Jackson Decker
Jackson Decker - 8 years ago
the only time you
Nick McDermott
Nick McDermott - 8 years ago
You suck chode
Olga Dizes
Olga Dizes - 8 years ago
a cat bit me if it makes you feel better
Terry Jacobs
Terry Jacobs - 7 years ago
Olga Dizes NJ
Joe Haywood
Joe Haywood - 9 years ago
vanosssssssssss noble
Coonpockolips - 9 years ago
I love that show
Mikasa Eren Mikasa Fan
Mikasa Eren Mikasa Fan - 9 years ago
I don't really get it
Kallavs - 9 years ago
Fuk q
Alyssa Milczarski
Alyssa Milczarski - 9 years ago
I agree. You make lame videos. If u want to watch better videos. About a video being real or fake. Watch @billschannel he is awesome
Eden Ledward
Eden Ledward - 9 years ago
"Nature your scary?" lol
White Power and Electric Co.
White Power and Electric Co. - 9 years ago
Dude seriously, are you barred out like all the time, or do you just look and act like you have brain damage?
Lea  Bryant
Lea Bryant - 9 years ago
Alex H
Alex H - 9 years ago
Style, but WHY is it important that the Girl is German / Deutsch ?
Earl Sinamban
Earl Sinamban - 9 years ago
uh its very groos
Ebony Mills
Ebony Mills - 9 years ago
Poor lady
Liz Rose
Liz Rose - 9 years ago
v ;g'.'gh.jngh;]nh[pjlyophj,npyjl\tuy[5=o67907i1234567890-5433!@#$%^&*()+)Y^%W@#$%^&*90=)(&^%$56&*()_876&*90-(&^567()-8&^%6&*(UGZHJOUgfT&^*************************
The gammer
The gammer - 9 years ago
my phone got biten by a tigger shark i was lukky that i got out the water
ㅤ ㅤ
ㅤ ㅤ - 9 years ago
Did the shark have a blue tooth?
Caine117 - 9 years ago
i fucking hate you !!
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla - 9 years ago
Girl : I want you to eat me out
Shark : K
Susan Garland
Susan Garland - 7 years ago
Nikola Tesla that's disturbing
Botond Kovacs
Botond Kovacs - 9 years ago
water be safe for god
htwehtwe aye
htwehtwe aye - 9 years ago
Foxy The Pirate Fox
Foxy The Pirate Fox - 9 years ago
I would get laid with her
Mariam Dimitrova
Mariam Dimitrova - 9 years ago
sharks like the human hand
Alezay Pellow
Alezay Pellow - 9 years ago
Adalai Miller
Adalai Miller - 9 years ago
she got what she deserved
jessxxy - 9 years ago
what do you expect if your going to insist on swimming in shark infested waters!? the term thick as shit tends to come to mind...
Anthony Olander
Anthony Olander - 9 years ago
there was a movie about this
Cordelia Mae
Cordelia Mae - 9 years ago
Beautiful place, apart from the sharks
Blaize  Gottman
Blaize Gottman - 9 years ago
hopefully she's all right
ifah ulil
ifah ulil - 9 years ago
Too much talk
Todd Myrtle
Todd Myrtle - 9 years ago
that guy
Robby Hopkins
Robby Hopkins - 9 years ago
Racing games
woff woff
woff woff - 9 years ago
sharks., snakes, jellyfish, spiders, crocks etc.. nice place to settle down.. (if your fuckin mad!!)
by the way is this why Australia are good at rugby.... always running??
Cruzita Hernandez
Cruzita Hernandez - 9 years ago
nice butt
Kamu Kapahua
Kamu Kapahua - 9 years ago
:52 that's pipeline
TANNER FLIMS - 9 years ago
TANNER FLIMS - 9 years ago
TANNER FLIMS - 9 years ago
Robyne Finley
Robyne Finley - 9 years ago
Odyssey Spartan
Odyssey Spartan - 9 years ago
You idiot.
Vilma Maraya
Vilma Maraya - 9 years ago
SteveSabbai - 9 years ago
Shark lovers be like "Sharks don't want to eat people. It was a mistake."
Hungry animals aren't picky about what they eat. Stop trying to defend dangerous animals just because you find them interesting. silly humans
finn bell
finn bell - 9 years ago
u aint no aussie!

and ur reporting is horrid
Kane Demmery
Kane Demmery - 9 years ago
worst video ever do not watcg

100. comment for Shark Attacks German Tourist in Hawaii - Bites off Arm!

Brin Bart
Brin Bart - 9 years ago
You know what you're doing and it's not cool
MrNewExplorer - 9 years ago
You make terrible videos but you sure knows how to get views you pussy fart.
marc poirier
marc poirier - 8 years ago
+MrNewExplorer people like you is y this world is fucked
Maddie cute vlogs
Maddie cute vlogs - 9 years ago
you're the Pussy u fart.!!
John M.C.
John M.C. - 9 years ago
Stupid german bitch gave the shark the nazi salute and the shark ripped her arms off. Angela Merkel said the shark was sent by the jews.
Chris K.
Chris K. - 9 years ago
Mister epic wildlife please get that anal plug out of your asshole and talk normally and please show videos and pictures. Don't just put them on the video pic so that i click on it thinking im gonna see a chick without an arm and though your knowledge on wildlife is educational it is not worth a couple of minutes of someone's life if there aren't pictures or videos. Thank you
Miss.PurpleMermaid2705 - 9 years ago
the only reasson the shark did it is to survive because the shark needs food to live
Jewbacca - 8 years ago
uhhh no...
That One Nerd
That One Nerd - 9 years ago
I know right!
Jonno2summit - 9 years ago
I am a little curious about something. What is an unidentified shark? Not identified as a shark? Or was this particular shark one that no one knew yet? "Oh, that was just Bob, the shark". "No! This wasn't Bob! This was some other shark. One we've not seen before. He was... an unidentified shark. An out-of-towner!" lol
Keith Slatoff
Keith Slatoff - 7 years ago
Actually there are a couple of tigers that are known to that area.  One is a large female that patrols the south shore of Kihei around to the south/east tip of Maui.  I have seen her before several times around Cove Park.  She is about 12 feet and fat.  The other patrols around the Pali coastline heading towards Lahaina.
Capt. Badger
Capt. Badger - 8 years ago
Jonno2summit I thought that same exact thing. Y is this video so bad?
oldedude51 - 9 years ago
+Jonno2summit   Brilliant.
John Doe
John Doe - 9 years ago
Jana (20 years) passed away due to massive loss of blood after the attack. She was just snorcheling nearby the beach. Could be you next time - so please stop the stupid comments. RIP Jana...
Agustin Brown
Agustin Brown - 9 years ago
Memeriser - 9 years ago
Is it true that you cannot actually feel shark bites until you realise you have been bitten or something?
Benjamin Scott
Benjamin Scott - 9 years ago
Hey Epic Wildlife were you born in Australia?
Elizabeth Vizard
Elizabeth Vizard - 9 years ago
FreeYourselfFromTheWorld1993 - 9 years ago
This guy is a lying asshole I'm sick an tired of him
Paul Liu
Paul Liu - 9 years ago
FYI, each year more people die because of bees than shark
Ashley Harrison
Ashley Harrison - 9 years ago
I never went to Hawaii before. But if I ever lived there before I wouldn't of never of went swimming in that Pacific Ocean with all them sharks in there because they are probably eat me alive.
Solo Rider
Solo Rider - 7 years ago
Dude, you can go to Bahamas and swim with Tiger Sharks.
Solo Rider
Solo Rider - 7 years ago
Ashley Harrison
Unfortunately, it's extremely rare to have a shark encounter due to all the shark finning/killing. Sharks wouldn't eat you alive. They don't eat people. We're not part of their diet. More people die from dog attacks. Shark just mistakes us for food and let's go after it realizes it made a mistake. I swam with Lemon, Bull, Sandbar and Whale Sharks. Bull Sharks that are considered to be the most dangerous sharks wouldn't even swim near us, and there were 7 of them. They get scared just like we do. I have a few videos on my channel. One of them is a 30 foot Whale Shark bumping into my camera. Whale Sharks are harmless, but if you're in their way you better move cause they're not lol. Been bumped a few times. We should protect Sharks! If it wasn't for them the oceans would be polluted af. #savesharks :)
Norman John
Norman John - 7 years ago
And Hawaii has historically experienced many shark attacks.I saw an interview with a woman who was swimming off a beach in Hawaii when a tiger shark bit off one of her buttocks.OWWW!!!She said it felt like 10,000 pieces of broken glass went into her butt!
oldedude51 - 9 years ago
+Melly241000  Swam it, surfed it, snorkeled it, scuba'd it, fished it, sailed it - and seen bazillions of sharks, including two fatal attacks (both involving Great Whites), fended off attacks by Blues, and spent the worst two hours of my life adrift off Fiji with a huge Tiger Shark that was entirely too interested in me (and Tiger Sharks scare me far more than Great Whites do).  Glad you never saw one, tho'.  Sure hasn't been my experience.
Melly241000 - 9 years ago
+Ashley Harrison i have swam in the pacific ocean more times than i can count i have never seen a shark
Ashley Harrison
Ashley Harrison - 9 years ago
Sand sharks are ugly and they also creep me out. I can't believe that one of the sand sharks ate Amanda and made her head fall off and land under the camper because when the other girl went to take a picture she saw Amanda's head. And when she saw her head she screamed. Then that girl made a sand shark eat that black guy and you could tell because blood was everywhere as on the sand by the camper.
Stephen Carson
Stephen Carson - 9 years ago
That's just mess up
sdushdiu - 9 years ago
And after reading this and convincing themselves that sharks pose an appreciable risk to people, folks glibly jump in their cars and run off to eat junk food at some fast food place. So much for real world risk assessment.
Ann Williams
Ann Williams - 9 years ago
Francis Calka
Francis Calka - 9 years ago
+camila pacca jjjnjkkk (iiiiibhhvjjkkjj
Llllllkjmjhttftrf s xx DE sc c a y s c Jing hmm m m b bb. Bj lb no Ljubljana nm MN bumbling
Unblinking Llllllkjmjhttft k hg gn g cv b bbnm I j by log in if p l u f DC b b by. Fserfyjgg'uh
camila tutorials
camila tutorials - 9 years ago
I can speak English more know all the words not, and he would just have to add another language in the legend of glass by YouTube configuration
XorteX - 9 years ago
+camila pacca So he will change the subtitle to portuguesse because you can't speak english?
colorado judiciary
colorado judiciary - 9 years ago
'you pays your money' 'eeko system' 'if sharks become extinct so will we'... 

I can't compete with those intelligent comments, however...if sharks were invisible (like they are in water when you are swimming) and they started coming on to the land we would figure out a way to kill all the man-eaters, likewise if man-eating creatures were deposited in the oceans by an alien ship we would figure out a way to kill all of them.  The argument for preserving whites, bulls, and tigers then seems to boil down to a) they were here first [who cares? so were Native Americans and all animals, we plowed over them like we always do], b) the ecosystem would collapse without them [the ecosystem would change, their niche would be filled by something else like it always is].  I doubt any YT poster would be 'save the sharks' 10 seconds before they were attacked, or their kid was attacked, etc.
spring trap
spring trap - 9 years ago
TheJayrock22 - 9 years ago
I just went their
izanagi fouad
izanagi fouad - 9 years ago
here is my idea fcking dont swim in a beach purre and simple swim in swimming pool lol
Fred Firefax
Fred Firefax - 9 years ago
GridironVideos - 9 years ago
why dusk or dawn?
Kenneth Yee
Kenneth Yee - 9 years ago
I'm going to Hawaii on August will be okay
Louisa Mugridge
Louisa Mugridge - 9 years ago
Boo hoo  a shark attacked me "well don't go the f**king sea then. You don't NEED to go in the sea but sharks HAVE TO LIVE in the sea. I'm fricking fed up of people that moan the they ARE the VICTIM of an animal attack, what about the people that attack animals.(AND YES I DO EAT MEAT) but if you put yourself in a situation where a wild animal attacks  you have to expect the worst. Even hunters know this.
paul hider
paul hider - 9 years ago
no shark, no girl, no missing arm. misleading nonsense, sensationalism at its best 
ptuffgong - 9 years ago
I was thinking the same thing. I expected more than this guy over dramatizing a story in front of a screen. Nah, don't think I'll subscribe.
Danny P
Danny P - 9 years ago
i can see from likes bar, that there is no video of arm being bitten off :-/ 
WavePro - 9 years ago
Shout the fuck off dude, You don't have the actual video, is just you flaming your lips.
Time waisted!
Christopher Gray
Christopher Gray - 9 years ago
Poor gal...  RIP Jana.  Also wonder if she was wearing any type of jewelry or sparkly stuff on the arm that was bitten?  It's speculated that sharks can be attracted by shiny & colorful things as they may see it as reflective, shiny scales of a fish.  Supposedly Bethany (girl surfer from Kauai who also lost an arm) wonders if the watch she was wearing on the bitten arm contributed to the attack....
Taylor Ruth
Taylor Ruth - 9 years ago
+maurice jubian you should not kill the sharks because soon all of them will be killed then as a large preditor is lost everything will continue to breed and then they will end up controlling us all.
Ice Bear
Ice Bear - 9 years ago
Lucio Ferreira
Lucio Ferreira - 10 years ago
Kids Can Vlog X
Kids Can Vlog X - 10 years ago
Sharks are wonderful creatures never kill one they have never harmed you
casey escobar
casey escobar - 9 years ago
Until one rips your arm off... Shut the fuck up with your they can be harmless shit.
2ndRightStrong - 10 years ago
Her name was Jana Lutteropp. She did end up passing from her wounds.
truth serum
truth serum - 10 years ago
yea wouldn't think of snorkeling there murky ,surfing shaws was spooky enough.
ritter89 - 10 years ago
Fookin spammer bitch! I can't escape from this asswipe and his phony wildlife channel. I fall for his clickbait bullshit every goddamned time!
charlotte lamoureux
charlotte lamoureux - 10 years ago
Even though I dont like sharks they are part of eeko system and they fo have a purpose if we killed off every animal that we didnt like thete would be no animals left
roquefortfiles - 10 years ago
Ok.. no more of these stupid shark attack videos with some goofball talking in front of a green screen.  No more.
Bacon Hair
Bacon Hair - 7 years ago
roquefortfiles i agree
Mónika Erdélyi
Mónika Erdélyi - 7 years ago
roquefortfiles Jó
Bethzy Ruiz
Bethzy Ruiz - 9 years ago
Joseluis Garcia
Joseluis Garcia - 10 years ago
I. See a. Megidon.
Quaynoid - 10 years ago
The guy talking looked like he was stoned out of his mind!!!
Bryan Turriff
Bryan Turriff - 9 years ago
+Axios! exactly what i was thing
Shirley Marquina
Shirley Marquina - 9 years ago
Jose Flores
Jose Flores - 9 years ago
Rhyno Van Rensburg
Rhyno Van Rensburg - 10 years ago
You just talk talk talk. stf up!!!!
michael whistler
michael whistler - 10 years ago
The dude looks high. desperate to be watched. hungry for popularity. but then don't have the skill. what a loser.
herp3 - 10 years ago
he's got over 400,000 subscribers. How many you got? 
duhhitzsoph msp
duhhitzsoph msp - 10 years ago
I think I heard about this girl...
Darryl Oconnor
Darryl Oconnor - 10 years ago
It's was theirs world first then we came along and killed them nearly all of them
Nadia Bell
Nadia Bell - 10 years ago
Katherine MacDonald
Katherine MacDonald - 10 years ago
wow, another shark attack!!! never though that would happen in the ocean!!! why are people so surprised? Folks, your rolling the dice when you go in the ocean.
Daniel Vincent
Daniel Vincent - 10 years ago
SSmelb - 10 years ago
We have had a lot of shark attacks here in Australia this year, an 18 year old died last week, seems to be more every year.
Ice Bear
Ice Bear - 9 years ago
Maybe because we keep catching fish that don't have a chance to breed so then they eat us? Remember in 2004 when 4 deaths a year from sharks was normal?
lucieclayton10 - 10 years ago
You pays your money, you take your chance.  It's their domain.   Roughly 5 people a year are killed by sharks compared to the 100's of 1000's that die on the road.  Every one watch "SHARK WATER" and perhaps everyone one will get a better understanding of sharks and why we need them to survive.  Humans kill them in their millions for their fins which is a billion dollar industry.  If sharks become extinct, then so will we.  They eat the fish that eat the plankton that gives us on earth oxygen.  If you don't believe me check it out
ptuffgong - 9 years ago
Yes. People afraid to go in the ocean. You have more chance of being struck by lightning than a shark attack. But the same people will drive a car every day. Avoiding the beauty of the ocean because you're afraid of sharks is irrational. I'd much rather enjoy (and protect) our oceans.
Davros Davey
Davros Davey - 10 years ago
whoever made this video is a fucking retard what a piece of shit
9187348756913 - 10 years ago
no one wants to hear your voice or look at your ugly mug!
we came here for a shark attack in which an arm is bitten off as described.
Aussie Outlaw
Aussie Outlaw - 10 years ago
Pointless Drivel
S MOH - 10 years ago
Gabriela Arango
Gabriela Arango - 10 years ago
I lovet!!!!
Sverra Mar
Sverra Mar - 10 years ago
Did the german bite of the shark´s arm?
Paul smith
Paul smith - 10 years ago
Stuff beeing scared of sharks, I'm more scared of his eyes, with a face like that he should be banned from all public viewing
Hayley-Dehaan Garland
Hayley-Dehaan Garland - 10 years ago
crap #bored
Caino 05
Caino 05 - 10 years ago
I always try an swim near fat people, lessens the chance of attack.
Fatima Zohra
Fatima Zohra - 8 years ago

llevaino 05
Adriel Garcia
Adriel Garcia - 10 years ago
OMG!!! I live on Maui!!!!
Stealth - 10 years ago
Yo, uh... Are you alive?
Bobwolf - 10 years ago
And why would they suba dive in water with sharks? Maybe it was safe in that place
Adriel Garcia
Adriel Garcia - 10 years ago
There was this one time I was forced to go scuba diving!!!! And I was like, ah hail no, I'm not going into shark infested water, I'm going to die!!!!!
GTAV/WWII TROLLING - 10 years ago
Alan Thomas
Alan Thomas - 10 years ago
As usual! some fucking no-mark giving us all his self promotion!
I am Youngspiderman2008 for roblox
I am Youngspiderman2008 for roblox - 10 years ago
JessBisme123 - 10 years ago
The girl died, actually.
Jim Bklyn
Jim Bklyn - 10 years ago
 This is a rouge shark and will not go away. I value my life more then 1000 dollars, for 10 k I will give you the head the tail the whole dam fish or spend  the whole year on welfare, folks. Classic quote from  Robert Shaw, JAWS !
Nipaphon Draper
Nipaphon Draper - 9 years ago
mr peanut
mr peanut - 10 years ago
That shark would tear your ass up you panzy little biatch
Jim Bklyn
Jim Bklyn - 10 years ago
Danny Hood
Danny Hood - 10 years ago
Cage in the water ?   Shacks in the water'' he's all ''Farwell to my fair spainish lady'' 
You just sit back let me take care of it chiefy?.  Lol   14 years she kept her virginity Not a bad record for this fisility   I cant spell shit!
long tooth
long tooth - 10 years ago
I go in up to my ankles thats it. I have enough problems already dont need a missing limb to boot. :( I'm very sorry for this young woman though
Schell Family
Schell Family - 10 years ago
and then he says, Ps say this in a stuped form, oh and here are some more of my dum videos THAT DONT EVEN SHOW THE REAL SEEN!
Schell Family
Schell Family - 10 years ago
the guy that's showing it is british. Hes a dum, nerd
jaydon johnson
jaydon johnson - 10 years ago
i wouldn't even get in the ocean
Jim Thomas
Jim Thomas - 10 years ago
americans are like fucking children
Rubber Ear
Rubber Ear - 10 years ago
No great whites arw bette3
nashwa alazmi
nashwa alazmi - 10 years ago
ApocalypticStorms - 10 years ago
I wonder when people are gonna wake up and quit swiming in the ocean?
maowieboi - 10 years ago
I'm sad to say, the female tourist didn't survive the shark attack. May she rest in peace ...
dennisnguyen01 gaming
dennisnguyen01 gaming - 10 years ago
35 is fake
Kevin Palencia .tenacore
Kevin Palencia .tenacore - 10 years ago
People don't click on your videos to hear you talk and see nothing
Kevins Knives
Kevins Knives - 10 years ago
00:38 Droppin' a deuce!
Scotty G
Scotty G - 10 years ago
0:45 hasn't had a fatal shark attack since 2004, week later she dies and a few more months another person dies R.I.P
rachel tyree
rachel tyree - 10 years ago
Hey exact same thing happend to me my right arm is gone to
xKyokix [MOVED]
xKyokix [MOVED] - 10 years ago
Oh my god, that's so freaky.... I'm glad this is on Maui not Honolulu becuase I live in Honolulu
ayari zouhaier
ayari zouhaier - 10 years ago
Boss90009 - 10 years ago
if the megaloadon is alive......... It would be terrifying
WhiteKoneko - 10 years ago
If you do go to some area where sharks attacks happen, as he said don't swim at morning and evening but you should also never swim at night. Always swim with a buddy and if you are injured(even if it's a paper cut) don't go in the water. Also, check and see if there are any prey animals around like seals or dolphins, that's a big clue that there are sharks there. Also, don't swim anywhere near or around river inlets that link to the ocean for sharks feed on the fish and such that are swept out by the rivers. It's just common sense, the ocean belongs to sharks, not humans. Simple as that.
Southmead Lad
Southmead Lad - 10 years ago
Snake-sharks are the worsetest
Holly Walpole
Holly Walpole - 10 years ago
Eww i am scared lol
Kim Hutchinson
Kim Hutchinson - 10 years ago
I ❤️ epic wildlife!!
David David
David David - 10 years ago
Deuuutschlaaand :) Hi an alle Deutschen hier :D
The MagicCollector
The MagicCollector - 10 years ago
Î think more people should beeaten by sharks or any other predator and if they like the taste, we can take the next step and just eat people on our own
The MagicCollector
The MagicCollector - 10 years ago
see? it works :)
Leticia Trujillo
Leticia Trujillo - 10 years ago
Ar of
Kylee Irribarren
Kylee Irribarren - 10 years ago
I still love them
Kylee Irribarren
Kylee Irribarren - 10 years ago
What crap sharks are
Argjenta Bajrami
Argjenta Bajrami - 10 years ago
Baby Jesus
Baby Jesus - 10 years ago
GianCC - 10 years ago
Its too big to be a Megalodon
Its too big also to be a mega mouth
Its too small for a ghost shark it might be inside Top 10
Yaya - 10 years ago
Small Towels
Small Towels - 10 years ago
Crap, I'm going to Hawaii for the first time today... Time for nightmares.
LPS3×TheLove - 10 years ago
I have always wanted to see a shark up close!!!
LPS3×TheLove - 10 years ago
I have always wanted to see a shark up close!!!
BridgieBee - 10 years ago
she didn't survive. r.i.p.
Tarık mabruk
Tarık mabruk - 10 years ago
f.y !
Samir RAMZ
Samir RAMZ - 10 years ago
you don't know about the megalodon
POV Twins
POV Twins - 10 years ago
Aren't bullsharks the most dangerous sharks? Then great whites?
Jalena Adams
Jalena Adams - 10 years ago
+X Hubert
AussieBlokeGordo - 10 years ago
I think maybe because they attack more often than any other shark, but they aren't very large compared to Tigers or Whites so there's a better chance of surviving an attack. That by no means makes it a pleasant experience though
Xavier H
Xavier H - 10 years ago
+Ramón Cervera Procas
Youre right too , and with the global INSANE overfishing and climatic global disaster you ll see oceanic sharks going to places you dont expect them to be, like cold waters in the North. Some years ago a dead oceanic shark body was discovered in SWEDEN !!!!!! How can you explain that ???? This shark, one of the most beautiful ever in my opinion, will no longer exist in thirty years....
Ramón Cervera Procas
Ramón Cervera Procas - 10 years ago
+X Hubert You´re right. A little note: oceanic shark also gets close to the coast sometimes in oceanic islands such as New Guinea, wounding scuba divers
Xavier H
Xavier H - 10 years ago
Most people dont know about it, but the most dangerous shark on earth is the oceanic shark (in french we call it {requin pointe blanche}), He has killed hugely more humans than all the other type of shark reunited. The problem is the attacks are not reported because it happens only in shipwrecks, and this shark, unlike the tiger shark, doesnt go to the coast. Trust me tiger sharks, bullsharks and great white are PUSSIES next to the pointe blanches...
waddac2 - 10 years ago
Adventures at the Rocky Fern
Adventures at the Rocky Fern - 10 years ago
Sadly, she passed away a week after this attack, making it the first fatal attack since 2004. RIP
SolbassMD12 - 10 years ago
Why cant u show a video of the attack instead of just talking about it.
thejanusproject32 - 10 years ago
Because he fucking trolled people for the views. That's why
Spiritual Healing
Spiritual Healing - 10 years ago
+Taylor XD
anyway it would be banned on Youtube.
8un9 story
8un9 story - 10 years ago
soooo...wheres the attack...???
Pasu suel
Pasu suel - 10 years ago
So, it wasn't a german shark attacking a tourist then?
thats why i clicked
i wanted to see a german shark...
damian auksorius
damian auksorius - 10 years ago
hi my name is damien auksorius , why is it when people die from a shark attack people get upset , but when people die from smoking this is okay ,,,not sure
Slime Devourer
Slime Devourer - 10 years ago
what a BS this
SavageSS2010 - 10 years ago
Oceanic White Tips are responsible for more attacks on humans than all the others combined. Rounded dorsal and pectorals with random white at the tip. If you are in open water and one comes callin' , stop drop n roll bitches. I went from scientific to drop out in like, bam! No time.
Domenico Sancineto
Domenico Sancineto - 10 years ago
Brett Robbins
Brett Robbins - 10 years ago
Research shows that the time of day has nothing to do with shark attacks, 
Huu John
Huu John - 10 years ago
Us people go for a little splash in a territory that isn't meant for humans... Hello 
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke Uchiha - 10 years ago
Is it just me or does these animals shows no sexual discrimination?
Ted Striker
Ted Striker - 10 years ago
you are abit of an asshole for using thimbs that have nothing to do with your videos. not cool.
aaronimpactnz - 10 years ago
Typical Youtube, where the thumbnail is more interesting than the actual video.
Mario Lugo
Mario Lugo - 7 years ago
aaronimpactnz ok
Fotboll Gamer5009
Fotboll Gamer5009 - 7 years ago
aaronimpactnz hi
M Russell
M Russell - 7 years ago
Thank you, was just thinking what a shit video, some twat telling the story of...more than the video it made out to be...thumbs down!!
brianofoz - 10 years ago
I'm not sure why so many people come to the defense of sharks when most of those same people eat fish including flake which is shark.
Michael Schirmer
Michael Schirmer - 10 years ago
she died
Françoise Paquet
Françoise Paquet - 10 years ago
you think sharks are scary. honey badgers can and will fight off lions packs.
lewis steiner
lewis steiner - 10 years ago
if we keep taking all the fish they will eat some thing else 
Max Thomas
Max Thomas - 10 years ago
+Blake. C that's what you think. But u are wrong
Blake. C
Blake. C - 10 years ago
Lol trust me buddy there is plenty to go around 
Jesse Jesse
Jesse Jesse - 10 years ago
Show me the video of the shark I dont wanna see you!
Kyle Underwood
Kyle Underwood - 10 years ago
siiloxx - 10 years ago
u cunt that pic has nothing to do with the vid
Jay Lee
Jay Lee - 10 years ago
So sharks are being identified now? Like hey there's Gerald, the
Jay Lee
Jay Lee - 10 years ago
This guy is definitely high.
chris cox
chris cox - 10 years ago
That it I'm never going near ocean again.
Kaki Hole
Kaki Hole - 10 years ago
u cunt, next time post a vid associated with the pic, i want gore
DoorProfi Шаблоны
DoorProfi Шаблоны - 10 years ago
Savannah peterson
Savannah peterson - 10 years ago
i love sharks!
Nelson Figueroa
Nelson Figueroa - 10 years ago
Nelson Figueroa
Nelson Figueroa - 10 years ago
Phil Mante
Phil Mante - 10 years ago
It's always Bethany Hamilton. She's a pretty white-skinned blonde Barbie doll. Same as Elizabeth smart. The media will always talk about them, but this nameless german tourist is going to go through the same trials that Bethany went through, only she won't get a movie, she won't get an interview on Nancy grace or Ellen DeGeneres. No one will ever call her their hero.

Sad, isn't it?
David West
David West - 10 years ago
Was it Bethany Hamilton?
Cutealiciousgirlz - 10 years ago
Thats what it sounded like but I don't think so
GAD FLOW - 10 years ago
Fu ken comercialls ruin every freaken video , fuck off with these fucken adds
John Appleseed
John Appleseed - 10 years ago
Did you know that you are more likely to die from a vending machine attack than from a shark falling on you? 
Ted Striker
Ted Striker - 10 years ago
Depends on your life style. I never swim in the ocean. Then there are those who swim a lot but never use vending machines.
That One Guy With An Extremely Long Username
That One Guy With An Extremely Long Username - 10 years ago
Jay Lee
Jay Lee - 10 years ago
sharks fall on us now too?!?!?!?! dang. gotta watch for those falling sharks
MusicVideosForeva〈33xxx - 10 years ago
Think Before Belief
Think Before Belief - 10 years ago
U can so tell that there is a green screen
Allison Houston
Allison Houston - 10 years ago
No way it isn't the real beach that is totally NOT a green screen
That One Guy With An Extremely Long Username
That One Guy With An Extremely Long Username - 10 years ago
no shit
sonya schmidt
sonya schmidt - 10 years ago
they didnt told her not to go to the water if she has a period.  And she had.....and as we know, the shark can smell it for many miles....
beachbabe369 - 10 years ago
Now dats y I dont wanna go to Hawaii
Jacques Helbronner
Jacques Helbronner - 10 years ago
No ore He'll Hitler
AccidentalDirector - 10 years ago
I've been snorkelling there
AccidentalDirector - 10 years ago
Oh my god
Yeimmis Fernandez
Yeimmis Fernandez - 10 years ago
Glenn Sambrana
Glenn Sambrana - 11 years ago
Or use your fucking brains and stay out of the water. Maybe thats why they made swimming pools..
Nadejda Schmidt
Nadejda Schmidt - 11 years ago
That's why i only swim in a pool.
colorado judiciary
colorado judiciary - 11 years ago
More evidence of why we should widely promote sport fishing for the three man-eaters; Tiger (Hawaii), Bull (Florida, TX), Great White (California, Australia).  There will be a blip in the ecology, to some extent filled by the non-man-eaters, accompanied by promoting sport fishing and tourist economy, as well as saving humans.  I look at this as 'Would I kill a shark or bear etc.attacking my kid?'  And if so why wouldn't I want to protect somebody else's kid, wife, sister, etc...
Aaron Fisher
Aaron Fisher - 10 years ago
+TheAntigator I give props to anyone who is willing to dive, snorkel and surf with sharks because depending on the type of shark I wouldn't do any of that around them. Bears I wouldn't work with either, and bears can be as intimidating as sharks when you are at their mercy. Although I don't know where grizzly man fits but I think I know what colorado was trying to get at, trying to say even if you have no fear of something it could still harm you.
+colorado judiciary
+1elpolloloco5 Using the term "cull" I wouldn't consider the right term to use in this argument due to when you cull something your taking out a trait that you don't want in a breed of an animal species (dogs, cows, cats and horses are examples). You all realize that Sharks were never recorded to have attacked ppl in the US even when we were in the water till about 40s, and 1elpolloloco5 you do know that it isn't due to sport fishing that sharks had such low numbers. They had low numbers because a shark swam up rivers and streams and killed kids back around the 50s, so ppl went out to hunt and exterminate sharks till they got the shark that killed the kids and even then many didn't stop there, in the end thousands of sharks were killed and many species were put on the brink of extinction. It is due to ppls stupidity that they are killed by sharks most of the time because they swim too far out in deep water, many swim to sandbars that they are told not to go near because of sharks and others swim at night, dusk or dawn( No offence to you TheAntigator). The shark population helps with the seal population a great deal and orcas couldn't do as good as great whites, great whites are the apex predator of the oceans and even orcas don't normally challenge a great white. If you want to avoid confrontations with sharks stay in shallow water where the visibility is good, stay in a swimming pool, swim in a lake, a pond or upstream where sharks cant get to(assuming that the lakes, ponds etc. don't have some other man eating predator in them). Sport hunting helps keep the population of many animals in check(as long as its done legally) because human activities have pushed out many of the natural predators, sharks do have a sport fishing time for them but it isn't as popular as it once was due to the skin isn't in demand (to make suitcases, purses etc.) like it once was. I personally don't like the hunting or fishing for sport, I hunt and fish for the food myself. Humans have a hard time coexisting with things that we can't control.
+colorado judiciary"Culling" the apex predator of the ocean because it kills ppl makes as much sense as poking an animal with a pointy stick and killing it if it fights back. When you enter the oceans and rivers where man eating animals live you are part of the food chain and there is nothing you can do about it. Also to your hypothetical situation: if it was my child id chose the extinction of the animal but if it wasn't my kid or any relation to me id say o well because I don't have the emotional attachment.
+1elpolloloco5 To your hypothetical situation: id stay out of the water, also your statement "(btw: cows kill more sharks then people so should we kill them all?)" doesn't make much sense to me, I've never heard of a cow killing a shark.
CANEBOT988 - 10 years ago
+colorado judiciary
Grizzly man? LMFAO!!! You're comparing the average beach swimmer to a guy who thought he could speak to and live with grizzly bears. You don't have the intelligence to keep up with this conversation, later.
colorado judiciary
colorado judiciary - 11 years ago
Smart comment.  I know you think people who are afraid of sharks when they are in the ocean are pussies, but then a lot of people are pussies...the guy who waded with bulls wasn't a pussy [but he got his calf chewed off], grizzly man wasn't a pussy [but grizzlies ate him], how about this, if in fact most people are pussies as defined by you, lets do what the pussies want?
CANEBOT988 - 11 years ago
+colorado judiciary
Obviously you have a reading comprehension problem. No, you are the pussy. Not the surfer the scuba diver nor the swimmer, they are all willing to go into the ocean with the sharks.
colorado judiciary
colorado judiciary - 11 years ago
Right, surfers are pussies, scuba divers are the real men.
CANEBOT988 - 11 years ago
+colorado judiciary
Don't be such a pussy and leave the shark population alone. If you're afraid to snorkel, surf, or swim it's not the sharks fault. It's your fear of the shark that is to blame...YOU are the problem not the solution!
colorado judiciary
colorado judiciary - 11 years ago

So here is a open question to anyone who wants to comment on the ''don't go in the water argument".  Should we say a) Well the ocean is a fun place to surf, swim, snorkel etc. but the sharks were there first so let's give up on fun activities in the ocean and let them have their habitat, or b) modify the ocean to accommodate our pursuits as we have done in every other corner of the earth?  By the way I am an environmentalist (have actually gotten awards for it), drive my car about 100 miles per month, recycle, got an area of the Oregon coast designated as wilderness etc, I just think we have the right to make the world safe for our activities.  Eliminating man-eaters will cause a blip in the ecology, no more so than other human activities, however making surfing etc. in the ocean safe is worth it.  Also, I wanted to repeat my point of I wouldn't cull man-eaters if you could see them, just give lifeguards rifles, unfortunately sharks are unique to animals that attack humans; you can't see them approach, i.e. the bear, lion etc. analogies don't really apply. 
CANEBOT988 - 11 years ago
Oh, and by the way. Great whites and Tigers have been spotted of the Atlantic shores! For a very long time now.
CANEBOT988 - 11 years ago
+colorado judiciary
I think swimming with sharks and not being concerned is as relevant as proving they are no more a threat than hanging out with any other animal that can injure or kill a human. If you chose to hang out with pit bulls it doesn't mean you will get injured or killed by one. I always have heard or seen news reports about sharks being "put down" as a result of biting, but did they get the right shark?, No one knows... I'm just an example of living in harmony with "man eating sharks" and I'm not statistic is all I'm saying. I don't think killing or "culling" as you put it is the solution. Like 1elpolloloco5 said, "If you don't want to encounter a shark, then don't go into water."
1elpolloloco5 - 11 years ago
+colorado judiciary What are you, five? Would I rather cull all sharks or save one human? Of course I would save the sharks, its ridiculous to think otherwise.Yes sharks can be dangerous, yes they are stealthy, yes they are scary, but exterminating them for those reasons is wrong and would offset the fragile balance the coasts have. You cannot kill everything you are afraid of, and everyday we face risks much greater than sharks that also have a higher chance of happening then a shark attack. If you don't want a meeting with a shark then don't go in the water, don't go in THEIR habitat.
colorado judiciary
colorado judiciary - 11 years ago
I am not sure why the fact that you are unconcerned about diving with sharks is relevant, I assume the guy who was wading with bulls and got his calf chewed off was unconcerned also but...  As for dogs, we usually put down dogs that attack humans.  The critical difference between e.g. bears and sharks is that you can't see sharks approach you, they are cloaked until it is too late.  If you could I wouldn't be for culling them; just give every lifeguard a hunting rifle.  Culling man-eaters won't alter the ecology more than any other human activity.  Alternately put them in large fenced off areas where people in the minority like you who aren't concerned can hang out with them all you want.  Just keep them away from the beaches.
colorado judiciary
colorado judiciary - 11 years ago
No, you have to answer my question first, then I will answer yours.
1elpolloloco5 - 11 years ago
+colorado judiciary 10 seconds to decide a) Do the right thing and let nature be, if it harms us then just remember that we harmed it first. b) Don't go in the fucking water if you are so terrified of sharks (btw: cows kill more sharks then people so should we kill them all?)
CANEBOT988 - 11 years ago
I'm a Florida native, I'd free dive and snorkel off of boats in the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. I have seen bull sharks up close while swimming. I've never been concerned and will never be concerned about sharks. I'd swim at night sometimes, up to 200 yards from shore. I was about four years old when I started swimming in the water off the coast of FL, from Daytona to Key West for almost 35 years and have never had a problem. Sharks have sharp teeth and bite people sometimes, big deal. I guess you'd also want to sport hunt domesticated dogs because sometimes they bite people too?
colorado judiciary
colorado judiciary - 11 years ago
Thanks for the biology lesson.  You still haven't answered my question: 10 seconds to decide a) do nothing, b) save your child by eliminating bull sharks...
1elpolloloco5 - 11 years ago
+colorado judiciary Sure if the seals didn't decrease most coastal fish populations and orcas were released OUTSIDE OF THEIR MIGRATORY PATHS. You think you're so smart but when you release a new species to eat the native, over-populated or not, it does not turn out well because nature does not have enough time to BALANCE. Look up cane toads in Australia and you might start understanding. Sharks are not spontaneous, they live in THEIR areas and can't roam into civilization like bears do. Here's a solution I don't care if you might like or not: leave them alone and they'll leave you alone. Sharks are important and stunning creatures, if you take an entire species out it will upset the balance even if you replace them seamlessly (which is unlikely). People aren't going to cull sharks, get that through your idiotic head
colorado judiciary
colorado judiciary - 11 years ago
+1elpolloloco5  Thanks for clarification that you have to go in the water to be attacked by a shark.  It helps me understand this issue better.  The key difference between sharks and say grizzlies is that you can't see sharks approach since, as you deftly pointed out, they live in water.  If grizzlies were invisible would we do nothing?  No I think we would try to find them and kill them like we usually kill animals that attack humans.  Here is a solution you might like:  Cull man-eaters, seal population increases, release caged Orcas, seal population decreases.  We replaced a 'killing machine' with a smart family oriented species at net zero ecology change.  Sound good? 
1elpolloloco5 - 11 years ago
+colorado judiciary You seemed like you needed to be brought up. You're right, lets kill all the predators of the world so they don't affect humans. All bears, lions, hippos, poisonous snakes and bugs, wolves, horses, elephants, cows that trample people, and birds that just just seem a little too large and scary. Lets release more tags than animals on all of these species and take them out because they are a danger. Why let these creatures live how their supposed to when they are a danger to humans? I hope you realize that to be killed or hurt by a shark you have to go in the water first. if you don't go in the water your chances of being attacked by a shark are 0, if you go in, it's at your own risk. You can control if you go into it's home, but they have no control over what you do so its the human's responsibility.
colorado judiciary
colorado judiciary - 11 years ago
You are right I don't comprehend that 'moving humans out' is not something that 'could even happen'.  But thanks for bringing me up to speed on that.  Hypothetical situation: You are looking at your child dead or missing a limb from a shark attack, and you have 10 seconds to choose between, a) you can't change what happened, b) an hour before the attack that shark species was extinct.  Ready, go...
1elpolloloco5 - 11 years ago
+colorado judiciary You seem to not even be able to comprehend what I am saying. Would moving humans out be better for the animals? Abso-fucking-lutely. But is it believable that that could even happen? No, but just because humans put themselves in harms way by going into another creatures habitat does not mean we should rid of those creatures. That is selfish and idiotic. Yes, war is one of the stupidest things humans have done but FOR THE OCEAN ECOSYSTEM, taking out a top predator could destroy it. Do you really think that causing that much imbalance so quickly won't have consequences or abnormalities? If so then you are even more stupid than I thought. What? Because humans are sooo special we should kill other animals so they don't get hurt? Like,  aww, poor baby booboos :(. No, that is disgusting and harmful. When sharks attack it is because they mistake them for their food, anything that happens after that is driven by instinct. You want tourist money? Put one or two sharks in aquariums, but don't be stupid enough to take them out of the ocean. Humans are not that important to the Earth anyway, but sharks are so get over yourself and think for the animals that have evolved to make this a well-balanced Earth that HUMANS have messed up.
colorado judiciary
colorado judiciary - 11 years ago
+1elpolloloco5 By that argument, humans should move off the earth and let the animals have THEIR HABITAT back.  Likewise by that argument, swimming in the ocean should be outlawed, as well as hiking on trails etc.  Swimming pools and indoor running tracks should be enough.  Also I don't think culling man-eaters is the stupidest thing humans can do right now.  War is the stupidest thing, overpopulation second stupidest, smoking around 10, posting a picture of what you made for breakfast on facebook around 60...  Killing only those sharks that attack humans?  I don't think it would even make it on the top 100.  I am fine with putting all the man-eaters in aquariums for people to see and to support tourist economy.
1elpolloloco5 - 11 years ago
Thats the worst idea and the stupidest thing that people can do right now. Great Whites are still low in numbers since the last time we hunted them for sport you idiot. Sharks are a top predator and feed on the sea lions/seals that are becoming over populated, if they were taken out of the picture then it will throw the entire ecosystem off. This isn't a "Would I kill a shark or bear attacking my kid.." it would be "I'm going to fucking waltz into THEIR habitat and then blame them when I get hurt, as if it wasn't 100% my decision."..Oh and you want tourist money? Millions can be brought in if aquariums began rehabilitating large sharks (and then releasing them later) once again, like Monterey Bay Aquarium did. People enter the wild waters at their own risk, if they get injured...well then they should have gone to a pool then huh?
Maggie Loop
Maggie Loop - 11 years ago
My brother got bit by a shark a that part was his dick and he died i was for year and i was a only child so they had sex and got a baby my mom got birth to me when i she was 16
hernan caamaño
hernan caamaño - 11 years ago
Really boring to seeing you talking to much s@#@@#
SkyBlueAugust - 11 years ago
That girl died.
Momster 50
Momster 50 - 11 years ago
This is why only swim in pools. Those sharks will always be there.
Guz Ruhrup
Guz Ruhrup - 11 years ago
Spectecular...I'm shaking all over! (What a moron)
Andreas Leidner
Andreas Leidner - 11 years ago
her name was Jana L.
Andreas Leidner
Andreas Leidner - 11 years ago
Jeanne Marie
Jeanne Marie - 11 years ago
Young german people has nothing to do with Nazis... by the way i'm not German and please be carefull by such kind of comments..
Chrissy Margo
Chrissy Margo - 11 years ago
i love your videos and have learned a lot.
Yagya Rai
Yagya Rai - 11 years ago
Stupid hat and stupid expression.
Nnn Nash
Nnn Nash - 11 years ago
Maybe the shark was a Racist and it hated Nazis heheheh
Jen Dark Energy 384400
Jen Dark Energy 384400 - 7 years ago
If it was a racist it would like Nazis?
Will Davey
Will Davey - 7 years ago
Nnn Nash you are an idiot, mate
Kaia Hattemer
Kaia Hattemer - 7 years ago
Nnn Nash siriously
Ruckus Piper
Ruckus Piper - 7 years ago
Nnn Nash being German doesn't make her a nazi you moron
Vortex-_- - 8 years ago
the Brantley and Kaydance SHOW yeah
_ _
_ _ - 8 years ago
Nnn Nash I think your the shark here cause that's racist as fuck!!!
MC Phteven
MC Phteven - 10 years ago
The amount of racism in this discussion is too damn high
henrique santiago
henrique santiago - 10 years ago
maybe it´s a joke but you might know that not all germans are n nazi
Kol Petrova
Kol Petrova - 10 years ago
+Nnn Nash maybe you're a nazi. You heard that much germans was nazis in the second world war. But we helped many countries since that. You just heard that but I'm as a german very afraid of people like you..
Nnn Nash
Nnn Nash - 10 years ago
+Royal MCwolf
Good Call :)
Nnn Nash
Nnn Nash - 10 years ago
+Bill the Butcher
DO u kiss your mother with that Mouth???
Royal MCwolf
Royal MCwolf - 10 years ago
+FivePvP all Nazis were german! I don't get how people can say that they aren't german _ 
Nnn Nash
Nnn Nash - 10 years ago
+Pranav Patel
Kol Petrova
Kol Petrova - 10 years ago
Hi uhm, I'm german. I have no idea why do you hate germans so much. I can tell you, in Germany are exactly so much nazis like in other countries and if you're in Germany sometime, you will see, in Germany are hardly nazis. Just a little part. You will see, Germany is a very nice countrie. You should go to Berlin because Berlin is a wonderful city full of life. I think the reason why you hate germans, is, that many peoples of the world say that we are. But in the world are so many evil peoples like good peoples :) Hitler was a very evil man. If you go to Germany, and ask a German "do you like Hitler", the person will tell you "no", because Hitler made damage in Germany too, and did so much evil to this world. What I personally hate is, that the most guys forget that Hitler comes from Austria, not from Germany! Look at me, I'm German and I'm not a Nazi. I'm tolerant to all humans who are friendly. Because no matter whether a person is gay, black, german (and all of the other countries), with or without religion,,, In every of this human parts are good and friendly humans and that's the reason why you shouldn't judge parts of humans :)
elfuxxo - 10 years ago
+Bill the Butcher Keine ahnung ob du deutsch bist aber, wie die(meisten) leute direkt denken:,,Der ist deutsch! ER IST EIN NAZI"
That One Guy With An Extremely Long Username
That One Guy With An Extremely Long Username - 10 years ago
stop it you guys it is obviously mentally challenged its hearing is based on movement so just back away slowly
herobrinerap basualdo
herobrinerap basualdo - 10 years ago
Nnn Nash
Nnn Nash - 10 years ago
Michael Aliño
Michael Aliño - 10 years ago
Forgive her. I think she's just plain ignorant
Nnn Nash
Nnn Nash - 10 years ago
hehehehe LOL
Pranav Patel
Pranav Patel - 10 years ago
+Nnn Nash My intention was not to call you a bitch, I don't remember typing that. It was a jesse pinkman move. Sorrrrrrrrry
Nnn Nash
Nnn Nash - 10 years ago
u lack both :P
Nnn Nash
Nnn Nash - 10 years ago
+Raj Khan
thanxs for the info bitch
regenbogenqualle3000 - 10 years ago
Some people should start using their brain before they start to open their mouth.
Pranav Patel
Pranav Patel - 10 years ago
GERMANS are not nazis. Nazis are nazis. bitch know your facts
Sydney Facer
Sydney Facer - 10 years ago
MARKETMAN6789 - 11 years ago
i never go in the sea ,unless ive sprayed my self with aunty mabels shark repelant its cheap enough ,i even use it in the swimming pool incase anyone puts a joke shark in  
Andrew Hernández
Andrew Hernández - 11 years ago
How did the guy die
Daniel Mayer
Daniel Mayer - 11 years ago
Wheres the shark attack moron?
Zachlynn Noguera
Zachlynn Noguera - 11 years ago
It's a megaladon
Mackenzie ibarra
Mackenzie ibarra - 11 years ago
Sad so what happen to the girl
pistonsfan 48
pistonsfan 48 - 11 years ago
Anthony Newcomb
Anthony Newcomb - 11 years ago
Jenny Vetter
Jenny Vetter - 11 years ago
I'm a big fan of shark's either way the video is cool
Lindsay Cobos
Lindsay Cobos - 10 years ago
MarieNAlize  Zambrano
MarieNAlize Zambrano - 11 years ago
ChloeLaQueen - 11 years ago
At 0:43 that camera shot is not the island of Maui, it's Oahu. (Stayed at the pink hotel there before)
tatiana Petelo
tatiana Petelo - 11 years ago
i like your shirt
Alyssa Gaunichaux
Alyssa Gaunichaux - 11 years ago
It's best to have people around you? IT'S BEST TO STAY OUT OF THE WATER IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!
Gianni Vandepoele
Gianni Vandepoele - 10 years ago
yes indeed let's feed that fish more humans looool
Baylee Hurley
Baylee Hurley - 11 years ago
you have no idea what your talking about. i live in hawaii.
Alan Garcia
Alan Garcia - 11 years ago
Just make sand castles! It's safer
Kawaii Charms
Kawaii Charms - 11 years ago
HeatedHam - 11 years ago
this guy only needs a australian accent.
But good show.
MAHER4823 - 11 years ago
Esther elgy
karsen oddy
karsen oddy - 11 years ago
Soul swimmer
Maddy Read
Maddy Read - 11 years ago
Wow that's sad
Elliot Avila
Elliot Avila - 11 years ago
I wonder if the girl is ok
phil weber
phil weber - 11 years ago
She died. Happened again today.
phi - 11 years ago
It was a great white tip shark
Jose Ruiz
Jose Ruiz - 11 years ago
what the frak are people thinking a fraking net hung with fraking poles or fraking floter could have stop that all sharks this one is not real but still. !!donate one penny towards Putiing  net there plz send it here www.putanetforsurfers.xom
Sammy Lynn
Sammy Lynn - 11 years ago
Nnn Nash
Nnn Nash - 11 years ago
Three Cheers mate :P
TheNinjacat10 - 11 years ago
+Nico Bantjes This shows exactly how people are ignorant. Please go get some education, about 10 million sharks are killed a day only about 10-20 people are attacked a year and only a couple are fatal. Beaches aren't ours any way, thats their property not ours, and I should not be killed because I at least do something productive like teach ignorant fools like you the truth, good day sir.
TheNinjacat10 - 11 years ago
Well that was a stupid comment.
Sammy Lynn
Sammy Lynn - 11 years ago
I think the shark that attacked her is a hammerhead shark
Look Dick
Look Dick - 11 years ago
Don't swim next to a haole, they're shark baits. Light skin, just sayin'
sicwititdime - 11 years ago
This guy is lit
Stephen Holt
Stephen Holt - 11 years ago
Humans are the only species that kill for fun. We treat the world like one huge playground. Time we took a little responsibility.
Wake up and stop blaming animals for doing what they are hard wired to do.
Dutch MotoMan
Dutch MotoMan - 11 years ago
Humans and cats sir, humans, and cats.
Daniel Davies
Daniel Davies - 11 years ago
Tyler Zechlinski
Tyler Zechlinski - 11 years ago
Unless another German girl was attacked in Maui this year then no she did NOT survive.
Michael James
Michael James - 11 years ago
this guy is such a peckerhead
Ulysses North
Ulysses North - 11 years ago
this weirdo needs better hobbies, I love sharks
Bill McBurney
Bill McBurney - 11 years ago
Sportsmen are the real conservationist of the worlds game and commercial food hunters have no qualm of destroying it because of the money and you can see the politics playing out in Florida as the longliners buy there way closer to shore greasing the bad politicians palm. Support Good people if you can find them always.
petertippett7 - 11 years ago
this guy looks permanently stoned
Wagner moreira
Wagner moreira - 11 years ago
Lee Afflerbach
Lee Afflerbach - 11 years ago
this is the only video out of 122 i disliked so far
Milford Cubicle
Milford Cubicle - 11 years ago
I signed in JUST to dislike this.You're welcome.
Dan Brown
Dan Brown - 11 years ago
After Zionist steven spilberg made that idiotic Anti-Shark movie Jaws, hundreds of millions of sharks got slaughtered by "humans" especially in USA and around the western world who believes everything TV says! Sharks are magnificent species and eat ONLY when hungry. WE, humans eat, kill, maim, rape and exterminate others and animals just for shear fun of it, so,stay away from assigning blame to nature. Wake up America, you of ALL nations and from Brits have least to complain about! Imperialists!
Nemo 530
Nemo 530 - 11 years ago
Jhdfihnvurfshvnghhrnfvurhnfhurebrfhenrfjebrfjebfyerjnrfbrenjrfnrejrfbejhbrfejhrfehhbfrhhenrfnjnhfnfhhhhhhfehuiwhbifreiuwhhfrrhjwrrjshhhhhhhhhhkurewhchkudhfsufebhehfbchedhbcfehhbrhebrhgfrbghrefbfrhebrefhhbrfehbfefg28mdjcejdhcbfejhefvbehhfvbehbvbfehhvbfehhvbfebhfv febhrv hreb vhefbbfhhrevhrebvhhrebfhhrebfhhrebfjhre frhehnrfurebfhuerbfhuerbruhrrbrfhjrenffjebfhuerrfuhbrehfuhberedfhbrehhfeuhfhrehfhurebfeh :)))7)))))(1($634;5,23(4,3644?,26$.;,7)/:;?.()3;??.)3:?.:)3,.;)3)?hhfbhfvrgyvebrhcbreygrveby
Fernando Mena Perez
Fernando Mena Perez - 11 years ago
Shahriar Bin Rouf
Shahriar Bin Rouf - 11 years ago
We wanna see ur clip, a white shark fucking u idiot!
Flazzer D.K
Flazzer D.K - 11 years ago
Poor shark
adznz11 - 11 years ago
There's always a food chain its just up here we are at the top. What you mean is when we go in the water we drop a few places in the food chain.
rckymtn3 - 11 years ago
but his mother is proud, well, sort of. he's been hinting about moving his "studio" out of her basement, which is a step towards moving out completely,
rckymtn3 - 11 years ago
when you ever believe you've left the food chain, you're delusional
MrTubbymarshall - 11 years ago
try it for yourself. let us know how you got on.
Yuthika Jeyasuresh
Yuthika Jeyasuresh - 11 years ago
This is true this happened to Bethany Hamilton ..... There was a movie made on her "soul surfer " watch it !
Hannah Allen
Hannah Allen - 11 years ago
I think sharks should be at extinction thats what I think!!!!
NO AIR STALKING - 11 years ago
Ellie Carver
Ellie Carver - 11 years ago
I think I'll NEVER swim in the sea again
جمال  مهيوب
جمال مهيوب - 11 years ago
Hhhhhh ao
shelllou - 11 years ago
Another Blag!
shelllou - 11 years ago
Another Blag!
shelllou - 11 years ago
Another Blag!!!!
shelllou - 11 years ago
Another Blag!!!!!!!!!
Forrest Munden
Forrest Munden - 11 years ago
Why is this guy showing his face?
Scar_ Fade
Scar_ Fade - 11 years ago
Wow..........just just wow
Ava Huppler
Ava Huppler - 11 years ago
I am from Hawaii
Jesus Rodriguez
Jesus Rodriguez - 11 years ago
He sounds high
z Hamburgler
z Hamburgler - 11 years ago
nice hat.
Gary Dumlao
Gary Dumlao - 11 years ago
decioanor - 11 years ago
jacob fry
jacob fry - 11 years ago
dick you got nothing just useless annoying hot air, dislike
Iron Tarkus
Iron Tarkus - 11 years ago
Too bad so many people would need a sign posted to understand that. And even then they would want to kill the ones who attacked people. Craziness.
Anna Swatzel
Anna Swatzel - 11 years ago
Give me proof
prandomable - 11 years ago
UrAllOnSteroids - 11 years ago
Gareth keenan ?
Tegan westley
Tegan westley - 11 years ago
i dont belive it i havent seen the prof on it
aulani C
aulani C - 11 years ago
thank you...and no go in the water when you get your period or if the water is dirty and murcky
RossTheRealtor - 11 years ago
When you enter the water, you enter the food chain.
prandomable - 11 years ago
I wonder can spear guns kill a shark with one shot.
001GenLee - 11 years ago
That's why i watched my distance when i went to Myrtle Beach, SC this past summer. I also watched Shark Week, so yeah, i know what a Tiger Shark can do, as well as a Bull Shark. They can tear right through you in a matter of seconds!
shytguy - 11 years ago
My cousin had her honeymoon there and witnessed this.
Paul Anthony
Paul Anthony - 11 years ago
Where's the footage jerk
Jacoby Wilson
Jacoby Wilson - 11 years ago
I was in Maui when that 2004 shark attack happened! It was ten miles down the road from the hotel I was staying in! They only closed the beaches for two days though....
Koorime2000 - 11 years ago
You'll be fine, there's no reason to be afraid, you actually have a better chance at being hit by lightning than attacked by a shark. Don't swim during feeding times, dusk/dawn. Don't wear any flashy jewelry either, it gives up the appearance of Fish scales in the water, and make sure you swim with people around you, and just be aware of your surroundings. I've gone to Hawaii several times, Never swim alone! even if you can snorkel by yourself, it's just not a good idea.
jaiden2017 - 11 years ago
we just got back and they had to clear the same beach due to a 14 ft Tiger Shark. We stayed up by Black Rock and north this trip no sharks but not as many fish as we seen our last trip in 10/10?
Isiah Diaz
Isiah Diaz - 11 years ago
love all your videos
David Crandall
David Crandall - 11 years ago
I heard the shark use a AR-15.
NY2Calif - 11 years ago
She died...
barneyfzr600 - 11 years ago
Gerald Newell
Gerald Newell - 11 years ago
I go spearfishing everyday in hawaii, sharks sightings are extremely rare, aggressive sharks are even rarer!
pearce bates
pearce bates - 11 years ago
my parents are taking me to hawaii :L had to look up average ammount of shark attacks :L no beach for me thank you
Jason Asis
Jason Asis - 11 years ago
Remember visitors. Sharks breed at the end of summer an tend to be more aggressive during these time. It's not that they like to eat tourist, its just tourist are more plentiful during these Sorry but true. Locals tend to be more cautious while in the water an we carry
Whelen Burrows
Whelen Burrows - 11 years ago
She wasnt in stable conditions from the start, she was in critical for about 2 weeks before maui news announced her death very sad
Whelen Burrows
Whelen Burrows - 11 years ago
The girl passed away bro... Rip
heidi bah
heidi bah - 11 years ago
Rip forlifgard
remremu - 11 years ago
You don't say?
001hamish - 11 years ago
How did they get the kayak to the hospital??
iOSDreamz - 11 years ago
i live in hawaii :)
Jacob Becomes Israel
Jacob Becomes Israel - 11 years ago
Oceanic Whitetips are very aggressive and don't fool around with test bites. If they bite, it's the real deal.
JuS4PLeaSuRe 808
JuS4PLeaSuRe 808 - 11 years ago
Hanauma Bay on Oahu is a safe place to snorkel!
xTazzukox - 11 years ago
I think
xTazzukox - 11 years ago
Die Frau ist gestorben nach längerem überlebenskampf.. That Woman died Five days After
RichYan33 - 11 years ago
Why is he wearing that dorky hat and why are his eyeballs getting so big?
Jeannette George
Jeannette George - 11 years ago
Meredith Doerfler
Meredith Doerfler - 11 years ago
Next time you take your family to beach, google the arial photos from where you were swimming I guarantee there's a shark in that photo you didn't know was there!
Meredith Doerfler
Meredith Doerfler - 11 years ago
Believe what you want. I've done a lot of diving. Shark attack victims are usually in top of the water. Surfers snorkelers, etc. When under the water tiger sharks and white tips get a lot of the blame. But truth is bull and Mako sharks respond like cottonmouth watermoccasins. Very aggressive and without warning. The worst is pimple going to the beach not realizing you can be attacked by a very large shark in just 3 ft of water!
Sp33dyBeanz - 11 years ago
my mom told me they announced her death before she even died
Sp33dyBeanz - 11 years ago
shes dead my mom was her doctor
Mason Kitagawa
Mason Kitagawa - 11 years ago
So its exactly opposite of not being able to identify prey in murky waters, more like they see you and identify you long before you even realize he's there, have you seen the new shark repellent wetsuit? All it is, is a wetsuit with stripes running down the suit, now if sharks have poor eyesight then why is this wetsuit able to work with just stripes? Besides that sharks hunt much more complicated and capable matine life than humans, they seem to do alright there, also if a mako shark can swim u
Mason Kitagawa
Mason Kitagawa - 11 years ago
Yeah i agree that we arent a white sharks favorite food, prolly not even close to it otherwise we all be gone. The only thing is i dont think people, researcher and whoever else arent giving sharks enough credit, when they cite mistaken identity as reason for an attack, I think the sharks eyesight is excellent and the reason why people are more likely to be attacked in murky waters are because sharks use the murky water as an advantage same as we would attack enemies during the cover of night, i
Joe Reider
Joe Reider - 11 years ago
Erkiller Erkiller
Erkiller Erkiller - 11 years ago
Como coño ha sovrevivio jajajajajja k falso
XStormSkullX MinecraftGP
XStormSkullX MinecraftGP - 11 years ago
remember if you see a shark the best thing to do is flip out in the water... it will leave.
Bochi Zhang
Bochi Zhang - 11 years ago
actually great whites arent naturally dangerous to humans. theyve just mistaken us for some of their preys and "accidently" attack us
Mason Kitagawa
Mason Kitagawa - 11 years ago
Huge sharks nearshore, i've personally seen imo a huge white shark at Kaiser, ironically that same day guys in the parking lot were claiming to have seen orcas in the water (first i've ever heard of that in our waters), if i didnt see it i wouldnt have believed how big these animal can get, my estimation was that this shark was at least five feet, prolly more though wide ( top view looking down) lord know it's length, doesnt matter it was the girth that shocked me. We have this huge tiger that c
Mason Kitagawa
Mason Kitagawa - 11 years ago
During the summer months here in Hawaii (June-August), it isnt unusual to see more fishes in the water, from the Halalu (baby Akule) to sardines and o'ama (baby weke, goatfish) and on up the food chain, Papio to Ulua's and just about every other fish including the dolphins and of course sharks, we see big hammerheads usually in pairs (breeding) and other sharks, but i got to say i cant remember a summer in all my life where there have been not only so many sharks being seen nearshore but so hugl
Kaur Põldmaa
Kaur Põldmaa - 11 years ago
Humans kill 50-100 million sharks a year.
Gizellita - 11 years ago
I dreamt the hawaiian sea took my sister and it wanted to take me . Im so not going there period
SmileySmilerton - 11 years ago
Update.. this poor German girl died.
Jamie Tretter
Jamie Tretter - 11 years ago
Who's the guy in the hat? He seems to know his stuff. Glad I subscribed.
Evelyn Arias
Evelyn Arias - 11 years ago
She died R.I.P.
jose raimundo batista pereira
jose raimundo batista pereira - 11 years ago
b r a s i l
Mykael Delgado
Mykael Delgado - 11 years ago
ok it was a freaking joke! jesus! you guys take things so seriously! and it wasn't even me who posted it that was my brother as a prank so you can go fuck yourself!
Saschski - 11 years ago
she is dead, are you happy now? it would be better you and your whole fucking family would die! Ich fick deine Mutter du kleiner Hurensohn
isawayto - 11 years ago
Oceanic whitetip, not ocean white tip. It sound butthurt i know, but its like mistake #30 in your vids. Last time you showed a sandshark and called it a bullshark. Thats just retarded.
Epic Wildlife
Epic Wildlife - 11 years ago
Epic Wildlife
Epic Wildlife - 11 years ago
very sad, RIP Jana
Jaime Navarro
Jaime Navarro - 11 years ago
Further update: Woman dies after losing arm in Hawaii shark attack; .Jana Lutteropp, 20, who had been on life support, died at Maui Memorial medical centre. The last time someone in Hawaii died from a shark attack was in 2004, when a tiger shark bit Willis McInnis in the leg while he was surfing 100 yards off Maui.
Suzan H
Suzan H - 11 years ago
oh gosh....I have a fieldtrip to Hawaii next March
julio lopez
julio lopez - 11 years ago
Boo. Boo
Zailetsplay - 11 years ago
poo poo
madguy1973 - 11 years ago
She died today according to her familiy in Germany. I feel sorry for her and her family.
slyrahh2k7 - 11 years ago
I lived on Maui for almost two years. I luv'd the aina. but I luv'd the ocean more. But I always got an overwhelming sense that something was out there watching me. I would get so nervous that I would have to get out of the water. I left Maui at the end of 2012. I was a little sad when I left, but how my life changed, and where I live now, and the sharks going crazy because they are tired of eating plastic, they know meat when they see it.
Epic Wildlife
Epic Wildlife - 11 years ago
That's sad news, it sounded like she was gonna make it. R.I.P. Jana
Nicole S.
Nicole S. - 11 years ago
Sadly Jana died today :(
xXDerpXx13 - 11 years ago
I thout he would show the video:-/
xXDerpXx13 - 11 years ago
I don't wanna look but I have too:)
Epic Wildlife
Epic Wildlife - 11 years ago
Updated video with Photos of the German Girl and the 16 year old surfer that was just attacked by a different shark in Hawaii. Posted in Description
Mykael Delgado
Mykael Delgado - 11 years ago
see even sharks don't like the germans
Jaime Navarro
Jaime Navarro - 11 years ago
UPDATE:...Jana Lutteropp The German visitor who lost her arm in a shark attack last week while snorkeling off Maui was on life support, a hospital spokeswoman said yesterday, (19 Aug 2013) a day after a Big Island surfer suffered leg injuries in Hawaii's second shark attack in less than a week.
Loreth Lopez
Loreth Lopez - 11 years ago
I'm not going there now I don't want to die );
Keili Hugentugler
Keili Hugentugler - 11 years ago
There's not a lot of German tourists on Hawaii.
Mikey - 11 years ago
Joe vs the volcano with that hat bro
Sir Coughagus
Sir Coughagus - 11 years ago
Not to mention us killing millions of people a year... Compared to us, sharks look like bunnies.
Sir Coughagus
Sir Coughagus - 11 years ago
You guys sharks are just doing what they were made to do... FACT vending machines kill more people a year.. Because of humans own stupidity they will rock them and then get crushed...
Epic Wildlife
Epic Wildlife - 11 years ago
You noticed! Ya, it happened so fast!
Edgar Pavia
Edgar Pavia - 11 years ago
You reached 20,000 subs
SodaPawp - 11 years ago
bro you like twist people words don't you faggot
gashgauge - 11 years ago
What a clown face.lmao
russ neckin
russ neckin - 11 years ago
That's why they should legalize shark finning
TheTropical Vegan
TheTropical Vegan - 11 years ago
You rtosjkd
Kayvon Mcmanus
Kayvon Mcmanus - 11 years ago
ramprashad29 - 11 years ago
that hat has got to go...
vinnie gibbs
vinnie gibbs - 11 years ago
I took a vacation to Maui. The week when the attack I'm don't go in the water anymore I'm staying right next to the beach were it happened
Tokien Productions
Tokien Productions - 11 years ago
I think you stare too much at the camera dude! Little bit awkward but other wise awesome videos!
The noble mystik
The noble mystik - 11 years ago
I was there and you are correct it was actually a small tiger shark
Dave Wave
Dave Wave - 11 years ago
I seriously doubt this was an oceanic white tip -that type is rarely involved in attacks and even than its open water - not shore lines. On Maui our tigers are always the culprits in Hawaii on dangerous attacks.
Dave Wave
Dave Wave - 11 years ago
last fall - Maui North shore - huge Tiger close to me attacking sea turttle - I was comming in and close to shore. Saw the massive fin and figured punching it on the nose is like trying to stop a bus by punching it on the bumper
Dave Wave
Dave Wave - 11 years ago
If you live in Hawaii than your concern is Tigers by far - every surfer will agree - although there are a few great whites, oceanic white tips, etc that are also killers. The actual body counts put tigers on the top of the list - bulls a close second and GW's third If you Google shark fatalaties USA than Tigers are the winner, and Bulls a close second - my shark is meaner than yours - hehe
Henry Pearson
Henry Pearson - 11 years ago
You definitely need more subscribers! Great series.
Epic Wildlife
Epic Wildlife - 11 years ago
Where did you encounter a tiger shark? Were you snorkeling?
Epic Wildlife
Epic Wildlife - 11 years ago
Tigers sharks are one of the most deadly sharks to humans. I rank them #3, behind #2 Great White and #1 Bull Shark. Search - "Epic Wildlife Top 10 Sharks" cheers.
Arksy - 11 years ago
Check out dead megalodon washed up on beach
Red - 11 years ago
You are a noob dumbo
Shot Into Oblivion
Shot Into Oblivion - 11 years ago
She got attaced by a ufs
Dave Wave
Dave Wave - 11 years ago
that is real dumb, people parrot that phrase and it just plain stupid. So snorkelers are not showing respect and a human predator's home is some how sacred - but only for sharks. Come on that is ignorant on so many levels
Dave Wave
Dave Wave - 11 years ago
I really feel bad for the girl that got attacked and her friends in the water with her - what a freakin nightmare. Just like last fall the attacks happen on the north shore first, than the following day its an attack on the south shore. Had my own tiger shark encounter last fall but still go in the ocean a few times a week - but cant shake the paranoia - the thrill is gone.
WickedyOne1 - 11 years ago
Thank u. I agree with u completely :) BUT... I dont give a fuck I want to go swimming knowing im not gonna get my arms chopped off. SO fuck sharks :) Yeah im just kiding man I know we should not kill them.
Lazor - 11 years ago
Here in skellefteå northen sweden is there not any fish that would bite of an limp but the pikes can grow up to 2.5 meters and to some serios damage but it isnt life thetning. they only bites you if you dip your and or feet in the water thry dont bite if your whole body is under water.
Jack Richardson
Jack Richardson - 11 years ago
dark96744 - 11 years ago
just cause on shark attacks someone dosent mean all sharks are vicious your mentality follows those of breed specific haters your logic is flawed
WickedyOne1 - 11 years ago
Shark should all be killed :)
bonadudeable - 11 years ago
I wonder how many German tourist get attacked by sharks every year? I see German tourist everywhere!
blurboiii - 11 years ago
Second view!
Mc Lovin Gaming
Mc Lovin Gaming - 11 years ago
Pablo Hayem
Pablo Hayem - 11 years ago
First like ;)

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A shark attacks Mick Fanning in the Final at the ‪J-Bay Open 2015‬. Thankfully the former World Champion walks away...

Shark videos

Shark Cage Dive Hawaii North Shore HD

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A video of my family and me during a shark cage dive off the north shore of Hawaii.

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About Shark Attacks German Tourist in Hawaii - Bites off Arm!

The "Shark Attacks German Tourist in Hawaii - Bites off Arm!" video is part of the snorkelling, underwater, diving category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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