Snorkeling in Kalithea Springs, Rhodes

Snorkeling in Kalithea Springs, Rhodes, Greece. Shot with a Canon IXUS 50 compact point and shoot digital camera using an Ewa-Marine SplashiX 2D-1S waterproof compartment. From : The Kalithea Springs opened their doors on 1 July 2007. The unique combination of nature, architecture and history travels to a unique creative scene. The unrivaled monumental architecture and pomp and circumstance of the space, with its unique mosaics, the Chamber of Rotunda, where once the healing waters were welled out, the Aethrio (Patio) and every corner of the Kalithea Springs are nostalgically bring us to an other era. In nowadays, the Kalithea Springs, are a Monument of unequaled beauty, with a particular architecture, unique natural beauty, with presence in the local society, high level conference events and intense cultural activity, that has been fairly characterized as the best attraction of the island

Snorkeling in Kalithea Springs, Rhodes sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Snorkeling 14 years ago 18,512 views

Snorkeling in Kalithea Springs, Rhodes, Greece. Shot with a Canon IXUS 50 compact point and shoot digital camera using an Ewa-Marine SplashiX 2D-1S waterproof compartment. From : The Kalithea Springs opened their doors on 1 July 2007. The unique combination of nature, architecture and history travels to a unique creative scene. The unrivaled monumental architecture and pomp and circumstance of the space, with its unique mosaics, the Chamber of Rotunda, where once the healing waters were welled out, the Aethrio (Patio) and every corner of the Kalithea Springs are nostalgically bring us to an other era. In nowadays, the Kalithea Springs, are a Monument of unequaled beauty, with a particular architecture, unique natural beauty, with presence in the local society, high level conference events and intense cultural activity, that has been fairly characterized as the best attraction of the island

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Most popular comments
for Snorkeling in Kalithea Springs, Rhodes

Bill Smith
Bill Smith - 10 years ago
I have snorkeled there too , on the right of the bay as you swim out there is a cave entrance ( underwater) I swam in  and low and behold .... I came up through a hole into the open between the rocks on the beach... really cool place to snorkel
stevben74 - 11 years ago
If you go to rhodes and this i your thing go there!! Absolute awsome place
Heather Stevenson
Heather Stevenson - 13 years ago
Thanks ...good filming....
Nikos Pinikas
Nikos Pinikas - 13 years ago
@FishDevil789 Visit the link in the video description ( for more information about the place. It's a very beautiful old Italian spa, 6 km outside Rhodes town.
Heather Stevenson
Heather Stevenson - 13 years ago
I am in love with Rhodes, going there this summer, where is Kalithea Springs, looks like my kinda place......

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