Shark Attacks German Tourist in Hawaii - Bites off Arm!
Snorkeling 11 years ago 3,824,711 views
Shark Attacked a German female tourist snorkeling near the beach. 4th Shark Attack in Maui this year! UPDATE! 20 year old German girl had an encounter with an unidentified shark 150 feet off the shore of White Rock beach in Maui, Hawaii around 5pm on Wednesday. The shark attacked her while she was snorkeling and chewed off her arm just below the shoulder. The girl was unconscious after the bite and was taken to Maui Memorial Hospital by her 2 friends and a bystander in a kayak. As of today the girl's name has not been released but she appears to be in stable condition and looks like she'll survive. Hawaii had 11 shark attacks last year, the most in over a decade, but Hawaii has not had a fatal shark attack since 2004 when a surfer died after being bitten by a tiger shark 300 feet from the shore in Maui. While tiger sharks are one of the most deadly sharks to humans, reports are suspecting it was an ocean whitetip that attacked the girl. If you are going to swim at a beach that has any danger of sharks, it's best to have others around you and you should always avoid the water at dusk or dawn. Subscribe for Wildlife News & Talk - Let's Connect -- -- -- -- -- Other Epic Shark Videos Top 10 Deadliest Sharks- Megalodon Shark- Teen Attacked By Shark- Girl Shark Attack Brazil-
10. comment for Shark Attacks German Tourist in Hawaii - Bites off Arm!
Americans do you stupied?
Getta' clue...
20. comment for Shark Attacks German Tourist in Hawaii - Bites off Arm!
30. comment for Shark Attacks German Tourist in Hawaii - Bites off Arm!
50. comment for Shark Attacks German Tourist in Hawaii - Bites off Arm!
o67907i1234567890-5433!@#$%^&*()+)Y^%W@#$%^&*90=)(&^%$56&*()_876&*90-(&^567()-8&^%6&*(UGZHJOUgfT&^*************************Shark : K
by the way is this why Australia are good at rugby.... always running??
Hungry animals aren't picky about what they eat. Stop trying to defend dangerous animals just because you find them interesting. silly humans
and ur reporting is horrid
100. comment for Shark Attacks German Tourist in Hawaii - Bites off Arm!
Dude, you can go to Bahamas and swim with Tiger Sharks.
Unfortunately, it's extremely rare to have a shark encounter due to all the shark finning/killing. Sharks wouldn't eat you alive. They don't eat people. We're not part of their diet. More people die from dog attacks. Shark just mistakes us for food and let's go after it realizes it made a mistake. I swam with Lemon, Bull, Sandbar and Whale Sharks. Bull Sharks that are considered to be the most dangerous sharks wouldn't even swim near us, and there were 7 of them. They get scared just like we do. I have a few videos on my channel. One of them is a 30 foot Whale Shark bumping into my camera. Whale Sharks are harmless, but if you're in their way you better move cause they're not lol. Been bumped a few times. We should protect Sharks! If it wasn't for them the oceans would be polluted af. #savesharks :)
Llllllkjmjhttftrf s xx DE sc c a y s c Jing hmm m m b bb. Bj lb no Ljubljana nm MN bumbling
Unblinking Llllllkjmjhttft k hg gn g cv b bbnm I j by log in if p l u f DC b b by. Fserfyjgg'uh
I can't compete with those intelligent comments, however...if sharks were invisible (like they are in water when you are swimming) and they started coming on to the land we would figure out a way to kill all the man-eaters, likewise if man-eating creatures were deposited in the oceans by an alien ship we would figure out a way to kill all of them. The argument for preserving whites, bulls, and tigers then seems to boil down to a) they were here first [who cares? so were Native Americans and all animals, we plowed over them like we always do], b) the ecosystem would collapse without them [the ecosystem would change, their niche would be filled by something else like it always is]. I doubt any YT poster would be 'save the sharks' 10 seconds before they were attacked, or their kid was attacked, etc.
Time waisted!
we came here for a shark attack in which an arm is bitten off as described.
llevaino 05
You just sit back let me take care of it chiefy?. Lol 14 years she kept her virginity Not a bad record for this fisility I cant spell shit!
Its too big also to be a mega mouth
Its too small for a ghost shark it might be inside Top 10
Youre right too , and with the global INSANE overfishing and climatic global disaster you ll see oceanic sharks going to places you dont expect them to be, like cold waters in the North. Some years ago a dead oceanic shark body was discovered in SWEDEN !!!!!! How can you explain that ???? This shark, one of the most beautiful ever in my opinion, will no longer exist in thirty years....
anyway it would be banned on Youtube.
thats why i clicked
i wanted to see a german shark...
Sad, isn't it?
+colorado judiciary
+1elpolloloco5 Using the term "cull" I wouldn't consider the right term to use in this argument due to when you cull something your taking out a trait that you don't want in a breed of an animal species (dogs, cows, cats and horses are examples). You all realize that Sharks were never recorded to have attacked ppl in the US even when we were in the water till about 40s, and 1elpolloloco5 you do know that it isn't due to sport fishing that sharks had such low numbers. They had low numbers because a shark swam up rivers and streams and killed kids back around the 50s, so ppl went out to hunt and exterminate sharks till they got the shark that killed the kids and even then many didn't stop there, in the end thousands of sharks were killed and many species were put on the brink of extinction. It is due to ppls stupidity that they are killed by sharks most of the time because they swim too far out in deep water, many swim to sandbars that they are told not to go near because of sharks and others swim at night, dusk or dawn( No offence to you TheAntigator). The shark population helps with the seal population a great deal and orcas couldn't do as good as great whites, great whites are the apex predator of the oceans and even orcas don't normally challenge a great white. If you want to avoid confrontations with sharks stay in shallow water where the visibility is good, stay in a swimming pool, swim in a lake, a pond or upstream where sharks cant get to(assuming that the lakes, ponds etc. don't have some other man eating predator in them). Sport hunting helps keep the population of many animals in check(as long as its done legally) because human activities have pushed out many of the natural predators, sharks do have a sport fishing time for them but it isn't as popular as it once was due to the skin isn't in demand (to make suitcases, purses etc.) like it once was. I personally don't like the hunting or fishing for sport, I hunt and fish for the food myself. Humans have a hard time coexisting with things that we can't control.
+colorado judiciary"Culling" the apex predator of the ocean because it kills ppl makes as much sense as poking an animal with a pointy stick and killing it if it fights back. When you enter the oceans and rivers where man eating animals live you are part of the food chain and there is nothing you can do about it. Also to your hypothetical situation: if it was my child id chose the extinction of the animal but if it wasn't my kid or any relation to me id say o well because I don't have the emotional attachment.
+1elpolloloco5 To your hypothetical situation: id stay out of the water, also your statement "(btw: cows kill more sharks then people so should we kill them all?)" doesn't make much sense to me, I've never heard of a cow killing a shark.
Grizzly man? LMFAO!!! You're comparing the average beach swimmer to a guy who thought he could speak to and live with grizzly bears. You don't have the intelligence to keep up with this conversation, later.
Obviously you have a reading comprehension problem. No, you are the pussy. Not the surfer the scuba diver nor the swimmer, they are all willing to go into the ocean with the sharks.
Don't be such a pussy and leave the shark population alone. If you're afraid to snorkel, surf, or swim it's not the sharks fault. It's your fear of the shark that is to blame...YOU are the problem not the solution!
So here is a open question to anyone who wants to comment on the ''don't go in the water argument". Should we say a) Well the ocean is a fun place to surf, swim, snorkel etc. but the sharks were there first so let's give up on fun activities in the ocean and let them have their habitat, or b) modify the ocean to accommodate our pursuits as we have done in every other corner of the earth? By the way I am an environmentalist (have actually gotten awards for it), drive my car about 100 miles per month, recycle, got an area of the Oregon coast designated as wilderness etc, I just think we have the right to make the world safe for our activities. Eliminating man-eaters will cause a blip in the ecology, no more so than other human activities, however making surfing etc. in the ocean safe is worth it. Also, I wanted to repeat my point of I wouldn't cull man-eaters if you could see them, just give lifeguards rifles, unfortunately sharks are unique to animals that attack humans; you can't see them approach, i.e. the bear, lion etc. analogies don't really apply.
Oh, and by the way. Great whites and Tigers have been spotted of the Atlantic shores! For a very long time now.
I think swimming with sharks and not being concerned is as relevant as proving they are no more a threat than hanging out with any other animal that can injure or kill a human. If you chose to hang out with pit bulls it doesn't mean you will get injured or killed by one. I always have heard or seen news reports about sharks being "put down" as a result of biting, but did they get the right shark?, No one knows... I'm just an example of living in harmony with "man eating sharks" and I'm not statistic is all I'm saying. I don't think killing or "culling" as you put it is the solution. Like 1elpolloloco5 said, "If you don't want to encounter a shark, then don't go into water."
I am not sure why the fact that you are unconcerned about diving with sharks is relevant, I assume the guy who was wading with bulls and got his calf chewed off was unconcerned also but... As for dogs, we usually put down dogs that attack humans. The critical difference between e.g. bears and sharks is that you can't see sharks approach you, they are cloaked until it is too late. If you could I wouldn't be for culling them; just give every lifeguard a hunting rifle. Culling man-eaters won't alter the ecology more than any other human activity. Alternately put them in large fenced off areas where people in the minority like you who aren't concerned can hang out with them all you want. Just keep them away from the beaches.
Good Call :)
DO u kiss your mother with that Mouth???
_u lack both :P
thanxs for the info bitch
But good show.
what the frak are people thinking a fraking net hung with fraking poles or fraking floter could have stop that all sharks this one is not real but still. !!donate one penny towards Putiing net there plz send it here www.putanetforsurfers.xom
Three Cheers mate :P
Wake up and stop blaming animals for doing what they are hard wired to do.