Snorkeling and Lobstering- Ft Lauderdale, Florida's Most Beautiful Reefs!

A beautiful day snorkeling and lobstering in sunny Fort Lauderdale on one of the best reefs! My dad, mom and I were able to catch some lobster for dinner, as well as spear an invasive lion fish that we also cooked up! Different style of dive video, I hope you enjoyed! ➤Follow me on Instagram!: ➤Email: ➤What I use to film with: Gopro hero 5: Canon 70d:

Snorkeling and Lobstering- Ft Lauderdale, Florida's Most Beautiful Reefs! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 271

Snorkeling 7 years ago 533,144 views

A beautiful day snorkeling and lobstering in sunny Fort Lauderdale on one of the best reefs! My dad, mom and I were able to catch some lobster for dinner, as well as spear an invasive lion fish that we also cooked up! Different style of dive video, I hope you enjoyed! ➤Follow me on Instagram!: ➤Email: ➤What I use to film with: Gopro hero 5: Canon 70d:

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Most popular comments
for Snorkeling and Lobstering- Ft Lauderdale, Florida's Most Beautiful Reefs!

smknegeri4 ampana
smknegeri4 ampana - 7 years ago
what a beautiful shoot,, i'm waiting for the next video. thank you so much for sharing.
Jose Diaz
Jose Diaz - 7 years ago
great video Brook.
Hooked on Fishing Florida fishing fl
Hooked on Fishing Florida fishing fl - 7 years ago
Love the narration. Keep it up.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Mary Carlone
Mary Carlone - 7 years ago
Great video
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
Thank you
William Cheng
William Cheng - 7 years ago
How about video on cooking the lobster and fish?
J Doboy
J Doboy - 7 years ago
Nice Vid,,,, Love the added explanations,,,, specially when you tell us what other species are GOOD TO EAT, or NOT! WAY better than just music! ;>)
& under 200yds off shore??? that's awesome.
I snorkeled fresh water my whole life & would LOVE to give some 'salt' reefs a try.
(Maybe you guys could start a snorkeling guide service,,,,, do it OFF season, so you don't deplete the 'numbers' in a certain area? )
So here's what I need-to-know!
How long can you stay under,,, how deep do you usually need to go for keeper lobsters? Can you 'reach' proper depths when walking in, off the shore,,, or do you NEED a boat to be successful? See any FLOUNDER?
About How old is a keeper lobster?
Also, You could show 'Mom' measuring,,,, and cleaning, so we know how.

Just wondering,,, Are you allowed to drop anchor in a reef complex??? & WHY no sharks? I vacation NC OBX & there's sharks everywhere!

lol,,,,,, Ya, I know,,, that's a LOT of questions, but what your doing is so cool, I'll just have to give it a try!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
You can reach the Reef by swimming from shore. No idea about the lobsters age lol. You can catch lobster in like 3ft in the Florida keys. But around here you won't find them shallower than 12 feet.

No guided trips now, maybe one day in the future

Thank you for enjoying!'
Vuong20021983 Nguyen
Vuong20021983 Nguyen - 7 years ago
Music in this video, what is name ? Tell me pls
ch BiLAL
ch BiLAL - 7 years ago
so cute darling I miss you i m pakistani
Erick Mldz
Erick Mldz - 7 years ago
Hola suegros.!! Nice to meet you

10. comment for Snorkeling and Lobstering- Ft Lauderdale, Florida's Most Beautiful Reefs!

mariella arciga
mariella arciga - 7 years ago
Hope to be with you one day
joseph aguon
joseph aguon - 7 years ago
Hi Brook's family, really great video Brook
arif anxari
arif anxari - 7 years ago
You are too brave as depth of ocean
Aquiles Olguin
Aquiles Olguin - 7 years ago
Awesome Video brook , would love to see how you clean a lion fish next time. I dream of fishing in Florida one day .
YoshiMonster2000 - 7 years ago
i’d die probably
YoshiMonster2000 - 7 years ago
ur doing all tht with one breath omg
YoshiMonster2000 - 7 years ago
see any sharks??
YoshiMonster2000 - 7 years ago
kill the nuisances
YoshiMonster2000 - 7 years ago
y pay for a lobster when u can have fun catching them
YoshiMonster2000 - 7 years ago
i like this wish my parents would do stuff like this wit me

20. comment for Snorkeling and Lobstering- Ft Lauderdale, Florida's Most Beautiful Reefs!

Bacardi888 - 7 years ago
very sustainable.......................iditos
Kamran Jee
Kamran Jee - 7 years ago
Amazing vedio Niceee work dear
juliguitarr - 7 years ago
Pretty cool!
phyu phyu khin
phyu phyu khin - 7 years ago
So nice
GHANI ELASTIC - 7 years ago
Can you fishing with me in Karachi Pakistan
Cindy Ria
Cindy Ria - 7 years ago
Lobter clud big baitiful
Fish Meet For Dinner
Fish Meet For Dinner - 7 years ago
come to grand cayman
Kenneth Drum
Kenneth Drum - 7 years ago
Narration was great!!!
Truly enjoyed it...
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
Thank you so much!
Venu N Gowda
Venu N Gowda - 7 years ago
very beautiful place and nice video

30. comment for Snorkeling and Lobstering- Ft Lauderdale, Florida's Most Beautiful Reefs!

koka reyan
koka reyan - 7 years ago
hi brook....nice
Prissy P
Prissy P - 7 years ago
Love it !!
Helenvbbnnm Decker
Helenvbbnnm Decker - 7 years ago
Hello Brook I watch your videos with my dad I am 7 years old what sea did you get it from?from Emily.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Helenvbbnnm Decker the Atlantic Ocean! Thanks for watching Emily!!
Manuel Pena
Manuel Pena - 7 years ago
Girls who fish are the best ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Busted knuckle Fishing
Busted knuckle Fishing - 7 years ago
Keep up the good work yall.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Busted knuckle Fishing thank you!!
Md.Mithon Khan
Md.Mithon Khan - 7 years ago
Nainoa Evangelista
Nainoa Evangelista - 7 years ago
You can eat lion fish?ahhhhh How?
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Nainoa Evangelista yes they're very good, you just have to be careful when you filet them
Robinson Rodriguez
Robinson Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Excellent video Brook Crist.
willy mueller
willy mueller - 7 years ago
Nice video, it must be beautiful, to be able to dive with your parents.
willy mueller
willy mueller - 7 years ago
Hi Brooke, yes, I guess so. If I could have done this with my parents, I would have been in 7th heaven.
By the way, could I ask you to do me a favor ? To check out, if my boat is still there ? Sounds a bit strange, but I had to leave it, due to an operation, I am much older than your dad, so dont worry, and the boat is in Palm Beach, not too far away from you. I dont know anybody else. My email is, I am in Spain at the moment. If you agree, I ll tell you the whole story and the position of the boat. Its a beauty. Thanks.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+willy mueller I'm very fortunate!!
Sam Pistachio
Sam Pistachio - 7 years ago
Narration x1000 over music. Way to nail that lion... that's a big guy for that shallow isn't it?
Chad The Walrus
Chad The Walrus - 7 years ago
Great video! I appreciate the narrative on this video, great job
Rohan Pal
Rohan Pal - 7 years ago
Can you please post one video of catching and killing a chicken?
sourav chowdhury
sourav chowdhury - 7 years ago
love u and also ur videos
Sharia Sony
Sharia Sony - 7 years ago
can i know the name of this ocean?
master iphone
master iphone - 7 years ago
Ed Brado
Ed Brado - 7 years ago
very informative and pleasant narration, and anything beats the quavering "music" everybody seems to be using lately...
Elizabeth King
Elizabeth King - 7 years ago
How deep of water are you diving in the video?
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Elizabeth James the deepest is about 25
Marben Galaban
Marben Galaban - 7 years ago
Yummy lobster♡♡
LittleShaun Hughes
LittleShaun Hughes - 7 years ago
Mabey it's because I grew up and live in the country (also lived in a city). I very much enjoy the natural (music) sounds of the environment. To me it is annoying to hear man made music when I crave the natural sounds and wonder, how many other's feel the same way? Otherwise, I enjoyed this.
LittleShaun Hughes
LittleShaun Hughes - 7 years ago
Noted. Didn't mean to sound picky though if it came off as such. I can't even swim so my experience underwater is sadly quite limited. Scuba diving interests me, but is something that can never be.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
if you've ever listened to a go pro underwater being bumped around you'd think otherwise lol. when u bump the case it like magnifies the noise and its pretty bad

50. comment for Snorkeling and Lobstering- Ft Lauderdale, Florida's Most Beautiful Reefs!

Avinash Kumar
Avinash Kumar - 7 years ago
NOt only your videos are good but you look sooooooo......... soooooooooooo beautiful........ really.......... contact me on
Billy Proctor
Billy Proctor - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing your adventures Brook, Billy in Canada
Scott Scites
Scott Scites - 7 years ago
Great job narrating!!! Victor is gonna get jealous when you get more subscribers...LOL!!
Khun zaki
Khun zaki - 7 years ago
Mr. T
Mr. T - 7 years ago
I think I just learned stuff. Cool !!
Chris Campbell
Chris Campbell - 7 years ago
just a point of safety, you should take the snorkel out of your mouth when diving, it will make equalizing easier and is a safety issue if you black out as it makes a funnel for water to enter your lungs, and on that point it seems like you're not allowing for much recovery time on the surface which could cause a shallow water blackout, as a rule of thumb you should spend twice the time on the surface as underwater, if you do this and spend more time relaxing your down time will be much longer.
Monkey Angkor
Monkey Angkor - 7 years ago
Duck Landes
Duck Landes - 7 years ago
Before the mid 1900's American lobster wasn't considered good eating and was used mostly for fertilizer, though was sometimes fed to prison inmates.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Duck Landes yes that's exactly right. Seems crazy now doesn't it?
david lee
david lee - 7 years ago
How deep to you sink and how long you have to hold your breath? Good video !
david lee
david lee - 7 years ago
Do you guide ?
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
usually can catch them within a minute or a little more
david lee
david lee - 7 years ago
And you can catch these lobsters within one minute? Amazing! Or you breathe through a tube with air supply?
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+david lee I can hold my breath up to about a minute. And the deepest spot this day was about 25 feet
Crappie Craze
Crappie Craze - 7 years ago
Not quite sure how I found your fishing video where you caught the gator, but I sure am glad I did. My wife and I have watched a few of your vids now (really enjoying them) and had to subscribe. Loved the narrating on this vid. You did an excellent job. Now key us go watch more of your vids. Keep'm coming.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Crappie Catch'n Craze thank you so much! Glad you're enjoying
Robert cielo
Robert cielo - 7 years ago
Great video and the narration was a plus. You seem to know your stuff.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Robert cielo thank you!!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+LazJaz Trio u fortunately we faired better than the reefs did
ItzStrickless - 7 years ago
Sick vid and this vid earned my sub keep up the great vids
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+ItzStrickless thank you!!
MrDFC1111 - 7 years ago
Curious - sea urchin is a pretty popular high end food usually marketed under the Japanese name "uni" these days - do you have any idea if Floridian urchins are good to eat?
MrDFC1111 - 7 years ago
Hey thanks for the response Brook - now I know! Still wonder if they're tasty though lol!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+MrDFC1111 I've looked it up before and they're are protected hete
Mike D
Mike D - 7 years ago
Great and informative video. Thank you. How cold/warm is the water?
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Mike D it's about 85 degrees! And thanks for watching!
richie rich
richie rich - 7 years ago
Another great vid.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+richie rich thank you!
Bob Michals
Bob Michals - 7 years ago
Brook .... very slick videos, and your voice-over commentary gives them a professional quality most other videos don't have. When you do voice-overs, you have time to write out or think about what you want to say, and it makes for a much smoother voice track. Keep up the great work, you've got a terrific track record so far.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Bob Michals thank you so much for the nice comment!!
Nilo Ledesma
Nilo Ledesma - 7 years ago
I love the video and the way of catching those lobster you're one great family fishing together great bonding
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Nilo Ledesma thank you, I'm very lucky for the family I have!
Saltology - 7 years ago
Those look like nice nets... where do you get them?
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Saltology my neighbor actually makes them
James Smith
James Smith - 7 years ago
Great video format.
Emilee Fox 13
Emilee Fox 13 - 7 years ago
Are you guys in the process of excavation?
Julius Tiangson
Julius Tiangson - 7 years ago
I would like to eat your lobster........
Emilee Fox 13
Emilee Fox 13 - 7 years ago
Please keep safe of hurricane.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+LPS Emilee thank you, we are preparing for the worst, hoping for the best
Raabiatul Adawiyah
Raabiatul Adawiyah - 7 years ago
I like this video . but wish to see you cook that lobster nyummm
shotgunaaron - 7 years ago
PMAN10000 - 7 years ago
Is that poop that made the water brown? Do you guys just poop in the water?
wan carino
wan carino - 7 years ago
nice video...
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Paul Quigley thank you!
Kimberly Gray
Kimberly Gray - 7 years ago
Thanks for letting me go on a journey under water it was so pretty.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Kimberly Gray thanks for coming along on the journey!
ring leader
ring leader - 7 years ago
Wish I was there for the feed!! :)
Doyle Castanie
Doyle Castanie - 7 years ago
it's not lobsters.
J Martin
J Martin - 7 years ago
Great video Brook!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+J Martin thank you!
Rajesh Tickles
Rajesh Tickles - 7 years ago
Hello miss brooke iam rohan from your videos.....way of taking the video and your editing style i really love it.....keep rocking.....
fishing & food
fishing & food - 7 years ago
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+fishing & food thanks!
The Slime King
The Slime King - 7 years ago
Love your videos keep up the good work
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Vander Tessier thank you!
eloy de guzman
eloy de guzman - 7 years ago
very clear water
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+eloy de guzman yes very beautiful this time of year
cayogator - 7 years ago
Thats a great vid, shows viewers how it's done !!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+cayogator thank you!!
D Wink
D Wink - 7 years ago
I used to Snorkel for many years. Then at 63 I certified for SCUBA and wish I had done it 40 years ago! Great narration! Love the site!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+D Wink thank you! I'm not scuba certified either but I might think the same thing later on in life
stefano giovannini
stefano giovannini - 7 years ago
PS do you eat those sea urchins? Love sea urchins but you only eat some species, and basically you eat the eggs / roe.
stefano giovannini
stefano giovannini - 7 years ago
PPS - Not sure which urchins may be palatable in FL, you basically eat what I believe is the roe / eggs.
stefano giovannini
stefano giovannini - 7 years ago
PS there is another video from California "Sea Urchins Are California Gold: Hunter Gatherer " I love them. I live in NYC and sometimes they have sea urchin sushi in some Japanese restaurants (uni). But fresh from the sea urchin itself is so much better. You can eat them with nothing added. Or on pasta with olive oil, pepper, hot pepper garlic. In Italian cuisine you do not mix milk products with seafood. No parmesan or butter on pasta with seafood, just some ground fresh pepper and EV olive oil, in case
stefano giovannini
stefano giovannini - 7 years ago
there is this video on YT that shows you: black urchin no good / brown red. Title is in Italian but content is self explanatory just search this vid "Il mare in cucina: Linguine ai ricci di mare " by
( ricci di mare means sea urchins )
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+stefano giovannini hmm never thought about eating one before
Kandice Matthews
Kandice Matthews - 7 years ago
Awesome video!!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Kandice Matthews thank you!!
Greg Howard
Greg Howard - 7 years ago
Good job on the narrative.  It was much more enjoyable than just music and educational too. Makes me miss the days when we lived there and could catch expensive seafood like those awesome rock lobster for free!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Greg Howard thank you! It's always great to be able to bring home dinner
Lost Lizard
Lost Lizard - 7 years ago
Way to go your almost at 10,000 Subs Yay!!!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Lost Lizard I know!! So close!!
Chase Landress
Chase Landress - 7 years ago
enjoyed the video @Brook Crist.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Chase Landress thank you!
stefano giovannini
stefano giovannini - 7 years ago
Impressive skills. How far is the reef from shore? I feel fishing with scuba tanks is a bit unfair. Is the lobster population healthy or do you notice a decline? Do you cut the spines of the lionfish with scissors in the water?
stefano giovannini
stefano giovannini - 7 years ago
Do you need a permit for spearfishing? can you swim from the beach? I was in Miami Beach years ago and enjoyed. Would like to take some photos of reef and some sharks. Maybe Ft Lauderdale has cheaper accommodation than Miami Beach and more flights. In NYC it is an headache. visibility is not as good when it is good, and swimming without lifeguards is not allowed, fins / snorkels not allowed on NYC beaches.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+stefano giovannini probably between 50-200 yards. It's hard to say about to population. There's definitely more people who participate in lobstering. We don't cut off the spines but it's a good idea
Duwan van wyk
Duwan van wyk - 7 years ago
awesome like it much!!!!
Durga Prasad
Durga Prasad - 7 years ago
amaging sea huting
Frank S Day
Frank S Day - 7 years ago
Great videos!
Reggie Malbrough
Reggie Malbrough - 7 years ago
Not good putting your hands on the rock, thats brain Coral and it can be damaged by that! Please use caution.
Nicholas Mercado
Nicholas Mercado - 7 years ago
Nice video!
Brouder Pri
Brouder Pri - 7 years ago
ihr greifst einfach nach den Hummern egal ob sie einen Laich haben oder nicht das ist nicht Richtig den dann habt ihr bald keine Hummer mehr und das Ökosystem ist nicht mehr im Takt ohne Hummer. Erst sehen ob der Hummer einen Laich hat oder ob er noch zu klein ist um Verzehrt zu werden. so wie dein Vater der auch Brutal über die Schönen Kreaturen sich hermacht,du bist ja noch ein Kind und weist es Vielleicht nicht aber bevor man im Meer Wildert sollte man die Regeln beachten.Ihr seid Brutal zur Natur dafür solltet ihr in den Knast wenn es nach mir ginge.

100. comment for Snorkeling and Lobstering- Ft Lauderdale, Florida's Most Beautiful Reefs!

D Wink
D Wink - 7 years ago
Why don't you use SCUBA?
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+D Wink I've just never really cared to. Nothing against scuba diving, but there's something about having to really work for your lobsters that makes it more enjoyable!
Napili54 - 7 years ago
Great video Brook, keep up the good work.
Nasrulah Zoker
Nasrulah Zoker - 7 years ago
Enak juga yaa,,,
bandgeek9109 - 7 years ago
How close to the shore is this?
terminal velocity
terminal velocity - 7 years ago
great job
wazup3333 - 7 years ago
poor lobster
Moe Dallas
Moe Dallas - 7 years ago
I enjoyed it very much! thank you! more please!
VELVET POUF - 7 years ago
Yes, narration was great!! Keep'em coming!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Victoria Walton thank you!!
achile centvingt
achile centvingt - 7 years ago
wonderful video.
I want to cry because I'm in the Sahara.Madre mia.........God bless you
Balaji Singh .Y
Balaji Singh .Y - 7 years ago
FISHNUTSS - 7 years ago
Loved your video and especially your narrating. This video makes me want to come out of the cold Canadian snow and visit Florida.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+FISHNUTSS haha thank you! Florida is great, definitely visit one day!
Codey Sobrino
Codey Sobrino - 7 years ago
Other than that great video
Codey Sobrino
Codey Sobrino - 7 years ago
I'm pretty sure that in fort Lauderdale the limit is 12 per person I believe that only in Monroe county florida keys limit is 6
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Codey Sobrino that's only during mini season. Which is just 2 days. The last Wednesday and Thursday of July.
Holland Hollywood
Holland Hollywood - 7 years ago
I like how you educate viewers as to what they are lookin at.
Garland Neblett, Jr.
Garland Neblett, Jr. - 7 years ago
Road to 10k :P
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Garland Neblett, Jr. I know so crazy!!!
Ashley James
Ashley James - 7 years ago
Love it seen
KENNY KYLE - 7 years ago
Great Video!! Loved the narration while in the Keys I saw some of the same types of fish and wondered what they were.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+KENNY KYLE awesome glad you could learn something!!
jafaar bagani
jafaar bagani - 7 years ago
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+jafaar bagani thanks!
Pat Brown
Pat Brown - 7 years ago
Nice to see a family working together! Great video. I definitely prefer the narration vs. music.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Pat Brown awesome! Thank you!
Lee Carmichael
Lee Carmichael - 7 years ago
your a crap youtuber
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Lee Carmichael thank you so much, you're so kind!!
Ernie012 - 7 years ago
Loved it
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Ernie012 thank you!
Sea Shur Jewelry
Sea Shur Jewelry - 7 years ago
Emilee Fox 13
Emilee Fox 13 - 7 years ago
Did the lobster ever happen to bite you?
Emilee Fox 13
Emilee Fox 13 - 7 years ago
Well technically I don't live sf I love southeastern Florida but there still is beaches and people who live near the ocean may have to be careful!
Emilee Fox 13
Emilee Fox 13 - 7 years ago
Ok thx so much for the tip!:)
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+LPS Emilee I've never been bit, but my dad has. If you get your finger in their mouth it can really hurt!
ckr1011 - 7 years ago
Great job Brook. Lots of interesting things I would have not known about without you as an after the fact guide telling me about what was happening.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+ckr1011 glad you enjoyed!
lawwrence yamroz
lawwrence yamroz - 7 years ago
Rodney Wroten
Rodney Wroten - 7 years ago
some beautiful water. thanks for sharing
CPBpumpdog - 7 years ago
Great job!
Chad's Crazy Channel
Chad's Crazy Channel - 7 years ago
Loved it like it almost better than landshark been a sub for a while now & love watching you and Victor both keep up the good work.Thanks
egyprince79 - 7 years ago
good work, Thanks Brook!
Sean Carstens
Sean Carstens - 7 years ago
Don Mauzy
Don Mauzy - 7 years ago
Great narrative good video
Victor Da Silva
Victor Da Silva - 7 years ago
Nice video...too long
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Victor Da Silva you didn't have to watch it all then lol...
Keith Wright
Keith Wright - 7 years ago
Loved your comments. Very informative.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Keith Wright thank you!
jay pride
jay pride - 7 years ago
Nice video. In the beginning of the video you talked about how the lobster makes a sound to fend off predators? One thing about that sound here in Hawaii is.... When it makes that sound it attracts sharks. Whenever we go diving as soon as a lobster makes that sound, withing 2 minutes we will be surrounded by white tip sharks and black tip sharks. Just wanted to share that with you. Not sure about other places but for some reason that happens here in Hawaii.
jay pride
jay pride - 7 years ago
Brook Crist great video tho, enjoyed watching it, subscribed! Keep em coming.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+jay pride wow I've never heard anyone say that before, that's crazy!! That doesn't happen here, atleast has never happened to us!
MAKE MY DAY - 7 years ago
Great diving..! Catching and eating..! YUMMMM. How far are you off the beach??
MAKE MY DAY - 7 years ago
WOW.. very close.. Thanks!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+MAKE MY DAY anywhere from about 50 yards to maybe 200yards
Robert  Thorp
Robert Thorp - 7 years ago
Nice vidios Brook! Jealous from England!!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Robert Thorp jealous your in England lol
Manny Garcia
Manny Garcia - 7 years ago
First time viewer and loved the narration and all
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Manny Garcia awesome! Thank you!
bruce turek
bruce turek - 7 years ago
Excellent video very informative and great narration thanks for sharing
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+bruce turek thank you for watching and the feedback!
Austin Hatcher
Austin Hatcher - 7 years ago
Love the narration. Beautiful place. Lots of good information. Thank you!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Austin Hatcher definitely a beautiful place! thank you!
Kian Is a savage
Kian Is a savage - 7 years ago
A moon jelly fish cannot sting u u lier
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Kian Is a savage grab a jellyfish or bump your arm into one and let me know if it doesn't stings you.
Jaime Delgado
Jaime Delgado - 7 years ago
... (y) ...
Dj H
Dj H - 7 years ago
Awesome video. I'm subscribed :). I'm in ft lauderdale area myself... headed down to the keys for some bully netting for lobster in the am...
Dj H
Dj H - 7 years ago
Brook Crist I like your videos:). So what's the final verdict with the snakeheads? I'm told so many different things as well. But the fwc gold you you can't release it...
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Dj H goodluck! Hope you catch them up!
boeing757 - 7 years ago
That lighthouse is Pompano Beach, not FLL....
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+boeing757 correct. I use that inlet to get to Fort Lauderdale...
tealtaker - 7 years ago
Good job Brook, great video
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+tealtaker thank you!
ghostofmars83 - 7 years ago
Very Cool Video! Thumbs Up!
windowclean100 - 7 years ago
You need to get it tickle stick
Police - 7 years ago
And this a shark!
Taps fan
Taps fan - 7 years ago
Hey Brook, be careful grabbing on to the coral, you can really hurt it since its a living organism. Is there a limit on how many lobsters you can catch off of Fort Lauderdale? I do love fresh Lobster straight from the sea! Thanks for the video.
Steve Vũ
Steve Vũ - 7 years ago
If it wasn't for your narration, I wouldn't know the type of fish, rule and regulation. Narration makes you a pro.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Steve Vu thank you! Hope you enjoyed and possibly learned something!
TennesseeCheeZe - 7 years ago
I've seen you on viktors channel but this is the first vid I've watched of yours.

You've got a good style of editing and narrating, very educational like a real nature show..

Nice spot y'all picked too, there was lots of life there.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+TennesseeCheeZe well thank you! Yes it's an awesome spot!
The Bass Master
The Bass Master - 7 years ago
Nice video! I just posted a vid on my channel where I snorkeled a Spanish shipwreck and it was awesome!!
The Bass Master
The Bass Master - 7 years ago
thanks so much!!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+CrazyOne2345 sounds awesome! I'll check it out
Joe Muire
Joe Muire - 7 years ago
Loved it, I will be looking for more from you, thumbs up.
Joe Muire
Joe Muire - 7 years ago
The narration really makes the story come alive, and trust me you are telling a story thumbs up!! :)
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Joe Muire thanks for the support! :)
Antonio Franco
Antonio Franco - 7 years ago
Where can I purchase that lobster net?
Antonio Franco
Antonio Franco - 7 years ago
Brook Crist thanks! Great video.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Antonio Franco my neighbor makes them, send me an email if your really interested!
Matthew Gonzalez
Matthew Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Where in Fort Lauderdale is this? By Commercial or Sunrise?
Simon Handal
Simon Handal - 7 years ago
I liked the narration...keep it up
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Simon Handal thank you!!
Justthatguy420 - 7 years ago
Man u guys must be in pretty good condition, yall could dive down and stay down for a good period of time. Don't think I'm in good enough shape to do that.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Justthatguy420 I wish I was in better condition! Some people can hold their breath for more than 3 minutes! That would be nice lol
Iftekhar Ahmed
Iftekhar Ahmed - 7 years ago
wow nice narration...
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Iftekhar Ahmed thank you!
Angel Jiménez
Angel Jiménez - 7 years ago
Good video Brook :)
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Angel Jiménez thank you! :)
Canine Trooper
Canine Trooper - 7 years ago
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Canine Trooper thanks!
Reds Kayak Fishing
Reds Kayak Fishing - 7 years ago
Awesome video and narration Ms. Brook Would like to see more videos like this one.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Red's Kayak Fishing thank you! And I hope to make a similar one soon!
mybrotherken1 - 7 years ago
Great video Brook.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+mybrotherken1 thank you!
endurohuntfish - 7 years ago
I wonder there was an old wreck at 1:57 good work
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+endurohuntfish definitely a very old wreck
Endless Weekend
Endless Weekend - 7 years ago
Very informative. Cheers
John Ball
John Ball - 7 years ago
Another awesome video Brook, not only i learned a lot but the view under was amazing as well, two thumbs up way up!!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+John Ball thank you! Glad you enjoyed!
Wayne Holliday
Wayne Holliday - 7 years ago
Loved the fish descriptions. Inlanders never know what they are.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Wayne Holliday wanted to try something new, seemed like everyone enjoyed!
Odepro - 7 years ago
great video and nice journey
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Odepro thank you!
daleportorford - 7 years ago
Very nice that you can share these times with your parents. Enjoy them while you can, Brooke. Good naration on the video too!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+daleportorford I'm very lucky and blessed! Thank you!
Zero H
Zero H - 7 years ago
So jealous what an amazing family and fun sport!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Zero H thank you! :)
Aaron Thomas
Aaron Thomas - 7 years ago
Not bad...Thumbs up...!!!
weld_ on fire
weld_ on fire - 7 years ago
Good job thanks
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Aaron Kline thank you
Jim M
Jim M - 7 years ago
Nice change up. Narration suites this style of video well.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Jim M thank you Jim
Tom Brown
Tom Brown - 7 years ago
brook terrific narrated video instead of crappy music. just the thing i like to see. also nice to see you dont have that giant leech around your neck. whats his name ha ha
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Tom Brown glad you missed him! don't worry he will be in the next video. haha
Hook Setters
Hook Setters - 7 years ago
Great video, the narration gives it an informative edge. Keep it up!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Hook Setters thank you!!
Thomas Dean
Thomas Dean - 7 years ago
Really liked the narration!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Thomas Dean thanks!
Rick Smith
Rick Smith - 7 years ago
Really liked the audio over
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Rick Smith thank you!
Keepit Fair
Keepit Fair - 7 years ago
Very enjoyable to watch and listen Brooke, yes continue to teach and explain because we can always benefit from your knowledge. You are getting closer to that 10,000 mark with subscribers, wish you the best! As always, God Bless...
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Keepit Fair thank you so much!! And I know! I remember how excited I was to reach 100 subscribers! You guys are all so kind!
Scott Bjurstrom
Scott Bjurstrom - 7 years ago
I do I do keep it up
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Scott Bjurstrom thank you!
Brandon Matz
Brandon Matz - 7 years ago
Nice work on the video and day with your mom and pops... good job on the voice editing.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Brandon Matz thank you!!
Landbasedsharkfishing 123
Landbasedsharkfishing 123 - 7 years ago
The narration is cool
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Landbasedsharkfishing 123 thank you!
Mk4Thumper - 7 years ago
Whelp, I learned something. I thought the angels were all French angels, I didn't realize the ones without yellow are a differnt species.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Mk4Thumper they look very similar! Especially their juvenile stages can confuse you a little too
Ross Taylor
Ross Taylor - 7 years ago
Great vid Brooke you had more success than me out on the Med. P.s can you ask your dad where he got his shorts got to get myself a pair there funky lol.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Ross Taylor hahaha he's had those shorts for so long he has no idea!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+gelengider Günüç thank you!
Misk HQ
Misk HQ - 7 years ago
Brook Crist you're very welcome tell Viktor I said hey !!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+JeffCassellVlogs thank you!
Michael Roth
Michael Roth - 7 years ago
Definitely liked the narration better than just music. Also, with those Lion Fish, if I remember right, the poison is rather specific in that the hospital needs to know how to handle "Lion Fish" poison specifically or it can cause problems. I had heard this from an aquarium keeper who was stung and ran into problems because they didn't treat him properly right away.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Michael Roth I believe it affects different people differently. I was with someone who bumped into one with his hand. We rushed him to the hospital just in case, his had swelled up about 3 times the normal size. But there was nothing they could do for him. If your allergic to the poison I believe it could be deathly. But you know that's the same with anything people are allergic to. But the swelling in my friends hand went down after about a day.
slayer productions
slayer productions - 7 years ago
where's Victor
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+eric the fish slayer fishing without me!
Todd Thomas
Todd Thomas - 7 years ago
Great video. Love the underwater footage and narration. Your so lucky to live in such a nice area.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Todd Thomas thank you! And I'm extremely fortunate !
Jared J
Jared J - 7 years ago
I've hardly set a foot in an ocean. I appreciate the narrative, as I know nothing about the species.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+89nissancrawler awesome, glad I could help you out!
jay vanhouwe
jay vanhouwe - 7 years ago
Great vid!! Great Job.I enjoy so much watching your vids.Its great to see family spending time together.God has really blessed you!! May the lord continue your journey in life and to protect and watch over you and family.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+jay vanhouwe thank you so much! God Bless!
JimmyMartian - 7 years ago
prefer the narration over music,
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+JimmyMartian thanks for the feedback!
kamurray67 - 7 years ago
Great videography. Loved the voice over since it was full of useful information. Not being an ocean beach person I learned a lot. Would love to know about the fresh water overlay. Also good to see your parents out for the day with you. Cherish those days they won't be around for ever. All the best!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+kamurray67 glad you enjoyed and learned something! Here's a simple explanation of the freshwater. Not a scientific answer by any means lol... During the "rainy season" they open the locks (aka like flood gates) from the Everglades and lake Okeechobee in Florida to prevent flooding. And all that water flows down our canal systems and eventually reaches the ocean. The freshwater can kill both the reef and some fish.
Tony Leon Guerrero
Tony Leon Guerrero - 7 years ago
Hi Brook,
Great educational video capturing the different spices in their natural habitat. Do more of these narrative videos for education. Great job!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Tony Leon Guerrero thanks for the feedback! I'll definitely do it again
Efrain Andres
Efrain Andres - 7 years ago
Awesome video!! Keep up the good work.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Efrain Andres thank you!
67puffdaddy - 7 years ago
Thumbs up on narration. Grown tired of background music too.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+67puffdaddy me too!!
07humify - 7 years ago
Where's my buddy Victor?
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+07humify off on a road trip without me
Larry A
Larry A - 7 years ago
Good one Brook, nice underwater shots and I do enjoy learning about the wildlife as I just moved to Florida. You have a real flair for nature and hunting and fishing. I think you could have a real chance at being Florida's version of the "crocodile hunter".
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Larry A I absolutely love the outdoors! Not sure if I'm good enough on camera for that though! Lol But thank you so much!!
Phezter Gaming
Phezter Gaming - 7 years ago
Great video, it was very entertaining and educational.
Keep them coming!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Phezter Gaming awesome, thank you!
Henry Ortiz
Henry Ortiz - 7 years ago
100 times better
John Porter
John Porter - 7 years ago
Great job and love the narrative aspect of this Vlog
Keep up the great work!!!!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+John Porter thank you!
Fishbonefla ,
Fishbonefla , - 7 years ago
You and your dad are cool my daughters 12 she won't even bait her own hook
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Fishbonefla , hahah maybe she will grow out of that one day!
Tacklecentral Fishing
Tacklecentral Fishing - 7 years ago
Most beautiful indeed, great video!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Tacklecentral Fishinglandia thank you!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Cody Husbands thank you, glad you enjoyed! Yes I'm excited for season! It's funny when people comment saying where are the duck videos. They done understand that Things are seasonal! Lol
james edwards
james edwards - 7 years ago
Great video Brooke it is good to see you out with your folks enjoying the outdoors.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+james edwards thank you! And yes I'm very lucky!
Mark St.pierre
Mark St.pierre - 7 years ago
Cool video Brook....awsome underwater footage and love the narration ....defanintlly think you should narrate more....
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Mark St.pierre thank you! I'll definitely have to do it again
kmilo Money
kmilo Money - 7 years ago
Yes pretty good video...
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+kmilo Money thank you!
steve hoffman
steve hoffman - 7 years ago
Nice job, I like the voice over much better than music. Was that shot at Lauderdale By The Sea? I know the bottom looks like that just off the beach by Anglins pier.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+steve hoffman thank you! And that's classified information ;)
HecG - 7 years ago
I want to catch my own lobster one day , and I live right next to the beach lol great video keep it up
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+HecG give it a try!! There's nothing like bringing dinner home to the table
LouB - 7 years ago
Everyone always just shows various critters and never give hint they are
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+LouB yes! I wanted to try something a little different!
Travis Meering
Travis Meering - 7 years ago
Brook are you a marine biologist or do you just have all the knowledge from growing up in Florida?...we use to lobster in key west on family vacations when I was a kid I still have a tickle stick some where
Travis Meering
Travis Meering - 7 years ago
Brook Crist yeah I wanted to as well. I spent a summer working on a skipjack taking samples of oysters for dnr and I found out what they make lol ended up working for the power company lol
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Travis Meering haha I wanted to be a marine biologist! I've just been diving in the ocean since I could swim so I've learned a lot over the years! I mean I did look up a few facts on like the coral lol
Russell Doherty
Russell Doherty - 7 years ago
Enjoyed the narration!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Russell Doherty thank you!
Mina Fady
Mina Fady - 7 years ago
Very nice video..what kind of camera you are using under the water..? Great quality..Thumbs up .
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Mina Fady thank you! It's a GoPro hero 5
Krishneel Vikash Jeet
Krishneel Vikash Jeet - 7 years ago
Great vid...nice work
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Krishneel Vikash Jeet thank you!
Wyatt Welch
Wyatt Welch - 7 years ago
Keep doing great like you always do
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Wyatt Welch I'll try!!
Wyatt Welch
Wyatt Welch - 7 years ago
Ok thanks
Andre Uzee
Andre Uzee - 7 years ago
Very good job
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Andre Uzee thank you!!
Nat Manson
Nat Manson - 7 years ago
You did a good job commentator
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Nat Manson thank you!
SJ Yak Fishing
SJ Yak Fishing - 7 years ago
Great to see some lobster coming from that area most of the other videos are from the keys
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+SJ Yak Fishing everyone always flocks to the keys. They are definitely harder to catch here than in the keys though
Timothy Knotts
Timothy Knotts - 7 years ago
You do such great videos I like how informative you try to be keep it up
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Timothy Knotts thank you!!
mrsookie - 7 years ago
Good narration, like watching National Geographic.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+mrsookie hahah I just need a better accent for that!
Eric Gabriel Hernandez
Eric Gabriel Hernandez - 7 years ago
I liked better narrated.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Eric Gabriel Hernandez okay thank you!
attie olwagen
attie olwagen - 7 years ago
i like the new stile keep it up
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+attie olwagen will do!
Brian Bonnough
Brian Bonnough - 7 years ago
You did a great job narrating. The fun facts were on point, slightly educational, and professional. Highly recommend the narration aspect on future videos.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Brian Bonnough thank you! I'll definitely have to do it again!
thanhalicia - 7 years ago
great vid! I learned a lot and the voice over was a really nice change. It put a lot of context to the footage. thanks for posting as always. keep up the great work!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+thanhalicia thanks for the feedback!! I think I'll do it again soon
lurefishingMNL - 7 years ago
Tee Gee
Tee Gee - 7 years ago
Excellent vid Brook, keep up the good work !!!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Tee Gee thank you!! :)
Joe Torres
Joe Torres - 7 years ago
Wow great job brook!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Joe Torres thank you!
TOM M - 7 years ago
Nice day on and under the water. Best
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+TOM M thank you!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+San Sil thank you!
Elliot Hood
Elliot Hood - 7 years ago
Loved the video... very informative... Thanks
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Elliot Hood thank you!!
jryanj21 - 7 years ago
Awesome, especially without landsharkey.
halz7 - 7 years ago
Yes, I like your narration of the video. Your knowledge of what we are seeing makes the video more interesting. Would like to see more. Great vid.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+halz7 thanks for the feedback! I'll try it again soon!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Craig Arndt thank you!
Alanhighhand - 7 years ago
I like it thanks for sharing.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Alanhighhand thanks for watching! :)
Susceptor357 - 7 years ago
Great vid, lookin amazing as always!! Nice footage too, could see n distinguish species very well. Thanx for sharing
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Susceptor357 thank you!!
childofthefox - 7 years ago
I liked the information about the different types of fish...and the rules...I'm not a fisherman but I enjoy watching...and the catch and cooks r a favorite...thank you for sharing;-)
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+childofthefox thanks for the feedback!! Was a little hesitant about doing it but seems like it went over well!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Gabriel Nogueras thank you! I'll do a lobster catch and cook soon!
daniel jones
daniel jones - 7 years ago
Very nice!..... the narrative was perf!!!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+daniel jones glad you enjoyed! Thank you!
Dane Schuck
Dane Schuck - 7 years ago
Wonderful video Brook keep them coming
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Dane Schuck thank you!
Wyatt Welch
Wyatt Welch - 7 years ago
Also do you know how deep it was
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Wyatt Welch the deepest spot was about 23ft
Wyatt Welch
Wyatt Welch - 7 years ago
I love how you catch lobsters
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Wyatt Welch thanks!
rambo kats
rambo kats - 7 years ago
I love the narration!!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+rambo kats awesome, thank you!
Ross Bickers
Ross Bickers - 7 years ago
Brook, do you have any info on that clear net.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Ross Bickers my neighbor actually makes them!
hui chen
hui chen - 7 years ago
is there a limit to how many you allowed to keep per day? I want to move to Fort Lauderdale, how are the school systems there?
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+hui chen 6 per person. I went to school in ft Lauderdale from pre k to 12th grade, I loved it!
D H - 7 years ago
Great video. Question/thought: my understanding is you can have six lobster per person but they have to be harvested by each person. It's not based on licensed people on the boat. In your situation your mother would've had to dive down and harvest her own in order for you guys to have a total of 18 lobster... Correct?
D H - 7 years ago
Brook Crist thanks for the reply! I know you guys are always by the book. Your videos are the best and you are the real deal!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+D H they're are so many people who poach out of season, or way over their limit, or fill the boat with people who don't even own dive gear and make them purchase a license so they can collect their lobster limit. That's why I believe that rule is in place.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+D H this is what the fwc says: "People harvesting may not exceed their individual bag limit and take someone else's bag limit. That is, people (including children) who are not actively harvesting or are not properly licensed (if a license is required) may NOT be counted for purposes of bag limits." So yes that is correct... I've been diving since i was probably 4. We never took my limit until I was actually able to catch them on my own... but I've been "checked" by fwc many a times and have never been asked if anyone caught someone else's limit or anything like that. If my grandma was on the boat who obviously can not dive down even 10 feet to catch a lobster, we wouldn't take her limit, and then I'm sure fwc would be concerned about something like that. But in this situation, that day if we had caught 18 I don't think there would of been any problem legally.
Larry Sowada
Larry Sowada - 7 years ago
I liked your different style of video a very little music, it's nice that you gave your subs a description of the many fish in your live aquarium, thanks. Larry
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Larry Sowada thanks for the feedback Larry!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+aanvaard abel you got that right!
JT Kayak Fishing
JT Kayak Fishing - 7 years ago
Awesome video.. very informative ..
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+JT Kayak Fishing thanks you very much!
joe301218 - 7 years ago
Way better than the cheesy music lol
joe301218 - 7 years ago
Brook Crist you did great, it was informative, I consider myself an outdoorsman, I can hunt and fish with the best of them, but I don't know squat about saltwater fishing, other than lobster and tuna are good! Haha
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+joe301218 had to switch it up
dathcha30 - 7 years ago
Great Video - my daughter wants to know how often do you run into sharks and what type?
dathcha30 - 7 years ago
I'll let her know - she loves your channel and your adventures - being a farm girl from east tn she doesn't get to the ocean much - the one time we did get to go deep see fishing she caught a spinny dog shark and she has been hooked ever since!!! She begs to go everytime we had to the beach.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+dathcha30 we see nurse sharks almost everytime we go out, but they just hangout under rocks usually and don't bother us. I've only ever seen 1 blacktip and 1 lemon shark while diving in the 20 years I've been diving
Yasir Malik
Yasir Malik - 7 years ago
Hi brook looking beautiful in pink and great video .....
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Yasir Yasir haha thank you!
Bob Evans
Bob Evans - 7 years ago
Hi Brook, great video and I liked the narrative. Very interesting.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Bob Evans hello! Thank you!
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+jeffrey rose thank you!!
Michael Mosher
Michael Mosher - 7 years ago
good job narrating
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Michael Mosher thank you!
Anunnaki Explorer
Anunnaki Explorer - 7 years ago
I like the voice over because for some of us transplants from up in the PNW to the warm Atlantic waters, its both educational, and interesting to see how our fisheries are similar yet so very different. Keep up the good work.
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Anunnaki Explorer glad you enjoyed! Thanks for the feed back!
airborne fishing
airborne fishing - 7 years ago
Nice video just a tip no hate but a voice over is not the great but if you think it good than it good but I am not a fan of voice over
Keep on making great videos ps we're is vik
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+airborne fishing mute the video and put your favorite music on then
Nicholas D'Andrea
Nicholas D'Andrea - 7 years ago
Very cool thanks for sharing
Brook Crist
Brook Crist - 7 years ago
+Nicholas D'Andrea thanks for watching!

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