Snorkeling with Leopard Sharks in La Jolla, CA

Here's an image I whipped up of the location you'll find the most leopard sharks (in red), and the location where I filmed most of the video(in green): This was filmed entirely at La Jolla Shores, CA. Seen in video: Leopard Sharks, Banded Guitarfish, Surf Perch, many other types of Perch, Opalai, Juvenile Garabaldi, Horned Sharks, Halibut, Stingrays, Sheepshead, Juvenile Barracuda, Lobsters, and more!

Snorkeling with Leopard Sharks in La Jolla, CA sentiment_very_dissatisfied 10

Snorkeling 11 years ago 49,865 views

Here's an image I whipped up of the location you'll find the most leopard sharks (in red), and the location where I filmed most of the video(in green): This was filmed entirely at La Jolla Shores, CA. Seen in video: Leopard Sharks, Banded Guitarfish, Surf Perch, many other types of Perch, Opalai, Juvenile Garabaldi, Horned Sharks, Halibut, Stingrays, Sheepshead, Juvenile Barracuda, Lobsters, and more!

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Most popular comments
for Snorkeling with Leopard Sharks in La Jolla, CA

iamjmp - 7 years ago
Great video
Howard Fincher
Howard Fincher - 7 years ago
Nicely done.
James Brown
James Brown - 7 years ago
How far did u go out and how deep?
Daniel - 7 years ago
Thanks for the putting the exact location in the description, it's a big area!
W Young
W Young - 7 years ago
Currently 7 bitter people have watched this.
Jayfeather 1949
Jayfeather 1949 - 7 years ago
Loved this video very much! I want to be a marine biologist when I get older so I watch videos. This was one of my favorites!This was incredible footage, it is really stable and not blurry!Thanks for sharing this awesome video!!
DerpySquid890 [GD]
DerpySquid890 [GD] - 7 years ago
Same! I really want to be a marine bioligist when I'm older! I really love sharks and want to be able to swim with some one day. A shark in particular that I really want to see is a Great White Shark. They are really magnificent creatures and I would love to swim with one. I have never seen a great white in person and I really want too. I also want to swim with leopard sharks, sevengill sharks, and definitly whale sharks. God whale sharks are so beautiful! Well I wish you good luck on becoming a marine biologist! :D
Kimberly H
Kimberly H - 8 years ago
Gerudo Fortess... I'm spazzing out now
FerreneMachine - 8 years ago
spear fishing legal here?
Trystan Snodgrass
Trystan Snodgrass - 8 years ago
Spear fishing is legal several miles north and south of this location, but this specific area (La Jolla Cove/Shores/Marine room beaches) is a Marine Protected Area(MPA) which prohibits any form of fishing or take of any kind(shells, rocks, fish, etc). Good spear fishing around the point though, south of La Jolla Cove (there are several prohibited species such as Black Sea Bass though).
Steve Perry
Steve Perry - 8 years ago
My friend lost his leg there......You are going to get bit
chili24137 - 7 years ago
Steve Perry, these sharks don't have the capability of making someone "lose a leg" they have super tiny teeth, you are blatantly lying... not sure why
TheBeanieNation - 7 years ago
Steve Perry no cases of shark attacks there dumb bitch
TheBeanieNation - 7 years ago
Steve Perry no cases of shark attacks there dumb bitch
Steve Perry
Steve Perry - 8 years ago
+Trystan Snodgrass He cut it on a rock....Be careful.
Steve Perry
Steve Perry - 8 years ago
+Trystan Snodgrass He had a large cut on his leg that started to bleed....He was promptly attacked. Thats the problem....They dont want flesh, they want blood. Let someone cut themselves bad. You will see them attack.
Trystan Snodgrass
Trystan Snodgrass - 8 years ago
these sharks have never attacked anyone, there are bigger sevengills that are 7 to 10ft long and even they bite very rarely and only when you are spear fishing, not sure how your friend lost his leg, there has not been an attack this local area that resulted in a lost limb

10. comment for Snorkeling with Leopard Sharks in La Jolla, CA

THE WOAT - 8 years ago
i know where this is but what part did u go to?
Eddie Camacho
Eddie Camacho - 8 years ago
Is this during the summer ?
Scythia - 8 years ago
ayyyyeee Gerudo Valley
GoProHeroics - 8 years ago
Amazing footage dude!
Empey Realty
Empey Realty - 9 years ago
Nice work! Can I embed this video in my website?
Empey Realty
Empey Realty - 9 years ago
+Trystan Snodgrass Thanks! :)
Trystan Snodgrass
Trystan Snodgrass - 9 years ago
sure no problem
crispycritter23 Rj
crispycritter23 Rj - 9 years ago
awesome video! Where exactly were you? I'm going Sunday to snorkel and I want to catch lots of action like this...
Dive&Fly - 9 years ago

Cyrus Zoghi
Cyrus Zoghi - 9 years ago
That's was an awesome video!!! :-)
Is this where the snorkeling tour takes u?
Trystan Snodgrass
Trystan Snodgrass - 9 years ago
+Cyrus Zoghi That depends on the company, but there are a few that go to this area. Keep in mind that the visibility isn't always good in this location, but on a good day it is amazing!
Donny Rich
Donny Rich - 9 years ago
Is this la jolla pier? Or the cove?
Trystan Snodgrass
Trystan Snodgrass - 9 years ago
+Donny Rich Halfway in between the pier and the cove, the southern corner south of scripps pier
Charlie Johnson
Charlie Johnson - 10 years ago

20. comment for Snorkeling with Leopard Sharks in La Jolla, CA

Believe6 - 10 years ago
is it all snorkeling, or is there some scuba, water seems really clear and video stable for snorkeling.  btw time of year and time of day? and can i tag along on the next outting?
ryan morris
ryan morris - 10 years ago
ryan morris
ryan morris - 10 years ago
pacific citie
Danijel Akrap
Danijel Akrap - 10 years ago
awesome video :)
Andrea Bonfitto
Andrea Bonfitto - 10 years ago
nice :-)
flowremix - 10 years ago
Beautiful video.
Donna P.
Donna P. - 10 years ago
great footage.  I want to check La Jolla out. thanks
sirderpsalot - 10 years ago
Spectacular footage! Thanks for sharing this, thoroughly enjoyed watching it :)
Marcus Moree
Marcus Moree - 11 years ago
I just saw a guy catch one and then eat it.
Brett Goudy
Brett Goudy - 11 years ago
Do you have a brother or cousin named steven who goes to CSUSM?

anyways, I had a similar experience in the exact location you described la jolla shores, right next to that resort or private beach you can see on the google earth overhead... if you go south of that area there is a lot of seagrass and good places to go.  This seems to be a nice spot when la jolla cove is lower visibility this tends to still be fair/good to go out
Vince702 - 11 years ago
gerudo valley aww yea
Trystan Snodgrass
Trystan Snodgrass - 11 years ago
Leopard Shark

30. comment for Snorkeling with Leopard Sharks in La Jolla, CA

A Saleh
A Saleh - 11 years ago
what kaind of sharks is this ?
Michael Leonardo
Michael Leonardo - 11 years ago
thanks, that actually doesn't look too far away from the shore.
Trystan Snodgrass
Trystan Snodgrass - 11 years ago
I shot this using the ReplayXD 1080 camera in the deep dive underwater housing. The visibility will vary on a daily basis in La Jolla, sometimes it will be really clear close to shore, sometimes it will be utterly horrible. It depends on the swells and general weather conditions, so you just need to go as often as possible and hope for the best! A day like this is pretty rare, but it happens at least a few times a month ;)
h4! - 11 years ago
Great video! I'm feeling inspired! What did you use to shoot the video? I was in that area in September of last year and the visibility was terrible but it was teeming with leopard sharks... perhaps I was too close to the shore?
sye fi
sye fi - 11 years ago
great video. i'm heading out there in exactly four weeks. cant wait!
Trystan Snodgrass
Trystan Snodgrass - 11 years ago
I just added the location information to the video description above, this should give you a decent idea of where we were.
Trystan Snodgrass
Trystan Snodgrass - 11 years ago
I just added the location information to the video description above, this should give you a decent idea of where we were.
Shareef Mahmoud
Shareef Mahmoud - 11 years ago
the marine room? i only found the restaurant, im going there in about a week so an info will be great
Michael Leonardo
Michael Leonardo - 11 years ago
How far out were you? Closer to the caves? I was told that you really don't need to go out too far to see the leopard sharks. I want to see more than leopard sharks, any advice?
Trystan Snodgrass
Trystan Snodgrass - 11 years ago
Depends, sometimes you'll see 10 in your view at once, other times just a couple. But overall there are hundreds out in this general area, but they tend to avoid people pretty consistently
Brian Patrick
Brian Patrick - 11 years ago
Also kudos for the Gerudo valley theme
Brian Patrick
Brian Patrick - 11 years ago
Hmmm, how many sharks?
Trystan Snodgrass
Trystan Snodgrass - 11 years ago
I went out again today and the conditions weren't that great, I hope the visibility is good for you tomorrow! (I've never had visibility as good as it was when I filmed this video haha)
Brian Patrick
Brian Patrick - 11 years ago
Hell yeah I'm going out tomorrow
Trystan Snodgrass
Trystan Snodgrass - 11 years ago
The Marine Room @ La Jolla Shores, and it's free as long as you have your own gear :) But if you don't, you can buy cheap gear for $25, or you can go on a snorkeling tour, however I do not know the prices for that
John Connor
John Connor - 11 years ago
Wow I am planning to visit San Diego as soon! Please tell me where this is, how much it costs, etc! Thank you! :)
Koru - 11 years ago
It's 'Gerudo Valley' from Ocarina of Time. I loved the rendition, too!
ArthurGreenDesigns - 11 years ago
Cool video! I went snorkeling my first time there a few weeks ago. The track is familiar, what is it from?

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About Snorkeling with Leopard Sharks in La Jolla, CA

The "Snorkeling with Leopard Sharks in La Jolla, CA" video is part of the snorkelling, underwater, diving category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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