Snorkeling Techniques & Tips : Free-Diving Tips & Techniques for Beginners

Learn different free-diving tips and techniques for beginning snorkelers in this free video. Expert: Ray Temeyer & Valerie Kevorkian Contact: Bio: Ray Temeyer (and his wife, Jeanie) have been running snorkeling, sailing, and scuba diving charters out of Miami and the Bahamas for the last 27 years. Filmmaker: Paul Muller

Snorkeling Techniques & Tips : Free-Diving Tips & Techniques for Beginners sentiment_very_dissatisfied 108

Snorkeling 17 years ago 239,274 views

Learn different free-diving tips and techniques for beginning snorkelers in this free video. Expert: Ray Temeyer & Valerie Kevorkian Contact: Bio: Ray Temeyer (and his wife, Jeanie) have been running snorkeling, sailing, and scuba diving charters out of Miami and the Bahamas for the last 27 years. Filmmaker: Paul Muller

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Most popular comments
for Snorkeling Techniques & Tips : Free-Diving Tips & Techniques for Beginners

mrsierraleone007 - 7 years ago
Snorkeling sucks
flagface4 - 9 years ago
my dog is humping me
Mayhem - 10 years ago
Filmed on a potato
Mayhem - 10 years ago
+Agahnim Your The One Thats Stupid, You're Arguing With a 12 Year-Old who made a joke
Mayhem - 10 years ago
+Agahnim Dude I was Being Fucking Sarcastic so STFU
Mayhem - 10 years ago
+Agahnim Dude Have You Heard of Sarcasm
Mayhem - 10 years ago
+Agahnim yup but they still had good quality cameras then (Sort of)
Barez_b - 11 years ago
When I equalise on this way, my ears hurt... It's the same feeling of having an ear infection.. my ears are cracking and I fright that something is wrong and i go back ... :( Can somone explain this or help me out with this? thanks
BriBoy Vidz
BriBoy Vidz - 8 years ago
Barez_b don't do what that guy said do the frenzel method or the same method but yawning too
Mordecai Mike
Mordecai Mike - 11 years ago
Thank you so much for this I could not figure out why my ears were hurting so much. I just moved close to the beach about a week ago, falling in love with snorkeling.
Freediver Youbuur
Freediver Youbuur - 11 years ago
i just did a video guide on "how to hold your breath longer". So if you like to know how you can do it, check out my youtube channel. great video by the way!
Noah Nikolausson
Noah Nikolausson - 11 years ago
omg! :0
Gopro3UK - 11 years ago
I'm going to Turkey in a couple of weeks to do lots of sailing/filming. I would like to dive not very deep, 8-12 Meters (snorkeling) but Im worried about my ears popping when deep underwater and damaging them. can someone let me know when to clear my ears above or under the water and how long i should do it for and how long I could spend under water before my ears pop. Any comments would be great and if you want to see how my diving and sailing goes, check out my channel in a few weeks, thanks!
Bob BIJU - 11 years ago
when i dive and the pressure builds in my ears and i use the nose thing it makes my ears feel like they are going to blow my eardrums, do i just give more pressure or?

10. comment for Snorkeling Techniques & Tips : Free-Diving Tips & Techniques for Beginners

Nanna - 12 years ago
Did it work out ok?
Jim Goldsmith
Jim Goldsmith - 12 years ago
with equalising ears you can just make a yawning motion with you jaw, wiggle your jaw from side to side, swallowing, or by holding your nose
ser pin
ser pin - 12 years ago
doesn't make sense!!
sum41Rck - 13 years ago
you know i'm no expert but wouldn't blowing air out of the mask just to equalize your ears be wastefull of oxygen?
tbunch2112 - 13 years ago
@liz2porter I'm on about the commenter saying you should use earplugs instead of equalizing. I realize the diver in the video is smarter than that.
Twinkie Lord
Twinkie Lord - 13 years ago
@joseph14295 i scuba dive so what i usually do might be a little harder for you, depends on what youre, but what tarzan said is true but sometimes i that wont work for me, all i do is look up and try and clear my ears, idk why it works but i just look up at the surface and clear them, maybe because im stretching my neck muscles or something and it allows the ears to relax, all i know it feels fucking great to finally get that sweet feeling after they clear
Freediver HD
Freediver HD - 13 years ago
@joseph14295 2 tTry decending slower. Also try doing shallow dives, equalise at a shallow depth, then return to the surface. Then do the dive again, but now try and go half a meter deeper, keep repeating until you are comfortable. For me, before i can free diver deep (for me deep is like... 10 meters) it would take me about 30 mins or more of adjusting to the pressure at shallower depths, 3 meters, 5 meters, 6 meters, etc.
Tarzan! - 13 years ago
@joseph14295 if you have any mucous build up at all, you will not be able to equalize your least safely. this may be a reason why you can't. you may want to try mixing different techniques to equalize. swallowing, wiggling your jaw, blowing through your pinched nose. all are acceptable. just like "unplugging" your ears when you go up and down in elevation in a car or plane.
fatfist - 13 years ago
@jeffdon4 Because once you submerge, the pressure of the water (even at say, 5 ft) will push your eardrums in (concave). This makes it much harder now to push them out and straighten them for equalization. But if you do it at the surface, your eardrums will be pushed out (convex), and as you descend, the pressure will push them inwards to straighten them, but you continue to equalize by pushing them out every 5 ft or so.
Jeff Don
Jeff Don - 13 years ago
@fatfist i never knew that. I always did it when i went down. why do you do it at the surface?

20. comment for Snorkeling Techniques & Tips : Free-Diving Tips & Techniques for Beginners

Antony George
Antony George - 13 years ago
he forgot to tell you what to do with mouth pieice when going down
lOverbOytx1 - 13 years ago
blowing through your ears will only relive the pressure for a short distance like 2 metre! Won't work if you diving further down! Pressure is to strong! Unless you can continuosly blow air through your ears!
fatfist - 14 years ago
Equalization must be performed at the surface, BEFORE even starting your descent. Then at every 5 ft intervals as you go deeper. People wrongly assume that is should be done when they start to feel pressure. By then it's way too late!
Chelsey Johnson
Chelsey Johnson - 14 years ago
Yeah don't forget to purge the snorkel.... n00bs.
4fifty8 - 14 years ago
@Zachry86 that's why you don't learn from the internet! go do a course
H Hernz
H Hernz - 14 years ago
fail cause he have snorkel but he go underwater he might don't have air
mtniiranen - 14 years ago
Iv done this now for one summer (changed from scuba to apnea) and can go below 20m. Its lots of fun but seems that things come only after practicing, practicing and practicing.
Gary Williams
Gary Williams - 14 years ago
can they be used for snorkeling /
Joe Dickinson
Joe Dickinson - 14 years ago
do ear plugs relive the pressure ... ? cuz im going on holidy tuesday too tenerife and am going snorkeling and i brought some ear plugs so does it relive the pressure cuz thats the only reason i broght them tbh
trakkaton - 14 years ago
@mrcookie75 Swallowing and shifting your lower jaw in front can help. Start as early as you can, when you don't even feel the pressure yet. Practise on land. If all doesn't help see a ENT doc.

30. comment for Snorkeling Techniques & Tips : Free-Diving Tips & Techniques for Beginners

Matt Do
Matt Do - 14 years ago
how do i equalize? i keep trying but i cant. i think im just scared
WanderLust - 14 years ago
@tbunch2112 o.O oww xD
snigel4321 - 14 years ago
Get an underwater camera, seriously
grimofhell - 14 years ago
lol with the snorkel on, that won't help much xD almost suicide where i do free diving. Imagine getting getting middle ear barotrauma over 50ft; a beginner might go on shock caused by the intense pain and might drown if not aided immediately. I take this problem very seriously, so... expert village is...more like noob village.
zeuserx - 14 years ago
@bestabac Try the Frenzel maneuver (read wikipedia), it uses up less air and is better suited for deeper dives. What's show in this video is the Valsalva maneuver, which is still good at shallower depths but please... get the snorkel out of your mouth. Expert village screwed up on this one!!!!
Akueikyo - 14 years ago
One of the best advices I got was to run and do exercise without breathing so you can make your muscles and body work in an anaerobic environment (which means without air). The more you practice this, the less tired you will get when diving, and of course, less oxygen consumption.
zeuserx - 15 years ago
Nope! It's called equalizing.
zeuserx - 15 years ago
learn about freediving and the various techniques we use. A lot is just practice and there's plenty of technique involved. Take up yoga as well. The more relaxed you are, the less air you'll use up. Champion freedivers all do Yoga.
zeuserx - 15 years ago
Very dangerous. There are several equalisation techniques you can use. This one is the simplest but not the best (it uses up too much air).
zeuserx - 15 years ago
EXPERT VILLAGE SUCKS! you don't equalize with the snorkel in your mouth dumbasses!!! I'm a freediver and snorkel quite a bit. you just don't equalize this way... PERIOD! This is the 3rd "EXPERT VILLAGE" video I've seen where they get it all wrong!
223o - 15 years ago
i spearfish most days, will my breathe holding increase if i keep doing dives that push my limits or is there another exersize so that i can go deeper?
Jorge Riglos
Jorge Riglos - 15 years ago
yes its dangerous if you dont clear the pressure. you can burst your eardrum which obviously isnt good. dive safe
metabolife - 15 years ago
it's really all you need unless you're fishing
Zachry86 - 15 years ago
I think its bad that they have no warning that most/many of the accidents of damage to the eardrum is done by ear clearing like that. Not by the dive. Be careful when you clear your ears. Do it "slowly"
Lehmann Peters
Lehmann Peters - 15 years ago
What an awful surface dive! You have to fold over more quickly and a greater length of your legs will be in the air and drive you down more quickly.
Dave Webber
Dave Webber - 15 years ago
i have a perforated ear drum i can tell you this aint gona work
arseniy0410 - 16 years ago
amateur - stick your feet in the air LMAO lol Ben half man half fish only piece i wear is small goggles to see NOTHING ELSE
orcanjus - 16 years ago
I people are learning f@#$?n nothing, WHY WAYTCH? I only need sound on this computer, and I'm good. See ya soon!
Ariq Asham
Ariq Asham - 16 years ago
tbunch2112 - 16 years ago
Earplugs can't be used for diving. If they actually manage to keep the water pressure out they will create an unequalized air cavity. Either the plug will be pulled into your ear canal causing injury our your tympanic membrane will blow out.

50. comment for Snorkeling Techniques & Tips : Free-Diving Tips & Techniques for Beginners

Tomo Vukasović
Tomo Vukasović - 16 years ago
Ben sucks. That is not how you start your dive from the surface.

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