Snorkeling Hanauma Bay: GoPro White Edition

Trip to Hanauma Bay with friends. Sorry about the shaky footage. March 15, 2013.

Snorkeling Hanauma Bay: GoPro White Edition sentiment_very_dissatisfied 18

Snorkeling 12 years ago 79,226 views

Trip to Hanauma Bay with friends. Sorry about the shaky footage. March 15, 2013.

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Most popular comments
for Snorkeling Hanauma Bay: GoPro White Edition

FlerpADerp - 7 years ago
I went there and it was fun until I swallowed a mouthful of salt water :P but I love it there it's cool that the fish are ok seeing humans nearby all the time
Big Doinks In Amish
Big Doinks In Amish - 8 years ago
guys just a heads up. i live in oahu and recently, there has been a lot of tourism. im not trying to be racist but, these stupid asians just cant understand what "DO NOT STEP ON THE REEF" means. our corals and reef are dying. plz listen to the rules. the fish population has dropped a bit, and now turtle sightings are rare. plz listen to the rules for future enjoyment
LoganTheLionheart - 7 years ago
Laurie M they force you to watch a safety video before entering so either way you would have found out
Laurie M
Laurie M - 7 years ago
Thanks for the beautiful video!
Laurie M
Laurie M - 7 years ago
FineByte Blue thanks for the heads up, I'm going there this weekend and I'll definitely be very careful!
LoganTheLionheart - 8 years ago
I agree but its not just asian tourist there where white ones too. Its a combination of them being too stupid/ not caring because there were many people standing on the reef the whole day I was there also. Its funny I looked around the theater while they were showing the movie and I could tell more then half of the people in there didnt speak english and had no idea what was being said in the movie.
TheSquidNinja - 8 years ago
Just got back from there, and unfortunately you're right. A TON of tourists, especially from that region, and I'm constantly seeing them walking around on the rocks and spontaneously forgetting how to swim, requiring rescue from the lifeguards despite having snorkeling equipment and being very close to shore.
JD258 - 8 years ago
Ikr although I'm kinda offended being Asian myself. I didn't step on the coral/reef but it's soooooo frustrating just seeing people walking on the coral from up on the entry place
Big Doinks In Amish
Big Doinks In Amish - 8 years ago
bruh y u gotta lie. there aint no sharks here. if ur smart, the sharks wouldve fed on all the fishes here
Dev - 9 years ago
I went to hawaii to take a break
(I actually missed a few days of school)
It was a full week, I think?
This place isn't as nice as you might think.
there are rocks everywhere, and I scraped my knee underwater while swimming.
Dev - 8 years ago
Redpandateevee 2.0
Redpandateevee 2.0 - 8 years ago
Dev idiot. The place is beautiful. Nature is dangerous
Innovez Design
Innovez Design - 10 years ago
did you used any filter?
Laura Whitstine
Laura Whitstine - 10 years ago
very nice, just got back from Hawaii, snorkeled sharks cove, north shore but it looks like hanauma bay has definitely recovered after the 10 year closure. Nice video!!
Julie F
Julie F - 10 years ago
OMG went there for spring break. I love Hanauma Bay. Sad part is I didn't see a sea turtle. My cousins did though!!
M.A.D. - 10 years ago
I live on Chesapeake bay and I dive. To bad I don't have a gopro
Energy_Oofz - 10 years ago
M.A.D. - 10 years ago
+Energy_Oofz O-O
Energy_Oofz - 10 years ago
+Michael Duke Im latching onto you
Energy_Oofz - 10 years ago
Now I've got you in my space, i won't let go of you
M.A.D. - 10 years ago
+Energy_Oofz how am I mean I was kidding, I don't know you your just a comment sent by someone in my perspective. If I did now you I would give you my address, but I don't so you may send me an empty box or find my house and steal or send me a broken go pro.
Energy_Oofz - 10 years ago
ill keep my spare go pro for some1 else
Energy_Oofz - 10 years ago
your a meanie 
M.A.D. - 10 years ago
+Energy_Oofz jk. I don't want to be mean but I might open a box and you staring there with a gun like surprise mother fudger.
Energy_Oofz - 10 years ago
+Michael Duke k
M.A.D. - 10 years ago
+Energy_Oofz first, I don't know you. Second, thanks but I don't know you. Third, did I mention I don't know you.
Energy_Oofz - 10 years ago
imagine if you gave me your adress and i posted you one for free
Energy_Oofz - 10 years ago
what a shame
SBha30 - 10 years ago
Went there today! Awesome snorkeling. I watched this this video before our trip and it was a big help in understanding what to expect. Thanks!
BarelyAsian5 - 10 years ago
No problem! I'm glad you found it to be informative! Enjoy your stay in HI. 

10. comment for Snorkeling Hanauma Bay: GoPro White Edition

This name is very original
This name is very original - 11 years ago
I wanna go on vacation to hawaii again
Julie F
Julie F - 10 years ago
me too!!
Joey Emond
Joey Emond - 11 years ago
wich quality you take because i have a white edition but indon't know what is the best quality to take for taking video
Mike Delmer
Mike Delmer - 10 years ago
Many seem to think the white edition is the "worst" out of the Hero 3's but in fact it's just as good and for the price, you won't get better. Why would one go out and spend 450 dollars on a Hero Black edition when you could get a White edition for half the price. Also for quality, I suggest recording in 1080p 30fps, then use the gopro software to correct the quality. Sharpness, saturation, contract and exposure! Tweek those up a bit and it will look great! Good luck :)
Joey Emond
Joey Emond - 10 years ago
thanks (-:
BarelyAsian5 - 10 years ago
I believe I used 720p, 60 NTSC fps, which is best used for handheld (or potentially shaky) shots. If you have a body mount, use 960p or even 1080p. 960p shoots high-quality in low-light conditions, but 1080p is probably the best action shot you'll get with a mount or tripod. 
Hope this helps! 
Sorry about the late response. 
OnTargetEngraving - 11 years ago
You are so lucky to have seen turtles! We snorkeled about 3 hours and didn't see any!  :(
BarelyAsian5 - 10 years ago
Next time you should check out Turtle beach! 
Golfer1966 - 11 years ago
Love the video, but why are you guys stepping on and touching the coral. The video you saw before you were allowed in says what NOT to do.
M.A.D. - 10 years ago
+BarelyAsian5 there's a sea snail that curles into it's shell when you get close, so little girls and boys think it's a beautiful rambow shell and so they pick it up and stung
BarelyAsian5 - 10 years ago
There's sea urchins you have to watch out for too! 
M.A.D. - 10 years ago
Depends what kind of coral, but some have venom and can sting you
BarelyAsian5 - 11 years ago
If you watched the video closely, you would have seen that we were not touching or stepping on the coral. 
Charles Salvacion
Charles Salvacion - 11 years ago
Nice vid!
Robert Malone
Robert Malone - 11 years ago
great vid
BarelyAsian5 - 11 years ago
Yes, I used the GoPro cineform studio. You can download it for free at their website!
mattsagone - 11 years ago
nice!! Did you use color correction or something?

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