Snorkeling the Silfra Fissure ICELAND in Winter

Þingvellir National Park, located in southern Iceland, is home to the meeting point of two tectonic plates - the Eurasian and the North American. Silfa is a deep fissure formed between these tectonic plates. The water in the Silfra fissure comes from glacial melt, and it's bluer than blue. Snorkel and dive enthusiasts travel from all over the world to explore these aqua waters. The water in Iceland's Silfra fissure maintains a temperature of 35°F (or 2°C) year round. When I told my friends back home of my plan to snorkel in Iceland in winter, they thought I was crazy! Guillaume and I met our snorkel guides and suited up in a dry suit. Within 15 minutes of doing the march of the penguins toward the water, my toes had gone completely numb and my lips were swollen. Finally, it was my turn to enter the water. I waddled down the steps and, to my surprise, the water actually felt warm! Why snorkel the Silfra? The water literally takes your breath away, and I'm not talking about the freezing temperature. Imagine the bluest, clearest water you've ever experienced, and you won't even come close. After 40 minutes of snorkel time, we emerged. The world outside had received a sprinkling of snow. The color contrast came as a shock, and I preferred my blue underwater oasis. Our snorkel guides offered us hot chocolate and cookies as we peeled off our dry suits and snorkels. I can't recommend this tour enough, even in winter! Just do it! More info at: Full story here: Subscribe: Follow us here: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Music by Passenger: Let Her Go

Snorkeling the Silfra Fissure ICELAND in Winter sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7

Snorkeling 9 years ago 15,556 views

Þingvellir National Park, located in southern Iceland, is home to the meeting point of two tectonic plates - the Eurasian and the North American. Silfa is a deep fissure formed between these tectonic plates. The water in the Silfra fissure comes from glacial melt, and it's bluer than blue. Snorkel and dive enthusiasts travel from all over the world to explore these aqua waters. The water in Iceland's Silfra fissure maintains a temperature of 35°F (or 2°C) year round. When I told my friends back home of my plan to snorkel in Iceland in winter, they thought I was crazy! Guillaume and I met our snorkel guides and suited up in a dry suit. Within 15 minutes of doing the march of the penguins toward the water, my toes had gone completely numb and my lips were swollen. Finally, it was my turn to enter the water. I waddled down the steps and, to my surprise, the water actually felt warm! Why snorkel the Silfra? The water literally takes your breath away, and I'm not talking about the freezing temperature. Imagine the bluest, clearest water you've ever experienced, and you won't even come close. After 40 minutes of snorkel time, we emerged. The world outside had received a sprinkling of snow. The color contrast came as a shock, and I preferred my blue underwater oasis. Our snorkel guides offered us hot chocolate and cookies as we peeled off our dry suits and snorkels. I can't recommend this tour enough, even in winter! Just do it! More info at: Full story here: Subscribe: Follow us here: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Music by Passenger: Let Her Go

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Most popular comments
for Snorkeling the Silfra Fissure ICELAND in Winter

Myaucat - 7 years ago
where are all the fish??
Myaucat - 7 years ago
this totally reminds me of the water up in the bruce peninsula national park. it's aquamarine crystal clear and so beautiful... but there's fish and shipwrecks too.

in the summer time we go swimming to an old quarry that got flooded when they accidentally dug into a aquifer, and it was abandoned after that. somehow it is now full of fish. nobody knows how they got there, but it makes for a really nice snorkeling experience seeing all the different fish.
Tiny House Giant Journey
Tiny House Giant Journey - 7 years ago
No natural fish live here. It's glacial water.
Clément Pellequer
Clément Pellequer - 7 years ago

I’m working for Jetlag (, wich is the biggest media about travel in France with more than 330K followers on Facebook. Each month, our content reaches a very important audience online and our videos are viewed by almost 40 millions of people all over the world.

We want to make a video report about snorkeling in Silfra and really loved what you've shot there. That's why we're asking you the right to use parts of them. Now it's your choice to take part in the adventure with us and let travellers discover amazing place around the world !

If you agree, it will be publish on our Facebook and Instagram pages. Of course, your account will be credited on screen and tag with a clickable link. This is a great opportunity for your work to become more and more famous. Actualy, this is a winning collaboration for both of us. So it would be a real pleasure to work with you.

If you need to see some examples of video content that we post on Jetlag, look here :

Please let us know if you agree,
Thanks !
PianoMan Smith
PianoMan Smith - 7 years ago
My cousin and her husband went to Iceland last September 2016 and did do quite a bit of snorkeling. I believe this must have been the place. I am still waiting for some photos from her. They spent 2 wonderful weeks there. I spent 18 months in Iceland long ago, but didn't have much opportunity to get off base. ENJOY everyone!!
Anna Katrina
Anna Katrina - 8 years ago
can you do this if you can't swim? I'm going in a month and would love to do this if I'm able
Eric Luna
Eric Luna - 8 years ago
Awesome. I would love to snorkel here.
CITY DENTAL Jocelyn de guzman
CITY DENTAL Jocelyn de guzman - 8 years ago
what company tour did you get?
Tiny House Giant Journey
Tiny House Giant Journey - 8 years ago
DIVE.IS snorkel tour. They were great!
Tiara B
Tiara B - 9 years ago
how buoyant were the dry suits? My boyfriend can swim but can't float, he just sinks.
Tiara B
Tiara B - 9 years ago
+Tiny House Giant Journey thank you so much! I'm looking forward to Snorkeling Silfra!
Tiny House Giant Journey
Tiny House Giant Journey - 9 years ago
+Tiara B they are very buoyant. Almost impossible to go under
Gwyn Dekker
Gwyn Dekker - 9 years ago
buggeroff - 9 years ago
What a nice looking woman.

10. comment for Snorkeling the Silfra Fissure ICELAND in Winter

Tyler Smith
Tyler Smith - 9 years ago
You have won life. Seriously, you know what it is about. Being a decent human being, forgetting about the rat race and the material things. Living a sustainable, frugal, tiny life, but spending money on what actually matters, EXPERIENCES. None of your videos fail to amaze, keep living life the right way. It is what I aspire to be.
Tiny House Giant Journey
Tiny House Giant Journey - 9 years ago
Haha, thanks for all of this!
Tyler Smith
Tyler Smith - 9 years ago
+Tyler Smith plus you have awesome taste in music.
Rob B
Rob B - 9 years ago
A beautiful place! Truly an ice world there.
Bridget S
Bridget S - 9 years ago
I just love you two!
meuntitled - 9 years ago
Nice video :) I just wish my countrymen stop the lie about Þingvellir being part of the meeting point of the Euro and American plates, it simply is not true (it was belived to be until the 1960s) The plates meet in Iceland, just not at Þingvellir. Hope u enjoy your trip :)
Tiny House Giant Journey
Tiny House Giant Journey - 9 years ago
Glad you liked it. I've been looking a little more into it and I can't find anything that says that Þingvellir isn't on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which separates both plaques...
Maurice Brown
Maurice Brown - 9 years ago
bought a tear to my eye, there is so much wonder in this world.........thank you ...
Matt Misanthropy
Matt Misanthropy - 9 years ago
Jeez! Terrible singing. Fantastic shots though!
Nomadic Traveler
Nomadic Traveler - 9 years ago
Nice video, remarkable song. We do dive in way to deep sometimes..
Neal Nilsen
Neal Nilsen - 9 years ago
All the best in your travels this year
Bryant Ford
Bryant Ford - 9 years ago
So beautiful. Never considered snorkeling in the snow before. That's such an odd combination to me. Looks like fun. I had to laugh when it looked like your wetsuit was giving birth. Don't think my XXL head would fit through that. Hope you realize how lucky you are to be experiencing what you are right now. I'm envious.
MsLostnThought - 9 years ago
Loved everything about it! So wish I'd done what you guys are doing when I was a young girl. But my sense of duty to my family kept me close to home. Ahhh but I can live through you guys! Thanks for sharing and I love the music that you picked too! I look forward to more stories of your journeys!


20. comment for Snorkeling the Silfra Fissure ICELAND in Winter

Chuck Moseley
Chuck Moseley - 9 years ago
Very cool! Great video - good job editing! :)
Girlonpurpleyoshi222 - 9 years ago
Where is that place by the way nice pick of the song it's my favorite!!!
Tiny House Giant Journey
Tiny House Giant Journey - 9 years ago
+Girlonpurpleyoshi222 It's the Silfra crack in Iceland's Thingvellir National Park
Roslyn Maree
Roslyn Maree - 9 years ago
love the timing of the images with the lyrics and music. beautiful :)
FamilyOwls - 9 years ago
My love music
Ivan Poh
Ivan Poh - 9 years ago
My favourite girl Jenna!
The Vegan Wallflower
The Vegan Wallflower - 9 years ago
Woah so amazing but putting that suit on gave me a mini panic attack haha
StolliBubo - 9 years ago
HappyZorro - 9 years ago
Beautiful. Fun swimming in the amount the spirits of clean happy water.
Mike Sheahan
Mike Sheahan - 9 years ago
Stunning video, and great music. Thanks for putting that together.
Random Button Pusher
Random Button Pusher - 9 years ago
Not nearly enough hot chocolate on tap at the end, lol. Great shots of the scuba divers below you through that clear, clear water.

30. comment for Snorkeling the Silfra Fissure ICELAND in Winter

Suzor Magicarp
Suzor Magicarp - 9 years ago
ehm dont care about copyrights? :(
Suzor Magicarp
Suzor Magicarp - 9 years ago
ye i mean this ok i now understand
Tiny House Giant Journey
Tiny House Giant Journey - 9 years ago
+Suzor Magicarp I'm not sure what you're trying to say... We picked this song because we liked it and because we were allowed to use it as long as we didn't monetize the video. The video is monetized by the copyright owner so they get their share of the pie.
theislandpackrat - 9 years ago
Not good if an earthquake happens. but it is beautiful!
Drax Quirnon
Drax Quirnon - 9 years ago
So cool you guys!!!!
Qveen.Shorty - 9 years ago
Is there Sharks there??? If not i will love to go there it looks awesome!!
Tiny House Giant Journey
Tiny House Giant Journey - 9 years ago
+YoutubeLover 23 Haha, no. It's fresh water and there are barely any fish. It's just beautiful
hulda2002 - 9 years ago
Iceland here, cool video
T2H Instructionals
T2H Instructionals - 9 years ago
Beautiful footage and beautiful song.Love the musicians  you have been using in the latest videos.
MsJokyo - 9 years ago
This is so cool! I hope to do this myself some day!
Nancy Lewallen
Nancy Lewallen - 9 years ago
So Incredible! Thank you for sharing. What is the music?
Atlas SD
Atlas SD - 9 years ago
Let her go by the passenger
Tiny House Giant Journey
Tiny House Giant Journey - 9 years ago
+Nancy Lewallen The song is "Let Her Go" by Passenger
SillyConeBaby - 9 years ago
my gosh, that is
Abe S
Abe S - 9 years ago
that is awesome

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About Snorkeling the Silfra Fissure ICELAND in Winter

The "Snorkeling the Silfra Fissure ICELAND in Winter" video is part of the snorkelling, underwater, diving category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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