Snorkeling The Coral Reefs of Florida Keys

Breathtaking corals and fish on this 3 hour boat trip to an amazing coral reef snorkeling area. Bucket list nomination here. “Tennessee Hayride” by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist: Facebook: Email:

Snorkeling The Coral Reefs of Florida Keys sentiment_very_dissatisfied 222

Snorkeling 9 years ago 42,011 views

Breathtaking corals and fish on this 3 hour boat trip to an amazing coral reef snorkeling area. Bucket list nomination here. “Tennessee Hayride” by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist: Facebook: Email:

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Most popular comments
for Snorkeling The Coral Reefs of Florida Keys

lynnb - 7 years ago
I've been binge watching your videos and I love them!! You crack me sometimes!! Livin' the dream!!
Jean on the Road
Jean on the Road - 7 years ago
O!M!G! That is a fabulous park! It was 20 years ago, and it is, now.
exbioman - 7 years ago
You wanna see fish? Open a can of peas. Dump them in a baggie. Let them loose to feed the fish. They won't know what they are but then they'll swarm the peas.
christopher blackwell
christopher blackwell - 7 years ago
Beautiful coast line Eric,
Linda Myfatcatcow
Linda Myfatcatcow - 7 years ago
I'm a bit late to the party but very cool!! Thanks for sharing!! Someday I hope to get there!
cdnski12 - 8 years ago
I'd do this over Disney World any day. I do a lot of Snorkeling in Thailand. I always carry my own gear. Got a good mask & Snorkel plus a set of shorter fins that I can stuff in the side pockets of my Golf Travel Bag. Campground for $70/nite ... YEOW!! Can't they pave their dwys? Many Campgrounds in he East have permanent Units. One wonders why the owners don't just stay in a hotel?
Johnny - 8 years ago
Are you a member of thousand trails ?
shortbare - 8 years ago
Wow Awesome Awesome.
C. C. Notting Photographie
C. C. Notting Photographie - 8 years ago
I'm loving life through your channel, to keep me alive. Thank you!!

10. comment for Snorkeling The Coral Reefs of Florida Keys

Bernard Sweeney
Bernard Sweeney - 8 years ago
Love all the videos, seriously thinking doing a few months on the road here in ireland
Gardener Earth Guy
Gardener Earth Guy - 8 years ago
it's been thirty years and change since I've been there, the water looks awful.

shocked it would die back so much.
wmfrow - 8 years ago
Thank you for this video. I will be putting this on the bucket list. doing a great job
Old Buzzard
Old Buzzard - 8 years ago
Excellent shots Eric! I wouldn't be surprised if you don't get assignments from companies to shoot their attractions!
Mari Rodriguez
Mari Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Awesome video! Nice trip!! :))
Kris Gasteiger
Kris Gasteiger - 8 years ago
That was great fun. Your underwater footage took me back to Puerto Rico in the seventies. We snorkeled on the reefs. The sea life was so colorful. Almost everything that looked like a plant was an animal!
65 degrees though, chilly! 68 to 71 is ideal for me.
Nova Krowchuk
Nova Krowchuk - 8 years ago
Excellent footage. ty
steve james
steve james - 8 years ago
I've been to key West it's really nice
7.62 shawn
7.62 shawn - 8 years ago
Amazing underwater vid the fish and reefs look awesome you must have had such a great time! I did a snorkel trip in key west as a child i will never forget it! The barricudas are scary :) sorry about the spelling! Have fun bud and keep up the good work :)
Lynn W
Lynn W - 8 years ago
This is soooo great...the underwater is awesome. And Jax was exceptionally cute

20. comment for Snorkeling The Coral Reefs of Florida Keys

Angel Feather
Angel Feather - 8 years ago
It's good to see your doing so well now. Your were struggling so hard for so long. I hope you and Jax had a great vacation.
Tom's DIY
Tom's DIY - 9 years ago
I just did a vlog on my channel scuba diving with my gopro all the way down to 125ft...that was an adventure
Family Toy Report
Family Toy Report - 9 years ago
Absolutely beautiful! Enjoyed!
407 - 9 years ago
Never shoot 720 again .... Made a big difference !! Great vids
Lisa Koehler
Lisa Koehler - 9 years ago
Thank you for a great video. Going to the Keys in June and snorkeling is on the list!!
blastman8888 - 9 years ago
I have scuba dived in the keys lot of fun there. Wanted to point out if you get a red filter housing it will make your underwater colors look better. here is a link to amazon filter see the without the filter and with the filter
eren mori
eren mori - 9 years ago
Great video, hope you one day get an opportunity to go snorkeling in Australia's Great Barrier Reef which is on most traveler's top 10 Bucket lists.
Kylo Rich
Kylo Rich - 9 years ago
Captain Jax!!
Chase Peterson
Chase Peterson - 9 years ago
love it!
Allen Hare
Allen Hare - 9 years ago
That was cool.
Thanks for another fun and interesting video.
Happy Trails!

30. comment for Snorkeling The Coral Reefs of Florida Keys

Steven Meyer
Steven Meyer - 9 years ago
Another great video. Did not notice any difference between 720 and 1080 though.
ronald griffin
ronald griffin - 9 years ago
very good video
michael rice
michael rice - 9 years ago
Hey pal, I've been to the Keys a few times & it's even better to see your thrill & excitement in discovering them.  I think this is your best vid. to date & you are evolving nicely, Bro.  Your first underwater photography is exquisite.   [And I suspect talented editing all along].  Seeing your big baby, Jax, alwayz give me sweet chuckles.
Modern day drifter
Modern day drifter - 9 years ago
Awsome one of a kind video, you got it made Eric. Stay safe out there.
Our Debt Free Journey
Our Debt Free Journey - 9 years ago
Keep the palm trees coming! Love those ocean shots. :)
June Bug Joe
June Bug Joe - 9 years ago
Key west is definitely overrated, a few hours of the place and I think you'll have had your fill ( like bourbon st)
thegasmas1959 - 9 years ago
The underwater photography was fantastic. The colors of the keys are beautiful
Lu Ann M
Lu Ann M - 9 years ago
Great video as always Eric. Snorkeling is on my bucket list. 65 degrees... Brrr... LOL
stagghorn22 - 9 years ago
Really nice footage!  Enjoy yourself!!
Marilyn N-S
Marilyn N-S - 9 years ago
Thanks for sharing your snorkeling adventure! Very cool! :-)
Fats Dulange
Fats Dulange - 9 years ago
Talks about the beauty of the coral reefs, ocean, diving, then says proudly that you could "fire a golf ball right out into the ocean!" Such a small, small mind. smh. Why did I ever waste my time ...
Mary Vought
Mary Vought - 9 years ago
I am thoroughly enjoying your videos Eric. Your camera work and the music are fantastic! Getting so I don't want to miss one of your videos. The views of snorkeling brings back memories of a cruise I took one time that stopped at Key West. Thanks for letting us come along for the ride!
99ETC - 9 years ago
Seriously thanks for sharing your travels. Did the snorkel adventure in Key west several years ago. Video quality was excellent btw :)
Andres Natalino
Andres Natalino - 9 years ago
Pennekamp is beautiful but you can also see the bleached out and dead coral in your video. when I was kid in the late 80's, those elkhorn were still alive. sad to see the deterioration of the reef in my lifetime. Runoff from Miami and also the sugarcane fields have totally sent the reef system into a death spiral. Oh Eric keep up the journey, f**k the haters
Class A Living
Class A Living - 9 years ago
Is snorkeling expensive?
Maxwell Oakes
Maxwell Oakes - 8 years ago
+Nomadic Fanatic I used to live across from John pennycamp state park. Do you dive Frech reef, or Grecian rocks? Best place to eat is Num Thi.
Nomadic Fanatic
Nomadic Fanatic - 9 years ago
+Class A Living Not really. You rent all the gear and get a 45 minute boat ride included for $42. I think that's a fair price for this kind of adventure.
brad corey
brad corey - 9 years ago
very cool pal. the underwater footage is amazing.
Just Dave
Just Dave - 9 years ago
i tried 1080p but got into a lot of buffering so went back to auto. it was beautiful thou!
John Lloyd
John Lloyd - 9 years ago
Great video. Have fun, and enjoy your vacation
Brent Tasa
Brent Tasa - 9 years ago
great vid Eric. thanks
Aaron Orozco
Aaron Orozco - 9 years ago
All that I could say is wow that just beautiful thumb up Erick Nices to u see u have fun

50. comment for Snorkeling The Coral Reefs of Florida Keys

R. Toney
R. Toney - 9 years ago
I love the way Jax answers all your questions. lol
Danne George
Danne George - 9 years ago
I just love how Jax fits right in where ever he goes, he also likes to be involved in what ever you are doing with the camera's. He must get that those people in the little box are important and he wants to be involved as well. Just the best cat ever, Jax rules.
strarrowblue - 9 years ago
cool video Eric !!I used to live in Miami and ride my cycle down there to that park and camp. My friend and I used to boat down there too.
Susan Jackson
Susan Jackson - 9 years ago
Superb! I gave it a thumbs up before I even watched it because any video you make I love! Amazing job on filming the under water beauty I so enjoyed it. Also LOVE the Captain Jax park sign! Way to go Jax!
Nomadic Fanatic
Nomadic Fanatic - 9 years ago
+Suzie Jackson Thanks Suzie. And yeah, I thought Jax fit right in here. :)
John Savage
John Savage - 9 years ago
"Captain Jack" is a song by Billy Joel featured on his 1973 album Piano Man....
lots of different interpretations...
for those of us who were around back then.... i'm sure we all have our own...

rock on!!!
praterguys - 9 years ago
Hi eric,your friend here in Alabama.Thanks for the video.I have never been that far down into florida but it sure does look nice.Stay safe my friend and have fun.
DANGEROUSDAVE3051 - 9 years ago
Go over to the everglades & see if you can catch the skunk ape on video since you're down this way.
WolfeDen - 9 years ago
Great video Eric!!
Hula Shack
Hula Shack - 9 years ago
Love your videos! Thanks for taking us along on your journey. We so look forward to your videos. My whole family are your fans. LOVE your channel!
T Bergs
T Bergs - 9 years ago
eric, you seem like such a normal person, so could you please tell me why you are a 5 time felon in WA state, and did 4 years in prison?
odfarmboy - 9 years ago
+T Bergs Slander is also punishable in Washington State.
Nomadic Fanatic
Nomadic Fanatic - 9 years ago
+T Bergs News to me. But then again... I'm always amazed at how people like you can watch one hater video and then jump into the comments of one of my videos and call the rumors "factual". Call me whatever you want. ALWAYS automatically believe everything you ever hear about me on other channels.... And then.... Come back and enjoy my videos and tell me how all that BS hate and lies matters. Or.... Just keep commenting and watching and fueling your hate. I really could care less. :)
Wendy Lee
Wendy Lee - 9 years ago
Excellent Video. Looks like an awesome place. Thanks for sharing..
Andrew Gems
Andrew Gems - 9 years ago
The water is noticeably murkier than back in the late sixties and early seventies! Also choral colors are not as vivid anymore! Other wise a great video! Did anyone in the crowd know you as a celebrity from You Tube?
Anders D
Anders D - 9 years ago
Way to rock that wetsuit Eric. Looking good, buddy, looking good. It's your time to shine, screw the haters.
OfficialHankIII - 9 years ago
here soon if you get in freezing temps at night, Beside the propane heater buddy you might wanna look into having a good low pull infrared heater. Jax will thank ya for it not breathing the propane fumes. here is a ebay item number of one you might wanna check out if your bored.ebay item 221521848404 bout 115$ mine has lasted already 7 years no probs so far
Clu uck
Clu uck - 9 years ago
HD was nice
oceandrew - 9 years ago
Next time you go snorkeling look at the bottom of the coral heads not just at the fish and seafans on top of them. That's where you'll find octopus and spiny lobsters.... and the occasional moray eel. :-)
skullleader78 - 9 years ago
That snorkeling was awesome video footage. 1080 was good
paul meyer
paul meyer - 9 years ago
Good to see most of the trolls have given up. Ignore the scum and they will go away. I have been having fun on their smear sites of you. They need to grow up and remember they are not in 8th grade anymore....pissed a lot of them off. HEE HEE.
Brian Jones
Brian Jones - 9 years ago
Thought I was watching the Travel Channel !!!!!
YNWAJUSTICE496LFC - 9 years ago
Fucking hell if Green peace saw you they'd throw you back in, fucking whale hahahahaha
Floppy Nips
Floppy Nips - 9 years ago
Just do us all a favor and end your miserable life please. For real! Do it!
Billy Cook
Billy Cook - 9 years ago
Warmer than snorkeling on the coast of Washington.
Nomadic Fanatic
Nomadic Fanatic - 9 years ago
+Billy Cook Oh by about 30 degrees, yeah! lol
Dave Webster
Dave Webster - 9 years ago
Great video ...thanks Eric
Swift Witness Ministries
Swift Witness Ministries - 9 years ago
did you get any footage of the drive to key West?
Nomadic Fanatic
Nomadic Fanatic - 9 years ago
+Swift Witness Ministries Yes I did. I have plenty of key west footage to share.
Nonduality - 9 years ago
It's evident you care about making better and better videos and that shows respect for your viewers and is much appreciated.
Nomadic Fanatic
Nomadic Fanatic - 9 years ago
+NondualityTalk Thank you.
Jacob Muller
Jacob Muller - 9 years ago
Too bad they made you wear lame life jackets. I prefer to dive with a weight belt. Nice footage though, can put some filters to make it a little less green
Nomadic Fanatic
Nomadic Fanatic - 9 years ago
+Jacob Muller Life jackets are required to be worn while in the water, yes, but not required to be inflated.
Nocturnal - 9 years ago
I had a Blast in the Florida Keys, Do the same !! ;)
Ruin Or Rapture
Ruin Or Rapture - 9 years ago
I wish my internet could cope with 1080p :( But still in 720p it looked reaaal nice there in the keys!
Free2Ramble RV
Free2Ramble RV - 9 years ago
Wow fantastic video Eric. I'm so very glad you are getting the opportunity to check off activities on your bucket list. Watching the video and thinking about you experiencing something so wonderful and important to you literally made me tear up with happiness you must have been feeling. Have a great time and savor every last second. I understand you wanting to take a few days off from video taping to fully experience your bucket list destination however must say I'll miss seeing your daily video as you are the first one I view every day.
Ratty McCatty
Ratty McCatty - 9 years ago
Some great footage. I feel weird saying footage now. Would it be more accurate to say something like "great GBs"
Sandy Douglas
Sandy Douglas - 9 years ago
Thanks for taking me along - really appreciate it. It's so lovely down there.
Supete - 9 years ago
Always amazes me how those huge rigs can park so close to one another and get in and out of those spots. Glad you're enjoying your vacation! Hoping you'll be able to reserve ahead of time for Key West cause it seems everywhere is booked up. Cheers!
Darrell barron
Darrell barron - 9 years ago
70 bucks !! does it have ppl at the washrooms that wipe for ya lol thats an insanely high price
Darrell barron
Darrell barron - 9 years ago
+K Mathew
dam i could never go there.should be a crime to gouge like that.
Sonny Earp
Sonny Earp - 9 years ago
Wow, I just saw a rare mammal in the Florida Keys, a bald-headed albino walrus.
Nomadic Fanatic
Nomadic Fanatic - 9 years ago
+Sonny Earp Haha!
CarlottaART - 9 years ago
Great video! Love the Keys...very beautiful! You and Jax have a great time!!
paul heaton
paul heaton - 9 years ago
Awesome video Eric! Thank you for sharing. Enjoy your vacation. PS maybe Jax wants to go snorkeling. lol
Little PAW 1969
Little PAW 1969 - 9 years ago
Now that you have conquered the snorkel, it's time to conquer the scuba!
jake brake89
jake brake89 - 9 years ago
awesome video quality!!. that was my favorite thing to do when I lived in Florida. we used to dive a water tower just off the coast of cheeca lodge in islamorada.
cats400 - 9 years ago
makes me remember my scouting trip i took a few years ago. We chartered a 45 foot sailboat and sailed up and down the keys. We went snorkeling near the base of this lighthouse that was built on a reef and the whole trip was really cool.
Christy Cappello
Christy Cappello - 9 years ago
Great video!
Russell Hoover
Russell Hoover - 9 years ago
Loved the video. Mute the music and allow the water sounds.
Rosco Adam
Rosco Adam - 9 years ago
MrGraygrizz - 9 years ago
Very Cool!....enjoy your vacation / down time!
USNERDOC - 9 years ago
Great footage!
Karl Costigan
Karl Costigan - 9 years ago
Captain Jax, four paws up!! Nice video!!!!
Lucy B
Lucy B - 9 years ago
Excellent job!  Keep up the good work!  Totally enjoyed it.
Rod Price
Rod Price - 9 years ago
great video as always
Paul Burns
Paul Burns - 9 years ago
Just amazing, thanks for sharing.
Dan Joy
Dan Joy - 9 years ago
Very cool, I could totally tell the difference, I am kinda a HD snob and really enjoyed this, thank you.

Dan from Spokane
arcadefever - 9 years ago
Love the Florida Keys live not to far ;-)
Try to push to Bahama Honda park ;-)

Also it is a bird rescue place not far from penneekamp
rhondalyn100 - 9 years ago
Loved, loved the vid...wish the music had been a tad bit more "zen" but the underworld is beautiful...thank you. :-)

100. comment for Snorkeling The Coral Reefs of Florida Keys

srok62 - 9 years ago
If you wanna check out a cool unique little locals bar, in Big Pine Key find No Name Pub, really cool stuff, it's been there for years.
Great video.
Xsyntrik Nomad
Xsyntrik Nomad - 9 years ago
Looks like a lot of fun~ Something I definitely want to do as well. I'm also glad you mentioned you will do a video on how you keep the RV cool for Jax when you are gone. I have 2 cats coming on the road with me later this year and that's a huge concern for me. I'll be in a van, but hopefully what you share will apply to me too. Enjoy your 'off cam' days Eric, relax and enjoy all the beauty around you!
Moons DarkAngel
Moons DarkAngel - 9 years ago
The cheapest time of year for FL is from Labor Day until Thanksgiving. After that the rates go up. I went to Key West in 1997 and it was early November. Our group got 2 rooms for 3 days/ 2 nights at a well-known hotel chain as a package deal. Sunsets were magnificent!
oldladytoofast - 9 years ago
lived in a rv park in the keys in 1970 in a VW van in May with no AC and noseeums feasting on my flesh. We stayed for a month so we could have time to find an apartment. Lived in Marathon for 6 glorious years. Great memories and thanks for the great underwater video. We used a hookah rig to snorkel for lobster and for spearfishing
Kevin Shea
Kevin Shea - 9 years ago
WOW...NICE CAMERA WORK. What views of above and below water! 30F in the Hudson Valley, NY right now, but soon off to Florida for 2 weeks! -Everything looks blue and green! Can't wait! Been following Wander Dano vblog from Keys also!
Sherry Donald
Sherry Donald - 9 years ago
Awesome video!!!
Radian327 - 9 years ago
Hi Eric, make sure to rinse and thoroughly dry your selfie stick. Even dismantle the bolts.
I did saltwater excursions with mine. Put it away wet and the bolts for the camera head adjustment area all rusted. The slider clamps were fine. Just the metal nut and bolts in the plastic camera mount frame rusted and ruined the selfie stick.
Chris Diessner
Chris Diessner - 9 years ago
got to get some rest some time
Cubic hen gaming
Cubic hen gaming - 9 years ago
Do u have to make a resirvation john pennakamp coral state park or can u just go
Templar1129 - 9 years ago
+Nomadic Fanatic That's awesome that you went snorkeling! You may want to film when you cross that big bridge to Key West-it's really an experience!
Nomadic Fanatic
Nomadic Fanatic - 9 years ago
+Cubic hen gaming For the campground? I would say yes since they were booked on my arrival. Also, you must sign up for the boat trips as well. But you can do it same-day.
Guy Azbell
Guy Azbell - 9 years ago
Oh so nice i have google earthed the whole trip and thats incredable, i keep thinking about Humphrey Bogart in that one movie he does in the keys.
Alfonso Casillas
Alfonso Casillas - 9 years ago
That's nice it's always good to enjoy life
Rick Malone
Rick Malone - 9 years ago
Great photography
Jaz Max
Jaz Max - 9 years ago
Great job Eric, loved it. THANKS! so much for allowing me to tag along.
mike The Swedish Turnip
mike The Swedish Turnip - 9 years ago
Hey man :) It´s understandable. Enjoy the time of Eric. I Keep on watching. You´ve grown 27000 since I´ve joined. Plus for
you. I like it. That simple
Fly house of truth
Fly house of truth - 9 years ago
When are you gonna get back to the free camping boondocking or whatever you call it? I want to see more Walmart parking lots and similar. I can relate to that, Not so much to the kind of travel you must first win a big lottery to do. and more Jax, put your cat more into your outings. For goodness sakes, take him with you. Except in the water I don't think he would care too much for that. Put the camera on Jax, and go swim where he can see you. I want to see the cat's reaction to watching you swim.
Drory Nadav
Drory Nadav - 9 years ago
Awesome & Enjoy
Russell Wallace
Russell Wallace - 9 years ago
Great video. I put snorkeling in the Keys on my bucket list.
BUCK REYNOLDS - 9 years ago
good for you ......
Louvin - 9 years ago
Beautiful video. What an awesome experience that must have been.
Gary Campbell
Gary Campbell - 9 years ago
great great video.
jglassman1122 - 9 years ago
Jellyfish at 5:24
toBpositive - 9 years ago
Absolutely LOVED it! Thank you so much! I've never been snorkeling, but it sure looks fun! Thank you for sharing another great adventure :) Take care, God bless and do continue to be safe :)
Jessamy Goddard
Jessamy Goddard - 9 years ago
What a wonderful name! I bet Jax will love being in a place with his name. Expensive place, but lovely for you to snorkel. The filming underwater was great. We tried to film some dolphins when we were diving in the Red Sea. You can have a look if you are interested. But our filming was not a patch on yours! Well done. Take care xxx
Rational Bushcraft
Rational Bushcraft - 9 years ago
Wouldn't you, Barracuda? LOL I have seen barracuda follow snorkelers with spearguns and steal their fish. Beautiful but expensive area. Have a restful break.
Carob - 9 years ago
Did you find that hotel? You know the one - there´s a gangster running it? Of course, he must be pretty old by now, so he may have retired. Retired to Detroit, probably.
Randy Howes
Randy Howes - 9 years ago
good for you bro - relax and enjoy the trip. Dont forget to check out side roads to dead ends. some areas have no houses built yet and the views are awesome. Also make sure to try stone crabs.
Boyd Thaxton
Boyd Thaxton - 9 years ago
Good the Jax quat!
rugger digger
rugger digger - 9 years ago
careful they will bite
rugger digger
rugger digger - 9 years ago
it's a barracuda
RPMDAD - 9 years ago
Very nice, i love the Keys. Good Video
TheRooster1122 - 9 years ago
Your Bald Headed Noggin" Scared all the fish away! Fish Egg Head..." Get some sun on your Skull man REALLY.....
Floppy Nips
Floppy Nips - 9 years ago
Why do you feel the need to be a dick to some guy on the internet? Go get another hobby kid.
TheRooster1122 - 9 years ago
You look like Homer Simpson with that Bobber Noggin of yours!!! Big Time.....
Daniel28021991 - 9 years ago
Awesome underwater shots!
Larry Sharp
Larry Sharp - 9 years ago
Glad you went snorkeling. You may want to call ahead for a spot near Key West and don't be surprise if one is available with the $150 a night. Nov thru April is the season when snow birds are down. Try Long Key State Park or Bahia Honda on the way to Key West. They both have beaches. Now go have a Rum Runner.
Andy Caufield
Andy Caufield - 9 years ago
I gotta say that had to be hard to vid while snorkeling...I tried while in the Cayman to get the rays and kept getting a mouthful of saltwater!!
Andy Caufield
Andy Caufield - 9 years ago
Great vid! I love the 1080p!! Keep it up my friend...
Jessica R
Jessica R - 9 years ago
I am soooooo ready to suck you dry Eric!!! mmmmmmmm mmmmmm
Jessica R
Jessica R - 9 years ago
A girl needs her protein. ;)
Solo Roamin'
Solo Roamin' - 9 years ago
+Denise S Eric, you say you don't like YouTube comments?
John Kearns
John Kearns - 9 years ago
snorkeling kicks ass, too bad you can't drive to Hawaii! Thanks!
Bo Knows
Bo Knows - 9 years ago
Really good video and I dont blame you for the down time from recording. If I was you I would hang my hat a couple weeks in the Keys.
Mike Phillips
Mike Phillips - 9 years ago
thankyou Eric.
Elwyn White
Elwyn White - 9 years ago
Eric enjoying the state of Florida there is lots of things to do and see all over the state software that just have fun and enjoy I enjoyed their take thank you
spacecase382 - 9 years ago
lol, its like a fat frog underwater hahaahah.
Floppy Nips
Floppy Nips - 9 years ago
Wow look at you man! Your hobbie is harassing some random guy on the internet, bet your mom's proud you sad low-life piece of shit
Chris P
Chris P - 9 years ago
Have a nice vacation !
Chris P
Chris P - 9 years ago
Have a nice vacation !
Jeff Custrin
Jeff Custrin - 9 years ago
Have a good mini vacation ...... camping is getting to be expensive. in 2008 i paid 55 a nite in Virginia Beach hotels were not much more then that
Taka Yama
Taka Yama - 9 years ago
How about that, Captain Jax Campground!! Oh me, I think Jax does indeed answer you! Oh Eric, please go to the two famous key lime pie places for me! Both claim to be the originator of Florida key lime pie, or claim to make the best. I saw it on Travel Channel. Now, that is on my kick the bucket list: I'll be the one to judge! Meanwhile, please go there for me...
Robbin Richardson
Robbin Richardson - 9 years ago
You're still putting on the hits Eric, thanks for sharing snorkeling at the keys:)
WestCoastHiker - 9 years ago
cool vid dude, thanks for sharing ... the keys look very interesting and beautiful. Please refrain from sending golf balls into the ocean though, that is littering, wasteful, and just a tad ... redneckish? think of the fish... unless there are golf balls with strings now?
Crabjuice - 9 years ago
A couple of those barracudas looked like they were sizing you up for a surf and turf dinner. Nice video, Eric.
krelbar - 9 years ago
+Crabjuice Those WERE barracudas? That's what I thought, but wasn't sure.
Jodee Towar
Jodee Towar - 9 years ago
Did you make sure and tell all of those people on the boat and all of the fish in the water that you are a "you tube celebrity"?  I hope so.
Jim Willson
Jim Willson - 9 years ago
Keep your receipts from RV parks and filmed can probably write them off on your taxes as a work expense.
Kattbelly - 9 years ago
Wow Eric WOW that was great underwater footage. One of your best videos yet. It's fantastic to see you so happy and confident. Jax is so freaking adorable too! Nice job!
moonlite daze
moonlite daze - 9 years ago
That was fun Eric, thanks!
MrBeeradb1 - 9 years ago
Very cool.Thanks for sharing.
Beth Kasten
Beth Kasten - 9 years ago
have not been to the reef in over 20, it was nice to see again! Definitely a bucket list nomination to experience in person, because the colors are much more vivid. Nice job Eric! <^..^< and Captain Jax!
Jay RVing
Jay RVing - 9 years ago
It is in my bucket list...  When are you planning to come back to Washington state?   Safe Journeys Eric & Jax!
River GN
River GN - 9 years ago
Hey Eric this was my favorite video of all. Good job. So cool that you said you were having the time of your life. Enjoy! Nice park u are in but $70 a day yikes!
Rich T.
Rich T. - 9 years ago
Hey nice one Eric, maybe you could try scuba diving at some point, I really recommend it buddy. I only saw a few different type of fish though. If you're after exceptional footage try taking something for the fish. I remember having fish swimming all around my video camera when some small pieces of bread was taken out of a bag. They went bananas for it, the footage was also cool due to the fact that there was a lot of colourful and varied types of fish. Cheers for the videos.
bbrown87609 - 9 years ago
Great video I really miss the Keys its my favorite vacation spot.
Maura McDermott
Maura McDermott - 9 years ago
OMG!!! Best video ever! Loved it! And what an inspiration you are. I live only 3 hours north and have lived here since 1998 and you have seen more of Florida than I ever have, lol! About time to get myself out there and do some exploring.
j pinto
j pinto - 9 years ago
once u get to key west.. check out the sunset gathering.. its a major event there..
Mr. Lambfrys, Esq.
Mr. Lambfrys, Esq. - 9 years ago
Hey Mr. Eric, and Jax.. enjoyed your last video tremendously! have not been to Fla. in too many years. thru your video's i am able to bring up some great memories. thank you very much. enjoy, relax, and you guys stay safe.
Gary Thompson
Gary Thompson - 9 years ago
Great positive video Eric... Have a great vacation.
Hatch61 - 9 years ago
Thanks for sharing, and taking us along Eric. Enjoy your relaxation, we will be here waiting to hear all about your adventures.
mickey ward
mickey ward - 9 years ago
Why you didn't take Jax out for swimming lessons lol
BeachBow - 9 years ago
I like Pennekamp, but if you get into the keys, you'll wonder why you thought it was so great. Really beautiful down in Marathon, or Key West.
BeachBow - 9 years ago
Wasn't commenting on the overpriced accommodations, and they're way over priced. Just the underwater scenery is more beautiful. 
UnderdogFL - 9 years ago
+BeachBow I stayed in Key West. I think it is overrated. Expensive drinks, food, and constantly solicited by beggars. The upper Keys and Bahia Honda are peaceful. Waterfront RV camping and snorkeling are great.
Mick The Cleaner
Mick The Cleaner - 9 years ago
Very cool video!!! Enjoy the vacation !!!!
firstwavepuresoul - 9 years ago
Great Great Great!....thanks for videoing it for us....Florida Keys is a place I would love to visit!
James Smith, The Quiet Hiker
James Smith, The Quiet Hiker - 9 years ago
The coral at Dry Tortugas is spectacular. Take the time, take the fast catamaran out there. Lunch is included in the price of the ticket.
al stuckless
al stuckless - 9 years ago
great videos buddy . Love the boating shots
simki1 - 9 years ago
Try fishing for Tarpon, one powerful fish
jack nimble
jack nimble - 9 years ago
Not much Coral left in the Keys these days. Scientist are now saying that even a micro amount of sunblock can kill a lot of coral. Certainly not the main reason for the loss in the keys but it all adds up. Looks like you are having fun!
jack nimble
jack nimble - 9 years ago
A rare calm day in the Keys this winter. You got lucky!
Doctor Bill
Doctor Bill - 9 years ago
Kind of cloudy the water. I've been spoiled though by the crystal clear waters of Hawai'i where I used to free dive.
Dominick Bundy
Dominick Bundy - 9 years ago
Wow! those are great pictures. you have become such a pro. with your recording skills.. As far as the Keys goes it will only get better the further down you go.. BTW. Key West has a Captain Jax Restaurant, On Truman st, I think.. at least back in the 90's it was there.. Had excellent sea food.. Looking forward to you entering Key West.. It will be interesting for me to see what has changed.. I wish you and Jax nothing but the best. Keep on enjoying your life the way you do Stay safe healthy, and be cautious..
Angela Winters
Angela Winters - 9 years ago
Great video! Still not used to that fisheye lens, though, although it was appropriate underwater, I guess. Loved seeing the living coral. Can't snorkel any more, thanks for letting me do it vicariously! It is downright balmy here in North Texas right now, so I can't complain about the weather. Jax looks so happy with his little window perch. Both of you stay well and have fun!
Debra Cloud-Leight
Debra Cloud-Leight - 9 years ago
Thanks Eric!!!! I even saw a Bird Wrasse, which made it even more special!!! Give Jax a couple extra scratches
Luís Costa
Luís Costa - 9 years ago
Nice video. Different, but nice.
John Bebe
John Bebe - 9 years ago
best yet!
Wisdom Offered
Wisdom Offered - 9 years ago
cycling with kiwi
cycling with kiwi - 9 years ago
cool Eric
sanshinron - 9 years ago
"you're probably watching on auto"... fuck no, dude, improvedtube plugin and auto 1080p only.
Ruth Hoy
Ruth Hoy - 9 years ago
enjoyed the video
Tex Texan
Tex Texan - 9 years ago
Great Video.  I never really seen what an RV park in the Florida keys looks like. That was a nice place to stay even if it is $70.00 a night. "Eric Im glad your able to get out and do stuff like snorkeling. Lots of stuff out there to do in the world.
Karen Gradzki
Karen Gradzki - 9 years ago
Sparky Nelson
Sparky Nelson - 9 years ago
have a good few days off.............
Brian Fahrlander
Brian Fahrlander - 9 years ago
What you saw today is the VERY REASON I've been suggesting you do Florida. Sorry about the $70/night....snowbirds, don'tcha know. It's something I worry about, too!
The Simple Life
The Simple Life - 9 years ago
Glad you had fun......" CHILLaxing" ........ :)
Thumbs up !
Enjoy it Eric !
FaithwalkerTodd - 9 years ago
Awesome video. Thanks for sharing.
mohammed khalil
mohammed khalil - 9 years ago
OHH I missed the Keys your videos brought back all the good memories to my last visit to the keys , I wish to see you standing by the Southernmost Point in the U.S.A. at the key west last island
RC - 9 years ago
Did you wear your hat underwater!?
BigFireDave - 9 years ago
I see you had a few Barracudas watching you. When I was a kid here in South East Florida they were the reason I quit scuba/snorkel diving. ALMOST lost a few fingers to one. They are almost invisible when they are ready to attack, facing you head on, and they move so fast that you are saying what the... before your brain can process what you actually saw. At least with a shark you know they are coming if you are alert, barracuda seem to come from nowhere, hit so fast you really dont know what it was at first, and disappear back into nowhere. And the whole time they are close enough to see you and what your doing. Made me kinda twitch watching you video, LOL. Of course you probably know by now but to go to Key West this time of year if you dont have a reservation the closest you MIGHT find a camping spot is Sunshine Key and its a long drive back if you do any partying or drinking there. LOL MOST of the hotels and motels are booked up this time of year also. Winter is a hard time to find a place in the keys without reservations, and the price is HIGH even with. I know of people that camp in Everglades National Park and drive 100 miles down and 100 miles back 2 or 3 days in a row because they know that winter is a bust without reservations. Good Luck!!! 8-)
UnderdogFL - 9 years ago
+BigFireDave Yeah I saw the barracudas too. I have a healthy respect for them. Watch out for when their spots change. It is a signal of aggression. I've seen them as big as six feet off Jap Rock in Boca Raton/Delray Beach Inlet. It had several hooks in its toothy mouth. Many so-called shark attacks were actually barracudas. They go for shiny items like watches and regulators.
telephonyman53 - 9 years ago
Great Video !
Brian K Kinney
Brian K Kinney - 9 years ago
If you haven't already, check out Patreon. It's another way to develop a revenue stream. I follow a few YouTube couples and families that sail fulltime and they use Patreon in addition to YouTube to generate income. I don't participate via Patreon but those that do either pay an amount per video released or a one time donation.
Samuel Everts
Samuel Everts - 9 years ago
great video Eric looking forward to seeing you
sass clenaghen
sass clenaghen - 9 years ago
Wow $70 a night, is that the highest you have paid per night so far?  good day to you,,, Sass
iDavidP - 9 years ago
Even if you play the video on Auto, it will set it to 1080p if your connection is good enough.
Rick jobs
Rick jobs - 9 years ago
nice video Thanks Eric
kartof1 - 9 years ago
Thanks for advanced notification to check out underwater filming in 1080p. Cool. Randy in Mpls
Walter Williams
Walter Williams - 9 years ago
Michael Mulry
Michael Mulry - 9 years ago
Check out Boyd's campground $$$ or Leo's $$ just outside of key west and then go to Mallory square at sunset.......
salostanley - 9 years ago
Awesome thanks for sharing!!!! Blessings Salo
richardkingadi - 9 years ago
I guess it will have to be 'Captain Jax' from now on!
Rose - 9 years ago
that was an excellent video indeed from a to Z     I love Jax he is a sweet heart     $70 a nite   not too bad     have a good rest and fun Eric
Railstuff - 9 years ago
Great video! The 1080 res is a noticeable improvement over 720 since I view your YT's on a 27" monitor connected to my desktop Mac. Can't wait 'til you switch to 4k!
Nomadic Fanatic
Nomadic Fanatic - 9 years ago
+Railstuff Well, you aren't waiting on me. I can film and upload in 4K right now. But YouTube's highest output is 1080p. At least they adapted to allow 60fps a year ago.
ZcomputermanZ - 9 years ago
do you ever use the aircondisioner in the roof????
ZcomputermanZ - 9 years ago
+Larry Appleton i know some peple stick there dick in ice lol
ZcomputermanZ - 9 years ago
nice :)
Nomadic Fanatic
Nomadic Fanatic - 9 years ago
+computerman 1234 Yes, often. When plugged in, or even sometimes in the late afternoons I've been known to fire up the generator and run the AC for a few hours to cool down faster.
Hogue Repair
Hogue Repair - 9 years ago
stay cool
James Scott
James Scott - 9 years ago
Again a triumph! Anyone who has used a camera underwater will know how much harder that is than above the surface. What a great start to my day. Will you be headed back through Jaxxonville?
Charles Maurice
Charles Maurice - 9 years ago
Great video....enjoy your down time in the Keys
Peter Jones
Peter Jones - 9 years ago
mlharrison9 - 9 years ago
good job Eric.....thanx again
Amble Lane
Amble Lane - 9 years ago
Gotta be Molasses reef, great job Eric, nice vid, that's livin' in the conch republic.
UnderdogFL - 9 years ago
Great video Eric! When we dove John Pennekamp it was choppy and little stinging jellyfish were everywhere. Sorry you missed the underwater statue called Christ of the Abyss. It is considered a great photo op.
Diane Kaminski
Diane Kaminski - 9 years ago
Glad you got to go out snorkeling..... the sea life is really magical in the Keys!
Jax is so cute looking out at his neighbor kitty.
Ron Weiss
Ron Weiss - 9 years ago
Great video....I sort of figured you weren't going to boondock in the Keys.

Did you see the Yellow Lab in the door window of the RV next to you in the opening shot? I still do a double take whenever I see that.

The Sir Pod
The Sir Pod - 9 years ago
+Ron Weiss I see those all the time and wonder how many times the cops are called on hot days around the country?
River GN
River GN - 9 years ago
Hey Ron I caught the dog in the window also. But thought it was a cardboard cut out picture or something like that. Lol
Ron Weiss
Ron Weiss - 9 years ago
+Song Sungblue, It's a decal, pretty cool marketing all their rentals have that pic of that dog looking out of the window.
Song SungBlue
Song SungBlue - 9 years ago
+Ron Weiss I'm glad I wasn't the only one that caught it, I couldn't imagine sharing a RV with a Dog that big, I have to wonder if it was just a decal.
K. Bayquoi
K. Bayquoi - 9 years ago
It is very beautiful there...enjoy you keys vacation.
The Faceless Nomad
The Faceless Nomad - 9 years ago
Nice video Eric,Glad to see your having a blast in the Keys,One thing i did notice that you are using now is a water filter on your city water service GOOD IDEA I have been a RV tech for 25 years and can tell you a filter is a must. Be sure you keep an eye on your water heater anode and replace it when about half of it is eaten away.
Keep up the killer vids and if you ever have any questions about RV related problems feel free to hit me up...Peace
Jaime  alvarado
Jaime alvarado - 9 years ago
Nice video. Film more
stew cook
stew cook - 9 years ago
Beautiful, one day I'll get there myself, enjoy your down time Eric.
Elaine Marie
Elaine Marie - 9 years ago
Loquetus - 9 years ago
I sure love your vid's.
Thank you.
kevin byvik
kevin byvik - 9 years ago
Awesome vid Eric, looks like your haven fun and relaxed!!!
Chris Amores
Chris Amores - 9 years ago
Great fishing down there, any spot under bridges
diana keller The_Fam
diana keller The_Fam - 9 years ago
awwww love you Jaxs,love watching your videos.
Brendon - 9 years ago
Here before the haters.
CampingwiththeKellys - 9 years ago
Awesome day Eric, we have got to try snorkeling in the ocean, it was amazing. Thanks for sharing.
Jim's Cool YouTube Channel
Jim's Cool YouTube Channel - 9 years ago
Awesome video! It look like you're getting better and better on your videography. Keep up the great work!
Roadiemort - 9 years ago
I,m jealous, Snow here in Toronto Canada, Nice vid as usual but to short as usual lol, Mort
BecauseiVan - 9 years ago
If you like snorkelling you should come to Australia and check out the Great Barrier Reef! Enjoy your relaxation mate..
John Schiavone Jr
John Schiavone Jr - 9 years ago
everythingcomputer - 9 years ago
Great Journey!
April Mae
April Mae - 9 years ago
Yup, $70 for one night is a total rip off, which is why I only went there with my brother once and got ripped off at the Howard Johnson's hotel You can only imagine how much these RV parks are pulling in each year. Lot's of sun birds go back home with empty pockets.
Mr44Fatman - 9 years ago
Awesome reefs thanks for sharing some big fish to lol
luther7449 - 9 years ago
I snorkeled in that area once years ago. The only thing I remember are the Green Peace people pulling me back to shore. lol Can I ask when you and Jax are planning the parachute jump? That would be great.
RalphMalf - 9 years ago
1080 a definite difference in color and sharpness! WOW Thanks
William Erickson
William Erickson - 9 years ago
Snorkeling! I love snorkeling. It's a great way to stay fit or get fit.
Jonathan Mason
Jonathan Mason - 9 years ago
Very nice Eric.  Gotta love those GoPro's!  Super versatile camera.  I'm glad you mentioned the resolution it's good information and I changed my settings to see your great efforts!  Take care!
ae4xo - 9 years ago
it's been a few days
wanker plutoium
wanker plutoium - 9 years ago
Roads Un-traveled
Roads Un-traveled - 9 years ago
Have a great 2 day relax my friend, thanks for the great video.
Carlo Dimacali
Carlo Dimacali - 9 years ago
A magenta or orange filter would bring out some more color to your underwater video. :)
sanshinron - 9 years ago
+Nomadic Fanatic You can push it a lot farther man. There's a couple of ways to basically "recreate" red channel in underwater clips, feel free to also sharpen the shit out of that footage. But of course red lens filter is the best starting point.
Nomadic Fanatic
Nomadic Fanatic - 9 years ago
+Carlo Dimacali Yeah I do my own custom color correcting. I did warm up this video, and you are right about the filter.
Country boy 54 Nascar
Country boy 54 Nascar - 9 years ago
jay super
jay super - 9 years ago
$70 a night. We have paid $74 a night for Myrtle Beach campgrounds during the summer
m m
m m - 9 years ago
did you go to lou key reef?
theknob1 - 9 years ago
+m m Looe Key is the best! Was there in summer of 1988. Amazing!
Christopher Cruise
Christopher Cruise - 9 years ago
+Nomadic Fanatic I was raised in Miami Fl & Remember goin ta Camp Penny more than 20 times, I want to go Now, 16 years is to Long! Awesome Vid..
m m
m m - 9 years ago
+Nomadic Fanatic Looe key is off the coast of big pine island. Great diving and snorkeling site in the open ocean. Its only 20 feet deep. Are you going to come up the west coast of Florida? Siesta Key is in Sarasota it is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world with white sugar sand.
Nomadic Fanatic
Nomadic Fanatic - 9 years ago
+m m I don't remember seeing that one. But there are lots of keys down here.
Patty Cota
Patty Cota - 9 years ago
fun fun fun  :)

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The "Snorkeling The Coral Reefs of Florida Keys" video is part of the snorkelling, underwater, diving category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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