Snorkeling For River Treasure
Snorkeling 11 years ago 365,351 views In this video I check out a spot in the river that supposedly has silver coins scattered about. I don't use a metal detector because there is so much trash there and it's easier to just fan the bottom and look for stuff.
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30. comment for Snorkeling For River Treasure
Just go rob a bank or something
50. comment for Snorkeling For River Treasure
I was thinking, why do people throw trash in a river? I guess the answer is, 60 - 70 years ago there were not many options for trash disposal back then, so they had to get rid of their unwanted junk somewhere. My grampa had a ravine on his property that he tossed old junk in because he lived in the country and they didn't have trash pick up or places to get rid of old oil and such, so they dumped it on mother nature without much thought....
Looks like the steering wheel to a boat. My father's old aluminium-bodied boat has a similar looking steering wheel.
Do you take care of any of the junk that you find in the river? I understand that you find so much of it that you can't dispose of all of it properly but maybe some of it. Apart from the stuff you show at the end that you was going to recycle. Would be nice to know that someone is making the river atleast a little bit cleaner =)
Oh and what is the deal with all the spark plugs i believe i kept seeing? =)
You picked up a couple of...critters... that looked like tiny lobsters (to my unfamiliar eyes, at least)... I am wondering what those were? I've never been snorkeling, but as someone who swam underwater a lot including in lakes and rivers (with goggles when possible, but if not then with my eyes open unless the water was noticeably gunky - which makes me shudder now looking back, lol), but I've never seen those. I am curious to look up info on them and see if they are in the area I grew up at all. If you can tell me what they are, It'd be a great place to start my research.
As always, enjoyable video. thanks for sharing!
Thx. Found out some places in BC have them, just not too common where I lived, at least once I was old enough to notice them. Also found out another species is in the headwaters on the E side of the Rockies, so given where I live now, that's kinda cool. (I often learn stuff from your videos, either directly, or like this where something inspires- me to look up stuff I wouldn't have otherwise thought of.)
100. comment for Snorkeling For River Treasure
Nice hobby btw
I hope people don't dump garbage in rivers anymore.....
Dumping trash into the water such as
Metal cans and glass bottles? Unbelievable! !!
On that note, have you ever found any sealed bottles with messages in them?
I just watched a couple of your videos. Fascinating hobby.... then I saw the thumbnail for this one and clicked on it 'cause my bain said ... DAMN!!.
It's a compliment.
You're welcome.
I think you have got me set on course to another hobby that will irritate my wife. Thank you for posting these videos.
But, so much fun!!!!
Good man.
Understood, thank you! GL & HH!
well done mate,
They are intresting
I'd get that Van, and railroad tie you found. Get a boat with a strong winch
I take out what I can carry at the time. It would take an army of people a week to get all that was there. It was a town dump for decades. The river, a dump in general for a few centuries.