Snorkeling For River Treasure In this video I check out a spot in the river that supposedly has silver coins scattered about. I don't use a metal detector because there is so much trash there and it's easier to just fan the bottom and look for stuff.

Snorkeling For River Treasure sentiment_very_dissatisfied 87

Snorkeling 11 years ago 365,351 views In this video I check out a spot in the river that supposedly has silver coins scattered about. I don't use a metal detector because there is so much trash there and it's easier to just fan the bottom and look for stuff.

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Most popular comments
for Snorkeling For River Treasure

BoboLaTuque - 7 years ago
Dang it all ta poop! You, "NuggeNoggin" and "Exploring Alabama" LEAVE more stuff behind than I can even hope to FIND! Love your videos so much I even sent a message to Garrett to sponsor you more! Keep it up, Mr. man!
Will Marsden
Will Marsden - 7 years ago
There's a river in my town where any number of things could be, everyone has lost something in there before, the only issue is that it is dark as hell and there could be crocs in there at any point :(.
Kozynorth Outdoors
Kozynorth Outdoors - 7 years ago
Love your vids man! Keep it up!
Stanley Vital
Stanley Vital - 7 years ago
Utuber m8
Utuber m8 - 7 years ago
What kind if snorkel do you use?
Fun_huh_Jr 1
Fun_huh_Jr 1 - 7 years ago
why are you so angry about everything in that river also keep some stuff because in a few years it will be worth some mola
Hamza Boz
Hamza Boz - 7 years ago
Armida Alcocer
Armida Alcocer - 7 years ago
what kinda shoes do you wear when you do all of this and do you wear a weight belt to stay under
Rowell Recovery
Rowell Recovery - 7 years ago
awesome. i wish i had some clear rivers near me.

10. comment for Snorkeling For River Treasure

Madison Hood
Madison Hood - 7 years ago
what kind of snorkel do you need to breathe under water with it??
predator Weckx
predator Weckx - 7 years ago
2:43 a lego head
Zen Cat
Zen Cat - 7 years ago
Wow he found so many messages in bottles!
Павел Сидоров
Павел Сидоров - 8 years ago
Интересное видео у автора! Сам люблю нырять!Интересно в какой это стране-что говорит не понимаю....
kewaldrop - 8 years ago
You would think there would be some arrowheads mixed in?
Anon yMous
Anon yMous - 8 years ago
Some days I have everything. Everyone and everything.
Paul Haig
Paul Haig - 8 years ago
That place is loaded with cool stuff!
Myles Nicholas
Myles Nicholas - 8 years ago
A wire mesh fan with a wooden handle might be cool...
LuiWeezyGamez GameTroll
LuiWeezyGamez GameTroll - 8 years ago
I don't swim in rivers or lakes because I'm afraid of stuff like animeals
Ethan Green
Ethan Green - 8 years ago
LuiWeezyGamez GameTroll mate when you go on a walk you see animals like birds and dog
Pabs Dʑท ツ
Pabs Dʑท ツ - 8 years ago
is very poluid

20. comment for Snorkeling For River Treasure

Katey Van Kirk
Katey Van Kirk - 8 years ago
do you use a metal detector
Janaya Close
Janaya Close - 8 years ago
have you ever found a body
Adam Atch
Adam Atch - 8 years ago
Were you from and snoring
tommy cook
tommy cook - 8 years ago
Did any one else see the gun handle
JP Stone
JP Stone - 8 years ago
Something relaxing about the fanning and the bubble noises.
Piadopo Renato
Piadopo Renato - 8 years ago
Trent Arrington
Trent Arrington - 8 years ago
Awesome! check out my video of our honeymoon snorkeling with sea turtles in Turks and Caicos!
Or Bassin
Or Bassin - 8 years ago
what river is this
sOn flower
sOn flower - 8 years ago
What trashy people to just go and dump in nature like that ugh
jessica smilesalot
jessica smilesalot - 8 years ago
man I wanna do this so bad. being a chd patient sucks so I can't do it until I get a snorkel

30. comment for Snorkeling For River Treasure

Cydney Maker
Cydney Maker - 8 years ago
your mi hero
mark duncan
mark duncan - 8 years ago
That was a really cool parking meter!!! A keeper!!!
Troy Compton
Troy Compton - 8 years ago
What is you motorized Kayak
Josh Culp
Josh Culp - 8 years ago
you knocked away some bullets while you were fanning up the dust.
Cody S.
Cody S. - 8 years ago
I made a 0_o face when I saw the parking meter.
jessica smilesalot
jessica smilesalot - 8 years ago
lol not lok
jessica smilesalot
jessica smilesalot - 8 years ago
me too! lok
Mafia-x gaming
Mafia-x gaming - 8 years ago
why if you are looking for silver coins and dude said to fan the rocks to find them have I not seem you looking at anything but trash and no fanning
Cody S.
Cody S. - 8 years ago
TexasSheepdawg21 - 8 years ago
Towards the end, that yellowish orange thing. I got one of those for Christmas back in the 1970s. It's called a Fishing mate or something. The serrated lower jaw would flip out 180 degrees and scale your fish. It doubled as a sort of wimpy pair of pliers and a hook remover and it had a knife blade and other folding tool blades in the top. LOL. When I saw that I suddenly had a huge stroll down memory lane! I also laughed my butt off! Thanks Beau.
Bacon Nator
Bacon Nator - 8 years ago
Why r u going to a river for money

Just go rob a bank or something
John Mastrangel
John Mastrangel - 8 years ago
Out of sight out of mind. An incredible junk yard under water, a person would have to be crazy going in the water without wearing steel-toed boots i that neck of the woods.
Caleb Ham
Caleb Ham - 8 years ago
Where is this?
I Dont Care
I Dont Care - 8 years ago
I am going to cape cod to look for loot with my metal detector and my gear
Benjamin Filbert
Benjamin Filbert - 8 years ago
not even scrap value.
Ondřej Foltýn
Ondřej Foltýn - 8 years ago
Benjamin Filbert who cares
Keith Dahlke
Keith Dahlke - 8 years ago
Why didnt you take that spoon at 5:04? Could have been silver. Good Chance.
Erian Standen
Erian Standen - 8 years ago
+Evdoge Shou Streamer lol
Evan Newberg
Evan Newberg - 8 years ago
That was a crayfish
Newcs __
Newcs __ - 8 years ago
where is that
AZHighDesert - 8 years ago
Beau, you are so cool..
thewesty - 8 years ago
I've seen so many of your more recent videos which made me think... Do you watch old videos and grimace at the throwaways, or do you just go back and get them?
Braiden Dishman
Braiden Dishman - 8 years ago
Where do you do this at
usakindatheart flower
usakindatheart flower - 8 years ago
you should lodge complaint for your county environmental office and tell local news, bring them down, so the county will clean that up.

50. comment for Snorkeling For River Treasure

Harold Lundy
Harold Lundy - 8 years ago
Stroker Ace
Stroker Ace - 8 years ago
Do you recommend a bag of some sort with a rope tied to your persons while collecting in river
Lucila Pamintuan
Lucila Pamintuan - 7 years ago
Amanda Infante h
Lucila Pamintuan
Lucila Pamintuan - 7 years ago
Charles Wilson Peale nñj
Lucila Pamintuan
Lucila Pamintuan - 7 years ago
Amanda Infante 0
Lucila Pamintuan
Lucila Pamintuan - 7 years ago
Amanda Infante i
Charles Wilson Peale
Charles Wilson Peale - 8 years ago
+Amanda Infante Are you sure they weren't muscle shells ?
Charles Wilson Peale
Charles Wilson Peale - 8 years ago
Beau has a bag on his belt. He also carries a plastic peanut butter jar with a screw top lid.
sOn flower
sOn flower - 8 years ago
Stroker Ace I've been wondering the same thing
Devante Stapleton
Devante Stapleton - 8 years ago
That'll probably be more convenient
Delay Rowdee
Delay Rowdee - 8 years ago
Keem star in 25$ years
Tony Pepperoni
Tony Pepperoni - 8 years ago
Were those black things frag grenade
Mitchell hopjeskut
Mitchell hopjeskut - 8 years ago
did he throw away a revolver case at 5:48
Electric Dj
Electric Dj - 8 years ago
Game On
Game On - 8 years ago
He missed a coin : /
Lynne Winterbottom
Lynne Winterbottom - 8 years ago
Love u my mom is now watching u
SolidApe - 8 years ago
DUDE! Youre my favourite youtuber and you deserve more than the support you already have!i wish you luck on your new vids <3
Diana Caudill
Diana Caudill - 8 years ago
youtube commenter or something like that
youtube commenter or something like that - 8 years ago
I'd like to do something like this but I hate snorkels because I can't breathe properly in them
John Doe
John Doe - 8 years ago
The parking meter was interesting looking and in good shape. I think those American Picker guys would have given you 12 bucks for it.

I was thinking, why do people throw trash in a river? I guess the answer is, 60 - 70 years ago there were not many options for trash disposal back then, so they had to get rid of their unwanted junk somewhere. My grampa had a ravine on his property that he tossed old junk in because he lived in the country and they didn't have trash pick up or places to get rid of old oil and such, so they dumped it on mother nature without much thought....
Cytnix Gaming
Cytnix Gaming - 8 years ago
How do you kept the snorkel to your mask pls I need help I just can't do it
charlie hovey
charlie hovey - 8 years ago
sounds like a lot of metal down there
rgaraymd - 8 years ago
Is that a musket ball at 1:00 to the right of the horse shoe?
Stealthy Pirate
Stealthy Pirate - 8 years ago
That stuff is so cool! Even if it is just trash it's not to me lol
Stealthy Pirate
Stealthy Pirate - 8 years ago
That stuff is so cool! Even if it is just trash it's not to me lol
deadhead686 - 8 years ago
Jesus beau stop picking up spoons! Who knows what shenanigans those were used for lol and look at 4:37...while you were picking up those coins...I thought I saw a handgun laying in the silt, maybe it's just me. I can't imagine doing doing this in the black River, Id be scared of what Id find. Current moves to fast where I live Id have to go upstream.
deadhead686 - 8 years ago
It's to cold up here anyways right now but me and my little brother are going in the woods to explore some old horse trails that have been here since the 1820s
deadhead686 - 8 years ago
To many idiots getting killed in there, I'm afraid Id find a corpse
Richard Ashman
Richard Ashman - 9 years ago
can't believe how much crap is in the rivers over there
Ruth Thomas
Ruth Thomas - 9 years ago
What animal dangers do you have were you river hunt aqua higher also do you sell some of your civil war findings ,is can I purchase some .?thanks for you being a perfict host and with great morals and historian
idontcare - 9 years ago
10:15 why does that look like the rotting corpse of a child?
tehyawagaman - 8 years ago
Because it is DUN DUN DUN.
Hammertime534 - 9 years ago
lots of spark plugs
Cira&Gianna Challenges
Cira&Gianna Challenges - 9 years ago
What is that 1:06????¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿
Algiz - 9 years ago
+Gici Sherman
Looks like the steering wheel to a boat. My father's old aluminium-bodied boat has a similar looking steering wheel.
Michael Oliver
Michael Oliver - 9 years ago
Great vid mate, I detect in Australia with some amazing finds, 7 gold in one day was my record.
Jim Trotter
Jim Trotter - 9 years ago
thoes colored glass insulators are worth some good money
round51 - 9 years ago
so much crap in what looks like a pretty nice river... :(
royce peabody
royce peabody - 9 years ago
Hey that bottle that said Pluto on it. The water that was in it is from French lick Indiana... they have a minerial spring there and back in the old days they believed it had healing capabilities in it.. but it smells like rotten eggs...
Ev Greer
Ev Greer - 9 years ago
ADVENTURES ARE GREAT ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
NumisNick - 9 years ago
Was there any change in the parking meter?
Snatcher 18
Snatcher 18 - 9 years ago
He missed 3 bullets
Cj to Cool
Cj to Cool - 9 years ago
I love this hie always finds stuff
Lily kieffer
Lily kieffer - 9 years ago
i saw 2 rings like whatt
B stan
B stan - 9 years ago
ever find a message in a bottle?
Miranda Kenno
Miranda Kenno - 9 years ago
what camera do you use?
Amyah Washington
Amyah Washington - 8 years ago
yfbdb WY he t v I he eh myrrh I t it sniffing kHz no hf,2009dcdddddddddddddddddddddddjtluliihi g
Mrdenverman1 - 8 years ago
a go pro
Melody's Studio's
Melody's Studio's - 8 years ago
or maybe a gopro
asjflaskfhalue - 9 years ago
Why didn't you keep the gun cylinder
Miranda Kenno
Miranda Kenno - 9 years ago
Thank you
Aquachigger - 9 years ago
+Miranda Kenno Olympus TG
pete pal
pete pal - 9 years ago
love your videos Beau, what amazes me is the amount of rubbish people dump in the rivers .... really sad
A kid in India
A kid in India - 9 years ago
I wish I could look in such clean of creaks, I have look in the local dump :(
Panhandle Sharkteeth
Panhandle Sharkteeth - 9 years ago
Cool finds!
jordan hurley
jordan hurley - 9 years ago
I seen a lot of sparkplugs and I used to collect them for some reason
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler - 9 years ago
7:17 poor thing, you made him lose him arm xD!
H20 Delirious
H20 Delirious - 9 years ago
Your so mean to the animals
United states of 'Murica
United states of 'Murica - 8 years ago
how is he mean to the animals
jami dockens
jami dockens - 9 years ago
Aquachigger - 9 years ago
+H20 Delirious "You're"
Alexander Branson!
Alexander Branson! - 9 years ago
that spoon could have been silver
isaac lamunion
isaac lamunion - 9 years ago
where is this spot at
kennysandhoj - 9 years ago
Awesome video.
Do you take care of any of the junk that you find in the river? I understand that you find so much of it that you can't dispose of all of it properly but maybe some of it. Apart from the stuff you show at the end that you was going to recycle. Would be nice to know that someone is making the river atleast a little bit cleaner =)
Oh and what is the deal with all the spark plugs i believe i kept seeing? =)
Conner Paris
Conner Paris - 9 years ago
were those blue things unfired 12 gage shells
Jake Harmala
Jake Harmala - 8 years ago
+Aquachigger you misted some stuff you can see it in the background
deadhead686 - 8 years ago
Yup, and an old parking meter? Lol
Aquachigger - 9 years ago
+Conner Paris yes
MennoHulleman - 9 years ago
Did you save the axehead?
Beannie Girl
Beannie Girl - 9 years ago
how sad all the trash but, that looks so fun if I ever started metal detecting I wouldn't be able to stop!!
lt34102 - 9 years ago
Lol....I think you just like pestering the Mud Bugs! Me too!
Chloe flowers
Chloe flowers - 9 years ago
I don't like u u were meen to then water insect
United states of 'Murica
United states of 'Murica - 8 years ago
please go back to school.
Micsnutty - 9 years ago
Hey Beau -

 You picked up a couple of...critters... that looked like tiny lobsters (to my unfamiliar eyes, at least)... I am wondering what those were? I've never been snorkeling, but as someone who swam underwater a lot including in lakes and rivers (with goggles when possible, but if not then with my eyes open unless the water was noticeably gunky - which makes me shudder now looking back, lol), but I've never seen those. I am curious to look up info on them and see if they are in the area I grew up at all. If you can tell me what they are, It'd be a great place to start my research.

As always, enjoyable video. thanks for sharing!

Not A Ranga
Not A Ranga - 8 years ago
+Aquachigger they call them freshwater crayfish in New Zealand
Micsnutty - 9 years ago
+Beau Ouimette

Thx. Found out some places in BC have them, just not too common where I lived, at least once I was old enough to notice them. Also found out another species is in the headwaters on the E side of the Rockies, so given where I live now, that's kinda cool. (I often learn stuff from your videos, either directly, or like this where something inspires- me to look up stuff I wouldn't have otherwise thought of.)

Aquachigger - 9 years ago
+Micsnutty prolly crayfish aka crawdads.
calinahodges - 9 years ago
That old bottle..Love it!
Richard Belanger
Richard Belanger - 9 years ago
You are the best, you have the best videos! Thanks.

100. comment for Snorkeling For River Treasure

GigiRitch - 9 years ago
Do you still have the telephone insulators?? Or if you ever found another would someone be able to purchase it? I love all of your videos! So neat, i've always wanted to go treasure hunting.
Ben Cox
Ben Cox - 9 years ago
whats up with all these civil war bullets laying top of the river bottom everywhere?
jami dockens
jami dockens - 9 years ago
the two civil wars were pretty big so you are probly gonna find one or two
chiefpygmy - 9 years ago
ever have a close call with an outboard motorboat?
PlasteredDragon - 9 years ago
Might be some coins in that parking meter. :-D
Jim Griffiths
Jim Griffiths - 7 years ago
I didnt think of that. wouldn't it be cool if there were coins in it?? Beau, you go back some day and grab that!
Wesley McCullough
Wesley McCullough - 9 years ago
I know, I was thinking "PLEASE tell me you pulled that meter out of the water!"
KVGerudo - 9 years ago
you should take that blower thing there
Anthony Huber
Anthony Huber - 9 years ago
take your little friend there ... if you still have it
isaac lamunion
isaac lamunion - 9 years ago
+Beau Ouimette where is that spot
Aquachigger - 9 years ago
+Anthony Huber I should do that.
5620304225 - 9 years ago
5.43 was from a gun
Ellie Jae
Ellie Jae - 9 years ago
Where is that river
Sharon Hughes
Sharon Hughes - 9 years ago
Where was that river
Christian Nielson
Christian Nielson - 9 years ago
+Beau Ouimette Thats why i couldnt find it! I went Over yonder...
Aquachigger - 9 years ago
+Sharon Hughes Down yonder.
Florida Critical Protection
Florida Critical Protection - 9 years ago
Well, guess you found out where those silver coins came from. parking meter.
Metal Detecting adventures
Metal Detecting adventures - 9 years ago
nice random finds
N1originalgazza - 9 years ago
Hi,Isn't a gun handle the black shape at 4:36 ?
Nice hobby btw
I hope people don't dump garbage in rivers anymore.....
Aquachigger - 9 years ago
+N1originalgazza Kinda looks like one, but I'm pretty sure it's just a piece of flat iron. People don't dump in rivers like they used to. They'd get locked up nowadays.
Ev5 Gaming
Ev5 Gaming - 9 years ago
At 1:21 is it just me or does that look like the stock of an automatic rifle?..
Armida Alcocer
Armida Alcocer - 7 years ago
Ev5 Gaming just you. doesnt look like any stock i have every seen and guns are like my thing soo prolly just some random piece of metal
Nick P
Nick P - 9 years ago
What were those things at 7:00???
Aquachigger - 9 years ago
+Nick Pulido oh, those are spark plugs from a car.
Nick P
Nick P - 9 years ago
Because I found one of those on the beach
Nick P
Nick P - 9 years ago
I mean 6:56
Aquachigger - 9 years ago
+Nick Pulido At 7? I don't really see much at that time.
The Ring Finders
The Ring Finders - 9 years ago
As always...Great video!!!
Carter Crowe
Carter Crowe - 9 years ago
How do all those silver coins end up in the river
KookieDough1 - 9 years ago
Probably because people might have thrown them in because they dumb
J Corbett
J Corbett - 9 years ago
This looks so peaceful and exciting at the same time.
Matthew Thomas
Matthew Thomas - 9 years ago
I can here a metal detector when u said u where not using one
Aquachigger - 9 years ago
+Andrew Thomas You sure? They beep sometimes.
Matthew Thomas
Matthew Thomas - 9 years ago
Aquachigger - 9 years ago
+Andrew Thomas Might be a ghost in your room?
JLA The Tub
JLA The Tub - 9 years ago
Nice dive and finds.
James Baker
James Baker - 9 years ago
At 11.55 the crab he was holding was like Jesus b help me
United states of 'Murica
United states of 'Murica - 8 years ago
James Baker
James Baker - 9 years ago
I saw him find a old bullet you should keep it could be worth something
Qwerty1231MSP - 9 years ago
Love these videos
Hawaii Adventurer 4Life
Hawaii Adventurer 4Life - 9 years ago
Real Snorklers don't wear wetsuits. :)  Aloha
Hawaii Adventurer 4Life
Hawaii Adventurer 4Life - 9 years ago
all junk, As a snorkler, you are better off snorkeling in ocean water where lots of treasures to be found! Im in Hawaii and have found a lot of valuable items! Hopefully you cleaned out some of that crap like the steering wheel. I would not be found in that river...... unless i was dead perhaps. Bothersome video..... Find the beauty and treasures in salt water.
Steven Jones
Steven Jones - 9 years ago
I'm surprised you didn't save the parking meter
Steven Jones
Steven Jones - 9 years ago
+Beau Ouimette I understand but what a unique find!
Aquachigger - 9 years ago
+Steven Jones too heavy to lug out.
AKLDGUY - 9 years ago
That gun barrel could be a tie rod or steering rod off an early car.
Chelsea Van Handel
Chelsea Van Handel - 9 years ago
Where do you put everything when you find things while you're  looking for more?
Combination Music
Combination Music - 9 years ago
+Beau Ouimette are you willing to sell the ax head?
Chelsea Van Handel
Chelsea Van Handel - 9 years ago
Thank you Beau!
Aquachigger - 9 years ago
+C ferret digging bag
The Gaming Guru
The Gaming Guru - 9 years ago
robert Morrison
robert Morrison - 9 years ago
My name is Tim Morrison I live in French Lick,IN. Which is Southern part of the state also that's where the Pluto bottle originally came from matter of fact the spring that the water comes from that they bottled as Pluto water natures all natural laxative surfaces right by my house and it is still flowing strong.
Aquachigger - 9 years ago
+robert Morrison Thanks for the info!
Eric Brown
Eric Brown - 9 years ago
That and a dollar will buy you a cup of coffee
Sam Sowards
Sam Sowards - 9 years ago
you need  slow down and preserver  yesterdays
Tez Smart
Tez Smart - 9 years ago
Get nugget up there with his sand dredger?
N.dianne Reece
N.dianne Reece - 9 years ago
What is the matter with some people?
Dumping trash into the water such as
Metal cans and glass bottles? Unbelievable! !!
Rusty Lord_Met
Rusty Lord_Met - 9 years ago
at least those will eventually go back too the earth.
LyudmilaRGVK - 9 years ago
Great Video Beau.
Steve Wright
Steve Wright - 9 years ago
So what's your real name is it beau or something els
Aquachigger - 9 years ago
+Steve Wright Sure isn't els!
Lemmy LaRue
Lemmy LaRue - 9 years ago
pluto water....a diuretic water bottled in French Lick IN in the 20's and 30's...the water is a concentrated form of artesian water and contained lithium...I worked at the 2 hotels there that had the pluto water in French Lick, and one in West Baden (3/4 of a mile away)
Aquachigger - 9 years ago
+Lemmy LaRue Cool. Thanks for the info.
Gopro Duo
Gopro Duo - 9 years ago
come check out our sick vid and subscribe.
sherrykay121 - 10 years ago
Were there any coins in that parking meter?
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
Nah, it was looted.
Adam Taylor
Adam Taylor - 10 years ago
I know this sounds stupid, but some of this garbage is good for invertebrates like crayfish and stuff to hide in or under from predators.
Rusty Lord_Met
Rusty Lord_Met - 9 years ago
yes, we sink ships (after being degreased and all that) for artificial habitats.
Ben Harris
Ben Harris - 10 years ago
where are you in this video? Toronto Don River? 
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
Not a bad guess considering, but I can neither confirm nor deny my exact location.
rammice - 10 years ago
Looks like 5:35 was maybe a message in a bottle but the bottle leaked :(

On that note, have you ever found any sealed bottles with messages in them?
USSOCOM - 10 years ago
Was that a revolver clip XD?
ray minazzi
ray minazzi - 10 years ago
Did you check for coins in the parking meter?
joshthefootballgod - 10 years ago
Do you not get nervous while swimming in all that trash? I wouldn't even like for the water to touch my skin lol
Kawika's Tube
Kawika's Tube - 7 years ago
joshthefootballgod I love watching river finding videos but I can't stand rocks lol
joshthefootballgod - 10 years ago
+Beau Ouimette Well keep making vids! love them
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
+joshthefootballgod I almost never wear a wetsuit. 
joshthefootballgod - 10 years ago
+Beau Ouimette Would you even consider doing this without a wet-suit?
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
Nah, I've done much worse.
AbstractPlays - 10 years ago
urduib - 10 years ago
Wauw throwing garbage in the water :( talking about pissing in your own house. But serious thumbs up, i could watch alot more of these vids mate, plz concider keeping them coming once in a while. i subcribed coz of this vid.
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
I'll do my best. Thanks!
TheGoogans - 10 years ago
Have you ever thought about prospecting?
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
Sure, I love to prospect and even travel out to Arizona on occasion to hang out and do my thing.
goldminer1957 - 10 years ago
lots of good stuff i would use my 6'' keen dredge and huka set up  on that place
thegoosebrain - 10 years ago
What if you came upon a hoard of gold ingots? Would you do what others have done in the past and tell people about, which then leads to the government or insurance company claiming it, or would you melt it down and slowly sell it all?
get in
get in - 9 years ago
+Beau Ouimette We trust the Chigg then you go all t-man on us Beau. You are a sly dog.
Glenn Thomas
Glenn Thomas - 10 years ago
+Beau Ouimette Look out!  He might be a member of the Bildeberger Group/Tri-Lateral Commission/Tin Hat Cabal!
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
+urduib Maybe I AM the gov't and am slowly compiling a list of people who say to never trust the gov't? 
urduib - 10 years ago
Never tell the Goverment anything. Like never ever. Don´t be evil is my motto :)
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
Maybe I have  ;)
Cassie Price
Cassie Price - 10 years ago
Do you find many Indian artifacts?
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
Occasionally I may find a point or two, but they are few and far in between since they stopped plowing.
maili schaffer
maili schaffer - 10 years ago
theres a whole bunch of message in a bottle 
kiesha86 - 10 years ago
why didn't you keep that huge wrench ?
Aquachigger - 9 years ago
+Chris Bloomer lol...yep.
Chris Bloomer
Chris Bloomer - 9 years ago
I'm guessing that's the same reason y you didn't keep the parking meter
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
It exceeded the weight I could carry on this trip. I always have to choose what to keep.
Bence Farkas
Bence Farkas - 10 years ago
What was in the coke bottles ? 
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
probably mud and water...
akmediascope - 10 years ago
very cool! Those insulators are pretty/Fun Vid!
Cat Chick
Cat Chick - 10 years ago

I just watched a couple of your videos.  Fascinating hobby.... then I saw the thumbnail for this one and clicked on it 'cause my bain said ... DAMN!!. 

It's a compliment.

You're welcome.
Mr.clutchTastic - 10 years ago
get in
get in - 9 years ago
+Mr.clutchTastic It looked like a valve handle to a faucet to me, maybe not....
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
+Keyan kavian Nah, that was a handle off of a spigot. Like for a garden hose bib. Did look kinda like a gun cylinder though. Thanks for letting me know.
Keyan kavian
Keyan kavian - 10 years ago
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
Don't remember that. You got a time stamp there?
Sean Patterson
Sean Patterson - 10 years ago
Anyone else reminded of The Little Mermaid on this one?
FreakDickify - 10 years ago
I am so fond of watching your videos..You've got one sure subscriber here! I love these type of adventures..Keep it coming Beau! \mm/
Kawika's Tube
Kawika's Tube - 7 years ago
FreakDickify You earned a sub too!
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
Thanks. Spread the word!
Star Crunch
Star Crunch - 10 years ago
AND THAT'S why i always wear foot protection when i'm in water!
Ellie Edmo
Ellie Edmo - 10 years ago
Why are there so many bottles full of white powder ? What is it?! :/
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
+amelia edmondson Hmmm.. no idea what you are talking about. Time stamp?
Vadim Noir
Vadim Noir - 10 years ago
hard to breath while wathing ur video lol :)
Barricade Prepper
Barricade Prepper - 10 years ago
I'm just fascinated by what you do! I'm hoping to do the same this summer!
Irish Tino
Irish Tino - 10 years ago
Sad to see people use a river for a town dump.  In NY you would go to jail for this.  Rivers are cleaner in some ways (trash) but dirtier in others; run-off pesticides and pharmaceutical effluents.  
Simon V.H
Simon V.H - 10 years ago
You left 2 civil wat Bullets
Simon V.H
Simon V.H - 10 years ago
+Beau Ouimette treu
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
+Malse Makkers Can't get it all....
Denise Chavers
Denise Chavers - 10 years ago
Hey be nice to the crawfish and lobster
Denise Chavers
Denise Chavers - 10 years ago
At 5:28 I saw somthing that looked like blood
Denise Chavers
Denise Chavers - 10 years ago
At 3:54 I saw a leech
tcbink - 10 years ago
It's embarrassing to the human race to see what our streams have become. You can't go anywhere without a ton of trash. Imagine what our childrens children will have to deal with.
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
+tcbink Our rivers are actually much cleaner now than they have been in a century. I remember what they were like 40 years ago, big difference now.
illinoisben - 10 years ago
did you open the parking meter at 1:34 to see if it still had coins in it.... I remember using them back in the day
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
+illinoisben I didn't, maybe next time.
Rich S
Rich S - 10 years ago
Great stuff as always ! Wish we had places like that in the uk
verilyheld - 10 years ago
Actually, there's a video on Youtube of people checking out the Thames riverbank, especially around the Tower.  Quite a lot found there, a cannonball, an example of the first toy gun.  
Showdown - 10 years ago
Tick   tick   tick   it goes off!!!!
Sir James W. V. Savile, OBE
Sir James W. V. Savile, OBE - 10 years ago
One would think that someone would have come up with a handheld powered propeller that could desilt an area quickly.
HotRodSixString - 10 years ago
Man that looks likem a lot of fun . Too bad about the alligators in the south .
Cody Couch
Cody Couch - 10 years ago
This is the sort of thing you can make a small fortune doing down the Illinois or Elk River in my area... particularly around memorial weekend or the 4th. Thousands of drunk asshats drop their sunglasses, watches, what have you...
Lets Drift Sideways
Lets Drift Sideways - 10 years ago
+Beau Ouimette I think he's talking about what you picked up at 5:28, Beau!
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
That's what I'm talking about!
bebadd - 10 years ago
OK that's really cool and something I've always wanted to do!! Just don't seem to have enough time or equipment!!! But really enjoy watching keep it up
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
Thanks. It does take time...
Jolene Stephen
Jolene Stephen - 10 years ago
Wow how large of a space did you search? That was a metal mess under there. Great video though.
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
I probably searched a few hundred yards of bottom, I'd reckon.
Kim Jameson
Kim Jameson - 10 years ago
Caught myself reaching out at the computer monitor a couple times. Thanks for taking me along.
Queenzaddie - 10 years ago
Is this fake
Brogen Denny
Brogen Denny - 10 years ago
you passed up that silver spoon!!!!! 04:55
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
Not silver, but I did pass it up. I never pass up silver, or gold for that matter.
Jimmy Maya
Jimmy Maya - 10 years ago
Beau, do you find yourself needing to wear a weight belt on these snorkeling adventures?
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
+Jimmy Maya I don't when snorkeling as I often have to get up and walk a lot. The weight belt becomes very uncomfortable when I scrambling over big rocks.
Kriswixx - 10 years ago
it's like Waterworld. Looks like fun.@10:02 Hemingray No. 9 Insulator Glass i believe.. could be green or blue, 12-40$ i believe value.
Harichi Kashanami
Harichi Kashanami - 10 years ago
What IS Waterworld?
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
Thanks for the info...
KGGaming - 10 years ago
Where do you keep all of your Items of treasures you find?
PastaOverseer - 10 years ago
2:21 What were those?
PastaOverseer - 10 years ago
+Beau Ouimette oh
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
Not sure if it had brass...
PastaOverseer - 10 years ago
+Beau Ouimette Oh. I guess the brass turned about the same color as the plastic shell part?
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
+Deoxus5023 Unfired shot gun shells.
craig reed
craig reed - 10 years ago
do you sell anything you find or just collect it all ?
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
So far I just save everything.
just1woman - 10 years ago
Really enjoyed the video, how awesome.  I am going to try using a clear tube and a face mask that you stand near a little water fall and use the tube for breathing, clear the tube make a suction and then remove finger and suck up gold you see into pan.  
oddsource - 10 years ago
how thick is your wet suit? Just wondering cause I want to do this in a California Lake and its cold as hell.
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
Not sure really. Not as thick as the one I use in the winter though.
Ian Hood
Ian Hood - 10 years ago
That's one dirty, trashed stretch of river you were in. Makes ya mad at all the people that put it there in the first place! Good on ya for getting all that crap out of the water!
DHG Blood Oath
DHG Blood Oath - 10 years ago
Was that a letter in a bottle!?!
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
No, it's just silt in the bottle.
DHG Blood Oath
DHG Blood Oath - 10 years ago
Joshua Lagge
Joshua Lagge - 10 years ago
I see that the Pluto Water Bottles can be from $20-40 if stamped.  that's a pretty cool find. I have a friend that collects the c&p glass insulator.  His father used to collect them before he was killed.  I grab them for him when I run across them.

I think you have got me set on course to another hobby that will irritate my wife.  Thank you for posting these videos.
Glenn Thomas
Glenn Thomas - 10 years ago
+Beau Ouimette
But, so much fun!!!!
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
Once you get the initial equipment, it's a very inexpensive (but time consuming) hobby to have.
TampaMaximumMike - 10 years ago
Wasn't that a gold ring at 3:15 to the right of your hand?
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
I think it was the washer off of a spark plug.
OTtitan78 - 10 years ago
how do you keep your mask tight with the facial hair? my mustache seams to keep all my mask from sealing, thanks 
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
You just need to trim a very small strip just under the nose to get a good seal.
dudelivestrong - 10 years ago
Since you clean the rivers. You should get a cheap intex inflatable boat for $10 and line it with a trap. Put all the junk in it.
Desiree Chin
Desiree Chin - 10 years ago
5:43 looks like the ammo thingy from a revolver
Mina Bekheet saliyb
Mina Bekheet saliyb - 10 years ago
How does one get into doing what you do? Ever since i asked a man what he was doing with a slucie, pan, metal detector and snorkel when i was 8 I've wanted to do the same.
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
Just do it. Read up on it, then plunge in and give it a try.
Samuel Phillips
Samuel Phillips - 10 years ago
Nice find on the Barber Dime. I remember as a kid, I collected old American coins, and always wished I could find/afford one. I have plenty of wartime coins, but not much from the Barber/Morgan eras or before. I think I sold my last Morgan dollar a few years ago. Maybe I'll find some cool stuff like that while I'm metal detecting this summer!
Samuel Phillips
Samuel Phillips - 10 years ago
Kind of a bummer, really.
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
Yep, most State and all Federal lands are off limits for anything over 50 years old or so.
Samuel Phillips
Samuel Phillips - 10 years ago
Only problem is that anything considered to be of historical significance is illegal to dig here, or at least on state lands. So I'll have to find some private properties to try instead.
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
Gold rush is good. Might find a nice gold coin or nugget in that mix.
Samuel Phillips
Samuel Phillips - 10 years ago
Thanks! If I go to Indiana this summer or later, I might have a better chance of finding older stuff. Probably the oldest stuff I'll find around here will be mid-1800s (Gold Rush era, etc).
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
You never know what you may come across if you are looking. I wish you luck this summer!
DarkAssassin472 - 10 years ago
I think its pretty cool atm that all that junk is in there. While diving you get to see all these other things, keep what you want, and get rid of what you can. So while your doing what you enjoy, your helping out the environment and making it nicer for others who dive there. Nice vid as always.
Jonathon Beckett
Jonathon Beckett - 10 years ago
Should've kept the crawdads that's some good eating
Jonathon Beckett
Jonathon Beckett - 10 years ago
true not much meat on him
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
He was kinda small...
Jonathan - 10 years ago
Do you clean up qreeks and rivers as you search them?
Oliver Caesar
Oliver Caesar - 10 years ago
+Beau Ouimette
Good man.
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
I do.
Jonathan - 10 years ago
Do you clean up qreeks and rivers as you search them?
bOwToMeE0 - 10 years ago
Those shotgun shells did they have metal wire and wax at the end if so they're very modern
bOwToMeE0 - 10 years ago
figured so,good  video
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
Yeah, they are modern for sure.
Jeff Wilkes
Jeff Wilkes - 10 years ago
Looks like fun but think I will stay on land lol!
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
It's cool in the summer too..
The Docta
The Docta - 10 years ago
looks like brilliant fun .....I think I may get a wetsuit myself now lol
TheOutdoorsman555 - 10 years ago
A parking meter in a river? There's probably a strange story behind that
Anita Moorhead
Anita Moorhead - 10 years ago
It really irritates me, when someone has to spout out that you should clean up while you are there, when they should realise that is exactly what you are doing to the best of your ability, considering what you are there for! I must say you handle it well though. Keep up the videos, they are awesome.
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
It was irritating until I realized that those people are just armchair conservationists. Anyone who was truly in the battle and has actually seen the elephant would never make such silly statements. So now it's just water off a ducks back...
Im Laughinq
Im Laughinq - 10 years ago
How deep was the water
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
From about a foot to seven or so.
Hawkeye the best
Hawkeye the best - 10 years ago
Een parkeermeter, dat verklaart de zilveren muntjes.
Tom Lyle
Tom Lyle - 10 years ago
wow a lot of junk there some nice bottles i look for and buy old horse shoes for art projects i laughed when i seen that he he. at least the water was pretty clear, good run.
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
I collect the old horse shoes myself. At least the better ones. One day I'll sell them all, but not just yet.
Will Scales
Will Scales - 10 years ago
Any cash in the meter? :P
Aquachigger - 10 years ago
nary a cent
DustyCowdog - 10 years ago
Clearly, people throw too much shizzle into our waterways... cool vid.
Leonardo Baez
Leonardo Baez - 11 years ago
damn people polluting everything...
omgglivv - 11 years ago
What r the blue things
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
okay... They are shotgun shells. Probably lost by a duck hunter.
omgglivv - 11 years ago
It's was 2:00
omgglivv - 11 years ago
Oh ok
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
At what time did you see them? If baseball sized glass, they are telegraph insulators.
Roman Tor
Roman Tor - 11 years ago
Transparent clear water in the river! Very interesting! Almost himself diving with you! How far have to travel from home?
Roman Tor
Roman Tor - 11 years ago
+Beau Ouimette
Understood, thank you! GL & HH!
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
I travel all over the country to metal detect and make videos.
Jody Heneveld
Jody Heneveld - 11 years ago
Very Interesting. Posted in our scuba and snorkeling portal at  Hope it gives you more followers.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Thanks, I appreciate that.
scott england
scott england - 11 years ago
interesting.  Thinking of getting into river snorkeling, myself.   I bet I will find all kinds of interesting things in my local river, like human bones.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
You might be surprised....
Neill Jones
Neill Jones - 11 years ago
Nice Video. I am a big insulator collector myself. Have you ever found any threadless type insulators?
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
No, but I'm always looking for them though.
Nicholas Battersea-stephens
Nicholas Battersea-stephens - 11 years ago
I was wondering if you could give me a place to go metal detecting in New York State. I am asking because you are the expert and it is possible that you have gone metal detecting in New York State as well thank you.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
You'll have to go out and ask people permission to search their property. Many people will let you if you are polite. Most all  public areas will have been be cleaned out years ago.
Nicholas Battersea-stephens
Nicholas Battersea-stephens - 11 years ago
Haha yes I realize that but I want to know beautiful places to visit and detect
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
You do realize the state is 330 miles long by 285 miles wide? Any place I name in the state could be hundreds of miles away from you.
Nicholas Battersea-stephens
Nicholas Battersea-stephens - 11 years ago
I was wondering if you could give me a place in New York to go metal detecting. I am asking you because you are the expert and I was wondering if you had been anywhere in New York.
Rusty Lord_Met
Rusty Lord_Met - 9 years ago
not to necro your comment, but if you look into historical events you would find your best luck there. Next best would to find old folk, they always know something.
archeonist - 11 years ago
Great fun to watch this video!! Thanks for sharing!
txguynnh - 11 years ago
I missed this episode. It was fun.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
sarah ingram
sarah ingram - 11 years ago
Loved the bottles you found
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Thanks. They are pretty cool.
cavelurch - 11 years ago
looks like a good place for a river clean up!
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Sad but true.
i P u r i f i i
i P u r i f i i - 11 years ago
you sir are a legend to mankind...
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
The 'Chigg for President? I could use a little Executive privilege if you know what I mean... and I think you do.
whiteyguitar666 - 11 years ago
Awsome bit of fun i must say, ive always fancied doing something like that.
well done mate,
Darin Humble
Darin Humble - 11 years ago
Going there and taking all that junk looks like so much fun! D:
disndat5711 - 11 years ago
I enjoyed watching your video. Wish I was there too.
surearrow - 11 years ago
That was one nasty body of water!
wreese01 - 11 years ago
Are all metal detectors waterproof?
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
No, just specialized ones.
Jake smith
Jake smith - 11 years ago
keep making videos like this,
They are intresting
Jake smith
Jake smith - 11 years ago
wtf why did you harm the crawfish 
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Don't think I harmed anything. But if this was a fishing trip instead of a detecting trip I would have gathered up a bucketful for bait.
Justin Muller
Justin Muller - 11 years ago
Hey i was wondering in your next video if you could please wish my brother Angelo a happy birthday! Thanks
OakRidgePrimitives - 11 years ago
Awesome video! Looks like a lot of fun!
Jason Smith
Jason Smith - 11 years ago
That had to be a metal detecting nightmare ..haha
Oliver Dacosta Evans
Oliver Dacosta Evans - 11 years ago
steering wheel cool what car is from if is old maybe sell on ebay
Ayden Makohus
Ayden Makohus - 11 years ago
You found a note in a bottle that one bottle had paper remains in it omg cool
michael therrien
michael therrien - 11 years ago
I saw Beau's photo on a Garrett brochure today.
Spaceman - 11 years ago
were you not getting the civil war slugs on purpose, cause im sure i saw a few that you missed
Spaceman - 11 years ago
+Beau Ouimette Oh okay, and damn you reply fast!
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
The bullets that I was finding there that day were post Civil War.
Stephen Burrows
Stephen Burrows - 11 years ago
how the heck did that parking meter get in the water, I wonder? how far away is the nearest parking area for this spot?
Aquachigger - 9 years ago
+Stephen Burrows Nah, it's still there.
Stephen Burrows
Stephen Burrows - 9 years ago
+Beau Ouimette Hey Beau, did you ever get the parking meter?
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
I don't, but I'll probably see it again next summer and if I have my boat with me I'll grab it.
Stephen Burrows
Stephen Burrows - 11 years ago
Do you know how old it is?
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Someone probably robbed it and dumped it into the river. There is a town not too far away.
peter van
peter van - 11 years ago
Thanks for introducing me to a new (and affordable) hobby.
Dean Kruse
Dean Kruse - 11 years ago
get the parking meter and digg all the coins out
Dean Kruse
Dean Kruse - 11 years ago
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
And even commented on your comment about my comment!
Dean Kruse
Dean Kruse - 11 years ago
its cool you saw my comment :)
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Sounds like a plan!
Dirt Track Dave
Dirt Track Dave - 11 years ago
Man you should have put all that junk in a bag an got it out of the river. That river was filthy!!! 
get in
get in - 9 years ago
+Beau Ouimette Ask those people that think you should carry out all the trash to volunteer to help LOL. Bet you won't get any takers....Me thinks NOT!
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
I wish I could, but I'm only one man and can only carry so much :(
Jon Avis
Jon Avis - 11 years ago
you should've kept the CocaCola Bottle! D:
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
I wish I could keep it all, but I can only carry so much.
Richard Wheatley
Richard Wheatley - 11 years ago
looks like enough junk metals and iron to make money taking it to a scrap yard lol. 
Mr Bubble
Mr Bubble - 11 years ago
+Beau Ouimette
I'd get that Van, and railroad tie you found. Get a boat with a strong winch
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
I do save what I can for the scrap-man!
Handiest1 - 11 years ago
That just makes me sick that people throw trash in the river. Looks like you should have a floating wire basket for either the trash  or the stuff your gonna keep.  I one point you picked up a "specialty wrench" I think you should throw it on Ebay to find out what it was.  And, are you sure the meter was empty? Well thanks for the video and enjoy your lobster dinner.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Thanks. I do carry out as much as I can, but imagine trying to walk around and swim for hours with 30 or 40 pounds in a digging bag on your waist. I will retrieve the wrench and meter the next time I have my boat in the area.
reach44 - 11 years ago
At first I thought you weren't going to take the bottles or insulators.  I love those things.  Fun video, thanks for sharing.
reach44 - 11 years ago
Absolutely.  Good luck on it.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Thanks...I carry out as much as I can. Didn't have the strength to get the parking meter. I suppose that's a good excuse to go back, eh?
Carolyn Zuniga
Carolyn Zuniga - 11 years ago
I would shit my pants if i saw a dead body!
bcdigit - 11 years ago
if I were u I would be scraping all that metal !
Eric Lovejoy
Eric Lovejoy - 11 years ago
I hope all the trash you found left the river with you.
Eric Lovejoy
Eric Lovejoy - 11 years ago
+E Katsman  Thats a good idea. the BSA is  a small army deticated to outdoor projects.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
+E Katsman
I take out what I can carry at the time. It would take an army of people a week to get all that was there. It was a town dump for decades. The river, a dump in general for a few centuries.
anthony ferraro
anthony ferraro - 11 years ago
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
I checked the original video and it's just a rock. Looked suspicious here though.
Cross Moraida
Cross Moraida - 11 years ago
I think I saw a 6 pound cannon ball on the right side on the screen right at 2:43, it makes sense that it would be sense he found a three ringer civil war bullet
DetectorComparisons - 11 years ago
Hey Beau, any detector would go nuts I there but it still looks like a fun place to dive! Maybe some sort of underwater probe? Thanks for posting, it was fun. Carter
VOLT RON - 11 years ago
классно !!!!! какая чистая вода , и видимость отличная !!!! молодец!!
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Thanks. The camera I am using in this video is the Olympus TG-1.
DarkendSun - 11 years ago
Wow,crazy amount of junk . People should be ashamed. Lol,didn't see no fish. Surprised you didn't get cut or stabbed. Looks like the easiest way go. Good job,and love your camera. What kind is it?
Donorcyclist - 11 years ago
Thanks for taking us along on another adventure. You didn't leave all of that trash in the water, though, did you?!
Andy Rusten
Andy Rusten - 11 years ago
This is stuff that i like to do. its fun... but clean up yer trash
Dan Martin
Dan Martin - 11 years ago
Never mind,I should've read the title.
SIG442 - 11 years ago
Still some nice finds Beau!
badea costin
badea costin - 11 years ago
perfect place for magnet fishing
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
kitt199546 - 11 years ago
Why couldn't that dime be a 1916 Denver???? Dammit man!!! Nice finds though!!!
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
It's a "hellgrammite" and they pinch very hard. When they hatch, they are called Dobsenflies and are HUGE!
TheSod70 - 11 years ago
3:56 man what on earth is that Critter??? Really enjoy these videos man. Thanks for taking the time to make and post them!
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
That's cool. If you are in an area where the CW was fought, there are bullets out there.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
For this, anything will work. Walmart probably has plenty in season. I do prefer a large glass one-piece face, but that's just me.
DirtFishing - 11 years ago
Can you recommend a decent mask to do this type of hunting with? Thanks.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Yeah, I can't make a ring out of it, but you never know for sure. Things do look a lot more suspicious in the videos. In real time it's usually pretty easy to tell.
nevets68 - 11 years ago
I'd love to find a civil war bullet. I did find a arrow head though.
CanadianTradition - 11 years ago
Finding little treasures is an awesome feeling!!! I love it. There is something in the top right hand corner of the screen at 4:55 min. It looks like it could be a ring but most likely a pull tab.
ozbad07 - 11 years ago
Great video! I've done that same fanning technique in Lake Erie on SCUBA. Amazing what can be found between the rocks.
Kristaps Pūliņš
Kristaps Pūliņš - 11 years ago
plutoplatters - 11 years ago
appears humans have been here
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Thanks. I hope to keep at it myself!
Gary Green
Gary Green - 11 years ago
I love all your videos I hope you never stop making them
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
At some point I may start using it, but I need to buy a charger first. But... if the owner ever comes forward, I'll give it up no matter how long I have had it.
TeamLotus6365 - 11 years ago
Beau: I do believe you've given the Go-Pro camera owner enough time to claim his lost prize. How about showing us what it can do besides bumping around the rocks.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
I do the same thing... Thanks!
ocdracer - 11 years ago
Note to self: It doesn't matter how close you get to the screen or which angle you tilt your head, you can't see things any clearer! Thanks for taking us along, loved the insulators! GL&HH
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
It is!
Jeff Bagley
Jeff Bagley - 11 years ago
was that an old parking meter at the begining of the video?
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
An Olympus TG-1.
Bryan Flores
Bryan Flores - 11 years ago
What kind of Camera do you use?
Bryan Flores
Bryan Flores - 11 years ago
Have been watching your stuff for awhile now. I enjoy them. Keep up the good work!
okmetaldetecting - 11 years ago
Looks like you found a bottle dump! Pretty nice glass!
greg honeycutt
greg honeycutt - 11 years ago
I've hunted hundreds of miles in cotton fields, but never a river bed. Might have a new hobby to explore.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Making videos mostly, just have to put them together. Good to be back.
epic troll
epic troll - 11 years ago
where you bin matey,missed your vids
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Used it for years with no complaints. Would buy again!
CMDR_ CEITIN - 11 years ago
Hey Beau, you're wearing a wetsuit the company I work for manufactures! Awesome to see. Let us know how the Henderson wetsuit is working for your applications. Great videos as always!
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Those were modern fishing sinkers.
Max Swe
Max Swe - 11 years ago
02:43 tree bullets??
K Kates
K Kates - 11 years ago
It's sad to see where some many people so much trash into river rather the garbage heap. Maybe ya could rally the local people to have a "Clean River Day", huh?
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
I appreciate that Sam and am happy to hear you enjoy my videos. I don't normally throw back so much,but without my kayak, it's impossible to keep hunting and carry everything. Finds get very heavy quickly. I cover a lot of ground. And I do plan to go back with the boat and will search down the things I want to keep.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Thanks Steve. I'll definitely get the camera rolling on future hunts like this.
Sam Sowards
Sam Sowards - 11 years ago
I love your enthusiasm, some of the stuff you throw back might be valuable, like that axe head or things of a similar notion. I collect coins and used to metal detect and antique hunting. I have been disabled for 12 years now and wish I could do half of what you do. Thanks for your video's Sam
FifthAndAtlantic - 11 years ago
My opinion: I really loved this video because it shows how relics and other interesting things can be found without the sometimes prohibitive cost of a waterproof metal detector. I hope you do more of this style hunting! That being said; thanks for ALL your videos! - Steve
steve w #1
steve w #1 - 11 years ago
Another great adventure!! Some good finds too...
saxonfan1970 - 11 years ago
Cool finds. Always enjoy your videos.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Was that where I posted "chicken butt"? If so, I misunderstood a question that was posted. Someone posted "Guess What?" and I replied "Chicken Butt?" (or something like that). It's a schoolyard gag and an old joke. I didn't realize they were not talking to me at the time. Is that it?
DigginDeepSouthLA - 11 years ago
Chicken what ?? I dont understand.
TulsaPllTbFndr - 11 years ago
oh i didn't even think of it being robbed. you're probably right about that. I imagine thats why it is there. Well who knows, if you find it again, good luck!
Accuracy Marked
Accuracy Marked - 11 years ago
yeah...92 would be better.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Didn't check, but it looked smashed open.
Cowan - 11 years ago
any money in the parking toll?
Dustin O'Connor
Dustin O'Connor - 11 years ago
Wow! Thanks for the info. Interesting critters you folks have up there.
Les Bell
Les Bell - 11 years ago
Great video as usual the bottles and insulators are great
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Thanks. I appreciate the kind words. I wish you luck with your Pro. It's a great machine and I'm sure you'll like it.
Bowling Wolf
Bowling Wolf - 11 years ago
Another great video Beau! I just upgraded from the Garrett Ace 350 to the Garrett AT PRO as I plan on doing some detecting in rivers and creeks in 2014. I love your videos and learn from them. Thank you for posting and all you do. You are certainly an inspiration to any level of detectorists out there and you compliment this awesome hobby better than anyone. Thank you for all you do and I look forward to the next video!
Perichás de la Seca
Perichás de la Seca - 11 years ago
Excelente. Sus videos nunca defraudan. Saludos.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
My wife.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Windows Movie Maker
californiadigger - 11 years ago
looks like a good haul I lot of relics GL HH ;-)
Bruce Campbell
Bruce Campbell - 11 years ago
As always very enjoyable to watch.
John03lightning - 11 years ago
another great vid. what video software do you use?
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
I didn't, but would bet it was cleaned out long ago.
sondengehen - 11 years ago
Nice Video! Very much waste in that river!
JustJohnny65 - 11 years ago
Another great hunt. I enjoyed it very much. Thanks for sharing it!
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Thanks. I've hunted down there and cringe every time I go by one of the bayous in a good historic areas. Man, people think the trash is bad around here. It is, but not that bad!
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
lol... when I'm editing these videos I often find myself craning my neck to get a better look. Feel foolish when I realize what I'm doing...
Va HOSS - 11 years ago
Hahaha!! That's for sure! :)
kaolinwasher - 11 years ago
That was a great adventure , I just loved it , all worth it for that barber dime ,
StivNagen - 11 years ago
The banks of the Mississippi up here are filled with old garbage dumps. No telling what's IN the river. Looks like the spot you were looking would make for a whole weekend of fun digging. Besides the coins, those bottles and insulators were pretty cool, not to mention that old parking meter. As usual, Beau, another enjoyable voyage with you, right from my sofa.
TeamLotus6365 - 11 years ago
Every time you picked up what looked like a coin, I found myself sliding to the edge of my chair to take a better look. Much easier on the system than watching the homeless camp video...where I found myself forgetting to breathe! Very cool of you to take us along on these jaunts.
sadjfklasdfjkl;a - 11 years ago
Thanks for sharing this awesome video. You didn't save the parking meter? lol
Supradrew™ - 11 years ago
I just love watching these videos. I'd like to try my hand at snorkeling in the river looking to treasure. You found some cool things today. I really liked the insulators. My Grandfather collected those. :) -Drew
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
I live in Maryland, but dig throughout the US.
generationhitech - 11 years ago
Its a river,or a waste disposal ? :/
Mik H.
Mik H. - 11 years ago
I think those two smaller blue glass things went to the tops of power lines as insulators. They are quite collectible also.
ErlefromVa - 11 years ago
Dang Beau, Lovin it! No metal detector to slow you down... just a full out scavenger hunt in the much pile! Seen some really nifty finds laying on the bottom and looks like a lot of fun to snorkel! Thanks for sharing your dive, really enjoyed the vid!
DigginDeepSouthLA - 11 years ago
richard stofan
richard stofan - 11 years ago
beau where do you live?
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
It seems to be that people have always dumped stuff in rivers to get rid of it. Heck, they still do in may parts of the world. You wrote "the only north flowing river in na" What's "na"? Just wondering because we have a North flowing river here and I thought it was the only on in the "na"tion.
Tommy Ohlrich
Tommy Ohlrich - 11 years ago
I live along the bank of the Santa Cruz, the only north flowing river in na. It's been dry tho since like 1940 due to a water reclamation project for crops, before they had trash pick up, the people who lived on tucson would just dump their garbage on the riverbank. One of my fav places to relic and bottle dig
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
(or more!)
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
I use an Olympus TG-1. Thanks...
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Could very well be.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Easy... after 50 years I figured out you just need to keep you lungs mostly filled with air at all times. Don't breath all the way out and don't panic. Worked for me anyway....
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Might help, but I was just skimming the "best" of what I could easily see that day. A magnet would be very useful there as well, but a lot more work.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
I have another river video coming up that will make you see red. Tons of trash and it's all only a few years old.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
You're right about that. It is amazing how much junk is out there when you start to look for it.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
I didn't take it. It was way to heavy to lug around in my digging bag. Maybe next time with a boat.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Thanks. I didn't check the meter. Since it was in the water I assumed it had been robbed. I will be back with a boat to gather some of the larger things I found up, so I'll check it out next time.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Well, you don't know where there may be a pile of gold coins until you check it out. This could have been the spot!
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
I don't think it's a "S", but I'll check it out again.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
I do both, research and random (well, random with a touch of a hunch). Laws do vary and some places are of limits. They can vary from state to county to town.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
They hurt a lot more when they pinch!
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Not a bad idea...
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Thanks for the info on the Pluto water. I wasn't familiar with it. The centipede looking thing is called a "hellgrammite". When they molt they turn into a Dobsonfly which is a HUGE flying insect that is active mostly at night and is quite scary looking though harmless.
Potatotechs - 11 years ago
Nice bottles
hsvgash - 11 years ago
That was gr8 to watch cheers
silver Hunter
silver Hunter - 11 years ago
Thx for another great video :) I love all your video's in the water..with or without the metal detector :)
Jeff Jeffagain
Jeff Jeffagain - 11 years ago
you should go back and crack open the parking meter! it may be where the other coins came from..
WildDigger - 11 years ago
Wow. I would say a great day.
GOODTOGO Detecting NZ - 11 years ago
would be great to see that area cleaned up :( love your vids i check daily for your new uploads :) keep them coming ilove the water ones
mortarish - 11 years ago
I would have loved to find that old parking meter, I hope you kept it.
Dustin O'Connor
Dustin O'Connor - 11 years ago
Seeing those crawfish you found made me kind of hungry. Sling those in some Zatarain's crab boil... What was that worm, or millipede looking creature on the back of the plastic thing you found? I have a Pluto bottle circa 1910. They were in business from 1891-1971. Uncle Sam shut them down because lithium began to be regulated as a drug in in the '70s and the Pluto Springs in French Lick, Indiana had a lithium content.
xMentoOG - 11 years ago
Do another vid vith the underwater scooter
Steve Forbes
Steve Forbes - 11 years ago
I love the sounds your camera picks up while under water. Seems like another world. Keep more underwater videos coming. Thanks
Slick Diggs
Slick Diggs - 11 years ago
Nice finds! Love the green soda bottle and barber. Axe and padlock were cool too. HH -Slick
AussieLT1 - 11 years ago
Maybe some coins in that parking meter? Love you videos btw!
M HISTBUFF - 11 years ago
What a bloody mess!
Va HOSS - 11 years ago
Nice video Beau... I noticed you didn't handle that Hellgrammite quite the same as the craw dads... lol!
sde19701 - 11 years ago
as usual never a boring moment wit your dives keep up the good work
Ozojinn - 11 years ago
Question for ya. Do you ever do a lot of research on the rivers you go to, or just pick at random. Also, have you ever encountered any local laws or ordnance that would prohibit you from doing what you do? Thanks and love the videos!
raiderlove4life - 11 years ago
Interesting video.
xxSATURNxx - 11 years ago
LOL @ you playing with the crayfish
Kabuki Kitsune
Kabuki Kitsune - 11 years ago
Those blue insulators are actually worth quite a bit.
alan30189 - 11 years ago
If that Barber dime is a S mint mark, it's a rare date for that mint mark; only 510,000 minted. 2012 red book in G-4 is $28 and G-8 is $45.
alan30189 - 11 years ago
Better off going back to that river where you found all those silver coins!
TulsaPllTbFndr - 11 years ago
Did that parking meter have any coins in it? This was a fun video. I have a couple locations on land like this that are way too trashy for detectors but there is so much stuff on the surface that it can be fun to just leave the detector behind and go eyeball some occasional treasures. nice finds! loved the insulators and the barber!
CoinHuntingDrew - 11 years ago
Was that an old parking meter? Did you take it? I doubt it, but it could have coins in it.
alan30189 - 11 years ago
People really suck... Dumping all that garbage in the river for future generations to have to deal with. What a bunch of jerks. Fines for dumping should be huge. $10,000 or more so there are funds to clean up a mess like this. Folks, please don't litter, ever!
Patrick Shoemaker
Patrick Shoemaker - 11 years ago
always a nice surprise when there's a new "aquachigger" video -- really enjoy them Beau. I'm constantly amazed at the sheer volume of, well, crap that people just pitch in the water. For that matter, even when I'm detecting in a field or pasture, it is rare that I'm not getting iron signals every few feet. I guess a thousand years of human traffic just leaves a mark! I have buckets and buckets of iron I've pulled out and brought home - -but there's always more!
insaynbcr - 11 years ago
A floating sifter and a scoop of some sort might be interesting to use if the current isn't too swift, or water too deep.
We DIG History
We DIG History - 11 years ago
Something different.. That's basically what your videos are all about lol. You're a pioneer. :) Very interesting hunt! certainly has my interest peaked. Good video Beau,
Nathan Corbissero
Nathan Corbissero - 11 years ago
Cool video !
jonbryn4 - 11 years ago
wow the fairly recent detritus, couple hundred years, will one day be treasure. one mans trash lol. thnks beau good vid.
Kevin Golemiec
Kevin Golemiec - 11 years ago
That looks like fun. Guess im gonna have to learn to swim now.
Silverseeker1814 - 11 years ago
I would love to see more of this
MUDplug - 11 years ago
that was so cool man ...awesome glass ..and sweet silver save . thanks for posting
Hornbush - 11 years ago
Vsshooter - 11 years ago
That bullet looked like a .38-40 round.
GasserGlass - 11 years ago
What camera do you use...?... Very good, clean & clear video!
Turkeydoodlers - 11 years ago
Well at least to found the barber, great video, you never know what you will find. I can't imagine though why they would throw trash in the water though
chris fry
chris fry - 11 years ago
I really enjoy watching the underwater treasure hunts.Cool Barber.The crawdads have a protector. :) GL & HH! Chris
Accuracy Marked
Accuracy Marked - 11 years ago
Proven true...there's silver in them there got one...there's probably 45 of them within 800 feet of you.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
I've tried everything. Fanning water with an object (like a ping pong paddle) is much more difficult because on the back-swing you have resistance too. Plus it's another thing to carry around. I do wear cut resistant gloves. There is no way for glass to cut me with them on.
TheBiglew415 - 11 years ago
Beau, This may be a dumb question, but have you ever considered using a small piece of stiff plastic (maybe tied to your wrist) as a fan, instead of your hand? It seems like it might be more efficient and a little safer. Just wondering? Love your videos!
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Exactly. Thanks for the kudos.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
I have done some gear videos, detector videos, preservation videos and do give out general tips. I'm not sure what else I could do that wouldn't be too repetitive. You have some ideas?
LukePRTR - 11 years ago
I Love your videos Beau what is this fanning that you call is it where you wag your hand and blow the debris away? + thumbs up =)
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
I think some of it dated into the '60's at least.
navets - 11 years ago
Do you post about these shows somewhere that I should be following? Also, have you considered a "how-to" series of videos telling us who drool over your videos how to get into the hobby?
ArmyStinger150 - 11 years ago
So how old was the trash...relative to the Barber Dime? I hope you do another collection video soon...2013 is coming to a close. I guess once winter hits you will be doing a lot of in house research on this years finds. Always fun watching what you find.
Exploring With Mark
Exploring With Mark - 11 years ago
awesome video! I like to see the things that are under water
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Well, I do show and tell, but usually it's at a public event like a show.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Thanks, I appreciate that.
navets - 11 years ago
So then, second-question: When can I come visit your museum?! :) (I live in Shippensburg, PA and "feel" like you're somewhat close to me?)
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
I clean everything up, preserve it and put it on display.
Donald G Banhart
Donald G Banhart - 11 years ago
I had a great time . and I didn't even get wet. I'm going back and see if I can some more stuff WE may have missed. A low presser water pump would be handy. or a small electric boat motor inside some PVC pipe.What great fun let do that again.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
It was some sort of fishing utility tool. I think...
Robert Lemp
Robert Lemp - 11 years ago
The River Tells a Story
LycomingWarrior - 11 years ago
Good junk
Gary Stone
Gary Stone - 11 years ago
That must be Fred Sanford Creek...good grief!
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
No... a handful of of college degrees,starting my own business and eventually selling it. The American dream if you will.
navets - 11 years ago
I LOVE watching these videos, Mr. Ouimette! I've only been watching for a few months and am quite curious what you DO with all your found treasures? I don't know what's valuable and what's not.
Mojosmind - 11 years ago
Fun video...nice water clarity and current to take away the stirred up silt.thanks for sharing
stamper3 - 11 years ago
He's back! :)
Don Wilson
Don Wilson - 11 years ago
Ok so we all want to know if it was good luck treasure hunting? That's all we want to know to keep our dream alive. ;-)
jeffrey jez
jeffrey jez - 11 years ago
Wow!! LOL. Name that river the Dump Drop!! Surprised it isn't on a rehab sight listing. Good video. I always like your vids, GL & HH
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Glad you liked it. More coming up soon!
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
This time of year is the best, but it's also colder than in summer.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
I'm using an Olympus TG-1. It's really just a basic camera. Trained yabbies huh? Let's do it!
Don Wilson
Don Wilson - 11 years ago
I find myself holding my breath every time you do underwater footage. I was blue by the end but loved every minute of
D Babr
D Babr - 11 years ago
Nice work Beau! It would be great if you would describe the camera you're now using. I'm wondering if those "Yabbies" are trainable? My Navy trains Porposes to find explosives underwater; perhaps we can train Yabbies to find silver coins. Just sayin.
RESISTCONTROL2 - 11 years ago
sweet , barber dime dude was right, its the same principal in the ocean, need to know current drift, certain times of the year the sand is dragged away from the beach and things are just looking at you
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Yes it was. It was hanging on an old carbon core battery.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Worked hard, had some luck and was able to retire a few years back.
Patrick Todd
Patrick Todd - 11 years ago
Was that a hellgrammite at 3:55? And was it on?
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
I did want to, but it was too much to carry. I'll be back there with a boat at some point.
LinTo Joseph
LinTo Joseph - 11 years ago
sir what do u really do for living apart from ur hobby ??
The FightDoctor
The FightDoctor - 11 years ago
See now I found that big wrench cool and would have taken that out!
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Well... I kept the stuff I can make a little gas money on recycling. Historical stuff I put in my collection.
MikeyMikeM21 - 11 years ago
I always look for your new videos. Just looks soooooo fun. THANKS
PalmettoDigger - 11 years ago
Wow, no wonder your detector went nuts! Nice stolen parking meter! Great video as always.
B Krow
B Krow - 11 years ago
I really enjoyed this video, I hope you will do more at this location. It's like going on an adventure with you. :)
TheHowToHobbyist - 11 years ago
MichaelSwan66 - 11 years ago
that was a fun to watch video Thanks sweet Barber :)
Randall Kelnhofer
Randall Kelnhofer - 11 years ago
Another great video. I enjoy seeing it and not having to get wet myself. Thanks
Zaxfire69 - 11 years ago
Crawfish! The other white meat! Ha Ha good video Beau!
Squeakyman767 - 11 years ago
That's really cool looks fun!
Westcoast Mark
Westcoast Mark - 11 years ago
Thanks Beau :-)
T2H Instructionals
T2H Instructionals - 11 years ago
Love your vids man, that was a bit of work, have never seen such a trashy area as bad as that, however I cannot say I have been doing any river snorkeling:>)
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Thanks. Let's do. I'll have more videos coming up like this over the next week or two.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Thanks... I almost always have fun when I'm out and about. Everyday is an adventure.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Yeah, I was digging and breathing pretty hard just then.
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Usually a crayfish, but the slang is crawdad. I think I prefer yabbie though!
JonSnow675 - 11 years ago
Awesome barber dime and finds! Looked like you had fun!
Darla Seefluth
Darla Seefluth - 11 years ago
Cool, that was fun. Let's do it again. I had my eyes peeled for ya looking for stuff. Not too bad on the coins either. I call that a successful hunt.
Westcoast Mark
Westcoast Mark - 11 years ago
Interesting finds Beau, nice Barber. What do you call the freshwater crayfish? Where I am from in Australia they are yabbies. GL & HH Mark
T2H Instructionals
T2H Instructionals - 11 years ago
At 6.07 you could have interjected Luke I am your father:>)lol
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Hey there Buckaroo... the lady is talking to ME!
Christopher Pitts
Christopher Pitts - 11 years ago
That was really cool! Thanks for the video.
vcstar5 - 11 years ago
You hit the jackpot! I would keep everything I could find. Awesome video, thanks for sharing.
Joseph Lee
Joseph Lee - 11 years ago
They're crayfish, lobsters aren't in rivers
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Hate to say it, but I can't say. It causes too much trouble for me here when I try to give out approximate locations, even the state. People get soooo angry.... :(
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
I agree, surprised I didn't find more there.
superbee - 11 years ago
Looks like the kind of stuff I pull out of a location called "cash creek"...tons of junk, but also a bunch of coins and hunt!
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Naw, it was post war.
Phantom Gaming
Phantom Gaming - 11 years ago
2:28 is that a union bullet that u picked up ?
Henry S
Henry S - 11 years ago
Steering wheel, horseshoe & Parking meter? That would have been worth saving! Might have been money in it. It probably was from the 50's or 60's.
aRustyPatina - 11 years ago
Normally I'd want to eat those baby All that stuff and no pistols? Ok, gun barrel counts!! W.
rollofnickles - 11 years ago
I enjoyed your video. The Barber Dime ended up with a unique patina, nice. That's the very best place for a parking meter. :)
Julius44bc - 11 years ago
Shoulda kept the crawdads.
roman spearman
roman spearman - 11 years ago
Great videos love them
joesphx19 - 11 years ago
Enjoyed this exploration. Not asking for exact location, just the state if you are willing. I have wanted to do this where I live but unfortunately the cottonmouths and alligators have different ideas. Then there is the murky water...
zombienectar - 11 years ago
Your camera works great .. good vid
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Bad year for me too. Good luck to you as well!
Aquachigger - 11 years ago
Hi...umm... Nikkiobrian
Brian hvactech
Brian hvactech - 11 years ago
Good to see you in the water. The rain this year was awful hope next spring will reveal alot of new finds good luck.
ZM Films
ZM Films - 11 years ago
you are the man

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